Saturday, October 23, 2021

Terrorist financial/economic and communications salvo: ripped off in multiple venues creating a chain of severe over-pricing, denial of services and blocks to obtaining accurate information or services. My mail service in Florida is charging me an extra $100 for simply putting 4 documents into an envelope and creating a shipping label for a FedEx shipment to Thailand. All mail services in Phuket are lying, claim they speak no English or don't understand my basic and simple questions; across the board this occurs on a near 100% basis so denial of basic services is overarching discriminatory terrorism.

 Hackers are severely blocking the keyboard juxtaposing letters as I type. Backspacing and rewriting is continuous. Undoubtedly they will rewrite/delete parts of this blog once I publish (or while I am in the process of writing).


The cost to ship a 0.1 lb letter via Priority FedEx from Florida to Phuket costs $89. For the past three deliveries I have used with this service, they have charged me $200 for sending debit cards to be picked up at the FedEx station in Phuket, because I cannot trust the terrorist network that presides over this nearly empty condominium where every person in this place is operating to attack me. Not a neurotic observation on my part as this has been recurring for decades. 

I wrote a letter to my mail service trying to hint that I needed them to obtain information as asking them anything directly entails a negative response. I was hoping to get them to offer support because I cannot obtain any real answer from the Thai Post, if I want to ship this package containing my new debit cards in this transfer of my former bank to a new bank that has just bought it out. I did not know that my bank was being transferred because THIS MAIL SERVICE HAS BEEN NOT REPORTING MAIL THAT I RECEIVE ON A REGULAR BASIS TO THE POINT THAT I RECEIVE NOTICE OF THREE OR FOUR LETTERS PER YEAR. They also doubled the price and stopped sending me notifications for letters I need from places like my bank. Thus two months ago in a very sick condition from the detox of the poison that the terrorist network put in my body--in this 10+th year of detox with no help and all access to earning blocked by the very wealthy who are vying to see which one is going to be the puppet handler over my body using these technologies--with endless abuses and tortures amounting in an attempt at "behavior modification". I must add, thought, that my many years of being attacked has proven that services were blocked to me long before I began to resist and now fight (for my life) to protect my body, home, and the attempt to get any entity to respect all the laws protecting citizens must be done in such a way that public condemnation will be made transparent (not hidden under privacy or private appeals for justice, in other words) but since all that this organization is doing to me currently still is illegal, they operate in secret I must try to expose them in the light of public scrutiny. The discrimination from this mail service is illustrated with flowery pleasant words and kindly gratuitous thank you's peppered with spray of hate underneath all the flowery false rhetoric.

This is a copy of the letter I sent my mail service which I then changed to ordering the 100% mark-up of services where this mail service is pocketing $100 extra in this overcharge, knowing that I have little to no recourse in defending myself legally while I remain here in Thailand. If I were to return to the US and try to litigate any kind of civil suit, I'm sure the Statute of Limitations would erase all illegal liability on the part of this service, and there are other factors inhibiting my ability to legally defend myself outside of the sheer distance factor.

I wrote this letter and it is a most pleasant recap of a most sinuous and nasty situation of utter discrimination and lies and blocks and outright hate attacks aimed at me by these mail services. The service I now use is the 4th in the past decade out of Florida and I can't keep changing my address and I need something reliable. The terrorist network ensures that I receive no replies when I do search for another mail service, as well as all phone calls for inquiry into such are diverted to terrorists who lie or hang up on me or say preposterous things and tell me they can't help me. I am stuck with the terrorist network blocking every single thing I do and ability I could have to live in safety in cleanliness and in some kind of decency or so I would like to imagine that my living and business status would be far better off if I were not under this kind of circumference of attack on a 24/7 basis for decades without end, day and night, not a day of it stopping.


Thus I will be forced to pay $400 in the last 3 months because the mail service did not report the initial letter my new bank sent to alert customers of the old bank that the system would completely change and new debit cards would be issued. My old debit cards expired two months ago, and they were issued for a 2-year period which is far less than debit card expiration dates should be. The alerts to inform me of this change were all blocked by this mail service. In the last two months also my monthly benefits were cut off because this mail service did not scan letters, upon request, that had been sent to me (they first scan the outer envelopes and then ask me if I want the letter scanned).

