I have sent two emails today to my mail service and upon re-reading what had been sent, after sending--hackers had changed my writing and it all sounds confusing and lacks information. The pages also keep freezing as hackers block/DOS. All my emails read like confusing non sequiturs and read like haphazard and long-winded grammatically incorrect confusion. While I am writing I blank out and "forget" to include pertinent information that is vital such as dates.
I also had to fight with hackers who kept changing pdf files that were attachments to emails that the mail service had sent. I tried to get the correct dates associated with the scanned pdf files and every time I clicked on one of the attachments hackers would switch the files so I had to struggle to find the exact documents I really urgently need to be sent to me. I had to send multiple emails because with all the struggle to find the pdf files in a series of string emails where once I would click and get the file I needed, I "forgot" information and had to retrieve the same file and it would "move" to another date and string of emails so I had to constantly fight to obtain what I had just read after closing the document, because my brain was so "confused" I could not think clearly.
I also discovered that searches and requests for DHL information (the shipping company) were blocked, requests unanswered (or more like just blocked from me receiving the replies) and this kind of block had cost me $125 in the past as my mail service also used the most expensive at the slowest rate and all attempts to locate any much less expensive DHL office was met by all blocks to information so I literally could find no locations in Phuket whatsoever despite trying and trying and phoning and sending email requests for information. All phone calls were blocked, all information requests were unmet and nothing happened.
Upon using a Thai search engine I see that there are at least 5 DHL pick-up locations and service centers in Phuket which I could not find on the English DHL site--meaning it was hacked and information blocked.
As I type the keyboard is being hacked so letters I type are juxtaposed while typing--I must almost pound down and the keys are so stiff while my hands can't move--as I fight to type with this endlessly hacked keyboard and my brain really blocked by a force that just hinders clear thinking and motor skills (all from remote or microchip implant)
The block to ever transaction or attempt to get any kind of useful information anywhere on the planet has reached a near impossible stance as every single attempt to get any single thing done that is of a business or professional nature is met with as many blocks and lies and lack of information and internet hacking with information just blocked out from every search. My every phone call is intercepted by terrorist agents who are negative, lying and blurt out disinformation continuously. The hacking to the keyboard is enough to seriously thwart any kind of real attempt at obtaining a fast and accurate email correspondence, let alone the rewrites, deletions and blocks to my brain which are of such a nefarious and subtle effect and of course all lacking in evidence as I cannot prove this claim. As I type now I must pound each and every letter out, my hands can barely move it's like I can't "remember" how to type, and my memory and thought patterns are so mixed and blocked and stifled.
So sick of this. Can't do more than struggle and then wince in near embarrassment every time I re-read emails I send for business purposes, which are so badly (re)written and my brain is put so out of context out of memory out of professional style. The keyboard then tops the situation with mixing letters as I type and blocking easy access to just writing quickly and efficiently. It's like wading at hip-height through mud to try to type on these hacked keyboards and this malware follows me on every keyboard I attempt to use.
If "you" have read my post above, you can see easily how confusing it was hacked and rewritten. Commas were certainly deleted as well as parts of sentences so the revised/redacted by terrorist result was bad grammar, confusing and almost incoherent in parts like I'm rambling and incoherent. All done by hackers and this is evident in the post I just wrote above. It is so HARD DIFFICULT TO TYPE on this hacked keyboard as well like really fighting a glued-down keyboard--keys are juxtaposed while I am writing, etc, there is a lag time between when I press a key and when the letter actually shows up--if it's not mixed with some other letter or just some "left field" letter thrown in by hacker terrorists. All this amounts to me not being able to conduct business without completely discrediting my ability to communicate or appear professional (or competent). The hacking so I can't get accurate information and constantly am in a state of confusion because information on the internet is so often blocked and that also creates this discrediting of my person by the terrorist operation. As I tried to write, I searched for DHL offices and got zero results on all the normal search engines and even on the Enlish DHL site. Zero results for Phuket when I used the DHL website. When I used a Thai search engine many office locations (all tiny little hole-in-the-wall type little shops showed up as legitimate DHL pick-up and mailing stations. Every phone call I make in Thailand is either hung up on or they "no speak English" even when I use the "English" option. This has been happening in Thailand for so many years without ever once getting someone who can provide ANY bit of information in English except for the most basic yes or no questions answered. This organization has made doing any business here in Thailand virtually IMPOSSIBLE including just using the internet to generate any income whatsoever. I can't function. the billionaire/millionaire terrorist wealthy who are at the upper tiers of this terror operation all call me various "loser" type names while they ensure that I am living in squalor that their terrorist minions force upon my living quarters, that I can't afford to live in a very nice place and what I can afford they trash and make filthy every single day using their technologies (mechanical arms). They then block all internet access to any kind of earning whatsoever, calling me a loser all the time in various insulting ways. After they poison my home and make it literally toxic to breathe in, where I must close all windows at night to stop mechanical arms from entering, I thus am being slowly killed in yet another way through toxic inhalation of the poisons they keep spraying on my furniture, floors, walls, my body/hair/food and everything else in this room while, last but not least, I cannot afford to pay for health care because of their blocks to my every attempt to generate enough money to actually be able to afford food and health care, new clothing and etc (I can't do any of it, essentially but I barely exist month-to-month while they torture me slowly to death on every other level using their hate technology). So, I remain stuck here like this fighting just to write a decent inquiry or get information and all I do is under seriously deadly attack, literally every single thing II is under attack including breathing, using my eyes (tears forced out of my eyes and constant attacks on my nasal passages due to the microchip implants and technology) and etc...it's a total immersion into terrorist electronic warfare and communications is also blocked due to these technologies. I remain so bound-up in this network of suppression both physically and financially and with everything else--it's just another day of writing about this ubiquitous terrorist organization to the silent void out there reading this.