Saturday, December 31, 2022

The vicious teleportation thugg privately emotional and parasitic exploiter loser club has brought back the Italian greasebag cesspool who was raping poison into my body without end back in 2009-2013---would not stop, I could not stop it. He kept poisoning me with this bloating poison which the group of filth you are all championing as your lead celebrities and A-list whores in Whorewood---an Italian mafia who is a partner with Stallone the other greasebag who has profited off including his filth friends in Whorewood. I am teleported to the pig with the Italians and the Americans and the French and the Germans and the English all screaming into my face that I am a "loser" and a "nothing" and that I have no "class" as they steal ideas, pour hardening bloating poison into my body using their filthy dirty loser minority minions surrounding me in every home, everywhere. They steal ideas from me and use them to promote a lie that they are not mediocre but well-funded fakes who posture and have been plastic-surgery and hormone-growth modified to appear as Nazi iconographic symbols--coached in posturing, handed MILLIONS AND BILLIONS OF DOLLARS for this exploit manipulation. They are so extremely vile, violent and nasty and stupid and dumb emotionally and intellectually--but handed all this from the US government to continue to push and sell this image as Congress fully complies and goes along. So I am being assautled by someone who was murdering me years ago, I am still crooked, bloated and fighting to get the hard poison he f***ed into my body and would not stop until I began calling him a pig in my emails to him and my facebook posts--as he partnered with the English pig ape "aristocrat" who is part of the English Crown insider group--literally associated with the monarchy---and it's been them calling me horrible names about how much I have no "class" compared with them. They have sold off my ideas as their own for over a decade in order to sell themselves as having ANY ideas whatsoever that are not completely mediocre holographic repeats of what they have been programmed all their lying lives to repeat. They continue to attack me physically with inserts into my body, poisoning and deforming and mutilating and endless teleportation skits with abuse and hate thrown at me by scumbag creeps performing the tasks for the pig apes who are out partying at their new venues with their endlessly pumped-up millions displaying their newest Nazi plastic surgery facial modifications---

**One day later--writing my next post today, but seeing that the "title" of this post written yesterday was hacked within 4 words of the first sentence--I had written "thuggery" but hackers discredited me immediately by writing it as "thugg"---they also deleted all the commas and punctuation so the first sentence is a strung-out elongated rant--and I have not even read further than the first part of the first sentence to see it completely altered by hackers*** the rest obviously is a complete confusion of partially-deleted sentences and fragments strung together and rewrites--


The technology they inserted into my throat is being tweaked every single night while I am sleeping. It's a microchip implant in my throat, right at the "Adam's Apple" area of my throat. They can constrict the larynx and the sphincter that controls swallowing and mucus output. While in a deep sleep, but always when I am just about in the falling asleep state, my muscles are very relaxed, they force this contraption to shut so air is cut off. It makes a horrid loud grinding noise---waking me up in a start. They do this in the teleportation skits when they have me in a dazed and sick and tortured, under duress state as losers they employ have me "wake up" in the sleeping state, still asleep in one state, to a kind of hazy consciousness as I say or do something they instructed of me in this other teleported state while unconscious. The statements are usually very innocent and normal. Last night it was me handing something to some Asian male as I said something completely normal, requesting something--can't remember now. The creep repeated what I said staring directly into my eyes with absolute hate as I just said something handing him a piece of paper asking for some service or information. I had no understanding before or after this happened. But afterwards I decided I was going to glare him down for having been so rude. In the sleeping teleported state I confronted him as the pig apes made this microchip implant tweak in a long grinding noise as I spoke in the other state while in my prime body state this grinding noise was so loud it sounded like a freight train noise---it's hideous and of course makes me appear like I have this nasty nasal habit--which of course the parasites and loser filth group who are paid and paid and plastic-surgery modified and told endlessly that they are "winners" and are "in control" are handed by my government which endlessly watches on, supporting all of this. Perhaps the rape was stopped by one of the greasy filthy pig apes after years of them all going at raping and beating and stealing ideas and having my body poisoned as they were simultaneously abusing me to death--

never stopped by anyone.

It's going on now with some ugly greasy mafia scumbag I told I didn't like back in 1996--he has not stopped getting his endless deals and businesses from poisoning and raping and slowly murdering me ever since then. He orchestrated endless attacks upon me by Europigapes back on South Beach to the point that I had to move to Gainesville because he rose, from his exploits of this contract with greasy STallone and Steven Tyler--partners in this club where I sold cigars independently so there is no mention of my name on their records--but this greasy ugly manager from Italy rose to owning businesses, running them into the ground because he's a mafia thief and a mediocrity--then torturing me to obtaining ideas about how Prince created the splendor of his club---they would also be endlessly calling Prince a "loser" and someone with "no class" if they only could have gotten their greasy pig technology onto Prince before stealing all of his ideas--but instead they just had him assassinated when I tried to get away from them and used this insidious social media "contact" system and wrote posts to Prince and got this creepy response they all use--endless photos of themselves and their movies and crap on my facebook or youtube channels--completely all hacked, of course, All intended to make me appear as "delusional" if I try to report their insanity and how they use triggers and terrorizing to attack their target(s).


so they brought this filthy loser creep back. The pandemic made him lose a few of his spots on South Beach and he's always been there with Stallone, who makes a big loud-mouthed hate spittle attack at me about how I am a "nothing" and have never done anything and "what have you ever done" this huge thug meat-bucket of grease hisses in hate at me (just before another dumb tv show or movie comes out with him starring in it, and this contract as kept that filth into mainstream appearance ever since 1996 when he got his Italian mafia group to endlessly rape and assault me--the pig ape has his ugly wife and has to be more attention-prone to her, so he has gotten his greasy loser mafia group to assault me and they have not stopped, they are never stopped, and they have endless people supporting and working for them--in South Florida and now in Whorewood, USA).


The ugly greasy loser pig is named Nicola Siervo, he operates with some French parasites who also partnered with him to viciously attack me on South Beach, beginning in 1996 and ongoing ever since. They are Eric and Frances Milan, who obtained a virtual empire on South Beach after having violently assaulted me, and ever since, they all work with endless Latinos and white trash Europigapes to have me assaulted non-stop. Everyone complies or goes along with it, and the US government keeps funding it and them. Thusly, welcoming in fascist Nazi mafia--and of course, they all got the "Italian-American" actors into the group years ago with endless violence and hate.


this morning I woke up to a dead cockroach in my bathroom just in front of the door. They are opening the spigot for the toilet/spray nozzle at the bottom of the wall to it's spraying water all over the floor--they then open a tile from the other side of the wall (although I plastered silicone on every crack and put artistic paper covering every single tile from ceiling to floor, they just come into this room when I leave and rip it all off and keep on opening the tiles--and unless I coat the walls with cement I won't be able to stop this).

they insert stinking fungus water, putrid filth and grease on the floors which I have to keep bending over to clean--

my body completely riddled with hard poison which I fight every day to get out--as they keep poisining and torturing me. My clothing is all scraped with sand paper so it's ugly and deformed, with stains, tears and threads hanging out and stinking permanently staining odors sprayed on each and every item of clothing and material I have--on all furniture. Brown grease that also permanently stains is put under everything, sprayed on the walls, on the floors--and of course stinking fluids are inserted into my vagina. I  must sleep with layers of protection covering my entire head to stop them from cutting into my gum tissue any longer and from dousing my scalp with permanently damaging fluids to the hair follicles--the huge balding patch is still huge covering 60% of my scalp and they did this last year--nothing I do makes the hair grow back.

