Tuesday, September 26, 2023

I am obviously being badly drugged while sleeping via these mechanical arms just wreaking destruction and mutilation and poisoning and drugging on me. I have to red spots on my chest which are due to slashing done via these technologies. Besides that, after doing my extremely strenuous stretches, due to hard poisons latched literally like cords of steal from my hips (but extending down my legs to my very toes) and up to my skull (which is slightly indented on the crown area where the poisons have latched; I suspect due to the microchip implant or microchips in my brain---there is a scar on my skull on the right-hand side, very tiny like a tiny incision. It is just above the cerebral cortex "Supplementary motor area & Primary motor area", according to chart below. //The goons who tortured me last night, this morning, were observing as the dancer from Russia or his associate were instructing me while I was fighting to stretch and break off more pieces of this elongated inner block of poison --so hard I can pound my fist on it and feel almost nothing. After I had finished, as I was exhausted drinking something sugary just to get my energy up, I said under hypnosis upon being asked something regarding being a "lady" and was I one, this man asked me quietly. I answered immediately, in my "thoughts" and through the cochlear transmission of my vocal chords inaudibly vocalizing the words, I said, or rather, I was instructed to say, "I ain't no lady" but the words, while being shoved into my subconscious, I said as if a joke because this same sentence brought back memories of a Gilligan's Island comedy sketch and also something a friend of mine had said that she was "no lady" making it a joke because of her debauchery (she was a terrorist attached to this contract out on me, ultimately I blocked her out completely) but....all this came back as I think I was instructed to repeat this, I'm not sure. But I was giggly and light, in this state after having been "doped" by current or former drug addicts laughing about drugging me EVERY SINGLE DAY not caring of course about the health ramifications. They began like sneering thugs on a street corner to make snide nasty yelling comments about what type of "not lady" I was--I didn't hear the words completely I blocked them out and shouted that they were expletives but in more rude terms--it was totally a street situation that was forced upon me. //Due to the endless drugging, and just as Covid was on the rise, the Austrian terrorist who played in the Tarantino movie about being a Nazi was having me tortured, they inserted a virus in me whereby I felt like I was literally dying (this was 2 months before the official outbreak) I have never felt the presence of death trying to insert itself on me with this virus which took all my energy. They also dyed my hair on the front part of my head with something that completely drained all the color out of my hair and killed the hair shafts (they then did this after a German filth creep, the violinist, would not stop raping me and pounding poison more deeply into my body and after more than a month I began calling him a "pig" so they destroyed the rest of my hair, which I am fighting every day to try to grow. So I have a huge grey streak in this area on the front of my forehead, like a shock of grey where almost no hair will grow anyway. I Believe that the poisoning is largely due to this greying but also the non-stop toxicity of poison and drugging and also the endless violence these filthy greedy sleazy and disgusting sick creeps are forcing upon me every day for at least 6 hours per day of abuse and violence using these insidious technologies because with all their mansions and harems of lovers, they can't get enough. They must have a global power cartel. I can't describe how many rotten "famous" politicians and news anchors and people in society are attacking me viciously and with deadly intention for this global overtake. But either way, I forgot to add the U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris to the list of politicians who have both profited and have participated in abusing me in teleportation. Oprah Winfrey has shoved her vagina in my face, had my home and body saturated with deadly fungus, got the mafia to abuse me and they did not stop for about 5 years (of course all getting Oscars and awards) and they are all still in the background. There is Michelle Obama who I believe has been also in the background. All of them have "black girls" like their children they promote in Whorewood movies and tv shows so they are absolutely for this contract of torturing me and of genocide and anti-Semitism. As is Michael Bloomberg with his hysterically nasty screaming daughter shouting at me endlessly insults and hate with Bloomberg grabbing at my breasts with a face akin to Gollum from LOTR, and then there was Kennedy the slime fake who made extremely disgusting sexual commentary aimed at me and has ever since been championed by the MAGA and a hopeful partner with Trump, some claim. There was Bernie Sanders sneering in contempt at me after Hillary screamed, yelled and then the physical mutilation of my body increased after all this abuse. But either way, I remain writing these posts and the torture is constantly ongoing. My grey hair is sickening to see and my hair extremely thin, won't grow, they have been slowly killing me for years.


What these rape culture advocates do to discredit the victim:
their filthy women/daughters/et al base their claim to fame on their sexuality. They cheer as the men rape and beat and torture me while they join in. I am saying no to being sexually abused and used. Yet, it's supposed to be "me" who is not a "lady" because I'm supposed to feel "shame" and that my womanhood is completely defiled and destroyed because of pig men and their rotten skank women polluting my body and life constantly and they never stop.

It's the usual most sexist disgusting ploy of destroying a person and it's almost always aimed at women, but if men get raped, they are too terrified very often to report it.

However, these low-class scumbags with millions and billions of dollars for feigning that they are glamorous, that they are aristocratic, and intelligent and decent human beings---are blasted with cheers, applause for what is considered defilement of me. They are never lambasted and of course, they are rarely or never stopped from this endless onslaught against me, one person facing by now literally millions of people--the minions the greedy and nasty 4th Reich people of all races and skin color crawling on this earth.

They are almost crowned they are paid exorbitant amounts. I am actually ethical and want an actual loving person to be my partner as I have always wanted.
They are torturing me to steal even that faint possibility for my life, as i fight my hair turning grey endlessly breaking down and dying from violence, stress and negativity these parasite inflict upon me.
I never chose to say that I "ain't no lady" I also never use the word "ain't" and for a few brief exceptions maybe mimicking or quoting something else, I have never used that expression.
It is they and their filthy whore women who are the low-scum trash and not me. I hope people will try to recognize this instead of constantly pumping male abusers and rapists up as if it is sexually titillating to think about violence and rape. I suggest people vicariously live through such psychoscumbags who are put into power. The movies these pig ape whores make exude this aura of sexual predatory psychopathy and people love this and feed on the lives that the parasites starring in these movies themselves have fed off.

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