They charged me $5 to download a letter and put it in an envelope and put a local stamp to have it sent to a local address. I realize inflation is a huge problem in the US, but the charge of $100 extra for FedEx services is more than inflationary excess.

I also cannot use DHL as they refuse to speak English with me, answer the phone. They close and lock the doors if I drive to the station which is very distant from my house and a long drive up a very busy road that means potential accident increases due to terrorists always nearly hitting me especially on roads like that which the DHL office is located. DHL also stole items from a box I had shipped from Germany to Thailand--many years ago. I thus cannot trust the terrorists who operate this network where I live, or don't want to risk having debit cards and vital information I can't have copied easily "lost" or not delivered, which is a direct threat.

These are just an iota of the hardships that have been forced upon me, notwithstanding the problems that institutions like Federal Aid for students with financial aid offices lying and blocking services from me in the United States. 

The examples and lists are far too long to elaborate upon. I am constantly trying to think and type as these two components are always, 100% of the time I write every single time I write--under such attack I can't elaborate no matter how hard I try. 


This letter was sent after the mail service informed me that I cannot have FedEx pick up my few documents at their location because only they can have access to shipping via FedEx. I was trying to circumvent their $100 fee for this very simple action. The package is two plastic cards and two one-page letters, all weighing less than 0.5 pounds. With tax this comes to $200. Because I am stuck with having to risk my mail being stolen or not delivered and these are all vital financial documents for me (what little I have in that arena) then I must go through this service and not risk USPS or DHL--all lie to me, all rip me off. I can't get a straight answer and in Thailand I can't get any answer most of the time to any simple question. Even when I speak Thai they claim they "no understan".

IN response to my mail service denying me the chance to pay $100 less then they are stealing from me/ripping me off using reliable FedEx services (they are pushing DHL on me and that is a German company that has stolen my property when I shipped in the past to this same Phuket office. I think they just used a box cutter here in Phuket and then stole whatever they liked that I had shipped to me--which were beautiful personal items I didn't want to leave behind in Germany that I bought using student loan money. All stolen, and then the rest of my belongings stolen after that in a serious attack made on me by the Europigape rapist terrorist who are still operating with the Americans in H-wood--all beholden to foreign "dark money" sources which feed their careers and feed off my life force; all have stolen ideas from me and then stolen everything I love and have worked for and still are trying to suck more out of me using terrorist violence that never ends.

Thus discriminated against by this global network. 

Here is my letter written in the most polite terms possible in some attempt without making a direct request to check information for me, which I realized they would never do upon request or in any way--

I have then had to chose using FedEx and paying another $200 to get 0.5 pounds of vital financial information sent to me, which totals $400 for the past half year for 1 pound of paperwork and debit cards to be sent to me. All of this mishap is due to this mail service not reporting my mail and I was uniformed. The bank website did not explain this transfer they had sent "important"-marked letters which this mail service refused to alert me of. So they are not only denying me vital mail service but also raking in hundreds of my stimulus money, which I have saved for this "rainy" day of incompetence and hate crime block which has manifested in this vital economic and information threat (to my life, in essence it is very dangerous and could be potentially fatal for me due to this discrimination and the many results of their blocks of my financial information.


..."I am going to look into USPS Priority International type services which I know are trackable and more cost-effective. The problem is that I read on the US website that due to Covid various Thai mail centers have been closed. I live in a condo where they claim they "speak no English" and I have to weigh the security factor versus expediency. I know 99% that I will receive my package in security and a timely-manner using Fed Ex. DHL has proven to be extremely unreliable I have used them before. Here in Phuket their offices are closed during open hours, they can't "understand" me when I ask basic questions on the phone and one time a large package I sent out of Germany to Thailand had been opened and items were missing. Another reason I can't use DHL is that the Thai site lists a number of factors for customs that are dubious and no one can answer my questions. How I wish I could use the cheaper services but they prove to be unreliable for these important financial documents I need. 

I write this to let you know that I was not dismissing your earlier recommendation to use DHL. I can't even phone that company in Phuket without getting people who can't speak English, and the same is true for calls to the main call center in Bangkok. As for the Thai Post, the situation is almost the same to get reliable information via phone or even in person sometimes. It is a joke, unreliable to say the least.

I will let you know what I choose soon, it may take a few weeks as there is no rush. Please keep my items safe in my box until then!

Best Regards,"

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