Saturday, August 21, 2021

ANOTHER MIND CONTROL CESSPOOL OF LIES FROM MARVEL STUDIOS (which I seem to be one of the few on the planet who is not enthralled with this blinder approach to keeping the public immersed in fantasy projections of those who have created so much and are creating so much destruction for the future of the planet in this covert technological genocidal torture apparatus that they have been inflicting upon me, passing me around also to other "superhero" actors who all are viciously inhumane to the utter core of their selfish and sleazy personalities--in teleportation it comes out, in movies they are glamorized unbelievably so. The world shudders from climate change and the fascist over take of Anti-Democratic forces which these very same people have helped to put into power so they can star in these roles. Extremely evil and violent actors who have helped install into power people responsible for severe damage to the US system of "Democracy" and also the climate crisis: playing once more superhero roles saving the planet from certain destruction by fantasy forces which they fight using Magick (not I perceive that in this film various aspects of occult/Satanic practice are indelibly interwoven into the "superhero" "powers' of these likewise not super or heroic actors). It is sad and pathetic to see: Worldwide attention given to actor(s) who play Marvel roles (and all roles) of saving the planet from evil. In real life, they have helped the powers who have exacerbated the climate crisis into becoming an emergency, life-threatening situation for the entire planet. One of the worst perpetrators of this situation of celebrities helping to put people who have ravaged the climate situation to the breaking point has been advertised today in almost all major mainstream media movie trailer discussions (because it's a Marvel film with director who won an award--I found the film extremely tedious and not well done but everyone who comments on this direct consider her exquisitely artistic.) I have written the names for years, but they are being promoted once more as being heroes and saviors with the utmost compassionate concern for humanity. Au contraire. But I am silenced and they are on front pages of all major media pulp pump-up the fake icons for today, while I can't type or get my words out for any real public appearance.

I really don't see the appeal. I never have liked these major superhero movie franchise mind-drug fantasy movies. What I have seen of the underbelly of these movie contracts and deals is almost the exact opposite of anything heroically rescuing society from evil--but actually encouraging the worst forms of destruction of society and for the planet in collaboration with the "powers" who truly are the evil destroyers of the planet and of all goodness in society. The violent hate and ugliness that truly undergirds the entire structure is an abomination.

*I have to state right now that the hacking/terrorist block to my laptop and to my brain and motor skills functioning is at a high peak as the terrorist are thwarting my ability to type, think or function. I am backspacing continuously. I am not going to re-read this so obviously the terrorists are going to rewrite, delete, omit grammar and what they do for my every post. The computer is freezing and I can't use most of the functions. I can't switch to other pages, etc etc etc the hacking is very bad right now. Once I turn the laptop off, expressive words and more articulate sentences that are being blocked from my cognitive access will surge to the front of my thoughts once I have not been in the direct line of this technological affront against my brain while I am typing. The block to the keyboard is likewise extremely enervating and stopping me from typing--to the point that it is becoming physically exhausting to pound out letters and backspace non-stop while hackers are blocking functions and inserting spaces and my brain and head feel like a sieve is slightly crushing my head inward and I can't think.


What the world wants to believe in--a fantasy of mind control projection from very evil and violent sources of mind programming:

Marvel Studios’ Eternals | Official Teaser

 The public apparently pays more attention to these types of movies than they do to the climate crisis or the threat to the US Government by fascist forces, which these actors (not all but one in particular, with another one also participating in the bs-K-rap movie which is so globally embraced with millions or billions of dollars and top front page promotions for the most conniving rape and hate unconcerned selfish expletive in Whorewood (or just one of them, acting the part in private for those with truly malevolent intentions who promote such sick creeps into these "hero" savior roles. It is repugnant to see this while I am still fighting to type and think because my brain and keyboard are so continuously under attack. I remain nearly penniless because I have been fighting their death culture technology and technocratic forms of enslavement and rape and torture/murder culture which they have thrived by "experimenting" upon me for years and years and the situation is never stopped. It's so sick and yet, I still remain alone while they are surrounded with love and admiration. 

There is also a huge entertainment-info news and other major news source advertisement for this actor who has assaulted me endlessly for over 8 years or perhaps/probably much longer from behind the Europ-a's who had tried to poison me to death while raping me and abusing me slowly to death, as she and her partner took the contract over and has not stopped slowly torturing me to death using all these technological hate and murder technologies along with rape and endless abuse and physical violence and every kind of personal, psychological, emotional, sexual, hate attack upon me and laughing like a hyena about it (the actor looks like one in teleportation, to me at least). 


The sick and twisted irony of the years of me observing someone helping to bring genocidal death technology using death squad groups to attack me so it can be promoted as playing some profound defender of life on earth, coming from some mystical place using posturing plastic-surgery posturing and years of attacking me surely helps these parasites to feel pumped up on power, which they use for their posturing superiority poses which are used to sell them as defenders of all "goodness" that any righteously sacrosanct and pure-of-spirit and spiritually-based "good" ethereal type of constructed consumer product could ever hope to be sold to the gullible public. 

The real celluloid coverage of wastelands that these people have actually helped to turn into global catastrophes are ignored as the public throngs to watch fantasy projections of abusers, rapists, insatiably greedy sleazy and degenerate users and complete moral cesspools of self-serving  corruption--it's just amazing. Amazingly sick and evil from the vantage of knowing what filth and dirt and absolute lies underlies these superheroic types of franchise Marvel and other superhero movies cranked out by the Whorewood establishment and their evil and sick actors playing these roles while in privacy they are truly assisting in absolutely destroying the planet on almost every level possible. They are truly part of the great evils plaguing the planet at this time, dire threats not only to humanity but to the planet. This sounds like an over-sweeping generalization of hyperbolic ranting but the interconnections between the rise of political figures, the infiltration of fascist Nazi culture into the United States which, after the Insurrection Jan. 6, 2021, no one can ignore any longer. They have helped to generate and put into place the apparatus of promotion which has lead to certain people who have pushed these death agendas into power through this very teleportation contract out on me. Why is this situation still being ignored and silenced and covered-up at this point? Too much superhero movie watching by the readers who feel comfortable in their mansions who read my posts, perhaps?

Friday, August 20, 2021

Terrorist report: August 20, 2021. Woman-hating, rape and sex trafficking of women so fully accepted by society. When I refer to a type of "maturity" I do not mean stultifying rigidity and conformity to tradition or suppressed "childlike" vitality. I mean self-growth and independence of thought and mind from encoded traditional belief systems which have created the fascist, domestic violence and pornographic hate industries and societies where women being prostituted and sex trafficked is not cause for alarm to any great degree. More like embraced as it is with this technology and the men clinging to their mommies and daddies who spawn this belief system. I mean the maturity of a self-aware person who is not fettered to being a child while growing old from decaying rot internally in their psyche because they have not grown organically on an emotional or psychological level. The terror/teleportation/death squad technology and methodology is too deadly and dangerous for society to continue to ignore and not stop the proliferation and usage of any longer.// An attack by a man who accuses me in teleportation of being a "man hater" when I analyze the basic structure of fascist family structures which I have seen repeated endlessly in parts of Europe I have lived in by fascist Nazis and mafia who are form the same exact patterns. Assaulted once more as I wrote of yesterday but by a "new" addition to the group but with the same operators standing back to help bring another lying hypocrite into the fold of the rest of these "rescuers" and "romantic" porno rapist abusers. No matter what, nothing is done to stop this attack against me despite nearly a decade of me writing posts as administration-after-administration keeps the terror operations going on and on.

 Teleported once more to the violent rapist abuser out of Europ-a-land with yet another Europ-a inhabitant who is actually from a much more openly racist part of the world but feigns he is "fighting" Nazis and fascist culture in Europ-a-land by going around Europe with extensive semi-factual disinformation about symbolism of European secret society stuff (call it bs intermixed with observation disinformation mixed with a few factoids). It's an authentic You Tube channel that supposedly has been blocked by You Tube but reinstated and etc. The fake victim narrative has been used extensively. 

After I posted my lengthy diatribes yesterday (facts mixed with observation mixed with hyperbolic drug-induced rage due to the aftermath of violent assaults upon me in teleportation that have not stopped for a decade--daily, without end).


I wrote of these men whose parents are always there to attack me (along with a host of mostly blacks physically assaulting me while they sit back smug and gloating as their minions attack me). However, in this case, it is a poorer less affluent white male who is assaulting me for his Nazi "master". The reason for the violence? Immediately after I posted about how these grown men are nearly children in the inner recesses of their psyches with their parents not only coddling the little entitled blonde Nazi boy with aspirations of fame and fortune which the aging parents can then, personally, affix to and glob onto and profit off. I wrote of how these abusive, rapist and pornographic men who are assaulting me are inordinately (in my opinion) attached to especially their mothers who absolutely are not only thrilled but eagerly hostile with deadly aggression aimed at me so their little boy(s) can remain immature, infantile and penis-absorbed self-gratification little children who rely on their parents to surround them in the womb of middle-aged security if anything threatens the bond and the homoerotic, probably pedophilic hidden or sometimes open tendencies or real and open traits, but not of the harmless type.

