Friday, June 21, 2024

Non-stop terrorism- all night while in my deepest sleep I was forced to the sickness of the Gotti shit and goon squad (dinero, et al plus shit pig pitt shitalina whorewood and the 4th Reich and the shit where I live and the shit following me around everywhere with hate and the shit they put in my body so I can't function and the shit that they do and they are shit not me but I am now broken, grey-haired and look awful, they have destroyed me they ahve made me old they have made me ugly I am screaming in hate at one sick pig shit in this teleportation hell they are constantly never stopped from inflicting on me. I hope Biden dies instantly today and Trump just has a heart attack and the shit of that family is destroyed and they all die horrible deaths I hope that Kamala is not allowed to become anything and that the Democrat Party puts ratskin and schiff into pasture they are fake and dirty Jewish Nazi filth they are so evil and lying crap--I hope my posts are not in vain I wish America would stop promoting filth pig apes who are violent towards me for NO REASON except it's a free promotion--so to endlessly put hate and ugliness into me, plus black poison I am shitting out every day--while sleeping, after the latest attack of my money being threatened which is my life--endless teleportation abuse yelling peopel abusing me everywhere as they were before covid years of tortruer and abuse for defending myself without a single fuck on the planet defending me fuck you all DEATH TO YOU ALL --teleportation skit of people being shot through the head with graphic detail about bullets entering the skull and going out and killing another person next to the target. ON and on all night. Waking up and putting on a song in German called "Haus Der Luege" (House of Lies) which is about the layers of a "house" where the first floor have the deaf and blind who see and believe all they hear and see. The second floor are the middle managers--parts of the House of Lies are completely gone the structure is demolished. The attic has an old man, bullet hole through his head, laying on the floor dead. The ground floor is a firmament and a firm (meaning corporations/conglomerates). //There is more, but I just put the song on Facebook. Yelling with violence was disgusting Michael Cohen, working for the trash filth of the Gotti family and filth Trump. Acting as a goon for Trump once more but violently attacking me to REPLACE HIM AS TARGET for the 4th Reich. I pray that these fuck whores are killed, I pray for your deaths at this point. I had to go to an internet cafe to try to salvage the destruction this pig ape shit group has forced upon me by threatening to cut my money off. The Thai woman I have seen for years, who has routinely been ass-groveling like the black and Jewish slaves attacking me in teleportation, and yelling at me with glares of hate, smiling with the white trash shit who come in to inspect her abuse of me. They did this again today as I can't use my new mobile phones because every one I buy is hacked remotely so the camera does not work. This has happened with every new phone and I am so sick, bedridden and under non-stop torture I can't fight to replace the phones. This group of shit, at the time it was the endless Baryishnikov who I also hope dies like all the rest of the old rape pig men of that generation (Trump, Biden, et al the shit who come with their younger dino pig ape sons and shit whore skank women to rape beat torture poison abuse and then have millions of pieces of shit assault me in every way everywhere every day every minute possible.//I was told that I had to include a "selfie" with my passport by the new service I am trying to open. The camera on my new phone (bought last Autumn) is so shaky and unfocused I can't use it for any single thing except horrid blurry spinning photos). Going to this one internet shop that has scanning capability, I asked her if she had webcam. There are almost

 There are almost ZERO internet cafes and the ones that used to have webcam are all closed down. Coffee shops and restaurants have replaced any and all internet cafes and the only shops available are "Kodak" shops and they lie and abuse me in each and every one. You have to have your own or be a guest in a hotel to have any access to high speed any longer. Every single gadget I buy is broken and slowed down and hacked. I can only use this computer after spending hours doing a reset function and then after 2 hours the malware is so excessive I can't use it except to fight constantly and turn the router and laptop on-and off constantly to re-establish connection.

But I asked her if she had webcam, only having this one option because any other viable options were closed during Covid and have not re-opened so I have one single option that I know of in a 10-mile radius to get documents scanned onto my email.

Every other service turns off their internet and tells me they have no internet. I am lied to constantly every single place I plan on going. I get friendly and wonderful service every place I go to on a random, sudden-decision basis. 


