Monday, January 31, 2022

A follow-up on my last post regarding the Glen Greenwald lecture and on Snowden and the Carnivore FBI u se of mass surveillance, omitted from the discussion by Greenwald which I believe was a diversion from the actual reality of the history of the emergence of the mass surveillance State. This relates to 9/11 attacks as being used as a springboard to increase mass surveillance under the post-9/11 formed NSA and Homeland Security under the PATRIOT Act. The NSA stemming from FISA expansion, and the pre-9/11 FBI surveillance expansion of the technocracy State.

"Still, two events would have been required for the Pentagon strike to have been averted.

First, President Bush would have had to have ordered that any hijacked airliners be shot down; the military’s rules of engagement did not allow for that without such presidential intercession. Bush ultimately did make that call, but only after the Pentagon was hit.

Second, NORAD’s F-16 Fighting Falcons at Langley Air Force Base, near Norfolk, Va., would have had to have been launched sooner.

Why they weren’t is unclear.

According to NORAD’s timeline, those fighters received the scramble order at 9:24 a.m., 30 minutes after Flight 77 made an unauthorized turn. That suggests the FAA took an inexplicably long time to alert NORAD. But Jane Garvey, former head of the Federal Aviation Administration, said it had informed NORAD earlier in a telephone call.

Retired Maj. Gen. Larry K. Arnold, who was in charge of domestic air defenses on the day of the attacks, said it was “physically possible” that fighter jets could have beaten the civilian airliner to the Pentagon had they been activated earlier.

Another decision not made: NORAD did not launch all available fighters even when it became apparent that multiple suicide hijackings had taken place.

“It’s inexplicable why they did not get air protection up in time to thwart that crash,” Breitweiser said. She also asked why the F-15s sent to New York were not sent after Flight 77."--Could Fighter Jets Have Stopped the 911 Attacks? NBC News. June 15, 2004.



To attempt to describe the effect that the "mind control" technology has upon my cognitive capabilities while I struggle to also get past hacker intervention in every post and thing I write and do on the internet or computer is a struggle to find the right words. Something like my brain being glued into a tangled stagnation while I am trying to access my memory to find literal words to use for any subject. Like trying to wade waist high in mud in a sprint--not able to move, stuck and waded down. That is similar to how my brain is being tampered with. After many posts I write in this struggle, with words and highly emotional hate expletives pouring out because my emotional centers are likewise being tweaked while I write to enhance hyperbolic and thus discrediting statements--which are also subliminally pumped into my "inner ear" by their insidious inaudible technologies (but can faintly hear them at very quiet moments but certainly not while typing or in a busy and crowded space where I am always under nasty attack and this type of emotional and cognitive blocks to my critical thinking capabilities are combined with excessive emotional response--usually giddy giggling and laughing and smiling at being insulted or attacked like it's "fun". This always happens while I am on the phone and I am always diverted to a terrorist agent on the phone as I laugh and giggle and can't find words and the wrong words not in my vocabulary or lexicon come pouring out automatically without even a semblance of prior thought or decision to make such statements. I was in this state under my last post and always in every situation where I attempt to communicate on any level.

I could not finish my post therefore and was exhausted by the time I got through circa 5 paragraphs which meandered in thought and got off point.


The Glen Greenwald post I just posted today earlier in the morning--freshly drugged up as I am while sleeping and the mechanical arms wreak their damage and drugging infestation upon my property and my body and mind while I am endlessly night after night teleported to hate and death and abuse and insults and threats and the recurrent theme of being made homeless and having to live in squalid situations and returning to live with my mother who has attempted to have me killed and is violently abusive (murderously so). 

But I wrote this post and got lost in fighting in the struggle to get past hacking blocks to the keyboard, which is happening now as I must ceaselessly fight to backspace and retype almost every word (happening right now).


What I still am not able to fully write is that I believe that Greenwald and the Snowden situation is acting as a diversion from the truth that massive surveillance was occurring even before Bush Jr. was put into the Oval Office in 2000 (in what was probably a coup but not officially labeled as such--). It was the FBI operating under relative restraint of Federal Law which prohibited joint agency cooperation for surveillance purposes, especially for the burgeoning internet and WWW.  New forms of mass surveillance potential that these agencies undoubtedly desired to utilize to the maximum for their massive data collection capabilities on citizens of interest. Citizens of interest now encompass all citizens foreign and domestic alike. Or as Greenwald discusses, the surveillance is to capture The All totality of communications and information on every single person possible using these surveillance technologies. 

Prior to 9/11 The Carnivore system utilized by The FBI had been labeled as an anti-crime necessity to combat "criminals". The "problem" of crime seems to have become so necessary as to expand the surveillance capabilities so that Carnivore then was changed in name and function to increase and scope such as to be named Omnivore (will eat anything, in other words). Yet the massive surveillance state that those in those positions of social engineering truly desired was not achievable under existing laws until this magnificent destruction of the Twin Towers and The Pentagon occurred, leaving America ready for 20 years of warfare against enemies such as civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq whose death toll has reached in hundreds of thousands since the onset of this war. The casualties of Americans who have since been covertly assassinated probably reaches a high number although of course I can only gauge that by how many people I have known who were "alternative" and not fake who have since died by mysterious illnesses and accidents and far before their time should have expired.

But that is theorizing and I will try not to let the mind control glue my brain into diversions.

The laws that separated the powers of various governmental agencies such as The FBI and The CIA had to be eliminated and turned into a more centralized form of surveillance capability. The FBI and CIA were also restricted to the "red tape" procedures of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) which allowed US Governmental agencies to conduct international surveillance which had to be approved of in compartmentalized segments of the government. Once the Twin Towers were eviscerated, the agencies could then combine under the PATRIOT ACT and the newly formed Homeland Security Agency and the new National Security Agency to have a global network of surveillance. And voila! Here I am not a terrorist but deemed a "threat" to national security under the bigot racist policies that all administrations have adhered to all my life--the threat to white supremacy and bigots everywhere. They simply cannot allow freedom to flourish for certain people. History has proven this with the Jim Crow Laws and the KKK offsetting the liberation of slaves, and etc the examples are plenty especially in the United States, where all these new-fangled technologies are allowing for "progress" to be limited to white supremacy and the covert stifling of people "like me" whatever that means--not "allowed" to compete. But my ideas are still being stolen by white supremacist "liberal" Nazis who are famous for their flowery bs speeches and posturing which people flock to because there are no other alternatives to grasp onto in the public realm--all are being silenced or are already dead from these nefarious covert assassination programs (I have barely survived and the entire time of fighting to heal from poison murder attempts the thugs in H-wood and in the political highest levels have had me tortured and denied health care and THEN poisoned endlessly and daily while fighting to rid my body of poison without any health care or support system whatsoever.)

But back to the point--I am under strong and horrible "mind control" effect as I always am while I fight to type these posts out.

I believe, to try to get to the point, that the function of Greenwald and of Snowden is to divert the attention away from the real history of internet and electronic communications to the point of the NSA and not to the fact that this kind of massive surveillance had been in full operation under the FBI and undoubtedly other agencies for years before the NSA was introduced as a real government agency, officially sanctified with the precious duty of surveilling the entire population for the safety and security of the State against terrorists. As many other targets have mentioned, the surveillance is being used to target and discriminate against civilians who have nothing to do with terrorism, but rather out of racist or other policies where by only a select few remain "at the top" and no one dare threaten their hegemony unless they are fully integrated into the programming to enhance only white supremacy. Thus the minorities elected into these various offices and positions of celebrity status are some of the most violent threatening actors in these Nazi-ordered teleportation attacks upon me. As in, #46 is going to appoint another white supremacist anti-Semitic white supremacy enabler into the Supreme Court. Being black and female is far removed from the actual symbolic gesture and the reality also of the gesture is to ameliorate any criticism and then to continue on with the same old as usual but just with a few smatterings of black and brown intermixed with the Nazi white hues. All following orders.


Greenwald and Snowden are a diversion, and I thought of this while I was sick and sleeping (always sick in this detox state and endless abuse which is making any healing more than impossible). The diversion is that Greenwald keeps claiming in this lecture that "everyone who approached me from Congress said that they had never heard of any of this"...etc etc his repetition of this is to pound down that the surveillance domination of the government imposed upon the public is more-or-less a function of a post 9/11 scenario imposed by the government for purposes of surveillance only and control. 

