Saturday, November 16, 2024

My post yesterday was about asking anyone to stop the murder situation you have all watched and cheered on, applauding and promoting every abuser, idea content creator thief of ideas I wrote under drugging and torture--making the ape whores millions and billions of dollars while they raped and beat me for writing in rage about their crimes. I was RAPED AGAIN by the grease stain German filth w ho has had filth and sick muck and destruction poured into my home with his endless beatings and rapes in front of ugly sick dirty filthy prostitutalina with a team of thge black Nazis like shithole Scoop pig dogg shit absolutely violoently disgusting. But the German ape filth is rapign beating rapin abusing and being promoted and has ugly trashalina as his lover, and she encouraging the mediocrity stupid sick ugly ape to beat and abuse me endlessly--it's gone on endlessly for 4 months of this dirty filth ape shit pig rapin and abusing me for his filthy promotion and his dirty porno sex and loving embrace by ugly sick trash prostitutalin. The shit of Whorewood have all rushed to join in, and included in them is Bill Maher and also Conan O'brian. I write about Maher for the idea he stole from my writing just aa few days ago regarding hopes that RFK, Jr will institute health reforms for natural alternative medicine like Ayurveda and Chinese medicine. What Nazi Maher did was put a blonde Nazi "alternative" medicine blathering New Age style money rake who talked about "cellular regeneration" which is probably a segue to selling a load of bs crap in the name of alternative medicine. He literally quoted what I had written, including that I would need to use antibiotics if I had an infection but also would incorporate Western and Eastern medicine (which Maher soldl off as the blonde Nazi "alternative" health care which is just admonitions to not eat junk food and to buy into whatever snake oil she is peddling regarding "cellular regeneration" sounds like the typical load of bs advertising for useless k-rap, which is all "they" all sell anyway all t he time they can't tell the difference or differentiate between shit and actual quality any longer. O'Brien is hosting the Oscars, a shit-studded huge throng of abuser rapist terrorist Nazis including so many of the blacks and minorities and Jews of Whorewood who have joined in with attacking me. For some reason the last name of this famous scumbag is eluding me--his father was great actor, I never liked this creep "michael" but his last name, my brain is under mind control I can't think any longer and the endless rape with a crowd of sick ugly pig whores ugly prostitutalin who has been allowed to steal ideas and have me mutilated poisoned to death tortured to death and now raped with death treats by pig after piece of shit with full awards by dirty disgusting bidehn rotten shit obama nasty filthy Hillary Clinton and of courrse s hit Trump--all I can h ope is that somehow Iran blows them all up as they are a rising filth evil that has been so mass advertised as being a positive. The evil stink of America is so unbelievable at this point. //The landlord, the same jerk-off Thai filthy creep who has ordered all this filthy grease filth muck broken everything stained disgusting stinkin destruction of my home by his dirty minions--under dirty filthy shit Trump that sack of utter shit and ugly ape whoreness--he would come to my room at 8 pm and pound on the door demanding that I open or he would break the door down. He would throw items in my room yelling and insulting and touching me. The group of shit who has made endless billions of dollars off my ideas have forced me into subpoverty have blocked all financial earning have had my money stolen and I am sttuck with homelessness as a constant threat to my life. The landlord informed me that he has a potential buyer to viow this room. For years I had to deal with landlords just barging into my livin space to "sell" the unit but never told me that it was for sale when I signed rental agreements. I have taken them to the police and the police begibn to insult me and then follow me around abusing me afterward, here in rotten Nazi phuket it is seriously corrupt and of course in Aemrica as well. Ugly shitalina who is a foul parasitic contagion of scumbag white trash and black trash scum whores rushin to get the English Crown permission to appear in s hit tv shows and movies with this dirty ugly sac of shit prostitutae ugly shitalina and stuipd dirty pig pitt--they have sat smiling laughing and wathcing this dirty German ape piece of shit violently raping me--making love to that ugly pig and he's glowing like they all are with huge smiles and glowing wealth as they have stinking filth their hate the4ir muck their filth and they are always using MY IDEAS and stealing them verbatim, as Bill Maher just did literally once again verbatim stealing what I have written. Taking full credit for it, as one of the guests who has also been a constant hacker so a constant participatant, Cuomo of News Nation---told Maher that the idea was so great and gave Maher credit for it--perhaps he knew that it was my idea stolen but I am still tortured.

 I have been fighting to have this stopped to h ave any kind of different politician stop this--I only clicked on the fucking shit of Trump back in 2015 becuase of the lies he was disseminating that he was not paid for, t hat was the big lie he began his initial bullshit campaign on. He's so bought and sold he's the utter epitome of a sleazy sold out whore and bought and paid for entirely by mafia and Nazi black organizations (meaning criminals) 

the evil is rising

I can't live with this any longer. I have been fighting to get any justice any stop to this absolute hate and injustice and have been tortured for fighting in my defense by the entire US Congress with shit senators rushing to abuse insult and threaten my life as they rush to embrace ugly sick stupid prostitualina and they all go off joyously being awarded by an even more sinister media conglomaerate of lying bullshit.

I will stop writing, I have writtgen about the pig whores for years and you have allo awarded them and put shit into power and the country is now being destoryed from withihgn by the real enemies you put into power.

I have nothing left. I have spent years in grad school only tgo be poisoned and repoisoned every day by this gorup sas stupid ugly pigs and whores have torturedme to obtain ideas and ghave only poisoned and raped and tortured me in return with nothing left.

No one of you wil do anythihng at least have me killed quckly and painless you fucking pigs and whores.

I will enver help these fcucking pigs to win by saying that ugly sick stupid greasy dirty Nazi sh it pig parasites are beatiful sexy or I lvoe or like themm. Wish them death eveyr day I pray for it every day. I pray that Trump is assassianted by Iran or someone finally succeeds. I hope Biden is reevealed as the shit that he truly is, the incompetent Nazi enabler and shit that he really is along with Hillary and Obama and the rest of this shit.

compounded are the scumbag podcasters who hack their lying "Democrat" bullshit like Mary Trump, a most foul plant of the Trump organization just like AOC is as well. Hackin their lying blathering shit endlessly on my YouTube and they are hideous.

so, I can't live any longer. The German ape whore will never stop abusing me his filthy dirty ugly sick stupid abuse is becoming an endless hate crime with the woman he truly loves, ugly sick prostitutgalin and dirty sick ugly shit pig pitt there watching and showering this filthy violent Nazi whore ape with praise and invitations and he is glowing with pride and fulfillment atht his stupid mediocre shit movie career is being so enhanced in America where his Nazi team will be showered with love by rotten Obama the disgusting Uncle Tom to cap the most vile disgrace to the civil rights movement--and thusly\

I can't stand this any longer. This organization drives people to su icide and they have been poisonin abusing and rapin beating me to death. 

I have nothing else to live for, so I will try to find a way but it's not easy. I can't live with this any lojnger. They will laugh if I kill myself but this is just over 15 years of non-stop 24/7 tortrure and pooisobning and rape, decades of being abused chased out of every living place  with every landlord making my livin space fithy abusive and people showering me with poison hate and tortrure and drugs adn rape.

I can't survive this any longer. I need a way to kill myself.

Otherwise, if I possibly can I will kill these fuckers and I pray that Trump gets assassinated. He is such rotten shit and filth, his team of crap is utter sickness and Biden also I so pray that that filth dies a horrible death he is one of the worst most incapable prresidents ever in history. Wish that at least Kamala would then be put into power and have Trump assassinated or that Iran will do this. I pray eveyr day that ugly prostitutalina and shit pig pitt and their teams of uncle toms and aunt jemimas like whoopie and oprah are also killed h orribly. Maybe the sickness of america will finally kill some of them off, but not the Nazis. I encourage people to get armed and prepare insteaad of listening to the bullshit yapping of the "formerly a republican but now fighting Trump "bullshit operators and AOC is a most heinous lying fake. Get Nancy Pig-lously out of office, Hakeem Jeffries is just another pawn and potential uncle tom, not sure he joined in the teleportation and just remained silent and then DID NOTHIN to stop any single thing

there is no leadership except for violent genocidal nazis endlessly lying about their actual intentions in the entire political and whorewood establishement

but every time some sick ugly old man joins inh to attack me, this Michale piece of lying sick shit whose father really was a great actor, but the rotten sleazy shit Nazi son, half Jewish or whatever like any programmed Jewish Nazi--the rotten son who has completely been altered by the adulation fo the 4th Reich for his insults abuse and huge grins and smiles as this German rotten ape grease staing ugly pig beat slapped raped forced his filthy dirty pig penis in my mouth as ugly prostitutalin, who has been at the Oscars with dirty shit stupid pig pitt for over 15 years stealing ideas from me perpetually non-stop along with their shit Nazi friends like maggot robber with barbie, as I wrote abvout what shit she is, she had me raped repeatedly and went off being awarded and loved by her nazi shit husband and the rest of the fuckin world. I remain with another landlord threatening my life with pigs coming to "see if they want to buy the studio" which he used to just rush to my room day and night pounding threatening but now he is not in th is same city so he is u sing the pretext of having people look to see if they want to buy--this has been a non-stop schedule of abuse from landords without end for decaders. This sh it of whorewood have stolen and made millions of dollars off my ideas--and so has Bill Maher who just welcomes every abuser--this Michael piece of shit made a tv sh ow about Benjamin Frankilin and I wanted to see the patriotic content. Instead he's like a Nazi MAGA fanatic looking for Nazi approbation by viciously abusing me. Now he's featured with Maher, has been put into a UN delegation, and I remain vbeing drugged abused raped because I am fighting for my human righs as Biden has allowed Trump to resume this endless assault by tghe landlord, which Biden at least stopped. Biden is a piece of sick shit who has sold America off

I can't live with this never ending shit any longer\

so at least have me killed quickly I was suicida l years ago under drugging and I can'ta take any more rape and abuse

