Friday, June 7, 2024

Water shut off. Faucet broken. The maintenance lying constantly and keeping me waiting while everyone involved is constantly lying. I could not remember my phone number as the tech asked me for my number for his "boss" to phone me. I could not remember my number and have used it for over one year and can remember it instantly otherwise. I began to copiously giggle as "everything" became an innocuous "joke" to me. Everything seemed daisies and fun and harmless as I laughed about being lied to and was kept with lies and lies. I have almost no water, they spent days attacking me with the faucet they broke. The entire building is an attack situation upon me and the landlord is involved every time so I have no recourse to any kind of maintenance. My room is an open portal for all white trrash pig apes and their dirty minions to invade and spray stinking filth and steal and break any and all things constantly on a non-stop 24/7 basis (mechanical arms breaching through the panels and cracks and etc. )( Still, everyone is "fighting" for Democracy in America and all of tis is fully supported by the most wealthy and vociferous. Never an end no matter who is president or which political group is in power, and no matter the consequences of allowing such people into more power positions regardless of the destruction to America that has ensued.

 None of the creeple who are attacking me have learned anything but how to be re-injected into the same criminal cartel but this time not to be fired, or thrust in prison they just learn to "do it better" the next time. Anxious to please and prove that they are absolutely for Trump and for fascism, antisemitism and for me being the target of any and all who have any suppressed problems and for promotion


The sinister attacker who has engineered so much of my current attack situation has done this same sick attack protocol against me with deadly consequences for me, endless businesses and approval for this low-dirty almost meaningless thug who is now performing the same acts of stupid and sickness to destroy me--as in torture and abuse and poisoning and rape to death. He's STILL asking me if I "like" him although non-stop I have been screaming he's filthy and ugly in every way. I have rushed to try to kill him and said no and said no. I had almost nothing to do with this ugly filth creep decades ago I was only selling cigars and he kept following me around, literally while I was working in restaurants and organized attack situations from people who told me they knew a great place I could sell cigars. Endless near-death endless torture and because I wrote a post about how South Beach has degenerated due to shit like him, he rushed to attack me and can't stop. Over 30 years and he will not let go because he has rotten spawn which need to be promoted, his deals from years of his stupid thug and Nazi ultra wealthy goon parties and the businesses he has obtained from participating in attempted murder of me is not enough. No matter how much I hiss hate at him and fight to kill him, he will not stop.

How many years must I tell rotten filth who clutch on and grab on and latch on parasitically to get off they are disgusting they are ugly they are not men they are not people. ?

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What Whorewood and the "history" machine never tell you: 97% of "white" upper class Eastern European partners with Nazis were slaughtered. A stark warning that is suppressed and censored due to the need for American upper wealth to do the same (and also to focus solely upon Jews as the main victims of the Holocaust). More information below: + Terrorist physical assault; terrorist celebrity rigged awards, and a momentous fact that I have never heard before about the 3rd Reich mass murder machine and probably you have not either. Yes, white wealthy coordinators with Nazi overtake were also mass murdered because they believed the lies the Nazis told them, that they would "solve the Jewish Problem" and the antisemitic bigots also believed the huge, dripping wide-eyed pupil-dilated German psychohpath Nazis when they offered a wealth and theft ransacking of the Jewish population. They were instead murdered along with the Jews. Never heard this before, but it is purportedly a solid fact. All in combination with the (stupidly greedy) celebrity-politician grasping frenzy coordinating with the 4th Reich Europigape cartel thug genocidal money-overflowing crocodile smile partners coming to usurp and overtake dear ole "Democracy" (only in name and expressed purpose)-spewing fascist dictatorship (in reality) America. The program for a pogram is intrinsically integrated in the fascist social engineering contract with endless millions of $$, awards without end for the continued programming for white supremacy (using minorities to further this aim) and the lying corruption and $$-grasping of the bigoted politicians (minorities used as front-pieces for how "Democratic" the Constitutional Republic truly is....(not). All ties together with awards, endless assault upon me for every sleazy dirty ape gets a huge promotion for this "private" but oh-so-publicly displayed violence against me; they all chatter in interviews and in pulpits of microphone celebrity camera appearances and in their chambers televised about their indignation that some people are violating "free speech" and whatever the cause they create like inflation out of thin air but secretly perform far worse than any of the people being grilled by the politicians for public display--

I have not watched through this entire documentary but I have listened to the many parts featured on the Hour of the Time. The information o...