Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Is(n't) Joe Biden a microchipped persona representing "Alt-Right" interests in "diversity"? Are(n't) his verbal Meanderings externally imposed by brain-altering (with drugging) tech interface? Perhaps the connection to my situation to larger political context (silenced assiduously by "Left" and "Right" alike) is NOT a conspiracy theory after all.

 Perhaps you politically slothful politico "activists" of all sorts can't connect the situation that has been imposed upon me to larger consequences of this "fun" and "entertaining" brain-manipulating spectacle that you observe, passively always doing nothing to stave off torture for me, but never associating apparent verbal mishaps of public figures with other brain-wave attack situations that are being implemented at highest levels.

Since the "people" attacking me ARE at highest levels, it would seem commensurate with the general situation of political machination(s). Have any of "you" out there ever considered this type of association, between my brain-mapping discrediting scheme, and the inability and thus invalidation of "Sleepy Joe" as his "owners" call him, as part of a discrediting scheme aimed at by the "Right" and simultaneously part of "The Left" agenda? 


No, it can't be happening to such a long-time "friend" of both parties out of Congress to represent a shadow government of former long-term political ally "elite" "friends who also are, and have been participating in this scheme of puppetry associated with my current predicament, that "no one" will ever expose or alleviate me so I am alive, well and having a great time in this beautiful life, living in of some semblance of "Freedom" of speech,  privacy of THOUGHT, privacy of my home and movement which I am "supposed" to have protected by the very people enforcing torture, discrediting, disfiguration of  my body, drugging, rape, non-stop violence aimed at me, threats of all kinds aimed at me, financial ruin, etc etc-- all those criminal actions that are being fomented by your favorite "Left" and "Right" fascist, Nazi bigot Communist terrorists that have been "ruling" the country into ruin for decades.


That may sound like a rocking chair rant, and I sit here nearly paralyzed after more than 9 years of non-stop poisoning detox so this is all I can muster up. The keyboard has the customary blocks so tying is becoming increasingly impossible. My brain is likewise under severe attack as I sit here, my motor skills are declining because of the brain mapping tech that stifles hand coordination skills.


I have many ideas I would love to write about, and my typing ability as I always write is at top level or high enough to be able to type very quickly, accurately and smoothly without endless typos and suppression that I always encounter from hacking and keyboard blocks and brain-mapping tech swamping my brain so I can't function, or think without the "emotional" centers being exacerbated to the point that I end up in hate rants, unable to focus on the realistic points I want to convey.

I suggest that a similar attack scenario is being aimed at Joe Biden, because I doubt he truly is senile or incapable of verbal expression.

And there is Joe Biden, now labeled "Sleepy Joe" by his adversaries. This current campaign has been manipulated into becoming A situation of jokes and laughs by the opponents of Biden, and even those of his "party". The real goal is opposition to any change from the entrenched power structure, which the current incumbent is only one component of, and then he only represents and is not in complete "control" over his situation, and perhaps he too is a target of mind control technology but is too brash to ponder this, although I have been asked what it is like, how one can tell--and the point is that one cannot tell that one is being mind controlled unless it happens all the time and you "lose out" on what you are working to achieve. When "the chips are down" then one must survey where the onus of the problem exists. When one is rewarded with billions of dollars, gold-plated everything handed on a "silver platter" as some of these proponents of this system are, then they have no rationale to ever dismantle such a system, even if they suspect they are also being controlled.

 There are also many other former incumbents involved in this situation, who are going to assume the mantels of power from behind the persona of their verbally deficient figurehead. They are likewise having me tortured, and using this technological platform to obtain promotions for their continuance in the media and political spheres, which I see personally in this situation and from observing the news and how much more publicity all of "them" obtain after being involved in this torture "mind control" situation that I have been writing of for years, to their gain and my utter torture, loss and still I remain tortured by the "Left" and the "Right" pundits, with their obscure "handlers" ensuring they have ever single iota of entitlement to torture me for information to crank out as their own ideas and formulas outside of their formulaic pedantic "Left" or "Right" formulaic posturing, which is essentially a contrived "bipartisan" trick to represent only one, narrow and confined mental space which they "control" with the "mind control" tech and the other propaganda devices that are endlessly utilized in repetitious formula contrivances in the media.

As "people" hacking/reading my post can assess from what I am fighting to convey, "they" (since I am being disfigured daily and I am in dire peril if I write their names literally on this blog--or perhaps I should, but I am now limping because "they" ordered their terrorist teams to inserts a metal object into the cut they slice into my foot--to the bone every single day, which is now inserted with a microchip which throbs and expands when I walk--but "they" can easily control their verbally obscure front person while operating as one singular team with their "Right" Party affiliate "friends" when they schmooze, have their rape and torture orgies upon persons like me (and this has been documented for years and testimony abounds but yet they remain in "power" because this is the "Democratic" "Will" of "The People" who endorse this situation. Plus all the covert assassinations of any real adversaries and the silencing and theft of "alternative" ideas from people "like me" and utter disenfranchisment, obscurity and silencing and block of all expression, plus torture and murder attempts after they steal and rob every single thing they can suck out and steal and break and etc  etc..other people likewise have been murdered, silenced and all stolen from these insidious parasitic liars who "represent" only the murderous death squads which are also at the forefront of defending the "Left" and the "Right" fascist Nazi Communist life-destroying representatives, always keeping the same, death course and the planet is now in flames and dying and yet, they keep retaining "control" over BOTH SIDES OF THE DISCUSSION AND THE POLITICAL DEBATE through these technologies, through murder, assassinations, silencing, and only their pundits allowed to "represent" the lies spewed out by "both sides" of the political "divide" which is essentially a seamless death organization which also is devouring the planet's resources. Probably, I suspect, they are also "depopulating" the planet and want to eliminate millions of people --and this is another "conspiracy" theory that is not so "crazy" after all, at this point in time it appears to have at least a bit of validity.


I am now at the rambling, lack-of-coherency stage of the brain-mapping tech discrediting attack. I can't stay on the ideas I had wanted to present and I can't write or think clearly at this point. I am digressing to a more emotional stance and getting into suspicions instead of trying to stick with more rational analysis. Of course this is an intended brain-altering attack by the terrorists aiming their mind programming weapons which are always trained at me at all times.


. The discrediting of Joe Biden is intentional, it is calculated and manipulated and I feel very strongly that he is either microchipped or drugged or under the influence of remote brain-altering technology. 

The discrediting schemes of these pernicious liars are that people are "deranged" due to old age, resulting in infirmities. As I have written for years, the poisoning, drugging, which is a real, not conspiracy theory conjecture, but a currently implemented form of not only mind/brain/tech interface "control" over the subject/target, but also of fooling the swayed public into following policies that are only part of a one-sided political operation, formatted by the media into representing some kind of dualistic interchange of "ideas".


Oh I have more to say on this point. I just realized that I was teleported by one of the "Left" political leaders, who while I was in a drowsy, nascent sleeping state, asked me for ideas about the situation this person was encountering in it's now solidified resurgence of power, after a few years of having me tortured by it's Nazi/mafia partners (who have been winning top awards in the movie and tv sphere for at least a few years of torturing and teleporting me--and that INCLUDES the blacks and feminists who claim they are victims of the "Right" and male rape culture, while they watch their "friends" rape and torture me, all with glaring looks of hate aimed at me when I fight back, call them names under this hypnotized, suggestive sleeping state. They cannot tell the difference between the ability of a human being to cloak their real thoughts and reformat the basic drives, mature or immature, that result from torture. They simply torture me for reacting and toerture me to get promotions and torture me to get ideas and torture me because they are emotionally and intellectually handicapped by their obsessive need for power and wealth and fame and glorification. However, the millions of people stalking me as proxy terrorist agents for them have their own promotional emotional handicaps, and the levels of unjustified but realistic rationalizations for attacking me are as endless as the millions of people from all walks and levels of society who are attacking me under the "Left" and "Right" rubrics cube of society.

And now I am digressing and unable to move my hands or fingers well to type, plus the keyboard is stiff and nearly inoperable. 

The censorship continues through this hacking and brain-altering tech, which is supposed to be a form of discrediting me. The point of course has strayed to my personal near-ranting stage, but I had intended this to be a linear example of my "experimental" situation and the real deadly situation of Biden most likely being drugged, "programmed" microchipped and unable to get sentences out. As I stumble to type, I understand how this technology appears to make the target unable to think clearly, can't express words clearly, words come out unexpectedly without prior thought. I have no doubt this same situation is being foisted upon Joe Biden. I suggest that if any of you want to survive the 21st Century, to have a planet that is not being killed off by these "people" who endlessly want the next Quarter to be more profitable than the last, who want to have more plantations with slaves loving and serving them, with no opposition except for a controlled, Machiavellian "opposition" which is so stifled creatively and emotionally that they must rape me for sexual gratification, must then turn around immediately afterwards and then torture me to obtain ideas for their fake opposition output, to "represent" any alternative to the fascist tyrannical death squad murder (Nazi, bigot, fascist, mafia, Communist) system that has kept these haters in power for so many decades after they mass murdered millions to steal their money and property, level the over-population field, and then assume decades of power using the strategies that I am fighting to type about. If any of you want a planet that is not burned into a crisp, air pollution giving you cancer, rotten carcases representing the power structure who laugh and are turned on by rape, torture, murder, disfigurement, who have wrested control over every business, media outlet and etc etc, you get the point.

