Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Terrorist Report: November 30, 2022. Local Phuket psychopath scumbag terrorist crime for a change, as opposed to the halfway around the planet teleporting group of the same ilk based in, but now owning properties and businesses in Phuket due to the collusion with the local Europigape filth here in Phuket who are bestowing the shit from Whorewood with these businesses for their participation in building a fascist global order 4th Reich--those out of Whorewood, California, USA.

 These are just a few little examples of the crap that goes on here--by no means extensive but I wanted to add a few things about how the "gang stalking" operates, although I have been writing of this for years, it's been a while since I detailed how extensive the organization is and to what efforts these creeps go to in order to destroy the target.

What you would assume would be a straight-up shopping experience of buying food sitting on shelves and then thinking afterwards, if you are a target, how to protect the food. 

I have been putting onions in water and boiling it and extracting the water for hair growth. My hair is almost completely gone as this psycho group put hair damaging and skin damaging chemicals on my scalp and on my hair; and then put it into my shampoo even when I wasn't watching it for about 4 minutes after having taken a shower--wrapping it in plastic bags and things tying the ends so mechanical arms can't poison or taint the shampoo/conditioners--but they can unscrew the lids and pour poison in; it only takes less than a minute while I am outside putting away the mop from cleaning the stinking and foul floor after a shower from the endless crap they insert into that bathroom through the other bathroom--via opening the tiles on the other side of the wall.

I had been buying onions and I realized my hair was drying out from having used large onions. I began to use the plain yogurt I could find, and there are only three brands that are not flavored and thus I have only three choices for yogurt here in Thailand where they love their sugary drinks and yogurts--I bought a few packs and it helped my hair, so the next time I went to the store and took home the packages of plain yogurt, I discovered that it was much harder to open the packages. What these creeps do for terrorist poisoning purpose is to unglue the seal from food, and then reseal with a much stronger glue than the original package. I have to rip the metallic seal in order to open what used to be a very easy-to-open top for the yogurt. I used the yogurt and my hair began falling out in sheaves so by now there are much larger balding spots than ever before; almost none is left. The small amount that has grown back is the size of equivalent baby hair that remains at this carpet level on my scalp--not going anywhere but covering my scalp with a fine baby hair frizzle that remains stuck like I have fake alopecia.


What else--there was a white male who talks, acts and behaves like one of the men who feel absolutely laid-back with Thai women servicing them like slaves and cooking and cleaning like the domesticated 50's wives that are sort of a thing in the past in the West--compared with the eager domesticated women here in Thailand who also "look the other way when you cheat"--so said a younger man trying to attack me--who lived in a room on the other side of my tiny little single-unit house but attacked in a row to the next house with this wall between us. Undoubtedly I was assaulted by him for the length of time I lived in that home--while sleeping they obviously broke in and did whatever to my body while I was unconscious and could not wake or understand what was going on. It continues now in teleportation in a rotation that is sickening.

But, these men are so complacent about being served they have a demeanor that is very distinct, sort of like a playboy entitled scumbag whore calm and confident his every sleazy fantasy and need will be met with sexualized near worship by the minority minions servicing them. That is one reason I call Phuket a "Nazi Paradise". This is the epitome of racism put into co-mutual symbiosis.

A man who had been putting out videos for a Thai newspaper called The Thaiger--which has it's outlets in Phuket, Bangkok, etc etc--he made the videos of himself with his Thai male partner agreeing in that dumb head-nodding way of a slave--which sickened me

but eventually this creepy Australian dude began making his own local Phuket news podcasts--speaking about local and national events of noteworthy interest in political and public affairs. I cannot deride him for the content or presentation, even if he's the epitome of the type that is deplorable here in Phuket and these types of men have viciously lead a campaign of rape, torture and mutilation of me here in Phuket that rivals a torture prison situation which has been on the verge of murder many, many times.

I wanted something to listen to one day and his independent Phuket news podcast just appeared on my YouTube channel, so I let it play. Ignoring my inner warning to not click on any rotten dirty old man or  young dirty man or his skank female companion of any age who are putting their creepy videos on my internet for my clicking, which means they want to trigger a reaction as they do sick and sleazy things to attack me in ways that are supposed to discredit me--as usual. 

I have to "backtrack" a bit and state something I had told some Thai women long ago about how I "can't" learn Thai well--which is due to the drugging and poisoning and torture that has so badly afflicted my cognitive state, memory and ability to concentrate for so many years. Thai is not an easy language to grasp for me, and I "forget" the words I learn in casual conversation often when the extremely rare Thai person wants to help me (which is very rare but it happens sometimes). I told one of them, where I rent my motorbike at Be2Win in Rawai-her name is Porn (really it's Pornthep but the bigot Nazis call women who service them the nickname Porn and that has become a standard short name for the more correct name of Pornthep---I consider it just another demeaning and pornographic diminishment of Thai women by these white bigots who flock to Thailand for their endless sexual exploitation vacations and living arrangements.

This creep had a "special" interview, supposedly his "first" interview. It was just a few days ago, going into my Youtube stream on autoplay as I was cooking and my hands were immersed in meat and raw foods so I didn't want to mess the computer by changing the channel---(the terrorists have poured disgusting fluids on my laptop making it look broken down from the deterioration of the laptop surface--it was done the first week I bought this computer and nothing gets the stains out--it looks splattered with gunk by now--but that's just the usual for all I own)

This creep was interviewing a Russian man--and of course I am now being teleported and raped now almost nightly by a Russian man who has put me in a headlock, had my body poisoned, has put stinking filth via his minority minions proxy terrorists where I live--and on and on, the usual nightly terror teleportation skits and then just upon waking I am raped and dehumanized by him--as he gropes for the contract forced out of me for forcing a baby out of me, abusing, hitting and raping and poisoning my life with hate and negativity--but helping me unlike any of the shit sitting around him ever have in all the years of this going on--as Baryishnikov is helping me to heal my body and the filth and crap who have been assaulting me for years would not even contribute $100 per month so I could move to a location with a private swimming pool and thus not die from poisoning which they kept having poured into my food and body but they all lie and claim that I am lying about being poisoned. Baryishnikov called me a "bitch" when I said that I am endlessly shitting out poison, despite 11 years of detox and for years monthly 10-day Master Cleanses, somehow they all claim that I am lying when I state the truth, which is that they have kept me poisoned with intention to paralyze me or kill me while stealing ideas and refusing to help me to heal and never stopping the deadly abuse and violence towards me. He is the first one to have ever helped me in any way, and unfortunately the rest of what he is doing is part of the destruction of my life and spirit and health because the stress factor is also killing me and he really is not stopping it. Of course although he has mansions and is very wealthy, supposedly, he won't stop for a second to obtain his promotions and of course they all need people to abuse to feel elevated, so none of them ever stops and thus the stress of their endless hate and rape is also still killing me.


But...digressing a lot.....this creep from Australia named Tim, with his local Phuket podcast (but formerly working for the Thai syndicated newspaper The Thaiger)--began stating that "I'm really stupid and once I learn a Thai word I forget it immediately" which is a verbatim quote from what I had been saying. The Russian he was interviewing was discussing Whorewood icons who he loved, who also are part of the terror team but not the usual main abusers but those on the outskirts of the terrorist inner circle. Don't want to say whom because her videos are going to explode on my YouTube channel if I do.

I then wrote a comment making mockery of him in the comment section. His videos then were posted on places that should not have allowed for the intrusion into my streams--just out-of-place videos of his podcasts in playlists of topics unrelated whatsoever in searches for information--the outlier to other subjects on politics searches or about political topics--in other words, more hacking. The "interview" was so silly and creepy I realize it was not, probably, legitimate but it literally had this creep repeating what I had said verbatim to Porn, at this abuse and terrorist motorbike rental shop. I also have been blocked from earning money so I must pour my money into renting everything and being abused by the people who take my money while my brain is excessively under strong attack by mind control technology literally making my voice altered, I say things I had not thought of that are personally embarrassing that spontaneously pop out of my mouth, in a vocal tone that is not mine, in language that is foreign to how I speak and think. The puppetry of the mind control technology is something that makes you absolutely discredited and you can't take it back, nor can you stop it's effects on your brain and body. I put this in 2nd person tense so you do-nothing enthralled readers hacking into this post can try to begin to understand how dangerously inert you are in the face of such tremendous dangers when such unethical and sick people are being constantly handed these technologies and full carte blance to torture by the governments of the world--which have installed the same ilk into powerful positions who all are actors splatting out bs rhetoric about how beautifully wonderful they are at fighting for "The People" and all that wonderful "Democracy" stuff they keep repackaging year-after-year as the same comes in to replace the same old year-after-year.

But this is the local branch and how they operate. It's what America is yearning to become with the "far-Right" MAGA groups which want to have a Nazi paradise of rape victims akin to Thai sex willing slaves but only with the press of a few buttons, the insertion of microchips, the brains being cooked slightly into a kind of brain-mapped sludge of mind control poisons blocking cognitive thinking and defense skills by the targeted sex slave or torture victim slated for eventual discarding with everything stolen especially opportunities for a decent life without being oppressed on a most intimate level on every possible way by a few scumbags with these technologies endlessly being handed out and meted out to most corrupt and incompetent--in the broader picture--.


So, after I wrote this clever but caustic response to this creep on the comment section, my bathroom stank from fungus and stinking foul water spurted on the floor by the mechanical arms breaking in through the tiles of the walls, from the other side of course. I was raped and threatened again, as I am being almost nightly now, by Baryisknikov who threatened me to stop writing and added that with threat of violence. I supposed he was defending the rotten good ole boy Nazi Europigape network, just as he's sitting with the shit spawn of Depp with her French network which is HIS network, abusing and raping me in front of this group so they will confer him with more mansions and business deals and art shows and movies and etc...

so I think it was the cooperative collusion of the local most scumbag Nazi filth with the Whorewood group which is striving to turn the planet into a paradise zone of rape and sex slavery akin to a Third World Banana Republic where, as is the case here in Thailand, protest is forbidden and the people have been completely brainwashed into sex slavery with loving kindness also with children they bear these men who then obtain property here in Thailand for their retirement. Their nasty wives out of Europigapeland are waiting to flock in once the main investment strategy is completed and the men can essentially dump these Thai women and bring in their more cherished blonde Nazi companions--the darker women of course reserved for the denigrating dehumanizing sexual prostitution and knee-bent servitude that nasty Baryishnikov is forcing upon me with threats and poisoning and hate and violence until after more than a decade and I can see my body dying from it all--I succumb to the violence but once upon waking am disgusted and so I write about it.

