Wednesday, April 24, 2024

I planted Curly Kale seeds today in the 4 huge pots on my patio that have been doused with fungus and killing chemicals so all and every single plant for 15 months have been systematically killed under order of the millionaires and billionaires. Because they have forced me into such poverty, I truly need to grow this FOOD for my health, as they are overly concerned about me "healing" but keep poisoning and torturing me (to death) yet I am not able to carry and pay for endless "luxuries' like green leafy vegetables I truly desperately NEED for my body. Can you f-ers please stop killing my plants! I need this for MY FOOD INTAKE as in food I can grow and eat because you have blocked my internet and poisoned my body so I can't afford to pay for this food in stores. I need to grow it, leave my plants ALONE (*and me as well).

 Yes, the idiot savants want me to "heal" so they can force me to relocate so one of them and all can exploit me to death after trying to kill me with poisoning and raping the poison into my body and torturing and drugging me to death and abusing me to death. They now need a "baby" which is anathema to me in any consideration of having this theoretical "baby" with any of them, or anybody of this organization as they appear to have zero personality and all conform to instruction and scripts. My life choice of actually having a baby has also been taken from me because this very Whorewood group ordered part of my uterus to be severed out while I was in a deep comatose drugged and mind controlled/teleported sleep state. Of course, always to the silence from the world and absolute parades and more plastic surgery and millions of dollars and Oscars and political campaigns and interviews for "them" (you reading this).

_People that just violently assaulted me in every way 4 days ago just "won" a British award or some award in a way that is startling. It's never ending.

But, despite me not wanting to leave where I am, not desiring a baby much less with any of  "them" from that insidious group you all belong to reading this now--

I need something healthy in my life. They have killed all the beautiful flowering vines for over 15 months, every single month letting the planet grow to a seemingly blossoming level of beauty and then poisoning it slowly to death. 

But this is now a green leafy vegetable so not a flowering exquisite beautiful object which you all want to take away from me---anything loving, anything truly beautiful is killed, taken away, stained, frayed, ripped, stolen and destroyed. Literally all I make that is beautiful gets sprayed or stained and ripped and destroyed--hand-made objects.

But this is food. I imagine that if I grow food such as a non-flowering utilitarian vegetable that is just green, not beautiful flowers but just green--that they will still find a way to poison it or make it wilt and die slowly.

But I am living on sub-sub-sub-poverty income and have zero way to redress the poverty this group has forced on me.

They keep drooling like the wolves they are, waiting for me to be their next meal after having fed off torturing me for over a decade and all I own and think of they steal and/or destroy.

BUT I NEED FOOD. This greedy and sleazy meaningless haters have stolen my money and poisoned and drugged my food and body and sprayed toxins on my living space--every day for well over 10 years and much longer.


And I can't afford to pay such high prices I also have to buy all food for 2 weeks as the poisons are so painful in the excruciatingly slow process of fighting with no information on how to do this--getting the poisons out as they are abusing me non-stop so my body is ALWAYS AND CONSTANTLY in a state of hate, defense and shock as these filthy and life-fuck scumbag celebrities and politicians go on and on. But they are waiting to exploit a baby out of me because of this contract. As every piece of sick shit and filth and crap who teleports me gets an instant promotion, as just happened with an English piece of rotten shit with some sleazy and dirty French and the usual greasy American wanna be French aristocrat, promised it all if he just allows the filth from Europigapeland to infiltrate by torturing ME. And to help this group in any facet in any way is so disgusting and yet, there is still NOT A SINGLE PERSON stopping this endless destruction of society and this institutionalization of torture, rape and theft of property of intellectual property of the next institution of enslavement of discrimination and of genocide---

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Heading towards a Stalinist/fascist/Nazi/Mafia (Criminal) State: "What did Solzhenitsyn remind the west during his speech at Harvard?"//The current zeitgeist & future of America. With a non-stop 24/7 round of more types of surveillance than any sci-fi Whorewood flick would dare to expose in collusion with the various industries paying for blanketing of awareness of the depth of the death squad system being currently enlarged to encompass the planet so no one can "escape": I have so many other things to comment about and due to the FACT that every click on any video, YouTube podcast, any streaming free movie or anything I download on a Tor site, any news article and anything I think is an open invitation for the celebrity or politician, MSNBC news anchor or Senate/House politician to viciously come to threaten to kill me for having written, observe, or thought. In particular they torture me, usually while I am in the shower or asleep, using all the thought-reading tech, the surveillance and the teleportation interface with drugs (lethal, bodily disfiguring mutilating and etc) plus non-stop "trauma" and hate and insults constantly jammed into my brain via the cochlear instruments that are weapons of psy-op mental destruction of the target. Plus a world of mostly minorities operating for the smaller percent of white Nazi expletives who direct them with protocols that are recognizable globally as the "system" is by now fully integrated into every society that has access to the global infrastructure of telecommunications and a power grid. //I could comment on so much, so many of the greedy celebrities who pronounce endless themes of feminist independence, who glob on to having me raped and beaten by an assortment of filthy dirty sexist chauvi 4th Reich minions (I can't really call them "men") but the "feminist" I just saw today, who is being championed in her "feminist" tribute to this "feminist" icon, as both have been involved in participating in assaulting ME for their careers. I can't write about "whom" it is today I saw in the online paper that is actually hacked without end to produce their rotten faces and fake stories, which do trigger me. Both women of course white supremacists but "feminist" meaning they want ME to bear the brunt of male 'oppression" as they partake of the WORLD of women (and men) who will be susceptible to the hate and violence of the 4th Reich as their teleportation rape and torture victims, exempting the white women and their minority minions from the brunt of the dire need for this group to victimize, torture and FEED energetically off torture victims. They are thus enabled to "make love" to the Nazi partners (not exempting homosexual relationships here) and voila! The "punishment" for criticism of either their crap K-rap MOVIES or tv shows or political lying speeches of lies and distortions is DEATH. They make it absolutely clear and plain in the teleportation torture and slow "soft touch" murder non-stop nightly and daily teleportation as they use drugging to force a "truth serum" reaction out of me, they threaten to kill me after sexual violence, endless abuse yelling death threats and then THEY STEAL THE IDEAS because they truly are not originators of anything they can only steal and build upon what they steal, turning all into furtherance of their "agenda" of promoting what you see every day in the media--which has almost ZERO interpretation or critical analysis except for some pseudo-technical analysis in movie reviews and only focusing on the bolts and nuts of what is superficially apparent but nother analyzing the content or the symbolic representation or the duplicity contained within the outward appearance the underlying programming. No one can even BEGIN TO understand these concepts due to the silencing with threat of death to anyone making a real critical analysis. The "acceptable" analyses are always following along the lines of the programming and always exalting the performers or directors as being "the best" in the rigged categories' awards system. It appears to the outside observer as the same people playing the same types of roles with the same directors and the same news anchors and the same channels and the same types of 'alternative". Having worked for a very short time for a non-mainstream desktop publishing fanzine, which has been taken over by the norm mainstream "alternative" and then violently yelled at by the modern iteration of this, who has since turned the "subculture" into a fascist Nazi white supremacist representation, fully embraced by the mainstream as this "alternative". There are no more alternatives. I cannot write the alternative because NOW there are technologies that enable the producers, the benefactors, the celebrities, the politicians to literally very easily have the critic raped, tortured and murdered with full participation of a global army of minority minions and white supremacists following the instructions that are handed down to them by the officious central command structure. Whether you would call this "Communist" or not, it definitely resembles the height of Stalinist death camp society (formerly known as Gulag system).

 **excessive hacking disruptions have turned this post, very brief in length, into an elongated struggle to wait for the freezing of the WiFi and system to be unblocked by hackers endlessly slowing down my system to a literal crawl pace--every time, no matter what I can never get anything beyond a 1991-speed low-cost broken down laptop system operation and internet speed is like something from a Third World 1990 system of the cheapest system---the hacking and revisions of my writing is non-stop--the censorship capabilities of the apparatus of terror, which is not confined to the "alphabet soup" agencies or that Big Daddy entity you call "The government", but includes celebrities as purveyors of hate and terror smug psychopathy who have full awareness and inclusion in the State-sponsored terror apparatus. The Gulags and concentration camps of yore are now the homeless encampments of America and the third world debt crises and now trickling down into the U.S. debt crisis and etc etc. Insolvency is the updated version of the gulag system; all conforming to the "standards" of American and Western wealth and competition paradigm. The "losers" get  homelessness. This includes targeted individuals and I am always forced into near-homeless poverty by a series of poisonings, "accidents" and blacklisting and medical emergencies which are ongoing as the poisoning and slow "soft touch" murder is non-stop aimed at me, every moment of every day in one way or another in an endless series of disruptions and poisonings and hate from the teleportation sources. One of whom, today, is a graduate of Harvard. Like the "Christian" witch hunt rapist of political power, he attempted to castigate me into his system of belief and religion in the teleportation hate skit he performed because I clicked on one of his videos which detailed something of interest to me and too the current warfare 4th Reich system which is operating warrantless surveillance of me as some "suspected" "liberal woke" target (that is what one of the prominent Repubs called me, I guess as justification for the murder attempts via poisoning which  he and they all have fully endorsed constantly and have been doing so all my life--also against my family, and many have died). Yes, the covert death squads, the non-disclosed versions of surveillance where your very thoughts can be deciphered using extremely sensitive vibrational frequencies of the minute vibrations of the cochlear, transmitted into a receiver and listened to and then treated like a capital offense by the tyrannical "celebrities' who are handed these technologies to steal ideas and then torture-to-death the originator, because such thoughts are truly, now, "thought crimes".

Homelessness and death from the tyranny of the State is my other option at this time, and now even being homeless and slowly dying in the tents and encampments is not enough torture, but literal laws passed to murder the homeless under the guise of municipality "cleanliness" and pristine appearance of society for the "winners". 

Is there nothing not resembling a death squad gulag concentration camp Stalinist/fascist/4th Reich in what I am detailing that is becoming more apparent as the masses of people "believe" and "love" the aspiring tyrants on every day who they believe will produce a massive next wave of Nazi gold derived from slaves, slave labor, death camps in the streets disguised as just "the losers who can't make it" and the rest dancing around joyously to the blonde and black Nazis who entertain you into believing that this is a charitable, just and wonderous society of endless wealth accumulation if only you were not a "loser" not able to compete and win, and your problem not theirs. Oh yes, the poisoning they forced into me and are still poisoning me with, has prevented me from competing and winning which is their aim, because me winning or competing might make them not appear like "the Master Race" of inherent "superiority". Instead it is being manufactured. Repeat the lie long enough and everyone will believe it. That was the Hitlerian message which took hold and was passed into the consciousness through media imagery and movies and lectures and speeches broadcast through the media (radio at that time and news reels).

Now, because of the teleportation, the microchip implant in my brain and also more are embedded in my throat, and nervous system, and the thought-reading (voice-to-skull) and the teleportation, the GLOBAL system of the death squad operatives and groups with NO LEGAL INTERFERENCE from any legal, government, municipal or agency or group or even anyone as all the activists are silenced (killed) and the threat of being murdered is constant for what I think, what I do, and for not allowing Nazi/Mafia expletives to beat, rape and demean and abuse me without end to my death so they can further the Nazi/Mafia criminal enterprise aka The 4th Reich in which they get full permission to beat and rape and murder anyone who disagrees, has a critical opinion and I am the prototype of this "experiment" which is being fully endorsed and funded by all your charming wonderful "leaders" and undoubtedly by 98% of you reading this post now. My only hope is that some people do get the message that inevitably the 'system" might interfere with your own greedy aspirations for your own power and thusly that is the one and only way you could even begin to doubt this "system" you are all, now, thoroughly embracing expecting great expectations for complying and helping it to expand into a mushroom cloud.


"What did Solzhenitsyn remind the west during his speech at Harvard?". Compass Classroom. August 14, 2018.

"Harvard Address". Solzhenitsyn Center. April 12, 2013.

"Dr Peter Kreeft on Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn Commencement at Harvard June 1978 (rev audio)". A Mascia. May 8, 2021.


Featured below is the head of the FBI/Wray. 

"Congress reconsiders updated surveillance law". 13News Now. April 12, 2024.

Senate Passes Renewal Of Controversial Surveillance Law Civil liberties and privacy advocates said the renewal did not do enough to protect Americans from being spied upon.


"Grants Pass homeless case at SCOTUS 'not complicated'". KOIN 6. April 22, 2024.

"Cruel And Unusual Punishment

An issue in the Grants Pass case is whether the Constitution’s prohibition on “cruel and unusual punishments” covers schemes like the one in Grants Pass that make it a crime to sleep outside with a blanket at any time and in any place.

In its rulings in the Martin and Grants Pass cases, the 9th Circuit cited the 1962 Supreme Court decision in Robinson v. California that blocked enforcement of California’s law making it a crime to be a drug addict, ruling it was a form of cruel and unusual punishment. The court’s decision stated that drug addicts were a distinct class and laws making it illegal for them to exist amounted to an Eighth Amendment violation.

