Friday, December 31, 2021

In the Shadow of The Cloven-Hoof Solar Deity God of Illumination: Worship in der schatten/in the dark shadows at the cloven hoofs of The **National Socialist/Nazi 3rd Reich** "Black Sun" Solar Deity. More on the Golden Showers Satanic fascist Nazi celluloid mind-programming awards.

While you may at first have resistance to someone making fire and brimstone-style commentary which you may immediately turn off without listening, I took a listen because he makes a real argument based on obvious proof that he shows through the record being played onstage backwards--there is no hype and there is no organized religious propaganda except for the first statement in the first 30 seconds of the video and in latter parts--but it's a commentary and I am including this because I think this post entails a look at the darker aspects of what is being subliminally propagated by these movies and songs. There are more examples on playlist if you do a search for back masking in music. So do not be dissuade by the seeming religious hype this man is presenting until you watch and listen to his actual methodology for proving his point. Whether you agree with his spiritual and religious synopsis of what he proves to be an obvious parallel with mind programming techniques or spiritual dimensions--or not-- is your decision.


Every morning as I go about my morning routine I attempt to find unusual music I have never heard on the radio brain-portal consumer programming vortex and the consumer media blitzkrieg binding.

Every day I am "triggered" into internal reactionary thoughts regarding the endless, ongoing torture routine and the celebrities and politicians and "normal" anti-social civilians who engage in this torture/hate crime/murder protocol system. I am "triggered" into thinking about a slew of concepts associated with any and all ideas tweaked in these sons, many of which have never "made the grade" but are worthy of attention for one reason or another. Not wasted talent but wasted opportunity to promote their art, so I see some of these pieces by the now obscure artists whose music was left to be dust-gathering momentos of some past cultural time capsule which I have dug-u on the internet.

Today trying to get past all the hacking making the usual websites I use to engage in unusual musical sifting through the archeological digs sometimes brining up a gem, all was blocked and upon meandering through the hacked endless slew of musicians and people hacking their stuff into my YouTube stream, I just sporadically thought of a search term and got this song which has an album art cover in the first few minutes which brought up my former post concept about the film heading for top awards in the Golden Shower fascist programming awards circuit, 2022. 

In the shadow of the Dog-God--in der schatten von der Teufel I should really say.

The Solar Deity awaits the 2nd or 3rd or even the 4th Coming of his new Kingdom, it will of course be a Patriarchy that has actually lasted for millennia and will be nothing new but the technology will enhance the darker aspects that fights for justice have brought to "civilization" which is grabbing foot and hoof onto the fascist applications of these covert technologies such as what encumbers my every thought and move on this planet--in a seamless system of virtual imprisonment.

This film In the Shadow of God which I said in an analytical frame was not anything honoring a DOG per se, of course it was supposed to be an "artistic" reference to a symbolistic journey of sorts, I must claim that I watched a review of the film because I can't undergo the hours of wasted time watching another terrorist "gang stalker" celebrity posturing in a respectable way of ethical proportion but really advocating something far more sinister and power-mongering, not to neglect to include English Imperialistic aspirations that this cohort from H--wood only vaguely hides in their vicious and deadly assaults upon me, and their smiling but condescending hand-outs to the millionaire and billionaire celebrities who are handed prizes that I am certain will be rescinded in the distant future or for their successive generations.

But In the Shadow of the Dog

God is the real reference as brain manipulation can be achieved by what is called "back masking" in the music industry--songs that are played backwards have "messages" that the brain actually can decode subconsciously. This has been a proven research study by such scientists who research these topics. I was brought to the realization of this by Eldon Taylor in one of his books, Mind Programming if you want a bit more information on the research conducted in this field. So do not claim I am "making things up". the brain can be manipulated even if words are written backwards or in a anagram (I'm not sure if this applies to all people but that is what the studies have shown for some of the subjects studied).

So in the shadow of God, so to speak. The shadow implies that which is under the blaring heat of the SUN--and from the film critique/analysis that I watched, there is a reference to a David lead character which I take as a reference to the lineage of Jesus which is supposed to come from The House of David--so the prophecies claim--if this is in the Bible I have not looked it up but I have read and heard in podcasts that this is either part of the Evangelical or Christian Identity (extremely racist, white supremacist religious organizations, claiming that the Throne of England descends from The House of David and that Jesus' descendants have been secretly incorporated into the English Monarchy and thus they are rightfully of a Deity descent and the inheritors of the New Jerusalem--look it up, London was also hailed as "The New Jerusalem".

