Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Terrorist Report: $60 worth of food/property destroyed this month, all of which I must pay to replace. Mechanical arms entering my room and stealing my property while I am in another room. They stole an electronic key card from a bag I had used to go downstairs and pick up a delivery item for healing products--they had my electricity turned off for 3 days in a row, for hours every day so all the food I had bought spoiled and my fridge was stocked to feed me for 12 days. Almost all lost. This was half my monthly budget they stole from me. This morning they stole a pair of modified socks which I use to cover my hands and forearms to protect my skin and fingers from endless slicing into my cuticles. I had just taken them off and went to another room and when I returned one of the glove/modified sock of the pair was gone. I had put it on my bed as I always do, every day, upon waking--on top of a pillow. This is a huge, elongated pair of stretch socks which are completely gone. There is no space for anything to fall between some piece of furniture as I have everything packed everywhere on the floor in tight formation because I can't use any of the cabinets which are constantly being sprayed with stinking sprays by the terrorists so anything stored becomes rancid with laboratory-concocted permanently staining and absorbing stinking substances and fungus and mold. I have to hide all my items that are necessary for my life (passport, money, etc and this electronic key card) in my backpack, which has two huge plastic bags both secured with rubber bands and strings--tied in a way that mechanical arms can't open them unless they completely rip the bags open. Then covered with two more layers of shopping bags; stuffed behind the elongated couch that I have turned sideways to hide this, which is sandwiched next to items that I store like detergents and toothpaste as I have zero storage area while this room is covered with cabinets that I have sealed off to stop the mechanical arms from entering every single part of this room while I am in even another part of the same room but my back is turned they have sprayed and stolen and destroyed items when I simply turn my back to another part of the room.

 Then, nasty and foul DeNiro, who is never pried off attacking me as this filthy and foul cesspool black energy parasite keeps on attacking me. I wrote a post about addiction yesterday and he came threatening and menacing as he always does (and is physically violent) and this ugly dirty filthy creep has gotten a divorce from his older black former wife and is now with a grandaughter-aged woman with a baby after YEARS of this rotten ugly old man feeding energetically like an addiction from sucking my life out with his endless abuse, violence (he has used MUCH violence against me physically and in every other way and has only been championed for it, this rotten shit NAZI Mafia government with crap like Pelosi put into prominence for her Mafia inclusion in the otherwise Nazi-controlled Congress-(all minorities lead to Rome, btw).

He's assuming that my post about addiction and dysfunctional creeps attacking me and feeding off this torture like an addiction means Him but as I wrote, they are ALL like this, every one of these pig ape scumbag whores who have fed off torture, rape and violence. Every single one is an empty, and blank black-energy parasite who feeds off everything they can feed off. If they were not cocaine addicts in their earlier years, as most of them are way past middle age and obtained their surge in popularity from their coked-out presence as hyped up hysterical goony thug swagger psychopaths--DeNiro being one of those as well. He continues to blame me for his relative's death by fentanyl poisoning, if that account is true as that rotten pig ape has endlessly played me with his deceptions using hacking and the technologies that a stupid and rotten group of shit like this should never have had in the first place.

DeNiro is an absolute Trump associate and part of the overall conspiracy for a domination monopoly over the corporate media empire that a rotten and sickening disgusting thug like that has been granted for all his years of providing America with an example of a "successful" thug drugged up celebrity performing psychopathy, whether it's in "comedy" form or in seriousness, for  the furtherance of mind programming into fascist Nazi/Mafia organized and disorganized chaos and crime in order to divide and conquer the American landscape and for this they are handed mansions in Europigapeland for their assistance in promoting the former 3rd Reich plot to take over America; now the 4th Reich fully in effect.


Can't  ANYONE ever get this filthy cesspool scumbag creep off me with his goon gang of Brooklyn Mafia who also join in. Somehow his relatives and his drug addiction, alcoholism, violence and then the resulting destruction that brings is somehow related to me screaming I hope he and his group, which are extremely Nazi genocidal anti-Semitic and I am automatically loaded with their hate stereotypes and the decades of this racism that they inflicted upon Brooklyn and Jews, with a LOT of assistance from the US Government which operated with the Mafia in the form of Lucky Luciano as a liason between the Sicilian Mafia and the US Government. So this filth bucket is part of a descending line of scumbags that the US Government has fully backed so that organized crime will be endlessly hailed as being "the best movie ever" in the American lexicon of film history as the list never changes according to IMDB--and the same group which is connected to the Government remains being handed this technology, more awards, gold-digger granddaughter aged women to spawn with them because before they latched onto me, including Stallone THIRTY YEARS AGO, their careers were slowing down but now they are booming with endless torture heaped upon me. Championed for every act of violence, racism and hate poured upon me. Never stopped.


