MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, October 31, 2023
Heart palpitation remote assault commences. My heart is fluttering at abnormal rate and it's more like a type of "fibrulation" if I am using the correct term. It's being "increased" in rate but it's at a lower level than the sometimes extremely deadly scale that has been used against me in the past. It's still murder, espeically since the duration is continuous and has been ongoing for a very long time. I have been fighting off the equivalent of blood-thirsty vampire bats but they are just celebrities looking to get a huge promotion for their nasty careers by using tech to trick me into believing I am attracted to them while I'm drugged and in a deep sleep. Tech is further used to manipulate my brain in brain-mapping precision through this horrid interface of drugging, stress, torture and then an unwanted greedy nasty grasping violent parasite latching on to abuse me in terrorist mode, which is a murder mode. So I fight and fight. The heart palpitations have been going on for at least a few weeks but the endless vilence and hate and threats plus my internet constantly being turned off while I"m writing and I only began to write about it two days ago (or 3). Since then, it continues and continues but sometimes stops for a few hours. It's been turned on again. //More remote heart assault from remote tech/microchip interface. I can feel my heart under attack. The murder continues unabated as usual. I need to live in a safe home without torture and all this tech forcing extremely insidious terrorists around me, into me, at me, constantly.
Monday, October 30, 2023
Terrorist plant destruction on my patio. Another beautiful flowering plant is slowly dying. Every day they are killing one or more of the plants I must constantly replenish on my patio--costing me so much money over the past 6 months to replace and repurchase. I pay for seeds and they kill the seeds. I put in plants and the plants are slowly killed every day. Today another one has been dying slowly in one single spot on the patio. I am spraying anti-fungal on another gorgeous flowering vine that has grown for the past 6 months. They put a horrid fungus on it as I did everything I could to stop this destruction (rubbing alcohol, as they continued to spray fungus or it just kept growing but the fungus was put there by the terror group). This other plant, in a differnet spot where the trickles of poisoned water and spray are coming from the patio above where terrorists literally cut holes into my patio ceiling just at this spot so they have water trickling and sometimes pouring down from these multiple holes they drilled in the ceiling). The plant has dead and yellowed leaves now and there are almost no leaves left. It was growing and beautiful up to last week. Every week and every month I am spending at least $10 or more to buy more plants, and usually I pay something like $15 every month to pay for more plants an dmore and more and more. I live on less than subpoverty income and this is money I need for the soaring food costs. The pig apes continue to block my internet and thus all possibilities for earning money online. Please stop this destruction by these millionaire and billionaire f-tards who have stolen ceoncepts from me and made huge profit (millions) from all they have stolen and inflicted upon me, and they continue to do so non-stop every single moment they can (are "allowed") most of them who have stolen my ideas have participated in THE NON-STOP MURDER ATTEMPT upon me in so many facets of physical and every other kind of destruction. every single day.
Terrorist directed energy assault on my heart stopped for one day but has begun again. I can feel heart palpitations that are irregular and it's a definite sensation that stopped for one single day, so I can feel absolutely the difference. Again I must stress that this is not a "natural" heart problem but a directed energy assault intended to slowly destroy/kill the target. It has been ongoing for many weeks, but the violence from this group of sickness from Whorewood has been so violent on a non-stop continuous basis that when I get on the laptop it "slips" my mind because I am fighting to both type and think while my brain and laptop are under non-stop assault. I have to try to find other pig apes to stop the last pig ape becaue these pieces of sick filth become so violent once they get the tech under their filthy control they literally become deadly, and it only takes a very short while. They are all following instruction so they all continue at the same violent level as the last piece of pig filth. //I could feel intense sexual energy eminating from this "Good Christian" cross-burning bigot from Louisiana the now House Speaker. I tried to imagine if any House Speaker could be worse and more violent than Pelosi and his thin veil of rightousness evaporates like a steam film in a steam house for porn very quickly because the cold air of the coldness just clears out the misty haze--from my gaze, because they are so foul and they are so repetitive that even with the most intense of the drugging and sexual tweaking of my nervous system due to microchip implants, these scumbags are all so bigoted and hateful that the false allure dies almost instantly. But first some of them get a reaction out of me due to being endlessly surrounded by torture and hate literally 24/7 and no contact, no cat my cat stolen all animals are taken from my vicinity so I have nothing but hate and torture around me every single moment of day and night sleep and waking state.//So the "good" Christian has begun the heart assault because I am reacting to his violence against me, as he has been instructed to do and is glib about his inclusion in this crime. now violent and now on a murder path because I resist this next scumbag fake righteous pillar of salt coming out of the Whorewood cesspool but in politics this time. As usual connected to Trump.
While I was in the middle of the most intense concentration, fighting as usual to stretch very slowly to try to break the huge torso-length embedded and thick slab of hard-as-cement poison that was supposed to internally paralyze and suffocate me (to death, with poisons congealing causing diseases like cancer). That which the whorewood filth put in my body as I fought every day to rid my body, it would increase and increase in size as they increased and increased the abuse and torture every day more scumbag pieces of shit joined in to attack me until it's a carnivore carnivale of me seeing the real ugliness and lack of integrity that the American society truly always was but I was deluded like most people into "believing" the distortions of mind control propaganda about how "Democratic" America is--or should have been once upon a dream over the rainbow.
What will it take to get rid of them with me financially independent and the years of my life stolen by this group plus all the ideas they stole and were paid in millions to contort into Nazi propaganda and blonde Nazi imagery (with various other skin tones and colors participating playing their respective roles).
My cat La Moux returned alive and healthy and beautiful. My most precious baby my family and the are meaningless shit as far as I have ever seen of them and never want anything to do with helping this pile of rottenness obtain more and more- -they truly do not deserve anything but the harshest censure, plus restitution to me for years of torture, dismemberment and theft and rape and my home destroyed my property stolen and destroy my ability to earn money absolutely blocked and every kind of physical act of violence aimed at me plus non-stop poisoning which is only one facet of the never-ending murder they are all joining together to inflict upon me for their collective movie bullshit crap they are paid in millions to keep cranking out.
I hope to whatever deity that cares about human life there is (or a multitude of deities or none) that all this antisemitism coming out now will make people actually stop discrediting my years of writing about the 4th Reich and now you can see that it's actually real.
The real problem is that conservative bigot Christians like MAGA Mike appear to have a smooth countenance and claim every moral righteous claim of moral superiority and that they are fighting earnestly for "Israel", which is what they consider their due and their Holy Land because they want to eliminate/slaughter Jews and take over the country of Israel.
But people take the christian moral supremacy tinged with a lot of white supremacy and run with the illusion that the U.S. Government is a "friend" to Jews and that they care about Jewish State.
I may have my faults (whatever they are) but I am glad I'm not a hypocritical religious bigot. Bigot=discrimination against others only for supreficial stereotypes and power cartel domination. Racism, like sexism and all the other nefarious "isms" are just power grabs using dictum moral death threats to the contrary.
"Mozart's Dies Irae Rock Version". Tempus Quartet. February 20, 2022.
Composed by "The Love of God" Amadeus Mozart (actually the real name is Gottlieb--love of God translated) and his real name is Gottlieb Mozart (with a ton of other names in the long birth registered name in Salzburg was what we call Amadeus Mozart, translated by Mozart himself because he didn't like the German version of the name). Mozart was one of "God's voices" as some have called him. This is evident in this praise of "God" in this coronation piece celebrating divinity. On the other hand, Mozart was not a hateful righteous bigot liar and so he also composed a song about someone kissing his a$$--(below). Compare and contrast that to the "thou shall not and you are a sinner" type who in his private spare time reveals a multi-pronged tongue of deception and evil of a banal type. Back in the closet, going to preach in front of a political body about his moral precepts of cutting money to the poor and in private fully hitting kicking at me with black in his rotten eyes with evil energy coming at me smug that I have been raped and tortured poisoned mutilated as he fully joins in. He's a kind of ominous silent type. Get rid of this sick b-tard and soon as possible. Of course, he's been welcomed with fanfare with his bigot white trash community of his KKK village in his redneck Red State which has just cut off voting rights with gerrymandering for his State. Welcome to the first open theocratic bs operator of the 4th Reich, conforming to the American religious identification so as to assist in the non-religious murderous bigotry of the 4th Reich to swoop in once the murder has been accomplished. A flaming sword of righteousness is now enveloping America in the name of brutality and racist murder and overtake of the country with Europigapeland fascists right behind this spewing rotten bs operator, an agent of an evil source whatever that is.
But first, the "real" thing as compared to all that I tried to write below. The hacking is awful and the blocks to my cursor (now they are blocking that function as well as the keyboard. In the BIOS all works perfectly, obviously meaning it's a hack job afflicting my typing and my brain is under a similar type of disabling attack).
Glory to the people who really believe in the life of the spirit in the highest of what the ominipotent creator had envisoned for a paradise on this planet for all living things--which may be a myth or fantasy but nevertheless, I know that Mozart was against the emerging Nazi movement which, like the 4th Reich in America, was put into slow fungus style overtake long before the ultimate cascade of "everyone" around Europigapeland and in America fully going with the pogram without any need for pre-programming. Mozart wrote a bit about politics to his father in his letters, and was a devout Christian who also was free in many respects that are being condemned by this hateful bigot who is now hitting and assaulting me upon his tenure of this technology--oh foul spirit MAGA Mike. Get him off me. Get them all off me. Of course no one is "listening" because "everyone" in power is part of the 4th Reich, they have overtaken all.
"2 W A Mozart Coronation Mass in C major K317". LeGoLaS6888. September 6, 2012.
*I am no longer able to expand the videos using my cursor as it's being hacked. The first second I tried the expanding cursor worked but then the hackers blocked the function immediately within 2 seconds. Also, this piece below is titled "lick me in my ass" by Mozart (or some one else wrote the words). It was intended, I feel certain in my imagination, for those rotten hypocrites in power such as the Bishop of Vienna or the ecclesiastical rulership which controlled Mozart. This piece was written in a church-style and was intended as a quasi religious response to the corruption of the Church and State. That same corruption is now in power in the United States and they are fully aligned with a Monarchy-style Imperialistic group of the 4th Reich from Europigapeland. They want misery in the streets, homeless, people stuck in prison, poisoned and drugged teleported raped beaten and their lives and homes stolen from them by the wealthy who operate solely for the benefit of their white supremacy organization (many "minorities' fully are brainwashed and comply with the greatest violence. See how Hamas emulates the Nazis they are controlled by the faction of the 4th Reich I am now dealing with who are wresting control over the US and the snowball effect has been outright fascist Nazis on all sides of the political spectrum in "control". So this song was composed by someone who values freedom and a true spiritual calling to the enlightenment of humanity and was against oppressive tyranny, which is "evil". This song was a response, I believe, to that corrupt manifest destiny of usurpation of all things that the 4th Reich entails, which I am fighting alone now in teleportation.
"Cor Vivaldi--Lech Mich Im Arsch--W A Mozart". CorVivaldi Televisio. February 3, 2014.
**Please note that as I re-read only the first paragraph I saw that entire sentences had been deleted by hackers and half sentences pasted together so entire concepts were gone as this became a sinister joke of a post which rambled with no direction almost. Cursing replete everywhere, some of it embedded into my subconscious as I struggle to use the cursor (they are now hacking the cursor and the keyboard and everything else is almost inoperable as I fight to type and think).
Last night while in my deep Theta sleep state, while teleported, I was slapped in the face by the newest scumbag terrorist from this group, the new baby-face gangster with a Christian brown shirt of the House of Representatives. Partnering in all the "glory" of hate and abuse and condemnation with a twist of religious bs--along with the endless decade of murder and hate from the gang of shit with pig pitt and shitalina and their English Empire crew who are using them to exert their power and influence in the U S for ultimate control. Handed to them on a platter by the filth of pig pitt and this group of terror out of America; all with mansions and estates in Europigapeland, welcomed with red carpet thundering applause when they travel to Europigapeland as the 4th Reich orders them to either viciously attack people like me who are not willing to comply to being raped, poisoned and tortured because I used to compete and win against Nazis. But those who are greasing the way for a fascist, Nazi overtake are programmed into "elite" mind programming and racist hate. Once more, for the 2nd time in the past week, I am confronting a moral righteous male of either black or white skin color who is lambasting me on my moral deficiencies which they have made up. Their moral dictums are about controlling "minority" women because the blonde bigot women of the 4th Reich are the only ones allowed sexual freedom and the attempt to rise in economic status. The "other" women are relegated to being sex trafficked slaves. They pour videos about sex slavery under plantation systems constantly now on my YouTube channel as a programming on what they expect me to obey and follow. That I am a slave from a black plantation breeding farm, with full approval of all the Blacks in Whorewood and Farrakhan dancing around with their Nazi brethern and "brothers and sisters" white supremacists putting them in top modeling and mansion allowance in Europigape when they go on tours, always backed by The English Crown ltd. I am told that the white pig apes poisoning and raping me so I have nothing as they steal my ideas for over a decade and poison me so I am dehabilitated and dying as they torture me also to death; that they are "superior" in nature to me due to me laying in sickness day after day as the torture and poisoning and drugging never stops.// This is from the black victim playing persecutor of me--which black victim playing persecutor of me? It could be any one of the expletives of "black" hue who have participated, not just the moral preachy one involved in The Nation of Islam but in the religion of debauchery and wealth and power over all freedom and independence for the sake of blonde fascist iconograhy worship; because in Whorewood you can't flaunt religion in any real sense or you will be excluded from the general 4th Reich orgy exploitation rape culture scene for couch casting and promotion.
