MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, June 29, 2020
Rant #2 (posted on Facebook today after being traumatized by the daily break-in by stalkers and the result).
I need to create a "rant" page but at this time am blogpost template unfriendly
This situation, below, I hope to not have to write again but I am posting it here as I am very tired of just the stalking organization having access to these concepts. It is highly unlikely that my blog, this blog, will be accessible to the general public but still it is necessary for me to write and get this stress out. The very negative side of this is that the stalkers are literally erotically turned on by the endless years of my repetitive begging into the void of the internet for anyone to defend or help me. The standard reaction is silence. The endless response is silence and accusations that I am delusional. I have had to stop describing this verbally to people. The few people I have described this to are stalkers adamantly fixated with obtaining free businesses, free rent, and the thrill of torturing someone else and while I'm in a helpless mode of having to deal with them (surrounded by their partners, always I am literally surrounded by them on all sides as the stalking protocols demand)
My brain is concurrently blasted with tech so I am not able too grasp the concepts that I am under attack. It's very long, I'm just going to copy what I just wrote about the structure of how gang stalking is perpetrated in the private living space.
As I wrote earlier today, I want to copyright my information after so many years of people hacking and stealing ideas.
It feels futile but I am going to go through all the procedures regardless.
"THE DO NOTHING" DENIZENS who do a lot to perpetuate Gang stalking/mind control State-sponsored terror.
Asian Anime Nazi Butterfly sex experiment entertainment video
Back to the Nazi Thai/Asian butterfly anime human beings on YouTube:
as I almost carelessly put the keyboard on top of the laptop, the URL space began to flash various symbols and letters and suddenly a slew of Thai videos appeared on the screen. The video on the very top of the screen was in Thai but with the English word, "Butterfly" written within the Thai-worded caption for the video.
The Butterfly is a symbol of MK ULTRA "transformation" of the mind control personality being shifted into a sex slave or sex object or murdering agent or for whatever nefarious purpose the criminal terrorist plot to devise to utilize the unsuspecting target for. By the time the gang stalking and socialization of denial, silencing and State-sponsored terror and education into accepting withoutt resistance, the "transformed" mind controlled subject (in this world, that includes huge swaths of the population and entire communities and the community of media consumers).
If you watch a typical anime cartoon, you will see Asians with (dyed, ostensibly) blonde hair (yes, I used to dye my hair blonde too, but I also have died it red, blue, pink and brown/black and if the stalkers had not perpetually made my hair so damaged I have not been able to keep hair on my head, I would still be dying my hair PINK, but that is a different story for perhaps a different time).
Dyed blonde mostly, the anime cartoon characters have. Fighting with strength, fighting against tyranny, but as always, subliminally tutoring the unsuspecting children (and their already brainwashed parents) that this is the fight they can cathartically imbibe instead of actually being alert and fighting against their own oppressive governments (where, in Thailand, any protest against government decrees is a criminal offense, against the Monarchy, subject to Lese Majeste punitive PRISON TIME with a minimum of 5 years for a SIMPLE PROTEST AGAINST ANY LAW OR ACTION OF THE GOVERNMENT). That means writing any remark on Facebook or any social media platform that the government deems "offensive to the Monarchy". Another example is two teenagers wrote a few angry remarks about getting traffic tickets or some action by the police and were sent into the police chief's office with threats of prison time of over 5 years just because of a few angry remarks about having been fined for a parking offense.
Back to the brainwashing of the Butterflies in Thailand; in anime, and in the darker-skinned populatioon in general ("blanket statements" but realistic nevertheless):
The real-life Thai women have BLUE EYES AND GREEN EYES AND BLONDE HAIR as they dance to this "Butterfly" sexualized group gyration--as is so popular and has been for years. Group formations like military exercises of sexualized "singing" has been the standard for which music videos are given media contracts by the media moguls. Perhaps all the many nights of watching women and men gyrate on stripper poles has influenced their many decisions on how the music industry should flaunt the "music" skills of their "star" performers. ?