So I told her that i needed a photo from her mobile phone, she glared at me in hate, of course prepared for this because I had thought it, I was told to obtain this it by the California business and this is an anomaly but because I am so far away they demanded it along with a copy of my ID


glaring at me with hate, as I was standing while she kept making motions with her hand so when she took the photo I was unprepared--and my bags had been pushed on the floor because her body was blocking my view of my many bags I carry, the white trash skank was nearby who was monitoring the abuse content and the attacks upon my brain. I had told the woman who glared at me with hate asking me why I don't have a camera on my phone, I just asked her to take a little photo and upload it--very easy=-glaring constantly with hate at me as I posed--the photo shows that I am destroyed--my hair is grey, my body huge and I look destroyed my beauty has been shattered by years of hours of abuse and poisoning and rape and torture every day by one sick fuck pig whore after the next. I have become physically violent to get them off me. Dirty shit Jewish and Black shit goons come to violently threaten me, every single one who does gets instant recognition in the media. One who just threatened to kill me, that sick fuck with the name of "God" in the title has been amplified for the past few weeks--I guess he had to wait his turn for the abuse he poured on me with death threats constantly and he's not a huge celebrity by all the "liberals" and crap who have constantly for years hacked their stuff on my internet (i.e. Maher who has also stolen ideas from me).

I wish death upon them all by now. Why didn't anyone fucking destroy the Gotti sleazy greasy shit gang when they could have instead of making glorified tv shows about this shit group which appears to be in partnership with filth trump who I hope is not only imprisoned by raped to death and poisoned. He is a  malevolent sick fuck. That people claim he only cares about himself is a huge lie.

But I look completely destroyed. My hair has a huge grey patch from y ears and years and years and years of non-stop abuse and torture for just saying NO GODDAMN YOU FUCKERS WHO ARE RAPING POISON INTO MY BODY AND DEMANDING i SAY HY ES TO THEM MURDERING ME LIKE THIS 

Jewish pig scum like Ratskin who has been endlessly interviewwed since his violence against me, dirty filth Netanyahu, sinister sick fuck Michael Cohen who is a whiny and ugly dirty rat who is a disgrace to every single thing he has purported to be as in a strong and decent personality. He is now a whiny rat scum mafia goon with energized violence by trying to transfer the hate people have for him onto me--as the target replacing him. The Jewish pig ape rat men who are filth and crap, including disgusting California pig ape Schiff--who I only clicked on the yapping fake lying crap he spews out for tv interviews that, like all the shit I mention above (except for the Gottis who only rely on their extreme violent mafia image that the media has amplified into unbelievable stardom and they are shit but the blonde nazis rely on this shit to do the dirty hate violent genocide murder work for them as they prance about watching me get destroyed.

I look so awful I felt almost completely shocked at how bad I look. the abuse never stops

I am also taking Kratom so while that helps to alleviate the pain it lowers my threshold for tolerating abuse and I truly just wish that someone woudl fucking kill them finallly please someone stop this sick fucking contact out on me

no one ever does. I truly can't stand these fucking dirty ugly shit scumbag "people" the entire lot of them. Every shit celebrity every sick fuck Jewish nazi politician every white trash Nazi posing as "Democrat liberal who used to be Republican" Morning Joe shit crap and the Republican death goon squad Senators Graham Cruz Kennedy and the group of them are especially death squad Nazi genocidal oriented. Every single sick fuck is coming at me no matter what to violently assault me. Just putting a fucking song that has a little reference to an old man with a shot through his skull as a symbol of a house of lies (|God is dead, there is no one there in presidential position there is nothing in this dead house of shit and I mean this organization the Gottis are just the scum they let in to do filthy hate work but the real shit are the blonde Nazi pig apes like the Engllish and Australian Maggot and the rest

I am ranting now. someone drove behind me within one foot at very high speed really trying to kill me. This has happened in America as well with drivers speeding within one foot behind me while I am in a high speed on a busy road. They are trying to kill me Death to them. Please someone fucking stop this situation.

there is no one in a position of authority it's biden a mafia racist bigot and shit whore trump who is a Nazi genocidal sick fuck with a team of global crap and the New York based low scum like the Gottis and Deniro and Pesce and Cohen are just low-level shit crap they are so ugly and sick. They are the more vocal and ugly appearance of what the entire organization really is, they just are more open about it.