*I had to get off this blog in order to "remember" what I was going to write. My brain is blanketed with mind control technology while I am writing as the keyboard is hacked and made dysfunctional as well--Must pound down to get any letters to appear, constant pounding not only slows me down but then they juxtapose the letters as well, etc etc etc

The terrorists also sprayed foul and stinking mold and putrid something-like sewage water on my pillow, which was clean the last time I left this room to repay for the items that they broke and stole. I have to buy another pillow because I need this huge and large pillow to prop half my body up because the hard poisons have formed a shell in the interior of my body and I can't even lie flat without pain. I am working on removing this poison every day, so the stagnant poisons are always in my blood stream and lymphatic system as this team of violent psychopath parasites in particular DeNiro as he's the junk yard dog they sicced on me as substitute for the blonde bigot Nazis--the role that the "darker" "races" are supposed to play, to viciously attack the target so the white bigot scum can sit back claiming that they are really "not racist". That was the organizing principle that the darker Italians had formed with the blondish Nazis, but then in the succeeding decades they obtained full cooperation from all other "minority" races. IN keeping with this, whenever a blonde Nazi type and in particular from Germany rapes and assaults me, DeNiro in keeping with his minority minion status, violently assaults me i.e. punching with deadly force into my face,  missing my head by one inch after a German blonde (dyed) pig ape piece of rotten filth raped me every day for a month while using violence at the same time while they had me drugged to the point that I could ont move. I kept telling him to stop as he was also pounding poison into my body, the pig apes of Whorewood watched on drooling with pornographic enthrallment as this was forced upon me. How they can't wait to force this upon other people and I'm sure they are doing it all the time now after years of "experimenting" on me who hates them and finds them all filthy and disgusting. So imagine what someone "starstruck" would do when under this type of drugging and mesmerization from the celebrity bs that is constantly pumped out about these filthy and meaningless sleazy and parasitic scumbags who hold no sexuality and all is posturing sleazy porn. So they need to feed off human beings and by drugging people who are enamored by a false image they can suck out so much life force from someone, give NOTHING in return which is all they do with me, and then go off with their "real" partner trying to conjoin that energy they just sucked out of the victim because the women of this group absolutely feed vicariously off the rape their dirty men force upon me--

and so rotten DeNiro is absolutely protected by rotten crap like Pelosi and of course Biden's wife is "Italian" and so that means they must "love" the Mafia and Pelosi. DeNiro also assaults me in favor of blonde bigot Hillary Clinton and any other bigot blonde or Europigape white Nazi who comes to rape and abuse me.

I finally began screaming at the German piece of filth that he was a pig, and so they made my hair permanently fall out--after more than a year and a half of daily struggle to get my hair to regrow, it is still at nearly half an inch and remaining never growing from the death chemicals they sprayed into my hair so I must put many layers around my head every night-protecting my teeth as they keep cutting into my gum tissue which of course never regrows--

and etc.

All I am doing is writing in my blog in response to years of murder attempts that were forced upon me BEFORE I ever began to "resist" or write this blog or any posts on my Facebook page. Everyone one of these blank and rotten filth bucket creeps has STOLEN ideas that I wrote of for the promotion of their rotten movies. DeNiro included--stolen ideas from me which were used in Joker. Not a penny but endless destruction is what they returned for that, plus years of my life sucked out by endless torture and violence, sewage water and poison inserted into my vagina and into my bladder every day for over 2-3 years when DeNiro and Pesce were endlessly, for hours, as this ugly parasitic filth creep did this morning with his disgusting Brooklyn thug gang (i.e. the Gottis) as I was trying to get this internet to turn on---I had to remove viruses from this laptop and of course I have to every day--many times a day--flip this huge and heavy office chair I sit on every day because I can't move most of the time--the poison this pig DeNiro and the rest of this shit from Whorewood put in my body as I was fighting to get what everyone else put in my body all my life--which they KEPT pouring and inserting into my food and body--I can't protect every single orifice while I am sleeping so they inserted the hardening and bloating MURDER poison into my bladder every night while they teleported me to rape, violence, physical violence, abuse without end and this pig ape group has been feeding off it non-stop, as I wrote above how much this vile and disgusting putrid old man DeNiro has been feeding energetically, financially and in every way off torture using this technology that NO ONE will ever pry away from this group of filth and scum. Their performances are nothing compared to the ugliness, destruction and fascist Nazism they are helping to usher into the United States through their Europigape and foreign fascist partners which are plenty and they are constantly training these ignoramus idiots into the aspects of murderous genocidal Holocaust mentality. The ugly pig apes spew these types of sentences at me constantly in teleportation and through the subliminal "voice-to-skull" technology, which is audible.