That perhaps 9/11 was a part of the integration of these various agencies hitherto not "allowed" to conduct such massive surveillance is left silenced because the diversion is to point attention to the post 9/11 politics rather than that which brought upon this current state of affairs of mass international and global surveillance operations (which I am subject to and am being tortured by--the operations of attack and surveillance are 24/7 and seamlessly globalized by now).

The agencies, in other words, the FBI the CIA and other offices which had been operating prior to the NSA could not collude until there was such a state of emergency that the country had "no choice" under a state of terror and chaos but to allow anything to thwart another 9/11 attack. My thoughts are nothing really new as these are deemed "conspiracy theories" by "nutcases" on the nutjob circuit (aka Alex Jones and company). Of course many take them seriously and really the first time I ever heard of microchip implants was in a ranting Alex Jones clip on the internet--and HE WAS RIGHT but he was not the first to have exposed this only the most loud and thus, I got a brief glimpse and thought it was never going to happen to ME while it already was in full operation upon ME by everyone else around me.


To say that this mass surveillance state is the product of the NSA is to omit the reality that the agencies were really yearning for any reason to integrate so that this mass surveillance global economy could thrive. That is my point, I think it not too far-fetched at all or Nutjob conspiracy-theory crazy whatsoever. Just listen to Greenwald in that lecture. He has been used as a kind of cloaking device to shield the former activities, that I believe is one of the "uses" that Greenwald has produced in order to cover-up the more insidious history of mass surveillance by various government agencies but what was circulated as professional knowledge was the Carnivore FBI software that was used to "catch and surveil CRIMINALS", which in turn had to be altered in name to become TERRORISTS and then again, voila! How readily the public has accepted both the NSA and the Greenwald deception that these agencies perhaps had no agenda in the first place and that 9/11 and it's endless decades of war is somehow justified. Greenwald helps in justifying it all, as does Snowden although his function is very applicable to the very threat of this huge surveillance apparatus of course he does not disclose the various technologies that he undoubtedly was privy to learning about such as microchip implant technology and the kind of surveillance I am subjected to. I have been told by the celebrities attacking me that they can "see through my eyes" and the microchip implants allow them to literally see exactly what I am seeing because of some combination of the implants in my brain and my eyesight and vision. That is the extent to how much surveillance is possible, in addition to the "thought mining" technologies.

It all makes the Snowden "expose" very watered down in comparison, and that also is deliberately a ruse to divert from the horrible reality that these celebrities and politicians literally drool like the sadistic parasites that they are when they get a chance to absolutely bore down and attack at the most sick and vulnerable moments I am in physical distress from healing and using all of this to try to crush and break my body, spirit and soul into conformity like all the other minority minions who service them like slaves  with a smile as they continue to help foment an absolutely Nazi and white supremacist racist technocracy where they get to play wealthy-enabler roles and they are happy to do it.

Racism, really, is a huge component of this massive surveillance state for the reasons I have written of and have been writing of for years. I used to compete against these Nazi expletives and beat them and in many various forms of competition and so they had to poison me with hardening poison and insert all this junk into my body and then steal ideas and this has been the main reason for all these attacks upon me. The minorities who attack me do so with the most vicious hate only because they are instructed to do so, and are obedient slaves in mentality but their roles in public as celebrities is to flaunt their "independence" and "fight" for anti-racism. What a sick joke. 

All designed to further the one road to the New Rome Nazi 4th Reich.

Carnivore & More of the Circus.

...and what a 3-ring it is, veritably. I was listening to a lecture which popped up on my YouTube channel while I was cooking and my hands were immersed in wet food so I could not change the channel from what I had chosen earlier. On came this video which I had not selected but didn't have clean hands to stop or change. Why would I want to change a Glen Greenwald lecture? I decided that he was aware of more than he claims to be aware of the State apparatus and I believe that he is also aware, if only vaguely, of my surveilled and torture MK ULTRA/microchipped/teleported situation. I have also been confronted with many scores of Edward Snowden videos which were part of no algorithm on my part nor have I ever chosen to subscribe to his channel, or if I did only for a brief glimpse and then I eventually decided that there was too much amiss for my suspension of belief to kick in to all aspects of his situation and story. I also have tried to be my own version of a whistleblower and am promptly ignored and tortured for having written anything, which is always the case. Not a single pundit out there (mostly or almost all white males with a scattering of white females) has ever done a single thing to expose my situation nor help me nor stop the perpetrators, nor their apparently huge networks of ardent fans so concerned about surveillance but none apparently can be concerned about this huge breech of all human rights violations when it comes to me. I thus try to avoid all video exposure to their endless rantings about how they are heroic and rescuing privacy an the First Amendment when it's a publicity photo shoot but when it's really controversial as in helping me, none of them can even begin to question that authoritarian stance because either secretly or openly they fully agree with the premise of oppressing me and people "like me" instead of white entitlement, which is what they are really descrying in terms of technocratic authoritarianism.

and as I ended the cooking blitz and sat to wait for it all to cook in the one and only cooking apparatus I own (which has been saturated with deteriorating chemicals by the terrorist minions of the fascist Nazis and their ilk who endlessly smirk and laugh as they order this to be done, and when they teleport me and I describe how my home has been made filthy and deteriorated while they show me the finery of all they have whored into their possession, they scoff and smile in glee--I add this because it all fits into the surveillance and torture package that no one, including Snowden or Greenwald or any of the media heroes of information society will ever expose or actually stick their necks out to uncover. But just adding this to the situation about my personal situation and the horseradish that was being spewed by Greenwald because.....

Yes, I have actually tried to be a normalized and socialized member of "the Matrix" and I took graduate classes in Criminal Justice from 2002 until a few years later (the studies ended prior to the Snowden NSA whistleblowing media rapture that is still reverberating while I remain silenced and no information is coming out about me....oh no not from any of "them" involved with this grandiose exposure of surveillance and the threat to the white supremacy host of perpetrators and liars. Yes....when I first heard about Snowden's so-called "exposure" to NSA information collection I was in no way surprised because I HAD STUDIED AND BEEN EXPOSED TO THIS VERY SAME INFORMATION ALBEIT FROM A DIFFERENT SOFTWARE DATA COLLECTING SYSTEM THAN WHAT SNOWDEN DESCRIBED--AND I HAD ALREADY STUDIED THIS YEARS BEFORE THE 2013 SNOWDEN EXPLOSION IN GRADUATE SCHOOL. What Greenwald states in a superlative fashion as if he is a maverick leading the charge against the enemy surveillance state, instead of kind of misleading the public on this information, in this video above is that "no one had heard about this kind of mass surveillance until I exposed what Snowden had reported"--or that is a paraphrase but not the exact wording. I am lazy to a point as typing is always fraught with endless struggle to pound words out and then backspace and retype due to hacking malware and obstruction. I want to emphasize that either Greewald is lying is is oblivious to the fact that this kind of mass surveillance had in fact been introduced into Congress as a subject of concern, and when Greenwald quotes the many Congressional members as telling him in confidence, "We had never heard of this kind of surveillance until we read it in The Guardian when you published it". The repetition of "We never heard of this before" and "We never knew about this" Greenwald states like it is a solid instead of a vaporous smoke screen. 


The name of the software that we studied in my "Electronics Crimes" class was termed CARNIVORE by the FBI, which used this software for covert surveillance and total data collection as early as 1997 or around 2000. What is more, is that in my class I remember reading in a peer-reviewed article on the subject of Carnivore that members of Congress had appealed in protest against the usage of this FBI surveillance system, termed Carnivore (up to that point it was the official name, but by the time my class researched this the software had been updated and the name changed to something like Omnivore, because ostensibly the system had expanded in scope and bytes of information collected and demographics and etc etc from just a Carnivore to an Omni as in a large scope in size.

As I recall, and how I wish I still had access to a research data base like EBSCO HOST which is phenomenal, but being outside of the US and no access to a library that offers such a system (most libraries in the US offer nearly effete database systems for research that I found almost impossible to navigate  plus they were probably hacked so I was blocked. But not for EBSCO HOST which is only available to people with money to enter into institutions and the like--which is information that should be free and open to the public as the internet is rife with misleading information at times it is very hard to find accuracy on the WWW without access to a real research database. 

