Actually, one of the celebrities had the equivalent of a dark "dungeon" type basement area where he teleported me, complete with something like a huge balboa snake (a huge python--but it was white, in a completely blackened cozy basement dungeon type private space). He was one of the most relaxed and unpretentious people who didn't grab and clutch like a brazen parasite feigning being aristocrat or happy cheery colorful bright--shining parasites who feed off this contract wearing pink and yellow and bright white---dark sinister hateful empty dark holes of violence, RACISM beyond belief as they ARE Nazis after all.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, October 2, 2023
These shelf-life expired celebrities have a new movie and album coming out so they "have to" torture me in teleportation to get their next free deal out of this. They have been going on for over a decade as well, mostly in the background but now taking turns with the other English goon squad, fully supported by the American goon squad puppets of the English Crown, Ltd criminal 4th Reich infiltration Imperialism pre-American Revolution cartel--.When will they be pried off attacking me, I wonder? I am not capable of imagining a point of light and meditating after I have been drugged up, they teleport me while I am in a deep sleep to hate and violence, they then begin for HOURS every morning attacking me and I try to be pleasant and make jokes as they ask me for ideas and information constantly, which this entire group is constantly stealing and using as their own concept. Then they attack my nervous system with their tech blasting at my body and brain in the rooms next to mine in this global terror operation, then I finally can't take it any longer as I rush at them violently to get them to stop insulting abusing asking me questions that they can steal while constantly calling me stupid a loser a bitch a whore and etc...then they go on and on until I am fighting to kill them, and then I turn on the laptop and my attention goes towards news about Nazi uprisings in America, which was exacerbated when this group of celebrity scumdum put Trump into power using this same system and terror technology. Every SINGLE day it goes on and on. Pelosi, AOC, Raskin, Harris, Graham, Cruz, Kinzinger, Trump, Klobuchar, RJK, Jr., West, and if I have forgotten any of the criminal politicians who have come to see, giggling, participating, threatening to kill me, patting the pig ape scumbag whores of whorewood on the back and then getting interviews from the media with MSNBNC anchors doing the same, reacting to my rage after years of that news reporting agency participating in this, a couple of them violently yelling and racist abuse, etc and I remain writing about it for yet another day of grey hairs trying to overtake my natural health and my body endlessly breaking down from suffocation from stress.//"Crazy-making"/drugging/torturing teleporting celebrity Nazi/Mafia bigots of all shapes and colors and nationalities, these hell-beings always enlisting more to assault me, always in repetition taking turns and coming back as they take turns-- attacking me for hours and hours daily, monthly, yearly non-stop travail and today it was yet another English push for infiltration and hegemony over American entertainment and politics. I tried to not sink into the abyss of their cavernous yawning hate mode, which they revel in and feed off, they are truly disgusting and malevolent and as they endlessly ask me for ideas for them to steal so they can appear original, they are constantly yelling every kind of "stupid" label at me and after deforming me for decades that they are "more beautiful" as they never stop the energy sucking hate destruction of my body and life via more mutilation and drugging and poisoning. Today, this morning it was yet another one returning now taking a lead role whereas his partner the scraggly ugly scumbag guitarist of his disgusting band which should have been shelved when it's expiration date came and went decades ago. my attempt at humor, trying to dispel the negativity until I just could not take any more after about 3-4 hours of this going on and on. Them yabbering as my body was inundated with nervous system remote electronic assault upon my brain and body as they poked and abused and it turned into me not being able to handle both the simultaneous attack of a group of shitty pigs who have mutilated and poisoned me and abused me with hundreds of t housands of Nazis assaulting me for them in the streets, while driving and in every capacity every business transaction every landlord every health care attempt to survive--and so sickened by them that finally I explode but mostly it's due to the drugging and the abuse and then the remote and microchip implant interface assaulting my subconscious and my nervous system--so I must vent, and hope that perhaps ONE FUCKING DAY someone will stop this but for the time being, I now am helping someone I don't want to help in any way by writing about how sick, fake, evil and Nazi he is and this is what "they" want every day, it gains them a promotion and for their shitty Nazi shit crap children as well. But I write hoping it will affect this do-nothing readership who so lavishes in glee that it's happening to me as you all allow them to continue--so I issue this warning, I help the rotten dinosaur get his filthy promotion and I warn you once more about English Nazi and Europigape fascist 4th Reich infiltration into America: I tried to be pleasant and not sink as usual into screaming and rushing at them trying to kill them. this is the state they force onto me every day and no matter what, after hours and hours and hours and hours of this tech with these shit dirty ugly sick psycho scumbags going at me, day after day for years and years and decades with this tech, and I can't stop them can't turn them off I can't turn away and not have to see or hear them. I remain ALONE in this torture chamber room. I write and they only get promotions so they never stop attacking me to the point of explosion. I fight to heal they keep poisoning me so I remain bloated and poisoned and drugged and sick and unable to move so they can just endless torture the "sitting duck" for their filthy dirty promotions. Policicians join in to get their own promotion and to prove to the Nazi fascists that they really don't mean what they are spewing about "Democracy" or "Equality" so they abuse, rape, beat and insult and join in laughing and glaring in hate at me and go off dancing with applause as they blather out more shit about how they are "fighting" against Trump, their partner in this hate contract out upon me. I try to be calm and stable but NO ONE could endure this and every day for hours and while sleeping as well and then endless attacks by the dirty minorities surrounding me who are so anxious to prove how hostile and foul and nasty they are to white Nazi bigotry who they adore.//so I try to be calm and I can't remain so with this endless barrage of hate and yelling and abuse and violence that your smiling cheery celebrities and politicians endlessly pour on me every single day for hours and hours with this teleportation. Today it was another piece of rotten shit who has a shit Nazi white supremacist Daughter--the mother had been married to the nazi of Fox News from Australia, another English colony replete with bigots who are extremely violent and nasty and thuggish. //Trying to make humor as they attack me and eventually I can't go on because my body is being assaulted by energy manipulation technologies while I am alone with no human contact and stuck paralyzed and unable to move and am just a target who can't even begin to turn around to get away from the pigs or turn them off it's in my inner ear nd then I see them. Finally I lose my temper from it all-- disgusting people and silly names I ascribe in an attempt to not take them too seriously. All are malevolent murdering bigots with histories of murder and death and Nazis and hate crimes all protected, all disguised, all put into lead positions for the 4th Reich media/entertainment political torture amptheatre: surrounding them: Dinosaur cock yuck rock donald duck maga: Terrorist hacking report: internet turned on and off remotely every 30 seconds. I've had to restart and restart and unplug the router and unplug the computer and restart non=-stop for 2 hours. Literally I have been running to clean the stinking filth and try to get the teleportation thug celebrity hate group to shut up after hours and hours of attacks in both deep sleep and waking teleportation state--with hate, me rushing at yet another expletive who has gotten their and their children's endless promotions from this contract--slowly murdering me after I have fought to get their partners who are now their cohorts and benefactors to stop directly murdering me with poisoning--so they all have continued. Rushing at me with hate, "why won't you do what we want" which is for me to give them anything they ask without question, MAGA style fascism which is NEVER stopped by any of the leading Democrats in both House and Senate who have rushed to get exemption from scrutiny from the fascist Nazis by demonstrating how violent and sexually and verbally abusive they are towards me--presidential candidate after candidate have also joined in. I remain fighting them ALONE as they attack and attack. I swear I will destroy them if possible, they continue to threaten my life, I continue to fight t he poison they all inserted via their proxy rapists after they raped and beat and tortured me for over a decade then had their goons rape and beat and mutilate my body while they were teleoporting me in a deep sleep state. Not a single politician will get involved and protect even the most basic of human rights and all join in and mock and laugh deride and threaten to kill me or watch, observe, try to get whatever they can and go away blathering the bs about "The American" people, which of course they have excluded me from participating in. The rest of American society has done the same which is why I have had to live in foreign countries now for a huge portion of my life and they are still coming after me after I spent years fighting murder via gang stalking poisoning and abuse and health care denied me even with Medicaid I was lied to perpetually. Now filthy dirty pig ape whore pieces of shit gather daily who all have millions and billions of dollars to assault me because their dirty nasty money can't be spent on the founding of their monopoly they have to torture me to get this contract in order to continue to NOT PAY a cent but instead get their and their shitty mediocre spawn filth shit children into free and endless lead roles while I see them every day as only ogre dumb scum meaningless mediocrities who fake and fake and fake and steal ideas. I remain again writing another post for the day.
Actually, one of the celebrities had the equivalent of a dark "dungeon" type basement area where he teleported me, complete with something like a huge balboa snake (a huge python--but it was white, in a completely blackened cozy basement dungeon type private space). He was one of the most relaxed and unpretentious people who didn't grab and clutch like a brazen parasite feigning being aristocrat or happy cheery colorful bright--shining parasites who feed off this contract wearing pink and yellow and bright white---dark sinister hateful empty dark holes of violence, RACISM beyond belief as they ARE Nazis after all.
Saturday, September 30, 2023
Terrorist Teleportation terror and violence & Terrorist noise report: pounding outside my door in the hallway. Incessant pounding nearly shaking my countertop. The endless pounding and hammering once more commences. They have pounded with drills and hammers going on for 8 hours per day for almost one year in the span of years I have lived in this terror/torture unit. //The internet turned off at least 16 times repeatedly for 3 hours this morning. I have to unplug the laptop and the router, clear cache, restart and then turn off the laptop, unplug everything, then re-plug first the router, wait for it to connect (hackers slow it down and make it stop connecting as it begins to connect and then goes black so I must repeat) then....turning on the laptop once more after unplugging and turning off--then they do it again. Spending at least one hour or longer just doing this every few minutes to get the endless disgusting news about all the terrorists who have tortured and teleported me getting awards, praise, cheers, applause and a few commentators disparaging some of them, but no one still defends me or stops this vile insidious group of the (fake) "Opposition" to the "fascist" movement which they fully join in to prove they truly are NOT against the actual onset of fascist leadership to which they yearn to become the fake opposition as a seeming "counter balance". This is mostly the group teleporting me with a few exceptions (i.e. to get immunity for testifying in a certain legal case regarding the Insurrection) but otherwise I am stuck with vicious "liberal" fascist Nazis of Wh-wood and Congress endlessly assaulting me. I react because they NEVER STOP. It never ends. It goes on and on. The country is on the brink of all kinds of disaster. The expletives continue fighting for their piece of the pie not caring that the pie is rancid and rotten and they are pouring more toxicity onto the American Dream. They only want aristocratic entitlement with mansions and plantations and private jets and spots in media and fame and fortune and exemption from the apparent mass genocide and mass death that is being, apparently, planned for millions of people not only with this dire technology but in every way possible. I write and am tortured. I don't write and I am slowly murdered. I write and am slowly tortured to death. I write and no one comes to help. I don't write and the torture increases.
IN teleportation this morning while I was either in the deep theta sleep state or maybe a more awake, near awakening Delta or other state, once more a fist appeared punching into my face as the man who did this I wrote about yesterday, of course in disparaging words because he's an utter scum and filthy parasite who has tortured me for over a decade. He brought one of his English thug actors to do the same a few days ago.
A black male, American, played his duplicity game by pretending that he was "Helping" me and even in this deep state sleep, I knew and understood his game. I had also watched one of his movies where he did something very similar when someone was being killed (it was a gas station shooting murder in LA, I think in that city but in some large city and he ran to "help" the victim who had been shot as he embraced him only to kill him with a sadistic smile and hateful "f-u" type sentence as they all drove away to the "hood")
Still, getting rid of the endless violent parasite only to be confronted in this state where again I could not turn away, I woke up as he went on and on in increasingly insulting tones, commenting on my music and then on me and racist slurs (because he's obsessed with racist slurs being aimed at him so, like all the terrorists, they must inflict their deep misery upon someone else, I have become a pseudo-psychologist from years of observing the mental and emotional and sexual problems of these "stars" and "leaders" while in this most vulnerable but altered state so I see in a different way than in usual light and substance. I see their emotions I see the psychology much more clearly than the plastic surgery or superficial cosmetic make-up they have so highly paid for).