It “would doubtless be universally thought to be an infliction of cruel and unusual punishment” were the government “to make it a criminal offense for a person to be mentally ill, or a leper, or to be afflicted with a venereal disease,” the Supreme Court said in Robinson.

The 9th Circuit, in the Martin decision, found that the same rule applies to homeless people: They are a distinct class that cannot be targeted by laws that make their very existence, living in a community without shelter, illegal. Municipalities are, therefore, not allowed to forbid sleeping outside in all places at all times and cannot punish homeless people for sleeping outside unless there are shelter beds available and they refuse to use them." (Huffpost, link below):

Supreme Court Will Rule On How States And Cities Can Respond To Homelessness Crisis Lower court decisions granting homeless people protections against cruel and unusual punishment could be reversed in a case brought by Grants Pass, Oregon.

"Reagan Youth--Jesus was a Communist: Music Video". themetalhead667. March 7, 2012.

For simply having watched a free streaming movie site/movie two days ago, and then only 1/3 of the k-rap and then dismissing it--assaulted later on that same day while in the shower, sexually attacked, physically assaulted (in teleportation) and every morning hours of violent yelling, abuse and insults from a team of Europigape skanks (probably the co-stars ini the k-rap celluloid product" most of the cast was Europigape filth, one featured in a tv show about the Engllish Crown endlessly producing propaganda about English royalty) and sitting in a row of yapping shrill birds from hell the females (probably from France) yapping hate at me for not liking this filth movie and the crap American actor sexually violating me for having a critical review of the movie upon teleportation (while naked, in the shower, endlessly yelling at this filth creep to go away, to stop, non-stop not able to stop responding) as he h it, yelled at and abused me for saying I do not like this movie and then under torturous non-stop threats and yelling, as I was cleaning m;y body sick from poisoning his partners sitting in the rows have ordered their stinking filth minority minions to, as proxies, mutilate and poison me slowly to death--first extracting more ideas they can steal for movies depicting thejm as "heroes"--and the yapping, yelling and this American thug scum sits with his row of French infiltrtaotrs yelling and abusing me as long as they can with at least 7 sitting yelling constantly at me while I attempt to block them out, yelling back that they are shit and sick and ugly and rotten and why they are so--going on and on. Their only reason for dooing this besides genocidal Nazi indoctrination is for ENDLESS FREE PROMOTIONS for doing this. //The rest of this post, as I began to read the first sentence I saw that most had been deleted from the intro which I have now just re-written but elaborated upon. The rest is undoubtedly absolutely hacked, discrediting what I wrote, half-deleted and re-poasted together. I have to spend a few HOURS to get about 4 paragraphs pounded out with non-stop revision due to hacking blocks to keyboard functioning--only to see at least HALF deleted and restgrung togother. I usually don't even re-read as it's too upsetting. I suspect that there is keystroke logging and what I write is noted anyway but not "published" as such--only the discredited mess remains as visual. //Get this team of skank rot from Europigapeland off me with this greasy rapist filth shit whore American dumb scum who are non-stop attacking me BECAUSE IT'S A FREE PROMOTION FOR THEM ALL TO CONTINUE INDEFINITELY--only for me having watched a movie on a free streaming platform, turning it off less than halfway through and for that, I am under non-stop assault for deconstructing the metaphoricall symbolism of this crap k-rap because of it's fascist Nazi takeover subplot of the usual white supremacist, Euro-centrist constriuction that is so ubiquitous in Whorewood movies that it is formulaic by now://the rest has been hacked, and what I just wrote will be destroyed and probably already is while I am; typing this.//Days of hours per day of teleportation and voice-to-skull torture, sexual violence and violent yelling with hate and insults and threats and racist remarks by the Europigape cartel partnering with the sell-out Whore American who starred in a movie, and every day they are grasping at promotions for their stinking careers into infiltrating further into the U.S. through these Whorews of Whorewood by attacking me, fully welcomed in by the various U.S. policticians who want a complete 4th Reich take-over of the United States, with themselves of course being handed estates, mansions and orgies in France, Euroopigapeland and all the money incentives handed to every sleazy filth lying scum of all politicall affiliattion with this crime of teleportation and torture/information extraction and of course, for "THEM" this technology will enhance their sleazy and loveless sexual pursuits as well because they can only lie and exploit so I really believe whatever "love" the find can only come from an artificial stimulated situation such as drugged up and dying torture victims being traumatized which they sexually exploit. But I believe the yelling skanks siting like a tight-knit group of yapping hateful birds from hell, at me, for days now after they ordered their trashy sick ahnd stupid rotten dumb white trash bigot from America to sexually violate me as they watched on lovingly embracing the good French aristocrat wanna be American "stupid" that they reallly call "Americans" For having watched a free, streaming movie which I randomly choose because I thought there were no stalker terrorists in it, but then after the first few minutes realizing that inevitably there had to be at least one who has participated in the teleportation terrorism aimed at destroying me so r4th Reich adherents will be promoted to mind program "the masses" into fascist Nazi white supremacy indoctrination while I am destroyed in every facet possible and always fighting for my life, literally. //I continued to watch thinking, in a dim daze of drugged-up sickness from detox (decades old poison are being loosened in my body, stuck at the core of my endocrine system and skeletal and muscular core, viscerae etc) and I just continued watching because the theme began with the grease mop fop performer American and homeless--playing in the first scene with a feral kitten and the intro was of the plight of the disadvantaged in America. I thought in my naivete and need to "believe" that some "good" exists in Whorewood, that the movie was going to be about caring about the desperate and poor and in helping to alleviate the problem. Of course, the celluloid K-rap was about bringing fascist french Nazis into power and taking over the mess that they instructed their mind programmed minions to perform for them--as the central command which this group from Whorewood receive their fascist terror and Nazi indoctrination protocols instructions from. //I had to skim through the latter half (2/3 actually) just to see how it ended. Thought that it was another Nazi programming piece of k-rap--(K=wealth and class disparity which was a term used in the 2020 election cycle for 'the "K-economy" so you can look it up) and the rest is "rap" meaning just crap).

 I know people automatically assume this is going to be a "woke" diatribe, but however racism and sexism and economic oppression is a fact of every political economy in every country I have lived in, around the world.

There is again excessive hacking and so I presume that this post will be rewritten in a completely discrediting way.

For having watched this movie (only watching about 20 minutes of it, scrolling through to various points and then to the end and clicking it off in boredom and disinterest

The hacking is atrocious--;the intro paragraph was disjointed because hackers froze the page and I lost the point where I was writing and I have spent a few hours once more today fighting the internet being turned on and off constantly as I looked for information that is important to me--(not related to writing about the endless murder situation that the U.S. Government continues to fund and allow to progress).

The scum whores from Whorewood are all going to get more movie deals the longer they violently yell, order their sleazy and greasy stupid American scum puppet to sexually violently assault me for the French skanks he adores and bows down to like the slave adherent to worshipping false idols--as if they were God itself--as he is no believer in anything but his sleazy ascent to power, in keeping with the mentality of the scum he worships. It is so common for the minions, and the minions can be white supremacist trash from America who then have black and brown minority minions performing the slleazy and dirty filth that the Europigapes instruct the white Nazi hate of America to perform; ultimately for the purpose of Europigapes to tsake over and wrest control as they instruct  the greasy dumbness of the antisemitic and racist Nazis of America into the divide and conquer strategies, operating to turn groups against one another as they assume control.

This is almost the exact replica of what this shit movie is all about and it is a metaphorical account of this process.


I have to wonder how much of this post will be half-deleted and pasted together.

I am putting it out anyway.

I hope there is someone who cares enough about America not being infiltrated by fascist Nazis who are keen to amplify the most sleazy and stupid plastic surgery scum into power so they can use them like conduits for their overtake.

What is sad is that at the turn of the 20th Century, an American novelist called Henry James wrote of French and Europigapeland infiltration and the worship of Americas for all things "French". This sentiment has died out and has been replaced by hoards of America incensed with Civil Rights progress and Jews being "allowed" to compete but the catch is only if they play subservient abuse punching bag on any level possible. The Jews then vent their rage out on me because I am fighting the system which put them into power.

Like one of the most violent of "them" in the last recent weeks, even though I have told him of the death squads and that he and his family have been "probably" targeted for antisemitic reasons, this has only increased his violence towards me in order to prove that he truly is not REALLY against fascist Nazism only that he doesn't want his position of power to be upended if a more unethical power base replaces his lying blathering about Democracy with "Dictatorship on Day #1" replacement theory put into practice.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

**hacker terrorists deleted at least HALF of this post and repasted it together into a most contorted lack of coherency. It is hard to discern where the hacking begins and ends because there is a proficient English speaker who is pasting at junctions half-deleted sentences . //For having clicked on a free streaming movie site and randomly choosing a movie I thought had no stalker terrorist performers who would attack me, within one hour of having watched it, while in the shower-----.....teleported by the lead performer & TORTURED, SEXUALLY ASSAULTED, BEATEN AND POISONED WITH STINKING FILTH SPRAYED IN MY ROOM AND TERROR TELEPORTATION TO DEEP SLEEP "TRAUMA" BECAUSE i DIDN'T LIKE THE TRASHY NAZI movie and the premise that europigapes are the most wonderful and blonde women from France are the ultimate for pig ape whores from Whorewood. I can't express the reaction to French pig apes in MIami from everything and everyone who just handed over the land, area and all worship to some skank shit from France. I got close enough to that group to understand it's all a facade. I can't believe the mesmerism of self-hate for America and near worship of blonde Nazi French shit whore ape pigs. The accent compared to the more twangy American dialect is enough for EVERYONE to literally sell the country just so someone with an accent can come in and turn the country into a Banana Republic with them as Imperialistic Colonists on a most fanatical antisemitic rampage as sisters to the Nazi brothers from Germany that stinking and foul country has embraced en toto.//but for just watching this shit movie while drugged and sick, from drugging that is never stopped and they never stop injecting and poisoning my food intake. I watched this movie, and while in the shower that evening I was assaulted by the trashy piece of crap who had assaulted me almost 10 years ago, stopped bothering me until I watched this movie because I have never since watched anyhthing with that cheesy and not-great actor in it. I was confounded that Spielberg had put him in the role of the "Jewish father" in that biopic that Spielberg obtained in the spate of Oscar appearances he also obtained for his YEARS of participating in the stalking of me.

  **I have just re-read this first paragraph after having written it hours ago. MUCH was deleted but smoothly sort of integrated into other sentences so it doesn't appear like it's a total misshapen hack job. No, it appears almost "normal" but just that I can't write or think clearly. Many, many words and fragments of sentences were omitted, deleted and then strung smoothly together into a sort of non-English speaking tapestry of contorted ideas strung together. The hackers usually add a "so" to my writing (see next sentence)//So, since that movie I watched which really is a mind screw propagandized Nazi 4th Reich programming for hate of America with France and Europigapes coming to the "rescue' of a homeless and trashy American landscape. 

That is the main thrust of this mind f** movie---and it's the same exact formula I have seen and heard countless, innumerable times while living in Germany for 5 years, and in England, and in Miami which has since been taken over (South Beach) by Italian mafia and French and German/Italian fascist Nazis. Not just bandying the word "Nazi" about as the usual genocidal "die in a concentration camp" slogan was rampant as was the absolutely violent assault upon me, by the French community and combined with the ever-ready Latino, Haitian as the filth and scum attack minions, as always it's always that same configuration depending on the geographic location just have one or two whites surrounded by the "ethnic" population coming and rushing to abuse and assault me or any target for a chance to get a free chance just for spraying filth or abusing or poisoning someone to death in this death squad system aka "gang stalking" which is a misnomer, it is DEATH SQUAD activity.


Just for watching a tv show, just for listening to a song NOT BY ANY OF THE PIG APE SCUMBAGS of this endless rotation but one of the pieces of crap posted/hacked a photo of herself next to the country Western singer I had looked up on YouTube--because he was dead so that meant he could not attack me, as is the norm. So instead. this filthy bleating K-rap country western bimbo blimp hacked a photo of herself next to this singer and then began teleporting me only because I SAW the photo. The viciousness of her attack was in line with another minority joining in to assault me along with her. 

THEY LIE about everything about me so constantly--like the Nazis, they repeat and repeat the lie as I defend myself not just a plethora of times but the same sentences of my justified and provable defense i have shouted out in teleportation only for them to skip back to the beginning of their lies broken record collection of accusations thus "proving" justification for non-stop torture.

With Farrakhan it's that I'm a racist and nothing I say or do changes that. He aligns with Trump who has made OPEN AND DIRECT racist comments, and my one and only one was that Oprah was/is an aunt Jemima--I do not consider that as a racist comment as I obtained this phrase from a lecture by Malcolm X and he used that term, which is what incensed this group of sell-out whores so much--that they ARE the slave enslavement enforcers by any other name--much highlighted in Whorewood and in the media. They enforce racism but in particular, antisemitism as the redirecting of ALL racism onto Jews, with Blacks stomping with violence upon Jews as proof of their Nazi allegiance and in contempt for Jews as the scapegoat and them being lifted into Nazi approval status. I have had to see this so repeatedly put into direct form by Kamala Harris, Oprah and Farrakhan plus a host of others in Whorewood and it's despicable yet it's the reality.


