Wednesday, June 26, 2024

The 4th Reich murder construction- constriction: every single phone call to a government agency (Social Security) is met with completely different and reverse information, day-to-day. My every phone call is assigned to people instructed on what to say and what not to say. What I was told yesterday is now completely reversed. This happens constantly with my bank, which tells me information and when nothing happens and it's wrong, I phone and get the completely different opposite answer. Every bit of information contradicts.//while on the phone, my computer, which I just did a reset which took over 3 hours, was frozen after having used it post reset after 20 minutes of the reset. I cleared the cache but only while I was on the SYPE line all I tried to click on froze. The system slowed down so that opening a page for information took 15 minutes.//It is so endlessly stressful to attempt to do the most simple things that I can't get through the nervous system attacks which run concurrent with the hacking so my nerve is lost. I also "forgot' my address while on the phone as the page I was trying to open with my address, which I have recited by memory for a few years, was gone from my memory. I literally could not remember if my address as a 2 or a 3. I also have written my address where I am now completely wrong and I have been here a very long time. Under the mind control, I have written the wrong floor number and I take the elevator and it's just horrendous this terror attack system. The people internationally are instructed on what to say and I had to wait 30 minutes to check that information was correct as I was given completely opposite information and I am told that the people trying to destroy me are still holding onto my file. They blocked my access to signing-in to the system, they lied about who and where to phone to access as the notice that the "old "system was going to be shut down, through a system of repeat phone calls with completely different answers from one agency to the next, all agents instructed on what to say they sounded scripted, they told me to phone my local office which then began a total harassment project. I was told yesterday that this is a Federal system and they cannot hold onto my records, but today I was told they had to arrange my files and hold onto them until they were ready to send them to a diiffernt location

  Just now the page has completely frozen, all functions of the computer are absolutely frozen and I can't do anything but sit here typing. Just now I spent another 30 minutes turning off the laptop as it froze and I could not move the cursor or get any single thing done. 

Not a single thing on the laptop works, and it's completely frozen while I am fighting the agencies which are lying to me constantly. My wifi is turned off constantly while I am online with people or on the phone (SKYPE).


I was told yesterday that the system if Federal and a local branch cannot hold onto my records. Today I was told that the local agency which lied, abused, hung up on me, was nasty and rude and harassed me and through the terrorists teleporting me are trying to destroy my life by having my money just destroyed and taken away through this endless abuse and harassment and lies and forcing all kinds of hell which I should not have to undergo at all as my records show absolute destruction of my body that they have created, and this same group from h-wood has ensured I remain paralyzed with stiffening and hardening poisons while they had people go into my room, rape and put my spine and hips out of alignment while pouring hardening poisons which seep into every vulnerability and slight tear the body has--which they have done to me constantly for years until I fought every day to try to block them out. Just putting series of locks on the doors and covering all the panels with paper is not enough.

I was told today that the local agency has jurisdiction until they compile my files and it is all sent to the new location. Meanwhile, I am waiting to see if they are going to inflict any more psychological and financial threat at me and I have to wait and wait.

While waiting, I can't function at all online and my body is frail, disabled and partically destroyed and they keep attacking me without end. Hateful and nasty people eveyr day are extremely viloent, death threats and hate and rape and torture adn beatings and abuse every day in teleportation because the millionaires and billionaires are expecting me to believe they are some kind of superhuman master race for all the violence they are allowed to inflict and get away with and their movie and tv and political theatrics.

And I must sacrifice myself to the 4th Reich for THEM and my life just wasted sitting here fighting to use my laptop while they are lying with EVERY SINGLE THING.

The brand new mail service handed me over to an agent who is not listed as being one of their employees--and she lied to me and kept me waiting and there is nothing I can do. The situation is so fragile that I can only sit here wondering if this hell of the Miami office will stop lying and threatening my life because of the Trump forces and the mafia Nazis of h-wood and Brooklyn and the celebrities and politicians all relying on me breaking and just allowing more expletives to rape, torture, abuse exploit destroy poison steal from me and I should "respect" them for it, and after they steal ideas from me, but claim I am stupid but they are so intelligent except I am waiting to see anything beyond hate and violence capabilities from any of them for their claims of "superiority" and the denial of services access to internet access to health care access to support access to any personal emails from any support person access to earning money online and etc etc