This man has also punched me in the past working for a Eurpigape fascist Nazi from Austria and he did so under the most ridiculous context that was like a dictator using violence for the most simple of self-defense sentences on my part after MONTHS AND MONTHS of this ugly white pig ape taking notes on all I said, with months and months of the black pig ape attacking me and participating
so I said one sentence that wasn't accommodating with deference and the black sick pig ape scum fake punched me in the face because I said I didn't need the approval of the white piece of Nazi shit who had been taking notes on all I said so he could potentially steal something, as this contract is all about and then destroying me actually more than stealing ideas.
Years later, because I wrote a post about two Black people who were exemplary artists, the Black one came to feign being something akin to the exceptional talents that I wrote of, as if this meant I wanted him because his pigmentation is "black".
I was comparing some pop musicians to one of the black performers who made a most notable comment about how her defining talent, in the artist's opinion, was in her "gowns" and that was an insult and done in such a subtle way. That is the reason I posted her but also to demonstrate the absolute difference in vocal quality--I did not post a video of this Nazi creep women because you can all look up her endless videos yourself.
I posted about Prince because I was referring to the 80's when I had moved to Minneapolis from Milwaukee and was literally surrounded by agents endlessly talking about celebrities who are still pasting their videos and have been stalking me in this horrid contract through this "no evidence" style global information-sharing network and death squad operative goon squad system---
I then meandered in my thought to Prince from back then to now--which lead me to the conclusion that there may have been an execution and the people teleporting me gained from it and had motive. I wrote clearly. I was threatened with violence by the creepy blonde Nazi shitty pig pitt and then by Ice Cube whose "game" I didn't believe in. He proved me right. He said that he was "worse" than the white Nazi pig apes, and considering the black hate for "jews" and the labels these ignoramus scumbags always must superimpose on me, which I can't get around as they are intent to justify their murderous impulse they have been programmed into (Ice Cube's anti-semitism is doubtless in the movie he put out about the "Jew" who he truly wanted to see get "got" and perhaps helped bring that about through this death squad poisoning system that I have barely survived and am still in deadly peril of--which that pig ape never for a moment stopped or helped me with.
When will these expletives be stopped when will the government step-in and do their job of protecting the US Constitution and human rights they are endlessly blathering about, in particular the "Democrats" who claim this is their platform and yet, so many of "them" have come to join in and mock, laugh at and watch me get raped, beaten, poisoned and tortured to death alongside the Trump faction of pig apes from Whorewood.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023
Thusly, this is how the terrorist celebrities and others have obtained ideas from me that are "liberal" or "woke" which is, from their violence and torture, and due to incessant drugging, and "truth serum"-effect technology, plus non-stop torture with this technology whereby i cannot stop talking to the disgusting parasites I find loathsome, I spill my ideas and they go on and on torturing me for hours every day, and night, and all day, and everywhere I go in this dehumanizing death circuit of technology and death squad "gang stalking". I write my ideas, as I just did today about this next actor expletive and water supply preservation and the encroachment of greedy and life-screw operatives like this colonized subject from Canada but of the 4th Reich English and Europ-a-land global cartel that Hitler promised the Germans, but in effect also the English/French/et al co-conspirators for the 3rd Reich; now the 4th Reich and in H-wood. Thus this Canadian hateful creepy man has obtained not only his promotion but now more ideas one of the creeps of this incredibly huge group can steal, my words or concepts and turn them into Nazi Mafia haters who can borrow the concept to make Nazis and Mafia look like heroes (I mean the actors of those groups, whether they are black, Jewish or whatever national origin they may appear their true affiliation is the central organizing agency which metes out protocols and instructions down to exactly what to say in scripts that are followed implicitly. //And it never ends. I have no more tolerance for this so I react now almost upon a few hours of violence and abuse as opposed to hours and hours as they have been doing daily for well over a decade. Now "just" three hours and I'm in that state because I thought this pig ape scumbag was gone, but I should have known as his rotten photo has appeared on my internet endlessly for all these years, still clinging to finding any excuse for torturing and abusing me for his next promotion. So I wrote about a topic that vaguely touches tangentially on what occurred THREE YEARS AGO for less than FIVE MINUTES of this person sexually exploiting me and attacking me, then raping and threatening to kill me, then plastering his symbolism about himself (I said he looked like a bear while I was in teleportation). Non-stop bear videos have appeared on my social media for the past 3 years. Today he found, like any parasite endlessly looking for any crack or niche to suck it's tentacles into and suck out whatever possible, as I wrote about this five minute interlude that was lewd with him running around with violence after I said, under hypnosis, because where I am living at that time there was a water shortage and on the news there was constant reminders to conserve water. I said just nicely to not waste water as he violently reacted like a knee-jerk f-tard. //And now THREE YEARS LATER when I posted some articles from the local paper about water shortage, tourist depletion of water supply and lack of adequate water sanitation facilities in this tiny tourist area for the millions that pour in, I was just trying to make a point about assuming that because you pay a hotel bill you can run the hot water endlessly not thinking or considering about the area, the current situation of planetary water shortages and climate crisis. People are still acting like everything is for them to grab and suck out as much as possible if there are not hindrances. That is the mentality that this contract out on me is absolutely promoting and it is a death mentality all the way around from the personal to the impact on how people consider nature and how to use and exploit anything they can if there are no blocks to their greed. The shit pig ape whores who have gone after me for over a decade--the English filth pig I thought was creepy and unattractive who teleported and raped me for about 6 years non-stop with only a few breaks as the Italian ugly sleazy Mafia creep I met both only twice for a few minutes, thought their sexual rape attempts and sleazy insulting approaches towards me were less than thrilling--I avoided both. Respectively they have attacked me for 35 years and 25 years. //Connected to them is this creep from Canada, this famous actor who plays a rescuer for global Big Brother overtake. It's more than hypocritical almost maniacal ridiculousness to consider the actual lack of respect he has for life and nature and his expectation of being able to suck out and rape and abuse and threaten someone vulnerable and helpless in this situation as I am. But, they will now steal the concepts, perhaps, if they can, that I just wrote about, if the Nazi pig ape Mafia 4th Reich organization can ever consider not shoving endless conspicuous consumption that is and make a movie about the tragedy unfolding regarding exploitation of the planet and it's demise. That is transferred to personal relationships which in turn is transferred to the mind programming apparatus of American society that is unravelling quite rapidly right now on the political and societal level. I suggest that a massive mind programming technological onslaught is being inflicted upon masses of people in a much larger system of mind control similar to what I am being endlessly tortured by.
But "they " still need ideas to crank out so the masses will not be alarmed that their entire system may suddenly become a death trap situation for many more millions across America. So they have to have movies proclaiming how these corrupt celebrities are truly loving and benevolent and they have been torturing me in order to obtain ideas which I write in hysterical frenzy because I am absolutely being drugged and under oppressive technological "mind control" to vent this--it's so much torture and abuse and deadly violence I need to get the stress out. I write about it. THey have poisoned me so endlessly and have made me physically paralyzed as I fight for my life to remove this poison without benefit of money I need to get actual real medical attention because they have blocked my earning potential and this organization has all my life.
And they keep on. They will not stop until they destroy me completely and that is the general mentality towards anything they can suck out from the planet or other people. They have no restraint.
That is why I posted this morning on Facebook about the water supply problem in this tourist island, but I didn't get into all these reservoirs of philosophical musings and angry tirades about how greedy and life-fuck sick these people are. But I did so after this man rushed to attack me because it was a slight opening for him to threaten me that I wrote something about HIM (I never mentioned his name, I never referred to him, in the back of my mind I recalled his nasty sinister and stupid behavior and sickness but I really had larger issues I was thinking about than this dirty nasty man I thought was just a thing of my past) but NO, HE HAD to rush to attack me with violence because he claims I wrote something critical of this rotten dumb pig ape rapist scumbag and thus another chunk of my life force, youth and health was drained from me by another disgusting parasite as he tried to get his promotion by demonstrating that I can't write anything related to any situation that these stupid life fuck idiot whores do with the violence they inflict upon me and the larger ramifications and implications about how the situation creates disaster and chaos around the world and in America in particular.
But since what I write are issues that are relevant and necessary, the pieces of shit who are torturing me and making my hair turn gray and chemically destroying my hair and skin and body and poisoning and raping still need ideas, so after they torture me for the perceived capital crime of writing any criticism of them, they then STEAL THE IDEA, TURN it into Nazis and themselves saving the world from what they are actually doing in reality, then being promoted and paid for this as my ideas are current but these pig apes are also brainwashed into not criticizing their controllers so they steal my ideas and then get paid to crank the idea out as them saving the world from their piggery and bs death system, which they absolutely don't want to stop or be deterred from when it comes to restricting their pig ape parasitism of sucking everything out possible. They then want other people to be stopped (or killed) so they can more easily continue to suck and drain all resources out, their depopulation program is one of these ways they can continue to suck and fuck and rape and steal everything from the planet and other people but never to be told to stop--they just eliminate and kill and this, too, is currently underway in politics in America but I can't go into more detail as it's really sickening that I never have support or protection for writing ideas or my thoughts. I am not writing anything against the First Amendment that is a cry for violence or a hate crime.
What Cassidy Hutchinson experienced and is championed for is like the usual dismay of realization I am constantly forced to see about my sick and perverted 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia-controlled country is how a little effort on the part of a participant in the 4th Reich Nazi rape culture cheer leading squad is being cheered for not being a "good girl" in the eyes of the pig apes who expect women to bow with love for their proclivity towards exploitation and rape and abuse, these white supremacist women. In the news today, a book and a spate of interviews is being bandied around regarding a witness which assisted in bringing in Special Counsel and the Indictment against yet another one of the rapist abusers of this group who got one of the biggest promotions in history almost immediately after having telpeorted and raped me, courtesy of the pitt crew of terrorist rapists and Nazi/mafia exploiters.//The country is applauding and paying this One outlier who stood up to testify, with security guards, concern by the same members of the Select Committee who laughed and mocked me after joining in with the rapist abusers who put Trump into power so he could help them have their own take-over of Whorewood with a global monopoly, operating of course in tandem with members of Congress looking for advertising and interviews for the media world.//and the country is in a shock and applause that a white woman provided, under duress and with full support and embrace for her safety and security--(some are cheering her as if she's the bravest women in America for 15 minutes, many are not as well). I, as usual, am threatened with murder death rape torture and remain so for my DECADE and much longer of defying and doing many more risky and potentially deadly acts of defiance and am abused, and riddled with hate and mockery and sarcasm and I remain in this same torture witch hunt stake tied firmly as people gather round for the next round of another violent pig scumbag ape threatens to kill me using violence and rushing at me violently for saying no and becoming angry after this next piece of garbage raped me. in this case it's Keanu Reeves, not a super man.//Attacked yet once more for the nth day/week/month/year in a row, on a nightly and daily basis, by yet another putrid lack of manhood from this Nazi/fascist Mafia cartel. This one again aligned with the English Crown but coming out of Canada, a place he yells is "so much more civilized than America" as this hateful scum parasite Keanu Reeves, yes your wonderful brutal psychopathic thriller movie star who raped and threatened to kill me 4 times in a time period of about 3 weeks. Each time he threatened to kill me, I believe he received a promotional boon to his career in the form of starring in a movie (or his starring role movie which was already in production or past production) was placed on the very small roster of movies put out during Covid pandemic where theaters were closed. //Proving how "civilized" he is once more today, I wrote about water use on my facebook page and how tourists just let water run because they have paid their vacation hotel fees and believe that a vacation means splurging and that all is a font of endless supply for them to use as flowingly as possible. it is the mentality that gives a damn about human life or life on this planet and is disconnected to the forces of life. This is what happened with dirty filthy Keanu Reeves this scum rapist on the first moment of his teleportation to me. I had only watched one of the Wick movies and I was later that night teleported to this thug creep and he was in the shower with a huge shower head pouring hot steaming water on him. Demanding that I provide some kind of fantasy role that I have never accepted from a decade of torture prior to this pig ape scum rapist whore, I said no but in the meantime, the time he teleported me was a water shortage in my area and the ominous warnings of not wasting water because people had no water due to this shortage--I told him to not waste water and let it run (for his sleazy sexual greasy fantasy) and he began to violently run around me in a frenzy of rage because I only told him to conserve water.
That vile and unwanted parasite then proceeded to rape me multiple times while threatening to kill me at the same time, because he is so "civilized" much moreso than Americans, as he claims about himself and his country. Perhaps he has acclimated to the violent American society by now and is even more intolerable and deplorable than the rapists from America because he was a sadistic sleazy vile scumbag uncivilized creep in his death threats combined with the rape--4 times, and 4 of his crap movies came out during the pandemic when most actors had very little chance whatsoever to get their movies out because theaters were closed.