So this filthy greasebag antisemite scumbag who Spielberg loves, who has been with his French and English buddies from the film assaulting me, began with yelling while I was naked in the shower, demanding what I thought of the movie and I began to yell back in my " brain" under the tyranny of the "voice to skull" technology and the very thin veil I could barely perceive this filthy dirty creep while in the darkness of my windowless shower stall/room (turning on the light shows dripmarks on all the tiles of permanently stained brown goo that nothing washes off, sprayed from floor to ceiling and it's filthy and disgusting-looking but there's no goo any loner it has absolutely stained permanently everything).

Yelling and yelling with fascist violence while he fellow scumbag cast members were in the chairs along with the rest of the terrorists, I kept telling him to go away telling him to go away--they use a truth serum, and somehow, in the shower either due to water being some kind of transmitter (i.e. energy can just cut through water to electrify and fry) but I tried to "ignore' the rotten scumbag as he yelled into my cochlear and I could see his ugly hideous stupid face barely--yellin and into my face---\

under truth serum I did a deconstrution and told him it was a purely racist movie based on glorification of France and blonde women, a purely Nazi movie and intended to promote more take-over of America by Europigapes and also it's part of the racist push and part of the antisemitism as part of the degredation of women who do not look like the Nazi mold.

For this, it has been huge hormone-growth looking scumbag creeps, white pig apes with violent glares of hate pushing into me in surprise attacks from behind me and behind people who are glaring at me when I am picking something from the lobby of this emptied-out terror condo building where literally the entire space of 7 floors is based on housing a tiny unit of attackers so there are at any time at least 10 people or more focused exclusively on supporting the pig apes who are attacking me, or the pig apes themselves. This number grows during  "high season".

In the past few days since I watched this shit movie, a new batch of huge white men, very athletic-looking and huge, maybe almost twice my size, have been covertly physically assaulting me in public spaces of this building. Threatening body movements that could be lethal if they had intended to harm me, and all done at very quick spurious movements from behind objects and people blocking  my view who I am doing "business" with but who are really agents working for the pig apes.


They have sent teams of creeps to spray stinking filth on my chair, to poison my food, they are pumping sewage air through my bathroom sink drain(wafting up through the pipes, which are not dirty it's being pumped from the other side). Likewise, they also attack little things constantly like the wall plugs so I can't unplug a night light without literally yanking at it with my entire body to get it out. they also have some kind of object that latches onto the sink drain stopper so I can barely pull it up to drain the water. I have to stick a plastic piece into the drain to keep this lid from constantly being pulled downward and blocking water flow. When they are not pumping foul air and blocking this drain lid, everything operates with complete ease without any s train or stress. They are literally performing this sick constantly version of minute terrorism from behind the walls, up into the pipes, etc.

And this team of Europigapes who have just replaced the last team are nasty and violent. Things are now breaking and stinking and my food has not been this polluted for a while. They were sent by the Europigape team along with this filthy American creep ONLY BECAUSE I DID NOT LIKE THE SHIT NAZI MOVIE AND WAS ABLE TO CRITICALLY ANALYZE IT AS SUCH. 

I went to college exactly for this kind of analysis as a Lit major. I doubt any of these stupid dirty pig ape creeps have any experience in writing any real critical reviews of content and not just superficial style and superficial commentary on content based on superficial constructs and not on the symbolism or on anything else.

This is pure fascism and pure despotism. This American wanna be aristocrat, like shitpigalina, has been bought out like the whores that they are by pompous extreme extravagent wealth and mansions and yachts and every single thing--plus Oscars for them all who with increasing violence and non-stop death threats attack me for the slightest criticism or lack of absolute approval-- 

all done while I"m in the shower, while I"m sleeping, and this filth creep stuck his filthy dirty pig meat at me slapping ;my face--

under deep sleep, awoken and repeating something they had forced me to say under hypnosis after violence

FOR JUST NOT LIKING THEIR SHIT NAZI MOVIE making Americans look like stupid and unkempt loser nothings who truly desperately need a blonde Nazi French woman to come in, demand the very best, the men fight over her attention as if she is this super woman, and I am assaulted for not liking it because I JUST WATCHED IT FOR FREE ON A FREE STREAMING MOVIE SITE drugged up and needing a respite from the endless curculating rotation of shit pig whore after piece of shit ape from Whorewood assaulting me every single day and night\in addition to the shit from  Conress

i.e. blonde-worshipping Jewish men who began assaulting me BECAUSE I WAS READING TAROT FOR MYSELF and they came abusing me and threatening me to read for them, then afterward insulting and sexually abusing and harassing me (again in the shower). I defended myself and told this Jewish man to stop, who had an English piece of shit from London behind him, literally there urging great violence against me for saying I did not believe that he is an advocate of Israel, but instead is a British Israelist only interested in usurping control and power in Israel once the Jews DIED so the English Crown could take control over Israel, their intended goal.

Beaten, tortured and all  of this done after me repeating endlessly "go away go away leave me alone".

Haitians are demanding slavery reparations from France, although Haiti won it's independence technically in 1804, the remnants of France-controlled IMF loan non-forgiveness, austerity, and other "legal" forms of slavery abound to the present.

If you take the tiny country of Belgium, a French-speaking country which borders France, and read the novel Heart of Darkness, which details first-hand accounts by the author Joseph Conrad (the book upon which the film Apocalypse Now was based on, but switched from The Congo to Vietnam War era America as the hegemony power asserting brutal primitive dominance). The novel is much more graphic and detailed than the film, which only shows a few shots of the graphic scenes, whereas the book lingers over the bloody details and of the resulting "decency" of English society covering up the carnage under the proverbial rug (the captain of the story is from England, although the colony of Congo was really Belgium territory). Let's just scrap it all down to a comparison between Nazi Germany and Austria, annexed and the origin of the founder of what is now known as "genocide"--and Belgium a tiny country bordering France. One thing I heard and is accounted for historically is that in the plantations in Congo, the Belgium landholders would cut off the hands of the slaves if they didn't pick enough cotton or whatever the cash crop of the season was. In the major cities of Belgium stand huge monoliths of the wealth and expanse of this empire of death and torture and brutality. The Heart of Darkness is gilded and expansive with pillars of white stone dedicated to the wealth accumulation. The slaves are still bowing to this empire and indenturing themselves in this modern version of plantation slave society with gratuitous groveling in the form of every service rendered with a smile of gratitude if only to live "in the big house' instead of the slums or whatever....

I am sick of it. Don't ask me if I like your Nazi-propaganda movies any longer. I have yet to see a movie that I don't consider to be such from the current batch of terrorist torturing bigots. That means the directors and production companies are of the same ilk. I can't describe how many "minorities" perform the function of violent force multipliers in this scenario. The white mainstream, mostly middle-class American whites who are part of this wanna get rich and famous celebrity A$$-hole cesspool I am forced to have to see in it's almost worst semblance of honesty about what they REALLY are, have come to this conclusion from experience and observation all these ten years of being teleported nightly to situations of the most foul and "evil" ugliness perpetuated by those who are creating the mind programming you all bow down and worship. The overtake by mostly fascist Nazi Europ-a-'s is a travesty but so much of the actual overtake is far behind all the cameras flashing and the public displays. It appears occasionally in dumb movies like the movie I watched (skimmed through the last half, skipping because it was not only BORING and predictable after the first sort of funny intro, but also because I just wanted to see if there was any shift from Nazi propaganda and there wasn't. The intensification of the racist theme of Eurocentrism and elitism and overtake being a benefit to the United States in general--displayed as a third world sort of dystopia in the film. I sincerely know that many of the expletives in Congress and Whorewood follow implicitly the instructions handed to them by the Europigapes they grovel to in deference and brutally abuse me under instruction by their Nazi "overlords" whom they call their "friends" and defend almost to the point of murder because, they get out of the American life and are put into a Disney fantasy Europigapeland "elite" mansion. chateau, vineyard and "haute" society with smug kisses on their greasy greedy cheeks by the "elite" they bow to in almost slavish observance.

Criticism and analysis of the real intended message underlying the crap movie is almost an instant death sentence to question the premise of French "superiority".

If Americans in "power" would only stop bowing like slaves to fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland and not be influenced by "dark money" to sell out their own citizens so they can "be somebody" with wealth and a mansion in France or in that vicinity--then perhaps they would not pass the legislation that screws the country over so people are flocking to fascism because the "system" has been killing people off under the guise of "caring" and "Democracy"--which the wealthy spout off constantly while they are working to screw and murder people like me off who actually have the independence of thought to question the bs formulas that these money-grubbing grabbing parasites are just blinded by greed and rapacious endless grandiose posturing. The one and only aspiration is to appear "haute" in France, as I have written so many times but it's always ignored.

I had no idea what the film would be about--I mean MOVIE using the word "film" implies something artistically sophisticated.

To be tortured for just not liking a fascist Nazi indoctrination celluloid white supremacist piece of crap--I could also go into the homosexual/homoerotic "relationship" of a character in one of the Caribbean Islands who makes only one cameo at the very end, signifying the "only friend" the English hateful "partner" of the American wanna be rich and famous wanna be a fascist imperial wizard plantation slave-owner played alongside--

and to me that signifies the overtake of the Caribbean as wonderful smiling blackies who serve with huge smiles to gain a bit of The Big House from the white "master" if they are good and also if they perform the sexual favors and even if they are allowed pedophile rights--I think there is a lot that could be associated with the very brief symbolism, but you would have to watch this film. If you are unused to analyzing movies along symbolic content, it's because even though there is this "woke" phenomenon, I have yet to see or hear of a deconstruction along those lines, but my internet is so hacked and so much information is blocked.

All I can say is that SOME of the Caribbean denizens are not especially thrilled with French fascist Imperialism and I know that I definitely want the French fascist Nazis OUT of my country and certainly I never support a film that openly or covertly sponsors the Imperialistic takeover of my country, white supremacy and white Europigape "elitism" and "superiority" which is what this movie is ALL ABOUT if only people could get more criticism of this instead of shaming it as being "woke". 



After I was assaulted for having watched the movie, in the shower by this greasebag American scumbag performer who has about--as I wrote the last time this creep attacked me (verbally with racist implications) 10 years ago (and then was shown sitting in the front tables in front of the cameras for the Golden Globes, where he was not featured in any movie but just was allowed to sit right in the front of the camera for full viewing; his promotion for his assault upon me back then. NOW the contract has increased so greatly that they rush at me violently within the first minute of me being teleported to them. He is no exception and is of course trying his best to get more and more, as the greed sleaze filth gang always do. No humanity, and they function like a genocidal bunch of death squad operatives, and they certainly are agents of infiltration for every fascist nazi who has the money to buy these whores off for more mansions in Europigapeland.

After he assaulted me while I was in the shower, and I could not stop talking as this technology entrains the brain, it is in a "groove" like a bowling ball caught in the trench unable to get out---going forward my ideas and thoughts extracted while I am struggling not to respond but it is, for me at this time, impossible to counter this techno-terror technology and brain implant with electromagnetic energy coursing through my brain and nervous system plus drugging to enhance the effect. 

After he stuck his greasy meat in my face and assaulted me for just saying I diidn't like his filthy stupid movie, which by now is a joke of energy spent on a piece of crap for a celluloid product that is not worth the time to watch, let alone to be harassed about for days and days for having an interpretation that it is a symbolic overtake of the United States by Europigape fascism, which is exactly what is happening right now politically and in every way the U.S. is being overturned and destroyed, from within.

Fighting this greasy pig ape to the point that I tried to kick him in the face as the pigs holding the teleportation devices turned it off

the shit whores then assembled to insult me in my deep sleep state as I told them that my sickness and my body's actual reaction to stiffening and hardening poison they injected into my bladder along with sewage water stinking fluids and semen and into my hair and into my ears and on my furniture and etc for all the ten years they have stolen my ideas to claim they are "liberal" and "humanitarian" and "fighting rape culture" etc blah bs

 they assembled to yell insults at me for having sickness they forced upon me, my body fighting to heal day after day as they continue to inject poison into my body and drugs into my body so I am constantly in a state of toxic shock plus non-stop violence and abuse so I am always in a state of aggression, defense and can never relax. Not in the shower where endlessly shit like Deniro and Pesce made disgusting comments about my body, and this is going on and on with old men dirty filthy and this one has had great plastic surgery and is just a rotten filth degenerate old man but looks like he's young--a dino jr. in other words. Trying his best to be a rapist racist genocidal filth bucket of the old world aristocracy, heralded by the Europigapes because he's such a malleable dumbo who can be so easily used and exploited for their infiltration. His violence towards me in this respect he knows will bring him endlessly more orgies, yachts, mansions, lead roles, maybe a production company as so many have obtained after they insult and abuse me in teleportation.

