Wednesday, December 1, 2021

The End Suits the Means. The Lowest Common Denominator always rises to the top. (A pair German Nazi statements that have been attributed to Hitler, although I cannot find these quotes and their source on any page online since my searches and every telecommunications attempt is blocked/hacked and thwarted or denied by the terrorist organization. Clarification of the phone terrorism this terrorist mafia/Nazi/fascist organization that I wrote of yesterday, which this hate group has inflicted upon me with full consent of Executive US leadership and trickling on down to the lowest dregs of society with the same behavioral patterns at all levels.

 My statement above means that the lowest of the low are exactly the same as the highest of this down-low, lowdown organization which uses the most vile and base tactics. I am certain they would all claim the famous adage that The End Suits the Means.. 

I write this morning (not early as I spent hours being put on hold by the terrorist organization while phoning the most important financial and societal organizations related to the US Government and Student loans last night--to be put into a terrorist vice of lies, connection disruptions created by the terrorists on the other end of the line--and lied to endlessly about what should be a very easy and simple operation for student loan forgiveness, which I should be entitled to.

The terrorists are now trying to make it so I can't be exempted from qualifying disability loan forgiveness so they put me through the equivalent of burning hoops and eventually after 2 hours of being lied to, yelled at, the connection making endless loud static noises due to people just using keys or software to disrupt the line so when they would ask me a question the line would go static as they would yell "hello" and all kinds of pointless nasty questions that weren't related to the topic.

The sequence went as these attack situations almost inevitably go: first I was verbally assaulted by the minority male on the phone who was the entrance to the gates of the hell that these monsters create for their attack situations. There is always either one or a group of brown/black or otherwise minorities attacking me on the first phone call, for every bank call to obtain information--and I inevitably must try to deal with the white people who do not feign that they cannot understand, who speak in blathering speed but lie perpetually so I can't get anything reasonable done at any level. By the time my drugged up brain obtains a person who can actually speak English, I am put into a giddy and artificially-enthralled state through all the stress and trauma that the very abusive, trained through a lifetime of oppression minority types coming from 3rd world dictatorship societies who are adept at the promotional qualifications that are required for them to be at the positions of being the first rung in the hate, fascist, racist and absolutely sexist ladder--so I get them first most of the time in almost every situation. As immigration has exploded into the United States, I don't have to be outsourced for this endless partnership to be inflicted in the most basic of US services on any information-quest by phone or in person in offices. Always it is a hostile minority who has been trained in the depravity of oppression who inflicts it upon me with the most caustic hate they can muster up for playing the role that white bigot fascist has ordered them to do. They certainly can't beat them they have joined them like conjoined twins (but always on a lower status of course and deferential to the extreme of groveling obsequiousness).

 This is always the segue to the white male or female who I am later on, after being yelled at because "no understan English" attempts to trigger anger, rage or a feeling of helplessness in me--that these brown/black/minority minions always are so expert at provoking because they are so immersed in victimization culture and their one aim is to get out by being a part of that hate system (obviously, just to make the point more clear but everyone knows this intrinsicly anyway).

Yesterday I phoned THE US DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION and after 25 minutes of jingle-jangle static and interruptions I got a male with a 3rd world accent who miserably with hate just said "hello" with glum negativity into the phone. This is always the entrance to the hell of the fascist white Nazi/Mafioso from these highly reputable US agencies and banks who have their nasty minorities there to trigger the initial blasting into my consciousness of negativity so they can easily persuade me that their fast-talking bs is accurate and with all their cheery vocal responses that they are friendly and helpful. I am always drugged and always under brain-altering attack under every single attempt to communicate with anything or anyone and it is heightened while I attempt to make these phone calls.

I was transferred twice after the nasty brown/black male with an accent, yelling "hello" with hate into the phone as he disrupted the connection on his end, yelling, and then yelling with hate, "what is your phone number" and of course, me not having a phone because all I do is sit in a room stagnating from poisoning and inertia while paralyzed from murder attempt poisoning and all health care blocked from me for decades--has left me without the need for having a phone. I am disabled and I have gone through all the hoops that the US Government has forced for me to apply and be accepted into this status. I am currently trying to apply for disability student loan forgiveness because President Biden passed some kind of $5 billion grant so permanently disabled students get automatic student loan forgiveness. I should not have had to even make this phone call but the Social Security Administration which I had to phone for days and waiting for hours to get any response after being yelled at, because my mail service refused to copy and send information Social Security had mailed to me--about my benefits being cut due to their change of my status from being permanently disabled to being endlessly harassed for reviews of my case. My medical records state visibly that I am chronically disabled due to various vertebrae having been crushed (but it was due to "accidents" as far as I knew when applying so many years/decades ago and after having to wait and be X-rayed multiple times and going to various experts I was diagnosed as being permanently disabled--all the disability forced--I mean every single injury and all the problems with my spine are due 100% to vicious and murder-attempt attacks by this hate Nazi Mafia organization.

I phoned SSA back in September when my benefits had been cut off because for the 8th time in 4 years (after 20 years of one single mail-out questionaire about my health status since I was put on SSA in 1997) but now since Trump I have been sent endless review requests and the threat of telling me to go in person to an office in Orlando would destroy my life and they have been threatening me with this 2-times per year since Trump took office. It has not changed much since Biden took office, and Nancy Pelosi has proven that she is a more vicious violent Nazi Mafia terrorist than Hillary Clinton but very much on the same level as the Mafia actors out of Brooklyn who always play these very violent roles in these "Italian-American" mafia sagas like The Godfather and Goodfellas. You know who I mean. Pelosi is more violent and abusive than they are, at verbally. But they are all murdering bigots waiting for their big chance when they don't have to pretend they are just doing their jobs and they are waiting for the days when death squads and holocaust revivals are rampant. That is what the US Government is also covertly assisting in every single way.

So, I am supposed to have already been granted automatically debt relief, but as of last night before I wrote my post from hours of being diverted to various lying and abusive agents making my very simple questioning for my status impossible. I was told that Social Security has not sent anything out to NELNET or the Dept of Education about my disability status. I was then lied to by the glibly laughing, smug white male who sounded like a computer game wanking nerd about how I have to prove that I am totally and permanently disabled and Social Security has to have me on a 5-year review cycle (which is new to me, as before Trump I was only asked one single time for a review and as I just wrote above, since 2016 this is twice a year with requests to go in-person to Orlando offices for an in-person review, which should not be done. I am completely disabled and my medical records prove it and there does not need to be any review for any reason. They have changed my status for this kind of attack upon me. 

After I was "brainwashed" into laughing and giggling and telling this  top layer of the lowest common denominator white male that he was so helpful (he was lying, giggling as his attack pyramid scheme and the mind control/drugging and universal terrorist operation working like a horizontal/global scheme had once more assisted a fascist white supremacist who operates for the US Department of Education, or Social Security, or for all of the qualifying loan agencies that are part of the central core of US higher education where I get a 3rd world level response of incompetence and hostility and then the white male supremacist giggling smirking smug lying and discrimination scam and then... I was told to once more contact Social Security to ask them if I am on a permanent disability status and not anything less than a 5-year review cycle--I have no way to know how much of what I was told was a lie or accurate at this point, as the debt forgiveness should have automatically been awarded to me by these agencies cooperating but nothing has happened so far. I then tried to phone Social Security on this issue of disability loan forgiveness for the THIRD TIME and after 35 minutes of status-laden disruptions and no answer, I finally hung up. I forgot to say that I was first attacked by the hostile, yelling ("hello, i can't hear you" guy who yelled with hate, "what is your phone number" which was not related to my question it was just a harassment technique--throughout the entire hate ordeal I remained extremely chirpy positive because I was trying not to succumb to hate and negativity and was just trying to get some kind of answer of out this hate incompetent minion of white supremacist bigots telling him to attack me with hate--which these minions have all been so imbued by and have grown up all their lives under the yoke of). I was then told he didn't have the answers after waiting for him to pick up for 25 minutes, then 15 minutes of going in circles with static and the line going blank while he yelled in hate at me "What?" and etc, only to tell me he was going to transfer me to another department, answered by an Indian man who could not say the names of the departments correctly and then told me to phone another department.

The next department (NELNET) was answered by the giggling and chirpy polite blathering lying white male who told me all kinds of stuff and when I told him under mind control, because this is such a vital thing for me to do, to eliminate this loan, and thus I was infected by the mind control tech which operated in tandem with the drugging that is ever-present in my life despite every 100% effort to stop this endless drugging destruction and deterioration of my body and health and life.

I then tried to phone Social Security and hung up after more than 35 minutes of static and being put on hold.

This scenario is not new. I was subjected to this same protocol of hate and lies and abuse when phoning major US agencies from student loans to universities to applications to Medicaid to every medical office to etc--for decades--at least over 20 years this same thing has been the standard protocol for my every attempt to obtain even a prescription refill. That is the United States today, the lowest mentality is being promoted to the highest levels of society.

