Performed in Central Park, August 26, 2015.
The never-ending series of reporting State-sponsored terrorism continues. One day this State-ordained form of internal terrorism will be condemned but for now, there are only isolated targeted people who are separated from one another with faux help support groups which ultimately attack the target at choice moments of vulnerability.
The attacks:
All night, at random moments while in deep healing sleep from poisoning by this same terrorist organization--the microchip implant in my throat was constricted to create a horrid, deep noise that is a horrid sound unlike anything I can describe. It is so loud it wakes me up, I can feel the area of my throat, right at the crux of my collarbone and my larynx, where there is an indentation and creased and ailing skin and tissue because the microchip is damaging and perhaps killing me in this area where disease or the endless mold and fungus that is implanted in my food/breathing space may accumulate---but also the flow of vital fluids is also constricted in that area. It is damaged and the skin is broken and of a different texture than in all the other areas of my neck. This is where the implant is, and this group forces the sphincter muscles to suddenly close while I am eating, and as I wrote, while I am sleeping in a deep, healing sleep. It happens so frequently it's essentially going on all night long at least once per half hour. That is being woken up by a horrid, deep flapping noise in my throat that is so loud it wakes me up momentarily, in the drugged up sleep that I must go through every night from more than a decade of detox of their stinking and foul murder poisons in my body--still there, still keeping me semi-paralyzed.
Teleportation skits of death and hate but more submerged because I am trying to work out more layers of protection for my body while I sleep. The more colorful teleportation hate, rape and violence attacks by the celebrities and politicians are diminished by the extra layers I have put on my body but it's not nearly enough to actually stop the violence. The teleportation also continues while I am awake and the effect is that I can't just dismiss these pests but I go into "truth serum" yelling fights with them as they endlessly ask me "why" I don't like them or what they are doing. This obviously is part of the protocol system of payment and promotion as for me to explain who odious they are and act means that they are "successful" at this mind control terror technology and operation. The same-said people continue to be interviewed on major networks even though they are no longer in top political office, they imitate or repeat sentences I have said and now they are stealing and threatening me with my very thoughts using their mind control hacking capabilities to breach my thoughts and abuse or steal whatever they like or don't.
Huge and major physical terrorist attacks at the shopping mall yesterday. I had to go shopping for food and to replace the items that are endlessly broken every time I leave this room. Every single time I leave and return something else of my scant, subpoverty tiny microstudio filth and torture chamber has been broken--something I had to negotiate to buy with shifting funds from buying food not on sale to something poisoned/drugged in order to buy this tiny little thing like $5 speakers which were just broken--lights were broken, clothing is stinking with mold and putrid odors every time I return.
Thus, while all of the attacks were going on in my room, at the shopping mall (Central Festival/Florista) in Phuket Town, waves of gold-diggers and attackers--the usual racist configuration I have been writing of for years--a pair of white blonde Europeans with 20-30 Thais or other "minorities' surrounding them attack me in concentric waves in huge spaces. The attacks are so constant that I am absolutely drained of physical energy because I am literally fighting my way through huge groups which spread out an entire huge shopping mall area and then literally push into me from the opposite direction. Around one huge escalator area in front of one of these shopping mall department store entrances--so you can imagine it's a huge, wide open space. As I rounded the corner with my shopping cart and the many bags I must carry so what few things I don't want endlessly destroyed and poisoned I must always carry around with me--healing liquids I drink I must carry (all oils I use are tainted and drugged and poisoned and any food that is wet or liquid is poisoned very easily--anything else is tainted or drugged but with powders or other invisible substances). But I am pushing a shopping cart with my bags weighing down the cart---and around the huge corner literally 40 people were walking in a huge wave towards me covering every space of the entire area. In the center was a Nazi blonde family unit looking smug and glowing with the hormonal high of this power trip of their minions performing this hate attack. This has been so common that I have only been writing about it's corollary in H-wood for years only to have violent threats aimed at me by the American version of the same apparatus of fascist Nazi white armed with gold-digger minority minions in waves coming at me to attack for their "masters".