I will never help ugly sick shitalina to win an oscar for the idea from Maria that shis ugly stupid ape whore stole, like  Malificent which she stole, which anothe romvie aboutg the Wall Street Journal which she stole, and the list is endless and they have also handed my ideas out to their other Nazi shit whore friends like pop singers. Taylor swift the nazi bigot hacked h er disgusting ugly face on my every internet serach for about 12 years u ntil I kep twriting and writing and writing to get her to be stopped. I just watched a fucking tv movie show about concentration camp gay sex whichi this filthy whore pornographic  ugly sleaz German pig starredin playing of course he violent murderous Nazi. I just watched this fucking show and 4 months of saying NO being beaten shit poured into my bathroom the floor ripped out the room stinking and broken down, like every room I have lived in

for over 15 years begging to have the one an donly love in my life returned to me, my cat which they keep as punishmehnt because I was screamin to stop the rape whie they kept poisnoing me so the poison was being ounde dinto my body

and the hacking has blocked thi

I can't sleep and under sleep this German murder sick pig fuck has murder skits which the mafia deniro and pesce did to me for years,m and insults about my body every time I took a shower with endless sexual abuse and insults and they put this german rottne dirty fuck onto attacking me as ugly shitalina was invited to Bidens wh ite house an dugly sick trump laughed along with them as the beatings poisoning and rape has not stopped but the poisoning has been so murderous and I have been fighting a huge deformed body as they abuse me w hile I am exercising as well-physical threats of murderous violence and body shaming insults by this German fuck with ugly trashalina alwys there because they are lovers and he's trying to impress her. I keep scaraeming at him that he is trash ugly ahd a fucking pig that he's disgusting he goes on and on because he' been so encouraged by fucker Obama, rotten crusty dirty Whoopie this black Nazi scumbag whore who should hve been kicked off The View years ago and put on a shelf as being a waste product of ly ing aunt jemima filth decayed  half-life toxicity w8ith her fake black woman liberal bullshit always selling The View

the hackin has m ade this impossible to get out

I can't live with this any longer. Someone organize that I get killed quickly and without pain, I can't find a way to do this. I was put under suicide programming by the english and italian sh it and filth who have been behind Stallone who  has just embraced shit filth Trump ebecause Stallone in part handed Trump his win by handing him this rape and murder system, so fully embraced that there is nothing left for me to live for. There are nothing but cheap and stupid sleazy whores in the Ameican landscape putinto power, the rest are blank and stupid and sick just tyring to get over and get more money.

I remain without anything left. I can't earn money I cant' get out of this poverty while my ideas are making u gly stupid sh it whores millions of dollars from my originality and love for life.

I am being raped beaten and tortruerd after more than 15 years of non-stop tortrure by this one group and they are so ugly and sick I constantly anm calling them shit and whores and pigs and wishing them death. They go ona nd on and on and on tryin to get this contact of me sayin I love some rapist like this german piece of sick pig greawse sh it. I have begged for helop for years and no one has done a fu cking thing. I just need a fucking gun to shott myself with I cna't live with this fuckihg shit of no one ever helping me everyone cheering sixck fucks on who are disgusting and ugly and rotten who are beating raping me so the nazis can award them for the shit they crank otu perpetually.

the pig hackers have retyped most of the words so most of this page is completely misspelled. I can't survive this any longer, this is literally 24 hours per day of non-stop abuse rape poisoning mutilation and non-stop stinking filth sprayed into my living space from all directions in a s hit tiny room where all has been broken and is stinking foul dirty and I can't bend to clean due to the poisons I can't get out

I have been writing to get them off me for years, and no one will do anything. YOu fuciing pigs wnat me dead but to suck everything possible out of me. All I can do is remain silent so I can try to live in this filthy dump without the landlord under Trump coming to bause me with viewings of the room on a one-day notice and the pigs are never going to stop teleporting me and aubsing me  utnil I am screaming ideas out as they are murdering me. Writing about them murdering me for yeas and they are raping me still with zero nothing from anyboyd. Trump is a fuckin sick piece of shit. I urge people to rise up and have him assassinated he is truly a sick evil thing brought about by rotten evil sick Whorewood. 

I really can't live with this any longer. If I ever am forced to be close to this filthy Germin parasite will do what I can to kill him and any of these pig whores. This is not survivable it is murder and you are all cheering it on. Maybe fucking Iran will blow you all up. I will cheer if that happens, hope it will be soon you fuckers.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Yet another appeal out to the void to please, someone with any ethics, to stop this murder torture contract out on me. Every day the trauma abuse from night time skits of hate, death and rape plus HOURS per day of screaming abuse and yelling violence death threats and non-stop insults from one celebrity to the next, for over 15 years without end, day after day, 6-8 hours per day and in the shower they insult my body they abuse me non-stop. They suck so much of my time and money and energy out and without any support whatsoever on any level, as I wrote my cat was stolen, all human beings on earth are trained to just castigate the target until they are artificially turned into a global pariah witch hunt target, shunned by one and all. I spend hours fighting hacking to get the stress out. Exercising doesn't work because this is MURDER and I constantly, day after day, reaching out in what is a vain attempt to get a single person to say, "wow, this is wrong" but so far, it's just silence of the sheeple and the lambs as well. Please, someone stop this goddamn sickness of these creep horrid parasites who are endlessly clutching rushing abusing spitting raping beating slapping yelling screaming as they get free from Nazi attacks free from being in a situation they can't get out of (like not having enough fame) free from all legal repercussion free to get allowance to commit more crime free to join the 4th Reich free to rape and beat a target endlessly forever to death. They feed off it so much energetically and I lose my life force every day. Can't this ever be stopped can't anyone find a bit of heart or soul in America in the planet on the planet anywhere at all?

 The sick dirty nasty parasites who endlessly and temporarily and even if for one day go off with huge glowing smiles in new freshly minted promotions almost directly after attacking me. They are flattered, they are seen in photo ops they are smiling and get refreshed by torture.

I am sagging, dying from stress, the contract is to have every aspiring Nazi posing as a liberal and free-thinking advocate for the "underdog" be promoted with endless plastic surgery and orgies and mansions and millions in contracts for pushing huge deceptions upon the public, which by and large also participate going off glowing smiling and thrilled to have a scapegoat victim to once more persecute, as groups of sick lemmings have had access to throughout history.

The "Democratic" societies have handed me on a platter to all sleaze parasites who are the most demonstrative of kindly benevolent but dictators underneath the facade. 

I am an endless feeding source for energy vampires whores pigs scum and hateful bottom feeding liars endlessly foisted into top positions evermore so for this violence against me, which they feed off they go off with huge smiles glowing and alive vital look decades younger for dumping the hate and violence upon me--they are then endlessly showered with applause and invites and deals afterwards.

Once I react in rage after this injustice, they are encouraged to beat me down more with the technology and scumbag teams of crap who they order to inflict more violence and more slow murder upon me endlessly night and day. They go off laughing glowing and look like energy has been pumped directly into their hateful sneering faces.

The plump image of smiling sadistic Nazis so ever appeals and appears after they torture me, as this protocol image of hate that is now like a constant attack situation endlessly encouraged and never stopped or halted.


I have been tortured, mutilated, raped and threatened with murder for simply watching tv shows or movies while so poisoned I can't read, think or move so I watch these shows under mind control.

For enjoying a tv show or movie, some actor rushes to abuse me, usually (of course, always forced upon me I would never be a "fan" rushing to gush over any of them, on any celebrity although I might be a bit more fanish if I ever met Mozart, and happily I will never be disappointed if he were another expletive and perhaps he might have been towards me, but I doubt it.

Anyways, there is nothing I want to do but watch tv shows and movies. I have never really been a legitimate "fan" of anybody but I used to supplant celebrities over the sleazy ugly men I was forced to be around under mind control; that happened for a few years when I was "glued" to being with someone who was repulsive in many ways but supported me in the most important ways but attacked me in deadly ways so I had to superimpose an image of a celebrity born on the same day with very similar features to try to imagine him instead of the other. This same celebrity has since teleported me, perhaps he knew that in my past I had a poster of him but it was to try to erase someone else and to have some kind of more brilliant image. I am not a fan type person and they are demanding absolute slavish devotion, something I have never been that type of personality in my life and them trying to force this on me through torture and mutilation and rape just still doesn't convince me to worship anyone like a statue but a human abuser in real life without anything to worship whatsoever in real life.


How many messages posts requests begging pleading fighting being raped non-stop by Nazi-trained bigot haters who force their unwanted nasty hateful selves on me in deep sleep, join laughing with the murdering bigots pig shitalina the pair of filth who have been laughing partying stealing ideas torturing ideas out of me having me raped beaten tortured without fail day after day for year after year with smirking trump and obama participating in teleportation laughing smug and glaring with deadly threat at me ordering me to be hit by cars for having written that this group of shit should not be awarded any longer

having my teeth nearly knocked out, my toes slashed my fingers and hands slathered with chemicals so my hands look like withered decayed old and broken down huge red welts on every finger from years of sharp incisions (again happened last night, the skin ruined completely on my hands) most of my hair gone from repeat chemicals and fungus poured into my scalp as the pig whores are younger and younger glowing turned on having me raped and tortured by shit pig scumbag who is EMBRACED by this group of shit endlessly it goes on and on while America keeps having the same sick fucks shout campaign slogans about caring and protecting women and caring about injustice and laughing and hitting torturing poisoning me for fighting back against this sick contract because the pig ape shit whores need people to abuse to get power energy out of it--they go on and on and on and on to break and poison and abuse and have me raped and abused to death poisoned to death. I fight I write about what sick shit they are I get more celebrity "friends" rushing to "defend" their friends as they also get more promotions that are without end, global tours tv shows and heralded by the media endlessly it never ends. 15 years and still not a single human being in America only parasitic hateful liars put into positions of power, and the rest watching on doing nothing

when will this sick fucking shit ever be stopped?