So they are lying to me about this situation I had to change--I changed my address I should not have to "wait" fro this local office--the equivalent of EILEEN CANNON and her duplicity in illegal tactics to curry favor for her client--benefactor--the corruption of Florida is unbelievable. This is the same thing, a similar situation in this Miami Beach location of hateful people yelling into the phone, nasty and lying, and threatening to cut off my money for something I should not have to do as I am permanently disabled. With records. they claim no knowledge and they should, according to the person I spoke with yesterday, not have jurisdiction and my records, I was told, are Federal and a local branch office cannot just hold onto records--but today I was told that they had to hold onto records until they compiled them to ship them off--since there is no information online about this, I can only ask a million times and always I get a different answer. Two days ago I told the woman that I was told in Florida that my files had to be transferred. She remained silent. I repeated that I was told my records had to be transferred she told m,e that the system would update my address within 24 hours. Today I was told it could take "time" and no definite amount of time was given. 

I have no idea if they are going to hold onto my records because I cancelled a phone appointment or release my records or not, they should not have jurisdiction over my records if I move State. But with the Trump terror team and I have no ideas if the Biden side is working with this or not, but they can lie and force anything upon me.

If anyone out there has any control over these agencies in any way, please do not let them destroy my life and lie lie lie lie lie lie lie any longer. It is a a threat to my financial situation which is a direct life threat to me. It is the equivalent of a death sentence if they cut off my money. I am still so ill I must remain here fighting to heal. Please someone intervene and stop this sickness from Trump and his teams of hateful administration of lies and corruption out of Florida and wherever else. I can attest that the Judge Cannon situation is something I am very familiar with out of Florida but writing about it in detail would offend some people of various groups but it's a ubiquitous characteristic--

Please have the Miami Beach office relinquish my records and send them to California asap and get them off my back off my body get the terrorist Nazis and Mafia off me. Every day the ugliness and death threats and hate and violence and yelling and abuse and torture and physical violence and I am ALWAYS drugged up while sleeping so I can't control my reactions of rage and absolute hate and disgust.They then torture me for reacting but they could care less that they are poisoning and drugging me forcing me to react in this manner and torturing me for HOURS until I react like this. It is impossible for me  to control. They are absolutely sick sadistic or have no concept of what they are doing (doubtful they know as they have been doing this same thing every single day for YEARS). I am referring to the daily violence from teleportation which is focused mostly after I have been drugged while sleeping, just prior to waking up and the drugs are "fresh " in my system, injected or pumped into my body while I can't feel anything and am teleported to abuse and hate and sick skits--every single day. This inhumanity is so cherished and welcomed--the sickness of American society and around the world is unbelievable and off the charts in sickness. This system is so widespread and enthusiastically embraced. It is only a matter of time before the hate just accumulates into complete chaos and dysfunction even for the psychopaths who have been handed endlessly drugs poisons mind and body torture weapons which they glob onto because they feed off this hate and torture. The people on the phone from Social Security can't WAIT to cut off money they can't WAIT to make people homeless or dead. Their voices are just hateful and disgusting and I have done nothing but get disabled due to poisoning being mutilated and fractured while sleeping as I have defended myself against me who tried to paralyze or kill me and some of them have murdered other women and have been let off and are welcomed into the Nazi fold and society with MORE promotions.

AND please get the BIDEN MAFIA NAZI--the very same people who torture me under orders and promotion from Trump--the very same who under Obama, who wants to cling to this contract because family and friends are relying on this contract for my entire life--as with the Rambo pit team, and they go on and on for now it's 30 years from Rambo, 15 years from h-wood under obama trump biden and it's the same people but with Trump the mafia Nazis got involved and now it's really violent from the same people who have been given the green light to increase their violence towards me.


There needs to be a change and Hillary is only going to be the same racist abuser she has always been, working to implement a "liberal" white supremacist 4th Reich with her minority minions cowering in abject amazement just like the Trump supporters with him. THey all are terrorists looking for the easiest cheapest deal for promotion and my contract is a feeding frenzy. 