I have to cover my feet and then use rubber bands to stop the chemicals from being poured on my toenails which cause the nails to stunt and grow thick and then stop growing at all. This has been done for years and years and years.


Friday, December 30, 2022

The blonde Nazi boy-"men" must always be revered no matter their crimes. The apprentice has learned from the reality-tv-show "actor" turned President how to get away with every crime with a pompous psychopathic swagger--and they are all so famous and protected for projecting this image: The "awards" season of expedited, exponentially approved-of hate has begun--the yearly tryst of the same vile and violent, Mafia/criminal politicians and celebrities and white supremacist Nazis with their dark-skinned minority minions

"2001 a space odyssey". coldshouldermolder. August 19, 2006.


Just as the movie is being endlessly advertised for this on-spot slot for promotion just prior, immediately to the attention turning from the holiday onslaught in spending to the "awards" for "best" of the year---monopolized awards that are a recurring hail of hate towards me by the same perpetrators and vile and violent celebrity fascist white supremacist Nazi and Mafia parasites--every year, it's headed by the top blonde Nazi with his entourage of Europigape skank fellow "actor" casting-couch c***nts. This year is no exception except that I think much of the usual large gathering of the mass of the mess has been thwarted by some slightly more "benevolent" restraining order, perhaps by a politician who, unlike the huge bulk of all the "progressives" and outright MAGA anti-Semities for all these years, is not expressly an advocate of rape culture. It's amazing but there may be one in the entire gamut of all those who have endlessly assaulted me. I won't refer to whom I believe has been the kind and warm prick to the conscience of the group--which means, they are so hard and calloused that any prick will not penetrate any of their psychopathic tendencies.


Ironically, the worst of the pricks and pigs--who personally has overseen me raped and beaten for over 8 years, has tried to have my teeth knocked out, has had cats I fed and took care of in animal crisis care bashed in, their eyes gouged out--as "punishment" for saying "NO" endlessly to being raped, tortured and my ideas stolen so this foul and really kinda dumb American and his equally sleazy and nasty and kinda stupid dumb wife can be honored endlessly for the ideas they have stolen out of my rantings, drugged and hysterical, unable to type or write or think with all this brain-altering tech and torture aimed at me perpetually while the writing implements are blocked and hacked as well--simultaneously.

But this year, the main pig-in-question, leading the pit of the thuggery, for all these many eight years without end, has been insulting, teleporting and torturing me in order to promote a film--that was PROMISED to be put into the Oscar's gamut last SUMMER when Lyndsey Graham wanted to take over this contract of torture--which he did--as I could tell immediately from the highlighted glow of the pig couple of apes from Whorewood--that they were going to "win" awards or at least be nominated. They have been promised this for years, not just by Trump whom they very much helped to have put into power through this contract and all their Europigape handler associates who actually pull the real strings, are in control over the media and if there are "Jews" involved, they sure as hell do not "control" anything but their secretaries who probably are all blonde Nazi types they worship as they hiss in hate at me and fully support all the Nazi blonde fascist actors of this pit thug group.


But he was promised that this silly and waste-of a huge amount of $$ movie about the foils and fabrications of Whorewood are "exposed" supposedly. The movie looks like a stupid mess endlessly advocating for the Europigape-colonized actor out of Oz-land who has been partnering with pig pit for so many years and always put into Oscars categories alongside that pig ape American who endlessly appears to me with his skank whores he screws who are his acting "partners" as well. Glaring and hateful filthalina sits silently watching on, as all these wives of the married rapist pigs do as they torture me so the "feminist" wives can get handed a few crumbs so their aspirations can be met on some level as "reward" for as usual keeping silent and approving of their husband's debauchery obligatory "good ole boy" rape culture antics and exploits. It's truly harkening to approval in an homoerotic ritualistic fashion to the other men for their admiration and approval--a misogynist woman-hating exercise that has been a stepping stone in this new-fangled technological and gang stalking travesty that I have been subjected to. It is a travesty and a tragedy in the making for not just American society but the entire planet, poised on a brink of destruction because the technology and the incentive-based fascist programming is bringing out the most brutal and dumb dehumanizing behavior in the perpetrators and their assistants who also glean awards for their periphery hate antics. 


But, touted in the media now for this take on Whorewood, and how people get lost in the trash heap of expectations and debauchery and drug addiction and murder and etc...supposedly this is supposed to be a shocking sort of revelation. It's such an old story rehashed that one doesn't need to spend 3 hours to watch this fascist pair of scumbag actors go silly and crazy and hysterical and spastic to understand how stupid Hollywood is in it's current downward spiral of intelligence and intellectual output.

Understanding full well that not just pig pit and that ugly, beady-eyed Australian skank who has been partnering with that pig for years to obtain her own lead roles, endless promotions out of sheer rape and torture of me-- now considered a routine albeit ritualistic rite of passage for every fascist Nazi aspiring Europigape actress to obtain by sleeping with and cheering the rape by pig pit and his entourage of fellow crap and filth who are an endlessly increasing world of trashy low-life emotional losers who pile up on the chairs facing the endless abuse of me when I am teleported.

The director as well, losing his chance for Best Picture many years ago--(days and days and years and years of this pig pit endlessly torturing me to help his lovers/friends and partners and all the fascist group and Trump and etc so his rat children and family and friends and everyone can all have an endless monopoly in that lost and destroyed industry of brainwashing entertainment and fake liberal everythingland K-rap)

But, the director lost to the dumb movie honoring a poor, black child becoming homosexual with reveries of being held in water under the moon in Miami--lost to the pig ape's film company and why? Because of the grift and graft the rape teleportation contract the rigging of all elections that turned into the US Government policy in 2020--

the director now teaming up as a sort of catch-up for obtaining his coveted award that he lost to pig pit many years of torture for me ago---now jumping onto the bandwagon of stupidity and dumb and dumber mind programming technology (the more sophisticated the tech, the dumber and dumbness of the pig apes and their propensity for the most low-level brutality rises like all of their hormone-induced plastic surgery erections as posturing hard-but liberal Nazis for their stupid portraits and photos with the pig-sniffing-the-empty-air posture of "superiority").