Immediately after I simply wrote that these "mamma's boys" were all intravenously affixed to this system and their mommies appear to attack me or are absolutely behind all the violence while they clasp on to their overgrown little clinging immature violent rapist son (this applies to the women with their daddies, at least in the case of the male I mentioned yesterday, the actor, and the wife is affixed in the "Electra" complex to big KKK Daddy while she feigns being "liberal" and pro-every kind of minority that pumps up her ego with deferential obsequiousness. 

Immediately on my You Tube recommended channel was a stupid asinine post by this new addition (the You Tube conspiracy theorist whose posts I have posted as of late--who probably wants me to mention him by name as I did in a post so he too can be promoted into higher status by the now dominated by the German rapist group which has taken precedence over the actors because of his very wealthy Europigape contacts and obviously he has a lot of clout, and has influenced the behavior of these violent actors who are now much more violent towards me. 

The You Tuber posted something on my front page about "Man-hating" which was so stupid I clicked it off within the first few seconds of the introductory stupid analysis of a book titled "I hate men" and his approach was just more infantile woman-hating anti-feminist misogyny. I had written also earlier that raping and sex trafficking of women is so ingrained into our cultures around the world that when I write of these assaults upon me it proves to make almost no ripple of alarm to anybody in the whorewood universe and indeed in the undercurrents of normalized society, which of course assist and help in these trafficking silencing or complicity operations or mostly fully participate but claim they know nothing about any of these operations and are "shocked" in moralistic terms when they are revealed but they are not personally implicated.

I was threatened or assaulted with another act of violence--by this "anti-Nazi" poor performer--so fake in his examinations of how "angry" he is with his voice always in a sneering whining tone for his every video, with guesses about what each color and symbolism means without any kind of referencing or proof and in one case he analyzed something from a city I have lived in, in Florida, and he was so completely off the mark about the content and symbolic representation and in colloquial terms, he is speaking out of his ass much of the time but promotes all as if it is steady fact.

He rushed at me hitting into my face--but I was "blacked" out so I don't know if it was an act or if he really hit me or not. I never feel anything but it's alarming while sleeping or nearly awake for people to rush out of nowhere and assault into your face to create a traumatized effect. I began a long yelling and fighting sequence of hitting him and feeling slimed by just touching him, and then expounding on how immature and woman-hating these rapists are. I imagine that the pro-rapist "feminist" women participating in this hate and rapist Nazi crime with Mafia support are doing in stealing the concepts to crank out the K-rap about how they are "fighting" these very concepts which I screamed and yelled out after having been assaulted in this way. That has been their modus operandi for a decade of torture and before them it was the English "aristocrat" "art dealer" who did this to me and stole words, phrases and story concepts verbatim which I wrote (and he's still behind much of this still). There also was the Italian disco-owner but after attacking me for years obtained businesses all over South Beach and beyond and gained much more influence and etc, the story goes on and on from one scumbag meaningless parasite to the next.


So my posts yesterday like all the years of writing about this have proven to create no ripple effect, no one is concerned about another woman being raped especially if she is not blonde and part of the Nazi/Mafia cartel (sometimes they can also "care" about brunettes or even minorities but not usually).


Otherwise, the greasy filth attacks continue. My bed sheets were sprayed with such disgusting filth that barely washes off that I had to spend an hour trying to get the stink out. I had been sleeping on this because the terrorists also block my nasal passages and my body is so stiff from the poisoning I can't bend down to see what stinks at that level--I would have to bend my back 90-degrees and that is almost impossible. 

There is grown grease that only comes out on tile with such hard scrubbing I have to use my entire body strength to reduce the brain stain only. It never comes out. This is sprayed on my clothing, the walls are covered and coated with this grown permanent staining grease which also stinks. It's been sprayed on my floor so continuously. If I clean the floor with bleach and soap, and then after it dries wipe a white tissue on one spot there is brown grease on the white tissue, and the entire floor is coated with this every time I leave. The bathroom is coated on every tile with this stuff. I can't clean most of the time in ways that involve bending so it remains stuck on my walls, floor, bathroom tile and on my patio it's all over the formerly white tile, which is now ugly stained brown. In corners they heap the toxic stuff into every crack and every day with mechanical arms the terrorists sprinkle debris into the opening of my patio doorway. 

The disgusting things that these people do physically to my body and property in no way equals the utterly disgusting ways they act, behave and their repulsive energy parasitic sexual rape activities are so foul it makes the filthy grease and stink that they spray into my body and home almost pristine in comparison. 

They are a truly stinking and filthy group of (subhuman pigapes). 

But no one in power can ever conceive of ever stopping this as most of them have been inducted either because they never say anything and remain silent and protect these groups, and more importantly, receive huge lucrative sums for their complicity and silence. For those who aspire to crank their art out or get a decent career, are also likewise induced and promoted into silence even if they disagree, the awards far outweigh the obvious threats to society which they truly, at heart, despite all their complaining narratives about how they don't want to be discriminated against personally and are "fighting" against that, otherwise if one other group is discriminated against and they are not they are completely fine with that and WILL participate in attacking the other group as long as they are lifted out of the target zone. 

However, with this new technology, like the Covid-19 virus and it's mutations, "no one is safe" when this strain of technologies and the immoral expletives and operatives who are part of this global terrorist organization are allowed to mutate into more and more virulent strains of violent fascist exploiters. Their willingness to gouge eyes out of animals to traumatize me the target of their hate only shows their absolute disdain of true nature and respect for life. Their rape using this technology shows what little love they truly have despite all their "romantic" (Mamma's boy) sensualized self-gratification, penis-centric, power-grabbing "entitled" to "do what I want" (because mommy told me I can because daddy beats her if she doesn't do what mommies are supposed to do, which is re-create more fascist culture as the daddy goes off screwing around and mommy stays at home with little wanker son to train him to abuse women while mommy caters to his every fascist, Nazi need--and that is the mommy system that the fascists have created and it remains a factor in this targeting that is affronting me). And so, I tried to yell this as an explanation which will now be stolen by the mindless rapist-enabling woman of this group who are fully skank perpetrators of fascist Nazi male rapist, hate culture. 


I remain writing about the filth on all levels being forced upon me and fighting to heal enough to clean it up, while fighting to write about it so you can finally stop allowing them to pour their filth and grease and crap onto my life while you all assume that this is just like the good old days of this form of fascist attack upon just another woman who is not a blonde Nazi which is silenced and ignored while the men are promoted and their women glob onto this contract because they, too, are fixed into the mommy/fascist-enabler culture and play good mommy whenever possible as their husbands go off screwing around and beating, abusing and raping and still promoted for it.

For having written about this, but now today in much more detail, I am physically assaulted by a rotten aged man with this fascist Nazi person I have written of non-stop to get anyone to stop this assault by him off me--yet it remain. The technology now cannot be considered just another woman-abusing form of sex trafficking as it is so deadly and dangerous and being handed to such primitive and violent exploiters who have very little foresight or insight into anything but their penis-centered self-gratification which their mommies have instilled into them--or they face brutal reactionary violence if they either attempt to not be in these domesticated Nazi-training all-encompassing servile to little boy who never becomes a real and true man capable of self-growth but always in need of support for his every infantile sexualized pornographic need combined with power-grabbing that all is entitled for his exploitation. 


*I have not re-read this post and while typing it I had to struggle to backspace often to rewrite what hackers have deleted or inserted. It will be redacted but I will not proofread yet another post today after spending so long just fighting to type this out.

Even "innocent" posts I write outside of the realm of exposing this pernicious terror organization and it's terrorist exploits against me (and all of humanity) about beautiful subjects are taken as threats and are attacked with the customary attack tools these terrorists have as an arsenal of hindering expression, thought, and free speech.

 "William Randolf Hearst's One-Time L.A. Home to Sell for Fraction of Original $195 Million 
Asking Price". Wall Street Journal. August 20, 2021.