The group of shit, the Europigapes and their sleazy and stupid American agents of exploitation who are exploiting me according to the directives of the crap from Europigapeland

just yelling insults at me

but I know that, like the paragraphs above, this post, what i have just written, will be terribly rewritten to sound like I can't write, spell or form sentence structures. They deleted so much of what I had written that I think about 2 entire long paragraphs have been deleted and only fragments of sentences have been pasted together.

And all this because I was under truth serum, asleep and saying truthfully that this is a movie extolling white supremacy, and fascist Nazi take-over of the degraded United States, which I believe has been a plot of the Europigapeland Nazis and has been so easily accomplished because of the sleazy stupidity and greed of the Americans put into power, who only see the lavish Rococo designs of French architecture and long only to become as French as possible.

They are ashamed of America, they make apologies for being American to the American-hating French Nazi f's who are just themselves puppets of the German and pan-europigape Nazi 4th Reich who ahve been instructed on how to act and what to think.

They all get a piece of the Nazi gold and the grabbing greed empire is endlessly being built by this incentive-driven protocol system.

The feeding frenzy is endless. 

I tried to find the French to be as glam as they are credited with being, but found it and them lacking in the qualities of human greatness that I have found in American culture that I admire so much more--or used to. \The filth from Whorewood make America so not-great as usual. 

Terrorist report on the stinking filth of the creeple attacking me: they put drugs/poisons into my bladder once more while in a deep sleep (made unconscious or unresponsive due to brain implant tech) and the poison/drug mix forced me to have to get up. I had to take off the layers of protection around my hands to use the bathroom, and the toxicity in my bloodstream released forced me to have to lay down again, in such sickness I could not get up to protect my hands from being slashed by terrorist mechanical arms--as has happened countless times for all these years of my body being raped, mutilated, parts of my body cut out, my hair skin nails feet everything on my body permanently destroyed by nighttime rape and torture teams--now using mechanical arms as I have learned how to block my front door--barely--they can still get in but they would have to rip and tear through the items stacked into and against the door (opening it from the inside with mechanical arms, untying and taking away all the items I use to protect against the 4 locks that are just opened no matter what I do-- but they will not leave evidence so I have created a way that they must leave evidence--although no one is helping me or protecting me from this and etc ). I lay down for just a minute and was put into an instant unconscious state due to the tech underneath my bed, the frame is literally bolted to the floor and stuck down, and they create unconsciousness instantly using this plus the drug mix inserted into my body. They then slashed underneath my cuticles which are gouged with holes, some of the cuticles are gone completely and the nail will not grow there are literal permanent holes in my n ails and the nails are raised and calloused--permanently. And they are also blowing sewage stink up through the bathroom sink pipes from the other side of the wall. The stink wafts up every time I use the sink, but occasionally this does not happen because the creeps are on break or something (out to lunch/dinner) but it's usually on a 20/7 basis-- leaving a few hours for them to sleep and eat. They literally wait all day for me to use the bathroom or wash my hands and the air in the morning in the bathroom is stinking. //My food was poisoned with a horrid toxin. It is a bag of heavy limes--polluted but you can't tell if you slice open the limes and extract the juice with a squeezer. It is when you drink it that a chemical taste is detectable. This is a first for that, and a new team of white male pig apes have just moved into replace the endless stream of white Nazi terrorists with endless brown Thais in a ratio of about 5:1 in terms of the usual lone white figure surrounded by eager brown/black. The white center of the Oreo. The Thai women, their |"girlfriends" I assume swagger their A$$es like they are doing some catwalk for a sleazy display of terrorist titillation. They are sexually aroused by attacks. The white males, however, are deadly violently grim and serious, as the very core of the shitholes that they are emanate outwardly with a nasty psychic stink around them. AS the Thai women are primarily sex objects for exploitation of investment into Thailand, they can only associate everything dealing with becoming "accepted" into the 4th Reich with their sexuality. They do not know how temporary their acceptance truly will become once the laws demanding a Thai partner are made exempt when the government is fully turned into a pawn colony of the 4th Reich.

It is very hard for me to lug around a huge and heavy bags of lime, but limes are part of my healing and I need all my food and not to waste a single item. I had to throw away a bottle of water, which I had to lug from the store to my home--I had to throw away 4 limes, which costs me money and the price of the limes has gone up a total of $3 in one month, this past month. Repackaged and then the price for the same item literally almost 1/3  higher in the space of one month.

I wonder sometimes if the prices are not manually increased just before I enter the store. This is not "neurotic paranoia" but simply the fact of years and years of store employees--or people wearing the uniforms, fully participating in terrorism aimed at me. 

I just want to express something I had written of before but I really hope that JUSTICE will raise it's blindfolded head and pursue justice on this: Graham this nasty Senator with his team of Nazi collaborators in the Senate (from all sides) ordered stinking sewage water to be put in my drinking water. That was after first threatening to have me killed but done in a roundabout less direct, albeit yelling and threatening tirade about the "system" being used against me and how people get killed whom "they" don't like and then being teleported to his "Christian" family with the affixiation of never questioning the hypocrisy of their mandated  tyrannical religious persecution and lynching apparatus--

I told him "NO" to whatever he was pursuing of exploitation against me, and   immediately my water was tainted with sewage water. I had been bedridden for days when Graham began his "get out of testifying in the Georgia trial" attack against me, and he was indeed given Immunity after his vicious attack upon me with violent yelling for not instantly saying YES SIR I WILL to his silent demand that I just do whatever he wants to exploit out of me. It was the same silent demand that Clinton used (Hillary but Billary in essence) and the result was physical violence of the death squad "gang stalking" variety.. In the latter case I was in bed because I had begun exercising for the first time in years after having done Master Cleanses every single month for 2-3 years to try to get the poisons out The pig apes would POUR bloating/hardening poison to an extreme while I was fasting--into my drinking water, into the limes I use, etc and after the fasts were finished the POURED the bloating murder poison into my food--always bought on sale, but my food poisoned regardlless because I was struggling to find ways to protect my home for Y EARS and unsuccessful (they do everything completely stealth so when I thought I had succeeded they stopped one form and just used another, as this little room is filled with tiles, cracks and panels on all sides).


The internet is so hacked that I had to spent 3 more hours this morning fighting to check my information online. Endless hacking, endless disruption of the keyboard. Endless poisoning and endless stinking fungus, poison, mold, bloating black hardening poison endlessly put into my body---\




the pig apes are all partying. They are invited to Biden's White House by private invitation by Biden for almost every single public "dinner"| that is publicized. They are endlessly in lead films. They are endlessly being given "|the Floor" in Congressional debates which are filmed by firms like Forbes, which also accentuates the rape cheerleaders of the Whorewood 4th Reich gang cartel endlessly assaulting me-- 


Friday, April 19, 2024

Mind control attack/freezing of motor skills (body frozen, unable to think or move for a few partitions of a second, enough time for an attack) while under seemingly random attack (orchestrated at the "crossroads").

 The title of this post sounds ominous. and it could be if in the deadly situation that could transpire under similar circumstances. It is at every junction and crossways, doorways and intersections that the terrorists LOVE to attack from every  hidden crevice and from behind objects. 

It is guerilla warfare tactics inserted in "gang stalking" death squad operations with computerized vector analysis and aerial-angle surveillance interface. Cameras, drones, many other vantage points of surveillance is used in addition to the old |"eye ball" version in combination with another operative, head down into a mobile phone, giving instructions as to the precise moment when to attack.

My brain was under a most noxiously powerful "mind control" nauseating smog of incomprehensibility and frozen motor skills so, as has happened countless times in the past, while the terrorists rush to brush into me, or attack from very fast side or oblique angles, I am "frozen" my brain is blanked out temporarily for a few fractions of a second or maybe one or two seconds as the person rushes into my immediate space, the usual boundaries of acceptable bodily boundaries. 

It was at a doorway. My brain was under very strong mind control. I was going down to pay for a delivery item and the very stern and upset looking miserable minion, instructed to look dour, ugly, nasty and snarling at me, sat in the char in front of the double electronic doorway, but on the lobby side. I approached from the elevator side and just beckoned the delivery person to come to the doorway. I was not able to "think" I just floated along in what seemed to be my quick response to his sitting in that position. I also had a huge cart of my belongings which I pull behind me for these excursions down to the lobby to pick up delivery items. Often I order delivery (the price is right, lower than in stores often) but also because of the extreme stress to my very fractured body in having to lug everything around that I need to protect plus two-weeks' worth of shopping goods (including shampoo, cooking oil, lotions and nothing similar to potions --ie. not a witch) and when I receive these deliveries I have to also lug everything downstairs just to pick up an item for a minute. The terrorists rush into my room at every single opportunity to spray stinking filth on EVERYTHING and they would destroy and poison my food and shampoo if possible. 

I have to repeat that this condo has been emptied out and it is only a terrorist stalking operation against me at this point. People live here in sparsely-located rooms in which they are given access to mechanical arms to destroy my health and body every moment possible, my belongings and my room in general constantly sprayed and literally slashed with knives and permanently-staining liquids sprayed on almost every single thing--literally all walls, the floor, etc\

AT the electronic key doorway, I just opened the door a small sliver to pay for the item and my carry luggage cart with the huge bag containing my backpack my shoes my everything plus the  backpack I was wearing plus the food I didn't want spoiled and etc etc--carrying all just to go down two flights and the terrorists usually rush into this room and also put horrific malware on my laptop--etc etc

as I opened the door, the very tall Thai delivery driver stood in front of the doorway and almost out of nowhere, behind him, an even taller white expletive rushed to walk directly into me as I stood at this open doorway. I turned to my left to get the trolly cart out of the general doorway. Normally I go down and pull the cart away from the doors. I was not able to think and I was under subliminal mind "instructions" i believe. Every single time I have gone downstairs and this delivery person is sitting in front of the glass doors I pull my c art away from the doors, place it against the wall. But today it was an haphazard sort of freestyle assuming that the empty halls and rain meant that the Europigapes (plus Russians) were gone. From behind this Thai man glaring in miserable hate at me but asking me for money, the huge tall (hormone-growth f-er) just blasted his way from behind the Thai guy and literally slipped through the doorway almost knocking me over but I was in the middle of moving my cart away from the doors so I had no time to adjust or move. I frowned as this ugly frowning white pig ape Europigape brushed past me without any kind of "excuse me". He came from withing about 2 inches of me, as I had to swerve. I did it automatically because my brain was u under very inescapable mind control influence. Literally this is the case that my body can be manipulated in this state of shock, as this huge and obviously threatening expletive was just rushing at me at extremely rapid pace through this 2-foot door opening I was only handing my money to the Thai man through a small opening in the door. I FROZE and could not move until after I paid the fee and received the package. I then had to swerve my torso to grab the handle of the trolly luggage cart and as I was in the middle of swerving another huge white male (this time bowing slightly at me as he rushed to walk through the tiny opening of the door I was just releasing as I FROZE once more, unable to think, unable to move or say WAIT I AM STANDING HERE I just was like some floating thing being washed to either side by these huge men as they rushed through the doorway--and there is ANOTHER door this is a two-door system and they just pushed to get through the tiny opening in the doorway I was holding with my hand to brush into me and get through this opening as I stood there frozen by the mind control. I laughed in frustration because the man was friendly about it all--but if either of the men had intention to cause me harm they could easily have done it in this instant brushing past me.

I want to emphasize a few points: I do not ever just place my cart in front of the double doors in the middle of the pathway. I have never done this. Today was the first time. I also was not able to stop this breach of my space. This same freezing has happened innumerable times in the past while the more violently pushy and basically Colonistic Europigapes come to have me frozen temporarily so it appears like I am being "passive" as they push to block my path or push into me or push ahead of me. Their Imperialistic and Colonialistic symbolism is obvious but to an outside observer it would appear that they were just kinda rude, not especially as the doorways are "public" space and I was standing in front of one of the doors so they just had to push almost into me to get through the one door that was slightly ajar rather than use the button to open the OTHER DOOR so as not to push me aside, as they did. I bent to avoid being pushed into, I literally did all of this without any intention of moving. My body and brain froze instantly; also every white blondish piece of shit is a threat to me at this point in this condo as this is a a MURDER situation and I have barely escaped murder in this room for the past many years I have lived here.

Getting into this vulnerable position was due to the terrorists using mind control and freezing of my cognitive capabilities in the compartmentalized mind control technology construct/interface. Then using physical means of intimidation to make the body go into a sort of "shock" state because I am aware that all of these people have no qualms about murder and their objective is murder, in fact (not 'JUST" of me, by the way but many, many others).

