Sunday, October 10, 2021

Terrorist teleportation skit last night of murder. There's almost nothing the Nazi/mafia forces need more than the "minorities" to represent their racist intentions of absolute slavery and undermining true equality. Reverse discrimination, the ole "divide and conquer" Nazi/White Supremacy strategy in full effect, "dog"--Anti-Semitism from Blacks in H-wood and in the media (perhaps on Capital Hill as well). Can anyone or anything ever finally stop these terrorist psychopath "entertainers" with their fascist, Nazi controllers and mafia handlers and criminal psychopathic entities which keep handing out these technologies.

As I have been writing of for so many years here and on my Facebook posts, which are an "open season" feeding ground for every intellectual property thief in that industry to steal ideas from if they can incorporate the ideas into their fluff about how they are "fighting" corruption of every fascist, Nazi and criminal variety in their photo-op charity exclusive fashion ball appearance for clicking cameras for their instant-frozen expressions, attempting to convey an eternal fascist, Nazi, elitist and aristocratic image of superiority.


I wrote a post yesterday on Facebook (or two days ago, I am feeling unwell this morning from detoxing the poisons that have been put in my food all my life by this Nazi/fascist organization to quell my every attempt at self-determination and success in any field of endeavor so they can claim "superiority" in all things).

I wrote a post about a huge criminal perpetrator who has not personally been attacking me in teleportation but his videos have appeared on my YouTube page prominently along with a host of his buddies who are his rapper gangster rap partners--one of whom physically assaulted me for the benefit of a blonde, white Nazi Euro-p-a when I simply stated that I don't need his approval for my interpretation of Mozart compositions. I was punched in the face by this black rapper who I had helped to get promoted because I posted a few videos of his on my Facebook page, which became his stepping-stone to producing a movie about his rise to power although leaving out his involvement in the racist scheme of things, but of course pouring a lot of anti-Semitism into the movie which of course made his Nazi superiors hail him and he's now a full fledged multi-millionaire living amongst and being welcomed into the parties and wealth of the Nazi cohorts who will bring in any one of any color who likewise helps to fulfill the Nazi 3rd Reich doctrines--a prominent feature of which of course was anti-Semitism but what these sell-outs seem to always forget is that the Nazis also want to take over the United States and destroy the Democratic values of equality and do so covertly--through the open portals of the bending-over backwards to please of the American wanna get rich quicksters tricksters.


The teleportation skit of someone having their throat slit was in automatic violent/murder reaction to a very short but concise witty post I made about this other rapper who I had never admired not even for a second--tried to watch some of his animal/nature kill-or-be-killed videos expounded upon and delineated in "ghetto" terms ("get that nut" and other crass explorations of squirrels foraging for food but turned into sexualized "cool" and "funny" animal commentaries). But, with absence of freedom of variety but a plethora of the same-same on the tube, for a few short moments I watched and found a few of them humorous--. I made the gross mistake of clicking on one of them--these animal videos--two days ago in boredom and because my brain is under severe attack whilst I sit in front of this tube computer, static and semi-paralyzed due to the mind control/hardening poisons this organization has forced upon me covertly for years, I mean decades all my life. 

I cannot read, I cannot really think I usually have severe headaches as I perpetually fight to get this hard stuff out of my body and it trickles out with mind control poisons that have rancified and hardened into my body-I am extremely ill all the time and literally cannot read or think without strain due to this drugging that is a perpetual thwarting of my surfing activity. In this way I am now lowered intellectually into watching some of the mainstream stuff that is fed almost intravenously to the public.

The terrorist teleportating rapists put a daily quota of kitten videos on my youtube channel, and bereft of my cat La Moux, I watch these videos remembering when I once had some sentient being to actually love and play with in happiness and joy. They have taken literally all love away from me from all external sources and only hate and abuse surrounds me every moment, every day, everywhere I go, everywhere I live. So they put these videos about cute cats and animals and then videos of themselves interspersed amongst the cute cat and kitten videos. I am not tricked by this however. I decided in a mistaken frame-of-mind to find this "gangster" animal video collection and got one about rape. I will copy and paste what I wrote on Facebook on October 8, 2021, now. But first, "warning, this contains sensitive material of sexually explicit" etc etc. It shows a penguin getting raped by a seal. At first I had to kind of laugh, but then the triggering effect of cascading years of this rapper being part of this actual rape and torture scenario, with his consequent partnering with blonde, obviously Nazi Martha Stewart who then, along with him, plastered photos, videos and information about her shows on every thumbnail side bar and top banner of every page I opened on YouTube, on advertisements on news pages, and it went on from her for at least 6 months with me NEVER reacting or clicking on a single link to investigate the home-spun K-rap I never wanted to watch or see in the first place. I tried to understand the national obsession with her cooking and home decor but it bored me, only got through one or two episodes and only partially as my attention span didn't last that long for any entire episode of her shows. But in the landscape of this stalking operation which is intended to make me appear as if I am schizophrenic if I attempt to relate or report these activities (such as extreme paranoia--they are "out to get me by posting advertisements and their photos on pages I am surfing" which on a normal level would not the bombardment which these celebrities use. Another aspect of the terrorist stalking internet triggering effect is that I can never block out their ads, as all my internet blocking and privacy functioning is immediately over-ridden by this hacking terrorist component of the larger organization of terrorism. 

