Saturday, June 8, 2024

I am an unknown soldier fighting the real fight for "Democracy"--whatever that last word means. I am fighting for human rights it seems no one else is making this fight, they are merely talking and only a few are put in front of cameras for the chimera they represent. //I have been under a war-fare state for almost an aeon and I remain in this solitary orbit fighting literally non-stop. I make the most proficient statements about freedom and respecting rights and these concepts are stolen and the criminals continue the assault, having obtained new fodder to sell off as if they are righteously dignified and sacrosanct. //People are commemorating a battle in France, which as far as I have seen from my years of travel and "cultural" experience (living in Europe years, and in Thailand years) I have only seen a post-Vichy culture of absolutely vicious antisemitism that is a follow-through of the old regime under Hitler. //I think of the heroes that are being sung of today in the midst of the hate swirling in the warzone of the "enemy from within" and I have been fighting what people SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIGHTING against for years and, still, not a single person has jumped to actually take a risk to actually fight this fascist tyranny that envelopes my life and is so threatening to people that they instantly move aside like a force has divided them from their humanity--sweeping them all aside all confident that the problem is not theirs but only mine and somehow I did something to "deserve" it. Meanwhi8le I see acts of heroism being championed by mostly performative people from long ago, and as I perform even more deadly acts of resistance I remain under non-stop protection even when the "liberal" news is abuzz with the threat to "Democracy" and yet no one is here for me, while I am making the most serious fight I have ever seen from anybody in a fight for whatever that concept means against tyranny and dictatorial despotism. What people are seeing as a threat from the Trump group I have been writing of since 2015/2016 and I have only been ignored, mocked, laughed at and still those who are being publicized as "fighting Trump " and "fighting for Democracy" only join in with violence against me in this most lucrative promotional attack situation that is constant near-death poisoning, mutilation and non-top abuse so it's slow torture-to-death while everyone watches and goes along. If people would have at least cared while Obama was in office and stopped the pig pitalina group of Nazi filth from Whorewood and stopped this contract out on me and even had the slightest concern of making a threat assessment, then this situation of the envelopment of mind programming into a fascist State would not be at the point it is now. But the fact is, no one was concerned and on one is still concerned. They are "fighting' for their niche within the upcoming fascist dictatorship and that appears to be all that they are about.

 "The Doors--The Unknown Soldier". 215 Days. December 7, 2012.

I**The hacking is absolutely unbelievable and has been (for decades). My brain is also under attack so I will not and cannot write at my usual style, as usual.

I saw on the news that a black male has been targeted in SF and his dwelling burnt by white supremacists (one assumes they are white, but if it were a Jewish person being targeted the assailant could be black , by the way, from my endless years of experience of being targeted, INCLUDING in San Francisco which was a non-stop never-ending racist assault upon me and was NEAR DEATH.
As it's been non-stop, everywhere, as a matter of fact. The people who always supported me in such friendly places were soon replaced by vicious Nazis.

My plight has never made the news, this is my home being ransacked literally 24/7 with stinking filth and items broken my cat tortured my body mutilated--every single day. Not a word from anybody. MSNBC has partnered with the Nazi/Mafia terrorists partially in league with Trump, but with Biden as well. Whichever way the money is flowing they are sure to be underneath the stream of supply for getting high on this Nazi/Mafia contract.
They are also being programmed that they have absolute entitlement and that I have less-than-zero humanity o9r rights. This is confirmed by all lack of protection from the Government as yet today another high-ranking politician from the House of Rep's came to assault me alongside the threatening mafia who has been partnering with antisemitic goons from Italy to poison me to death and torture me into a coma and then death and have me hit by cars to kill me and abuse me to death and to go on and on keeping me fighting for my life all my life, as long as possible using all these death squads, all these politicians, all these sleazy greedy disgusting celebrities who partner with politicians of the same brank and ilk.

