Thursday, June 20, 2024

A time-line of the past week--or two days after #45 was convicted on 39 counts of HIS crime. He with his family members and friends came to attack me in teleportation with the rest of the endless team of rows of bigot Nazis of all skin colors and supposed affiliations and partisan "sides". All performing the same exact hate attacks from "an instruction" manual it appears or a "book". When I told Trump and his family I could not stand them, they had a live shrimp put into my right ear canal as deeply as possible. They got Michael Cohen to teleport and call me horrible names, put a gun into my face, make nasty comments while I was naked in the shower and getting dressed/undressed. I was extremely ill from my body fighting the shrimp which was fighting to get out of my ear canal but it had been placed behind my ear drum. I poured a lethal liquid into my ear and I underwent hours per day of yelling violent abuse from the Brooklyn Mafia paired with NYC and California politicians and celebrities each taking turns going on for hours and hours while I was extremely ill from the shock to my body, the toxic shock of this dying and then dead shrimp as I was shitting out the poison they put in my body for over a decade (just this group alone, and my entire life mostly of hardening poisons poured into my body and surgeries and my spine being fractured and hate and torture after I kept winning at all I attempted so this has been ongoing non-stop all my life. to compound it all, after having left the country to survive literal death squad groups and Mafia Italians in Miami Beach, a place that was upon my first arrival mostly warm and inviting but all the friendly people kicked out replaced by violently deadly mafia Nazis.//Still following me for this contract THIRTY YEARS LATER and continuing on and on after non-stop Euro-land controlled Golden Globes, Oscars, every foreign awards category, non-stop millions and promotions for the celebrities and their children, po0liticians doing the same in a non-stop tsunami of hate and threats by the politicians who the voters entrusted to protect the law--but obviously the death squads love them for supporting their "civil war" program/pogrom. Jews so violently assaulting me for favoritism of the white supremacists, only on par with Blacks for years and years and years (and all my life in this respect). All culminating in them hacking into the government website while I was under drugging, far too much stress and sickness to think clearly, they forced me to have to phone my local government office which told me they would cut off my money or face a phone interrogation.

 I am not supposed to leave the country under this plan, which omitted me as being officially disabled with X-rays and multiple surgeon and doctor consultations to prove for the board that I am disabled. But because this organization attacked me 4 months after I had graduated from college and I was only working as a temp in SF, a new city, they forced me into the lowest "welfare" category and have left me with such sub-poverty income people are homeless even if they are working in America and make much more than me.

THey then continued to poison me so I could not move and they continue to put my hips and spine out of alignment and continued the terror operation and the very horrible health care centers I was forced to go to would literally scar my arms with repeated blood samples (possibly injecting poison into my body--i.e. hardening agents working as catalysts to harden the mostly malleable but latched-onto-my fractured spine already. They would subscribe something a bit stronger than aspirin and left me usually needing dental, surgeries--right now the page has completely frozen and I am sitting here typing to a blank screen where nothing is moves

--to continue, the health care clinics refused to cut out the huge deforming cysts that were injected into my body and they denied me almost every request for health care, stating they had no money to cut out a cyst and I had to wait (years). It was a lie. They gave me nothing and the doctors were instructed to do this. They would follow me in the town (Gainesville) promising me that if I moved to Portland for a free homeless and low-income health care clinic there I would not get service--trying to ensure my slow death, in other words. I did get the care but I was abused and sexually harassed but I got something to stave off certain death by poisoning.

 So it's been non-stop poisoning from the H-wood cartel with the South Beach (Miami) mafia and Rambo endlessly ensuring I am stuck with nothing, dying from poisoning as they all obtain endless deals and have stolen my ideas and are endlessly mutilating poisoning beating raping and torturing me without end.


Then they have put me in a position of my income being taken away after years of them making literally millions and billions of dollars off the ideas they stole from my writings and concepts I could not construct due to endless hacking, obstruction and deadly poisoning leaving me in a stupor most of my life in bed being tortured while sleeping, raped and beaten in the deep unconscious state by Euro-men and other men and women, being abused by the teams of celebrities and since Trump it's a non-stop revolving tour of the Democrats who need to prove they really don't give a damn, not about me but only about the white supremacist liberal fascist "elite" such as the Clinton cartels and etc it goes on and on forever.

White supremacist Jews-now trying to ensure a power cartel for their investment strategies in Israel along with Netanyahu who is under the thumb of English bigots--one of whom I told under hypnosis while teleported drugged and under torture that his seeming concern for Israel, which the Jewish Nazis all cling to saying they are so "lucky" to have his support, is really a fascist racist ploy of control and overtake. It's already happened. Working to further this and Netanyahu both sexually assaulting me and then shaking his finger in my face saying I have to "obey" the celebrities who have used Nazi slogans about concentration camps to murder me--there are the white supremacist Jews viciously violently abusing assaulting calling me names putting a gun to my face sticking their penises in my face calling me names with blacks alongside them who are part of the anti-semitic "pro Hamas" group all of them together day after day attacking me alongside the NYC mafia who also are heavily involved in media and movies have been made about them (glamorizing them to no end btw).

That is only two weeks. I face a phone interview and I am trying to move my entire structure out of Florida as it used to be a wonderful place for me until the Nazis took over and the Mafia (US and Euro-land and whatever else) have completely handed the levers of control over to fascist Nazis with organized crime partners--operating as "friends" really partying together in these expensive clubs with usually music I find really deplorable.


Threatened now and trying to have some kind of solvency I am struggling to get a mailbox trying to not have to deal with the lying and abusive Miami office for social security--lying to me on the phone, hanging up on me when I call, negative and nasty openly on the phone, lying and lying and lying while my brain is under assault here in this room, unable to answer with any forethought or control, words pop out as my throat is constricted into gasping for air and coughing while they are lying and putting me in circles while my brain is under so much attack and my throat won't work and the keyboard and the cursor turn on and off making sounds--all at one time while they are threatening my life and insinuating that I have done something very "bad" by them not checking my medical records, I told them to do so and that this has never happened to me--them lying lying using nasty words I became angry and raised my voice they yelled at me with contempt they then tried to cut off all access to my log-in page and etc. That was one night a few days ago after being sexually abused a live shrimp inserted into my ear a gun put to my head by Cohen who was defending trump so the antisemitism could once more be shunted onto me and not on him--the usual Jewish attempt to divert any racism onto me for just saying no to the system that makes them feel "important". Eager to be welcomed back, along with many others who have made public condemnation of Trump but are fully working to be welcomed back by assaulting me to prove how much they really are with the 4th Reich Nazi genocidal pogrom.

Then the celebrities, awarded and hacking their photos endlessly onto my page all huge smiles after YEARS AND YEARS (14) of mutilating my body using their endless teams of thugs and goons wherever I live. Endlessly complimented by the Jews from The House who come to try to "earn" their Senator seats by assaulting me, proving once more they truly adore Nazis and Trump and Biden too, it doesn't matter as long as they demonstrate absolute hate aimed at me for saying no to this endlessly increasing group ins stealing my health ;my sexuality my home my earnings my cat and killing pets endless mutilation poisoning torture and rape for me just fighting back as there is no law no decency and everyone is still complimenting them, especially out of H-wood but in Congress as well.


Meanwhile the country is dying from climate change. I wrote for years, tortured every time I did so, that there has to be climate action. Because I didn't remain "good and silent" and "obedient" and going along with every life-screw policy of the endless life-screw politicians and the lying endlessly fake celebrities who make their public presentations about caring about the environment but going along 1000% with the life-screw politicians because they are ensured their lead roles in movies and awards, in particular if they steal my concepts (done by Trump, done by MSNBC anchors who repeat certain phrases I have written that very day or the day before, stolen by the celebrities for entire movie themes while they have me raped for writing about their crimes and injustice--after years of mutilation and rape they get more plastic surgery, more cheers more hugs I get more mutilation more torture more death heaped upon me as people watch on laughing and giggling. 

Every single award and by now every election features a host of terrorists who are participating or have participated in rape torture antisemitism (and the Jews who do so are "observing Jews" while I am not, they attend their Jewish Community Centers and all the ceremonies and obey the religious whatever and I do not, but they follow the Nazi protocols and I do not and they are smug and violently hateful and I am not. They are brainwashed into loving white supremacy and I AM NOT).

That is what the government of America and the rest of the world is comprised of. I can only rely on climate change at this point of some new pandemic to stop this death cult which has brought all this destruction and death to the rest of the world assuming they will profit off it all. So no one still does anything to defend me.. If you are all so brainwashed into worshipping and loving white Nazi supremacists who have their black viciously violent and Jewish violent minions along with the death squads of the Mafia--can't you have enough money to make your empire without having to force some kind of compliance to a group which I know must be destroyed and not promoted? Don't these greedy hateful expletives finally have enough millions and billions of dollars to be able to actually COMPETE IN THE MARKET   with their own supposed "talents" instead of proving how violently they will rape beat abuse and insult and threaten and attack me having cars hit me people shove into me my body poisoned and mutilated and making fun of my by now destroyed body which has been so poisoned I can't move or do anything but remain in a prone position fighting to get more poison out

and so now they are threatening to take away what money I have to try to survive in a "Third World" situation and still they won't stop this hell, no one in government they all know about it.

Don't they have enough money after over 14 years of attacking me (Rambo over 30 years by now) and still they don't have enough they can't stop no one can stop this?

Imagine the lack of concern for life and human welfare and the planet and now understand that the government is on the fringe of breaking down, as is the economy, as is the environment. You have all been put into my same situation this group appears to believe that they have the resources to live without any threat and endless greedy grasping from the violence and death and destruction they are constantly inducting more minion slave soldiers to commit against one another, family members against one another, parts of the country against each other.

If anything, can't you unconcerned finally care about the environment in which you live as heat domes, floods and dead species are put IN FRONT OF YOUR FACES and you still continue the system of white male entitlement to ravage the land and minorities are so violently joining in to get something of the endless handouts for attacking Jews, anyone who speaks out against their lies and hate and incompetence. 

The "Big Brother" "New World Order" (not new at all) is already firmly established. I call it a terrorist technocracy-crazy. Call it what you will, it is global and it operates within a few minutes of control orders to attack a target from opposite sides of the planet using technology. //Within 2 minutes of a phone call the person answering in LA began making coughing/sniffling noises into the phone, repeatedly as the call progressed. This is the ubiquitous noise that terrorists make, there is a long list of triggering noises and actions that signify that you will be oppressed and destroyed and wrong answers disguised as "not sure" and obvious discrimination but put in such a friendly helpful way continue to thread throughout the threat to your/my life upon fighting to establish ANY service whatsoever from health care after the millions of terrorists perform poisoning gang stalking activities to trying to obtain a mailbox that should be accessible but they have made the entire planet, the entire United States, a cesspool of agents picking up phones, lying and discriminating using "protocols" of their agencies--as I know from less technocratic SE Asia, they literally put the normal workers to one side of the hole-in-wall shop in their uniforms to eat while the agents are viciously nasty and lying, offering poisoned prescriptions and drug/mix capsules that are part mind control part medicine---but in the more death squad zone of The United States and it is such a technological swamp, they can easily perform these actions with huge modern buildings the actual employees have a back room to be shunted to while the terrorists assume the roles of employees. While this "sounds crazy/conspiratorial" unfortunately---So I am under threat of being made homeless by the mafia which has a few stooges operating such as U.S. presidents, ALL of Whorewood apparently, and a trickle-down of crabs clawing furiously to get to the top by pushing anyone down. The Capitalism that America promises is just a death fight game rigged technologically in every way. The more sophisticated the technology becomes, the greater the chances of completely shutting people off and out and the loopholes in the programming for sabotage increase with "HEIGHTENED" security measures. I am stuck being told non-stop lies by every mailbox service in America because every single attempt is met by agents intercepting and keeping waiting while they pretend they can't understand the very basic question for services. In the end, the "home address" they promise is something so unreasonably insane like apartment #5000 or #8000. The answers to email requests are met with no introduction, just "we have boxes 1000,5000, 8000 and my actual "mail service" in Florida has not scanned ONE SINGLE LETTER THE ENTIRE YEAR they have not picked up their phone, they claim I receive NO MAIL which is a lie. I had to fight to obtain this mailbox by making a deal with the "manager" who used his private cell phone to tell me that he could give me an address that had an apartment #2 if I paid more than double the advertised price. I paid it in desperation to obtain a physical address that didn't look like some crazy business service. I have since obtained a total of 10 mail scans over 3 years. They NEVER send me any messages about mail and I am in "the system" of Florida with health care providers. I tried to phone this man 6 months later and a woman answered with hate in her voice, saying she didn't know who this man was. She then changed the name of this service and has scanned zero letters since January, and etc. Phoning them is met with no answer. They were just flooded a few days ago, but no answers to any emails and obviously Florida internet is now down due to a flooding in one part of Miami (where this service is).

 I am stuck fighting to find another similar service anywhere in the U.S. and I get endless series of incompetent "delay" tactics of the agent not being able to give me a response for at least 10 minutes to basic pricing questions. I have to ask repeatedly about obtaining just a normal mailbox number for a "home address" which is met by, "we only offer 4-5 digit numbers" but they phrase it like, "we can offer 4 or 5" to which a ten-minute dead air (through chat) response of nothing is met with "do you mean a 4-5 digit number or the numbers 4 and 5?" to which they remain silent. After 10 whole minutes of keeping me on silent "please hold while we check" which they did again when they told me that the area I want a box in has a "premium" rate but they changed the template so that there were no prices listed. Again, I asked what the price was, she wrote "between $5-10 plus $5 for that area". I asked her what she meant. Another 10 minutes of being put on hold only for her to write a vague and confusing answer to which I wrote the same thing 5 times in a row which she could not answer, and gave me something like, you will have to pay for the service to get an automatic number and the price I think is this...