AT the "top" are the blonde bigots and everything else must automatically defer to their mediocrity. My ideas they stole are considered "their" ideas which they transmuted into the lower form of racist adulation for blonde Nazi imagery and Nazi philosophy of a "master race" supremacy. This is what I am dealing with every single day. Now quasi-religious "leaders" are hitting, threatening--the white supremacist is violent. His religious sanctimoniousness is not shocking after the years of his group being welcomed, as planned, into top 4th Reich position. Thanks to the Democrats voting to oust the Speaker who was defending the lives of Americans by not cutting social service programs which people rely on for their very lives. Instead, they put a Nazi theocracy into power and I am being hit, and tortured and now the sick psychopath cult leader claiming he's a righteous Christian is becoming more sinister by the day with the teleportation terror equipment. Like the Crusades of yore, the justification for this is that only white supremacists are in the glory of "God" and everyone else has no "soul" and therefore no human rights and no grace and deserve rape, torture and brutality. Really, what it amounts to, is the chants of the KKK shouting "The Jews will not replace us" in Charlottesville. I got into a sermonizing pseud-rant calling this f-er a fornicator and using his own fire and brimstone type of preaching from the South (which I HAVE heard and seen at a Church I was brought to by a Christian Identity murdering bigot in Gainesville, Florida. It's really the same as Louisiana but not as famous for it's KKK origins. I have heard stories and read in the Gainesville Sun about KKK going through the streets of Gainesville about 50 years ago with burning torches in the "Black" part of town. I heard the preaching. Get thee back to your "Master" Satan in your burning brimstone hell, oh preachy goddamn fornicating supporting rape and hate supporting mf'er.
Goddamn another one coming at me with condemnation for everything I do, live and experience and my past and they just make things up as justification for attacking and murdering me. Get thee hence oh demonic liar of Satanic hate and violence.
"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007.
Not referencing, of course, all the people who have assaulted me all these years using every pretext of lies and indignation that I am not complying to their usurpation of my life and destruction of the U.S. Constitution when It comes to me, but not them of course. The usual chant is that the problem is only happening to "me".
Nazi cheers going on this month as their plan for another annihilation is working perfectly. It's been coming down for decades but suddenly the cockroaches are coming into broad daylight with all their pre-programmed hate. It is the "gang stalking" world coming out of their collective hate closets now, pouring hate upon mostly the "minorities" who numerically are a majority but under-represented politically and economically (even in their "developing countries" controled by white supremacists who get all the best property as they control all the major business and mental programming to hate and attack people like me, which is venting their powerlessness upon another. This is now ongoing in brutality in the conflict that people are becoming outright openly Nazi about around the world. I have been experiencing this closeted racist hate not only from the usual culprits but a non-countable number of Jews vying for power in the Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich.
Good thing I'm not a "Christian, Jew or Muslim" so I can denounce the mf'ers with no moral violation of edicts that most of the condemning types using their pulpits denounce me with.
I can recall one person in particular out of NYC who followed the usual path to power and has amassed an empire. I warned him that the group currently assaulting me is part of a genocidal push for the elimination of the Jews and that he would have to face, inevitably, his own demise from the rise of fascist Nazism in the United States. He threatened to kill me as a display of solidarity with the 4th Reich with his screaming hysterical daughter. Half spawned by a Nazi bigot blonde woman. The Jewish man deeply tied to Israel and it's tethers to funding, the AIPAC and to nice, havens of gated "safety" of "Jews" in New York. So nice and safe, or? Maybe not so much any longer after this month. The bigots are coming out like cockroaches finally not scared because there has been only solidarity to their effort by Jews and Nazis alike. Good thing I don't wear a cross like a sword ready to cut down anyone who disagrees, with a throng of Muslims at my white supremacist back waiting to do the really violent hate attacks in my stead.
My religion is about loving and respecting life and nature and the planet and peace. I may have my faults, but being a closeted bigot is not one of them.
The Jewish man may, in the back of his programmed and terrified mind, recall what I was saying as he and his daughter screamed what a "loser" I must be for not giving in to Nazis and fascist Mafia raping, poisoning and torturing me. They agreed to do what they were instructed to do. They were "allowed" to fund for Kibbutzim in Israel and they were "allowed" to believe that they were "safe" with all the billions in funding for security which was so easily breeched because the 4th Reich controls both sides of the chaos they control, and they didn't require spyware to understand how to breech the billion dollar wall and the iron dome. They had funded both sides of the conflict through their nefarious religious organizations and societal groups. They are now celebrating how many Nazis are coming out, both black and white, not only in America but around the world, chanting Nazi slogans in defense of Palestinians. At the same time, they loathe brown and black people in the privacy of their dinner tables and that includes Palestinians. I have sat around German dinner tables being "invited" to the family dinner and saw the naunces and heard the slight mockery about all the immigration and the problems that I know that various religious organizations in Germany are undoubtedly supporting. I understand the looks and nuances of Germans and their duplicity. Almost all Americans I have ever met are only seduced by the lying fake warmth of the Germans and the rest of Europ-a's learn to emulate this Machiavellian style of the "Left-Hand Path" to power. Which is befriending your enemy and smiling warmly with huge dilated pupils while planning on how to destroy the person you are even mating with, even married to and claiming you "love" them.
FURTHERMORE now that I am on this diatribe: America is MY COUNTRY and the religious bigots who claim that they want to kill me and that I can't "replace" them can truly burn in Hell. Meaning to say, that if I am superior in a quality they should not have the weapons, drugs and organized terror units to poison and torture me because I have won in competitions and they can't stand to see people like me thrive and better them in competition, of any sort whatsoever. This has been an ongoing murder operation surrounding me for all my life. The situation of Nazis and bigot organized crime coming out to threaten to kill Jews and others (I haven't heard of Jews going out expressing death threats to Muslims but the reverse is absolutely true--count the black candidate for President who came to me with bigotry and violence but claims he is a peace-loving "brother" to his kin black folk but more importantly like so many, a fighter waiting to rape and kill people like me, as he masturbated at me with a huge smile and grin in teleportation like the sleazy scum that he is, Harvard-trained. Now "Jews" in my father's Alma Mater are being threatened with death at Cornell University in Upstate New York. That is the area I used to live in (more West, near Buffalo and Rochester) and shit pig pitt teleported the kids in my school, 8th Grade, who surrounded me with drugging and rape and abuse and organized terror which my family fully complied with, ousting me as I had to run for my life but the poisoning only continued as I was forced into a chaos that lasted for a very long time. People constantly surounding me in Upstate New York. and pit brough two of the people who had really hated me, of a lower economic status than my mother and my house, which these bigots in Geneseo blasted me for being haughty which I wasn't. Their problem really was that Jews had a better situation than they had. The price my mother paid was to become a sex slave for a bigot next door (Italian-American Mafia) and pig pit teleported them to me while he sat as they threatened to kill me if I went to Geneseo as I defended myself. That was enough justification for a death threat.
The Nazis and bigots and Mafia bigots are cheering this divide-and-conquer strategy that they were trained in by the Europigapes they have embraced like heroes coming to restore their sense of domain and "Manifest Destiny" in America.
It's my country, you are shit go back to Europigapeland you fucking pig apes. I sound very inarticulate right now. THis is the tech blasting my brain into my old New York vernacular which I only learned from my parents, the Ivy League but Brooklyn children of the 4th Reich. Brought up to obey and conform to any demand these pig apes tell them to do. They obeyed and followed instructions including attacking me. I sincerely believe that my parents were all murdered covertly by their Nazi/Mafia spouses or neighbors whom they groveled to as they were instructed to assault me.
This hate and Nazi rise of genocide in Israel and Palestine and within the former anti-Nazi (but not by much) USA is now completely brainwashed and programmed into the 4th Reich Nazi overtake.
But not being a "good Christian", "Jew" or "Muslim" I can state that their false piety is not my sin. America is my country. I don't really want to live in Israel the world is my domain these people or pig apes as I call them by now are really the sub-humans and only can lie, kill, rape and steal and create mass genocides and Imperialistic mass colonization and hate for their endless lavish lying empire. All the while using religion as a tool to kill off anyone who dares become free of the constraints of moral dictums pitting people against one another in the name of religion and also condemning anyone who enjoys life to any degree that is supposed to be only for the "entitled" who use religion as a weapon against those whom are being used.
Psy-ops is the modern definitive term for this major global operation.
What was blanked out of my memory whilst I was writing the above: The Democrats ousted Speaker McCarthy after he saved lives for not helping to cut social benefits. As soon as they could, especially crap like AOC who is more fake than the religious bigot now assaulting me physically, fully supporting all the white male rapists who have poisoned and raped me for years to death, and the Europigapeland take-over of america to install the 4th Reich, to which he truly bows in allegiance and obviously not to any religious doctrine that Christ ever espoused in what remains of the scripture after all the councils edited the content in the 4th Century under Constantine.
The Democrats, as I had to painfully learn, are simply a branch of the 4th Reich Nazi Imperialist fascist group, which includes the "Progressive" Youtubers who have violently assaulted me, in particular the white men but not excluding the brown skinned followers, who are now hailing Palestine as their equivalent to a racist society that they claim Israel is. I am not disputing whether Israel is a racist society or not in this post. I know that the internal divisions and programming to appear and be as "white" with blonde hair as possible has been an ongoing campaign amongst Jews for the purposes of assimilation and acceptance into the genocidal 4th Reich.
So that is why, ultimately, the Democrats are really to blame for putting this fake posturing bs operator into the Speaker's chair. McCarthy at least was not spewing religious condemnation and draconian death measures upon the population. But the Dems had to oust him anyway, clearing the way for their real objective never openly stated in all their blatherings to the contrary. THey are now collectively bemoaning all the tragedies unfolding around the world which they, themselves, obeyed orders to help unfold. Their allotted "roles" in the fascist Nazi Mafia 4th Reich is to pretend they are opposed to an Isis-style theocracy, which this new Speaker appears more and more every day to be something very similar to. The fundamentalist extremists in the Middle East, as they are called "extremists" are only the partners in a global 4th Reich massive Imperialist conquest. Now the push comes from a seemingly placid purveyor of religious condemnation for anything that is not aligned with "the pogram" program I am now being targeted for everything I listen to being symptomatic of my "evil whore" nature and it's always implied because this filthy demonic creep assaulting me has no rationale that is based in reality, which I could dispute so easily and I am doing this every time he opens his lying mouth to attack me. Now he is only resorting to violence against me. This is done while I am sleeping of course and through the network of terrorism. He hits me just as I am "waking" up so I am unconscious and just regaining some consciousness while in a deep sleep (the simultaneousness of teleportation, splitting my body into two paired entities simultaneously. This splitting is how they rape adn torture me in both locations of my body simultaneously as well. They are truly evil shit people and this new Speaker is just another fucking piece of lying sick shit using religion as a justification for tyrannical condemnation. Just wait a while as he becomes more thoroughly rotten and corrupt like Pelosi became and his violence will only increase by the day, as it is doing now with this group of rotten evil skank shit from Whorewood at his side instructing him on the violence that he has not been "allowed" to mete out to the "sinners" like "me". No matter what I say, they force this category on me while they commit every crime and sin against me. Evil and sick and rotten. But the Democrats the assistants to the fascist Nazis put this fucking creep into power. Because they are part of the divide and conquer strategy by the fascist genocidal 4th Reich. All those putting "Jews" in front of the camera for their daily media output have violently assaulted me in the name of fascist antisemitism. They helped pave the way for the genocidal rantings of the "fringe" which has now become dominant thanks to their bs blathering control over the "opposition".
