Thursday, June 20, 2024

A time-line of the past week--or two days after #45 was convicted on 39 counts of HIS crime. He with his family members and friends came to attack me in teleportation with the rest of the endless team of rows of bigot Nazis of all skin colors and supposed affiliations and partisan "sides". All performing the same exact hate attacks from "an instruction" manual it appears or a "book". When I told Trump and his family I could not stand them, they had a live shrimp put into my right ear canal as deeply as possible. They got Michael Cohen to teleport and call me horrible names, put a gun into my face, make nasty comments while I was naked in the shower and getting dressed/undressed. I was extremely ill from my body fighting the shrimp which was fighting to get out of my ear canal but it had been placed behind my ear drum. I poured a lethal liquid into my ear and I underwent hours per day of yelling violent abuse from the Brooklyn Mafia paired with NYC and California politicians and celebrities each taking turns going on for hours and hours while I was extremely ill from the shock to my body, the toxic shock of this dying and then dead shrimp as I was shitting out the poison they put in my body for over a decade (just this group alone, and my entire life mostly of hardening poisons poured into my body and surgeries and my spine being fractured and hate and torture after I kept winning at all I attempted so this has been ongoing non-stop all my life. to compound it all, after having left the country to survive literal death squad groups and Mafia Italians in Miami Beach, a place that was upon my first arrival mostly warm and inviting but all the friendly people kicked out replaced by violently deadly mafia Nazis.//Still following me for this contract THIRTY YEARS LATER and continuing on and on after non-stop Euro-land controlled Golden Globes, Oscars, every foreign awards category, non-stop millions and promotions for the celebrities and their children, po0liticians doing the same in a non-stop tsunami of hate and threats by the politicians who the voters entrusted to protect the law--but obviously the death squads love them for supporting their "civil war" program/pogrom. Jews so violently assaulting me for favoritism of the white supremacists, only on par with Blacks for years and years and years (and all my life in this respect). All culminating in them hacking into the government website while I was under drugging, far too much stress and sickness to think clearly, they forced me to have to phone my local government office which told me they would cut off my money or face a phone interrogation.

 I am not supposed to leave the country under this plan, which omitted me as being officially disabled with X-rays and multiple surgeon and doctor consultations to prove for the board that I am disabled. But because this organization attacked me 4 months after I had graduated from college and I was only working as a temp in SF, a new city, they forced me into the lowest "welfare" category and have left me with such sub-poverty income people are homeless even if they are working in America and make much more than me.

THey then continued to poison me so I could not move and they continue to put my hips and spine out of alignment and continued the terror operation and the very horrible health care centers I was forced to go to would literally scar my arms with repeated blood samples (possibly injecting poison into my body--i.e. hardening agents working as catalysts to harden the mostly malleable but latched-onto-my fractured spine already. They would subscribe something a bit stronger than aspirin and left me usually needing dental, surgeries--right now the page has completely frozen and I am sitting here typing to a blank screen where nothing is moves

--to continue, the health care clinics refused to cut out the huge deforming cysts that were injected into my body and they denied me almost every request for health care, stating they had no money to cut out a cyst and I had to wait (years). It was a lie. They gave me nothing and the doctors were instructed to do this. They would follow me in the town (Gainesville) promising me that if I moved to Portland for a free homeless and low-income health care clinic there I would not get service--trying to ensure my slow death, in other words. I did get the care but I was abused and sexually harassed but I got something to stave off certain death by poisoning.

 So it's been non-stop poisoning from the H-wood cartel with the South Beach (Miami) mafia and Rambo endlessly ensuring I am stuck with nothing, dying from poisoning as they all obtain endless deals and have stolen my ideas and are endlessly mutilating poisoning beating raping and torturing me without end.


Then they have put me in a position of my income being taken away after years of them making literally millions and billions of dollars off the ideas they stole from my writings and concepts I could not construct due to endless hacking, obstruction and deadly poisoning leaving me in a stupor most of my life in bed being tortured while sleeping, raped and beaten in the deep unconscious state by Euro-men and other men and women, being abused by the teams of celebrities and since Trump it's a non-stop revolving tour of the Democrats who need to prove they really don't give a damn, not about me but only about the white supremacist liberal fascist "elite" such as the Clinton cartels and etc it goes on and on forever.

White supremacist Jews-now trying to ensure a power cartel for their investment strategies in Israel along with Netanyahu who is under the thumb of English bigots--one of whom I told under hypnosis while teleported drugged and under torture that his seeming concern for Israel, which the Jewish Nazis all cling to saying they are so "lucky" to have his support, is really a fascist racist ploy of control and overtake. It's already happened. Working to further this and Netanyahu both sexually assaulting me and then shaking his finger in my face saying I have to "obey" the celebrities who have used Nazi slogans about concentration camps to murder me--there are the white supremacist Jews viciously violently abusing assaulting calling me names putting a gun to my face sticking their penises in my face calling me names with blacks alongside them who are part of the anti-semitic "pro Hamas" group all of them together day after day attacking me alongside the NYC mafia who also are heavily involved in media and movies have been made about them (glamorizing them to no end btw).