Of course nothing stops it or him or any of them, nothing whatsoever. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

I heard a lecture about religion a few days ago, which included a sentence that sparked a recognition of the impact of how the media entertainment celebrity iconography resembles former religious deification of the mundane. The absolute worship of superficial and exterior appearances which diverted the respect for the sublime that is of a gentle and magnificence into a bombastic display of grandiosity that is what people transfer the respect for the "divine" which is abundant in nature to the fabricated power cartels which dominate religious hypocrisy--the theme of this part of the lecture was on how human and animal sacrifice had replaced the profundity of respect and reverence for the process and power of the forces that generate life.

**I just read through about 5 paragraphs of this post below (written two days later) and saw how many of the sentences had been deleted and then strung together with other sentences--portions deleted and strung together in other words. Words were changed, grammar deleted, and it all reads like a rambling incoherent mess. This type of partial deletion and stringing together of sentences in order to discredit me is also part of the endless discrediting and poisoning/drugging/violence protocol system. Because no one ever comes to defend me and I have no outlet for protection, support, friendship, love, financial stability, no legal support anywhere on the planet unless I provide solid evidence of these crimes I further remain standing alone with this mess being associated with "me" and it's not me, it's the terrorist operatives forcing this upon me, as usual.//**Another add-in after having posted this: I had written (below) that an entire CONTINGENT of black people (should I say, more pc, "African-American"? but I don't like these designations of affixing a prefix before the American label--) but the hacker terrorists had changed it to "an entire continent of blacks..." but it's down there somewhere in this altered post which reads like a chaotic mess due to the word and sentence alterations/redactions by the hacker terrorists. They try to discrediting with very subtle psychological changes in words, as well.

"The Internationale(Lyrics)(English)". CROCRACKS. June 20, 2019.


"Anthem of the Soviet Union/USSR (Most beautiful version)". Wessen. December 30, 2021.

"Glory to the Great Stalin (Soviet song about Stalin)". Wessen. January 25, 2022. 

I have heard grossly conflicting statistics on the numbers of people massacred in the Soviet Gulags--the number in this video claims "1 million" but I have heard the number rise to almost 80 million by other sources recounting how many Russians the Stalinist regime politically massacred (that number includes those who died during WWII, so soldiers, civilians lost to the Nazi machine plus Stalin's own purge and decimation of places like Ukraine, etc. The justification was and always has been for political miscreants. The electronic torture 4th Reich imposing it's rape and mutilation upon me is both racist and political and the prison-style isolation chamber/surveillance/torture situation I am in, where I can provide zero evidence of, and thusly politicians and celebrities and civilians alike throng to participate in a covertly-funded and supported State-sponsored witch-hunt terrorist operation is astounding in how many people actually gravitate towards these exploits. Their public personalities tout something akin to the bombastic State songs you can hear above all railing on freedom, equal rights. The story remains the same but the history is so often skewed and the focus is mostly upon Nazi tortures and concentration camps. Stalin created such "camps" at least a decade before Hitler ever emulated the same system. Now it's being done with electronic and covert gang stalking terrorism albeit in a "normalized" civilian and domestic sphere. As usual it will only be regarded as a crime once the actual perpetrators can no longer be persecuted and it's a past historical event, just as the Holocaust was not openly discussed amongst the victims and the media ignored the situation to a very large extent until long after the criminal terrorists/Nazis/etc were all safely ensconced away in their disguised locations in places like Argentina. 

"The CRUEL and BRUTAL Soviet PUNISHMENTS in their own CONCENTRATION CAMPS/GULAGS". Military History. June 24, 2022.

The French women who collaborated with the Nazis, mated, were lovers and had babies with them, were later attacked by the French Resistance and other liberators when the Germans were ousted from France in the aftermath of the war (or perhaps also during the war). Some of them women were publicly "shamed" by having their hair shaven off, some also with swastikas carved into their foreheads). All put on display. The song by English band Crass is about the shaved women who were such lovers and collaborators with Nazi soldiers and also betrayed their own fellow citizens. These types of women are not the fashion models and the owners of media establishment, alongside their fellow Swastika-flag-waving husbands (only using a metaphor and not literally speaking). It's not just the fashion models and actors to which I refer, or the American celebrity "A-list" throng which are on the strings and paychecks of such operations with these post-Vichy fashion and entertainment media moguls running the apparatus behind the "scenes" (or even in front of the cameras, as the actors assaulting me for a decade are all vying for top position and are being handed yearly Oscars and awards for their instructional promise of promoting fascist ideology through their songs and fashion and media performances all touting the same blather you can hear in the Soviet Stalinist songs above--which have been adopted so widely amongst their fellow European counterparts with a fake divide of a post-Cold-War deception. 

 "Crass, Shaved Women". Pauly Gall. July 19, 2010.

"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007.


This entire Nazi/4th Reich/"Gang stalking Death Squad terror system has ensured that "no one" will reach out to protect or defend the target. If anyone extends beyond the limitations imposed upon the "do-nothing" quota which everyone agrees to in this Social contract, they only do so tenuously like a trembling leaf ready to blow away asap once they perform their self-ingratiating "good deed" against a sick and twisted system to which they will not dare disobey. 

In order for me to provide proof of all the violence, I would have to have my electronic equipment not hacked. Uniformly my every electronic telecommunications and all equipment is hacked. I mean literally even appliances are hacked so they will break, in ways that you will never see as videos on YouTube. They can make faucets leak from the mechanical (probably electronically-controlled) gear behind the wall on the other side or from a more remote location forcing spigots to spurt water and then not spurt, according to how much torture they want to inflict. They can make my water kettle make horrific noises and/or break and then resume functioning--this happens when I write a ferociously victimized and enraged, drugged up post about how sick these parasites upon me are.

When I say nothing, I get a calm and nothing is breaking or putting filth on my clothing--that is my "reward". The parasites attacking me, as their "reward" get million dollar deals, businesses, promises for themselves, their spouses, children and friends obtaining every promotion possible that this group can hand them for this torture and discrediting system they all nearly sprint to get involved in.


I can't provide a shred of evidence as my internet is so hacked I can't even find resources, phone my bank, obtain my mail on my electronic mail system as I am always diverted to terrorists pretending they are running some "business". 

Most assuredly, I can't get a single politician of the US Government, or any government, to intervene for the sake of justice and Democracy and Freedom. Not a single person will get involved and those who do face their own travail.


So I am not able to defend myself by providing evidence, and thus I remain being hacked in every post trying to describe this horrific crime (against humanity). As I write this, whatever technology is being used against my brain is forcing my hands to not be able to operate to press down on keys I want to press. It is 100% effort also to pound out every letter as the keyboard is being hacked to be nearly inoperable.

So my posts are unreadable and appear like rambling "craziness" due to all these factors. 

I was raped once more by Baryishnikov this morning and he's threatening my life essentially to get what he wants. What I had attempted to write about Depp's daughter is that she has been, like the wife of pitt and pitt himself and Depp and Trump and deniro and pesci--these people feed off torture, they get hormonal highs off it--they all obtain such publicity and fanfare after they and the fanbase who also are vehement violent terrorists who clamor for a Nazi 4th Reich takeover of the planet (all races and colors of skin inclusive albeit never on an equal parity of power, the race distinctions always apply of course in this racist system. The darker skinned people must "always" play the "liberal" "victim" for their public roles, btw that is the role they are forcing upon me).

I am now labeled by the fascist Republicans who join in as a "radical liberal" and they say in unison "death" after I try to get them off me. I am "radical liberal" because their organization was poisoning me all my life and having me raped by people who pretended they were my friends after they drugged me so all my barriers and wariness and ability to discern anything was stripped away--the technology in an interface with the drugging always made for this endless inability to defend myself against predators who came like an endless swarm. I ran out of the US two times to save my life from lack of health care. I did not know I was a stalking target--nor did I  understand or know anything about gang stalking because this topic has been hushed and silenced for decades and I am a testament to how much more silencing there is for this epidemic of hate that no one will recognize.

But they now can label me as one of the oppressed "minorities" who, prior to the implementation of this heinous technology and poisoning to death--I did not consider myself a "victim" nor did I get heavily involved in political protest--I am against tyranny and injustice and discrimination but was not an active participant (mostly because every time I got near even a Democratic Party headquarters I was immediately under attack by creepy people glaring in hate at me, I felt immediately that this was not a legitimate place to have a real political discussion and my teleportation terrorism experiences have proven this more than 100% correct, 100% of the time).


I have to add, that while I write either subliminals are being continuously pumped into my brain while simultaneously my memory is being blanked out--or some derivative of brain-mapping blocks and extenuation of hyperbolic rage or negativity--all aimed into my brain, I try to write and get "lost" in the middle of sentences and lose track of what I am writing. In addition to the hacking deletions and rewrites making my writing undiscernible and I appear "crazy". Meanwhile, the parasites are reading what I have actually written and are constantly STEALING ideas from my writings and then, once they steal my concept, they paste it on my social media right on top or in front of every page so I "must" see it--and they place the part they stole from me prominently in front of every flow of information and once I react--under drugging, mind control and poisoning and torture and duress that never, ever ends---they then get more promotions.

I have tried to write a list of the celebrities and there have been so many that, with all this block to my memory I can't get it all out. I also have not written all the names of the politicians involved. You can add Amy Klobuchar (sp?) to the list--that "liberal" or even "Progressive" senator from my former college State of Minnesota. Once more proving that the "liberal" fascists which partially drove me out of Minneapolis have been elected as officials in that State. Prince was murdered probably by this A-list celebrity group because I tried to get away from them and tried (successfully) in this zany social media triggering contact terrorist system to contact Prince and get away from them. Two weeks later Prince was murdered covertly through that fake Fentanyl assassination in that elevator which broke him down--and Pitt for one made snide smirking comments asking me "who do you think killed him" like it was a joke--the kind of "joke" he smirks about when he's having my gums and teeth slowly knocked out for asking for Justice after years of him and his wife stealing my ideas (verbatim often) or adjusting them to more Nazi idolatry heroic fake propagandized "entertainment" always featuring themselves as having these "alternative" traits which I expressed as they insult, poison me to death slowly rape and beat me for having written. 

I think the nasty daughter of Depp has been feeding off torture for so long she's absolutely high off it. She obtain a lead role in the fashion world one year after Depp and she and Amber Heard all began teleporting and raping and beating me after I "performed" rape actions with absolute loving passion to someone who immediately tortured me afterwards and was pumping poison more deeply into my body and THEN torturing me afterwards and THEN stealing my ideas and claiming them as their own (all three have in various sequences performed these acts or cheered them on, absolutely obtaining global lead role positions for having done so, even in their domestic violence media circus and I am still silenced to the point of murder for writing anything, which of course I am propelled to do under non-stop torture situations and drugging which remains non-stop so I "must" write).