*Correction--I think I was referring to the Cardinal of Salzburg when I was writing briefly on the Lech Mich im Arsch by Mozart--his rebuttal of his employer from the area--I could look it up, it was in the movie Amadeus---but I think it was the Cardinal and not the Bishop, which would have been a much more prestigious position --I'm not definite about any of this but Bishop was probably wrong. I will look it up some time. What does it really matter anyway? The difference between a religious organization and an artist constructing an edifice of art to a spiritual, uplifting experience could be the difference between a marriage of Church and State and the glory of spiritual enlightenment sans politics.
Sunday, October 29, 2023
Terrorist Directed Energy Weapon slow murder/heart/attack report: electronic attack upon my heart muscle so it's fluctuating at a very near ambient level of irregular beating and hyper-acceleration. This has been an ongoing torture and slow murder attempt for over a decade. With all the endless teleportation violence and attacks upon my brain, rape and violence plus HOURS AND HOURS daily of the terrorist celebrities and their politico bro's sitting on their brains attacking me with vicious insults and threats of violence--I realized this was occurring but with the endless assaults upon me as of late increased the longer the tallies for incentive-based rewards are piled up in "breaking" my body and spirit for the parasitic feeding frenzy coalition heaped upon me---so there is also this low-level heart assault which I feel constantly but have been blanked-out with brain-altering tech while hysterically ranting about the rape and torture that has been ongoing on a deadly level.
Unfortunately, this type of information about murder weapons of an electronic nature are relegated to the "conspiracy theory fringe" group that has been discredited. It is tragic for those like me afflicted by these weapons. I do not know why this information has not been more broadly exposed to the public. Perhaps this information is not authentic, or scientifically-based (?). For whatever reason, I know it to be used against me and I know this is a coveted form of covert assassination and murder and put absolutely into unethical hands.
"Officials say 130 suspected victims of possible energy weapon". Fox News. May 19, 2021.
On the pyramid of survival needs, the endless assault with my nervous system being wacked out while the terrorist celebrities literally attack me for hours and hours daily, with my heart also under attack.
I "forgot" to include this as I ranted under similar "mind control" influence so I got into the philosophizing under the "truth serum" effect upon my brain and the drugging that always accompanies my every food and liquid intake plus the microchip implant in my brain and in my nervous system and in my throat and whereever and whatever else is being utilized for the lowering of human intelligence that this contract provides the terrorists who are pretending they "care" and have "lofty" humanitarian concerns (for the past decade, these "concerns" have been stolen from me, only to be used to glorify in that celluloid theater of fodder worship of nothingness that these 4th Reich celebrities boast of and are paid so fully that they integrate this philosophy into their very psyches. They believe they are fully allowed to get away with every crime against me and murder is their end-result game. Thusly my heart being constantly forced into an irregular beat, even if it's at a much more subdued level as in the past they have forced very deadly increase in heart rate and compression, literally I think they can constrict organs and blood vessels through this tech and drug interface. It is one of the more lethal forms of covert assassination and murder on this planet that no one is exposing as this is such a "precious" weapon that many a power-broker yearns to inflict upon their enemies or rivals so of course nothing is going to stop this, them or the entire contract but I write this warning people reading this now, or in the future, of forthcoming murder. Probably this type of technology can be used "through-wall" by neighbors, and perhaps even on a massive scale.
I need to repeat that I do not have congenital heart problems and this is not due to stress or whatever. This type of attack has been ongoing in situations such as when I am swimming to try to not lose all muscle and body tone; I used to go swimming in a resort swimming pool here in Phuket late at night so as not to be bombarded by terrorists swimming into me constantly, as they do especially in lane-swimming places (i.e. in the U.S.) where people are supposed to follow rules but terrorists literally swim into me from the opposite direction hitting me as they pass by my side. This happened so regularly that I could not go swimming. But here in Phuket, at a beautiful resort where the manager was so warm and friendly (very quickly moved away afterwards and replaced by the "black" eye hate of the next set of terrorists, as always happens whenever anyone is friendly and nice to me, they "disappear" and are transferred or even killed as a result if they can't be moved.
But not to digress, which I am doing as the tech is now blanketing my brain from being able to focus and concentrate:
I swam about 4 laps before my heart was pounding in a way that was not natural. I used to be on swimteam and swam up to 100 laps in a 25-yard pool I was a swimming blue-ribbon contestant as a child, soon afterwards the bloating and hardening poison began to stop me from winning as the discrediting began by the wonderful community in Champaign, surrounding my family with murder aspirations for absolutely racist and political reasons (part of the COINTELPRO backlash, as many of these terrorists were transplants from Chicago and moved into my neighborhood and then began assaulting me, like wise my parents in their domain in the a-dolt world at the University).
It's hard to describe all these types of attacks without evidence but it is feasible. There are books about this subject with details about forcing people to die from artificially-induced heart palpitation attacks through these Directed Energy Weapons.
*As it turns out, terrorist hackers have changed my cookies settings and I can't find a way to restore them. I have put all settings back to original but this browser and my other browser I use won't allow me to post any videos on any of my three Vignettes of Mind Control sites (two days ago I was able to post on this site but not on the 3rd Vignettes blog site, now all three are blocked--all done by hackers. They came into my room when I went downstairs to accept an antifungual plant treatment because terrorists have poured fungus on my plants to kill them. While I was out of this room getting the defense against yet another plant being killed by this thuggery, they then changed my system so I returned and the icons were double the size and they also hacked into this blog and blocked all cookies. I have gone into all systems and changed and even allowed for cookies on this site but they put another really nasty virus on this system. They infect everything, every day, they are toxic to a degree that is an abomination and yet, they are so worshipped for it and put into lead position constantly. You are all infected it's far worse than mere "brainwashing". Additionally, hackers are constantly turning the WiFi on and off, every few minutes. I spend so much time getting up and turning the router off, unpluging it and this computer and then restarting everything just to wipe out the malware for the few minutes I am able to turn the router on again. As my life depends on trying to get something to stop this incessant murder attempt, as this post today is about, I must continue to write or they will go on. Hopefully even though you may not be able to see this video you can click on the link and try to bypass instant repulsion if you have it, towards InfoWars because this subject is authentic. Of course, like most of those in the public perview, Alex Jones is aboslutely in favor of me being tortured and murder in this situation and like most of the people in power, want certain people to be covertly assassinated. The stealth of subdued, ambient heart attack technology on a long-term basis is absolutely a lethal force combined with poisoning and endless abuse and negativity and stress due to the tech that forces me to respond to the hateful celebrities who are far more insidious and ugly and sinister than you could imagine if you only saw their smiling plastic surgery facades on the boob tube.
I have since downloaded a new browser as all browsers are blocked from accepting 3rd Party Cookies, and I may have increased my security measures but that has nothing to do with this block as on the same browser I was able to download videos on one site but not on a different email address for the same blog site--I am not articulating this in computer terms but what I mean is that I could use the system but each site became systematically blocked and not by me having done anything to stop cookies. The hackers and terrorists slowly kill and destroy as much as possible. They then force me into survival mode as they abuse and insult me for the means I have had to use for survival and the damage they have done. They use every rationale and justification for their abuse. It ties in with all the blocking and destruction that is constantly going on, including my health which is constantly being deteriorated by non-stop poisoning, drugging endlessly afflicting my liver and kidneys and immune system while they abuse me with every kind of sabotage constantly and use deep sleep torture of murder, homelessness rape and abuse every single night for years and years and years then hours and hours upon waking as the expletives sit in rows of chairs yelling threats, abuse and hate and insulting everything I am and do and then the torture and heart palpitations continues as I fight to stop the other tortures endlessly and clean and repair and fight, non-stop.
Saturday, October 28, 2023
Terrorist mutilation report: sick from the years of poisoning and dismemberment/disfiguration/poisoning with hardening bloating poisons--the people who have been murdering me, I prayed for their death yesterday as they have not stopped the torture for over a decade EVERY SINGLE DAY without end. Today, sick from detox I collapsed on my bed during the day, unable to protect my hands as I fell into a drugged up sleep that was so deep, but healing I truly needed to sleep immediately after earing. They severed part of my fingernail that is not shred into a thin wedge of nail and under the cutilcles they severed the nail and cuticle. On the other side of this left-hand index finger, they severed the nail underneath the cuticle months ago and it's not growing back. They did this to me again as I lay in the sickness they forced upon me, as "punishment" for wishing them death because "just" slicing off my fingernail is only the tip of the iceberg in terms of deadly torture and violence these pig ape whores have extracted upon me. The shit whores who ordereded this have been stealing my concepts for YEARS and being awarded and paid in millions for it. I yelled at the blonde dirty skank these pig rapist bigot men all love as they yell every kind of insult at me when I am yelling in response that I don't consider this dirty filthy ugly parasite to be "beautiful". They made sure to mutilate and poison me so they can scream that this piece of ugly filthy crap is more "beautiful" and this is what the pig ape shit have been doing ever since they got this contract out on me. The shit that attacked me prior to the never-ending beauty plastic surgery treatment shithole whores from shitwood were not mutilating my body like this on a constant level. But once the rotten bigot women of the 4th Reich from Whorewood have been handed this torture technolology, their need to push other women down is so extreme that my entire body has been mutilated for the past decade from the same pieces of rotten rape cheerleader blonde fascist Nazi shit who have stolen my ideas about "feminism"--so now there is another destroyed item on my body for praying for the death of this fucking shit ugly whore skank who is so cherished by these filthy rape violent abusive men who are constantly raping and abusing me and are attacking me because I am finally fighting to get this fucking shit whore parasite off me. Years and years of extremely deadly violence poured upon me and this filthy skank has been at the forefront but behind shit pig pit and shitalina, who yell the same thing at me after years of mutilation and torture and poisoning. My body is so ill that I fall asleep in a near sick comatose state as they mutilate my fingers and body and hair and skin. I must spent at least a minimum of 30 minutes protecting my body before sleeping with layers of clothing and rubber bands wound around my wrists on top of the gloves and items so their mechanical arms can't murtilate my fingernails any longer. But I was too sick from the endless poisoning this ssame fucking skank from australia who is now endlessly violently threatening me. She got an English piece of sick and rotten shit to rape and beat me as she watched glaringf in hate as this English fucking pig ape yelled that "she's a friend of mine" as I tried to get this u gly dirty sick thing off me with him and his wife sexually assaulting and raping me together. I wrote about this Australian ugly dirty foul thing stealing my concept and partnering with shit pig pit for years and how much more violent the attacks upon me have been. so now they are "punishing" me for praying for her death just to get this fucking pig off me and her English and American Nazis off me as well. How much more of t he filth and ugliness of ugly dirty filthy pig ape sick creeps must I have to endure? When will there be justice for these endless crimes against me and the theft of my cat, my home, my body mutilated and this slashing into my nail was done with a laser it is absolutely precise and cut under the fingernail. They probably attacked my brain with this microchip implant and then made me into a deep comatose sleep, and then injected some kind of sleep drug so I was sleeping for hours in exhaustion from all the years of poisoning an dstress and torture. All they have done is poison and then torture me while I've been fighting to heal as they attacked my immune system and nervous system. For responding with rage and screaming finally to get the fuck off me, they are now assualting more mutilation and the shit and hell of this group of dirty filthy parasites never is stopped or ends. Please make these stupid ugly filth parasites go away get them off me please get this group of shit off me. Where is there any sanity or justice? To put sick and ugly dirty ignorant and dumb people like this in control of torture technology is a sheer act of stupidity on the part of the already incompetent leadership of America which has been leading America into a cesspool for such a long time. They can't fathom that this is unacceptable and that this wealthy group of dumb scum actually is nothing but ugly plastic surgery