That is the kind of sickness that this organization demands from these greasy foul pig ape so-called "men" who are thrust up like phallic clay pedestals as if they are transhumanist, God-like heroes by this Nazi/mafia cartel organization controlling so much and far too much of society's mind portal programming portals (Wh-wood, politicians, leaders of society which is crumbling in so many respects due to this egregious uncivilized pig ape mentality being promulgated, and I suggest in large part through these dumb scum actors and behind them pulling the strings are a most vile group of dehumanizing parasites looking to wreak as much damage upon society as possible.
Today, I wrote about how this area where I live is once again experiencing a water crisis although there has been much rain. The problem is the huge swelling tourist population in recent years and the problem of wastewater management. I wrote a few comments after having posted the articles in the newspaper I cited. I wrote that "paradise" is not a complete font of resources for people to luxuriate in at the expense of the actual realities of the local and municipal capabilities. People come and have sex in showers in "paradise" which flourishes of sex tourism.
I had in the back of my mind this creep for a few brief moments but in general the principle of exploitation of things that appear easy to exploit and manipulate was the main impetus for my writing, and also to let people think for a change about resources and the lack thereof and that water must be purified, filtered, the systems must be maintained and the waste water must also go someplace. In a "developing" country where some people live in corrugated tin roof shacks, there is not a huge space for water treatment facilities as the main economic force in this region is tourism so every possible available space to cater to the investors and the endless construction of hotels and coffee shops and shopping centers has made any available new water treatment facilities impossible to build for the endless burgeoning population especially in "high season".
Regardless, I was not thinking about this creep for more than about 5 seconds while writing this as my focus also was on climate change and environmental and water security which is and will be a life-threatening issue unless people stop splurging on resources as if they are an endless supply.
This creep ran, probably sprinted to join with Baryshnikov who is always handing out this tech to his "brothers' in the "illuminati" 4th Reich club of male white privilege and rape of women who don't comply and of minorities to serve and obey without question or face what I am undergoing non-stop.
It became me, while I was concentrating 100% on my exercises to try to not be stuck in disability and paralysis due to the sick crap like Reaves who was right there for years helping to push me down and profit off this contract, along with the Gotti criminal Mafia family and DeNiro and Pesci, as they inserted tubes into my vagina and into my bladder with stinking liquids EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR ALMOST 3-4 YEARS. Literally trying to poison me to death with toxic shock, while torturing and abusing me for about 4 hours per day with yelling threats and insults using teleporation and mind control, ande also shocking my body's nervous system and making tears swell and pour out of my eyes constantly and making me choke while eating (they are now making my jaws slide to one side while I'm in the middle of eating to try to get me to bite my cheeks while eating) and etc etc etc. Teleportation skits while in deepest sleep of people being murdered and mutilated and rape and abuse without end, violent and hateful every night, abuse for hours every morning through their voice-to-skull and other technologies where I could not and neve rcan block them out or get them out of my sight no matter what direction I turn, if I begin to sing I can't block it out. There is some technology forcing this incapability to block out shit creeps assaulting me in this state using these technologies.
I then had to go through about 2 hours of finally getting to the point of telling him I hope he dies, tha the's a pig--I felt years older from this disgusting parasite who rushed to assault me and get his next psychopath role for a murder movie (or a silly comedy, I have not watched any of his comedies so I can't gauge but at least he has the flexibility to try to not be isolated to just brutal killing movies, in a succession of them, extremely violent movies).
I then saw Cassidy Hutchenson being championed by MSNBC and other news outlets for her "heroic" wonderful book blasting Trump and writing about "the truth". And her travail with her 4th Reich daddy and how brave and wonderful she is, all the people who know about my situation cheered her on and I remain being tortured for doing much more with much more serious threats to my life than the entire cumulative time and effort that Hutchinson ever amassed by the ire of the 4th Reich take-over scheme, which thrives still and is still ongoing but I remain being tortured and tormented and abused and threatened pieces of shit like Reaves rushing to accost and abuse and threaten me until I reach the point of feeling like another year of my age, health, beauty and life force has been sucked out by another rotten aging middle-aged life-fuck so-called "man" (behind him undoubtedly is some rape cheerleader bigot female who claims they are just so much in love. I truly wonder how that is possible but these pig apes all claim they have happy marriages and are 'in love" but I can't understand how that can happen even for a few days for these filthy apes and pigs except that they need people to abuse in order to have some kind of positive contact with the world --.
The greasy filthy pig apes then ordered their dirty filthy minions to spray rotting meat liquids on the clothing I have hanging outside. So I have to once more, for the nth time, use all kinds of cleaning solvents and with bleach and vinegar and baking soda and twice washing the smell is still penetrating this fabric.
That is "punishment" for me writing a post about water conservation and this filthy ugly dirty creep reeves rushed to exploit the situation, just as he and about a billion other greedy sleazy rape culture 4th Reich scumbags exploit everything they possibly can and then turn the blame for any incrimination or negative results upon the victim or nature or what they have raped all they can out of.
So he was physically violent towards me and I began to rush at him in a rage, in teleportation, while I was in two different states at once, my body and consciousness literally in two places at once. This tech could be used for wonderful purposes but in my case, because these pigs want original ideas but to completely block me from having any chance whatsoever except to be literally fucked and abused to death because I don't willingly comply with all my effort and chances being blocked so people like Cassidy Hutchinson can have the "feminist" slot in a power position, while I am "supposed" to NEVER have a chance because really only for the most part the blondish white supremacist women are only the ones supposed to have power and any chance--a few blacks for visual purposes but they must be completely controlled and compliant and often working in a double capacity for the dualistic deception which ultimately puts white supremacy in total control when all is said and done and the dust of death squad 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia death squads is finished killing off those who believed they had a chance but truly were used as token, only as long as they complied and attack people like me.
As usual, I am torturted, silenced and my life endlessly threatened for not allowing rotten filthy pig pieces of shit to rape and poison me to death as a turn-on, which is what I have been fighting against for over 10 years now. Fighting so this system is NOT normalized as it becomes normalized more and more every day anyway.
I am castigated, ignored and must beg constantly to get sleazy filthy ugly shit men and their nasty disgusting wives and children and their homosexual boy toy friends off me while Hutchinson is revered for having testified but because she truly had to, so the story goes. Who knows what truly transpired. her tales of sexual predatory abuse from certain members of the Rep party only blocked partially by McCarthy are interesting and good selling points for a lurid book combined with a few prosaic written parts about her "struggle" to not become ensnared.
I am tortured for what I write. I, too, began to write in a sort of "normal" tone but as it became more and more evident that MURDER was what I was constantly facing, as the drugging increased adn my body swelled up to a huge disgusting shape as my body was stinking with fungus and stinking substances inserted into my body and on my skin and hair, as my home is constantly being violated as politician after politician came to abuse and threaten and mock and laugh and join in with the shit stain celebrities who have been slowly mutilating, cutting out my uterus destroying my health making me old making my hair chemically fall out permanently, etc etc raping and abusing, threatening with murder
and my writing is now semi-hysterical as the situation is NEVER ENDED. I hear about Hutchinson and think of how women like her are allotted the slots and positions that I worked for but was poisoned and put into accidents and destroy with drugging so I can't even begin to compete any longer.
Meanwhile, this filthy rotten piece of shit Keanu Reeves has not gotten another chance at a lead role in a movie from his violence yet once more and his abuse and threats and physical attack upon me because I wrote about water conservation and how people take advantage of anything possible if it's supposedly a "free-for'all" which this teleportation contract is on me. This greedy and dumb scum creep believes that everything that he is told is his for the taking is something he can lavish his filthy dirty huge body on with excess, as all these "entitled" pig ape scum whores believe that my life my body my ideas are theirs for the taking with torture so I can't compete against their stupidity and mediocrity. I remain as usual writing about the threats and violence of another pig ape rapist from Whorewood and once more with Baryishnikov right there getting his deals for his lousy blonde wife and daughter and group of Nazis from Europigapeland all drooling to get their own deal out of this as well.
Tuesday, September 26, 2023
Another rant for the day---
2 nights ago, the filthy dirty spawn of pig pitt and shitalina came to assault me because for the TENTH year in a row on a daily basis I screamed at this pig fuck pitt that I DON'T WANT YOU FUCKING PIG as I was hitting him trying to cause as much harm as possible to this loathsome pestilence with his skank posturing as a "lady" whore wife and other wife and lovers and boyfriends this menagerie of pig apes all screwing filthy pig pitt who has been latched onto this attack upon me all these years of his Oscar wins and attendance at that filthy Nazi ceremony of awards for the most Nazi programming shit cranked out on celluloid annually.
The rotten and mediocre ugly daughter came to, once more, hit me, assault me as she always comes at me while I am just being put into conscious mode, as they teleport me, "program" their hypnosis while I am completely unconscious but nevertheless teleported to this group of swine excrement.
Like so many of these apes and pig whores, she rushes at me the instant I am put into conscious mode, albeit just barely cognizant of my surroundings all is hazy. She rushed at me as she had done before pushing me violently after YEARS of her pig parents having raped, mutilated and CONSTANTLY stealing ideas from me while poisoning and torturing me slowly to death but not completely because shit pig pitt assumes he's such a whore's man that everything wants that ugly red-faced rotten white trash pig ape, and the pig whore he married assumes the same. I told them from day #1 I never liked them or their movies, they refuse to believe it and they have been instructed to torture me into believing that my reality is false.
So this rotten dirty stupid thing came to violently assault me. I began yelling at it and trying to hit it. That is when they got this MMA thug scum piece of English trash who is supposed to be a great actor--he's not bad, but I would not say great just compared to the lack of general spirit and soul in acting he's on a higher level than some but just as empty and blank and violent and sick when you are confronted with the greed and sleaze and hate and bigotry like all the rest of this shit.
so the blonde spawn of this pair of pig shit assumes that her entire career is going to be propelled by the endless violence this group has forced upon me. For a DECADE this worthless dumb skank spawn of pig pitt and shitalina has fed off the resultant awards from the endless monetary incentive programming bonuses and stolen ideas as her parents have not stopped doing, this year as usual once more
and I am screaming to get off me and PAY ME for blocking my life financially for over a decade, of poisoning me to death nearly, of abusing me and mutilating me and forcing me into paralysis. I am so bereft of financial stability and they threaten me with everything from homelessness to murder to killing my cat (which they refuse to return) to the endless violence inflicted on my body every single night by these mechanical arms which they do constantly regardless of what I do. They must continue to get reactions of rage so they demonstrate how "miserable" these misery-making parasite pieces of shit are making me, lower than their greedy empty meaningless hate level of exploitation and fake posturing bs.
They of course feed off violence continuously.
So the dirty foul English thug actor came to assault me with deadly violence and threats after years of me fighting to get shit pig pitt off me, then dirty filthy disgusting deniro and pesce, while fighting before them all to get Depp off me (meaning from teleportation violence and torture and rape) and before them all was 4 years of fighting to get Stallone's Italian partner Siervo off me, and simultaneously Moynihan out of England--
and now it's just a cascading rotation of shit coming to assault me and it's been at this non-stop level for over 5 or 6 years without a single day of it ever even pausing slightly.
As these pigs and scum whores put Trump into power via this contract out on me, why the fuck can't anyone be concerned enough to stop this fascist Nazi Mafia organization and these filthy shit celebrities? And stop this endless egregious violence against me. What the fuck that no one can stop it despite me writing and so many fuckers in prominant positions including MSNBC can't do a fucking thing but join in abusing and yelling and threatening me as they get promotions as well; always they also belong to the same 4th Reich organization only Trump is an embarrassment perhaps to some of them ,but not really. The bs they spew out constantly about how they are chagrined at what Trump has done is only a cover for the deception of a complete fascist take-over, which in essence has already taken place but not in open as Trump has been trying to install through criminality that is doubtless, at least in one of his indictments that no one can dispute not even Ben Shapiro.
This filthy dirty daughter truly has partaken in helping this group to destroy the SIX YEARS I studied for a graduate degree to try to get out of the endless pit rut that this organization forced me into with disability through fracturing my spine and then and before that poisoning me with hardening poison which they are constantly doing no matter how hard I fight to defend myself.