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

A copied post from Facebook---writing about a band out of Miami but after having tried to dig the heavy cloud of hate and abuse from the whorewood ensemble of hate crimes, mediocrity and stupid ignominy--

 Every time I listen to music on YouTube to try to shift the death and murder oppression energy that is heaped upon me every night in sleep and for around 6-8 hours upon waking and extending into mid-afternoon. The filth ape whores don't stop abusing and threatening me with their ugly sick faces directly in my face in teleportation so I can "see" the ugly sick parasites like a thin veil with their sneering and jeering smiles and hate glares as they call me every ugly sick name with death threats going on and on and on . I CANNOT NOT RESPOND I have been trying. It is their filth voices going on with hate and sarcasm constantly commenting on any and everything I say and think for over 6 hours. After 2 hours per morning of abuse I finally can't tolerate the endless yapping hate as I try to listen to podcasts and music somehow their voices override anything I blast in ear pods into my head. THeir voices override the ear structure so that the vibrations are more inwardly into the ear canal, not sound that your ears have to filter and process but vibrations that go directly into the comprehending stage so anything listening to externally does not have primacy for the aural functioning of the brain.

I mean auditory--my brain is as usual not functioning as I write curses and after I get off I always "remember" the much more erudite sentences I would have written, as if they are stuck in my memory and come out after the brain censoring tech stops being aimed into my brain while I fight to struggle to pound out anything

characteristically the internet wifi has been turned off literally for the 35th time in the last 4 hours. Every 5 minutes or 10 it's turned off. The router lights are all on and the signal icon is "on" at the bottom right-hand of the screen but the hacking is done (I do a command prompt "ping" request and I get that there is no connection but all the other signals show operational 100%. That is why I believe that the testing of the polling booths by all the untrained tech "experts" would not be able to understand the sophistication that Musk and others are capable of when hacking and blocking signals but the system appears to be "on")


I listened to a wonderful and inspiring band out of Puerto Rico that I discovered from the pre-Trump era WNYU archives, once Trump got in and the Mafia out of Brooklyn (Scorsese, who bought an entire building for NYU for film creation, and not saying it's directly tied to him but he is directly tied to this attack upon me and his film which almost "won" or maybe it did, I don't know really but some aspects of the film about the Native indigenous characters directly echoes the type of minority death mind control poisoning and theft that is really akin to the Nazi theft and mass murder and the system has been in operation for centuries nothing is new. .But he was incorporating through fake "compassion" the very system that is being indoctrinated and systematically programmed and paid-for in full by the U.S. Government in partnership with all mafias all governments and the millions upon millions of "Normal" creeps around the world who pose as law-abiding "citizens").

And the music from NYU became so stale and mediocre the alternative subculture has been cancelled out and replaced by mainstream pop style just utter k-rap which is pretentiously called "alternative". And anyway, before that era I obtained music and one of those shows had Fania Allstars, a band out of Puerto Rico.

After over 8 hours of torture, mentioned above the sleep teleportation sick hate abuse psycho-torture that is inflicted upon me every single night without exception into death homelessness abuse rape and etc every single night some sickness is forced into my deep sleep. ONly mediocre sick crap people would conceive of these skits and then enact them EVERY SINGLE NIGHT FOR 15 YEARS AS WHOREWOOD SCUM has done.

And, I was put into a fuzzy "happy" zone of videos hacked into my youtube page and then I was literally subliminally instructed to go to an old video by J-lo & Marc Anthony from a song that was originally sung, or covered by Hector Lavoe I think and another very famous singer---and this is getting long, but J-lo appeared began insulting me and grabbing my breasts when after going on with insults I made a little retort, trying not to react knowing that is what they were striving for. That was after around 8 hours of non-stop teleportation torture abuse from this group of filth. The German rapist who I have been screaming NO to for over 4 months, it seems like at least 4 months it began when Harris began running and has not stopped. I have not stopped telling him no to get off me as he beats abuses and the German Nazi programming of this group is so profound that they gather around this unbelievably un-hip uncool absolutely fascist white supremacy Nazi-toting bigot who is embraced by the black rappers the asian martial artists the whorewood white supremacists who are glowing with delight he is providing them with more benefaction for their sick violence, and assured every new mansion and yacht anywhere the 4th Reich can provide it, endless awards more oscars as the Nazis completely control the Golden Globes and the Oscars. THe people like Whoopie who are "governors" or she used to be are fully indoctrinated into this system and fully endorse all this violence against me, and the few stupid remarks she has made in the past about the Holocaust not being about race is a psy-ops type of statement exonerating her for her racism, in a roundabout way but the hacking is so intense most of my time is spent correcting backspacing and fighting to return the cursor back to where I was typing as they keep insering it into other sentences while I"m in the middle of writing.

J-lo came and kept calling me names after I had complimented her on her dancing, which after I watched it today don't think it was actually great dancing but for a professional level acceptable. 

But I never said anything like that, behind J-lo was the German abuser user rapist violent Nazi-spewing hater who has been showered with so much praise by all involved--by Senator Kennedy who told me I liked being raped to ugly prostitutalin and pig shit pitt and I can tell that they have done a huge quid pro quo between the German Nazis conntected to this lying sleazy nasty rapist but he's warm and affable loving towards ugly shitalina and I know there is a huge exchange. He also said that they had slept together as well after he raped and slaps my face with full-arm violence while ugly prostitutalina watches on. The minorities like Snoop the rapper become very threatening when the German Nazi aura gives them "permission" to just become "Nazis" and the threats of violence incrase, as they did with J-lo as this German was there smiling with the group sitting in their chairs for hours as I screamed in rage that they are disgusting to fuck off and die--for the 15th year in a row literally every single day. Smiling and smug he gets minorities like snoop and j-lo to become violently abusive which has become a nearly daily routine. He got Finkelstein to also become immediately abusive threatening with violence and using that b-word when I defended myself against his instant insults while he was asking me questions (which they do constantly as I cannot stop talking the drugging the mind control and the non-stop torture and that EVERYBODY ignores my situation I have no support and they took my most precious cat away from me and have killed off all animals I love as they abuse me for over 8-10 hours and longer per day, and that is not including the torture technology making my eyes tear and water and my heart palpitate my facial muscles pulled down plus the poisoning and the endless fight to survive their 15 years of mutilation and poisoning with intention to paralyze and murderme.

so I write this post today, after J-lo became violent when I reacted i anger after telling her to go away as I did with snoop just yesterday--repeating go away go away for over one hour yesterday until i finally began to hit him and death threats were the response (hacked into my youtube page were endless murder types of insinuations and fighting people much stronger and being killed and etc-or the threat of)

and today it was j-lo who subliminally put the idea to look at her video, as I wrote something positive she came to abuse and abuse me as i said ad then began shouting after she grabbed my breasts that I didn't want to fight but finally they also attacked my nervous system which they also do so I react in violent rage

\then get their fucking promotion after hours of this and they all go off fucking each other going to parties laughing and being awarded and paid in millions for it.


But mostly, they are paid to "represent" the "Democrat Party" as feminists and people who play roles of Nazis or Stasi intelligence murdering secret police (The German) but for their rotten interviews disparage these activities but in teleportation state-sponsored Nazi hate crimes against me I can't detail the huge erection the sexual thrill this porno creep had in raping and beating me while I was drugged and in agony from poison ripping out of my body at the time and had only abuse torture beatings and violence committed against me every day and night for over 15 years.

So here is my post about the J-lo who yapped on a stage for her promotion to sell off Harris, and instantly her immediate reaction because I was listening to music from "her country" was to viciously abuse me and like the other programmed Nazi icons with black skin and brown or Jewish or whatever, with "permission" from the Nazi German male, the one and only real symbol that they worship on this planet nothing else matters to them

they are vicious violent. I have tried to tell Harris that allowing him to influence the Whorewood idiot savants was very dangerous, but Biden fully allows the worst to come and rape me as to influence the rest to become indoctrinated slaves obeying fascist Nazi orders. It was Obama who smiled with loving gratitude at this foul rape bigot while I was screaming to get him off me.

The hacking is so awful and I have spent hours and hours and probably months fighting the hacking just in terms of time wasted so here is the copied post--undoubtedly rewritten by hackers.


SPAM ALLSTARS--A particulare Miami band---met the singer in front of Jazid (Washington Ave., South Beach) and went to the Part-ee. Dancing was like hot cloistered free and vibe. It was 4th of July, hotter than.

In a tiny little jazz club with couples dancing in ways I could only watch and admire---like fluid jazz and flowing good hearted vibrancy.

The name "SPAM" implying a mix-fusion of various other genres, so funk jazz along with some scratching mixing and etc---always a variety never an expected single genre. Very Miami very mixed variety of types people colors musical mesh spam spam spam grinded meat who knows what's in the bag next? Could be pork could be chicken could be lobster and fillet of sole...?!! Fried plantains, arroz con pollo mixed with some gin and tonic and white bread along with electronic fizz...But rarely, if ever, distortion all is harmony and smooth fun interesting deviations and good times in the mood very pleasant. The bald guy is the person I met who had a very good happy and bright personality, very joking but friendly and very positive. You can see it here in the video!

Very sadly, as I peruse the Youtube I see that the last videos shot at the apparently former Jazid nightclub were all NOT JAZZ and not even close to being jazz. It had turned into electro-hip hop without any saxophones...

it is apparently closed, at least at that location. The last I checked, an entire block down the street from Jazid has been thoroughly remade the buildings are gone it's been reconstructed totally.

Everything of course is highly expensive as well--but no loungy jazz none whatsoever it appears. Also, the few videos I have watched of Washington Avenue in the same vicinity as Jazid (formerly) are like empty in broad daylight. Used to be completely packed all day during heat and rain, people everywhere. Now it's like no one anywhere before sundown. And the jazz may have been relocated but probably, perhaps, not on South beach. Perhaps something like Jazz little cozy clubs have been moved to Brickell or Whynwood?

Not to try to make assumptions. Jazid was one of the places I really liked but always was very busy and for other reasons I could not frequent it close to how much I would have if I had the choice. Gone gone a wonderful club that USED TO HAVE JAZZ LIVE JAZZ and an atmosphere of actual musicians playing actual music not rapping and tweaking electronic equipment.