All is very clearly advertised on the page but the page (site) has been altered. They alter webpages constantly.

Then teleported to skits of me sleeping on a busy street in the middle of the street. Then teleported to a filthy home where clothing and crap was literally everywhere. A blondish skank was sitting in the pig-sniffing-air position. I was told under hypnosis that I had made the mess and to clean it up and something bad would happen if I didn't. 
I began to lift up the clothing because I was hypnotized, in the sleep state, that I had done this. Being a good person actually unlike this group, I wanted to not make a mess of someone's house so I began to lift up the crap while they had their little power game and I was teleported back to stinking filth that had been sprayed in my room as I had to clean that up.

I now can't find any place that will give me a decent low-ranking box number in the United States, which I know is impossible and they are lying. (I mean a virtual box)

I am trying and fighting to obtain actual MAIL SERVICE and to get a decent stable place and I have to leave the Florida system controlled by the same mafia/Nazi terror cartel of hideous fascist hate and racism and murder that controls Trump as it does the Biden team(s)/actors/etc. 


Meanwhile, in-dispersed between by now the hoards of expletives of fame and renowned status and infamy glorified are politicians of the "humanitarian/anti-fascist" mold, completely fabricated with speeches written for them by their staff. In private, the rapacious hate towards me is a signifier of them being "players" in the game, orchestrated by organized Nazi Mafia and all the technocracy at their disposal. Society gathers around to have their social engineering prospects so there are no blocks to this "system" whatsoever at this point in time. So far, no one has been able to successfully provide a dot of evidence of the hacking/blockage/gang stalking terrorism and all reports are met with accusations of delusional schizophrenia by "the professionals" and counter-accusations and threats by police (I am asked constantly if I have gone to the police, that is a recurring theme). I have a graduate degree in Criminal Justice and yeah, I have tried going to PROFESSORS of criminal justice and  have obtained silence and claims of ignorance on the topic. They do their graduate work on such topics as organized crime but will not risk their tenure or status to even begin to address the real issues. Low-player-hanging "fruit" for quotas are the usual prey.

Blocked at every turn for any form of financial self-sustainability, I am stuck at the "mercy" of people who have already tried to murder me countless times over. Stolen my ideas for now approaching 15 years with only MORE TORTURE AND DEATH instead of a cent paid or recognition as they go to the Oscars year-after-year and if they just abuse me viciously that happens as well. Writing about this for 14 years on the internet has proven that nothing is being done.

Members of the J-6 Committee flock to violently sexually and physically assault me. A certain "formula" can be deduced as to what status of "minority" they come from (meaning all the stalkers) and how much more blatantly the discriminatory violence they assert upon me in the teleported state they employ.

One such has calm demeanor of a stifled personality but was on the theatrical release of the January 6th Select Committee--now vying for a Senate Seat for a 6-year stint rather than having to undergo a 2-year trial basis and more prestige. So, along with the mafia, after all his denouncements of #45, he sat next to the criminal entity supporting #45 openly and are the "mob boss" tutors who helped put him, and them, into more power by this contract on me most visibly (to me and all the endlessly increasing participants).

They manufactured a drugged-up mind control attack upon me after I had been shitting poison out every day for weeks very old stagnant mind control and hardening poison. I was exhausted and at the same time it was constant torture and abuse on a frenetic scale from this group and from the many groups here in this place i have run to get away from them all. Far away. The tech just forces me to be around the outer layers of the center of the Ball of Confusion.

They made me phone the local office where my records are kept for social security. They then demanded a phone interview to "check" the "holes in your record" and that has, in the 25 years I have been made artificially "disabled" it has not once happened (one time in Gainesville, where they were torturing me and with Trump it happened twice/year but they claim none of this is on my record as they lied on the phone constantly from this Government office in Miami).

I was then threatened by "the mob" in teleportation laughing about what they had created, but sitting next to them was one of the J-6 members who has been televised "supporting Democracy" ever since, along with the physically violent other members and the insults, jeers, as the rape and poisoning continued for me, but they got lead roles in interviews against "Trump" but also vying for a seat in the Senate and endlessly including more members of The Squad and other minorities who are just following the same orders that the white supremacist "Maga" are following and as violently racist, hateful and nasty.

Sticking his penis in my face after he told me that my money would not be cut off, as I lost control and reacted in rage trying to get him off me. I wrote a desperate post on one of my three Vignettes blogs and I detailed the DECADES of contrived "accidents" where, while in the deep-sleep "MK ULTRA" state, where I cannot "feel" anything happening to my body because my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" body to the more "ethereal" teleported location, whether I am put "awake' in the altered state or not, my prime body loses all sense and awareness so they have cut out part of my uterus, broken my toe, injected objects under cuticles until they have fallen off (with the nail, shrunk completely holes are in the nails and toenails as well) and millions of attacks as there are multiple attacks on my body every night, literally). They fractured vertebrae and did this in a series of attacks lasting years. In this room I was raped and my spine and hips put out-of-alignment literally nightly and I woke up unable to move without great pain and exertion. Until I spent over one year being tricked constantly could I figure out a very meager way to make it so no overt evidence of break-in happens so they are not raping me in-person and putting my hips and spine out of place any longer but still mutilating me every day in many ways that appear like physical deterioration. This happens to A LOT OF PEOPLE by the way. I wrote about the utter cohesion of this system of attack and being lied-to by doctors, health care clinics, and discriminated against (I barely touched on that subject) and the same J-6 terrorist came and asked me, "Did you tell the truth about what you wrote?" as if I am this perpetual liar (which these terrorists rely on, constant lies--I am under assault because I lie only when it's absolutely necessary and not as a routine power-dynamic as they utilize for almost everything they do, ultimately). I told him that all was in my record and he could check. Why he never checked in the first place, or was lying to me insinuating that I am a Liar and unreputable and then sexually attacking me in a creep way was part of the degeneration attack that is non-stop. Discrediting. I wrote about, in general, the assault as I am now a bit more direct and *btw the terrorist hackers are deleting parts of sentences as I read part of this post and it was staggered but in a less obvious way than in earlier posts but nevertheless...). Another point is that all the people who rush to get their free free free free free promotions!!! Free "Lifetime Achievement Awards" for paltry acting skills and fake "feminist" plots are the most insipid of actors but have done their job of continuing the 4th Reich programming and by attacking me as proof of their absolute racist agenda. The one I refer to now, very easy to pinpoint, is a representative of England but from one of it's Commonwealth colonies (which Israel belongs to as well, unofficially only from what I have seen of it's current leader, who was under direct control of an agent operating with The Crown). They can't have direct representation out of the actual center of power so they obtain their colony reps to appear less threatening and to disguise the political agenda. That colony is also not part of the EU or NATO so they are installing these types to disguise the more threatening Euro-land control asserting itself over America through H-wood. //It all ties in the global operation operated behind a curtain of technocracy of seemingly "benign" assistance to life on the planet for accessibility and for "the future" and help for humanity.


I am adding an aside right now, As I watch the horror of the "heat dome" hovering over CA and New Mexico and the floods in Euro-land and China, just in the last week--I recall the toture from the "gang" when #45 was just beginning his ascent to power after having globbed onto attacking me and obtaining access to this terror technology (which he still has access to). I had been writing about the denial of climate change back then and was tortured for it. Now it's happening and although I was not "reading tarot" to predict that they would be aiding in destroying the planet, they give me absolutely no break in the torture. They are threatening my life right now with this phone call from Social Security to "determine" whether I am still living in impossible financial straits but in the United States where death squads 15 years ago were so deadly that I had to flee every place I lived fighting to find just one place to live without non-stop terrorism (of an extremely hateful and horrible nature, absolute abuse stalking rape and poisoning with intention to murder me by countless "normal civilian" operatives, everywhere and it's global as well. The poisons are distributed globally with no hitch in the supply chain. These drugs and poisons were readily available during Covid the supply line is sent through very official channels. I now face this phone call where I have to lie or try to guess what answers to give as they "determine" if they will cut my money off or not. Thusly, threatened with this type of covert murder, with a top-ranking politician making a sleazy discrediting "are you telling the truth" accusation when I wrote about what should be clearly in my record and the terror group has access to it all. Then sexually harassed in a creep way, just sticking his penis in my face and then I sit here trying to find a way to not have to undergo this threat to my life, and being lied to on the phone constantly about services that would render me in a more stable position. I have phoned some of these local offices in the past and have gotten not exactly polite responses but I got information and was not threatened with my money being cut off. I am trying again today with another service, (ironically in LA but it offers a service that may be decent). I need them to offer me a box with a normal home address apartment number ranging from 1-30, more or less I don't know but they are only offering me 2000 or 8000 or xxx-xxxx as the apartment number. Obviously this would alert anyone in the agency that this is not a home address. I also need a service that actually scans the envelopes of the incoming mail as they stopped this when #45 began his terror campaign against me. Every since I have had an unofficial real-life course as in the type of schooling one only obtains "in field" about government operations and how agencies operate in the dark corners of obscurity. I really hope what I have written will not be partially deleted and pasted together but it probably will.


Now I'm trying to find a decent mailbox in order to GET MY  MAIL and have some kind of decent service in a completely different location and I am getting constantly lied to and thus discriminated for any service whatsoever.

I remain, for years as this has gone on for decades, poisoned with no access to health care for similar reasons as stated above--b eing poisoned to death with my money stolen from my purse while sleeping for decades this has gone on in my own living space. My cash reserve and financial status rose significantly once I finally figured a way to stave off break-ins to my room while I slept (no more fungus in my hair but then poison and fungus inserted/injected into my bladder and silicone injections are throughout my body in creep places--a hard but they are not carcinomas they are silicone and disgusting.

But that "game" was because he is in aligment with Netanyahu, who is a most rape culture racist with skin tone racism aimed at Jews for the purpose of Israel turning into a white supremacist touring spot for the 4th Reich and all the usual Imperialistic Euro-land Crusade genocidal Nights of the KKK and other names whatever you want to label all these disparate-seeming groups they are aligned due to the linearity of global technological tyranny. 

I suspect that the one who has most violently assaulted me with his summer "Democracy" camp for high school or young, enthusiastic trusting "believers" is a recruitment camp for his staffers so they can write the altruistic and "Democracy-loving" speeches and rants for this politician to steal (as they are supporting this very same tactic for the celebrities to steal my ideas but in my case, the payment for me is MORE TORTURE TO DEATH TO OBTAIN MORE, DESTROY MY BODY AND HEALTH, DESTROY MY LIFE, MY HOME, STEAL MY PETS AND there is nothing but non-stop torture to death so they can steal ideas to present themselves as caring about "Democracy" and a decent society for equality and justice. The super-hero movies CGI are straight-up Nazi propaganda borrowing on Nazi "superman" mind programming for the 3rd & 4th Reichs.

Friday, June 14, 2024

THey are threatening my life with social security severance. They hacked a false message into my social security account stating that the old system would be shut down and I had to use a different system. Every person on the phone told me a lie. I finally was told repeatedlly to phone my local agency and I was told that I had received notice for a redetermination by phone. THis has never, ever happened in all the years I have had to deal with this social security system. Many decades and only under Trump have I been severely harassed by that agency with repeat re-evaluations. I was told that this is standard procedure and has been in effect for many years. Only under Trump for me. They then lied to me again and said that the original reason I had phoned in for was unheard of for them and that the system was not going to be shut down and that I could use the old system indefinitely. So they put a message stating I had to change to the new system. Then they lied to me repeatedly about this new system. Then they told me I had to change it. Then they told me so many lies and then told me all my money would be terminated unless I had this phone meeting. I have no phone and they told me they had tried to phone me about the "required" redetermination. I am chronically disabled and it is in my records The lying creep on the phone told me that there were blanks in my record and it had many non-information. I told him to check on my medical records. I now have no phone in the US and they have lied to me to get me to this point of desperation. I was told endlessly that I had to only deal with the local branch or my account would be shut down. I then was told that it was not going to be shut down anyway. Now I face something like a complete shut-down of my money because of the lies on a government website and endless lies by agents by phone who all told me a completely different story. All mostly hostile and nasty, vocally abrupt and negative when I asked relative questions and asked them to repeat as they kept confusing the line of questioning and when I tried to get straight answers they just became irate and then lied again.