I also have been watching Fox News lately, for the first time. One of the anchor persons is extremely witty and "common sense" sardonic, insulting but clever like a witty attorney interrogating the "opposition" who always falter and appear to be uninformed, incapable of verbal defense. At this point it is very hard to type but I only add that this shows me absolutely that my "hypnthesis" of the "Left" being only part of the fascist, Nazi, Communist "Left/Right" facade, are put on display absolutely to be discredited but to appear like reasonable alternatives to the one-sided political point of focus. I cannot call it a spectrum by any means.

I end here only having been able to pound out a few paragraphs. When I tried to read through the post, I saw immediately that words were rewritten to discredit me. I wrote "real" in one line, and the hackers replaced that with "steal", to alter the statement irrevocably. Do not hesitate from associating what I write of with all these discrediting factors to Joe Biden's discrediting by the media, especially the "Right" pundits on YouTube and in the media, who scoff and laugh about how incapable he appears to be for the leadership position.


On another point, which is related to this. I was teleported by a "Left" personality a few days ago (last week). In a drugged, as my food is always drugged, state, and sick from detox, and paralyzed from poisoning, and sitting here in utter isolation with every beautiful, loving thing stolen from me so all defenses have been torn down for years and years by now: thus very vulnerable and sick and sitting here under torture conditions, my body every night being cut into and severed slightly night-after-night:

I have time to assess Nazi historical policy and when this personality who is very famous, indeed very well entrenched in the power structure, and much moreso after YEARS of observing me being tortured, raped and attacked by it's "friends" and now, is endlessly in the spotlight of media and politico structure, behind the scenes of the other target who is probably being drugged, microchipped and is under the sway of this techno interface torture:

I described Ernst Rome, the former SA leader who allied with Hitler and then was assassinated by Hitler after having helped Hitler to achieve great power. I associated this with a current attack upon this personality. This person then queried why I associated "it" with this Nazi figure. I won't go into detail on this point because I delineated my ideas on this above, that there is no opposition and the "Left" are, from my experience of those who are being promoted into higher positions and winning top media awards for stealing ideas from me after they rape and torture and drug and poison and do it non-stop day after day for years upon years---discrediting me all the time and blocking any single attempt I make at having any voice, literally my throat is also microchipped as they close off my sphincter muscles when I attempt to talk in public. Right now I am struggling and fighting with the cursor, which skips to other words or lines when I try to backspace and correct the non-stop attacks on my writing--which of course will be rewritten after I publish this post as more discrediting to my written attempt to defame my character--


Immediately, two days later, a persona on YouTube who vblogs and has a tv media politico show, wgise videos show up nearly continuously despite me having subscribed to his show, I have also subscribed to many other sites but they NEVER show up, such as home construction and tool sites because I have to repair so much that the terrorists order upon my living situation. 

Back from this brain-controlled digression: this man on air mentioned the "Night of the Long Knives", which is when Ernst Rome was assassinated (or he was put into custody and then murdered a few days later). 

And I see endlessly the "liberal" white males, and the "liberal" "feminist" white females who are all at the forefront of the media complex endlessly either having their faces put on display at inappropriate places (if I attempted to describe their triggering tactics, it would definitely be fodder for accusations of paranoid and delusion aimed at me).

This is now at the stage of impossibility to type, from hackers blocking keyboard function.

Just fighting to pound down and backspace and get the space bar to operate.

Always, my ideas stolen not only by "whites" but also by "blacks" who also represent the same power structure that they claim they are fighting against, over and over this has been repeated for years. Then there are the "feminists" and also the "Latinos" and also "The Jews" and etc etc etc the list of turncoat liars is endless, but the perpetrators are white.

The censorship of me, my ideas, but my thoughts stolen not even while I can write about them, but stolen from the nascent sleeping state of teleportation or my thoughts, which are likewise continuously under surveillance by their inaudible thought-hacking technology (see cochlear implants to assess how non-verbal communication can be circumvented by technology).

I am ending here as it is impossible to type any longer. I have completely lost my train of thought, and using correct grammar at this point is too strenuous to type out.

Only white males or their women are allowed to have a "voice" and suppression of speech is the absolute rule, that has created this one-sided dialogue that appears to be a joke and a diversity speech and a righteous bipartisan spectacle. The suppression of the First Amendment at this stage of technological advance means that literally a voice can be mechanically blocked by microchips, and thought processes can be allayed to incoherent rambling. These are facets of the breach of the FIRST AMENDMENT that are being relished by the power structure, ignored by the rest of "you" reading this and your assumptions that this is a positive and not a negative are astoundingly ignorant.

Monday, September 14, 2020

From the Blackest pit of Wien to the grimy soot of Brooklyn (and beyond the thunderdome to the halls of the Vikings to the scum-floating on the entertainment holiday paradise of lascivious playworld Phuket).

 MESSAGES FROM MY MURDERED ANCESTORS (BY YOUR ANCESTORS).  You keep the broken record going and the music is such nth generation badly decomposed. Die and go to Hell with your crappy soap opera hate formulas and paradigm.

La Comedia della Amore. Commendatore commends you to your feckless wreck reckless maelstrom.


Waltzing to the tune of Don Giovanni with the handsome player.....the dream come true of teleportation awakening. The Golden Dawn of Illumniation that dreams are meant for those with the Will to Power.....

Your relationshits not mine....your reality not my dreams....

VERRECK und GEHE IN DIE HOELLE, Hunden aus der Haus der scheisse.

Sunday, September 13, 2020

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Every time I write about these attacks, the torturing terrorist bigots and their minority minions get more promotions. AS no one ever stops them, the progression of their fake opposition grows until really there is no opposition so I write and they consider this entertainment for their hate crimes to read of my pathetic begging on line, because all access to legal representation is literally blocked from not having people to defend me, help provide evidence, stop the violence and EVERYONE remains silent as I fight for my life. Hackers completely altered this blog "title"--they deleted commas and periods and strung sentences together, altered tense and rewrote words wrong. I leave it all in so readers can see how badly hackers alter what I fight to pound down and type.

 I really do not want to help them any longer by writing these posts.

I watch the YouTube videos that are craftily put on my front page, as I sit in a mind controlled daze and perform the surfing actions that are prescribed by the tech in their subliminal suggestions while the tech blasts into my brain sitting here.

I see entertainer news pundits repeating ideas I have written, whether this was intended or I just coincide with their philosophical ponderings and intellectual presentations. They are experts in these performances and there is no doubt that they are qualified to present their stuff. 

But I do know that when I express the rage (which so often is produced by the tech affecting my brain in their brain-mapping exercises.

I am at such a loss of words and ability to access my real capabilities right now, as the hackers are also blocking the keys.

I do not want to help promote them any longer. I fight to not write any longer as all I do is repeat what I have written, or I just continue to provide dull, but qualified parasites with material and fodder to steal and then regurgitate and repeat as their ideas, while I am stymied and blocked so completely my body is glued into paralysis and for years the parasites have exploited this and continued the poisoning to keep me stuck and going nowhere--they then call me all kinds of names implying what a "failure" I am but they are so superior because they enforce the racist stereotypical hierarchical roles inwhich they are exalted and I am under so much attack because I do not admire them or their roles or their pradigms and thus, I am outcast and tortured non-stop but they can't formulate original ideas. this applies so especially to the Nazi Europ-a people who have attacked me I forgot to name the English boring and nasty, endlessly making hate and snide jokes about me and people who he can't stand to see as a threat to him--his book is rife with such hate racist remarks and stereotypes but he's exalted by the anti-racist actors and feminist (oh he's extremely misogynist and a rapist but they don't care when it comes to me and not them or their group).

So I just remain quiet and not write any longer, at least not until after the next few months have proven that my theory is correct, that despite all the rhetoric they really want an autocratic system of bigot Nazis running America and the globe as well. "They" meaning the Progressives and the Liberals and the Feminists and the Anti-racist "fighters" who are fighting me with the worst bigots right behind them promoting them for endlessly and non-stop attacking me ,and as I continue to write asking this planet to defend and protect me and nothing ever stops them or this, I must remain waiting for any "change" and it's inevitable that those chosen to "represent" the alternative have of course been carefully chosen to never actually implement any threat to the worst of the worst bigot Nazi cartels operating under all these various names but with the same center of power operating to control them all some singular group al obeying and behaving like the dumb, sleazy and rotten mind-dead puppets who can formulate the words, concepts but lie and deceive to the degree that no one will ever really defend people in my position.