This was the Hearst home (one of) in
Beverly Hills. Although I like the modern style of the mansions as seen in celebrity photos, I find the Hearst style most appealing, most gorgeous in fact. I visited the Hearst Castle and on that long, winding road up the steep mountain/hill where the castle stood atop the vista of that part of California, I was amazed and have never felt this sense of beauty or awe, especially with the swimming pool as in that mansion--the Hearst Mansion. I was amused that Stanley Kubrick also used a scene from the Hearst Mansion in his film Spartacus where Lawrence Olivier played the Roman aristocrat walking into his expansive domain next to the beautiful swimming pool of that Hearst mansion estate. I have never really found antique architecture especially thrilling except for the Hearst Mansion. I find it beautiful but not to the extent of how Hearst developed the style (mix and match style throughout his estate--not shown in this photo of the Beverly Hills estate below but this is a similar replica and I find it to be the most beautiful landscaping of all the celebrity photos of their houses and swimming pools (my only glimpse into H-wood homes except for my visit to the Hills to my Uncle's house with it's very nice but a bit empy 70's mod style and the swimming pool was not very exceptional at all but built on a tiered structure so it had at least some stylized appeal but not much).

What beauty this backyard area is. I wonder how gorgeous the house itself is in the interior and if the original furnishings and decorations Hearst used are still a part of the structure. Did he use Art Nouveau style, or Art Deco or just classical but done extremely well?


* I noticed upon re-reading that words have been deleted after I wrote, and some of the sentences have non-sequiturs. All of this post was written with great difficulty due to remote brain attacks and malware affecting the keyboard. My brain is so under attack I can't move my fingers to the keys without having to hesitate and consciously direct my fingers because my brain is somehow being so blocked in motor skills by this technology afflicting me (every single time I write anything on any computer system). This technology also can force my fingers to release a grip if I am holding something so it drops. This attack happens randomly so I am never prepared to endlessly grasp with full conscious strength onto objects. It is a very dangerous technology and should not be laughed about as you read my posts about how violently I am continuously under these attacks which people utilizing these technologies take as a joke and a kind of mishap circus act, while they instead are the malicious clowns. Otherwise, the keyboard is blocked with keys I press being juxtaposed with other keys after I press one another letter appears. Spaces are inserted while I am typing--it is awful and a sick attack upon humanity this terror group has been handed with intention of the same being inflicted upon countless others. Imagine sports celebrities who are part of the fascist Nazi/Mafia organization who want to deter any athletes threatening their less-than-stellar capabilities. They can divert drug testing with this covert technology that blocks physical function and causes people to drop things they are holding or limbs to not function. The other possibilities are much more deadly when the applications by these unscrupulous less-than-superior expletives have these technologies at hand, which they do and are spreading them out like fanning wildfire in a drought paradise which they are destroying. All with future plans of expanding these technologies to more of these death squad groups by the lecherous, parasitic, sleazy and inferior usurpers of culture that I endlessly write of.

Thursday, August 19, 2021

The sick pig actor I mentioned earlier today--disgusting filthy pit and his skank bigot whore wives and crappy mafia and nazi cohorts and friends--all "friends" all sick and rotten filthy sick parasites upon me-and the planet if possible. All are becoming much more violent since the German pig ape vicious and violent rapist assaulted me non-stop for months as everyone watched on to see if I would succumb to some rotten pig utilizing technology and drugs which blasted absolutely to my core with their slimy brain and physical manipulation. Now the shit pit actor, who wants me to react and write about how nasty and violent he is, of course this only means more prizes, promotions, producer roles, more increases in his wealth and status-the pig scumbag is addicted to doing this to me so is his filthy dirty whore wife the skankalina who is a sick and foul prostituted sleaze also controlled by her rotten foul fascist KKK daddy, while she claims she is every kind of "liberal" anti-everything oppressive while laughing as her male friends and husband beat and rape me after she steals ideas. Almost 7 or 8 years of this pair of absolute sleazy sick and really apparently stupid shit attacking me every day and passing me off to their shit friends who have since become leaders and endless stars in movie after movie. They were famous before but now they are entrenched fossilized monopolies who have taken as much power in the industry as can possibly be handed out by this pig organization that apparently no one can ever expose, stop or defend me against to a real and critical level.

 The greasy and odious pig pit the so-called "actor" who can play swaggering psychopaths, has spent years trying to suck out the values I have learned from studying so his roles have been a bit less violently psychopathic as of late. The creep is so disgusting to me as all these creeps are who are part of this organization. He's now using the same tactics that the German pig ape whore scum parasite threatened me with as he was violently raping and threatening me with egregious bodily harm and hitting and raping and abusing and insulting on a level that I have not had to deal with up to this point. The immediate level of violence that this creep hormone-growth monster pig ape whore creep inflicted upon me, while the stupid mafia goons acted like this was a top grade "classy" Europigape who they fawned over and also alongside this Germanic pig ape whore piece of filthy shit, they began punching at my face, which now "gregarious" stupid ape posturing pig pit is now doing as well. He has been extremely violent towards me but now  he's onto the next level under the incentive-awards system that this German pig whore scum is enticing all these greedy know-nothing creeps (they know how to lie and perform their mafia and Nazi roles, which are endlessly being portrayed and exalted in media and being "the best" while no one else really has much of a chance unless they absolutely conform to this odious group of fascist Nazism replete with minority whore slaves bowing down in deference but claiming they are "fighting racism" as they inflict racist violence upon me to assuage the Nazi pig apes they fawn over to show that they are full on with a Nazi Holocaust scheme. Now Nazis have an entire dearth of blacks willing to conform absolutely to Nazi fascist anti-Semitic genocidal policy. I can't explain how many black people ALL MY LIFE have participated in this and are usually at the forefront of public attacks and private home invasion filth attacks as well (but Latinos make up a hefty portion in now increasing demographic of new recruits for old Nazi pig apes who control them and hand them prizes, which are not a tenth as opulent as what they hand out to the white pig ape supremacists who now can sit back as their minorities do the filthy disgusting jobs for them.

The pig pit has loads of blacks that he has taken in and hangs with, and now filthy pigalina the whore his wife also has slaves making her feel pumped up with white supremacy power. It's supposed to appear for the public as if these racist Nazi fascist genocidal pig apes are actually not racist, but in fact this is the sexualized public acceptance of intermingling as long as the status quo of racism is absolutely maintained but with this new adoptee and sexual relationship or even intimate but always with a power differential twist to the old themes of absolute segregation.

But beyond all that theorizing about sociological issues like how racism has developed into a new strain of affront to the problem of racism, adapting to the BLM movement and etc all the other Me Too! movements that generate revenue for the bs con artist industry of the entertainment media bs circus.

Pit is more violent, more nasty, more disgusting since the German pig ape joined this team to offer Nazi gold and diamond-studded bs to the throng of greedy and vile parasites who clamor for every gold-plated piece of shit this organization dangles in front of their myopic blue contact lens eyes. They are now emulating the fascist Germanic Nazi violence which the mafia thug actors first imitated upon instruction. The German pig ape had by then threatened me with all kinds of dismemberment and extreme violence only after 8 weeks of endlessly violently raping me through teleportation and extreme drugging and mind control that really "blew my mind away" in a figurative sense but it was absolutely penetrating into the core of my physical senses. That is not a good thing, under any circumstance especially with people of this pig ape organization whose loveless sexuality and pornographic lust for power over other human beings cannot produce the ecstatic joy that people would hope could be achieved. At best this may happen on an extremely short-term basis but resulting in a very sad and bad ending, I believe, in almost all cases if these pig apes continue to be handed these technologies, drugs and mind control weapons and forces of attack by the dirty minions who will do anything to gain acceptance and more status in this hate organization.


Thus they were odious and disgusting for all these years, but now they are even moreso under the tutelage of this unscrupulous rotten foul German scumbag who now disgusts me after weeks of saying no but not being able to control my body reactions while I was drugged up, sleeping or barely conscious, as he exploited and it feels like ten years have been sucked out of my body as a result of this last putrid parasite who I only admired for one day watching him perform Paganini in a movie and then turning one Mozart piece into a basic rock n roll ditty which was entertaining for ONE DAY. I only was impressed by the use of violin, which I have played and have also been involved classical music but was mind controlled and poisoned out of being a part of that scene. Because I was impressed and wrote one drugged-up post copying and pasting his playing, the posts detailing pieces of music lasting less than 5 minutes--I have been raped, beaten, threatened with dismemberment because from the first second he began teleporting me I said no, no, no and have not stopped since then. The group of shit from Whorewood welcomed him in with open arms, filthalina the whore who stole ideas I wrote of regarding hate for women did her creepy gesture of stroking the pig's face, as she had done to me, as if I would be enticed somehow by this sleazy and creepy gesture but the whore pig ape German of course was delighted. Years probably of him trying to gain recognition and all he could do was viciously abuse and rape and threaten my body and life to gain more and more immediate promotions and as quickly as possible at that. 

now they are all emulating him. Now they are so much more stupid and odious and disgusting towards me and to me that I can only once more ask this audience, whomever you are, to get this group of pit and his shit off me and for me to live in peace, my cat La Moux returned alive and well, this group of pig ape shit forced to pay me compensation and reparations for nearly a decade or longer of absolute life-threatening abuse and torture and all that I have been writing of, and for them never to bother or attack me again nor anyone else. 