Lie to on a government phone site (Social Security) lied to by the partner agency which is supposed to send an "activation code" which they will not submit in the system. None of the USB ports would work to obtain a key for ID for the backup codes for the first part of the authentication process. Then I clicked on another page for the 2nd part only having one recourse to obtaining the 1st code--and it blocked access. It was supposed to send me an activation code by mail but instead it claimed my Social Security number was not valid. Signing in with the simple system I have used many years, I phoned Social Security and obtained a woman denying everything and giving me wrong information/lying constantly. Would not help and told me to phone this agency in order to have them send an activation code. She also told me nothing about how my old log-in page would be shut down to force this 2-factor system instead of the more accessible one. She told me there was no information anywhere in her information system about any transition and that I could use the old system indefinitely but to phone to see if they had any more information and to request an activation code from them. Phoning them I got someone saying only Social Security could send out the activation codes, which I was lied to just 5 minutes earlier by the agent/terrorist at SS. He then told me that the only way I could get an authentication code is by going directly into a social security office and requesting one in-person. Obviously this is a huge lie and the entire website system is being hacked and blocked. They are supposed to send out by mail the codes and they are lying to me every single moment and there is almost nothing I can do. Every single facet of trying to now access my account is being shut down and made inaccessible in the name of 'upgrading" but they are blocking literally all functions and lying with every question I have and giving me the ole runaround. If this is not the most discrimination from a government office, I don't know what is. Not only has America had me poisoned with intention to horribly poison me to death, which I ran to fight to get out of for years and now for over a decade non-stop poisoned again by shit Americans who are filthy and despicable trying to force a 'baby" out of me and then to murder me, as they ahve been doing for years with this poisoning and torture and abuse. So they are trying to cut off my money by blocking my access to my information which makes me absolutely blind-sided and extremely vulnerable and they will not give me even the most basic access to services due to the endless "upgrade" which has made access due to their hacking and lying and lying and telling me to phone one agency after back-and-forth constantly all telling me they can't do anything and I must go to Amerikkka to fight to access my account because they are literally blocking me out by all these lies and means of terrorist "upgrade" to the system for "security" but I think this is also a hoax and they have created this to attack me. I have no idea if the old username system log-in will be transitioned to a 2-step almost impossible system. I was told by this lying agent on the phone for that most people are told lies and cannot access the information.

 phone call #3 after 1 1/2 hours of this

I was lied to by the agent who claimed--like endless others have done in this terrorist operation--that he cannot hear me on the phone. The last two calls had perfect sound. I could hear him perfectly. He obviously was lying. I had to hang up he kept saying he could not hear me. so many fuckers have done this with "I cannot hear you speak up" so they want me to shout to get information.

It is a lie. So now I must work on phone call #4. They keep me waiting for them to pick-up an average of 10 minutes per call.

then, in addition to everything else, they freeze the pages I am working on. I am now trying to test the microphone on SKYP and all functions have, for the nth time in this terror attack, all  has frozen so I can't even click on anything, it is all frozen and nothing works. I have to wait for the jerk-off piece of shit in some room next to mine to stop freezing and clicking on the "freeze" hack button for me to be able to make even a test call to SKYPE to test the sound.

and now, the freezing has stopped but they are hacking my sound system

Dealing with the fascist Nazis of the 4th Reich in Amerikkka. First I got a very "white" woman with a southern accent. She lied and told me to phone the other agency. She told me she had no information about any transition to the other system ( She told me I could use the old system and that there was no information she had. I asked her to send me the activation code. She told me I had to ask and that there was a number. She was "looking" for it while I sat waiting and finally I found it on the SS site and she then hung up without having given me a single correct answer to a series of professional questions on my part. 

The other end was a series of lies and lies by the Latino who made all kinds of flourishment remarks about how Social Security and this agency could not coordinate to send any activation codes except for a person going into an office. I know this to be a goddamn lie but as they are terrorist agents put into these positions and I can only phone and phone and phone--with the terrorist agents telling me they cannot hear. I had to fight to get the "test call" service to work on SKYPE and now I am on hold again only to be asked by the automated system 6 times in a row "so you want to speak to someone, is that correct?" as I said and then yelled a simple "yes" into the receiver they kept the repeat going, "I'm sorry, I didn't get want to speak to someone, right?' and that happened 6 times with me constantly saying and shouting this one syllable into the phone--YES as t hey kept it going. which means whatever agent is going to spew a load into the phone again. I have no way to know if this transition is required, if this is a lie, I was told by this agent from that people's accounts have been closed and were forced to use the for the past year--but he had said it had been going on for 2 years the first time I asked. He kept talking and doing the stalking phone  operation of interrupting me as I began to speak he began to speak. It is not hard, as soon as the pig ape on the other end hears me utter a sound they begin to speak over me. I stop, they stop. I begin to speak, they yell over me. This is America the shit country I really think is a death system and a horrific place for me every single place on the country is a shit hellhole for me of abusers and people trying to kill me for the 4th Reich.

The filth shit out of Whorewood is just as vile but a billion times worse due to the technological violence and murder they are capable of inflicting thanks to the shit from the Government on all sides who never even restrain them from this ongoing endless violence.

At this point I hope America just is destroyed and that I can survive and not have to deal with this shit group ever again but can live in peace without crap filth shithole creeps like this invading my life and body and home any longer.

Maybe Putin will bomb America and the shit of Whorewood will be forced to retreat due to America actually needing all this money being spent to torture and have me stalked by thousands of shithole parasites per month (just going shopping now entails a few hundred in one shopping mall and while driving--but it was I estimated 500 during the terror of Obama while shit pig pitt and shitalina were partnering with obama, and then sick and dirty trump, and now under Biden for the last part of his terror reign it's getting as bad as it ever was.

And the shit I had to endure in America is now coming to me again with this lying bullshit that is ongoing forever. What a shit country America is. It used to be a place I was proud of. The shit movies the despicable politicians and the filthy death system they have all created.

Absolute internet sabotage while trying to conduct a serious business matter for my life. For 30 minutes I have been hacked so badly that I cannot process a simple two-factor authentication process for a simple technical process. The laptop has frozen completely, gone into a spinning frozen state repeatedly. I try to highlight and the highlight won't work and freezes. I have plugged in a key into my laptop and it's registered as operational but the website will not accept anything, it freezes and it keeps asking me to plug the key into my laptop, which is already plugged in and shows as being "on". The site then asked me for a passcode which is supposed to log me into the site as the two-factor id but it just put me into the "plug in the key" part and did nothing but keep me frozen. 30 minutes of more bullshit from this shit group. Non-stop hacking and interference. Non-stop more politicians join in to profit off this contract as this SHIT is never stopped. My YouTube channel is packed with shit from Mafia crap out of NYC--the Gottis and the shit of this group which has gone after me for over 30 years--(inclusive in the group). They block literally every single technical applicatation, all my internet attempts. It is impossible for me to process this very simple authentication process which is putting my finances into jeopardy as the old system I had relied on is now becoming more technically difficult to access and they are blocking the log-in I could use but now I can't. I have copied the codes they sent, which can be hacked or changed at any time. It is utterly impossible for me to use any internet service around the world and get high-speed internet that works and is reliable and it is impossible for me to do any work or obtain any finances through ANY telecommunications process. Fuck this government which sends shit politicians greedy and sleazy to profit off this and not even beginning to enforce the law in this egregious breach of all law all the Constitution all ethics all morals and I am stuck with shit whore pig ape attacking me viciously with murdersou violence after the next--they are by now a conglomeration of shit piled up together as one piece of rotten shit after the next gets it Oscars and deals out of non-stop torture o fme as I scream at them every day that I h ope they are killed horribly. I am stuck in this fuck you all. Goddamn how many more years must i beg online for anyone to do a single fucking thing to stop this?

 I'm now sitting here waiting for my email to open to the Inbox--it is frozen and I sat watching it stagnate and not open with a signal that it was working on opening the inbox--with the code to try to use the only option to access my important information instead of having two secure options. It's still not opening so I'm sitting here typing this now watching it say "loading" for over 3 minutes now. 

this is after 30 minutes of trying to establish a link from my USB port and flashdrive to the website which would not process the information.  The flashdrive was showing as being available, all information I have downloaded and fully accessible. As I type now various little pop-ups are showing up on the page while I am just typing letters, most of which will not appear when I pound down on the key.


And now, the "activation code" I requested has not shown up. I am waiting for the spinning cursor to stop as the hackers in the rooms somewhere next to mine are putting emojis with smiley faces as I fight to do business online, just a simple authentication process to access my meager finances subpoverty and insupportable at that due to the poisoning and the mutilation of my body and fractures of my vertebrae this group has forced upon me for decades.

6 years of grad school and I am stuck not able to use the internet except to see, while drugged non-stop, the sick shit of the pig apes attacking me so in case I click on their rotten faces and movies they can torture, rape and threaten to kill me if I watch the shit they crank out. THey have joined together to have a monopoly to crank out more shit and boring mediocrity but no one cares, they love meaningless mediocrity and America is disgusting.

The speed of the internet is so slow I have to get up and do other things so as not to sit here screaming in frustration after 45 minutes of just trying to access a website that used to be very easy to get into. Now with further sophistication of security the hacking has increased to the point that I can't use the site. It is so complicated with so many loopholes for hackers that they are blocking the most basic. They are not sending the authentication codes. I click that I was not sent a code so they redirect me to the same page. This is hackers literally accessing the template of a United States government website with a URL ending in .gov. This is being hacked by the sleazy sick politicians who are working with greasy sick shit from the mafia and crap whores from Whorewood and it's abomination.


Every time I tried to open this new user account system with the 2-step verification, every page I tried requested different information and it turned into a non-stop dead-end process. Every page had different requests under the official Government page heading. In the end, they could not request my social security number although I am currently sittiing here waiting for the old system page to open under the very same social security number. It is blank and only a few portions of the page template are appearing, one-by-one, slowly like some Cheshire Cat slowly appearing on the page. 3-4 minutes later a few blue bars showing various sections of the page have turned up but otherwise it's spinning with a pure white page and a few blue bars signifying the sections that are likewise blank.

It is opening with my current information that has worked for over 3 years or longer with no problem. Today there was a message that the system is transitioning to a mutli-tech many-system authentication and none of the forms I work will operate for the page. The hacking potential is now at 100% to block access for the page which was much more secure before they tried to "secure" it.

Every time I go back and click off the page, which is frozen or deying me access or stating that my social security number is not in the system (but it's opening now on the old system with no problem using the same social number)

and it's every attempt has a completely different process, the hacking and the creation of false pages has made this an impossibility for me to access unless I go into an office directly, which I cannot do. 

They will not provide any help unless I phone this entity and because the system is hacked there is nothing anyone on the phone can do to solve this problem.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

I send this out to anybody who is against the rise of fascist Nazism (around the world). BOOYCOTT MORNING JOE the shit group of shit who make this lying tv show--for entertrainment purposes--to entrain your brain into the labyrinth of analysis which is just like a "game" to the pig paes--Scarborough and his dirty Ho as well--cheap creeps fascist white supremacists. They got Mike Tyson to punch into my face, and hie brought along the endless yapping aggressive lying nasty Crockett who came with violent and disgusting Raskin--and they are all behaving in ways that are so plantation enslaved mind programmed servants of the most insidious lying fakes of the "Democrat" "side" which none of them are--whatever one can define the Democrat Party in it's current iteration--it is supposed to represent freedom and equality and "liberalism" but it is an adjunct to fascist Nazism. They came at me yelling, abusive and insulting partnering with shit whores from Whorewood who have been slowly murdering me and stealing my ideas for years and years (14 or more) non-stop. They are now getting black shit to attack me so they can have once more some ideas to steal from me in order to sell what righteous victims they purport to be-in their white-supremachy-endorsed mansions, wearing Italian and French fascist fashion and driving German Nazi cars. The thug music and the "bitch" refrain the pig ape black men use against me as they literally bow with supplication to white shit whores--you can see this with Snoop shit dog and Cube the pube and they are revolting in their antisemitism. By the way, no Stefanick here to defend me against Trump brining antisemitic fascist Nazis makin genocidal comments and rape and torture at me--no, she's not here she's supporting Trump's investment strategy into Isreal along with Netanyahu--another whites supremacist goat Netanyahu is more insidious the more often he comes to abuse me with the English "handler" who operates with The Crown, as Trump and they all do. ALL ARE TRAITORS TO THE UNITED STATES. When I wrote that America has been funding Nazism, I refer to my six years of having lived in Suttgart before Nazi Clinton pulled the bulk of Troops stationed around Nazi Mercedes Benz-controlled Stuttgart--which had been assuming a polite and quiet low-key friendliness to Americans for all the decades of mass influx of black soldiers which truly irked the white Nazi Germans to no end--so they lavished "love" upon them--the black soldiers yearning for approval from white bigot honky and so they got it in Germany--which means they got nothing but being brainwashed to be used as pawn to destroy Jews. The hate from Blacks towards me all my life has proven this, but I saw it first-hand in mind control operation in Stuttgart and so rotten and sinister Morning Ho & Co have proven that they, too, have learned the "ropes" of allying with Black aggressive men who also yearn for acceptance so partnering with white Nazi Americans they have formed a team against me. I wrote a mocking post about Morning Ho because they ARE WHORES they are sleazy and rotten lying bigoted crap lying constantly and filled with subterfuge. I suspect that they are CIA-trained--at the very least, as most of the white bigots from MSNBC as well as Biden absolutely trained to sound like a "nice and kindly old man" but nothing could be further from the truth.

 So it is non-stop torture because after about 2 years of this ugly pair of rotten shit, dirty hoe joe and his skank wife--can't imagine that either of them actually loves each other but bigots find "love" when they have other people to destroy so they are eager to use blacks to find a new victim that NO ONE WILL DEFEND-and that appears to be me.

So boycott them. I can give no evidence of their crime I am merely writing and not able to access my real cognitive capabilities Mind control is a constant every time I fight to type and think.


