Thursday, February 29, 2024

Teleportation bigot s*** report: watching a movie ONLY to watch the director's genius (Stanley Kubrick) and NOT the actors who have been endlessly awarded at Oscars for the YEARS of their giggly participation in terrorism, torture, poisoning--to-death, mutilation and rape and non-stop brutality which they are just awarded for.

I thought that they had "gone away" because of all the YEARS of them coming at me, sporadically to dance, laugh, giggle and participate in death threats joyously being welcomed into the Nazi halls of awards--especially at Cannes the very antisemitic center of billionaire financing of Nazi movie celebrities and political collaboration--(if only some responsible agency would look up the financial deals done at Cannes between the H-wood celebrities you would see huge backing from political entities and if any prospector would dig up more dirt, they would eventually reach Nazi/fascist/Mafia ties).
But I watched this movie and they RAN laughing to assault me. The putrid pig ape male, the American with his English Commonwealth blonde bigot horrible non-actor former wife were hitting me, using martial arts on me, endlessly insulting me while I watched this movie they starred in. The violence was immediate, the insults began as soon as I was watching in this room-endlessly sick from the poison they ordered to have put in my body so they could endlessly exploit and use me. 
The pig ape whore ugly and dirty pair of creeps went on and on until they got the reaction they were digging for: me rushing at them hitting furiously and screaming and trying to literally choke and kill them after they had gone on and on making every kind of insult at me while I was watching this movie--where I could not turn their voices off, they were louder than the audio for the movie and I had earphones on, at high level. I could not block them out, I can never block these filthy pig ape whore pieces of excrement out when they teleport me for hours and hours and hours and hours with death threats insults abuse and rape and hitting me punching into my head and face abuse abuse abuse and then they all go off laughing to the Oscars and Cannes with top awards for low shit movies with huge budgets pumping up the dumb scum who have obtained the roles, the funding and the awards just for torturing me to death
as they laugh about it

I am literally ALWAYS shitting poison out and have been for at least 13 years without an end to it because they keep having my food doused with poison and poison inserted into my body while I am sleeping--however and in every way they keep me sick, dying and they never stop shocking my system with negativity
so I can't focus or concentrate to read. This is "mind control" drugs which literally make any focus or concentration painful, not uncomfortable or difficult but painful for my brain which feels like it's being squeezed in a  vice and any reading or anything requiring any concentration is literally painful.
so I watch movies. They finally shut the f-up when I watch a movie or anything that has verbal dialogue, but I can't turn to any educational channel because I am so sick, and they are determined tokeep me so sick too sick to move even as they laugh and make fun of how my body looks
and then keep on poisoning me
and every movie *I watch some celebrity comes to torture and abuse me
if I watch a political news outlet they rush to abuse me violently
if *I listen to any music the musicians come to abuse me and join in
if I click on a photo on Facebook for a politician the politician rushes to join in (that is how Trump got elected, in short).

tyranny and despotism is now the result on a national and global level on the rise.
As a reult of this contract out on me.

But, when I analyzed the movie by Kubrick because the rotten pig apes, who follow the instructions of only saying abuse to me, nothing interesting nothing funny nothing at all except endless questions so they can steal ideas and then insults afterwards, once they obtain the ideas to steal and claim as their own--it's been going on for over 13 years from this group and their predecessors still operating from behind all this (funded by The Crown and other Europigape entities and beyond that I don't know)

But I obtained an understanding of the film
mostly that this blonde bigot empty and meaningless sdumbag from Australia who starred in the film was supposed to portray a "Jewish" intellectual from Vienna--as the author was a Jewish man from Vienna before Hitler made it all so meaninglessly blank Nazi blond--

and her vapid stupidity and the violence with which this rotten ugly man who was her husband, who treated me with VIOLENCE in front of this filthy ape creep woman so plastic-surgery coated and since attacking me has been non-stop going to Cannes and to the Oscars for CRAP utter crap stupid movies which are so forgettable I never hear of them again--and the other blonde bigot who starred with her in a tv series that also made the Oscars and was just a vapid nothing like they truly are
and so vicious this man was in front of me as, in teleportaiton where my eyesight is very limited it's like hitting a mostly blind person
and I am disabled with many fractures in my bonesa and body from all the pig apes who inflicted deadly v iolence upon my body while I was in a comatose drugged up sleep state being teleported so my consciousness was far away from my prime body being broken in the sleep state.

IN front of her, this Europigape-puppet of the English Commonwealth, as I have noted that so many of the former colonies of England have their reps coming to rape and beat and poison and torture me in lieu of the main Nazi actors--from the identifiable countries of fasism and Nazism (England, France, Germany) replaced by Canadian, Australian, Austrian and other nascent former aligned or colonized countries of the main perpetrator Imperialist Nazi couintries)
and very aligned with the Europigapeland fascist cartels, in front of this rotten ugly blonde skank this American man began hitting me
ONLY BECAUSE i was watching a Stanley Kubrick movie that they had starred in, totally misrepresenting the genius of what the Jews had written in reference to early 20th Century Freudian Analysis--out of  Vienna. When they asked me, in the teleported state, what I thought I said that they did not conclude the film in the right way, according to what I know of the Southern Germanic style from having lived in that region for about 5-6 years and speaking German. 
Yelling at me, punching abusing
that was two days ago
yesterday I was so exhausted and still trying to get them off me

thinking to myself that I should have known better
but I am so drugged still
and I am still "cracking" he hard-as-rock poison out of my body which comes out so slowly that I do intensive stretching, with the pig apes making teleportation insults about my body and calling me "loser" while I am fighting to stretch
and the poisons recoil, itt's so painful that i can't move and the poisons finally crack in yet another layer after my tissue next to all my vertebrae and spine are pulled constantly in literally every single direction in opposition because the poisons are recoiling and then fighting to break off the tissue (ripping off).
I need to read, I have some books, it's so hard to concentrate but the filth pig apes are so disgusting and to "help" them get more promotions only because I watched a movie, constantly telling them that I was only watching to see what Kubrick had done and not at all to see them--and then realizing that this was one of the worst of the Kubrick movies  becuase of their lack of acting talent, as they can only play stupid "block buster" movies about action figures and sleazY skank pretenses
endlessly they are awarded
because of their alliance with the 4th Reich, literally they are Nazis
violoent and stupid and meaningless

I got the usual nausious toxic shock from the revulsion of having to deal with them, rushing at them finally screaming and fighting like a wrestler in a creep show  boxing ring
this happens almost daily with the shit tleeporting me, the A$$-hole list of crap out of Whorewood
they are an abomination
maybe one day people will actual see the footage of me being teleported and understand what kind of crap has brought about the current disaster in American society and politics that they encompass
but meanwhile, they remain scott-free to rampage, rape and plunder me and anyone else being teleported
can't watch even a movie without their filth and hate endlessly poured on me
I have never harmed this bunch of fuckign shit ever
how any government can allow this kind of sick crap to be put into top p;osition is truly a result of utter incompetence
but president after president keeps them in these positions and never stops them as they get more and more lead roles and they are truly ugly stupid and disgusting--I can only think of basic words now--insults that are most basic--the keyboard is almost impossible to navigate and hacking is endless my brain won't operate so I must stop. 

Writing about how sick and vile these crapola scumbags are for years has produced never, not once an inspection of this situation, a cease of it, nothing
the rotten racism of every administration is foul and an abomination

I have to keep my eyes closed to their gaping cesspool movies, wide shut to the filth that they are I can't watch a simple movie without them beating and threatening me to obtain more and more
this filthy dirty stupid ape female was put in a role playing a blonde comic who my (great) uncle is famous for having written the screenplays for, amongst other extremely famous 70's tv shows) and she was a Joke of acting the reviews coincided with my assessment. She was paid in millions to put this movie out for just poisoning and laughing about the torture of me

This Australian  bigot Nazi blonde scum so endlessly plastic surgery enhanced
turned the last Kubrick movie into a bland and meaningless nothing of acting her acting was so awful and so mediocre and such a strained attempt to be "profound" with dumb tears and saying things in a way that sounded so trite and out-of-context. As much as these stupid filth shit-bucket whores believe they are aristocrat-endowed Europigapes, they have no idea of how to play the roles because they are so ass-kissed by fake flattery by the Nazi filth pig apes they worship like the dumb whore slaves that they are, absolutely no comprehension of the mentality they only know that being immature stupid sick violent and brutal and using this tech to murder and tortrure and rape makes them accepted by the Europigape trash who also have no concept of what the actual real artists had intended before the Nazis burned books, killed intellectuals and put sick and meaningless stupid immature not-good crap into the "arts" like these crap movies and the filth from whorewood

they are so disgusting towards me and so endlessly promoted for it
I had to scream about how effete how useless they are and finally they are so repulsive and I try to kill them literally in the teleportation but they have poisoned me so badly and forced me into paralysis for so long my muscles have atrophied and I am so weak as they continue with non-stop torture day after day for over 8 hours of rape abuse death threats insults and viloence which I cannot block out--while in deep sleep and for hours and hours upon waking

no fucker in Congress will stop them or this.
Wait until they take over the country not just the government. I wrote years ago that you stupid do-nothing fuckers reading my posts for all these years would regret not doing anything about Trump
I am warning you once more that now you see what Trump has done
you still leave this group of worthless and mediocrity shit crap in Whorewood to go on and on and on and on and on

Mean Halloween Whorewood (sexy?) boys & girls. Obsession with being the best blow-up doll sexy product WHILE selling faux "feminism" as a by-product of sexy sexy sexy ape- rape-not-a-date high school drop-out cheerleader!

 "Mean Girls (2024)--Avantika sings 'Sexy'~~(Full Song)/Paramount Movies". Paramount Movies. February 29, 2024.

"Crass--Banned from the Roxy (Lyrics)". Crisp. May 9, 2016.

I can't believe it, I am smiling, enjoying and really artistically "turned-on to this "teenager" movie that is more like adult soft-porn Whorewood and what it is selling, and demanding upon pain of death.

Being a sex object above all else. I can't express how the "power" of the rape 4th Reich cheerleaders is expressed through the erogenous zones of the males' members and their enthusiasm for putting the cheerleaders urging them on to rape and torture me--and my one, endless biggest fault, they all scream, is that I am not "sexy" and certainly not in their elitist beauty certificate-of-highest rank clique.

Unfortunately, the years of me screaming, in teleportation, about the YEARS of them ordering their minions to have me mutilated, poisoned into a huge and deformed mass of black, stinking poisons and other noxious chemicals, on a daily basis for well over a decade as the entire organization had this filth poured into my body because I was winning too many sports contests, way back in the day.

And I began to watch this movie, expecting the usual nothing, blank ennui but it didn't look like it centered around psychopathy, murder or horror or machismo--and it began so well I knew it was going to be very good, and after about 1/3 to half, I am so into this movie

it is so Whorewood--it is so the epitome of the philosophy of feminist rape culture outta straight crooked Beverly Hills that I have been subjected to as an object of abject torture and hate and mutilation with the screaming admonition that they are more beautiful (sexy) but, of course, they never stop having my body piosoned and mutilated just to make sure....

MEAN GIRLS and BOYS of Whorewood

and I also thought, before having watched this film, (it really is more of just a precursor to the adult world of the entertrainment (sic) buz biz

that upon watching the IMDB Halloween costumes from various celebrities, without exception, not a single costume was "scary". The costumes that the celebs wore, which IMDB, a font of 4th Reich advertising for the mind programmers----aka celebrities and their producers, writers, directors and "news" about their plights in the industry and gossip, it has it all (except for many other subjects and personalities that are outside of the 4th Reich milieu).