But....just, disgusting I must proceed as I am going into tangents right now (I am under keyboard, hacking and mind control attacks right now so I can't think clearly or write well with endless blocks and disruptions to the writing process and thinking is very convoluted due to brain-wave altering technology--as always it never stops these discrediting attacks never stop).

The video--now that I have elaborated so badly into complete tangents, straying off the point nearly completely due to the mind control attacks:

"Plizzanet Earth with Snoop Dogg - Cold-blooded Seal". JImmy KImmel Live. February 20, 2015.

...and I wrote as commentary to this video the below:

"'It's wrong' when it happens to a penguin...

...but not so much when it happens to (me) specially targeted women
Oh those cold-hearted twerking animals.

"Snoop Dogg feat.Anitta- Little Square UBitchU (VÍDEO CLIP). Universo X. September 9, 2019.

--*This video I also included underneath the above video, two days ago on Facebook and wrote this as well:

"More femaile-dog haters calling them bitches and everything comparing them to targets of hate and rape---bad girls bad women bitches rape them ha ha they deserve it for being bitches ha ha but it's wrong if it happens to a penguin. what if the female penguin was a bitch in the penguin hood? Did the penguin then deserve a twerking rapist male seal to pound her ass into the rocky ground like that? (ha ha ha only writing this only in acceptable fun not in sarcasm or any thing resembling controversial criticism !! Oh me Gawd don't want to be labeled a bitch."


Like the most adamant fascists, this brief set of statements was met by what I consider a not-so-veiled death threat of someone having their throat slit in this teleportation hate torture arena that my government has so handily been handing out to every gangster component of the white fascist and mafia Nazi contingent around the planet--the true animal kingdom of gorging on the blood of victims surpassing even the scope of what any predator in the animal kingdom could ever conceive of--with global ramifications of utter destruction to the entire planet including the corrupted human species.

Yes, not just a death threat because of criticizing someone who has eagerly, like the entire gamut of some of the most famous black entertainers in the industry--the list seems to grow but it's mostly whites who are the main actors in this drama of mind control technology used to entrench their monopolies of monotonous output.

The electricity was turned off yesterday morning. I returned home to my home stinking with brown grease sprayed on clothing, the furniture, the walls, my bathroom stinking of urine sprayed on the toilet seat (this they do every time I leave--I must return to filth I have to clean up just to try to live but on top of the filth that has accumulated all the yeas I have been to paralyzed to endlessly clean up their filth, which is sprayed and sprinkled on all clothing and all furniture and I have no open window because of the mechanical arms which destroy my body every night even with the windows closed.

But my fan is sprayed with something that rusts the components--every time I leave. But to be in a "sleeping" state and to be raped, tortured, yelling and hate abuse skits every single night for now it's over a decade by actors who are threatening me constantly because they want to control the media and for some pitiful reason it has to be through controlling me--"proving" somehow that these actors are capable of controlling OTHER people through this technology and all through the protocols of the elders of Nazism.

So, the instant reaction--the fascist reaction--of violence is the first reaction that these people are all being trained into performing for their promotions. The Germans come into this contract rushing at me punching me in the face and slapping me in the face after they teleport me while I am in a deep healing and sleeping state. If I say anything they don't like (which is always, but they still steal the ideas to claim they are altruistic and "fighting" against fascism and sexism and racism), and thus this being trained into them by the German pig ape fascist actors who all play loving, fun, happy, sweet and romantic entertainers but who are violent Nazi rapists with absolute hate and predatorial acquisition at the heart of their heartless every action in this control and "mastery" game of technological implants and torture obstruction so they can claim that they are "superior".

Oh how many blacks have rushed to attack me using this very system. 

It was just another one, yesterday, using automatic reflexive violence a la Nazi indoctrination now that he's famous and very rich. 

This ties in, of course, with my last post on the deterioration of Democracy. Isn't debate and an appeal to rationale and discussion one of the basic underpinnings of Democracy.