They have made death threats using some of their insidious team (meaning stealth shit that no one detects the glib glossy fast-talk and the usual "pro-Democracy" rhetoric which slides off their mouths as they have frowns and sort of softly slam papers down as accent to the portrayal of how much they are "against" Trump. As I wrote, they are against a power cartel that is threatening their hegemony and that is ALL they care about.


When I was assaulted by Crockett and Tyson and the other boxer--very nasty all, I thought of how I was under non-stop attack when I attended Florida International University for about 2 weeks. It was a glorified high school atmosphere with "black and brown" mostly students. I was assaulted non-stop with white pig apes standing silently  a few feet away in postures that cops make when they are observing a beating or a lynching and supporting it fully, which is the case now and it has always been the case since I was about 7 years old and was bused from the white district to the Black and even the black principle making all the "we shall overcome" lectures joined in to attack me. She had been warm and hugged me when I was still not a target but once the word came down, all the formerly "warm" shit turned viciously against me (meaning black, white, my family, etc). 

Stupid and dumb, and they all get a promotion or a deal. I try to tell the dumb scum that the benefits are very short-term, so what they do is try to latch onto this contract for decades or my entire life.


If anyone does not want Netanyahu to continue to behave like a despotic fascist Nazi it is because he is aligned with a most sinister crap piece of shit from England named Douglass Murray, who is on the English Imperialist antisemitic trip over me, and has Netanyahu fully in his pocket controlled and being told how to behave like a fascist dictator. Also to sexually assault me and to abuse me because the white pig ape shit told him to do it. Like any dumb thug, he complies completely. No matter what I tell these stupid minority minions they only see the $$ financial benefits and the power cartel. They steal the concepts of activists who were murdered and are torturing me now to obtain any idea as they abuse beat and then steal the ideas.

That is the black fuckers pieces of shit all including rotten Crocket who IS NO HERO she is just a nasty back-biting verbal-sparring minority minion claiming she is working for black empowerment but like Raskin, the attack upon me will get her out of the cross-hairs of the worst of the bigots with their death squads and instead they re-align the cross-hairs endlessly onto me. They use every lie and theatrical skill to push how much they are "fighting" for egalitarian "good" but they use the same skill to lie about me as justification for their transfer of all kinds of self-hate, their hate for their own race, the hate for women who are not white, the hate for Jews they have been inculcated within all their lives as this system of blacks turning viciously upon Jews I have seen all my life. 

Saying into the internet "get this sick fuck off me" has done NOTHING to stop this contract. 

America is a sick and sinister place at least for me--and a lot of other people who are now nameless and homeless and/or dead. Systematically murdered, those who would protest this sick and ugly group and this system. Murdered through the covert death squads. Allowed by all you reading this, as you continue to allow the worst shit to prevail. BOYCOTT morning Whore and co, they are disgusting and rotten lying crap shit. Like all the Southerners i can assure you without even looking it up that Tyson has moved to Florida and has become a black plantation slave mentality controlled zombie--he appears to have nothing to say just "give me money bitch" and essentially that is all the Crocket says behind her more elaborate bs vocal yapping skills. 

As for Raskin, he is one of the most clever of the Democrats in his deception and continues to be allowed to make flourishing lectures about law and Democracy. If he can't apply any law whatsoever to me in this "secret" operation I suggest that people should learn to suss out what is a real declaration of intent to uphold the Constitition and law other than fantastic speeches that seem to go nowhere in reality, because in reality they don't want law and the Constitution they want easy access to monopoly and power. 


In Germany, I was at the Barracks for American soldiers and experienced some of the worst racism and discrimination I have ever encountered. I actually had to work for a German to get better treatment. This gave me the false impression that Germans were far more open-minded than Americans who are openly racist. For Blacks, this tricky system is so appealing that no matter how I tell them that I was under the same system of deception matters because they all believe that it happens to me only and not to them. I had the exact same belief when I saw such discrimination by Nazis happen to other people. I thought that it was happening to these other people and not to me. I think that is a most unfortunately human transferance of the brunt of targeting and people do it so consistently that enjoying watching someone else get abused is a sure way to feel entitled.

Nevertheless, when it turns around the target realizes that no one is there for them. The system has been so perfected and the decades of eliminating people with full conscience is a most awful reason why sick and rotten entities like Biden's MSNBC is in full operation. That also goes for the DOJ with Garland not having done anything to stop Trump for the years he should have made it his first priority. The priority was for Biden to "win" by showing that Trump had a slight criminal record in order to not engender the wrath of The Illuminati or whatever "brotherhood" that Biden and Trump both belong to, as symbolic "brothers" thy truly can't turn upon one another. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

"...After making a rousing speech, worked on for many years from our Russian office, with blood on his hands, he will lift up the body of the dead candidate for the viewer audience proclaiming his love for America..." (paraphrase): The Manchurian Candidate operates through MSNBC: I must boycott most of the news networks at this point--in particular, MSNBC. I have been assaulted by the pernicious white fascist Nazis from a particular show for over one year or longer. For some sickening reason, the endless hacking of their show on my youtube channel, which appears late at night but appears in USA early morning, is like some drug I have taken to "learn" about the machinations of a pseudo "Democrat" formerly "Republican" former politician out of Congress, but in particular the analyses of the workings of Congress and how the "system" works is why I have continued to listen to the k-rap they crank out, not the analyses but their stance on fighting for "Democracy". It means only power for them, death, mutilation, poisoning, rape and torture for me. They are as fascist as any of the other extreme bigots and even worse than many of the MAGA. I suspect that at least two or three of the anchors are CIA operatives due to the Mormon appearance and blank empty stares disguising a hateful fascist bent that is barely below the surface. Their glib jokes at the beginning of each show is a portent of how little they are concerned about impending fascism they truly have proven for a few years how much they are fully on-board with the 4th Reich by attacking me. Today they came punching into my head while I was in my nascent waking state after having been drugged while sleeping via their encroachment terrorism mechanical arms. Endless abuse until I lost my control which happened rather quickly as they went on for 4 more hours literally without end. They hit me from a side angle just as I was being put into this "nether" state of consciousness while mostly unconscious, drugged up, sick from detox (every day) and then assaulted by the filth who always do this while I am almost purely in an hypnotized almost waking-up state. //They got a huge boxing professional to assault me as welll. I went through another 3 hours of telling this black man that assisting in white supremacy is ultimately goin to destroy all that the predecessors who enabled him to rise to the "top" of his game only to betray every essence of the work and mentality for a few years, perhaps, of a delusional sense of inclusion in the white supremacist 4th Reich. He told me that "they have money, what do you have?" as I answered, I have foresight to which I had to go through the list of hours of detailing how ultimately the chances for black people to rise up will be gone if they continue to support this 4th Reich, as I believe that is the ultimate goal. I had to shout in rage about my family having done this same thing only for subsequent generations to be destroyed in more ways than one. Silence and in one ear and out the other but the ideas were being noted so some rotten lying expletive could steal the ideas to produce as their own--and only regarding them and then skewed so as to really be supporting the 4th Reich. Even the endless smirks on the faces of the really bigoted white supremacists on MSNBC (not including ALL of course) is an implication of the lack of seriousness. The stupid jokes and the smug demeanor should really be a clue to the audience that they really are agent provacateur and liars. Fake opposition. Violent and disgusting towards me. I have listened in hope that all they said in mockery about Trump was real and I needed to hear this. I suspect that most audience members need to hear something against trump because BIDEN has not done really enough to stop this violent situation that the Trump 4th Reich has brought and is now threatening the death squads that I have warned about for years, to silence and abuse and torture from people like the Morning **** 88 show.

"The Manchurian Candidate (1962)--I Wanted a Killer Scene (11/12)/Movieclips". Movieclips. June 21, 2017. 


BOYCOTT at least that show. The other anchors must know what is happening in this regard to me, but they do NOTHING JUST LIKE everybody else does nothing to stop this. They may not be in favor of this but even the black and brown ones have viciously assaulted me--one was fired and his antisemitism was made a bit more clear. The others are disgusting and violent. 

So they got a worldweight boxing champ, a black male, to come and punch into my face, they hit me from the side, I finally after another 2 hours began to rush at them trying to kill them with my by-now frail and sickly body that THEY HELPED TO FORCE INTO MY BODY as they laughed and mocked me. This is the MSNBC anchors who are "against Trump" and mocking and jesting about him while interspersing dumb jokes about sports games as the intro to their "serious" yelling into the camera about 'what is wrong with you people for not fighting this Trump attack upon Democracy?"

I wrote a post that this lying pos former Republican worse-than-MAGA (almost, not as bad as MAGA MUCK but really on the same level just not as openly disgusting as the MAGA team)

and, I wrote that he came yelling fascistically at me for actually fighting against this fascist onslaught to which they, in the team of English skank infiltrators (representing as usual The Crown and infiltration into US politics, media and entertaiment) and then this dorky looking creep with orange hair who really acts like a Mormon-CIA sinister creep. I was undressed, as usual they attack me for hours while I am putting away all this sleep gear so as not to have anything exposed or on top of anything else because they spray under clothing if I have it folded, I have to hang everything up I have to wash everything they spray rotten stinking filth on my clothing and mutilate my skin while I am sleeping--and worse if they could have access I spend hours bundling up parts of my body which are completely mutilated by now.

During the entire 3-4 hours of cleaning and putting things away, literally, the group of sinister bs--all of them--begin for over 4 hours per day of death threats, abuse, insults and violence. 

As Biden does nothing except for invite the most white trash bigots to parties and dinners at the White House, I have no support and nothing from MSNBC is going to stop them nor is anyone in Whorewood (the same thing as MSNBC  but multiplied by greed and sleazy lying bs by at least 1000 times--in number of creeps and the amount of lying pretense and then you must also calculate the lack of competence of many of them compared to the spewing bs that comes out for hours from the rotten holes of msnbc anchors--) I don't mean the analyses of politics I am referring to their false stance on caring about the plight of a system that they are actually profiting off helping to destroy. The lies are legion, as they all are as well.

One more month until a sentence.

that disgusting harbinger of destruction who is being held in unjustified reverence by the Ultra-Left (meaning fascist Nazi Communists, as they have a centralized system of control, they are Nazis but not in name, and Nazis were "Left" not "right"  by the way--sorry but the keyboard is very hard to navigate so I am omitting pounding down for capital letters correctly it is so difficult to type anything out)

I also watched another news channel about the Israeli situation and within 15 minutes of having watched the video Netanyaho came to assault me and I had been "primed" by over 4 hours of abuse and being punched and assaulted and fighting back so instantly I fought to get him off me, screaming that I had only watched a video to watch the news.  He seemed to rescind into the blank void of teleportation being stopped and  by that time it was 8 people having attacked me for over 5-6 hours non-stop literally every single second while I was naked getting dressed putting things away watching the news drinking a morning beverage and this goes on EVERY SINGLE DAY.

I can't watch a single thing without some sick person coming to abuse me viciously, death threats, and their pretenses at being against "trump" is ridiculous. They are all vying for a position of wealth and stability within whatever administration "wins" and both candidates, including Harris, are full participants in this. Glady Biden has not personally assaulted me so I can credit him with that. I hope that Trump is sent to prison not only for my situation but because he is making direct death threats to people and the judge and this rotten political machine should FINALLY STOP HIM from the deadly situation that NONE OF THEM HAVE STOPPED BECAUSE OF THEIR ROTTEN CAREERS and remaining safe within the system of silence, obedience and to bring a fascist Nazi cartel into the American plateau which will be and currently is controlled at very highest levels not by Americans but by Europigapes and other foreign entities who operate through agencies of allowance and lack of transparency like Citizens United to push corrupt and complacent candidates into power.

They then control the media so disgusting bigots and CIA/fascist Nazi operatives are being put into lead media positions and hailed as "fighters for Democracy" when nothing could be further from the reality.


Oh, how much further in mind control programming the United States and it's allies have come since the making of The Manchurian Candidate back in 1962. And oh, how far removed has the "Italian-American" mafia devolved into fascist tyranny after the death of Frank Sinatra, one of the Mafia crooners who is endlessly played like a religious chant for their remembrances of when times were better and will get better--as they pursue this agenda which I believe Sinatra was making a firm stance against--NO and NO BUT to no avail with anyone in power. 

Besides this movie being a classic, the unfortunately ugly reality of the sinister application of false opposition is that the more modern version is packed with participants firmly dedicated to brain implantation and political Machiavellian machinations using mind control to push an agenda of death squads for their power cartel. 


It is the same with MSNBC to a very large degree. When or if any of the anchors who know about this terrorism from the white trash contingent of their fellowship (that includes most of the most white anchors, then the browner anchors (will not clearly identify who because relatively speaking they have been more "innocuous' but nevertheless obtain their "get out of death squad zone" cards from the 4th Reich for remaining silent and protecting this system--the Nazi fascist white supremacy system. 


No matter what warnings I give to the brown and black and minority minions who operate alongside their vile fascist Nazi counterparts, they are convinced that the problem is "me" and that the lies that are constantly thrust at me along with violence and complete sanction from all presidents and their men and women means it must be valid, They, of course, descry any racism as being unjust if and when it happens to them. I tell them that once they are no longer necessary to be used as symbols to their fellow minority groups and that this group in the first place (the 4th Reich bigots they are attacking me as proxy terrorists for) have and would do nothing to put them in any  position of power in the first place in terms of world attention as celebrities---in the boxing arena--but perhaps I am wrong as there is no facet of business life and commercial life that is not under the control of this group. 