All the women looked like sci-fi porn fixtures for fantasy

the celebrities except, as I recall, there was one actress who really put on a wardrobe of fantastic "scary" latex monster costumes but still---sexy.

And the only "power" it seems that the Mee 2 fems have is still, whether old or young, how "sexy" they are and how enticing they are and how many face "feminine" virtues they espouse such as how much they "care" about women's rights and about the environment and etc.

In order to appear as "feminists" for the rape culture of Whorewood and indeed, of The world

they must be at the very least sexually enticing to the point that their photos must appear like they are constantly having orgasm or on the verge of absolute erotic explosion.


Underneath it, is a violent and hostile domain of vicious clawing for power and ruthless competition for sexiest celebrity in order to obtain that worthiness of the politicians who then sponsor their terrorism using mind programming tech, and thus put into higher echelons of control and influence around the world. 

The movie plot is so alike high school but more like what I have seen of Whorewood at it's most hostile hypocritical hate. 

The teenagers writhe like animals and the "lion" symbol is of course very close to the Nazi/white supremacist Lion logo of being the "apex predator".

The movie is really about so much of American society as a parallel to high school. How many people actually move on from high school and the associations that one learns to foment in that learning school of life? 

I think most people who attend high school in America will relate to this movie. It makes it something touching on "great art" in that it has a universal theme, highly evolved in meaning yet it appears like a superfluous silly "girly" problem movie. I am very pleasantly surprised and it's also a musical, something I have not found to be very interesting in the modern (or even older) iterations but this is truly wonderful---

and one clip in particular just made me think of both Whorewood and the obsession with comparing the torture victim to millionaires glowing with smug superiority after their mangled victim, who they are stealing ideas from non-stop, is supposed to be considered "inferior" because their very nasty clique exclusion is now on a more universal scale, and amongst the people of society, into a blacklisting phase where people are now facing homelessness, no health care, and these girly mean expletives have so much more fodder for claiming superiority. Behind all this death and destruction of the economy and of life and of the economy, is a bunch of high school mental age mean girls and boys, the cheerleaders and the smug rape jock alcoholic "players" who are so beloved for their immature swagger in their murder and macho crime movie smug appearances. 

High school fantasies abound and the "losers" get "the shit they get" (quote from a song by Crass, "Banned from the Roxy")

That includes, for my personal targeting physical, financial, emotional, sexual, familial, educational, career and anything else--total destruction, enslavement and usurpation without end.

Blacklisting, surveillance, drugging and of course, the ole rape and mutilation to destroy what is left of my body and life and then years and years of teleportation torture while in deep sleep so I can't actually heal my body because they force a "trauma" state every single day. Endless apathy from society and applause endlessly for the perpetrators of these crimes. All obtaining plastic surgery. They are sexually charged up from torture. They are then considered, then, much more worthy after their plastic surgery renovations and the finished product is something you may want to masturbate over and perhaps even have some contact with for a short while--or longer, maybe a lifetime. The plastic-coated terrorists come with their ex-spouses in tow, cheering on the rape after they won divorce settlements for cruelty on the part of the male (sometimes the female as well in counter-accusations). Their children, ever eager to "learn" how to become a high school rape cheerleader and thug macho jock all the rest of their lives, learn assiduously and focus the most concentration on this endeavor (of remaining as Mean-spirited high school in mentality and appearance--FOREVER mean and "sexy"). Makes for psychopathic murdering bigots with torture technology (no movie has yet been made on this theme that I am aware of).


Renee Rapp WAY over Swift & Eillish---

I listened and watched this part of the movie mesmerized. I am not a fan of this type of genre, but every single thing of this portion of the movie was done so professionally well, so powerful.

I thought the singer was Eillish on a very good day--as she does have some vocal chords

but this was a voice that was precision (was it also heightened by some tweaking of a synth program and mixer board?)

still, the shooting of this sequence was so incredible--it was "hot" it was sad it was beautifully in full color and slow-motion.

I can't believe I am so engrossed in a "high school" movie but this is really what I consider to be a work of art--take it or leave it--in a genre that would otherwise be perhaps dismissed as "bubble-gum" fodder but oh, it's so much the "human condition".

NOW---IMAGINE that these "mean girls & boys" have mental torture technology to inflict death, rape, hate and sickness of spiritual malaise upon a person as they do it constantly night after night, laughing and giggling

and without end for years (as has happened to me every day, day after day, year after year, now over a decade)

and imagine that THIS is being handed to them by Ivy-league "professionals" in Congress who are paid to appear like the "adults in the room", but who join in with the immaturity and giggly torture alongside their blow-job-appearing "sexy" counterparts in Whorewood, the programmers for a death cult trip USA through your insertions of tubes into all your orifices if they could manage it they would project their plastic blow-up doll personalities directly into your genitals and anal cavities--

"Mean Girls--Someone Gets Hurt (MUSIC VIDEO)". Zephyrine. February 15, 2024.

`I have just watched this video for the 3rd time in a row. I have never heard of Ms. Renee Rapp until today, and I had no idea she starred in this role. I thought she was doing a voice-over (which she was but of her own voice) and I thought it was Billie Eillish--. I thought, wow, Eillish sounds incredibly powerful and beautiful in this song. I have heard Eillish singing on the radio and thought it was powerful but not as keenly well done as this from Rapp--the glissando was so impressive, the range the vibrato the pitch and her beautiful performance--(such a cliche to use) her pop star quality but on a level that is far above all that I have seen of the endlessly rotating "divas" who, all of whom have participated in this hateful crime against me--rapp has not that I am aware of and her talent overrides the need to (I hope).

None of the usual pop singers I can listen to longer than a few bars, although they have garnered world fame. I tried to listen to a few other Renee Rapp songs but none have impacted me in this way--a performance in the video along with her voice--and I'm sure her playing this same role on Broadway has enabled her to perfect the performance, which she has done with her choreographer and director. 
I also don't really cherish "blondes" very much but I am "enamored" with her performance and I don't sense from her the typical Nazi feel or aura. I do not want to test this theory so please, "b-word" do not f-ing TELEPORT ME goddamn. I just want to enjoy a movie and performance don't wreck it for me because it's so rare that I enjoy anything of this genre--like, this is the first time I have enjoyed watching a "high school" movie since Grease came out back in the 70's when my other teenager friends took me to this small town movie theater to watch it because "everyone" went---
I hope she replaces the current lot of deplorables who are really Nazi agents endlessly in rotation for grammys and top awards and Time covers and "woman of the Year" for being a rape cheerleader of the 4th Reich--which is what the usual slot of "sluts" really are (because I know).

15 minutes later, I watched some of Renee Rapp's videos and was not as impressed by the one dance/film clip above---her style is the u usual boppy girly, she does sing with Megan Thee but otherwise, it's not so much
but ONE song was incredibly well done
one song
the rest, could be an amalgamation of all the other songs combined
her vocal range remains in the twilight zone of Taylor Swift--a few notes, sometimes getting a bit into a higher octave
lyrics that don't touch me

Her appearance in her videos is bombastic
hyped up "super cool"
there was a song hacked or through the algorithm put on the "shorts" section, I could not distinguish the garbled lyrics but it had something to do with b-word--the title was something about Paris

I'm sure my initial assessment was correct when I wrote "b** don't f-ing teleport me" the b-word being that assessment
but I hate to use that word
it's just a meme by now
so popular in usage now that 'feminism" is officially so long deceased that porn symbols who enthusiastically operate as rape enablers has become the "new feminism" so of course, she's one of the mean high school 4th Reich blondes (with her black minion singing alongside her)

oh well, Whorewood will remain Whorewood. But that ONE SINGLE CLIP is exceptional. Sometimes if mediocrity performs the same thing and then embellishes it so repeatedly, for years, it can come out with ONE single perfected video/edited/synchronized/tweaked visual performance.
Otherwise, probably just another sleazy and sick piece of crap from Whorewood. I have no doubt this is accurate I am by now like a soothsayer in that 98% of all that are part of that level of entertainment are just melted into one singular cesspool following holographic instructions interwoven into the templates embedded into their cervical brain-stems.
One HOUR later 
I just recalled some of the John Waters' movies about high school dance craze drama comedies with Divine---
cute, but besides Pink Flamingos
somehow i could never really identify these high school drag themed movies as being of "high school" and I could not really connect as I think Mean Girls hits on a cross-section of American culture (without drag queens although--and of course Divine has been one of my inspirations, or he/she/they have been in the past, a long time ago)
yet, this somehow reminds me of myself, and I think this movie will affect a lot of people
I don't know if it is in the running for current awards this year or not or if it has won or will win
I hope it does.
And not become a "cult" classic
but to be recognized
instead of the usual drivel of the 4th Reich terror circuit of the REAL mean, really deadly mean, really psychopathic really mean Whorewood immaturity Nazi infant terrible pre-genocidal influencers with their mind f*(* technology handed to them by the grade school of Congress before any principles have taught them how to adhere to human rights or the "rules" of governing responsibly, for the concern and welfare of the citizens and not just their sexy mental masturbation plastic hard fantasy terror and crime partners to create a misery mess in the "playground" of torture and murder. That truly is what they are fabricating RIGHT NOW while everyone is just "entertained" by the little boys and girls gyrating around singing their songs and playing masturbation fantasies for celluloid 4th Reich programming with mind programming technology to keep you masturbating to the point of becoming blind from it all (as the old saying went, if you masturbate too long you will go blind).
Learning a few things about this apparent "franchise" of "Mean Girls"--which I may have heard of before but promptly forgot and never watched, paid attention to or what...ever.

The reviews I have seen online are abysmally in disfavor of this version which I so enjoyed watching. I am always, it would seem, against the "grain" of public opinion in such matters as the people and films or tv shows I really like are as quickly negated as I am, in the public purview of mainstream acceptance. 

Because I have not seen any of the former productions or read the book, I cannot therefore be dismayed at the regurgitation which so many of the critics claim. I try to fast-forward through their synopses of what they did not like, but all I heard were plot summaries and a few disgruntled remarks which did not seem like bona fide critical review but only personal grudges that their favorite films were not re-invented in this current version. 

I heard one statement that the "Regina" character was "supposed to be a Barbie" and the commentator was grim about her dislike of the reinvention of the blonde icon that is so instrumental in Nazi iconography. 
I also saw that this singer, Renee Rapp put out some videos "coming out" and perhaps that is the distinguishing feature about her that I intrinsically understood to be outside of the "normative" values of the hateful paradigm of the 4th Reich, although I suspect these are not totally absent but she does deviate from the norm in that capacity. Being a lesbian or bi is no way makes a person less or more compassionate or prone to fully supporting thug jock rape culture of male supremacy-mostly white. 
When I see the clips from the earlier versions I see static almost paper-cut 2-dimensional TV-land characters who hold no fascination. 
In the modern version, I see the "new" generation which, in my opinion, is just emulating what was so ostracized when "my" generation, only a tiny percent of which, actually "invented" these clothing styles and the subculture genre--for which I am still under lock and key and surveillance to be "controlled".
The review were done by people with the helium style voices (which some of the actors and singers in the current version also have, this is H-wood and the mainstream does not change so much even when they are imitating the old styles that "MY" generation was outcast for, but clung together and had so much fun and hated the "normal" fashion--and where are all those people now?
Well, maybe they have made this movie, the current version to remember their old high school and college days
the movie is set it appears in the suburbs of Chicago, my home state so the mentality is very much to what I actually did grow up around in Champaign (Illinois). I think the writer may have included that aspect of location, so I could really identify with it because it WAS exactly like the atmosphere of my school days when the gonads were springing up and these identities were more visible (there were no openly gay people in my schools growing up, it was very taboo at that time). I was, of course, in my MK ULTRA state, actually constantly assaulted by a bi-sexual female (while sleeping) who was my "best friend" and this MK ULTRA situation enabled her the chance to live out her proclivities while I was in a deep sleep hypnosis state, unaware completely of what was going on. 
If I had not been so drugged, I would not have chosen her as a "friend" which she never actually was. But I was not with the blonde cheerleader and jock clubs and my school really was divided in the same exact way (in Wisconsin, very similar and not far from Illinois).