I have to wonder if and when there will ever be any kind of humanitarian concern over me and this sick situation that has proven to make the culprits more sleazy, stupid and violent as time passes like an exponential relationship of time and violence. It has reached the Executive Branch of the United States and yet no one still is capable of the kind of insight into how serious this is and that it must be stopped immediately. Not just for me but the entire use of these technologies MUST BE STOPPED. People must see how incompetent these Harvard, Yale politicians are to allow TECHNOLOGY to essentially destroy the planet. Imagine the extent of the real-life level of stupidity and immoral immaturity that prevails using this technology that enables psychopathic scumbags put into power who can revel in torture, rape, extraction of ideas they never studied for and don't want to spend time wrinkling their foreheads trying to concentrate on absorbing this material I have studied for or thought of (and now cannot do anything due to the drugging which leaves me literally stunned in a drugged up stupor most of the time as the poison keeps coming out of my body but also ripping out of my cells so I am in physical shock as well as a drugged up shock. It has left me unable to focus to read for years--I am so sick I can't do anything much of the time while they torture me to obtain ideas and to get off sexually and on a power trip over having someone to abuse, rape and torture just by pressing a button.

Terrorist physical violence report: August 19, 2021. While teleported to the endless assault by the American Nazi actor whose last name rhymes with shit, who, with his foul and disgusting rotten wives and children, mafia cohorts and fascist, Nazi Europigape "models" and "actors" who are infiltrators with extreme anti-Semitic Nazi ideology which they spew into public consciousness despite the themes of these K-rap movies being anti-racist and "feminist" and all the bs they spew and are paid in millions to portray. He punched into the air within an inch from my face with his rotten fist--I punched him and screamed in this nascent waking state--it went on for maybe 30 minutes. I then woke up to things ripped, sprayed, stinking and my hair sprayed with stinking crap and my body of course smeared with damaging chemicals and etc etc. The air of the studio stinking from sprays polluting the air by these mechanical arms I can't stop from breaking into my room. The pig ordering all this, the new endlessly awarded producer and actor (formerly just an actor, prior to this contract out on me which he and his skank women all latched onto, they never won awards but now it's year-after-year and prizes and plastic surgery and top lead starring roles without end, a cornucopia of praise and awards and money handed by the fascist Nazi organization controlling the fascist arm of their corporate group through this insidious entertainment/media/news/pop music/et al set of performing minions, who each have their own concentric group of minions, who in turn control the lower cascading groups such as the rotten and foul brothers and sisters of these plastic-coated pig apes who are ugly and revolting to sight (such as live here permanently in Phuket, rotten and ugly from years of being serviced like pimp kings by slaves loving and adoring them, the minority minions, who viciously attack me for the upper layers of this rotting pyramid system. I then write furiously after having been physically assaulted by this rotten disgusting actor who has not stopped for years and years nearly killing me, having parts of my body mutilated and cut out completely--trying to break my teeth with his most ugly and rotten evil parents attacking me for simply asking that he be stopped and that there is justice and these endless awards for them stopped--after endless abuse and torture from him for another year he "won" an Academy Award and has gone on and on and on and is so accustomed to being handed everything of torture almost--to abuse and destroy me--he's so immersed in this system of course the violence from him increases. By now he and his rotten foul ugly whore but plastic-surgery-constructed wife (former but they are still in love and together all the time attacking me for their joint profit that has been endless out of attacking me). I write in furious exaggerated hate from the drugging and the trauma--triggering such responses of calling names and exaggerated enraged responses which I write, which are exacerbated by the hacking which adds to the frustration of no one ever protecting me from this and the pig apes still are going on and on, and they have been put into lead position. Undaunted by my years of screaming that I never liked them or their movies, that I consider them stupid and ignorant whores and putrid creeps, they are undaunted they attack me and punch into my face--I don't know if they actually hit me or not because I "black out" as their fist hits me--and I am "blacked out" when they are aiming into my face so the fist comes suddenly from nowhere while I am in this state. The exploitative pig natures of these parasitic creeps is unbelievable that it's being promoted and yet genocidal hate is what is being promoted by this horrific pig ape institution that is handing out all these weapons, drugs, poisons and death squad groups. Countless millions of people willingly are involved and can't wait to unleash their ugliness, hate and misery. After they unleash their s**t upon me, (or any victim I suppose) they then "feel better" and not just that but are elated, high on hormones of excitement, glowing with satisfaction, as I sit here writing to empty people reading this who are "fighting" by making media presentations, living comfortably in their gated communities or mansions, watching as I scream and fight to get this group of shit off me. I thus keep on writing, they keep on having torture skits forced upon me such as pounding an drilling which went on for 2 months without end, when I had no laptop because this same actor (not producer producing film after film, after years of him sitting with a notebook in his lap taking notes on what I was saying about politics and creative ideas, while in this teleported state. Years of Whorewood actors participating as well in this, intermittent attacks as the same people "win" top awards the following awards seasons. I remain fighting alone asking for help endlessly. They laugh and are so glad, the Nazi women want me abused, raped and beaten down into absolute horrific broken down, beaten down old age. The men want to steal ideas because they are mamma's boys and follow and obey, which is why they were promoted in the first place (their women act like they are rebels and feminists, but only to the extent that Nazi women and some of their minions get a chance to compete or represent for major media--while actually creating a chasm of defeat for all the activists who fought and won all these rights which are now being stripped away by men who really love women as long as they are strippers performing for them whether private or on a stage.

London hipsters finding joy in the aftermath of another lockdown. What I intend to do once I can move, if I get this hard poison out of my body---instead of being made miserable by miserable but plastic-coated smiling misery-inducing gold-digger haters striving with hate for promotions in a Nazi/Mafia hate pyramid scheme. They want me endlessly writing about the misery they inflict. I can't wait until I can move and get out and meet people who at least strive to live with joy on every possible level instead of pretending they are joyous but partaking in hate activities and hate crimes if ever possible to obtain more filthy lucre and "fame" or prestige or just a bump-up from poverty (so many of the minions around the world fit into this last category, and without such types this pyramid global structure could not begin to get away with the massive crimes it commits in nefarious, covert systematic discriminatory death squad activity.

 "London’s Joyful Lockdown Ravers".  Noisey. June 22, 2021.

People living despite it all--dancing next to the Thames, joyful, breathing in fresh air--exhilarating communal dance to the joy of being alive and defying the enclosures of the death culture and all the contagion it has wrought upon the planet, and plans on continuing for an indefinite future. If not stopped by a concerned public, that is.

Your apathy and lack of response on a real and tangible level to salvage the United States and the planet from destruction besides just protesting or making money off your resistance art and political statements. Just talking about it or lecturing on it is far removed from the ACTION necessary to actually stop the death and destruction. Your verbal activism must be taken to a higher level than just profiting off representing a false structure of open dialogue (which does not exist and is confined to very small boundaries of allowed dissent by those who follow the rules by not actually DOING ANYTHING realistic about stopping this fascist system).

 The pig apes keep attacking me to generate these long-winded posts about how stupid and sick, dangerous and deadly these agents of mediocrity and fascist ideology truly are. They then, after torturing me in sleep with teleportation most sick and stupid and violent skits, then abuse me while I am barely awake as I scream and try to kill them, punching and yelling every single day this is the same hate scenario as these idiotic ape pig whores get endless deals, money and promotions for it--then I write after they attack me once I am awake, not having planned to write anything. Then the pig ape organization steals words, phrases, concepts and turns them into THEMSELVES as the heroes fighting against the forces of hate that they are conforming to in this contract out on me--which I write about because I am so drugged up and under non-stop torture with ZERO, ZERO, ZERO SUPPORT from any human being on the planet--all loving animals killed, maimed, tortured and taken away from me. The outside view from every house for over a decade has been a wasteland of killed trees, trash, all flowers killed off, all animals gone (literally all birds, and everything on a nature hillside outside my patio view is bleak, dead and no birds dare fly by or land on the trees. The first month I was here it was packed with birds and animals. Literally is has been made a dead zone of dying vegetation and zero animals dare even fly by or enter into this zone-they are shot and killed so the view is of a silent, dead zone--for over a decade this group has forced this upon me. My body is a completely damaged on every part system of outbreaks, veins being pushed up by pounding into my body, crooked bones, hard poison making an internal shelf along my entire back w hich I fight every day without health care to remove somehow on sub-sub poverty income that has been forced upon me. Being tortured with intention to crush my spirit and soul so badly I am destroyed on every level--all handed to filthy and rotten billionaires and millionaires who are eager participants in vicious torture, rape and murder and assassination using this technology--your "hero" but criminally insane psychopath celebrities of Whorewood--with a huge backdrop of Europigape Nazi fascists coming out of Europigapeland who are there to inspect, ensure the plan is going on schedule, and they sit back as the rotten Americans are in training for fascist nazi and Mafia overtake of the industry, with them backing it all as the controllers. I sit here for years waiting for Americans to actually not fully endorse this system when it is concealed as it is now in this hate crime "experiment" foisted upon me. I wait for any response that is actually a deterrent to the criminals I have been waiting for a decade for any action from my country, it's politicians and leaders to actually put an end to this terrorism.