Thusly, I can only write a tentative memory as to the article I read over 10 years ago (plus endless drugging and torture and violence aimed at me so celebrities can torture and extract information and ideas out of me but then tell me I"m stupid and a sex slave with zero human rights as they profit off the concepts I studied and have written in my attempt to navigate the utter chaos that they generate and create most willingly and gladly in order to obtain undeserved promotions for endless monopolies of power. Again, no attempts by me to expose this or be a whistleblower has amounted to anything but censure and torture, silence and complicity by the media who know about my situation and the politicians also involved.


I cannot remember if the news media was made aware of these  FBI surveillance programs but certainly congress was aware, and you can see this in the Wikipedia article below which states that members of Congress did hold some discussion and debate on this very topic, just at the onset of the Bush II Administration (meaning the acceptance had not become an ossified center of corrupted acceptance which it is now and that has spread into the general population). In fact, the other students in my class who were mostly involved in law enforcement said, in terms of the mass surveillance, that they had "nothing to hide" and thus nothing to fear, and that this surveillance was necessary to "find the terrorists" hiding in the gated suburbs of privileged white society.


Saturday, January 29, 2022

Similar to the pending legislation, Ban Congressional Members from Trading Stock Act. What MUST be done immediately to salvage Democracy in the United States. Sever The foreign and domestic "Dark Money" connection collusion to H-wood + media entertainment and news, not excluding online presence such as YouTube "influencers". All are more than intimately tied to top political branches of Government and Executive Branch leaders who in turn rely on promotions for their campaigns, and then later entertainment contracts because they must entertain in order to obtain endless attention so they can run (or their children/wives) indefinitely for decades. The actors and influencers in turn get endless top levels of promotion for their output as the competition dwindles in both arenas of the power circus triangulation (aimed at killing true Democracy and Freedom).

 The term you all are familiar with is "insider trading". It is known as a strictly financial principle of corruption and lies and profiteering off both in the stock market. That same principle extends into the media orbit of influence and control over people's opinions and choices on a personal and political panorama of belief and resultant action. As I have been writing of for years and years, the connection between H -wood and top levels of Executive US political leadership is highly controlled by foreign influence and the trading on this inside level means endless collusion and financial gain in billions of dollars with mind control programming enticing people into believing in the lies that these programmers dispense on a daily and yearly basis. The result is a total hegemonic rotation of the same actors and politicians who then intertwine in both arenas as an exchange. Power and money becomes entrenched in these same circles and the nepotism extends into younger generations either from the same genetic family or "the family" of familiars (as in the Nazi fascist organization which operates like a "family" fighting against anyone who disagrees with them as an "enemy") in it's more internal inter-circular, interconnective and orgiastic cohesion. 


In many of the news outlet coverage of this recently introduced legislation, the photo most generated is of the thing on the right-hand side of this video photo above. I have other names for it (i.e. oinker of the house) but, won't use that term.  What is amazing is that under Obama's benevolent emerging fascist dictatorship regime, another similar Bill was passed which forbade Stock trading by politicians but it "had no teeth" and characteristically had huge gaping holes through which all including the oinker above could easily slip through in their greasy under-handed operations to graft and steal and rob using insider trading through their elected official positions of having insider knowledge about looming threats to businesses and the economy (and FOR COVID MEDICINES AND PPP, prior to the onset of the pandemic within a sliver of time).

The absolute corruption and the programming to lure entertainers and politicians alike into this fascist media scheme, which I have been unfortunately privy to in a collateral extent of having to be teleported and tortured with death threats (which, because the oinker above introduced is now becoming a nearly routine threat to me because she has allowed it and used it herself, because I was defending my Constitutional Rights which all of these leaders all stampede on a routine and regular basis--as well as all Human Rights that the UN Charter also expresses--as these same expletives make speeches at the UN regarding the rights of themselves ("women" as they call it) during the #MeToo! bs fiasco of removing Jews from top positions of being producers so THEY can instead obtain studios and produce their OWN movies with NO COMPETITION and all ensconced into a putrefaction of no critical reviews that are worth any salt and them endlessly being put at top media positions. Replete with Europ-a fascist Nazis behind them all pushing them into fascist genocidal mentality and practice through the teleportation and torture programming that they have embraced for years with no opposition to the politicians who join on in to be included in the media glorification into their own congealed monopolistic holds on the power structure in that circus arena).

I have been writing and writing about this situation of course "only" to the creeple intimately involved in this entire scheme, so anyone opposed to this take-over is of course exempt from reading what I am now writing. But I have a suspicion that there may be leaks and what I write is being filtered out somehow to people who actually want a country with quality movies and quality politicians instead of the same raggedy old faces appearing and contaminating the country for decades without a change. Oh, the seemingly apparent "change" will be either their children running for office in a system of nepotism, or the younger who have been fully indoctrinated into this system who have been handed everything for their comfort and exploitation from birth so they consider it their birth right. I have my example of this from the younger generation of Nazis out of Europ-a-land who come to Thailand to flex their fascist Imperialistic muscles over the Thais who have also been fully indoctrinated into slavish mentality for generations from birth. 

As I have had to witness the prostitution of a country by a Europ-a fascist force (which began before the 19th Century) and long before Hitler and his group--but the people I observe now have also incorporated that philosophy into their every action taken against me and their every condescending "loving" action against the Thais--which I see replicated in H-wood Americans being handed expensive but very flimsy and cheap rewards for selling out the country.  The politicians are likewise as greedy and duplicitous as the actors as they exchange their hate of me, some symbol to them by now as all they do is throw hate cliches at me endlessly that are based on Nazi propaganda from the Holocaust time and now death threats now that the top United States politicians have conjoined with this force under this "New Day" regime of Joe who is now a threat to the entire planet with this pending Ukraine War and nuclear weapons' threats by Russia which I have only heard one time on a news source--yes the Russians have already threatened nuclear weapons as an assault if any engagement occurred. Look at Democracy Now! in the last few days (I am too lazy to look it up, maybe it was last Thursday or Friday that this was included in the general news). None of that has been mentioned that I am aware of on any other news source, and in fact the threat of war is being diminished by many other news sources. I believe this is almost becoming a certainty but I hope I am wrong. The threat remains of this current administration and it's leaders. Is the Speaker of the House elected by The People? NO, this is an internal operation of the House of Representatives who hold an internal election. As so many of the major news sources have shown through simply adding the oinker of the House's photo on every article referring to this odious vile thing that has been elected into this position for what seems like aeons, the insider trading and corruption is nearly officially sanctioned behind closed doors. The influence of this putrification into power has extended into death threats aimed at me for criticism of the actors and their poor taste in art and music which I write of under a drugged up state (yesterday with teleportation skits while I was sleeping in a very sickly healing state from more detox from murderous poisons they and people like them all over the world poured into my food all my life--fighting still to remove it as they threaten me with death in these sleeping skits while I so desperately need to HEAL AND SLEEP peacefully).


How to disentangle the actors from political activism and ambition and vice-versa. Politicians appear on entertainment gigs all the time now. Another such horrid fake is a current lawmaker in Congress who has appeared multiple times on tv shows, celebrity fashion events, as I wrote just last week. This is one of those ardent "liberal" "Progressives" who have great entertainment value who appear regularly as some advocates of the poor and oppressed. Her face glaring into the screen making creepy looks that no one who wants publicity would ever include on anything, have appeared regularly on the top of my Facebook page and for years her videos of her dancing at her undergraduate stint at some Boston university dancing and swaying in a sexualized version for some music video--portending the seduction dance for the political/entertainment posturing that has resulted as this "liberal" who is always "fighting" for the oppressed and for women "of color". Happily but very evil engaged in fully supporting white privilege in this torture scheme to teleport and mind control and threaten and rape and mutilate and steal from and destroy ME AND ANYONE ELSE THEY DON'T LIKE WHO DISAGREES WITH THEM if it will help her to obtain her goal of running for President in 2024, which I have read is her claim to power looming as another threat to Democracy in the future. This is the "younger" generation working to help "women of color" and operating as a chief symbol of the former bartender working class advocate.


People may be fooled by the innocent victim role that she and her ilk on that side of the partisan divide play to play that role that H-wood also delivers on a daily and annual basis of "good fighting evil". The oppressed is always depicted as being spotless and pure and only "good". 