Two weeks after Depp began   his rape of me, early in around March of 2013, I was writing furiously on his Twitter account to stop raping me, the little few sentences I could write I posted near screaming intention of get off me posts and that I could not stand him--he and his rotten daughter and Heard then had my cat, La Moux, stolen from me and they put a photo of her thrown in the swimming pool of the place I was forced to stay in-and they turned the photo of her drowning into a "joke" with a caption that she looked like an alligator with it's jaw sticking out--some kind of psychopathic "joke" like that. Ever since then, Depp, his ugly sinister daughter who has not stopped feeding hormonally off this rape and violence for her maturing years--now fully fed on "entitlement" and the fascist Nazi entourage that her French mother has showered upon her because she also has obtained lead roles in French movies--and Baryshnikov is a part-time French resident and fastidiously obsessed with the relics of elitist French Imperialistic culture---having been showered with all kinds of rewards for his ballet roles--and so, with her by his side he rapes and insults and threatens and beats and has my body plunged with sewage water in my orifices--as this group has been doing to me so my post two days ago was suffused with the poison coming out--emotionally at least.

And they keep putting her rotten face on my internet searches and she keeps appearing with Baryishnikov who is raping me in front of her so her French contingent will further pour money into his business enterprises and art cocktail party lifestyle and more and more and more for him. My rewards are that the stinking filth is not poured into my drinking water or vagina or hair any longer and my bathroom is not flooded all the time (only in small doses every day) with stinking fungus and hairs and cockroaches which the terrorists shove into the bathroom through tiles of the wall from the other side. The entire bathroom walls and floors have been covered with huge swaths of decorative paper, glued and pasted on--but the silicone I use to try to seal the tiles is all ripped off immediately. I cannot cement the tiles which is what would be necessary. They force me into abject poverty so I can't move or get out of this rut they created to imprison me.


He's telling me while he's forcing his penis in my mouth and threatening to slap me and nearly doing so that I am going to have children for him and etc etc. There is always the audience of the celebrities, now it's this French contingent like Depp and his crew who beat and poisoned and tortured me and maimed mutilated and with the former wife of pitt--these women who order my body corroded with poison while their fathers/husbands and boyfriends rape and beat and then insult and abuse me afterwards while they poison and beat and dismember me and are murdering me--after they steal ideas and make millions off these original concepts that I write and create---but am not able to capitalize on I can't even type and get my thoughts out with all this block to my brain functioning and the hacking and rewriting. I want to add that I also took photography and everywhere I have lived people have gone into my residence and have stolen my photos, so I put the photos on digital memory and then stored them on Facebook. These, too, have been almost completely deleted from my Facebook page by the hackers. I can't get a single thing out, stored, published or done. They all call me "loser" and after having my hair and skin permanently damaged, they cut out part of my uterus so my hormonal balance was so disrupted I have aged just from that factor alone--exponentially like a downhill slide from that and the daily, non-stop torture and violence and abuse. Last night, like every night, Baryishnikov used the same old formula of having me teleported while in a deep sleep, to being made homeless, under threat by people assaulting me in the teleportation skit, then upon nascent waking state, and always sick from poisoning I am really dying from poisoning at this point--the rapist with the dirty ugly daughter of Depp who has blossomed off torture of me in every way, embraced by Lagerfeld and the fashion world and the H-wood establishment of Nazification propaganda--but she's seemingly always there when men are raping me. THey nearly embrace her as she obtains more plastic surgery, beauty treatments and like the ugly and sinister wife of pitt, the hiss in hate at me that they are so much more beautiful than me. The men who have just raped me embrace them and slap and and abuse me and then in their rape fantasy master race penis-sucking hate skits they terrorize me nearly to death as they force this sinister act of hate via sexuality on me. now demanding upon pain of being punched, slapped and more torture and violence Baryishnikov is demanding that I do it "lovingly" as his hand is ready to slap or attack me while I'm in this teleported state. 

The people who have been feeding off this sit in their rows as he and they all obtain more and more and more and more and more rewards for this. Coming out of former fascist Nazi Russia (now current fascist Nazi Russia fighting fascist Nazi Ukraine) Baryishnikov is like an expert in this kind of terrorism and he's performing his role with an acuity only someone fully indoctrinated into that system understands how to manipulate and use terror as a form of social control.


I am under mind control right now, my hands can't move to the keys I want to press it's very much a struggle. This will probably be re-arranged/partially deleted and then strung-together just as all my posts have been and always are.

The parasites attacking me read my posts and plan on which tortures to inflict upon me because I am not being "silent". This is a system that has ensured that the people, as I used to be, who are incredulous that this is a farce that this system is not a social threat, nor could it ever be happening to them, remains as a system that is increasing daily with more people joining in on the "fun" and free bountiful rewards system.


I heard a lecture about religion a few days ago, which included a sentence that sparked a recognition of the impact of how the media entertainment celebrity iconography resembles former religious deification of the mundane. The absolute worship of superficial and exterior appearances which diverted the respect for the sublime that is of a gentle and magnificence into a bombastic display of grandiosity that is what people transfer the respect for the "divine" which is abundant in nature to the fabricated power cartels which dominate religious hypocrisy--the theme of this part of the lecture was on how human and animal sacrifice had replaced the profundity of respect and reverence for the process and power of the forces that generate life.

Sunday, November 27, 2022

I am turning grey from poisoning, torture, non-stop decades of abuse and violence via these teleportation and gang stalking technologies---lacking money for healthy food and medical care--writing these posts for a decade begging the world to intervene. Still I am being raped or I think it's called sodomized by the scum filth that is the next filthy and disgusting ugly wealthy "elite" Europigape in the row of the shit that has lined up for years--welcomed of course by "liberal" Democrats who are now lambasting Republicans for the facade that is the deception of a Democratic and Free society.

 **I just read through about 5 paragraphs of this post below (written two days later) and saw how many of the sentences had been deleted and then strung together with other sentences--portions deleted and strung together in other words. Words were changed, grammar deleted, and it all reads like a rambling incoherent mess. This type of partial deletion and stringing together of sentences in order to discredit me is also part of the endless discrediting and poisoning/drugging/violence protocol system. Because no one ever comes to defend me and I have no outlet for protection, support, friendship, love, financial stability, no legal support anywhere on the planet unless I provide solid evidence of these crimes I further remain standing alone with this mess being associated with "me" and it's not me, it's the terrorist operatives forcing this upon me, as usual.

I have been so badly poisoned that I am perpetually sick. The pig apes of the pig Pitt and filthalina and dirty disgusting Depp and his rat spawn and friends and then the endless encircling rotating rotation of the celebrities and Trump, Pelosi, Kinzinger, Raskin, AOC, B. Sanders, H. Clinton (and partner former husband in the shadows), Graham, McConnell, and undoubtedly many others who have sat back in the rows of chairs where I am stuck facing a crowd of parasitic filth attacking me for their promotions--trying to break my body and spirit so they can obtain more free promotions for this endless exercise in racist anti-Semitic hate and pre-genocidal mind control torture--leading of course to the next Holocaust. Jews of course in prominent positions fully operating with black-eyed smiles helping the bigot Nazi white Europigape-centered filth that has not stopped poisoning my body and damaging my skin and hair and cutting out part of my uterus and breaking my toes so they are sticking in different directions also trying to break my teeth out--endless disgusting pig men sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth and under threat of death forcing me to utter, on my knees, pornographic statements while I write prolifically in response concerning feminism and womens' rights--which the bigot filth women who sit next to the men--their wives, watching and cheering and smiling and insulting me--endlessly watching me break and die physically from poisoning and torture--cheering the rapist pigs sticking their filthy greasy pig penises in my mouth as the women like filthalina, the shit spawn of Depp, anniston that ugly creep, N. Kidman with her hubby (former) Cruise who has happily obtained his promotions--Tarantino and his crew of "Italian-American" directors and the hate forced upon me by deniro and pesce-which probably brought on more grey hairs that these dinosaur ugly old men rotten filth duo sucked out of my youth from YEARS of torture adn abuse that went on and on and on and on. THere was the black continent endlessyl assaulting me with threats of violence for having called Oprah an "Aunt Jemima" as she hugged the anti-Semitic Holocaust speech hate bloated icon of fake everything bigot nazi white supremacist celebrities who help shit like her remain in power because she's such a sell out and they require blacks like this for the deception of "fair" opportunity in Whorewood. Add rotten and brainwashed disgusting Whoopie to that. Add sleazy foul violent S. Dogg a most foul black wanna be white supremacist and of course Ice Cube always coming to physically and verbally assault me sitting next to Europigape fascist Nazis.

Right now as I have been writing of for over a month, it's this sleazy and disgusting fascist out of a Soviet bloc country--a dancer and either his brain has been coddled and fermented from too much jumps to his brain and brain functioning--like a boxer who has dementia from being pounded in the skull too many times--too many jumps, too many whore sleazy meaningless sexual power trips for the sleazy dancer--but I'm his target and victim now. As I wrote yesterday which he responded with the usual fascist response of increasing and continuing the violence, he brought on the filth of Depp's spawn to once more laugh and giggle as I am being raped and beaten by yet another disgusting and sleazy pig ape while I'm very sick, sleeping, exhausted, dying essentially from stress--this one is a most fervent latching leech who nearly jumps to suck out my life force via rape and threats (essentially it's duress under threat of death at this point for me)--the pornographic display he is undoubtedly having an audience for, as after more than a month of endless stinking filth inserted into my vagina and I feel my body now shriveling with death from stress, poisoning and torture-_i have complied with his pornographic hate sexual display for his filthy promotions for his nasty elite liberal arts community friends as this pig goes off dancing to the money he's pouring into his filthy bank account from the endless money flowing to every pig whore who attacks me--from the trickle that the poorest get in street hate attacks or shopping store attacks (like free food, or something like that) to the wealthy pig ape whores who obtain, as this filthy creep and the rest of the wealthy "powerful" parasites of the government and media have also been handed by this global pernicious organization completely orchestrating a fascist nazi takeover of the planet--very successfully by now I must admit their system has over-ridden every other form of society that used to be seminally in place before it's been taken over completely by fakes and liars who essentially are all actors playing on a global stage for a final effort of this global takedown of freedom and democracy.


so he's slapping, insulting via the shit he brings on which has had my uterus severed out, the filth of pig pitt and filthalina were the waste product of the years of Depp and his shit foul parasitic leech daughter latching onto raping and torturing me. The filthy daughter has been at the forfront of violence against me and has been so absolutely showered with plastic surgery lead everything and money poured into this fascist effort. She was supported by Jamie Raskin as I told her to f** off as usual and what a slime piece of shit she is--which no one can apparently seem to ascertain-they just see plastic-surgery modified sexualized vampire sleaze filth which feeds off violence--which all these pig apes attacking and assaulting me likewise all do--and they feed collectively off it.