The combination of the sudden attack from behind, from behind an object from when I am turned around doing something as they sprint up from behind me, the body also automatically freezes at such instances and while the body is in that kind of vulnerability they enhance this effect with actual brain/body interface microchip implant attack plus remote. There was another Thai dude on the other twin chair of this very small chair/table piece, and this has been a constant is that on that chair which has vantage of the entire lobby, a person is sitting glued downwards into their phone. Relaying surveillance and attack locations prepared for every move I make in that lobby area. They can then direct the mind control tech into my brain as they force a freezing aspect--because every doorway is a point of someone walking suddenly into me, rushing to attack me just as I am going through this "portal".\

There is a large emphasis on "portals" and on "crossroads" in various types of "sympathetic magickal" practice where the junctions are places where energies can be directed or imbibed. However a person wants to interpret my last statement is left open. I would suggest this is part of the 4th Reich as the 3rd Reich certainly studied a lot about Black Magick and how to bring in energies to destroy or embolden.

Logistically doorways are an excellent point of vulnerability. It becomes a crossfire episode in how to have survival skills. I must work on it. This also applies to very deadly situations of crosswalks and of intersections when someone is driving. People who are really part of the terrorist league are prepared with safety precautions and they  WILL try to kill a target using car accidents in this manner. It has happened to me but that is another story (I will only reference it as a Pensacola, Florida situation but the person literally had made a seat gimmick where if hit, the driver's seat fell backward instantly so any impact would not cause the driver to fall forward. They stopped at a tiny crosswalk on a very busy road--which I had never seen before, this crosswalk or bus zone. They stopped dead in the middle of the road going from 45-50 mph to zero in the space of less than 5 seconds--so the car had also been built to stop instantly. Also someone blew dust into my windshield at the same time using a leaf-blower---literally this was done in broad daylight in Pensacola and all witnesses were part of the attempted murder. )

Summation of the threat of murder/death: They (terrorists) will come at any target from behind, they will inject microchips into the body non-consensually in so many "health care" guises and excuses, and will freeze the moment when the body most needs to react instantly to avert being killed or attacked. They will drug your food beforehand so you cannot escape the tech that is blasting your brain at the precise, vector-driven software analysis causing the "accident" or attack.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Whorewood behaves like whores once more. //I don't mean only the sexual aspect of prostitution of a most degenerate and foul sort, but of the ravage of my internet via hacking to instantly join in on teleporting me with violence and torture for having watched the utter filth that is coming out perpetually from the entrainment biz (entrainment as in mind programming--your brain syncing to the subliminals and programming for Nazism and Mafia and crime and white supremacy, even if portrayed by "other" races--all actors involved are approved-of fascist Nazi minions, usually portraying feminist or ethnic minority "victimization" but truly cranking out a white supremacist agenda through the interwoven context of the underdog rising up to defeat "racism"--all the actors involved are fully antisemitic on a genocidal approval-basis).///Because I was drugged, the poisons this group of filth have continued for over a decade to have injected into my body along with fungus, mold, sewage water inserted into my bladder nightly--etc etc I am constantly sick, the mind control drugs are nothing any of you can fathom as you never care to pursue your own drugging or mind control programming so the stealth of the mind control drugs is something you just do not want to investigate because it is intended to lure you into a false senses of security. You can't "feel" the shift in your body the poisons are so subtle. But beyond all that, assaulted because I watched a stinking Euro-pig-ape-based Nazi movie starring a foul white trash wanna be Nazi aristocrat. THe programming of the movie was extremely racist disguised as a "support" for women. The other main star, who also joined in (and undoubtedly urged the scum pig ape "American" traitor to sexually and physically assault me with violence and hate and sexual debasement (of himself, but supposedly it's supposed to imply "me" for some reason as I am asleep, mostly unconscious and "waking' up in that state while repeating words of seeming "submission" after being hit repeatedly with the foul and dirty pig-meat appendage of this piece of foul and stupid trash who is undoubtedly being handed another role by either Steven Spielberg or others of the Jewish Nazi league for approval of the 4th Reich for having stuck his filthy pig meat in my face and slapping me. THey stopped teleporting me after I began to yell that he is uncouth and sick and disgusting, which was the response of hate and rage that this group of life-sucking parasitic scum want every single day they want me in a state of deadly hate to lower my energy and suck all youth, positivity, beauty, health and joy out of me as they keep poisoning me so my body is constantly dying from toxins which they pour in every day to keep me drugged and susceptible to states of negativity which they strive, every day, to inflict upon me to prove that they are "worthy" of Nazi/Mafia approval for more shit movies about how suave, how sophisticated, how caring, how sensitive, how EUropigape sophisticated they are after years of plastic surgery and endless money poured into their every act of violence at me. This dirty absolute representative of mainstream Nazi AMerica, which I have encountered in the form of violent college boys in university towns, then disguised by the more subdued "a-dolt" population of death squad operatives who are "supposed" to appear as normative-value societal "good" people--but they stopped the teleportation just a my feet were about to engage into his filthy dirty ugly face--trying to kill yet another one of these filthy dirty pieces of shit after a few hours of yelling about how the shit movie they were paid by the 4th Reich to crank out, with the British and French Nazi shit in the rows of chairs urging this filthy slime traitor MAGA celebrity (HE would "never" label himself as a MAGA because he believes he is too grandiose and "sophisticated" because of his years of being a closet fascist Nazi, now openly but the Europigapes absolutely pushed him into this fascist EUropigape behavior, which so many of the dirty filthy EUropigapes ahve done to me and been absolutely championed in rotten Europigapeland for this filthy rape violent behavior--the Americans "learning" by example and ALWYAS being put into The Oscars for it THis filthy dirty ugly trash celebrity has gone to the Oscars with Spielberg playing a "Jew" which was such an insult to the disapora of Jewish identity but NONE of the media or commentators made even a slight ripple of protest---to timid and programmed are the Jewish Nazis of Whorewood and so programmed to assault me they all are.

 I am, as usual, dealing with hacking that makes typing so arduous it's nearly impossible. Hackers will be rewriting and partially deleting this post after I type---they begin to delete and rewrite even while I am in the process of fighting to hacked keyboard.

This filthy white trash piece of garbage trash from Whorewood is the most typical of all the filth and crap who have teleported me. THey always have their EUropigape Nazi "handlers" sitting silently behind them as they follow instructions on old Europigape aristocrat versions of raping those not of the aristocratic filthy empire. You can read (only in the book) an actual eye-witness account of this in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities. The book/novel has a much more detailed account than any of the mostly sappy "love story" films depict--with only a few scenes of the actual real-life accounts (as Dickens describes in the forward to the novel). The rape is brutal and deadly. The FRENCH aristocrat details to his nephew that this is a "system" (the same word that the filthy U.S. Senator Graham from  lynch mob S. Carolina used to describe this death squad (aka "gang stalking") organized murder and assassination system that the U.S. government is fully endorsing upon me and countless others have already been assassinated or government-sponsored raped/stolen-from/murdered by these filthy organized idiots who are mostly sick and stupid, many well-educated enough to perform their perfunctory jobs with seeming aptitude but lacking all ethical and true competency.


The movie itself was the usual "comedy" which I have seen countless times throughout the years, in which a blonde women has a love relationship that has a few kinks but works out in a "comedy". 

Many of the violent and sad movies depict women of darker hue who are violently murdered or turn into evil or despotic characters.. If a blonde woman is powerful and deemed "evil" she is always put into the highest power category possible (i.e. "queen" or CEO).

It is a trend, it is a pervasive pattern.

This rotten Nazi movie is no exception. I thought the movie would have some shift from the usual white supremacist entitlement aspect because it began with this white trash elitist traitor American playing a homeless "sweet" guy just down on his luck--gentle and caring.. 

That in no way depicts the struggle and violence that homeless undergo and by which they operate and I was, as usual, first drugged, and sick, hoping for a comedy that had some kind of social insight involved. 

The British Europigape who also was in the teleportation torture situation, who I said acted "great" because he played a gnarly and bad-tempered misogynist but before I could ascertain the homoerotic component of this mind programming trash Europigape-centered propaganda piece of white supremacy and adulating France and the Europigapes as the "heroic" rescue of trashy and degraded America, ,which is the real component of this "movie" Nazi propaganda celluloid Nazi immersion in how destitute and "low class" America is compared to the blonde white supremacist Nazi Europigape brood coming to endlessly buy out whores like this actor, training this filth into antisemitism on the level of murderous genocide--with rotten Spielberg and the rest of the "Jewish Nazi" league on all levels of American society (I think AIPAC is included in this as well).


The last time, TEN YEARS AGO, that this filthy pig ape scum rapist whore attacked me by yelling at me "you are nothing" which is what a Nazi would say, which is what Europigapes yelled at my brother in Italy with his "Italian-American" wife, who giggled and recounted this with humor while making bagel jokes in front of my entire family, while my brother, a most vicious abusive violator of me under orders of the Jewish Nazis to tear me down because I was always winning every competition I engaged in and the Nazi filth must claim that by nature they are inherently the "superior" race above all else. Poisoning me into paralysis for over 50 years by now to "prove" this, by the way. My brother smiling at his fascist Nazi wife, me,also drugged up as we were at a restaurant and my food is constantly poisoned by the 4th Reich/Mafia network at restaurants--I stared at her in anger while my family just remained silent chomping down while this filthy Nazi my brother had married glared into my face because I saw of course the racism she was openly expressing. I never saw her again, but she encouraged my family to violently assault me to the point that I had to leave Arizona to protect myself from their deadly assault upon me, ,as they were on a murder spree at that time (another very lengthy story but I do understand Jewish Nazis pretty well. Like all the Aunt Jemimas and Uncle Toms they are the first to perform outright racist violence against "Jews" who their "masters" instruct them to brutalize or kill; which they do in open violent frenzy for approval).


There is a bit more to this story, but hackers are doing things like shifting the cursor to other parts of the page in the middle of typing so I literally have to stop and find where the blinking cursor is, delete what I had just typed on the "normal" part of the page and then resume, my train-of-thought as usual disrupted--the keyboard so hard to function I must pound down with all my finger and hand strength constantly, etc etc (words that have more than 2 or three syllables which are a bit more complicated the English-speaking filth hacking and monitoring my typing hack so badly they are unreadable and sometimes I must backspace and retype one single word 4-6 times in a row--they always try to discredit me, try to lower my brain function with constantly attacks on my brain, enhancing ranting and blocking cognitive higher functioning).


As soon as I posted a few sentences on Facebook about the Europigape/French programming of the stupid and rotten bought-out whores of whorewood (male and female) I was bombarded with a bunch of English punk and gothic band videos on my youtube channel because I had posted one of Crass's songs about French women shaved with swastikas painted on their foreheads- (the song is titled "Shaved Women")

I wrote that the encroachment of Nazism into French culture is so openly evident now that the main candidate for president is a "Right-Wing " fascist whose father the Nazis I had met in Germany extolled and were very glad about (La Pen's father was a big political candidate back in the 90's).

I had a theory about the black-attired goth movement bands and culture, which has turned out to be just other versions of Nazi programming instilled into the black-clad little groupies. The Nazi 4th Reich "gang" I hung with in college introduced me to these bands, which I associated with anti-fascist for some reason as the agents who surrounded me, while I was ALWAYS drugged with mind control drugs which so completely skew the brain's abilities in most crucial ways while you appear functional and in "consent" to your programming. I had "assumed" so wrongly. I now realize that the BLACK was the resistance to antifascism and an embrace of the DEATH HEAD attire of the Nazi SS brutal regime most close to Hitler and the death squad system. 

So many of the English (in particular) punk and Goth bands are so fully into the Nazi take-over of the United States that it so fully "proves", at least to myself that my theory is correct. THey were always Nazis but they had this underground Nazification of death cult programming through the black clothing and fascination with death and the skulls and the black and the coffins--which I thought was just a wacky sort of "new" version of "alternative" but it was the closeted Nazis trying to program into SS look and mentality (of death and a "secret society of death").

This band, which I had posted about under drugging, which hacked countless videos on my internet along with a bunch of other English filth "punk and goth" bands whom I had been programmed to listen to; all advocating in debauchery, into selling out, into lying, a gyrating fascination with all things corrupting but that is the "intelligent awareness" you could say of "how things work" and "reality" and just "accept it". This is a programming to "hate" the things that the "American Experiment" in fighting corruption, in not allowing a system to become ossified in a corrupt and illegal regime of graft and persecution and aristocratic hierarchies allowed to rape and plunder from the ever-increasing desperation of the poor.).

It is now a physical struggle to continue to pound every single key out.


10 minutes later: just exhausted from the endless physical stress every key is being blocked. 

The "goth" band, which features routinely the Thunder Bolt of Thor--(one of those Nazi movies of programming into Nazi Occult lore)--this lighting bolt was used by the SS as well--it was both the German name of the entity, but also two of the lightening bolts, which represent the "Sieg" Rune, coming out of Nordic mythology and the symbol of Thor, or Odin (interchangeable to me).

This band, not a cure for me at all, had posted this video and I used to listen to their pornography album in the 80's--because my double-crossing Nazi friends back in MInneapolis pushed all the Nazi goth bands (but they seemed like "fun punk" and "artistic musings of black-clothed cute guys out of London" which was a myth and still is----personal opinion).