Thus, I still have gotten nothing done after 2-3 hours of being abused on the phone by nasty agents who were instructed how to attack and trigger and then lie and inflict endless delays and incompetent responses on their end so I got absolutely nothing done whatsoever. I was told months ago when asking about this Biden act to allow disabled students automatic debt forgiveness-phoning Social Security back when the law passed I was told that I had to wait until the end of the year for them to be upgraded on this information. I was told this once again by another agent one month later. I read on the Dept of Education website that the requests for these loans had to be completed by the end of this year-meaning I was lied to repeatedly and put on delay and I still can't apply for this essential loan status. I was lied to by the white male giggling into the phone with smug and glib happiness when I said that the people answering the phones before me were not very accurate--he giggled that smug and delighted laugh that these terrorist white supremacists laugh when they have orchestrated their nasty minorities to attack me for them, while they act like they are the stable, competent and honest deliverers of correct information and help. He lied to me saying that there is no deadline and I can wait indefinitely if I so chose to try to file this. Meanwhile I was blocked from contacting the main Social Security phone line for over 35 minutes and by that time it was 2 am. and I had been drugged and I am always sick from stress, poisoning and torture and drugging and violence endlessly heaped upon me in my every waking and sleeping hour.


Writing this post has been a non-stop series of hacking insertions and letter juxtapositions so I must backspace and rewrite words constantly. I have not edited this post to see how badly hackers have deleted and rewritten what I have posted above. I edit my writing while I am writing so everything should have been reasonably coherent and cognizant but I'm sure hackers will delete words and rewrite to discredit me.

The exertion of just trying to get around the keyboard malware and stiffness of the keys and the keyboard keys not operating as I type and fight and pound down makes typing also impossible and I have struggled endlessly just to get this very small post out.

I wait, as I have waited, for any humanity on the part of my government and the people reading this to make a full and complete stop of this government-sponsored terrorism aimed at me. I want to add that as I have written many times before concerning Pelosi, who has been hailed as having helped to pass "feminist" empowering legislation in the BBB Act, who has fervently supporting white male fascist Nazis in raping and abusing and torturing me in all their nefarious operations and technologies. Threatening to have my foot chopped off with that huge bodybuilder "actor" out of Austria just one week prior to the 2nd Stimulus Bill (where California got a huge chunk of the stimulus where it was not really needed but wanted for Pelosi's handouts to her corporate and fascist Nazi Californian donors and friends, along with s-negger who is absolutely a fascist Nazi infiltrator into the United States--welcomed with red carpet by the likes of these mafia and Nazi w-wood acting minions who aspire to be nobility like fascist aristocrats of old--(welcoming in English Royalty in the guise of an interview regarding racism aimed at that American actress who has provided a bridge between the media establishment and English Monarchy--with news of Royals now plastered on US entertainment sites like those tabloids back in England and the UK.

I am now struggling to get out every single word, the hacking is very bad. If I double space and try to create a new paragraph the font size changes to the smallest size--etc etc. The keys are so stiff I am pounding down. I write a word clearly with pounding of my fingers and hand and the keys are jumbled after I type correctly.. This is impossible for me to go on and on like this i must stop now. I am not able to write anything more than a few badly hacked/rewritten paragraphs every few hours and it is so tedious and time-consuming it takes more than an hour to pound out 5 or more paragraphs--requiring more than 10 times longer than it should if this hacking were not blocking my every attempt at communication.

I am also not able to think clearly--every time I get off the laptop and physically walk away I "remember" how many of the most salient points and phrases I wanted to write which are literally being blasted out of my consciousness, and they always re-emerge once I walk away from this brain-blasting attack while I sit here fighting to get ANYONE TO DEFEND ME AND STOP THIS ENDLESS CRIME which no one will even admit is a crime. The celebrities keep asking me "why don't you like this"? as if there is something wrong with me adn they are just doing the normal. That is what Oprah the talk-show compassionate white supremacist adornment for the media kept asking as she viciously attacked me and her minions operating for her filth empire of lies poured fungus and filth into my home. She defended this nasty German rapist who beat and slapped and raped me in a most violent and ugly way while she would yell at me because I was fighting to stop the teleportation rape. That is the behavior of all the most famous of the blacks in H-wood and the lowest common denominator, which these very wealthy blacks in the media are just exactly like, the lowest street-corner abuser yelling at me or the blacks attacking me as their smug white supremacist handlers sit in the background smug and smiling with satisfaction that their entire empire of hate has created such a universal system.

Meanwhile I have hours and days ahead of me to fight endless phone calls of being spun around in lying circles and cycles by these minions, the blacks and Latinos yelling in hate and coughing into the phone, to the whites who are so happy and glib talking very fast and lying repetitiously while feigning that I must have a "good day" after their hate and abuse cycle has lead me nowhere but to have to fight to just get the most simple questions answered to obtaining what should have been done months ago by Social Security to getting accurate information that I need from my mailing service to my bank and etc etc. Of course, I am blocked from earning money and I must live in squalor and filth and toxic fungus and mold which is killing my body because of this organization with it's lateral and horizontal framework of discrimination. Oh how many minorities participate in this--at top levels of US society it's just an endless deception.

So I have been entrapped into this system and there appears to be no one at any upper level of society who has any interest in protecting me from this evil system of hate and murder. I continue to write these posts because I wait for some change in power. Maybe it will happen , but so far the children of these rapists who participate in these hate crimes have been put into lead position and the cycles never end. Aged people who are in control have created their pyramid, as they orchestrate more catastrophes for the minorities who then join the ranks of the oppressors. They all rise up like a stinking rot wafting up from the bottom to the top of a rotten organization that is truly destroying nature, the planet, and of course all equal rights, women's rights, which they claim they "represent" in their posturing antics but all they aspire is to promote themselves or their associates but could care less about the ramifications of turning that same discrimination upon people who are being targeted due to racist or sexist labeling and targeting, which they are all instructed to obey without thought and to prove their "leadership" qualifications in enabling the worst fascist and murder operation perhaps in history as this is an inter-connected global operation.

The tyrannies and 3rd world crises keep worsening and more conscripts into this huge mafia Nazi organization become more minions who perform the hate and dirty deeds while the bigot white supremacists sit back smirking and smug. Their lowest common behavior is now being exalted in the throes of superhero movie fodder of H-wood. The compassionate actors are all snarling rabid vicious racist rapist haters behind their posturing acts and so are many of the top leading politicians (I think Pelosi is disliked even by the white supremacists). 

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Terrorist report: block of crucial financial services: Banking website and statements from my new bank have been misappropriated by "gang stalking" terrorist network. It only took one month for the changes in the new service to be reverted to block of automatic deposit that showed up last month--the first month my former bank transferred services to the new bank.

 For over 6 years my monthly automatic deposit has been hacked and blocked by the terrorist network. The amount is automatically deposited at midnight, and for years of me receiving this money it has done that. The time changed a few years ago to 2 pm and then shifted to 5 or 6 pm. I phoned my bank and asked and phoned and asked many times but was lied to by the terrorist agents my phone calls are inevitably misdirected to by this terror operation which blocks and censors and transfers every phone call, regardless of where I use the phone, to an agent who follows precisely the protocols of attack that are "trigger" actions in order to inflict some kind of stressful situation for me, lying most of the time about services and crucial facts that I am struggling to obtain (always extremely difficult to get information due to terrorist attacks at my every business and official inquiry stage). ***At this point I have to edit and write this very succinctly because hackers have deleted words in the above paragraph: my bank statement showed clearly last month that my monthly deposit was pending for deposit one day before it actually was supposed to be deposited. This month there is nothing listed and it should have appeared by now. The terrorist hacking network has done what they have been doing to my old/closed bank for years. They hack into templates of webpages and my financial information and literally block deposits or information or literally change information on the site. I am certain it is some kind of hack tool that can enter into the template or copy and redirect the URL to another site replicated exactly like the original. They have made me have to wait for half a day to receive my money which should be automatically deposited by midnight but never shows up until 5-6 hours later (usually when it's too late for me to go to the bank. They have forced such poverty on me that I must go to the bank usually asap to buy food because I can't afford food at the end of the month). I then have to wait, sometimes for over a weekend because they delay the deposit and all banks in Phuket except for one branch which charges $8 for a service that the bank I go to has no fees for, so I must drive for miles to this one specific bank instead of using the same branch that is a 5-minute drive away because they LIE and deny me service, claiming they are not capable of this over-the-counter service that actually every single bank offers but all lie--here in Phuket every single bank attacks me. Thus my bank website once more has been pilfered of accurate and reliable service and my deposit is being hidden from actual view but it's already been deposited. All banks except for one single bank in one very distant location from where I live will offer me service to get a cash advance on my debit card--although all banks actually offer this service. There is one option of a bank chain but they charge for this service and I can't afford to pay and pay just to get my money out. That is the basic gist of my point above, but the hackers completely distorted my message and it's extremely confusing to get through. Instead of rewriting the post I am writing this below--and I think this will also be re-arranged and incomprehensible after I publish (or they are rewriting/hacking as I type--the attacks on the keyboard so I must backspace and rewrite are also continuous and also the malware stiffening of the keyboard is has made typing so arduous it's really too hard to fight to pound down every word and my arms are tired from this endless physical exertion to fight this keyboard obstruction).

This is just literally every single thing that I need to survive in society is being obstructed and I have been made partially paralyzed with almost no access to health care--not able to earn any money whatsoever so I can't fight any of this in any way and am stuck here fighting against this system.

