Saturday, September 16, 2023

Terrorist death and filth report: (*NB--this post was partially deleted throughout by hacker terrorists so incongruities are rife, as is with all my posts I write every single one is made a mess of half-deleted sentences strung together by hackers): the teenth (maybe 16 or more, in the teens) set of plants I have attempted to grow on my patio have been killed once more. For the past 6 months every single plant I have bought with my subpoverty income has been killed after a few weeks of me watering it and watching it grow. Every flowering vine has been taken out of the nurseries in my area every time I try to find replacements as I created a trellis for vines to grow on. This area where I live is replete with a spate of nurseries for tourists and expats, but of course none of them can understand English when I come and they all smirk with hate that they have no--they no understand what "vines" means but of course they always have these and always have for the 10+ years I have lived in this area--now they take them all out every time I go out, literally this is not paranoia.//I then ordered seeds online, which took weeks to arrive in packages, for flowering vines, and those grew for about three weeks and then were showered with fungus and mold as they shriveled and died. I had a whole line of them, they are all gone and dead. Stinking toxic substances are being poured from the patio above mine and I go outside and there is a shower of liquid pouring onto my patio. They have drilled holes into the patio ceiling but I can't contact my landlord to fix this for various reason I won't go into. The substances pour onto the ledge of my patio but they are also pouring stinking foul liquids into the plants using their mechanical arms. The water container tray under a few of the plants are stinking with foul liquids and always full while the other plants I pour as much water into have dry bottoms and no liquid stagnating and molding--only where the water is being poured from above.//I had been growing beautiful flowering vines I ordered which were all growing and blossoming and across all rows on all sides literally all have been killed and ripped out.// I then ordered another set of seeds for another variety of flowering vines but of a different variety; and planted them and nothing grew. I noticed that the level of dirt I had just put in the pots was much lower after one night. I thought perhaps the terrorists were using mechanical arms to literally dig the areas they captured on their surveillance cameras which are always trained on my every move in this torture cubicle of abuse and hate and techno-terror and rape and theft and hate and abuse and stinking filth ordered by shit scumbags--so they had video of me planting the seeds in the specific areas and then just removed the soil with the seeds I had just planted. I try not to be "paranoid" so I ordered more seeds, hoping I was wrong about them removing the seeds along with the soil.// It takes about 2 weeks for the seeds to arrive, (and my area has zero flowering vine seeds, or those are also taken off the shelves in every store I go to like all the plants in the nurseries so I have to only resort to ordering seeds online. and thusly now 5 months later, I planted 6 packets of wonderful plants and one single little tiny plant has appeared and is growing--everything else has much less soil after one single day of me planting the seeds at least 1/8 of the soil is gone. Nothing else is growing and they have once more removed all the seeds. My clothing//stinking and foul, sprayed with most putrid filth and most of it hanging up in this room on a rack. It was sprayed when I went downstairs to pick up the seeds and other items I need for healing which I protect every moment I can from the mechanical arms; none of them stink, everything is wrapped in multiple layers. If I leave any of the bags open and unattended for even 3 minutes to go in any other room (patio/bathroom) I return and the bags are wet and stinking and must be thrown out. I try to use colored bags to try to hide the endless assortment of items I am protecting from poisoning and spraying with toxins because they have put damaging poisons in my shampoo which made my hair fall out (once I protected it my hair didn't fall out, for example).

"Shitlist--L7 Music Video". L. December 21, 2020.


"What the Fuck". Crass. May 1, 2019.

..and these are the filthy nasty dirty things these rotten filthy celebrities and politicians and their dirty nasty minions are inflicting upon me for no reason. They were told to attack me they do it with gusto and they go on for years and years and are nominated. Again this year the predicted awards for the shithead celebrity rigged elections in LA are a host of the parasites who have tortured and stolen ideas from me. The "original" concept that was stolen, which I only realized because I NEVER focus on that filthy blonde bigot Nazi skank from one of England's colonies, just one of this group who has been violently assaulting me since I began to write about her for the first time, but knowing for years that she was a part of this although this filthy piece of shit has not openly revealed her ugly filthy huge mouthed sickness in teleportation until I began to write about the actual concept I had written which was stolen, just because they always take my concepts focusing on their racist bs and steal what will amplify the fake posturing about how "feminist" or original they are, but turn it into the exact corrupt thing that I was revealing and writing against. I wrote last month in rage also induced by torture and drugging, which is never ending anyway-- when I realized that this was a repeat of what I had written because I never gave a damn about this filthy ugly bigot creep and still don't but because it's now up for an Oscar it's been attacking me like the rotten usual parasites who have been putting this filthy thing up into this situation for all these years, giggling together as they mutually attack me but call me a "loser" every moment possible while they steal and rob and destroy poison mutilate and then the shit from MSNBC joins in and more politicians join in and I am under attack by at least a few hundred "famous" worthless filthy and ugly dirty pig ape whores, then millions literally millions of shit civilians who want a 4th Reich murder mass genocide takeover of the planet.