I fight alone, completely unrecognized. I get mocked with sneering hate from Jewish men who have all married Nazi women. They mock the concepts I have written of, while I telll them that the scum who have been teleporting me for 14 years-the shit pigalina duo of waste product from whores--have stolen ideas from me for all 14 years non-stop and they are incompetent and have proven that they have no ideas no originality and all they have done that has been mostly exceptional as far as movies of their making have been derived either from stealing my ideas, or in part, and/or access to millions of $$ in funding to product bloated-budget monstrous movie sets with shabby bigoted scripts which have zero critical review or analysis so they are just blithely handed over to the Oscars for top qualification automatically. All these years, and they are now demanding with the Mafia creep who fully believes that there is no "Democracy" and the shit that these filthy pig apes do, poisoning me, raping me, stealing my ideas, is the the "right" of the "superior" class as this stupid grease bag from some Bronx or Brooklyn pizza factory cookie-cutter thug mafia carbon-copy is stating because without the promise of Italian influence to pump up his mediocrity he would be nothing. In order to continue to have more and more, the despotic concepts of Imperialistic might as being absolute right on the level of mutilation torture poisoning and murder if anyone tries to defend themself against rape, abuse, humiliation, and torture according to Nazi dictates against Jews (and other races) but primarily Jews--and the "good" Jews who participate remain silent or hissing in hate mockery of my verbal defenses and analyses of this crap going on which is NEVER STOPPED BY ANY ADMINISTRATION. They are so allowed to go on and on and on inculcating this mentality and then they are INVITED TO THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE and to Schumer's office as advocates for women's rights after they participate in this most egregious display of fascist dictatorial displays of anti-Democracy for promotion for the mediocre crap they crank out as "movies' year after year under this contract. U NLESS they have stolen the ideas from me, in which case they are touted as being original and dynamic but the ideas are STOLEN FROM ME and it still is probably going on but I have had to stop for years from my creative writings. I was always very drugged up and could never get my writing out anyway I can't express how badly they drugged me so I appeared functional but absolutely was not.
I am the only one really fighting for Democracy. I watch Morning Joe because it's always hacked into my news feed. If I try to block all the hacker terrorists out, as soon as I block out their page the internet is hacked off. This happens constantly when I try to block out people forcing t heir videos on me. Morning Joe duo came to assault me sitting next to the fascist Nazi pig shitalina pair who have been told they are something akin to royalty with absolute right to steal and mutilate and have me hit by cars if I so much as fight or protest being popisoned and mutilated and tortured NON-STOP FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS every single day.
I watch the news and listen to what appears to be a virus of shit enveloping America that no one stopped when it was burgeoning back in 2015 as blacks joined in to assault me and Latinos and asians and now everything is under some dire threat in America from this fascist organization. The "liberals' rush to abuse me not caring if I am dying from stress they think it's great. Their concern is to be re-inserted into The Matrix as long as they get a nice juicy artificial steak and some SOMA and some orgies some plantations for having helped the 4th Reich to be implanted as they "represent" the fake "resistance".
Their political analysis is superb, however. I have to state that the real talent amongst all the scammers and scum fakes of Whorewood can hold no candle to what the news anchors who write their own pieces as they do --I believe--for MSNBC shows, they are amazing but yet--so effete when it comes to really fighting what they are exposing but yet keeping alive and joining in with the Trump and fascist forces so they remain "safe and warm" in the womb of the comfort zone and gated communities while the havoc and misery that they help to create is kept safely away from their front doors. They can then go in front of cameras and claim they are concerned about Democracy and even morning Joe yells into the camera, just as he yelled at me while I have been fighting for my human rights, which he could truly give a damn about. Like in other eras, the concept of equality before the law only applied to a certain section of society so the most vicious of the aggressors would not tear one another apart, but having someone like me who is qualified and could compete is so against white supremacy so it's open season upon me and all come flocking to join in the murder of me. I fight for this concept that is sometimes called "Democracy" but people like Jamie Raskin who is constantly using that term as a prop only means for blonde white trash supremacists like pig pitalina and the rest of this mafia Nazi group, including Trump and he's just another adjunct partner in the endlessly increasing group assaulting me.

They are all so anathema and life-screw that I feel like this warrior in the trenches of the First World War going nowhere and stuck in a trench warfare without any rescue or relief and no recognition and a miserable plight of the unknown soldier who gave it all for NOTHING.
Biden is proclaiming American hegemony after the battle in Normandy but ultimately, he has participated and has allowed and has done nothing to stop the Nazi increase within his own administration much less in Whorewood and certainly has allowed this group to poison and torture and rape me for the sake of promotions and social engineering into the 4th Reich. 

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