What I see in the negative reviews are the mainstream rejecting the more subculture aspect of this film, because the original had something like soap opera style fashion and very plain blondish faces that you would see in teen fashion magazines; the dyed green hair, the wile eye make-up, the extravagancies of what "We" wore back in the day, which I sort of still wear now and am accused of trying to "dress like young people" as if I am imitating them but really I, or people around me, created these fashions as lifestyle statements. I think that is why these reviews are so negative.
One of the really nasty and ugly blonde bigots (the rape cheerleader, most vicious and ugly and nasty but considered one of America's blonde "next door" (skank) icons, who also obtained something like $9 million and a studio after having viciously attacked me in teleportation plus the torture apparatus--they wanted this rotten Nazi skank type of fake "all-American" to represent the "Mean Girls" and not this sort of "freak" element that is so alternative, at least outwardly so. The movie has a positive ending of people just accepting the idiosyncrasies of the 'other", those with dyed green hair, nose rings, piercings, gay and lesbian lifestyles, don't want to be "Barbie" as the almost enraged commentator says that the "Regina" character "is supposed to represent a Barbie" but that is not what this newer version is about.....
it's not about the blonde rape cheerleaders so very nasty who get paid in millions by the older dino alcoholic men of Congress who masturbate over the near-orgasm Nazi women who invite them to teleport me alongside them (who steal my ideas constantly from non-stop torture extraction) who then are also paid to represent "feminism" so these old dinos can feel relieved that their "system" will remain intact.

Thusly, I doubt this new version will receive many positive reviews from the gamut of the "accepted" critics. I know that I am censored from having any real outreach on the actual web and that what people are reading is on the "Dark Web" or so it would seem. Likewise, only the critics who demand Barbie 4th Reich Klaus Barbie imitations are allowed to make any commentary, and mostly that is bereft of any real content and mostly focusing on superficial plot review or demands for what they need for the endless Klaus Barbie circuit of male and female Mean genocidal-tards to endlessly be in play, remaining in kindergarden massacre mode with murder and mass torture and death technologies at their disposal, with mass mind control via the "mainstream" acceptable limited range of "movies" that they are endlessly in rotation to be awarded for--now the "in" thing is to join in teleporting me to torture and abuse me (to death) giggling and laughing.

In my high school--Nicolet, in Glendale, Wisconsin (suburban Milwaukee)---I was out cast for rejecting being attacked by my (what I did not know was) Nazi step-mother. It's a long story, but in short, I did not simply agree to being oppressed and this is the same exact formulaic attack upon me that is ongoing now--it was poisning, so I was extremely ill and I felt very sick within a few months as my body swelled up to a huge size--as usual. She had invited her nieces (around my age) to sabotage me and she constantly insulted my family while my father watched on saying nothing and smiling)
Because I fought back, the "word" came out at my high school like wildfire and the blonde cheerleader squadrons and jocks really became antagonistic, and that was the very large majority of my school at that time. Just ask good ole Oprah about it because she was around 5 years my senior at that same school and was "popular" =--and I only saw one single black person welcomed into the white 4th Reich cheerleader and jock group--he was a football player, etc.

I would hand make paisley pants and I wore pseudo punk clothing to school and the students (i.e. cheerleaders) would glare and stare in unison at me as I walked past).
Not strange that in Minneapolis Prince's Paisley Park was a place I was invited to hang out (and meet Prince at the recording studio) but I was too brainwashed/drugged and bloated to feel comfortable (I really knew that I could not handle the situation although I did not know why, I just knew that my body was oddly shaped and that Prince would probably not like that and I just, with so many things I want to retain as being something I like, avoided contact although I highly respected him, listened to his albums--in the early days--almost every day, etc).

But I got my real fashion school training at First Avenue, but I created my own fashion in high school not only as rebellion against the mainstream, but also because I did not like the ugly fashion of the 80's that the "yuppies" wore (Izod sweaters, sailboat shoes forgot the names of them) and horrid--I tried but 
Once I got to Minneapolis it was like--after I finally got to First Avenue
where I flourished and have never ever tried to imitate the mainstream or loved or yearned for the magazine fashion
I am still making my own fashion but am still too sick and the celebrity parasites suck so much of my life force out of me and poison me so badly I can barely function. Just cleaning up the endless stinking filth they have sprayed into my home takes up far too much of the little strentgh I have left after they abuse me for about 8 hours with vicious insults and hate. They steal as much as they can out of me and then destroy what I make by hand and claim whatever they steal from my ideas or whatever as their own concept and profit off it while I remain bedridden, fighting to not get killed from exhaustion from non-stop abuse from one psycho-sleaze mean genocidal immaturity bot after the next
all wearing the fashions that are so boring and acceptable and repetitive but endlessly chastizing me
poisoning me so I am bloated, just like in this movie they did that
by the way, that is not a joke it is what the terrorists do to their targets (poison them to make them "fat")

FIRST AVENUE (MINNEAPOLIS) CIRCA 1983--the fashions now semi-apparent in the new Mean Girls (or offshoot of this older style, which is now the "new" for mainstream but "alternative" but mainstream anyway. What needs to be focused on is a change in paradigm. This new movie adds the clothing style to the shift in paradigm from the old yuppie concept of "femininity" which the Klaus Barbie critics are so angry about--their anti-feminist Klaus Barbie icons are no longer there, but semi-lesbian style and tougher and slightly meaner in a more "underground" version--far too intimidating for the mainstream critics--(too "woke" they want to turn it all into a "joke" and thus reverse it--that is what they are so upset about as this movie makes "woke" more acceptable than turning it into a "joke").

The 80's "Prince" school of fashion has reached H-wood finally in mainstream, but only in this film which has gotten non-stop bad reviews but before seeing the reviews, I was so thrilled and delighted to see a film I could finally be entertained by which was not about death and crime (exactly) but also with fashion I could relate to. But it was done a long time ago in Minneapolis, only in one oasis from the mainstream at First Avenue and Prince made it possible----(we did it long time ago)

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Personal property damage/stinking sprays report: **once again the hackers are blocking the spacebar so whatever comes out try to guess what I really intended to write**

 "Holiday in Cambodia". Dead Kennedys--Topic. May 13, 2021.

Last night the mechanical arms were busy ripping my beautiful office chair, in which every day strings and muck are sprayed into the wheels and the bearings to tie the wheels into a glued shut position. This is done to every single item I own that has wheels--every clothing stand cannot budge. The chair rolls in a zigzap direction (it has five arms with double wheels and a black pvc casing so I can't reach in I have to dig in between the black plastic ridge separating the wheels. Often I have to use an elongated candle lighter to burn away the debris, the strings of very sturdy material I can't just pull out laced into the wheels and bearings)

and today, this morning, the room stank of a foul and greasy permanently staining substance that has been sprayed on my curtains so the stench permeates my room--and in so much pain from the exercises trying to rip the hard poisons the creep from Congress who fully welcomed, laughed about, made jokes about how deformed I am and how just exquisite the ugly filthy prositutues of whorewood are in comparison, as they dictate

the pig apes ripped a hole in the fabric and sprayed this stinking filth everywhere the room was a stench

the floor is being ripped every day with gashes and slashes to the material I have glued down for the 6th time in 5 years to try to block the mechanical arms from coming out of every direction, every panel in the multiple-paneled room with portals for mechanical arms literally covering every inch of this room. Many places cannot be secured and thusly I am slathered with chemicals my body always cut into or damaged in one way or another literally every single night while I'm in a deep sleep

How the "Jew" from Congress who is "fighting Trump for Democracy" and "against tyranny" approves of all this. Makes a mockery of it, asks me if I think his son was killed because he is "Jewish" and then, like my family put into high positions, fully welcomes and is overjoyed to have the brunt of hate redirected at me while they believe they are safe and cozy within the confines of the trunk of the hearse that is driving them to their next camp holiday in the sun.

And so, for the next 3 years, this fake oppositional plant of a dying species of invasive to it's natural habitat, Jewish Nazi, has allowed the Nazi filth group to go on unabated and certainly never my Constitutional Rights ever once protected while they poisoned me to death slowly with the absolute full consent of the J-6 Committee members, two of which participated in the wonderful world of advertising out of Whorewood, endless copious awards to every minority minion and black slave watching helping punch and abuse and cheer on the white supremacist Nazi genocidal referencing the Holocaust piece of filth coming to rape and torture me

for years they observed with no concern while blathering into cameras about fighting Trump and "for Democracy"

as I was begging online to stop the murder to stop the poisoning.

They all did nothing and allowed this group of sick and rotten stupid filth to carry on, every day, hours and hours day after day

Get the dinosaurs out

This is a Jewish Nazi dinosaur just like my rotten family, not that I am emotionally tying him to them, only that the behavior and programming for offering me as a sacrifice with glaring hate when I actually write or do or say anything that is not turned into a joke of bursts of laughter by the sadistic teams of shit and filth parasitic crap who are also stealing my ideas for their crap output, year after year with non-stop approval by Jamie Raskin, most disgusting Kinzinger the "I'm part German" piece of rotten shit both

and all


The crap pig apes of this group insult me because I have nothing to do with my family. They, as usual, behave like this is a fault of mine and a personal defect. The programming to obey crap like them combined with all the death squads and lynch mobs, now with endless handouts of free media coverage and heightened and usually unjustified promotions

so enticing

They are terrified to the core, they fight for their "master" like all the slaves have done for their respective "masters" wanting to live and eat what Big Daddy does, at least to some degree

There was an excellent movie made by Fellini on this subject, written originally by an ancient Roman, adapted by Fellini


About how the slaves who are freed try to emulate their captors and masters--the Dominus and Domina they all adored and learned through Stockholm Syndrome to adore more than their own lives, more than their children, more than their race which they privately abhor and hate so much they laugh when I am the sacrificial victim because I have been fighting this very self-abnegation without even realizing it by just saying NO to all the sick stunts this vile and filthy dirty group creates. The filth and ugliness they inflict upon my property and body I realize is really the real essence of these filthy pig apes, but they all have their slaves of various lower hierarchical level to clean up their messes for them, and like this Jewish Nazi has just done, to inflict the violence as proxy terrorists for the real ugly sinister and dirty filth they love and worship while hating themselves--and then turning that hate upon me for fighting for myself, and really for them as well.

But, go to hell, that is all I can ever tell them

the destruction not just of Jews but of the United States, as they really believe they will get a huge plantation system

and have since obtained some prime views of the Capitol building and they undoubtedly get bigger houses in more gated communities, where they are safely monitored for when the Nazis come to steal and rob and rape and kill--not covertly with poisoning and suicide subliminals but outright slaughter

MTG in the forefront, undoubtedly with her gun arsenal.