modifications of Nazi imagery and they are incompetent to be put into leadership position. That the ideas they have stolen from me from my writing before and after having me tortured, and then torturing me themselves, should be compensated to me with some kind of financial stability for me to live in peace. Instead I must beg politician after politician from congress to have any kind of decency, concern for an innocent citizen. They are all so intent on forcing negative stereotypes on me, the most prominent of which are anti-semitic tropes that they are constantly superimposing on me. Because I have had almost nothing to do with the Jewish community therefore these ignoramus scumbags must force their categories upon me, and of course that itself pits them "above" me which they rely on. They further use these stereotypes to rationalize rape and injustice towards me, their minority minions are particularly keen to use the racist stereotypes upon me to justify their own inclusion in what is an obvious white supremacist Nazi protocol system. Blacks in particular feel "entitled" as the loud-spokien "victims" of racism to join in with white supremacists in blaming me for everything from racism against blacks, their one and only claim to fame for most of them, to fully being the fault of the Palestinian crisis, to everything else. But behind them is the shit with blondish hair or of that ilk who are constantly stealing ideas from me, being funded with millions of dollars to produce movies which glorify white supremacy iconographic imagery, and then they torture me to mutilate me before I even begin to denounce them or fight back. Once I fight back, after decades of this going on, they are permanently destroying my fingers and toes (broken, nails have been ripped up, my right large toenail was likewise destroyed permanently with something inserted under the cuticle so it won't grow, instead it is lifted above the nail and becomes very thick and hideous and I must cut away this huge layered nail that grows above the nail and sometimes turns black--not from "fungus" but the nail is completely destroyed and "dead" and deformed and hideous. My fingernails now are being sliced underneath the cuticles on almost every finger for fighting back against shit whores who are ugly and sinister stealing my ideas, after their white pig ape racist men rape and abuse and are poisoning me to death; all to claim that these ugly skanks are "more beautiful". Like shitalina, this ugly dirty Austrailian piece of crap constantly is yelling at me to repeat after her that she is so "beautiful" as I yell how ugly she is. I had to go through this with shitalina for about 6 or 7 years as she ordered this constant dehabilitating poisoning and mutilation. I was also raped non-stop with my hips and spin put out of alignment that she adn they all ordered as they kept injecting poison into my body and food to attack to any injury and then harden into that injury and then build upon the layers so the huge chunk of poison is as hard as rock twistign my body and I'm endlessly stuck sick and being teleported and tortured. Please kill this ugly filthy skank from Australian, I pray for it's death and the English pig and his shit u gly whore wife or whatever that dirty thing was who both raped me while I was drugged--in "defense" of the English Empire usurpation of America through shit like this ugly loud-mouthed hysterical dirty stupid skank from Australian, maggot robber who has gone to the oscars twice for concepts that were stolen from me and adapted to glorification of her, this filthy ugly thing. I see only the stupidity and ugliness of it's stupid personality not the blonde image that has been trained and sculpted by plastic surgeons. I see the ugliness and hate of this ugly dirty thing, along with all of these pieces who constantly are teleporting and attacking me. Please kill that thing. So they mutilated me once more after endless mutilation for defending myself and writing to get any attention to this crime. The racism of America is so extreme that the shit in leadership have violated all of my Constitutional Rights, basically put me into an "enslave" legal status of having ZERO HUMAN RIGHTS WHATSOEVER. //The Christian now in control of the House is in control of this torture regimen who stated quietly with a smug grin that he's fully with this blond bigot ugly skank from Australia; first putting a foreigner into more legal importance than a U.S. citizen, which these bigots are denying me as they put English Crown scumbags into America and rescind every single law and legal "right" I'm supoposed to have by law. These are the leadership fuckers in Congress who have fully complied with this. In addition to claiming he's a religious "righteous" personality, and then accusing me of every kind of sleazy thing but doing so quietly, only hinting at these accusations when I must once more fight back with reality and reason instead of what these pieces all use, just lies and labels and cliches and racist stereotypes but twisted to fit their attack plans for their promotional aspirations by being involved in this contract. Every one of these dumb scumbag say and do the same things. There is a guide book or tutorial they all follow. I have never seen any kind of any personality from a single one of them. One of them was kind enough to not violently assault me after I was angry and said', "Not another one"- and so he withdrew from outright assault but he's still there with the "gang". But I am now once more with another teleporting person defending the skank who has committed all this murder activity along with shit pig pit who has become absolutely a tyrannical fascist bigot (he always was but now it's really "out" with the blonde fasists from Europigapeland and the Australians appear to be more brutally honest than the English, and this English pig ape scumbag who played a quasi-religious martial arts "leader" in a fucking stupid propaganda movie about an Ipmerialist Empire (as he also played Jesus the "Jew" usurping that as the English fascist Israelists are constantly doing, portraying themselves as holy Jews for their overtake of Israel and also of AMERICA but they use all their Commonwealth actors to insert themselves a bit more inconspicuously than the outright English vesion of Imperialism. The American leader of the House fully goes along with this and so I collapse form sickness from the poison this filthy ugly dirty sick skank and shit pig pit, the good lovers and friends all giggly about torture adn then stealing my ideas and then being handed MILLIONS in production costs by the 4th Reich and THEN torturing me non-stop to be given more nominations to the Academy Awards. She's constantly assaulting me now to get her shit movie and herself awards, as the shit goes on and on every awards season for HALF A FUCKING YEAR of torture because of the longevity of this endless rigged "awards" season from December to May (but the pieces of ugly shit begin their assault upon me as early as October, and they are all vying once more to assault me to death for this nomination process and it goes on and on every single year).
Wednesday, October 25, 2023
Addition to my last post. I was completely under the influence of brain-altering technology interface with non-stop drugging, torture, stress, violece from sick parasitic celebrities and politicians and "civilians" of the 4th Reich. I "forgot" to add the essential points to my ranting diatribe about Farrakhan the English scumbag whore and his skank dirty wife and their ilk, the sick sleazy Europigpape fascist nazis who you all adore.
Because I called dirty nasty Oprah and Aunt Jemima about 5 years ago, as that rotten sleazy ugly dirty filthy thing asked me for ideas and then tortured me, asked me what I meant, demanded an apology. I had known about her involvement with this non-stop rape and torture and poisoning murder and assault upon me, she was involved, stole a concept I had written about A Wrinkle in Time, which she starred in but she's exactly the opposite to whatever role she played. Her assault upon me lead to the assault by countless blacks who then claimed that I was the most virulent racist. They teamed up with fascist white trash celebriteis who are famous for their charitable "woke" roles and causes celebrity---who are fascists, make the most deadly commentary about concentration camps. That's all fine and good for the black Nazis who love their benefactors and "friends" as they are all good "friends". No problem with this injustice towards me. Aunt Oprah then sicced a host of other blacks, and now Farrakhan has come to defend Germans abusing me, saying they are "superior". This group has blocked my every attempt at having a career my body my health a home and they have even stolen my cat and they refuse to return her.
My point is that Farrakhan asked me, in the middle of a few days of hours and hours of verbal interrogation with the english filth rapist behind him, trying to pin this label on me with the only attribute he has in the public realm, "exposing" racism. Thusly, he went on and on.
finally he asked me about my perspective of the Israeli-Hamas conflict/war. I tried to be jovial, I tried to make jokes, I said I didn't want to talk, and every day with this sick technology I can't stop talking. There is a "truth serum" effect and I also can't turn away, they are facing me no matter which direction I turn. These are rapists who have talked about Nazi death camps and me being killed and have mutilated my body. These are pig apes who have stolen my ideas non-stop for over a decade, as they took over the contract from other pieces of Europigape shit men who were poisoning me to death adn raping the poison into my body and would not stop after years I finally called them pigs, they had me beaten, thrown in jail for a visa overstay, deported me back to America where I was assaulted by an ENTIRE HOTEL which was designated as a terrorist attack situation surrounding me constantly. I was so drugged there I could not get out of bed. It was abuse non-stop for half a year, they broke my cats ribs they then stole her completely when I wrote two sentences to Johnny Depp in 2013 on his Facebook page. That began years of his r ape and torture along with Amber Heard, which almost lead to my murder until Trump took the toys away from Elon Musk who, when he worked in tandem with Heard, the murder attempts really began with cars hitting me. Then trump had cars hit me and I almost was killed, and then they tried to knock my teeth out. Meanwhile they were still stealing ideas and stealing ideas. Now they are trying to get an oscar for the ideas they stole from me this year again, and then by torturing me and threatening to kill me, they intend that this will lynch their academy award or golden globe (the former more likely as it's a complete Nazi-controlled mafia operation).
So, Farrakhan asked me about the Israel role, as he was ready to pounce on me for anything that disagreed with his venomous hate for Jews and pro-Muslim everything.
I TOLD him and this group of stupid shit who have tortured me after stealing ideas, disfigured mutilated and were poisoning me to death in a horrid way that I am still stuck not able to move
and they listened for a few moments as I said that this was an operation that was done in conjunction with Hamas and Israel and also the 4th Reich Nazi shit that is controlling them--the white supremacists. I have only been writing about English Imperialism and English Israelism for the past decade but they never read it or listen. I said that the Jews and Hamas were just being used as pawns and it was about control for the land. All was a construction of media terror circus and in the end, the elite on all sides are going to divide the land between themselves. I said that Hamas was using it's soldiers and didn't care about them.
I was tortured by Farrakhan for this after I said it. As usual they began to abuse adn torture me. More things were sprayed with stinking filth. My clothing was stinking sprayed my home was sprayed with stinking brown substances and filth and fungus. My body was mutilated. This goes on EVERY SINGLE DAY. and after years of these sick stupid shit holes making MILLIONS of dollars from the ideas they stole from me and also from this contract, they are sucking as much out of me as possible.
Once I saw the video where the Hamas soldiers said that they were tricked by their leadership and just used, which is what I had said the crew of dumb scum teleported me this morning and asked me how I knew. I realized that the pieces of shit were once more sucking information out of me. The English sick fucking whore pig just got my life force energy by rape, as I responded because I was drugged and I am always drugged. He sucked out my beauty and love and youth and returned it by slapping my face and sexual violence and abuse and then torture. This is the contract. The sick fucking whores of this group watch this go on and hug and embrace the sick fucking pigs who do this, the women giggle. They all play "feminist" roles, and mostly from ideas I wrote and have written of because they are such rape enabler skank absolute shit people. They steal the ideas, and they steal the ideas. They go through daily torture sessions to extract ideas from me. They have never paid me a single penny they use my ideas to promote themselves and claim it's their idea and concept. Once I get angry ahout this sick situation, they torture me with all their weapons and pig apes who operate as proxy rapists and terrorists, the "normal" "good" citizens of the planet (of all political affiliations, races and ages and socioeconomic levels, basically most of the world that has survived all the Nazi genocidal culling of decency turning everything into corruption and rot.
I tried to not answer, I told them they were pigs. I wished them death. i kept trying to not say anything. The "truth serum" effect and this forced response out of me with this drugging and technology--I can't stop talking. I detest them in a way that is nausiating to just see them or have anything to do with peole like this--I mean pig apes like this.
Meanwhile, I am constantly surrounded by babies when I am out in public. The pieces of shit are trying to suck every single thing out of me. A baby now, the culmination of rape adn torture and hate which they feed off. They all go off in new love relatinships after this violence towards me. I remain stuck paralyzed needing health care needing to heal in peace as they are murdering me.
What came out earlier in my last post was an enraged and drugged up hysterical rant. I had to eat today and my food which I can't carry around with me is drugged. I must lug water to this room and I can't constantly drag heavy bottles because I spend a few weeks in this room due to my spine and body being too injured to do anything.
So they tried to obtain information. I ekpt screaming at them in rage and called them pigs and shut the fuck up and on and on. Farrakhan then demanded an "apology" for finally losing my tempre after months of this fucking Nazi assaulting me verbally in defense of pig shit most racist Europgiape white males.
What a sick and fucking farce they all are.