I am ranting now, but I hope you get the point, if anyone is reading this or has gotten this far. It is impossible for me to collect my thoughts without going off into tangents or ranting due to the tech blasting away at my brain as I fight to think and collect my thoughts--all induced by tech.


The movie is ostensibly about the corruption of H-wood. The irony should not be lost at this point and the real portrait is nowhere near any kind of scriptwriter's desk. No contracts are being made about the real and current corruption in that whore industry of rapists-turned-top award leaders of the machinery and programming into fascist Nazi with black and brown-skinned minorities endlessly rehashing the Nazi slogans--some openly like Kanye, most disguised and secreted like Oprah and of course her good friend Whoopie just repeated her own version of a Kanye anti-Semitic remark--supposedly but I have not read the hype because I could not care about that rotten and bloated Nazi-programmed "liberal" with her "Italian-American" co-host who lavished praise upon most vicious fascist Pelosi for being another "Italian-American" which to me is just "I am mafia" but put into some subcultural context.


The the ugliness and stupidity and hate of pig pit and his ugly blonde Nazi lover-turned-endless co-starring skank actor out of Oz-land is appalling to me and that along with huge amounts of money poured into the making of this 3-hour frenzied hyped-up production---advertised, interviewed, lavished with praise, already on track for the awards--pig pit teleporting me and abusing, insulting and if he had the chance violently assaulting me as he has done for years (he tried to have my teeth knocked out the year I wrote on my blocked and private Facebook page that this piece of expletive should be stopped from being handed awards year-after-year for his role in torturing me--which began the year he began attacking me and has not ended since--and is still ongoing with full backing of newspapers like USA Today and the media establishment).

Like Trump, pig pit has learned from years of getting away with almost every egregious breach of the US Constitution and all law, heaped upon me every day with his filthy ugly wife and group of couch-casting skanks, mostly out of Europigapeland, all adamant fascist Nazis, blonde, bigots and so many black and other "minorities' so many of the "hippie" era (The rolling stones and bob dylan and the beatles) also fastidiously participating--.

They must be protected, the politicians must protect their assets for the takeover and destruction of a Constitutional Republic, not only relabeling it a "Democracy" (as in rule of the masses, meaning gang stalking rule, as "democracy" because the elimination of opposition has created a "mass" of violent and sleazy stupid ape pigs who use the tech handed to them by the government and it's scientific agencies and now private industry such as Tesla with his implants and his AI and his billions to influence and peddle more fascism)

but---they are all protected. Awarded, awarded for trash and filth--which is how I see them how they act. They call me this name all the time, they use every insult aimed at me after they destroy my body, home, finances and steal ideas because I grew up in a university environment with a step-father teaching literature but who was a hippie in the anti-war movement. My other biological father a Yale-graduated Lawyer, conservative but like my entire family, eventually dragged down (into death) by the demands of this Nazi pig ape cartel that has overtaken everything.

The utter criminal exploits are not even touched by this endlessly advertised film and the abuse and hate thrown at me as usual by pig pit this year parallels the English female onslaught last year as the woman out of London who got her friends to hiss "die in a concentration camp" language is starring, literally starring in 6 films this year, as listed on IMDB---one of them concerning a famous Israeli leader--a female--(such is British Israelism and the Evangelical-American push to take-over and control Israel, which is completely under the thumb of the "divide and conquer" German and English fascists who really covertly fund and support so much of the misery and death on all sides of all the conflicts).


As I wrote above, it is impossible for me to write in a linear and concise fashion or explicate my ideas while I am hacked and my brain is hacked and my keyboard is blocked and I must pound every letter on the keyboard with my entire hand to get it to print. Of course that also means that this post will be revised to discredit me--parts will be rewritten, deleted, etc.


I hope anyone reading this can understand through all the cracks in meaning the general  gist of this post. If and when any movie about the real stupidity and ugliness of Whorewood is ever written, it will be made by some rotten Mafia director with bigot Nazi actors and the script will read like the general victim-plot which energizes the public to such an extent that politicians probably use the same scriptwriters from Whorewood to make they lying campaign speeches about what victims they were growing up who then turned into super-heroic politicians fighting for justice and equality.

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Conformity under mind control, more to come to a theater near you soon. Inevitably sold as a consumer product advertised as personal "individuality" by Nazi elitist/mafia puppets for the ever-devouring conquering worm of H-wood and their political fascist Nazi 4th Reich Mafia enterprise..//Psychic TV: Before "woke" was a cultural war term---even before the Millennium. Before the Euro was a currency, and the various States were more self-contained with their own personal identities:

 "Genesis P-Orridge: Write Your Own Code (Trailer)". TRAPART FILM. December 29, 2021.

Genesis P-Orridge was this personality I read about and was written of when I was involved, very tangentially, for a very short, but impactful small amount of time, in one of the SF fanzine worlds---
Watching as all my old (be free to think independently and find your true inner self-styled heroes are dying off, and the thump thump synchronization/teleportation/brain-mapping/mind control world is closing in.
I would like to watch this movie or documentary, will it be offered "for free" as a torrent I can download? Forget about finding this on a free streaming movie site. Maybe I will have to resort to actually READING what this artist wrote. The mind control drugs constantly forced into my bloodstream and digestive system in any orifice or food source possible, have kept me so nullified in a cognitive sense that reading is something I yearn to do and am too ill and drugged up to activate. I must struggle to overcome this as I know my brain has been sluggish for want of material that stimulates my imagination or awareness (from so much commercialized celluloid content I sit in a drugged and sickened daze watching because I'm too ill, in pain and semi-paralyzed to do anything else, courtesy of the mind control and hardening/bloating chemicals and drugs perpetually inflicted upon my beleaguered body by hateful people striving to dumb and numb me and exploit and steal and rob every idea and everything possible. A literal non-stop feeding frenzy and the waiting line is almost eternal). Waiting for my government to actually not be involved and supportive of this travesty of independent thinking and lifestyle.....and my society as well, which follows orders thumpidy thumping into an entertainment celluloid daze.