The only way for such a piece of legislation to be passed, banning politicians from participating in media circus events except for news stories or interviews, and vice-versa--that entertainers cannot run for office--must have the backing of scrupulous research and journalistic investigation and that too is lacking because I have been assaulted by leaders of MSNBC for instance and other journalists at high levels are involved in this scheme too. 

There must be proof of collusion and corruption and the intertwined rings of domination (aka "power") are so interconnected and reliant upon each other in a familiar sort of embrace (incestuous really).

More emphasis must be placed on funding absolutely independent journalism. 

I was threatened with death last night because I wrote a very drugged up and sick post on my Facebook page yesterday using only initials because one of the most fastidious attackers upon me heaping violence and hate upon me using these ultra-violent Europ-a gang stalkers (and in America it's the same violence and it's as odious in the United States as with the post Nazi generations of Europ-a-land who are revoltingly ugly and nasty if you just strip away all the lucre they have stolen from all their millions of dead victims they stole from in the past 70 years plus all the centuries of Imperialism and theft of the world's economy through plunder and murder acquisition).


I was threatened with death for criticizing his musical taste. Part of my biting sarcasm I briefly and not very directly aimed at him was in part due to 8 years or so of his mutilation of my body through these death squad groups, which comprise mostly "brown and black" minions performing the more nasty and filthy acts of destruction who are parallel to the "black and brown" "minority" celebrities and now politicians who ardently do all they can to fully embrace and support the white supremacy paradigm which has lavishly heaped them with mansions and money and rewards for selling off sleaze, obedience, support of the problems of white folk who they adorn with showers of love and advice as they are leaned upon to give advice to their problems--and etc as props and support. That's the role this "brown" politician plays as she attacks me, now running for president like 45th who used this group to obtain his power bid back in 2016.

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Joe: Came in to the podium for his bid for power back in 2020 stumbling and stammering. After one year of being the American version of "absolute power", he Is about to start World War III and is roaring like the Nazi Lion in the Demons' Den of the Oval Office where just another antic to assume power has played off. He couldn't wait to press those buttons to begin the next war machine profiteering campaign. When people were "scared" that Trump had the codes to Nuclear launches, what they really should have been concerned about was seemingly innocuous, old stammering man, fascist adherent disguised in Sheep's clothing Old vicious bigot, racist Hawk Joe and his minority entourage of minions. The United States MUST change leadership IMMEDIATELY and get rid of the old guard of the Nazi wave (aka "Baby Boomers" who were swept up in the huge increase of living standards to the point that their greed and destruction of the US has no boundaries any longer; it began of course with the economic policy of Deregulation and now turned into every facet of usurpation possible of the wealth of the nation). Not just for 2022 elections but for the 2024 Presidential Race--Joe and Kamala (must not be allowed to congratulate The House Speaker any longer for participating in violent mind control operations out on me so she and her cronies can all drain whatever illicit funds they are capable of grasping along with these politico-celebrity haters and aspirant fascist politicians themselves. There MUST be a change of presidential leadership completely where all these older generations along with their younger successive waves are not the only ones vying for top position as they have completely monopolized the recurring rotation of political leadership contenders. This is also true in the H-wood endless rotation monopoly of the revolving awards circuit where the exact SAME actors "win" rigged and fascist-dominated and controlled "Awards" ceremonies with huge financial boons that all the criminal culprits get to share alike (with more contracts being handed out continuously).

 As I have had to be privy to famous celebrity and politico and indeed journalist/media/youtuber "influencer" political commentary people and the unmasking of their media disguises for these many years of teleportation torture "madness" as some would glibly call it, along with the other layers of the bs cake that they throw crumbs out to continuously whet the appetites for death, hate and destruction to the ravenous-for-bs-public: all trying to get a bigger piece of the crumbling American Pie, all trying to devour all resources and profits before the next snorting pig ape next to them gets more than they can grab and steal out of the coffers of the dwindling wealth of the United States (but what is remaining is going into the pockets of the ultra-wealthy, who grasp onto fascism as a form of their ultimate financial and political control over what the Europigapes who are their mentors and trainers already haven't pocketed for their ever-enlarging Nazi 4th Reich operation.

Seeing Joe operate, for I cannot call him President any longer as he has already sent out TWO Congressional representatives to attack me along with virulent strains of the media 4th Reich hate organization disguised as pleasant and plastic-coated Humanitarians operating to quell all kinds of unpleasant evil-doers on film.


This must be stopped finally, these corrupt politicians who have stolen so much from the American political scene and economy and handed it out to their corporate and foreign benefactors and donors. 

Yet who will do this if people like me are being targeted and tortured and none of these "benevolent" media commentators who also know exactly what is happening to me as they also participate in the crime and leave it all silent so they too can have their own share of the money and monopolies? 


It is again a very hard struggle to pound this out and to think clearly as the attacks are multiple now and I must fight to get every word out. My "memory" is being badly affected and my vocabulary is now limited in scope to basic standards. 


But I am seeing that this current president who the public chose in desperation during a pandemic where no solutions were being offered while people were losing everything; he is continuing the policies and politics of the former administration in terms of pushing more of the American populace down into abject powerlessness and poverty or worse, the policy of a two-tiered economic system as well as the fascist Nazi leadership which spans both of the Parties and appears as a jolly deadlock that is like a boxing match for every controversial piece of legislation being passed. This equates to which Party and group is going to get more of the money being bandied about, and that really is the entire gist of the debate debacles in Congress from my perspective of what really drives the power structures and all their rhetorical blathering (which is refined due to their Harvard and other Ivy League institutional educational standards).

The Post Office is one such area of controversy now that Joe is retaining the services of the man Trump appointed to be Post Master General who has delayed services, upped prices and deteriorated the Post Office in a way that is unrecognizable to some who grew up with a standard of excellence. This of course affects the ability of people who are on middle tier economic and lower levels to function as well as those who can afford to pay the expedited higher-priced private firms such as FedEx. 

And in fact, Joe is promoting people now that the limelight has somewhat shifted from his nominations for highest position to this impending war scene in the Ukraine, surely a huge promotional boost to his image as being a tough guy and also of course the industrial-military complex must necessarily have an endless war in order for the multi-billion dollar grafting profiteering industry must thrive and crank out weapons and wars on a quarterly basis and Joe has already lost I think it was one quarter of the US without war and now they are making up in this new war looming on the horizon of "The New Day" as Joe called his old regime change of guard on the first day of his Inauguration.

Observation on how "mind control" technology was used on me today in tandem with various terrorist actions while buying food at the Tops Market at Central Festival Phuket.

 The first stage of the attack was that the item I had expressly wanted to purchase had no price tags on the shelf. All had been removed. The item in question was bananas (and other items as well where prices had also been removed but ONLY for the items I had wanted to buy--the exact brand and location but the rest of the items all had prices listed on the shelves).

I tiny scribble was marked on the code sticker on the bunch of bananas. It was supposed to be some price. There were no assistants or workers anywhere (they normally are there in the vegetable/fruit stand areas to weigh items) but along with no prices, a store filled with stalkers doing their endless repetitive themes, so the store needed these workers and they also had been removed. There was a Thai male and only he was around to answer any question. I have never seen him before at that market, and his response was to hastily say, "The price is here" pointing to the scribble. I told him for the 2nd time I can't read it. He pointed again and said, "it's right here" looking at me with a smirk and glowing parasitic gnawing stalker stance (predatory). I told him I need him to tell me the price, he said like I was ridiculous: "it's xxx" amount and I began to say things that I had not thought of, were not anything I would have said and I told him as if excusing myself for asking him the price, "I wear glasses but I am too lazy to get them out". No glasses would have deciphered the scribbled price that looked like an @ and nothing like a price--it was scribbled in blue pen but of a very small pen point at that--and faint. I began smiling like it was all silly and I was almost "apologizing" for asking the price. After walking around the store I realized what I had wanted to say which was, "I can't read the price and that is why I am asking you" but I was just blasted by the tech. This same man was gone immediately after this encounter. There were then other Thai men who told me "no understan" (which is policy in that Tops market that English for employees is compulsory as this is a prime tourist market catering almost exclusively to English-speaking tourists--it is supposed to be the "world class" shopping area.

In the other Tops at another section of this multi-block mega mall area (near my condo) the same thing happened: the prices were removed from items I wanted to buy. I had to search for anyone to help as all stations were vacated where there was any scanning device. 