Terrorist mutilation report: I can't use my fingernails any longer. The terrorists have slashed into my fingernails below the cuticle and literally have sliced the nail and nerve endings at least half an inch below the cuticle. These are like laser slices into my fingernails and there is nothing on the edges of my nails. My left index finger was sliced 4 months ago and the nail is not growing back. They literally cut out whatever nerves or parts of the finger that grow nails out--the slices are extremely precise like a laser cutting tool. They have done this to my left index, my right ring finger, they have lifted up the nails of my thumbs every day for about a decade. They have dug into the cuticles every single day, literally, of both middle fingers so the nails are huge, there is no more growth of the cuticles and I can't use the nails. I can't even put on necklaces that have a little round pull-down lever clasp any longer I can't use most of my fingernails they are fractured, mostly cut to shreds not growing back from years of mutilation of the cuticles. They also inserted silicone into my left side at my rib cage, so this appears to be like a cyst. They did this also above my right knee cap on my thigh, it's extremely huge. They did this to me in Florida on my chest and they inserted so much silicone into it it looked like a small plum. There is now a scar I had to have surgery to have it removed; I was literally put under it was not a "procedure" but a surgery to get it removed. This is never ending. Why is my country never stopping this violence against me and allowing these sick disgusting creeps to go on and on like this? When people talk about Trump having created this anti-Democratic movement--those MSNBC anchors, many of whom have participated in attacking me, one has written a book about the Nazi movement during the 3rd Reich. Another one daily denounces the Trump situation but still, not a single one of them can do more than get promotions out of this contract. they are fully glad to have obtained promotions out of participating. The loss of Democracy means nothing if it happens to me, according to them. But it's not just the loss of Democracy, but torture and mutilation and rape that they are fully supporting as well. So, it is never stopped. The filthy creeps who are attacking me sic their minorities upon me, those who constantly claim they are victims. They become the most violent in teleportation towards me with physical violence. The white pig ape men from Europigapeland are violent rapists who are foul and dirty and disgusting. The blacks claim and behave like bowing servants loving their "superiors" as Farrakhan called them in contrast to me. He's now demanding an "apology" for me finally telling him to shut up and that he's a piece of shit. That piece of shit has joined into this hate contract for many months now, with all these other blacks who rush at me violently for fighting for human rights in the face of mutilation torture rape and the pigs steal ideas from me (Aprah did) and all the most famous blacks of America in the media have come to aboslutely threaten me with the white pig apes right behind them. //I have to deal with miniature versions of this in the shopping malls and the driving near-death situations that are constantly being forced upon me.. AT this point, I truly hope that climate change will just destroy them and their network, or war that pigs like them actually are responsible for having promoted and not me (it's sick and disgusting shit like Farrakhan who is promoting much war and hate in this world, not me). Behind that rotten piece of shit are the white pig ape pieces of shit who use minorities like him and they try to do this with me in order to create the illusion that it's these messed-up minority groups who are just innately dysfunctional, endlessly depressed and in despair about racism victimization and fighting against other groups. So I have to watch out for the minority minions but the white pig apes like this English putrid rapist shit whore and the German pig ape rapists who are so fully supported and protected in their sodomizing physical violence rape upon me as the blacks cheer it on and then, they have their own fascist Nazi but black minority minion networks of violence, fully funded also by the white Nazi/Mafia groups. How sad it all is. I just hope they all blow each other up or drown in all their pig consumer gluttony and hate instead of me having to be forced into some negative situation any longer. They are such crap. The longer I have to deal with them the less human they are they are just parasitic shit. It's unbelievable how sick and rotten they really are. I feel so old right now, they are sucking the rest of my life out. It never ends. Every day they are torturing me and if I pass out from poisoning which they never stop they then cut into my fingernails and toes and my skin and hair and then laugh about it and shout how much more 'beautiful" they are. When will this sick group of parasitic filth and whores be stopped by anything responsible out of the United States? Is there anything but sick and dysfunctional lying fucking creeps running America?
My brain is obviously under very strong attack as I write this. The hacking was so severe that I would backspace at least 10 times in a row as they would block the function and insert the letter I just deleted--it's so bad, this hacking and my brain is rendered into a ranting hysteria. The violence is so never-ending but every day I wake up in a positive mood and these filthy fucking whores from Shitwood go on and with and I can't block them out. Can someone please kill them goddamn stop their filthy mouths stop this group of shit finally will someone ever stop this sickness endlessly forced upon me?
Correction: the terrorists have sliced the nails on both index fingers, both middle fingers, both thumbs, and I can only really use my ring and pinky fingernails for anything I need, like putting on a necklace that has a clasp which has a tiny little lever you must use a fingernail to open and slip the little metal ring into. These won't grow back, they have literally sliced the nerves the nail the base of the nail so my fingers are stuck with slices on the sides of the nails which are now brittle I can't use them at all. The nails will not grow back. The cut so deeply. Please kill them. PLease get this group of fucking shit off me. Pig pit and his group of
Europigape shit as well as shitalina and the rest of that group of sick filth.
What the fuck that this can't ever be stopped and people think this is fun? I am attacked by Farrakhan who is threatening and abusing me for fighting to stop some white trash Europigape rapist actor--before rotten sinister Farrakhan it was his protege Ice Cube who punched me in the face for telling Christopher Waltz that I don't need his approval for my interpretation of Mozart, and dirty rotten Ice Cube jumped up and slugged me in the face (in teleportation) because white bigot "master" wanted his good slave to do the dirty work for him.
This is the usual configuration. The Europigapes have a darth of black Americans fully welcomed into Europigapeland, only if they assist in antisemitism and that is now a public issue in America and it's coming to the fore. By the way, that black comedian who got chants of kill jews for his "comedy" act just last week--what's his name, I never liked his sleazy and nasty comedy his insults towards women and his racism--but he attacked me as well using the cyberstalking that many have used.
They are so sick and rotten, this group of Whorewood. Every single thing they crank out is 100% oppositional to what they really are, in terms of putting out movies that are "woke". The most extreme bigots, racists, rapists, whores, scumbags and apparently pretty stupid and under-educated as well. I have never heard a single intelligent thing from a single one of these rotten pigs, ever. Not in the past 10 years of this violence, not once. The politicians truly are not much better nor are the MSNBC anchors who come and have NOTHING to say. I have heard that they only lip what is on monitors and repeat scripts, just like these filthy stupid asinine actors and activists like Farrakhan who truly is an EVIL EVIL sick personality. The effect of racism has turned him into a lynch mob practitioner looking for the endless warmth of the white supremacist organization if he spews more genocidal hate at jews to bring blacks into the 4th Reich, and they are full participants in racism in Whorewood, in black areas at bus stops in public office--I have seen it and seen it so often it is on a level that is beyond despicable.
But almost as bad as the Jews themselves when it comes to performing deadly actions of hate against me. The oppression of the oppressed is truly sickening.
Tuesday, October 24, 2023
Terrorist mutilation report: I fell into a drugged sick detox sleep during the mid-afternoon. I could not keep awake. this happens to me regularly when I am detoxing. the terrorists used sharp objects to pierce my cuticles which are so permanently damaged from this non-stop attack for over a decade that there is no more cuticle left on most of my fingers, the nails are huge and deformed as a result. I can't even sleep with this sickness without having to completely shield my hands qand I was too ill to do this once again. Every single vulnerability while I am in my own room is exploited by this filth group. Why is this advanced technology being handed to scumbag gangs and neanderthal idiot rapists and celebrity dumb a$$es?
Monday, October 23, 2023
All I did was click on a music video and I got raped by the creepazoid whose movie clip was pasted into the music video. It appeared on my music playlist selection for my exercise routine and it kept appearing for months until I finally clicked on the movie--not on the actor but on a different actor in the movie but it was really about the scene and had nothing to do with any of the actors but the joke about self-abnegation in working to pleasure the wealthy for their leisure. I got this filth English scum whore parasite and his dirty ugly filthy skank wife beating and raping me because they want the leisure of huge financial payments at the abuse and hate their partners out of London have profited off in unbelievable fashion for the past decade, with the pig gang of Whorewood going to the Oscars year after year. Along with his is one of the Commonwealth minions who raped and threatened to kill me four time and obtained 4 lead roles in movies during the Covid decrease in movies and movie starring roles. That is how much these filthy and ugly dirty apes are being promoted for violence and ultra violence and hate endlessly heaped upon me, every day and night by untold millions of people in the cumulative.//All I did was just take a peek at one of the scenes because it was funny, it was "cool" it was anti-yuppie aristocratic exploitation. This pig ape scumbag who played in this movie is all about the opposite, the exact opposite but he acts like all the hormone jock pig ape brigade I have seen taking Muay Thai training at the gyms here in Phuket who come here to pump up and exploit the eager Thai "girls" and assault me in tandem as all get some profit and hormone-derived high out of it as well. I only watched a movie and I was nearly murdered by the actors.
He reminds me of these dirty, nasty English creeps I was assaulted by while I was extremely friendly and kindly towards these worthless thugs who are beefy jerky who appear like absolutely monotonous bots with programming and no personalities besides endless Imperialistic aspirations and a lot of violence and fighting and alcohol and exploitation which seems to be 2nd nature. When I finally understood what kind of sickness I was constantly dealing with, I avoided them like the plague they are, the infestation of my life that this group from England has been--most of my life, and now it's as deadly as it always was but I have a prototypical thug from some seemingly working class background, I guess, but considering how England operates, he must have been brought up in wealth because they don't really give working class much of an opportunity, and if they do, it won't last long. They must resort to moving to Whorewood so they can have a more lengthy attempt, and then they must promote English facsism and Europigapeland 4th Reich mentality in order to get a promotion. As this scumbag has not been in the public eye that I know of for years, he's desperately violent towards me with his dirty skank female partner (his wife? rotten dirty hateful ugly thing, blondish hair and lots of jewelry and violent and disgusting--an actor as well, trying for her skank promotion as well?).
He stuck his greasy vile penis in my last night again when I was extremely sick from yet another bout of detox as this detox never ends. The hard shell of poison latched onto my spine from hips to skull remains. Pieces break off as I detox with sickness that lasts from 1-2 days of infirmity--they increase the violence because I am so vulnerable, the parasites all of them do this. So while falling asleep, as my threat was constricted so I was woken up by this lack of oxygen and my nose and throat making a most hideous noise (more discrediting of me) in my deep healing sleep state, which is far more sunken into physical vulnerability due to the poisons and drugs that are coursing through my bloodstream from detox--toxic deadly poisons as this pig ape stuck his filthy dirty pig penis in my body and I responded in some sexual way--I could not control it. I find this pig ape scumbag actor detestable, ugly and evil. The word "evil" comes to my mind. His "spiritual" energy is extremely strong and I suggest that he is a "black magick" practitioner. He, like his partner from Canada I only alluded to above, are both martial arts flops who can perform the actions but are of the dark side of the Left Hand path to "power" which is subterfuge, endless lies, exploitation, and misuse of the art of martial arts for evil and sadistic purposes. Misuse of power and that is the hallmark of this teleportation terror operation I have borne witness to for so long.
He won't stop, as long as he can suck whatever out of me for his dirty cheap promotion. The English have appeared as vile and hateful and disgusting to me, towards me, in my opinion and by now it's detestable that this group is somehow considered some kind of "superior" by the likes of the black minority minion who shrieks constantly about people like him as his oppressor and is over-animated with hateful violent sadism to conjoin with a piece of shit like that to attack me, the designated hate object so he can pour racism upon me and threaten me if I respond in any way that appears like it conforms to any semblance of a racist remark in response to his racist antagonism and threats towards me. I must necessarily analyze the situation according to the hypocrisy of his stance in public versus the utter reality that I have written of and written of for so many years of what I term "minority minions" and 'Black Nazis".
Pit is now frothing and is ugly and has hate on his awful face now. His smug appearance has turned into a violent sneer with maggot robber and himself vying for a huge promotional position in Whorewood and the English are along with the Australian skank ugly creep who has been a violent appendage to pit encouraging utter violence and disfigurement of my body so they can all scream about how ugly I am compared to the plastic surgery shit whores who ordered so much poison to be injected into my body for so many years for this very purpose.
I AM TRYING alone to NOT allow them to be handed this power and this contract. I also saw that blonde bigot from MAGA maggotry MTG, from Georgia today blathering in her yapping righteous falsity about how the Republican Party is being torn apart. That rotten skank creep who long fingernails dug into my vagina after I was sitting next to her after giving her a tarot reading to "help" that worthless rotten fascist Nazi putrid dirty thing that Americans love--but she is jabbering about how somehow, the Republican Party is now being torn apart (by other people, she would intimate). It's really her fault, and her ilk. What a disgusting skank and she is also fully aligned with the English bigots and Canadian rotten rapist/threatening murder fuck that Keanu Reeves is, with Maggot Robber this dirty stupid ugly thing and now Pit is now revealing his ugliness which has been obscured by his "famous" smug psychopathic grin for all these years. I watched clips of Thelma and Louise and realized how absolutely sick Gina Davis is in actually authenticating pit who is the epitome of a domestic violence rapist womanizing abuser--and he was chosen because she really can't tell the difference, and he was put as the "light" good guy in the film who "healed" her sexual itch. In reality, Davis was awed by Pit because he is a rapist and abuser and user, and in so choosing him for that role, as usual Whorewood portrays the very evil that it is supposedly using to represent the antidote to the violence and hate that they are portraying as something they are revealing and these heroic dumb skank actors have no clue whatsoever about domestic violence. That includes the partner, what's her name, I can't remember it now as my brain is under assault--she played in rocky horror picture show and otherwise is supposed to represent this feminist alternative icon involved in cheering politics on. Bah Humbug what a complete fraud but sounds good in front of a mic. All of them know what pit the pig shit has done to me, they still "'love" him for it, as do the other "women" who are "feminist" in Whorewood who "love" that violent rapist but when it comes to racist rape, they all cheer it on, especially if they can get a piece of the huge pie that pig shit pitt is counting on. His glaring at me in hate now is because he is a puppet of the English and he loves maggot robber who encourages him to more and more violence towards me. I got this absolute knowledge of it as they both giggled while attacking me because they've been "winning" Oscars for years due to this contract out on me, as the murder of me has increased my body is so completely destroyed from the poison while they have been giggling and laughing and going on red carpet non-stop ever since.