But on the other hand, as I recall the guy who handed me the Spam Allstars, the lead (who at the time had hair on his head and not shaved bald) and I thought he was a bit squirelly---weird, a bit forced and of course in aftermath I realize it was yet another opportunistic performer looking for a free ride to a promotion and my sense was to not go. I have to reconsider at all to post this video because I had earlier posted one about J-lo and got this hateful skank creep (her) who just began verbal abuse and wanted eagerly to ruin my good mood with really nasty and ugly sick behavior. Marc Anthony was there but probably was the driving force and yet didn't speak. I had to delete and while I was deleting they even turned my WiFi off so I could not delete their odious presence. I was under mind control drugging and I know that posting or even clicking on any movie or music scumbag who appears interesting is in actuality a sleazy sick f-ing fake posturing bs hateful Nazi advocate a horrific antisemite (including Jews) and just out for someone to abuse and get a promotion. The list of such crap scumbags is a global phenomenon of stupidity and ugliness and hate. Every time I see the planet going into decay I can assure you that the universal laws of positivity are actual real, and the ugliness, the bottom-line stupidity for awareness on any higher level than "what can I get out of it...and I can dump my hate abuse and misery onto someone else too andn torture rape and even murder?! Oh boy..." the line-up of such sick people has created a universal acceptance of actual mental illness and spiritual decay to the point of global catastrophe of hate leading to blind ignorance of how to treat people and the environment--the environment also is supposed to have this "butterfly effect" and the social engineering for stupidity and hate and barbarity and ugliness does have a rebound effect. They are too sick and stupid greedy greasy and sleazy to even begin to contemplate anything.

The ugliness of J-lo and Marc Anthony is intolerable as the hate of these ugly sick filth creeps who are just miserable misery-making shit on this planet polluting it and destroying it in the name of "Democracy" and "Entertainment".

I see my body dying from non-stop being bashed with the ugliness misery and violence from shit sick crap from whorewood and congress who all smile with delight as they get put in front of cameras for the bullshit lies they are constantly blathering about.

In regard to the "liberals", as for the emergence of the fascist Nazism of the outspoken Republicans and their "base" of Neo-Nazis, it is not acceptable but you know what they are all about. The "left" fascist side of ignorant abuser anti-semite racists is smothering all opportunity for REAL RESISTANCE and that is the real problem and I write of it so often
never is what I write taken seriously by my ideas are being used on a daily basis and annually some one of the shit group is winning some award or another for the ideas they torture out of me on a daily basis. I am aging into death from non-stop torture. The old dino disgusting men of the Repug party come laughing saying "that's great" and the Dems viciously abuse me and say I "deserve it" as they go off with huge smiles blathering the bullshit about "Democracy" the "Constitution" about 'BLACK victims of racism" and then they all come back to get more and more tv interviews by abusing me into death. So far no one is stopping them for a single second of the daily torture.

Why did the Democrats lose to outright criminality fascism besides the fact that the election was rigged---I have no doubt that Musk had the satellites that Biden allowed him to put into space without government oversight so anything can be done, and I know what the hacking and technological death machine they are building with the non-governmental private firm(s) that have made Musk a darling fave with all the fascist Nazi countries claiming to be "democracies" but are all falling into "right wing" rapidly--using financial woes as the usual excuse.

So, I tried to write something positivity-like and my brain was suffused with mind control tech, I wrote about this hateful pair of crap whose music to me is now in the heap of boycotted shit from shit fakes who are sinister and deadly ill on all levels--emitting death into the atmosphere behind crafted plastic surgery

so don't wonder why the planet is dying and the economy is on the brink of a Martial Law take-over by fascist Nazis at this point

no one mentions that Trump created such massive National Debt (I wrote $3 trillion but I got the number wrong) and accrued more debt that cannot ever be paid back by his squandering and graft grift along with his repugnant crew (the Democrats and liberals are part of that crew)
the economy will implode
and you will all wonder how all the hate that arises out of chaos, how the murders the stabbings that are already an almost daily barrage of head-scratching wonder by Americans as they wonder how any of this could happen in such a free society-as they urinate on the poor and use tech to torture me without any oversight and full permission of all of Congress and society
without end they are out to abuse me to death
never stopping for a day not a minute of the day with their teams of filth and shit and stupidity
I was put into a mind control daze while trying to be positive to write something positive for once
so this filthy dirty skank came to make most disgusting comments, while I was busy and the input of her nasty voice beamed directly into my inner ear my brain without any barrier--I can't move in any direction and not have to hear or see the shit and filth from Whorewood who rush to attack me while I am endlessly sick from poisoning and detox and fractured bones they forced upon my perfect body for all my life .

so, here is your daily dose of the reaction to sick hate forced upon me.
they sit for HOURS to get the chance to abuse me in rows of chairs, I can't see anything but murky bodies behind the front row of slathering hyena ugly sick celebrities and vicious (particularly in the highest positions of "power" but from the Senate on the Repug side they are outright murderous and say the most lynch mob racist statements--those from the South--and I can't forget the House as well and the hacked election has put them back)

Jesus f-ing Christ.
So, here is your filthy daily dose of me writing to the empty sickness of all "ya'll" worthless do-nothing corruptors and supporters of the death and destruction that will just blast into the sphere of society in what appears to be a short time in space if there isn't any halt to this indecency. It put Trump into power, and no one is concerned you all want a fascist dictatorship of murderous bigots slaughter of Jews because you watched all those movies and got such erections and had orgies watching Schindlers List and all the documentaries and wanted the black boots of the Nazis to adorn your racist hate that is now being so fully promoted.

Yet another "Minority" minion has viciously attacked me because I was drugged and under mind control and after hours of abuse from the rapist German Nazi-spewing disgusting parasitic death-threat endless parasitic leech who is so repugnant that I do get a slight PTSD experience of endlessly saying screaming to get off me

so I listened to music but under the endless drugging which is injected into my food and body I wrote some post about this low dirty Latina who like another Latina who won an award after violence and fascist yelling after forcing subliminal content and I am just under so much abuse and torture with ZERO support always on the brink of death they ahve forced me into
as you all fucking watch doing nothing
wait to see the result of your stupidity and apathy
but I tried to get into a good mood and just put it out there so I am not always writing about hate which no one responds to in any meaningful way
you all just allow them to go on and on

what am I fighting for, not America
only for myself at this point
not going to waste my life helping shit like this
so I don't know what to do

but watching YouTube appears to be a shark tank
but I remain extremely ill with deadly poisons endlessly circulating in my body which have compacted and the poison rips out of my body and it's just staggering I remain in this torture sitting duck situation endlessly for years

So dear Democrats, don't let fucking J-low the low-dirty blonde dyed fascist Nazi "Minority" who is trying desperately to be as blonde as Beyonce, ever speak for any Democrat candidate again

What people don't realize is that these fake scumbag haters really emit subconscious deception that people do pick-up on. the filthy lying of many of the Democrat politicians who have viciously assaulted me but have the most meaningless one-dimensional performances about how they are fighting for their "black" constituents but somehow, people just can't buy the bs any longer
and if the election was legitimate and the satellites that Biden allowed Musk to put in space, without government oversight which could affect voting booths
and if the election was legitimate which I really don't believe it was, my instinct knowing what these haters are capable of

then stop putting white-supremacy minorities with their every attempt to sound like Hallmark Democracy cards into the pulpits of the bs factory of the Obama/Hillary endless Democrat monopoly as they are paid in millions and millions to deceive the public
the greed of Americans really want to go along as they all want to be a part of the endless money raking machinery

eventually the economy and the dollar will crash, many speculate and are in dire seriousness that this will happen
when that happens, the hate of these filthy dirty creeps will explode into the atmosphere as the lies they have endlessly been projecting will leave people in rage understanding that the government and the bs factor of whorewood are actually enemies of "The People".


literally struggling to copy and paste the post above, the hackers are deleting and changing paragraphs and as I fight to copy they make another page pop up

I write these posts only to be ignored by smirking smug biden and his adminsitration.

it was trump who was ushered by this group into power using their Nazi connections so an endless monopoly of their mutial power pact would remain intact, ostensibly forever as probably with the Musk satellite systems all future elections will be "won" by the most violent fascist running. Biden is a fascist Nazi I must say there is no other delusion to be had from years of his instant public congratulations for all the expletives raping and abusing me the most violently.

I am spending now so much time fighting to get anything out--and for what purpose you fuckers reading this are all part of this 4th Reich as well.

But I have to state that the election was not just a fraud due to harris not being strong enough or whateve,r it was a constructed failure and the fascist Nazi 4th Reich has taken over the entire entertainment and political machine of the United States and the rest of the world.

Right now the pounding and drilling into the walls of this building in some room near mine--I cna't tell where, they drill in rooms next to mine and leave the front doors open so the noise reverbs around the entire hallway. My floor is shaking as are the walls. The noise if of a construction demolition drilling and pounding of the entire building. They have been poudning hammering and drilling like this for over 6 years in all rooms on all sides of me

the hacking has made this at least a 1 hour fight and it should have taken me 15 minutes

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The skunk system has some odious musk waiting to spray on the planet from a high perspective of satellite surveillance and death mobile upward mobility & I have to now write in code like someone living in the Dark Ages or a gulag, becuz: Censorship Big Brother has returned and I have been "flagged" for a virulent hate-riddled post about the 4th Reich lower animals with snouts on hooves and the oily skunk which emits musk odors and it's satellites and etc...I did not look at the date on the particular flagged and deleted post, but it was not written recently or my brain is so foggy th but I was sent a warning and that the post had been deleted. I have written many an immature and hate-riddled post for years, but now the Big Bro is pounding down anything criticizing Big Snout 4th Reich with hooves and I can't use various word couplings any longer. It was deemed "hate speech" but "it's the hate that hate produced" (Malcolm X).

A skunk sprays musk out of it's alimentary canal---that's what I meant, all good fun speech no hate speech here. I wrote something about a skunk and it's musk spraying greasy hate snout hooved filth into my home every day for years but it appears that the skunk has access to sophisticated technology and will spray more and more musk everywhere around the planet!