So I am now covered with grey hair--my body is rancid and broken down--I have been living in stinking filth for over a decade due to terrorists spraying filth and permanently stinking and staining substances--courtesy of the US Government agencies responsible for passing around all these drugs, poisons and mind control and remote non-touch torture weapons to every sleazy dirty thug group of Nazi and fascist crap around the planet).

I am dying from stress and being endless raped and beaten by shit like Baryishnikov, who unlike all the other pig apes has been plastering exercise videos on my youtube channels and has been using the camera surveillance and the microchip implants and he can hear the poison cracking inside my torso when I do these exercises--he watches what I do and instructs me on correct position which makes a complete world of difference in how the body response to these stretches and exercises. But he's manipulating me and sticking his filthy penis in my mouth and slapping my face and under threat of murder is forcing me to say all these rotten porno things in a "master-slave" type of fantasy which through violence and a decade of non-stop murderous violence I can't stave off any longer alone with an entire CROWD of Trump, Pelosi, Raskin, AOC, Graham, McConnell, the entire A-list of celebrities taking turns threatening raping beating and always they are poisning and drugging me--alone, without a single person coming to defend me after a decade of it going on 24 hours a day without a single person anywhere on the planet doing anything--I can't take it any longer. Thoughts of suicide are now more frequent, as there is no hope of having anything but rotten shit people I wish were dead forcing their filthy shit selves upon me as the government continues to allow this sick and sad situation to further increase the fascist regime that they are all working to achieve. Without a doubt they are all in on a complete fascist Nazi Totalitarian regime and the utter destruction of any semblance of a Working class. Add Bernie Sanders and ALL the "Progressives" I have been subjected to who have also participated in this violence against me; some have participated in the teleportation and some have just endlessly plastered their fake liberal blather on my youtube channel. All are working with fascist racist Anti-semites and Nazi holocaust wishful-thinking bigots from around the world. I am currently being assaulted in a mind control operation by blacks who are part of a "Socialist/Communist" YouTube media splinter of the Progressives who as usual are enthralled by the Europigapes who tell them what to say and think. I see them lovingly describe how French and Europigapes are so open-minded and "liberal" compared with America. If only they understood what brainwashed puppets they are of fascist Nazis and if only they had lived in Europe as I have for years and tried to assimilate into the "liberal" groups only to discover that entitlements from a Socialist system, derived from the National Socialism of the Nazis--pushed into all of Europigape culture extending into countries like where Baryshnikov originates and now into the US (as it was in the 30's) and on and on--but everyone has to be deluded.


The one thing that all of these pigs assaulting me have in common is first they steal ideas from my writings (or even my thoughts) or, likewise, they all silence me and deride and assault me for their promotions as often as they possibly can. Secondly, they all assault me for saying truth about their operations and about the deceptions and for my thoughts--trying to brainwash me into not looking beneath the layers of lies that they are all being paid and lavished with plastic surgery and mansions and sex orgy escapades endlessly for portraying to the public--in order to further the fascist Nazi cartel to which they all belong--that means almost all of you reading this post today (on this date) but in the future--who knows what will happen if the planet will be able to sustain your shit group or will it be levelled by the catastrophes that your filthy and ugly sinister underpinning of reality has forced upon the planet; always disguised as something sexually erotically beautiful and righteously pristine and fair and concerned for justice and democracy and human rights.


but sleazy nasty creep Baryishnikov and the rest of you filth who have done and followed this same protocol towards me: I am not reacting to your porno racist hate rape sexual displays for your promotion out of completely destroying everything about me--my sexuality, my hair now streaked with grey from years of sickness and abuse and torture non-stop as filth pigs take turns attacking me--from Trump to Kinzinger to Raskin to AOC to Pelosi to Hillary Clinton to Greasy Graham the should-never-have-been senator from redneck KKK-land--to McConnell just a fraction more reserved and less obnoxiously redneck racist than Greasy Graham--who has put so much stinking filth into my home since his violence on me--and on and on. 

I do not react because you are desirable. I react because my body is dying I am now unable to look at my body it's so damaged from poisoning and broken bones and hips and shoulders completely out-of-alignment because the filth you keep putting in front of me while I am in the shower, relaxing and sleeping to heal--the shit spawn of Depp whom everyone wants to see have everything including a decade of me being a personal torture victim of them all--feeding off this energetically they all do--and I am just sitting here praying for their deaths. Because they can "hear" my every thought and what I utter, they assault me when I am praying for their deaths by now. When I am masturbating just to try to extend the muscles along my spine, they rape me while I am doing this --it's more of an exercise--they made me so paralyzed with this hardening poison that the poison had formed an internal hard-as-rock shell along my spine so that was all I could do to not become completely paralyzed. While I was doing that they would teleport me to insult and mock my sexuality and what I was doing and rape me using this teleportation while I was trying to fight to save my body from complete paralysis. Stuffed poisons in my intestines for over a decade or longer as they abused and raped the poison more deeply into my body--fighting to get them off me, they then used chemicals to make my hair fall out after weeks of telling one of them after the next to stop--permanent damage to my hair, which is brittle, they cut out part of my uterus as "punishment" for not being able to withstand pigs pumping their pig penises into my body while I'm sleeping or teleported as my body is affected in both states--people entering into my room to rape me, I would wake up with stinking semen and fungus substances coming otu of my vagina--also they put it in my hair and they put my hips and spine out of aligment so I would try to get out of bed and I would not be able to walk and I could feel what they had been doing. I spent 2 years fighting to be able to afford to plaster every single space in this torture room with paper and other coatings and the pigs would come in and rip it off while I was gone. I can't stop the mechanical arms but by now i have seemingly stopped the home breakins through a terrible fight to block my front door from being opened from the inside by the mechanical arms. Stuffing things into the cracks of the door and piling objects against it; not being able to use any drawers or shelves almost in this room which--most of the space has been taken over by this fake wall separating my room from the next with panels that can be removed from the other side. I can't use anything, no closets nothing. Everything is piled on the floor--stuffed on furniture packed behind it in huge series of secured bags so I can protect my property from being destroyed and stained and sprayed--my bags for when I go shopping. I carry around a minimum of 15 pounds of objects in bags just to protect things I don't want stolen or destroyed in this room when I leave.

So I am dying from all of this now. Will anyone ever stop this or defend me as this is a kind of crime that is so absolutely disgusting and yet the entire power spectrum of the United States, Europe and in all countries this is being protected and used as a stepping stone for more promotion.


When I listen to Marjorie Taylor Green speak and how she is being victimized for speaking her realities to the public--I think that the Democratic Party stripped her of her committee assignments 2 years ago because she is uttering something akin to the reality of what the corrupt system is--which they truly need to disguise. As for politicians, I realize I am "supposed" to "hate" her but comparing her to Pelosi I find her at least not a sinister sleazy fake slurring out bs propaganda--also like fascist Raskin in the J-6 committee he's a most bombastic grandizing fake behaving in an absolutely fascist manner while spouting out endless rhetoric about Democracy. These people fighting the Trump take-over just don't want to have their power cartels over-ridden by a more central authority that Trump represents. That is the only difference.

I don't know how much more of this I can take. It appears that suicide is probably my best option. I can't stand Baryshnikov any longer and he's a most depressing life-sucking parasite upon me. As I wrote, he has done what none of these pig apes have ever begun to do, which is to seminally help me. He's helping me to heal while trying to force a pornographic ugly hate "master-slave" rape situation with me on my knees sucking  his greasy pig penis as he slaps my face and has the people like the filth spawn of Depp insult and abuse me alongside him immediately afterwards. He's been going on and on and I am physically dying now and I have succumbed out of the agony of more fungus and poison inserted into my vagina and of filthy goo and muck perpetually sprayed on my floors, into my vagina, on my clothing, on the walls my entire room stinks of it and this has been the case for years and years.

I can't stand you greasy dirty fuck Baryishnikov, because you forced this sex response out of me is meaningless exercise in power as you get your dirty nasty awards adn the shit spawn of Depp you keep putting as your partner in this rape scenario as you insult and threaten and slap and rape only makes you a most disgusting perverted filth just like that shit of Depp you are partnering with. That no one can understand this reality is way beyond me and only ensures the further destruction of the United States by a most disgusting and foul set of promoted filth apes put into powerful positions.


I am not naturally suicidal and I think this group of shit from Whorewood are pumping in suicidal subliminals into my mind--the filth spawn piece of whore shit from Depp and filthy nasty foul manipulative Baryshnikov--I have done these filthy apes no harm ever in my life nor to any of you. I used to be very beautiful and talented and this is how far away from a Democratic Society that America is. Shit like Baryshnikov this fake blathering for photo-ops about how he came and defected from a totalitarian regime for the "freedom" of "his" country is a most insidious fake and fully a fascist vampire piece of shit pig ape. Wish American would stop obsessing about the fake "fashion" and "elite classy" image that these pigs portray with their trained and learned posturing and fashion. That America has completely allowed Europigapes to take over fashion has proven a theory that Americans have no fashion because it was orchestrated that way--so that the brainwashing into how "classy" the Europigapes are (not) would be more fully ingrained because America has so fully sold out to the Europigape control over all--media, fashion and politics. All these pieces of shit attacking me only yearn for Paris Fashion Week or the Met Gala, and that is their true end-game for their lives and nothing else matters to them.

I am not actually suicidal but this filth assaulting me currently is having absolutely deadly assaults put on me. Even my cat has been taken away from me and I am surrounding in filth and poverty and assault an dabuse. My hair is now streaked with grey, I have been paralyzed and pumped via rape with poison and my uterus partially severed out my fingers inserted with metal objects objects inserted under my skin to appear as cysts my hair mostly chemically destroyed and balding my skin destroyed from chemicals slathered on it to destroy it--

I can't live with this any longer. I can't stand Baryishnikov sticking his filthy greasy penis in my mouth and slapping my face while this group of shit out of Whorewood and the politicians I named above (and more) watch one patting the shit rapist creep on the back as he adn they all get more and more lead roles promotions etc etc etc).