Death threats came in abundance yesterday and today. THis is over one year of this group of shit attacking me and profiting off it. Being invited to the White House and embraced by Biden as so many of the most nasty white supremacists have been offered endless attention by the Biden administration--those who viciously assault me with intention to murder me albeit in a horrific slow poisoning and torture way. 

MSNBC, it has been said, is an adjunct to the Biden team and part of their propaganda machine. 

As there really is no third candidate who has a chance, and if the trend continues, then if anyone says that it's Biden who is a threat to "Democracy" has already been bought out long ago by the 4th  Reich but Biden is trying to assert his inclusion into this group as it controls all, truly, in the mainstream and they have taken over most of the subculture as well. 


I can only credit Biden with not having participated personally, I can't say the same for Harris. I know Trump is a threat to society and Biden has been a force of helping to install something like Trump into power in the first place through his  adhesion to the workings of the 4th Reich.

The situation is dire. I am fighting to find any alternative that truly is an alternative news source on YouTube but I am stuck with either hacking of more insidious "liberals" who jump at the chance to hack and participate. I can't find any other source that is supposed to be "progressive" that doesn't include the celebrities who are endlessly assaulting me using fascist language of genocide. 

I can't find a single politician who is not in favor of this situation and system and it is doubtful that any new politicians voted into power were put there to install any change, whatsoever.

So I must continue to fight, along. I urge anyone reading this to boycott Morning Joe, at the very least, and maybe not all the anchors at MSNBC are hideously fake. Also Lawrence O'Donnell and --right now her name is a blank, my brain is under assault. What is her name, very famous? I know it but it's a blank. This is how mind control operates, it is being worked on me now. The clue I can give is that supposedly she is a lesbian. Oh yes, she rushed to join the crew many years ago, obtained almost instantly her own show, then I wrote a comment about her reporting on the Nazi movement and voila! She got a deal to write a secondary-sourced book on archived news stories on the rise of the most evident fascist leaders prior to WWII. Nothing that challenges the system whatsoever, in essence. Whatever her name is. The "muslim" was fired, he stuck his buttucks out at me along side the morning ho team  and insulted me as they watched on smug and smiling. That is how low and disgusting they truly are, that bigot team of endlessly lying k-rap but they have analysis of the political spectrum that I have never heard, an insider view. I need to find some other news source and I hear just endless discussions that sound legitimate but the reality that happens is completely different from what they project the situation to be. Are they lying and creating a diversion? I believe so. 

I also have subscribed to various news discussion channels which suddenly have different hosts and completely different people and they are referring to celebrities constantly who have assaulted me in teleportation. In short, even news channels are getting hacked in some elaborate system of keeping targets from actual information and analysis. I am being tortured for watching news channels by a non-stop endlessly increasing number of politicians and celebrities and anchors of podcasts and news channels. It is so unbelievable but it's been ongoing for almost one year. I can't watch even a tv show or movie without some shit rotten crap skank coming to assault me for as long as they possibly can only because I clicked on a news story, tried to get information, tried to watch a news analysis, watched a new tv show, watched movies that are 30 years old--the fucking pig apes rush to abuse me and latch on as long as possible even for months or years for me only having watched an old movie--

Saturday, June 8, 2024

I am an unknown soldier fighting the real fight for "Democracy"--whatever that last word means. I am fighting for human rights it seems no one else is making this fight, they are merely talking and only a few are put in front of cameras for the chimera they represent. //I have been under a war-fare state for almost an aeon and I remain in this solitary orbit fighting literally non-stop. I make the most proficient statements about freedom and respecting rights and these concepts are stolen and the criminals continue the assault, having obtained new fodder to sell off as if they are righteously dignified and sacrosanct. //People are commemorating a battle in France, which as far as I have seen from my years of travel and "cultural" experience (living in Europe years, and in Thailand years) I have only seen a post-Vichy culture of absolutely vicious antisemitism that is a follow-through of the old regime under Hitler. //I think of the heroes that are being sung of today in the midst of the hate swirling in the warzone of the "enemy from within" and I have been fighting what people SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIGHTING against for years and, still, not a single person has jumped to actually take a risk to actually fight this fascist tyranny that envelopes my life and is so threatening to people that they instantly move aside like a force has divided them from their humanity--sweeping them all aside all confident that the problem is not theirs but only mine and somehow I did something to "deserve" it. Meanwhi8le I see acts of heroism being championed by mostly performative people from long ago, and as I perform even more deadly acts of resistance I remain under non-stop protection even when the "liberal" news is abuzz with the threat to "Democracy" and yet no one is here for me, while I am making the most serious fight I have ever seen from anybody in a fight for whatever that concept means against tyranny and dictatorial despotism. What people are seeing as a threat from the Trump group I have been writing of since 2015/2016 and I have only been ignored, mocked, laughed at and still those who are being publicized as "fighting Trump " and "fighting for Democracy" only join in with violence against me in this most lucrative promotional attack situation that is constant near-death poisoning, mutilation and non-top abuse so it's slow torture-to-death while everyone watches and goes along. If people would have at least cared while Obama was in office and stopped the pig pitalina group of Nazi filth from Whorewood and stopped this contract out on me and even had the slightest concern of making a threat assessment, then this situation of the envelopment of mind programming into a fascist State would not be at the point it is now. But the fact is, no one was concerned and on one is still concerned. They are "fighting' for their niche within the upcoming fascist dictatorship and that appears to be all that they are about.

 "The Doors--The Unknown Soldier". 215 Days. December 7, 2012.

I**The hacking is absolutely unbelievable and has been (for decades). My brain is also under attack so I will not and cannot write at my usual style, as usual.

I saw on the news that a black male has been targeted in SF and his dwelling burnt by white supremacists (one assumes they are white, but if it were a Jewish person being targeted the assailant could be black , by the way, from my endless years of experience of being targeted, INCLUDING in San Francisco which was a non-stop never-ending racist assault upon me and was NEAR DEATH.
As it's been non-stop, everywhere, as a matter of fact. The people who always supported me in such friendly places were soon replaced by vicious Nazis.

My plight has never made the news, this is my home being ransacked literally 24/7 with stinking filth and items broken my cat tortured my body mutilated--every single day. Not a word from anybody. MSNBC has partnered with the Nazi/Mafia terrorists partially in league with Trump, but with Biden as well. Whichever way the money is flowing they are sure to be underneath the stream of supply for getting high on this Nazi/Mafia contract.
They are also being programmed that they have absolute entitlement and that I have less-than-zero humanity o9r rights. This is confirmed by all lack of protection from the Government as yet today another high-ranking politician from the House of Rep's came to assault me alongside the threatening mafia who has been partnering with antisemitic goons from Italy to poison me to death and torture me into a coma and then death and have me hit by cars to kill me and abuse me to death and to go on and on keeping me fighting for my life all my life, as long as possible using all these death squads, all these politicians, all these sleazy greedy disgusting celebrities who partner with politicians of the same brank and ilk.

I fight alone, completely unrecognized. I get mocked with sneering hate from Jewish men who have all married Nazi women. They mock the concepts I have written of, while I telll them that the scum who have been teleporting me for 14 years-the shit pigalina duo of waste product from whores--have stolen ideas from me for all 14 years non-stop and they are incompetent and have proven that they have no ideas no originality and all they have done that has been mostly exceptional as far as movies of their making have been derived either from stealing my ideas, or in part, and/or access to millions of $$ in funding to product bloated-budget monstrous movie sets with shabby bigoted scripts which have zero critical review or analysis so they are just blithely handed over to the Oscars for top qualification automatically. All these years, and they are now demanding with the Mafia creep who fully believes that there is no "Democracy" and the shit that these filthy pig apes do, poisoning me, raping me, stealing my ideas, is the the "right" of the "superior" class as this stupid grease bag from some Bronx or Brooklyn pizza factory cookie-cutter thug mafia carbon-copy is stating because without the promise of Italian influence to pump up his mediocrity he would be nothing. In order to continue to have more and more, the despotic concepts of Imperialistic might as being absolute right on the level of mutilation torture poisoning and murder if anyone tries to defend themself against rape, abuse, humiliation, and torture according to Nazi dictates against Jews (and other races) but primarily Jews--and the "good" Jews who participate remain silent or hissing in hate mockery of my verbal defenses and analyses of this crap going on which is NEVER STOPPED BY ANY ADMINISTRATION. They are so allowed to go on and on and on inculcating this mentality and then they are INVITED TO THE BIDEN WHITE HOUSE and to Schumer's office as advocates for women's rights after they participate in this most egregious display of fascist dictatorial displays of anti-Democracy for promotion for the mediocre crap they crank out as "movies' year after year under this contract. U NLESS they have stolen the ideas from me, in which case they are touted as being original and dynamic but the ideas are STOLEN FROM ME and it still is probably going on but I have had to stop for years from my creative writings. I was always very drugged up and could never get my writing out anyway I can't express how badly they drugged me so I appeared functional but absolutely was not.
I am the only one really fighting for Democracy. I watch Morning Joe because it's always hacked into my news feed. If I try to block all the hacker terrorists out, as soon as I block out their page the internet is hacked off. This happens constantly when I try to block out people forcing t heir videos on me. Morning Joe duo came to assault me sitting next to the fascist Nazi pig shitalina pair who have been told they are something akin to royalty with absolute right to steal and mutilate and have me hit by cars if I so much as fight or protest being popisoned and mutilated and tortured NON-STOP FOR YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS every single day.
I watch the news and listen to what appears to be a virus of shit enveloping America that no one stopped when it was burgeoning back in 2015 as blacks joined in to assault me and Latinos and asians and now everything is under some dire threat in America from this fascist organization. The "liberals' rush to abuse me not caring if I am dying from stress they think it's great. Their concern is to be re-inserted into The Matrix as long as they get a nice juicy artificial steak and some SOMA and some orgies some plantations for having helped the 4th Reich to be implanted as they "represent" the fake "resistance".
Their political analysis is superb, however. I have to state that the real talent amongst all the scammers and scum fakes of Whorewood can hold no candle to what the news anchors who write their own pieces as they do --I believe--for MSNBC shows, they are amazing but yet--so effete when it comes to really fighting what they are exposing but yet keeping alive and joining in with the Trump and fascist forces so they remain "safe and warm" in the womb of the comfort zone and gated communities while the havoc and misery that they help to create is kept safely away from their front doors. They can then go in front of cameras and claim they are concerned about Democracy and even morning Joe yells into the camera, just as he yelled at me while I have been fighting for my human rights, which he could truly give a damn about. Like in other eras, the concept of equality before the law only applied to a certain section of society so the most vicious of the aggressors would not tear one another apart, but having someone like me who is qualified and could compete is so against white supremacy so it's open season upon me and all come flocking to join in the murder of me. I fight for this concept that is sometimes called "Democracy" but people like Jamie Raskin who is constantly using that term as a prop only means for blonde white trash supremacists like pig pitalina and the rest of this mafia Nazi group, including Trump and he's just another adjunct partner in the endlessly increasing group assaulting me.

They are all so anathema and life-screw that I feel like this warrior in the trenches of the First World War going nowhere and stuck in a trench warfare without any rescue or relief and no recognition and a miserable plight of the unknown soldier who gave it all for NOTHING.
Biden is proclaiming American hegemony after the battle in Normandy but ultimately, he has participated and has allowed and has done nothing to stop the Nazi increase within his own administration much less in Whorewood and certainly has allowed this group to poison and torture and rape me for the sake of promotions and social engineering into the 4th Reich. 

Friday, June 7, 2024

Rehash of my last post: the terror team reduced my water pressure to trickles of water from the shower (also broke the water heater and it costs more than my budget to buy a new one) they have kept the water so low that I must fight to wash anything from dishes to my body. I told the ersatz "landlord" who said he would do something and did nothing. The kitchen sink faucet then began to break increasingly every time I went shopping. I finally had to deal with the problem, knowing they would be attacking me while my brain was under attack and with no support and all law absolutely abrogated, I was trying to wait until I am well enough. I am never well enough they keep attacking me draining me of my energy (the teleortation torture which is psy-ops torture literally interrogation torture and abuse and physical emotional and then stinking filth non-stop sprayed and poured into my body/home/furniture/food etc. I finally ordered a new faucet on my dime--I told the landlord via email and sent the delivery page copied and pasted with the dimensions. //When the faucet arrived (late, they delayed the delivery--and because the creep groups had to figure out the endless attacks which are so sick and crazy but that's what they are which no one will actually realize). //They sent a "technician" who came with a mobile phone that had an obscene "mooning" photo which he used facing me to make amess and claim that the plastic pipes under the sink were too small. He had to "talk to his boss" and he promised to return. I was already exhausted and fell into sleep for 2 hours, my body gouged with mechanical arms under the cuticles. I had been yelling and fighting the terrorist from Miami (partners with Stallone and Deniro/pesce and an "Italian-American mafioso but not famous in the celebrity H-wood scene--of course, now he is and they gather around him to get shared deals and promises of all he can offer from his Italian and French mafia partners, the Milan Brothers in MIami, Nicola Siervo the manager from Stallone's club Bar None, et al many are involved in non-stop decaces of poisoning and torturing raping abusing destroying stealing and oppressing me to death). The guy never returned. The manager downstairs lied constantoy telling me I had to go s hopping for a new pipe. It went round and round while my brain was under attack. She used Google Translate on her mobile phone to communicate and when I made a mistake she corrected me (my room number) which I said n English--in other words, she is fluent in English). She began to use wrong grammar in Thai and spoke "bad Thai" into the translate app to make the whole thing more ridiculous and difficult for communiation while my brain was so blasted I could not think and became mind controlled giggly and silly, not able to understand the malevolence and respond with a guarded sense of control. //The whole thing turned into my landlord being involved by phone, lying constantly. Telling me I should have given him the size of the new faucet, which I had done. I told him I had sent an email, he remained quite. They then told me they would install today at 10. At 11 they came and turned off the water, installed the faucet so it wasn't leaking anywhere but then would not turn the water back on. Lying they said...(cont below)

 a whole lotta bs--(we have to speak to our boss the water is controlled through the building) the water is actually turned off-and-on by nozzles inside a locked panel that maintenance can open and adjust or turn off water pressure--just down the hall. I have seen them use it, and there is one next to my room as well. 