She told me that she would not teach me to shoot a gun because "you might turn it against me" because she understood implicitly that she was pushing for guns in the hands of the murderous bigot 4th Reich mobs whereas the "liberal" faction like Raskin will try to take guns from people like me to defend myself against his secret love, MTG (he so abjectly loves her in the little arguments they have in front of cameras, and defers to her nasty and hateful barely veiled racist slurs about his name while he laughs like a good boy--Nazi laptop --laughing with the bigots who make anti-semitic comments at me-not comments, but threats of killing me as the Nazis had done by putting me on a train to a concentration camp

laughing with them, the Jewish Nazi, with his fellow famous Jewish men usually with blonde wives (they all have them, mostly) 


What I could not type because it was blanked-out of my brain while I fought to type and think:

MTG, who said that she would not teach me how to shoot a gun (but I have taken classes on how to shoot but as usual, instructed by terrorists so they taught me wrong information and on a very outdated gun type--a heavy weight piece from WWII at the U. of MN armory)

but, as she said she would not teach me to shoot because I might turn around and shoot her, she then sexually assaulted me and allowed her fellow Nazis in Whorewood to continue to rape, beat and poison me, all done in ways I cannot defend myself from. Meaning, to help you interpret, the helplessness and the power differential will be so unbalanced that genocide will be very easily obtained for all the "Civil War" wanna-be Nazis of America with their endless worship of all things Hitler out of Germany. How many of the so-called "men" who teleport me claim they are "part German" or "English" as both countries are rife with Neo-Nazi groups, (as well as in France, obviously now that La Pen is so popular perhaps will overtake Macron soon as the National Front of France, post Vichy Regime).

But, yes, they don't want me to have a single defense.

I also read tarot, which they comment upon and demand (*free) readings out of me endlessly using the mind control to get me to read and if I don't they will use the weapons to torture me. Under truth serum and stress, I can't actually read correctly anyway and something forced  comes out. 

But they try to dissuade me even from having access to tarot as they insult and--also, I have so many hours per day of just putting away and taking out things I wrap up so the mechanical arms won't destroy them that it requires, literally, 4 hours per day. The poisoning they all constantly have put in my body keeps me in so much pain that all the hours of movement takes up 80% of my energy. I do the stretching and that takes up the rest of my energy as it's excruciating ripping poison glued internally to my body in all pockets and bones and everywhere it is glued into my skin and tissue--

then the abuse of the voice-to-skull is non-stop

and they watch my tarot reading and make insults so I can't concentrate

 just as they constantly interfered with my stretching--body image insults constantly  yelled along with "loser" constantly yelled as well as the "instructor" telling me to do things that kept me out-ofo-alignment as he kept me poisoned as I fought to heal he then tortured me with absolute violence--rape and rape and rape and rape

so, total disarmament, that is their goal. The MTG's want access to extremely mass-murder technologies plus all the mind control and death squad Nazi civilian corps

aka "gang stalking" which sounds almost safe compared with the lethal reality that no one exposes in the media or anywhere else (but literally almost "everyone" participates in, when there is no Covid and the organization is stymied by lack of integrated coordination).


Sunday, February 25, 2024

Terrorist mind control triangulation of theft--report. Meaning, multiple attacks on various levels of my consciousness while surveillance and coordinated theft attempt on my property while my back was turned--it was done in a timed and synchronized intricate system of various techno-terror operations.

 1. I put my brand new music players in one, specific area of my backpack. My backpack is pure black, it is a "special" security type of backpack which is intended to be as black as possible so the black pull-strings are not easy to locate. They are not apparent upon even the most basic visual inspection. The backpack also has a "security" clip strap over the various pockets, down the front. To open the backpack this  click-strap has to be opened and then the thief has to search for the very black strings, which are set against the stark black fabric. 

2. The surveillance that is on me perpetually, on a 24/7 basis, which also includes, I have been told multiple times, the terrorist can literally "see through" my own eyes and see what I am looking at. 

3. I went to pay my motorbike fee in Rawai at B2Win, which has been a complete terrorist action of non-stop harassment for every visit for at least 8 years of me paying THEM for the entire cost of the motorbike, because the terrorist billionaires and millionaires who are conducting this terror operation must keep me so impoverished I can never afford to pay for any single ownership of any property, vehicle and of course, all I purchase of any material value they destroy almost immediately, if they can get to it. THis is why I must carry so many heavy object everywhere I go when I leave this room, even to go down the elevator to the front lobby for a time-period of 15 minutes. The speed with which these operatives work is almost sprint level and they know immediately how and what to destroy because of the non-stop visual surveillance and they know what I depend on, because they can "hack" into my thoughts using the cochlear technologies.

4. The motorbike shop, in Rawai, has been a horrific mind-skewing brain-altering terror operation. As in the teleportation, I am unable to fully cope with these technologies by will alone and I can find no shielding to protect my body.

5. I tried to remain stoic, non-responsive, not speaking to anyone but the dog I have tried to save is dying, her eyes are bloodshot she is abused, neglected and not taken out and she has been storing urine and feces in her body every day for the few years she has been alive. I try to take her on walks and walking up a hill for about 4 blocks, it too hard for her. So the atmosphere is a "traumatic" hate situation where my brain is put into "truth serum" mode.

6. I sat trying to be centered, and the shop has a second floor where the tech to torment my brain and body are kept. There always some Thai person coming down the stairs and I know they are operating the tech that blasts my brain. I surmise this because of the endless skewing of my behavior in this vicinity. The building that had been empty for years while every single space on that road was packed with little shops was very telling.

I am not trying to divert, but I am giving an atmosphere. 

The ladyboy who is extremely nasty, has stolen an item from my purse and he knew instantly what to steal and exactly where to look--I had gone to the bathroom to wash my hands because the shop is kept absolutely so filthy and dirty--which they have done to my home

and they take so long, keep me waiting for so long the effect of the tech literally takes over many of my reflexes and responses.

7. I had "lost" my staunch reserve and the lady boy was turned away from the inside of the shop at at filthy white plastic table, and normally he/it is at the official desk at the back of the shop. I pay and have a basic survey of the room, but now he remains facing away from the inside of the store

8. I carry 4 huge bags carrying everything from plastic bags (they don't give out plastic bags any longer) to every single thing I can't afford to have bvroken, stolen or poisoned--

My back was turned long enough to hand write my name, my passport number, address and then sign my name. I knew all instantly and wrote very quickly. The entire written event took less than 1 minute, more like 45 seconds. Instinctively I turned around to look at all my bags on the couch just 3 feet behind me against the wall. A Thai woman was leaning over my backpack with her hand in my backpack. I glared at her and she jumped pretending to be cleaning the floor next to the couch. 

I literally "lost" my ability to think clearly and began saying curse words but not so blatantly but telling the ladyboy, who has so completely and nastily attacked me for years, but during Covid, as so many of the Thais had been, he "chilled out" and was pleasant

but not any longer with the huge influx of the 4th Reich tourists--

And she had managed to open the exact pouch where my brand new music players were stored. I had put an object over them, a silver little purse where I keep my medicines just very thin thyroid medicine boxes) and she had opened the front click-security latch, stumbled to open the pull-string of the one pocket of the backpack which has this music player I really shelled out more money than I can afford, to try to sleep with noise-over the terrorists in teleportation.

She knew exactly where to look, and she moved in thief mode so quickly to undo and open and all within 45 seconds while I was very quickly writing this form, because I have had to fill out the 4 fields of this page for many years every month the same thing.

Usually I write a renewal on the copy, and me and the ladyboy just put our initials next to the month handwritten, instead of writing a new form. There had only been one month in the fields of the paper, and the usual procedure was suddenly dismissed by the ladyboy. I did not see it as a red flag because they normally just quickly fill in initials because I come prepared and fill out the next month--but it was all a completely coordinated attack. The surveillance absolutely allowed them to make instant decisions on how to blank out my mind, put me into a state of lack of attention and that all was okay. My guard was "put down" by the mind control subliminals they were injecting into my subconscious to make me feel that it was "safe" to turn my back on my belongings. I left my wallet under my backpack even because the entire shop was empty for the one moment I was turning to ask this terrorist if he wanted my money. I literally "lost" my awareness, lost all defenses, and just left my backpack unwatched, left my passport and wallet casually underneath the backpack, buried but it could have easily been stolen, except that this female was under instruction to go directly into one pocket

and all was done while my brain was zapped, literally blanked out, and put into a false state of security.


I had turned around just as she was about to life the items they were very determined to steal--my new music player which protects me to some degree from the absolutely violent and hateful endless abuse from the celebrities and politicians in deep sleep teleportation.


How can I try to make readers/people aware of how dangerous this technology is, and the extremely violent criminal element that has been handed this technology to prey upon others?

So far, these is no recognition of this tech and I remain writing about the abyss you are all still voting into power, cheering on in movies, and putting into major international power cartel status.


Even while writing this, my mind meandered and I "lost" my train-of-thought, also exacerbated by non-stop hacking interference so I had to backspace a few times 6 times to correct one single word--my thoughts lost and blanked out

I began calling her the b-word and I told the ladyboy that she had opened my backpack and he could look at the surveillance footage because there is a huge camera at the entrance, above the front door (for the filming of how they are blasting my brain and how they can streal and say nasty things and I respond instantly, under shock which they do every time with people coming in, making me wait for one hour as they service a score of male tourists all aggressive and then trying to sell my motorbike while I am waiting to repay the rent for the month--etc etc (they ordered a special bike for me because I have been paying off their motorbikes in monthly rent for years)

I called her the b-word, and this just popped out I completely "lost" control over what I was saying--words came out as if I were a puppet and I know/believe with great accuracy that words were in fact being injected into my subconscious which I repeated--my brain put into a state of shock. I called her that b-word which I never thought of, it just popped out because I could not control what I was saying. This, in turn, could justify their negative reaction, and also this attempt at stealing my property, specific property I bought to defend myself

was also a reaction on their part to me writing a complaint to the original owner, who got this golden retriever and tied her to the back of their shop on a tiny leash next to the toilet. I would take her for walks and she would excrete constantly--she was being slowly killed way back then. Now this dog is left with this very hateful ladyboy hitting her face for barking, never taking her out, never playing with her, just abusing her and abusing anything he can. This is the typical sickness of the people who are handed these technologies, and there are a lot of very mentally and emotionally sick people who are nearly starving to have people to victimize and torture--and animals--this organization loves to kill and maim and destroy and they do it on a daily basis.


They try to deter me from asserting any rights. Every single aspect of my life has been taken over by this filth organization.

And I am writing to the do-nothing comfortable and mostly smirking people reading this, as you have all done nothing for years and years amidst my writing and writing and detailing and describing all of this.