It's first name, E-coli lon-cheney (not hate speech, not directing any aspersions in any direction to any particular person or it's nefarious clutch upon #45 T-rexump and out of the anal cavities of the boob tube comes more t-rumprex effusions of Pepe La Pew's musk odorous censorship dedicated to FREE SPEECH!!

"The Goodfeathers get sprayed by Pepe Le Pew". Slizors72. July 2, 2022.

Right in the middle of a sentence I was adding another thought to, another page popped up and what I was writing was obscured by the pop up entertainment page. All day the speakers have been blocked from emitting sound, and I was screwed around with by the cheap online order service called Big C whereby they have no change upon delivery, they pretend they can't speak English, I try to get the front desk here where I live to phone and speak Thai because they told me something was taken off my order but they mumbled in Thai and said only "finish" and "out of stock". They changed the order online and no one would speak English to me, none whatsoever and the one person who phoned only rapidly said she did not know would contact the branch and if they had anything to say they would inform me.

The front desk was an attack situation of the cleaning lady yelling obscenely "phone you in 10 minutes" when I told her to shut up as I was speaking to the front desk person who is polite and I wrote on google translate what I needed to know--as the "english" speaking department would not speak English. The front desk person who speaks English to the white males of the split hoof variety with snouts underneath their scrubbed suckled faces who instruct them in yelling and fascist mentality---

and trying to avert plebian "hate speech" now and not able to think

as this one  lone English speaking person who was abrupt and only kept repeating they might phone me back with information. I had only phoned Big C because they refuse to have any change when they deliver, which is almost impossible for any delivery company to have zero change but the two big groceries in my area refuse to carry any change upon delivery and demand exact change from me. I never have it, and they make me wait as they drive to get change (while my room is being ransacked by the white repositories of refuse with their black and brown refuse liners working like oreo cookies to attack me in unison as a team of master slave 4th Reich. I wonder if any of this is deemed "hate speech" I must learn to altercate the hate (speech).

I was on the phone asking this woman for her phone number and explained that they will not speak English by phone at the Phuket store, which caters to millions of English-speaking tourists and they always are speaking lovingly to the snout masters with hooves which are disguised by black jack 3rd Reich boots disguised as fashionable attire, all is disguised however under material comfort and "fashion". 

I am trying to really avert using direct hate speech now. While i was speaking by phone the microchip implant in my throat constricted my larynx to the degree that all I could do was choke as it tightened nearly to a deadly grip on my breathing and vocal ability. There are little "tricks' I sometimes  use to avert this attack, but they have amped up the tightening as response to my threat being nearly completely closed off---it was so small the constriction upon my throat while trying to speak.

I then got a notice, the first ever, in which I had written about the greasy swine and jungle denizens of the ape variety on the planet of the 4th Reich which are endlessly attacking me, with hyperbolic ranting rage due to excessive drugging and teleportaton torture that is never stopped.

All these years of ranting but now, the 4th Reich is really making inroads in censorship and silencing of my blog which is read by whom, exactly? Censors of the 4th Reich and only the terrorists attacking me?


My room sprayed with stinking filth while I was downstairs. This Big C delivery sent me a delivery at 9:30 a.m. I always order delivery from 2-5 pm. They always deliver around 10 am. I phone and tell them to deliver on time. They deliver earlier the next day in their fascist response to providing negligent discriminatory service, as ordered by their oreo white center counterparts, whose cloven hooves and snouts with oily surfaces are just like puddles of slime in which they drink their merry daring escapades into the imitation thereof, but they are just sandwiched black recesses on the scumponds of the many multi-faceted surfaces of a huge global orea manifestation infestation which is now being turned into that skunk effusion of musk which is propelled into satellite disrepair of the former "Democracy" which catapulted that skunk with his greasy nasty snout musk into orbit to supersede NASA so that voting booth hacking could be done without any limitations and snarly snarks by the defunct U.S. Government.

Was any of that "hate" speech did I redefine the terms well enough to get past the censorship of the 3rd Reich infection that has spread now, on Day #1 of the dictatorship, into blogger and thusly has deleted my post, and then I could not log into any of my blogger accounts (I have 3).


All my years of warning that the skunk and it's musk would stink up America and that the S. African Apartheid mentality was going to spread too the Nick Fuentes party in which they are blowing their toots to get them all suckled into the 4th Dynasty of Dictatorship on Day #1.'s not even day #1 and the censorship has already begun aimed at me. I have written effusive hate speech for years on Blogger but never until day #1 of the day after the day after the day after the RIGGED election has the censorship been an unofficial day #1 of dictatorship and it's not even out of or within America it's global. The technology being dispersed everywhere.

I wrote for years about the skunk and it's nasty musk in partnership with brown shirted bigotry and jack-booted thuggery disguised in elaborate corporate 3-piece suits.

I was threatened with death, called a "loser" by the owner of the eponymous newspaper Bloombertg and his yelling scion female spawn who screamed in rage with hate as I kept saying, You have to watch out for the (skunk and it's musk spray) and  I was threatened with death. Of course, tax breaks for the billionaires and they are all sitting around schmoozing celebrating their win. Why the eponymous name of the Bloomberg empire was running against #45 saying that it was "he" who was an "existential threat" seems very ironic at this point which I would say is more attuned to what he represented and still represents in some way or fashion. 


Of course, my writing, someone is reading it but whom? People looking for "retribution" for writing anything related to "hate speech" who monitor?

But I have a blasted "paypal" link to my site which no one has ever donated to. Blasted. I have not checked because they have hacked my system for so long that it's nearly impossible for me to access my own blogger webpage without going into very "secure" insecurity measures using various VPN and other types of unusual browser applications but no one has ever donated anything but seemingly someone is reading my post(s) and the reactions are always punitive, to be sure.


the other reactions are a slight cessation and then resumption. It's a game, really a yo-yo of a mind screw.


The old ways of people having to write concealed in "code" to try to allude to their perspective is now upon the world. You can't outright say that the squirrel skunk and it's offensive spray musk is really a 3rd Reich out of a 3rd World Oreo black and white apartheid system trying to infiltrate and promote the same system upon wonderful America, now can we, now that the censorship has reached this level of obstruction to writing angry words but no death threats on my part.


AFter all these years of writing, and telling those "in power' about what needs to be done---as every single thing I said to that newspaper eponymous owner B-berg the former mayor of Mafia-town big rotten apple--I told him everything over 2 years ago and literally ALL has come true and all was exactly what needed to be done. But offensively I was brainwashed with the belief that what 'they" say in public running for office has at least a semblance of constructive reality and yet, it proved to be so false that it is dangerous to mention any single iota of all that they publicly espouse in the private hate torture contract forced upon me. They are all so opposition to all the egalitarian phrases that they are coached to crank out every 4 years. 


The opposite of black cloven hooved snouts in this building are leisurely prancing around now, but walking like solemn calm and composed at this point from months of attacking me in my home using a non-stop barrage of frumpy looking black oreo counterparts (brown in this vicinity but only a variant of any "race" not deemed to be the inheritors of freedom from legal constraint and all freedom to rape plunder steal rob murder and lie and cheat as a professional display of "competency" in the privacy of the orgy hate sphere of the huge oreo 4th Reich.


I can now only write seemingly in code. What the hell no one is listening as it appears except for the monitors and the down-pressers looking for ideas to steal and excuses to torture me further.

So today while I was being screwed around with my pillow was sprayed into the layers of silk/satin covers and linen into the pillow with dead meat spray substance, my shoes as well, all I can wear are rubber shoes which I clean after every use and they are stinking with putrid odors once I return from having gone downstairs using another rubber pair of shoes I use only for the purpose of walking downstairs because they are firm and not rubbery type of rubber shoes.

The only shoes I have which are actual real shoes, meaning with soles and shoe material that is not cheap rubber, I must keep completely stored and I have to carry them around with me in a huge cart-and oh, they just broke my cart that I bought a few months ago--

and, etc etc

the stinking mess was on my handmade sleep wear, and my floor is in tatters after it was clean and almost perfect just 6 months ago (almost) it's now shredded

I would really like a house, rented if I must, with a swimming pool so I can have my muscles exercises due to the stiff hardness of the poisons literally like rods inserted into my back along my spine

and so when deliveries come I can just go to my front door instead of putting items in bags, this requires at least one hour to pack everything in away that I can carry it, that includes my cooking oil my shampoo my shoes (which have heavy rubber soles but its' because I have to carry so much, they are a bit like doc martins but of course knock-offs, very good shoes but very heavy)

and then all my ointments and powders for healing from years of mutilation and poisons smeared on my skin--which is still ongoing as I cannot block my body from the mechanical arms at all while sleeping

and thusly, as usual. I wrote posts today so honestly real and vital for security of the United States as I have been doing for years. The failure of the Democrat Party is only what I have been writing of for years to which I have been poisoned raped tortured and ignored in my endless writing about being poisoned to death abused to death

and all that I wrote, all that I warned has come true but much worse as with all the drugging and torture and no one even speaking to me, just responses in some way or means from someone or some entity as I write endlessly in repetition that some cloven hooved snout white oreo with its' adjoining black center of the oreo is attacking me with it's outlaying black oreo counterparts minions of the oreo collective of the 4th dynasty nasty reich ---am I using "hate speech" now I wonder?

and, I wrote and have written and NOW after all the damage has been done, are the people who hacked their videos onto my YouTube mentioning that these people who I wrote of years ago, warning and warning, are now a problem in terms of future campaigns. Do you think there will actually be any more campaigns and that in 4 years there will be a chance for any change from Oreo Plantation, 4th Dynasty nasty Reich, incorporated GmbH ltd?


My memory is always blasted by this blasted technology that various versions of musk-ular skunks are spraying on my life and they will be doing it to you too, probably already they have as I truly suspect that the dear current election was rigged by the musky sprays of incontinent supercontinental satellites. The hacking on my laptop proves to me the capabilities of hackers making a menace but still all the router lights are on, the system displays that is it on and working perfectly. Therefore, what they can do with my system, I believe can be done to a voting booth as well. I am, of course, no expert how easy it is to claim my total ignorance of such topics. However, I am well-exercised in the incision of obstruction of hackers and years and years of being followed around at every single computer system I attempt to use, to handheld mobile phones even from strangers I am instantly hacked--the remote capabilities for interference are astounding.