The injustice is unbelievable and the response from any authority is dismal. The celebrities are vile and evil and psychopathic and I am so sick of them and these people forcing their nasty selves upon me. Meanwhile I am being tortured for fighting for my human and basic rights which are being trampled upon constantly with full permission of the leaders of the United States Government or the apathetic lack of response by those in command who may intervene if they probably weren't threatened in every way if they dared to step outside of the lines of doing nothing to stop their state-sponsored domestic terrorism--which is essentially what has been forced upon me for all my life. (now pounding down and fighting to think and write this has made continuing impossible). I can't go further to the physical pain of pounding down on a keyboard any longer--so I can't try to rewrite the rest of this post. What the terrorist alter in my writing is a blot on my capabilities and I find I must try to restore some semblance of credibility in my writing capability but the revisions that inevitably occur after I click on publish make any sort of lasting impression of my capability impossible.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Last month when I logged onto this banking site for the very first time, before the usual automatic transfer there was a "pending" amount listed and it was for my deposit. This month the pending amount that should be listed is absent. The terrorists are reverting to the old block of my money appearing in my account that has been forced upon me with no remedies for it to be stopped as no legitimate agent on the phone will ever honestly work to resolve this problem (all are part of the terrorist network who answer every phone call I make, in almost all situations where I need to get accurate information all calls are diverted to terrorist agents either working from within the business/agency or from an outside source).


I also had "opted for electronic monthly statements" and my mail service in Orlando had first informed me that I had received a letter from a health care provider (headquarters in Virginia--) and when I requested them to open and scan the letter they waited 4 days and then sent me a nice, friendly scan of my last banking statement which never should have been mailed out. The mail service continues to not inform me of mail received for most of my mail and does not scan letters upon request--this also has been going on for the last 4-5 years.


Typing this as usual is arduous due to hacking intervention and blocks to the keyboard.


thus stuck in this entrenched situation with all financial and everything else thwarted and blocked with no official recognition for this hate crime endlessly inflicted upon me by leaders of my country. Not a single celebrity or politician whose selling point is to placate the masses with exaltations about how they care about society will ever step-in to actually stop this travesty of injustice endlessly foisted upon me.

I am stuck here, trying to not be destroyed every day as usual by having to endlessly fight to heal and clean up stinking and toxic poisons forced into my every orifice and living space and am working on the mental and emotional aspect of the ugliness and hate your favorite celebrities have been inflicting upon me non-stop for years and years without end--every single day, taking turns, sinister absolutely evil and nasty abusers and haters pouring their psychic filth and hate upon me with absolute ugliness and violence--day after day.

I remain here with no recourse to any sanctuary or protection. Writing about this once more to the empty space of this hacker audience.


**Hackers went in and deleted words and made my post above slightly incoherent--you can see it clearly in the very first paragraph. I have not read more than a few of the first lines and I know I did not write in this style and the hacking is as usual completely interfering and rewriting/deleting/hacking/obstructing.

As always, hackers are freezing the pages while I try to scroll down or when I click on anything the entire system freezes and the cursor icon spins and I can't get any single thing done--repeatedly this goes on every 5-7 minutes if I am surfing or trying to type. That is a routine that I have to perform an entire system restore to try to stop for two days maximum before it begins again. I am thus stymied in all I attempt to do on this planet for any kind of solvency or stability in all affairs. Not just stymied but it's absolute discrimination aimed at me in almost every situation and attempt I make to sustain my life in any equitable way--always blocked and destroyed. My property is mostly destroyed and it's just endless confiscation of all I have ever worked for by people who have millions and millions of dollars, resources, homes and etc and they will NEVER leave me alone to just live in peace--they are addicted to this, and that my government is funding this is an atrocity that so far no one has ever made public or transparent.

The lies continue about these celebrities and politicians in the media about how they are constantly "fighting" to project images of righteous concern about the equity and balance and future of society. All of these people collectively are contributing to the utter demise of society and to the future of the planet.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Mind Control and Brainwashing eats the soul more than Fear. "Each man kills the thing he loves."--Oscar Wilde (see clip below for music theme in Qurelle borrowing the famous Wilde line). Sado-masochism as dominant theme of masculinity in a not-safe harbor of fantasy. Teaming with variations of sordid fecundity. Fassbinder's films and subterfuged, convoluted H-wood versions of fantasy= reality. When I wrote that directors and challengers to the fascist/Nazi/mafia cartel enforced paradigm are being killed off, I also mean the deadening of originality in thinking and of lifestyle and choice (if no harm is done to others). These are being brainwashed out of the human race and it's akin to a massive extinction of the human spirit and of humane spirituality.

Querelle--directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder

Querelle--directed by none other than Rainer Werner Fassbinder (Brokeback Mountain---please! Not even in the proximity of quality, daring or expertise--not meaning the acting but the other qualities of directing and production that are lacking. As for acting, I think the quality of the director if excellent steers the quality of the acting). There is no equivalent in American mainstream cinema for this type of theme (and there is not just homosexuality but also male-female relationships depicted so this is not a "gay" movie). Why can't why won't H-wood have a complete revolution so quality movies like the daring and the bold like Fassbinder ever get a chance so the public can have something exceptional to watch instead of endless movies flat and repetitious about murder, death, mafia, fake good destroying fake evil--etc etc.


Although H-wood is filled with orgies of fleeting feeding, it lacks this fecund ability to birth originality but instead produces behind the camera bestiality. The films of Fassbinder try to eek the beast out for inspection by the shocked audience. H-wood films seek to numb and dumb-down the beasts that haunt the hollowed hills.

I think Fassbinder may have been drugged and/or poisoned, as I suspect so many alternative and original thinkers who threatened the status quo have been throughout all these years of the eventual numbing and dumbing down of society through these celluloid sleeping pills people ingest like it's a thrilling mental holiday.


***the freezing, hacking, blocking and deletions (entire paragraphs highlighted in an instant and then deleted by terrorist hackers--the keyboard non-functioning and letters won't print out as I type--keyboard is made stiff and the entire system freezes while I click or type or try to get anything done. Waiting sometimes for 4 minutes for the terrorist to stop freezing/blocking the entire system. Pages pop up while I am typing, etc etc. It's very bad. There is a "night shift" terrorist who hacks like this after a certain time of the night--around 10 pm or so. It also happens on the weekend all day. The work schedule of the terrorist who probably goes to work 9-5 during the week, has the weekends off, hacks into my system and gets free rent for their terrorist activities. Such is the stuff that enables the numbing and dumbing down of society in it's multifarious tentacle operations now extending around the world (in my situation that is literally the truth and reality). They have to make sure that no one like Fassbinder can ever threaten their numbing and dumbing down placebo effects of their good-versus evil scripts.

"I don't throw bombs, I make movies."--Rainer Werner Fassbinder. Sowas ist Nicht erlaubt IN H-wood recycled, nice and safe (fascist, Nazi funded and approved) fodder, always exemplifying the fight for justice and righteousness but always missing the mark of reality or truth!!! . Fassbinder hits truth with subtlety that hits the mark so hard you never knew what was hitting you as you sat stunned but energized so alive and sometimes pinned down into a stark reality to harsh you feel soft and vulnerable and awoken afterwards when the film is over you must go back to the world of lies and half-baked truths endlessly cranked out as celluloid tranquilizers.

* Hacking is very bad at the onset of trying to get this post out. Already I have spent minutes fighting DOS attacks, blocks, I must attempt to do the same functions at least 6 times and then the laptop freezes. Whatever typos, non-sequiturs or other "mistakes" are due to hacking, rewrites and deletions by hacker terrorists.


"Mark Kermode reviews Rainer Werner Fassbinder's Fear Eats the Soul (1974) | BFI Player". BFI. April 7, 2017.

"LOVE IS COLDER THAN DEATH - Fassbinder's first movie - with Ulli Lommel at Berlinale 1969". 


Wild childs blocked from the portals of mainstream entertrainment in H-wood establishment. Boring boring bored into your brain the entrain stain on your mainline consciousness. Nothing radical allowed, not even a tinge of actual authenticity in the posturing glamorized and money misspent on the ennui of nothingness lauded as being extravagant. 

It was back in the day of Fassbinder's heyday when ideas could roam away from Rome but now mental mush is sold like orgiastic foam.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

I now have many ideas for a blog on film review according to my life experiences in mind control technology mishandling by novice technocrats, would-be dictator but established covert sadists posturing as benevolent heroes--sadists who may or may not feign being capable and competent of handing such extremely sensitive equipment, which they treat like new-fangled sex toys that are exhilarating toys for personal power sensational vibrations, triggering pulsations of hormonal bliss at power and violence over a confused and helpless person they target and torture (rape and slowly murder or quickly).

 "1984 (Nineteen Eighty-Four) - Thug Notes Summary and Analysis". Wisecrack. July 2, 2013.

I want to write a new blog, knowing that it will be censored and blocked from actual WWW access--confined only to the terrorist network (i.e. you reading this now at this general time in history).
I know that if I write anything that smacks of analysis and exposing the methodologies and behaviors of this organization in any way that isn't blindly optimistic about an extremely negative system of hate crimes that these technologies and drugs/poisons and surveillance teams have at their inept disposal--but I am tortured for writing anything that examines these behaviors and the deadly misuse of the tech by these power-grasping megalomaniacs with all tendencies towards psychopathic addiction in the mishandling of the torture apparatus.

I can't write any of the analyses I would like to now that I understand how the media is now pushing some of these actions in their movies albeit disguised and put under the rubric of formulaic movie plot sensationalism. In other words, the systematic protocol system and all that violence is hinted at but using the same old movie plots and formulas, thus no one can suspect that what they are really programming the populace into is the eventual inclusion of such activities into modern life but disguised in various lethal, purported "helpful" means of furthering the pleasure-principle of modern living in consumeristic society.
I can't write my thoughts I am tortured for every post--and attacked in order to provoke the writing of posts. But I want to write film reviews with or without the approval of this organization but the fact that there is carte blanche to torture me for writing in ways that are either threatening or critical of this organization and it's means and ways is now dangerous and impossible to get out into any public version and without dire consequences of real-life threatening violence as "reprisal" for trying to make my mark on the world instead of just being sucked dry by unscrupulous (to put it nicely) expletives in the media who still continue to surround and teleport me and ask me in interrogation, insulting and violent fashion continuously as they have for years for ideas which they then steal and use for their movie plots--omitting the "radical" portions and turning all into fragments of inserted racism and sexism but appearing as "alternative" using a small iota of the original concept that they tortured out of me.