I wrote 2 months ago begging anyone to get this fucker Baryishnikov off me--no one did anything but allow the next rapist piece of shit to continue. Now it's this filth creep parasite slapping raping and essentially threatening me with suicide programming being installed into my brain while I sit here fighting to heal and I can't do it any longer. Eventually my only goal will be death--if I can get my hands on one of them to kill them without having to suffer any legal ramifications or myself--as so many targets have finally "checked out" of this hell you are all welcoming like it's a fun heroic game of social engineering.

I have told this pig B-=that I can't stand him and the torture became so deadly in that "soft kill" way of poisoning--stinking rotting meat stench coming from my body as they inserted it into my vagina every night while sleeping--I could feel my body dying--my hair is now very much gray, what is left of the tiny bit that has not fallen out--my scalp completely damaged by the chemicals they put on it to permanently destroy it because I was fighting to get another German rapist piece of filth from endlessly pumping poison with his huge disgusting body into my body via this teleportation rape--the poison he used to force a kind of sexual ecstasy on me while he was thusly murdering me also was of a lethal type which has also been pounded into my body.

At this point, I am ranting endlessly and the keyboard is being absolutely hacked so every letter I pound out to try to get to print is juxtaposed with another---it's now impossible to type any longer. The parasites hacking in will undoubtedly be deleting and rewriting this post--

fuck you all for doing nothing to stop this, may your group be completely destroyed. Get Europigape shit like Baryshnikov out of the United States. His "I'm a defector from Russian Totalitarian fascism" is utter bs. He's a complete fascist Nazi filth rapist pig ape and make no doubt about it. He's just of the "artsy" Clinton section of the 4th Reich--get off me fucking ugly disgusting pig. Can anyone EVER EVER EVER get this piece of sleazy whore filth that Depp spawned off me--ever? It's now been since 2013 that this rotten piece of crap that Depp spawned has fed off this torture and promotion al contract---her entire career has been derived from it. Filthy ugly Baryishnikov is bringing her in to assault me after he rapes me now it's becoming every day --I hope your mashed in brain finally implodes rotten sleazy dirty ugly man--with that skank you keep brining in to assault me, with shit like Raskin pointing his greasy finger at me to "obey" this rotten dirty spawn of Depp--even after she has stolen ideas from me like they all have and they keep latching on to obtain more an dmore and more and more out of me. I am dying from this. I do not deserve this kind of endless hell for having been born into a Jewish family (non-religious not part of the Jewish diaspora, more like Jewish Nazi converts endlessly catering to bigot sleaze and slime like the filth surrounding me continuously which has now controlled the planet with their lies and porno filth and life-fucking usurpation of the planet).

I do not deserve this kind of aging process forced upon me because I used to be happy and beautiful and competitive and I won most of the contests I fought to win at--long ago--they began poisoning me after I was a championship athlete a top student and a classical musician in a symphony by age 12--that has been a death sentence and since then I have tried and tried to get out of the drugging and poisoning swamp this group of shit has forced upon me and even when I am now bloated, paralyzed, greying and dying the pigs won't stop raping and beating and assaulting me to get more promotions. 

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Brown, stinking, permanently staining goo sprayed every single day and night on my furniture, clothing, and of course my body a polluted zone of poisoning and violence, rape and torture and abuse which never ends no matter how many times I am raped and "give" fake-induced "love" to loveless scumbag whore pig ape pieces of Nazi shit who teleport me. The pigs are so filthy and sleazy and dirty and the poison they force into my every stinking and befouled home they have forced me into--blocking ALL financial earnings despite my 6 years in Graduate School and fighting to remove poison with subpoverty income as the whore pig apes have my money literally stolen, every attempt to earn money blocked, my money stolen from my purse in my room while sleeping, everything broken and stinking so I must throw things away constantly that I buy and must pay to get new ones every single month my subpoverty budget is spent fighting to stop this. Raped by another sleazy and foul porno filth pig ape from Russia who has a crew of shit here in Phuket attacking me in their endless decades or centuries of these activities. The racism of the pig apes is astounding and genocidal, just waiting for the green light. The reaction of US Congress and society is appalling towards me and my struggle to just live in peace and not be raped endlessly by these filth whore parasitic scum pieces of shit.

 Disgusting and sleazy foul Baryishnikov is just another Europigape fastidiously obsessed with having Jewish women on their knees essentially begging for their lives to stop being tortured and poisoned to death. Like the German foul filth piece of pig shit last year who nasty dirty foul filthalina the whore of pig pitt the so-called "actor" lavishly embraced, alongside Austrian pig meat blob S-negger the thug (formerly governor of California) and the Italian scumbag greasy filth whore I had avoided for Y EARS while on South Beach who teleported and raped me for YEARS pumping poison into my body as I begged endlessly for YEARS to stop--when I finally began calling that grease filth shit whore a pig in emails and posts on Facebook he and the English filth whore scumbag who is friends with filthalina and dumb whorren mirrage (the "actor" fake feminist Nazi filth who is good friends with Spielberg and always plays the media roles of caring about racism and is an absolute violent fascist Nazi bigot in real life time). But all of them love having me on my knees sucking their filthy greasy disgusting pig pieces of meat while they slap my face and call me bitch. They then pour the filth of their inner black hearts and souls into my home with stinking foul fungus and brown stinking rotting-meat substances which stain permanently--on everything, after they force this most loving reaction out of me due to terror poisoning rape attempted murder being hit by cars tortured at night with teleportation hate skits about murder, death and the endless theme is homelessness which I face every day. My situation has become so financially desperate that I am on the brink of homeless perpetually, also lacking in legal status in other areas and on every verge of being forced into deadly situation and all due to what these filthy pig ape whore Europigape men have forced upon me, with the American shit following suit like dumb and rotten pig Pitt who also, like the conformist and boring blah disgusting not-romantic not classy not sexy not beautiful but just adorned with the  lucre and posturing of old Aristocracy--absolutely boring and banal mediocrities in person--all of them--except perhaps for Baryishnikov--all the pig apes have stolen ideas from me and then have my home sprayed with stinking foul substances which are killing me. Inserting objects into my vagina to kill me with sepsis--poisons, fungus--also inserted into my ears. 

don't forget dumb and stinking foul Trump paired with his Europigape wives, the whores who are like the Europigape men who rape, beat and poison and steal my ideas. They get endless money poured into their every artistic endeavor and business clinching deal--

I "forgot" to write that the Italian scumbag mafia piece of pure shit out of Miami (by way of Milan or something like that--absolutely connected to France, as most of the shit attacking me all are)--

he's good friends and a business partner with scumbag thug Dumbo Rambo a most foul and sinister mafia goon surrounded by black minority minions in his movies to make him appear like he's not a bigot racist genocidal Nazi in the style of Mussolini--Eddie Murphy called him out correctly years (decades) ago but in the recent onslaught of black Nazis paired with white supremacists I have only been writing of for YEARS prior to the Kanye West explosion--supposedly a "surprise" element now turning into a nationwide and perhaps global sensation for his open espousal of Nazi genocide.

But all friends, trust me, all are friends with the most fascist elements of American society and the global 4th Reich.


This pig filth Baryshinikov has threatened me to stop writing. I tried that and the filth and hate is still ongoing but only slightly abated. I have a ring of grey hair now from my uterus being severed out while sleeping, no money to see a doctor for hormone replacement---tortured literally day and night with technology that blasts the nervous system into an aggravated sense of rage--which also is blasted into my body and brain while I am out shopping or out in public as one ugly dirty old man white pig ape Europigape or the children of the shit parents or whatever--it's a never ending race mix by now of age and rank in society but they all do exactly the same things they all have one controlling central authority they all obey they are all banal and mediocre and they are the swarm of locusts destroying the planet--at the very least, on an environmental scale. 

The one thing they all have in common is a denial of basic reality confronting the planet now in terms of their endless drive towards the next GDP rise in level as opposed to the sinking coastlines that their consumption driving their grueling death economies is fueling the destruction of.


But no matter, translated into sexuality, the filth and death they force upon me has forced a ring of grey hair on my head. Also lacking in money to buy basic healthy food, and fighting to afford to replace appliances they break and make stinking, rusted out, filthy with stains stinking on the interior and exterior which appear after I return from leaving this stinkhole room of torture, teleportation rape and sepsis filth inhalation and electronic torture of my body and brain and life and everything else they possibly can destroy. In teleportation when I can't turn away from them, because the human form is literally split into the prime heavy body and teleported in some visibly whole state but missing is completely clear vision (or they are forcing this upon me, this blurring of vision, and since the fake "tinnitus" began in my inner ear, and the technology attack upon me increased, my vision also drastically reduced within one month--and after my 6 years of reading for approx 4 hours per day or longer for grad school --not including having to write and read online--but once I unofficially graduated and got offline and was fighting for my life because this group of Europigape shit and the American Nazi imitators of Europigape fascism and Nazism could not stand to  see me even with a graduate degree operating in any capacity except to be on disability stuck in subpoverty sucking penises while drugged up and teleported and slapped in the face and called bitch as the pigs were poisoning and raping poison into me and beating punching and poisoning my home and body and life because I was fighting for my life to get them to stop and they would not. I reacted with this drugged, sleep state "ecsasy" that I truly have reserved for someone I love and not filthy ugly nasty pig whore creeps who teleport and use brain-mapping technologies to extract energy out of the zones of love and passion that NONE OF THEM DESERVES for a fraction of an iota of a second, much less going on and on for years.