This little stupid incompetent nasty creep born of the shit pair of crap pig shit pit and shitalina is absolutely a violent and dirty stupid thing that expect to have an entire empire handed to this rotten stupid thing out of endless violence towards me while as they all do--calling me a "loser" a "bitch" threatening me with death punching into my face having my body mutilated and poisoned and drugged os my body is truly broken from poison and toxins that are never stopped
endlessly I call out on these forums for any assistance to the empty void of silence, understanding that the entire country of the United States and much of the world has been consumed with the death squad culling of decent people and only this filthy stupid shit which must steal and torture to steal ideas in order to appear as anything worthwhile on a humanistic artistic level.
They rationalize or justify it all saying that stealing art concepts is noble and everyone does it. Regardless of poisoning someone nearly to death and blocking their every attempt to capitalize on their own art or life aspirations, as this group of bigot fuckers are a part and parcel of, at a level of societal programming that should be a bit disconcerting to the readers but no, you trust these filthy stupid apes so you will discover how competent they truly aren't probably when it is too late. As it was when I wrote about Trump and then my words proved true. People are so intent on having a fascist nazi/mafia dictatorship so when I write that these filthy pig apes are not competent you fuckers don't care. You only care that you can be a part of a cartel monopoly on power and that is all, and fuck the rest. That is the zeitgeist I am contending with. I can't get anything done. I must rant in a blog for another day.
I told that rotten ugly hateful dirty piece of shit spawn of pig shit pitt and shitalina that it was suited to be one of those real estate vultures which kicks decent and hard-working people out of their homes, which is happening full-on now with vultures taking over people's properties in DeSantis' Florida, the expected segue to fascist Nazi overtake of all property that the Nazis want to steal. I should have told that rotten dirty stupid creep that it should not have any career, but I was under hypnosis, and it really should be in prison alongside it's filthy dirty parents and their parents and the entire entourage of shit I am constantly being tortured, mutilated, and beaten raped and abused and violated by through their proxy scumbag filth brigade.
Of course, Marjorie Trichinosis Spleen was sitting there on her curds and whey devouring the negative energy so for her upcoming attempt to rule the redneck planet she can shout and yell at more Biden speeches in hate because these parasites cling to feeding off hate and violence so much in the necessary energy they feed off to push their agenda(s) of hate, murder, poisoning rape and fake cheery white supremacy with a lot of Enrico Tarrio's doing the dirty work and taking the brunt of legal action so they can sit back in inaction not taking any responsibility.. She has been there for an increase, nay, a surge in violence being inflicted upon me. I think she is giving the official House of Representatives/Congressional nod, taking the place of Nancy Pelosi when the Dems controlled the House. Pelosi on her hunched shriveled a$$ next to Shit-negger the Austrian hormone-shrivelled waste by=product of steroid excess and power excess and an unbelievable California governorship
his fascist agenda became evident under "stress" from opposition, supposedly. False opposition plays a huge role in the resurgence of the Nazis. He lowered taxes for the wealthy and increased spending, creating a deficit of course, the Repug way. Pelosi sat next to him during the unfortunate Dem reign of terror upon me as she threatened to dismember me with a most sinister hag ugly hate voice, and then a few weeks later and just before, as the first time, before the next Covid stimulus debate bill was presented so California scammes like shitnegger and pig-lousy could capitalize and grift and graft--she threatened to kill me. That was "because" I said no to shit-negger as he pestered me for weeks and months as these pigs all do, expecting something like slavish love for worthless dumb pig ape men I never found exciting or intelligent or handsome or interesting in the first place. They have been so revered due to the lack of true respect for anything divine as a replacement for divinity and they are loathsome and rotten as a result. I have written of them before but I write this now again because it should be not forgotten and I do hope there was some video made of this. I told pig-lousy that I wrote of many of the facts of this teleportation torture on my Facebook page, and I discovered later that Pig-lousy is a huge investor in Facebook and of course the Jewish Nazi owner will do anything to appease Nazis and fascist Mafia, which is more commonplace amongst Jews than anyone dare reveal or mention.
And so, Marjorie Trichinosis Grave-y was sitting on her rhombus urging the pig apes to inflict more and more violence upon me. As a partner with T-rump, she is more than a casual observer but has a huge stake in Trump gaining through this contract which is really the reason that Trump was surging in the campaign of 2015 only after nearly dropping at the bottom, suddenly rising within a month and ONLY THAT MONTH that he teleported and raped and physically assaulted me in front of dirty Amber Heard, that filthy dirty parasite who is still profiting off the domestic ideas and feminist concepts i wrote of for the years she also profited off torturing me alongside filthy dirty Depp, while I was constantly fighting to get them off me. The same exact thing has happened but for 5 times the duration of the debauchery and hate of Depp and Heard with shit pig pitt and shitalina the skank not-lady whore--
and now I write about this once more. The pendulum has swung a total of one degree in the last decade from one group of "liberal" Democratic fascists to the "Conservative" now openly fascist openly Nazi shit group, handing the baton from one to the next and all profiting off this contract out on me.
Stop putting this fucking shit into power, you goddamn dumb readers out there. Stop being dumb and doing nothing about this situation it has seriously dangerous ramifications.
But back to shit-negger the Austrian rotten thug in Whorewood: he embraced a German piece of rotten shit who was raping me and physically beating me at the same time but they were drugging me with such deadly sickly poisons and drugs I was in a complete daze. I kept fighting to get this 6-ft monster scumbag off me as he was making me extremely ill on top of poison stuck in my body like a nearly exploding balloon of hard poisons trapping the endless black toxic stinking filth they kept and keep on pouring into my body and food.
They then had my hair so badly damaged that it's still bald and the hair won't grow, along with the Austrian creep ugly old man (not shit-negger) but also from Vienna who had a notebook on his sleazy and rotten lap as pig shit pitt and shitalina had me tortured then asked me for creative ideas--this went on and on with this Nazi from Austria for at least half a year, literally almost every day. Finally I told this ugly rotten creep that I didn't need his approval for my interpretation of Mozart. so he got "radical" Ice Cube to punch me in the face and they put this virus in my body while I was sleeping and I think it was some Covid type of thing, only 2 months before the onset of the pandemic. They made my hair bleached and dead in the front part of my hairline above my forehead. It's not 'grey" it's dead, completely the hair shafts are dead and this happened after half a year of this creep writing my ideas after and during torture.
If anyone can have any compassion and get fucking pig pitt and shitalina and this group off me after my decade of begging online for this hell to be stopped. They should all be forced to pay me so I can live in peace and comfort for my life in a safe place.
To demand a baby out of me with the shit spawn of these pigs coming at me because it believes it's entitled to enslaving me so this mediocre dirty filthy piece of shit can get some inheritance of a complete dynastic empire only because these pigs spurted out some trained bigot believing it's completely entitled to everything--it already has millions and millions of dollars at it's dirty stupid grasp from the shit parents who have been paid in millions and millions to torture me for the last decade (or longer). Blocking even me being able to do anything online so I can earn even a slight bit of money to try to replace all that they break and destroy every single day, much less every month. I also spend at least 80% of my life time cleaning or fighting to protect myself and heal from this endless violence they never stop.
Why is this torture still being considered a promotional opportunity for all and any piece of shit and spawn filth from shit whores from Whorewood and politicians who don't deserve to be in these positions of power?
And then the news outlets like MSNBC who come, these fuckers yelling and violently threatening me, then getting all promoted--who can't report on anything similar to what they are personally operating in and around--
as I sit here with everything stinking, broken and all my work and effort stolen and destroyed my body aging and broken down no home almost homeless no money all is blocked.
Why the fuck can't this fucking shit ever ever ever be stopped what is wrong with America that literally every politician and fucker in a position of power, all the YouTube commentators all the "liberal" "itnellectuals" every fucking person just joins in or does nothing to stop this endless travesty of law, constitutional protection of human rights and they all laugh and giggle and try to suck what is left out of me as I continuously struggle to get them off and heal and I can't even begin to earn any money to have any sense of stability or life choice. They block my internet so routinely every day non-stop I can't earn money online. These fuckers should be forced to pay me the fucking us government should be PROTECTING ME not paying these pieces of shit to continue to abuse and torture me day after fucking day for year after year.
I am obviously being badly drugged while sleeping via these mechanical arms just wreaking destruction and mutilation and poisoning and drugging on me. I have to red spots on my chest which are due to slashing done via these technologies. Besides that, after doing my extremely strenuous stretches, due to hard poisons latched literally like cords of steal from my hips (but extending down my legs to my very toes) and up to my skull (which is slightly indented on the crown area where the poisons have latched; I suspect due to the microchip implant or microchips in my brain---there is a scar on my skull on the right-hand side, very tiny like a tiny incision. It is just above the cerebral cortex "Supplementary motor area & Primary motor area", according to chart below. //The goons who tortured me last night, this morning, were observing as the dancer from Russia or his associate were instructing me while I was fighting to stretch and break off more pieces of this elongated inner block of poison --so hard I can pound my fist on it and feel almost nothing. After I had finished, as I was exhausted drinking something sugary just to get my energy up, I said under hypnosis upon being asked something regarding being a "lady" and was I one, this man asked me quietly. I answered immediately, in my "thoughts" and through the cochlear transmission of my vocal chords inaudibly vocalizing the words, I said, or rather, I was instructed to say, "I ain't no lady" but the words, while being shoved into my subconscious, I said as if a joke because this same sentence brought back memories of a Gilligan's Island comedy sketch and also something a friend of mine had said that she was "no lady" making it a joke because of her debauchery (she was a terrorist attached to this contract out on me, ultimately I blocked her out completely) but....all this came back as I think I was instructed to repeat this, I'm not sure. But I was giggly and light, in this state after having been "doped" by current or former drug addicts laughing about drugging me EVERY SINGLE DAY not caring of course about the health ramifications. They began like sneering thugs on a street corner to make snide nasty yelling comments about what type of "not lady" I was--I didn't hear the words completely I blocked them out and shouted that they were expletives but in more rude terms--it was totally a street situation that was forced upon me. //Due to the endless drugging, and just as Covid was on the rise, the Austrian terrorist who played in the Tarantino movie about being a Nazi was having me tortured, they inserted a virus in me whereby I felt like I was literally dying (this was 2 months before the official outbreak) I have never felt the presence of death trying to insert itself on me with this virus which took all my energy. They also dyed my hair on the front part of my head with something that completely drained all the color out of my hair and killed the hair shafts (they then did this after a German filth creep, the violinist, would not stop raping me and pounding poison more deeply into my body and after more than a month I began calling him a "pig" so they destroyed the rest of my hair, which I am fighting every day to try to grow. So I have a huge grey streak in this area on the front of my forehead, like a shock of grey where almost no hair will grow anyway. I Believe that the poisoning is largely due to this greying but also the non-stop toxicity of poison and drugging and also the endless violence these filthy greedy sleazy and disgusting sick creeps are forcing upon me every day for at least 6 hours per day of abuse and violence using these insidious technologies because with all their mansions and harems of lovers, they can't get enough. They must have a global power cartel. I can't describe how many rotten "famous" politicians and news anchors and people in society are attacking me viciously and with deadly intention for this global overtake. But either way, I forgot to add the U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to the list of politicians who have both profited and have participated in abusing me in teleportation. Oprah Winfrey has shoved her vagina in my face, had my home and body saturated with deadly fungus, got the mafia to abuse me and they did not stop for about 5 years (of course all getting Oscars and awards) and they are all still in the background. There is Michelle Obama who I believe has been also in the background. All of them have "black girls" like their children they promote in Whorewood movies and tv shows so they are absolutely for this contract of torturing me and of genocide and anti-Semitism. As is Michael Bloomberg with his hysterically nasty screaming daughter shouting at me endlessly insults and hate with Bloomberg grabbing at my breasts with a face akin to Gollum from LOTR, and then there was Kennedy the slime fake who made extremely disgusting sexual commentary aimed at me and has ever since been championed by the MAGA and a hopeful partner with Trump, some claim. There was Bernie Sanders sneering in contempt at me after Hillary screamed, yelled and then the physical mutilation of my body increased after all this abuse. But either way, I remain writing these posts and the torture is constantly ongoing. My grey hair is sickening to see and my hair extremely thin, won't grow, they have been slowly killing me for years.
