Friday, June 14, 2024

Lie to on a government phone site (Social Security) lied to by the partner agency which is supposed to send an "activation code" which they will not submit in the system. None of the USB ports would work to obtain a key for ID for the backup codes for the first part of the authentication process. Then I clicked on another page for the 2nd part only having one recourse to obtaining the 1st code--and it blocked access. It was supposed to send me an activation code by mail but instead it claimed my Social Security number was not valid. Signing in with the simple system I have used many years, I phoned Social Security and obtained a woman denying everything and giving me wrong information/lying constantly. Would not help and told me to phone this agency in order to have them send an activation code. She also told me nothing about how my old log-in page would be shut down to force this 2-factor system instead of the more accessible one. She told me there was no information anywhere in her information system about any transition and that I could use the old system indefinitely but to phone to see if they had any more information and to request an activation code from them. Phoning them I got someone saying only Social Security could send out the activation codes, which I was lied to just 5 minutes earlier by the agent/terrorist at SS. He then told me that the only way I could get an authentication code is by going directly into a social security office and requesting one in-person. Obviously this is a huge lie and the entire website system is being hacked and blocked. They are supposed to send out by mail the codes and they are lying to me every single moment and there is almost nothing I can do. Every single facet of trying to now access my account is being shut down and made inaccessible in the name of 'upgrading" but they are blocking literally all functions and lying with every question I have and giving me the ole runaround. If this is not the most discrimination from a government office, I don't know what is. Not only has America had me poisoned with intention to horribly poison me to death, which I ran to fight to get out of for years and now for over a decade non-stop poisoned again by shit Americans who are filthy and despicable trying to force a 'baby" out of me and then to murder me, as they ahve been doing for years with this poisoning and torture and abuse. So they are trying to cut off my money by blocking my access to my information which makes me absolutely blind-sided and extremely vulnerable and they will not give me even the most basic access to services due to the endless "upgrade" which has made access due to their hacking and lying and lying and telling me to phone one agency after back-and-forth constantly all telling me they can't do anything and I must go to Amerikkka to fight to access my account because they are literally blocking me out by all these lies and means of terrorist "upgrade" to the system for "security" but I think this is also a hoax and they have created this to attack me. I have no idea if the old username system log-in will be transitioned to a 2-step almost impossible system. I was told by this lying agent on the phone for that most people are told lies and cannot access the information.

 phone call #3 after 1 1/2 hours of this

I was lied to by the agent who claimed--like endless others have done in this terrorist operation--that he cannot hear me on the phone. The last two calls had perfect sound. I could hear him perfectly. He obviously was lying. I had to hang up he kept saying he could not hear me. so many fuckers have done this with "I cannot hear you speak up" so they want me to shout to get information.

It is a lie. So now I must work on phone call #4. They keep me waiting for them to pick-up an average of 10 minutes per call.

then, in addition to everything else, they freeze the pages I am working on. I am now trying to test the microphone on SKYP and all functions have, for the nth time in this terror attack, all  has frozen so I can't even click on anything, it is all frozen and nothing works. I have to wait for the jerk-off piece of shit in some room next to mine to stop freezing and clicking on the "freeze" hack button for me to be able to make even a test call to SKYPE to test the sound.

and now, the freezing has stopped but they are hacking my sound system

Dealing with the fascist Nazis of the 4th Reich in Amerikkka. First I got a very "white" woman with a southern accent. She lied and told me to phone the other agency. She told me she had no information about any transition to the other system ( She told me I could use the old system and that there was no information she had. I asked her to send me the activation code. She told me I had to ask and that there was a number. She was "looking" for it while I sat waiting and finally I found it on the SS site and she then hung up without having given me a single correct answer to a series of professional questions on my part. 

The other end was a series of lies and lies by the Latino who made all kinds of flourishment remarks about how Social Security and this agency could not coordinate to send any activation codes except for a person going into an office. I know this to be a goddamn lie but as they are terrorist agents put into these positions and I can only phone and phone and phone--with the terrorist agents telling me they cannot hear. I had to fight to get the "test call" service to work on SKYPE and now I am on hold again only to be asked by the automated system 6 times in a row "so you want to speak to someone, is that correct?" as I said and then yelled a simple "yes" into the receiver they kept the repeat going, "I'm sorry, I didn't get want to speak to someone, right?' and that happened 6 times with me constantly saying and shouting this one syllable into the phone--YES as t hey kept it going. which means whatever agent is going to spew a load into the phone again. I have no way to know if this transition is required, if this is a lie, I was told by this agent from that people's accounts have been closed and were forced to use the for the past year--but he had said it had been going on for 2 years the first time I asked. He kept talking and doing the stalking phone  operation of interrupting me as I began to speak he began to speak. It is not hard, as soon as the pig ape on the other end hears me utter a sound they begin to speak over me. I stop, they stop. I begin to speak, they yell over me. This is America the shit country I really think is a death system and a horrific place for me every single place on the country is a shit hellhole for me of abusers and people trying to kill me for the 4th Reich.

The filth shit out of Whorewood is just as vile but a billion times worse due to the technological violence and murder they are capable of inflicting thanks to the shit from the Government on all sides who never even restrain them from this ongoing endless violence.

At this point I hope America just is destroyed and that I can survive and not have to deal with this shit group ever again but can live in peace without crap filth shithole creeps like this invading my life and body and home any longer.

Maybe Putin will bomb America and the shit of Whorewood will be forced to retreat due to America actually needing all this money being spent to torture and have me stalked by thousands of shithole parasites per month (just going shopping now entails a few hundred in one shopping mall and while driving--but it was I estimated 500 during the terror of Obama while shit pig pitt and shitalina were partnering with obama, and then sick and dirty trump, and now under Biden for the last part of his terror reign it's getting as bad as it ever was.