More on persistent terrorist attacks on my personal items and body. More semi-ranting analysis (barely made, unable to write or think with calm or even the semblance of critical analysis, much less to get information out without ranting due to the endless drugging of my body which I cannot stop despite years of fighting to protect my body and property). I still need a safe place to live and all avenues to earning any money for survival, and even if the "opportunity" barely did exist,...

 I would be discriminated to the point that I could not function, or put in accidents in murder attempts which have abounded all these years of me trying to finish grad school, nearly murdered repeatedly while in grad school and in the act of just driving to any university, and/or poisoned to the point of incomprehensibility as I have been for most of my life. Now I am just fighting to wash out stinking poisons from clothing, my hair and body every day and sitting with hard poison latched into my spine and writing these posts to the silent audience which keeps ignoring this death squad situation which has proven to be so deadly for the United States and to the planet as a whole. They still, and no one still, can associate what this one group is doing with the calamities and destruction that has unfolded in the last few years. They seem to reduce my situation to being another woman being raped and abused, which is so common that no one seems to blink or feel any threat, much less act in apprehension that this situation could continue to crank out more violence and destruction of the planet and of any intellectual system of balance. No, they just assume I have been made "powerless" and thus my situation is just like the rest of the human trafficking and rape culture that abounds and is silenced. However, my situation is far more deadly and serious to the culture, to the planet than anyone will begin to recognize or do anything about to stop.

I was also drugged with either an injection or skin patch while sleeping, so my posts are hyperbolic hate rants to some extent, intermixed with political thoughts. Every single night, in this manner by mechanical arms breaking into my home, my food and my body are poisoned and drugged and I have spent years fighting to protect myself to no avail. I wake up also with my hair having been sprayed with some horrid chemical, despite completely covering my head like a burka to protect this damage but the mechanical arms can get through the concealed portals in the walls or cabinets, elongate into deadly weapons with attachments to sever, cut, spray and destroy anything on various incremental levels. Every single night, this goes on and on as well.

More on terrorist attacks: my clothing sprayed with stinking foul substances that won't wash out with soap (laboratory-created sprays to glue onto fabrics and the stink can only be reduced somewhat from bleaching/cleaning and spraying with perfume nothing gets the odors out completely and they remain forever on the clothing). Mechanical arms cutting into my body as I slept through layers of protection I wear and tape onto my body every night --it takes me at least 30 minutes to complete taping and putting on multiple layers covering my entire body, head to foot in three or four protective layers). Parts of the covering for the floor slashed and cut out of the material. My room stinking from sprays emitted by the mechanical arms. No evidence of break-in because the walls, floors and ceiling are covered with materials I have used to try to block the mechanical arms--all cabinets, which utterly line the walls from floor to ceiling, have been sealed shut with hooks pounded into laminated faux wood (very hard on my body with all the damage and poisoning latched into my spine and hips in one, huge hard-as-rock mass that I still can't get out after more than a decade of endlessly fighting to remove it while under non-stop attack on every level every moment of every day and night). I have to wash and clean stinking and foul clothing once more, clothing I made by hand and clothing that should be new and pristine which I bought 2nd hand (but new on the shelf--made stinking and foul with permanent odors sprayed on and most of my clothing has been shrunk to the tiniest size by the terrorists with holes ripped and threads hanging out. I now must wash more items which has been a constant deluge of stinking and fungus-laden clothing which has taken op perhaps 30% of my life for the decade of this endless atrocity being performed by extremely wealthy white supremacist Nazi pig ape rapist whore men with their filthy skank whore wives laughing alongside them and profiting off, of course their mommies and daddies watching on training their stupid and rotten mediocrity children in the Nazi ways and means of such parasitic exploits. Me writing to a system of people at best apathetic and usually conjoined into this system like babies intravenously fed through this system in the "matrix" of technocratic fascist usurpation of the planet and all peoples possible. Extinction abounds in this system inflicting untold damage to the planet and to the earth. Yet no one still can do anything to stop this and I remain cleaning up stinking filth and writing to this silent audience which can't seem to equate this group and this organization with absolute dire threat to their own survival and to the collapse of the ecosystem and to the end of all real Freedom and Democratic values (what remains after the shredding and undermining process has reached absolute open approach, insurrectionist appeals to destruction abound openly now thanks to this one group of whorewood exploiters who are now the producers and directors for more mind control fake altruistic movie fodder to be fed intravenously to the public through their mind control pods and devices, alongside news anchors endlessly discussing movie plots in connection to current political happenings (see MSNBC anchors for this intermixing of Whorewood and news media fodder--with MSNBC anchors also participating in this crime of teleportation alongside the fascist, nazi whorewood fascist Nazi Mafiosa plastic-coated clowns and whores and rapists and murdering bigots.

Thoughts on terrorism applied to me, paralleling the Taliban PLUS Terrorist "noise campaign" of a room beneath mine where terrorists are drilling, pounding into walls, walls shuddering and shaking from heavy pounding and drilling-- report, August 19, 2021.

PIG DESTROYER--THE DIPLOMAT. Noisey, October 26, 2012.


It goes on and on. Teleported to the same sickos who have not stopped attacking me for years and years, taking turns intermittently with other scumbag rapist whore Nazi fascists and their mostly black minions eagerly defending white pig ape Nazi so they can be promoted into lead "fighting for justice and brohood" status in the porno whoro media circus.

Endlessly foul and disgusting. They bring their rotten Reagan-era Nazi fascist parents into the mix to help torture and attack me. One of them, a blonde American male (dyed blond mostly with tons of plastic surgery enhancement to appear as Nazi as possible) but. attacked by his parents who resemble the walking dead skeletal zombie Nazi apocalypse which this group itself--this one group of celebrities, have personally helped to bring into the death cascade of problems and the loss of the decaying "Democracy" that was already under severe attack under previous administrations who also had to play deferential minority and deferential fake posturing Democratic institutional Lie Machine, Inc.

And you all keep putting them up on pedestals or doing nothing to stop this situation. My writing is so met with silence and silencing. I realize how close to the Taliban and their racist oppression of women "like me" who they can't stand to see any power, and the technology and the endless sex trafficking operation using this modern version of sex trafficking/rape and torture/information extraction (for idiots posturing as if they have depth and compassion in this rotten obscene group).

I realize that the gluing and pasting of these children to their rotten and selfish foul mommies and daddies has resulted in the immaturity, lack of insight and foresight and the absolute adherence to obedience to authority that these idiocracy criminals cling to, as mommy and daddy continue to rake in the profits for their retirement years as their rotten children cling to them for comfort and to remain childlike immature and stupid on the most essential personal level.
I would write a short story about this, as with so many of the situations, and I would not use the usual formula of just writing about how negative and sick they are--but if only the hacking and the theft of my ideas and concepts while I am blocked from writing (as in right now, hacking is so bad I press letters and other letters appear and etc etc) the keyboard is stiffening from malware and I can't even type out my ideas--much less get them out in any real public way and all is stolen by greasy and stupid-to-the-core idiot children of the fascist children of the Nazis who have been training them all so they can continue to steal and rob and rape and murder vicariously through their stupid and rotten children--who are all now near past middle aged level in years and numbers of their greedy and rotten lives on this planet, which they are absolutely helping to completely destroy for their parents to continue to tell them what to do so they can continue in the Good ole ways of exploiting the planet for every resource and human oppressive exploit possible--into their graves they will continue to train their rotten and stupid children. Anyone like me who has extricated themselves from such forms of control are prime targets for theft of concepts and ideas and utter destruction by this organization of conformist oppression.