***Besides all the other attacks, the omnipresent brain-altering "mind control" is the worst block to my writing capability and hacking almost seals the fate of being unable to really get anything significant done. I have more to say on this subject but the hinderances of all these multi-pronged attack systems makes writing more than a few rambling and hacked posts impossible to eek out.

More rigged elections are coming up soon...

 Oscar (Narf) awards already signed, sealed and waiting to be fraudulently installed in the ever-rotating circuit of the same players year-after-year.

JUST SAY NARF--PINKY AND THE BRAIN (Insane in the membrane). Ain't that Entertrainment brain membrane entrainment? 

Are there no contests for the huge Politico-Drama circus theater that are not already pre-arranged with the outcomes certain prior to casting the ballots?

I watch some of the trailers and think that the hype is altogether sensationalistic selling of movies that may be forgotten or would never have obtained this standing if not for the contracts, dubious expectations met, protocols and collusion into corruption as the main requirements for top standing in all of the unelected upper tier categories for all the horizonal levels of the media circus awards---spilling over into politics of course.
"Just more of that bs...". I will have to avoid all the media blitz information until this awards season is over--already the vultures are lining up to attack me in teleportation so they can, as these vicious predators have been doing year-after-year since this heinous contract out on me was instituted for that awful institution of brainwashing mind programming propagandized bs--celebrities are lining up to attack, hiss at, abuse, insult, rape and torture me to obtain their cherished standing ovations for these mockery-of-talent contests of yearly awards meted out by who knows which overlord fascist Nazi operation disguised as "art" supporters and wealthy contributors to the media hype dome.
I guess that means zero interest I must demonstrate in all things around movies and media for the next two or three months--not sure if I can do this. It won't even matter as year-after-year these actors who then go on to win awards just attack me even if I look up their movie names, read about them, click on a crappy movie they are trying to "win" awards for, they just get awarded if they attack me regardless of whether I take any interest in them or their movies or not (I don't take any interest in them or their movies).
Year-after-year it's mostly the very exact same people vying for top position--outside of this contract out on me, meaning the small enclosure of the animals vying for top lead award vary only slightly year-after-year--they are all "friends" and like the teleportation terrorism they all laugh, smile, giggle and otherwise nearly drool in anticipation to be able to exert their violence upon me for their eventual awards, they take turns getting the coveted prizes so regardless of who wins or loses, the next year the very same people can once more automatically be "chosen" as lead candidates for top awards--(or they may have to skip a year or two even but eventually the circuit returns to the same faces in a rotation, just like the teleportation does the same sort of revolving revulsion repudiation of respectability but, albeit, dressed up in very expensive thug costumes with billions of dollars behind each mind control terrorist agent cum "actor" who has a plethora of groups of fascists and Nazis backing their every terror action and ensuing top leading role and subsequent award circuit rotational sponsorship.


Narf---narf---almost every movie I have seen the trailers to. Narf. The Narf awards. As it is very rare that any movie comes out that is truly excellent in all things, I would have to say from looking at the various trailers that Spielberg should be held in much higher regard than his standing on the hierarchical, fascist Nazi awards system has allocated to their favorite fascist Nazi actors (and minions). Meaning the trailer to West Side Story shows immediately the kind of highest quality that Spielberg has been directing and producing for so many years now is once again in shining good form--but allocated to a lower standard than mediocre filmography and cinematography all because of the respective heinous bad deeds that these actors all commit (i.e. towards me). And thus, the truly competent are once more pushed asunder and the most vicious, lying and duplicitous fakes are put into highest repute although undeserved except for their putrid personality propensities for elitist fascist Nazi adaptation to the roles of being expletives attacking me. I can't enumerate how many of these expletives have been "winning" every top award and it's not stopping soon. One has been attacking me in teleportation who is a heinous parasite upon me, as they all are. It's viciously going on and on like a most annoying parasite trying to get a reaction out of me. I see that it's movie for which it stars in lead position is one of the main contenders for many top awards this year. I watch the trailer and find it a dismal and floppy thing that has so much hype around it--put into awards circuit main contender even before it's hit the theaters--thus the public has no choice whatsoever in the matter. I don't even want to watch the headlines to see which of these awful flops will "win"--but from the trailer of West Side Story at least the directing was astounding from initial glimpse--otherwise the rest look like more maniacal "dark money" syndrome to push fascist violent and heinous actors and directors and etc into lead position for the endless brainwashing that is attendant to these creepy and stupid sick "movies".

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

A few hours after my last venting posts. It was a stress-relief series of posts, as my posts always are. I try to stay up and on the ball, light and happy as possible. I have to sleep and these dark monster parasites who are endlessly being portrayed as good guys in the media are sinister and parasitic and evil and sick as Hell. They alone can create an endless hell if given the opportunity. How odd that they are used by a sinister system to portray good for the most part. Without plastic surgery what would they do, what would they be? Without editing and photoshop how would they appear? Without all the $ to transform their hideous underbelly personalities, how ugly they would be revealed to the world. Alas fantasy and money to fix all prevails. I have to sleep and be tortured by them once more tonight, and every night. They never get enough of feeding off hate and negativity that they dump on me every day.

 The hacking is very bad right now. I always have the unfortunate sensation after getting off the laptop of "remembering" more exacting or erudite versions of what I fight to pound out on this hacked system--words, expressions, and what I truly wanted to and could have written flood into my consciousness without striving to reach into the substrata of my mind to retrieve these concepts which are bottled up by the damning technology and brain-altering effects where I truly am stymied in my pursuit of writing effectively. It's like the tech is producing blanks and spaces in my brain activity but leaving enough space for me to appear like I am functioning somewhat normally.

Despite all that, they are endlessly being promoted for all their hateful acts towards me. Why me always? The contract appears to be that I must be "broken" and brainwashed into some kind of semi-zombie state of acquiescence to their depravity which I abhor. 

They won't stop and there is no responsible party in the United States or even around the planet which will intervene.

The media is replete with the prizes and accolades that these terrorist celebrities are endlessly being handed out. I have a theory that if I am attacked en masse by millions of people--and that is no exaggeration--then there must be some kind of cue for all those followers who perform every heinous act of depravity for the benefit of the larger organization to be forced to go out and pay their dues by supporting all these fascist Nazi encloaked in fake rhetorical posturing device bs artist celebrities and their movies. The critics I think are also highly in accord with the protocols and perform their duties of championing their brothers and sisters in the organization. Although some of the critics are sometimes writing critical pieces, that utter crap movie fodder is being sold out for millions of $ to me means that the idiot minions are paying their dues to the organization by fully supporting the people they are told to champion by buying tickets and going out as a duty to their organization to continue to push up the celebrities who will run for political office if possible.

If you can follow the dots, then follow the money--

Meanwhile, all those who stole ideas from me are paying me not even $1 for what they have stolen. And there are many of those. They continue to ensure, for their promotional status and regard held by the fascist mafia nazis promoting them, that they are force enablers of torture inflicted upon me (due to racism, due to their need to create a microchip-implanted tortured "sex slave" who will obey and do what every lousy scumbag piece of manure wants without complaint--even if they want to murder me this group is trying to force me to never say no). It is truly sex trafficking taken up to a lower level of utter psychopathic filth but being used as some kind of social engineering to lift up the worst of humanity into highest positions. 

Oddly most of society around the world really applauds this kind of behavior. I still can't understand why. How did humanity become so depraved or have I been lost in my own happy world or lost in the lies that these types of creeple celebrities and politicians crank out to cover the wool over the eyes of the sheeple?

Have I been so deluded that I believed in all their lies? how complex the human condition is in this modern age. Or has it always been this way? Regardless, I know myself and my capabilities but these creeps terrorizing me have been told to label and destroy me, and no matter what I do or how I act they are determined to place labels and cliches upon me that the other complacent minions always bow down to have placed like a collar around their necks so their heads are nice and secured into a vice that they can't ever escape from (mentally, and spiritually and emotionally as well). 

I need money to be able to live in a decent, life-saving way as where I am now, where I am completely stuck and unable to get out due to these obstructions and not due to my negligence or lack of fighting/trying/working/studying and all I have done to achieve success poisoned, stolen, broken and destroyed by this organization. I need money I am living in a perpetual attack terror/rape/mutilation/brain/mind emotional mind control torture/thought-reading surveillance imprisonment filth toxic zone. As I was writing my earlier post which is a long diatribe post (as most are of my writing on this blog and this forum of Facebook) terrorist filth operators sprayed stinking liquids on my bedsheets. After I wrote, I had to get on this bed which is squeezed into one corner of the room, but there is a little insert into the faux wall where I put a night light. There was a quarter-sized blot of wet liquid--I was not wet so I didn't get anything on the sheets--I then touched the spot and it was a stinking amount of fluid. I then had to bend down to smell the sheets and the entire area where I sleep had been sprayed (while I was out shopping two days ago) with stinking substances. They also spray a rotten substance on the same exact spot of my sleeping gown (the left shoulder, between my arm pit and shoulder blade area) every single night I wake up and this area is stinking from having been sprayed. The sheets are foul and stinking. I had to throw away an entire good-quality set of linens last month because the sheets on my bed are sprayed either nightly or routinely and finally the laboratory chemicals never get out with any kind of cleaning substance--they are embedded into the material, this laboratory substance. The bed stank and I am always inflicted due to this microchip implant in my throat which creates clogged nasal passages--they make tears pour out of my eyes using that chip implant and my throat constricts while I eat or drink as well. I can't smell the stink and I can't bend easily to that level it is very painful for me to bend my body at that angle due to the poisoning--stinking filth in my body as well of course I am just surrounded by hate, stinking substances creepy stinking people creeple and foul teleportation skits while I'm fighting for my life to heal and I need peace and good energy. These posturing bs con artists of H-wood inflict their miserable ugliness and foul and stupid and sick violent skits while I am in need of healing sleep to try to destroy me absolutely in every way possible.