But the creepy oreo interior white center manchild who lives down the hall, sometimes, walked calmly down the hall with his dog--the first time he appeared about 8 months ago he was in the vein of having shot something to a satellite high crack in the sky with hyper body jerky spasmatic hormonal torture highs--he had a different sleazily-clad black cookie exterior replaceable minion on his arm at the time. She has since been replaced by yet another replaceable skunk skank who obviously helps them all with the spraying of musky filth stink on my every livable item that i have spent my subpoverty income attempting to avert utter shabby living conditions, always made shabby broken and stinking ripped and torn.

there is another brown exterior replaceable oreo minion in the room across from mine, so whenever I walk to the garbage area, around the corner down the hallway, she can sprint to my room and back doing whatever damage their cameras have shown them to be easily accessible  in the sprint mode

The replaceable skank "girlfriend" of the erectile moment was wearing something like a crack outfit with her protuberance showing with every sauntering swagger of hormonal high torture aspect. She glared into my face as my brain was triggered to look back--and this can indeed be done, to have subliminal "commands" to look at exactly the same precision angle at someone from a distance or close up just staring like demonic fodder under control themselves.

The formerly spasmatic oreo white snout hoof grease puddle is now erect from months of torture and abuse so his former ganky appearance is now confident. This is one of the social engineering aspects which totally enthralls all the participants into this contract upon me, the sense of Power and thrill and the hormonal high, plus free rent and promotions plus endlessly replaceable skank skunks to suck up for free as they try to force this same skank skunk inferior position on me while undermining literally every single thing I could possibly strive for to attain on any level.

As everyone goes along, except for the odd moment in history during Covid when the networks were dispersed and blocked from their usual buy-out of the "my daughter and son for sale as well as grandma and pa and dog and cat too banana republic" brown replaceable endlessly replaceable minority minion entourage encircling one or two of the cloven hoof snout-snot coated social emulation icons


The "Free Speech" "advocates" who can buy out social media platforms have turned their "Retribution" Eye of Sauron onto my home which is a daily event the eye is never glaring from some obscene angle into my body shower home into my brain my thoughts and speaking hideously infantile insults and sewage-style hate porn body image hate insults and then they teleport me to inflict the actions partnering with the words

but the infliction of their "freedom caucus" was pouring a blue-ish liquid into the plate upon which the brand new sulphur lamp I ordered was smeared with this greasy substance and poured into a puddle underneath the electrical socket and wiring. The lamp and connection to that light source was just 1/2 inch above the top layer of the greasy liquid substance (dyed bluish). It leaves a greasy stain on the surface of the lamp and it's dangerous. It's the 3rd time this has happened with this one spot. I had put the plate under the lamp (it's a decorative Asian style plate not a utilitarian plate) and they instead just poured this greasy liquid (it was greasy the last time and the time before that, so my comments written about the grease of these "people" from years of just getting down to the down low of their essence and they are of course spewing it into my home as usual.

I had cleaned a bright yellow shirt that has been smeared with dead meat substance, again and again. I washed it, they sprayed more of the filth on it once more. They are using mechanical arms while I sit with a plastic tarp surrounding my head because of the mechanical arms that come through the fractured and broken sink cabinet underneath, from the room next door they insert a mechanical arm through this top portion of the wayward cupboard space so I can't see or reach the area above the huge pipes, and the barrier between my room and the next is a plywood piece that bends with my finger just pressing lightly against it. They keep it moist, pouring water into the bottom of the cabinet and they always make holes in all the pipes which I try to cover and seal up but they rip all out anyway

and they spray horrific chemicals into my hair from behind.

I am ALWAYS every single day in a state of physical shock, not meaning "Mental" from stress but physical from poisons and detox from murder poisons which are such disgusting chemicals concocted in laboratories, I would suggest from research labs paid for by funding to "fight cancer" or some such feign of pretense for human development. Could be a substance created in the c-tration camps or some such horror that was sent by Paperclip Express to the wonderful country that I was born into which has been paying from top quarters ALL MY LIFE long before the current culprits "in power' eagerly and happily have furthered this goal.


Watching all the "lib-tards" making their solace commentary after "promising" as they did in 2016 that the "liberal female" would win, most def. But alas, they were somehow "wrong" so absolutely wrong about how the actual power structure works, or maybe they were paid to project a hopeful fantasy. And they knew all along. I suggest the majority knew about what would happen. Promising that Harris would "win" so seriously and emphatically gave people the impression that their vote would not matter. Perhaps the promise of her winning made people think that they didn't have to rush to vote and so they didn't. 

Anyway, the freedom to express the rage from over 15 years of no one giving a damn about rape torture fascism the growth of a Nazi culture derived out of this contract out on me--I mean derived as a derivative of the outgrowth of open season upon people "like me' who the hairy with snouts and the 3rd dynastic reichdumb really always targeted (all my life).

But the culture became open and now it's open season on a lot of people. Some believe that the former "leaders" will be targets on a list. No, the "list" is just a green light for more targeting of defenseless and helpless people like me who the bigots from all the Parties hate. It means more people who are a threat to the culture claiming that by inherent right they are "superior" and giving equality and freedom in actuality threatens that ancient regime.

That is what the "list" really is. Anyone not bowing with loving devotion to the icon indoctrination of racist hegemony. It means the list includes the plan to kill off a majority of the WORLD population and not let them escape into a "safe" country anywhere on the planet.

The movements of neo-ism have increased basically out of the globalization that the "liberal" economics developed oh so long ago, back in the 1990's and even earlier. 

The only thing is that my years of writing about this has only helped to further the careers of the fake opposition and given me nothing but more death threats and more attacks and more people (I mean hairy marsupials and snout and cloven hoofers with portfolios made with inflationary pomp).


That no one could foresee the threat to anyone else when they knew or heard about my situation only shows that all expect themselves to benefit endlessly from this system. I understand that as I grew up in a sort of sheltered situation for a little while. I had no idea that actual opportunity was based on a premise that you bow to the 4th Reich and it's demands for turning against others so the divide-and-conquer system would only create one stable group which would expand territory through various methods. Our current system of encroachment is in the mental processes of belief in the visual products by which so many of the fake opposition reside.

So the attacks are never stopped upon me. Those who spoke out against the illegality of the current are now happily going about regrouping their portfolios because they viciously assaulted me in teleportation with hate and vicious yapping yelling and hate, derision that I am being murdered by poisoning laughing about it and then physically abusing me and raping poison into my body with full applause by the entire group and then a cascading effect by the "invisible majority" who are the cheering throngs of crowds and the gang stalking hateful violent murderous bigots and haters and minions.

So it's never stopped and the hate was constant under all the lecturing "freedom" people from around the world.


Not even a single person in all of the American top levels who have teleported me from all parties from the podcasters to the celebrities have done a single supportive gesture that is open and not concealed--if anyone has even done that. This group plays decrease and increase of violence so that the target is not outright slaughtered but given time to relax so the next round of torture rape abuse and near-death is on a more numbed level of response of hysteria but more ferocious. They feed off it every day and it is never, ever ever stopped.

America was doomed before the election. It was a non-stop murder situation upon me under Biden. It was "Christian" Mike Johnson Speaker of the House who raped and threatened my life and slapped and hit me after Pelosi, in her turn as speaker, threatened to mutilate and kill me with a voice you will never hear from her croaking in hateful evil at me for fighting in my defense. Her feminist chants about being a woman in power is met by the Christian chiding of the population to reject pornography and to embrace their Church as the savior. 

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

More continuous, non-stop hammering in the room directly beneath mine (or 2 floors beneath, the hammering is still a constant into the walls. Had to spend another 2 hours of trying to "restore" my computer system due to non-stop blocks to all streaming You|Tube videos, all commentary stopped mid-stream continuously. The hacking has begun and has never left off with the keyboard nearly impossible to write on. No ability to order any technological device online and can't buy a recovery disc anywhere in this place I live. /// Teleported to death-threat English actors because I have enjoyed watching a series of blonde Nazi "feminist" tv shows with an actor I admire. All exemptions to women not being abused, raped or beaten and tortured to death are aimed at me as their replacement for the nasty dirty men they marry who still fund their lavish lifestyles and promote these "women feminists" into power. Writing my analysis of their atrocious fake presentations and because it is apt, threatened with death, told that "they" are automatically "superior" and I must re-assert that microchip implants into my throat preclude me from any speaking or acting accomplishment, much less singing as I used to be in choir and love to sing. Now even a phone calls means that the microchip implant is tweaked to constrict my throat muscles. They then remain silent as I kindly remind them that their claims to superiority are not based on performance using speech, they remain silent as the automatic assumption to white supremacy and Europigapeland hegemony has already been to thoroughly implanted into the American psyche I have to wonder why they attack me when I am in the extreme minority in that respect. All opposition has already been killed off by their American "I'm Euro-American" partners who form the emulation and imitation of all the Imperialist and Stasi and Nazi death squads in Amerikkka under supervision of English and German and other nationality implants who are welcomed with fanfare to obtain the "best" real estate. That means that equal opportunity is being constricted by the very well-trained Nazi fascist mafia operatives who have centuries of subterfuge and pretense under their collective belts as under the belt is the main target area they strive to attack first in order to knock the opponent out in any way possible (psy-ops are their main claim to this exchange in America--the training of, that is based on centuries of political machinations well-established in the training for hegemony in their restricted circles.

It is also creepy but not surprising to see that Trump is winning so far in the election--I had to stop watching all the news when the 50% count had been established more than 2 hours ago (it is 1:07 a.m. EST and I can't find many open and performing news networks openly commenting in this middle-of-the-night time zone and  have missed out on 80% of the relevant commentary about districts and voting trends and etc.