I happened upon the interview below on an interview YouTube page I just discovered. The name of P-Orridge was familiar and the first name that came to mind was, "perhaps he was the lead singer for Psychic Tv"--and after having written the few paragraphs above (endlessly backspacing, with hackers blocking keyboard functions--which means parts of this post will be partially deleted or rewritten in the endless discrediting exercise by the terror organization using mind control to thwart my everything that sustains me in life)---but I saw that band in a tiny little club in Tempe, Arizona way back in the old day---there were tv's on the floor with static and wavy screens and candles and Genesis was singing in a theatrical manner that has stuck with my memory banks despite years of mind control dazing and coating of my brain functioning. It was a mesmerizing type of atmosphere. I read a few bits in other zines and underground press books that people had on their shelves in the Haight Ashbury zone---(always too drugged, back then, and now, to truly read with the intensity that I wish now I could have, in order to more digest the material instead of it being glazed out like a doughnut sticking to my brain by the mind control cops).

There was quite a bit written of him, now obscured as these fanzines and underground press books are probably long dusty on shelves or just obliterated and "burned" in more metaphorical terms (instead of actual book burning or banning ceremonies).

"...We learn that the people who control us, the "establishment" are very much against freedom of tends to end up that way, one way or another....and that conformity is always the subtext of culture in different societies". --Genesis P-Orridge (below in video interview)

"Interview: Life advice from Genesis P-Orridge". Andre Bauer. September 22, 2014.


Every seeming "independent" woman in the media and in politics, as I have experienced it for years in this teleportation terror situation, is backed and controlled by a male-dominated, white-supremacy group which I simply label as "The 4th Reich". When I am tortured and "traumatized" by nightly abuse, under mind control and teleported to people I would otherwise never have anything to do with, and don't want to be around for a nano-second of my time, forced to be around them as they abuse and torture me endlessly claiming it makes them "superior" and in force because my government is funding this, I am in a weaker position. I discover that every person who puts out who "independent" they are is actually absolutely controlled and all have been thoroughly vetted for mind control programming green light holographic display for the population to stare at, supposedly in a mesmerized awe of mind-struck mind control approval. They are listed as being totally "independent" by officious magazines which are corporate entity conglomerates such as Forbes Women. Some of these at the "top" who are touted as being "independent" have participated, some very openly, some in collateral forms (the membership is a bit exclusive and members-only in the ever-expanding rows of chairs of the people who take turns messing with my thought process while I am sleeping, drugged and under duress in order to prove what great mind control programmers they are. Immediately put into higher creative control and management and executive position to further the 4th Reich expansion. The remuneration awards are so ridiculously endless.
What is being sold is this mythology about American independence. It's being emulated in other countries such as England with it's latest American-style emulation of this pop dancey style "freedom from oppression" style of media onslaught into programming of conformity through "individuality". Of course, one of the (blonde, blue-eyed) women who has used genocidal Nazi slogans at me (last year) is in the starring role. Playing a villain, at least it's very much "her" as opposed to her playing someone "fighting for independence" for women, as she claims she does in her personal life as a "feminist". Happy to watch me get raped, beaten, poisoned, mutilated and feeling entitled for it. That sums up the women of this organization of all the political party sides and celebrity modeling mash-up for all these years. Some of the most vicious are of the "Left" and "Pro-Democracy" angle.
I have thoughts about "Democracy" which I will not add to this post. It's a political discussion I heard on a podcast which is nothing new but it's part of the explicable reason why so many of the "liberals" who tout "Democracy" are so fervently and violently supporting every bigot Nazi fascist attacking me but spouting "Democracy" at every given moment for the cameras of America and the world's general programming into this false narrative. So many of the most ostentatious of the bunch are "jews" who are in political or other types of positions (vying for political power).

Turning aside, now, from the sociological theorizing to the petty tyranny I face every single day from your well-known repetition celebrities who have tortured me in order to obtain ideas in order to propel the "victim" narrative of themselves as independent heroes fighting fascism/sexism/racism and all things inbetween these very foggy differentials in misuse of power. Endlessly for the last decade those who have stolen my ideas have sat in their chairs, in their rows of chairs, observing as one of them after the next (in a sequential nightly--for me, daytime for them around the other half of the world away from me in Thailand)--but they ask me every kind of question, focusing on "why don't you like me/this torture/rape/abuse, endless poisoning/drugging/theft of ideas"? They ask and ask, in a "truth serum" effect that I am both drugged and hypnotized into, while in a sleep state--I answer honestly which of course is not flattering to them or their ego-gratification. Their point is of course to have me "love" their every movie, song and act of hate and slow murder upon me as if they can do no wrong. That is the mind control programming which they want the general fanbase and political base to also be programmed into. They are all in-training for this act of mental sabotage upon the planet, on whole.

They then endlessly insult me for all the problems and deformities and my counter-behavioral and adaptations I make to being poisoned daily with hardening/bloating chemicals which latch on like adhesives on a micro level to body tissue, it sticks to the ceramic of the toilet bowl sometimes---it has made my body crooked and they never stop trying to pour this into my body through food or insertions into my body while I am inert, teleported and my consciousness is made completely void due to the microchip implants and the teleportation of my consciousness to other locations (while they rape and torture and abuse me in both states of the splitting of the body).

They insult me for not being as coached and wealthy as they in their endless pursuit of appearing as Nazi-posturing Europigape elites of aristocratic breeding and appearance; meaning as Nazis on a power trip waiting for the next Holocaust and actively pursuing it in their associations with the types who sponsor their fascist training, such as those out of Cannes and other extremely wealthy "liberal" Nazi enclaves of mind programming into this pursuit of "elegance". Only THEY, of course, are "classy" and their every action of rape, sodomy, fellatio imposed upon the powerless victim is considered the privilege of "class" and "power". Bestowed with all poisons, drugs and brain-blanketing technology by ole Uncle Sam, where the politicians are as eager to wine and dine in Cannes alongside the mafia/Nazi celebrities--the entire operation is assured success. The terrorist "power" people then endlessly insult me for how I appear: my clothing has been sprayed (by their proxy terrorist minions, mostly of black and brown skin seeking recognition to get out of the ghettos and prostituted menial labor slavery). It's stinking, I fight continuously to clean what is endlessly rancid substances being sprayed on my clothing. My body has been ransacked for decades with poison and mutilations. This group out of Whorewood alone has inflicted more damage to my body which would have murdered anyone not completely resistant to the poisoning as I am, as I have been poisoned since near infancy by this organization. But, I have to scream in my teleported, under hypnosis and "truth" effect where my brain is a sieve and all thoughts, ideas just pour out and many which are not mine also pour out--so they can justify more violence and attacks upon me. My body is stuffed with hard poisons and I am crooked, they have made my hair fall out so there is a huge bald patch on top of my head. They insert metal objects under my cuticles so the fingers are swollen and black and blue--the nails appear like oyster shells with ridges and callouses on the nail. Etc, the list is so long I can't begin to make all mention of the deformities--my skin slathered with extremely damaging chemicals nightly for years. I must conceal and bury and fight to not have my accessories I use when I go out shopping not sprayed with such stinking filth sprays that the stink has a 4-feet circumference around my body. This includes my shoes, which I must also hide, wrap out in layers and try to protect (they rip off the soles, they scratch all leather and the surfaces). My clothing is routinely damaged as the proxy terrorists use sand paper to wear the fabric surface into a bumpy and ugly surface, where rips and threads hanging off are the norm. I could go on and on, but the accusations of me being without any "class" go hand-in-hand with their accusations that I eat "like a pig", which has become a torch these pig apes pass around to insult me with as they use the surveillance in my torture chamber rental unit to scream in the voice-to-skull that I eat like a pig, a pig a pig they all cry. The poisons they have not stopped inserting into my body and food literally stuffs up my intestines, causing a huge deformation of bulging intestines which appears like a sagging hanging pot belly. I am literally starving underneath the huge bulges as my intestines cannot process food. I also have to eat so the adhesive chemicals latch onto the food, and also so I have food to keep alive with. I also need a lot of strength to deal with both the endless abuse and stress these greedy and sleazy filth parasites inflict upon me on a non-stop daily basis --for a decade--including shifting my nervous system, inserting endless "loser bitch shut up" repeats into my "inner ear" through the subliminal vocal technologies they all use; plus the endless teleportation skits while I am in deep sleep mode to affect homelessness, rape and torture abuse and violence upon me--EVERY SINGLE DAY.