I should also include the Nazi experiments on how to change brown eyes into blue eyes.
I should be I am lazy at this moment, and if anyone reading this is interested, you can also just research the subject yourself. ! (and have a nice day too).
I would go into further detail but you "reader" get the point.
I am drugged up from both detoxifying and from also being perpetually drugged up by stalkers so I sit here after yesterday's endless detox of poisons and drugs that solidified into my back/spine/hips/skull/feet/bone skeleton, which came out like lumps of clay outt of my body. Drugs coursing through my body so dehabilitating that I could not function for the rest of the day but sat watching movies I was trying to analyze for content until nearly 5 am. I was unable to read, concentrate or get anything other than passively (but always analyzing using my mind, what parts of my brain can still concentrate but without having to exert any writing or movement actions, my body so sick and nearly incapacitated because the poisons also contain a paralyzing agent and hardening poisons mixed with drugs so powerful it's hard to describe and I don't want to right now. All putrifying for a few decades and then, yesterday, as has been going on for many years now, pouring out of my body)
I will end here. Watch the video. The girls shift from one transformation to another. Various sex costumes are employed in the video. Beginning with lacy boudoir frilly but sensible petite dresses equipped with white butterfly wings, to "bargirl" (=prostitute/stripper/barpole dancer) outfits of black, hair tied in tight corn rows, leather style S&M style, then another shift to what appears to be the type of work uniform that Thai people so often have in major shopping franchises (manditory uniforms worn in places like Tesco chainstores, Tops supermarket, and many others). But the work sort of outfits are short to the point of being nearly up to the crotch, blouses are short tops revealing body--(not criticising the sexuality of the scant clothing, but describing the pornographic display of how the view can "transform" the normal work outfit into a playboy bunny sort of fantasy when they are out shopping). The "girls" can shift from one sex outfit fantasy to the next easily, as the video implies.
ON THE "FEMINST" ANALYSIS OF THESE/THIS VIDEO CONTENT (an extremely SHORT analysis, so brief it's just almost a version of a one-sentance "Tweet" but as I wrote above, I am ill and have been, the hacking and brain skewing of my ability to focus, concentrate and the endless detox from murder attempt via poisoning has left me unable to write with any depth or at any real length.
I want to add, as my person opinion (all is an analysis based on deep-structure personality construct) but....WHERE ARE THE SEXY MALE VIDEOS that aren't "gay" or "ladyboy"? It is always dismaying that WOMEN only are subjected to being put into the passive sex object role (unless you view "gay" videos". Men remain non-sexual consumers of the media and the sexism and racism also goes hand-in-hand.
IF there were also accompanying "straight" male dancers gyrating and partially nude so women can also appreciate the subordination of men into various sexualized outfits and submissive postures, I would not balk so much online, and in every way (and yes, there are male dancing groups who perform version of "gyrations" for videos, but these are mostly athletic and choreographed so that the physical movements are charged and strong and not bending in near pole dancing prostitute simulations. The clothing is kind of "sexy" but their bodies remain covered for the most part. While appearing "alternative" and "sexy" and garnering attention from "youth" consumer demographics, to put it into a sales pitch format, the "subculture" outfits are the "youth" version of wearing 3-piece suits covering vulnerabilities of men. I mean physical vulnerabilities such as pot bellies, wrinkles, etc, for which women are lambasted and blocked from these dance ensembles if they perchance forget to plaster-over any wrinkle or blemish or iota of cellulite.
--and now, my blog has been hacked once again so no video appears as it did yesterday when I uploaded two videos I had saved to my files. Now, nothing happens and no video will download.
Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVrOrYVHqlw.
