Friday, December 10, 2021

"And The People bowed and prayed, to the Neon God they made. And the sign flashed out it's warning, in the words that it was forming....". Terrorist physical/legal/multi-pronged attack report: December 11, 2021. The Sound of Silence permeates the resonating silence of those who know about this travesty I write of happening to #me2 but also to #Utoo but won't tell, who see but won't envision the bright light of truth and reality.



Performed in Central Park, August 26, 2015.

The never-ending series of reporting State-sponsored terrorism continues. One day this State-ordained form of internal  terrorism will be condemned but for now, there are only isolated targeted people who are separated from one another with faux help support groups which ultimately attack the target at choice moments of vulnerability.

The attacks:

All night, at random moments while in deep healing sleep from poisoning by this same terrorist organization--the microchip implant in my throat was constricted to create a horrid, deep noise that is a horrid sound unlike anything I can describe. It is so loud it wakes me up, I can feel the area of my throat, right at the crux of my collarbone and my larynx, where there is an indentation and creased and ailing skin and tissue because the microchip is damaging and perhaps killing me in this area where disease or the endless mold and fungus that is implanted in my food/breathing space may accumulate---but also the flow of vital fluids is also constricted in that area. It is damaged and the skin is broken and of a different texture than in all the other areas of my neck. This is where the implant is, and this group forces the sphincter muscles to suddenly close while I am eating, and as I wrote, while I am sleeping in a deep, healing sleep. It happens so frequently it's essentially going on all night long at least once per half hour. That is being woken up by a horrid, deep flapping noise in my throat that is so loud it wakes me up momentarily, in the drugged up sleep that I must go through every night from more than a decade of detox of their stinking and foul murder poisons in my body--still there, still keeping me semi-paralyzed.

Teleportation skits of death and hate but more submerged because I am trying to work out more layers of protection for my body while I sleep. The more colorful teleportation hate, rape and violence attacks by the celebrities and politicians are diminished by the extra layers I have put on my body but it's not nearly enough to actually stop the violence. The teleportation also continues while I am awake and the effect is that I can't just dismiss these pests but I go into "truth serum" yelling fights with them as they endlessly ask me "why" I don't like them or what they are doing. This obviously is part of the protocol system of payment and promotion as for me to explain who odious they are and act means that they are "successful" at this mind control terror technology and operation. The same-said people continue to be interviewed on major networks even though they are no longer in top political office, they imitate or repeat sentences I have said and now they are stealing and threatening me with my very thoughts using their mind control hacking capabilities to breach my thoughts and abuse or steal whatever they like or don't.


Huge and major physical terrorist attacks at the shopping mall yesterday. I had to go shopping for food and to replace the items that are endlessly broken every time I leave this room. Every single time I leave and return something else of my scant, subpoverty tiny microstudio filth and torture chamber has been broken--something I had to negotiate to buy with shifting funds from buying food not on sale to something poisoned/drugged in order to buy this tiny little thing like $5 speakers which were just broken--lights were broken, clothing is stinking with mold and putrid odors every time I return. 

Thus, while all of the attacks were going on in my room, at the shopping mall (Central Festival/Florista) in Phuket Town, waves of gold-diggers and attackers--the usual racist configuration I have been writing of for years--a pair of white blonde Europeans with 20-30 Thais or other "minorities' surrounding them attack me in concentric waves in huge spaces. The attacks are so constant that I am absolutely drained of physical energy because I am literally fighting my way through huge groups which spread out an entire huge shopping mall area and then literally push into me from the opposite direction. Around one huge escalator area in front of one of these shopping mall department store entrances--so you can imagine it's a huge, wide open space. As I rounded the corner with my shopping cart and the many bags I must carry so what few things I don't want endlessly destroyed and poisoned I must always carry around with me--healing liquids I drink I must carry (all oils I use are tainted and drugged and poisoned and any food that is wet or liquid is poisoned very easily--anything else is tainted or drugged but with powders or other invisible substances). But I am pushing a shopping cart with my bags weighing down the cart---and around the huge corner literally 40 people were walking in a huge wave towards me covering every space of the entire area. In the center was a Nazi blonde family unit looking smug and glowing with the hormonal high of this power trip of their minions performing this hate attack. This has been so common that I have only been writing about it's corollary in H-wood for years only to have violent threats aimed at me by the American version of the same apparatus of fascist Nazi white armed with gold-digger minority minions in waves coming at me to attack for their "masters".

At another junction of this same area, through the overpass walkway where on the left side of the mall overpass walkthrough there is a winding staircase going down to the parking lot--it is fixed at the near beginning of this walkway on one side and just 50 meters away is an elevator which can easily carry anyone down to that level if they so choose. Walking in a cross pattern to the flow of walkers (which is always amplified as soon as I am walking in that space--usually if you drive past you can see a few random walkers in that overpass walkway but when I am in that area it's covered with people wandering into every open space so I must maneuver past people who then drift into my cart as they slowly meander into my path just as I approach to get past them. They all spread out and I can't get past anyone. But in this instance, yesterday, with the swarm of attackers on all sides, three Thais very tall were pushing in front of them huge suitcases on wheels with pull-out carry handles--as I approached they all swerved directly to cross in front of me within one foot as I was pushing past the many people swerving into my path directly in front of me--they swerved and walked directly into me and one of them actually slammed his suitcase into my cart as I pushed past them--obviously as they walked in this sideways direction to the staircase instead of taking their huge suitcases to the elevators which were just 50 meters ahead (or yards, more like) and just at that point was a white male sitting on a chair supposedly "selling" condos in a huge condo complex. These types of installments on the side of the overpass walkway are ALWAYS being promoted by Thai people wearing little uniforms and passing out balloons for these condo projects. There are never white Europeans or people selling these projects and the attack happened directly in front of him--as he slunk in his chair in a gloating repose watching his orchestrated attack.

And that is just two examples of the hours of this going on and on and on and on until I was so frazzled and exhausted because of the weakness and illness this poison that this terrorist group has forced upon me that this kind of covert physical attack is just physical violence but orchestrated in public places.


And I had to go shopping because my mail service in Orlando which has become a terrorist attack situation of absolute illegality which if I were in the US I could take them to court for and win any sort of battle (unless the judges are all completely illegally operating under this system which is nearly at 100% probability)

they informed me that my mail service would be terminated "tomorrow" unless I sent by mail a pdf form they attached to the email with a contract that entails that I change my service from the one I have to one that denies me access to my mail in any form due to the distance. 

With the mind control operating as I responded to these thugs who routinely scan letters threatening to cut off my service and my money only at the very last minute--letters stating that they have sent letters before and never got a response and that this was the final notice and etc...all creating confusion, chaos and then the mind control operations begin. I wrote a response wishing them all kinds of good things because after the torture and threats of endless catastrophe along with multiple murder attempts by this organization I have to scramble essentially to save my life in so many respects that by the time I finally get a confirmation that my very life-saving mail service will not be cut off "tomorrow", I wrote this brain-altered cheery happy wishing them well type of response for a new year. It was something I had not intended to do.

In all these cases, once I am "rattled" the backdoor operational principles of mind control technology are the serpentine forms of breach that penetrate into my brain and consciousness--through all these very well studied research methodologies of traumatization and how to control people and also how to change brainwaves affecting emotions--along with subliminal commands during such moments when the defenses have been shattered from threats to life and existence.


As for the stinking filth that these haters have poured into my home--I first checked the back tray of my refrigerator--having to drag this heavy refrigerator out of the tiny niche in the wall (the actual real wall is behind this refrigerator-which is a solid cement wall where you can pound your fist on it and hear nothing but a tiny thud--the rest of the paneled wall is at points so shabby that if you press your finger into it, the cheap material bends--in other areas you can pound and hear an echo almost in the other room and of course you can hear people talking very clearly from the other side because there is almost no wall there but only these very easily-opened panels which the terrorists use for their torture and mutilation/rape protocols that are pushed to the limit every night--as far as they can go to mutilate my body or open my door and have expletives rush in to rape and literally put my hips and spin out of place--while I am completely unconscious and being teleported to the celebrities and politicians who are likewise raping and abusing me--all simultaneous. All like the white supremacists in the shopping malls, with waves of gold-diggers surrounding them for their promotions and free deals and shopping carts full of free food paid for by this government-sponsored terror operation. All so the government and top layers of the "entitled" can steal, rob, rape and torture and destroy lives in the future and NOW. 

Of course, I remain ALONE without any support system whatsoever with nowhere to turn for any support on this planet. Literally having tried for over a decade and all that has transpired is more top so-called "leaders" and actors on all levels coming to get their free, new deals out of this contract. All turning around and pushing their fake victimization fighting for justice status for the entertainment of the voters and viewers and distressed wanting and needing to believe that someone is fighting for them. How they will be dismayed, if they have not been eliminated through various contagion genocides, in the future how awfully they have been duped by these power-high duplicity slingers you are all cheering on as your heroes of society in all their blathering lectures and presentations and movies about how they are saving society (from anyone trying to have equality and freedom except for themselves as a collective greed and selfishness operation acting for their own-self interest but in concert with so many others like bands of criminals and thugs).


Of course, as always, whilst writing this post hackers were and are at this moment blocking key function, so while writing I must backspace and retype continuously, correcting the juxtaposed letters and omissions hackers force. My hands stop moving as if frozen in mid-air because the brain attacks on my motor system are also in effect. Then there are "spaces" and blanks in memory because my short-term memory is being dislodged. I "forgot" to write that while I was shopping I had put my purse down to put all my items in a huge shopping bag I use so I can carry the items on my motorbike in one, large huge bag. I "forgot" to pick up my purse after putting all items in my bag--the purse was put on the side and behind a panel because often while my back is turned people will saunter up behind me and steal my purse while my back is turned. The brain-blanking tech literally makes me "forget" to pick items up. When I was like a bloated, huge balloon of poison and drugs (hardened into my body, keeping the liquids floating in my lymphatic system and into all the viscerae while I was endlessly being poisoned and drugged--unable to fend the nighttime terrorists entering my room to poison my food I have taken endless precautions for years to protect--

but now that I have blocked their physical entry into my room and they must rely on mechanical arms through all these panels on all sides of the studio (top, floor, all sides, every inch of the bathroom--any space that can be opened will and is being opened--like a leaky ship sinking but I have patched up all the cracks taking  years using money I need for food and healing which I had to neglect in order to try to fight this--still cannot but have limited the amount of utter and sheer violence to my body--but in the meantime--they have broken my toe so it's pointing at a 45-degree angle into my other toes, have destroyed and damaged my hair and skin so badly I am blemished with balding hair and blotches and scars literally covering my body on every inch--from years of violence inflicted in this way while I sleep and in my every shampoo and ointment and food and anything that can be poisoned and destroyed). And more and more, on and on.