Lying constantly, and no water any longer. They said again they would return the water would be on...nothing happened. Zero water except in the toilet. I had to phone my landlord, the water came on at a trickle. I had to contact him again. The water increased to tiny dripping streams and still no water in the shower. NOw there is a thin trickling stream in the shower, like droplets but at a rapid pace. I went downstairs again to deal with being lied to constantly with the most ridiculous stupid assertions and etc. They then told me that the maintenance man would knock on my door at 10 pm to check the water. I said "what?|" and then they translated that he would clean the water pipes outside my door and no knock on my door. LIterally contradicting everything constantly.

I went through this, giggly from mind control, and finally just collapsed in this room glad for what little I have left and hopefully believing that Trump will not come to power because he manipulates the people around me in much more seriously deadly and nasty ways.

Otherwise, this filthy sick f** from Miami, the mafia creep is now being glorified by the shitwood team who need the most brutal as the months left until the election draws near and 14 years of torturing me to obtain million $ funding for shit movies that are promised to "win" at The Oscars and Golden Globes for over 14 years it has not stopped. The stupid sick enactment of these types of sick and stupid behaviors is from this filth creep Pucci--and now writing his name out means he only will be more welcomed and more promoted and no matter what I do, everyone who attacks me gets an instant prize no matter what I say or do. And usually the worst I have either only watched their movies hacked on my cable channel (when I used to have one) or I wrote a post about how I don't have any good memories (no nostalgia) but this creep has put Italian Mafia who are murderously antisemitic whose lower ranking staff/waiters say openly to me how much they hate Americans but nevertheless they are in America making money and being handed the "best" becuase the fascist Nazi Americans want to Europeanize Florida and California and institute a fascist Nazi 4th Reich with death camps/ homeless tent cities and ultra wealth promised not merely from non-stop decades of Dark Money influence and tax breaks only for the wealthy but now institutionalized dictatorship.

So the stupid sick "skit" which just happened has not happened since Trump left office. Trump came to assault me on the day after he lost his case in NYC. Cohen came to assault me almost the very next day along with another prominent Jewish man and his son and then it was again a repeat of this vile Mafia exploiter filled with violence and hate endlessly assaulting me and demanding that I have some kind of pretentions and "who do you think you are" as I constantly write about the egress of this group and literally am fighting non-sto every day to get them off me. 

|So I don't have enough water to wash clothing or my body. They told me some bs that this maintenance man is going to knock on my door at 10 pm or 8 am to "clean the water pipes levers" outside my door. Then he won't knock on my door but will clean the pipes so the water will increase. 

Walking downstairs to pick up another delivery from this service I use so I don't have to carry so many heavy items (the price is the same as shopping in the stores or less very often and better quality in fact) and the person at the front desk who had been giggly and making stupid hand signals when "translating" in almost no English what I was saying to the proficient-in-English manager who just lies constantly at me as they all laugh. A series of people come to the front desk to interrupt as they ignore me in the middle of a sentence and talk in Thai to their fellow operative/terrorist.

As of now, I have such low pressure I have to struggle to wash dishes in the sink, with a faucet I paid for now working but not enough water to get anything done. Nothing more than a trickle.

No water in the shower and almost no water in the sink and almost none on the patio, where they shower debris and black and brown goo every day, especially in front of the patio door.


Meanwhile, I am completely sick literally every single day. I am either detoxing from fresh drugging and poisoning or the decades' old poison I am managing to try to loosen through a series of "gestimation" efforts. There is no healing manual or even any information available about the type of poison that has been put in my body so I have to guess after years of doing Master Cleanse and not being able to get this out because they kept poisoning me every day. During the hell of Baryishnikov he had me poisoned while torturing and body shaming qand abusing me without end--but kept poisoning me. Knowingly. Absolutely sinister but he and his filthy spawn obtained (as well as their friends, many older blond women American and also from Europigapeland) and they have my cat La Moux who is my beautiful "child" and they are ugly sinister and revolting and I want her returned alive if she still is and them all pried off me forever and for this to be stopped.

When America stops worshipping this crap group I think the quality of life will improve for the world if only the return of actual competition for the best to be put into the top positions. Ethical standards devoid of religious posturing but effete in nature and actually proclaimed by "evil" sinister people (the MAGA MUCK i.e.) would also benefit the country. 

There needs to be stricter controls and to remove all this "deregulation" because the pig apes have gone wild with greed and insatiable excess. 

Water shut off. Faucet broken. The maintenance lying constantly and keeping me waiting while everyone involved is constantly lying. I could not remember my phone number as the tech asked me for my number for his "boss" to phone me. I could not remember my number and have used it for over one year and can remember it instantly otherwise. I began to copiously giggle as "everything" became an innocuous "joke" to me. Everything seemed daisies and fun and harmless as I laughed about being lied to and was kept with lies and lies. I have almost no water, they spent days attacking me with the faucet they broke. The entire building is an attack situation upon me and the landlord is involved every time so I have no recourse to any kind of maintenance. My room is an open portal for all white trrash pig apes and their dirty minions to invade and spray stinking filth and steal and break any and all things constantly on a non-stop 24/7 basis (mechanical arms breaching through the panels and cracks and etc. )( Still, everyone is "fighting" for Democracy in America and all of tis is fully supported by the most wealthy and vociferous. Never an end no matter who is president or which political group is in power, and no matter the consequences of allowing such people into more power positions regardless of the destruction to America that has ensued.

 None of the creeple who are attacking me have learned anything but how to be re-injected into the same criminal cartel but this time not to be fired, or thrust in prison they just learn to "do it better" the next time. Anxious to please and prove that they are absolutely for Trump and for fascism, antisemitism and for me being the target of any and all who have any suppressed problems and for promotion


The sinister attacker who has engineered so much of my current attack situation has done this same sick attack protocol against me with deadly consequences for me, endless businesses and approval for this low-dirty almost meaningless thug who is now performing the same acts of stupid and sickness to destroy me--as in torture and abuse and poisoning and rape to death. He's STILL asking me if I "like" him although non-stop I have been screaming he's filthy and ugly in every way. I have rushed to try to kill him and said no and said no. I had almost nothing to do with this ugly filth creep decades ago I was only selling cigars and he kept following me around, literally while I was working in restaurants and organized attack situations from people who told me they knew a great place I could sell cigars. Endless near-death endless torture and because I wrote a post about how South Beach has degenerated due to shit like him, he rushed to attack me and can't stop. Over 30 years and he will not let go because he has rotten spawn which need to be promoted, his deals from years of his stupid thug and Nazi ultra wealthy goon parties and the businesses he has obtained from participating in attempted murder of me is not enough. No matter how much I hiss hate at him and fight to kill him, he will not stop.

How many years must I tell rotten filth who clutch on and grab on and latch on parasitically to get off they are disgusting they are ugly they are not men they are not people. ?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

I ALONE (AS IN with no notable support or camaraderie) am the "unsung hero" that Biden is lecturing about in the "fight to preserve Democracy" (parenthetical--not the exact quote). //I am so unrecognized for having fought as I still fight, literal physical fighting, against the overtake of society by oppressive forces which have formed networks of espionage, surveillance, and murder to "cull" society of any "trouble-makers" against their power c artels. The cartels span the Entertainment mind-melding propaganda machine which operates by the slick co-greasing of the mechanism of mental entrainment with the much publicized performative deceptions of many from "The Government" who are rotated but perform various same functions as the last "batch" which was voted out (for, ostensibly, "change"). The extreme criminal element organization runs rampant nevertheless. A system of nepotism ensures that the cohesion of the "system" remains staunchly in place. The real "fight' is at the "normative" social levels of society which is the most coveted target for mind control in order to assure the "Social Contract" of conformity to this authority subterfuge. //I am tortured for not "going along with the plan" as if I am a much despised witch hunt for persecution social engineering of racism, sexism in order to more fully cement the very old structures of outcast of the most coveted despised group (coveted for the practicality of having one stable group upon which to pin endless hate cliches as a stress-relief valve for the otherwise heinous suppression/oppression hate machinery of the "beloved" power "elite". The noted despised hated group, by necessity, must remain in it's allotted "place" and not try to, even for one single member to aspire--to gain any sense of decorum in self-awareness outside of the hate group. It is the "untouchable" cast that has remained a constant in the seas of hatred in the "Western World". I refer to "Jews" which is now the most targeted group in America and so eagerly are other groups to foist the former hated designation upon Jews for the sake of inclusivity. The Jews themselves viciously attack the lone target who is afforded no support system and is in the midst of a mass execution structure representing the "hate" that has been funneled onto one, undoubtedly "innocent' person who struggles to achieve self-determination and a sense of selfhood amidst the havoc created by the generation of hate.//What is invested in having a generational hate group which can be used at critical junctures in societal unrest when the stress of the oppression bearing down upon the "All" has to be retained as the easily accepted group, and the group always finds a way to isolate one in order to "salvage" the group which remains steadfastly under thumb of the real guilty who flaunt excessive wealth, for the system entails one group to preside over all the others. Everyone wants to belong to that one group. The "Democracy" that the politicians and pundits of America are referring to is the Democracy of them belonging to the wealth-attainment group and there always must necessitate at least one target in order for the stress of oppression to be unleashed upon that one witch hunt "innocent" (as I am for sure).//

  On D-Day, Biden Calls For Ukraine Support While Issuing Warning On Democracy      

I can find no other philosophical basis for the lack of support I have amidst the endless public cry of "Democracy" all around the world yet it is never applied to me in this case of persecutorial death squad activities surrounding me here, there, and everywhere around the planet (literally).

So immense is the need on a societal level for persecution. So many years have gone by since the publication of The Autobiography of Malcolm X and yet that section of the book addressing antisemitism is NEVER quoted in mainstream. II was, when I read this book the one time I did, under drugging, mind control but it was while I was living Stuttgart and I thought it was a fine time to read an analysis of racism. I obtained the book in English from the Stuttgart public library. At the same time, I checked out an English translation of Nietzsche's  Beyond Good and Evil (Or it may have been Thus Spoke Zarathustra). In both of these analyses of society and it's contented targeting propensities, the authors wrote of Jews and the ways that racism has been swirling around that particular group for millennia in Western society (now has been implemented in the rest of the planet due to the expansion of Lebensraum through out the world). 

Malcolm X\'s concept was of the shock that Jews must have had to the last gasp for air in the gas chambers because they had "no idea" what was to befall them. I am trying to remember exactly what was written but that "belief" of acceptance had been so thoroughly inculcated in the Jewish diaspora due to blind allegiance to their neighbors in Euro-land that the shock of this type of betrayal was unrecognizable, even to the last moment. I find this to be one of the most stalwart of predispositions that is being inculcated into the Jewish and other minority minion programming, that their "friends" would only do that to "me" because I am a b-word who did something to "deserve it". They accept any and all lies and distortions and eagerly and viciously turn the glaring Eye of perpetual vigilant hate upon me from their "superiors" as one of the most famous of the Black activists post-Malcolm X had said in hissing approval of their extreme violence against me. To accept and to go along. The way paved with gold for "acceptance" into society or at least some definition of "equal opportunity" which they are used as for refurbishing of the old racist structure by the nepo-spawn of the bigoted empires which have now consolidated due to the "one-world" technocracy that has emerged but is still unrecognized as being an apparatus of extreme racist hegemony. That includes the more modern versions of death squads and death camps, but now on an at-home basis performed by death squad local groups who all follow the one protocol system that runs rampant around the planet.


Nietzsche had written that the Jews were "the most dynamic" of the races in Europe and could, one day, surpass and overtake the gears of control. This was an angst premonition probably set as a warning to not allow this group to overtake.

Oh yes, It is now coming to me. What Malcolm X had written which completely coincided with Nietzsche was that the Jews in Germany had become the highest ranking of the "elite" classes of accomplishment and artistic and engineering and every other social mechanism of society--that the Jews, once the racist laws of extrapolation of Jews from achieving even a semblance of a chance to compete openly,  r using up from their former days of being merchants and money-changers--had so supplanted the racist indoctrination of white superiority. 


When I write of such concepts I am indirectly borrowing from these concepts, which I never find used by Blacks in any of their lectures based on Malcolm X's Autobiography. To ponder why this is, I have written for so many years of the competitive down-pushing protocol system that the "Blacks" all are instructed to follow, which they most eagerly and viciously adhere to, venting their own sense of self-hate imposed by the racist indoctrination, upon Jews. Thusly Malcom X's writings on this topic are glossed over constantly.