That is only two weeks. I face a phone interview and I am trying to move my entire structure out of Florida as it used to be a wonderful place for me until the Nazis took over and the Mafia (US and Euro-land and whatever else) have completely handed the levers of control over to fascist Nazis with organized crime partners--operating as "friends" really partying together in these expensive clubs with usually music I find really deplorable.


Threatened now and trying to have some kind of solvency I am struggling to get a mailbox trying to not have to deal with the lying and abusive Miami office for social security--lying to me on the phone, hanging up on me when I call, negative and nasty openly on the phone, lying and lying and lying while my brain is under assault here in this room, unable to answer with any forethought or control, words pop out as my throat is constricted into gasping for air and coughing while they are lying and putting me in circles while my brain is under so much attack and my throat won't work and the keyboard and the cursor turn on and off making sounds--all at one time while they are threatening my life and insinuating that I have done something very "bad" by them not checking my medical records, I told them to do so and that this has never happened to me--them lying lying using nasty words I became angry and raised my voice they yelled at me with contempt they then tried to cut off all access to my log-in page and etc. That was one night a few days ago after being sexually abused a live shrimp inserted into my ear a gun put to my head by Cohen who was defending trump so the antisemitism could once more be shunted onto me and not on him--the usual Jewish attempt to divert any racism onto me for just saying no to the system that makes them feel "important". Eager to be welcomed back, along with many others who have made public condemnation of Trump but are fully working to be welcomed back by assaulting me to prove how much they really are with the 4th Reich Nazi genocidal pogrom.

Then the celebrities, awarded and hacking their photos endlessly onto my page all huge smiles after YEARS AND YEARS (14) of mutilating my body using their endless teams of thugs and goons wherever I live. Endlessly complimented by the Jews from The House who come to try to "earn" their Senator seats by assaulting me, proving once more they truly adore Nazis and Trump and Biden too, it doesn't matter as long as they demonstrate absolute hate aimed at me for saying no to this endlessly increasing group ins stealing my health ;my sexuality my home my earnings my cat and killing pets endless mutilation poisoning torture and rape for me just fighting back as there is no law no decency and everyone is still complimenting them, especially out of H-wood but in Congress as well.


Meanwhile the country is dying from climate change. I wrote for years, tortured every time I did so, that there has to be climate action. Because I didn't remain "good and silent" and "obedient" and going along with every life-screw policy of the endless life-screw politicians and the lying endlessly fake celebrities who make their public presentations about caring about the environment but going along 1000% with the life-screw politicians because they are ensured their lead roles in movies and awards, in particular if they steal my concepts (done by Trump, done by MSNBC anchors who repeat certain phrases I have written that very day or the day before, stolen by the celebrities for entire movie themes while they have me raped for writing about their crimes and injustice--after years of mutilation and rape they get more plastic surgery, more cheers more hugs I get more mutilation more torture more death heaped upon me as people watch on laughing and giggling. 

Every single award and by now every election features a host of terrorists who are participating or have participated in rape torture antisemitism (and the Jews who do so are "observing Jews" while I am not, they attend their Jewish Community Centers and all the ceremonies and obey the religious whatever and I do not, but they follow the Nazi protocols and I do not and they are smug and violently hateful and I am not. They are brainwashed into loving white supremacy and I AM NOT).

That is what the government of America and the rest of the world is comprised of. I can only rely on climate change at this point of some new pandemic to stop this death cult which has brought all this destruction and death to the rest of the world assuming they will profit off it all. So no one still does anything to defend me.. If you are all so brainwashed into worshipping and loving white Nazi supremacists who have their black viciously violent and Jewish violent minions along with the death squads of the Mafia--can't you have enough money to make your empire without having to force some kind of compliance to a group which I know must be destroyed and not promoted? Don't these greedy hateful expletives finally have enough millions and billions of dollars to be able to actually COMPETE IN THE MARKET   with their own supposed "talents" instead of proving how violently they will rape beat abuse and insult and threaten and attack me having cars hit me people shove into me my body poisoned and mutilated and making fun of my by now destroyed body which has been so poisoned I can't move or do anything but remain in a prone position fighting to get more poison out

and so now they are threatening to take away what money I have to try to survive in a "Third World" situation and still they won't stop this hell, no one in government they all know about it.

Don't they have enough money after over 14 years of attacking me (Rambo over 30 years by now) and still they don't have enough they can't stop no one can stop this?

Imagine the lack of concern for life and human welfare and the planet and now understand that the government is on the fringe of breaking down, as is the economy, as is the environment. You have all been put into my same situation this group appears to believe that they have the resources to live without any threat and endless greedy grasping from the violence and death and destruction they are constantly inducting more minion slave soldiers to commit against one another, family members against one another, parts of the country against each other.

If anything, can't you unconcerned finally care about the environment in which you live as heat domes, floods and dead species are put IN FRONT OF YOUR FACES and you still continue the system of white male entitlement to ravage the land and minorities are so violently joining in to get something of the endless handouts for attacking Jews, anyone who speaks out against their lies and hate and incompetence. 

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