Still, I must sit here fighting and begging online for someone to stop this and it's just turned into a rotation of scum and shit out of Whorewood and Congress taking turns abusing, insulting and threatening and beating and having my water and food and home and body poisoned so I am really breaking and sinking. After years of fighting endlessly pig pitt and filthalina I now am fighting Baryshnikov to stop sticking his filthy penis in my mouth while he is slapping my face and calling me bitch with gang stalking Russian crews here in Phuket encircling me to assault, hit me covertly from behind while I am shopping and carrying too much weight to maneuver away from their endless cncroachment of my personal space. I am cleaning and cleaning up brown stinking filth and hair that is being sprayed and scattered and poured into everything and it's an endless hate and abuse and torture an dfilth and slow murder situation that these pigs get huge erections over. Being ensconced in American society as "romantic" and "classy" white nazis which are revered--you can see the fantasy illusion of Baryishnikov in his few tv episodes of Sex and the City--where he plays this Russian "reformed" playboy having a few tete-on-tete with that blonde female lead actor--with her tittering about the romantic Europ-a male which is a fantasy--derived from the Romance Era in Europe before it died, was killed off, just as "democracy" is being killed off in America by this same very group (with that Russian fascist Nazi playing the "liberal" pro fascist Hillary Clinton advocate, but operating with the Trump team to obtain more tv and media contracts and performing the filth that this sleazy porno whore playboy has sullied his inner self with--years of smut and porno liasons with men, boys and women (undoubtedly he's bi-sexual) and I get this surge of filth. It also stems from filthy and rotten Senator Graham, the Trump lackey who everyone understands visibly is a Trump MAGA fanatic flip-flopping fascist. But no one would associate dear Baryishnikov, the ex-pat refugee out of the former Soviet Union who made movies about how he was "fighting" Totalitarian fascist control--but is now a firm advocate of it along with his cocktail fascist "liberal" entourage which is now partnering with him and the usual crowd of shit in Whorewood to try to force this contract of sex slavery torture abuse and eventual murder upon me with a baby forced out of my severed and cut out uterus (not all of the entire organ, but a part was severed out by filthalina and pig pitt--because I said not to sexual abuse and this contract while I saw that---by that time years ago, they had already into the 2nd year of them taking over for Depp and his rotten filth spawn children--began the assualt and like all of them, stole ideas from my writing and were handed awards which they had never been even privy to but years ago it was happening every single year they viciously and endlessly assaulted me following the exact protol of the pig apes out of Europigapeland--the English pig Moynihan, the Italian filth pig grease pit Siervo, the ensuing Europigapes like the violinist out of Germany, the actor out of Berlin, the Canadian colonized subject of the English Crown actor of Matrix fame--and on and on. Now it's Russia's turn once more to inflict more violence upon me with this hideously fake "liberal" dancer who is by now, just a stinking foul rapist to me and I reacted out of subconscious need to salvage my life from his endless pressure and at this point after more than a decade of torture and poisoning leaving stinking poisons bloating in my intestines and creating a mass of hard poison locking my torso and spine and hips into one position, as this group of shit has not stopped having me poisoned and drugged while they torture and abuse me in deadly and vicious nightly and daily violence--now grey hair, my body sagging my living space endless sprayed with stinking foul filth which I can't bend down and clean--

all for what? What the fuck for what is this never-ending torture going on and on and on and on for years and decades towards me? 


I can see now that after the Midterm elections at least 150 Republicans have been elected into the House of Reps who are election deniers. If under Obama the torture towards me was nasty and vile and deadly, and then became me fighting for my life constantly and then it increased under Trump, and then has turned into a slew of fake Democrats coming to assault me as well (some elected, others in the "liberal" Democrat celebrity fashion media etc entertainment bs arena)

and now this contingent of openly fascist Nazi types have been put into office who want to overthrow Democracy---are now in power--

I can't tolerate these stinking foul dirty nasty pig ape men any longer and I have never been able to tolerate them--they have always repulsed me. I am being poisoned and tortured to death because these filthy pig apes with their blonde Nazi women surrounding them want me to be on my knees after they steal my ideas and with participation of the US Government on ALL sides of all the Parties in power I am left to fight alone against societies and governments using covert technologies and poisoning and abuse and torture while awake and sleeping in every living situation everywhere I go every day and every minute of my life.


What you all need to truly learn-- "Any kind of violence against women is a violation of human rights." How sad that one of the most persistent of the rapist female enablers of the celebrity hoard teleporting me has been given a UN position as a symbol of human rights and focusing on violence against women no less---the sickness of leadership must be revealed and not concealed any longer. The need for men to rape and abuse women is so ubiquitous that it's an analogy of desperate climate abuse--rape of everything is the prevailing norm. Bigot blonde Nazi (or their equivalent) types of women LOVE THAT their violent and nasty abusive men can have a secret rape and abuse victim to teleport and inflict their favorite "master-slave" fantasies upon--upon pain of death for the victim with full consent of EVERY MEMBER OF CONGRESS. While you are all stuffing your faces with turkey on Thanksgiving, you should be aware that your lack of ability to define what is truly noble and good in society will be your ultimate downfall when the system you are honoring now in the country you claim is the best will crumble because you are allowing such sickness to prevail. My situation is a precursor to many more rapes and murders of innocent and defenseless people (women, children, and also of men).

 "What will it take to reverse the trend?"/DW News. November 26, 2022.

Friday, November 25, 2022

Little wind-up pieces of s*** terrorist children of the 4th Reich expecting entitlement and hegemony for their future, as promised by their terrorist parents: this is a Warning to those who think "Democracy" is going to have a favorable outcome in future elections or in society.

 I have to think of "catchy" titles to my posts in order to get any readers hacking into this blocked and government-censored blog to think outside of the mental straights you are all in, apparently. This is a warning, indeed, and the situation has progressed to a point of almost no-return. Although and despite the rise of the "Progressive" platform (desperate people fighting for basic life-saving services like health care, labeled as being "radical liberals"--any analysis of racism taught to children is "filthy" and a "hate" crime according to the hateful bigots who have bought out both "Left" and "Right" side to the Rights of control of your mind and mentality and life (style) as well---


Yesterday out carrying huge and heavy bags to protect what tiny bit that has not already been stinking sprayed filthy torn down almost destroyed property along with shopping so I can sit in this terror/torture/surveillance chamber fighting to "heal" from the poisoning that is a continuous threat of murder that so far NO ONE in the realm of this readership has ever attempted to stop or thwart (at least to any significant degree, I only see the results I don't know exactly what is going on except that apparently no one can actually really fight for "Democracy" when it comes to racist torture of me by this most filthy bigot organization endlessly surrounding me; always using minorities with dark skin in order to more implement their hate crime racism--the oddity irony of this entire situation and how absolutely brainwashed the population truly is by media representation of what "beauty" and "superiority" is supposed to look like and don't question the assumptions---or you will be tortured and are a target for mind control; as everyone is essentially at this point I think there is no one exempt from mind control technology influence and brainwashing to the looks and mentality of this 4th Reich filth machine.


In a huge store, akin to Sam's in America--a warehouse type deal with everything almost possible to buy at discount prices--almost--good quality, a wonderful array of fruits, veggies, cleaning supplies, appliances, etc---

The hoards of terrorist tourists, especially it is apparent with the blonder Europ-a's pouring in for their almost free, paid-for work vacations alongside their "gold digger" Thais looking for Uncle Sam-backed KFC Fried Chicken Pimp to pump some money into that "money-maker"--

It was the spinning little piece of s*** blonde Nazi creep crap child spinning with a metal cart  going in zig-zag formation just as I rounded a corner looking for some products in the canned section, next to a huge area of milk type products on the other side. The huge hormone-grown parents were standing two feet apart, taking up perhaps 4-5 feet of the space and the little crap blonde piece of S** daughter was spinning her cart horizontally so the entire section was blocked by three and their metal cart (the carts are very large metal cages because people buy huge amounts of mass-packaged goods, which this storehouse supply store has in abundance---so this cart was not only hefty, huge but spinning with this spinning stupid piece of blonde Nazi filth blocking my path alongside the parents. I saw something in an aisle to my right, and turned and wanted to get away from these filthy creeps--(I can only see these types of people as the lower tiers of the "trickle-down" heap of a pile of urinal refuse--exemplified with plastic treatment by the media--and I will come to that in a very short while as they are all interconnected now that the flat planet can be traversed with technology in about a nano-second of time with our surveillance satellite system conveying mind control Nazi 4th Reich propaganda 24/7.


I felt, I could feel this almost sagging wave of fake, induced (I now realize) "depression" as my body became immediately fatigued to the point of my body literally sagging down as I walked in the middle of this troup with their most expectant violently aggressive piece of crap daughter, promised by her parents that people "like me" have to be attacked so she and they will all automatically get not just weeks of free paid vacation (for their country's holocaust earnings, the austerity measures they impose on the rest of the world their their major global banking systems, the atrocities they covertly fund and support and very much via the terror operation of the US military branches and secret services like CIA and FBI--upon me at least I believe I have a huge dossier in one of those departments and for no other reason that they think I'm a "radical liberal" slated for their sucking dry and elimination programming).


Spinning little shit children are one of the major features of the "gang stalking" tactic of violently blocking a pathway--it's supposed to appear as being "cute" and the little kiddies are "supposed" to just be having fun as kiddies do--running and spinning violently and out-of-control in the middle of a public space as I am walking in a straight line through a huge, open space. The other tactics for the huge corn-fed adults bloated on their consumptive lifestyles spread out in huge formations literally covering an area that is akin to a small apartment in Manhattan--they just spread out as I am walking until they are a few feet apart but just enough so you can't get past them. 

But it's the CHILDREN who are most openly violent in these terror attacks. This blonde group of expletives followed me into the next aisle as I felt a wave of electronically-induced inertia almost blasting me into an immediate state of weariness and fatigue. I walked placidly understanding they were following me with their hateful little shit spinning daughter, the two parents, and I just went on my way thinking I would never see them again hopefully and was glad the trash was behind me hopefully forever. Not checkout they were just at the corner of the end of the checkout aisle as I was pushing my cart out the hateful blue-eyed gleen of hate came from this dirty little spinning piece of shit daughter who was glaring in hate directly into my face. I ignored this dirty foul thing and as I walked to the exit and handed my receipt to the checkout people to inspect and stamp the receipt (their security system which is enforced upon everyone exiting the establishment) the blonde Nazi hate posse with the spinning, glaring and pushing daughter was directly to my right side and then alongside me once again--I never looked actually at any of them--I saw dirty-looking blonde Nazi pigs (how I view them by now) with their little piece of rotten shit daughter spinning and aggressively following me around a store using portable technology (I assume, or the tech was aimed into my brain and nervous system by a more remote microchip implant and tech interface system...?)

The combination of a violent physical action which seems "normal" in the context of a child using a huge metal cart along with huge, hormone-growth parents spreading out and blocking my path at this junction of simply turning a corner of an aisle in a huge warehouse shopping center---with the tech literally imposing negative self-depreciating thoughts--I felt this immediately upon being in the middle of this group--so I was obviously being technologically attacked, as I know the symptoms well. I had walked into the store feeling very energetic, happy, perky, etc the moment I was surrounded by this group of trickle-down urinal filth I felt this sagging drain to my energy--and that is all this group does is suck the life out of me and exploit rape and dismember poison and destroy at every given opportunity they can. All handed the tech by not only my government but by every government around the world, that I am aware of, having traversed the planet 4 times and lived on three continents this has been my endless recurring experience.