Of course, no one can get these fucking pieces of shit off me. The master-slave mentality that they pursue means that they are being absolutely encouraged to treat me with the most violent of slave oppression if possible. I consider them the rats, worthless subhuman trash and shit and filth and parasites. They only steal my ideas perpetually, make my body huge and I can't get this poison out of my body it has completely marred my body my body is absolutely covered with scars adn broken bones and mutilations these pigs have ordered upon me. For the years that this Australian skank has partnered with shit pig pitt the violence has increased almost exponentially. Now this English piece of rotten evil ugly shit with his ugly beady hateful eyes and glowering evil underneath all the acting roles of playing a benevolent martial arts style spiritual instructor, and an alternative against the shit that this pig is actually fully supporting the most vile of fascist exploitation of the wealthy over anyone they can rape and screw over (because it can't just be me they are going to do this to).
A vile and ugly group. No one can ever get this technology away from them, they continue like parasitic shit that they are. They are constantly trying to foist that label onto me, as if fighting to not be raped and mutilated has made me somehow awful. But the violence they have been constantly inflicting upon me has only engendered more pieces of shit to pour their filthy fucking videos on my youtube channel, which I watch under extreme drugging so I can't stay away, I look at the carnage and damage this group has basically created due to their putting Trump into their endeavor for a power cartel and monopoly, combining politics with entertainment media.
I feel like another 10 years has been sucked out of my energy field and body by yet another black hole cesspool scumbag parasite who believes he and his ilk are somehow "superior" based on a rigged system of racism and exploitation. As usual he has his black and brown minions coming to abuse me for him, I have only seen this countless times, and I mean countless. He got one of the most proficient bs con artists of racist analysis in America to assault me and this was under hypnosis, while I could not turn away, while myb rain was under assault and I was faced with about a few rows of chairs of hostile pig apes observing as he threatened my life and abused and attacked me while I could not stop talking and defended my self, which lead to more persecution for saying anything related to the sheer fact that he is "black" and I am commenting on how he's partnering with absolute white supremacists in assaulting me, and has done so for years now--how long has it been?
And this creep just sucked my life force out of me with his ugly sick wife. I feel decades older from yet another crap parasite who is constantly sticking his filthy vile penis in me after I scream at him that he's disgusting. He goes on and on, and the promotions this rotten parasite is going to get is obviously as rewarding for this bigot creep as the rape with no consequences and only kudos and applause from the pigs who have all done the same thing to break my body my spirit my life to steal and rob my ideas and then torture me and call me all kinds of names afterwards. All now like a gathering storm of Nazi violence because I think Trump is urging them with incentives to increase the torture because he needs to exploit me once more for his fucking career. Being put into the President's office for, in part, his own non-stop near-death abuse of me was not enough for over 4 years. Like Graham the shit greasy ugly dirty old man who "me too" shitalina stripped for after he abused me, as she always strokes the men who rape me and giggles and yells abuse at me after stealing my ideas year after year, giggling and saying "no" to my endless demands and requests that they pay me at least SOMETING. the "slave" situation of me being raped and abused immediately afterward plus my ideas stolen by absolutely robotic bot-like scumbags who have no personality is astoundingly transparent in how rotten and mediocre they truly are. But no, shit like Marjorie Taylor Green comes to input her own participation in this same contract out on me by sticking her claw-like hands into my vagina and giggling as she shares a huge laugh with an English or Europigape scumbag she brought on to participate--because they are all showing me how they love this "system" of Europigape fascist Nazi infiltration into AMerica exactly so people like me can't compete and be beautiful--they must poison, they must mutilate, they have an entire globe of people discriminating against me so they can claim they are "superior" and all the black and brown and other minorities violently assisting in this as they love their "masters" and violently assault me.
So no one is going to get this filthy shit ugly English creep off me. He's so banal and rotten but somehow his dirty nasty energy creates a reaction out of me. He's so turned on by violent rape and abusive sex and so I feel this energy and after years of non-stop hate and beatings death threats from pigs like Reeves who said this while raping me--and I had done nothing to him whatsoever except to tell him to conserve water when he was first trying to rape me in a shower situation as I tried to not get involved and also told him not to waste water because where I actually lived (not where I was teleported to) there was a severe water shortage and people in Thailand were without water for quite a long time in the poorer areas. Everyone was concerned about the water crisis and this situation remains in Thailand in other aspects as well. this rotten foul waste product of wealthy with his endless rotten martial arts performances as an ultra violent personality could not handle this because I was admonishing him to conserve water, becauase according to these stupid pig apes who have constantly tortured me to obtain ideas from all my decades of having lived with a university professor and going to grad school while these pig apes have taken classes on how to pretend and feign that they have characteristics that they are trying to suffocate in me because only the fascist white supremacists are "supposed" to tell anyone else what to do, what to think or say, and any information that is of importance is supposed to only be credited to them. Since they are mediocrities and hateful banalities, they torture me to obtain ideas, steal the ideas, turn them into bullshit fascist Nazi iconography and imagery glorifying their worthless shit whore selves as the image of Nazi "superiority" (as Farrakhan the bs con calls them in relation to me, which means he plays the minion game and grovels to this group for his career success in shoveling out hate against Jews for the sake of the 4th Reich).
I just want them off of me, with money they must be forced to pay me for the years of destroying my health to the point of me begging to not be killed constantly for about 6 years as they went on giggling and laughing and poisoning and raping and mutilating and then stealing idea after idea from me endlessly--so many ideas turned into tv shows, even The Handmaiden's Tale which I wrote of, which became a tv show about one year later and all interconnected to this group, of course, out of England.
My internet has been turned on and off so constantly it turns on for about 3 minutes as I write it's turned off . I have been turning my laptop and router on and off to try to reestablish the connection as they remotely turn it off once more.
I don't know if I can even publish this because I have been fighting to get internet connection which turns on for about 3 minutes after I spend 10 minutes turning everything off. The router only turns on and connection is restored only if I turn off this laptop and unplus it and unplug the router. Then turn the router on and wait for the connection to be restored, which it is. I then turn on my laptop as the internet is on and I click on the browser, which is slowed down because they hack into this system constantly so the keyboard barely operates, the slowing down of browsers is also ubiquitous regardless of which computer I use the hacking follows me everywhere. I can't save this because they hack into this blog and delete my writing. They delete it even when I do publish, as they rewrite and partially delete.
This never ends. The poison they put in my body I can't get out. I am still being raped by some rotten ugly piece of Nazi shit with a group of black and feminist fuckers applauding and joining in so white pig ape rapist will promote these worthless, overpaid whores. I am actually a beautiful and loving person being turned into an endlessly abused sex torture victim they try to turn into a "slave" these English rotten pig scumbags who I detest and don't find this ugly actor from England attractive in any respect, whatsoever. He's never said or done anything that is beautiful or intelligent. All I do is provide dumb shit whores with ideas which they are paid in millions to produce with huge money pouring in for production, and then they go to the Oscars. The shit of pit is endlessly latched onto me because he and his maggot skank from Australia have been latched on giggling as they have poisoned and mutilated me and been laughing to both the bank and the Oscars for at least SIX YEARS. And by the way, I have been begging online for my life to stop this poisoning and torture for much longer than six years, but longer than a decade. This sick situation is still going on. As I wrote so many years ago, you f-ers reading this will severely regret not having stopped this group from obtaining these contracts one day when so much destruction has rained down due to the incompetence and stupidity and mediocrity of these power-grabbing rapist whore creeps who are being endlessly promoted for actions that are life-sucking murder operations. AS it has blossomed already in America, it's going to escalate into a far worse death cult unless you reading this actually begin to think about the ethics involved and your lack of any principles except for your selfish acquisition and how easy and free this all appears. The hate I have received from at least 200 celebrities and millions of shit scumbags who attack me in the streets and in all public places and in my home is unbelievable.
I reacted to a sleazy and dirty pig fucker from England because his sexual energy was so high, and I have only hate surrounding me constantly and no one coming to even support me in any way, whatsoever for just standing up for my basic human rights and standing firm in the fact that these fucking pieces of shit have no right to do this to me. For this I am raped and tortured poisoned mutilated beaten robbed living in stinking filth. I hear only the absolute obverse from all of these fuckers in politics and in the media concerning their supposed stance regarding human rights.
I have to add that when Farrakhan was lambasting and harassing abusing insulting and threatening me for hours, day after day, with this English rapist expletive behind him urging the black Nazi to assault me with the hate that he doesn't want to openly display but Farrakhan does it on his pulpit towards "jews" so often that it's natural and he's been so honored for it by white 4th Reich America.
I had written before f-khan began his endless assault and interrogation of me that I believe that the violence in Palestine was a form of genocide, I wrote that and the next day Farrakhan began psychologically torturing me trying to get me to say that I am really in favor of genocide that I hate blacks that I'm really a racist and he kept on and kept on for hours as I could ont stop answering his digsuting questions and defending myself, telling him constantly that his is behaving like a racist and not me.
What will it take for anyone to get them off me and to have some kind of decency towards me as a human being?
Sunday, October 22, 2023
Why is H-wood being exempted from scrutiny in the Trump Trials and the situation of massive fascist programming within the United States and then around the world?: Sick and sickening solidarity of terrorists. This can apply to any gang or organized crime unit or political entity involved in criminal activity or rogue cops or celebrities combined with corrupt politicians who are joining forces to obtain an empire of evil based on this" mind programming" technology of subliminal insertions of ideas, words and non-consensual microchip brain implants, or even if they are given with consent the applications of which are far more deleterious than the object may realize and is of course not going to be informed about these various life-threatening and sucking destroying applications so hate and rotten people can have sleazy and disgusting sexual exploitation opportunities or enslave or get people to do things that are absolutely against their principles and beliefs. Mostly, they will get people to "buy" into their lying deceptions more easily without question. Combined with it all is the now openly expressed death threat that accompanies what is known as the MAGA "Freedom" Crazy 8 movement, which encompasses millions of people and it also has infected the Democrat Party.
You see, they are "all friends" they hiss at me when they attack me for having written about rape, torture and poisoning and then theft of my written and even thought-of ideas for the nasty crap they crank out about their Nazi and Mafia culture. For having written about their crimes which hardly anybody has stopped or done anything about, as I am not sure if anything has ever happened all I know is that more and more and more expletives join into the fray of forcing this hate contract on me so they and their families and friends can participate in this violence and also be part of a huge monopoly on the mind programming industry via entertainment and news media. They all hiss in hate "these are my friends" after I write about their violence and attempted murder. The pieces of shit like this English scumbag whore parasite who has been violently assaulting me for the past week, has hissed in hate that the shit who are supporting an English takeover of the United States in the single prong of a huge multi-pronged attack--but this particular branch of the attack is the mind programming industry. With all the money and resources these filthy expletives have at their disposal, and all the millions and millions and millions of dollars they have obtained just in the past decade as payment for this endless torture and teleportation and rape and poisoning and mutilation and yearly non-stop theft of my ideas and concepts--as I write of and write of, they only conscript more and more and more sleazy haters to join in. I had expressed to another black hateful racist bigot two weeks ago that I hoped England would sink, after decades of torture and absolutely violent hate from this country and it's citizens both in America, in England and now in Thailand they are most vocally obnoxious and violent and hateful Imperialists. So they put an English rotten creep to rape and torture me and try to "break" me, his sexual excitement at being given his every sadistic fantasy of abusing and raping a woman and "breaking" her spirit was so strong, I only felt the surge of his sexuality and I responded after they poured this most vile drug into my body somehow, undoubtedly through poisoning my food--I was not able to stave off the technology which alters my brainwaves so I succumbed VERY BRIEFLY to sexuality which is hardwired in my body. Not being abused, that is not part of my mental make-up. I tried to get him off me, I tried and finally he is so repulsive but he assaults me while I am sleeping and unaware, basically a "drug date rape" situation that is being cheered on by the shit of whorewood, et al. He screams that the bigot blonde filthy skank from Australia who has giggly and happily joyfully obtained Oscars for the past many years alongside filthy dirty violent psychopath shit pig pit and shitalina for over a decade, as an agent of the English Empire, this rotten English pig scumbag is yelling in fascist hate that "these are my friends". I can't describe how many of the "humanitarian" filth of Whorewood have done exactly the same, the same exact words and t his is a SCRIPT they are all following.