And thusly: I cannot get on YouTube any longer to see any of the prolific news commentary or programs until after the rigged election puts more fake operators on the web and on YouTube to continue to crank out their fake oppositional stances. However, for now if there is the slight possibility that this new regime change, should it occur, may mean some end to this hell and torture situation (in my favor, not ending as in me dead or not fighting their muruder contract any longer, as that is what I consider this heinous situation, which most or all of you hacking in and reading this find so enjoyable as I remain fighting with no defense or support system---but I only see an eventual murder contract out on me and that is all I see this hate situation to be)

I have just done a huge laundry that wasn't even in the huge pile that was stinking so badly my closet reeks of fungus--this is the clothing I wear every day, which is just a few things that are now stained by terrorists with their mechanical arms getting through all the defenses I have spent over 2 years fighting to put on, while in pain, paralyzed and stuck drugged into a near coma situation as the parasites have not stopped torturing me with microwave and other physical tech attacks, mental and physical emotional alterations of brain/body continuum, and such other life-threatening attacks that on a daily basis for years means shock to nervous system leading in slow death/murder and other near-death situations like driving and being nearly hit or hit every time I drive--repeatedly too, for years every single time. But on and on, I go on and on 

I just did this pile of laundry that has been ripped, frayed, stained and stinking last night while I was sleeping. After washing the huge expanding pile, because everything I touched was stinking very badly, while it was clean last night before going to bed. After pouring bleach into the stinking washing machine, which has been broken so I must take sopping wet clothing and blankets out and dry them for one day or longer in some cases, the clothing was so rancid because on the patio the terrorists insert mechanical arms from the patio above . They poured stinking substances into the laundry while I was soaking it, my back was perhaps turned (I had closed the lid but how easy to just lift it up with the mechanical arms). I have had to spray almost an entire spray bottle of bleach water just to get the clothing to smell like bleach instead of like stinking putrid crap. The laundry soap is not polluted, as they sometimes do (pouring stinking powder substances into the powder laundry detergent).

And on and on, years and years and years of writing about this to no response but more parasites opting to attack me--all have new tv shows more promotions after winning top awards in every category--the list of them is enormous and for years they have converged upon me and obtained literally the highest positions in the media and elsewhere vital to the United States. Not a single human being around the world has approached me with any real assurance or support in all these years of writing about this after years of asking for help directly and being shunned, lied to endlessly and silenced non-stop.

I consider the devastation that has been killing people and destroying the country for the last year (or less) to be a product of either your inclusion in this genocide group (out of Europe and elsewhere, like China) or your silent obedience and gloating assurance that nothing will ever happen to you in regard to the upcoming Holocaust if you just participate and smile and laugh as people like me are being killed off--but you have already seen what has happened, and so many have become absolutely billionaire in status due to this group and their organizational "left" and "right" posturing.

As I write this the hackers are changing the pages and rewriting and etc etc it's crazy--they are sick and disgusting.

Rotten foul men I detest keep putting their faces on my internet searches and pages (out of ordinary news items I mean) and they disgust me, absolutely all of them (all of you).

And they are demanding a baby out of me so they and their "feminist" Nazi wives and children can continue to get free entitlement to lead positions, of course subordinataes to the bigot Nazi organization that sponsorts all these crimes and hate crimes along with the American bigots who absolutely throng and cheer the worst of the bigots attacking me into lead positions--without them, this would never have occurred.That means endless Nazi and Neo-Nazi groups in Florida, where the disgusting ignorant Italian mafioso thug creep has been handed free huge businesses after FAILING and malfeasance of his every business for yeas until he tortured me and is still coming after me along with his American "Italian-American" thug actor whose every movie has been, in my opinion, a blot on art and on culture but the disgusting bigots of America, love this boring thug macho crap and he's been going on attacking me for his promotions for 3 decades alongside this Italian thug

The English man connected to English Royalty (the Monarchy) is a nasty and mediocrity who has the "upper class" English snotty snide style, elaborate vocabulary and able to repeat what he's been taught to utter and the higher verbal expression of his "class" but a loathsome boring hateful bigot--endlessly defended by the feminists and anti-racists of H-wood

and that is is. I must remain silent from now on until at least after the fiasco is completed in a few months. 

My prediction is that one of my tormentors will not 'win" his bid for power. I have to only wonder if what might change in the realm of this attack system upon me will ever result in any real change. I consider my situation to be an absolute gauge of how corrupt the American sociopolitical situation really is  AS these criminals have no block to their violence towards me, the open pit aspect of their bottomless ugliness shows what they will do when there are no people willing to descry their hypoocritical stances. How low can they go? How much lower will this all go on the scale of morality and justice and law (for me)?

Not their brand of justice, as they all claim that I "deserve" to be raped, tortured, disfigured, my ideas stolen by them for over a decade non-stop as they poison me into hysteria and abuse me into traumatized verbose expulsions on the internet, they grab whatever they can steal from my writings and leave me begging for my life--for years. 

I must must stop writing because not only is no one doing anything to defend my human rights in any sense, but the criminals keep getting awarded for me responding, as if their ugliness is the sole consideration in how and who is to be promoted into the coveted positions of authority, of course they must remain mannequins and respond to orders and have no heart or soul. But they continue to put their rotten faces on my internet and I find them all detestable and want nothing to do with either helping any of them to obtain more power, or in giving some hateful male with his hateful wife and hateful children some 'baby" obtained out of rape and torture and death threats upon me so they can continue to put out movies and policies that are disgusting, empty, meaningless trivia to the fascist powers that have handed them these roles for their performances of behaving like genocidal filthy sick parasitic murdering pig apes.

Terrorist Report: numbed by years of it so this is not being terrorized any longer but numb from the dumbness of the stupid attacking me

 OH, of course "they" are supposed to be smart, smarter than me and oh so clever in using hacking and tech to destroy any conceivable potential I may have and to steal all I do fight to create. Yesterday I wrote while I felt like I was on a brain-crushing roller coaster ride--with no movement, it felt like I was being swayed and spun around, my head slightly being crushed inward, as I fought to type and keys I pressed once would repeat thrice due to hacking inserts.

Could only get out a few paragraphs which were done with the sensation of being spun and wrung out to dry in pouring rain, drizzling like drugs into my brain and body Unable to remember simple names and writing in a foggy confusion due to the various brain-altering tech attacks and hacking combination.


Today there is a problem with my bank and a purchase. I wrote a letter to my mail service and as I wrote the words correctly, which always takes writing as short sentences as possible because my brain is literally so under attack I can barely concentrate. After I sent the letter the hackers had inserted wrong letters so it looked like I had written things "wrong". I had to make the choice whether to send another letter/email making a correction (but the numerical portion was correct, so my email would only have been a waste of time for them). I decided to leave it all as was incorrectly forced upon my business email, which was yet another discrediting operation.

The mail service, which just recently completed an order from my debit card on file, had no complications in processing the amount for a purchase. However this time,, they had the "wrong" set of numbers "on file" and I had to correct that, but as I just wrote, after sending the correct set of numbers for the purchase so the card could be processed (which had happened the last time with no problem) the hackers then altered what I had written andsent to them. Either the hackers changed my information on their electronic system, or they are making a sort of "attack" situation and lying to me. Either way, every single thing I do is scrutinized and attacked and anything that could be stolen from what I work for is used for some bigot Nazi part of this system to steal for their own output, while suppressing me so completely I can get nothing done whatsoever.

Right now I have piles of stinking clothing waiting to be washed--clothing I have never worn in some cases, rotting in a stinking cupboard I have to seal and lock from the inside and from the exteriors of the doors, along with padding stuffed into the open cracks of the doors which do not close without leaving large gaps--as perhaps the mechanical arms just push the padding out and then place them back in after creating endless damage to my room and body (every single night my body is cut into, my hair is made greasy, nasty and shaved off the scalp, etc objects are inserted every night under my cuticles until the nails are blackened and falling out, skin is cut to the bone between my large left toe and the 2nd toe every single night to keep blood flow gone in the area, and they never stop the attacks and just add to more attacks so they accumulate to my body being ripped apart slowly day after day like this).

But, I have to wash piles of clothing and all I do is clean up stinking toxic filth that is sprayed into my body, home and my body of course is paralyzed and bloated from poisoning to stop me from competing and winning or achieving anything. What I barely can write has been stolen fro over a decade by the same people who have profited off stealing my ideas for all these years; the same people keep coming back to get more and more out of this contract--and now they want to force a "baby" out of me too after years of also raping and disfiguring me with hate, insults and torture every single day and night for years and years, the same people over and over and then they parcel out this contract to their "friends' of all races, religious affiliations and levels of prosperity.