 As for this attack on my bed just now, this was done while I was in the bathroom. The patio door was closed so the mechanical arms could not get through that space to pump this stinking foul liquid onto my bed. I have noticed that when I am in the other very small part of the room but my back is turned that there are attacks on items I have in that area which are only coming from inside this room, from the right-hand side of the room--and for many months I have seen that the terrorists are inserting a mechanical arm through this area of the room that is just behind my bed. In addition, under the kitchen sink, which is where my chair is literally propped against as I sit every day for hours in front of this laptop which is on top of the "kitchen" table (with all the metal bars of the legs having been rusted with stinking substances, filthy and blacked, all the colorful tape I put on the legs to cover this stink blackened with gooey disgusting black and brown substances---etc. But from behind me as I sit here they are using mechanical arms coming from the shelving behind me--which is completely boarded up and covered with layers of paper, glued into all the cabinets so they can't open, tied together with metal hooks--but still they are getting through (also pasted on the inside of the cubboards, I have spent a few years fighting this and I still can't because the terrorists just waltz into this room every time I leave and destroy all the efforts I make to protect myself, but they cover it up, and they have expert solvents to get through all tape and glue and then to reglue or retape after they insert the mechanical arms so I have no idea exactly where or how they are getting in--with no help I can't get surveillance of the intrusions and as I sit here in absolute dire poverty I remain essentially fighting every day to protect myself). Now I have to just tape up and wind material around my head and my body as much as possible to try to reduce the endless damage to my skin, hair and body but I still can't defend my food which is poisoned every day--I try to seal my food as well but this is just simply impossible for me to defend myself against and I need some people to finally step in and do something about this--why is this so impossible?)

 I spent two months pounding metal hooks into the extremely dense wood paneled side of that room, absolutely hurting my body and then while I slept the terrorists would break into my room (using mechanical arms to open the front door from the inside--although I had stacked items against the door and inserted objects into all the cracks, the extremely crafty mechanical arms just got through everything and then replaced them, a bit crooked but still you could assume that nothing had been touched unless you had taken a photo of the area. That is how dangerous this technology is that these foul and ignorant people not just being trained in this kind of terrorist action but also applauding it can't seem to grasp--how dangerous this entire situation is. I think of people who have been murdered in hotel rooms, for example, David Carradine in a hotel room in Bangkok--with all the deferential and smiling Thai wanna get rich doing everything they are ordered to do, in an expensive hotel in Bangkok--easily Carradine could have and probably was murdered in such a fashion. Of course do not blame Thailand as this is a Western operation, but it was more easily done in a place like Thailand because of the absolute compliance factor involved--and this I know all too well.

However, as always, as I have tried to do for years, I NEED MONEY TO BE ABLE TO LIVE IN  A PLACE WHERE I HAVE A CHANCE TO DEFEND MYSELF against murder and dismemberment attacks and rape and poisoning and drugging. I am being blocked from all income earning potential in more ways than simple internet obstruction. Blacklisting has been rampant and harassment when I do have a job is unanimous and uniform, globally.

I also have to have something covering my head in every single space and place where I live-to the degree that mechanical arms cannot silently spray stinking and damaging chemicals into my hair (my hair falling out due to this for years) while I remain unable to go outside for at least 80% of my life due to sickness from poisoning that I need health care for but also cannot afford due to these endless attacks.

I have to wind so many things as tightly as possible around my head, while sleeping and while awake in all spaces of this room at all times just to stop them from completely damaging my hair and making me bald-as they have done for a few years now and for many decades they just made my hair extremely damaged and nasty in texture. I never had an idea why my hair which used to be very soft and straight was constantly like the texture and appearance of withered straw.

So it is very bad. This situation I am forced into. I have zero chance to get out of it myself due to all attempts to earn money being blocked either on internet or in any aspect of daily life. There are other aspects of life that are vital that I cannot attend to that could have dire and deadly consequences for me but I can't elaborate at this time in this endlessly hacked/public blog or Facebook page.

Can't anyone ever stop this travesty situation and force these wealthy celebrities and politicians to pay me for all the years of them stealing ideas and concepts and my writing/words verbatim while they are paid in millions for their theft (but altering the concepts to adjust for their own purposes which of course are counter to my original idea or turn them into some cause that is of their own personal power structure and not of the more universal that I have used them for--which would take a bit of elaboration to make this point more clear but they steal and alter the concepts into ideas that are counter to my original purpose and often include elements of the fascist/mafia and Nazi mentality which they covertly support and employ in their every attack upon me, in private.

Also my family has completely participated in this hate crime against me and have won monetary stability while "playing the game" but ostracizing and attacking me most viciously and eventually with great glee, like all the people who attack they become high on power and the hormonal thrill of violence and in this respect they never stop attacking me so I really have nowhere to turn to and no one to protect me. I really need my society to finally step-up and stop this violence against me instead of remaining silent and blank and allowing this slow torture to death to go on indefinitely as you all have for so long.

I can't earn money off my blog that has been completely closed, and of course all the celebrities and politicians who have blocked my life and my purposes and my attempts all believe they are entitled to do this and to steal my concepts and ideas and then threaten or have me maimed, raped, disfigured and beaten by their disgusting terror death squad teams (aka "gang stalking harassment" etc all the stupid innocuous terms that are used) if I react in rage and in anger and in my own defense. They are truly guilty truly sick and disgusting psychopaths and many of you are a part of this same team, but I appeal to anyone to please intervene instead of remaining silent as you have all done for all these years of me writing about this. The US Government really should be paying me reparations for this crime.

I just re-read a few paragraphs from my last post and saw--without correcting--many inserts and deletions terrorists had plagued my writing with as this ongoing discrediting operation. The writing becomes very hard-to-follow in parts. Just please bear with all the attempts at discrediting me in my writings--the seemingly endless typos and misspellings are 95% due to hacker inserts or deletions and the other 5% are due to my brain being attacked by their brain-altering technology (aka mind control tech).

I studied at graduate level for a Masters Degree for 6 years. I was being poisoned to death the entire time. I had to take online classes because the many universities I had been accepted to, where I had to drive to attend classes, were met with near-death accidents while driving from class and my car being sabotaged and broken. My destitution has likewise been forced through hacks to my internet, such poisoning I can't do more than sit in stagnation (economic) while all avenues of earning part-time through internet, which is all I can do, have been blocked completely. All attempts to earn money have been blocked for years. I mean legitimate work using my skills and not through some degradation poverty scheme of useless and degrading poverty work (I think they want me to be a sex worker and that probably is all they would "allow me to do and then I would be ripped off as well to earn almost nothing). So far, the ultra-wealthy and there are by now many who have pilfered ideas I wrote of, drugged up and unable to actually publish or get anything solid out, (trust me, they make thinking/writing for any length of time and with any substantial work product impossible, literally that is the truth). After my last post about how filthy and disgusting my home has been made in addition to everything else--Creepy YouTube creep show continues: after having posted about the stinking filth attacks by the predatory celebrities and their mainstream Nazi contingent with their subordinate minority minions and poorer white classes all participating (very eagerly, the upper wealth levels most greedily to obtain more and more free lucre out of crime, I think they are fully accustomed to the expectation that they can commit any crime with zero repercussion from any government on the planet, if they can successfully conceal their crimes, and this this situation enforced upon me has demonstrated this in spades with the same ultra wealthy clinging on like real parasites to extract as much out of the contract as possible).

