Tuesday, October 19, 2021

The (mainstream) fascist fashion industry awards fascist rapist enablers as being heroes of feminism....once again, year after year, the worst offenders are heralded by this industry and the H-wood cartel/politico conglomeration of brainwashing, mind programming propaganda to award the best liars and fakes promoting false values which ultimately undermine the real activists and the real movements.

 The statement above is the essential gist of this commentary after perusing the "news" today. Every day I see that the terrorist actors, politicians and singers and et al are awarded with highest honors by the fascist and mostly foreign-controlled mainstream media. My futile searches for alternative news sources I believe have been met with hacking censorship. 

I also realize that the individuals on a personal basis "feed" off any negative or angry reaction I display in these posts; as they have done for years while I have written with disgust under drugging and after being assaulted in most criminal and vile ways by them and the men they claim are abusing them. They get more promotions the more I write in anger about their hateful sick and disgusting actions towards me. I only write this in a more general sense today because I realize the entire process of my writing is sent only to the perpetrators and those who may care about these types of actions, should there be any remaining alive on this planet as I cannot find anyone around the planet who does not participate willingly in this kind of sick technocratic systematic torture/murder technology/"gang stalking" sheer terrorism system. Or, if they are against it, they back off and remain silent and do nothing whatsoever to defend the victims or to speak out against the system of hate and violence.

The honors go to the worst perpetrators. The real fighters remain unmentioned and only in their very tiny circles, if that at all. The real activists who have gone out far beyond the cracking point of the proverbial limb of the tree that is dying are left to drudge out their fight in obscurity. Some, nay, many or perhaps even most have been killed who may have actually gotten something done.

As it stands, these corrupticians who are so honored all claim they are victims of male violence in Whorewood. How fervently they have attacked me laughing, gloating, sneering, spewing their filth literally on me after I tell them they are ugly and foul skank whores in rage from more than 8 years of non-stop attacks. They are honored by this fascist fashion industry which has it's roots in post-Vichy France and when I see how much "power" the Germanic Nazi male rapists have over this organization I see where the onus and the centrifuge of this force presides. All the blacks involved fervently defend the German white rapist, violent and genocidal men who assault me as they hiss and spit at me and order filth to be poured into my home because I am fighting against being raped, tortured and imprisoned and turned into some kind of slave. That is after the "feminist" fascist adherents who laugh and smile with glee after I am beaten and raped by the men whom they claim are abusing them, who they sit next to as they all partner to see how much they can continue to suck out of my life force, my concepts or ideas so they can continue to proclaim their identities as being "feminist" and the blacks listen in on my thoughts on how racism operates and on politics--use whatever they can steal, then torture me and leave me with not just nothing but far less than what I had before they all came to grab, suck out and rape and steal everything possible out of me.

They are all being honored and praised by the fascist foreign-controlled fashion industry, which is intimately connected to the acting world, which is firmly attached to the politicians (my experience has been of Democratic leaders, except for one Republican but he had been a member of the Dem Party many years ago).


I have expressed this same sentiment this same depiction of the ultimate deception of the planet by these celebrities for years and only have been subjected to filth spewed into my living space and physical dismemberment and mutilation (on a daily basis to the point that my entire life is spent fighting against the technologies being used to breach the walls and panels with mechanical arms which tear into my body and spew damaging chemicals into my food and hair, and open all locks of the front door so rapists can enter. All with the full approbation of the celebrities and politicians (in my case, Democrats of highest rank but undoubtedly with full consent and approval of Republicans , who have never openly participated in attacking me in teleportation but my suspicion is that like their foreign fascist Nazi counterparts in Europe and abroad, they are the onus and centrifuge of this whirling infusion of bs that permeates the mind control apparatus of the media and political machinations of deceit spewed into the brains of the desperate for power viewers who are so beguiled by the packaging of the spewing bs that I have had to unfortunately see up close. 

Let me try to describe this a bit more clearly: here in Thailand, as a tourist you can go to little cafes on the side of the road. The rood appears on the plates like wonderful reddish curry dishes with floating wonderful shrimp and herbs. If you request directions to the bathrooms you will discover that there are piles of dishes unwashed and actually NO SOAP in the bathroom or any hand soap in any of the sinks where dishes are washed in cold water very quickly and dipped in a pot of water where perhaps 30 other dishes were quickly dipped in the same single stagnant  pot of water. When you return to your seat to eat that not-so-scrumptious dish because you have seen the back room and the tangled stinking mess that would defy every health code in the United States to the point of being criminal, you see rotten old men with their granddaughter Thai consorts who they sometimes marry, who have gone through these women to invest in Thailand because in Thailand investing in property involves having either a spouse or a Thai partner, but being married makes the contract a bit more permanent so many are married. Personal discussions with the men who attack me who are part of this group, who have girlfriends or wives in this Nazi-Thai arrangement, all claim that the women don't mind if the men go out to the "girly bars" which means prostitution bars and/or they "cheat". 


And together holding hands, these same arranged merry band of cheating Nazi gradfather/daughter Thai business arrangement of "love" attack me, gloating and turned on. It is akin to the Nazi structure that permeates the Whorewood milieu. The same operating principle of filth behind the varnished plastic surgery smiling faces and the sexual arrangements that all conform to for their "careers". Some of the women who cry "victim" the loudest who serve and obey most fervently this fascist fashion Nazi (mostly "dark money" foreign-controlled) system sometimes are then allowed, after they have served, gyrated and been the sex object girly wives of these rapist white fascist Nazi males who attack me either verbally or in other more pernicious ways--sometimes they then, after being used and then discarded, get to date or be with men whom they actually like. All of them go off on their "merry" psychopathic way after attacking me, with accolades and applause heaped and praises and the image of them in political terms, being also honored by the "Democratic" representatives in Congress as being advocates for the Democratic platform (i.e "women's rights") --a hollow and empty set of hot balloons floating in the sphere of the media protuberance like a phallic image projected on a screen of absolute male domination and minions smiling as they "complain" and are buttressed by the fascist fashion industry. The ultimate aim is the utter backlash of the entire feminist system and it's real activists through the false imagery of these awarded rapist enabling expletives who fully support every kind of racist and fascist Nazi image and action of rape and torture against women. All have been indoctrinated into the fold of this pasture of bs through having been traumatized themselves as they all seem to claim. Perhaps the claims are correct but their interpretation of victimization is based only on themselves and all they can use to enhance a false protuberance image of themselves like that phallic rape system they are just members of.

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