The video which played because I clicked on it, under drugging influence and of course, I try not to be "paranoid" and assume that almost all the videos hacked onto my channels are from staunch racist murdering bigots trying to overtake the United STates and institute a techno-tyrannical fascist Nazi/Mafia organized criminal death squad regime.....

the video had been made in France, which was the "Message" of solidarity with "The French" and oh, what good "blokes" they all are, part of the European Union with the consolidation of power, members of NATO dumping most of the financial responsibility of payment upon the U.S., which has happily paid for membership dues of wealthy NATO Partners for many decades.

The EU are all now "brothers" against their military benefactor partner the United States. I am referring not to the grandiose sanctimonious pseudo-religious political ceremony pomp and circumstance that accompanies publicized meetings of "allies" but rather, the spittle hate of the English, the slurring and violent hate of the French, the "We're so guilty" subsumed murderous violence of the Germans, and etc--as in the terrorists who have surrounded me from this organization all my life. I must add that ALL the expletives I alluded to above from Minneapolis were of either foreign descent, first generation, or were involved in Nazi "camps" held in very obscure rural areas of Minnesota--long drives up North in very remote locations where only-German is spoken and little "German" camping activities are inculcating the "Americans" into Nazi ideology and language and affiliation. Although the large bulk of Minnesotan "natives" who killed off the actual natives of that region claim they are of Norwegian or Swedish descent the focus is upon becoming Geramanicized for this camp (and the person who was a huge leader of this group did have Mein Kampf next to his bed, telling me that it was something he was just reading to learn "how not to be a Nazi"). 

They all encouraged and brainwashed me into listening to many of these "black" goth bands which proved to be absolutely no cure for resistance to fascism or the veiled subliminal programming of the Black Shirted SS into full and open Goosestep formation and concentration camp mentality--now spread to France, England, and the rest of the planet, fully living out the predictions of what Hitler and his Occult team claimed was their "right" to power.

This social engineering is being fully transmitted by the false anti-fascist lectures of news, Whorewood and other media platforms. It is not garbed in the black attire of the closeted 80's Goth and Punk fasco-Nazis, it is cheery and so "liberal" and "open-minded" and fighting for "Moral and ethical" rightitude (sic). 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Prostituted, Euro-centric bought-off Nazi agents Pig-Pitalina's Plan BS (Bullshit) the mind programming/Nazi genocidal programming film studio facility in Whorewood, as partner with KGB/Fascist/Nazi/Inc, GmbH, Ltd Brat Pig Pit Shitalina the group of 4th Reich plastic surgery plastic fruit propaganda Nazi agents outta not-Straight Whorewood, and others who claim they are "conservative" and "liberal" alike--all operating to torture me endlessly for years and decades without end, every single day and night, without pause, so one sleazy filthy mostly stupid ignoramus can participate in the NON-DEPLETABLE cornucopia of promotions, awards and endless $$ poured out to each and every single agent participating globally to destroy my body, life, finances, any pet I love, everything stolen and destroyed as they never stop attacking me. Yesterday I realized that filthy shit pig pit had ONCE AGAIN stolen an idea I wrote of on Facebook, about two months or so prior to the onset of the Covid epidemic about Bob Marley. I posted videos on Marley's life, his videos--and now 4 years later as almost on cue that dirty filthy creep pig pit with shitalina the prostituted skank have come out, once more, with a movie based on ideas I have written of during this 11th+ year of terror and violence, torture, mutilation, gang rape , mutilation, theft of my ideas, beatings torture and information extraction and then torture for writing any single commentary on the shit they crank out which is intended to mock and insinuate disbelief in any alternative to fascist Nazism, thusly they are promoting the 4th Reich by inserting subliminal disbelief at the incompetence of the actors and the scripts/plot and glossy bs that they project so the public first pays for the sensational bs, then subconsciously learns to dismiss these ideas as being either resolved because they saw it in a movie or the sheerly stupid premise and dopiness of the scripts and performances negate the seriousness of the problematic stance put forward of the ills of the 4th Reich tyranny that is disguised by the smiling, plastic surgery fruits of Whorewood performing the ideas that, in some part, they steal from me. Appearing constantly as "victims" of injustice, which they steal from torturing me literally day and night for over a decade, after having obtained the contract from Europigape fascists who have taken over places like South Beach, Miami, who saw this contract on me and converged to assault m e--which they are still doing 30 years later. //The "conservative" element comes to participate so they can disparage the (fake) efforts of "wokism" in order to fully discredit the "movement" as they alll join together to assault me, endlessly.

 The hacking is so obstructive that it's like a complete finger heavy workout to pound out every space bar and key. That means this post will be redacted/half-deleted and strung back together even while I am fighting to pound out my ideas.

I wrote one very short paragraph on Facebook yesterday because I had been enjoying watching the Bob Marley movie that pig shit pit-ape and shitalina and Assiston from Plan BS cranked out. I had written about Marley, in the nth year of their endless torture of me while the Europigapes and fascist white supremacists had been sending out their brown-skinned slave minions to hit me while driving and hundreds attacking me per shopping trip--and fungus and rape and rape and fungus inserted into my body--poison inserted into my bladder every night for years until just a few months ago when it was greatly reduced to just poison and drugs instead of semen fungus poison and sewage water--every night.

But I had been immersed in a dead artist, hoping I would not be teleported. I could not conceive that the offspring had also full "entitlement" to assault me to get movies cranked out about their dead parents (mostly men) whose music I enjoyed, assuming I would not be attacked.

Lo and Behold, after years of shit pig pit and his endless profiteering off torturing me with rape attempted murder and this swaggering psych0opath sick fuck watching on with dirty filthy whorealina--endlessly there pushing one politician after celebrity to threaten to kill me after the next, being hugged after violently raping me with disgusting violence. The pair of shit being endlessly promoted.

I had also written a comment about Piglousy the former Speaker of the Dog Whorewood in Congress-Whorewood as of course, her permanent saccharine graft posturing fascist "Italian-American" mafia "I'm working for the American People' was also included as a very vicious attack by the by-now murderous and smug shit pig pitt and shitalina, the endlessly awarded pair of torturing rapist attempoted murder bigot pig apes who are endlessly surrounded by sleazy and dirty politicians and shit celebrities trying to steal ideas from me, rape me, or just abuse and threaten me with violent murder for just defending myself and writing about this travesty of injustice that is in every violation of every single attempt at freedom from tyranny throughout the ages of the history of humanity.


The filthy pig ape, like all the blonde Nazis, have their black minions fully violently assaulting me as the persecuted scapegoat "Jew"--a group which has sold me off to death by this group, has always attacked me except for a tiny small percent of 1% of all the "Jews" who have surrounded me to get "blessings" of reprieve from the ever-approaching next Holocaust by attacking me. Promotions still aplenty, and always approved-of by Congress surreptitiously-but not so much as this system is so wide-spread throughout the world (and so many who have resisted all killed off) that it's not exactly surreptitious.. 

So the next bs movie about "justice" and "equality" is, as usual, only intended for the "good" smiling blacks who fully support Nazism and white supremacy in the form of endless contracts handed out to the spawn of the formerly "dangerous" activists or performers who live comfortable lives in the warm white hills of Miami, or Los Angeles, for example.

Attacking me is now a symbolic staple of promotion in both of the Whorewoods that control the United States, and by association, the rest of the world.

Nice, warm and tingly movie about a now-dead man fighting against racism, put into the hands of the black partition of the white supremacy 4th Reich inWhorewood; many of the actors are ENGLISH and of course, the main promoters who hand out such "deals" are from The Crown in London.

I could not finish watching the movie to evaluate how the underlying basis of the movie would be utterly wiped out by lies and by distortions of the original intent of Marley and of that movement. 

I had some dealings with a white(ish) male whose last name was somehow related to the Marley family. He told me as he got me into a situation of what has become 30+ years of this same Italian Mafia group out of Miami endlessly assaulting me with their smug and "entitled" shit Pig pitalina as their proxies as they continue to reap the benefits of the royalties and percent of the profit for the arrangement with the Euro-p-a-land fascist Nazi controllers (out of France/England, et al).

 I could not see how they ended this movie, starring an English who had also starred in the Klaus Barbie Movie and of course, t hey are all part of this 4th Reich Whorewood cartel industry now amalgamating into a monopolistic and neopotistic entity you all see as seemingly disparate entities vying for top Oscars, with the usual performers and directors and teams and agencies all being put into a never-ending "top" award-winning rotation.

As fascism and Nazism and Totalitarianism increases in tenor in the OTHER Whorewood operation of Congress.


**This has been a sheer elongated amount of literal physical effort pound this out and perpetually backspace and retype what is endlessly blocked + also fighting to think clearly with attacks on my brain +not being able to get the clarity to finish my sentences and the effort and time spent on fighting this--not even going back to see what had been typed perfectly (except for pounding out endless commas which are deleted endlessly afterwards anyway)


I was assaulted by pig pitt who is a smug son of a bitch (yes I met his dirty nasty mommy and like all the pig apes they cling to their mommies and daddies forever--like little children. It's always disgusting for me to hear when Krapola or Bigot-den blather about what their Daddies told them about how to live well. It's always an example of their unstated submission to authority and to the Big Daddy who controls them as the conformist little children that they claim they still are. Like the children of the deceased who I try to find some kind of alternative mentality out of --i.e. Marley--I was assaulted by people who talked about Ziggy Marley so often that it is no coincidence that he has collaborated with partners of the Miami fascist Italian and Whorewood partners (claiming to be "Italian-American") who ahve assaulted me with deadly poisoning and rape and torture, with open Nazi Holocaust statements when I am fighting agains rotten ugly pig ape men teleporting me after I am poisoned with bloating and hardening poisons that literally cement permanently into the body and bone structure and internal organs as they then have the men pound through rape the poisons as deeply into my body as possible. All presidents and rotten filth shit like Pig-lousy the former speaker of the House which is a whore house by the way--all threatening to kill me sitting next to the former governor of California, the fascist Nazi thug who is almost an open and direct representative of fascist Nazi culture put into political power

all in the "protected" teleportation torture situations which Big Daddy conceals from open transparency--but "everybody" knows about it and follows what Big Daddy details them to say and think.

It is extremely difficult to pound out and spend so much time fighting to get this out.

It will all be partially deleted afterwards and restrung together anyway. None of you reading this at this time will do a single thing about this situation, as usual, except try to join in and see what free deals you can get out of it.


When you stop promoting shit pig pitalina the pair of crap and filth from being able to put their black and jewish and asian little Nazi minions into more power by promoting a false ideology of "victimization" to Plan BS (Bullshit) can continue to "win" at the Oscars--