Thus these "people" keep me relegated to a situation of cleaning woman discredited endlessly by their repulsive behavior which is touted as being "superior" and of "elitist" stature, while me, helpless and absolutely left with no defense or support while "everyone" sees but remains "silent' and thus complicit---


Years of writing about this and I am still waiting for this system of Democracy to stop putting people participating in what is supposed to be legally considered a crime against humanity, this "experiment' in technocratic torture, slavery, and all the sick and sleazy things that are accomplished by this group,, heinous and disgusting behaviors and crimes absolutely deemed admirable traits of the perpetrators of these crimes who hold highest positions in media and in politics. How and what will stop this if no one will ever defend me publicly or defend me openly?

If there is a change in leadership in a few months, would it "really" be a change or will this endless sleaze crime considered a technological wonder and the dream of deferring Democracy so only the same groups can hold their old formulas for racism, sexism and hate intolerance disguised by their actors portraying the shadows of "change" for the media circus?

I am now backspacing an correcting more than I am able to type.

Why don't you hand write your ideas, I can hear the silent critics say to their smug and smirking buddies as they hack and claim I am delusional or whatever: well, if I hand write, the technology aimed into my brain makes my hands shake, then my bod hurts from the exertion due to the poisoning, and then what I do finally get out must be left written on a tablet and then is stolen anyway by the terrorits who rampage my room to spray stinking substances on literally every single thing in this room, from furniture to clothing--as Imust breathe this in all night long because I must keep the one access to fresh air sealed all night long and have no open windows and even if I did, I must seal those as well.

But the terrorists steal what I hand write, and of course none of you ever do anything to stop them or help me, or not openly at least so I remain here in silence and never know what is happening or if anyone is doing anything since this never stops and the perpetrtators keep going on a;nd on and getting lead roles in blockbuster movies as they gloat and laugh and glare in hate in these horrid photos they hack and insert into my serach pages and media pages like newspapers online that I try to access (personalized photos that are "real" and not publicity photos).

It is now too hard to type any longer and my brain and emotional centers are likewise under technological attack so I cannot think and de-evolve into what is becoming an emotional writing piece instead of writing about details. Years of waiting for anyone to defend me makes writing also a bit more exaggerated as this is non-stop torture and desecration of my body and home sponsored by The State and all the public just watches on cheering them all on, or doing nothing, or being "good" and remaining silent.


I just had to clean up a huge black stain that was put on my glittery gold money purse as I placed it on a counter for money exchange while standing at a Tesco check-out lane, putting groceries on the conveyor belt as a white male (Nazi) stood behind me to theleft, as the Thai cashier began making the stupid and disgusting "trigger" behaviors (smiping their noses, pulling up pants like cops do) which is always an ugly action, intended to make an insult to me (they also, these stalkers, when I am walking down food isles fighting to get past their hgue, spread out groups of loitering stalkers standing in y way perpetually and always in front of items I want to get) but, they bow down sticking their rotten (dirty) behinds at me in most obscene postures. They are always rude and disgusting, this is always supposed to e them implying that it is "me" who is nasty and obscene and not them by acting in this manner  I would never do something that ugly and stupid, but they do and it's supposed to imply that I am bad in some way, unworthy of respect, and not these groveling creeps who bow and scrape, even if they are the wealthy whites who have throngs of minorities surrounding them doing their disgusting and sleazy nasty attack scenarios for them.

But, in the check-out lane, because I had to try to get my money out and there ws something I had forgotten still in the metal cart, I bent to get it out for less than10 seconds, and in that time frame the very lithe Thai cashier (they are very nimble, very thin and wiry, many of these attackers and in general Thais are much stronger than they appear if they are very thin, that does not make them physically weak at all). Within less than 10 seconds she had smeared a black dot of goo on my gold glitter purse, which I cannot replace as merchandise here in Thailand is not always in stock and it's all extremely temporary when something comes in stock--or in the places I shop. I can't replace it and I have really liked this very cute little purse, and the replacements I can get are not very nice. But it was done while she was making many wiry physical movements and peering in side glances at the white bigot Nazi making sure it's minority minion was performing it's assigned stalking task. This is so evident in every check-out lane and the behavior is always exactly the same from both the whites and their slave Thai assistants in these attack situation. 


While typing this, as I have to backspace so often to correct what hackers retype and I must pound down on keys to get anything to operate so this is just a pounding down exercise more than being able to type anything out, pages also pop up while I write from hacker intervention. Etc etc

But this attack happened within less than 30 seconds, and she was ready with sticky, disgusting goo--upon instantaneous and spontaneous opportunity, to destroy my beautiful little purse. The black spot won't come out,I have spent more than 10 minutes rubbing bleach and nail polish remover and the stain was pierced into the purse--I saw it after I walked away from the cashier and it was wet and sticking to the purse--it was a huge blot and I tried to rub it off and it smeared. Just now I have tried to get it out and it's completely embedded into the purse. When these situations happen I have no recourse to defense: but what can I do, accuse these nasty stupid rotten creeps who hand me money silently with grim frowns but smile at the bigots behind me, time after time this happens, and I can't stand there accusing them of having done this when they all pretend they "no speak English"? Not in my country, I am in a particular situation where I can't really get defense of any kind so I have absolutely no recourse to any legal action. I also have had to deal with the computer shop where I just bought this laptop, the same situation applies. I purchased a two-year complete warranty, but the receipt was written in Thai, I was told the laptop had the 2-year warranty, but when I input the serial number of the laptop into the Dell site, I see that the warranty expires in a few months, making the warranty not even one year but more like 8 months. I can'at go to a lawyer and I try to phone these major computer telephone numbers, I get someone who answers the phone and then says they can't speak English and then they stop speaking entirely and eventually just hang up the phone. This also happens when I attempt to phone the United States Dell line, in English. All my phone calls are diverted to agents and I get zero service and just hung up on. That is what I have todeal with here in "Democratic" Thailand. Controlled by European and other foreign investors.

Which brings me to the H-wood actors who are just a short hop and skip away from the Thai cashiers when it comes to behaving and performing their attack skits for the bigot Nazis out of Europe, who are their "handlers" and "controllers". The exact same situation applies, and of course, they all act alike too, in their respective roles and conditions of conformity to how they are "supposed" to treat me. There is no deviation whatsoever and never from one apparent "feminist" or "black anti-racist" to the worst of the white "liberals" who are part of this scheme to use everything and steal and rob every single thingout of me and replace it with deformity, disgrace, discrediting,, deformation, and deterioration. Plus a "baby" so they can get endless promotions after years of me fighting to stop their violence and hate and yelling and fighting to get them off me. The same Europ-a's who have attacked me, poisoned me nearly to death, for years fighting to get them off me too ,are behind these actors the same exact people who are endlessly protected and put into highest position. One of them is affilitated directly with English royalty, the other is Italian mafia who never appears to be threatened with any legal sanction and is "allowed" every single crime andis promoted endlessly for his crimes against me. His actor American partner, calling himself an "Italian-American" is a heinous personality I detest who is still, after almost 3 decades, going after me to obtain this contract so his horrid movies and studio and productions will always be put into mainstream endless production and frontline appearances. He is always, likewise, supported by the not-famous bigot networks who form the basis of the stalking enterprise and terror operations, supporting their mainstream icons and also formatting the alternative" fake opposition that keeps the one-sided hate structure going on into this genocidal autocratic rule always enforced by this comedy of the media circus backiing up both "sides" of the debates.

While I struggle and fight to pound down on the keys, as I fight to insert the cursor to change the hacked typos, the cursor moves to another spot just as I begin to type. I can feel the space bar loose like it's being pulled up by some remote attack system. I feel my brain and mind heavy and unable to focus. My eyesight, I always forget to write this, is forced into a blurry state by the technology--this happens when I fight to read and type-if I do fight to read, they also force tears to continuously spring out of my eyes so reading is literally made physically impossible, plus in addition to the drugging and the microchips which force hormones to be released, so it also is impossible to concentrate for more than a few minutes, at best.

And thus, I remain writing about these attacks to the glee and shcadenfreude of the creeps attacking me, who want me begging for my life for years while no one will intervene in any sense to defend me in any real tangible way, to their utter delight that the planet is obeying their filthy and vile orders so they can claim they are the "superior race" whilethey are murdering and blocking any opposition. Killing off and drugging, mind controlling, using technology to blank out brains and stop interference and programming and propganda--the technology has now enabled them to create all false illusions of alternative thought but disguised as such.