I therefore am not able to upload the video whatsoever. Every kind of block to my life is put in place by this group. I also cannot do a factory restore as the computer store where I bought this laptop took the recovery CD out of the box after I "ordered" the new laptop. I have written of that debacle on Facebook and I include it here because the effort to discredit me on all aspects of every single thing I do in this world is a continuous attack I am struggling against (against millions of stalkers with NO SUPPORT after years of asking and fighting for defense and support from EVERY PERSON AROUND ME EVERYWHERE IN THE WORLD I HAVE GONE TO FIND PROTECTION). This is so frustrating I can't describe it. They want me endlessly elaborating on it. I write it here because it fits in with the helpless "butterfly" sexualized thingy situation and this video which was not randomly inserted into my YouTube search page just because I put a remote keyboard on top of my laptop and supposedly that cuased the page to go into some crazy eruption and Thai mind control videos popped up.
บัตเตà¸à¸£์ฟลายรายงานตัว 🦋- Butterfly【4 K Official MV】
Sunday, June 28, 2020
Ghostly vibrato for men I can't admire unless they are already dead
From the FIRST SECOND you feel a surge of wondrous beauty and throbbing plastovibrato elation!
You can see another part of the genius in Manzarek's compositional description. THIS IS WHAT I KNOW TO BE EXCELLENT (MODERN) MUSIC unparalled for so long it's like an historical gem in the zone of quantization. Jim Morrison so "HOT" damn sexy B-cuz he's so fundamentally vibrant, sensitive but tough, tough but flexible and willing to bend to the waves of reality and distopian elation. Spontaneous and connected to the infinite. Thrilling and I have read always a bit high (on drugs) so.....ha ha
**Nota Bene: due to the unfair and horrific circumstances imposed upon me, I must necessarily appreciate men who are DEAD because they can't then teleport and torture me. What a life parody (sex and death)
Spell check blocked (this post copied from my Facebook page)
From the Kidsz of the post erz *fuck the sex pistols generation of *punks: Video of: "MODERN LIFE IS WAR --FUCK THE SEX PISTOLS"
here comes some other kind of synchronicity I only by mere chance discovered. There is a synchronicity I do understand that now. I had no intention of looking up this information and within a few seconds of a bit of research on a band with an interesting title, I discovered my EXACT THOUGHTS put into messy screaching punk reality
If anyone could see what I have been experiencing in teleportation (while sleeping, under hypnosis, drugged in a way I can only describe as living in a perpetual fog but under the impression that I am aware and cognizant--an extremely successful form of stealth drugging incapacitation)
I wrote about this on Facebook, and I need people to PAY to read my posts now so I'm going to stick to this format. The hackers can shift from hacking into Facebook and into this blog (already they have blocked and altered the format).
Hypnocrisy? English bigot white male married to Nazi German fake crunchy nappy-looking post-punk hipster turned infiltrator and agent along with this fake legacy that never WAS except for those who were MURDERED (Sid Vicious, whatever he was, but really--NANCY SPUNGEN was the driving force behind the REAL PUNK SCENE and mentality). Killed off by the now rotten Johnny who appears, poisoned and bloated (I believe) as the sausage-snorting, beer inhaling white bigot pig male who is feeding off the image that has become a Corporate GmbH million-dollar franchise.
To you I send this video--out of the heartland of America, a country you no doubt "hate" and are an agent provacateur infiltrator therein.
So tired of them being welcomed into my country to wreak all the bigotry craftily reconstructed as "alternative" media circus newszzz......
OOPSY DAISY! This band is from IOWA not Idaho, as I wrote above (or on my blog, VignettesofMindControl.blogspot earllier today). The other post is completely different in wording but expresses a similar theme, I should post this and add it to the blog. Every time I get on writing what comes out is far different from what I had inteneded to say/write. I believe much of that is due to brainwave interference. But back to the theme. Idaho is the place that ended the subversive subculture of DIVINE in Pink Flamingos, which I just watched last night. Iowa is a State just south of Minnesota and I do have some familiarity with Midwest mentality. Deep, penetrating and often profound in the depths of the heartland." (end of Facebook post quote)
"Fuck The Sex Pistols"
The grass was never green.There was never purity.
Some say it's all over... stupid fucking jaded burnouts.
Young ones: carry on. Destroy and annoy.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Fuck The Glory Days!
We don't care what you think.
We don't care what you say.
You don't get to decide
It's ours. Go Away. Shut up.