Truly and thoroughly detestable sick and putrid foul parasites. I wrote about the addiction that they are all integrated with and that they promote in their every film performance. Everything about their actions in these celluloid products is intended to obtain an addictive response from the audience and the technologies promoting mental programming in this regard are likewise being used, very similar to advertising psychology.

And this is what Trump used to gain his access to the violent death squad groups of America. DeNiro is one of Trump's most ardent supporters out of this Whorewood group.


I could not finish my sentence above: the hacking is very bad, the keyboard is barely manageable and I must pound every key and backspace and my brain is under attack constantly so I can't write logically or clear-headed or in any linear sense

they also spin strings and hairs around every wheel of this office chair I sit on all day so It won't move. I bought this chair to try to have a way to sit here but not have to drag a chair back and forth to get past the area that is blocked between the kitchen sink and the front door and clothing rack and garbage pail---this tiny surveillance torture chamber is so tiny that I have a little pathway between the huge areas of items I have stored in boxes along one side of the cupboard-lined room--all of which have removeable panels that I have had to pound hooks into the interiors and exteriors of all because of the endless numbers of mechanical arms attacks for years living in this space. I have no room to push this chair back except for about 4 inches. They block the wheels at least 3 times a day with strings and hair clumps wound so tightly into the axel of the wheels which are very hard to reach, and I can't move the chair unless I pull the chair up, it's very heavy and my body is very damaged from all the poisons latched into my spine, the fractured vertebrae this group forced upon me, the bloated hard poisons blocking all movement, and the sickness from endless hate, stress and negativity this group of energy filth feeders inflict upon me to make any type of positivity extremely difficult as I must sit here all day, every day while they have kept me poisoned but they are still using the ideas they stole from me to sound original, make money off the original concept while all these boring and rotten pig ape scumbags do is conform and follow orders--trust me, not a single one can create anything original.

And it's still, all of this, being fully protected by yet another administration. Having been attacked by Kamala Harris in the last few months, her rotten daughter hacked a photo glaring in hate in what was supposed to be a celebrity display of photos--obviously so hideously ugly in it's hissing hate as this halfl-jewish with a half-black mother is so engrossed in white supremacy culture from the "modeling" career she, like all the spawn of the pig apes who attack me, are fully integrated into as their filthy parents are striving for the aristocratic fascist domination of "nepo-baby" monopolistic control over the media.

And on and on....I'm still waiting for the world to implode due to the  hate and violent ugliness of these excrement-ridden personalities who have been handed control by the 4th Reich, albeit they are not 'IN CONTROL' they are dumb scum who are handed scripts and told what to say and do; that trickle-down effect reaches the bottom of their low subhuman group anyway as they all act the same. Say the same things. Are as perfidious and rotten as each other from the pinnacle of wealth to the homeless, all part of this organization are just bot units who follow orders. They can't sustain life and they are put in charge of destroying America for the benefit of the fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich to infiltrate and take over. As much as that sounds like a "conspiracy theory" unfortunately all these years of witnessing them and this situation and my years of having lived for longer than half a year in Holland, England, Germany, and now in Thailand around a throng of Europigape and Russian tourists and ex-pats and hearing the hateful bs they spew out and how organized and what they really are like when their pretenses are lowered as they go into full Nazi genocide mode around me....and I hear all their anti-Americanism all the time. I see how they use the same principles of Imperialism to overtake America. I wonder why no one ever understands this in America this "great "country with the "highest standard of university education" according to the MSNBC terrorists who have fully contributed to this torture and theft agenda forced upon me, sitting yelling and threatening alongside the Mafia who fully support Trump, while their one and only goal is to integrate themselves into being as "Italian" as possible with everything going towards living in and being welcomed like long-lost relatives into Italy with their assistance in bringing the US down and people like me who fascists can't stand to see have a chance to compete or every have anything but slavery, abuse and destruction of my body and life and home, as they did to Jews in Europigapeland until the "final solution" which is STILL ONGOING but focused on The United States.

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More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.