Saturday, March 30, 2024

I am fighting to the death. After more than 10 years of writing and celebrity piece of fucking shit after piece of shit after even more shitty politicians are just rushing to beat, rape and torture me every single moment of my life. No one will do anything as more and moppre fuckers paste their shit on my youtube as I search for any salvation there is none, absolutely no one and nothing. All have been killed or are just brainwashed shit by now. Netanyahu and dirty Rat-skin this filth and ugly pair of the destruction of this culture that I am supposed to bear the brunt of all the hate and all the violence so shit like this can dump more on me and promote the Nazi shit for their greasy shit promotions. And all the same sick fucks are sitting on their brains as usual this shit pig ape prostitutalina group is always there with never-ending politicians and celebrities. I have wrritten adn written and there is only dirty disgusting old rotten pig apes in leadership position, even if they arein their 20's they have been programmed in old age mentality. I am endlessly being assaulted after this group of shit has stolen idea after idea from me and made millions and millions they never stop and never just let me live for a moment with life, love and peace. Their ugliness and hate is never-ending the pieces of shit go off being applauded I remain with my body disfigured and paralyzed fihting literally for my life every day to remove th epoison as they keep poisoning and attack9ing me to death. the hacking has made typing correectly impossible. I am pounding down on the keyboard and it's just rife with red underlines. I have to just try to not react and wait for Biden to die and Trump to fucking die as well for any slight hope of any change for the better otherwise the two roten fucks have trained their rotten children adn the masses who love them vboth as I am endlessly atatcked just for being happy and vbeautiful and intelligent and winning so they have poisoned tortured mutilated and have been destroying murdering raping without end. I would kill them if I could. I try to kill them every day I ruash at them. not a single fuck reading this can do anything but try to exploit me as well. I truly have said for years that this is a death group which can only bring the utter destruction of the planet and you all just love them for it. The desturction you plan on exploiting and for a take-over will never happen they will only destroy the planet they are too life-fuck sick to do anything else. Keep applauding them. I hope Netanyuau is kileld as well as I hope Ratskin gets killed by some MAGA white supreamcist as that is all that Ratskin and Netanyahu truly care about and it would be the ultimate irony for them to be killed by their worshipful Nazi masters. this pig ape Netanhyuah attacked me as usual while I wa sin the shower trying to relax from Farrakhan and Ratskin with their abuse, as my body is huge and I can never get this chemical cement out of my body which they put in for years as I fouthg for my life to stop thepoisoning and rape and abuse. It is all too disgusting. Netanyau asked me for a tarot reading but not politely. I was in the shower I told him it would take me 30 m minutes. He began yelling at me "do it now do it now" I told him tI would not do it he began vuiolently abuwsing me I told him to fuck off and die. It took about 15 minutes of that ugly rotten parasite yelling at me for no reason for me to finally not give a damn and also Israel has never been a freidn to me. It is the sick and sleazy dirty shit like Netanyahu and Ratskin, the ass-groveling dirty Jewish Nazis who have put Isreal and Jews in the precarious state that they are in now. I se ein the news tha Spielberg is decrying the rise in antisemitism. That rotten Nazi Jewish fuck attacked me along with Turmp and he is another eason that antisemitism is so high. All his lead stars are vile and foul antisemite Nazis, in particular the Irish and English. He is stupid as hell and a greedy and sick blind and ingoramus assgroveling Jewish Nazi and fully helped to bring about the state of hate for Jews, and in h8is billion dollra lifestyle and his blonde Nazi wife he will always be "safe" but continues like they all do to blather bullshit into cameras about all the fight against Nazism that they really are protecting and atatcking me for actually fighting against it. As none of you gies a fucking damn, I can't write any longer. Maybe one day someone will remember my sacrifice for my life for my country for the group I was born into which was destroyed and these pig ape pieces of shit are very much responsible--because they are continuing the devestation and encouraging fascist Nazis--all those I just m entioned and many many others. I remain the outcast scapegoate sacrifice because not a single person will do more than champion all the "stars" you fucking worship and they are just a sick pile of meaningless shit. I remain here as a citizen of the United States on the other side of the planet because my country was murdering me in covert death squad assassinaton teams, which are here in this other place and the shit from America is now pouring so much hate on me for escaping for not believing in the shit they are saying and doing for not supporting the bullshit crap they crank out and not saying they are great and I am their "salve" to beaat rape and torture without self-defense. I truly hope they are killed and this is enough of watching youtube or movies or writing on these blogs because America is a lost country, you fuckers reading this will get the destruction you have helped to bring about. I just want to live in peace and all I can do is be beaten abused and it's constant and none of you will ever do a fucking thing afer 13 years of wr5iting these posts all I have gotten is an endless stream of shit celebrities and politicians coming to violently abuse me because I am defending myslef. So I end now. The hacking is very bad, this is full of red lines the keys won't work. The Jewish pig ape shit are most loathsome ugly and sef-destroyed creep parasitic latched on hateful life-sucking fuckers. THey are loathsome and violently sick towards me the Jewism men and their love for the Nazis and their violence violence that no one will stop. Please kill Ratskin and fuck Netanyuah get him OUT of power the Jewish Nation deseves a decent leadreship not a sick group of crap and America deserves so muchy better than lying endlessly lying Ratskin and the rest of the Nazi shit like Pig-lousy and AOC and the rest--Biden is a rotten ugly sinister crap destroyer hope he dies and his soggy rotten brain and body collapse and he's dead within a few days. If I am the witch they claim I am, may this curse be fulfilled immediately and upon them all. Me living in peace and love that I deserve, which is bliss and joy and beauty. Fuck you all.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Dirty, ugly and sinister sick Rat-skin the not-representative of the Whore-House intimately connected to Whorewood goes on and on, as the parasitic leech he and all of them are. His antisemitism is only rivaled by the outright Nazis of Whorewood (usually Germans) and he's very much a similarity but thankfully a bit different in his type of greasy filthy hate aimed at me. The killing of my beautiful plants was probably done by the team who have been doing this for over a year--killling all beautiful plants I buy, but Rat-skin the foul parasitic Nazi and Baryishnikov, a most sinister leech globbed onto this contract probably worked in tandem to just destroy once more the plants, the beautiful objects. I had to detox from horrifically old poisons trapped in my body so I was again unable to get more done than sitting in front of the laptop watching the crap of YouTube, all hacked blathering terrorists waiting for their chance to torture, rape beat and rob and assault me for their nasty greasy promotions. The next endless parasite, Rat-skin is undoubtely profiting off this in endless huge awards for that sack of lying filth who keeps referring to all the gun violence on tv as what he wants done to me. When people shoot others in these inevitable violent flicks (as Ratskin is almost a slave to the Whorewood establishment which cranks out these gun murder movies, while he claims like all the fake violent genocidal murderous "liberals" whose policies really foment much death and destruction---but people using guns and this filthy dirty ugly sinister leech blathers hatefully that it should be me being shot in the head, etc. And his comments go on and on as I sit in a drugged and dazed stupor and trying to ignore this filthy teleportation as i can "see" him and hear his ugly dirty pig ape voice going on and on with murder commentary as I sit sick from the poison he laughed about the whorewood establishment pouring into my body while he insulted how I look and he continues. I get undressed he makes absolutely disgusting commentary like deniro and pesce, his mafia Nazi heroes which he has emulated. This filthy dirty pig ape piece of dirty and violent shit probably has an entire agenda for how much he plans on obtaining out of endless violence towards me with death threats with every other sentence. I am so sick of trying to kill this rotten lug of deteriorated ugly meat that Rat-skin is, and so sick of just his presence I try to ignore him but the ENTRAINMENT of the technology where my brain literally is "trapped" in a groove like a needle on a record that can't skip. This filthy ugly sinister rotten ape pig scum is going to go on and on I can tell. Deniro and Pesce went on with this violent insulting sexual debasement and violence and death threats for about 4 years--or 3, or longer maybe 5. The ugliness of Ratskin and his glaring hate at me with threats, death threats and this Nazi MAGA terrorist is being paid by filthy vile Biden the criminal worthless lying sac of filthy putridity as they really all are. Not one of you is going to get any of them off me. //I can only pray for their utter horrid destruction since there is no justice no law no constitution nothing but bullshit and white supremacy and all the minorities like filthy dirty ratskin who wants to believe that he is not a minority but is so trained in playing the advocate for human rights that "Jews" are "supposed" to play as the eternal victims of injustice. It is one thing for Nazis and Mafia to go on and on but when it comes from an oppressed and filthy minority the hate and violence is amplified by the self-loathing of the greasy shit that these people are--can't ANYONE get rat-skin off me and just push Biden down some stairs so that ugly filthy fucker is finally not attacking me, as I know he has been behind decades of attacks against me. Has known about this contract on me for years and has fully sent people to rape, torture, violently threaten me. I wrote one sardonic humorous post about his State of the Union and the death threats from that NazI bigot piece of shit Biden and his team of rat filth like Rat-skin is just only tangibly understood by the minority communities who are turning to Trump in desperation for something that is not such a psycho-clown show of bullshit that these filth slingers are really, behind all the blathering those who are victimized as I know I have been by this group (and Trump, it's been me fighting for my life literally with all my strength for over 13 years under Obama/Biden +Trump + Biden/Obama and they are SHIT. The minorities also should not consider Trump a panacea. Biden is such a piece of rotten ugly lying shit that the minorities who have suffered under the Crime Bills that Biden pushed decades ago are still reeling in the destruction and racism he really pushed and loves pushing it. He loves torture, rape and murder of people like me he and his group of shit like Rat-skin are mafia constructs and they are thugs--put into power. So is Cornell West who is just another lying bs slinger. And it's despicable. Can't anyone get filthy dirty rat-skin off me? THis lying yapping shit operator plans on attacking me forever to get more and more media slots, whic he has already been handed for the past 3 years of endlessly supporting shitalina his Nazi bigot "friend" who he only wants to be patted on the back by and told he is a "good boy" and not a scumbag "jew". Unfortunately that stupid jerk-off scumbag "Jew" doesn't understand how sick and racist the shit he is worshipping as the mentally enslaved minion of violence really perceive that ugly dirty filth piece of shit to be, and he truly is sick and disgusting as are so many of the politicians the white old dinosaur men and the ultra-violent minorities so eager to impress the genocidal Nazis--in particular the Jews. Rat-skin is a piece of rotten and mentally ill shit. Get that ugly sick fuck off me goddamn. And make this group of shit stop attacking me. Make them stop killing my plants get them off me. What the hell is wrong with America that not one single person will do more than sit back silently waiting for me to beg for my life until they murder me?

"William Cooper--The UGLY Truth--B'nai B'rth & the ADL". Watchman's Archive. December 1, 2013.

*AHA! I discovered, under the vid I just posted above, that there is a link to the transcript which has all written out, from beginning to end. It is actually tiresome to listen to Hour of the Time broadcasts because Cooper reads very rapidly and the information is so new to me that I get lost. Always my brain is under attack while I listen to these lectures. I also blasted them while Rat-skin was yelling and abusing and constantly threatening me with mutilation and murder. He was constantly yelling as I tried to list to this first episode also because he said that I "should not be listening to this" or any of the Cooper lectures on governmental deception and the downfall of the Constitution.

So, at your leisure, please do read the introduction to this series which was omitted to a very large extent. So much pertinent and vital information and thought construction was omitted deliberately I believe. You can glean the information without having to try to get past the constant sort of "drone" that Cooper has, because he was such an astute information analyst for the Office of Naval Intelligence where he held one of the highest top level security levels as the assistant to the General of the Pacific Command and had access to extremely sensitive and top-level, top-secret intelligence which he would brief, with a team of other analysists, to the General every day for I think it was about 2-4 years--

He is not some wacked-out conspiracy theorist as so many claim in rebuff of his highly astute lectures on the actual ugly truth of the ugly reality of the eventual overtake, the economic collapse and a Totalitarian system overtake and the subservience/enslavement of the general population. 


The Ugly Truth about the Anti Defamation League (ADL)

*I am going to copy and paste the parts, most of which were deleted from the video above. I also discovered another video on YouTube that never showed up on a simple search of the exact terms---I get this all the time that items that are, indeed, visible easily on the web I never find. I only had saved this site (not featured on this post) months ago or last year and "forgot" about it's existence on the list of other sites I have saved but am so exhausted from endless hacks, blocks and endless DOS so I spend most of my time fighting to type, get back on the internet and all is like a rabid crazy scumbag making the cursor spin and things pop up and service is blocked constantly--this is every 5 minutes, and has been ongoing for over 2 years (and for over 20 years, but has gone back to the endless freezing I experienced when I was taking grad classes and needed the internet for research--). Anyway, here is the part of the text (included in the link above for "ADL #1" that was deleted---it is vital information for the history of the United States that is in major effect at this momet in American politics and, of course, Israel and the rest of the world is included: the system is also so extremely slowed down, constantly on every single computer I get on around the world it is instantly hacked and obtaining a site can take as long as 5 minutes. The WiFi is turned off constantly every few minutes (like 3-5 minutes, repeated for hours every day)

ADL #1



Tape No. 524:  "ADL No. 1"
Wednesday, January 11, 1995

This broadcast was taken in whole or in part from investigations conducted by the CAJI News Service, and the Intelligence Service, and from reports published by The Executive Intelligence Review entitled "The Ugly Truth About The ADL", and "Dope Inc.".

Folks, tonight I'm going to embark on a course from which there is no return.  It is important that you learn the information that I'm going to begin to impart to you tonight; and yes, it is a part of the "Mind Control" series.  It is also a part of the history of the Illuminati in this nation.  And it will explain an awful lot of things to you that have never been explainable before.  It's going to explain to you the link between the Lodges of the Illuminati, the intelligence community, and the underworld.

It is extremely dangerous what I am embarking upon, simply because so many people who have attempted to reveal this history previously have been killed in the process of doing it.  I have no fear, and I will finish what I start, or someone will, because it needs to be done.

Tonight, I begin to narrate to you a special report of the "Executive Intelligence Review" entitled "The Ugly Truth About the ADL".

Now, I want you to understand something.  I am not talking about Jews. I am talking about a branch of the Illuminati:  the control structure that is bringing one-world government into fruition, destroying the sovereignty of nations, and many, many other things.

As you will see, ladies and gentlemen, the ADL does not represent the Jewish people; but instead, is using them, and is manipulating them so that they, innocently--as many of you have done throughout your life innocently--are helping to bring about the destruction of the sovereignty of individual nations, the destruction of individual, Creator-endowed, Constitutionally- guaranteed rights, and the formation of a one-world, totalitarian, socialist government.

I want it clearly understood that "The Hour of the Time" has stated on many, many occasions that we oppose racism of any kind, in any form, by anyone.

What you're going to discover is that the ADL, while calling many, many people anti-semitic, are themselves one of the most racist groups that has ever existed upon the face of this earth.

Ladies and gentlemen, the original research was done by the "Executive Intelligence Review".  CAJI has duplicated the research down to the T to make sure that this material is true.  And it is absolutely, 100% legitimate and historical truth from beginning to end.  And that's why the ADL and B'nai B'rith has never sued the "Executive Intelligence Review" over this report.

April 14, 1865, the day Abraham Lincoln was shot, will live forever, ladies and gentlemen, as a day of infamy for American patriots, and lovers of freedom all over the world.