The hacking was really bad in my last few posts--I was writing like this after 2 hours of the internet having been turned on and off every 5 minutes, hours of violence while sleeping, death trheats and physical violence and nearly being punched in the face by some scum actor from England I have never harmed a single one of these pieces of shit, they expected me to fawn over shit celebrities over a decade ago and I still never have (when I did one time I was nearly killed a few times by this greasy pig and his wife who stole my ideas about domestic violence and then created a huge trial and public scandal while they have all obtained contracts and prizes and etc while I remain a victim of sick rapist scum shit men with domestic violence problems attacking me as their filthy wives and blonde cheerleader and black and brown minority slaves watch on cheering and attacking me likewise--). It's now endless violence as I scream I wish them death after hours and hours of them going on. No matter what direction I turn or what I do, their filthy ugly faces are glaring at me because I am split in teleportation so I am facing them while in my prime body I am moving around--I don't care if you fuckers believe in this technology or not)--. they got an alcoholic scumbag thug English actor Tom =something, I have completely blocked his name out of my mind although I know it---the attack on my brain and the keyboard are mostly responsible for not being able to retrieve memory especially for some creep I never cared about, and his movies are for the most part extremely violent and on a negative basis and some just outright stupid but always very violent. This thug, Tom something--is working to get his next movie promoted alongside a thug actor who played Elvis, and my brain is completely blanked for their names as I never want to think about them or their names anyway. This creep who Pitt put into this position of fame in that role (in the same year, the posts I had written about Marilyn Monrie were used but adapted from a book that shit pig pitt used for his Oscar near win or whatever--the actress who played the lead as far as I know was not involved in attacking me OR she remained aloof so I never saw her, as there are rows of chairs with pig ape scum sitting and I can't see them for the most part, I just see people sitting in rows watching like it's a show and performance of abuse and hate. They all get promoted anyway. I was put into a frenzy of rage the keyboard is so manipulated I can barely type, the internet is being turned off constantly. I am attcked for HOURS EVERY single day by this group and this has been YEARS of this going on and on. It was extreme abuse and hate and violence from the mafia, and then I fought to get them off me for over 4 years. now replaced by this filth bigot from Australia with shit pig pitt an dhis dirty daughter and now this actor and every day another pig piece of shit joins in. The English are extremely violent toawrds me, their racism is unbelievable their Nazi affiliation is beyond extreme. This comes from those of the lowest of "class" and the top levels of that shit island which is so yearning to completely overtake the United States. While I was in Miami and in other places it was the English who were the most nasty towards me and orchestrated the most violence--under the tutelage of Danny Moynihan who began clutching onto this contract on me while I was in London back in 1987 and has not stopped every since. Stallone has been since 1997. It's now an ever-expanding group of shit from the main fascist Nazi countries of the United States and it's lack of political leadership--endless politicians by now, not "endless" but that's how it feels. From McCarthy to Pelosi to Trump to Clinon(s) to AOC to Bernie Sanders to Raskin to Kinzinger to Cruz to Graham to the Senator from Minnesota--the "liberal" female "feminist" to Warren the "liberal/"feminist" who founded the "Squad" and then Rep. Bush part of the squad to--I am not sure if I have fotten any. I am still being threatened with murder and violence every day by this group, not a single politician of the huge group has done any damn thing to stop this they are all waiting for payout and for their share of the profit, which I think is expected to be huge. I am fighting for "Democracy" unlike any fucking other person on the planet because this is over a DECADE of non-stop life-threatening murder attempts and torture to get me to allow shit like this to destroy my chances my life so a pig cartel of fakes can take over; they already have. Why are you fuckers reading this not concerned enough about this?
the pigs don't stop threatening, abusing and destroying every thing they can of my body, my home, my property, after stealing ideas, stealing all they can, blocking my capacity for living in peace and then they torture me with death threats and abuse using teleportation and voice-to-skull technology going on for over 4 hours just from sleep state until waking (usually they go on and on with verbal threats and abuse while I am awake as I can't block them out) they gfo on and fucking on and on for hours and hours until I begin to rush at them trying to kill them as they finally get me into a violent rage and hate state and then the fucking stupid ugly pigs go off because that is their daily quota--then demanding that I provide a baby for some putrid married couple of filthy dirty ugly shit to profit off as i fight to kill them in this teleportation state after they ask me for ideas as I try to ignore t hem and I fucking cannot do it--not alone, sitting here disabled sick needing health care needing peace needing to sleep you fucking pigs watching this go on and on as I fight every single day--every single day for hours and hours and hours until I write something on a blog or this fb page just to get this sickness to be stopped--this is their rewards system, attacking me until I write in rage under mind control tech blocking calm rationality--nearly punched in the face in my sleep by this English pig fuck actor Tom or whatever his pig name is--a famous thugster actor but white trash English---always violent, always brutal, and his ugly square alcoholic fist nearly punching me in the face after white doughy English skanks glared in violent hate walking towards me, abuse and stupid skits as I tried to navigate all this while in a deep sleep state, obviously always drugged up so I can't block them out no matter how much I try, for years I have been trying. The pig then began violently yelling like the English fascist scum ape he and his ilk are, they are all violent and murderous. A very wealthy "upper class" benefactor of this violence towards me, who likewise had someone nearly slam a car door into my head, which ugly rotten Keith Richards also did, and for my defending myself and calling them pieces of shit (not Richards, he did this after I said that I was fighting to not have America lose it's sovereignty, so he threatened to kill me as the other "Rolling Stone" sat silently and then began his own version of questioning and attack--ugly and sinister dinosaurs endlessly put into power very extremely racist very extremely fascist and key components of the infiltration of the US, just like Rupert Murdoch the Australian 4th Reich Nazi mind programming "journalism" infiltrator)--but this creepy ugly dirty foul woman who has stolen so many ideas from me alongside the rest of this cartel of mostly English-controlled bigot skank creeps, kept continuously in main monopolizing positions in the media and in society, cheered on by their fan base who are the MAGA detractors and marauders waiting for the inevitable coup that they all yearn for a take-over and a fascist Nazi dictatorship of "Democracy" in their own fashioning, which is "Democracy" only for them and death and enslavement for people like "me": the blond dumb whorren mirrage skank who has been a part of this for over a decade by now (worked with Maggot Robber who is lovers and partners with shit pig pitt in years of movies "winning" rigged Academy Awards prizes for shitty movies, ideas stolen from me and the violence heaped upon me as the leverage they are promoted into these slots for, year-after-year--and capitalizing on this contract as an Australian plant operating for the English Crown) and it's just despicable. I have only been fighting to save my life from the Europigape shit who handed these ape pig scumbag meaningless creeps this contract, along with Stallone, and the list of crap meaningless low-mentality creeps whose careers have SKYROCKETED after having attacked me--like Whorren Mirrage, and now Baryshnikov, another partner with dumb Whorren Mirrage--and before them all was the English royal painter's son Danny Moynihan who was stealing ideas from me non-stop and getting his book turned into a movie (two weeks after he used mind control on me to get me to contact him in a desperate life-threatening situation to try to get health care overseas, while he was re-poisoning me and stealing my ideas and profiting and latching on and MURDERING ME. And this has been ongoing from this group of pigs in Whorewood who are closely allied with these filthbucket Europigapes and have been and STILL AREteleported and were poisoning me who is revolting--just another one. And writing this means that dumb creep will get a promotion for his violent thug movie along with the American creep actor who tried to get a best actor award from attacking me last year next to shit pig pitt the piece of unamazing psycho-scumbag shit--can't anyone evert get these fucking pigs off me ever? eve goddamn what the fuck will it take to get them off me? They are repulsive scum who are part of a destruction of the United States and you fuckers reading this keep allowing them to go on and on--dumb pigs out there reading this and smirking and laughing--
Maxine Waters: Republicans Are 'Not Patriots', They're 'Destroying' Our Country --(Breitbart article below). Most of the comments to this article are extremely like coming from bully children on a playground but with more smut to add to the ad hominem attacks.
Maxine Waters: Republicans Are ‘Not Patriots,’ They’re ‘Destroying’ Our Country
"'Disrupting this Country': Rep. Waters on GOP chaos". MSNBC. September 25, 2023.
(Not cute, domesticated pets) but (filthy, nasty in a bad putrid sense) Piggies +Terrorist Hacking report: I spent 3 hours doing a restore operation to get the malware off this laptop this morning, after having to do it 2 days ago. //After clearing and cleaning cache and all drives, the first moment I re-plugged in the router, the connection was broken. I have spent, in the last hour, 6 or 7 re-plug-in attempts with clearing out cache and turning the laptop off and cleaning the C-drive, as the connection turns back on, within 5 minutes of doing anything it is off again. This has been non-stop, this kind of attack, for over 6 months (but of course it has been ongoing for years, well over a decade).
"Piggies--The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA)(Original) (+Video)". el perro beatle. September 14, 2018.
A realistic warning for you to sleep on with your surrealistic pillow because you are not woke but in a deep comatose sleep regarding the celebrity-politico collusion that is pure confusion intentional, international schemes and grifts and plots and power cartels--it's becoming more obvious as time goes by with corrupticians being exposed except for the most scrupulously protected mind Screw operators like Pelosi and H. Clinton who are always protected because they are respectively agents working for the Italian-American Mafia cartel or the English Crown, respectively but otherwise like Menendez he's a "minority" and thus he got caught. This is all just symptomatic of those minority minions who are left to blow in the wind while the white supremacists take all and take-over so...: Fuck those piggies or they will fuck you--literally people should stop cherishing this pile of pig ape shit---they are truly evil and malevolent users and mediocrities put into power--stop the piggies they are on a death course for the purpose of Europigapeland takeover for a fascist Nazi 4th Reich colonization with them living in mansions for their sell-out deeds.
"Helter Skelter--The Beatles (LYRICS/LETRA) (Original)". el perro beatle. June 28, 2018.
In addition, teleported to yet another scumbag celebrity, of course part of the Europigapeland cartel out of England--sickening, violent, a bunch of white pig apes in some creep setting where he--this MMA fighter always killing and fighting in his movies, an English scumbag (I say this after his violent yelling and threats because this piece of shit believes he is entitled to this power cartel empire this group of sick shit is going to obtain when they torture me into being forced to have a baby while I am constantly, for years, and years, and years, and years for over a decade just with shit pig pitt and filthalina telling them to fuck off that I can't stand them as they mutilate cut parts of my body out have me raped make my teeth almost fall out cut into my gum tissue mutilate my body smear fungus into my bladder through my vagina steal my cat and constantly threaten to kill her kill the animals I take care of kill my plants poison my food make my hair fall out so it ncver grows back and there is a huge balding spot covering most of my head--mutilation every single night for the areas of my body I can't cover with layers tied with rubber bands and strings to stop mutilation of my cuticles and toes--my food poisoned my body broken my hips and spine put out of alignment from rapists they ordered to go into my room and rape and smear fungus onto my body and hair after brutalizing and putting my spine and hips out of alignment THEN POISONING ME WITH HARDENING AND BLOATING POISON AND COMATOSE-INDUCING MIND CONTROL DRUGS AND CHEMICALS--stinking fungus on my clothing destruction of my property fungus and brown goo that can never wash off sprayed every single place in m;y room, on all furniture, on my bed on my pillows on my hair and body
then stealing my ideas, blocking my finances, stealing my property, endless violence from teleportation an dhate yelling and screaming while I wake up in a good mood they sit on their filthy dirty ugly plastic-surgery shithole asses insulting and threatening to kill me constantly with hate and it goes on for hours and hours and hours and hours.
rotten dirty Marjorie Taylor Green working as proxy for fucking Trump sitting on her rotten corrupt dirty A$$ alongside this group of fascist Nazi shit from Whorewood
Jews like Senate leader Schumer goes along because his rotten relative Amy Schumer is part of the Whorewood Jewish cartel--also has participated with stupid "humor" but rotten and dumb--then went away getting her pat on the back, more blond hair dying to look like she's part of the Jewish Nazi cartel which loves these bigot mind fuck rapist genocidal Nazis----
Monday, September 25, 2023
Terrorist Noise attack report: drilling into cement and pounding/hammers in the room two floors beneath mine. This same room and the one directly below mine, for YEARS there has been constant construction. It's going on again. This is a drill boring into cement and steal and pounding resounding against the steep hillside so the noise is in a convex rebound to my room.