I "forgot" my purse--and in the years when I had been so badly poisoned and tortured and raped in the above-mentioned vulnerability this group has forced upon me by forcing poverty on me (all and every access to earning any single thing has been blocked in their various means, with internet block not just of financial opportunities but also of information and of access and of course my blog is being blocked from all access except for the terrorist network and their operatives).

I would pay for groceries and "forget" to pick up the bags of food after I had paid for them. I would literally pay for the items and walk away not able to think clearly and leaving groceries at the check-out counter. This happened so frequently and I could not stop this attack--the mind-drug interface is so awful. And that happened yesterday once more. I had walked all the way to the other end of two shopping mall complexes before I realized I had left my purse in the spot that I had told myself to not forget--but did. While I was rushing to pick up the purse was when the waves of people hitting me literally as I pushed past waves of huge crowds of minions surrounding a gloating pair of white supremacist Nazi Europ-a's who, through not their own money, but handed money to instruct their minions to perform these tasks--as money of course is ultimately the deciding factor in these operations--where the money comes from in international seamless operations is of course not easy to directly state but indirectly it's not hard to gauge exactly how this is being funded--(aka "black ops" but probably through "Homeland Security anti-terrorist" funds and the billions of dollars appropriated (misappropriated) to the endless "defense" budget for the United States, for example, for which this cornucopia funding of terrorist activities by TERRORISTS attacking me, an innocent and guiltless civilian but targeted by the Nazi and fascist and gold-digging minion cooperative organization just want to destroy, experiment upon, dump their sense of powerlessness on --how minorities love to do this and vent the rage they have bottled up as they grovel in deference to their real abusers but torture me, who actually stands up for their rights but am instead tortured by them as they grovel in delighted deference to their real terrorists controlling them) and

it goes on and on, as I am typing I must endlessly backspace and rewrite--my hands can't move and I am going through a kind of tunnel vision of blanking out and losing track of the thread I am writing about. This type of closing of my memory and blanking out goes on while I am under attack, I can't think while in public as people completely jump to exploit this vulnerability that the technology enables them to do--while blaming me for their own attacks upon me--it's all orchestrated and scripted they create these hate situations and then blame me. 

I can also hear "stupid" hissing in my "inner ear" while hackers are blocking keyboard functions and operations on the laptop. These are words that are hissed while I am under attack. I can "hear" it while I sit in relative silence fighting and fighting to pound out each key on this keyboard but such types of blaming the victim--exemplified by this one example of them calling me "stupid" as they block functions as if it's my "fault" or lack of intelligence--and this is absolutely typical of all their actions. So while they are blocking functions and causing problems they are subliminally hissing instructions to the attackers (like to hate me or that there's something wrong with me---even if they are part of the attack terrorist operation they are also being mind controlled to attack or to like their own detractors and abusers but to "hate" those who are actually trying to not support this system who actually care about the oppressed. The oppressed, in other words, are being used as tools by the oppressors in order to attack the target (me). While I am under attack various other subliminal psychological diminutive types of hate speech is being hissed into me as if I should accept the violence like it's my doing or "fault". This is part of the extent of the tortures that are being carried out and the means in which people are being used to attack one another. 

You can thank people like Elon Musk for his inclusion--absolutely and for years and years a definite part of this operation and experiment in torture---with his brain/computer interface tech that is being so championed and his technologies and there are other very dire situations in which he is tangent to but somehow involved in with global consequences of huge deadly effect--but always cheered on with his scripted and coached stage appearances and accepted by the millennials in particular as being a kind of cool ultra wealthy dude trying to save the world by his new technologies offsetting carbon-emitting tech (but carbon production and other damage to the planet are the underpinning of his technologies).

I had to add that although he is a very dangerous and violent person albeit endlessly portrayed as a fun and cool, easy-going dude for the press and the public. 

I could go into more detail and I already have--years ago during the Depp/Heard crisis all I can say is that after he (Musk) began dating Heard  after the domestic violence crisis, and just as Trump was gearing into presidential power, Musk began his global dominance scheme and has been a major participant in all this torture with State-sponsored hate and violence at least for 8 years but probably much longer. 

That is to say that the "contract" out on me was directly handed either by Musk to Trump or vice-versa and the power arrangement has resulted in what you now have as history-making alterations in society. I consider these as detriments to both Democracy and to freedom, but they are being sold off  and bought by the bulk of the planet and absolutely applauded--the masses of terrorists attacking me for example are part of this global cheerleading squadron of hate and violence. There is worse to come for people and more pandemics and more destruction is being promoted and promised. Very few people can link these crises and problems to anything that may affect them in the future, they just jump at the chance to be a part of a power cartel and to display the wealth that they have attained and to look like the models that these celebrities always gravitate towards--that the politicians are striving to be sold off as in many respects if they are capable of it--the merging of technocratic celebrity image and wealth status is now so intertwined and yet unrecognized and certainly still sold off as desirable. I consider it to be the edge of the cliff that the lemmings are in delight willing to fall off.

I write this with the sword of Damocles hanging over my head because these people like Musk are serious abusers and haters and racists disguised and packaged off as fun and easy-going and Millennials, who participate in this hate crime against me also in droves, so quickly pick up on the deception because they appear as easy-going but absolutely partake in this ceremony of hate and death like all their icons who they buy into and then continue to sell off as they sell out.

Thursday, December 9, 2021

Terrorists filth and property destruction report: December 9, 2021.

Just writing this as another post for another day from another year of this mess that parasites are forcing upon me and my life, environment and property and all endeavors:

Broken: laptop speakers. With every pair of earphones and all speakers, wires are pulled while I am out of my room/house and when I return the speakers that had operated perfectly the day before are inoperable. That means more money I must crank out to buy more things that millionaires and billionaires are ordering to have broken through their terrorist network because a DECADE of torture and nightly teleportation nightmnare "skits" of death, rape, abuse, insults and violence every single night and endless violence sanctioned by those at the top trickling down to the bottom are all nearly vying to be able to participate in and par take in the "fun". Items scratched, broken, and ripped but the list is long and hacking is bad right now so tying is very difficult.

The millionaires and billionaires do this to force slavery through technocratic means upon me. I fight and fight as they torture me to obtain ideas which they steal to use as their own concept--usually verbatim. Then snarling in hate and ordering destruction of my property and body as a "punishhment" to me fighting and writing about their crimes and thefts. All are instrucdted to behave as if thes is their natural hunting ground and I am their prey to be devoured in every single way possible through all these modern technological means. 

The counter top for my tiny "kitchen" area, which is just a space against the wall with a count3er top that has already been cut through with a laser so it's breaking--a slice into the formeica--disgusting ch emicals have been poured on the surface so the material is being worn away. I p olished it before I left last time (two days ago) and now it's spotted and the varnish has been completely scraed or eaten away. I pout oil on it and it's really ugly and nasty and nothing can repair this as the entire surface has been eaten away and destroyed and needs to be re-coated or replaxced. 

Stinking foul liquids poured into the tiny water tray in the back of the refrigerator--where the tiny ice box has been severed so it's also breaking and the door handle to the ice box has been cut and broken off so the door won't close (I had to improvise to find a way to close this door, so it's like a tiny clip fastening the door so it closes--toerhwise they wanted to completely destroy my freezer capacityor force me to have to buy an entire new refrigerator--of course I have no money for this and the millionaires and billionaires make sure I can't earn a penny or if I try to work it will be an absolutely slave job of lower than minimum wage doing menial tasks--they have tried this before and also tried to kill me when I did get good jobs or was accepted into grad school. otherwise, they poured foul white substance into this tray after I returned from shopping 2 days ago--either they put it in just before I retruned so I could not smell it as the odors compressed into the air when I had to close the patio door to sleep--and seal all cracks so no mechanical arms can get in from the outside. This stinking whitish fluid smells like semen mixed with vomit. And that is after I fought to stop celebrities and politicvians from stealign my concepts afrter and before torturing and abusing me in teleportatoin and through these groups.

so I write about this--I am t yping now without my glasses and the pr int is small and hackers are inserting mistakes all over the place. I can see a wave of red underlines from the spell c heck but I'm going to leave it all as is becuase right now I have to spent another 2 hours cleaning up fungus and filth spraye don my clothing--laundry is waiging. Every singl eday I have to clean for at least 2 hours the filth that is poured into myclothing and /or property and the floors, ceilings, the windows, every single thing is sprayed with fo ul stinking crap gooey black and brown substances and the entire room is sprayed after I clean, while I am sleeping, and while I am o ut. 

When will anyone ever stop these criminals and this sickening filth organizations? 

The computer is freezing, the cursor is spinning endlessly as I try to open a simple application like a music app on this laptop. the hacking is atrocious and I try to block this as well. There isn't a thing that isn't broken, inoperable or broken down that this organization hasn't destroyed that I have worked for. Outside on the once copmletely coated with flowers hillside are plastic bags thrown and plastic hangers and weeds. The flowering vines that sometimes grow on the hillside are immediately killed off as the goons operating forf these wealthy bigots kill and destroy my environment for the pu rpose of making every single thing around me broken, ugly and shabby. this is the micro version of what these creeps do on a  macro scale to the poorer countries and indeed to the black and poorer "minority" neighborhoods" and you can rest assured that they pay groups to destroy their own "hoods" just to get a little lift up and out. I don't doubt this and believe it is the reality because if they are so firm in doing this to me, they do this on a global scale. that is what I was referring to in my last post regarding the mess this organization creates for the masses of people now wasting away and drfting from country-to-country in desperation because the bigot white Nazi and mafia global control system has to have their false claims of superiority. They get their own minions to destroy their own communities and even attack their own famillies so they can be promoted. If I could only type and write without all this obstruction I could write more clearly and well about this. O f course they won't allow this so I ahve to fight to type and ask people to once more get involved and stop this tyranny forced upon me.

Otherwise, all i do is clean and fight to et poison out of my body and home and get these toxic people from teleporting and torturing me any longer. 