I therefore, not having really grown up around the typical large city, urban population of the Jewish centers, i.e. New York/Brooklyn and not being around Jews except for my parents who never discussed a single shred of Judaism to me, never honored a single thing about the religion or any religion, and their friends came over but always were mixed with a complete American mix of races and cultures. I was not instilled AS MUCH as the usual diaspora-indoctrinated minions with a worshipful awe of white Nazi culture but I WAS INDEED absolutely programmed nevertheless. 


I find shocking that the extent of the reinforcement of the old World system of the Law not applying to Jews remains as a ground stone of the terrorists attacking me. I find this in absolute proximity with the NYC mafia who are based in Italy and have completely negated any American principles of Democracy and any Constitutional Republic based on any or all Constitutionls except for their own codes. These codes also become codified by the excessive mafia macho movies which indoctrinate the masses into the belief that having instant access to crime and a criminal hold over the basis of Democracy is not only sexy, but powerful and the way to get out of "the ghetto" of suburbia (for whites). The awe for the mafia actors has replaced the awe for politicians and thus this is also another of the aspects of social engineering to issue organized crime as a conduit to power and not having to rely on actual competition and being an actual "winner" and having highest qualifications.

Not to stray from the point, Jews competing and "winning" of their own accord without having to resort to nepotism or criminal mafia exploits is so alarming to the white supremacists and their world of minority minions. 

Likewise, the immersion into being mafia consorts has become also a venue of acceptability for "Jews" who aspire to power. I have written of this many times in the past posts from this blog and my other blogs and on my Facebook pages. I know this personally and it has run throughout my family and many other "Jews" who face either deadly persecution and/or dismissal or death if not complying. They must bow their heads when the insults fly from the pig ape white supremacists or their other minority minions. In order to have any place whatsoever they must never appear threatening to the white pig ape structure. The racist memes must remain and the self-abnegation must be so thoroughly implanted (mind control and social violent mechanisms of reinforcement of those mind control programs).


When Trump loses, will the terrorist regime of the 4th Reich have "better" scumbags than what now exists, although they have been operating under Obama, Trump, Biden and before all three for decades? What will it take for America to "wake up" to the fact that this terror system is now operating openly and threatening with murder anyone who opposes them? This is part and parcel of the "gang stalking" death squads that no one will ever admit to because the expletives in media do no journalism investigation of pertinent serious operations that might undermine their filthy CARRERS AND PROFIT-GENERATION FROM silence or outright participation.//The terrorists, I have discovered, inserted a piece of raw shrimp as deeply into my right ear canal as possible. It has not popped out, but after a huge swollen infection and doses of antibiotics, I can detect easily the smell of raw shrimp. They inserted something as deeply into my ear about 2 or more years ago and it took over 2 years for it to finally dissolve. Almost instantly they inserted something else. It happened because I passed out from the brain-altering tech beneath my bed frame soI lay down in sickness from the poison they have put in my food and injected into my bladder which bloats and then hardens in successive layers--so I pass out from toxic shock and I cannot wrap the 6 layers around my head, fingers, feet and my hair and they send these mechanical arms to inject deadly toxin things into my body--under my skin huge silicone injections that appear as disgusting cysts on creep places on my body---. //they also broke my kitchen faucet, then when I paid for a new one, the "maintenance' came and blasted water all over the bottom of the cupborad saying in broken English "the pipe is too small" as he made it leak all over the place. In the time I took to go downstairs to receive the new faucet and returning to this room, the white Nazi pig apes who nearly walked into me in the elevator lobby area, blocking my path and etc--had strewn animal or cockroach feces on the bottom of the cupoard which, last I checked this morning, was clean as I clean and check it often. He then told me that he would return and looked kindly into my face as he said that the "pipe too small" and 2 1/2 hours later nothing had happened. Going to the lobby I was told by the woman who pretends "no engllish" but udnerstands me perfectly had to communicate using Google translate and told me that the maintenance had informed me to buy a new pipe and to pay for it and they would replace it. She then sent another "mainenance" man who came up and took photos and told me he would come back. 15 minutes later I had to phone my landlord who played along with the game and constantly lied//They are coming to replace what they broke and I have to fight to not have to pay for this with the landlord. Meanwhile, the entire day has been spent waiting and fighting this situation. The hallwasy are rife with creeps loitering an staring with blank hate, the white pig ape trash especially.//teleported to this nasty mafia creep from MIami/New Yorki, sitting next to DeNiro and with Trump, now constantly attacking me threatening abusing insulting for hours and hours and hours and hours per day, as they all do. He's so repulsive to me by now, I wrote of him a few days ago of course noting happens and he globs on as the endless parasite who has been with Rambo attacking me since 1997 until this very day and profiting off torture and attempted MURDER and he's yelling abusive as i fight back this dirty filthy creep is saying with violent hate, "Who do you think you are?" and I only defending myself so I ask this filthy creep "who do you tinink you are" but I try to be "stoic" and say nothing so he goes on and on and on and on and on adn on hours an dhours and hours abusing and abusing while I am playing a game on the internet while I am waking up and if I were not in too much pain from the damage he and this group are forcing on me. He has participated in this and extreme vilence agaisnt me for decades now--DECADES his fillthy dirty name is tommy pucci he is a threat to my life he is a sinister mafia thug with a lot more money from years of attacking me. His black hateful eyes do not conceal his propensity towards extreme violence. He is operating with a Jewish Nazi named Malnik (former owner of The Forge) and it's the usual Jewish Nazi with mafia or Nazi outright shit assaulting me in pair, ssually it's the "Jew" who is most violent as proxy for the bigot Nazi but this mafia sleazy filth creep has been profiting off his friends and himself attacking me for so many DECADES that he's also addicted to it and needs to feed off it. Endlessly telling him I can't stand him that he is not attractive to go away to shut up that he's been torturing and poisning me to death (his friend raping me nearly to death by pumping poison into my body every day as deeply as possible and as I for 2 years told him to stop and stop and stop and phoned his voice mail in hysteric DYING FROM MURDER FROM POISONING AND DRUGGING that he kept pounding into my body and would not stop would not stop and this sleazy filthy ugly sinister piece of rotten shit Pucci this filthy ugly dirty Nazi mafia scum fuck is talking to me with this menace, "Who do you think you are?" as I endlessly must--alone, endlessly alone, with government officials watching on supporting HIM all the Democracy bullshit slingers all the feminist bullshit sllingers all the every kind of concern for the balance of power bullshit slinger in whorewood and in congress is fully supporting what is tantamount to Trump's truly odious Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich cartel with absolute allegiance to foreign influence which pays rotten and incompetent shit like this with deals in Europigapeland. they all rush to get these mansions and deals for themselves and their shit c hildren and rotten dirty spouses. Not a single one gives a damn about American sovereignty or feasibility.

 Hier, in Italian but with German subtitles, is a treatise on how much "normal" folk truly long for grandiose criminal subculture and extravagant lifestyles, they yearn for great power and watch tv and dream of a life they desire.

Now, the grandiose vision of all criminality exonerated and any law that doesn't fit into instant gratification grandiose graft can be excised by the wave of Trump's hand and the fellows underneath.

The death squads NO ONE will report which assault me are left untouched by the media, because sickeningly, the U.S. media operates alongside the corrupt politicians of all superficial stance on how much or little they are "fighting" this impending wave of law-breaking corruption which is ALREADY IN PLACE and constantly being promoted by the 45th Reich Whorewood contingent which put Trump into power for the very sake of bypassing all restrictions to their total and complete monopoly.

They ask me questions for hours to obtain "alternative" ideas and then yell at abuse beat torture poison and threaten my life for having such ideas WHILE they profit in millions for the theft of the ideas.

So listen to the lecture about a show made in the 80's called "Alone Against The Mafia"--made in Germany I supposed filmed in Italy or wherever--it was a hit in Germany when I lived there but because I did not understand German at the time, I saw it, wanted to know what it said and now I must try to understand but what this clip is saying is PHENOMENAL in terms of why no one is doing anything about this situation forced upon me. the very yearning for this kind of unrestricted and unfettered mafia/Nazi criminal allowance to even kill your rivals mafia style is only loosely reported on in the news but here, in this clip, is a speech that should have won awards. Instead this has been "forgotten" and it's much more poignant than any speech from The godfather and any one of the repetitions of that movie franchise outside of the Brando performance--and I suspect he was one of the most conscientious of the brood of brooding malevolt Mafia/Nazis attacking me--for 30 years from the |Rambo contingent, for over 14 years from the blonde Nazi pig pittshitallina whore partnership and spawn & co GmbH


"Alone Against the Mafia"--

"La Poivra--Allein Gegen die Mafia, Corrado Cattani speech". Corradopetani. September 22, 2010.

In the usual sickness from the poisoning that this group poured into my body as often as possible to keep me semi-dying paralyzed incoherent writing in hyperbolic rage drugged beyond the max and slumped over in pain paralysis and then tortured via these insidious surveillance/thought-reading/hacking and subliminal insertion and heart palpitation eye-tearing tech breathing/nervous system crushing attacks and mutilations all over my body most of my body broken down and stuck in endless poverty because no one stops this or demands justice for me. I do it for myself and am called every woman-hating term and worse
I collapsed after having been lied to as they took off my faucet, then pulled apart the pvc tubing under the sink (not metal, and anything solid is broken and the seals are perpetually stolen so the tubing is always dripping and they add feted stinking filth to the dripping water from the tubes they insert behind the flimsy panel separating my room under the kitchen sink from the next.
I saw that half of the cupboard bottom (I mean about 6 inches from the bottom) had been literally sliced off, and this same precision cutting through the solid panels of the kitchen sink area had been sliced from one and a half inches from the connection of the surface of the kitchen shelving. This is to allow the cockroaches they insert through whatever portal---which I can't see, most of the tubing has been placed behind barriers continue and stray from the digression
I fell asleep waiting for the 2 hours for this creep to return, lying, making a total stinking black goo mess--the white trash who blocked my exit from the elevator had a bag which they almost shoved in front of me, I assume it is their version of sadistic "joking" as the goo and turds they placed into the bottom of the cupboard just as I was picking up the brand new faucet (which they pour, every time anything new comes in, deteriorating liquids so all metal and metallic surfaces and joints in doors stinkis of rancid metal deterioration all is rusted and stiffened and about to fall apart completely.
I was put artificially into a loose sleep state as they injected me with something and while my brain was remotely shut down from the tech trained directly into my body from the room beneath mine--I feel asleep my body is in pain always from poison literally ripping from my tissue and intestines, and even at incremental levels it's a weakening of the muscle strength and a ripping away of flesh. I feel into this sleep state which was like floating--and they cut once more into the bed of my cuticles which are so damaged that 4 fingernails are completely black and fallen off and the nail bed, the very foundation of the nail, has been cut into every single night for years. they did this again asI was teleported to some creep "dcream" and whatever else the smeared on my skin (always very damaging chemicals are slathered on my hands and my cuticles at the very root are cut now to shreds, huge bulbous reddish round balls of flesh so constantly cut into, the nail black on one finger another finger so deeply cut that the nail has fallen off and no longer grows.
My toes are also in a similar state
and I was lied to all day
and only for having defended myself
people  talk and talk about defending Democracy but still consider what is happening to me an extraneous event outside of their actual concern about their own safety.
How to impress upon people, from having written directly before Trump's name became synonymous with a threat to Democracy and the safety and sanctity of American life as many people formerly knew it (or thought they knew it, as I was one of the latter)
and the former are still allowing this to continue. I warned endlessly in my Facebook and then Vignettes blog posts that people would regret having allowed this that they, too, would suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous apathy in stopping this travesty.
So exhausted from fighting to 'ignore" some scum creep--every day it's another one, or the same sort of 1/2 (they are not fully people they are half bot and half scum) and they go on, following protocol. How easy it is for them to suck life force out as energy vampires endlessly they all go on and on.
I fight trying not to react, but after one hour it gets more tedious as they continue with insulting everything I do, every action I make as I remain partically paralyzed because they WILL NOT STOP POISONING AND DRUGGING ME, even for one single day someone must profit and join in this group's nefarious criminal activities, although they consider my reaction of rage and fighting to be the crime punishable by death. Outrage for me having fought to stop them and writing about the injustice.
The slip back into their pseudo-pious roles that I never quite believed in but for some I was deluded with desperate "hope" that someone means anything who sport the garb of righteous defender. They also treat me with hate and vicious violent contempt for what I write, wh ich to me is a form of stress release, and also to just try to dispel the paradigm they all imbibe, their safety net and promise of endless monopoly. They cling to this blanket deception like Linus of Peanuts sucking it's thumb but more vicious than anything imaginable. \Promoted without end for the increase in violence against me. They are all now fully welcoming in a mafia out of Brooklyn who has a most violent disposition and the throng of Whorewood feminists and justice-seeking publicity stunters with stunted personality disorder are fully in the background cheering it all on. He returns to more violently assault me under their auspices and protection and urges to go on and on. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

drilling into cement and steel in the room 2 floors beneath mine--the sound reverbs against the 80-degree hillside directly behind the building where my patio faces.

 The sick and criminal creeps who have been handed this tech are going at me for hours and hours and hours to break through my attempt to ignore them, respond to their endless vitriol and hate that I never did anything to "deserve" except to fight being murdered and raped and poisoned to death (all three successively by one dirty filth crap parasite after the next, all "important" so-called "men" being honored endlessly by this sleazy sick system of corrupted and rotten criminal parasites

I try to ignore the endless HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS and of course the next putrid fossilized half-dead half-putrid parasite has to go on because of the death threats aimed at him, and so like his fellow MSNBC and Democrat Party and "liberal" "woke" celebrities they must endlessly prove how fascist and corrupt they truly are, so as to obviate the surge of potential violence and blacklisting and of course for more promotions.