The reason America is being destroyed is from this mentality of people absolutely looking for a free deal a free promotion and absolute torturing someone to death with modern tech and drugging and death squads is now unofficially recognized as a sport upon the population. People have LOST completely any and all decency towards human life and life of the planet as well. For the most part. Those who are humane want NOTHING to do with me because of the fear of them having to fight or defend life outside of safe confines of their little groups which have their little protests and that is all and their little paper fights and protests. Nary a one will actually fight the real terror in a way that creates a better life, they jsut make their little splash and I NEVER hear from any of these humanitarian groups, nothing there is nothing. 

It is now established non-stop violent torture and death threats upon me now for just saying NO to being poisoned and raped almost to death and being fucked tortured raped poisoned date raped and now they are trying to take my money away by lying and abusing me through this one agency which I can barely live on, Social Security. The Nazis want to cut it all off completely to fully implement a huge death spiral so they can suck out more resources and kill and basically spit with hate on the dying, which they do every day and are destroying killing making people homeless making people desperate and the riotous are getting their guns to kill off more.

Still, the "liberals" who participate in this crime against me are so eager to commit absolute deadly hateful violence agaisnt me for fighting sexual violence fighting poisoning fighting my ideas being stolen year after year and being tortured heinously every year around awards time for half a year and then non-stop newcomers arrive to viciously attack me--on and on for years an dyear as I sit WAITING for ANY DECENCY and it does not exist in congress or h-wood or in society at all.

I am now sitting here waiting to see what hell they are trying to inflict upon me now for trying to not have my money taken away because of years of poisoning rape and tortrure and near-death I am fighting to not allow this group to have more power. No one even appreciates what I am doing. they all claim they don't want Trump in power, but they are all working with the same organization that put him in power when they torture me in teleportation and gang stalking to get their free new promotions lead roles new lives mansions million dollar deals. That is the ruin of America. 

So far, after more than 14 years of these celebrities and politicians, I have heard them speak elaborately in front of cameras, and in private, it's like grunting for money and give me, that is all they say and all they have to say. They are programmed to believe that they are so superior and entitled that they don't have to say anything else but "give me" and "you are nothing" which is what they all say in effect. They then go off lecturing on how concerned they are about America, Democracy and freedom and life, the environment, and every other possible warm and fuzzy concoction of entertainment that they are selling. Meanwhile, their first goal is to rake out as much money and power from the failing economy as possible, have a huge cartel by forcing me into "slavery" with hateful and sinister people I find not attractive not intelligent not sexy not fun not beautiful who are uplifted by destroying me, stealing my ideas, destroying every single opportunity for my life, stealing my cat and making jokes about my family member they have probably already murdered --my one love and they are thrilled to destroy every single thing I love, my body, and they claim endlessly that THIS behavior is the mark of their entitled "superiority" they don't have to say or explain anything but "give me" and then "die bitch give me suck and fuck and die bitch" that is the extent of the messages they are all saying and doing. All of this because for some reason I appear to be one of the few functioning people who are microchip brain implanted and still somewhat functioning. So they must DESTROY my body and destroy my health to prove that my athletic body is destroyed, my beauty is turned to endless hate, rage and abuse and rape and violence and subliminal "bitch shut up bitch loser bitch nothing die kill yourself' endlessly repeated in my inner brain by this heinous technology that the presidents and the feminists and the black activists and the gay community and the liberals and of course the fascist 4th Reich all share in common--this hate for me because I am saying no to their nazi control scheme for over 14 years non-stop no.

There is nothing that stops them everyone wants a free rape victim to abuse to death everyone wants a woman to beat to death everyone wants to kill jews and although I am not really "Jewish" they love it because the Jews they are "Friends" with are subordinate brainwashed ass-groveling hateful bigots who viciously turn on me for the sake of white supremacy which they are allotted a place in for their subservient groveling humiliation slow-poisoning-to-death mutilation lives living next to fascist Nazis making sure they aren't beautiful, powerful and if so, under absolute domination and mind control.

They have so many zombie minions but to have a microchipped person to absolutely torture and rape with no evidence and then get promoted for it--and so, they made me disabled they took away my career they stole my ideas they raped my sexuality out and turned my joyous life into a daily hate and screaming violent defense for getting loathsome parasitic leeches off me who can do a few stunts and posturing sexualized titillation and well-trained lectures on all the Democracy-loving snake-oil sales pitches they all use, so well, they are so adept at lying and conniving and posturing.