I am destroyed they have made me old and broken down. I am trying every day to heal. THey are forcing this death on me, this filth group you all continue to idolize. Please kill Michael Cohen please you fucking Nazis reading this. Kill that dirty filthy rat  who ratted Trump out and didn't sacrifice himself, but is now trying to put ME into that position as the sacrifice so get himself out of the 'hot seat" but having me replace it. I NEVER ONCE signed up to the Trump shit not once not ever. I told that ugly disgusting pig shit Trump that I "chose"| him just to get filth fuck Pitt and sh italina off me with their dirty ugly shit daughter and a non-stop rotation of celebrities coming to abuse and rape and beat and they all kept me poisoned with intention to paralyze and murder me. I am still huge and deformed, the abuse and hate never stops

this sickness is some contract for every promotion for every shit crap who is a worthless mediocrity put into power--

Please whatever power or force there is, kill both Trump and Biden and get this dinosaur filth group of SHIT OFF ME and there are only non-stop replacements for all of them.

I can only hope that an act of God destroys this organization and does it asap. I wish you fucking pigs death. That sick shit like this is handed these technologies is unbelievable how incompetent biden and trump are how sick American society is how disgusting europigape shit whores are


I wish death for you. But I am dying from this. when will there be anyone ever fucking defending me. Death to you all Fuck America fuck Hollywood that shit skankdom of crap. 


That these lying, sleazy and sick shit whores are allowed to have this technology to use mafia and Nazi cartels to destroy people like me while stealing ideas for YEARS and then torturing me to destroy me after they destroy my functioning of my body my home my cat my career and then endlessly torture me with threats of death and homelessness. The shit who rush to violently yell abuse drug poison and torture me seeing I have been tortured for OVER A DECADE every single day. THey use drugging to get me to repeat sentences they force into my subconscious and then beat poison rape and mutilate me for saying it. THe black shit are pumping the "n-word' into my subconsious and they are so threatening so ugly so violent that while I am in the fucking shower relaxing and they come to abuse me and then ask me if I think they are N-ers I say Yes just sick of them to get them off me and they are so despicable. Now I call the Jewish Nazis rats because they truly act like this in every sense of the old school connotation (i.e. in Bogar's time, calling someone a "rat" means they are a lying SOB--but now being a lying SOB is a glorified trait and they all embrace their inner rat every single moment towards me)

I am trying to get my webcam to operate. I thought these internet cafes would have webcam but I was abused for just saying lightly that I need to get scans of my passport and info but also I have to find a place with a webcam as well (after they so nastily told me that they had none, smirking and glaring with sadistic dellight as they knew everything to say beforehand as they were instructed by the wh ite shit ape pig who came to watch and supervise the abuse--she knocked my bag on the floor while the view was blocked while this dirty rat Thai woman was glaring at me with hate openly disdain sneering at me as I asked her to take a simple photo on her phone just one little photo very easy for an internet shop with scanning capabilitieS.

bUT NOW, Because I don't have hours to spend resestting this system to try to get a notary to finish this ordeal of changing out of the Trump Nazi zone to the Whorewood Nazi zone instead--but just not having options

and the webcam will not turn on. The troubleshooter is frozen. While I am trying to obtain information the entire system freezes. Once I decide that I will do a 3-hour restore but time is of the essence for me, the system operates again. They can "hear" my thoughts so they play these "tricks" of stopping something and when I decide to quit they begin to let it function again. Once I try again they freeze everything so I waste hours considering whether to spend more hours to reset the computer

so 30 minutes of just trying to get the webcam, which I have never used, to turn on. Nothing is happening  but every time I think I will just do a reset the system operates again until I begin to get information and then it is hacked/frozen again.