At another junction of this same area, through the overpass walkway where on the left side of the mall overpass walkthrough there is a winding staircase going down to the parking lot--it is fixed at the near beginning of this walkway on one side and just 50 meters away is an elevator which can easily carry anyone down to that level if they so choose. Walking in a cross pattern to the flow of walkers (which is always amplified as soon as I am walking in that space--usually if you drive past you can see a few random walkers in that overpass walkway but when I am in that area it's covered with people wandering into every open space so I must maneuver past people who then drift into my cart as they slowly meander into my path just as I approach to get past them. They all spread out and I can't get past anyone. But in this instance, yesterday, with the swarm of attackers on all sides, three Thais very tall were pushing in front of them huge suitcases on wheels with pull-out carry handles--as I approached they all swerved directly to cross in front of me within one foot as I was pushing past the many people swerving into my path directly in front of me--they swerved and walked directly into me and one of them actually slammed his suitcase into my cart as I pushed past them--obviously as they walked in this sideways direction to the staircase instead of taking their huge suitcases to the elevators which were just 50 meters ahead (or yards, more like) and just at that point was a white male sitting on a chair supposedly "selling" condos in a huge condo complex. These types of installments on the side of the overpass walkway are ALWAYS being promoted by Thai people wearing little uniforms and passing out balloons for these condo projects. There are never white Europeans or people selling these projects and the attack happened directly in front of him--as he slunk in his chair in a gloating repose watching his orchestrated attack.
And that is just two examples of the hours of this going on and on and on and on until I was so frazzled and exhausted because of the weakness and illness this poison that this terrorist group has forced upon me that this kind of covert physical attack is just physical violence but orchestrated in public places.
And I had to go shopping because my mail service in Orlando which has become a terrorist attack situation of absolute illegality which if I were in the US I could take them to court for and win any sort of battle (unless the judges are all completely illegally operating under this system which is nearly at 100% probability)
they informed me that my mail service would be terminated "tomorrow" unless I sent by mail a pdf form they attached to the email with a contract that entails that I change my service from the one I have to one that denies me access to my mail in any form due to the distance.
With the mind control operating as I responded to these thugs who routinely scan letters threatening to cut off my service and my money only at the very last minute--letters stating that they have sent letters before and never got a response and that this was the final notice and etc...all creating confusion, chaos and then the mind control operations begin. I wrote a response wishing them all kinds of good things because after the torture and threats of endless catastrophe along with multiple murder attempts by this organization I have to scramble essentially to save my life in so many respects that by the time I finally get a confirmation that my very life-saving mail service will not be cut off "tomorrow", I wrote this brain-altered cheery happy wishing them well type of response for a new year. It was something I had not intended to do.
In all these cases, once I am "rattled" the backdoor operational principles of mind control technology are the serpentine forms of breach that penetrate into my brain and consciousness--through all these very well studied research methodologies of traumatization and how to control people and also how to change brainwaves affecting emotions--along with subliminal commands during such moments when the defenses have been shattered from threats to life and existence.
As for the stinking filth that these haters have poured into my home--I first checked the back tray of my refrigerator--having to drag this heavy refrigerator out of the tiny niche in the wall (the actual real wall is behind this refrigerator-which is a solid cement wall where you can pound your fist on it and hear nothing but a tiny thud--the rest of the paneled wall is at points so shabby that if you press your finger into it, the cheap material bends--in other areas you can pound and hear an echo almost in the other room and of course you can hear people talking very clearly from the other side because there is almost no wall there but only these very easily-opened panels which the terrorists use for their torture and mutilation/rape protocols that are pushed to the limit every night--as far as they can go to mutilate my body or open my door and have expletives rush in to rape and literally put my hips and spin out of place--while I am completely unconscious and being teleported to the celebrities and politicians who are likewise raping and abusing me--all simultaneous. All like the white supremacists in the shopping malls, with waves of gold-diggers surrounding them for their promotions and free deals and shopping carts full of free food paid for by this government-sponsored terror operation. All so the government and top layers of the "entitled" can steal, rob, rape and torture and destroy lives in the future and NOW.