But back to the terror report: all I see are stupid and sick parasites I have not yet seen much of higher real intellectual quota--some are verbally excellent but emotionally obscene and immature and disgusting--and I can't go more into detail on this but they are all happy to see me raped and disfigured with technology cloaking their participating and their surveillance of all these activities.


Either way, this is the typical situation I must face from literally every angle surrounding me when I am in these aisles and check-out counters. The Thai women, and all cashiers and all people who are all agents sent to attack me--I walk into a store and the woman at the front cashier is gone after less than one minute after I walk in I turn around and someone else entirely different is sitting in the same spot. All very hateful, ugly and nasty while the person who was sitting there when I walked in was smiling and warm and friendly--"Thai style". So when I write this about 'Thai" people I refer to the huge throngs of Thai people who participate in these attack and deformation and disfiguration and discrediting actions against me. That means "most" of the Thai population by the way.


Hackers inserted the word, "But," in the front of a few paragraphs above. Instead of what I had written. I also feel extremely confused and I can't move the page up or down, as it freezes to stop writing or correcting or getting this out in some kind of decent shape.


I feel absolutely dizzy and unable to concentrate or get anything done as this tech is blasting away at my brain and body while I fight to type--as I always write, this is so extremely that all I attempt is thwarted to a degree that i can't perform, get anything done, have no money, all finances are blocked, what I do have is stolen...

I open my passport and my Visa Debit card, and the terrorists where I lvie had opened all the bags and sprayed stinking awful substances onto my passport. This happens every time I open he passport, which I need every month at the bank to process transactions. I have sprayed perfume, bleach, baking soda. The passport smells okay and then immediately after I go to sleep after having gone out and used the passport, I open my purse and it's stinking again. Sprayed with rotten and stinking substances that also, as the accumulation of the putrid odors and the oils of this substance remain since I can't literally wash the passport, it's impossible to get out now. My clothing also stinks no matter what I do the night before going out, if I have something in my closet it is sprayed, if I have it hanging out to put on the next day, it's stinking in the morning. My one pair of shoes are deformed, scratehed up completely, put out of shape with men with huge, broad feet putting on my boots and waering them and making them stinking and dirty Anything of value that I leave in this room when I go out is damaged, thus I have only one pair of shoes because so many yearsthe soals of boots and shores are ripped off, literally peeling off or scratched completely. 

This is too hard to pound down any longer to fight to write this while my brain is under so much attack.

Highway 88 666 Revisited---Minnesota and it's long-gone residents. All along the Watchtower the thieves they do roam, going home but never arriving.


And then there's the (murdered) death of Prince--as I believe now in "conspiracy theories" from years of observing how these stealth deadly operations operate--seeing people close to me get slowly murdered with poisoning and attacks but always disguised as "normal" accidents and diseases.

Prince....I can't type due to hacking but I can express how bigoted and racist Minneapolis and Minnesota really is. However, this is no different from any other place on the planet, but the opportunities are a bit more available, or were, only briefly,, when Prince made his debut on the Minneapolis scene.

Reviled by the Nazi-adherents that I was "forced" to be around, who had copies of Mein Kampf in their bedroom bookshelves, and attended "German" camp and were often traveling to-and-fro from Berlin back to Minnapolis, but never had money on a personal level or so they seemed.


Prince, so beloved, but so hated by the whites who were plentiful in their hate organizations and their circuits. Widespread now with technology to the point that there are no regional differences any longer, in essence but perhaps a few slight alterations in dress code or accent.

Murdered. White hate groups behind the police investigation. The police with extremely bad karma. The city of Minneapolis now a dead zone of hate and crime, where it once was a creative bastion of new ideas, fashion, fun, parties....

Like everything wound down and sank into this horrid ugly abyss, and moreso after Prince was (Murdered) died of an "accidental" overdose due to a mistake he could not recognize....

Even he could sense his own demise that was looming over his iconographic stance in Minneapolis---the death squads were lurking back when he was reaching his peak and zenith. I could feel it and I left decades ago. Now time has shown me that I was correct. 

Always the suburbs will be clean and white in Minnesota and they remain a safe haven for white supremacist to thrive and plot and scheme on how to drive out the unwanted from surpassing them in style or music or art any longer....death squads of Minnesota orriginate not from police but the "good" suburban white demographic, spanning the entire state. The deeper you dig into this white rabbit hole, the more racist and Nazi supremacist the reality plunge into the cold and death waters of reality drown out the fiction of this once thriving "multicultural" artistic city. Now it's just homeless and people protesting blacks being killed in the streets as the streets curl up and die.

From Bob Dylan, who used to live in Minneapolis. All Along the Watchtower. Watch out for your just desserts golden shower.

 Minneapolis was never, slightly remotely like this when I was at the university back in 1982-1987. It is now a completely horrible war zone. Because I was attacked in that city by the Gang stalking circuit, to me there is no surprise that the situation has become visible where it once was cloaked in superficial polite sophistication. Degraded due to the lack of spiritual connection to what is right and correct has determined this downward spiral. The real ugliness has surfaced and boils like a diseased carcinogen in the bright brilliant glow of yellow snow. This is not a spiteful sentiment, but rather a realization that the permeation of terror groups and acceptance of their criminal activity eventually cascades into a death spiral of decay. Be warned you do-nothing gloaters laughing about my plight. Yes, believe it or not, corruption and violence on a subterfuge level does eventually rise to the apparent level that was formerly concealed by haughty determination to have power and push others down. Eventually there is a reverberation of regression and destruction. The question is how long does it take for this to occur in most cases people think it may never happen.

Homelessness of horrors in what used to be shopping mall hang-out hipster fun spot with money and comfort (and mostly "invisible" homeless).

People are going insane, violent, scared, mentally ill, homeless, looting, and leaving (but for where?).

Friday, September 11, 2020

Most/all of my posts below have been partially rewritten, revised and turned into a farce of what I tried to write. Deletions are scattered through almost every sentence.


Upon going into many of my recent posts I discover immediately that some or much content has been either rewritten or deleted or parts deleted and then strung together. Much is akin to a hole structure with vital grammar, words and links deleted from sentences. Some of the posts are completely rewritten in parts.

How I wait for any people in this world to protect me from this endless crime. Years of waiting. Only the criminals participating in this crime are allowed to react, and that is always punitive and disgusting behavior touted as "superiority" and it's more than the word "disgusting" can convey.

This blog is perhaps at 70% of what  had originally written, cumulatively. 

It's very horrible to read what has been published after hackers got throuh with damaging and in almost every case, destroying what I had written.

Please note this in your perusal of my blog, all you haters who will do your best to destroy all I am and have worked for, anyway.

I am absolutely blocked intellectually by the technology embedded into my brain, my body and from the array of tech aimed into my body when I fight to type and think and write.

"Bourgeois society stands at a crossroads"--Luxemburg wrote prior to the pre-Gestapo assassination of "Freikorps" which equates essentially to our Free (to assassinate people in the street protesting and rioting and looting) because that means freedom) Militia in our parlance---to shut her up (silencing, outright gruesome murder at a time without silent weapons at their disposal).

 I watched the movie that Fassbinder was supposed to make, but died in front of a line of cocaine, as the story goes, --this movie about Rosa Luxemburg which is starring a very German woman (it was going to be Jane Fonda--thus,, perhaps as I supposed and made a gross error in conceiving that Fassbinder's movie was going to expose some kind of cover-up or lie).

WHY these movies with "Jewish" female stars, which are hailed as being "great", always feature a very NOT JEWISH actress who has no resemblance in any form, substance or mannerism to the real biopic personality nor shares any of the beliefs, ideas or concerns (as far as I can tell, from my armchair position sitting watching this stuff).

I saw this movie in Germany without the ease of English subtitles. The only thing that really impressed me as being authentic acting were the German soldiers who shot the character of Luxemburg in the head. they definitely appeared to play the roles with the best acting in the film. If only Fassbinder would have been able to make this film.....he would have made Fonda appear authentically caring about "Jews" and their oppression as well perhaps....Iif he had done this, how long would that sensation have lasted in her brief clasping of a popularized theme for the zeitgeist in which to be hailed as some alternative liberal for the media profiteering?)

Her tv show about being a "handler" for a very "Jewish-looking" oppositional character that her character is forever pushing down with physical restraints, grabbing, clutching and blocking the silly jabbering incompetent behavior of this "Jewish-appearing" woman, her dark shadow who makes her look oh so capable and outstanding (in the tv show).Add the strength of her voice, which comes out as a stern and definitive bark almost makes for a great media representation of "feminist" strength. However, as usual, racism intrudes as the Nazi bigot "feminist" has to and must have dominance over the dark and hated Jews (according to the endless stereotyping that goes alongside all the pretenses that the media and our cultural cliches always enforce--through force in my case through death threats and from poisoning and accidents and torture and disfigurement and drugging and poisoning and targeting and discrimination and millions of people gang stalking and "terrorizing' with attacks that are on a non-stop basis for years. "Ms>" Fonda has put endless videos of herself on my internet searches but that has stopped after I wrote a few posts about how I found her tv show distasteful for the reasons I have just elaborated. this means that she covertly supports and has profited off this exploitation rape and torture situation over me. Her good friend who created the Sundance movie circuit has also participated--at the moment the usual series of multi-pronged attacks is rending typing and writing and thinking nearly impossible.