But for the leadership of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and the Order of B'nai B'rith, and it's twentieth-century police arm, the Anti-Defamation League, April 14th, 1865 is a day that will be long remembered for a very different reason.

The B'nai B'rith, a pivotal player in the British Freemasonic plot to destroy the Union, was implicated in Lincoln's assassination--something that you've never been taught.

That fact does not square very well with its long-cultivated--but totally unwarranted--reputation as a Jewish social service organization, and a champion of civil rights.  For that reason, B'nai B'rith and the ADL have gone to great lengths, ladies and gentlemen, to bury that history and much, much more.

Simon Wolf <sp?>, 1835-1923, was the Washington, D.C. lawyer for the Order of B'nai B'rith during the entire period of the United States Civil War.  He would later head the International Order of B'nai B'rith for many years.

In 1862, Wolf was arrested by Lafayette C. Baker--the Chief of Detectives for the City of Washington, D.C., and later, Lincoln's Chief of the United States Secret Service--on charges that Wolf was involved in spying and blockade running on behalf of the Confederacy.

Baker arrested Wolf, who was the attorney representing a number of Jews accused of spying for the South, on the grounds that he was part of a conspiratorial organization working on behalf of the secessionist cause behind the lines in the nation's capitol.  The conspiratorial organization named by Baker was the B'nai B'rith.

Both Baker and United States General Ulysses S. Grant targeted the Order of B'nai B'rith as a Confederate spy agency.  Upon taking command of the western front in 1862, General Grant issued Order No. 11 which expelled all Jews from the military district within 24 hours of its implementation.

U.S. Grant was no anti-semite, ladies and gentlemen.  He was reacting to the activities of B'nai B'rith and leading Confederates like Judah P. Benjamin.

Lincoln, however, cognizant of the need to avoid blanket attacks against religious or ethnic groups, rescinded the order--which was the proper thing to do--for all Jews are not members of B'nai B'rith; and B'nai B'rith was not solely at guilt.

The Civil War was actually engineered and brought about by British intelligence through their arm of the Illuminati in the United States headed by Albert Pike:  the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, whose headquarters at that time was in Charleston, South Carolina.

A 1987 B'nai B'rith-authorized biography of Simon Wolf by Esther L. Panitz <sp?> offered the following highly suggestive--albeit incomplete--description of Wolf's personal relationship with President Lincoln's assassin, John Wilkes Booth.

Now, bear in mind, folks, that this biography, written on the basis of B'nai B'rith's archives--written on the basis of B'nai B'rith's own archives--paints Wolf in the most favorable of lights.

The mere fact that the author had to include Wolf's links to Booth and Wolf's earlier arrest as an alleged Confederate spy and blockade-runner implies that the actual story is far uglier.  I quote from the history of the B'nai B'rith:

"Wolf's concern for culture first expressed itself in the formation of a private club devoted to the arts and humanities, and frequented by young men avid for learning.

"Were pride and ambition his only motives in seeking the intellectual life?

"Clearly, Wolf hoped that if he and his friends would devote themselves to the pursuit of learning, they would deflect the prejudicial statements of their Christian neighbors.

"Wolf was upset that terms such as 'money-changers', 'cotton-traders', and 'clothes-dealers' had become words of reproach.

"Locally, the groups theatrical productions received a good press. Wolf, who would often play the Ghost in 'Hamlet' or Shylock in 'The Merchant of Venice', bore an uncanny resemblance to John Wilkes Booth, Lincoln's assassin. Earlier in Cleveland, Booth had joined Wolf and Peixoto in dramatic performances.

"Years afterward, Wolf remembered that he had met Booth once again at the Willard Hotel on the morning of the day Lincoln was shot.

"There at the bar, Booth explained that Senator John P. Hale's daughter had just rejected his marriage proposal.  Wolf attributed Lincoln's murder to this personal tragedy in Booth's own life.  Wolf also recalled that once he sat for a picture entitled 'The Assassination of President Lincoln'."

End quote.  In his own book, ladies and gentlemen, entitled "Presidents I Have Known", Wolf says that he and his long-time acquaintance, John Wilkes Booth, did some drinking together at the Willard Hotel on the day Booth shot Lincoln.

Wolf's, and a second leading B'nai B'rith figure, Benjamin Peixoto's dealings with John Wilkes Booth, were hardly cultural.  Nor could Wolf have possibly believed that Abraham Lincoln was killed because of John Wilkes Booth's unrequited love affair.

Even John Hinkley, the would-be assassin of President Ronald Reagan, was declared insane when he tried to peddle the line that he had tried to kill Ronald Reagan due to an unfulfilled fantasy love affair with actress Jodie Foster.

To understand the circumstances under which B'nai B'rith's Washington, D.C. leader and one of its founding members were circumstantially tied to the Lincoln assassination conspiracy, and explicitly linked to the secessionist insurrection against the Union, it is necessary to look briefly at the circumstances under which the Order of B'nai B'rith was founded in 1843.

Following the American Revolution, the British monarchy and its East India Company colonists' apparatus never for a moment abandoned their commitment to reconquer the lost colonies in North America.

Although the military effort at reconquest in the War of 1812 failed, other efforts to seed the United States with British agents, some drawn from the ranks of anti-Republican Tories--who were permitted to retain their citizenship and property in America under the terms of the Treaty of Paris of 1783--were more successful.

In 1801, the Tory faction of United States Freemasonry--the grouping of Freemasons who had sided with England during the American Revolution--opened up shop as the Grand Council of the Princes of Jerusalem of the Mother Supreme Council of the Knights Commander of the House of the Temple of Solomon of the Thirty-Third Degree of the Ancient and Accepted Order of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry in the United States.

This United States-based British Freemasonic Lodge was chartered in Charleston, South Carolina.  The members of this British-led secret society would direct the Confederate secessionist insurrection a half-century later; and other Scottish Rite members would be among the founders of the B'nai B'rith. They, too, would be leading Confederates.

Apart from the esoteric mission of spreading an explicitly anti-Christian form of Roman pagan worship and occultism among the early generations of American citizens, the Charleston Lodge also sought to build up a network of pro-British merchants, spies, and politicians in both the North and the South who would one day play a pivotal role in the reconquest.

Many of these early Masons became wealthy through their business dealings with the British East India Company and the Dutch West India Company in both the cotton and the slave trade.

Among the founding members of the Charleston Scottish Rite Lodge were many prominent Jews, including Isaac Dacosta <sp?>, Moses Cohen <sp?>, Israel Deleiben <sp?>, Dr. Isaac Held <sp?>, Moses Levy <sp?> and Moses Peixoto.

Many of these men, ladies and gentlemen, were Sephardic Jews from North Africa or from Spain who had originally settled in the Caribbean and engaged in the early slave trade.

These Jewish Masons set up their organizations which also maintained active liaison to Great Britain's powerful Jewish community.

The Hebrew Orphan Aid Society was one such nominally benign group that would produce one of the most rabid secessionist leaders: Judah P. Benjamin.

Although today any reports of the Freemasonic roots and structure of B'nai B'rith are usually greeted with a torrent of allegati

ons of anti-semitism, back in the formative years, B'nai B'rith's own magazine, "The Menorah", offered the following information about the founders of the group--and listen to this very carefully.  Quote:

"Their reunions were frequent and several of them being members of existing benevolent societies, especially the Order of Freemasons and Odd-Fellows, they finally concluded that a somewhat similar organization, but based upon the Jewish idea, would best obtain their object.

"The Jewish religion has many observances and customs corresponding to the secret societies known to us.  The synagogue, for instance, might be compared to a Lodge room.  It used to be open twice a day.  For a Jew desiring to find a friend, they had but to go there and make themselves known by a certain sign and token.

"The sign consisted of a grip with a full hand and the magical word 'Shalom Alakim' <sp?>.  The mezuzah on the doorpost was the countersign--'Shema Israel'.  'Hear O Israel' was the password."

End quote.  Indeed, to this day, all local chapters of the B'nai B'rith are referred to as Lodges, a practice borrowed whole cloth from the Scottish Rite.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------This was all written before I discovered the link to the written text of the lecture series, but I will leave it intact as I always am under "mind control" and my thoughts meander and what I meander into is also relevant: Unfortunately, this video is the best I can do to impart this information based on research by The Hour of the Time and the Citizen's Agency for Joint Intelligence, which was purported to be a worldwide intelligence agency of independent research based on fact and in-depth research analysis, etc.

The 6-hour-long video is MISSING at least 20 minutes or more from the original 1st Video, titled, The Ugly Truth about the ADL #1. 

It states that the B'Nai Brith, the "Jewish" branch of "The Illuminati" in "The South" prior to the Civil War collaborated with Confederate Forces at very high-ranking political and legal positions. 

At this very moment my brain is being blanked-out completely for memory for names. You must look up this podcast on the Hour of the Time MP3 series. You must search for ADL and will find a series of about 3 or more episodes on this topic.

Cooper begins by stating that the ADL is NOT an accurate representation of "The Jews" but is rather a private "arm" of what used to be called the "Knights of the Golden Circle" which turned into the KKK. Jews who were members of this secret society operated as spies against the Union and worked to sabotage efforts at defending the United States by Union Forces. 

Please note that my brain is being blanked out so badly I can barely type, move my fingers to the correct keys or think of anything more elaborate than the most basic sentences. I cannot remember single item of the first part that has been deliberately deleted from this series, the one-and-only I could find on YouTube and I cannot upload the MP3 files I have saved.

The Jewish Branch of the ADL as the "secret police" agency of the B'Nai Brith, a group that MY FAMILY was closely allied with and undoubtedly members of, were the "Jewish branch" of the Scottish Rite of the Freemasons of the Southern Jurisdiction, the very group that Albert Pike founded which you all know as the KKK.

The man whose name my brain is completely blanked out from "remembering" at this moment, and I have spent over 5 hours today trying to circumvent the hacking, the WiFi being constantly turned off, hacking that is unbelievable--I did a reset function and instantly after spending hours fighting to remove the malware the system is just polluted immediately afterwards. I just deleted over 4,000 files that had been dumped on my C Drive when I downloaded a browser which is one of the few that will "allow" me to upload any videos to this blog.


The Jewish branch of the KKK, the Scottish Southern Jurisdiction of the Freemasons, the Illuminati (all one-and-the-same) were working WITH John Wilkes Booth in the assassination plot of Abraham Lincoln. Some of the leaders were implicated and one was arrested but their staunch support from the English traders of the slave trade and various southern politicians enabled them to lose all the constraints of legal penalty and one of the leaders of the "Jewish" plot to assassinate Lincoln escaped to London where he was a very highly reputable attorney. Another co-conspirator of the Lincoln assassination became a U.S. Senator, even though he had been expelled from Harvard due to a scandal. All he had to do was marry a Southern daughter of a prominent Slave Trade Confederate (of the pre-KKK branch of The Illuminati). I must add to the Cooper lecture, which is probably included in the partially deleted video below (deleted by the person who uploaded the video and put all the pictures as some kind of "entertainment" which is distracting anyway)

but....The Rothschilds were closely allied with the American Jewish ADL and the B'Nai Brith. The ADL has been exposed, by Cooper and by President Lincoln's Secret Service top agent to be a fake operation of defense against Anti-Semitism, but rather is and has been a violent gestapo type operation which uses sabotage and assassination but their cover is charitable assistance for victims of antisemitism. I must note that antisemitism runs rampant amongst the divided Jews and the racist hierarchies of the white supremacists plays a pivotal role in how and who gets to be "allowed" to participate if they inter-marry with white non-Jewish supremacists and the story remains the same to this very moment in time.

My situation is a testament to that awful sell-out policy which is being enforced by the very violently racist entities in political and societal (entertainment/media) and all has been infiltrated.

The latter portion of the lecture series runs like a revelation about how fake and racist the tv hit series "Boardwalk Empire" was in favor of amplifying the glorification of Irish and Italian and slightly insulting and denigrating the Jewish component. It is a very subtle re-enforcement of the long-standing government policy of putting Irish and Italians in power and slowly destroying the Jewish. Getting Jews to do the violent work for the white supremacists is like one of the mind control "feathers in the cap" for the Nazi 4th Reich--this last paragraph is ALL completely my input into the general them. 


For a "Jew" to have success in this 4th Reich planet, he/she must allow Nazis to instruct them in every way, self-denigrating themselves and obeying instructions which are part of divide-and-conquer strategies.

What Netanyahu is doing right now is contrary to the usual conditioning of Jews to allow the Nazis to take over the Holy Land by submitting to the demands of the Americans as their benefactor (but their goal is the elimination of the Jews and the overtake of Israel in British Israelist and Christian Identity genocidal "soft touch" murder operations and overtake).

The last part may sound like "conspiracy theory" but it is integral to the entire conversation of the Jewish Lobbies currently in a state of shock over what has happened in Israel in the past 6 months.

I was never surprised from the moment the invasion happened. Having lived in Germany and being exposed to Christian Identity Nazis, I understood from their talks and political discussions that this was an inevitable follow-through of the Holocaust.