So they go at me, they create lies and the pig apes take turns repeating the lies or just outright come at me with horrific violence.

It is impossible to be "stoic" when they are shadowy translucent figures who sit, stand above, rape, beat and follow so no matter what direction I am looking in, this hologram sort of teleportation view is 360 but always facing me--either I am stuck or just unable to move my attention is focused on defense so endlessly

with them yelling into my inner ear, for hours. Then teleporting me to ask for ideas because they are blank hateful parasites in essence so they must steal ideas from me constantly, calling me a stupid bitch constantly and then they hand the tech to the next stupid pig ape bitch who needs a promotion. Jews, blacks, and "liberals" and MSNBC Biden-advocates on and on and on alongside the fascist Nazis and of course Trump is alongside them all, literally not figuratively.


Biden is somewhere in the background but like MSNBC with their INSTANT interviews of the sleaze scum who violently assault me, a plethora of interviews of these shit scum are aired on the very same day, within hours now (it used to be at the very least a few days) but now the contract has expanded so vastly that the media exposure from so many pieces of shit in constant rotation non-stop asaulting raping beating poisoning torturing me for hours and hours every day and night is staggering--the media is now on alert to advertise for Biden every fake "liberal" Anti-Trump/fascist/pro-Democracy piece of rotten fake and lying shit possible. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Terrorist report on the stinking greasebags plus drilling into the wall directly beneath my room for the 6th year in a row after the wave of 4th Reich goes off to Euroland. plus uncountable endless attacks. people hissing the b-word into my inner ear, hacking by endless and countless aspirant terrorists waiting for me to click on their k-rap so they can beat rape poison and torture me. STinking grease sprayed on my bed sheets and pillows, on my chair and on any dried tied bag of herbs and anything else I can't carry around with me when I leave, but can't afford to constantly repurchase. On and on and on and on and on. Wondering when this hate crime/witch hunt/ Nazi promotional contract will ever be stopped while I am still living and able to barely function from the endless poisoning/drugging and torture and abuse that is never ending for a single day or moment (the subliminal "bitch" and "stab yourself in the eye" while I"m using a knife and just a million other hate statements similar. My internet so hacked that even closing a page is impossible. Freezing of pages and the non-ending blocking of keyboard function, the hacking of all sites so I can only access a fraction of available information. Trying to obtain podcasts from sources other than the terrorist anchors and celebrities for information on what is going on, which does (in)directly affect me, or directly--almost impossible. My frozen meat I kept in the freezer is rancid, they open the packages with solvent and put fungus into the food and reseal with a type of industrial glue. I also must buy all meat if possible on sale and it's seemingly fresh upon purchase but I open the packages and the seal or the carton container is fractured or bent like it's been tampered with (or so it seems, anything is possible). Because any possible food stored in plastic bags in my room that I can't carry with me when I leave ARE tainted with stinking substances on the bags which smell like fungus and curry--(I never use curry) and etc I believe that the packaged and frozen meat has been tampered with. I can't afford to pay for food at normal price. No matter what COLA increase, the price goes up accordingly so I remain at the same or worse level as real estate makes anything impossible. So I remain with the creeple threatening me and trying to force me to leave and go be --just abused to death by them and their friends in places like California or wherevcer else, as they all will profit from whichever expletives forces it's stinking filthy self on me while I am fighting to get the endless rotation of k-rap off me. Wondering how and why in the year 2024 there are blacks viciously attacking who are stealing concepts from long dead black mavericks in the field of Civil Rights, and Jews like the most sinister Ratskin who has proven to be one of the most lying and vile sick reptiles of almost all of the politicians I have encountered--he is so eager for Nazi approval he is the most openly violent almost at this point but it's really hard to tell. But from the spate of politicians he is the most flagrantly violent towards me. When will there be even a semblance of deterrent to stop them as this is ever kind of illegal unconstitutional against all human rights--whatever these sleazy sick whores think about me, which is a pre-programmed lie that they all repeat until they hope the Big Lie becomes s stigma so they can r ationalize endless torture and violence and keep the excuses flowing so they all repeat the same insults and abuse like the sickening and stupid rotten bots that they are--these shit celebrities and filth politicians. Whwn will this ever be fucking STOPPED while I am still alive?

Saturday, June 1, 2024

IT needs to be thrown in prison and then poisoned with the mind control/bloating/hardening filth he ordered put in my body until he is so paralyzed he can't rant in front of cameras any longer about "injustice". They lying minions around him who make the most prolific anti-corruption and Pro-Democracy statements rush at me in violence and with physical assault to protect me being raped and passed around for gang rape, my ideas stolen by filth from Whorewood because they will obtain more interviews from the K-rap of MSNBC and CNN if they just fake being anti-Trump and violently assault me to prove how genocidal Nazi they really are--the Jews some of the most violent but blacks on a near competitive edge--the white pig apes are really puppeteering the entire violence so the real violence stems from them. WHEN will this violence against me be stopped/ I had this hope that sick rotten Trump would be put in prison on July 11 but it appears he has legal recourse to delay and appeal every conviction for a few YEARS in the indefinite future. The pigs and their insatiable greed and lack of all accountability are now open psychopaths waiting for a total take-over with the Democrats going fully along. I am the ONLY ONE actually fighting this in real time, in a real way. Everyone else makes videos yelling about the injustice but participate in this attack upon me or do nothing. I am a crucial component of the Trump rise to power, this contract out on me, so the Biden team joins in to get THEIR political entitlement sadism 4th Reich credits and publicity and tv shows and interviews so this is a non-stop murder situation and still it is never stopped. That sick fuck Trump HAS TO BE PUT IN JAIL NOW NOT IN THE INDFEINITE FUTURE. He is formulating death squads and this is no joke or hyperbole. The sleazy sick scum who run the media are just pontificating but not relaying the urgency because they are complete complicit allies of Trump. I am the ONE AND ONLY actually, at this point, truly fighting this horrific Trump and fascist rise. People will be fighting and it appears that even if they do fight, they will NEVER help me although I began to writ dire warnings about Trump in 2015 and 2016, the people now making public statements are still rushing to attack me and attacked me for writing anti-Trump statements. They are fakes controlling the false narrative of opposition to fascism, whether from the very fake Democrat side to the very open Republican.//If I write about the violence upon me in teleportation, it would mean more promotions for those who assault me and nothing ever stopping them or this violence. It happened, as professional boxer associated with a thug organization mafia/Nazi punched me in what is called a "sucker punch" from a side angle, while I was teleported and put into consciousness and at the very moment of awareness I was hit. The sleazy scum has also raped me while his dirty mother watched and then they tried to have a dog attack me. They have since obtained non-stop promotions and businesses and deals, for all the years of this Brooklyn Mafia assaulting me under Trump and also along with Oprah. Sitting alongside them all and supporting Trump and attacking me was the "aged actor" as Fox News calls him who spoke vehemently in front of cameras as the fake opposition. I was assaulted by the children of the Chief Big Mac double-decker and a host of the MAGA entourage were surrounding me--the "aged actor" alongside them all. When it comes to bigotry and racism and rape and white supremacy, the threat to Mafia contagion has no boundaries but when it comes to that group losing out of power cartels to the Nazi 4th Reich Europigapes whom they welcomed in to help them become fascist and destroy Jews just like in the "old World' and they have been ongoing in this pursuit for decades--before I was born to be sure. Of course, the usual Jews who have fully complied and have attacked me were sitting in the rows of chair. It was about 20 people with me in the middle screaming as they punched me with professional boxing ability---14 years of me screaming that rapist scumbag pig apes are not okay has done nothing but encourage a non-stop rotation of the same mentally-programmed ape pigs and t heir pig ape females to rush to attack me. //As usual, no one has ever stopped this and I remain apparently the ONE AND ONLY PERSON actually fighting this system amongst all the fakes in the media and in politics who make a very profitable career out of pretenses but rush to join in with the most vile stupidity of sleazy and low-brow greed and rapacious power-climbing in the 4th Reich ranks, with ever-increasing interviews by MSNBC and their various other "liberal" podcasters, being hailed as "experts in Constitutional law' and the acting is so profoundly saccharine the people can't get enough of the snake oil sales-pitch. I am the ONLY ONE in Congress and in America it seems fighting this system as no one is left alive any longer. Certainly no one is fighting fascist Nazism and racism out of MSNBC they just join in and participate in trying to get their own promotions out of this hate crime to which they fully partake. ///So there is no one to report to because everyone thinks this "system" of instant gratification and nepotism and instant media exposure is far superior to a legal system of boundaries of all personal space. They only see a "minority" not with whitish skin and I have darker hair and thusly it's game on for hunting me as a witch/open season a lynch mob to be sure. Every one of "them" has a sales pitch in front of cameras about hating Trump and fighting for "Democracy". They run and sprint to attack me and/or the "feminists" of whorewood with theiir lighter skin and/or black Nazi devotion to the aforementioned are just blank and silent. Some of their more notable "Me Too" representatives are giggling as they mutilate and poison and pour fungus i8nto my ears (I have a humongous infection in my right ear, something was put in my ear it is huge, swollen, unbelieavably painful and sucking out so much of my energy and in consant dehabilitating pain as they attack me while I am limping from the hard poison they put in my body while they laughed as pig apes mostly from Europigapeland raped the poison as deeply as possible into my body and profited off it. Defending myself agaisnt this has entailed not only death threats but now the pig scum from the Gotti family is punching me from side angles, sucker punching, while I am just barely made "conscious" while in the deep sleep teleportation state. I write this now and of course, he's going to get more promotions immediately. //I anybody is listening, I hope that the fake crowd of incensed scumbags who made the pretense of attacking DeNiro, who is sitting alongside Trump to assault me with hate because he reallly doesn't mean it, he just is playing a role and this is absolutely correct. The role is to control the opposite narrative while still conforming to the actual agenda of the egregious other party/group. //I hope they will not rise to any more power and will be finally gone from all and any opportunities in the present or future to obtain more standing and more money and more power by having some sleazy rapist scum from the Gotti family rape and punch me in the face while I am teleported so he and they can be put into a more major orbit. They are undeserving even moreso than Trump but they are all really vile and incompetent. DeNiro is an absolute loathsome lying deplorable. and sickness even

 The really tragic news I heard yesterday from Democracy Now is that once Trump gets his sentence on July 11, he will NOT be put in prison even if the sentence entails that he should be. The "Stay" will be allowed, he will request a review or appeal, that will Stay his incarceration, and he will remain able to inflict non-stop torture upon me and I have been WAITING FOR 4 YEARS for Biden and his team to do something to stop this and they are still sending their own delegates to participate alongside the Trump filth bucket cartel of goons, scum, whores, and "Democrat liberals" in the House of Reps and from Trump's former rival in another election--who has just violently assaulted me alongside Trump and the huge "game" is a bucket full of deplorables like crabs in a bucket trying to abuse me to get a higher vantage at this point it is incalculable how many have come without a single protest from any single Congressional member not a single current or former president. All attack me to get these deals.

So, they will not put that sick Trump in prison even if he is sentenced. There are so many cases of people being incarcerated even before trial and then the trials are delayed and they remain in prison without charge for YEARS--poor black people for instance make up a large portion of that unfortunate miserable group.


How many Blacks for Trump are mentioning these criminal justice facts and descrying the actual injustice that the "system" has for this huge imbalance of power and racism in this system that Trump is certainly going to increase as much as possible.

Some of the blacks sneer in contempt telling me that Germans are not racist and they are entitled. Even with statistics and information about the modus operandi of Nazis that I know about and they are too deluded to try to ascertain they still rely on entitlement and on denigrating me and all I have to say.

I appear to be the one and only person fighting the fascist uptick in politics every single person in the media, in the government and everywhere is just dying for a 4th Reich fascist Nazi takeover

so I scream at them as they hit me and punch my face and grab and rape and beat and poison and inject poison into my vagina into my bladder on my food on my furniture--every day for years and years and years

screaming that i hope they all die as they laugh with sadistic delight at this enraged quality of me fighting every single day and nothing ever stops this endless crime.

I waited for Biden to stop this and he sent a contingent of Democrats to just violently assault me and has invited most of the violent scumbags who rape and abuse me to the White House--constantly he is doing this.

There is no fight against fascist Nazis not from MSNBC not from DeNiro not from anyone in Whorewood

they may make some profit-generating statements in front of cameras but they are fully integrated into grasping in the crab bucket every available deal possible. That is the art of the scumbag steal, it has replaced politics it has replaced Democracy It has replaced the Republic it has replaced integrity in everything.

I am fighting literally at a hysterically violent pitch now every day and the f-ing court cannot even begin to put that sick fuck Trump away and finally stop the Gottis and finally stop adulating rotten DeNiro and stop this endless violence against me ever?

Plus the endless list of shit who are perpetually assaulting me like dirty filthy A$$-Whorewood celebrities who are defunct, rotten, ignorant I have ONLY SEEN SICK STUPIDITY out of alll of them. rotten psychopathy and sick sadistic and incompetence and unbelievable mediocrity nothing superior nothing beautiful except for the plastic surgery technicians who sculpt them into Nazi iconography bigot bots.