There appears to be a sort of algorithm that the longer I attempt to type the worse the blocks become. 

I realize this sounds "bitter" but and however, in light and context of any conceivable Fassbinder movie I have to realize that my adulation of Fassbinder is perhaps due more to the fact that I have not watched him degenerate and "sell out" but I can clearly see it with so many from that generation of actors and filmmakers. I have to wonder how much influence this brainwashing and mind control oganization has been on these individuals and their public appearances and affinities. They sway with the current and backtrack on their former convictions like snorting lines of cocaine as one addiction and surplus dries up, the go on to the next like animals feeding at a trough.

My theory about Ms. Fondu is not due to conjecture but as I have no evidence to support my claim, I have to remain saying that her endless media performances plagued my internet for a long time just like the people also teleporting me. Perhaps she stood in the backdrop observing or watching the vieos of these actors raping and assaulting me while I was helpless, asleep and teleported drugged up so badly it is impossible to relate in just a few hacked and brainwave attacked sentences.

So much for Nazi feminists. But as for Rosa Luxemburg, there is no doubt she really was a threat and perhaps would have been more successful than her male counterparts in diffusing the appeal of National Socialism in Germany, if she had lived that long to fight the growing sensationalist organization of the NAZIS.


Society stands at the crossroads, and now in the USA the SAME GROUPS are vying for power as in her day (but not named as such back then). Now they must rely on brainwashing in the media, and the drugging of the population, combined with greed, selfishness and a total lack of concern about equality and freedom as expressed in the Constitution of the United States. Along with the openness of the media is the way that those fighting for "freedom" against racism, fascism and Totalitarianism can also use the media, but THEY ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF THE MEDIA AND THE "LIBERAL" ACTORS WHO ARE AT THE TOP OF THE PYRAMID ARE PART OF THE SCHEMATA OF THE FASCIST NAZIS WHO CONTROL THEM AND PLAY YOUR BRAIN INTO A POLARIZED FICTION OF BALANCE IN THE US (and indeed around the world).

Made in China in the USA: American Historical Materialism. A look at the prescient 2nd hand informative article on Rosa Luxemburg (spelled her name wrong in the my last post on her).

 I never thought that I would find an article in Teen Vogue even faintly of intellectual interest. How wrong I have been in assumptions. What a magazine dedicated to materialistic pursuits.

The article continues with a very pertinent quote from Luxemburg's writings that absolutely echo all that I have written about Colonialist expansions on this very day (if they remain unpolluted by hacker rewrites and deletions),

Having written that, I want to add that I am unfamiliar with her writings, this copied paragraph from article link below is the first time I have ever read or heard her writings.


**I do not write this post as any kind of confirmation of the movement that Luxemburg represented or what she and her organization still represent to this day.**


"What did Luxemburg observe? Here, we dive into the arguments she made in one of her most famous works, The Accumulation of Capital, to help provide some insight.

Capitalist markets would expand through exploitation of Indigenous and oppressed populations

“Each new colonial expansion is accompanied by capital’s relentless war on the social and economic interrelations of the indigenous inhabitants and by the violent looting of their means of production and their labor-power...capitalism strives purposefully to annihilate them as independent social structures.”  "

I am merely adding this as information on themes and political outlier groups which irk and then threaten the consolidation of power in its centralized form. Reasons why these mind control/propaganda technologies, along with murder weapons silently killing hidden under veils of secrecy and obscurity are so popular with the "elite".

Sounds a bit like the USA TODAY

Now the methods of torture and assassination can be done with a phone call, pressing of buttons, ordering of waiters and waitresses, landlords and family members of the target, and "silent weapons" causing things like heart attack, aneurism, stroke, mental incapacitation leading to brain damage. Poisoning has always been a favorite method of covert assassination but the means of poisoning are now greatly enhanced by these technologically-intertwined terror networks operating under every conceivable superficial format under as many names and guises.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Terrorist report: September 11, 2020.

 Every day is a day of terrorism aimed at my body, home and brain, mind, soul and spirit and finances and everything I love and have obtained through my effort.


Returning to this torture studio/surveillance rape and violence slow murder place I have been forced to live in, with absolutely no other alternative possible. All searches are confined to one or two responses from vicious and deadly attackers posing as landlords . If legitimate landlords, they have their current tenants move out immediately, ostensibly to higher levels of living standards as this group has unlimited finances for these terrorist activities. No expense is denied those who perform the domestic terror attacks.

The area of the cabinet under the "kitchen" sink which is merely a tiny space in this tiny room with a built-in sink, a disgusting and marred countertop that has been damaged, chipped and stained by the terrorists after I moved in, as I am supposed to be responsible for all damages, the entire space has been damaged and is broken and stinking, spattered with stains that won't come out, plus filthy grime that I must scour with bleach to get out--all white surfaces are sprayed with black and brown greasy substances that leave a brown slime residue on any white tissue.

Every place I have lived in for years has been attacked in the kitchen pipe system. Leaking water dripping non-stop for years from one place I have been forced into to the next. For years in this one place I now reside, the people on the other side are inserting their mechanical arms and spraying a stinking substance that permeates through the cracks of the cabinet doors that don't close properly because they have been cut for the purpose of being crooked and leaving spaces.  I have had to plaste paper, glued onto the walls from the center of the back of the cabinets to the front doors, taped and then of course prior to all that I sealed silicone around all edges. Then, I have pounded in hooks on all corners and into all the middle spaces. Not enough. For at least 8 months the terrorist have been pouring stinking black water into the area, after I have had to stuff rubber matting into the open cracks, which means almost the entire top and middle areas of the cabinet doors have rubber matting pressed down into the cabinet doors that are almost open spaces of nearly one inch in some places.  Huge holes cut into the door frame of the cabinet doors. I have put plastic trays to create a space where the water can drip down--the area of the pipes I have plastered over and taped over so the water won't drip down (it's being inserted when I lieave and from the other side anyway) stinking fungus emits from the doros and a small pool of black-flecked water is stagnating on the trays. i have so many other areas of this tiny, miniscule studio to try to block other areas of entry that this is the area that I dread having to open I have to wait until at least the next day after finally having the strength to leave this room as detosx from hard poisoning has left me unable to move, paralyzed, for nearly 10 years now and they keep putting this poison in my food and body and drugging me into near comatose levels of inertia.

I have to clean this, every time stinking puddles of fungus and the entire area of the cabinets stinks of mold and fungus. 

The floor is littered with debris and grime and dirt to a level that after I cleaned it I am replacing what the terrorists have ripped off the floorboards that I spent a few months fighting to pay for and put on, absolutely damaged and destroyed and turned into a disgusting filthy and ripped up stinking mass of broken ripped shredded pieces of huge poster material I covered twice, made beautiful and covered with layers of packaging tape so it looked like a beautiful mosaic--cut every day by the mechanical arms that I absolutely cannot stop from entering this room, every single night. Filth smeared into the cut and shredded areas so the room literally was stinking and I could not clean, bend or remove all of it until recently. More time hurting my body bending and removing the endless shredded and stinking material. Only to return and sweeping one time the dust pan is filled nearly 1/3 with dirt, debris an;d I just cleaned it two days ago, before having left the room yesterday.

My boots, my one and only pair of shoes. Pouring rain yesterday forced me to have to get soaked in the rain. I usually put my boots in a plastic bag, tied and then in a corner. For some reason, the terrorists either can't reach my shoes in this position or they are too busy cutting into my body every night--my teeth are continuously being cut into as they terrorists want me to lose my loser teeth which they have broken and keep cutting gum tissue out of. They also keep cutting into my foot where they broke my toe, to cause blood flow loss and make my toes broken and damaged--they just re-broke my toe a few months ago after I began to fight back against one of the outspoken "liberal" fascist Nazi bigots out of Europe (England in this case) or his fellow bigot a real Nazi out of Denmark, but this was their attack upon me with these terrorists in the rooms next to mine, on all sides, on all floors the entire building has been relegated for this sole purpose of this terror operation against me (as most rooms are vacant in the entire area--floors are deserted,, etc).  I have been writing about these attacks for years, but alas, no one can do anything because of course you are all too comfortable in your luxury and repose to do anything drastic like care about every crime being committed against me. Just look at all the prisons and by now you are all numbed and pacified by your entitlements and your promotions and inertia derived therein.