Saturday, September 23, 2023
A request to the people behind the curtain.
I have had to order seeds for plants once more, after more than 6 months of all plants I have bought or planted from seed (and the plants that were sent were not what I ordered, I also ordered various colors and they sent one single color, but after they grew for about 3 weeks all killed in a certain area of my patio--some are growing in the areas away from the center of the patio , but for the past 2 months 3 pots all plants have been successively killed. I have been ordering seeds for flowering vines through an online service because literally every flowering vine within a 10 mile radius of all the orchards in this area have taken down their flowering vines. Hoping the terrorists would stop this, and knowing now that the seeds are tainted before arrival not not killed after I plant them; I ordered plants a month ago, they arrived and never grew. I ordered another 8 packets and planted them and NOTHING is growing.
Because all the flowering vines in this area which have ALWAYS had flowering vines for sale, and the one remote orchard I found has literally taken all down so when I go there, nothing is left. The first day I arrived (2 months ago) there were rows of hardy flowering vines. There are now spaces where these vines used to be and all are taken down as plants are being killed non-stop in my garden.
I have just ordered more flowering vines from the same delivery company and it will take almost 10 days for them to arrive (from China) and then I will have to see if this money I have had to spend once more will be wasted or not.
Can whatever person pulling strings behind the curtain can pull a lever and get this terrorist attack upon my purchases and gardening aspirations to be stopped? I am spending now another $8, so in the past 6 months I have lost over $50 in plants repurchasing constantly, ordering and waiting for seeds to arrive, the plants grow and are slowly killed (and are the wrong plants in the first place and the wrong color). Again and again I have tried to order seeds to grow and they are sprayed with some killing substance even before they arrive at my condo.
So I ask that this next order be viable seeds that will not be poisoned and that I can have my garden with beautiful healthy plants.
Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Taking account of the food(s) that I bought at the store which were poisoned and drugged in my shopping travesty stalking trip yesterday. I had written of a Thai dessert, a little cheap plastic rectangular box of coconut/gelatin type squares, which were tainted and were disgusting but I literally was starving. I had detoxed a huge clump of black poison which came out of the huge elongated stretch of rock-hard poison on my left side. A clump came out, liquified yet the hard piece remains. It has been ongoing like this for a decade, as they keep poisoning me in so many various means of transmission of poisoning. One of them is pre-poisoning the food they observe me buying at stores. They mark the food at discount and it's likely that what is on display has been opened and poisoned/drugged and then resealed. Do not assume this is "paranoia" as they do this in my food in the fridge, or they used to. I.e. I would buy yogurt plastic cups and it was extremely difficult to pry the metallic lid off the yogurt cup and it would rip because it would not easily glide off, as the lids usually do. This would happen constantly until I began to seal all yogurt and all foods I saw could be opened into sealed plastic bags, tied with layers of strings and rubber bands so the mechanical arms could not break through and would have to tear the bags open. //I also bought--"my bad"--a sort of round "bowl" containing seaweed salad. I have been doing this routinely for a few months because I truly love this salad and it's not cheap but not expensive. It is in the prepared foods section. There used to be 4 or 5 on the table but since I began buying these bowls, there is only one left when I go there no matter what time of day. I could feel sickness after eating this as well. When I say "my bad" it's because I do "know" better but under the influence of "mind control" technology and drugging I literally can't assess danger. //Likewise, while I was paying my motorbike rent I signed the date wrong and thought that this was October. I literally could not "remember" what month it is, although I know ever second of every minute otherwise when not in that highly charged motorbike rental atmosphere. This has been a huge fish bowl container of electronic brain-manipulating attack all the years I have gone to this shop. It is always a depressing event to see the dogs they have taken being so unkempt and they are traumatized and one is being slowly killed. I now have so many heavy items that I carry around with me I can't go on the usual long walks I used to take her on, this dog--she stinks because he body is bloated as they never take her out and don't take care of her whatsoever. The little dog they just got is terrified of being touched and runs in fear if I get near her (or him). She/he used to run to me but now can't be near anybody because they hit these dogs. I had to add this because although they are not cordial to me, the atmosphere of abuse remains and it's being channeled to these dogs. Otherwise they are more or less friendly towards me and very helpful. That is not to say they are not malicious or wouldn't be if called upon to attack me, which they did slightly yesterday and would again.
I was shifted to yet another person (two people actually) who have been handed, or last night they were handed, this tech to use the very same protocol. They all have family members who they want to either promote (almost all the adults who have tortured me have children or family they want to include in this huge empire that is being formed around this brain-altering mind control tech cartel, with or without Trump, but his faction is still promoting this technology to all the little good girls and boys and their children too.
So two more, more or less....
I am very sick. I feel my body completely broken down and putrid from stress and hate that is never ended and being forced upon me by very nasty parasites constantly.
The Nazis watch on, polished, well-fed and served and told they are incredible by the masses of poor white trash and poor minority minions and governments like the US Government on all sides of the partisan lack of divide.
So I must ver extremely careful in what food I buy. My brain is under so much attack I can't "remember" to be cautious. I have such little money I can't afford to pay for food at the normal rates and thusly I am literally forced to buy food on sale, because I must eat a lot of protein like meat, and the prices are going up constantly. I have the choice of going to a Thai market where meat is put in piles in the open air where it sits coagulating on top of other pieces of meat, with blood and all kinds of putrid juices coagulating at the bottom of these metal trays which are about 6 ft X 6 ft. I know that food is poisoned when I get close to buying anything they can possibly slip liquid in. There is no expense spared in poisoning food and throwing a huge pile of chicken out of just selling it because people won't know, and one poisoning serving is not going to cause deleterious effects on people but a lifetime of it, as has happened to me, will destroy me if it isn't ever stopped. It is never stopped. I have to fight for my life in a murder situation in any food situation including buying food. The pig apes from Whorewood who have poisoned me and poisoned me (murdering me and laughing about it) have never paid me a single penny for the ideas they stole, as they are doing it constantly and giving literally death in return but slow destruction and deterioration of my body, home and life so I am broken before they finish sucking and fucking and draining everything out of me possible.
Monday, September 18, 2023
Non-stop parasites coming to attack me 24/7 every single moment possible. The shit from MSNBC is putrid and vile. The anchors are like Alice in Wonderland cards operating like the court deck cards for the Red Queen. //I wrote of the blonde bigots who operated as adjuncts to the Trump-enabler celebrities who joined in with yelling, threats and insults and then although I try not to listen to the crap they blather out about politics, always using the most desirable platitudes people yearn to hear about how there is concern for human rights in the face of a despotic take-over by their friends the fascist Nazis who they claim they are "fighting" against.//Attacked now by a spate of brown and black minority minions. one is a non-famous black YouTube scumbag who is living in Stuttgart but he calls it "Germany" and every sentence he says is "Germans" and "Germany" when Stuttgart is an exceptional city which formerly hosted Nato Military headquarters, the 4 legions of the WWII winners, has something like 4 barracks surrounding the city so Stuttgart was rife with black military personnel for over 50 years. Most of the city was bombed so it has modern architecture. whose post I commented on so he teleported me. Like so many black Nazis, he believes that the Germans are loving and warm towards him and they really mean it. I wrote that Germans outside of Stuttgart are much more open about their racism. He came to hiss in hate at me that the problem is me and not him, because he's a black Nazi, seduced by the warmth of the "Master Race" bestowing favoritism upon someone who has fled America in hopes of escaping (undoubtedly) racism and a tragic country falling into an abyss. //Joining of course with the group and people wholly responsible for American having fallen into an Abyss, one of which is an English infiltrator as so many of "them" are in the media, working as this brown-skinned MSNBC fake is as they really mostly all are (I don't know, but the attacks upon me by that ersatz group media celebrity anchor population is increasing as they all appear to have zero respect for actual American Constitutional Law, like all of the politicians and all of the Progressives who are the most famous in the media, including the YouTubers and et al. So I am now assaulted by another group of shithead fuckers and I was poisoned today. I bought a special dessert, a Thai coconut dessert. The creeps ordered that my eletricity be turned off once more all day, with no warning for me. I left my room and returned to a stinking odor coming from behind the toilet that I can't reach because the terrorists built a wall jetting into the bathroom only behind the toilet so I can't reach this one-inch space; this is where the mechanical arms are inserted from the other side of the wall.//and attacked by Europigape white males and Thai people in the stores drooling with stupidity and not able to understand anything I said as I asked for 2 pieces of chicken--the price has jumped now from last week more than $1 per kilo--and as this team of Thai women kept "no undestan" my order for 2 pieces of c hicken, which they put in two containers one piece in each, while I asked for 2 pieces in one container--a white pig ape with his hands in a Nzai hands on hips posturing with a glaring look on his rotten ugly face stood next to me glaring at the dumb Thai skanks following their orders. But I bought something and I am nausious this Thai dessert because I bought it last tim I was there. A Thai woman jumped in front of me in the line and held out this coconut dessert tray I had bought the last time. So under mind control, I bought another one. It tasted like stinking filth but I had been carrying so many heavy items to try to save the chicken I had bought after the pig apes destroyed my last batch of food; I can't afford to lose more money so I had to carry around 5 lbs of chicken trying not to have it destroyed; my shampoos, my oils, my everything I carry around 4 huge heavy bags to try to salvage what I buy but I need so many healing ointments and lotions and medicines I have huge huge bags now I must protect.
**People are now yelling into microphones in protests about lack of climate change initiative or action by the Government. They are blaming Biden. They claim he can stop all the fossil fuel action by Executive Order. Again, what is lacking is realistic appraisal of the extent of the corruption and rot within the rigged promotional pyramid that rules American and global policy. I have been subjected to it. That is why I write constantly that these pig apes are life fuck meaningless pieces of parasitic and stupid shit--the intrinsic type of stupidity. But regardless, at least people are not blindly going along but it has taken massive catastrophe for people to finally begin to label the government as being ineffectual and wrong. However, they blame Biden and it's really not his fault it's Whorewood it's all these lying and rotten people working for the same structure who are attacking me and all their millions of greedy and selfish rape culture mind fuck life fuck partners.
If only people would understand that AOC and people like her (a long list in Congress, but since this video below I think mentions her as being some "hero" but she has teleported me to participate in the same group that worked with Trump who blocked climate action--but AOC and people like her, the fake and lying "Left"--many of these creeple and many have teleported me sneering insulting humiliation laughing about me being raped and mutilated and tortured and then they, too, were promoted--but she and her ilk is a byproduct of the Trump Administration and perhaps put into her position in the State of NY, out of NYC--by Trump himself as a fake opposition operative. Soon replaced by Marjorie Taylor Green. The fake opposition is a large component of why no actual positive change for the sanctity of life--in all that entails--is never passed and the life fuck culture of greed and self-interest and white supremacy continues with a world of brown and black and white skinned minions fully participating in the ultimate demise of the planet--global warming being just one facet of the entire hate mentality and sick psychopathological sick shit that these pig ape whores really are which they demonstrate to me every single day in teleportation:
"The March To End Fossil Fuels: 75,000 Rally in NYC to Push Biden & World Leaders On Climate Crisis". Democracy Now! September 18, 2023.
I am under mind control right now, so I can't think clearly. The keyboard is hacked so it doesn't work well at all, I must fight to pound out every word.
But please note, oh dear apathetic bemused reader, this is much longer than a DECADE of me being teleported to rape and torture every single night. PLus the poison they are constantly forcing into my body or have been--that was under the famous celebrities who have stolen my concepts year after year and paid me with murder attempts, theft of my cat my money my home destroyed my property constantly destroyed and made stinking, shabby, broken down and then broken--non-stop day after day. Thusly when I am endlessly fighting every day with shit pig scum creeps you all see on the tv or in movies because these pieces of s hit want more and more and more, even though they already have so much, they are attacking me because I am fighting for my basic human rights which they have completely obliterated and claim I have none: I have a right to live my life in peace. None of them gives a damn, they see a cash cow that they can milk to death. I see pig ape scumbags who the government never stops and no one ever intervenes, making you all the same shit and of course you all are.