 After I wrote my last post--intending to not write any more but the situation remains in a destitution of poverty and vile filth and hate and vulnerability with top politicians for YEARS enforcing this hate situation upon me, laughing, glaring in hate, threatening to kill me or have me killed more accurately--with celebrities stealing my concepts and blocking me from producing anything. When I fight against their endless slurs and insults about what a "loser" I am after their violence, disfiguration, block  to my career, my home and property and financial situation--when I fight back they threaten me doubly and inflict more violence. All I have been doing for a decade if fighting to get one most disgusting undeserirable rapist abuser celebrity or politician off me after the next as they pile up and sit in row-after-row with politicians and media anchors from "liberal" departments of the entire global fascist mafia organization--all coming to get their free new deals. The longer I fight, the more of these filthy abusers pile up to get their free deals until Nancy Pelosi has been coming just one week prior to important legislation in an effort to get this "liberal" "Democrat" component their deals for the partial promises that the next president can never meet because of the absolute adherence of many of the government officials to absolute "
Right-wing" fascist groups who are hidden and obscured but really pull all the strings at the highest levels. They are the hidden people whom I have not seen operating the clown puppets but like Dark Matter I see the genuflection and bowing of the obsequious "leaders and celebrities" to those who really control them. It is apparently one larger group with a core that has tentacles into almost every business. The more technology proves as an adhesive to their nefarious operations, the more businesses and people are involved until really there is nothing but this organization controlling everyone and thing on the planet. If that sounds far-fetched I just want to state that it has taken me years of being teleported and tortured and fighting to understand the depth of this statement which is unfortunately all too accurate. Always lied about, however,


The YouTube trigger thing was of run-down neighborhoods of mostly black inhabitants in the United States. This seems to be a "response" from the  terror hacking mind programming team, to put out how much worse things could be. I want to state that I don't know how many people in these "hoods" attend graduate school for many or any years. I have come from a position of being disabled and partially paralyzed with this group poisoning me to death and no health care provider ever doing more than prescribing weak Ibuprofin pain killer to me. Absolute lies on all accounts. I was given some alternative treatments but the clinic that provided this at one point in time has been enveloped by the Gates' Foundation and no no longer provides these crucial, life-saving services. In their corporatized glory, they have expanded into huge new buildings but the obvious discriminatory practices that were demonstrated and aimed at me, favoring well-off white college students in a place that is supposed to help homeless and disabled--but I am stating how much of a disadvantage I have had for decades and in my strength I have--after nearly being killed by terrorists in a horrible car crash (in Pensacola on the first day of grad school--then drugged and raped in the apartment complex and attacked by maintenance--and etc etc) and fighting to save my life, studying for 6 years onlin grad courses, only to be poisoned nearly to death and dying and unable to do more than fight in a way that rarely anyone has ever done, and I mean this I have been fighting non-stop for survival for years. My attempts are far above average and I have been knocked down by these terrorist very wealthy. Many of the terrorists have routine appearances in fashion magazines and in movie starring roles and in Haute Couture magazines--always emphasizing their affinity with Europ-a "chic" modelling fashion. They are absolutely controlled by Europigape fascists who make their appearances in the teleportation torture/rape sessions on a nearly routine basis.

YouTube thus had a few videos of decaying inner city slums just after I posted my account of the filth scum attacks that the filthy scum terrorists pour and spray into my room on a routine and non-stop basis (for years). I also can barely clean because of the penetrated hardened chemicals interlaced between my vertebrae and into my hips and all along the interior cavities of my body, so cleaning all the filth is impossible for me and of course with almost no money I can't afford to pay anyone even in a 3rd would country.

I thus want to emphasize that this kind of absolute discrimination has been enforced non-stop by highest levels of the US Government through these ultra-wealthy, politicians who are steadfast adherents of Europigape fascists whom they nearly grovel to in deference, assuming that they are "friends" and claiming some kind of stupid kinship only because their ancestors left those countries and immigrated to the United States years or decades or even a century or two ago. I can assure these dumb idiots brainwashed and deferential destroyers of the US culture that the Europigapes they assume are their near relatives and they are all connected through some imaginary cultural cohesion only because they were somehow connected through genealogy to someone from those countries that the Europigapes have no such identification and no common fondness for their American subservients--that basically is the gist of their relationships that I only seem to be able to recognize. There were some authors in the 19th Century who were very clear about this disparity in the views that Europigapes have towards Americans and the deferential near devotional slavery that Americans bestow willingly in their groveling associations--notably Henry James in some of his more obscure short stories and novels. But now there is nothing similar in the understanding of Americans and the Richard Spencers with their Europhile connections to the really established Nazi party are the dominant features of the ignorance that I must suffer through when it comes to try to undo the clutching Americans grasping for every ounce of my creativity my energy my sexuality to destroy me but keep me alive for more experimental research (i.e. forcing a most unwanted baby out of me, also after they severed part of my uterus while I was sleeping in my own room--that is the extent of violence that two formerly married celebrities have been continuously inflicting upon my body and home for years--only to be endlessly awarded and defended and handed every single thing by Shuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump and I assume a plethora of more at top levels who also control partially the partnership of H-wood with Capital Hill.


But the reference to how much "better" my situation may be by having these videos of slums inserted into my YouTube page does not take into account the YEARS of me studying and fighting to think, heal and obtain a career instead of languishing in poverty and being slowly murdered via poisoning and stress-related illnesses or death through all the decades of non-stop torture that has been forced upon me and is never stopped.

I have not sat upon a stoop in a ghetto getting numb just staring and hanging out in other words--as these videos show intending to pit me into some category. I also am not, as one of the videos then put on my channel showed, a part of the Jewish community and that is no place I can go for any solace as Jews routinely and adamantly attack me with viciousness and sometimes even moreso than the whites who watch on--(as their custom now is because they have so many minority minions doing their dirty work for them, but they are all under the thumbs of these creepazoids who I can't stand seeing or being around or being teleported to or having to deal with. If only I could just live in peace and have the protection of some semblance of a society instead of the mess and the deterioration of the US that these politicians have created--all under the thumb of their "chic" and "Classy" scumbag parasitic Europigape parasites whom they can't tell are just low- and sleazy low-class scum adorned with the wealth that they stole out of genocides and genocides and all their plunder and lies.

I remain under non-stop torture to the death. I keep writing maybe hoping one day something will arise to stop this travesty. I keep reading and hearing from news commentators (all on YouTube, which is why I continuously refer to that channel, to try to understand wth is going on in the US and why this situation concerning me is never being stopped although presidents have been directly involved in attacking me for promotion and profit). I see so many people commenting that "Democracy is on the brink" and yet, these same people see what is happening to me and they remain silent and "obedient" "good" little lying blathering pundits selling off bs to the public which violently attacks me for whatever reason they do it--(someone told me that "everyone gets paid to do this to you").

Somehow no one can equate this gang stalking terrorism with the loss of Democracy. The Big Lie, a term I used long before Biden used it to discredit Trump during the election cycle--and of course I got the term because Hitler used that term and I heard about the use of "The Big Lie" and all that it entails.

so everyone is keeping mum about the Big Lie of Gang stalking and the perpetrator ultra-wealthy celebrity liars who endlessly crank out fodder about how "liberal" and "humanitarian" they are as they try to run for office and the politicians try to become celebrities in order to "sell" their politics and their image.

I remain writing about all the little lies (and not even coming close to being able to write effectively or in detail as I am so blocked form my creative potential and so much of the little bit I have written for years has been stolen to the point that I have stopped writing all creative things just to stop scumbag idiots from stealing my concepts and then being promoted for it--has happened so often it's so disgusting it's not going to stop so I have had to stop writing all creative things at this point this is just endless tirades as my brain is blasted by the tech so it's like a truth serum outpouring with expletives included eventually.

So I am doing it again, entertaining the torturing bigots. The lies are piling up as the US is apparently being torn down by these very same people who are attacking me but promise so much bold and heroic salvation in the future if you just keep buying into their myths and purchasing their performances in both politics and in your celluloid alternative universe that is no marvel but like a marble that has solidified your humanity and your soul and brain into a hard and meaningless block.

But regardless, the numbers and millions of people now "displaced" and the untold suffering and misery has created so many casualties that my writing is just another one, seemingly on a more comfortable level than the homeless and immigrant migrants who are dying in the streets; I can assure you as a result of the politics and policies that people like those attacking me have planned with precision of murderers looking to suck out and suck out all resources and eliminate the population after sucking out and turning as many as possible into smiling and bowing slaves. The technology is also one of their big Lies secret weapons for the furtherance of the desperation-turned-into-slavery obedience and gratitude that the impoverished and destroyed must turn to for any kind of salvation. Meanwhile, the culprits keep cranking out their heroic universal salvation themes and memes about how individual and incredible they are. I remain living in squalor that has been forced upon me and no matter how much I fight no one ever gets involved. The bold headlines keep being printed out about the destruction of the United States and still this situation forced upon me remains a top secret and it's one of the biggest threats to humanity.

But I do not "deserve" to have every single chance and thing I have worked for blocked, stolen and destroyed and used by meaningless haters as their fake presentations about how much they "care" about saving Nazi bigot culture and a few of their straggling minorities who obey and are gratefully  fascist for promotion hanging on to the sinking ship that they are creating. Although they assume that they will inherit the Earth once they devastate as many millions of the global population as possible, I think they are just too greedy, selfish and kinda inherently stupid to understand that they too can sink in the filth that they have created so they can be "superior" through the elimination of everyone else who could possibly compete and succeed against them, as I have all my life until I was so poisoned and drugged and tortured I remain sick and partially paralyzed needing health care and now on top of it all fighting to heal from the endless non-stop destruction of my body without money to go to a doctor whatsoever.

I remain rambling in a sense, my brain is under very strong attack by their brain-altering tech (can't type clearly hacking and obstruction is very bad, my brain goes into eddies circles navigating between ideas and losing thread of thought constantly. I cannot function the attack on my brain is too severe so I write in a messy style).

Utterly vile and disgusting deeds of terrorism enacted by creeple of the same putrefied stuff as the filth they create as terrorist weapons and discrediting. Terrorist multiple attacks (on all fronts and from behind--24/7) report: endless but I will just detail a few of the atrocious, sick, and repulsive stupid deeds this global organization creates (mostly through their minority minions as they sit back and record or watch it unfold through their surveillance equipment or as they stand in the shadows taking videos of the encounters they orchestrate).

 First, the hacking is very bad and I can actually see the result of brain-altering obstruction (aka "mind control technology") literally blanking out various portions of my thought processes while I am in the middle of writing or attempting to communicate. The sensation is so subtle it's nearly invisible and undetectable but the effect is devastating.


Shopping at the "World Class" shopping mall one mile away from my condo. Central Festival/Florista in the middle of Phuket Town. A very large, over 6-ft tall, 30's something (or younger) white male of European origin (looks very German and I think definitely is from that country) has been stalking me at random occurrences for over 2+ years but with increasing frequency as of late at this shopping mall (and at another large but not "world class" place called Lotus's, another two mile from my house but only that distance if I travel at two different directions in a triangulation). 