I am attacked just like the women and girls the Taliban are now murdering or raping or taking their hard-won careers from in Afghanistan. The fake morality of the "West" in concern for the women and girls which spurs more war-power machinations for more campaigns into that region is just like the "feminist" rapist women who laugh as their greasy momma's boy husbands and fathers rape and torture me, as these greasy rotten Nazi women (and their minority wanna-be-white-supremacist minions) glob onto stealing all ideas I have worked for-=-it's the same system as the fake posturing of concern for women in Afghanistan. This applies also to the political women of "The Left" who do the same as the celebrity rapist enablers. At best, they observe but "can't" do anything to stop this endless misogynist crime of brutality and rape against me--it's so very much like the program afflicting Afghanistan from the Taliban, which the US has just handed all weapons to for their continued "success" in the region. The Taliban is just another version of the fascist Nazi global 4th or 5th Reich and obviously a fully-fledged member of this global organization.

The utter irony of it all, this terrorist organization and it's tactics, weapons for all this assorted updated version of covert, state-sponsored terrorism is that the funding is probably under the rubric of government "Anti-terrorist" operative funding through all the agents and "private contractors" who employ such methodologies of terrorist "behavior modification" which is simply sex trafficking updated and rape and torture updated and intellectual property updated through the use of terrorist mostly minion-driven death squads and mind control/thought-reading/surveillance technologies. Put into the hands of apes who are in some ethereal way hybrid pig apes unleashed upon the planet with technologies that extend far beyond in reach and power into dangerous, world-shattering threat their greedy aspirations for power can begin to assimilate into their brain-numbed and loveless minds, heartless hearts and empty, meaningless, power-grabbing "souls" or lack thereof.

Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Stop complaining about "America and it's war", Germany. Germany's role in the Afghanistan War, the official version by the US State Department. Stop complaining about Germany having to take in desperate refugees due to "America's War". More on the mind control machinery of the 4th and now it's also called the 5th Reich, using propaganda, mind control via entertainment and media and other forces--such as the US dominated techno-torture apparatus which I appear to be some type of prototype of "experimentation" of. All to enforce Nazi/fascist and also Axis Power Mafia versions of genocidal policy and "Master Race" superiority. What is lacking in the media discussion is the German reaction, which is always, as it always is, expressed in robotic fashion in exactly the same way from one post to the next (perhaps it's one person hacking into my every You Tube comment section and writing the same exact phrases?).


To the You Tube Germans complaining about the "US War" in Afghanistan which is now pouring it's former US-sanctioned Afghan allies (now refugees/immigrants) into Germany for rescue from Taliban retribution.

The endless claim is that this was an American war which Germany is now taking the brunt of accepting the influx of fleeing Afghans. To the contrary, oh knee-jerk Germans. First of all, the United States has been pumping billions of US dollars into the German economy through the Marshall Plan since the end of WWII, which Trump derided and tried to enforce the 2% stipulation of the Plan which Germany has been underpaying to the entire organization by 1%. (See article below on NATO and US drain of $$$ to the EU).

Germany has built a sizable weapons export business and has also been part of NATO operations in Afghanistan for the duration of the 20-year war. The commentators either do not know this or as usual, from my experience, a few glib two-line sentences appealing to pathos and seeming "common sense" outrage in politics will suffice to make the US as the exploiter and Germany as the innocent. I have heard such discussions endlessly in the politically-motivated German beer-hall (aka "pubs" or Kneipe) discussions which were hate barbs aimed at me as the lone America while, when I would ask them to discuss German politics and if there was anything wrong with the German political system, the response always was a blank stare of badly concealed hate and frozen neutrality with absolutely no response. The goal always has been to deride the US political machinery which has kept Germany afloat in order to pursue it's otherwise fascist and exploitative fiscal policies while making itself as the main economic engine of EU political persuasion (always done through money and also through mind control persuasion via the racist modeling and entertainment industry mind control machinery, which the US has fully adopted into it's mental machinations of entertainment and media programming).

Just to demonstrate that this is not a biased opinion piece exclusively, here is a quote from the US Department of State relating FACTS of German inclusion in the Afghanistan War, alongside US forces:

"As Allies in NATO, the United States and Germany work side by side to maintain peace, security, and freedom. Germany plays an important role in NATO’s core mission of collective defense, ... Germany was an integral part of the UN-mandated International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Afghanistan and is a Framework Nation in the NATO-led Resolute Support Mission. Since 2015, Germany has been an active contributor to the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. Germany maintains troops in Iraq as part of the NATO training mission and is a top financial contributor for stabilization in Syria. "


German NATO Troops

"Germany is the third biggest country in weapons’ exports, and can easily push their weapons’ production rate to stand by themselves in the face of the Russian danger and the expected NATO dissolution.
The Fifth Reich is rising slowly, but steadily."

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

I had written a post, and hackers deleted it and inserted instead the last paragraph of my last post. It is all gone now. What I had written was that every time I write these posts the celebrity parasites are told by the fascist/mafia/nazi terror organization that all I do and create and think is open season for them to steal and rob and then torture me afterwards, and then post what they have stolen on any media forum possible for me to see, it's put always directly in my face in some search and hacked into pages I never subscribe to. The trauma-based torture thusly continues with no break or remedy of relief by anyone reading my posts. I also wrote that it's more than revolting to see the actors who have not only obtained wealth beyond the millions they had prior to the daily abuse and torture of me, for which I am sure they receive at least a thousand or more dollars for daily participation therein. But then they are now promoted as being some of the leading producers and directors of the media establishment. the younger ones are starring in movie and pop awards festival and showcase year-after-year. They have been promoted into leadership mind programming positions of producing and being awarded non-stop and have obtained wealth that has probably more than quadrupled over the past decade from millions to billions. I remain seeing them from this vantage of having to observe their real personalities of hate and greedy exploitation, based on ancient fascist modes of exploitation, rape and mutilation and trauma-based mind control that has been put into movies ("Girl Next" is one such current movie based on EXACTLY the same trauma-based system this group is using on me, including Pelosi who teleported me with S-negger and acted like the female pimp claiming she was going to cut my foot off with S-negger there feeling and looking smug as his crimes against me were condoned and the pair of them obtained whatever graft they could during the stimulus bill passage (For the People Act") and I wrote earlier which was deleted on my blogger page, when ever i see these parasites performing their "For the American People" bs blather or movie fake compassionate humanitarian concern for all ills of society bs I just see atrocious and revolting parasites as if looking at them close-up under a microscope because I have seen so clearly into their real ugliness unadorned for so many years of their stealth sleaze and ugly horrid real personalities when teleported and they are assured by all political and their Europigape fascist nazi and mafia sources that there will never be any evidence nor incrimination for them. ============== when I tried to copy and paste this post, like the last post which was entirely deleted by hackers (as I fight to type and backspace to correct what hackers are perpetually blocking of the keyboard--they only deleted it again but I retrieved it using a function. It is impossible to type words out without having to constantly rewriteand backspace at this point. It's so much effort to pound out words that fighting to use the capital key for words like nazis is too much of s struggle from endlessly pounding on thekeyboard to get anythikng to print at all. I am not going to correct the endless string of underlined misspelled words at this poing.

Terrorist appliance/water supply report and mail service DOS/discrimination. Thought-reading technology used to attack me while in the shower (in more ways than one, I am usually teleported to celebrities abusing me while I am trying to relax and shower and heal my body). Today my thoughts were read to make the shower unpleasant in another way.August 17, 2021.

 Two days ago I was confronted with an entire orchestrated attack scheme regarding the water appliance structure that was created to attack me on various levels. The water in the shower area has been put at a tiny stream level, just above a small trickle. I have had to remove the shower head because the water pressure has been put at such a low level that the water with the shower head drops out and is not even a small trickle or stream. With the head off, the water trickles in a tiny incremental stream. Two days ago I was attacked for hours just ot replace the kitchen faucet, as I wrote 2 daze ago. The guy who repaired my water problem (who was part of the problem in the first place) increased the water pressure for all faucets, and as I began to take a shower today the water supply for the shower stall was at an almost normal pressure. I thought to myself how wonderful it was finally to be able to take a shower. Because my brain/thoughts are continuously under surveillance, within two minutes the terrorists in the hallway reduced the water pressure once more to the tiny stream that can't reach water down my back, and the length of the shower hose only reaches to my face when I am sitting down, as I always do in the shower. If I were standing up the problem would be exactly the same. The water pressure is so low it won't reach down my back further than the shoulder area and is more like a few trickles to my legs and lower back. I have to sit down to get water on the front of my body but I can't reach the other areas even if I turned around. All of that was achieved using the thought-reading technology to make the shower almost unusable and more time consumed waiting to try to get water to my entire body as it trickles down from this tiny almost sliver of water--which was a good-sized stream for the first two minutes of the shower. 

