Monday, June 10, 2024

"...After making a rousing speech, worked on for many years from our Russian office, with blood on his hands, he will lift up the body of the dead candidate for the viewer audience proclaiming his love for America..." (paraphrase): The Manchurian Candidate operates through MSNBC: I must boycott most of the news networks at this point--in particular, MSNBC. I have been assaulted by the pernicious white fascist Nazis from a particular show for over one year or longer. For some sickening reason, the endless hacking of their show on my youtube channel, which appears late at night but appears in USA early morning, is like some drug I have taken to "learn" about the machinations of a pseudo "Democrat" formerly "Republican" former politician out of Congress, but in particular the analyses of the workings of Congress and how the "system" works is why I have continued to listen to the k-rap they crank out, not the analyses but their stance on fighting for "Democracy". It means only power for them, death, mutilation, poisoning, rape and torture for me. They are as fascist as any of the other extreme bigots and even worse than many of the MAGA. I suspect that at least two or three of the anchors are CIA operatives due to the Mormon appearance and blank empty stares disguising a hateful fascist bent that is barely below the surface. Their glib jokes at the beginning of each show is a portent of how little they are concerned about impending fascism they truly have proven for a few years how much they are fully on-board with the 4th Reich by attacking me. Today they came punching into my head while I was in my nascent waking state after having been drugged while sleeping via their encroachment terrorism mechanical arms. Endless abuse until I lost my control which happened rather quickly as they went on for 4 more hours literally without end. They hit me from a side angle just as I was being put into this "nether" state of consciousness while mostly unconscious, drugged up, sick from detox (every day) and then assaulted by the filth who always do this while I am almost purely in an hypnotized almost waking-up state. //They got a huge boxing professional to assault me as welll. I went through another 3 hours of telling this black man that assisting in white supremacy is ultimately goin to destroy all that the predecessors who enabled him to rise to the "top" of his game only to betray every essence of the work and mentality for a few years, perhaps, of a delusional sense of inclusion in the white supremacist 4th Reich. He told me that "they have money, what do you have?" as I answered, I have foresight to which I had to go through the list of hours of detailing how ultimately the chances for black people to rise up will be gone if they continue to support this 4th Reich, as I believe that is the ultimate goal. I had to shout in rage about my family having done this same thing only for subsequent generations to be destroyed in more ways than one. Silence and in one ear and out the other but the ideas were being noted so some rotten lying expletive could steal the ideas to produce as their own--and only regarding them and then skewed so as to really be supporting the 4th Reich. Even the endless smirks on the faces of the really bigoted white supremacists on MSNBC (not including ALL of course) is an implication of the lack of seriousness. The stupid jokes and the smug demeanor should really be a clue to the audience that they really are agent provacateur and liars. Fake opposition. Violent and disgusting towards me. I have listened in hope that all they said in mockery about Trump was real and I needed to hear this. I suspect that most audience members need to hear something against trump because BIDEN has not done really enough to stop this violent situation that the Trump 4th Reich has brought and is now threatening the death squads that I have warned about for years, to silence and abuse and torture from people like the Morning **** 88 show.

"The Manchurian Candidate (1962)--I Wanted a Killer Scene (11/12)/Movieclips". Movieclips. June 21, 2017. 


BOYCOTT at least that show. The other anchors must know what is happening in this regard to me, but they do NOTHING JUST LIKE everybody else does nothing to stop this. They may not be in favor of this but even the black and brown ones have viciously assaulted me--one was fired and his antisemitism was made a bit more clear. The others are disgusting and violent. 

So they got a worldweight boxing champ, a black male, to come and punch into my face, they hit me from the side, I finally after another 2 hours began to rush at them trying to kill them with my by-now frail and sickly body that THEY HELPED TO FORCE INTO MY BODY as they laughed and mocked me. This is the MSNBC anchors who are "against Trump" and mocking and jesting about him while interspersing dumb jokes about sports games as the intro to their "serious" yelling into the camera about 'what is wrong with you people for not fighting this Trump attack upon Democracy?"