On the way "home" I had copied some music from a performer who, in the late 70's and even in the mid-70's had become famous for his "love and peace" deep lyrics and musical talent (he was part of the 60's as well but more like on the Aretha Franklin level)

He has participated in this and acted with the same "snobbery" disdain and hate towards me as all the others for simply fighting for basic human rights--the right to not be raped due to excessive drugging and brain-altering tech combined; the right to have my home not violated every single moment of every day with my body poisoned nearly to death and constantly fight to not die from just the poisoning

and the list, you all know

He came, this "peace" type "monk" of a man imbibing the struggle of his "victimized" group

and he came to help the abusers and victimizers

 and  every time I love some work of art, think some tv show is great, the expletives come to brutalize me so badly that they have ruined every single thing I used to love

they even tainted my love for listening to Mozart by punching me in the face for saying that my interpretation doesn't rely on the approval of an Austrian Nazi sleazy person

who then had me poisoned with a virus, and it could have been Covid, and it was administered into my body two months prior to the really global outbreak. I have never felt the presence of death in my life. He also had damaging poisons poured onto my hair to kill the hair follicles just in front of my head, at the same time as I was really fighting death from some viral poisoning--even very strong antibiotics would not help and I really felt the presence of death--the sensation of dying which is something you cannot deny when it realy is near. I believe it could have been Covid, and the people who are operating this hate system really have access to horrific poisons, viruses and mutilation capabilities, plus the lowering of awareness in very critical and dangerous situations, with a false sense of security because the terrorists are smiling and appearing to be pleasant. This tech also makes you "smile" while people are smiling at you, like an autonomous reaction you /I cannot control. 

With the lessening of the endless liquid poison diarrhea I am somewhat better at slightly controlling, or recognizing all these terrorist actions.

Do not let them continue to spread out this tech and to infiltrate and to gain more power. 

It also won't stop if Trump does not win the next election. This system has been ongoing for many decades, all my life it has surrounded me and poisoned and infiltrated and caused great personality alteration and destruction. The "perpetrators" likewise are being programmed into extreme callousness and deadly proclivities, I see it every day with the disgusting celebrities.

I can no longer listen to this album which had formerly been so "heart-warming" and now it's too sickening as probably the artist has been mind controlled, is absolutely enthralled with the power cartel and has not come out with anything resembling his former opus for all these many decades. 

He is now a heartless investor in the 4th Reich celebrity monopoly, and fully nasty towards me for defending my basic human rights to not be murdered and then with the Nazi program of making the murder victim say they "love" the murdering bigot--that truly is what these expletives are trying to force.

So I complained about this ladyboy who was so nasty last month and a host of nasty tourists, I heard a lot of English accents

I wrote an email, the response was to be extremely friendly but then creating a false sense of relaxation, and then the absolutely constructed theft attempt while my back was turned for really less than one minute. She was about to lift these object out of the bag and the only thing that saved me was that the manufacturer had made the backpack so dark and the pull-strings the same black color which fade into the blackness of the entire bag, that this woman had to really search, lasting about 10 seconds which were crucial I believe to how I finally had the prescience of mind to realize that I had left everything so vulnerable. Turning around just at the exact moment when she would have stolen something that cost me a lot of money (for my income) to protect myself). 

These types of attacks will continue upon people who are more hapless even than me, and some of these attacks can have seriously deadly consequences for many innocent people, and even for the extremely guilty (including some reading this now).

You may think you are "safe" because you participate with this heinous organization, but there is always someone who wants to take your place if you are on a higher standing. The nepotism alone of this group will make their smaller coterie of "entitlement" be a huge factor in eliminating even those who have been so lavishly groveling to appear as violently nasty towards the targets (me and others) but in the end, they will kick even the most groveling out to replace them/you with their children, who are even more violently nasty and on a capability scale (in particular for the sake of creativity) far less capable.


"Why do you stay with such a horrible agency if they are trying to steal from you?" the reader may ask, blaming me.

Well, because THEY ARE ALL ALIKE in this area. I have tried so repeatedly and the result is always the same. Greasy, nasty people with glowing black eyes thrilled to be screwing someone else over. Sick and disgusting, and they all perform the exact same disgusting skits and say and do the same things. The woman who had been there before spoke perfect English which is why I chose her. She abused me constantly while I was there with insults but at least didn't say "no understand" and then not do the job. She was perfunctory and despite all her nasty words she always gave me presents and was very friendly--she was in cognitive dissonance and she was very capable and a business person. From Bangkok.

But otherwise i have rotten crap Thai people in the tourist area, who are far less nasty than in the actual Phuket Town area where I live, so I have tried and tried and gotten even worse treatment from the Thais in the very Thai areas.

The ladyboy, whose name I "forgot" and she calls herself Miss Molly, as in the drugs (meth?)

pretends not to undertand English

and is just creepy galore

but this is the very best I could find literally.

That this group of filth from Whorewood has made sure that I have ZERO income, cannot use the laptop cannot earn money online--and this was happening actually before I was teleported to Whorewood

so it's the entire organization, and the pig filth fromWhorewood who have made millions off this contract refuse to help me in any way, according to the contract while poisoning me to death they refused to help me and just abused me to death, attempted murder in multiple ways non-stop

and so, they  make sure I am stuck paying month-to-month in a very abusive situation and can never have my own vehicle. whenever I do manage to buy a 2nd hand car or motobike, it is broken IMMEDIATELY within one week by the terrorist organization, or slowly broken to pieces with stinking filth sprayed into the vehicle, the handlebars or steering, holes are punched into the floor of my cars, people ram into the car(s) if I manage to buy the most cheap thin, which is in good condition and within 6 months is completely destroyed by this organization and it's endless sick and sleazy filthy operatives.

My personal experience of having been attacked in "The South" from all angles (blacks, whites, Jews, et al) could fill an entire book of anecdotes of racist violence including the death knell of poisoning-to-death which began in Gainesville, but has never stopped throughout the planet because of this global seamless 4th Reich operation of death squad/civilian population all being paid and paid and promoted and given vacations and free groceries just to block the check-out lines, and the hand-outs are endless.

Every year, more billions of dollars are handed to "Defense" in America and much of that money is being poured into these death squad and 4th Reich operations for a massive uprising of all the "poor" working in unison. Black, White, Jewish, etc etc anyone who wants an easy way to vent their hate, but they all "luv" one another to death (of the Nation, of the planet=the death of decency, the death of compassion, the death of intellectual analysis and criticism, the death of the middle class because in this system there are only those who hold the stick and those who are beaten down in the upcoming techno-tyrannical wealth and enslavement plantation system of the 4th Reich).

BLACK AS COAL their hearts are, black as the poorest filth they spray and pour onto their victims purging themselves of the filth they imbibe personally, at the core of their beings.

All polished clean by the slaves who clean them, their bodies, homes and the rest scrub the filthy deeds from public observation--purged by the legal apparatus superficially putting anyone they can in the darkest box of hate and prison cell, but exonerating by rote any of the wealth-attainment criminals of the 4th Reich. 

They sing and gyrate about freedom and love in the Whorewood/Congress echelons of grasping power attainment.

STEALING, RAPING, ROBBING AND MURDERING ALL THEY CAN FROM, EVEN ONE ANOTHER and when it comes down to it, this system diverts all their mutual competition into having their filthy nasty macho men rape and beat and abuse people like me, so the Nazi women of the white cartel whom the blacks serve like the slaves they still are--can just have an accessible target to rape, abuse as the women like Dolly the Sheeple of vicious posturing--(like a "saint" in the godless Cross-burning uprising of the dark brooding abyss, burning crosses coming back into fashion but refashioned through technology and lies and prisons and police brutality and State-sponsored brutality and death squad "gang stalking".

The song I copied, which I will copy again, is the dark theme of how they clutch and grab at one another. Now thrilled to have me as a replacement because, in the end, it's the underpinning of the hate they embrace as they formerly lashed out at one another, now the new technology enables the vicious fake smiling brood to re-position their hateful men (of all races) onto focusing their violence towards women onto the teleportation victims, the MK ULTRA microchipped victims, and ultimately, for the new plantation system replacing the Old South.,,,and all that lucre, that money, all you need is money--derived from a good ole pogrom against the Jews just like the good ole boys of German, Ukraine, Latvia, France, Spain, Italy, et al participated in, now a united front of Europigapeland annexing the United States as it's partner (in the global plantation system) of course, the former colony of the U.S.A. resuming it's 3rd World colonized status. The bigots filled with hate assaulting me won't care, they will have their new plantations obtained from the HATE they pour out constantly in order to get the "luv" of their Minor Threat black as coal nepobaby spawn of the 3rd Reich who control the 4th Reich.

"The Sisters of Mercy--Jolene (The best version)". DNALHTOG.  December 17, 2014.