I could feel my brain simply going into another sphere--if you will-- of incomprehensibility and being blocked from accessing my very own thoughts and instead saying something with silly giggling that could be construed as being discrediting---myself.

Of course another factor of the "success" of this endless type of attack, which is like an endemic pandemic when it comes to trying to have professional conversations on the phone. I can't access my thoughts. I am under attack by the terrorist on the other end because all of my phone calls are diverted to agents of this hate organization. I can't think clearly to retort to the hateful comments that these people make with sneering contempt into the phone-just as this guy was sneering and glowing with the hormones of violence while the entire store was teeming with people following every stalking protocol so it was clear the 80% of the people in the store were there for this stalking purpose. 

My eyes were tearing almost continuously--especially while driving. My nose/eyes/throat was under constant attack as if I were "sick". All created by this microchip implant in my throat and wherever else all the other microchips have been inserted into my body and brain.

Monday, January 24, 2022

This past week, in the last segment of a 10-day fasting/cleanse; While I was passed-out from toxic shock, literally unconscious, and could not wrap my cap/layers of material/shower cap/scarf pinned into all to create a nearly seal-tight thingy upon my head to thwart the hair attack (leaving me balding on the top of my head with hair falling out continuously--not due to naturally-occurring problems but due to chemicals by terrorists being sprayed into my hair. This last week I have spent two day literally passing in and out of consciousness as horrific poisons are loosening from the cement structure embedded into my back/spine/hips/skull/legs/feet, etc running a course into all conduits of my body and cavities and etc. As I lay in utter sickness, too sick to even bend to do the body security things that I have been doing to stop the utter destruction of my toes/fingers/hair and I cannot protect my entire body and skin area from the endless toxins that are put on my body EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and then toxic stinking sprays are on my blankets/sheets and sleepwear upon waking as well as black and blue marks on my thighs and etc and slashes into my skin. My hair had been growing out for the 2 months of me protecting my hair...but this last week they literally chemically slashed out 1/5 of my total hair.

 My hair had become more lush, the balding spot which I think is now permanent had at least begun to grow little tufts which were thin, weak and paltry but at last growing. I woke up two days ago with my hair reeking of stinking substances, so greasy I have had to wash it three days in a row to get the stinking grease out. The balding spot had enlarged during that time from the 2-month condition it had been prior to my fastidious attempts to protect my hair, which had been successful until I began to faint due to toxic shock and detox during my last fast. (As usual the chemicals remain horrible inside my body so I must constantly continue this 11 year effort--it's going on 11 years by now of that combined with torture, rape so the poisons were pumped deeper into my body, and stress severely reduced immune response and stress factors leading to reduced body capability to heal as these celebrities mercilessly abused and tortured me nightly and the terrorist "gang stalker" death squads took over during the day (and night as well if they could get into my room). Always electronic torture accompanies this with the through-wall technologies (tears pouring from eyes, heart palpitations that are deadly and could kill potentially, nervous system attacks, etc etc etc making me choke while eating or drinking due to the microchip implant in my throat--which they tweak all the time while I am sleeping so my throat constricts and this makes a horrid nasty noise which wakes me up; and the terrorists use this to create sleep disruptions in addition to torture during my most healing theta deep sleep patterns where these terrorist parasite celebrities inflict their rape and hate and abuse skits with death, violence and endless threats of making me homeless and always surrounded by groups insulting and abusing me.

So, trying endlessly for years to try to begin to comprehend the system being inflicted upon me and in an attempt to defend myself all I have been able to do plus years of plastering all I could afford (not much monthly, so the process required over two years of monthly purchases at the hardware store and the dollar store to try to stop the mechanical arms from prying open the countless panels and tiles the cover this tiny studio room.

But they got to me and the hair I had managed to make almost look normal and feel like hair, it required great effort for months to get to that point--they then smeared while I was literally too ill to defend myself--such horrible poisons that what had been down to my hips is now thin strands barely covering my scalp and hanging down to my shoulders--they removed at least one fifth of my hair. 

I tried to write about this two days ago but the terrorists kept deleting parts of sentences and mixing sentences around into various other paragraphs.

While all of the physical deformation was going on I was being abused by the expletive woman and her expletive thug on their endless power trip for their gratification and promotion as they, like all the rest, kept comparing what they had attained from all their illegal and legal activities to what they illegally destroyed in my body and home--while having my hair damaged so badly it's now like a thin patch once again on top of my head with balding patches and it all feels like it's a permanent condition, the hair is so damaged not just from YEARS of chemical destruction this organization has forced into my body but DECADES OF IT. But the worst began once the Europigapes of this acting group which fixates upon plastic surgeries and on their appearances got a hold of damaging and destroying my body (and everything else they were "permitted" to steal and take and destroy from me thanks to our great leaders who also participate in this crime against me, against human nature, against society, and against The United States. People may not recognize what a threat it is to the United States and I keep trying to make this point more clear in case people endlessly assume that they and their kinfolk are going to just benefit indefinitely from a system this confining and filled with vice and greed and selfishness and lack of real competence in handling responsibly this type of power over other lives.

Sunday, January 23, 2022

More mind screw teleportation terrorist psycho-techno-terror this morning: Similar in tone and texture (that bs electro-techno-terror acoustic pitch and heavy thud texture) to that Mitch McConnell statement floating around about the difference between African-American voters and not exactly "Americans". Yes, stupid bigot British idiot, I too can listen to Country Western Music from MY COUNTRY (which I wish you and your ilk would get the Hell out of).

 "Mitch McConnell: Black people vote at similar rates to 'Americans' | ABC7." January 21, 2022.

I was listening to country western music this morning, doing my early morning routine as I "heard" the hissing pissing voices coming forth from the "Voice-to-skull" hissing terrorist techno apparatus afflicting my subconscious--the "inner ear" subliminal messages which can also be heard--coming from the next batch out of London who are friends with the nasty former due but superficially of a more pleasant sort of insidiously determined to mind-and-bodily-screw-into-an-obsolete-black-hole next crew of hissing sinister performers (famous but odious and repetitive not original or witty or funny, as they are attempting to seem in order to cajole me into trying to sway into their direction--as their awards are on the edge of being either tossed out or being "won" in the rigged Nazi awards system of the media where they have held sway for decades, like all of these hooks and sucking apparatuses endlessly attacking me out of the entertainment hell hole).

And thus, I "heard" from the expletive idiots:

"How can 'Jew" like Country Western Music?"

The English propensity to endlessly categorize people into the nice and cozy boxes that keep them in particular automatically encrusted into top positions of power for lifetime luxury are propped up with millennia of such types of racist and bigoted (and sexist) characterizations. 

Need I explain that I am an American listening to American music? 

These are people, or one of them, the male, blonde and out for an Oscar and every other kind of award for his movie which I think at least the introduction of the movie emulates the Steven Spielberg formula opening sort of juvenile playful depiction (how can "Jews" make such American good movies?)

This bigoted dude who depicts Freemason and Illuminati symbolism in film after film, an absolute devotee of his KKK and Nazi secret society (but not called those terms for his English societies which are old and have nice stolid names. 

The symbolism I have observed, or analyzed as such, involves anti-Semitic content in at least one film--but I won't name the film, this newest terrorist teleporting me with his either old or revived relationship with a woman whose film is also out (she is not the lead role) and waiting for awards as the greedy sleazy and usurperers come to torture me as they have not stopped endlessly in rotation for the past few months during the holiday season for nominations and now for the actual awards. 

But the level of mind screw definitions that are absolutely dehumanizing, qualifying all activities as part of a class or race (and gender probably) but with hostile animosity and hissing contempt that is at the root of ALL racist propaganda but exposed in it's more pure poisonous form for me to observe as to the actual history of how these creepazoids have operated to denigrate and destroy personalities for their hegemony for millennium. Because they are English-speakers I can understand this plainly but not so much with French or even Germans when they attempt to do the same. 

It is thus difficult for me to differentiate which group of Europigape racists is the "worst" but at this point I find that the English terorists who have attacked me (I must qualify this definition) truly win that prize of being the most acerbic of racists with the most negative of hateful racist remarks that they try to use as recurrent themes to put people down and "in their place". The main point that they emphasize time and again is that they claim they are inherently entitled to being handed everything and everyone else is of a low status except for them--only by birth and race right. This now is the crucial crux of the modern fight for which they read Mein Kampf ("My Fight") behind the closed doors of their secret societies.