I wrote a post that this lying pos former Republican worse-than-MAGA (almost, not as bad as MAGA MUCK but really on the same level just not as openly disgusting as the MAGA team)

and, I wrote that he came yelling fascistically at me for actually fighting against this fascist onslaught to which they, in the team of English skank infiltrators (representing as usual The Crown and infiltration into US politics, media and entertaiment) and then this dorky looking creep with orange hair who really acts like a Mormon-CIA sinister creep. I was undressed, as usual they attack me for hours while I am putting away all this sleep gear so as not to have anything exposed or on top of anything else because they spray under clothing if I have it folded, I have to hang everything up I have to wash everything they spray rotten stinking filth on my clothing and mutilate my skin while I am sleeping--and worse if they could have access I spend hours bundling up parts of my body which are completely mutilated by now.

During the entire 3-4 hours of cleaning and putting things away, literally, the group of sinister bs--all of them--begin for over 4 hours per day of death threats, abuse, insults and violence. 

As Biden does nothing except for invite the most white trash bigots to parties and dinners at the White House, I have no support and nothing from MSNBC is going to stop them nor is anyone in Whorewood (the same thing as MSNBC  but multiplied by greed and sleazy lying bs by at least 1000 times--in number of creeps and the amount of lying pretense and then you must also calculate the lack of competence of many of them compared to the spewing bs that comes out for hours from the rotten holes of msnbc anchors--) I don't mean the analyses of politics I am referring to their false stance on caring about the plight of a system that they are actually profiting off helping to destroy. The lies are legion, as they all are as well.

One more month until a sentence.

that disgusting harbinger of destruction who is being held in unjustified reverence by the Ultra-Left (meaning fascist Nazi Communists, as they have a centralized system of control, they are Nazis but not in name, and Nazis were "Left" not "right"  by the way--sorry but the keyboard is very hard to navigate so I am omitting pounding down for capital letters correctly it is so difficult to type anything out)

I also watched another news channel about the Israeli situation and within 15 minutes of having watched the video Netanyaho came to assault me and I had been "primed" by over 4 hours of abuse and being punched and assaulted and fighting back so instantly I fought to get him off me, screaming that I had only watched a video to watch the news.  He seemed to rescind into the blank void of teleportation being stopped and  by that time it was 8 people having attacked me for over 5-6 hours non-stop literally every single second while I was naked getting dressed putting things away watching the news drinking a morning beverage and this goes on EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I can't watch a single thing without some sick person coming to abuse me viciously, death threats, and their pretenses at being against "trump" is ridiculous. They are all vying for a position of wealth and stability within whatever administration "wins" and both candidates, including Harris, are full participants in this. Glady Biden has not personally assaulted me so I can credit him with that. I hope that Trump is sent to prison not only for my situation but because he is making direct death threats to people and the judge and this rotten political machine should FINALLY STOP HIM from the deadly situation that NONE OF THEM HAVE STOPPED BECAUSE OF THEIR ROTTEN CAREERS and remaining safe within the system of silence, obedience and to bring a fascist Nazi cartel into the American plateau which will be and currently is controlled at very highest levels not by Americans but by Europigapes and other foreign entities who operate through agencies of allowance and lack of transparency like Citizens United to push corrupt and complacent candidates into power.

They then control the media so disgusting bigots and CIA/fascist Nazi operatives are being put into lead media positions and hailed as "fighters for Democracy" when nothing could be further from the reality.


Oh, how much further in mind control programming the United States and it's allies have come since the making of The Manchurian Candidate back in 1962. And oh, how far removed has the "Italian-American" mafia devolved into fascist tyranny after the death of Frank Sinatra, one of the Mafia crooners who is endlessly played like a religious chant for their remembrances of when times were better and will get better--as they pursue this agenda which I believe Sinatra was making a firm stance against--NO and NO BUT to no avail with anyone in power. 

Besides this movie being a classic, the unfortunately ugly reality of the sinister application of false opposition is that the more modern version is packed with participants firmly dedicated to brain implantation and political Machiavellian machinations using mind control to push an agenda of death squads for their power cartel. 