As with every post I have written for years: I wrote a post just now and hackers deleted parts of words, sentences and grammar. The writing that was written correctly and well was turned into a nearly non-sensical blur of badly misspelled words and sentences. It reads like I am a non-English writer in parts. I wait and wait for someone to stop this breach of my privacy and my attempts to write. Perhaps some of you attacking me or reading this can understand that voices that are against the death and destruction culture need to be heard instead of mocked, tortured, silenced, broken down, murdered and censored while writing about the utter devastation that this organization en toto attacking me creates in all their plunder of the planet for their personal power posturing presentations of their wealth and status and domination.

 WHEN WILL ANYONE EVER STOP THIS ATTACK UPON ME AND START ACTUALLY STOPPING THOSE WHO ARE DESTROYING PEOPLE, THE PLANET AND THE MEANING AND PURPOSE OF LIFE ITSELF? They are such an ignominious failure on this planet and the death of so many and so much is the visible result of their endeavors while they present themselves as being heroes and saviors of the planet instead. This construct of deception should also be re-examined instead of endlessly being championed as some entertainment spectacle of political import.

Manatees face extinction. The same force and system that has encroached upon my body and nature is likewise killing off species and habitats for their power, pleasure and control global domination scheme which is intrinsically intertwined with racist and socioeconomic global hegemony. The technocratic Mafia/Nazi/fascist organization which has inserted microchip implants into my brain and body, had me tortured through "gang stalking" goon death squads, poisoned and polluted my home, body and I have nasty hate bad-energy parasite energy suckers endlessly surrounding me to bring me down; all of this is an integral part of the destruction of the planet and I submit one very plain example that even Congressional news source The HIll has put into bold sight regarding the human-created extinction for which many are rebelling. But the rebels fighting for their habitats and nature which is destroying their lives do not fight against the technocracy which has created this death of nature and of life on Earth.


"4ocean Partners with Save the Manatee Club". 4Ocean. October 1, 2018.

(The Hill) Equilibrium/Sustainability — Wildlife officials move to feed Florida manatees

(The Hill) 1,000 manatee deaths reported this year in Florida, eclipsing previous record

(The Hill) 2021 marks deadliest year for manatees in Florida recorded history

Manatees face extinction in Florida!!!! Please send your $$$upport to this cause. If you are taking a vacay to Miami or Florida or live there, PLEASE DO NOT USE JET SKIS and try to not use speed boats AS THESE KILL MANATEES AND OTHER WILDLIFE species which are also facing extinction due to the endless blatantly blind human need for pleasure-seeking gratification on beaches around the planet. That means here in Phuket stop the use of jet skis and all other speed boats which kill marine wildlife.

All of the endless pursuit of the pleasure and convenience lifestyle at the expense of nature. At this point in history there is no more "going back to normal" but only the continuation of ignorance of the animals and marine wildlife that depend on calm and healthy habitats which are endlessly being polluted and carved out for more mansions and get-away holiday pleasure-amplification pursuits that lead to extinction (rebellion). Then there are the oil fields of death and destruction and the carving out of every niche on the planet for the pursuit of wealth stolen from peoples and lands that are pristine and appear to be vulnerable. In the end the greed consumption factory of death abruptly recoils upon the exploiters who are heralded as the champion "winners" of the planet but create only glorified losers and loss.

BTW: as I wrote this post and then decided to add a little bit I saw how hackers have changed and altered the sentences---misspellings and words deleted to cause absolute confusion in the sentence structure. When anyone will ever stop this endless attack upon me I will think that perhaps the human race can also protect nature because I am not one of the destroyers but the people who are attacking me are those who invest in these technologies and these habitat hell-hole paradises where animals are becoming extinct, coral reefs are dying, and the indigenous populations are being turned into abject slaves and dying out (races are also becoming extinct due to the global catastrophe of immigration due to the tyrannical governments that are crating death upon this planet for the huge majority of minorities roaming homeless. These destructive forms of government are also being fully supported by the racist and fascist haters who are in control over the US "Democracy" who are truly despotic and violence genocidal and Holocaust enablers and creators of hate and death around the planet. United States being one of the main contributors in this respect. I just had to add the political aspect to the environmental because these are inter-related. That is something you won't hear the Swedish Nazi so-called "environmentalist" spewing and spitting out in her hissing hate diatribes against the United States in her endless tours trying to stop all the destruction. The racist and fascist element play a gigantic role in the parallel structure of environments and natural resources. This goes into a huge philosophical construct which is very difficult for me to engage in with hacking and obstruction of the keyboard and also my brain is being attacked so it's very hard to think and concentrate and create and expound for any great length of time.

Stop the environmental tyranny which is also linked to the socio-political fascist, Nazi, Mafia machine of corruption on a global scale. Stop the destruction and stop these technocratic liars from their endless pursuit of obtaining more investments and deals and construction and cement and mind-controlling technologies so you are all immersed in a miasma of entertainment and unable to disassociate from the lies to the reality of what these "leaders" and "winners" of society truly are compounding, the death they are constructing, the lies they are obstructing from you vision of reality: so much death and destruction. Do not continue to participate in their culture and begin to foment a new era for political and environmental sustainability which means also stop the fascist racist envelopment of an organized criminal global State apparatus--combined with their technological and organized death and terror squads.


***While writing this post, and attempting to re-edit, I had to confront blocks to keyboard, hackers rewriting my sentences omitting words, grammar and parts of sentences completely obliterated so it's very hard to untangle meaning. My hands are now frozen like I can't move them-my brain completely under attack. I must pound on the keys as they are "stuck" and hard to use---I tried to post what had been a reasonably written post and saw after I click on publish that the entire structure had been altered so badly I could not understand my own writing and had to rewrite--three times in places. Right now I struggle to get anything out--pressing on keys other letters appear, I must exert force to get anything to appear the keys are so hard and stiff from malware and whatever this group is using to stifle my expression. When ANYONE on the planet actually does anything to protect and defend my right to expression and free speech, also to have a home that is not contaminated and turned into a deadly toxic waste dump and rape, torture and mutilation space I will be surprised. The Nazi and fascist environmentalists teleporting me because they are now "celebrity" environmentalists are also part of the controlled system of destruction--they are the control factor to ensure that the first to get protection from environmental damage is their fascist Nazi countries--and that the death squad attack upon those slated for extermination and destruction (environmentally and financial devastation such as what has been forced upon me to ensure I remain impoverished and desperate--and thus ripe for being controlled or killed if I don't comply--which is so integral for this system which also is causing the environmental death of the planet. I am fighting now to get every word out--even the page is lurching while I type--this is one of the other hack interference techniques used to stop my writing. I hope readers can somewhat get the point or gist of what I am fighting to type out and eek out of my brain. The interruptions due to hacking are enough to stop any train-of-thought coherency. When anyone ever protects my right I will think that they are also concerned about rescuing the entire planet instead of just those areas that are affecting Nazi/Mafia living spaces. They want the targeted people to live in squallor and filth and toxic death atmospheres--in other words and that is what they create with me on a micro level and what they really work to ensure is the reality in most of the world where at this point, along with the extinction of animals such as manatees, millions upon millions of people are destitute and dying and homeless. This is not an accident and it is a deliberate scheme of mass genocidal proportion. That the rest of the natural world is also suffering for the endless machinery of convenience and manufacturing and pleasure is always neglected when people are looking for a cause or a solution to the deadly problems of extinction and mass death.

Sunday, December 5, 2021

Complete lack of Freedom of Speech, otherwise known as The First Amendment to the US Constitution, is currently being denied me by US-sponsored State-sponsored terrorism. Any post I write that exhibits any originality, criticism or questioning of the people using the covert technologies and torture terrorism State apparatus of mind control terror upon me has full carte blanche to respond with terrorism upon me with no government control or support for me as a US Citizen, with no protection under the Laws governing almost every country around the world. Privacy, liberty, defense of personal property, search and seizure, all are obsolete when it comes to this terror covert operation being conducted upon me.

 "'Even Senator Bernie Sanders Came Out In Staunch Opposition': GOP Lawmakers Trashes Dem Proposal". Forbes Breaking News. December 1, 2021.

I thus can only copy and paste this political video which gratefully is on YouTube for others to view and comment upon (but not me). Although it appears that I am "free" to do so if I choose it truly is not my choice and without any protection endlessly being tortured for exhibiting any reaction to the indiscretions, wrongful doings, crimes and foibles and idiocricies of these expletives brings more destruction to my already permanently disabled body due to terror actions, my foul and filthy (by terrorists with permanently staining putrid substances on every single thing) home, and my life already stuck in a limbo.
I thus submit this post and if anyone has followed my posts which have been written in rage all these years, you can put the pieces together in some fashion or form.

I wait for the day when my First Amendment rights are fully restored and these absolute breaches of all Constitutional protections for citizens are not being endlessly obliterated by the powers in question (some of whom are mentioned in this video). Their absolute collusion with the power cartels which ultimately are genocidal, racist and bigoted to the extreme are made vaguely clearly in the examination of exactly how the responses and the actual legislation has been "hammered" out in the back rooms where these nefarious deals are made and the bare fangs are laid bare. The angry indictment set out by this Republican politician sheds a light on how much in collusion some politicians claiming to be working for the Democrat Party "for the people" are really setting an agenda for the ultra fascist Nazi and Mafia contingents who they are offered all kinds of $$$ deals in dark rooms in places such as where I am teleported to be tortured as these ultra-wealthy politicians and celebrities sit in rows of chairs taking turns threatening to kill me, raping, hitting etc etc as I fight back like there is no end and there never is an end to the ever-increasing list of these famous attackers and my endless years of fighting non-stop until that really is all I do while I am sleeping every single night because they have also stolen my peaceful dream state and sleep state and turned it into a nightly hate and rape and violence argument rage show, using this teleportation technology.

But as for the rest of those slated to be tax-paying nothings who may also become enslaved sex torture victims by these ultra-wealthy with all these microchip implants and teleportation and death squad goon drugging/poisoning mind control operations--they are getting more and more the proverbial shaft which, with all it's metaphorical imagery is not far from the actual future that these wealthy want to cram into any orifice possible or brain hackable portal of the gullible the weak the vulnerable and mostly the unsuspecting. The tax breaks to the wealthy are part of the pathway for the two-tiered system of privilege and slavery that these expletives are working to install and instill through all their fake posturing rhetoric and celluloid fodder.

This is not an indictment of Senator Bernie Sanders.