My point of writing is about how the programming for fascist Nazi Mafia training has been an ongoing program instilled and institutionalized in Whorewood and also through Congress for the 15 years of me being attacked in the most disgusting way with all human rights, all Constitutional Rights, all civil laws all Common Law every moral religious (mainstream religious) principles absolutely shattered by this heinous group and this has been instilled into the mindset of the American population through the false dissemination of the Nazi "feminist" culture.

Now dealing with an actor out of London or some area--of England I assume. Her movie and tv themes are always about women struggling against male domination and injustice and the atrocious attacks upon women.

When it comes to me, however the "heathcliff" syndrome always rears it's racist head and I am assaulted for writing in defense of my self and in trying to expose the horrific mind programming and absolute vicious violent behavior used by this group, in particular out of England and the Crown Monarchy Group (my term for it it has many other titles, groups and names)

Trust me in that they are murderous bigots with dumb superficiality concealed by being able to quote Shakespeare with blithe appearances of depth and profundity. It is, as I wrote earlier, a result of over 400 YEARS of Shakespeare being studied and the lines so well-rehearsed in generations of students from early childhood all the way up to adult and professional life.

Any questioning of the deceptions that I know to be accurate as they are funding, the group in it's entity not just the performative hate puppets being trained to be hate puppeteers of the whorewood meaningless 1-dimensional crap hate group which has, under their direction, been poisoning me to death with giggly bemusement as vicious yelling dirty English "men" have rushed to beat and rape me while the pig apes sit in rows of chairs smug and posturing and feeding hormonally off torture for their sense of "superiority" and entitlement.

I still want to watch this tv show called "Harlots' as it's a fascinating usual beautiful display of costumes (I love looking at the old fashions of that era, generally speaking the 2 or so centuries of dress that these "vintage" shows always display, so that is one of the reasons and it also is part of my personal amateur sewing inspiration for my clothing modification --which this group makes sure to spray with stinking substances and then rip holes in the clothing after I spend hours and hours hand sewing every single stitch which they also rip out so all is unraveled with with holes and stinking--all to force the lie that "they are superior")

So, that is the situation as usual for another day

looking at how many Americans have been programmed in fascist Nazism in just the past 4 more years of the same group which put Trump into power being awarded for the deceptions of concern about minorities but they are truly instilling subservience and subordination and a kind of mental slavery with love and devotion for being able to live in the "Master's House" in Whorewood for their participation

also in condos in various other white "entitlement" areas like Miami and Florida in general otherwise they are relegated to American suburban versions of low-status but still sustainable--often very raggedy and in deterioration quality--which is an imposed version of enforcement under penalty of the new versions of lynch mobs which are part of the "gang stalking" death squad culture which has only spread to every corner of the planet and people are rushing to join in.

The terror of being left behind is one of the factors in this huge spread of fascist Nazism. Trump appears to be winning but the last stretch where the Democrat vote may surge is still in the process of being counted. 


Then there is the ugly sick fact and reality about these English meaningless scumbag whore rape culture imperialists and scum Nazi fascist with Shakespeare quoting resumes are so thrilled with inflicting white bigot trash whore ape "men" from places like Italy and Germany, where hormone growth for their greasy filthy bodies is a ubiquitous fact as their huge hormone-testosterone skewed sick sleazy porno "entitlement" Nazi pig ape selves are  being applauded like they are heroes by these same sleazy dirty fake trash Skakespeare performers, well installed into the culture to present a false image of intellectual sophistication

the Eurotrash ape hormone pigs pound the stinking filthy poison that the American partners pour into my body and into my bladder while I am thoroughly unprotected by the sick dirty politicians like John Kennedy (Senator part of the many Congressional subcommittees dedicated to stopping Jewish "pedophiles" who are in no way responsible for the online predators that shit like these filthy senators actually are endorsing on the sly-and absolutely patting the cheap and greasy dirty pig ape men like this German sleazy dirty pig ape who has been, like by now countless pieces of shit who have been welcomed in by ape prostitutalina and pig shit pitt and their ilk to pound poisons as deeply into my body as possible while I am sleeping, teleported and also while the filth break into my room--the tourists the expats who are paid free rent on their vacations with greasy stupid dirty Thai slaves viciously attacking me for these ugly dirty apes who are really enslaving and stealing the land from these a$$-groveling minions--the exact same behavior is performed by the blaks and latinos not only in Whorewood but also in the gang stalking terror death squads which proliferate in places like Miami and Los Angeles.

It is now impossible to type any longer due to hacking and my brain is under assault so I am ranting while I can barely pound a single word out

Tuesday, November 5, 2024

My WiFi is being hacked/turned off every 2 minutes, the router remains with all lights "go" but hackers are blocking the signal through various other hacking portals. IT is every 2 minutes while I watch election coverage. The stupid dirty filth white Nazi trash with their endless teams of black and brown and "white" minorities and poor "white trash" constantly are under control and influence bh the filth from whorewood-congress to block my writing while torturing me in teleportation to obtain ideas. They are having my freshly cleaned clothing ripped and sprayed with stinking foul substances while it's drying outside, so I can never have clean clothing or linens. spraying layers of perfume and fabric softener repeatedly per item doesn't get the foul stink that they are perpetually spraying on my boy my clothing my furniture my floor the curtains and everything else they can they are slowing the operation of the computer down to a level that I can brush my teeth wash my face put stinking foul clothing back to dry after re-cleaning before the computer turns back on as they slow down the computer while I must turn off the router and computer and unplug all from the power source plug (which it appears is what they are using to hack into my system, or partially) and then, I miss all the commentary as I am doing now. They were discussing on ABC that Florida has turned outright Red in Miami Dade county, formerly a Democratic country. I have been writing non-stop for years about the encroachment of fascist Nazi infiltration through SYLVESTOR STALLONE among one of the Mafia/Nazi operatives who has welcomed German fascists and ITALIAN fascists to kick the "liberals" and install violent and nasty black and brown minions into the political and socio-politician arena--plus a TON of Jewish Nazis (similar to Ben Shapiro but even worse as they are not with any media platforms so their nastiness is much more feverish to impress Nazis) They have put people in jail, I was viciously assaulted in Florida and South Beach and Miami has become a DEADLY nad violent fascist environment if I were not endlessly hacked I could write a story about it, but the filth stupid ape whores of WHorewood have been stealing my concept s literally for over 15 years along with English and Italian friends of shit like Stallone who has put Harris on the "Rocky Steps' because the knowledge, insider knowledge that Harris will "win" somehow and the collusion with fascist Nazi mafia in and out of Whorewood and Congress has been so firmly established.

Monday, October 28, 2024

In order to actually fight racism, you have to actually do more than spout beautiful rhetoric in front of a microphone or camera, you have to actually DO SOMETHING to fight it. //You MUST be actively anti-racist and NOT ALLOW IT TO HAPPEN TO A SINGLE PERSON regardless of your comfortable position. The endless selfishness and greed of the American psyche has lead America to the point it now is in with "leaders" crying into cameras that it's not "fair" somehow for this mysterious ailment of the culture to have just sprung up somehow under Trump and perhaps a few "crazy" "right-wingers"'s the fault of the do-nothing "alternative" who ALL want comfortable incentives to pad their no-net American Dream catastrophic economy lifestyles of the rich and homeless--the threat constantly looms and the greed for more and more drives the death and hate culture.//"Ganz Klar Gegen Nazis/WIZO": How can a single day go by where I am not writing--to the utter delight of the hate--about some torture and violence? They gouged my right-hand middle finger under the nail so badly it is "dead", the cuticle completely bulging in horrid red bloody puffed-up injury (for years, but because I am trying so hard to protect my hands, any day I am too ill from the non-stop drugging they inflict on me every day, so I write and they get more deals out of forcing a negative reaction out of me also they steal whatever ideas I write of possible--trying in vain for years and years to persuade anybody that this situation has deadly ramifications. Now the people who had joined in years ago are bewailing that fascist Nazism is a threat to themselves, now, the movements that are openly making racist jokes for rallies---about the very people who helped put the system in power by participating in this crime against me. One of them obtained a free pass to be glamorized at the MET Gala. It is now complaining that it's heritage is being targeted for racist "jokes' in prep for a real racist ole time revival in anticipation of the election to ensure that ole school racism is "back" in force with deadly repercussions that I had warned of that no one even cared about taking even slightly seriously. I am still here being mutilated, while they have completely ignored me. They are now making the same comments I had made years ago about the racist hate-mongering and targeting aimed at me by my very own "race" which happily joins in as well to the 'fun" and "games" with the A$$-lister group combined with the now openly racist death squad promoting "leaders". //So my fingernail is "dead" they cut so deeply under the nail they severed capillaries--I have to wait for it to perhaps fall off---it's just huge swollen and I can't use that finger very well. I read in papers like Huff post about the very people who teleported me years ago, under the $45 regime; fully engrosed in the free deals and media and glam promotions that have since been endlessly handed out. I must remind people to listen to people like Floyd Cochran, who was interviewed by Terry Gross from Fresh Air, and this podcast is also available from the Hour of the Time MP3 collection from the William Cooper archive, HOTT #706--named Floyd Cochran and Aryan Nations. It was a something like 1992 interview, in which he stated that the ultimate goal of Aryan Nations was to exterminate--meaning genocide--in America, at the minimum Blacks and Jews (of course, now Jews are the first priority as so many flock to join the 4th Reich and try to "replace" being the lowest ranking genocide target while still espousing that they are "fighting racism" (for their "group" but so ever-so hatefully joining in with vicious and murderous white supremacists in targeting--for the death hunt that is now "on the plate" in plain sight for the election as people cheer it on---those who joined in years ago to attack me are now descrying that "racism" is aimed at them. Little did their little sleazy dirty greedy selves begin to contemplate the range of racism that I was endlessly writing and ranting about and that they, also, would not be exempt from death squads if this group remains protected by top politicians such as Senators Kennedy,, Cruz, Graham, and the Democrats some of whom, I mean all of them are now "fighting Trump" but are "safe" because they attacked me. I believe that the vicious death squads might not see it that way if they get a chance to shoot first and ask questions later. The stupidity goes on and on, as I have been writing of, for years about the participants of this group of puerile money-grabbing idiot savants. But still, despite me writing about inevitable death squad culture rising up, the same people who are now trying to convince Americans of the dire necessity of voting for Kamala Harris as if she is going to rescue the I remain tortured, attacked, poisoned, drugged the very same people who are now shouting into microphones and in front of cameras about what a Nazi monster Trump and his ilk are, they remain doing NOTHING to really stop this group and not a single one, not one, has done an iota of actual "fighting" to stop this. Not one of the famous personalities of the entire gamut of the media and political strain that has put this situation into reality for all these years. /

"Ganz Klar Gegen Nazis/Very clear about being Anti-Nazi Live  (Taubertal)". DeZet. September 28, 2022.