Stumbling, bloated, huge, my clothing shambled my body stinking my clothing stinking due to what these pigs are doing to me--they accuse me of not having the "class" that their Nazi handlers are endlessly training them to emulate. Once they fake it, they can then "make it".
I use this example as how they operate to inflict the deepest psychological self-hate and fear upon the target. It is the old advertising sales trick of fear-based self-hate in order to transform someone into a consumer who "must" buy more and more in order to not be anything other than a uniform type of consumer but obsessed with "individuality"--as long as they only conform to what the celebrities are selling as acceptable imagery. Even if it's "trans" and so outrageously "independent" it's still forced as having to conform, even when in absolute drag.
After about a decade of this and looking at most of their back story histories, I can only call them trashy white trash --and the torture continues on and on. What may have been considered somewhere as elegant behavior, where decency is combined with an air of enlightened grace, is now shoveled out by the Nazi 4th Reich with it's mafia organized crime syndicate base---into what I have written of before: A Tale of Two Cities style rape and nobility enforcement of power and money and desperation. I consider the rise of the MAGA movement into an armed Insurrection to be an adjacent component of the H-wood group assaulting me--obviously most of them worked alongside Trump who became unrecognizable to some people who were working with him prior to his ascent into the "most powerful" man on the planet, according to some (meaning the POTUS position). I have watched these foul and dirty trashy people go from being just nasty and stupid to being deadly sick and sleazy and violent the longer they are equipped with these technologies of playing sadist torturing mind control programmer into fascist Nazi really blank and dumbed down posturing "liberal" for public appearance-sake. They ALL act alike after a while, which shows to me how much it is THEY who are being programmed and not me. This has a definite trickle-down effect upon the public. An extremely deadly effect.


**When I saw and heard Psychic TV in that tiny little room with a makeshift stage, in Tempe, Arizona (where the University of Arizona is situated, or parts of it, student housing, etc) the music was of top industrial--better than Ministry (after they started-up as a pop music band--Ministry actually attacked me in gang stalking, contrary to the image they posed as being anti-authoritarian in their musical lyrics--it was the "underground trend" at the time, they cashed in but were just more liberal Nazis attacking me--and I mean they used Nazi imagery and always walked/kicked me as I sat on a stairway far away from the stage and the entrance to the stage at the back of the room--they came at me from behind nearly hitting me as I sat because there was nowhere else to stand or sit the place was packed. This was in Champaign, Illinois at a club. At a break in the music, the lead singer of Ministry shouted something about "no Nazis" into the mic as skinheads at the front of the crowd gave the HH sign at the singer--the singer stared through the crowd directly at me, in the back of the room. It was not friendly, it was gang stalking and it was violent in meaning and intent).

But Psychic TV, with Genesis P-Orridge leading, was in this much smaller venue, almost not a stage but a little room--and he was singing on the ground level about 6 feet away from me--and I felt a symmetry with him, as I danced to this most rhythmic and hard core energy industrial music---it was much better musically than Ministry, but unlike fake and sell-out Ministry (formerly a pop music band like Wham! a boy band of bigot porno studs turned black gear industrial pseudo-politically "woke" bs k-rap).
I could feel that the singer, Genesis, felt me in a way as someone favorable in the audience that he connected to and I felt that wonderful feeling of being immersed in the music, the beat (and of course, I see now from this interview that he grew up playing drums--and I also have played and studied drums but of course too drugged to pursue it further).

Psychic TV, a much, much better band musically and authentically than Ministry, had no recognizable lyrics and I had no internet to search for the lyrics and no money (always kept at near homeless poverty all my life by this insidious terror organization, another justification for the pig ape billionaire celebrities torturing me to obtain original ideas--but calling me a "loser" for their enforcement of impoverishment and near-death poisoning and lack of money for either health care of decent food--and food they keep poisoning, my water as well is tainted and injected with nasty substances---(my drinking water).
Well, the keyboard is almost impossible to operate due to hacking malware interference. I am endlessly calling them names like pig ape, because my nervous system and my brain is being altered. If I had some support I may not be in this state and would more calmly describe the sick and disgusting things these expletives do and are paid in millions for performing as proof of their "elitist" "entitlement" to being pig apes and proud of it and told that they are supreme and classy and superior for this, and almost for nothing else but pretending they are "liberal" and compassionate while behaving and posturing like fascist Nazis--a contradictory duality to cause confusion and mind control imitation in the population who watch the bs that is constantly being cranked out about these personalities who are actually nothing but molded blanks who behave in almost exactly the same way--always following orders, tabula rasa.....

"Tony Oursler--Synesthesia: Genesis P-Orridge". Priest ov filth. July 15, 2018.

"Psychic TV--on 'Earsay' tv show 1984". Roddy Melville. February 19, 2013.