Saturday, December 4, 2021

Black Hitlerism/anti-Semitism on the rise. What the mainstream media and the mind programming, celebrity-politico circus is not informing the public about. Censored Proof of one instance of this phenomenon in the Waukesha mass murder last week. Although "Jews" were not specifically targeted during a Christmas Parade, the mass murderer has posted online affiliation with Hitler and Nazism and is openly anti-Semitic, while espousing anti-white rhetoric. Yes, every major concept has it's convoluted and misshapen, regurgitated next generation of identification. I was not exaggerating or making my claims up as defense mechanisms to aim at black celebrities viciously participating in white supremacist mind control and torture/power/murder pyramid schemes. The Waukesha Christmas Parade killer and low media coverage of three black teen females slapping, assaulting and hitting random Jews on the streets of Brooklyn (obviously a hate crime). All stories mostly uncovered in mainstream media from just this past week regarding black conformity to Nazism while always claiming they are victims of persecution and racism but turn around and kill or attack Jews or any other target--in my case at least that has been the case not just in teleportation but a lifetime of this occurring without any national or international boundaries whatsoever in the behaviors and attack repetitive protocols.

"Saagar Enjeti: Media IGNORES Waukesha Killer's Pro-Hitler Past". Breaking Points. December 1, 2021.

"Police: 3 Suspects Attacking Jewish Children As Young As 3 In Brooklyn".  CBS New York. November 30, 2021. 

The list of such types of "non-white"-upon-Jew videos goes on and on in the lexicon of YouTube search results.


I wrote of this topic yesterday in one of my long, enraged nearly hyperbolic posts regarding the absolute violence I have been experiencing from those denizens of "The Left" who are exact replicas of fascist Nazis on "The Right" when it comes to targeting, death squad activities (aka "gang stalking"). All the hidden activities which conceal the actual and true proclivities of these celebrities and other not-famous minions of the same said organization which actually has no actual bipartisanship. The seeming duality of opposition politically-speaking is in name only. The vagaries of superficial affiliation are dispensed once the light of public scrutiny is blocked from inspection of the collective actions of the individuals each following the protocols (aka "just following orders").

In other words, the concept of opposing sides is an illusion when it comes to this utterly Nazified/organized criminal collective which through all it's covert assassinations and means and ways of undermining all processes of fairness has claimed all sides of every political fence and has created an apparatus of media consent and "manufacture" in order to present this illusory bipartisanship.


Thus, it comes as no surprise as I surmise the few media stores I have come across in just this past week that black anti-Semitism is on the rise, but it is being shielded from the light of public information channels in mainstream sources. These stories that I have seen as videos made the "news" in local stations and on a YouTube channel I just subscribed to (which is associated with The Hill news source). 


When I wrote yesterday and for years past and have detailed the utter hate, violence and hostility that I encounter from famous celebrities who assault me and the formulaic methodology of using minorities to assault while the white supremacist sits back gloating and orchestrating all the attacks, as has been happening without fail here in Thailand so I can very easily observe the "black and white" of the pattern without having to try to delineate, as I often must in The United States where there is a much more diversified population. The very open state of white supremacy which affords the gross divide between races I observe here in Thailand, where race and class divisions are no secret, even amongst SE Asians where the Burmese are considered (by some) to be "dark-skinned and inferior to Thais" as I read in one article written by Thai journalists. 

Being assaulted for stating that there is black indoctrination into white supremacist anti-Semitic Nazism is being blocked from public scrutiny or awareness in the very recent Waukesha road rage killing during a Christmas Parade. The other story I will paste and copy here is just an appendix to the larger unnamed and silenced but very tangent point of connection between the protocols of the elders of fascism and Nazism who have fully indoctrinated various classes and groups into their folds, albeit usually on a much lower ranking, with very few options for promotion, often used like Manchurian candidates to conduct the violence that the white Nazi/fascist/mafia supremacists don't want to have connected to themselves personally. 

It is perhaps important to try to begin to grasp the concept that mind control technology is being used on such persons in order to foment race division or struggle or race war for the purposes of political divide-and-conquer conquests. 

There is also a huge psychological factor involved of reverse-racism and of needing someone to victimize after having been victimized. There are many experts using mind control programming who know of all these various vulnerabilities that can so easily be exploited in order to create such animosities which result in violent actions and hate group affiliations. 

Friday, December 3, 2021

The effect of always undermining any real attempt to propel an alternative to the endless onslaught of fascism and State-control. I can't forget to mention pop icons who were big hits in the 60's for the counter-culture revolution who are hissing hate at me and sitting next to vicious fascist who have gone after me to obtain contracts for years. Paul McCartney is one of them. Albums and movie deals proliferate in the media now after his 4+years of installing his Beatles videos and face onto my almost every search. If I download a playlist on YouTube he hacks Beatles songs into the playlist. He has hissed and insulted me while he fellow co-conspirators of the media (the same people for now over a decade endlessly torturing/dismembering/poisoning and stealing ideas and torturing me to obtain ideas through trauma-based mind control techniques) and he's not obtained movie deal after record deal since attacking me. His hissing with hate calling me names while sitting next to the really racist (half English) abusers from H-wood has enabled him to obtain top media presentations of his "love and peace" fodder (k-rap). This is the type of "liberal" who has been endlessly assaulting me in the name of representing the "alternative" to fascist, corporate and media "conservativism" which is now openly recognized as fascism, Nazism in some respect and some pockets of the population. However the endless influence of mafia and organized crime (which I can see only as the peripheral influence through the actors who portray these roles and are fully indoctrinated into the concepts and organizations but have been put into movie starring roles for their real and actual inclusion in mafia/organized crime. This is always neglected because so many Americans and people around the world are endlessly fascinated by this element and really want to uphold a criminal power structure instead of any real equality political system. I mean those who have risen up through murder, assassination, brainwashing, mind control and power grabbing into these hierarchies of power. I just want to emphasize here, although most people hacking/reading this are fully indoctrinated into this very system I am lambasting at this time--but, that is the ilk that is the extent of the inner corruption. Like all the rest, McCartney has been handed every kind of rejuvenation process and plastic coating to be presented as a smiling (clown) selling the snake oil for which John Lennon who I believe was murdered/assassinated because he actually represented and followed the principles of love and peace and non-war societies of equality--or to the extent that he was capable of but I think his intentions were probably at more than 88% of integrity. That is the only person of the Beatles who I have ever revered and he was a huge influence on my childhood enculturation and I never have even liked McCartney but I did buy one album when I was 13 because I thought maybe he was really authentic. I never listened to his stuff afterwards but was forced to hear it at social gatherings and I couldn't stand his mainstream conformist style and now he's just another openly disgusting bigot who is grasping for power through this hate and fascist Nazi cartel. These are the types of criminals who are participating in this situation of teleportation mind control, hate and violence upon me. There are many others but The Beatles had represented counter-culture and like so much that these parasitic abusers steal and claim as their own, this is a misappropriation that is an affront on every level to me. His crap is being peddled and so is he by the establishment that he once played 2nd fiddle to in the real counter-culture icon of John Lennon. I do hope I am not adulating Lennon if perhaps he would have been bought, sold and turned into a fascist Nazi Mafia monster in his elderly years because he was addicted to fame and money and publicity and had a need for it. McCartney has gone through an entire transformation as a result of participating in this hate crime. When people say Punk is dead, I think what they mean is post-hippie counter-culture is a zombie feeding off the media for attention and selling some rather nasty snake oil as well.

Kamala Harris has also participated in this scam scheme of teleportation mind control over me. It was with Oprah who sat nearby as her "black" fellow mainstream proponent had me utter in teleportation deep sleep hypnosis that I thought she should become president. That was during the campaign cycle in 2019 or early 2020. I was so drugged and under non-stop violent assault by Pitt because a YEAR earlier I had written on my Facebook blocked-to-all page that I asked for JUSTICE and that he be stopped from "winning" more Oscars year-after-year while torturing me as a huge leader of this group (always he pits blacks against me while he sits back, as all the white supremacists do in public spaces but they are not famous just Nazi/Mafia localized subgroups of their leader commanding operatives--oh, the "divorced" wife sits right next to him in solidarity even while they are "viciously" getting divorced and that is an entire publicity scam on their part). The first two months of the Biden presidency every single time I opened up my Facebook page to see what horrendous violation the rioters and fascists were conducting upon the US, I was always confronted with the top two posts by Biden and then Harris underneath. Until Pelosi came around and threatened to have my foot chopped off in the teleportation hate skit while she sat next to the fascist Nazi/Mafia Europ-a who I have so endlessly identified as an infiltrator and firmly believe is and is absolutely a Nazi coming to envelope America with it's tentacles of Entertainment Entrainment control--and it's been working so far. And so it's not really Trump's realm any longer. He has not teleported me since before Biden took over. The torture and hate has been almost the same, with me begging continuously for someone to stop this as it never happens. I so hope that whomsoever reads my posts will try to get something truly alternative to this endless seesaw of one-sided power out of office and to be replaced by people who do not want an autocratic bs government of fascism and mind control and murder, inc to preside any longer. I do not advocate especially for 3rd Party just for the US Constitution to be upheld in more than name by those who already are comforted that they will not be under attack by the system they either participate in covertly or openly but in these terrorist covert death squad groups. I so want something from any party that has some upheld convictions against establishing a global Nazi fascist technocracy with an entrenched "elite" group of minions who obey the orders of a truly despicable deplorable hidden and veiled group of insidious death-mongering pretty limited and mediocrities. Destroying the planet while they believe they are asserting power for that conspiracy-theory term a "One World Order" or government. Call it what you will, I am subjected to the outskirts of it's more hidden inner workings and it is worse than deplorable. So even if you want a "black and female" president these people who assault me are just vying for power using the same hate system of discrimination but turned against Jews for the purpose of Nazis promoting them. They simply want to establish a power cartel. I can't blame them for wanting to establish a unified power structure because of the stench of racism and hate that has been forced upon them--and me, and many others of all races even of whites. But in this respect they are simply reconfirming the original state of racism albeit being accepted into the power structure only if they fully submit psychologically to the paradigms of racism and death squad lynch mob hate. I can't express how many people conform to this and are trying to establish power. Harris is a mainstream corporate icon and will only perpetuate black racism. I used to term Aunt Jemima for this hugely popular black icon of talk show fame because her role fulfills that role so greatly that white supremacy has rewarded her with billions of dollars. I called her that in sleeping, drugged up rage while being teleported and under hypnosis so it was a "truth serum" situation and that was more than 2 years and a starring role in a movie taken from a post I had written about fighting a technocracy with love to defeat it. She has since violently gone on and on and supported vicious and violent rape by a German hateful fascist NazI and has tortured me to obtain an "apology" which I can't do. I now express this and hope that it will help to change the "stench" of this organization into a more positive direction for real change instead of a deception changing only a marginal level of the hate-based death system of racism and sexism that these icons you all cheer on (or maybe not) are have been cherry-picked to portray for DECADES in endless cycles of awards and promotions into lead roles. Their children and the ensuing generations are likewise trained into this system and the celebrities viciously with deadly intentions towards me have gaggles of their children for whom they want to also present as "liberal" "fighters" for "justice and equality" (when they are not more adequately playing evil roles of villains, for which they are exemplary in their performances every time).