But it's killing me. I consider my life the most precious. Can't anyone have even the slightest of human concern for not only the deadly nature of this technology but also for life in general outside of your comfort "charity" zone while you urinate figuratively on the homeless you saunter past every day, knowing in some little dark recess of your neanderthal brain that your greed has helped to establish non-stop homeless camps across America, a country you flee from every moment you can to live or go to Europigapeland where they had concentration camps and killed off far more than 6 million people and stole their money and lives and property and now they live in luxury and keep investing upon the interest of what they stole---and you can only strive your best to be just like them. And oh, because Germany claimed that they wanted to destroy America only 60 years ago, that was a LONG time age and now their warm smiles and welcomes to their homes, to their beds, their money they shower upon those like the black man being teleported to me now makes him a great minority minion black nazi working for them to the point that he will attack me in defense of the German Nazi schemes of how to influence and control their targets, as he is, with their ploys and warm smiling bs. Underneath it all, Nazism wasn't "a long time ago and now we are so different"---NO! The Germans strive for all from the past, the most basic principles, to NEVER CHANGE and I can assure you people that they adapted to being overrun by blacks in the military from the US and learned how to invite them in, along with the white soldiers, only to brainwash them into servicing the 4th Reich. Oh yes, and so this dumb scum came to do just that alongside the brown-skinned English-wanna be aristocrat white supremacist minion--all behaving like the lap/attack vicious dogs that they are for their "masters" whom they will defend and defend their brainwashing schemes, as long as they feel that they are not targets any longer and not discriminated against--and it's only me and thusly they attack me venemously to prove how much they are "superior" to me because they played good dog and did what they were told and I am resisting. My resistance to technoterror enslavement: It's like the crime of the century. No fucking prisoner at Guantanamo has been forced into THIS MUCH TORTURE as I have.
I am never-ending under deadly assault. What was put in this food I was induced to buy, I know it was a subliminal suggestion while I stood in the bakery line, this woman shoved the exact style of dessert right in front of me as a suggestion--no one ever buys these things but they are always at a specific place in the store--sometimes I guess Thai people buy it but I have never seen ANYONE but this but it's always out.// I had bought last time I was in this store, thinking it was delish and it's very easy to use when I am so exhausted and busy putting things away, as I was and still am (I am so exhausted from lifting heavy packages adn carrying and fighting--I just needed food instantly--please note I have fractured vertebrae in my neck and thoracic and lumbar, in addition to an unmovable shelf of poison I am constantly fighting to rip and tear into pieces by isometric stretching and pulling and dieting and fasting and etc--always sick, and exhausted but they turned my electricity off and I have lost over $60 this month from them turning off the power day after day until my food was spoiled, then they broke and broke and broke items, then they turned off my power again today so I carried extremely heavy frozen food so it would not be spoiled and went to pay my motorbike rent and buy things instead of sitting around while my food spoiled--at the motorbike rental I could put the stuff in their freezer and etc--) but it's far, far too much for my "disabled" and mutilated body to handle--all day just moving and fighting and being attacked by grim and smirking evil parasites surrounding me and attacking me non-stop in every single place and situation, as the parasites that they all are, it's extremely draining and a murder factor. So I bought this coconut Thai dessert with intention that I could eat it while doing more work to put everything away and clean--I am now just sitting here writing this, seeing how many words have already been deleted as I am in the 3rd reading of this now. Every time I re-read I see words have been taken out so I must constantly rewrite. I am too tired to finish putting everything away---it requires over 2 horus just to put all these t hings into sealed and hidden places under layers of plastic tarp behind the couches packed in layers of bags tied with strings and rubber bands--this food which I though would be healthy and good--and I am about to collapse and I can't until I put all this ttuff away like my backpacek with my passport and money otherwise the filth creeps around me using the mechanical arms WILL destroy my food--all food I must wrap and tie with layers of rubber bands and strings so the mechanical arms can't destroy the food, which they WILL do. So they poisoned the food at the store they thought I would buy, which I was induced to do with subliminal suggestion in the bakery line--this is a homemade dessert put into a little clear plastic container so it's very easily contaminated. Any kind of destruction they can do they will, so I have to fight and all my life force is sucked out of me the 2 times I go shoping per month by hundreds of fuckers attacking me and my home ransacked while I am out so I have to clean and clean for DAYS literally the stinking filth they pour and spray and dump everywhere--my floor is caked with black grimy filth, and debris and etc all fans are sprayed with horrid deteriorating substances so I must clean and oil them upon reaturning if I want to use them and not destroy them because the terrorists spray so much deteriorating and rusting substances into the fans---
but, I am sick because I ate something that wasn't officially sealed in the store--, It is too much work for me to do to open anything or do anything, i MUST have food immediately that I can rip open and eat and it must be somewhat caloric and healthy otherwise I can't do more than that and I must have food instantly upon returning. TBut they poisoned something I truly love and it's really vomit and something extremely deadly in this thing I bought. I devoured it in a starvation mode--so starving I couldn't even care whether it was poisoned or tasted funny or bad, I just gulped it down in actual starvation mode--this lovely and otherwise wonderful little handmade Thai item--which is a tiny inexpensive home-made coconut gelatin dessert cut in little squares for less than $1. It tasted like vomit and poison. I was so starving and my nose is so stuffy from mucus being forced into my eyes constantly, which makes my nose contantly stuffed and I have a huge amount of items to pack after spending hours unpacking this morning, running around, fighting people who are walking into me constantly looking down at their phones. All Thai people cannot understand the most basic English at major tourist center shopping areas. They can't understand the difference between 1 and 2. Etc.
Glaring white pig ape Europigape men used the subliminal suggestion to have me "look" at them so they could glare into my face as I was unable to say or do anything but try to not care--but I wasn't looking at anyone and this has happened so many innumerable times--that suddenly I look into the face of someone who is glaring at me from a distance while I am in the middle of walking or driving and not looking at anyone and concentrating on what I am doing and not on the people, necessarily.
It was like a hostile non-stop hate environment, and then this food is so poisoned and I feel like there was some kind of deadly content in this rotten food and I feel absolutely sick but well enough to sit up and just feel the nausia.
So I was in another yelling, hate situation. I had written of this MSNBC pair many times in the past, but I realized the one yelling the most loudly with hate, commenting on what music I listen to, and if this pig scumbag doesn't like it, he begins yelling using this shit fucking teleportation voice-to-skull invasive non-Democratic fucking technology to blast his hate and reproach. This rotten ugly creep and his dirty sick putrid wife have been going at me for at least half a year. I wrote about how this fucking pig used a concept and idea almost verbatim I had written, and thusly like all the fascist Nazi Trump-enablers who put Trump into power, he followed the same exact system, which in fact has been instrumental in the Insurrection and this attempt to overthrow Democracy. Because I wrote about that pair of filth, they got their brown and minority minions to viciously attack me, thus once more proving all the years of me writing about this Oreo effect. The dirty and foul brown and black skinned and minions all believe that they are "special" and "entitled" and act like rotten violent and low and dirty filthy scumbags while the white pig apes sit back bemused that their filthy minions are behaving like sleazy and dirty apes and that is supposed to imply that my writing that they steal, my life that they violently violate, my everything they destroy and make stinking and broken and foul--that somehow when their mentally enslaved servants who are Stockholm Syndrome scumbags who make sleazy and foul gestures at me and that is supposed to be "me" and not them.
This is always the same.
One of them, as I wrote, is a YouTube scumbag who puts out his videos about how smiling, warm and friendly the Germans are. I wrote in the comment section that the racism is extreme in Germany . This pig was teleported to me under the auspices of the brown-skinned English minion from MSNBC whom I had tried to be friendly to and told him that his sticking his "bum" out at me in front of the bigot white shitsteain scumbags was him and not me. I began to explicate how racism has thoroughly affected and broken and then brainwashed him into compliance for this white supremacist contract and system. He softened up a bit, but of course he came back after the brainwashing organization pounded him back into his old slot of conformist to their pig ape cartel authority and he began his assault with hate at me renewed, and like all the pieces of shit, brought in another fucker to attack me because I wrote a comment that the dumb scum thought was a pesonal attack on his presumption that he is too cool for being a racist pawn of the German 4th Reich, which he claims is 'only you" to me--that the problem is me not him. That it can't happen to him. I told this rotten dumb fucker that I was referring to BLACK MEN from America, just like him, who thought also that they were special and I heard the most nasty comments about them after they were forced out, but they were so warmly welcomed and bedded by the eager racist pieces of Shit in Germany--and I have seen this happen so many times it's uncountable. I have seen many Muslims in Germany who attack me and I have seen the exact same correspondence in extremely racist places like Florida, uncountable times by now.
They yell at me, finally I have lost my composure and am yelling at them to fuck off and it's me yelling, feeling about 50 decades older by now from endless middle aged fucking pigs attacking me because the careers they obtained when they were happy, fresh and not raped into becoming the rapist perpetrators that they literally all are--and they have dumped their stupidity and hate upon me for so many eyars I am old by now and just dying from this.
Of course, no one is ever going to stop this. I am told endlessly from everybody that the problem is me. They shrug. That Trump was put into power by being handed this shit technology over me has no bearing on any of the irresponsible shithead fuckers ruining America.
So I am writing again. The nausea is like having swallowed a deadly poison. I feel this aura of death after having eaten this poisoned food. I got the same style of dessert but a different type that I have never tried, and they poisoned the type I had last time which I think had poisoned vomit in it. I was starving--I am constantly, day after day, ripping poison out of my body as it is so adhesive it is glued into my flesh. I had to go through this today and then drive and fight and pack and I am writing this now because I have a whole pile of things I have to unpack and hide and put into bags and tie with strings and bury behind my couch to stop them from stealing and destroying more of my property.
The teleportation is so foul and this English fucker is like the perfect nastiness for the racist bigots from Msnbc the white blondish couple from The South who truly are lying mother fuckers.
Absolutely rotten shit parasites. So I am poisoned, the pigs turned off my electricity for the 2nd time in two weeks. The pieces of shit on the floor beneath mine or drilling on their patio every single day and then using some grinding machine that goes on and on for hours an dhours on their patio, every day now it's gone on for over 2 weeks.
I am subjected to hateful and life fuck teleportation skits every single night. Upon waking this fucking English piece of shit is doing what the mafia did, what Trump did,, which is to beratee and abuse me using this tech that is forced into my inner ear. Because I wrote about his blonde bigot American fascist Nazi partners from MSNBC, the anchors who are full of shit constantly and their every sentence is a lie and a deception. They stole my idea and finally I wrote in a rage after 6 months of their abuse and threats and insults. The fascist pig apes have ordered more violence upon me. And the shit is never stopped. I am dying from this. The fucking Biden Administration is fully operating alongside this terror situation just as Trump did and Obama has always been in the background but behind him was Biden.
That there is never going to be a change in leadership that has anything whatsoever to really do with "Democracy" should be daunting or even alarming to any of you fucking pieces of shit reading this but of course you all do nothing. You fight where it is "safe" but this situation is the most dangerous threat to society but because it's happening to "me" you couldn't fucking give a damn.