Once again what I wrote but have NEVER been able to capitalize on or even try to project as my own concept, so drugged and sick and dying from poisoning and running around the world to get to a safe place to live and find health care--not able to think, not able to function with a lifetime of this disgusting poison stuck in my body in a huge disfiguring block of hard poison with fractured vertebrae that people forced upon me after drugging and raping me and stealing and destroying--and after fighting and fighting only writing my concepts on Facebook because my ID's have all been stolen, my ability to function has been stolen, all is stolen as the filthy skank who has partnered with shit pig pitt and shitalina has completely profited for YEARS from this torture contract along with RAmbo and rotten deniro and the list of people latching on to abusing me for years and years and decades are all intertwined and the list of people latching on increases daily ever fucking day with no fucking intervention from this shit US Government and only rotten politicians almost under indictment violently assaulting and yelling and pigs form MSNBC yelling like fascists but claiming they are fighting for Democracy--and on and on, and they too stealing concepts from me and then having their dirty foul Jewish nazi attack me for them. And then they have filth and stinking crap and destruction of my body finances every living thing I take care of destroyed, killed or used as a kidnapped torture victim--my cat LaMoux was tortured and she ran to me clinging with her claws to me in terror--this is my baby my beloved family member and one of the men who has beaten and raped has informed me in a most duplicitous manner that he will so kindly take "care" of her and I should thank him for this wonderful 'HELP" as his motive is of course absolute exploitation of me. 

I see that the list of shit filth pig ape whores from Whorewood are now in an endless, annual list of nominees for Oscars yet once more this year. The idea I wrote of years ago about Barbie is now considered an "original" concept. I did not write the script, I have not been able to do anything but write begging for my life on the internet as every single fucking thing I write about their shit and filth and torture is a means for their filth promotions and I can't stop writing because these pigs never stop near-death and deadly assault upon me and destruction so I must beg constantly. Every piece of shit I write about go on and on and they are all in line for an Oscar yet once more this fucking year, according to the preliminary reports on these shit magazines about celebrity fodder---it's the same thing every fucking year and has been since at least 2015. When the fuck will this government ever put an end to this fucking shit finally?

This filthy dirty thing appeared like a parasite to attack me since that rotten movie came out and is now still putting her shit on my internet when I search for anything because it's trying very hard to follow all the protocols of this torture and filth and violence contract and has been latching on with torture and violence now for two months, taking turns with piece of shit after piece of shit. I wrote of Stallone who is a violent murdering bigot with his filthy mafia organization which has been attacking me with rape and attempted murder since 1987--

and it never ends

it is never stopped. What the fuck will it take if what Trump did to gain his power by attacking me is not enough for any fucking shit politician or whore from whorewood to even begin to consider that this a situation that is detrimental to society?

So today for me defending myself because some rotten Europigape pieces of shit who were poisoning and raping me to death using all these death squads and technologies to inflict their hate and violence--as I fought and said no while they were abusing and stealing and robbing my concepts as I called them pigs after DECADES OF THIS GOING ON

as it's still ongoing and now politicians and sick shit from MSNBC have joined in, with Trump one of the most blatant examples of the extreme incorrigible criminality that this contract out on me has created with a host of men later accused of domestic violence after years of them having inflicted their violence upon me--(the women are taken serious because they are bigot nazi pieces of shit, I am further attacked for having defended myself as I must constantly do every single day).


I have tried and tried to receive any humane treatment but only filthy and shit pig whores have been rushing to join in while the shit politicians do likewise or ignore my situation. 

so  I must perpetually clean stinking filth because I am defending myself, fight for my life, and face homelessness after 6 years of grad school, running around the planet 4 times in my life to receive health care while I was being murdered in my own country by the Nazi hate organization you now call "Right Wing Extremists/MAGA" but many, many of them are just like the shit from MSNBC blathering all kinds of shit every day about how they care about human rights but are being paid to promulgate a deception.

Along with the shit from Whorewood.


So the US Constitution is not supposed to apply to me, nor are any laws protecting human rights, nor any economic or financial opportunity except for the most menial if that and then I will be possibly raped and drugged by coworkers, attacked and harassed endlessly if I do get a job anywhere as has always been the case (eventually the people who hire me are replaced, the friendly co-workers are replaced, and a team of hostile terrorists attack me in every single financial possibility I attempt). So I am stuck with no home and what tiny I have, filthy and dirty pieces of shit from Whorewood, MSNBC, Senators and Representatives from Congress, civilians in the numbers of millions and millions converge to assault me in sick situations of entire hotels, entire airplanes, etc being used as attack situations upon me (as "paranoid" or delusional as that is supposed to sound, that is the intentional effect this organization is striving to replicate to "gaslight me" --to emulate conditions of so-called schizophrenia when anyone tries to report on this stalking and torture protocol system--- which is why this terror organization has endless millions of dollars poured into it for such purposes and businesses rely on this "system" as well).