Yet another day of me reacting so worthless betrayers and fakes can be assembled in photo-ops for promotional status as being "liberal" agents of "freedom and Democracy" in their every crappy mind control fodder fascist, Nazi/Mafia-laden movie and political thrust for power (as in thrusting of the hips, as they are sleazy pornographic rapist enablers, most of them or all of them that I have ever encountered in this teleportation hell I so want my government to fully stop and not continue to allow to fester in society). I reacted because of the teleportation skits about death and hate and violence and the creep who stole my very words and used them as her own for an interview with another teleportation terrorist media sensation "liberal" who with absolute hate on it's rotten creepy face assaulted me and then pasted it's videos on my every internet search and channel for well over 7 months. It did it again by hosting the "feminist" who has probably ordered the skin between my toes to be severed to the bone every single night by these mechanical arms--as this attack began after she was furiously yelling at me while I quietly and calmly just said I will not participate in this contract, I don't want to have a baby with her husband or be a part of this. Shrieking at me with veins popping out of her head and a reddened visage--I told her to calm down and since that day I have had to fight to not lose my toes. This was going to be president, along with the black woman who also vied for that role during the same election cycle. Filth, hate, thrusting it's dirty genitals in my face after I pointed out how it's helping racism in oh such a big way (called her an Aunt Jemima) for which a non-ending cycle of black celebrities have viciously attacked me claiming that I am racist--as they bow and obey the real white supremacists who instruct them in fascist, Nazi and Mafia protocol in torture, rape, abuse and power ascension using lies, manipulation and always claiming they are fighting for justice, equal rights and against racism. It is I supposedly who is racist and not them when I verbally call them the names that racists have used because they are PLAYING THOSE ROLES STILL IN H-WOOD. I was tortured to explain my position at least for 6 months and they simply only use violence as any kind of retort to that and reverse accusations that I am racist somehow for saying these observations of THEIR BEHAVIOR BEHIND THE CAMERAS AND PROMOTIONAL SCRIPTS that they all blather and smile and laugh as they collect millions or billions for playing these roles and awards and celebrity status without end for DECADES. So I have reacted and now they obtained their award for abusing me to this point. Their next inevitable action to fulfil this deplorable contract is to torture and "punish" me for reacting in rage after MORE THAN A DECADE OF 24/7 NON-STOP TORTURE, multiple GANG RAPE AND DISMEMBERMENT AND DISFIGUREMENT OF MY BODY AND POISONING SLOWLY ROTTING MY BODY INTO OLD AGE-=-my ideas stolen endlessly and they are going to torture me for reacting to them hacking into my inaudible thoughts using this globally enacted technology to try to pound me into a conformity that everyone else obeys and conforms to (especially them).. They will then get more media articles published by People or Huffington Post or USA Today or IMDB and then they will just never stop attacking me in concentric cycles of one taking turns after the next to break me completely but also to extract a baby. I write this knowing that a DECADE

 This post has been badly hacked and I could not finish the sentence that I wrote in the subject line--it became a huge paragraph but I use that line above for long paragraphs because hackers also diminish the font size so badly I can't read the typing--I also can't click on the review tab to see how much damage hackers and terrorists have done to the post in it's supposedly "published" state. They have blocked the entire blog so I can only get access to the posting section and nothing else. Blogger is a Google app and every single Blogger blog is likewise restricted and I can't read any blogs from this entire Google app. 

I am being traumatized as more and more violent levels of hate by this hateful group because I am trying so hard not to react every day--they require this reaction to demonstrate their absolute prowess at torturing information out of targets, in torturing and abusing people ,and in creating trauma-based mind control. Thus, as I wrote days ago, when I try to get official business done they transfer my calls always to outsourced or foreign-speakers who can barely understand (they claim)  English---as they press some button to disrupt the communication (I always use SKYPE, but it doesn't matter which form of communication I use--if the mobile phone or landline I use operates perfectly the terrorist on the other end of the line always--ALWAYS---claims they can't hear me and that I must yell as loudly as possible into the phone because of this tactic. Once I get "riled up" due to screaming, or them screaming at me, the lies and fast-talking "manager" or upper level whom I must always try to resort to in order to get a single thing done--by now realizing even while in this zombified state of non-understanding and being barely able to focus or get words out, lost in a spinning daze of incomprehensibility while these terrorists are screaming with hate at me--and then as I wrote the white supremacist takes over to so gently lie and give wrong information so I am stuck with absolutely no resort to ever getting out of this enslaved position these hater deplorables have forced me into. All the while stealing my furious posts that they have now increased the torture and death and hate teleportation skits of so they can both feed off the violence energetically (as they really are addicted by now to feeding off torture it's a huge high for them all and a malingering power trip that they are endlessly riding high on and then getting their dream promotions out of--and then they also include their friends and children into the mix so the torture and increase of hate is endless and a lingering progression into absolute violence and hate betwixt me and these parasites every single day and night when they teleport me--they can also teleport me while I am awake. They always do it while I am in the shower to try to stop any form of relaxation possible I could ever have- as part of the slow murder that they are all inflicting upon me).

I'm now cleaning yet another entire day's worth of stinking fungus-laden filth sprayed on so many articles of clothing repeatedly that it's an anomaly is clothing doesn't stink or have the permanent residue--I refer to brand new clothing that is crusted with mold and fungus and foul putrid odors. Or clothing I like shrunken to the point that I can't get it past my thighs or shoulders--which formerly was too large and was loose--endlessly, stinking filth. The stink is sprayed by tiny mechanical arms breaking through the endless cracks, portals, panels and cracks of this torture violence and surveillance torture chamber studio so even though I put items in packages behind enclosed spaces underneath furniture to try to stave off these attacks it's futile. I also have to take multiple items I have wedged into the kitchen sink cabinet doors which have been cut to 1/2 inch spaces so they can easily be penetrated from the inside of the under-sink apace by the mechanical arms. They pour liquids on the trays I put on the bottom of the cabinet because they are cutting away and taking away all the plumbing seals so there is endless water dripping (in every single home I have lived in for well over a decade, non-stop this is always taken out) and through this panel area they insert their mechanical arms. The trays are brimming to the top but I have taped the pipes and put so much silicone on them that there is no more water dripping from the sealless pipes but still the trays are at the top with stinking, putrid brownish water with little globby things floating on top and stinking and foul. I have to try to remove the trays and not spill the stinking foul water all over my kitchen floor area. Then I have to try to get the black specs off the trays and the metal hinges are rusted with a substance and all metal items in this room are likewise coated with rust (my cooking appliances are always destroyed and eaten away by this filthy group pouring their hate and filth inmy my home perpetually almost non-stop day and night). I want to add as the "small print" at the end of this that it's not really Trump who is "presiding" over this contract out on me but it's rather the "liberal" Democrats like the Speaker and the former influencers who feign feminism but are fascist racists as deplorable as the wives of Trump who had my body inserted with COVID, hit by cars, fungus inserted into my ears and other orifices of my entire body, raped with my hips and spine put out of alignment every night as I struggled to fight to stop the break-inss and still cannot. It's now the Biden team and his fascist "feminist" blonde Nazi women with their deplorable minorities who all do what they are told but "represent" so the constituent voter power remains with the encrusted "stench" of this putrid one-sided organization.

My formerly very artistic, independent college radio station--WNYU--has been usurped and co-opted like all my ideas and the cultures that had formerly brought "threatening" mentalities to the endless spectrum of fascist and mafia/nazi control--the music station which this group of mainstream purveyors of fascism and Nazi/mafia control (worse in the "Left" camp than on the Right almost, for public mind programming purposes)--and, the music that has been played and put on this station since 2016 has been so awful and blase and bland and horrid I can't listen to any archived show prior to 2016. Everything that is coming out with exception of foreign-language shows such as Central/South American salsa or something like Cilia Cruz--all are these refabricated "alternative" sounds that are so repetitive it's like brainwashing programming to induce a mesmerized semi-hypnotic state--like repetitive mind control programming to induce a semi-cathartic state of mental inertia and stasis instead of probing sounds and riffs that excite the mind and spirit. The hacking is now too impossible to get anything more out. When I write statements about how bad the hacking is or about the misery these goons inflict (your celebrities and politicians teleporting and orchestrating this mind control torture and violence protocol system with their cell phones and laptops as they go out celebrating their new promotions for participating in this heinous societal and global crime while they espouse every kind of peace-loving' blathering promotional media celluloid mind-meld-wrap. And so, the hacking is so offensive I can't think or write. I just state that the overtake of society has enveloped the music alternative strata of society by these dressed-up mannequins of mediocrity and nothingness.

The DEPLORABLES are coming to read my thoughts and get me (as in, "They're coming to get you, Barbara" from Night of the Sleeping Dead) zone of teleportation zombies. ). I keep trying to circumvent the tortures that are inflicted by me writing and exposing the crimes these "Left/Liberal" fascist, Nazi, Mafia and authoritarian genocidal white supremacists do to crush and demonstrate their fascist proclivities for the organization which keeps promoting them into highest ranking positions. I am trying to not write but the attacks are increasing because the celebrities require some kind of negative response from me in order to obtain their promotions.The traitors and betrayers of The Democratic Party and of The United States are torturing me for the thoughts they are hacking out of my brain--I am not writing anything on any post they are simply drooling to attack me for their promotions and are viciously attacking me for what I am thinking as they go on interviews and make nationally endorsed public statements that are almost exactly verbatim what I have written so many times. They are then promoted further. These are leaders of the Democratic Party who espouse feminism and anti-rape fodder. They absolutely endorse it when it happens to me by their "friends" in H-wood and in these death squad groups.

 It happened again. I got on YouTube to see the latest news two days ago (or three). There was the face of the female "feminist" perpetrator being interviewed by the "lesbian/feminist" media comedic news broadcaster (both with absolutely hate and with ordering physical attacks on me intended to maim or disabled or dismember my toes/fingers/hair balding/ home so toxic I could slowly die from not being able to breathe in fresh air all night--etc etc and endless violence from these hate groups surrounding me 24/7.