Their solidarity lies in how much influence in the entertainment sphere this contract promises, despite all these mediocrities whose movies that were turned into gold and produced with the zenith of funding and promotion were all derived from ideas I wrote of in my posts; always about one paragraph long not able to write or think. Writing something normally and producing more than a few paragraphs at very scattered time periods within one day is all I can mamage with the endless block of the keyboard functioning, making every single keyboard I get on around the world hacked to a level that I myust physically pound each letter out. The slowing down of the internet makes surfing either impossible or so difficult with mis and disinformation constantly hacked into my computer and much blocked from my research.
I spend all my time every day writing these posts to try to get any kind of sympathy or help and absolutely nothing happens. I got another threat of violence shrouded in a movie clip about someone shouting "shut the f-up" as she was kicking a man laying prone on the ground. This, I thought, was what I felt about the expletives attacking me, however I must view any and all of the filth from Whorewood as opportunistic parasites who are violently latching on to this contract to obtain as much as they can out of leveraging their influence by attacking me with death threats and violence and hate. All claiming they are "friends". They are all "friends" but can't collectively produce anything of merit without participating in a hate crime that goes beyond normal hate crimes in duration and scope and influence. Yet no one still can ever shut them up from attacking me and their filthy ugly sick and stupid mouths go on and on for hours and hours of psycholotical torture after sexual and physical. All I do is lay in sickness every day as sickening poisons that are hard slowly come out of my body from 100% effort to stretch and break little pieces off. They kept me poisoning and poisoned and the shit actors from Whorewood are threatening me for writing on my blog which they are hacking into, to "shut up" and remain silent. This English f-er is raping and threatening me for writing my analyses and to censor and stifle and imprison and like them all, take away my every chance in life for anything beyond being a discriminated victim of racism and hate substituting everything from the endless poor victimization of people like the activists who are living in mansions and through covert stealth operating as terror agents of chaos and division to bring Jews down for the furtherance of the 3rd Reich, now the 4th Reich in America.
They are all friends. Every crime against me is "good and wonderful" to them, they laugh and party feeling elated, hormonally high, pumped up on hormones like dopamine and adrenaline after violence and rape and abuse, they are handed red carpet awards and fashion shows and being lead models after they physically rape, beat and torture me. None of it makes any mark on the politicians who join in threatening to kill me and to rape me (Pelosi, Cruz, Graham, AOC, Raskin, Kinzinger, Klobuchar, who else has been sitting in the rows where I can't see them observing and promoting the filth from whorewood if they can be "friends" in this power cartel.
They rush at me violently for defending myself and writing posts as both a stress relief mechanism and any attempt to reach out to the void of nothingness out there to gain any kind of humanitarian support whatsoever as every single law is being broken on multiple fronts and this is considered "good" by the mass of expletive XXX in Whorewood and in Congress, alike all actors playing parts but in back rooms focusing on the back parts of people who they are screwing for any and all reasons. This technology of teleportation has brought already massive destruction upon the United States and still no one can or will expose it, stop it, stop this group, although they are trying to stop Trump, they still can't actually grasp the fact that this is a "my friends" network and remains as violently anti-American and antidemocratic as it was when they put Trump into power by handing him and Elon Musk this technology which has empowered so many violent fascist Nazis and Mafia into more entrenched power.
Message to the world at large: you can come and interview me on all the years of my analyses turning into realities about the overtake of a fascist government agenda pushed by the celebrities offering them access to the global Nazi/Mafia network red carpet welcome into "power". I wrote for years that the people who were allowing the "Trump Train" would learn to refrain from their initial enthusiasm. I wrote for many years repeatedly that people who were welcoming in this violence towards me would one day rue the day they allowed this fascist over take to occur. They thought it was "only you" about me. Now politicians are being threatened with death for no electing the Trump Insurrection associate into power, the "Freedom" Caucus is letting loose their dogs of mass murder upon politicians who thought it was okay for me to be threatened with murder constantly because they "hate" what they believe I represent--whatever that is. I have so many false misrepresentation labels foisted upon me so constantly that you can see witch hunt mentality ever present stemming from the Trump Train team of scammers out of Whorewood and into poliics.
*As I re-read through just the first paragraph below, it was so altered in original meaning by deletions by hackers. I rewrote some of it because so much had been deleted. I stopped after about 20 more minutes of backspacing and rewriting as the keyboard, as it is right now, so blocked from operation that I must pound each letter and then no matter what, the letters won't print out or spaces are included. They rewrite and delete much from all my posts. They also change the meaning completely into it's opposite very often. Whatever seems confusing in any of my posts or reads antithetical to my every post and concept is due to rewrites and hacks.**
I was right, but no one will honor this because I wrote every single day about attempted murder on a very slow scale which has not stopped and continues every single day for hours and hours, one sleazy filthy lying piece of trashy ignorant lying fake crap after the next. Now it 's Farrakhan with his agenda of hating Jews to have his small "entitled" group of Blacks be welcomed into the Nazi cult of mass murder so they can have a little piece of the proverbial pie, which is just a shit sandwich but they don't care about the deception they will take what power they can get. This contract has now allowed false lying hate-mongering Farrakhan the opportunity for racist vitriol and accusations to pour out of his corrupt string-manipulated mouth by the English and Europigapes along with their Commonwealth partners who are more openly Imperialistic in lieu of English openly expressing the millennia of death and "conquest"--the "masters" who truly control most of the Americans and their celebrity and politician reps who have come giggling and laughing to attack me with screaming and death threat hate. One of the worst was a Democrat in that respect (Pelosi) so if anyone is blaming Trump, the problem really comes from the Democrats who have welcomed this in, as they are only the false opposition to a fascist overtake. The construction of this duplicity is so carefully planned and implemented that I believe it to be an English construct because that type of absolute manipulation and fake appeasement policy is a hallmark of English induction into the fascist overtake of the planet alongside their "brotherhood" of fascist Nazi Germany. Farrakhan is consumed with trying to get me, under theta (deepest sleep state) hypnosis, non-stop drugging of my body and food, torture and rape now from an English scumbag who got a reaction out of me last week for about one day, then hate the next, then more hate and more, and now he's so disgusting I just find him a repulsion and ugly dirty filthy scumbag but he sucked my life force out of me through torture and drugs and teleportation and he needs to do this, as these loveless filthy dirty porno sleaze rape and murder pig apes all need this to "get off" so they can "love" their casual part-time partners. Any longer-term relationship and the porno thrill is gone for them all. Farrakhan is married but he seems to be pretty fine with this sexual assault upon me. His endless refrain under hypnosis after I am raped while I'm sick from poisons and drugging, teleported, is to get me to agree with him that these filthy low and dirty pieces of shit are "superior" somehow. I keep yelling finally after trying to laugh them off, trying to ignore them, I spend hours every morning cleaning and putting my sleep stuff away because of the spraying of stinking filth on my clothing while sleeping, I am injected with drugs while sleeping, I am not able to block out the 360-degree circumference of their teleportation because my body is split, I "see" them like a thin veil in the "other" dimension as in my prime body position I am moving around putting away and cleaning the stinking filth, and seeing things broken and destroyed and I must clean endlessly stuff that is stinking and toxic that they order to be sprayed. As I get into a state of rage after about 3 hours of non-stop abuse, I begin to yell calling them stupid pigs that they are too stupid and low to understand what actual "superior" really means. Farrakhan is constantly trying to get me to say under torture and drugging and non-stop rape and abuse and violence that I really am the racist he is trying to create in the discrediting of me that he does with the "jews" as a group in his most violent racist programming for the Black Nazi force which will go out and kill Jews because Farrakhan actually credited the Jim Crow laws as a Jewish invention and responsibility. I can only state on that point that Jews who are in the power cartel of racism operate just as Farrakhan does, so when the blame is leveled the puppets will be blamed. That is why so many jews are put into financial positions of power such as over the Federal Reserve so when the Antisemitic slurs of how Jews have created all the wars and control everything, they can point to these few Jews who are offered power. Like all these pig apes, they only conform to following orders from the "actual" controllers. Thusly they can be used as symbols for Nazis instead of the actual revelation of which non-Jews actually create the real racist policies and politics. The more they try to force this agenda that white pig apes who have been stealing my ideas and reformenting them as Nazi iconography and propaganda for years are somehow "superior" to me only because a Nazi/Mafia cartel has put them into power is a baseless argument. The longer I have to be exposed to them, the more I easily call them pieces of shit. I try not to write in this "low" manner but my brain is under assault, which this group will be doing to many people and are doing now. They are undoubtedly turning people into killing groups through this technology, which Trump has had in his possession with the aid of Musk for almost 8 years or longer. Why people can't connect these dots is unbelievable to me. It proves also how not superior shit like Pelosi and Obama really are, because they SHOULD have stopped it before it's increase, but instead they profited off it and like all the rest of the rats who profit off this, they can't lose their mansions and millions and millions of dollars for exposing a system which is bringing everything else down, but not them. That is what Farrakhan is banking on with his organization, just like "jews" like Bloomberg. All are comfortably living in their wealth and seeming "protection" from the 4th Reich which will, they assume, only kill off people "like me" but never them. I beg to differ on that point. Perhaps some of you reading this may take a second to consider what I am writing in between all the drug and torture-induced ranting and cursing which is intended to discredit me.
It's now hours of every kind of racist remark as I yell finally after about 4-6 hours of not being able to turn away and not talk and not respond as they are commenting on what I am thinking. Every single thought I have as I wake up with the poison I fight every day to eliminate making my body murky with poison and my brain foggy as they go on and on and I try to make jokes, but after about 3 hours I finally begin to yell at them, which is all they want.
Farrakhan is a most vile and violent hateful personality and I have met his minions all around the world, in England black men have come at me with hate repeating what Farrakhan lectured on about "Jews" as they point at me as the culprit. Not that Farrakhan is going to lambast someone like rotten corrupt Bloomberg, or has he already, but Bloomberg has threatened to kill me multiple times and as a puppet (like Farrakhan) of the entire Trump campaign train now the "Freedom" to kill train, they are both "on the same page" so Farrakhan can't assault his "brother" in the organization of Nazi minority minions subterfuge of divide and conquer of the afflicted groups.
I was going to write today that I need to take a pause and whenever anyone will stop discrediting me and actually read what I have been writing for so many years that has come true, but no. I am only assaulted by the entire Congress in one way or another by their top representative liars who take turns and then keep the violence going. There was Nazi Mafia Pelosi who I now understand uses "Mafia" tactics of threats and she is considered "strong". McCarthy who can try to ride the various waves without death threats and intimidation like Pelosi is universally labeled as being "weak" by the Democrats of the media like those from MSNBC who have come yelling and threatening me alongside their fascist Nazi counterparts.