I really need the Kratom for pain relief, but it made me too giddy to deal with the scam they forced me into of phoning my local social office for another hack they made into my SS personal page log-in. Claiming that I will be shut out if I don't sign-up for another system and the old system is being phased out. I thought I would just innocently go through the process and that took 4 hours of everything being hacked, and then being lied to and told by various agents in 4 phone calls, wait-time around 10-15 minutes just to get anyone to pick up the hold, then everyone telling me a different story but all saying I had to phone my local office. That turned into a demand for an appointment which has never been forced upon me and is mostly reserved for people accepting welfare unemployment and temporary or child care whatever---

in this process of fighting to get rid of the Trump nazi mafia stranglehold on the East Coast, but then fighting to get any service that I can use for this specific purpose and all phone calls being met with lies, stupid responses, no help, and finally resorting to California knowing that basic technical skills offering basic service would be readily available. Now this is endless international skits of hate, all pre-planned. I was told to get a selfie which is outside of the protocol system and not mentioned in any of the website application procedures. It was not a normal request, then met with mind control affecting my nervous system as this woman yelled at me, I told her quietly that I knew what she had just said but I was saying I only needed to find a service with webcam, knowing that my computer system is so hacked and destroyed from remote hacking that what I am undergoing now, taking a break to write this in rage due to the Kratom which is an opioid and my brain and body are extremely sensitive and not as strong emotionally as I always am--very aggrevated and the exchange of my nerves and self-composure, what little there is (none in teleportation as the shit scum "people" I must deal with, all of them the Gottis are just more open about the level of their actual intent the rest of professional bullshit theatrical performers especially the politicians and it is devestating for me to see how evil and sick they are--the Jewish Nazis like Schiff and Ratskin and now Cohen wants celebrity and etc and he's like some hotdog vendor on 42nd Street during the heyday of the NYC scum appearance of that avenue back when Trump was turning NYC into a haven for Nazi cartels with Mafia defending every blonde Nazi possible. 

Now the system is so badly hacked and I am just sick of fighting. I realize I must do a reset which will require hours

I have to learn to chill but having this group of fucking shit force their sickness on me every day is murder--the sick skits in teleportation they force upon me. The shit that they are is visibly manifest in the destruction of the environment going on, as I reiterate today I am now comparing the sickness and filth of these incompetent scumbags claiming they are "superior" to the destructiono they have   ALL helped to manufacture in the climate change that I hope destroys them and their system.

I must stop writing.

I sit here with hard poison in a rectangular shape they forced upon me, hard as rock and cement into my body

unable to ever fucking get it out and they kept poisoning me, ugly dirty shitalina not jolie the fucking pig whore who has had me raped by mutliple shit pig men while she was stealing many ideas from me about women's rights and feminism from what I had studied in college--was so brainwashed afterwards but the content came back to me in contrast to the IGNORANCE AND STUPIDITY  of this "elite" whorewood group which is so  blank and rotten and lacking in any and all content that isn't scripted for them and with all their plastic surgery they complete the mind programming for this death system

I wish there was someone not dead laying on the floor of the attic of this system--the old man laying dead on the floor

read the lyrics to the song but you have to look it up and the translation yourself

they are such shit I wish them death I am also very drugged on Kratom. It reduces the pain but I can't just rant like usual I just hope they are killed I hope it's horrible. Why has America allowed the Gotti's to not only continue but they are aiming at a vicious new empire out of this contract out on me, with lying sinister deniro and filthy rotten Trump who, for some reason, thinks and expects that I somehow owe him my life so he can get some kind of preference for his criminal trials if I just "submit' and thusly this group of SHIT can thenceforth obtain something like a power cartel and empire

I hope they are toppled immediately why Biden the ugly dirty Nazi Mafia is so undistinguised as to allow this to continue

that America is being ruled by Nazis and Mafia and there is no concern about the Rule of Law unless the targets are people like me or minorities otherwise it's open season and full get out of any ramificqtions for any crime or criminal pursuit for shit like Ratskin, schiff, trump of course, biden and he's too savvy to get caught by the way. What Trump wants to establish is a no-rule entitlement for  him and his white supremacist league. The minorities get a few more exceptions but only if they are like t his sick ugly fuck "The God"  that crap the Ungod who has threatened my life because he was instructed to do so. Now he's interviewed and being in the news for the dumb shit he says and what he doesn't say is as void as what he does say.