I tried to ignore the video, but the mind control brainwashing is too extreme. I am always under attack while I watch these videos. I then watched a commentary (one of those YouTube commentators) whose videos just "appeared" endlessly and daily on my YouTube channel. I would use an original phrasing for my post and he would then, the next day, repeat it. These are words and phrases that are not the typical and standard vocabulary media "triggering" phrases to entrain the listeners into the mental rut that plays over and over like endless blathering broken records repeating similar phrases and words and statements for each "partisan" side (all sides are fascist Nazi and Mafia operating as seeming disparate but one side less or moreso for each particular aspect of the entire overtake).

He was discussing in his glib fast-talk (but well-done as all of these blathering haters are in their political commentaries) about how this former leader and would-be president was discussing freedom of speech on the internet. Thus I gathered what the video I tried to ignore was all about. Under the influence of mind control I clicked briefly on the video and heard almost verbatim the statements I have written of for years--and for years she has participated in torture, dismemberment, rape and violence endlessly aimed at me and has participated like all the blonde, bigot and black fascists of the media-political cartel that tries to appear like a bipartisan and ethical entity protecting America. 

I then THOUGHT to myself about what a hypocrite, how nasty, how the while supremacists who she claims (as I wrote) are so against the progress of civil rights and of feminism that they are willing to forego freedom of speech and of Democracy. I wrote this in the same exact verbal strings that she used for this interview, along with the other women who has attacked me with hate but always makes biting news stories appear like comedic tv shows for entertainment (comedy lessens the sting of outrage and that has been the function of so many of these betrayers of the United States put on tv and on the Tube to lessen the outrage with all their political jokes--it is a mind programming tactic and not an attempt to bring any kind of action on the part of the population--absolutely the reverse).

So, after hearing about 1.5 minutes of this horrid interview I THOUGHT to myself that it is her and her faux "feminist" bigot white supremacist "liberal/progressive" partner interviewing her that are incapable of "allowing" actual equality to take place. In the act of simply stealing my concept she is, as these actors have been doing for years, being portrayed as having these "alternative" sentiments which they literally steal from me but package the intent in a cloaked dagger conspiracy that this political/media package is comprised of. Betrayal of traitors who still are being (and even moreso after they attack me, even on the next day ==today--they are publicized for their silly and stupid quotes about how they "hate" Trump--who still presides over this contract out on me so they are in cahoots with him and his faction--as they always have been).

But the progression of me writing about their crimes and first being absolutely ignored by the world, tortured for writing about their criminal activities, then my concepts which I write of stolen by them--and they make sure to plaster their stolen concepts on  my every search as my computer is endlessly hacked and distorted with information only about the terrorist politicians and actors involved with torture, rape and mutilation and poisoning and drugging of my body and the theft and destruction of all I have and have eve worked for and have owned and loved. Total annihilation is their intent towards me, but slowly to suck the life and energy out of me and extract a baby (their next step in this hate contract--which I am fighting every day and for my life under the gaze of this endless surveillance fascist Nazi and Mafia global state apparatus (which most of you reading this are fully entrenched in).

So for the 2nd time this week, as I am trying to not write because no one is responding except to join in and get their free promotions for abusing and torturing raping dismembering slowly and stealing all they can to use as their fake representation for their political and acting careers--

I was also accosted by another black male actor when I just thought about how sick and rotten his movie is and his absolutely fanatical (complete with his wife and children) devotion to the white supremacist organization with aspirations to become "royalty"--I thought about the title of the movie that is in high ranking for the next fascist Nazi awards season in H-wood--and then I also thought about another actor (a blonde foreign female) who is also in the vying for top awards this fascist Nazi season for awards-granting. My uncle had been involved in the production and fame of the former H-wood generation (two generations ago more accurately) of this formerly famous tv star and her husband--a Cuban. This show and this actor are directly connected to my uncle who wrote scripts for many formerly famous (the most famous during that time-era, or some of the most famous shows on tv when there were only 3 channels to choose from). Comedies, in other words and family comedy drama stuff with politicized content imbued into the text. Using anything connected to me, as some wealthy fascist Europ-a bigot Nazi has put this contract out on me because I am fighting and fighting their rape, torture, exploitation and violence based on Europ-a fascist Nazi protocol, which these actors and politicians are jumping in delight to partake in and they all become more and more violent and ugly and sick as time goes by and they require more and more violence for their hormonal addiction in torture and violence.


So, I have only just seen the crap they force on my internet and they then teleport me once my consciousness is directed towards their revolting and ugly personalities and plastic-surgery coated faces and the rotten crap they are endlessly being advertised as "representing" for the media circus.

And now they are torturing me for thinking about what expletives they are after they come out with these concepts--its' not even torture for me expressing disgust in any written and thus "publically hacked" form as my posts all are--but just for THINKING about how rotten and traitorous and fake they are. In their lust to get free more awards and promotions they latch on to attack me, force teleportation skits of death and violence and my home is made stinking, filthy and disgusting so I wake up to dead insects, filth sprayed on items, items broken and then while sleeping I am screaming death wishes at them and screaming how disgusting they are. Later on they have huge smiles on their faces as they are instantly photographed for promotions and expectations of winning the top acting awards or getting on various shows to espouse their traitorous lies about how they "care" about the "liberal" causes (using my phrases or basing their promotional status on something they got for free for attacking me--whether stealing a concept or using anything associated with me or just being sick, sleazy and disgusting (as they truly all are in these teleportation skits--to influenced this ugly and putrid death squad mafia nazi organization to which they must all conform and bow down to--which they all do as the enslaved minions that they are.

With no justification they attack me with the most vicious hate possible although I have never harmed them or done anything to warrant endless DECADES of torture and murder attempts, being turned into a rape spectacle and abuse contract for every scamming fake to latch onto to promote a fake "liberal" front for the public, which often does the same in their massive collectiveness of "gang stalking" terrorism.


I am being very badly hacked and it's painful to continue to pound down on this keyboard. I spent 5 hours clearing out this system yesterday and I tried to get off YouTube apps because of the Google hacking and surveillance through these apps. But the "alternative" apps that are being touted as protecting privacy (alternative streaming video platforms or various other "encrypted" sites" were immediately hacked with the same celebrity videos and hacking began immediately once I got onto any streaming site regardless of claims of encrypted privacy.

Also the information was limited and I could not obtain information that I get from the very vast library of YouTube--so after just one day I am absolutely hacked and the keyboard is as impossible to use as it ever has been after trying to get these creeps and sleazes off my system, out of my sleeping healing space, out of my home, out of my life. They are now violating my very thoughts and torturing me because I am trying to not react to these worthless traitors who still remain at top positions even after decades of them not having been elected to any position of power. This is due to over 2 years of the political "feminist" mafia/Nazi blonde woman and her bigot partner "liberal" news commentator and endless media online magazines now endorsing every stupid anti-Trump statement they make. They are really and literally all supporters of Trump and act like the ugly and fascist women surrounding him and there is really almost no difference. They are all absolutely against anyone "like me" who doesn't want to be controlled by their need to be the only ones having power in any society--with a hierarchical embedded systematic version of absolute racism prescribing every power deal and promotion and structuring of every public appeal to justice and Democracy. I have written on these theme endlessly. I actually do not want to defer to these people I deem incompetent and betrayers of feminism and of race equality or freedom and especially of Democracy.

This former corruptician is now attacking me while hacking into my thoughts and torturing and abusing me using these covert technologies so only the fascist Nazi and Mafia network can see what a truly hideous and revolting amount of despotism they are actually employing for their ploys and plots at power hegemony. Thought-reading technology is now being used to absolutely crush my every thought and action to defend myself or just thinking about what sick and putrid crap they are after they hack their filthy and rotten faces onto my laptop endlessly like a stream of bs that I can never get away from so I am not triggered in hate and rage after they have literally tried to dismember and have slashed and poisoned my body until I am balding and my body is coated with scars (their minions always doing the dirty work for them--they remain smiling for photo-ops unblemished in every way).

Traitors and criminals of The Left. They have ensured that there are no loopholes for their mental constraint system for anyone who wants to have individualism or any type of mentality outside of their encoded and embedded versions of racism and sexism so that there is any chance of anyone "like me" of vying for power or being able to compete against these incompetent parasites.



Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Terrorist hacking report: I just logged into my new PNC bank account and something happened that has never happened with my last bank: one account had been hacked and all funds deleted and the entire account changed to another type of account (ending in the same account number) but with a zero balance. I had to close the browser and re-log in to obtain my correct bank statements with the money reinstated. That is how badly hackers are altering my documents and financial functioning. In the last 4 months my mail service has overcharged me by $200 for debit cards that I can't rely upon any mail source but the most expensive to have shipped to me with a tracking number. Because my bank went bust and I was never informed of this change by the essential mail that the bank had sent out regarding the complete change to another bank system (all credit/debit cards had to be replaced) and I was sent debit cards that expired long before the usual 4-6 year period that I was used to--and I didn't know that my bank would be changed so within 3 months I had so spend $200 more totaling $400 for 0.5 lb shipments to be sent via FedEX priority mail (taking of course 3+ days to arrive, with lies by Fed Ex even from phone calls and going into the office I am lied to. DHL, much less expensive, literally has opened my shipments and stolen items and I had no way to claim anything or get my items back. That was before every single thing I owned was stolen from me after this group had me arrested for a non-crime they concoted and forced upon me--also breaking my cat's rib cage and forcing me to do all kinds of things and being lied to in order to try to continue the YEARS of fighting to get this hardening poison out. They also reduced my income substantially and have forced every kind of poisoning on me with no ability for me to breathe fresh air at night due to impoverished status and living in tiny spaces where people just walk right in and disfigure and rape me and insert objects under my skin and put my spine and hips out of place and more and more. The celebrity haters keep laughing and asking me "why don' t you like this" so I can, in this hypnotized, truth-serum state of deep MK ULTRA "alter" sleep yell in rage at them which of course they get applauded for as "successful" mind control manipulation torture,/rape and terror agents. Always, every year, awarded for their "humanitarian" hate roles (or their criminal roles--which are far more benign than their actual dispositions and criminal behavior when they can get away with it). So I remain like this with all kinds of crimes being committed writing to the delight of the fascists as still no one ever protects me so I am not living in a continuous torture zone. People just love and people to torture and if you keep this situation going on and on the entire United States is going to collapse into a violent anarchistic but fascist monopolized corporate hate State. I realize most of you assume you are going to be beneficiaries of this system and so far the "party" to going "back to normal" of this hate system is so alluring because it's so easy and profitable and the party just keeps going on. I used to party in that zone as well and I can assure those who assume the party is not going to ever end that when the consequences of this hate system rebound upon you, you will fall so far and no one will catch you if no one ever exposes this system. The greed and hate of these people who operate and orchestrate these types of hate crime systems have boundless acquisition goals and will have no qualms about eliminating you and all you have obtained if they want to get back the investment they paid you for your collusion in this hate organization.