So Farrakhan is constantly labeling me as a "bad girl" for my actions that his partners are commonplace in representing and pursuing in their lives. He is defending a rapist white pig ape from England who has violently raped me for the past week. He keeps trying while I am in a deep sleep to suck out as much of that initial energy he drained out of me because he's another sleazy and vile violent bigot who uses sexuality like a racist weapon to denigrate anyone who is against white fascist Nazi/Mafia overtake of the world. This is a global organization, after all. Farrakhan is all for that, with all his blabbering about righteous fortitude in the face of WOMEN being represented as sex objects, so against the Koran. But raping a woman who is defenseless, drugged up and fighting to stop it is okay if it's a "Brother" from a mother of a different color, in particular when it's a white supremacist Nazi who will give Farrakhan and his group more leverage as the "leadership" to continue to old path to "power" for the "Black Community" which continues to bewail that there are "representatives" in power but the "Black community" continues to suffer and break down through lack of policy. I wonder, F-king-akhan if you can understand how much you are participating in the decline of your beloved "Black Community" by helping white supremacists like these pig ape pieces of shit come to power as you are constantly doing, as you have always done. I always felt that Farrakhan helped to oust the real open-minded Black Leader Malcolm X so his version of Nazi-approved "activism" and hate for "Jews" would come to the fore instead of Malcolm X saying that there were people of all groups who were not implicitly "bad" as Farrakhan is endlessly forcing cliches and hate upon me to see if I will call him the n-word in state of rage, after being raped non-stop by his "friend" this white scumbag actor from England with shit pig pit an dhis group of blonde Nazi skank friends from Australia who have watched giggly and hysterically elated as they went to the Oscars year-after-year with that rotten dumb scum pig and shitalina with her endless "feminist" pitch, for the blonde Nazi women and the Mafia women to have women like me to be beaten and abused in their stead
Even though I would NEVER get close to their filthy shit ugly dirty pig ape men. I would never get close enough to be raped and abused, so they must teleport and force this upon me. And they got a sexual response out of me after years of me remaining as non-sexual as possible with a never-ending rotation of these rotten rapist celebrities pig whore creeps coming to rape and abuse me. I have not responded until this past week because I had no conversation with this rotten pig except to tell him he's a sick joke. But his sexual excitement for rape and abuse was so high, which I could not discern as I reacted to the drugging and the stress. Now this dirty parasite keeps trying and he brought Farrakhan into the frame to abuse me because Farrakhan is a violent personality like Enrico Tarrio ready to assist with the Next Holocaust against Jews, as the designated militarized death squad unit ready to go out and kill Jews because it's not the white supremacists that so many of these black Nazi adhere to who are the problem, but as Farrakhan always states in his hate lectures, it was one single Jew who brought about Jim Crow, not the KKK or anything like that. I heard one of the lectures in part where he blamed all of Jim Crow on one Jewish legislator who brought forth the policy of Jim Crow and therefore, "you know who" is responsible. The other Blacks listening in are ready to go out and commit violence against people like me who are fighting against the white supremacists who create every kind of divide-and-conquer strategy which rotten people like Farrakhan represent, as they were put into power to represent a black Nazi contingent which would carry on the righteous movement that Malcolm had created with his following and divert them into a hate and futility pogram against the Jews (feeling oppressed, re-directing the rage against Jews instead of the actual culprits, whom Farrakhan is now defending in their rape of me, but castigating me for my years of not following the Muslim dictates of women especially not blonde skanks being confined to sexual depravity and isolation in the Muslim diaspora, but the men can go out and rape and pillage.
I can attest that in this region of SE Asia, the "hub" of sex trafficking is in a muslim country, so I read a few years ago. Malaysia supposedly has the highest sex trafficking in SE Asia and it's a center for that sexploitation of children and anyone else. Not the Buddhist countries like Thailand, for example although I have heard a lot about how Thailand's women are one of the highest trafficked groups in the world, I have never heard of any journalistic reporting on this issue for all the years I have lived here, but I have heard about Muslim Malaysia. The "good" Muslim women look down in contempt to the women being raped and beaten by their males who are allowed to fully indulge in this, because the women are so "bad" according to both men and women who follow all the Halal and all that bs.
I was not going to write about this, because they are killing my plants. I see white bigot Nazis dancing around in joy as I drive in and out of this condo to go shopping, and the only people in this building are those attacking me or working for those who are attacking me. The entire building is empty except for a few scattered units and all are a part of this operation in one capacity or another.
The white pig apes are joyful, the minority minions are nasty and excited just like the rapist from England who gets a chance to indulge in his hate sex violence abuse fantasies. HE's so disgusting to me by now that I just fall asleep from having been penetrated in my deep, theta sleep as he provokes only disgust in me by now. I am inert, deeply sleeping sick from poisoning when this foul and dirty pig ape is raping me. Because I have been only tortured and poisoned and mutilated non-stop with endless Torture from Trump and Pelosi and Kinzinger and Raskin and AOC and Cruz and Graham (should not be given immunity is an absolute lying criminal) from Harris from Oprah from Bloomberg (candidates for Pres, so unfortunate that this blog of sick fake dirty crap is part of the only choice cycle offered to America) plus now RFK who has been awarded for his sexual violence towards me urged by dirty foul Elon Musk--who is now openly gayly fascist and everyone still cheers that rotten English-controlled Apartheid fascist out of South Africa --
and more and more, I am naming only a few, just a small number out of so many I lose count and can't remember them all. The list of celebrities is so long I forget to mention them all as my brain is under atack while I write.
I was not going to write about any of this, but they are still killing my plants, they put a huge flying cockroach into my room and ripped the art work I put to protect my room from the panels being opened. They took cutting tools and slashed and ripped and tore. There is gooey black filth sprayed on the floor, on the walls (this is just from yesterday, more and more of it, the years I have lived here and I can't use any cabinets I have everything on the floor in bags they go through and scatter things around and spray stinking filth so it's always completely messy and although I organize it, I come back and the room is stinking, things are completely thrown around and have been rummaged through so it's a complete disarray and I can't use anything that is a closed space because they spray so much fungus and stinking filth into anything and everything on everything everywhere and they use either mechanical arms every day or when I leave to go shopping the scum operating for the dancing joyous white pieces of shit who are strutting around as I drive in and out to make a show of their control over all the little Farrakhans running around doing their filthy violent work for them. In the verbal arena Farrakhan is most adept at verbal spewing of hate and he's really trying to get me to expose so kind of "racism". I finally called him an Uncle Tom today in a screaming fit after first for the first 3 hours of the endless rape and abuse, trying to be light and happy as I went about this filthy room they ordered to be sprayed and destroyed because I went out shopping yesterday. My plants being killed and killed with fungus growing on the most beautiful flowering vine, I get rid of the fungus they have is sprayed again. I wake up as drips of water are pouring on my plants from the room above and the leaves of the plants are dead because they are pouring poison on my plants. They drilled holes into the ceiling of my patio so the water would pour on my plants. any contact with the maintenance of this building entails a hateful Thai man yelling at me and saying he can't understand a single word. Everything he says and does is abusive. I can't afford to pay someone else to do this work for me.
So I have to try to deal with it all myself. They have cut gaping holes into an electrical socket which I have had to tape up just to get it to work, or deal with having to purchase from all the money I must spend monthly to replace all the broken and destroyed items that are constant from this group as they block all my financial earnings and keep me under too much stress and poisoning to function and my internet constantly hacked.
I was not going to write anything because I want the new plants I bought to not be killed. But before I ever was writing any single thing on any blog or on Facebook, the shit organization was constantly killing my plants. They were doing this when I was being raped nightly by the English filthy pig ape who is still handing out awards through his English Monarchy association to all the shit like this creep from England, all the actors out of London who have threatened to kill me, who have been training shit like pig pit and shitalina for decades in fascist Nazism. They are completely overtaken just as Farrkhan is, a complete minority minion of a fascist 4th Reich.
I wrote years ago warning people that they would themselves regret having allowed this group to come into power. Now in the House of Representatives there is a power struggle taking place. Finally the dumb scum of that House is seeing that allowing shit like this fascist group is threatening to kill them for not complying to putting them into power. It is exactly as I wrote about 7-8 years ago, and kept writing until finally I stopped and just focused on trying to stop the deadly assaults upon me, which has never stopped anyone from stopping the pieces of sick shit now endlessly assaulting me so Trump and this death cult group can obtain more and more and more and more positions of power in the mind fuck operation that Whorewood is and the "black" activists like Farrakhan who truly can be equated with Enrico Tarrio.
So whenever goddamn Americans who don't want a complete overtake of the United States by a fascist violent death squad Nazi/mafia organized criminal group of sleazy and dirty really mediocre a$$-sucking pigs for the power cartel, as that is how they obtain their power they have no originality they steal and co-opt everything, as Farrakhan did with Malcolm X and then took it into fascist Nazi territory, his "black" empowerment movement which he now still controls, but bemoans that the problem of racism has INCREASED despite the black president and his entourage. If Obama had only stopped the teleportation hate crime that he and his wife and children are still profiting off, as they obtain their promotions and media slots that were promised to them if they just went along because that same group put them into power because they would always comply, lie and remain good little silent partners to the 4th Reich in the most critical areas of fascist overtake as this contract out on me appears to be.
Because I am hacked, am drugged and ranting constantly in my posts as these rotten pig parasites go on for hours and hours, it is torture it is slow murder plus the poisoning and mutilation of my body resulting in fractured vertebrae, my hips put out of alignment, hardening poison that adheres to any rip or tear in the body so the injuries are ensconced in a cement-style hard poison in an internet hard shell in my body which I must rip and tear every day to get a little layer to break off, expand slowly, injecting fermented mind control poisons and toxic poison into my body every single day, as thesae filthy pigs stick their penises in me the women laugh and giggle, all the blonde Nazi pieces of shit. I now have mind fuck Farrkhan the Black Nazi supreme coming at me every day to claim I am a racist because I called Oprah and aunt Jemima a few years ago, then had to deal with a swarm of black fuckers in the media coming to threaten my life and abuse me calling me a racist, and all stemming from this black section of the white supremacy 4th Reich that Farrakhan represents. Now he's defending the white pig ape racist who is a good ole boy, hiw rape of me is justified because I called rotten dirty Oprah an aunt jemima after years of her stealing my ideas and participating in torture. I had to explain that she is conveying the principles of white supremacy and represents the comforting aunt jemima for white folk on the plantation. I finally called fucking Farrakhan an uncle tom today because he's fully supporting a fascist Nazi white supremacist out of England in constantly raping and beating me and abusing me as he joins in with insults and threatening menacing behavior as I fight while the endlessly huge group of celebrity pieces of shit who have been profiting off poisoning making me old stealing robbing my ideas EVERY SINGLE YEAR and mutilating and poisoning and destroying my home with this global circuit of shit--every day. I fight and fight, recalling the years of writing that the fucking people reading my posts would some day stop cheering Trump on and understand that they, too, are victims of this organization.
The dumb crap from the House of Representatives are now considering a rep out of Minnesota who was against the Trump train of bs, and this is angering the Trumpster with their dumpster fire upon America so shit like the black nazis can assist with a huge financial overtake of the spoils of the destruction of the country.
The terrorists turned off the WiFi in the middle of me writing this increasingly ranting post above--cussing and cursing constantly. I got up to turn the router off and on again, which doesn't really work. I have to shut down the computer, and I just cleared the cache before writing this post. I might have to risk losing all that I wrote, as they are constantly deleting what I write and/or rewriting and deleting even when I am able to post. I got up and was instantly nearly swooning in dizziness in what was formerly called "The Havana Syndrome" which has been completely disavowed as any legitimate Directed Energy Weapon assault upon people, especially in front of their computers, as I am . I was so dizzy I could barely walk straight, even with all the hard poisons pulling my spine in every single direction constantly so I can barely move, which is what this group of filth has poured into my body--shit pig pit and shitalina working for the UN as an ambassador for "women's rights" what a sick skank dirty foul rapist shit racist that daughter of an English fascist Nazi and KKK openly pro-Trump fascist father out of America.
You keep allowing them to go on. The shit in Congress kept allowing them all to go on and on and now some of them are being threatened with death. They thought it would only be people like "me" which they put into some horrid designated group. I should be high-flying and successful and extremely beautiful, as I always was before this organization began it's assault on my body and my brain and home and family and finances and now all I do is fight for my life. I see though the burgeoning of this death squad mentality as murdering opponents is now almost a daily event in politics and in America as death threats are poured upon those who vote against Trump and awards are handed out endlessly for those who put him into power--like pig shit pitalina and that group of celebrities with their a$$es in ENgland, France and Europigapeland and of course their tentacles also in other parts of the world. Now they have been handed mansions and businesses in Phuket and in Thailand with full cheering of the fascist 4th Reich pig ape death cult that controls Thailand. They keep the sex trafficking to a very low bubble here they control the media and all is silent. But otherwise, it's fully Nazi controlled in all corners, in all aspects but they have had no leadership like Malcolm X to fight this overtake so they don't have these rotten and callous fakes like Farrakhan to verbalize the duplicity that he does of hating another Nazi target, the Jews.
I'm trying not to write about this group as they torture and are murdering me whether I write or not. They were murdering me outright before I ever realized what was happening to me. They were destroying my property and poisoning me so long ago I thought America was a great country and these pieces of shit who surrounded me were my friends. I suggest that the longer you fuckers reading this do nothing to stop this or them, you will find likewise that you are in this same situation even if you don't realize it. Perhaps although I am ranting and cursing you may actually take what I am saying seriously as these fuckers will kill ANYONE if they are instructed to do so.
Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced in...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...