It is the same with MSNBC to a very large degree. When or if any of the anchors who know about this terrorism from the white trash contingent of their fellowship (that includes most of the most white anchors, then the browner anchors (will not clearly identify who because relatively speaking they have been more "innocuous' but nevertheless obtain their "get out of death squad zone" cards from the 4th Reich for remaining silent and protecting this system--the Nazi fascist white supremacy system. 


No matter what warnings I give to the brown and black and minority minions who operate alongside their vile fascist Nazi counterparts, they are convinced that the problem is "me" and that the lies that are constantly thrust at me along with violence and complete sanction from all presidents and their men and women means it must be valid, They, of course, descry any racism as being unjust if and when it happens to them. I tell them that once they are no longer necessary to be used as symbols to their fellow minority groups and that this group in the first place (the 4th Reich bigots they are attacking me as proxy terrorists for) have and would do nothing to put them in any  position of power in the first place in terms of world attention as celebrities---in the boxing arena--but perhaps I am wrong as there is no facet of business life and commercial life that is not under the control of this group. 


Death threats came in abundance yesterday and today. THis is over one year of this group of shit attacking me and profiting off it. Being invited to the White House and embraced by Biden as so many of the most nasty white supremacists have been offered endless attention by the Biden administration--those who viciously assault me with intention to murder me albeit in a horrific slow poisoning and torture way. 

MSNBC, it has been said, is an adjunct to the Biden team and part of their propaganda machine. 

As there really is no third candidate who has a chance, and if the trend continues, then if anyone says that it's Biden who is a threat to "Democracy" has already been bought out long ago by the 4th  Reich but Biden is trying to assert his inclusion into this group as it controls all, truly, in the mainstream and they have taken over most of the subculture as well. 


I can only credit Biden with not having participated personally, I can't say the same for Harris. I know Trump is a threat to society and Biden has been a force of helping to install something like Trump into power in the first place through his  adhesion to the workings of the 4th Reich.

The situation is dire. I am fighting to find any alternative that truly is an alternative news source on YouTube but I am stuck with either hacking of more insidious "liberals" who jump at the chance to hack and participate. I can't find any other source that is supposed to be "progressive" that doesn't include the celebrities who are endlessly assaulting me using fascist language of genocide. 

I can't find a single politician who is not in favor of this situation and system and it is doubtful that any new politicians voted into power were put there to install any change, whatsoever.

So I must continue to fight, along. I urge anyone reading this to boycott Morning Joe, at the very least, and maybe not all the anchors at MSNBC are hideously fake. Also Lawrence O'Donnell and --right now her name is a blank, my brain is under assault. What is her name, very famous? I know it but it's a blank. This is how mind control operates, it is being worked on me now. The clue I can give is that supposedly she is a lesbian. Oh yes, she rushed to join the crew many years ago, obtained almost instantly her own show, then I wrote a comment about her reporting on the Nazi movement and voila! She got a deal to write a secondary-sourced book on archived news stories on the rise of the most evident fascist leaders prior to WWII. Nothing that challenges the system whatsoever, in essence. Whatever her name is. The "muslim" was fired, he stuck his buttucks out at me along side the morning ho team  and insulted me as they watched on smug and smiling. That is how low and disgusting they truly are, that bigot team of endlessly lying k-rap but they have analysis of the political spectrum that I have never heard, an insider view. I need to find some other news source and I hear just endless discussions that sound legitimate but the reality that happens is completely different from what they project the situation to be. Are they lying and creating a diversion? I believe so. 

I also have subscribed to various news discussion channels which suddenly have different hosts and completely different people and they are referring to celebrities constantly who have assaulted me in teleportation. In short, even news channels are getting hacked in some elaborate system of keeping targets from actual information and analysis. I am being tortured for watching news channels by a non-stop endlessly increasing number of politicians and celebrities and anchors of podcasts and news channels. It is so unbelievable but it's been ongoing for almost one year. I can't watch even a tv show or movie without some shit rotten crap skank coming to assault me for as long as they possibly can only because I clicked on a news story, tried to get information, tried to watch a news analysis, watched a new tv show, watched movies that are 30 years old--the fucking pig apes rush to abuse me and latch on as long as possible even for months or years for me only having watched an old movie--

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