I must stop writing just to try to get them off me. It is impossible but I need money to try to get away from them all. They should be forced to pay me for all these years of stealing my ideas and destroying every single thing I have attempted to do.

All of these celebrities are putrid fucking whore pig pieces of shit. I need a safe home to live in and they should be forced to pay me for the ideas they have stolen, and the endless years of these ideas I have written being stolen by one fucking stupid ignorant dirty filthy whore after the next who have gone on to the Oscars and multiple other awards having stolen these ideas and concepts and glaring in hate in photos, ordering endless destruction and fungus and rape and mutilation when I write on my private Facebook page or blog here about what they are doing--as they go off being championed and handed every glamor photo op and presentation as I sit here fighting to heal from the endless barrage of violence that is non stop every day without end and was ongoing before I ever reacted in rage or anger which these fucking whore pigs dirty and foul parasites use as justification to get more promotions for more violence heaped upon me while they go off giggling about this system which they all love.


You all keep allowing them to go on. I can't block out the filthy pigs who teleport me in the mornings or while I am in the deepest of sleep; after they have poison and drugs inserted into my body or they use this tech which has a similar effect. I remain endlessly cleaning up their stinking filth and trying to not spend all my money on replacing what they destroy every single day. 

I truly hope they are destroyed and never want anything to do with people who are part of this organization as literally all I have met have zero personality or humanity. They are as filthy and disgusting as the filth I am trying to describe here which they truly encompass on every personal and intellectual level. The problem is that they absolutely desperately need people to pour their filth out upon in order to present any feasible "familial" or "relationship" even "love" partnership with--but underneath they are a seething cesspool of violence and hate. When they are not allowed to have victims to torture, they wither and are as blank and mediocre as they truly are but in this system they are handed people to feed off, torture, dehumanize poison rape torture and then I get endless insults about how I have not "accomplished" "anything" they all claim even though they all know my history. I must constantly tell them about their violence, poisoning, mutilation, inflicted paralysis, their theft of my ideas because they are stupid and not me--etc etc etc.

Nevertheless, the 4th Reich has been killing off opposition without any hindrance for so many decades that there is no visible resistance and people who know always assume that they are entitled and will never be scathed by their fellow con artist rapist murdering bigot partners.


I have now lost about $80 this month from my subpoverty income because I wrote in rage about deniro and his YEARS of violence towards me and he has been "winning" oscars ever since. A DECADE OF fucking pig pitt and shitalina with their endless oscars year after year. then a slew of their fellow pig apes from whorewood featured in photos that are hacked onto my internet as they then assist in this torture and then they likewise go to the oscars. 

Trump's campaign in 2015 escalated after he teleported and tortured me while Amber Heard watched on glaring in hate after she reported domestic violence from that scumbag who with her both raped and beat and robbed and poisoned and mutilated and had me hit by cars and etc for over 2 years before he began to hit her (once or twice maybe but her goldigging has not stopped and she's still hacking her fucking face on my internet--while Trump is the only one of the fuckers facing prison but the rest are still protected by this filth organization).


I am only human. This is THIRTY YEARS OF rotten ugly stallone and his filthy disgusting group of thugs from Italy raping, stalking, poisoning, having me destroyed nearly killing my cat stealing ideas and passing me around for other pig apes I detest to do the same for over     THIRTY YEARS on and fucking on, with this English pig scumbag Danny Moynihan who filthalina the shit whore consort of pig shit pitt who are connected to this English mob of "aristocrats" connected to the English crown along with that filthy blonde skank from London whose rotten voice was used for the Barbie movie about how "women" are finding a new paradigm. These pigs have been torturing me for 40 YEARS out of England to steal ideas that are original and they are connected to the English Crown, the business empire not necessarily the Monarchy--and they have been conscripting non-stop pigs and shit from Whorewood to further their endless millions of shit people attacking me for 40 fucking years, 30 for filthy ugly stallone I never liked his movies or him the one time I was in the sme fucking sleazy club he co-owned with dirty foul Steven Tyler whose partners in that shit cock rock band are playing with dirty nasty Depp and the shit list of these pigs interconnected is NEVER FUCKING ENDING.

When the fuck will anyone ever have a shred of decency and stop this fucking shit finally? The list of shit never ends--

I find them all life fuck crap--why can't anyone else see this actual reality and stop promoting this life fuck group?

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More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.