Of course, I remain ALONE without any support system whatsoever with nowhere to turn for any support on this planet. Literally having tried for over a decade and all that has transpired is more top so-called "leaders" and actors on all levels coming to get their free, new deals out of this contract. All turning around and pushing their fake victimization fighting for justice status for the entertainment of the voters and viewers and distressed wanting and needing to believe that someone is fighting for them. How they will be dismayed, if they have not been eliminated through various contagion genocides, in the future how awfully they have been duped by these power-high duplicity slingers you are all cheering on as your heroes of society in all their blathering lectures and presentations and movies about how they are saving society (from anyone trying to have equality and freedom except for themselves as a collective greed and selfishness operation acting for their own-self interest but in concert with so many others like bands of criminals and thugs).
Of course, as always, whilst writing this post hackers were and are at this moment blocking key function, so while writing I must backspace and retype continuously, correcting the juxtaposed letters and omissions hackers force. My hands stop moving as if frozen in mid-air because the brain attacks on my motor system are also in effect. Then there are "spaces" and blanks in memory because my short-term memory is being dislodged. I "forgot" to write that while I was shopping I had put my purse down to put all my items in a huge shopping bag I use so I can carry the items on my motorbike in one, large huge bag. I "forgot" to pick up my purse after putting all items in my bag--the purse was put on the side and behind a panel because often while my back is turned people will saunter up behind me and steal my purse while my back is turned. The brain-blanking tech literally makes me "forget" to pick items up. When I was like a bloated, huge balloon of poison and drugs (hardened into my body, keeping the liquids floating in my lymphatic system and into all the viscerae while I was endlessly being poisoned and drugged--unable to fend the nighttime terrorists entering my room to poison my food I have taken endless precautions for years to protect--
but now that I have blocked their physical entry into my room and they must rely on mechanical arms through all these panels on all sides of the studio (top, floor, all sides, every inch of the bathroom--any space that can be opened will and is being opened--like a leaky ship sinking but I have patched up all the cracks taking years using money I need for food and healing which I had to neglect in order to try to fight this--still cannot but have limited the amount of utter and sheer violence to my body--but in the meantime--they have broken my toe so it's pointing at a 45-degree angle into my other toes, have destroyed and damaged my hair and skin so badly I am blemished with balding hair and blotches and scars literally covering my body on every inch--from years of violence inflicted in this way while I sleep and in my every shampoo and ointment and food and anything that can be poisoned and destroyed). And more and more, on and on.
I "forgot" my purse--and in the years when I had been so badly poisoned and tortured and raped in the above-mentioned vulnerability this group has forced upon me by forcing poverty on me (all and every access to earning any single thing has been blocked in their various means, with internet block not just of financial opportunities but also of information and of access and of course my blog is being blocked from all access except for the terrorist network and their operatives).
I would pay for groceries and "forget" to pick up the bags of food after I had paid for them. I would literally pay for the items and walk away not able to think clearly and leaving groceries at the check-out counter. This happened so frequently and I could not stop this attack--the mind-drug interface is so awful. And that happened yesterday once more. I had walked all the way to the other end of two shopping mall complexes before I realized I had left my purse in the spot that I had told myself to not forget--but did. While I was rushing to pick up the purse was when the waves of people hitting me literally as I pushed past waves of huge crowds of minions surrounding a gloating pair of white supremacist Nazi Europ-a's who, through not their own money, but handed money to instruct their minions to perform these tasks--as money of course is ultimately the deciding factor in these operations--where the money comes from in international seamless operations is of course not easy to directly state but indirectly it's not hard to gauge exactly how this is being funded--(aka "black ops" but probably through "Homeland Security anti-terrorist" funds and the billions of dollars appropriated (misappropriated) to the endless "defense" budget for the United States, for example, for which this cornucopia funding of terrorist activities by TERRORISTS attacking me, an innocent and guiltless civilian but targeted by the Nazi and fascist and gold-digging minion cooperative organization just want to destroy, experiment upon, dump their sense of powerlessness on --how minorities love to do this and vent the rage they have bottled up as they grovel in deference to their real abusers but torture me, who actually stands up for their rights but am instead tortured by them as they grovel in delighted deference to their real terrorists controlling them) and
it goes on and on, as I am typing I must endlessly backspace and rewrite--my hands can't move and I am going through a kind of tunnel vision of blanking out and losing track of the thread I am writing about. This type of closing of my memory and blanking out goes on while I am under attack, I can't think while in public as people completely jump to exploit this vulnerability that the technology enables them to do--while blaming me for their own attacks upon me--it's all orchestrated and scripted they create these hate situations and then blame me.