Otherwise, I remain seeing my body with a huge pot belly of poison and hard poison like an internal shell interlaced into my vertebrae, hips, shoulders, neck and etc serpentine tentacles of the poison that have hardened into various pockets of my viscerae and body structure for all these years of being poisoned, and then while healing poisoned again, and then while fighting all that, tortured with no help, support, health care or even friendly social contact and of course all animals killed that I love or stolen. Just surrounded by hate and abuse and negativity and people assaulting me while my brain is blanketed out with "mind control' technology so I can't even "understand" that I am in an attack situation even though this repeats every time I am in public or have to deal with the attackers where I live. Over ten years--A DECADE--of fighting under these arduous and deadly circumstances to remove this poison only with intuition to try to remove the poisons that the US Government and it's agencies of death and chemical warfare upon the public have generated so they can rest assured that Nazi racist bigot structure remains intact and ever so deadly but concealed behind fake posturing smiles by the celebrities and politicos who are fully entertained by teleporting and having my body made destroyed as they torture and rape and abuse me EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR OVER A DECADE. I remain seeing this hug pot of black poisons-which liquifies internally as I try to reduce the hard poison that just won't come out (and I need ultrasound but none of the billionaires and millionaires who are attacking me will EVER do a single thing to help me with health care or healing, or perhaps so I can buy some herb on sale that is the extent while they continue to over-tax my body with negativity and torture and stress EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT. I can't take a shower relaxing without them abusing me because  they can also teleport while I am awake--and these parasites pounce upon me into screaming and hate fights almost every time I take a shower. 
Every night of course while sleeping with physical violence the overarching underpinning of all of this--every single day not just for a decade but the absolute violence began on a non-stop basis a DECADE AGO. 

So I now can't take a shower once more and relax without some attack upon me. They also turn off the hot water periodically, and also turn off my music using remote tech jupon my laptop while I am lathered-up trying to get the soap off my body.

And so the haters, abusers, parasites and their nasty minority minions go on and on and on and on and on and on. 


But these millionaires and billionaires, the politicians and celebrities, those who have tortured me to obtain ideas which they have profited off and have only destroyed my body and home and urinated and spat and raped and beat me and then abused me and tortured and physically mutilated and severed parts of my body off using this death attack machinery stalking terror group minion slave/master situatoin/organization---they are still profiting off torturing me, I think every day they teleport and order terror and abuse and rape and hate and stupid asinine sick mentally perverted psychopath situations upon me as trauma-based mind control hate--which is just a way to torture someone psychologically in order to show them as being mentally ill or psychotic--labels endlessly foisted upon anyone trying to obtain legal help or assistance from anybody on the planet--and there never is anyone for the majority of the targets--from what I have seen or heard of the victims who are now dead--(on You Tube, some have made testimonials). I remain here writing another post for another day and waiting to begin my next detox fast for another ten days while under non-stop rape or abuse to try to get this poison out of my body as they keep stealing ideas and torturing and maiming and abusing and deforming me afterwards--your "benevolent
 dictator fascist Nazi/Mafia celebrities and politicians, all of whom are using my ideas and others like me to propel themselves at the head of every "help" action to stop the hate group which is putting them in these lead positions so change never is likely or possible.


And so the terrorist fascist Nazi mafia pig apes can "read" my thoughts to take away any single thing that brings any peace or relaxation in order to slowly torture me to death through non-stop stress, hate, anxiety and abuse--as my body breaks and is dying from all the over-pumping of these stress hormones and the drugs plastered on my skin with skin patches at night because I can't secure my room from their penetrating mechanical arms because the terrorists break into my home/room every time I leave to destroy whatever defenses I can manage on a less than subpoverty income that has also been forced upon me by them. Surveillance of my very thoughts in order to destroy all and anything that brings the slightest iota of relief and happiness even if it's just for a short shower with enough water to wash soap off my body.


As for my mail service, they informed me without first scanning the envelopes (as they have been doing for the years I have used this service, which has now reduced all alerts of my mail to maybe three or four letters PER YEAR, AT MOST. They refuse service and lie through the mail. Probably the mail is being diverted to some fascist Nazi terrorist who is operating with the service, which like the other services I have used, has expanded it's business, increased size and capacity and the webpages are professional whereas when I first use the services they are amateur at best and in small rinky-dink office spaces. All get huge promotions for attacking and denying me service. The actors of course get paid probably a few thousand dollars per day for attacking me and many of them have gone on and on daily for over 7 years without end. They are now listed as being the wealthiest in H-wood in these celebrity Who's rich" sites.

The mail alert a few days ago was just informal information that two government letters had arrived and one bank letter. They scanned the bank envelope and only the contents of one of the government letters. I wrote back asking for a scan of the other letter and there is no response. I know that if I phone this "office" the call will be transferred to someone who can barely speak English (the service is in Florida, which gives this office ample space to have some foreigner answering the phone, who stutters and stammers through English, as all the banking reps do on the phone for my American banking service. I know that I will NOT be phoning this actual service, or not likely and I will be lied to and etec. It's a waste of time and the terrorists have hacked my SKYPE phone calls to overcharge me by maybe 1000% when I make phone calls.


*Hacking and keyboard interference from DOS attacks have been prevalent during writing this post--if words or sentences are confusing it's because of hacking redaction to discredit me. I am constantly backspacing as words I don't type appear and the space bar won't operate and spaces are put into words while I am writing and on and on...


Monday, August 16, 2021

These incompetent, self-styled "Masters" are destroying the planet. They use treachery, deceit, torture, poisoning, organized death squads, and propagandized sexualized rape culture entertainment to claim that they are "Masters". "Masters" albeit ersatz--over nature. Ersatz "Masters" over women, subordinate men and their children. Everyone--in the pernicious terrorist organization of domestic/international death squad fascist mafia Nazism wants to be a "Master" or associated with the "Masters" who create the rat race which is enveloping the planet with death, war and pestilence and global warming. The ersatz "Masters" demand all obedience to their every command and thought-obedience and conformity to all the death policies without question, internally or in any way to the public or in private (with thought-reading technologies the terrorists have already begun torturing me for the thoughts but also stealing thoughts to claim as their false "liberal" values for their media circus performances). The activists and protestors and people like me who have gone against the prevailing death culture are still being targeted although current geopolitical and ecological devastation from all these decades of failed policy and the proponents of such are now going to try to steal concepts from people like me to claim that they were always against the very system which is still being used as a promotional scheme to generate more greed and hate systems of mind control upon the planet. Will I ever get a reprieve from this violence because I was correct in fighting against this system of fascist, Nazi and hate machinery?

 Afghanistan had 20 years to prepare for defense against the Taliban. The US provided training and weapons which were not used. President Biden spoke on this issue, citing years of millions if not billions of US tax dollars pouring into training and militarization of Afghan troops, which were not deployed nor was there almost any resistance to the immediate take-over by Taliban forces. Yet Biden is being blamed by Reps and all kinds of incriminating incitements of how sloppy the transfer of power has been. From what I know of this insidious terrorist organization attacking me, which is probably in some way connected to the terrorists within the Taliban death squad forces, all linked through telecommunications and the same Nazi/Mafia/fascist central organization with it's countless splinter subgroups, such as the Taliban, the orders to invade asap to create this blemish on the Biden Administration and indeed upon America, with the soldiers who were trained and all that US military equipment now handed directly into the hands of the Taliban. Under order by the Nazi/fascist/mafia global organization which also controls H-wood and the greedy, nasty, hate-mongering celebrity clique that appears to noble and wonderful for publicity. They too are puppets of foreign hostile agents who will do anything and everything for gain and promotion, and in the end, will sell-out the United States without a glitch in their matrix of cohesive beguilement of genocidal-fomenting mind control.


The same sad situation of the planet knowing and being aware for over two decades that consumption and gas emissions at the pace of endless gluttonous wanna-be rich and comfortable at the expense of nature and the downtrodden human beings worked slowly to death or made homeless--all this also has been made apparently visible and it was likewise ignored. Too late, now people are marching in the streets after their luxury lifestyles are threatened by forces even greater than the bigot pig organization mafia/Nazi/fascist group of innate stupidity but trained, educated and performing under order precisely what ignorant thugs who have ascended into great billionaire power status tell them to do, which they do without a single thought about consequences.