It is now out the window almost literally when these technologies are put into the hands of the unscrupulous. The unscrupulous have emerged as a main driving force of American society, and this of course is in connection to the ultra-wealthy class dominating the increasing desperate impoverished class of America. I wrote of this today in my Democracy series--which is now a dominant theme of how Democracy is being destroyed and it's not from Trump because Trump, as these media news outlets keep omitting from the national dialogue, like Reagan who created this huge debt crisis to begin with and the gap between ultra-wealthy and the poor--ALL CAME FROM HOLLYWOOD to begin with. 


This is controversial and it's deepest psychology is a bit of retribution for the YEARS of "S. Dogg" participating in this rape and torture contract out on me, with blonde, Nazi white woman M. Stewart and him making their shows with her slightly and bemusedly insulting him and talking "down" to him albeit with "charming" insulting grace while he so gently plays the obsequious defense mode (a$$-groveling minority). I know that if he threatened me with death for making hints about his own racism and sexism towards "brown" and black women--this may really incense him.

However, also at heart is an attempt to try to stop STOP this kind of demeaning role that is forced upon blacks (and Jews, I can't express how many Jews do the same exact thing) and I also want to state that Malcolm X and Reverend Farrakhan have both stated this emphatically: for black men (or Jews, as this is a universal, or Latino, or etc) to denegrade their own women as enforcers of white supremacists but in the realm of the female component of racist white superiority MUST be addressed and stopped if you want to stamp out racism.

Now, I must state that you can see S. Dogg gently serving Stewart with the most kindly and humorous deference and near worship. He's made it into the promised land of wealth, privilege and status coming out of poverty (from the "ghetto" of police intimidation meaning murder, stinking filth which I firmly believe is being orchestrated upon poorer communities by the white supremacists as this has been forced upon me for decades by this same organization which also funds larger community filth operations and murder and covert assassinations using systematic forces of death and oppression). 

He has "made it" and he used the mantra "GET OUT" and he got out. Now he's been attacking me for years and I don't know , probably providing hints for torture such as demeaning rape and hate skits alongside his buddy and pals who he lives next to and parties with--the whites of course but also the blacks who have "made it" as well who punch me for the benefit of the white NAZI infiltrators out of Europigapeland whom they adore and get prizes and awards and probably mansions in Europe and they are elated and fully in line with the goosestep marching orders to attack me for their nasty promotion. But also it feels to good to discriminate and feel superior instead of constantly claiming for the benefit of the public consumer population that they are victims. They get out of that as well by attacking me. And how blacks participating in anti-Semitism is now welcomed and endorsed and it actually is a force of hate that Jews have even had to admit to because it's goddamn right in their faces in so many instances.


Because my skin gets darker in the sun, and I have lived in Florida and Thailand for years, and my dark hair--and this man who probably lives in a very clear and concise color divide that unless  a person has very white skin and fair hair, they are either black or white. There are no grey shades. "Brown" means black. Thus, I think he is misconstruing me as a rape and sexual degradation "brown" girl "shorty" which gets the designation of "bitch" in his very popularized videos.

In fact, he has become a staple of misogyny and racism in this respect with no one criticizing it except for a few black women who have been silenced. There was black Oprah slapping me in the face (while I was coming out of a state of unconsciousness in a sleeping, teleported, hynotized state) after I wrote about how much blacks participate in anti-Semitic hate attacks with white supremacists. She has been one of the most violent of them all, Hitting me and abusing me and like the white Nazi men and women, sticking their genitals in my face and hitting me (always while I am completely defenseless and can't see my surroundings, am teleported in a sleeping state) but sticking her genitals in my face for calling her an aunt jemima after years of her stealing my concepts which she has used to promote her image, hugging and kissing the white supremacists and Nazis who have tortured and nearly killed me for absolutely racist and sexist reasons. 

I think my skin color of being in the sun for years has made this black man confuse me with easily accessible rape and sexual misuse victims who proliferate in his videos and in the twerking universe. When I kept writing about how I was being raped and beaten by Johnnie Depp (and this his daughter who got her career jump-started by participating in beating and hitting and raping me also joined in and is still going on and on to get her career into orbit) and--I wrote about being raped and I got, from S. Dogg, a post plastered on my social media claiming, "Bitch Please" and this video kept appearing. It's because "brown and black" women are "bitches" and "shorties" which means diminutive and demeaning in nature--that they "twerk" and have no rights whatsoever as sexual beings and instead he worships the blonde Nazi woman who makes him appear in the limelight of white, supremacist culture.

This should prove as a refection of the internalization of hate towards women and the realm of sexual abuse that accompanies the sense of powerlessness of victims of racism and oppression.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...