I'm now fighting (for my life) to complete an online USPS change-of-address form. They froze the page, they turned the WiFi off, I clicked on the cmd function to ascertain if the WiFi had been turned off because they keep the signal "on" and the router lights are on but they remotely turn the system off but the computer shows that the system is on, because it is on, they are hacking it off constantly every few minutes (usually when I am using the laptop phone and connecting to anybody or doing anything, as they just are doing now)\

while fighting to open my email to get my address as my brain is completely frozen, my body now so tense from the endless deadly stressful effort of just trying to open a page, trying to get a single thing done as they are constantly threatening my life now

the business dealings i have had to go through have, each and every single one, been blocked by people abusing me when I need professional service (being yelled at loudly in a computer shop for say ing I need to find a webcam after they took the webcams out and lied to be about not having this service--I have used this place for years they always have webcams. The ugly Thai woman had a sadistic ugly smile as white bigot Nazi people came in while she showered them with huge loving smiles and glared with outright hate at me, all had been preplanned. My webcam on my laptop had been hacked so every picture had a bright white light on the bottom of the screen and nothing would register but after more than 15 attempts to take a photo I managed to get something done, they cut the wifi off wh ile I was in the middle of a notary webcam service. The new service I got elsewhere lied to me about sending me a USPS form, literally wrote, "here are the forms" but they sent nothing. They withdrew my money from my account before I had notarized and they were not supposed to have done that. They are not responding to a single email after having taken my money. No confirmation that they received the notarlized form, just silence. My mail service in Miami will not answer the phone and will not return a single email. 

I am just able to barely live and have to wait to see if my money will be cut off by this Miami Beach agency. Meanwhile, to try to extricate myself from the Miami hell zone of Eileen Cannon and Enrique |Tarrio and the Latino antisemitic hate zone which I know alll too well, happened from the LA celebrity crowd and all are rewarded instantly and accepted with their dyed blonde hair into the white supremacy league, black nazis included who call themselves "god" but like all their heathen partners, have nothing to say except grunt grunt give me I want you give me bitch and die--that is all they say, all of them in one way or another. 

The liberal Democrats from the J-6 committee are exactly like the most barbaric haters from this team. They are like Hamas holding me hostage. That includes Netanyahu who was abusive, sexually abusive, began yelling fascistically at me like a tyrant after asking me for a tarot reading just because the English bigot Nazi who is always behind these types of people was standing there, after threatening me that he was going to "get me" and so he got the Jewish Nazis to beat and abuse me, R-skin and Schiff and then they brought on the black Nazis like Crockett who rushed at me violently with that boxer who immediately used his well-worn acorn of "bitch" to sneer at me because of his adoration of blonde Nazi women and hate for black women or Jewish women in particular. I keep tellling them they are working for white supremacy, to hide the obvious, they are deflecting non-stop and threatening my life for having said what is absolutely clear and obvious.

R-skin could give a damn, he's been enjoying non-stop promotions and welcome from white supremacy for the YEARS he has happily participated in this from just smirking and laughing as I said that they had been mutilating and poisinoing me for over a decade to now violently assaulting me, this huge thing coming at me with violent punches and kicks--for saying no to Netanyahu abusing and sexually abusing and using me for his Nazi promotion after I very kindly read tarot for him--just abused afterwards, no money for my reading and nothing but more torture and abuse as they are all being cheered on--

as i fight and fight alone every day, there is still nothing on the horizon but endless more and more sickeningly disgusting creeps claiming they are "superior" as the planet is dying the economy is dying the planet is heaving due to their absolute incompetent selfish lack of competence in being actual superior in the most vital ways.; Superior at bs lying and hate and torture using tech they never even invented. They all follow scripts on how to use the tech and abuse all doing the same thing. I see nothing but monotonous repetition of a hate protocol from people who cannot be promoted unless they behave in the most violently genocidal manner.

Is this really superiority when the technology is so invasive and deadly that the little schemes of the 3rd Reich wane in comparison to the destruction they will create for all society and the planet as well. Creeps going berserk with power and technology and death squad terrorism worldwide. What good will this actually bring even to them? They envision huge plantations of opulent luxury with "slaves" sucking fucking servicing and cooking cleaning and loving them as microchipped brainwashed desperate while they see the pits of corpses that this organization is currently under the process of accumulating. The planet is now burning drowning the endless consumption and greed and selfish self attainment but in collective hate and white supremacist entitlement--the planet is dying the cities are being swallowed up by rivers of tsunamis flooding the towns the alps the dams are bursting. This is only the beginning of the catastrophe that their "entitlement' elite luxury Haute conspicuous consumption celebrity/politician entitlement and feeding the selfish white supremacy "doners" with endless promises that construction and development will never stop--never--

fuck the environment and kill people like me

grunt grunt give me I want

that is all I have seen of all of each and every single one of them, including that thing from Sweden endlessly promoted for being an environmental activist. Just another racist white Nazi celebrity who wants certain people to drown and her wealthy Nazi country to be above all the flooding and destruction.