Now they can all blame the problems of the world on the people they chose to allow to be put into power because they were told they would continue to rake in the plunder of the planet and of the oppressed human resources that they enjoy watching getting squashed slowly to death. The whisteblowers and those who protested the wars and the greed and consumerism and the pollution have been wiped out, poisoned, drugged, killed by this group of pig ape whores. Let's not talk about how they turned sexuality into a hateful loveless pornographic industry in the media and what that has done to the human race for all these years. The ramifications of that deterioration of culture and society has been ignored by the pig-ape dominated media as feminists are ignored wholesale and in my experience, the whores who assist in raping me-the women-who steal the feminist ideas that I write about after their boyfriends and husbands and fathers all rape and beat and abuse me in this teleportation sickness that they all laugh about joke about, because they are sick human beings if you can call them that--made sick by the life-f**K pig apes who control them. Grabbing onto the philosophy of death and promoting it into a consumer-based global structure of death and destruction but advertised as being glamorized sexualized empowerment. People bought into it wholesale and now the consequences are that the planet is dying yet the pig apes still cannot "understand" that they are fully responsible for all these calamities and death situations that they helped to create and never fought against. Now they can sell off protest as another consumer item but the problem is perhaps insurmountable by now. Yet they continue to torture and attack me, who has been against this system and yet I am still writing on this form of silent communication asking for a reprieve of torture and violence because I was smart enough to see the future and I knew that the mentality and the greedy hate culture that is so disguised under fake pretentious smiles of sexualized posturing by these "leaders" who are selling death was all a sick joke upon the planet.

Sunday, August 15, 2021

A view into symbolism utilized by the terrorist organization attacking me. Studio 54, that famous NYC disco of the 70's, the gateway for conspicuous consumption and all that entails: cocaine cowboy Nazi S&M fetishistic Disney Fantasia of self-serving consumerism and mind control propaganda.

"Behold a Pale Horse Unicorn of the Order of the Garter for the Union of the OWO with the NWO."  Central Intelligence Agency. August 16, 2021.


"Noam Chomsky--CONFORMITY AND CONTROL." Chomsky's Philosophy. July 8, 2016.


I had to think of some title for this post. I am not lauding Studio 54 and another thing I have in common with Donald Trump is that I never liked Studio 54 and neither did he, according to one video showing him hand-in-hand with his wife and claiming he didn't like the place which they left early upon the opening night. I first saw tv clips about that joint and also, my first impression, was that there was some huge hype about this disco place and I didn't like my first impression of it. I have now found a symbolic hint as to the origins of the possible "meaning" of the use of the number 54 and all that this onset of disco culture has brought into the planet, which still echoes today with the thumps and grinding and drug and consumption "Me" cultural Imperialistic self-serving greed hegemony. The backlash against the "hippie" movement and the "anti-war" movement and the beginning of the hate, hell and violence surveillance drugging poisoning of me and the assassinations of people like John Lennon and the other covert CO-INTELPRO types of attacks upon others who were activists who wanted peace, to stop polluting the planet, and for an equal society which had been huge body politics in the 70's and even into the 80's. Lingering into the next few decades and now decadence has taken precedence over mostly all that is flowing from the disco heroes of media culture, some of whom now want to demonstrate that they also listen to classical music but the grinding pop mentality of selfishness and hedonism remains behind all the plastic-coated posturing. All conformity to the 4/4 thumping music of disco "me only" culture remains as the endless synchronization of culture.

I am copying and pasting a pair of comments I made to Sean Hross's video on the ancient order of Templars and an analysis of the symbolism of the British Royal seal. The seal contains multifarious elements which include the Order of the Garter and the Fleur de Lis patterns intermixed with the Knights Templar Cross, representing the pairing of the Old World/New World Order NOT conspiracy theory partnership. 

How does Studio 54 fit into all of this? In this lecture, Mr. Hross includes a timeline of the Inquisition burning of members of the Knights Templar in the year 1310. The first burning of these nobles and wealthy title-holders was the number 54. The absolute use of hidden symbolism pervades the following centuries of this Order of secret societies, whereby numbers are highly significant. My take on this is written below, that the gateway "disco" that was so highly touted so well-advertised and made so famous for the automaton disco cocaine party paradigm shift into American culture out of the heyday of the anti-War, anti-ecological disaster movements into the current disaster of the selfish me-only first grab steal rob rape murder terrorist organization consume throw away discard pollute buy exhibit wealth kill rape and torture using modern technology but using ancient patterns of mind control--and thusly, the gateway is still flowing wide open the same disco mentality remains dominant but now disguised as "techno" and other splinter "me only" types of cultural indoctrination have set in. Most pernicious are the subtle manipulations of the superficial "liberal" forces of the media which essentially all follow the same protocols of the elders of what is the modern name for this ancient order, the Nazis. Not that Nazis began these concepts and not that they are still the dominating force completely but it's a very easy catch phrase and is completely apt and reliable as a designating term.

Much of the modern techno music that is endlessly being promoted as being the one and only real superior source of that kind of electronic robotic programming of music comes from 
Germany. Just to emphasize that the robotic programming is supposed to be centralized into that Nazi state as being "superior". However, it was the United States that really truly welcomed it all in and I now am fighting to not have to be pounded down into the repetitive patterns that are so destructive and based on ancient formulas of control over populations that no longer apply to modern society. If anything, due to climate change but in other aspects this death and selfishness greed culture has brought the planet to the brink of destruction, if only you can see this apparent in the destruction of the environment, based on the self-serving greed materialism paradigm that places like Studio 54, a Nazi/Templar/Illuminati mind control programming entertainment all-seeing eye system of indoctrination into loving your sexually-based, so what you want mentality robotic programming.



I could go into more detail but it is all included much more succinctly and elaborately than I want to begin to struggle to fight to type. Although hacking at the moment is actually not as bad as the usual block and strain to fight to pound out words on the blocked and stiffened by malware keys. Just watch the video at least up to the part at 5 or 6 minutes into the video to get what I am referring to. Sean Hross made no such comparison to American media entertainment mind control programming venues such as Studio 54 and this association between that number and the more symbolic use of this number, but I make an association between the number and this gateway system of disco and drug-culture selfishness consumption culture which has currently culminated into the global warming crisis in the long-lasting effects of such endless consumption for personal glamorization based on the disco/yuppie materialism that this organization has been pushing for decades. 


My comments to the above video, copied and pasted out of You Tube comment section. I decided the comments were worthy of publishing to this mind control examination blog.

First comment posted:

When I lived on 2nd Street, South Beach Miami, I was surrounded by gang stalking goons and on one side of my little rented house were some French Parisian gang stalking creeps who attacked me who tried some "superiority" bs on me (only because they were French, the one and only reason they could use). When I fought back and had to literally fight them to stop the neighbors from continuously harassing me (calling police, etc) the word spray-painted on the lightpost outside my house was "shame". I now understand the ulterior meaning and you have revealed it for me. However, that doesn't change the fact the my country (the US) fully supports this shameful group of parasitic infiltrators and instead funds gang stalking organizing against me (a US citizen). That is how absolutely entrenched the US is at highest levels into the "rapist aristocracy Old World/New World order" mentality and paradigm. It is shameful on their part and they have absolutely stopped defending all concepts of Democracy and American exceptionalism and instead have fully embraced anti-American and hostile enemies who are simply from Europe while attacking their own citizens in a post Nazi push for modern versions of technocratic genocide and discrimination. Mind control technology underlying all with media pushing the agenda through fake posturing about how much they are "fighting" for Democracy and against racism and etc etc.

Second comment:

I also look at the number of Templars burned at the stake in the year 1310 and see that the number is 54. Think of Studio 54 in NYC, the onset of disco and the beginning of conspicuous consumption culture which essentially stopped the "hippie" movement, the anti-pollution movement and all the anti-war sentiment that had formerly been at the vanguard of American culture (so white males would not have to fight wars and to stop the draft). Studio 54 is like an homage to the Knights Templar and ushered in absolute affinity to the deterioration of American life--ultimately bringing in pornographic sexualization of women and consumption values and then when Reagan shortly afterwards brought in Supply Side economics the yuppie culture/disco culture turned into the endless war machine that America now is--with Nazis and old world Europeans coming into places like Hollywood to control and run that mind control programming industry. Oh, your videos create a lot of ideas but unfortunately I am so censored that I am blocked from all publication and expression except for short posts in comment sections. As I am a target and mind control subject I am under non-stop scrutiny. What I write, and what revelations I respond to seem to make no impact. Well, at least I feel "enlightened" but I can't do more than fight endlessly to try to also make an impact as you are doing. I am blocked from all internet publishing by US-backed terrorist "gang stalking" groups. America is fully integrated into the Imperialistic scheme and part of this old world/new world order.
------------Please note that this post has been hacked and rewritten/deleted in parts by terrorist hackers. I am also always while writing under "mind control" attacks so my thoughts stray, and I can't access my real writing potential. Take what you can if this post strays or is rewritten to become hard to follow it is entirely due to all the many attacks upon my writing and my brain and keyboard by this insidious terrorist organization. All of the people involved are staunch selfish greed spawns of the materialistic disco culture and Nazi indoctrination, in one form or another. If there are perhaps a few who are not, perhaps they themselves are brainwashed and mind controlled which is very likely another aspect of this situation that is an awful situation of how pervasive and deadly this system really is.

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...