And the shit I had to endure in America is now coming to me again with this lying bullshit that is ongoing forever. What a shit country America is. It used to be a place I was proud of. The shit movies the despicable politicians and the filthy death system they have all created.

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The sickness of this sick group from whorewood. Every time I collapse in sickness from detox, which is regular as I am fighting to regain my body mobility and survival adaptability to non-stop 24/7 torture and attacks harassment blocks to all I do and harassment without end. But in deep healing sleep this German filthy abuser parasite leeches onto sexually abusing me and I am not able to defend myself and I must just go along because I am sick, in pain my entire spine is fighting to loosen a hard shell of poison that the prostitutes who are STILL using MY IDEAS to sell as their concept as urging this filthy pig fuck to go ona nd on while I am at my most vulnerable. I got a streak of grey hair last month from fighting while I was literally shitting hard poison and toxic goo out of my body which has been stagnating inside the hard shell latched onto my skin, literally ripping flesh off at cellular levels and infusing toxic shock into my blood stream and nervous system while this filthy pig just beat and raped me with the audience of shit watching on--all the filthy whores and pigs I have been fighting and fighting and fighting for years and years watching on telling this filth fuck pig that he's wonderful. All doors are opening for the sick fuck, and he is training whorewood into more grasping greed Nazi 4th Reich mentality, as if 15 years of being paraded and given plastic surgery without end for them all and their filthy stupid shit spawn were not enough to induce them into every single fascist behavioral modification program possible as emulation puppet parrots. //So ill I could not fight any longer as the endless threat of being punched in the face and beaten for not performing sleazy hate acts of sex while in deep sleep, sick beyond belief fallin asleep in the middle of the day because I can't go on any longer the sickness is unbearable. This has happened to me so frequently that all the years of fighting to heal the mutilations on my body which I strive every night to cover, are all ripped and slashed when I just simply collapse in need of healing sleep during the day. The German pig ape parasite then leeches onto sexually exploiting me, and also while in deep Theta sleep as well. Because I have experienced NOTHING but torture, with my cat stolen and all animals I loved killed and mutilated and taken away, and all literally every single human being on the planet completely going along with this sick filth 4th Reich group in attacking me or allowing it to happen and glibly looking the other way--everyone left alive is delighted by this system.. They mutilate my fingers while this fuck sleeze creep is raping me and it's not rape it's pornographic sexual abuse which I can't fight off. Because my ENTIRE SPINE is in the process of fighting to loosen a hard shell like cement latched to every single vertebrae, which ugly sick prostitutallina and pig filth pig pitt and their shit children and endless circles of friends all the circles of whorewood hell A$$-hole listers and beyond belief--just me fighting constantly saying no without end and politicians galore. LEECHES. PARASITES. SLEAZY SICK ROTTEN CRAP MEANINGLESS scum so paid so overpaid for the shit that they crank out and so often stolen from me while they are just handed MILLIONS AND MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF DOLALRS. They just broke yet another thing I need for healing so I have to spend more of my less than $1000 per month to repurchase what they first sprayed with brown permanently staining goo (a humidifier, this week is broken) and then they broke it completely. They sprayed fungus inside it and the brown goo was sprayed almost immediately upon arrival, once in my room. It has brown stains like all the other white things in my room, the walls are brownish yellow they were pure white when I moved in. they are all non-stop stick filth and muck coating my life with their sickness and hate. It is now a popular pastime for the celebrity sick fucks to gather around and watch this filthy creep rape me, as they all want to emulate the dirty filthy German fuck cartel which they welcome in with everything available for them to plunder, as they are being trained in fascist Nazi ideology. That is the Biden, Harris and Obama and Trump team of shit from Whorewood and the aforementioned scum. The rest just allowed it all to happen and they created the conditions upon which this is now progressing into a destruction of the culture and the country. No one can give a damn they just listen to the blather crap of the candidates and wish for how things "used to be" nothing will ever be as it 'used to be" the destruction will continue. The sick fucks will continue to bring in every destructive Nazi sick fuck to divide and conquer and b ring in more rape culture. This is the same "me too" group of Nazi skank whores who pulled Weinstein down only to bring in fascist Nazi bigots to rape and torture women while the shit like ugly prostitutalin who is stupid and sick and revolting as hell, with posturing bs that everyone loves and the English crown backing that filthy dirty sick skank and her entire group of rotten rape Nazi bigot men and their "feminist" "me too" skank whore wives--it's so revolting. I am now the perennial target for just saying endlessly no and then they ask me "why" and I write it under drugging and torture for which non-stop shit gather to mock and laugh at my situation and mock and insult all the ideas that they steal and push as their own "fight against tyranny" to sell more bs to the public, along with their politician scum cesspool parasitic liars. This German creep is like a complete parasite absolutely digging in with every vulnerability that I have, every moment I can't fight I am in pain he rushes to abuse and rape and sexually abuse me. The sexual violence is treated as a "heroic" example of "bitch-slapping" me, while I am in the throes of "making love" but I am fighting it the entire time. Every time I try to pull away he begins to punch and slap me in the face and head and breasts. I am so ill because of the poison the group of shit poured into my body for years that I was so strained physically last month my hair literally turned grey from stress from fighting this filthy dirty fuck pig. Now i am just playing along because I can't fight this while in such utter sickness from poison literally ripping in all directions in the latched-on areas along my

  ENTIRE SPINE--my entire spine has been surgically operated upon THREE TIMES the hardening bloating poisons have latched onto every vertebr...