Thursday, February 22, 2024

The inexpressively brutal, disgusting technology forced upon me is a complete feeding ground for losers, users, parasites, abusers and they all flock to attacking me literally every moment they possibly can. Not only for the benefits from whatever psycho Nazi created this sleazy sick contract and how the rest of the planet goes completely along as if this i s a normal, everyday occurrence---but I have tried everything to block out the endless, daily stream of violent physical, sexual, emotional and verbal vicious abuse and hate, deadly abuse killing me every day and I can't block them out, sitting here semi-paralyzed and alone, every day, all day sick and paralyzed. The pig ape scum shit Baryishnikov was keeping me poisoned and stretching my neck and head every day, which just pulled the labyrinth of poisons latched onto all vertebrae in different directions, kept me so ill and out-of-alignment that the poisoning he continued built up in a continuous bloating and congealment of the poisons, internally suffocating me and killing me w hile the abuse and abuse and rape and beatings and yelling and death threats continue unending every day without end---all night with telrpotation, and this parasite is latching on for his filthy career and that of his dirty wife daughter and all their bigot riends. Two years of not getting enough and they plan on an empire, they all do out of JUST attacking me into a coma, paralysis while I fight literally every day to get t hem off me to save my life. My hair is like faded torn paper in shreds from stress, my body is covered with blemishes and skin breakouts from the poison they smear on my skin while I sleep and from the liver and kidney shock and sepsis that they are continuously forcing into my body with injections into my bladder of drugs and poisons---cutting into my fingers every single night, etc etc. //Fighting to get this preposterous lowest of filth scumbags off me, because he was a ballet star, and that means the "epitome" of Nazi culture and he's supposed to be some glorified superhuman Nazi figure and that ballet, just a physical operation involving grace, means that this thug rapist parasitic lower animal class, one of the least manly of men--despicable in his arrogance about what he is entitled to do to me--his Eurpigape cartel pushing him towards absolute Nazi genocidal violence aimed at breaking my body, spirit and love and passion. Grey hair hanging off my head now from his old man grasping for a career that essentially died out a long time ago--but now with a host of women around him clutching via him to beat, rape abuse crush and destroy my joy in life, to abuse everything I eat, do, listen to, thinkk and etc etc constant insults and abuse and threeats and endless attacks, all plants killed, my cat tortured he stuck a knife into my abdomen (retractable) he defends all people making Nazi commentary at me with extreme violence (or sordid sorts--rape, torture, abuse, destruction) and then will never let go. This vile low-level not-a-man scumbag must get more and more and more. His operation through the English Crown has m eant that scumbag English yelling abuser has come to v iolently threaten and yell into my inner ear with vicious violent rage after I just say NO to being sexually abused and tortured by yet anotrher scum piece of pig shit from England--or one of their colonies . rape a buse and rape and abuse and yelling abuse death threats--my hair is growing grey rapidly. My cat which was my one loving companion stolen and she is so old it's unbelievable she is still alive. This filthy ugly life fuck death old man keeps killing every single plant I grow, for the past two years, and has tortured my cat into terror in front of m e--my beautiful loving cat--for me defending myself against Germans making Nazi threats at me and abuse to humiliate me a la 3rd Reich Nazi slogans, which this filthy p ig ape scumbag old piece of utter shit defends with knives thrust into my abdomen, my cat s creaming in terror after they abuse or beat her, threats of killing her consatntly, non-stop this filthy ugly pig injectts his filthy ugly voice into my deepest concentration while I am exercising to STOP M E> i have been screaming to get off me for the past 2 months he's still there with his hate and violence to suck everything out of me. Non-stop very life-sucking abuse skits are being inflicted upon me daily non-stop. Behind this foul ugly dirty shit whore of a not-"man" is Trump and besides Trump is Biden and they have their teams. I remain writing about this to the void of old men and their nasty rape cheerleader younger generation which has been told they will get a nepo-inheritance of everything they never deserved or worked for, in this 3rd Reich entitlement Nazi 4th Reich operation you all keep allowing to progress and amplify as you all participate in it. I write about the stinking evil filth that you are all cheering on.//My body is aging my hair is grey this rotten ugly life-sucking filhty old man is really a vile parasitic life-draining leech I can't ever get off. The contract has put Trump into the presidency and Pitt and shitalina into the Oscars, their production companies endlessly paid for all expenses and top quality assistants h anded to them plus awards at every festival and top prize category. The shit connected to them have obtained Grammy's, mansions jets every single fucking thing--not to exclude Taylor Swift who has been a part of this for over a decade and look what all the mind control programming has done for her and the brainwashed zombie goons who will cheer any mediocrity on if it appears l ike a Nazi and acts like a fake alternative "liberal"--as this is the main scheme they all adhere to (stealing MY ideas all the while in order to have anything original to offer as their "unique" talent--which is a lot of lies and distortions and stolen ideas and posturing bs. This filth creep, amongst all the other endless parasites, is loathe to even stop for a single day. So I can't get rid of him. Hope he dies immediately in a horrible way. Begging the world to get this group of sick s hit off m e has proven to be futile soI must pray for their instant deaths please make it happen NOW.//My growing grey hairline is growing every day, faster and faster. The really hateful disgusting old man Baryishnikov, endlessly forcing his unwanted "help" while I am in the middle of exercise, concentrating 100% as his filthy mouth begins to "advise' me and after 2 years of him slowly killing,raping, abusing, poisoning and "helping" me with effete stretches that kept me extremely weak, extremely exhausted, in pain and sickness because he kept h aving me poisoned, his sinister ugly "meek" voice saying that this is not true as he continues with torture. today he forced his filthy mouth/voice on my exercise. The endless lies that come out ofhis filthy dirty mouth are the same disgusting black ugly sinister energy of hate and destruction that he is on every personal level (towards me). Telling me to put my head up constantly while i was working 100% concentration--telling him to stop. Trying not to respond but the technology forces me to respond. Literally I cannot stop. The barrier for self-protection is blasted, literally, electronically and with the non-stop poisoning, stress and abuse so I am so weak and I fight to ignore this filthy pest parasite. Finally he told me that I "had to listen" to his filthy dirty advice, after weeks of screaming to get off me, doing other exercises I Learned from people with a more humane and decent approach, and screaming and telling this ugly sinister parasite whoI told to get off me constantly 2 years ago, every day screawming to shut up as this vile parasite has clung on. So many deals and promotions this ugly dirty little shitty creep and his filthy harum of Nazi whore women must obtain from endlessly latching onto me. The old man has made my hair grow so grey, plus the hair prostitutalina and shit pig pitt have ordered be permanently destroyed so I am balding. The pig endlessly forces his "instructino" while I am absolutely in the middle of the most conentration to do the exercises he never taught me, and he never taught me anything but two (maybe three) basic pointers that all beginners learn in good quality classes. Not stopping telling him to go away, I told him that he knows what he knows about ballet, but he knows nothing about the poison in my body (and he has kept poisoning me and insulting how I look because he is poisoning me to death and I am eating to fight to have any strength to break this internal poison out, with hisnon-stop abuse non-stop for years now qalong with the shit pig pit group, rapists from England, violent abuse yelling death threats from the shit pig pit shitalina group plus this filthy b-KGB-bot who NEVER stops sucking out the remainder of m y youth and pouring his nasty old age onto me--I have never felt this drained and old in my life from the years of this filthy ugly dirty old sick sleazy violent murderous bigot piece of rotten shit who has become completely corroded, is a lie a second everything he says is a falsity ofone sort or another---at leastin regard to m eevery single thing is a bs exploitation or lie. The hate from him, his wish to compltely destroy and kill me is obvious to me. I told him he does not understand my poisoning while I was in the middle of exercising--the electricity went out immediately. I had to stop exercising. My food would be spoiled in this 90-degree heat and I had to run downstairs to the main lobby, get abused by the terrorist "manager" and then I h ad to run back and forth to putm y food in the freezer in the filthy maintenance room downstairs--it took up another 5 hours of my time going back and forth. I put my food in the tiny freezer where they had organized a terror attack--they put a dead crab and smeared the fluids of the crab onto the ice and put the dead crab into this little room; I was in there watching my food like a hawk to prevent their poisoning and I had my face mask on so I did not know what they had done. They turned the power off 4 months ago for 8 hours for three days in a row--with no notice and my food was spoiled and I was attacked. All of this bs is organized by this filthy dirty Latvian ballet bully creep and his Nazi blonde gang of older women, who want to see me raped, beaten and turnend old and grey- and I am from contact with this most vile parasitic filthy creep Baryishnikov.

 The life-sucking and feeding  frenzy of parasites and the potential to literally transfer old age and suck out youth and health from someone else, the technology and death squad operation and this ugly old  man and the old men of the government, of  Trump of the shit around him who have been feeding off  me, of shit pig pitt and shitalina tothe endless rotation of filth from Whorewood--and they all go from From rotting, disgusting zombie to freshly minted vampire--yes, the technology is a  feeding ground for EVERY parasite looking to exhale his/her old age and suck the life out of me--the transfer of their old age, mental  illness, vicious grasping for money, power and fame---absolutely evil and vile and the terms are appropriate.

"Vampire in Brooklyn  (1995)--From Zombie to Vampire Scene/Movieclips".  Movieclips. August 26, 2023.

I so need to exercise in peace and quiet so I can concentrate. This filthy ugly man was redirecting me to what was  harming me, while continuing to poison me, claiming he was stopping it. As I was drugged constantly, I reacted to a non-stop slew of violent Nazi-spewing racists blathering  hateful racist memes following exactly along Nazi slogans that were used to kill Jews out in the Streets of Germany, in Kristalnacht, before they were put in ghettos, starved en masse to death, then transported to the death camps. That is what this  ugly old man and all the  people of this group are envisioning and what they fully support; that includes the Jews who participate, to one degree or another, as long as they can bypass the genocide they are fine with it happening to me. That is all the  leading "jews" of America plus their AIPAC  (my family was associated with that organization they fully sacrificed me to the top layers of that organization and of the diaspora). But just saying, I have no silver cross but to have  my private thoughts constantly interrupted while I NEED TO HEAL AND EXERCISE   while this filth ugly sick parasite who has  violently raped me, been poisoning me to death,  yelling violently at m e, having others violently yell at me, then after I could not fight it any longer after about two solid  months of yelilng into my inner  ear to t his filthy pig to shut up to stop to stop  interfereing with my exercises,--he somehow  hypnotized  m e to stop doing the exercises I really was doing that were helping the problem, and instead do the ones he had his assistant of just stretching the arms and neck as if that would break the poisons off  my hips and spine--as he yelled how incredible his expertise in ballet training is, what a world figure he is, and I was desperate as there is ZERO INFORMATION on how to heal this problem. And so, drugged up and shitting diarrhea poison out and being raped, beaten adn abused in 8-hour stretches  every day for over 2 years from his aabuse, and an increase in the terrorist groups in the shops in the streets in the stores and where I live--this filthy Nazi KGB piece of sick ugly dirty parasitic shit and his whore  group h ave obtained tv series, endless promotions

and they are  so clinging to get m ore, they have n ot 'finished" as I fight and fight this ugly filthy creep who is once more trying to "control"  my exercising to stop me, to claim he is "controlling" me as I am FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE TO HEAL. HE IS AN OBSTACLE TO MY HEALING AND HE IS DOING IT DELIBERATELY TO SLOWLY KILL ME, AND KEEP M E SHITTING POISON OUT FOREVER TO MY DEATH AS HE PROFITS  OFF IT, WHILE YELLING AND SCREAMING THAT HE KNOWS EVERYTHING WHEN i CONTRADICT HIM HE HAS HIS FILTH MACHINE OFHATE DESTROY AND RIP AND  POISON AND ABUSE  ME BECAUSE i SAY HE IS FUCKING KILLING ME, INCOMPETENT AS  ABSOLUTELY OPPOSITE TO THE LYING SHIT HE I S CONSTANTLY CLAIMING THAT HE'S THIS EXPERT AND MUYST FORCE HIS  UGLY FILTHY SELF UPON ME EVERY DAY WHILE i AM AT 100% CONCENTRATION TO FUCKING H EAL. He has kept  me sick and dying for another 2 years while I was doing the CORRECT exercises initially, which he "instructed" me to change to t h ings that pulled the poison and kept me so weak and unable to move while the poison was constantly being injected and poured into  my every possible portal for  violation and violence. PLEASE GET THIS SICK FUCKING UGLY OLD APE DUNG OFF ME. Trump is behind him, 100% I am now getting a slew of Trump videos and I never want to help t his group of fucking shit who have been torturing, raping and poisoning me mutilating having me hit by cars unending torture for years and years and years--grey hair lining my face, my body just smothered with damaging chemicals--the bitch whores these pig men marry come to laugh about the mutilation to my body as they viciously attack me as well. Please kill  them all goddamn whatever force it out there get them off me.  How incompetent the  politicians really are and how sick and evil they all are.

"Vampire in Brooklyn".

I have such little energy in my body and life from daily drugging and poisoning so *I react in a "trauma" state and write and write on this blog--hoping one day someone will have some compassion and care and actually stop all this.

Seems impossible at this time but I am so physically drained and stressed out from the nightly terror teleportation that i must get it out

I am constantly being attacked in one form or another, as this life and youth-sucking parasite who is abusing me for his endless free promotion--and the group of filth has not obtained their collective goals, this group of filthy Nazi whore shit associated with Baryishnikov, which is his rapist sleaze filth ugly wife and shit daughter--all psycho on a Nazi elite aristocratic power high just like the filthy wife of the man from American Horror Story is at this time as well; all trying to emulate the vicious and extremely genocidal oppressive ruling class of the ancient regime of Europigapeland

the 4th reich, brutality brought back and all chances of equality and freedom gone. their freedom consists of this contract out on me so their ugliness and stupid mediocrity won't have any other competition outside of the 4th Reich white supremacy entitlement and the minorities who are "allowed" to compete must placate  and abuse me, for example, to prove they are full in with a type of Orwellian aristocracy far  exceeding anything ever in history of violation of the human condition (equals freedom of speech, thought, movement and achievement only for their filthy asses to steal and suck as much out and believe it is their entitlement).

So he's going on, the group around him and the pig shit pit and the other filthy creeps who have gone on and on and on and on for years and years and years and years are urging this vile dirty ugly filthy old man to just constantly have absolutely no concern about me, because they believe I am to be a slave, that I am already a slave and have no human rights, no right to even write my own story they demand that I give them all details so they can once more  take ideas from  me, claim them as their own, not only NOT pay me in any way, s hape or form but steal from me, destroying my body so the blonde Nazi whores don't feel any chance of me being happy and beautiful ever

and then they work to slowly kill me but still sucking as much out of me and giving back slow, agonizing death and that is all they give, literally--which is they only take and not just take but are taking everything from m y life anyone possibly could take from another human being.