Saturday, September 16, 2023
Terrorist death and filth report: (*NB--this post was partially deleted throughout by hacker terrorists so incongruities are rife, as is with all my posts I write every single one is made a mess of half-deleted sentences strung together by hackers): the teenth (maybe 16 or more, in the teens) set of plants I have attempted to grow on my patio have been killed once more. For the past 6 months every single plant I have bought with my subpoverty income has been killed after a few weeks of me watering it and watching it grow. Every flowering vine has been taken out of the nurseries in my area every time I try to find replacements as I created a trellis for vines to grow on. This area where I live is replete with a spate of nurseries for tourists and expats, but of course none of them can understand English when I come and they all smirk with hate that they have no--they no understand what "vines" means but of course they always have these and always have for the 10+ years I have lived in this area--now they take them all out every time I go out, literally this is not paranoia.//I then ordered seeds online, which took weeks to arrive in packages, for flowering vines, and those grew for about three weeks and then were showered with fungus and mold as they shriveled and died. I had a whole line of them, they are all gone and dead. Stinking toxic substances are being poured from the patio above mine and I go outside and there is a shower of liquid pouring onto my patio. They have drilled holes into the patio ceiling but I can't contact my landlord to fix this for various reason I won't go into. The substances pour onto the ledge of my patio but they are also pouring stinking foul liquids into the plants using their mechanical arms. The water container tray under a few of the plants are stinking with foul liquids and always full while the other plants I pour as much water into have dry bottoms and no liquid stagnating and molding--only where the water is being poured from above.//I had been growing beautiful flowering vines I ordered which were all growing and blossoming and across all rows on all sides literally all have been killed and ripped out.// I then ordered another set of seeds for another variety of flowering vines but of a different variety; and planted them and nothing grew. I noticed that the level of dirt I had just put in the pots was much lower after one night. I thought perhaps the terrorists were using mechanical arms to literally dig the areas they captured on their surveillance cameras which are always trained on my every move in this torture cubicle of abuse and hate and techno-terror and rape and theft and hate and abuse and stinking filth ordered by shit scumbags--so they had video of me planting the seeds in the specific areas and then just removed the soil with the seeds I had just planted. I try not to be "paranoid" so I ordered more seeds, hoping I was wrong about them removing the seeds along with the soil.// It takes about 2 weeks for the seeds to arrive, (and my area has zero flowering vine seeds, or those are also taken off the shelves in every store I go to like all the plants in the nurseries so I have to only resort to ordering seeds online. and thusly now 5 months later, I planted 6 packets of wonderful plants and one single little tiny plant has appeared and is growing--everything else has much less soil after one single day of me planting the seeds at least 1/8 of the soil is gone. Nothing else is growing and they have once more removed all the seeds. My clothing//stinking and foul, sprayed with most putrid filth and most of it hanging up in this room on a rack. It was sprayed when I went downstairs to pick up the seeds and other items I need for healing which I protect every moment I can from the mechanical arms; none of them stink, everything is wrapped in multiple layers. If I leave any of the bags open and unattended for even 3 minutes to go in any other room (patio/bathroom) I return and the bags are wet and stinking and must be thrown out. I try to use colored bags to try to hide the endless assortment of items I am protecting from poisoning and spraying with toxins because they have put damaging poisons in my shampoo which made my hair fall out (once I protected it my hair didn't fall out, for example).
"Shitlist--L7 Music Video". L. December 21, 2020.
"What the Fuck". Crass. May 1, 2019.
..and these are the filthy nasty dirty things these rotten filthy celebrities and politicians and their dirty nasty minions are inflicting upon me for no reason. They were told to attack me they do it with gusto and they go on for years and years and are nominated. Again this year the predicted awards for the shithead celebrity rigged elections in LA are a host of the parasites who have tortured and stolen ideas from me. The "original" concept that was stolen, which I only realized because I NEVER focus on that filthy blonde bigot Nazi skank from one of England's colonies, just one of this group who has been violently assaulting me since I began to write about her for the first time, but knowing for years that she was a part of this although this filthy piece of shit has not openly revealed her ugly filthy huge mouthed sickness in teleportation until I began to write about the actual concept I had written which was stolen, just because they always take my concepts focusing on their racist bs and steal what will amplify the fake posturing about how "feminist" or original they are, but turn it into the exact corrupt thing that I was revealing and writing against. I wrote last month in rage also induced by torture and drugging, which is never ending anyway-- when I realized that this was a repeat of what I had written because I never gave a damn about this filthy ugly bigot creep and still don't but because it's now up for an Oscar it's been attacking me like the rotten usual parasites who have been putting this filthy thing up into this situation for all these years, giggling together as they mutually attack me but call me a "loser" every moment possible while they steal and rob and destroy poison mutilate and then the shit from MSNBC joins in and more politicians join in and I am under attack by at least a few hundred "famous" worthless filthy and ugly dirty pig ape whores, then millions literally millions of shit civilians who want a 4th Reich murder mass genocide takeover of the planet.
Once again what I wrote but have NEVER been able to capitalize on or even try to project as my own concept, so drugged and sick and dying from poisoning and running around the world to get to a safe place to live and find health care--not able to think, not able to function with a lifetime of this disgusting poison stuck in my body in a huge disfiguring block of hard poison with fractured vertebrae that people forced upon me after drugging and raping me and stealing and destroying--and after fighting and fighting only writing my concepts on Facebook because my ID's have all been stolen, my ability to function has been stolen, all is stolen as the filthy skank who has partnered with shit pig pitt and shitalina has completely profited for YEARS from this torture contract along with RAmbo and rotten deniro and the list of people latching on to abusing me for years and years and decades are all intertwined and the list of people latching on increases daily ever fucking day with no fucking intervention from this shit US Government and only rotten politicians almost under indictment violently assaulting and yelling and pigs form MSNBC yelling like fascists but claiming they are fighting for Democracy--and on and on, and they too stealing concepts from me and then having their dirty foul Jewish nazi attack me for them. And then they have filth and stinking crap and destruction of my body finances every living thing I take care of destroyed, killed or used as a kidnapped torture victim--my cat LaMoux was tortured and she ran to me clinging with her claws to me in terror--this is my baby my beloved family member and one of the men who has beaten and raped has informed me in a most duplicitous manner that he will so kindly take "care" of her and I should thank him for this wonderful 'HELP" as his motive is of course absolute exploitation of me.
I see that the list of shit filth pig ape whores from Whorewood are now in an endless, annual list of nominees for Oscars yet once more this year. The idea I wrote of years ago about Barbie is now considered an "original" concept. I did not write the script, I have not been able to do anything but write begging for my life on the internet as every single fucking thing I write about their shit and filth and torture is a means for their filth promotions and I can't stop writing because these pigs never stop near-death and deadly assault upon me and destruction so I must beg constantly. Every piece of shit I write about go on and on and they are all in line for an Oscar yet once more this fucking year, according to the preliminary reports on these shit magazines about celebrity fodder---it's the same thing every fucking year and has been since at least 2015. When the fuck will this government ever put an end to this fucking shit finally?
This filthy dirty thing appeared like a parasite to attack me since that rotten movie came out and is now still putting her shit on my internet when I search for anything because it's trying very hard to follow all the protocols of this torture and filth and violence contract and has been latching on with torture and violence now for two months, taking turns with piece of shit after piece of shit. I wrote of Stallone who is a violent murdering bigot with his filthy mafia organization which has been attacking me with rape and attempted murder since 1987--
and it never ends
it is never stopped. What the fuck will it take if what Trump did to gain his power by attacking me is not enough for any fucking shit politician or whore from whorewood to even begin to consider that this a situation that is detrimental to society?
So today for me defending myself because some rotten Europigape pieces of shit who were poisoning and raping me to death using all these death squads and technologies to inflict their hate and violence--as I fought and said no while they were abusing and stealing and robbing my concepts as I called them pigs after DECADES OF THIS GOING ON
as it's still ongoing and now politicians and sick shit from MSNBC have joined in, with Trump one of the most blatant examples of the extreme incorrigible criminality that this contract out on me has created with a host of men later accused of domestic violence after years of them having inflicted their violence upon me--(the women are taken serious because they are bigot nazi pieces of shit, I am further attacked for having defended myself as I must constantly do every single day).
I have tried and tried to receive any humane treatment but only filthy and shit pig whores have been rushing to join in while the shit politicians do likewise or ignore my situation.
so I must perpetually clean stinking filth because I am defending myself, fight for my life, and face homelessness after 6 years of grad school, running around the planet 4 times in my life to receive health care while I was being murdered in my own country by the Nazi hate organization you now call "Right Wing Extremists/MAGA" but many, many of them are just like the shit from MSNBC blathering all kinds of shit every day about how they care about human rights but are being paid to promulgate a deception.
Along with the shit from Whorewood.
So the US Constitution is not supposed to apply to me, nor are any laws protecting human rights, nor any economic or financial opportunity except for the most menial if that and then I will be possibly raped and drugged by coworkers, attacked and harassed endlessly if I do get a job anywhere as has always been the case (eventually the people who hire me are replaced, the friendly co-workers are replaced, and a team of hostile terrorists attack me in every single financial possibility I attempt). So I am stuck with no home and what tiny I have, filthy and dirty pieces of shit from Whorewood, MSNBC, Senators and Representatives from Congress, civilians in the numbers of millions and millions converge to assault me in sick situations of entire hotels, entire airplanes, etc being used as attack situations upon me (as "paranoid" or delusional as that is supposed to sound, that is the intentional effect this organization is striving to replicate to "gaslight me" --to emulate conditions of so-called schizophrenia when anyone tries to report on this stalking and torture protocol system--- which is why this terror organization has endless millions of dollars poured into it for such purposes and businesses rely on this "system" as well).
I must stop writing just to try to get them off me. It is impossible but I need money to try to get away from them all. They should be forced to pay me for all these years of stealing my ideas and destroying every single thing I have attempted to do.
All of these celebrities are putrid fucking whore pig pieces of shit. I need a safe home to live in and they should be forced to pay me for the ideas they have stolen, and the endless years of these ideas I have written being stolen by one fucking stupid ignorant dirty filthy whore after the next who have gone on to the Oscars and multiple other awards having stolen these ideas and concepts and glaring in hate in photos, ordering endless destruction and fungus and rape and mutilation when I write on my private Facebook page or blog here about what they are doing--as they go off being championed and handed every glamor photo op and presentation as I sit here fighting to heal from the endless barrage of violence that is non stop every day without end and was ongoing before I ever reacted in rage or anger which these fucking whore pigs dirty and foul parasites use as justification to get more promotions for more violence heaped upon me while they go off giggling about this system which they all love.
You all keep allowing them to go on. I can't block out the filthy pigs who teleport me in the mornings or while I am in the deepest of sleep; after they have poison and drugs inserted into my body or they use this tech which has a similar effect. I remain endlessly cleaning up their stinking filth and trying to not spend all my money on replacing what they destroy every single day.
I truly hope they are destroyed and never want anything to do with people who are part of this organization as literally all I have met have zero personality or humanity. They are as filthy and disgusting as the filth I am trying to describe here which they truly encompass on every personal and intellectual level. The problem is that they absolutely desperately need people to pour their filth out upon in order to present any feasible "familial" or "relationship" even "love" partnership with--but underneath they are a seething cesspool of violence and hate. When they are not allowed to have victims to torture, they wither and are as blank and mediocre as they truly are but in this system they are handed people to feed off, torture, dehumanize poison rape torture and then I get endless insults about how I have not "accomplished" "anything" they all claim even though they all know my history. I must constantly tell them about their violence, poisoning, mutilation, inflicted paralysis, their theft of my ideas because they are stupid and not me--etc etc etc.
Nevertheless, the 4th Reich has been killing off opposition without any hindrance for so many decades that there is no visible resistance and people who know always assume that they are entitled and will never be scathed by their fellow con artist rapist murdering bigot partners.
I have now lost about $80 this month from my subpoverty income because I wrote in rage about deniro and his YEARS of violence towards me and he has been "winning" oscars ever since. A DECADE OF fucking pig pitt and shitalina with their endless oscars year after year. then a slew of their fellow pig apes from whorewood featured in photos that are hacked onto my internet as they then assist in this torture and then they likewise go to the oscars.
Trump's campaign in 2015 escalated after he teleported and tortured me while Amber Heard watched on glaring in hate after she reported domestic violence from that scumbag who with her both raped and beat and robbed and poisoned and mutilated and had me hit by cars and etc for over 2 years before he began to hit her (once or twice maybe but her goldigging has not stopped and she's still hacking her fucking face on my internet--while Trump is the only one of the fuckers facing prison but the rest are still protected by this filth organization).
I am only human. This is THIRTY YEARS OF rotten ugly stallone and his filthy disgusting group of thugs from Italy raping, stalking, poisoning, having me destroyed nearly killing my cat stealing ideas and passing me around for other pig apes I detest to do the same for over THIRTY YEARS on and fucking on, with this English pig scumbag Danny Moynihan who filthalina the shit whore consort of pig shit pitt who are connected to this English mob of "aristocrats" connected to the English crown along with that filthy blonde skank from London whose rotten voice was used for the Barbie movie about how "women" are finding a new paradigm. These pigs have been torturing me for 40 YEARS out of England to steal ideas that are original and they are connected to the English Crown, the business empire not necessarily the Monarchy--and they have been conscripting non-stop pigs and shit from Whorewood to further their endless millions of shit people attacking me for 40 fucking years, 30 for filthy ugly stallone I never liked his movies or him the one time I was in the sme fucking sleazy club he co-owned with dirty foul Steven Tyler whose partners in that shit cock rock band are playing with dirty nasty Depp and the shit list of these pigs interconnected is NEVER FUCKING ENDING.
When the fuck will anyone ever have a shred of decency and stop this fucking shit finally? The list of shit never ends--
I find them all life fuck crap--why can't anyone else see this actual reality and stop promoting this life fuck group?
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...