I can also hear "stupid" hissing in my "inner ear" while hackers are blocking keyboard functions and operations on the laptop. These are words that are hissed while I am under attack. I can "hear" it while I sit in relative silence fighting and fighting to pound out each key on this keyboard but such types of blaming the victim--exemplified by this one example of them calling me "stupid" as they block functions as if it's my "fault" or lack of intelligence--and this is absolutely typical of all their actions. So while they are blocking functions and causing problems they are subliminally hissing instructions to the attackers (like to hate me or that there's something wrong with me---even if they are part of the attack terrorist operation they are also being mind controlled to attack or to like their own detractors and abusers but to "hate" those who are actually trying to not support this system who actually care about the oppressed. The oppressed, in other words, are being used as tools by the oppressors in order to attack the target (me). While I am under attack various other subliminal psychological diminutive types of hate speech is being hissed into me as if I should accept the violence like it's my doing or "fault". This is part of the extent of the tortures that are being carried out and the means in which people are being used to attack one another.
You can thank people like Elon Musk for his inclusion--absolutely and for years and years a definite part of this operation and experiment in torture---with his brain/computer interface tech that is being so championed and his technologies and there are other very dire situations in which he is tangent to but somehow involved in with global consequences of huge deadly effect--but always cheered on with his scripted and coached stage appearances and accepted by the millennials in particular as being a kind of cool ultra wealthy dude trying to save the world by his new technologies offsetting carbon-emitting tech (but carbon production and other damage to the planet are the underpinning of his technologies).
I had to add that although he is a very dangerous and violent person albeit endlessly portrayed as a fun and cool, easy-going dude for the press and the public.
I could go into more detail and I already have--years ago during the Depp/Heard crisis all I can say is that after he (Musk) began dating Heard after the domestic violence crisis, and just as Trump was gearing into presidential power, Musk began his global dominance scheme and has been a major participant in all this torture with State-sponsored hate and violence at least for 8 years but probably much longer.
That is to say that the "contract" out on me was directly handed either by Musk to Trump or vice-versa and the power arrangement has resulted in what you now have as history-making alterations in society. I consider these as detriments to both Democracy and to freedom, but they are being sold off and bought by the bulk of the planet and absolutely applauded--the masses of terrorists attacking me for example are part of this global cheerleading squadron of hate and violence. There is worse to come for people and more pandemics and more destruction is being promoted and promised. Very few people can link these crises and problems to anything that may affect them in the future, they just jump at the chance to be a part of a power cartel and to display the wealth that they have attained and to look like the models that these celebrities always gravitate towards--that the politicians are striving to be sold off as in many respects if they are capable of it--the merging of technocratic celebrity image and wealth status is now so intertwined and yet unrecognized and certainly still sold off as desirable. I consider it to be the edge of the cliff that the lemmings are in delight willing to fall off.
I write this with the sword of Damocles hanging over my head because these people like Musk are serious abusers and haters and racists disguised and packaged off as fun and easy-going and Millennials, who participate in this hate crime against me also in droves, so quickly pick up on the deception because they appear as easy-going but absolutely partake in this ceremony of hate and death like all their icons who they buy into and then continue to sell off as they sell out.