Terrorist violence report: Black bruises on my thighs this morning due to mechanical arms breaking into my room from the terrorists next door on all sides--pounding down into my flesh until bruises appear. My body does not bruise easily so they must have sustained a heavy amount of pressure. I was sleeping and teleported to the hate brainwashing abuse skits that are forced upon me by people smiling for cameras who have stolen my ideas (my cat, my peace, the healing I need to remove the poison that their fascist Nazi benefactors put in my body and then fractured vertebrae in this similar fashion while I was comatose and being teleported in a drugged up sleep). My entire body is coated with scars and blemishes--hair permanently damaged with thin regrowth from YEARS of them smearing damaging chemicals in my hair and on my skin--my skin completely damaged everywhere with scars tattooed into my skin by these terrorists. My toe is pointing at more than 45-degree into my other toes because this org broke the toe twice. I can't afford any health care whatsoever and risk further damage or even death/poisoning/injections by these doctors who ALL participate in this crime against me. But they have been slashing my skin between my toes and inserting objects under cuticles in the same spot for over 7 years (fingernails) but nearly a year or longer with the tissue between my broken toes--probably trying to completely sever my toes off in some way by restricting blood flow. My underarm hair won't grow back any longer and the skin is pummeled with what feels like dots--like they used hair removal while I was asleep. They severed out part of my uterus which came out one day when I was in the shower--this was about 5 years ago. I can't afford hormone replacement therapy. The list is so long. When I wrote earlier today about being disabled,--that is due 100% to poisoning with hardening chemicals and my hips and spine being manipulated out-of-alignment by terrorists coming into my room while I am sleeping in the "alter" MK ULTRA state, teleported so I feel nothing and I am injected with pain-killers so don't realize upon waking in my lifetime of drugging and poisoning that it has recurred. The organization through all their tentacles of minions and operations first would have me put into very violent, life-threatening accidents (sometimes caused by the microchip implants literally making my body jump at crucial moments while I was traveling so I would jerk parts of my body while driving or running). I would be okay after the accident but would wake up to serious injuries the day after--only in retrospect do I now realize that terrorists would break my vertebrae while I was in a comatose "sleep" "alter" situation. I want to point out also at this point (I am now editing as hackers blocked my typing with all kinds of hacks so I had to start at the beginning of this "title" post, and I can't fast-forward to the spot where they blocked my post) but...I want to add they fractured vertebrae along with an at least 2-inch thick (in parts) hard wedge of poison that feels like a kind of cement block literally forming a kind of "shelf" inside my body in my back--it's so hard I can pound it with my fist and I feel nothing and it doesn't move. That is after more than TEN YEARS of fighting while being tortured and abused night and day for over a decade to try to guess how to get this out while I am denied ultrasound health care I need to try to break it up, forced to languish in dire poverty in a 3rd world country on subpoverty income). Now, the disability status of student loan relief is being denied me so far by all the establishment entities dealing with student loans and social security because Trump wanted to change my status of being chronically and permanently disabled into having to undergo reviews of my case twice a year, with threats to come into the Orlando office often requested and threats of cutting off my only sustainable income as a constant threat--all used in this change of my status to threaten me constantly and use this mechanism to force me into subjugation. I now seem to not be able to apply for student loan forgiveness due to this change of status, while everyone from Trump to Pelosi who operate as one organization are torturing me because I am fighting to defend my human rights and constitutional rights as well--which all of these very wealthy, the very "liberal" ones in H-wood, are not just denying me but denying as my rights at all in all respects as they gloat and are paid in millions and promotions and highest awards for this injustice they are spawning along with their children. Every single year a list of these terrorist fascist, Nazi, Mafia actors are in the top tiers of Academy Awards status vying for top prize--and year after year it's really literally the same people and it is never changed only rotates from one to the next. //All I can say is that I hope to whatever power there is out there that does not want a fascist minority-minion empire of white supremacy to rule over H-wood and the US Government to not put Will Smith, Nicole Kidman or Gaga into top priority every again for any award or prize. There are many others, I have written of them but this year the criminals who have viciously attacked me are all in line for more Oscars. //I ask for the millionth time for JUSTICE and for this crime to be stopped against me. That my cat(s) are returned alive and healthy to me. All of these hateful fascists have their children and spouses and lovers and friends and mansion. I have nothing every single thing has been stolen and taken away from me. I just want my cat La Moux returned while she is still alive, if she is still alive. I need my OWN HOME and for this sex slave torture situation to be stopped. I am still surrounded by terrorists at every elevator exit and entrance with people pushing baby carriages as signs of the baby contract these hateful rapist fascist users and abusers want to suck and drain out of me after years of torturing me for their promotion contracts and years of them stealing ideas and blocking my chances to even type a "complaining" post as I am struggling to do right now (backspacing and retyping words and fighting hacking every word). that these terrorists who have stolen ideas and been paid to inflict as much hate and destruction upon me to the point of near-death for years be forced to pay restitution for these crimes--after they have tortured me to extract ideas and concepts which have been stolen and stolen from me with zero compensation but only more hate and violence as they clasp on to get more and more free deals and p

The End Suits the Means. The Lowest Common Denominator always rises to the top. (A pair German Nazi statements that have been attributed to Hitler, although I cannot find these quotes and their source on any page online since my searches and every telecommunications attempt is blocked/hacked and thwarted or denied by the terrorist organization. Clarification of the phone terrorism this terrorist mafia/Nazi/fascist organization that I wrote of yesterday, which this hate group has inflicted upon me with full consent of Executive US leadership and trickling on down to the lowest dregs of society with the same behavioral patterns at all levels.

 My statement above means that the lowest of the low are exactly the same as the highest of this down-low, lowdown organization which uses the most vile and base tactics. I am certain they would all claim the famous adage that The End Suits the Means.. 

I write this morning (not early as I spent hours being put on hold by the terrorist organization while phoning the most important financial and societal organizations related to the US Government and Student loans last night--to be put into a terrorist vice of lies, connection disruptions created by the terrorists on the other end of the line--and lied to endlessly about what should be a very easy and simple operation for student loan forgiveness, which I should be entitled to.

The terrorists are now trying to make it so I can't be exempted from qualifying disability loan forgiveness so they put me through the equivalent of burning hoops and eventually after 2 hours of being lied to, yelled at, the connection making endless loud static noises due to people just using keys or software to disrupt the line so when they would ask me a question the line would go static as they would yell "hello" and all kinds of pointless nasty questions that weren't related to the topic.

The sequence went as these attack situations almost inevitably go: first I was verbally assaulted by the minority male on the phone who was the entrance to the gates of the hell that these monsters create for their attack situations. There is always either one or a group of brown/black or otherwise minorities attacking me on the first phone call, for every bank call to obtain information--and I inevitably must try to deal with the white people who do not feign that they cannot understand, who speak in blathering speed but lie perpetually so I can't get anything reasonable done at any level. By the time my drugged up brain obtains a person who can actually speak English, I am put into a giddy and artificially-enthralled state through all the stress and trauma that the very abusive, trained through a lifetime of oppression minority types coming from 3rd world dictatorship societies who are adept at the promotional qualifications that are required for them to be at the positions of being the first rung in the hate, fascist, racist and absolutely sexist ladder--so I get them first most of the time in almost every situation. As immigration has exploded into the United States, I don't have to be outsourced for this endless partnership to be inflicted in the most basic of US services on any information-quest by phone or in person in offices. Always it is a hostile minority who has been trained in the depravity of oppression who inflicts it upon me with the most caustic hate they can muster up for playing the role that white bigot fascist has ordered them to do. They certainly can't beat them they have joined them like conjoined twins (but always on a lower status of course and deferential to the extreme of groveling obsequiousness).

 This is always the segue to the white male or female who I am later on, after being yelled at because "no understan English" attempts to trigger anger, rage or a feeling of helplessness in me--that these brown/black/minority minions always are so expert at provoking because they are so immersed in victimization culture and their one aim is to get out by being a part of that hate system (obviously, just to make the point more clear but everyone knows this intrinsicly anyway).

Yesterday I phoned THE US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION and after 25 minutes of jingle-jangle static and interruptions I got a male with a 3rd world accent who miserably with hate just said "hello" with glum negativity into the phone. This is always the entrance to the hell of the fascist white Nazi/Mafioso from these highly reputable US agencies and banks who have their nasty minorities there to trigger the initial blasting into my consciousness of negativity so they can easily persuade me that their fast-talking bs is accurate and with all their cheery vocal responses that they are friendly and helpful. I am always drugged and always under brain-altering attack under every single attempt to communicate with anything or anyone and it is heightened while I attempt to make these phone calls.

I was transferred twice after the nasty brown/black male with an accent, yelling "hello" with hate into the phone as he disrupted the connection on his end, yelling, and then yelling with hate, "what is your phone number" and of course, me not having a phone because all I do is sit in a room stagnating from poisoning and inertia while paralyzed from murder attempt poisoning and all health care blocked from me for decades--has left me without the need for having a phone. I am disabled and I have gone through all the hoops that the US Government has forced for me to apply and be accepted into this status. I am currently trying to apply for disability student loan forgiveness because President Biden passed some kind of $5 billion grant so permanently disabled students get automatic student loan forgiveness. I should not have had to even make this phone call but the Social Security Administration which I had to phone for days and waiting for hours to get any response after being yelled at, because my mail service refused to copy and send information Social Security had mailed to me--about my benefits being cut due to their change of my status from being permanently disabled to being endlessly harassed for reviews of my case. My medical records state visibly that I am chronically disabled due to various vertebrae having been crushed (but it was due to "accidents" as far as I knew when applying so many years/decades ago and after having to wait and be X-rayed multiple times and going to various experts I was diagnosed as being permanently disabled--all the disability forced--I mean every single injury and all the problems with my spine are due 100% to vicious and murder-attempt attacks by this hate Nazi Mafia organization.