They all believe that is the inevitable result of their "superiority" and thusly they go on and on grunting sucking out believing in their "superiority" that they can do whatever they want to me and to the planet. Endless lies from the Democrats in Congress about their intentions and now all I hear is just bs from lying Nazi minorities--the Squad, et al. There is nothing but sinister greed from them all.


Just now, I had to phone my mail service in Miami which has not sent a single letter to me. My contract was for a virtual mail service. They lied and told me that it is a physical box and that I had to phone in for service. They sent me information on how many scans per month I should receive. They sent nothing. Emails were met with silence.

Today phoning them the woman on the phone kept talking over me just as I was beginning to speak. This is ubiquitous harassment by phone that occurs routinely. They begin to speak just as I am speaking so it's a jumbled chaos. I speak again they speak over me and stop, I begin to speak after waiting they speak. It is part of the ritual encoded harassment protocol system that happens around the world using the same formula.

As she shouted at me and did not answer my questions, I had to shout into the phone but my phone works perfectly. Because this is dealing with my survival at this point, because she said she could barely hear me but was lying, and lying about my mail service and told me everything different from the contract I had signed and signed for 2 years and obtained the most awful service. Was given a scanning schedule for cost of all free scans and services for a virtual mailbox. She lied, said my last name was "josaphina" and I had to ask her 4 times who she was referring to--the Latinos make a huge dumb joke about a last name of anything that sounds "Jewish" the hate and racism is why Aileen Cannon and Enrique Tarrior come from florida and are vicious Nazis. 

She then kept interrupting me and as I asked simple questions she would go through lengthy explanations for subjects I had not asked about, I just asked simple yes or no questions she would begin explanations for other subjects until I had to re-ask 3 more times, and then for every single question this went on. Screaming into the phone as she claimed she could not hear me, and then "you don't have to shout" as I told her what else should I do if she said she can't hear me?

and on and on, the usual bs shit call from another minion of the 4th Reich, acting incompetent, lying and never giving information and leaving me fighting for my life against an entire globe of such people in every office every restaurant every landlord every deal every copy shop every coffee shop.

I can't wait for the planet to drown so maybe I can climb onto some safe place and watch them all get destroyed by the greed hate and lack of superiority that they truly all are. Global discrimination only because the sleazy greedy minions are promised a new job a new car a new home a new life if they abuse me on the phone, in every place, and they all do it like rabid bats flying from hell giggling all the way. This is also the endless behavior of the creeps like the blonde Nazi crap women from Whorewood who giggle with delight as their Nazi men rape and beat me for them while they steal my ideas about women's rights and rape and domestic violence to claim that they are advocates for women's rights. Heralded by all the agencies supposedly helping 'the people" like the United Nations. Welcomed into top politicians offices as they are endorsing Legislation against the violence against women that these dirty foul skanks love to have transferred onto me and anyone else if possible. THe nasty filthy men all agree and dump their hate and rage for their mommies their daddies for women for themselves onto me. THe women laugh and watch on. They are the same as the minions being told to tell me to shout into the phone or my life-threatening phone call cannot be serviced. Yelling and shouting after hours and hours of being lied to by Social Security and my life and money are all on the line right now.

Sick of it all. 

Sick from them all.

Everyone keeps cheering this 'system" on and on.

How long can the planet last with this system put into every top tier of control over society? Russia appears to have survived it, with a few million people killed off. They appear to be fascist and white supremacists and Nazis and have survived endless culling of the population. 

I guess that is the model because all of this is exactly what the Stasi and Nazis and KGB had created for massive murder and control.

Welcome to Stalin's 1984. How long can the planet survive this advanced technology in the hands of death-rattling bigot murderous rapist Nazi fascist greedy grasping, non-caring abusers?

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