"They", the meaningless do-nothing "yes" groveling money-grabbing "power elite" want YOU the voter to rescue them from their selfish greed and need to accommodate the 4th Reich regime which controls THEM. They can't do anything but go along with death squads and never speak out.

They are safely in their wealth enclaves spouting out the scripted rhetoric after having viciously threatened my life and allowed this shit filth gang of trash scumbag whores in Whorewood to put Trump into power, as they joined in they got invited to the Met, they got interviewed endlessly for being on the J-6 committee "fighting" Trump but joining in fascist violence against me to prove how much they are really aligned with antisemitism and fascist violence.

If any of them feel threatened, they are yelling into microphones and shouting on platforms to crowds about the "threat that Trump poses" but neery a one will do a damn thing, not one, to stop this group which put Trump into power out of Whorewood with their fascist Nazi partners who are still teleporting me right now but promising them mansions and yachts and every kind of other thing--the hand-outs for free loot are endlessly--the loot obtained from genocide that is.

It is now in the impossible range for me to fight the hacking to the keyboard, plus pounding on this very injured finger because the "terrified" laxity do-nothing energizer bunnies of the media in a frenzy to obtain coverage and applause actually do nothing more than actuality promote vicious death squad culture and this has been influencing America despite all the fake concern they spew out on a daily basis to the contrary.


**Written 1+hours later

not sure if this post cites the Hour of the Time Podcast interview with Terry Gross (of NPR fame) and the former Aryan Nation recruiter/leader Floyd Cochran. I had written (I try to recall) that it was HOTT podcast #760, but it may have been  instead #706--which I think is the correct number. Under this pernicious mind control tech influence I often juxtapose numbers, can't remember names that pop up instantly once I am away from the laptop and it is off. 

My recall and ability to think clearly is diminished at least by 30 % or higher for all verbal and written communications, except when I am teleported so the mind rape and rapist thieves can continue every day to steal ideas that they torment and torture out of me--I mean deadly abuse and torture ,not just harassment or slight discomfort but it is intended to keep me on the edge of death, and furthermore is ultimately a murder situation and they are fully aware of it.

The names, it includes all I have written of who have partaken and the worst remain stoically fixed on obtaining every single bit of information life force sexual energy hate all they suck out to my daeth.

but, Hour of the Time repeatedly warns "America" about this very threat, not from celebrities because William Cooper was an Air Force and Naval Intelligence Officer, working with the high Command of the Pacific Fleet declassifying top secret documents for generals and thusly he obtained access to the information he details in most of his podcasts. He was nit in the celluloid-verse but his only advice was to have your little children break the tv and warnings to not believe or watch anything for longer than a short while, per day and to avoid all "belief" without proof for anything offered on tv or cable or the internet from teachers and from anyone unless you can verify it yourself. It is increasingly difficult to do so as internet is hacked and blocked not only for myself but I suspect I am just a prototype of the future of complete and total obliteration from access to speech, mobility, freedom of speech, and access to controversial information that questions the authority you are supposed to believe for "your side" and hate the other and etc etc etc

anyway, this man, Floyd Cochran who had been a training personnel for Aryan Nation in Idaho, who was a full-fledged genocidal training and recruiter (focusing on vulnerable teens, for example he details what types of the most vulnerable were susceptible to full indoctrination) but my point is that full-on genocide was never openly expressed in public but fully indoctrinated in private, openly in their private enclosures and facilities where they all had their little promised incentives. He told specifically that much was promised to the recruits but most of what was promised never delivered. Lied to perpetually but given a feeling of "security" and "stability". 

As one can imagine, when his own son was condemned to DEATH for being born with a cleft palate (in his mouth, duh) the leaders informed him that "euthanasia" was the best final solution for an "imperfect" child, regardless that the father was fully a believer and follower and that the child came from "white supremacy" stock.

The Black and Jewish populations are determined to be herded onto concentration camps as in Nazi Germany and worked slowly to death, and etc etc etc. That is what he expressly discussed openly with Terry Gross on Fresh Air from National Public Radio (NPR).

The interview was made in 1992, but that was a time when the real intentions of the neo-groups were not deemed a dire threat and the information was taken as a "fringe" group that could easily be "controlled".

I must state once more, implicitly, that this very contract on my life has fully helped to bring open and direct fascist Nazism into the mainstream in America. I am not grandizing myself in any way, only to state the serious lack of actual diligence on the part of the "leaders" I have been writing of for years. My contract is not the sole reason, but if not for this contract I really doubt Trump would have ascended at such a rapid pace directly after he began to attack me after he was handed this teleportation hate contract access by the Whorewood team, who have since continued to "win" Oscars year after year with top funding and all everything at once handed to them with full applause from Whorewood, et al.

It has only continued before Trump after Trump and this must end if you don't want what Floyd Cochran was warning to really truly turn into death squads with heart attack microchip implant murder capability for those they don't like, and poisoning of targeted POPULATIONS not just one person--and not just like the poisoning of water in Flint, Michigan but entire groups will be bloated and huge with this stinking death poison inserted directly into their food or many will just be targeted by the endless eager little leeches who are happily sick and psychopathic just waiting for someone to beat the life out of and get paid for covert assassination(s) and they will attack anyone, I suspect it won't even matter that they are white if the flag is given they will race to inflict as much damage as possible and horrific murder they are willing and happy to perform, and will do it again and again and again and again.

I suggest that the people who are now complaining that Trump is calling their country a "garbage can" should look at how they supported this group attacking me while Trump was in power, and then Biden, and how they obtained access to posturing like a celebrity for the Met Gala and schmoozing with "Haute Coiture" culture. That goes for the other celebrities who are "fighting racism" because they are "proud" of their skin color which they bleach as white as possible and also dye their hair as blonde as  possible and can be seen on Haute Living Magazine and in Milan shopping as often as possible at the "best" boutiques but calling me a "dirty Jew" and that I should "die in a concentration camp and ...hee hee giggling just kidding" they laugh in front of the German rapist from Berlin, before the others came to do the same from that same country and others who are of their "righting against racism" brothers and sisters have  smeared and done the same.

SO PLEASE LISTEN TO THE INTERVIEW back in 1992 when the honesty was "allowed" to air in the dire warning of murder inc from this genocidal Nazi group which has spread throughout openly and everywhere across not just America but also around the planet. Now very disguised under "beautiful" rhetoric so expertly written and scripted about how intricate these pundits are about fighting for "Democracy" and against "fascism" but in private---ach nein scheisse nicht THEY ARE as much a factor in the rise of Nazism as Trump and his accolytes.

The warning from Floyd is that BLACKS AND JEWS are on the top of the list for extermination. You may believe that you helped put Nazis in power, but the millions of the lower echelons of the Nazis may not know or realize that you were given a "pass" by those you helped put into power at your "top level" of Beverly Hills.

But I am not sure as I am not part of that group. Probably you will be kept "safe" while so many others get killed off but you will remain safe and going to your merry Haute orgy parties luxury and endless entitlement and laughing at the victims but then playing the concerned loving kind benevolent for your public persona.

They get more nasty when I try to state that they are presenting a false image and that I only watched their "shit" because they claim to be anti-Nazi and I wanted to feel that there was something in Whorewood or in politics that was not pro-Nazi. They teleport me after their "anti-Trump" and "fighting against racism/sexism" etc categorical paradoxes only to be absolutely fascist and pro-Nazi to a disgusting degree (100%) in the "private" promotional orgy prostitution sex trafficking ring tent of the teleportation hate and hell contract out  on me.

Floyd Cochran was interviewed because no one "believed" that Nazism was a threat back in 1992, and even as shortly as last year the smug certainty that nothing was going to ever touch all the sanctity of the celebrity politicians and their ilk in H-wood has since been slightly dented as of late with open fascist genocidal jokes and references to reverencing Nazis by the Trump campaign.

Guess who helped put them all into power and keep them there?

I suggest that the people who think that Trump is going to save them from recession and improve the economy should instead do some research and listen to Hour of the Time podcast (mp3 under "Milton William Cooper" on the "hour of the time" website (just write it into a search and then click on the Milton William Cooper link at the top and go to the mp3 collection and there, #706 is this interview and Coopers assessment--and he was exposed to multiple death threats and then he was, in fact, assassinated by the police (from behind as he was running into his house after a surprise "sting" shootout and his "crime" was for not paying taxes, legally as he had filed legal omission of the illegal requirements for the taxation imposed upon him and many others. But his podcasts were openly hated by the Clintons and by many others of top repute).

The actual agenda that Floyd Cochran stated is now coming to fruition. 

The reprimand that Obama made to black men which made a "stink" of rage by that demographic should nevertheless just take out about 45 minutes of their life to listen to the actual agenda that Cochran is detailing in this interview. It is the same thing but expressed in it's actual stark deadly reality but so watered down by the ominous threats of the Republican candidates right now (i.e. Project 2025 would implement "legal" murder by taking health care and other life-saving resources away from the most vulnerable and that means blacks and then the final solution against Jews would just come on the heels of that (perhaps Beyonce and JazZ would help along as they did with supporting the violent rape and Nazi memes from the German dude just before endlessly more worldwide applause which has not died down even to the last concert rallying for Harris--which means maybe for themselves as continuing to be "safe" from a Nazi genocide against blacks (and Jews they could give a damn about they laugh about it).

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...