My boots which I had to hang on my clothing rack are now covered with fungus, stinking in the interior and scratched, the leather has been damaged. Last night the boots had only been soaked iwth water, have been sitting in front of a 16" fan blowing at high speed all night, with the opening of the boots directly a few inches from the fan's air blast--they are dry but covered with scratches, stink of fungus, and are damaged. I have only one pair of shoes, mostly due to how hard it is to find women's shoes here in Thailand that are my size, and also because I need more flat shoes due to the injuries on my spine. I also cannot afford to pay for anything, and all I do with my money is replace what the terrorist  break and destroy, and every single month the list of items I must replace in addition to materials I have not stopped buying with all the extra money I may be able to save, for fighting to stop the mechanical arms from getting into my home--on the $700 the terrorists have forced me to fight to survive on.(I takeout less than that every month, to try to save money as well--as the terrorist operation has forced me into a dangerously precarious financial and otherwise serious threatening situation but I cannot elaborate on this, they know and threaten me with the damages they have forced upon me as part of the trump card game they always play of coercion, threat of death and torture homelessness murder of me or my cat(s) and etc etc it never ends.

I am pounding down on keys and fighting to write. And to think, it's like my head is spinning. As I type, the hackers are absolutely blocking the space bar, stopping letters from appearing, and they keep on rewriting what I publish to discredit me.

This is my reward for sticking up for my human rights and no one ever caring to stop them or help me. I fight also for any future people who will be forced into prostituted sex slavery using these microchips and th8is hate system (with all it's superficial trappings of pseudo-religious affiliation). But no one can defend me obviously I must sit here begging for years for anyone to care enough to get me into a safe living space. Perhaps the absolute destruction of the world and the economic crashes along with the wealthy becoming billionaires overnight from the pandemic might convince some of you that something foul is amiss and that the technocrats are devious and do not care about you, the minions they rely on for their genocide and hate operations--

Perhaps you should care and do a bit more to protect human rights. 


Without going through the post and then seeing hacker rewrites and then spending half an hour to simply pound down and rewrite what has been destroyed in this discrediting operation: I have also pounded hooks onto all the outsides of all cupboard doors, making even the slightest of movement impossible. All cabinets have huge open wide spces at the bottom, in the center and on top of all of the doors so these one-millimeter mechanical arms can break through the wooden panels (laser wood cutters simply cutting around the secured/hooked areas) and then with extremely clever means, inserting these arms through the openings from behind the panels--the other room--the flimsy superficialmaterial that covers the panels on my side--which resemble the cheap wood painted coverings-I believe the panels are being removed from the other side and these tiny, most professional perhaps DARPA conceived (or private contractors? The group attacking me has obtained all the ownership of all businesses or they use the mafia influence to coerce the owners to participate--I have seen this happen in some of the "mom & pop" stores here in Phuket where the owners are unwilling to attack me. They sit with grim frowns while the groups of attackers assault me in their "covert" operations. I know they are rooting for me  and sometimes they offer me free items and a slight, hidden smile of support. They never appear again when I return to the same shop. 


ALl the cabinets are likewise hooked on the exteriors of the doors, with the huge cracks along all the sides and tops and bottoms, stuffed with rubber matting All other areas of entry are blocked off and this is my summarization of how I am endlessly being maimed and disfigured nightly. I have not listed or even begun to list how many attacks there are on my body every single night in this manner of break-in. I have to sleep with a head cap to try to stop them from shredding my hair any longer. I wear thin light-weight gloves with socks over my hands, and the terrorists still manage to insert objects under my middle finger cuticles. I am losing, completely a nail on my right hand from over 6 years of this going on and on, every single night. There is much more

too hard to write. Any discrepancy in this post or any post, spelling or grammar typo or mistake is mostly due to hackers. Impatience with pounding down and fighting to get keys to operate or function makes me neglect to use proper grammar such as inserting comas or pounding down and backspacing on the capital letter tab or etc etc etc

the list of deformations of my body I have in no way begun to express in this post. 

When will anyone defend me and stop this crime against me? They want to force a baby out of me I ask this world to stop this crime and let me live in peace, my cats returned, this stalking stopped, and my finances in some way reimbursed from years of financial devastation and discrimination from tis global enterprise attacking me.

I want to live ALONE and not have a BABY as some generator of some experiment where the abusers are allowed to torture, ,rape and disfigure me, steal allI work for and claim it as their own and their "right" and "entitlement" to do so. Sneering at me in contempt, destroying my home and body and then raping, torturing and attempting to murder me when I fight back. 

This is the future of your Brave New World Technocracy for many people, Ibeleive I am not the only one or ever will be.

Please have a bit more compassion for the human race and the future than doing nothing and watching all of this unfold, secure in your protected status, as that might fail when the people controlling you want more "lebensraum" and your home or property or land or money or ideas or children to rape.

Hacker correction: I did not write "the deep penetrating" white male line in my post (three posts ago).This was a discrediting hack to sexualize my writing (that I really am "turned on" by bigot white males which is absolutely NOT the case and the more I see the more disgust and revulsion I openly access in my entire body and mind, spirit and soul; this applies to anyone of any color participating in this disgusting crime against me). They hacked in but I am leaving the post as it is just to demonstrate the discrediting tactic hacked in.

 These bigot parasites are not deep or penetrating, they are rapist bigots with no depth or soul. The penetrating aspect is how badly the norms endlessly are reinforced that these mediocrity hate bigots are put into lead position in the media to represent higher values and virtues. When a situation arises in the public political (or any other) domain, the associations have already been imprinted to create a (false narrative) template of who is "good" and who should be "followed", "believed in" and OBEYED IN THEIR quest for POWER and domination. Through all the machinations of their mind control propaganda.  

People automatically associate these white males (and their other iconic substitutes, sometimes put into lead roles, first and foremost as the underdog rising to the top--then killing off the evil solidified and corrupted white male --or female, or whatever they are "righteously fighting against" power). To supplant the former dynasty and create a "new" and "youthful" replacement.

Lies of course, in this particular application.

They are also sexualized to a high degree. This helps to "penetrate" the core beliefs fo how and why "they" should be considered good replacements for the outdated former corrupt regime. 

It's too hard to pound down on keys and backspace and try to think. My brain feels like it's spinning once again due to mind/brain wave attacks from this insidious technology.

Me as the symbol; Israel as the goal. British Israelism aka Christian Identity. Many a murdering bigot belongs to this group. My English attackers are anti-Semitic to the core (I mean those who are attacking me and have teleported and tortured and tried to murder me, who are STILL stealing ideas from me because they are mainstream mediocrity and hatemongering bigots with no imagination and really are SATANISTS underneath all their posturing).


Please note that this post is written while I am very under "Mind control" attack. I realize it reads like a hate rant. The unproven but factual theorizing (yes, a truism) is due to years of personal and direct experience of attackers and their lies and threats and then later seeing how they steal and rob what they first claim they "hate". I only am a "representative" of their object of hate. I do not claim any affiliation with the Jewish sect or it's community but I am labeled as such, and thus, I must analyze the content of the attackers. The emotional content is due to murder attempts backed by racist ideology 


From the title of this post, to continue:

And I mean SATANISTS and I do know for sure, because of their symbolism aimed at me perpetually for years completely are what is called "Black Magick" operational death curses and stifling and silencing omens.

But that would be for a short story or something if I ever am not blocked from typing to any real extent by hackers. They keep me (these bigots who are associated with the English MONARCHY who are part of the infiltration of the Hollywood "A-list" group, offering endless prizes in Europe in exchange for being a part of this cartel. This includes those at highest levels of the power structure outside of the Hollywood gang bang rape culture milieu. 


As my attackers are--many are--from England, and have attacked me most viciously (barely survived being poisoned to death, killed in accidents, and tortured so my immune system would fail for over 10 years without an end) as ideas are stolen by mediocrities posing as"alternative". Even a hair dye color was stolen as they have made my hair fall out for years.

The same applies in a direct parallel with the concept of a spiritual hegemony that "Israel" represents as "The Promised Land" for the "God's Chosen People" myth. All a direct tie to the same operation of usurpation and destruction of the originator.

I have met a few (like maybe more than 100,000) of these Christian Identity adherents in my lifetime (maybe more like 500,000). The ones who openly espoused this pseudo-religiopolitical (mafia Nazi bigot no-justification lynch mob rule global lobby) have also most viciously attacked me. In Gainesville, Florida I was put into contact, of course by "chance' when looking for an apartment (so many attack situations have occurred in housing situations, or searching for housing). Prior to the death order of poisoning me to death with bloating poisons, the family of this "Christian Identity" female,who poisoned me directly at her home in a "family" Sunday gathering, told me that, "We're gonna fatten you up!!!" and a month later,I began to pour on weight after being thin, active but still bloated and poisoned but I was always dieting and exercising--which began the final phase of poisoning to death. I put on 20 pounds in two months after having met with them, until bloating so badly I could barely walk until I finally had to leave the country altogether.