This blog is now under hacking attack and the links I post do not process as easy-to-click and preview.
There is also another problem with the blog site: I had originally create the chronological order of the threads as being last-to-first post. Somehow...??? the posts now appear as thread from 2019 and the current and most recent posts appear only when you click on the entire "2020" link at the bottom of the page. There are no daily posts listed to click on, the entire series of posts appears under the main link of the entire year 2020. I have attempted to correct this by going into the "Dashboard" area and the link to alter and edit such an imposed change is nowhere to be found on the entire Dashboard page.
Tears from Vietnam 2-chlorobenzalmalononitrile //say it fast 6 times in a row!!! or, even 1x if possible a real tongue twister
otherwise known as TEAR GAS
and other methods of police force that are friendly fire crowd control alternatives to quick and easy mass shootings.
Friday, June 26, 2020
The race for a new "ism" spasmatic systematic sustained
upon this land, our planet
our home
why mustt we suffer for the hate of our fathers and their sins?
Our souls are all kin.
Kindle the flames and fire up the pyres
the wrongdoers are flailing with their deep dark desires.
Technology so exciting I want my own technological robot tail with GPS tracking and brainwave modification too!
My brain is under attack by technologies I can't define
Why have I not been able to access data and relavant information? (My pondering theoretical reader asks). Information is routinely blocked from my searches. Websites I peruse, especially more open source platforms such as YouTube , are a continuous source of hacking interference. This, I am certain, applies to much of what other people experience, unbeknownst to them.
Wednesday, June 17, 2020
I also repeated a few ideas within the same sentence in the last post (I wrote that hackers were responsible for hacking, or something like that, I am not lazy but sick and always drugged up from stalkers breaking into my home via mechanical arms through the many panels that jut out from the walls of this studio which is a surveillance/torture atmosphere.)
I am glad I have a place to live, glad that I am not in a worse situation.
Gratitude for what i have. Glad I can write on a laptop that is "mine" although tampered with.
But unable to focus, concentrate, access the ideas I want to express. Always something "else" comes out when I begin to type. I know but cannot prove that technology is "beaming" or "pulsing" brainwave blocks and neuron-firing hinderances into my brain while I type in this very spot. Every time I get up from the laptop I "remember" what I had wanted to say.
My mind is rife with ideas and creative concepts when I am not sitting in front of the laptop. Once I get on, my brain is wiped clean like a slate (tabula rasa).
This also happens in public while I'm under attack by gang stalkers. I am unable to count basic sums and the list goes on and on.
Thus, while I make no excuses I do attempt to "explain" why my posts are so.....oh, for me unreadable. In retrospect I know there are subliminals implanted through this tecdh and other parts of my brain absolutely blocked from accessing my real creative and intellectual capacity to communicate.
To attempt to describe the dehabilitatory effects of the mind control drugs forced upon me by stalkers is nearly impossible to relate.
My last few posts were an attempt to ameliorate the pent-up stress of torture that has been imposed upon me for years by a long list of people teleporting me while sleeping. I have written many posts on Facebook regarding these issues. If anyone is interested, I can add you to my "friends" list because I am loathe to try to begin to explain it all over again.
Another reason I am making this short-cut by allowing people who are interested to attempt to navigate through my Facebook page is that the hacking intrusions by hackers makes writing nearly impossible. My brain is always under some kind of "brainwave" alteration and it's nearly impossible to get my thoughts out clearly.
When I read the posts below and see that I was clearly emotionally distraut (from YEARS of non-stop "trauma-based" "mind control" , which really is sadism inflicted by psychopaths using these technologies and utilizing gang stalking death squads to inflict torture--all hidden and silenced by government and police and societal forces.
Tired of wriiting about all of this.
I am so sick from detox and poisoning that I have no idea how to reach the greater public (and all my internet searches and posts are monitored through the surveillance system. Doubtless that any real information will be actually published in the greater ocean of the world wide web.
Friday, November 1, 2019
now starving for musical delight in the night of the soul of music's pop death spasms thumping to electronic brain death
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...