Not to completely diss Ministry--and it's time to dust off this song and perhaps some of their earlier albums (I mean way back) back in the day when I listened to them in the mid-late-80's--and they were nominally great and even great with one or two albums (but they persist and the deterioration is sad to see and they are still wearing the same outfits almost as they did 40 years ago!)---saw them the 1st time at First Avenue, Minneapolis (2nd time, assuming they were cool, in that tiny club in Champaign, right next to the University of Illinois Campus--a block away--both times at the intersection of consumer club and university fanbase culture)

the lyrics were about The Cold War with Russia (of course)--and Reagan-Ray-gun. Now our war with Russia is cause for concern, but back in the day just prior to the unleashing of the East German Nazis into the West and all that the Soviet bloc of mind control, gang stalking aka Stasi and KGB could unleash and train easily into the West--now rife with these forces. The war and looming threat of annihilation resumes so dust off this song and this album and remember the days when nuclear proliferation was not seemingly "over" but a realistic threat shadowing our existence.

a good song. But now they're just a kind of metal thump thump band---reduced and minimal even though technically perhaps called Heavy or Industrial (?) not so much---

"In the East where the Bear is Dancing
In the West where the Eagle flies
In the middle we stand our ground....WE BELIEVE..."

WE BELIEVE--Ministry--lyrics

Verse 1]
Standing round the table
Spinning fables
And signing autographs
Can't you hear them laugh
Ha ha ha ha ha
In their secrecies
They plan their strategies
It's called hypocrisy
And we believe

[Verse 2]
They tell me everything
That I need to know
Or I care to know
Well I can visualize
The look in your eyes
The horror
As the plane goes down
And the siren sounds
We can't believe

We can't believe

In the east where the bear is dancing
In the west where the eagle flies

In the middle we stand our ground
The forces pull us down down down

Tensions on both sides
We're paralyzed and victimized
We're terrified and petrified
Demoralized and mortified
Of genocide and suicide
And patricide and cyanide
We're pacified by every side
Force-fed pride and then we die for them
We die for them

In the east where the bear is dancing
In the west where the eagle flies
In the middle we stand our ground
The forces pull us down down down

We believe


**at this point in time and history, I can only say I "like" artists, celebrities, politicians or ANYONE if they are dead. Otherwise they come and terrorize me alongside the other terrorists whose movies and personalities I never said I liked ever.....
the more I compliment anyone online, the more fanatically they come to abuse and insult and threaten and rape and poison and drug and try to murder me for the benefit of their Nazi/mafia "brothers" in this terror operation. I wrote something negative about Ministry in it's current iteration, but part of the reason I wrote this is to try to not have them come and join the gang of expletives and attack me. But partially, they have become more heavy metal than industrial at this point. The lyrics are still engaged in social commentary and deconstruction, which is good but just don't come and attack me dudes---just because I wrote and compared you with Psychic TV, another industrial band--(who didn't rise to your level of popularity and perhaps because they are not so fully engaged in this Mafia/Nazi 4th Reich pyramid organization as you are--being promoted as being "rebellious" or anti-tyrannical anti-fascist--perhaps? I felt threatened at your performance in Champaign, whereas when I watched Psychic TV in that tiny room/performance space in Tempe, I felt warm and fuzzy feelings from the band and their performance was soothing, despite the heavy beats. The music was more intricate and I deem it a "better" quality of music and artistry and vocals (but could not hear them all, despite that it was a true artist piece and Ministry is a performance showcase type of band, fully intertwined with Big Bro machinery and machinations of deception.

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

LOOks like SOMETHING has replaced ye ole Churchills Pub in Little Haiti (Miami)--instead of a potpourri of graffiti and odd bands and the International Noise Festival (something I missed out on while I lived in Miami--maybe it was not invented until after I left?)--now there's a "grunge/goth/'underground'" style hidden spot which is supposed to also include "raves" and etc---outside of the corporate disco franchise chain network of mostly Europ-a-trash thump thumpidy thump empire---a place that may be what South Beach used to have when I first moved there back in the mid-late 1990's--now completely taken over by Europ-a-fast and furious mafia/Nazi 4th Reich slime, a coating which makes the scene a film of greased lightening like that of the double SS in the Nazi squadrons of conformity and thump thump following orders "dance" and snorting culture and skank versus ho "entertainment" gyration.

 (*nota bene that hacking and mind control interference has made the writing and posting of this arduous--endless obstruction of my thinking capabilities and the blocking of keyboard function--backapscing, rewrites, endless--ranting, not able to think--trying to get anything done and the DOS attacks and blocks are countless every second I am typing and writing and fighting to think. My ranting and calling names is a part of this effect. It's been so many years of torture and violence with zero support or assistance and support I am at this ranting stage anyway. This entire terrorism is so utterly unbelievable to me--and "accepting" it and not writing about it is also part of the impossible and incredulous process I must undergo. I will stop when it is literally a fascist government and illegal to write--but the Europigape who has told me to stop who raped and beat and tortured me for the past three months is trying to tell me to stop, with the people who stole ideas from me sitting loving him for slapping and abusing and torturing and raping me in front of them like entertainment. He has his art business and is constantly selling his art, the people he is trying to impress have been stealing ideas from me for a decade while he is torturing me for them--trying to silence me--as they all are. Only THEY are "supposed" to have any artistic voice or any voice at all. Their horrid discos are a clear example of the marching orders translated into popular entertainment and the movies and celluloid products are much more psychologically cloaked and are much harder to detect than the thump thump franchise mind control programming Nazification and mafia-driven mindless gyration society of the 4th Reich.

This club, hopefully will include that "scene" that was once a member of South Beach, then ousted with the Europigape franchise corporate disco 4th Reich infestation and infiltration---
It couldn't have completely died with the closure of Chruchill's pub, but the owner of Churchills maybe can never be replaced nor the open-minded atmosphere and welcoming of musicians and alternative inventions of experimentation in music---
The name of this joint in Little Haiti--Domicile---sounds like a wanna be chic St. Tropez style "underground" scene for those who want to sport black gear but still carry little foo-foo dogs under their arms after their shopping sprees on Lincoln Road.


The tenor of what has turned into a mafia/Nazi controlled, major corporation franchise disco enterprise throughout Miami, extending to other parts of the world (into Thailand, of course the Mafia associated with Stallone, after having me poisoned and raped for years, obtained discos here in Phuket using the same Europigape formula of mass entertainment thumping, white supremacy-oriented disco K-rap. These are the very same thugs and goons along with their "fashion" celebrity white supremacist Nazi "liberals" out of Whorewood have been stealing ideas from me non-stop for years and years and years after I am tortured and write about how awful and disgusting they are---l. The Brooklyn mafia scum greasebags call me "bitch" as often as possible after they extract ideas, their putrid women, mostly blonde or dyed blonde, call me "loser" (and most of the time these are the minorities especially Jews---) they insult everything I say and if I make any mention of reality and obsevation they threaten me and use violence through this proxy torture system, always enhanced by politicians jjoining in and confirming that every act of violence and illegality is absolutely supported both financially but in every way possible by the US Government that they are supposed to represent. All of these pig ape men, with their eithe rEuropigape heritage or the Americans are so closely aligned with Europigape fascist Nazi int3erests that they are merely pawns being exploited as conduits for more take-over, such as I witnessed during a 10-year period of the decline of South Beach into a Mafia/Nazi enclave of fascism and hate--whereas it had been independent artists in a warm community--many people kicked out later, it's an endless mainstream array of the same music but different Europigape designer-themed orgy palaces for the 4th Reich to lavish in displays of their theft, squander and waste products promoted and plastic-surgery coated but hate and death underline every thump that they gyrate to. The independent artists are GONE from that area whereas it used to be people making their own art on every block. Such is the plight of AMerica and this is just a gross simplification of a nationwide practice of kicking out the authentic and the locals and replacing all with a lavish europigape-centric dominitrix wealth and conform or die society. Thump thump thump go the "just following orders" greedy and sleazy adherents marching in perfect symmetry. the thumping impetus of their marching lines is greed and selfishness a la American Darwinian Capitalistic Adam Smith deception slogans and platitudes. The homeless line the streets watching in awe and despair. Death surrounds it all. The orgy continues as Miami sinks into the Atlantic, along with Atlantis--