The WARNING I just want all you apathetic brainwashed people to think about is that the children of this organization are far more violently disposed to terrorist activities. Egged-on by their more "normative" parents who have been instructed that they have to " follow" the laws of a less fascist global order, but secretly, oh not so secretly but never openly expressed has been this endless generational push to implement a fully fascist techno-terror global order which is now being so fully implemented that one of  the men who has participated in it's technological promulgation has been awarded with more money than any other individual owns on the entire planet---(not an American but welcomed in, with racist discrimination suits for his businesses but coached in "liberal" Los Angeles Hipster--so-called, style (which is a bloated vain attempt to conceal the violent aspirations--now almost open and in the public but alas too late, the brainwashing that has lasted for the past few years under the 45th admin has allowed this partner in a huge global crime to more fully implement this mind control technocratic tyranny system with all the cheers of the Met Gala fascist Nazi league--most of which are attacking me personally in the teleportation terrorism that no one can apparently ever begin to stop or defend me for in the name of "Democracy" or "Freedom".

Which brings me to the rotten Nazi-plastic-surgery adapted piece of shit children of the pig apes who have terrorized and raped me out of Whorewood (also poisoned me to death, had me hit by cars, had part of my uterus severed out, broke my toes, tried to knock my teeth out, stole my beloved precious cat, killed other animals I took in as pets, made my home a toxic deadly stink waste dump all using their dark-skinned brainwashed wanna be white supremacist minorities to do their filthy and crap work for them in "gang stalking" death squads.


The children of these foul and filthy creeps are even more violent than the little pieces of shit in the stores who spin and violently block my path at every opportunity in these huge, public open spaces with the parents spreading out and blocking all the other paths of access. 

I see in them nearly fanatical fascist Nazis in the making---the entitled pig ape children of the shit from Whorewood whom you all cheer on because they have been completely plastic-surgery modified into Nazi conformist appearance--and I see in the more wealthy affluent "younger" generation of adults who throng here to Phuket to get their blow jobs and massages and weeks of all-inclusive paid for Nazi vacations where they also try to find a little Thai girl to help them invest in property and open a business---the endless business configuration here in Thailand.


Not only trained with millions and billions of dollars and a globe of willing dark-skinned minority minions and governments backing them, the little violent pieces of shit spawned from the rapist "liberal" performing actors (I have been writing of them all for years) is the farce that mind control conceals. The liberal agenda congeals like a rotting corpse and what comes out is the maggots writhing for power and control in the form of these spinning creep children, spinning and violently pushing to get people like me to stop writing, stop trying, stop being happy, stop having a home, stop living but first they have to extract ideas because they are truly not superior they truly are the parasites of the world--now being emboldened into this philosophy of the entitlement of total control--a media blasting the Nazi appearance with these celebrities for absolute controlling mind melding into Nazification--as more minorities imbued with self-hate cling to the fascist ever-increasing mold they must conform to in order to have anything outside of the utter rich and destroyed divide of humanity.


Otherwise, for the rest of my day shopping, it was stalking terrorism without end but not as rampant as former years when 9 million tourists poured into Phuket prior to Covid 19--Phuket is now at around 60% capacity of tourism compared with earlier years at this time---.

Driving out of the next more "sophisticated" but truly wonderful shopping complex underground parking area for motorbikes--a small lane for driving out of the parking area to the meter card checkpoint--a white male, older middle aged, pot beer belly, grey hair, had parked his motorbike sideways on the exit lane--there was no other way to get out of this packed area besides this small exit lane. I had just walked that area with my shopping cart and he had pulled into this space just as I was trying to drive out. Like all the pig apes who stalk me of the Nazi persuasion, as they have become so absolutely emboldened by an entire PLANET of developing country minions and minority minions in "developed" countries that they come from (horribly many and most of those in the "radical" themed opposition who fully bow like slaves to the white supremacists and attack me with vehement hate prior or after their "victim poor me" statements about "righteous" fight against racism (as they are paid in millions for their sleazy gyrating performances on the stage). But, just as I drove past, he lifted his leg to the angle pointing at me. I was ready for some kind of confrontation but very sick and exhausted from having to lift and carry something like 25 pounds of goods and items I had been carrying to stave off destruction of my property when I leave my torture chamber stinking foul imprisonment cell in this terror operation condo--but--I was ready. He glared into my face because the Nazi blonde Nazi filth have been fully encouraged by NO JUSTICE and no legal repercussion for this egregious global 4th Reich criminal operation which has fully taken over all governments or influence all governments on the planet--with a trickle-down effect of every lower trashy compartment in all the various levels of power and persuasion put into lead roles to further shout out slogans about Democracy and Peace but fully conforming to a global fascist order.

I was pushed into by a white ugly older male because a Thai slave was staring into his mobile phone in the middle of an aisle--I was looking at items on my left and skirted around this dumb Thai creep standing in the middle of the aisle of a center area for the shopping--not just a small lane but a wide open space but coming out of another wide aisled space--the white male walked into me, my hands were on the sides of my cart as he tried to smash my hand while my head was turned the other way looking at items. 

I tried to smash him back with my cart in this mind control-tech influenced rage--out of my mouth came "I'm sorry" as I pushed my cart into him from behind in an act of brainwashed rage--the statement of apology was absolutely forced into my subconscious and the entire episode was entirely a surveillance, thought-hacking, subliminal message forced response. Surely, I assume, the people attacking me are also very much mind control subjects but as they are willing, consciously or otherwise, they don't care. Every one of them gets some prize or award for participating in this crime against me. They all assume they are always going to enjoy this entitlement to torture, rape and abuse others they hate. One day, when the stupid spinning little piece of shit children of the worst of the blonde Nazi 4th Reich come into power, with the violence they are being currently trained into unleashing upon the planet, the mind control performances by the lower classes and minions of all minority ilk will be compulsory upon pain-of-death or other torturous punishments for not doing what "they" want immediately, without question. The best people will get in the future who are not part of the established fascist Nazi white supremacist Blonde Nazi brigade are creating absolutely violently assumptive children who will not be as generous as their theft/rape/mutilation parents when they are automatically handed lead roles of power--as nepotism is now also part of the protocol system I have observed in Whorewood, and of course with the 45th Administration this was made amply clear that children whether competent for highest positions alongside their parents who lied and cheated (raped/tortured/used mind control) to get to those positions.

I am now being heavily afflicted by mind control tech blocking my hand movements, blocking key functions and undoubtedly they will be hacking and deleting and rewriting once I finish fighting to  type and think clearly--it's now impossible to do either.

Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Boycott the "HIp Hop" Nut-rape-cracker Baryshnikov and his greasy pig penis rape factory, which of course is derived from the pig pitt A-hole list of rapist greasy pig penis meat filth out of Whorewood and so many politicians from Congress and millions of creeps doing their proxy dirty work everywhere else around the world. How can anyone feasibly boycott them all? //The next pig ape whore rapist Nazi piece of shit promoted by Whorewood for teleportation rape and torture of moi. Working with the people who have had my body poisoned for a decade (besides a lifetime, while fighting to get the poison out they kept me paralyzed and poisoned) as they stole ideas from me and blocked my finances while destroying my home and life and killing any loving animal I harbored after stealing my cat. Stealing my money from my room and destroying my home to the point that it's constantly a foul and stinking broken-down living space--on and on, they have not stopped. The next pig ape has done the same and got his first tv appearance in over a decade in just the last month. He began physically and sexually assaulting me 6 weeks ago. The promotion by Whorewood was immediate. He took over polluting my body and home and torture from Senator Graham, who took the rape and abuse contract over from the decade (they are still there) of pig pitt and filthalina and psycho Depp and his spawn filth dirty sleazy foul daughter and the list goes on and on so long of participants who are all "famous" pieces of shit I can never actually name them all while I am under this mind control attack while I write. Death to them all.

"Ken Russell's The Devils (1971) Opening Sequence". Roger Spark. July 16, 2020.


"The Devils//Torture Chamber". Ean Carlson. September 21, 2018.

The clip (below) exemplifying through art the partnership and collusion of The Church and The State (known as The Monarchy)In the political realm of the Kingdom of The United States--unfurled as of yet, the flag of despotism and autocratic Totalitarian 4th Reich rulership--with ersatz religious fanaticism used as a mechanism for mass revolt and zealot justification for violence---- analogy---below. 

The corollary to the United States in our current zeitgeist: What you see in The Devils, by Ken Russell equates to current albeit covert versions of historically-utilized Mind control techniques for mass programming, mind control technologies, chaos and trauma-based conditioning all utilized in various cycles of repetitive violence upon The American People by leaders all espousing dictates of "Freedom" and "Democracy" and "Victim" status which people must "fight" (and especially to sacrifice and kill) in order to resolve. 

"The Devils (1971): Grandier versus Richelieu". Adam Clarke Cinema. August 18, 2021.


I write this just fresh from having been assaulted in teleportation by hate skits and being teleported to homelessness and shit crap scumbags who participate in the hate and slow murder operation of torturing my  psyche so all I can do is rant and write these posts as the government continues to shift it's focus from one group of foul scumbag crazies (appearing "sane" as the Democrat Party) and the aspiring fascist Nazis on "The Right" who behave in the kind of insanity which this contract out on me echoes but not nearly as lopsided in sanity as what these filth pieces of crap are doing to me to obtain their promotions. All of them behave like this kind of mentality has completely been ingrained into their personalities long ago. With this Europigape scumbag Baryshnikov, as I wrote earlier, he's just another Europigape piece of crap rapist who slaps my face and forces his disgusting greasy pig penis in my mouth as the technology BLASTS my brain into a kind of drug-interface form of passive sexual desire--absolutely manufactured--and this can be done in ways that people reading this may not be able to imagine, but perhaps have already been victims of as I believe this technology and rape protocol system has already been very fully implemented into mainstream society by the pig apes you all cheer on as your leaders--on both "sides" of the monopoly which seems to teeter ever closer to implosion year-after-year now that the tech is becoming more widespread and people are going berserk with the mind control that is being pumped out via various mass-controlling technologies that are unheard of--but can transmit undoubtedly over a huge swath of the public to drive them into various states. On a personal level, drugging someone and using this drug-technology interface to force them into a passive "rape" situation where they believe that they are "in love" or desire the ugly filthbag whom they never would otherwise even approach if not drugged/poisoned and under mind control, I have no doubt it has been more thoroughly passed around to the scumbag Nazi pig penis meat crew of bigots (all races, colors of skin, political and religious affiliation there is no stone left unturned by the major white supremacist pig ape organization in how to create a spectrum of collaboration with the greasy and greedy populace which greedily and happily latches onto instant rape, theft and torture protocols and technologies.