Now, I would try to explain how I interpreted the symbolism of one of these English filmmakers and actors (either and both) and I can't say that the quality of his film is lacking but the content and the Nazi/Illuminati/Freemason approach which is part of the attempt to destroy all "new" concepts such as what the United States constantly pursues in it's quest to defy old traditions such as English monarchist white supremacy (equates to KKK, White Anglo-Saxon, etc etc etc).



P.s. psycho mind fu** scumbag filmmaker/actor/producer/mind fuck operator from England with your racist subliminal symbolism embedded in your movies that I have managed to get through (not many of them): I do not follow the "Jewish" religion. I have only called myself "jewish" while I was in Germany just to see the reactions from the pigapes there. In America I never defined myself and have also been exempted much from "Jewish" society. My family never practiced the religion while I was with them. We never identified ourselves as such in society or participated in religious events. 

Nevertheless the title with it's adjoining violence that you must perpetrate due to your need to first overtake the United States and turn it into a nice and cozy more violent dependent colonized race-based terror colony for your usurpation of all possible (happening already and seems like it's almost completed at this time just waiting for the final coup of the US Government) but---you pig ape whores must must Must categorize me into your categories and then consequently everything I attempt, do, say and try to perform on this planet is confined to your categorizations of what is allowed and how far I can go as a human being, my limitations are now clearly defined by YOU as VIOLENCE is being constantly imposed upon me in order to use Pavlovian conditioning in order to stop my attempt to find my joy in living, my highest standards and indeed my highest qualities to which I could attain in a field of endeavor. In addition that the racist quality of having a black and white divide between which women are desirable according to race standards and this contract of using torture and mind control technologies has restricted my ability to find any kind of male partner who is not trying to exploit me (meaning abuse and discard) for the purposes of his self-advancement (most of them have a female wife or lover in attendance at these rape/drugging sessions). 

All of this has been endlessly foisted upon me. Today I got another real taste of the racism inherent in these creeple when they are set loose without restraint by these technologies that they treat like toys and fun games for the purposes of control and destruction. 

The mind control and torture toys are constantly being created/manufactured illicitly but definitely condoned by highest political priority and handed out to what seems like every level of society of scumbag hater so more and more and more people unawares will be tortured on these subliminal levels without having the foggiest idea that they are being manipulated like this subliminally and subconsciously by these truly malignant forces of antiquated hate-based racism and white supremacy and sexism (and rape culture).


There goes****My Drinkin Problem****stomping away with steam coming out of her/his seemingly human nostrils and his/her horns up underneath the human disguise..

"Hank Williams III - My Drinkin Problem". onebigdaddy623. January 5, 2011.

This is the type of f-u song that appeals but maybe u don't want to get too close to the source (watching a vid is close enuf):

I am being hacked/blocked from joining Instagram on any attempt, whether from my Facebook account or trying to use my new email address--if I do all in a "new" version using a "new" email address, the page just simply won't go into the processing function and I click on "sign up" or whatever, the blue tab and nothing literally happens. As for signing up with my Facebook account, all the attempts are met by a circle of "your account is already being used" with red letters and no access, to "your password won't work" to all kinds of similar blocks. No access whatsoever to Instagram, where perhaps I could see more clearly what the people attacking me really are doing and where they are. They are trying to hide their real activities from me. I.e. they may take their "vacations" to Thailand and also assist in damaging my home and stalking me or getting their new mansions in Phuket and they have to hide this information which may be on their Instagram accounts. I literally cannot access anything on Instagram (also on Blogger and all blogs from that service are also all blocked now).

And the vicious violent teleportation rotation of ultra-famous wealthy English has subsided for one night. But of course to return when they need more promotions after this last pass-around of me as their target. No support as usual from anybody, but "everyone" participates in one way or another in gang stalking torture, whether by consent or by compliance and silence.

 There was still a creepy teleportation skit but it was on a scientific sort of dumb sci-fi but dumbed down like I'm supposed to be stoopid type of weird effect about various life force elements and 3-D visual graphics, which is exactly what these creepazoids were projecting into my visual sphere while I was teleported. It didn't have screeching whore pig apes from London swooping down from their vulture/vampire perches trying to compound years of torture --I mean decades along with their pig ape crony Danny Piggyham who has not stopped sucking whatever that rotund and ugly rotten parasite can grasp out of torture and murder of me since 1987--yes, that long ago I met him three times for a time span of less than one hour when he kept accosting me because I was put into a bedsit across the street from him, probably so he could expressly assault me for these contracts. My "crime" was to avoid his drugging and rape attempt (day #1) and his insulting offers for a job (day #2 of assault) and then day #3 was an offer to take care of his flat while he was gone (which I was drugged into compliance to for the amount of time it took him to offer me his keys. I then never entered his flat until supposedly his alarm went off and some female partner of his went to the tiny little job I had to force me into going into his flat using the key he had given me to turn the blaring alarm off. That has been my only contact with this now nearly 40 years of torture and murder attempts and his stealing ideas from me and then creating an entire circle of English, Australian and Canadian and American "A-list" actors into the entire contractual non-stop profiteering torture exploitation slow murder contract. The first day of him drugging me was me already having been drugged to the excess from neighbors and the endless mass already embedded into my body. 


But the vultures and the vampires, the thugs and skanks have joined in and profited off this for years. With the same exact approach towards dismissing my every human right in this "slavery" contract, that I have any right to defend myself is met with utter violence from the masses of street gang stalkers who surround me in the hundreds every time I go shopping--here in Phuket when all the pre-Covid Europigapes were on their Holocaust-derived vacations (and ensuing other tragedies that the West has been feeding off perpetually since ---how many years or centuries has it been?)


Thus the sickness is constant. If it stops for one day, as I was confronted with a stupid kind of graphic display of 3D animation but put into the context that the entire framework of reality could be altered if I clicked on the edge of a graph and real life objects could be altered and substitute life force for real sentient beings. Something weird and anti-science like that but seemingly a fascinating display of absurd dumbing down of scientific principles into insulting intelligence. That is what I was treated to instead of a grim conniving piece of shit from London with the dumb Irish thug in their billion kazillion dollar flat in London telling me that after they have participated with their friend (not saying this directly, but indirectly) who has ensured that I am nearly physically broken, as they then have destroyed my hair (and once again, they did this for the past week while I was literally passed out from toxic shock from detox--I could not wrap my hair in the layers of protection to stop the mechanical arms from damaging my hair and after i was threatened and assaulted I discovered that this skank whore creep blonde thing from London had also ordered that my hair be removed and plastered with stinking grease that can't quite get out because it's also a laboratory manufactured poison and my hair has been removed to a great extent in this last week while I have lain in bed passed on and not able to move to defend myself--to wrap all these many layers of material taping and pinning it to my head--to stop the years of them making my hair damaged and fall out. But I was just subjected to this intelligence insulting form of stupidity instead of utter violence. 

But that they are supposed to rape, torture, destroy and I can't fight back or defend myself. That is their point. The rotten disgusting parmesan-looking old whore piece of shit Dumb Mirrage (I am really getting into "immature" states right now with this name-calling, that is because of this endless violence this pair has been inflicting upon me for years) but---to make this point that my GOVERNMENT under both and including Obama/Clinton/Trump and now Biden--all obscenely racist, including Obama who fully supports white supremacy if he can get a deal out of it and a promotion--of course after he is put into highest office. His friends in H-wood Peele and Key also stealing ideas from my writings and mocking and insulting me--but anyway--they are all so stuffed with the sense that they can get away scott free with all crimes. And my fighting and defending my basic human rights has been obliterated by my American leadership that I detail above and in all accounts the systemic racism of allowing absolute fascist Nazism disguised as benevolent performers to torture, plunder and do whatever they want has been thoroughly welcomed and accepted by all lower levels, which have always allowed this situation to fester on all the lower levels of society as well. 

Thus these criminals all mock and are smug about their absolute hidden crimes when they attack me for fighting back. My "fighting back" is just responding when I am teleported or writing these posts about what stupid and sleazy sick pieces of utter shit they really are when their propped-up disguises are not plastered on their rotten and blank faces when they teleport me--which then crack into the hideously malevolent faces that are behind all the masks as I fight them because they are so fully assured that they are entitled to doing all the violence they want against me and to steal my hard-worked for ideas which I can never implement for myself in any career situation. But which they steal endlessly so their programmed and formulaic plots are augmented so greatly that they appear "new" and "original" as they all "win" awards and then continue to just destroy all I am and work for (and my body and all they can destroy in me they do--meaning they are not "allowed" to go as far into torture and mutilation or murder as they otherwise would if no higher authority was instructing them that I have to be kept alive for further genetic experimentation in another generation of some unfortunate being "born" into this hate system.