Now I am living in not-posturing Christian Thailand where the bigot mafia Nazi former Christians are relieved of their Sunday ordeals (or those who leave their "Christian" countries to come on "holiday" from their posturing exertions.) The "demand" for bars, massage "Happy ending" services and outdoor activities far outweigh any fiscal consideration of religious services, especially in the Christian domain. After years of living here, and driving around, I admit due to this poisoning illness leaving me dehabilitated, I have driven all over the island but have stuck mostly with the central and southern parts of Phuket--you can barely find an open church here. There is one single church I have seen in Phuket town that is never open, no people go in or out--no services that are open I cannot find any--(there may be some but not in the densely packed areas where I have lived on the Southernmost areas of this Island--the other areas, I am loathe to find a single operational Church anywhere.) In other words, they are either openly something akin to being Satanists, or they lie to themselves but mostly they put up a lying front that they care about these "Christian" values but are hiding their real, absolutely Imperialist, Colonialist, Nazi and all those other titles, and "they"--the masses and waves of tourists out of Europe I have been endlessly attacked by, the "ex-pats" who live here and are entrenched in plantation slave-ownership mentality. "They" are keen on quietly, through these media representatives that "they" are assisting by attacking me, in their goals of global domination through genocide, death, theft of all, endless glorification of obtaining slave plantations disguised as wealth and privilege with death as their main modus operandi; and they want to devour Israel and claim it as their own identification with "God" and taking over the "Holy Land"--however, they are evil and Satanic and demonic GENOCIDAL bigots, Nazis, Mafia and whatever else they claim they are openly but secretly really belong to the same group, operating in a seamless terror death squad operation to eliminate any intelligent life outside of their mediocrity and banality, hate and usurpation of all resources for their endless plantations springing up worldwide.

Please note my brain and laptop are under extreme attack and I cannot write with the clarity I would otherwise be able to at least vaguely be able to express. What appears as bigoted blanket statements on my part is also due to the fact that I cannot type with hacking making it impossible, and my brain is under attack so I get "lost' fighting to keep on the same thought for more than 5 seconds...etc etc the attacks are numerous. As always, this is what always is the case when I fight to pound down on keys and express this crime in these posts that are hacked and blocked from public appraisal or response.


When "they" take over Israel, in it's newly fomented headquarters in Jerusalem,, you can bet the assassinations will not cease until the real "Jews" are eliminated. As with the rest of the plan for the Mideast area, it will resemble Florida after the genocide of the Indians with blonde Nazis claiming they "own" the Holy Land.

THAT IS THE PLAN, as I see it. As with all this group does to me, the micro and the macro: first they "hate" the originator, insulting and (murdering) and then they usurp and steal what they first claim they "hate" after they eliminate it as a threat to the lie that they are "SUPERIOR" AND in fact, they really want to "own" the title of being "God's Chosen" but their GOD IS THE LORD OF THE FLIES.


Now: I got off the laptop and returned and tried to read the first few paragraphs and saw that as usual, words had been both changed and deleted. I also got lost in backspacing and correcting and "forgot' to include other ideas that I had wanted to write, such as I cannot write at any length but all I am capable of pounding out due to hacking constraints are basic very short-worded concepts, which are then stolen by these mediocre megadoners who finance the operations which keep them in the holiday camps of genocide, torture,theft, slavery, death and  all that they are on a micro scale demonstrating to me every single time I leave this room to go shopping I see their real intentions. 

IN good old Europe, there are churches blazing the Hell out of the silence of the post-Nazi security of the mediocrities. I posted a few Fassbinder movies (the cool one, not the bigot Nazi actor who is famous now,but the assassinated Reiner Werner Fassbinder who I believe was poisoned and appeared bloated and confused prior to his final blow, through a "drug overdose" just as he was going to make another genius rendition of the hypocrisy and lies of the German State, which he recognized as becoming full-fledged Nazism once more--a movie about the JEWISH ACTIVIST who was also assassinated by the German State (the apparatus prior to the Gestapo)--ROSA LUXEMBERG, who was a huge proponent of Socialism that the Germans stole (as the bigots always do ) as their own concept, as Germany is a huge Socialist State nowadays, and the Nazis claimed this facet of Socialism, took the pundits who had perhaps once supported someone like Luxemberg, and as these bigots always do, killed her and then stole the idea and claim it as their own. What I see is colonialization with all it's corresponding genocidal murder apparatus disguised as holiday fun in Thailand and "investment" in SE Asia. 

And this is too hard to type any longer. My fingers (motor skills from brain attacks) won't move to keys, the keys are being juxtaposed by hackers, and my brain and head and body feel like I am being spun around and am dizzy and can't concentrate any longer to fight to pound down and backspace.

Meanwhile the people who have been stealing everything  from me, from my cat to my ideas to my body to my home to everything, welcomed with top prizes for participating--including Jews or those who call themselves these terms---the same applies to "Jews" or any other religion who participate in this crime, as really for many people, especially those who participate in this hate crime I experience every moment of my life, they have no connection to any "higher" spiritual source,and their religious lobbies are social groups aimed at cohesion of power and influence. I can't pound down any longer and fight to think with all these attacks upon me any longer....

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Creepy iteration of 2016: "liberal" "alternative" celebrities participating with extremist "right" factions in teleporting/torturing slowly murdering me are putting out their "so liberal" facades for the election campaign once more.


In reality, they hang together and torture together for the same media blitz prizes awarded to the most vile abuser and attacker upon me. Left working with Right--or I mean, subterfuge "liberal" operating as the facade of "opposition" to "right" (fascism) power all hanging in the luxury mansions when they teleport me as one, friendly group, all operating TOGETHER. 

Seeing the media blitz carnival circus is more revolting this time around as I have four more years experience with being tortured and in this teleportation state, watching them all operate TOGETHER AS FRIENDS (AND "BROS"). 

Just having written this post puts me at jeopardy of inflicted violence by "them", the huge ever-expanding group of "celebrities" and their minions and all the unnamed not famous (or I don't know them) personalities helping to attack me in these teleportation psycho-skits they all laugh about inflicting upon me sleeping state.

But watching and seeing the carnage of the media blitzkrieg upon the minds of the viewers and consumers of this facade---seeing people who attack me so their "Hated" anti-choice candidate will endorse their fake news stances about how they are protesting and fighting for black, gay, trans, and every other "liberal" cause in the mediasphere possible, anything that could potentially sell

handed out like candy to the by now huge throng of actors participating in this crime against me, so many have participated who claim they are fighting the bad influence of the personality that has endorsed their current rise up to fame because they are FAKE FAKE FAKE AND THIS SHOULD BY NOW NOT COME AS NEWS TO ANYONE WHO HAS READ MY POSTS. All hese years of this. Seeing it once more. I tell myself to just sort of close my eyes until the election is over. Do not look at the media YouTube videos plaguing the internet (as I have no television). But I am tempted and open the Pandora's Box and see the very same odious personalities whohave stolen ideas from my drugged up ranting, verbatim words and concepts I wrote, or people who have physically assaulted me, threatened me ,are so "liberal" and anti--you -know-who for this next season of game-changing plays for media polarization that really has only one side and is a farcical dystopian creation that no one can recognize as such.

Now hacking is making typing impossible, my brain always under attack at all moment I type on the internet (or talk to anyone in any form, anywhere, at any time, everywhere),

The censorship silencing and above all, the discrediting never ends as I fight to express myself in any credible form. I have years experience in graduate school, and cannot ever access my true potential for writing due to these impediments imposed upon me by this terror operation that these "liberal" actors are covertly endorsing, participating in, the hate from them--especially some of the blacks who are "fighting" racism endlessly screaming and singing and "fighting" against it for million dollar media contracts and movie deals.

One of them , a white female of the more sinister Nazi appearance who shifted from her conservative neo-bigot personality appearance now has changed to fit into the "alternative" genre, who has stolen verbatim VERBATIM words I wrote on Facebook maybe half a year ago or a bit longer--endless photos of her infect my laptop and her smug and greasy nasty ugly  hate smile, put alongside the personality they are all claiming they are fighting so hard to oppose--who is endorsing them stealing from me, who is protecting them in these crimes and they are being propelled into these positions to somehow undermine any real opposition.

I tell myself to wait and just blank out all the mess of this situation and just hope that my choice will win" instead of another electoral college disaster fiasco malfeasance situation...once again will this happen once again as the cycle is now ramping up the fakes are putting out their news about how they are endorsing the "liberal" candidate and I see fake after fake who has teleported and attacked me in the line-ups of the "alternative" pundits who are famous.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...