He has extremely long brown/sandy/blonde hair, past his waist. He always wears large bulbous headphones. He seems to create an atmosphere of nastiness but it's always augmented by groups (mostly of minorities brown/black etc people) but one or two Europ-a's lurking around on the periphery watching on as their teams attack me. 

First the lone male (but he's undoubtedly operating with a host of other people every time but always appears alone and is becoming a real stalker/predator as time goes by. He's been following me around for more than 2 years at this mall so he is a local and has remained living here during the pandemic). 

He's very creepy and his behavior is of a closer and closer proximity to me when I am in small shopping spaces. I lunge away trying to not have any eye contact which he is now trying to achieve as he swerves around me while I am looking at objects in a store. His physical motions are of the jerking predatorial stalking type and it's become more aggressive. Along with his attacks at the Florista Central mall 2 days ago (he follows me around from two malls inter-connected by a walkway overpass with a very large multi-lane freeway underneath--called Bypass road just for identification purposes should anyone care to know). Another Germanic-looking dude with his little brown Thai consort was walking hand-in-hand blocking my exit from the store as exact and perfect timing that had been going on at must spatial junctions at this huge shopping mall had been going on the entire time I was shopping (I go from one mall to the next, to get the best deals at both of the Tops markets where there are foods left out on display on sale, probably drugged as the foods I really like are usually out there with these very blaring yellow sale stickers on them). After years of being stalked endlessly I am not being "paranoid" in these assumptions about how this organization tries to endlessly drug and poison me and keep me seemingly distraught and on the verge of hysteria when I write these posts (that remain mostly unanswered by my Government which is partially sponsoring much of these hate attacks and crimes).

Groups of these brown-skinned minorities walking directly in front of me as they slowly wind around glass "island" booths in the middle of the huge thoroughfare mall spaces to spread out (8 people or so) and then stop abruptly all looking in the opposite direction away from me as they completely block the entire space. Often it is huge groups of whites who will do this, sauntering and then couples holding hands and literally forming a chain blockage as they slow to nearly crawling speed blocking my exit or entrance. This happens to frequently that it is an endless obstruction. I can see that on the other levels of the malls there are almost no people (every time even in "high season") but on every level of this 4-storey mall area the one level I am on is always packed with people and the rest of the levels are almost vacant, perhaps a few people standing and watching with their cameras which means they are using the height advantage looking down to help with the surveillance and harassment/stalking maneuvers and all have their mobile phones whipped out for this purpose (I assume). It is all, of course, intended to look like a "normal" display of behavior in huge, public spaces.

Returning to this condo studio which is so stinking the wafting odors of foul stench and stale fungus and mold waft up as I open the door. The bathroom reeks of urine and stinking substances which have been poured all around the rim of the toilet and into the corners of the floors. My patio has been sprayed with sticky brown fluids which dried. There are little sugar ants everywhere and if I put anything wet to dry outside the terrorists using their mechanical arms pour/spray stinking oily substances with huge, long hair strands which appear after I even clean this patio. I just cleaned the patio before I left and it's sticky, brown, the stains never come off they are laboratory created so every single white piece of furniture in this room is a pale ugly brown moldy color and no amount of harsh chemicals will get this stuff out--nor baking soda or anything I use--and I can't afford to endlessly pay to repair all they destroy in this studio which is something newly broken or made shrunken (clothing, every time it's foul all items stink and have been shurnk and made shabby and frayed--sometimes they take sand paper to materials--this has often been done and for decades I realize it's the reason why the beautiful items I can barely afford due to financial obstruction--the few beautiful items of clothing are nearly shredded with little blobs of the material that has been sandpapered down--nearly to shreds--faded by bleaching and damaged--all I love and all I make and all I have.

Last night the mechanical arms that break through the panels of the rooms on all sides (top, bottom, both sides--don't know how many or from which direction I have been fighting this for over 2 years and longer--since I moved in here years ago). They sprayed stinking gooey fluids on a colorful wrap that has been sprayed for so long that nothing gets the stink out--not bleaching and soaking and washing--the laboratory created mess they spray on my furniture, walls, into my body, food and on my clothing is absolutely unnatural but combines various stinking other "natural" substances in addition to something that binds and adheres to material and bodily structures. The goo was so rotten that I just doused the material in water before washing it and the water was completely brown from less than one minute of running some water over it. I had just cleaned it before leaving this room for shopping two days ago--I mean bleaching and etc. It was "clean" enough (but the lingering smell was faint of the many times it's been damaged for all the few weeks I have owned it--I can only use these sort of body wrap-around items for a few weeks the terrorists spray the clothing I wear on a daily level so badly I have to constantly repurchase new items ever 3-4 weeks--these materials should last minimum 3 months without being anything like worn down under normal wear). this has not stopped for years, and I write of it again expecting no one to ever stop this or do anything about it. I keep reading as I did yesterday on that "Democracy is failing" but none of you ever do anything to actually stop this descent into fascism. Of course, you all approve but I still write this--maybe someone who has some humanity one day will finally respond to help me with defense--it may happen. Otherwise I just remain surrounded by people I consider to be dismally disgusting at best--in teleportation and in this 3-D reality of terrorism that continuously affronts my life and all that I should be able to accomplish--even to live in a clean home but instead I must seal and close the tiny sliding patio door so mechanical arms don't break into this room from outside only to really do more physical damage to my body and even break through the various things I stuff into the front door to stop the terrorists from absolutely breaking into this room, as they have been doing for years (decades) and absolutely poisoning and deforming and attacking me physically while I am teleported to more goons attacking and terrorizing me. A few weeks ago, after a lifetime of the United States government sponsoring this, I was threatened with death by Nancy Pelosi because I discussed how I thought Arnold Schwartzennegger is a fascist Nazi implant of the Europ-a Nazi/fascist organization. She completely supported him and threatened to kill me--thus confirming my suspicion in this and in every way confirming that the US government is just a colonized failing State controlled by incompetent blathering liars who are cunning and Machiavellian but I do not consider this to be at a level of competence to run a Democracy. I was threatened likewise with death by Trump's 2nd wife after I wrote on my Facebook post that actors like Pitt and his wife should not endlessly be awarded after they have tortured me to obtain ideas and promoted and awarded after using this tech to endlessly trash my body, home and life. I was threatened with death, nearly killed when  car hit me, I landed after my handlebars were remotely attacked to swerve 180-degrees downward as I landed on my jaw. My teeth were fine but the next morning they had been literally nearly smashed out by terrorists. For the next half year or longer terrorists got into my room--or they used mechanical arms as I have not stopped fighting to protect my body from mechanical arms breaking in through all these panels and cracks in this room--(many of the areas are impossible to latch down or secure because the walls are faux and the cheap plaster literally crumbles nearly to pieces if I try to screw in even a small screw to try to latch hooks together from the walls to the panels, which are being opened from all rooms on all sides and the entire studio is covered from floor to ceiling like this--impossible to secure without having to pour another cement layer on top of it all--which I cannot do for various reasons.

They have been slashing the gum tissue of the teeth that they smashed to try to literally knock my teeth out. At the time I was in such poverty I could not afford food and I was fighting to buy materials to try to block all the cracks--but it is impossible. I have had to do with mechanical arms breaking into this room but not with the kind of damage that had been inflicted in the past--and so I live with having to tape parts of my body and cover my head to try to stop the damage to my hair and skin--and that is impossible too.

Years of writing about this and to this date nothing and no one has ever intervened to stop this. 


And that is just a tiny bit of an endless slew of violence endlessly aimed at me.

Teleported to the celebrities shrieking that they are smarter and more beautiful than me, as I sit here fighting to heal from the years of them ordering their minions to mutilate, sever parts of my uterus out, make my hair fall out and they have also done something like shred my hair--with balding spots--I can't use three fingernails because of over 8 years of objects being inserted under cuticles in the same spots until the nails are useless and enlarged and the remainder of cuticles are bulbous and huge. My body slathered with damaging chemicals which cause red pimple outbreaks and then some chemical is smeared on the outbreaks to tattoo them into my skin--literally--on legs and arms. Objects have been inserted into my body/under the skin to appear like huge cysts--one is on my leg just above my knee--another one is on my left rib cage area just at my side--it is huge, has been either injected like silicone injected into my body--I have no money to remove any of this. My left large toe completely points into my other toes at more than a 45-degree angle because the pig apes have ordered it to be broken multiple times while I slept. My body is completely crooked due to hardening poisons encasing mind control drugs that none of the millionaires and billionaires nor the poorer or working class will ever help me to heal from as they inflict hate and violence upon me every night in teleportation--last night it was dead animals--every night it has been something related to death of people or animals since the Brooklyn mafia who were tormenting me for years took a break and the celebrity violent criminals began to try to break my body and spirit--only to hand me over to the mafia once again (your famous celebrity mafia icons out of Brooklyn). And it never ends.

so I write this post once more adding to the years of writing and writing and writing about the same sick attacks upon me. 

I want to emphasize that prior to having even beginning to write about the hate and violence of this group I was under worse attack by the non-famous thugs who create these systematic torture actions--so these attacks have nothing whatsoever to do with me not "obeying" their dictates to remain "silent" and be "good" and just let them get away with their every crime, as they have been doing. 