So it's a bit of rambling. I know that one day of this utter bullshit not being absolutely violent, and that the rotten disgusting endless rotation of English, beginning from Danny Piggy-boy Piggyham to then Skankalina and Brad Part-English Shit--and then endless YEARS of Paul McCartney who is not anything resembling cool or fun or hip at least not during this decade of his life--absolutely another fascist energy sucking racist rapist supporter and fastidious fascist. Then there have been the Rolling Stones lead f-ers--the scraggly front pair--they assaulted me just last week. Oh, and also Elon Musk last week as well. And then years of the Canadian colonized Matrix thug I call Peeves because he's like a p-d off butler operating as a pawn for English royalty and has been fully awarded for it--along with black model out of london her last name is like that soup can name--a formulized product

hissing in hate glaring in hate directly into my face because she too wanted to gain everything out of profiting off exploiting me. She was part of an attack campaign directed at me on South Beach, Miami back in the mid-90's. I had that attack with her sitting chucking as I was nearly rammed with a man carrying 4-foot long stem roses as I was walking past the table of this other English skank who was participating, like so many other blacks have been doing, in assaulting me so she could get a promotion from the white supremacists she too plays Aunt Jemima to in her love and support for them and their problems and etc. 

Both the Canadian and her together--but that was just last year, or two years ago by now it's like an endless stream of them--with them all coming back and back and back and back in a rotation of years of them taking turns assaulting me until I "break" like so many do and thus this system is never stopped or even identified by anyone because so many have been broken into compliance (or killed, which has been far too many).


And so I have to wait for it to begin again, and again, and again. 

I read that someone thinks that the Oscars have become a kind of "Olympics" where foreign nationals are now winning top awards and being put into most major controls for what had been the American-dominated and master-quality awards. 

Not being taken over by fascist Nazis in all aspects, America cannot even begin to foment this possibility. 

And that the Americans I have been unfortunately teleported to absolutely defer to these Europigapes like deferential enslaved adoring servants who ingratiate themselves to these boring and insipid looters of ideas and of culture--trying to turn America as much into a most fascist Nazi colony as possible. The hate is directed at me and people like me: that this is a threat to the Old Order and thus must be destroyed but first the Europigape whores must loot my reservoir of ideas for them to try to better infiltrate the American landscape, which is already brainwashed into deference to Europigapes and now we see that fascist Nazism is not referred to as being quite "chic" yet but in these inner circles of the pig ape American wanna-be's, fascist Nazism is being inculcated at an alarmingly quick rate and this contract out on me is one of the ways in which this kind of fascist ideology is being implanted and highgly rewarded to these Pavlovian dumb animals you all call your wonderful celebrities of American culture.


So you can be sure that the next set of aspiring top award winners is going to assault me probably without waiting for another day. I predict that this one-day respite from the stinking foul ugly old woman who has been feeding like a vulture parasite off torturing me along with her rotten dumb thug Irish boy toy slave--both of them in fact at least since 2013--but instead of them trying to slam a car door on my head as was my last scene with them because they have forced near homeless status on me and have broken vertebrae and had my body slathered with damaging chemicals and had my finances blocked and my home made uninhabitable as they sneered that their living standards means that I am just on those lower ranks of English society instead of having any chance to compete in the Market as an American is "supposed" to have--yes, that is the real bulk of their overtake of the United States--the competition is confined only to their monopolies and amongst themselves, really entrenched aristocrat style. This philosophy has been so fully adapted into the United States by the legions of white supremacist that plague the country now trying to overturn the Democracy.

As a continuation of my last post: I re-read just the beginning paragraph and saw that what I had written had been partially deleted and other parts of the sentences were mixed and jumbled up with others. Words had been omitted in the various jumbled parts of fragmented sentences. They deleted the parts where their violence may show how sick and violent and psychopathic and disgusting they really are. These are the scumbag pieces of shit who you all applaud year after year. Why is there NO ONE ever coming to defend my most basic human or Constitutional Rights under LAW?

 This is all being done so an organization comprised of sleazy, dirty and stupid sick foul parasitic whores can inflict their racist violence upon innocent and defenseless while being promoted by this most racist and genocidal swamp of American policy makers in Congress who fully applaud and cheer this on. That includes Trump by the way. Of course it includes Billary, and all the top celebrities who have been winning all the awards since 2013 when this celebrity nightmare began of Johnny Depp being the first scumbag to torture me endlessly for years with his wife and daughter joining in. Then came a slew of whores and scumbags who all obtained Oscars and Golden Globes awards only after beginning to attack me. They had not won awards and not consecutively year-after-year as one of the most continuous parasites upon me, Shit Pitt that rotten creep has obtained from years of his and his filthy dirty wife who stole idea after idea from my tortured writings so her blank and empty whore meaningless personality could appear as if she has depth and sensitivity and intelligence (she is smart at avoiding taxes no doubt and creating hate skits and perverted abuse attacks--her every day activity for years while obtaining funding for her film projects which featured ideas I had written of which she obscured into Nazi-themed bs crap, but highly paid for.)

I have sat writing about their violence and now it's been a non-stop day after day torture and rape enterprise for the past half year without end night-after night. One of the pigs was pounding his huge hormone growth body into mine as I began to faint and pass out--because he was pounding poisons into my body--I was so drugged I had no idea what the sensation was. He kept saying he was "helping" me to "heal". He was essentially killing me. I began to feel sick as he began physically assaulting me while raping me as well. I kept trying to tell him to stop as he began hitting and raping me endlessly until I had to literally scream and scream at him in hysterical rage to stop. He would not stop. Then this disgusting and rotten foul ugly pig scumbag Robert DeNiro began literally punching into the air into my face and threatening me as I wished him and them all death finally after--that was the nth rapist. But none of them even asked me if I was sick they just have to have the contract that the Nazi German was going to hand them or what they could obtain by this disgusting display of their filth and rotten stupidity and shithead personality mentality. Rotten and disgusting DeNiro and Pesci then began a verbal and other types of assault upon me, which they have not stopped doing anyway with endless filth sprayed into my living space which I ate and breathed in, thus lowering my resistance after being pummeled by rape and violence and the shock of it all--after years of just sitting here shitting poisons out these moronic dumb parasitic pigs can't understand how ill I am, of course they do not care 100%.

And it was rotten Nancy Pelosi who began threatening to chop off my foot and then have me killed as she sat next to ARnold shitnegger the ugly rotten Austrian who began calling me "dirty" (as in the Nazi term used in the Holocaust) after I had nicely told him to leave me alone--as I do with all of them and they assault me with more hate because "you're not supposed to say no". 

And the endless violence never stops and the list is so incomplete above it's just a small picture of YEARS of this endless violence that Obama absolutely sanctioned because he needs to get accepted into the media to represent his showcase personality along with his wife--who both are now fully welcomed into the showbiz entertainment arena of the entire circus.

Then Trump, which was death threats, cars hitting me and nearly killing me, my cat stolen my cats stolen animals stolen and killed (also under Obama) and then it's Biden with Pelosi and AOC and the shit is now increasing with this rotten English bunch of shit--rotten Dumb Whorren Mirrage and her rotten Irish stupid fuck partner who raped me years ago, sat next to Trump smiling as they both drooled at how they could abuse and beat and rape me to obtain their fantasy huge bonus--the dumb Irish thug's recommendation was to just beat me up and force me to go with them (for him it's to his mansion in Ireland). 

So I sit here now with "feminist" Hillary Clinton allowing her benefactor English fellow racists, rapists and whore scumbags to abuse torture and the very wealthy blonde scumbag whore who has been attacking me for days because I call her in my uncsonscious sleeping state a piece of shit--has not stopped having me destroyed for years to obtain her fashion appearances in Milan and elsewhere and whatever that rotten ugly thing has obtained--and the shit never stops the government of the United States never stops this. I keep asking for JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE FOR THIS TO BE STOPPED.