I think to myself that if i just ignore this ugly dirty filthy pig, which is impossible because he's constantly injecting his vile and dirty ugly mouth into my most extreme concentration to heal--which he has been preventing me from doing and repoisoning me and abusing meinto old age, raping and abusing and having otherm en rape and beat me while he watches on, as the shit filth bigot women watch hugging the men who beat and rape me in front of them, after and before they steal my tirades about feminism and how women have rights to live without rape and about rape culture and domestic violoence

which they then steal as their concepts--for over a decade as wel

and they are all there, still the same pig apes I fight furiously to get off me

for years

still there but with new pig ape shit like baryishnikov who has "only "been slowly killing me yelilng that I owe him every single thingi possible for his "help" and then torturing mefor fighting to get this ugly dirty thing off me and now he's back yapping his "advice" and when I tell him he does not know what this poison is, he attacks me again so I spend hours not exericing, because that is his goal to deter and stop that and redirect me to harming my body and then insulting and posioning me

and I did  not finish, I am now too exhausted once more to take a shower, Yesterday they sucked so much of my life out from the attack on the internet with my banik that i had to literally zone out by playing a computer game, immersed in it, for hours and I was too exhausted to take a shower and in too much pain (I have to clean the floor after a shower because the floor is wet an d the terrorists pour debris, grease and hair on the wet floor. I wipe it down, and they still pour grease, hair and debris on the floor but it's not in a complete puddle. They also pour  water mixed with grease, debris and hair so the floor is dry but there are puddles with grease, debris and hair after I clean and clean after a shower

it is too much for my body, my spine is coated with hard poison and fractured vertebrae

this pig I must reiterate has been stopping my progress for 2 years and torturing me with vicious hate and violence and instructing English pig ape shit to rape and beat and fascistically yell absolute obscenities at me. This pig ape B-KGB-bot was awarded by the English Crown one month after he began teleporting and beating and raping me plus forcing his disgusting ugly voice on me while always in the exact middle of the height of concentration. I need to finish the exercisees and he is constantly giving me one choice--to constantly stop and yell to shut the fuck up and die and go to hell--which so stops my exercises and energy and drains me--because after 2 years this is thepoint I am at, asking nicely has done nothing. 

and the other choice is to try to "ignore" this filthy parasite, and it's impossible when someone is blasting their shit voice into your inner ear and no matter which direction or how loud the m usic I am blasting into my brain is, I can't negate the voice that overrides the music and attempt to focus and block this filth fuck shit out

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Ancient dictatorial regime must be stopped and replaced by an actual life-affirming and law-abiding leadership of parity with the needs of all of society--I don't know how to name the system or what terms I should use as any socio-political term can be misapplied so I just urge that people try to stop the fake bipartisan 4th Reich monopoly in Whorewood and Congress and in most of society--if that is possible at this point as you all have watched them rise to power and did nothing for far too long.//Post ranting from yesterday: realizing today that I had been--yesterday--under strong drugging (non-consensual) "truth serum" and emotional roller coaster influence plus non-stop attacks from all directions and subliminal and teleportation plus the last year of deadly and vicious, non-stop rape and torture and information extraction. The hateful users and exploiters from Wh-wood so violently poisoned and drugged and accosted me to obtain ideas--the hateful bunch from American Horror Story (now actors are hacking clips on my YouTube channel, actors from the series and they began doing this last week before the main writer bigot making Nazi commentary violently threatened and assaulted me verbally--had me so badly drugged the effect of absolute inability to remain centered left me weaving in a ranting state as they hacked into my laptop while i trieid to reach my bank which completely played a very nasty 90-minute attack to change my address, leaving me in a miasma of enraged uncontrollable reactions--DUE TO DRUGGING and "mind control" which they force upon me dailyl but it was excessive. The greedy sleazy and disgusting parasites had to have me so poisoned I could not keep any mental or emotional balance as the death threats abounded and the genocidal Nazi slogans and dehumanizing hate speech Nazis used against Jews was slung at me by the disgusting creep who stole ideas from me for years--the team, the Jewish Nazi his filthy dirty ugly nasty Blonde "model" wife so famous for her long blonde hair, but mostly for feigning a British Accent and playing a Shakespeare role, which was the absolute ultimate 4th Reich advertisement for the induction of all things fascist aristocrat Europigape into Whorewood--the team behind her, her filthy and dirty nasty genital references hacked onto my every social media post--just last year by the way, as I was fighting and fighting to get rapist blonde German pig apes and hateful scum from Europigapeland off of raping and beating and sexually abusing me while the "me too" prostitutalina gently embraced the pig apes, still making her "feminist" "violence against women" skank performance with full support of the Biden team--the "Jew" Schumer in particular with his dirty ugly blonde niece a fellow Nazi in Whorewood, representing the Jewish Nazi cartel along with Spielberg and all his Nazi performers (except for Rachel Ziegler, I assume she is not one). It's so disgusting. Hacking is now endless. I attempted to clean out this system this morning but nothing stops the hacking and malware into my system.

 I could not keep balance, I am still not standing still from the impact of yet another day of deadly poisoning and drugging

I spent the day glued into a sitting position, I believe they are also pouring muscle tightening drugs into the cocktail so the hard poisons I can't get out are compressed as my muscles contract--

I think they are doing that to keep me perpetually in too much pain to move as I sit a helpless target while they blast mind control into my drugged body and brain to watch their bs K-rap everything they hack into my system, which is a perpetual line-up of crap actors and directors who take turns yelling, raping abusing and insulting me. No exceptions for Jews, by the way.

the drugs are still in my system, because they never stop.

I have huge liver spots on my arms, a symptom of liver damage and poisoning. All I do is fight to heal, detox and not get poisoned but I cannot protect myself in this hateful condo where every wall is a series of panels that can be opened from the other side.

My room was further slashed with knives on the artwork I put on the floor--there are tatters of the remnants of the flooring that were fixed on the floor yesterday before I went downstairs to get this delivery

and I wrote of something I really like, which I would not have done as they destroy everything that helps me

for instance, they have been pouring cockroaches into my room for years and years and years and years. I have begun to order these little cockroach poisoning plastic units (Combat) and for the first order, they worked, and I could smell the odor of the poison and whatever "food" was used tto lure the roaches into the bait trap. But the next order has no smell, feels empty like there is nothing inside the little black plastic units, and the roaches remain as they were. So they just sent me empty black plastic squares. You can't see inside the little things but the smell is undeniable and they absolutely sent me nothing this time. 

that means the next time I order the essential oil, they will poison and taint it or put stinking crap or deteriorating poisons into the oil


And so, I reacted, I wrote a series of posts which the pig apes are using to steal ideas from

their objective was somewhat met

when the Jewish Nazi about 8 or 9 years ago, just prior to the seasons in which they stole the ideas I had writen of, I think it was Season 3 for that American Horror Story and the season in New Orleans--so it was a very long time ago--many many years ago

I said no, the Jewish man stuck his h ead up in the pig-sniffing-the-air Nazi pose but said nothing. They then stole the ideas while pig shit pitt profited, a usual, from this and was invited to the Golden Globes, along with Tarantino who yelled a Nazi slogan about sending me to a concentration camp after I said NO to just giving him ideas for him to use, while they continue to poison, drug destroy my property steal my money posion and drug my food my body breaking from it--and they never stop poisoning me and my body is breaking my liver and kidneys are severely damaged and they still never stop this murder of just poisoning, plus non-stop stress on top of it all.

and another fellow conspirator Gaga then were awarded as she joined in. Years and years later, the blonde bigot scumbag is yelling Nazi cliches about what he really is, not me

and demanding that I provide them with ideas for them to take credit for, get paid excessively for, while poisoning and abusing me to death having me raped so the next filth shitbucket celebrity can also exploit me to the mex for their entire shitwhore group to endlessly have monopoly, with non-stop awards to bolster their image because of the creative ideas they stole from me, in part, not all of course

and it never ends

of course, for all the years that I wrote that just allowing this to go on will create a fascist movement in America

but apparently, everyone wants this and that is why no one has done anything to stop it and still no one is.

You don't want to be limited yourselves, but when it happens to me--then "good" you all say in unison doing nothing.

Now that it's happening to everybody and the pig apes I write of are profiting with untold BILLIONS OF DOLLARS in awards for this sick contract, you still cheer them on. Never are pit shit pitt the filthy stupid dirty parasite and prostitutalina ever once questioned in any capacity for their filthy and stupid sleazy sick imagery. They are considered so sacrosanct by the industry for their fascist Nazi role in putting ever Nazi director and scumbag celebrity into a non-stop never-ending rotation of Oscars and monopoly in the industry, with politicians beginning literally with Obama and his greedy and fake pretenses along with his wife, with dirty and foul "evil" Hillary the most foul Nazi blonde racist crap, and of course Biden and his team--in Congress and all obtaining movie deals, getting awards for their "feminism" or their "black strong female" parasitic a$$-groveling Aunt Jemima and Uncle Tom roles for the Nazi plantation of America for the 4th Reich overtake.


I should add two back-up items to this accusation against the most coveted acting performer of the decade: Obama. What grandiose speeches he gives with a perfectly poised acting skill--and that is all it is about. I knew what he was the year before the Primary when The Wall Street Weekend Edition put two-page features about how Obama plans on supporting Wall Street prior to his Primary Caompaign, and I knew that any Black Male professing for equality and et al would never be so advertised by the financial community unless he was a cardboard one-dimensional fake promising to let them get away with more plunder. That was two years before the finanicial crash in which Obama allowed the corporate thieves to consolidate more power while the public lost their mortgages and homes and properties and sometimes their lives. 

I also watched the White House Correspondent's Dinner in which Trump was invited to glower and glare and shake his head at Obama, during the "Birther" movement when Trump had accused Obama of not having been born in the United States, and thus was illegitimate.

Obama made his usual "jokes" and used a clip from The Lion King as his "joke", implying that Trump was the Priest King "Ape" or Baboon--or the Priest class offering up the baby Lion King--but of course, the Priest class takes precedence over the Royalty and always has decided which front to put in front of The People but behind the Kings are the Priests ruling from behind their veiled insittutions.

I urge people to listen to the William Cooper podcast from The H our of the Time in which The Lion King is deconstructed along these lines to understand that Obama was actually welcoming Trump into the presidency with full permission of the Democrat Party--including of course Biden. The collusion between Whorewood and Congress was decided upon at that very moment, and the rise of Trump into the presidency was decided long before Trump rode down that escalator.

I will not copy and paste the stuff here. You can find the Cooper lecture on his Hour of the Time mp3 collection, online the title of the podcast is The Lion King. You can look up the White House Correspondent's dinner with Trump yourselves if you want (none of you will do that).

But it was symbolic.

to this day, they are ALL profiting off this contract imposed upon me.  That they are poisoning me to death with non-stop drugging destroying my liver, kidneys and nervous system--they could give a flying f*** about any of that.