It's just another example. I now have to fight for my life once again. If only someone would fucking care that if I  submitted to this group then a Nazi 4th Reich cartel would be given full allowance to commit more treason and more crime with endless cheers from the white supremacist shit of America and their nasty dirty stupid minorities who are sometimes Ivy-league trained but mostly just so brainwashed and the "system" has given them no other options to not be in the genocidal mass murder list--or living in squalor waiting for the next wave of genocide for gentrification--i.e. something like what is ongoing in Gaza now. What is happening is, in effect, a "gentrification process" but it's in the brown-skin "third world" and the "ghettos' have been incubating the inevitable genocidal mentaity with mind programming on all sides for decades for this pivotal moment that has been so carefully planned. I am not digressing from the point but this is the template for all that this group does. They want people like me destroyed but they can "use' me to obtain ideas to sell the lie that the white and black/brown and other "minorities" really do care, they really are fighting for justice, and it's just a matter of time or maybe some leader will emerge and they are so brainwashed by movie and tv celebrity that every few decades they chose a whorewood lying Nazi with Mafia support who destroys the US economy while claiming that they are bolstering it up with all their free money hand-outs and tax breaks endlessly for the wealthy.,, (The Republican strategy which with Citizens United has kept lying genocidal death squad KKK lynch mobs in power but they are now Harvard and Yale-educated).


And somehow, after 3 decades of this Miami/NYC mafia squad with the H-wood crew who have destroyed my health moreso than many of the others, but all my life I have had to be bloated huge crooked with surgeries and accidents and poisoning and drugging and abuse and theft and discrimination and I never even knew that this was a global enterprise. But they are hatefully genocidally with hate demanding that I "submit" to being a "slave" for every sick Jewish fucking rat ape pig to pour both their self-hate and the hate they have sublimated for the antisemitism that is so rampant that finally people can't ignore it any longer. As I told the extremely violently ugly nasty Bloomberg, the antisemitism is being enhanced by this very group in Whorewood and that it will come out in society due to the programming his "friends" in Whorewood are continuously being paid in millions and billions to promote in their every "woke' movie and "liberal" tv show and talk show---(Oprah included, very much so in that category) and he threatened to kill me abused and made sexual violent actions towards me and went off to his "Haute" living and obtained for his screaming daughter "loser loser loser loser" at me non-stop with awards and prizes and hugs and kisses from the NYC mafia Nazi thuggery cartel all wrapped in expensive gear and Ivy-League-school trained now "respectable" and very well-spoken except in private in teleportation with me. They claim they don't have to explain anything to me but spend hours asking me for answers and ideas as I try to stop talking and responding and it is literally impossible for me at this point.

That people actually WANT this group to achieve more and more power, or if not, can't and will not refuse to help me so that I alone must fight for some kind of decency in America that should have been, and I fight alone so that this death group does not obtain more power but they are just endlessly being paid and promoted for their every death threat calling me a bitch calling me stupid after they steal my ideas and profit off them in the millions while pumping poison and drugs into my body in every way possible for years and years

and that I alone must fight so that the world is not inflicted with this group and there is no alternative anywhere. The people I used to know who had ANYTHING caring and compassionate to say who were involved with politics are either brainwashed or drugged with mind control drugs to be selfish idiots obsessed with their personal gain only. IT IS DESTROYING THE COUNTRY IT HAS ALREADY DESTROYED THE COUNTRY. WHY MUST I FIGHT ALONE TO STOP THEM? WHY CAN'T ANYONE ELSE SEE THAT THIS IS A DEATH CULT THAT IT IS INCOMPETENT IN THE MOST CRITICAL JUNCTURES OF RESPONSIBLITY TO LIFE AND TO SOCIETY?

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