Yes, the latest rapist who, with his other Europigape colleagues who did the same--has slapped my face after torturing me through this proxy Government-funded and approved of network--sanctioned by a US President personally who also partook of the violent rape technology to impress the Nazi network--put into highest ranking office thereafter and broke law after law in utter trust that in this network He could Trust---. I have ben told that the latest who slapped my face and stuck his misused member into my mouth after and before torturing me, to the giggling laughter of the females who stole ideas from my writings and my example but had me raped and beaten by father and friend alike--slapping and calling me that b-word and poisoning me and having sewage water inserted into my vagaina and into my bladder day and night--=-the mafia otu of Brooklyn really enjoyed that, and then insulting how bloated and deformed my body has become from their own poisoning as they insulted--ideas they stole from me and my writing and what they have extracted have been parceled out and non-stop for years without end. Calling me "bitch" endlessly as they slap, beat and poison and slowly murder with politicians endlessly patting them on the back for their next movie with the original ideas they stole from me. The women who steal the ideas are giggling and watching in delight as the men slap my face and stick their penises in my mouth and insult me immediately after they torture me nearly to death to comply. They threaten me to STOP WRITING because they have art studios and performance halls and ONLY THEY are "allowed" to present ideas, art or have any financial success. The Europigapes in particular, and they are the most rape violent and disgusting and mediocre with their ability to create anything new. They achieve a kind of per fection for imitating art and capabilities that have been handed down through the generations so the techniques have reached an easily identifiable perfection mimicry--. They threaten me to stop writing, and use torture if I do write. They have their art studios and are being handed carte blanche the freedom to rape and then beat ideas out of me and insult and poison me afterwards. The trend on South Beach is an example of this fascist trend of conformist discos and all the independent artists kicked out, their venues slowly bought out and some are just killed if they won't sell and submit to being taken over. Society cheers it on. Eventually the dumbed down next generations have no concept of the difference between fascist corporate art and franchise money-profiteering huge establishment mafia/nazi corporate business enterprises and independent artwork and the kind of independent thought that goes into such endeavors. In politics, this kind of take-over scheme in america is referred to as a "Dark Money" scheme. In the art world, it is unrecognized as a sterility that has killed off independent thought and art. This is neglected 100% by the mainstream media and all the independent Youtube "progressive" channels I have been subjected to as my internet is endlessly blocked from actually discovering any independent journalism or people. All is controlled and I can't find anything outside of this system as I am under non-stop scrutiny, surveillance and censorship and block to services and information. As no one ever intervenes, it is accepted as "reality". Even when the US Government is under threat of being toppled by a fascist pro-Nazi faction, no one will stop the root cause of this problem because the greed and free easy-money monopolistic force of the self-interest overrides all other considerations such as freedom of speech, expression and freedom to live in one's home without the State or criminals interfering with one's privacy or possessions without Probable Cause.


Both of these images were taken from the current issue of The Miami New Times online magazine. One photo is from Miami!!! versus the other depicting a sexual display coming out of Ft. Lauderdale) Gearing up for NEW YEARS EVE!!!
guess which image is from which location?

Miami is Central/South America immersion, valuing money, sex and image over and above all; !, WHILE Ft. Lauderdale is Neo-Nazi country, or close enuf...Broward County, not far from redneck Neo-Nazi township and weekend cowboy country of Davie (Country music horse ranch Western "Red" country with a lot of wealthy upstarts immersed in the heavy-duty American dream of valuing money Christian-endorsed wealth over everything else, hailing the fascist Europigape fascist Nazi zone to the South but detesting it nevertheless openly but secretly yearning to bring in all that money and fascist Nazism so the mutual power pact can completely take over the former "liberal" atmosphere that the Jews out of NY brought to S. Florida--(so much Nazism welcomed thereafter by the "good Christians" of South and all of Florida)----power and sex and domination but no hot sauce over that wiener.


Saturday, December 24, 2022

This post is intended to be IRONY, just in case people will think I actually seriously believe that some people can be demonic in spiritual possession. No...and also, laughing at the concept of global warming, such a ridiculous hoax and lie. No....It's not global warming making the Texas Border COLDER than the weather in New Hampshire on this x-mas Eve---blizzards beyond comprehension--but it's GOD'S WRATH for the evil that the hypocrites have enforced as doctrine all these years---the homeless, those lacking health care, decency, and justice.

 "Sleigh Bells--Demons (Official Video)". Pitchfork. May 22, 2012.

 The Millions in prisons on trumped-up drug charges while billionaires can rape and torture and murder and get PROMOTED FOR IT. The Devils reign in America. The putrescence of Pelosi is leaving, perhaps a lessor demon rule will replace the over-arching arch-evil stench coming from those who were supposed to lead a "righteous" country. So FREEZE in the Hell that you demonically-possessed useful idiots in Congress have pushed and not pushed hard enough for all these years. Waiting for the earthquakes or nuclear bombs or tsunamis to hit sinful citadels like Whorewood, USA pushing a most foul and demonically-possessed agenda.

Christmas is a celebration of the Winter Solstice anyway. The Sun's descent on the horizon into a 3-day "death" in a retrograde position, then rising on the "cross" of the Southern Cross constellation. Nature also is giving you a huge middle finger for all your rape of Nature and your rape culture, phallic identification with screwing everything over and claiming supremacy over all and Nature included--erroneously I must admit. Hubris, personified, sends you a message also of a huge middle finger and this video truly encapsulates your holiday spirit this year (to you people part of this Hell and Demonic rape and technological tyranny fascist 4th Reich protocol system endlessly forced upon me).