Their administrators of Nazi programming, the pig shitalina prostitute duo of swaggering nazi filth have been so endlessly lavished with awards and by now billions of dollars in mansions prizes--there is a "Kung Fu Panda" resort here in Phuket which is one of the most beautiful properties in Rawai--it is secluded and a very, very beatuful property that prostitutalina obtained from her more than decade of non-stop poisoning, administering rape and brutality upon me to physically mutilate, beat rape and tortrure me

without end, fully welcomed into Chuck Schumer's Office the day after his Jewish religious sanctimonious observances he advertises on his Faceboook page, the day he walks in unison with the Latino Community in New York--so fully dedicated to antisemitic collusion with the 4th Reich--the Latino community is fully a functioning death squad unit--and thanks to the decades of the Clintons and their policies of destroying countries and communities, thusly turning the victims into violent puppets to be used as surrogate death squads for the most rabid antisemitic Democrat fascist Nazi party, headed by a "jew" by the way at this point in the Senate.

And so, I am "ranting" again but this is all accurate. The hacking block to keyboard function plus my brain is without a doubt under extreme block to rational thought and heightened hyperbolic ranting with subliminals poured into my subconscious constantly to urge me to rant in hate speech at these sick and sleazy disgusting parasites

so I was drugged

they never stop poisoning my body --to death

I don't regret it, but I am writing about it hoping people will fully stop this poisoning--how many years of me writing about torture and poisoning to death until any responsible person actually intervenes I have no idea

I don't think it will happen until these filthy lying dinosaurs of the ancient regimes of fascist totalitarian oppression are gone

including in Whorewood


**written 30 minutes later after having gotten up from this mind blasting hacking spot:

During the Trump-Obama confrontation at the Correspondent's Dinner back---during the "Birther Movement" which, I believe was quashed somewhat after that fateful encounter that the public would not have understood the significance of

and I would not have either, as I had not watched The Lion King, nor understood the "Mysteries" but I was "illuminated" as to the symbolism by the William Cooper podcast titled "The Lion King" (it's in the 400's of the series, around 450 in the archived numbered podcasts, and it is worth listening to anyway about power structure based on the Old Regime which is still in full effect now, and was the secret code of power-sharing. It also involved a MOVIE --which fellow black Nazi antisemite Beyonce also made a new version of btw which I also have not watched--but I did watch the old Disney version after listening to the podcast).

Obama made a reference to #45 as being the "ape" because of the hair color and similarity, supposedly, of the Ape Priest (maybe it was not an "ape" exactly but close enough").

Obama made this reference to Trump being of the "Ape" class similarity to the Priest who actually ordains the Lion baby to the inheritor of the throne of superficial "power" but behind the Lions are the actual ruling class of the Priesthood. In Whorewood, it is said by "conspiracy theorists" that "Satan" is the true ruling Priest class. I only know they all conform to Nazi slogans and racist memes based on old death squad identification along with using themes that also coincide with various sacrificial and "Satanic" principles, in particular the celebrities and politicians involved in this contract. They learn very adeptly how to perform the walk and talk. It comes out as sweet and pleasing and is adorned with plastic surgery modification and all kinds of window-dressing. Bombastic lectures and joking are two of the very great weapons Obama has used, and Biden tries to put on the sweet concerned and ever-caring death dealing veiled adherent of the Nazi Priest class--

Bill Maher, who has also stolen verbatim at least one idea I wrote before I stopped writing creative ideas (but I still am, by the way but not as openly creative as I had done before, now I am only analyzing this group to try to reach anyone who can get beyond the drugged up ranting/hacking discrediting imposed upon me by a multi-pronged discrediting apparatus of hacking and drugging and subliminal craze being pumped into my subconscious constantly through the "voice-to-skull" technology and emotion and brain tweaking.

He used one thing I had written of Trump's Tower being a black penis symbol and his wife-daugghter--I wrote of this and he used it. Maher has constantly referred to Trump as being an ape or a some gorilla ape type animal, with photos comparing some gorilla with blonde hair next to Trump--but this, I believe, is also a reference to the Lion King Priest Class that Obama had used, almost freely while making mention of Trump as the "ape" and he (Obama) the "Lion" and "King"). 

That priest class reference, understood by the "adepts" of the society, has been in use for a very long time. Maher has constantly made predictions that Trump will win the 2024 and put many Trump feverish supporters on his show, fully admiring them and their political careers working for the Trump administration.

I listen to Maher very often, and I have no intention whatsoever to condemn him but I am writing this in conjunction with the entire gamut of people posing as one identity but actually part of this larger symbolic "cult" that controls Whorewood and Congress alike.

The "Dark Money" that rules them all is the Ring of Power that they all wear secondary little power king rings around their nasty genital proclivities for subordination, sleazy sexual immersion combined with sociopolitical realignment of identity (all carefully constructed--for them--symbolically or as the 4th Reich progresses in numbers, it's now literal)


RECOMMENDATIONS for a change of this old guard (the dinosaur death squad "priest/king" ruler monopoly oppression Old World takeover of the United States

There must be transparancy between celebrity and politician activities. There should be audits of politicians, the federal reserve and the president and the senators and House of Reps must be mandated to have randomized drug testing, as should the celebrities if they want to remain in power.

They should not be allowed to take foreign money for U.S. business interests, in Whorewood and this is like asking the impossible

H-wood is completely under the dictatorship of the 4th Reich from Europigapeland which in turn feeds the political careers of the politicians. Trump is the most perfect example of this corrupt collusion. Shitpigaalina are never questioned, put under scrutiny but they are dumb puppet skanks performing fascist Nazi Mafia roles as the middle men for careers like Trump's rise to power THROUGH THIS CONTACT ON ME which no one stopped, least of all the Obamas, the Clintons and the Bidens and ALL have obtained endless movie deals, book and Whorewood awards, leadership roles, media promotion and the Presidency which is a damn shame at this point.

They are so well-trained by Whorewood to perform false compassionate "Democracy" roles while being active fascist Nazi/Mafia members of the 4th Reich. Their violence is deadly murder they are callous psychopath murdering bigots inducting black and Latino and Asian and Jewish thuggery into their ranks.

Every single day it increases. There is no resistance to it. I remain writing about it every single day. Have been writing about it, warning of what was to come, for over a decade. Still, the long list of comfortable and sleazy nasty 4th Reich posturing bigots wait to torture me to get their lagging careers back into full force by just raping beating and torturing me--to death and poisoning of course that is the "silent" death that goes on and on to my endless writing asking for some relief and for this to be stopped.

Their ideas constantly stolen out of torturing and drugging me into ranting hysteria using mind control and deep sleep torture every single day while everyone watches on as they are all put into awards every single year without a shred of questioning from anybody.

Basically, the policy recommendation is that people are given access to movies and tv shows not showing fake idealistic "woke" culture which turns into a "joke" for the Nazis to tear down, thus destroying the actual and real concepts by legitimate people who are "yearning to be free" but also, all the entertainment to focus on caring and sharing and concern for society and humanity that is not performed by rapist blonde Nazi parasitic dirty "demonic" posturing bs parasitic lower-than-ape pig apes with their filthy trained minority minions fully on board and trying their best to be as vicious and violent as their white Nazi "masters". Uncle Tom's and Aunt Jemimas are the rule and not the exception in Whoreweood and in Congress, unfortunately. /Screw you if you are going to call me "racist" for this, as you are racist in watching me get tortured by the minions who are now fully going to the fascist Nazi Trump death train using antisemitism as their stepping stone when they brutalize me, yelling with fascist violence and death threats at me so the dirty pig ape fledgling wanna be's will be included in the Nazi ranks for the global overtake, as they also screw over their own countries and communities for the eventual "be the abuser or the abused" dichotomy that fascist politics really means.

They are not even beginning to enforce the actual law of the Constitution in this situation of me being endlessly tortured for ideas, raped and abused non-stop for over a decade just by the most famous in whorewood and in congress

what do you think needs to be changed if you want to see the United States remain any kind of sane society without absolute death squads ruling and torturing the population?


for further reference to my allusion to Maher in collusion with Trump (and Obama, and actually they are not inseparable)

I referred to an interview that Maher gave with KellyAnne Conway, some time around the 2015-2016 Trump campaign era. Maher had her on a teleconference screen as he asked her questions but mostly praised her career and that Trump campaign. He was fully in favor of this "MAGA"-esqe personality. I thought it odd considering his usual photos of Trump alongside an ape-type animal with white/blondish hair--talking about the law suit that Trump was ordering against Maher for making reference to Trump's mother as being an ape as well

Trump declined to sue Maher for the reference against himself. Maybe Trump has a grudge against his mother and will not allow her any "priestly" status...but himself, of near divinity and that is also in collaboration with the Trump=Jesus mythology that has sprung up. In both cases, first from The Lion King as referencing Trump to the Ape/Orange gorilla type animal to being the Priest who hands the baby Lion King to the cheering crowd of animals below the high perch of authority, above the peasants and lower animals that they all rule jointly (the King Class and the Priest Class). 

Trump has now been ascribed as being a Jesus, but it follows from the Priest mention that Obama had used earlier, as the segue to the more acceptable Priestly authoritarian dogmatic religious leader in that Disney Movie, now taken from Whorewood into Congress-Whorewood and now around the world everyone wants to emulate a Disney Movie and have movie stars as Presidents dictating austerity and total control. Well, maybe not the entire world, but certainly in Argentina, the colony of the Nazi empire of the 3rd Reich, much beloved by all the Trump train advocate neophytes and wanna be fascist dictator recipients of all that lucre that they plan on stealing from the next wave of the 4th Reich plunder genocidal apparatus.


You can all all the above-written as crazed conspiracy theory ranting from a crazy person claiming state-sponsored drugging and teleportation, which in itself fully supports any discrediting claim. I am merely exercising the stretch of the breadth of how global this operation is and is becoming the longer it is never stopped.

When I say drug testing for the leaders in Congress and in Whorewood, I also include alcohol. They must be sober. they must not be crooked taking money from "Dark Money" funded by the ever-expanding fascist 4th Reich which is buying up every greedy and sleazy sick psychopath possible. I see a non-stop rotation and never-ending newbie list of celebrities fully operating under the strictest of protocols that they all emulate. Every day I see another one by now. This post is a result of that. They are promoting drug and alcoholism, crime and sexual violence. In private they are using rape and torture as a complete political platform while slinging the drug of feminism to the dumbed down generations which cannot fathom the actual struggle because the dumb puppets considered the 'icons" have no idea or concept and by demand MUST NOT understand if they want to retain any position. They must NEVER     actually amplify or imbibe these ideas of non-rape and racism or they will be excluded and perhaps even worse.

They all comply, so the deepest synapses of the verbal expressions into the recesses of the unconscious mind that watches and listens and sees this concealed discrepancy cannot take the movement seriously and they actually are seriously undermining the fight for freedom from rape and abuse in domestic violence to a great backlash operation by society at large. I could use so many examples of women who stole the ideas I wrote of who have turned "feminism" into a "woke joke" and the women are hated who tried to actually pursue justice (Amber Heard is the most notable, for simply making a case for violence, which I know to be true from Depp but she participated in it too, so she could not, without having done actual reading on the subject matter and studying it to at least a nascent degree, have done anything but misrepresent and then fully make a mockery of it, which she did, and all these rape cheerleaders who are violently assaulting me who claim they are "me too" are also completely destroying any thought patterns for defense of women. Hillary further amplifies this, but her and their point is that blonde Nazi women are exempt from the violence of their Nazi men and it should, instead, be dumped on me endlessly--and "I" represent a list of the types of women they want to see broken and destroyed to never have a chance and etc etc. The writers of American Horror Story with all their lesbian "feminists" are exactly a part of this, and the male "homosexuals" are so fully in line with crushing and stealing from me for white male supremacy--and their blonde bigot women behind them. That is a theme I have been writing of for years and it's still silenced but many other themes I write of are stolen.