I phoned SSA back in September when my benefits had been cut off because for the 8th time in 4 years (after 20 years of one single mail-out questionaire about my health status since I was put on SSA in 1997) but now since Trump I have been sent endless review requests and the threat of telling me to go in person to an office in Orlando would destroy my life and they have been threatening me with this 2-times per year since Trump took office. It has not changed much since Biden took office, and Nancy Pelosi has proven that she is a more vicious violent Nazi Mafia terrorist than Hillary Clinton but very much on the same level as the Mafia actors out of Brooklyn who always play these very violent roles in these "Italian-American" mafia sagas like The Godfather and Goodfellas. You know who I mean. Pelosi is more violent and abusive than they are, at verbally. But they are all murdering bigots waiting for their big chance when they don't have to pretend they are just doing their jobs and they are waiting for the days when death squads and holocaust revivals are rampant. That is what the US Government is also covertly assisting in every single way.

So, I am supposed to have already been granted automatically debt relief, but as of last night before I wrote my post from hours of being diverted to various lying and abusive agents making my very simple questioning for my status impossible. I was told that Social Security has not sent anything out to NELNET or the Dept of Education about my disability status. I was then lied to by the glibly laughing, smug white male who sounded like a computer game wanking nerd about how I have to prove that I am totally and permanently disabled and Social Security has to have me on a 5-year review cycle (which is new to me, as before Trump I was only asked one single time for a review and as I just wrote above, since 2016 this is twice a year with requests to go in-person to Orlando offices for an in-person review, which should not be done. I am completely disabled and my medical records prove it and there does not need to be any review for any reason. They have changed my status for this kind of attack upon me. 

After I was "brainwashed" into laughing and giggling and telling this  top layer of the lowest common denominator white male that he was so helpful (he was lying, giggling as his attack pyramid scheme and the mind control/drugging and universal terrorist operation working like a horizontal/global scheme had once more assisted a fascist white supremacist who operates for the US Department of Education, or Social Security, or for all of the qualifying loan agencies that are part of the central core of US higher education where I get a 3rd world level response of incompetence and hostility and then the white male supremacist giggling smirking smug lying and discrimination scam and then... I was told to once more contact Social Security to ask them if I am on a permanent disability status and not anything less than a 5-year review cycle--I have no way to know how much of what I was told was a lie or accurate at this point, as the debt forgiveness should have automatically been awarded to me by these agencies cooperating but nothing has happened so far. I then tried to phone Social Security on this issue of disability loan forgiveness for the THIRD TIME and after 35 minutes of status-laden disruptions and no answer, I finally hung up. I forgot to say that I was first attacked by the hostile, yelling ("hello, i can't hear you" guy who yelled with hate, "what is your phone number" which was not related to my question it was just a harassment technique--throughout the entire hate ordeal I remained extremely chirpy positive because I was trying not to succumb to hate and negativity and was just trying to get some kind of answer of out this hate incompetent minion of white supremacist bigots telling him to attack me with hate--which these minions have all been so imbued by and have grown up all their lives under the yoke of). I was then told he didn't have the answers after waiting for him to pick up for 25 minutes, then 15 minutes of going in circles with static and the line going blank while he yelled in hate at me "What?" and etc, only to tell me he was going to transfer me to another department, answered by an Indian man who could not say the names of the departments correctly and then told me to phone another department.

The next department (NELNET) was answered by the giggling and chirpy polite blathering lying white male who told me all kinds of stuff and when I told him under mind control, because this is such a vital thing for me to do, to eliminate this loan, and thus I was infected by the mind control tech which operated in tandem with the drugging that is ever-present in my life despite every 100% effort to stop this endless drugging destruction and deterioration of my body and health and life.

I then tried to phone Social Security and hung up after more than 35 minutes of static and being put on hold.

This scenario is not new. I was subjected to this same protocol of hate and lies and abuse when phoning major US agencies from student loans to universities to applications to Medicaid to every medical office to etc--for decades--at least over 20 years this same thing has been the standard protocol for my every attempt to obtain even a prescription refill. That is the United States today, the lowest mentality is being promoted to the highest levels of society.

Thus, I still have gotten nothing done after 2-3 hours of being abused on the phone by nasty agents who were instructed how to attack and trigger and then lie and inflict endless delays and incompetent responses on their end so I got absolutely nothing done whatsoever. I was told months ago when asking about this Biden act to allow disabled students automatic debt forgiveness-phoning Social Security back when the law passed I was told that I had to wait until the end of the year for them to be upgraded on this information. I was told this once again by another agent one month later. I read on the Dept of Education website that the requests for these loans had to be completed by the end of this year-meaning I was lied to repeatedly and put on delay and I still can't apply for this essential loan status. I was lied to by the white male giggling into the phone with smug and glib happiness when I said that the people answering the phones before me were not very accurate--he giggled that smug and delighted laugh that these terrorist white supremacists laugh when they have orchestrated their nasty minorities to attack me for them, while they act like they are the stable, competent and honest deliverers of correct information and help. He lied to me saying that there is no deadline and I can wait indefinitely if I so chose to try to file this. Meanwhile I was blocked from contacting the main Social Security phone line for over 35 minutes and by that time it was 2 am. and I had been drugged and I am always sick from stress, poisoning and torture and drugging and violence endlessly heaped upon me in my every waking and sleeping hour.


Writing this post has been a non-stop series of hacking insertions and letter juxtapositions so I must backspace and rewrite words constantly. I have not edited this post to see how badly hackers have deleted and rewritten what I have posted above. I edit my writing while I am writing so everything should have been reasonably coherent and cognizant but I'm sure hackers will delete words and rewrite to discredit me.

The exertion of just trying to get around the keyboard malware and stiffness of the keys and the keyboard keys not operating as I type and fight and pound down makes typing also impossible and I have struggled endlessly just to get this very small post out.

I wait, as I have waited, for any humanity on the part of my government and the people reading this to make a full and complete stop of this government-sponsored terrorism aimed at me. I want to add that as I have written many times before concerning Pelosi, who has been hailed as having helped to pass "feminist" empowering legislation in the BBB Act, who has fervently supporting white male fascist Nazis in raping and abusing and torturing me in all their nefarious operations and technologies. Threatening to have my foot chopped off with that huge bodybuilder "actor" out of Austria just one week prior to the 2nd Stimulus Bill (where California got a huge chunk of the stimulus where it was not really needed but wanted for Pelosi's handouts to her corporate and fascist Nazi Californian donors and friends, along with s-negger who is absolutely a fascist Nazi infiltrator into the United States--welcomed with red carpet by the likes of these mafia and Nazi w-wood acting minions who aspire to be nobility like fascist aristocrats of old--(welcoming in English Royalty in the guise of an interview regarding racism aimed at that American actress who has provided a bridge between the media establishment and English Monarchy--with news of Royals now plastered on US entertainment sites like those tabloids back in England and the UK.

I am now struggling to get out every single word, the hacking is very bad. If I double space and try to create a new paragraph the font size changes to the smallest size--etc etc. The keys are so stiff I am pounding down. I write a word clearly with pounding of my fingers and hand and the keys are jumbled after I type correctly.. This is impossible for me to go on and on like this i must stop now. I am not able to write anything more than a few badly hacked/rewritten paragraphs every few hours and it is so tedious and time-consuming it takes more than an hour to pound out 5 or more paragraphs--requiring more than 10 times longer than it should if this hacking were not blocking my every attempt at communication.

I am also not able to think clearly--every time I get off the laptop and physically walk away I "remember" how many of the most salient points and phrases I wanted to write which are literally being blasted out of my consciousness, and they always re-emerge once I walk away from this brain-blasting attack while I sit here fighting to get ANYONE TO DEFEND ME AND STOP THIS ENDLESS CRIME which no one will even admit is a crime. The celebrities keep asking me "why don't you like this"? as if there is something wrong with me adn they are just doing the normal. That is what Oprah the talk-show compassionate white supremacist adornment for the media kept asking as she viciously attacked me and her minions operating for her filth empire of lies poured fungus and filth into my home. She defended this nasty German rapist who beat and slapped and raped me in a most violent and ugly way while she would yell at me because I was fighting to stop the teleportation rape. That is the behavior of all the most famous of the blacks in H-wood and the lowest common denominator, which these very wealthy blacks in the media are just exactly like, the lowest street-corner abuser yelling at me or the blacks attacking me as their smug white supremacist handlers sit in the background smug and smiling with satisfaction that their entire empire of hate has created such a universal system.

Meanwhile I have hours and days ahead of me to fight endless phone calls of being spun around in lying circles and cycles by these minions, the blacks and Latinos yelling in hate and coughing into the phone, to the whites who are so happy and glib talking very fast and lying repetitiously while feigning that I must have a "good day" after their hate and abuse cycle has lead me nowhere but to have to fight to just get the most simple questions answered to obtaining what should have been done months ago by Social Security to getting accurate information that I need from my mailing service to my bank and etc etc. Of course, I am blocked from earning money and I must live in squalor and filth and toxic fungus and mold which is killing my body because of this organization with it's lateral and horizontal framework of discrimination. Oh how many minorities participate in this--at top levels of US society it's just an endless deception.

So I have been entrapped into this system and there appears to be no one at any upper level of society who has any interest in protecting me from this evil system of hate and murder. I continue to write these posts because I wait for some change in power. Maybe it will happen , but so far the children of these rapists who participate in these hate crimes have been put into lead position and the cycles never end. Aged people who are in control have created their pyramid, as they orchestrate more catastrophes for the minorities who then join the ranks of the oppressors. They all rise up like a stinking rot wafting up from the bottom to the top of a rotten organization that is truly destroying nature, the planet, and of course all equal rights, women's rights, which they claim they "represent" in their posturing antics but all they aspire is to promote themselves or their associates but could care less about the ramifications of turning that same discrimination upon people who are being targeted due to racist or sexist labeling and targeting, which they are all instructed to obey without thought and to prove their "leadership" qualifications in enabling the worst fascist and murder operation perhaps in history as this is an inter-connected global operation.

The tyrannies and 3rd world crises keep worsening and more conscripts into this huge mafia Nazi organization become more minions who perform the hate and dirty deeds while the bigot white supremacists sit back smirking and smug. Their lowest common behavior is now being exalted in the throes of superhero movie fodder of H-wood. The compassionate actors are all snarling rabid vicious racist rapist haters behind their posturing acts and so are many of the top leading politicians (I think Pelosi is disliked even by the white supremacists). 

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...