What the fuck is wrong with all of you? I am innocent I have never harmed these filthy fuck pieces of shit. Why won't any of you fuckers reading this ever stop these pigs? Why do you keep putting them into power?

Saturday, January 22, 2022

Another appeal for financial support and reparations for crimes committed due to this living situation I've been forced into. For not just one decade but decades being poisoned with deadly and sickening chemicals and assaulted physically while unconscious. I just had to correct this first paragraph due to hackers completely altering structure making it unreadable and impossible to understand. I need to add for the rest of this post (which I am not going to re-read or correct so it will undoubtedly be skewed in all forms of coherency)--*hackers have just deleted at least 10 sentences that explain this next part---I wrote thatthat while all of this transpired I was teleported to death threats, violence, penetrating verbal abuse on all levels and then the entire situation of these wealthy English scumbag creeps trying to slam a car door into my head. I was then teleported to their friends who hissed genocidal holocaust themed statements at me immediately upon me being teleported to them. All while I have been so ill I can't protect my body from their mechanical arm attacks which these very same people have ordered to mutilate and destroy my skin/hair/body/home/all material objects and since at least 2013. Their response of my final rage from years and years of this is for them to increase the violence and hate and insults and attack. Thus they chose to viciously attack me while I was in this most vulnerable healing phase from the poisons of murder I barely have managed to escape from, and still have not, conducted in part by their partner Danny Moynihan, their Monarchist partner in all this who was torturing and abusing and poisoning and raping the poison into my body to murder me but also all the while stealing ideas from me for YEARS. Because Hillary Clinton needs to use the same project and contract that Donald Trump used 4 miserably violent years of hate ago in order for HIM to ascend into the President's position, plus her inscrutable corruption just leading her to this easy prey contract of exploiting and abusing someone for other huge lucrative contracts and deals (very many media ones involved for her endless interview appearances). Thus if she does run for president she is absolutely allowing this kind of ultra-violent torture/rape/disfiguration to continue indefinitely so the English benefactors from the Dark Money sources (The English Crown in this case) will then back her just as they did Trump in 2016. She is using me as this vehicle and I truly hope to get this load of shit parasitic crap group off me asap--it's now years and decades of these same pig apes coming after me due to this contract from this same source, the same people, on and on. The longer they have access to this kind of power trip the more murderous and violent and psychopathic fascist they become. The more they get awards and deals. GET THEM OFF ME NOW. If America is indeed fighting for Democracy against in impending fascist dictatorial overtake, then step-up and stop allowing these fakes to continue to operate under the guise that they are the "good guys" when they are in fact extremely part of the huge problem confronting Democracy and the United States as a whole.

Two hours after writing all of this post: hackers rearranged sentence structure so parts of one sentence are misplaced to other parts of the paragraph, and vice versa. Fragments from one part of the paragraph begin with a lower case word...which is where they cut and sliced part of the first part of the sentence. They omitted the part that I wrote where I have been in a detox stage where poisons that have been trapped literally for decades underneath a hard shell of poison have loosened due to starving/fasting and the hard cement type structure embedded in my back loosened up a sheet of wet cement in texture poisons. I was so ill that I fell into various states of unconsciousness for a period of two days. During that time my hair and body were mutilated and slathered with damaging chemicals. I could not even get through the "intro" paragraph above because it is so jumbled. They are now completely distorting my every sentence structure so poignant and important parts are deleted and other parts are simply rearranged to other parts or just gone. 

This is what the "professional" experts at mental manipulation through "the arts" are doing along with their nasty minions living next to me who do much of the hacking work and of course the day-to-day slow kill operation.

*Again, I have not re-read the post below. I got into a digression above as I am also under non-stop brain-altering tech influence here in this tiny studio (meaning "mind control" affect). The post is probably unreadable in parts. I am tired of continuously rewriting as I did for many years and finally I have given up. I got into a huge digression in the intro part above--but that is also the effect of this discrediting technology. The terror and torture has been so constant and I am trying to reach anybody in the United States in any position of power with the honest reality of what is happening--which of course makes me sound "delusional" due to having no evidence whatsoever regarding teleportation or this gang stalking. The one camera I had was broken, I remain fighting to save money because my mail service literally overcharged me by $300 in a 3 month time frame--I fight with frugality to save $20 per month so image what that chunk did to my fight to just have any money in reserve.


How these wealthy actor terrorists are extremely adept at being the most expert parasites and exploiting any vulnerability to the utmost maximum. They all of course take orders and follow directions so it's really the masterminds who are instructing them when and how my brain is under severe altered states due to non-stop monitoring, and how and what to say and what types of things to do--which they all do with corresponding viciousness and violence on all levels possible, very eager to get their rocks off on torture and then being promoted into coveted positions. The attacks thus never end as the rotation of one selfish, greedy, sleazy violent bigot and it's corresponding minority waiting to dump out and dish out the suppressed rage they have had to swallow in order to play comforting and adoring minority minion slave of sordid sorts for the bigots who they glob around like a force of personal security--doing anything they are instructed to physically assault me when their white masters instruct them to do so. Most of them have extremely negative reserves of pent-up black energy which they unleash upon me as the white bigots sit back smug, as always.

But back to what has just happened: I have gone into a stage of healing where poisons pent-up inside my body literally for decades, hard and sickening and like a type of cement--pouring out like chemical cement in texture after I starve and detox after many days of increasing sickness. Thus when this stuff has been coming out in various phases I have gone into toxic shock and I literally have passed out due to this toxic shock. I fell asleep in a toxic shock daze for two days straight, intermittently getting up to do hydration and cleaning and etc. I had no energy or strength and the pain of bending was too much for me to wrap my head in the many layers of cloth and all other kinds of wrappings so they won't damage my hair any longer. I have fastidiously been doing this for over two months, and the huge balding spot on the top of the crown of my head was slowly disappearing--the skin and roots had been severely damaged or permanently damaged due to nightly smearing of chemicals that made my hair fall out, become brittle, falling out constantly. But I could not put this on and they smeared worse stuff into my hair. My hair has been laden with heavy stinking grease, hair shafts falling out now all the time, the huge balding spot has returned and the hair they took out they took away after their mechanical arms got through with destroying what I had worked so hard to restore. 

The terrorists then began spraying such toxic and foul substances into the room that I could not breathe the air any longer--with an air purifier I bought turned on, now the stink is so unbreathable that I must finally open the large sliding patio door just to not suffocate any longer. I have been breathing at half-capabiliy of my lungs for years and I have suffered poisoning from all of this. I kept this door shut due to fear of them inserting worse mechanical arms than what can get through the TWO YEARS of my attempts to close them off from prying open all the panels or getting directly into my room where they would put my hips and spine out of place, rape and insert fungus into my "orifices" and then steal money from my purse and destroy my property, making sure to spray stinking odors that are permanent on all my shopping bags I use to try to prevent them from completely destroying my items when I leave this room.

But this week they plied sticky and rubbery goo on my hair which after many shampoos will not get out--nor will the stink. My hair still falling out and the bald spot back. 

They also cut into my toes, which they have been doing for over a year--with a laser, and then inserting fungus into the open wound they sever into (the bone). 

The terrorists are also putting huge cockroaches into this room--into the metal sink where the roaches can't easily climb out so  I wake up and a few are in the sink. From my years of having roaches put in my room, I know that usually they don't appear in the morning in the sink--they are put there. So I am now subject to these other forms of much larger mechanical arms and insects being put into the room where they can't just climb away so I don't have to confront them. 

I NEED MY OWN HOME, PURCHASED IN MY NAME, WITH MY CATS RETURNED AND ALL OF THESE PEOPLE TRYING TO EXPLOIT ME STOPPED. I NEED FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO PROVIDE ME WITH SUFFICIENT MEANS TO LIVE A VERY LONG LIFE IN ANY WAY I SO CHOOSE. I need my government to stop providing terrorist performer psychopaths with torture mind control weapons and gang stalking death squads because of the crime of trying to compete in the national work force and wanting to excel and not being compelled to back down due to racist demands for white only privilege, which is at least one reason I have been so targeted.

I mean a very beautiful home in a city I love which will not fall into the ocean due to climate change. Privacy, a garden, walls, people around me not psychopath stalkers, and for this to be stopped. Anything else with any of the creeple who have terrorized me or their ilk remains no option for me. Please get them off me and restore my constitutional rights that have been fully obliterated by Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Nancy Pelosi, et al