Ho Ho Ho's. Not Holy Night, but Ho's Night. To the Ho Ho Ho's Cheerleader Squad: to the Whorewood and Congressional rape enablers, the supporters of "liberal" fascism some of the loudest for purposes of appearing to fully go along with the plan while selling hype to the mind-programmed public to obey and conform and "believe" in their BS and never question, and if this group gets it's way, eventually any opposition or verbal or vocal dissent will be routed out potentially with murder (covert, in many cases but overt if the system gains the ground that these politicians and celebrities have been striving for under Trump, then they must receded, attack me with deadly violence and torture me for not complying with their intended fascist overtake, and they are now hissing in unison in a fake display of being "pro-Democracy" and laughing at Trump's "failure" which they also strove to turn into their collective fascist "win" but they all failed. They have only omitted one member from their onslaught of fascist overtake, which is Trump. Otherwise it's bs as usual and the fascist overtake system cranking out bs movies and songs and media entertainment news stories about what a great country and people they all are, fighting for Truth and Freedom, against racism and white male privilege.

Me fighting against the fascism and Nazi overtake with Mafia that they all truly embrace and are actually striving to impose upon the world in a package-wrapped holiday treat concealing genocide and murder and hate and death; I have been fighting it for over a decade and I am ever-still and being tortured non-stop as usual by all on all sides---with the exception of Trump now not being one of those attacking me in the teleportation because he's too high-profile and got caught attempting to put the celebrity fascists feigning liberal feminism and antifa as their fake fronts; otherwise it's as vicious and deadly as before Trump, now a Democrat Party fascist revival Party to install a 4th Reich racist and fascist system under the name of "Democracy".


Twerk music for that holiday groove--yes, it's a twitching underbeat you can shake that money-maker to--shake it, ho's of Whorewood for your cameras and for your promotions.

"Trap City--Sleigh Bells". Trap Music. December 21, 2018.


"maybe god will forgive you if we both beg". Snybun (topic). December 23, 2021.

Friday, December 23, 2022

Dear USA: How many sick and miserable people I must encounter whenever I have to be teleported or deal with society?

 The utter violence and hate and putridity I must endlessly encounter from sick and psychologically unbalanced people in society and in teleportation is astounding. They have this open portal opportunity to vent and dump and pour their misery and hate and feed off a helpless target who is sleeping, inert, unable to defend themselves. Endless torture, day-after-day is not enough for most of the parasites who teleport me, they go on indefinitely and require feeding off torturing and abusing and raping in order to feel satiated. The gerbil spinning wheel they rotate upon in their daily lives has left them internally inept, bruised as fragile broken shell minds--souls and spirits void and vacant lacking anything but vile determination to appear superficially like a "winner" in society. 

The amount of sickness and negativity I encounter with any contact with people from America is just unbelievable. The sickness of that society is now spilling over the edges of  the fake balance that had existed before Covid and all the unraveling of the pretense afterwards in the death grips of the next power struggle emergence. The power struggle emergence was of a smaller increase in upper level wealth accumulation and masses of people left destitute, homeless and without a pot. Not that the hate and stalking propensities have waned, but the hostility of murder as a burgeoning mentality on the streets and in the chat rooms is now not swept under the carpet and left for backroom rage caucuses against jews, blacks and whatever else---it's now in the open, many have joined in the ranks of minority Nazi in order to try to avert the outright deadly wave of domestic terrorism.

This is in regard to "gang stalking". 

I got onto a chat room for a service where you can see the person in a little room, but they can respond in various ways. You have to pay over $50 just to be able to type a response or write anything in the chat. These people are not worth paying that much for, but you can click on pre-written boxes in the chat--you get only three boxes per chat for "free". The service used to be completely free and you could type in questions and responses all you wanted. Formerly.

Instantly people in these video chat rooms began making the "trigger" gestures with obscenity and ugliness that was so rude and disgusting it was shocking. I have forgotten how violently disgusting Americans are when it comes to gang stalking. The people who teleport me are so violent, disgusting, sleazy, deadly putrid and foul and filthy it should keep me on edge for what trains and executes the trickle-down mentality in the first place--the mind control arm of  gang stalking appears in the hissing demonic face underneath the plastic-surgery Nazi image with it's smiles and posturing pleasantries for the public to see one image but really get mesmerized by the ugly, hate demon underneath.


I think I can't stand returning to America or anywhere else in Europe. I don't see how any society can withstand these people with their death mentality and I don't see a bright future for humanity under these circumstances. 


the disgusting expletives who are teleporting me are clasping, clutching and literally ripping my body and poisoning and destroying me to try to force me to RETURN to the cesspool of society that they ALL have helped to create which is so full of empty promises of NOTHING but someone trying to suck every single thing out of you and discard you when you are dying from their toxicity, poisoning and abuse and violence. they need to obtain the huge contract of forcing a baby out of me so after fighting for my life to GET OUT of the places of murder they have completely supported and still do, I am stuck with all government and people in power fully supporting me to forcibly be returned to a place which was poisoning me to death and leaving me with absolutely no way to heal or rid my body of the poison--and even still, when arriving here, they have continued the poisoning without end. I am so ill from it, it's literally a miracle I have survived.


My lesson from having gotten into this chat room and experiencing some of the people who just outright were hostile and disgusting immediately, upon some cue that was sent to them by their central administrative staff--and every single business reacts like this-the animosity and hate I get from employees everywhere is absolutely disgusting. People are so enthralled to just attack with absolute hate and behave like filthy and disgusting scum towards someone, if only to feel that hormonal high of having someone to abuse--for no other reason. 

I can't even imagine how miserable it would be for me to return to that awful country the United States at this point. I am reminded of this daily by the sick parasitic psychopath filth that teleports me every day and their rape and inserting foul disgusting things into my mouth, my vagina, my home here through their nasty dirty network of other nasty dirty filthy people performing their stink and filth and rape and mutilation and poisoning dictates immediately upon command.


How can the planet continue to be consumed by the toxic waste they produce not only for the planet but also just for society--the deception that they are cool but underneath it all are empty, blank violently sadistic and can't wait to vent it out on anyone if possible. How can the planet continue to sustain this system and these noxious disgusting people and how can the planet survive with them in control any longer?

And this technological death trip system is just beginning--this teleportation. The creeps who have done this for a decade act like absolute subhuman filth and yet are promoted for this behavior.

I detest the idea of returning to America or any Western country at this point. I really don't want to return or be with any of these people. Thailand is a Buddhist country, and although it's also sick as hell, I can't understand what most of them are saying and it's not as neurotic as all the Western countries combined. However, Thailand has been trained, inducted and programmed and is being further drawn into the hate and hostility game, with nature being cemented over for more consumer paradise sprees for the Western destroyers to take over and destroy but calling it "paradise" as they are plundering and inculcating the more "land of smiles" people into the death squad system.