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Terrorist home destruction report: November 21, 2021. Terrorists are creeping in small groups as I leave or enter this huge, emptied-out condo where only the terrorist operation has occupied a few of the very small units. Prior to borders re-opening a couple of weeks ago, I was not singularly accosted when entering or leaving but now there are creeping groups with slouching types of both Thai and White racial identities barging into me as I leave or enter elevators, blocking entries, swarming me in various places, etc etc. They took a laser and cut into the formica on my kitchen sink, just at the thinnest part at the front of the basin of the metal sink area--where I have pounded in hooks into the faux wooden structure to tie the doors into stable position with all kinds of rubber stuffed into the huge cracks because the doors are at least 1/2 inch away from the back part of the cupboard so the mechanical arms can get through the back portion of the panels deeply buried beneath soggy, endlessly wettened stinking corrugated 2 mm wood paneling which bends slightly to the touch even if not wet. This is the prime area where the mechanical arms get through and there is nothing I can do short of installing another panel of putting cement to try to stop this endless egress into my living space. They could also break the structure if I tried to do this and I would be left with a huge gaping hole and a huge problem with the landlord. I have left it as is, and now they have cut the entire top portion of the formica so the structure could, if they cut into another part of this 2-inch formica extension surrounding the sink, literally cause this layer of structure to collapse and break completely.

  The slouching, slinking white Europ-a men and their thin-as-possible/young-as-possible heavily made-up Thai female consorts who eagerly and happily with animation and a thrill to be part of the white fascist Nazi power structure by conforming to fascist Nazi protocols (I have seen it very much before in other races in other places) but it's always the same configuration everywhere I go. They attack me in staggered tiered formations as I leave and enter, and of course the hostility and violent actions taken while I am driving and in stores and leaving entering walking stopping and in every other way I am accosted by sometimes hundreds of the same types of configurations while I am simply trying to get from point A to B on some elongated journey I must take to buy the best discounts at stores which are miles apart. That in itself as to why I must do this is another long story which I have written of for years.

So they are breaking more of this unit which I am financially responsible for. But they are openly attacking an area which is a direct portal of extremely violence aimed at me, this area of the kitchen sink and the wooden (faux wood, greasy plastic sort of coated ugly tan doors which have been sprayed for all these years with brown, stinking sprays that nothing gets off because they are laboratory concocted. (Hacking as usual is making this extremely difficult to type, I am not able to access my real vocabulary or linear train-of-thought all attacks are on "go" at this moment while I fight to get this out so excuse all the randomness and typos and hack inserts or deletions).

Teleported to death and hate scenes last night. So tired from endlessly detoxifying hardened chemicals that have cemented into my spine and body tissue, my intestines and all along the routes and sinews of my body cavities. I am exhausted merely from that endless effort and the sickness attending the detox from these mind control and hardening poisons which alone would destroy most human beings but I have survived, only to have to deal with so much stress, hate and violence from these terrorists who both teleport and attack me in every single place I go and live only so they can be assured of a promotion and a place secured within this ever-enlarging, ever-increasing hate organization of Nazi/Mafia terrorist proportion--I continue to have to fight alone what most people would have died from if forced into this position but I remain fighting and alive fighting for my life and writing about it yet once again as I have done for over a decade to the same silence and the same repetition continuing and the same people who were attacking me over a decade ago (who began DECADES AGO) still behind the people from H-wood who got their endless promotions for attacking me with absolute racist hate and brutality and violence and destruction and all obtaining endless hormonal highs and deals and promotions as they latch on and never let go or stop or are stopped. One president and his entourage after the next so blacks can be promoted into this structure and then Nazis and now "Liberals" and "Democrats" and it's just endless creeping around and me writing about it to the endless silence of the void reading these posts (for over a decade).


My thought process was in a type of "vortex" and lack of cohesion due to the intrusion of mind control tech blasting away at my brain while I wrote the above: the terrorists who broke into my room while I was out shopping the last time I left, in addition to using a laser to cut through the sink formica so the piece can easily be broken and the entire sink area destroyed, irreparable so I would have to replace the entire sink area, costing hundreds of dollars and possible eviction or something like that--with harassment and abuse by this very violent landlord--etc etc but..the terrorists also completely saturated the fabric I have used to line the one operable chair I have in this room which I sit on every day--they cut out the soft protective lining of the bottom of the metal prongs of the structure of the wicker chair--the fabric I put on the floor to protect against the individual wooden slats of the faux wooden floor being lifted up to insert mechanical arms--the coating I put on the floor to stop this has been slashed into ugly and disgusting, stained patches, so I put fabric on the bottom of the chair pieces but of course the terrorists just used knives to slash into the floor covering anyway. And they saturated the fabric covering the pieces to protect the bottoms of this one chair with STINKING AND PUTRID liquids that remained wet and soggy at least 24 hours after having put this on the chair--the entire area stank so badly I had to take all the fabric I had tied very securely off and replace them with other very thick padded fabrics which I had been saving to clean this floor--bending and tying string so it would not be loosened again as they these terrorists have created with the last protective covering so they pieces were falling off, made blackened with filthy greasy material until they finally just sprayed this stinking fluid substance and then also cut into the formica on the 2-inc area of the formica area around the metal sink basin so the entire structure coule easily break or be broken, slowly absolutely destroying the entire formica countertop which would have to be replace--the sink and all. The rest of my studio was sprayed with fungus and mold and the toilet sprayed with urine so it stand and the entire room was stinking and putrid once I returned--absolutely exhausted from having to drive at least ten miles in order to get my money out of my bank account in a way that wouldn't have charge me an extra $40 instead of the $30 that this group forced out of me because they closed the entire one branch of the one bank that will honor a cashier transaction without that extra $10 fee (and most banks in Phuket won't even do that even with a $10 fee attached). I had to spend at least 3 days with my very injured body cleaning and repairing this stinking mess, neglecting to do the things I really want to do or have to do, exhausted beyond belief and in pain from the hard poisons which NEVER stop coming out of my body ever-so-slowly in tiny bits that break off, taking off internal body tissue in the process (literally ripping out of my body so I must also have to repair internal body tissue as well as deal with a suffusion of toxins that rush into my blood stream--now ten years + of this going on and on as I am tortured and attacked day and night, my body blasted with torture technology--tears endlessly forming around my eyes and tears streaming down in these attacks on my eyes/nosethroat that the microchip implants have given the terrorist goons a thrill to inflict upon me if I begin to laugh at the silly videos I watch because all fun, happy people just avoid me, I am left with hate surrounding me and ugliness and filth and stinking mess that these creep terrorists create in my living space and into my body and my life is surrounded by hateful and stupid and sleazy sick creeps operating their favorite hate abuses heaped upon me as the world watches and most people think it's a fun video to watch and can't wait for more and more of this technology to be dispersed. So I am now writing in a stream of rage because the tech is also affecting my emotions in a way that critical and calm thinking has stifled due to this tech blasting into my brain as I fight to get around the endless hacking. Right now the page I am typing on is jumping as I write each letter out--I mean pound out each letter as the keyboard is too stiff to simply write easily upon. If I type faster than at a pounding slow pace the hackers juxtapose the letters so every word written at an increment to the actual speed I can type is absolutely jumbled. So I write this again and again and again and watch on the tube about how murdering protestors (laws enacted back in January or February in States such as Florida allowing legal protection for people who literally run protestors over with cars, even if that results in death) and so, as I write and write and people just read thses posts and can't wait to have more of the technologies handed out to the lower-level goons who participate instead of just the very wealthy--I remain writing and writing and today is just another addition to the censored, unpublished and blocked from all access to mainstream to read--I also have had to block out all "friends' because of the gross numbers of trolls using various identities hacking into various pages to attack me. So I attempt to write today, as I have been doing about this egregious affront to all liberty and privacy which has been fully condoned and accepted and participated in by the list of politicians that is now getting longer and longer, year-after-year--with hissing hate and violence and death threats and ensuing greater destruction. The silence remains and it never is stopped. Waiting to see if America is not going to fully become an infiltrated 3rd world country ruled by Europ-a "investors" and immigrants allotted the best waterfront properties by realtors who are so keen to marry these fascist Nazis and have me swarmed and tortured in places I am paying my own sub-poverty rent in because this organization has poisoned me and broken vertebrae and bones while I have been in that deep, MK ULTRA microchipped/teleported comatose sleep state so I can't feel anything (they also insert various pain-killers into the affected areas so I don't know that I was attacked upon waking).'s just going on and on. I keep waiting for the tenure of various corrupt politicians to bring in perhaps a newer administration and it's only just the same situation from one Republican or Democrat to the next. I used to blame Obama but now I see that he was much more kindly in only one respect than the ensuing administrations and it's just a downhill descent which I do hope that my writing will somehow provide some kind of revelatory reaction out of to the contrary to this colonization into Nazification of America and the rest of the world (i.e. Thailand which is absolutely a colonized country and controlled by these factions in a most overt way, which is why my writings are so blatantly "radical" because the oppressive atmosphere is so open and unconcealed here in Thailand, but still so coated with hypocritical media distortion to the superficial contrary back in the United States (and also in Europe to a very large degree--oh the posturing about righteous attention to fighting against fascism and Nazis is a repugnant lie and distortion of the real activities that I have had to unfortunately be subjected to and thus have to see clearly albeit in this distorted "experimental" teleportation situation which so far is unsubstantiated and thus I appear "crazy" if I try to report this to anybody officially). I so hope that one day evidence will be put forth of my claims because I know there has to be ample video evidence of my teleportation and the endless decades of assault upon me while in all the various waking and sleeping states. For now it is impossible to get a single person to defend me openly.

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page ( but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bur...