Baryshnikov even raped me, as I reacted in "love" to an utter filth creep whom I had been screaming for weeks to get off me, calling him names, telling him he's a piece of shit for weeks--(as he was passing me around to the group which has been murdering and maiming me for years--no hair left, it won't grow back, they keep slathering stinking chemicals on my hair so it's destroyed, falling out and won't grow back--I have only strands of hair covering huge bald patches which cover extensively my entire scalp--won't grow back--only because I fought off rapist after rapist with his pig ape whore wife and set of cohorts and lovers all attacking me as they have all obtained endless promotions and lead roles--stealing my ideas as they go along. I have not mentioned Janelle Monae for many years but she keeps being put on the roster of celebrities in focus and she's another absolute Aunt Jemima but on a fashionable tier of the spectrum rather than the more traditional appearance---I wanted to not forget about her, why her name is suddenly coming to me now is probably due to mind control as subliminals and the hate and poisoning that continue while I am sleeping--covered as much as I possibly can to stop the mechanical arms from completely destroying my teeth, feet, hands and hair as possible--I can't block my orifices otherwise from endless insertions of stinking foul putrid fungus and poison and bloating/hardening murder chemicals and this has been the prime focus of their physical assaults upon me for years--

the stinking foul putrid fungus/dead meat/sewage liquids that had been inserted into my vagina have been stopped since I performed a pornographic act--with "love" induced by this death threat---to the filth that is Baryishnikov. What is more disgusting is that this filthy ugly pig whore is a trained ballet icon---and because that exemplifies the "old European" values of elitist wealth, a division of  impoverished who were never allowed to participate in this elite form of traditional art (along with classical music)--the Europigape wanna be's of Whorewood like filthalina put on their best Europigape wanna be aristocrat charm (performance) for the performing rapist pig ape Baryishnikov. I, under mind control, while teleported, bespoke of how I  had watched his Nutcracker performance that was filmed circa 1980---and how wonderful it had appeared to me in my Minneapolis college dorm because I had never seen ballet performed in this exaggerated manner. I had been taking ballet but of course I was at that time already so poisoned I couldn't do much with my body---stiff and unbending and poisoned and bloated all my life essentially--I studied and I only watched this ballet on tv. I had come to the conclusion that this dancer was truly exceptional and he was---and so, voila! Now the pig ape is in another Whorewood production after more than a DECADE of no appearances, within the 2 months of him latching onto attacking me he's now in a modern hip hop version of the Nut-rape-cracker put to black people cranking out supposedly hip hop music--I don't know, I will never watch this shit and I urge people to boycott that pig and the rest of the shit--get Senator Graham out of power if possible, and put Trump in prison for at least his other crimes but in addition to the crime of me being raped, poisoned attempted murder endless theft home violation thanks to the US Government and you can also include Jamie Raskin along with the pig Trump into that category who is an atrocious liar and pompous pig ape put into power.

It's all so disgusting, they are so foul and disgusting. I remain with yet more damage to my body and I have spent the last 6 weeks while this piece of rotten pig shit Baryshnikov has spent his rotten filth time getting a tv special, dancing with a bunch of glorified performers, as he had my body infused with stinking sewage water stinking fungus into my vagina every day until I finally succumbed to being raped by him. I could feel my body curling up and literally dying internally from not only the endless abuse he poured on me using this tech--along with a stinking crap filth creep out of London DJ whose music I had written a post about and admired (my "reward/punishment" for liking the artistic shit these pig ape whores come out with is endless violence, abuse and deadly assault because once I even click on a video they produce or under mind control write something complimentary about them, they literally run to participate with filthy spawn of Depp shithead and filthalina the endlessly latched on parasite who has obtained idea after idea which she has turned into her movies (including yet another movie she is now making) which I wrote of--as she has been ltierally poisoning me to death and abusing me to death in return. Filthy ugly dirty Baryishnikov, I did not even click on his filthy crap I just wrote that I wished that the US were not in war with Russia (proxy war, I mean)---

and that parasite as he truly is a latching parasite leeching onto every perceived and real vulnerability--and by now I am so ill and dying from stress I only have vulnerabilities as the US Government continues to allow these pretentious pig apes to murder me as one politician after the next comes to also participate and get deals and wheels for their careers (some of the most violent and openly disgusting have all arrived under the Biden administration---an endless rotation of Democrats but filthy and disgusting crap like Graham the cracker have also spewed stinking filth into my home and body and viciously attacked me with death threats for my writings, for defending myself against all these Constitutional laws that are continuously being abrogated by these politicians and sleaze filth performers (none of whom are glamorous and righteous in any sense--unless you consider rape culture to be glamorous--rape culture is an age-old form of subjugation which obviously the "elite" have always used to destroy any upstarts and etc--but is it glamorous or fashionable after all?).


Because I am writing about this next rapist scum whore who has participated with the filth of Whorewood who have not stopped viciously and violently with murderous poisoning and insertions into my body and putrid toxins sprayed into my home and people breaking into my home while I am unconscious, being teleported to rape and beatings and violence and abuse and insults--which, when I defend myself, the attacks on my body and property are increased and the cycle of violence has never stopped for a single day--if I remain "silent' they increase the torture to get me to react, and then they reduce the violence and after a while they torture me for reacting. All the while stealing my concepts and ideas I am writing of as I philosophize constantly--I can never write any creative output or stories any longer or even a creatively-written sentence--and still my ideas are being stolen in the short bits that I do write by members of the media and etc. But this cycle of torture and slow murder has never stopped for over 12 years--the Whorewood group of celebrities openly taking over the contract from Europigapes who I met once each--not liking them, their insults and sexual abuse tactics I ran from--they used this teleportation and gang stalking apparatus to have me poisoned to death while I reacted in "ex-stasy" to their rape while I was sleeping--as hoards and hoards of people attacked and discriminated against me openly and viciously every single place on the planet--without end. Zero support system, not a single person informing me of my plight or defending me except for a few, extremely rare occasions as the person then receded into the haze of a blank void that fills the rest of this situation with no one ever doing  any single thing to protect me or stop this murder and torture rape system. How many other people are being afflicted and slowly tortured to death, usually unbeknownst to them, I have no idea but it must be an ever-increasing number of victims per year as this tech gets more promotions by the "dark web" of the media circuit and funded by the Dark Money groups which appear to control them all--(you all).


My hair is turning grey from lack of nutrition, my body being endlessly poisoned and attacked (the body cringes from abuse, it contracts from inserts and slashes and cuts--which this group does every single night while I am sleeping while they are torturing me endlessly in teleportation skits).

Almost balding and the hair they chemically destroyed so it almost all fell out--greying and my body suffused with poisons, hard and unable to move or bend any longer--scars litter my body--my bones are crooked from the hard poisons latching onto them and literally making all my skeleton go out of alignment and then the poison permanently hardens in these curves into my spine and legs. Not a single penny for the ideas these dumb and sleazy stupid whores have stolen--pig pitt also literally and verbatim stole ideas from my writing--not ideas, the words literally. filthalina the rotten dirty skank ugly whore has not stopped stealing my concepts and promoting them as herself, while having me blasted by one filthy ugly rapist pig ape after the next while she lavishes them with caresses--obtaining endless awards by this crap and shit government--no matter which Party is in power they are all aligned into this death rape mob technological tyranny---

many others have done the same, including Janelle Monae which I write of above--I keep seeing her rotten posturing in every celebrity page possible, I don't know why but of course she  has completely been paid off for her participation (she also stole ideas from me, but the years of torture and my brain under chemical tyranny I can only remember that she made a mini-short video or movie about mind control and literally stole my writings almost verbatim---but exactly what I can't recall at this moment and I wrote of it YEARS ago--

but this has been the trend going on and on. As I sit in filth and my body is broken down, aged and dying from stress and poisoning and abuse that never ends--as one filthy pig piece of shit comes to viciously verbally assault me, have their minions insert knives under my cuticles and into my skin and poisons inserted into my bladder via my vagina and as I am dying they call me ugly, stupid, a loser, etc

stealing my money as well, and of course all internet attempts at earning money are blocked just as surfing, obtaining any emails from anyone who is positively disposed towards me--all has been deleted, blocked--all animals I love have been either killed and their dead bodies left in front of my door, or stolen and used as manipulation to get me to hand some rotten ugly pig ape a "baby" so he and his lover/wife/mommy et al and group of fellow pig apes can obtain an empire.

The viciousness of Europigape Baryshnikov is of course bolstered by his classical bacground in ballet--something that appeals to "royalty" and thusly the fascist underpinnings of elitist exploitation and a master-slave society is almost epitomized in this foul and disgusting dirty rapist scumbag--otherwise that is what he is, but this "elitist" rape culture, as I wrote last week or two weeks ago about Dickens' novel, A Tale of Two Cities--rape culture of the "elite" upon the "peasantry" has been a fully supported arm of the Royalty or Government, if you will (give and take which century any government had even been established) for centuries, or millennium.

So KEEN on destroying the "freedom", the real freedom that America could possibly pose towards the old Europigape and earlier dynasties of encrusted power upon a desperate slave society--the Europigapes like Baryshnikov throng into Whorewood as filthy whores ugly and sinister parasites like pig pitt (mansions in Europigapeland--) filthy pigalina, his wife, endlessly posturing with the training her English mother instructed her in, as an AGENT INFILTRATOR of the English Crown. I described this exact observation which I believe to be very accurate to the crap that was Kinzinger as Rep in the House (or soon out) and rotten and disgusting Jamie Raskin--the Jewish Nazi along with Kinzinger who stated hissing at me about how I was attacking "Germans" and that he is a "German" (what about "Country First"? Means nothing in the secret alcoves of rape culture elitism for these pig ape f-ers).

So I am dying, and the hate crime is never being stopped. How I would like to think that Whorewood would for once actually have a courageous hero that sees this crime and actually fights to stop this egregious crime against humanity that this technology of teleportation and the adjunct surveillance and proxy torture gang stalking/death squad capabilities are doing to the actual, real principles of "Democracy & Freedom". The Europigapes are loathe to let someone like me have even a clean home to live in. Americans of the white Nazi supremacist and all their minority minions jump right in to creating a mini vassal State of the US controlled in effect by the sleazy and foul sinister "elitist" rapist nut crackers like Baryshnikov, so fully indoctrinated and trained in Soviet-style and Stasi style death squad surveillance and murder operations of any dissent (to their rape factory). 

Still nothing but more support for this terror operation foisted upon me from the US Government, so obviously defunct and corrupt and out-of-control (probably and undoubtedly most of the political leaders have been fully mind controlled by now and it appears like this is the case when I see them all behave in exactly the same manner as if they have no personality--and they don't). The US Government--it's a pathetic joke probably not laughed about around the world by now.