That the lead actor in this film, Cumbersome terrorist actor who has engaged in symbolic representation in the triggering stalking aspect of attacking me--I can only imagine him sitting in the background or back rows of the interminable seating arrangements of the rows of celebrities and politicians observing me getting p-d off at being tortured and teleported while sleeping for the nth year of daily sessions of hate and rape and torture for the nth-year in a row (without a single day of it stopping, not one single day or night).

Like so many of "them", he's up for the nth year of his promotion in the fascist Nazi Golden Shower and other Nazi-dominated fasco faux humanitarian "art" awards programming--

I never felt anything but a mild revulsion whenever I would watch him "act" but he's English and of course the controllers of H-wood are in part, for my contractual purposes, English but there is a hefty dose of neighboring countries across the Channel who participate with loathsome disgustingness alongside their pudgy pudding leaders who have clasped onto the throne for so long--extended of course into the USA by the mind programming portal of Ho-ho-go-go-wood.


The Solar Deity is the central focus of the exoteric worship of many a pagan religion, some of which firmly advocated and practiced human sacrifice. The Illuminati culture uses the Sun as the central figure in their symbolic representations for "the masses" of the adherents.


"Top 10 Creepiest Songs When Played in Reverse". Watch July 6, 2021.

Another mind-programming techno-terrorist fascist is still alive and trying to be relevant by partaking in the orgy ritual of attacking me in teleportation technological tyranny and being promoted for it. As well as the expletive featured in the next video in the frozen image--all up for awards all obtaining world press and adulation by adoring terrorist gang-stalking fanbase worshippers. And then as I venture into the videos for just less than 10 seconds the first pump fiction singer has also embarked on the journey of attacking me for higher ranking and tours and promotions. And the list goes on far beyond just a mere ten, but their lyrics are being demonstrated as being shockingly malevolent and pernicious if played backwards. Talk about cults....

October 1, 2020. 


The first 4:30 minutes of this video are a repetitive-themed excuse for religious interpretation of occult symbolism of the 3rd Reich representation of the Solar Deity. The Nazis altered the more historical solar representations to favor their socio-political, anti-religious organization. The sun-wheel of antiquity turned black under Nazi symbolistic imagery. The German lecturing on these points actually begins to elaborate upon the meaning of the Black Sun image and pseudo-worship in private (occult) ceremonies by top-ranking officials of the 3rd Reich (and undoubtedly the trickle effect seeped into many lower layers reaching inevitabely the plebian levels which are now saturated with them by media iconography subliminally-inserted into various movies and songs and practices and lectures, et al. 
At 6 minutes he begins to actually dig into the meat of the beastly topic----


Here is a deeper look into the ancient ties to older mythology and symbolism that Nazis intertwined with their claims of Victorious hegemony, almost ordained as such by higher entities and powers bestowed upon them. I have not delved into this video only have clicked and scrolled through the video a bit. It echoes the interpretation above but does not say, as the German above says, "No one knows why the Nazis incorporated the 'black sun' into the ancient Sun Wheel image" but I think many people understand and know why. "No one" meaning those like me who are lied to consistently throughout their lives about the upsurge of this organization with it's cloaked symbolism and secret dealings. Lied to incessantly by all media and societal forces which of course are cherry-picked to represent the lies and silencing distortions of the power acquisition thta this group has already gained into an implacable momentum and overtake of leading entities of "power" consolidation in the world.

I was living in Stuttgart, Germany when this song became popularized in relative circles of post-heavy metal inculturation. 

I was immediately drawn to it but had no idea at the time about esoteric Nazi symbolism regarding Black Sun. I could never hear the lyrics clearly through the cheap radio or tape recorder that I had available or from the huge loudspeakers at clubs the words were hardly discernable--it was only the few words I could understand that drew me in, reverberated and I felt a deep resonance with the feel and what I perceived to be the sentiment. I was by that time sorely disenchanted with the myth of Teutonic Master Race and I was itching to leave that accursed country (my sentiments have only deepened due to the Germans and Austrians attacking me in teleportation where their real propensities towards Nazism are not concealed by their posturing pretenses for media celluloid and political presentations to the contrary).

I have just clicked on this video for the first time and read through the brief lyrics. I can't say the song is the best musically due to the endless repetition of the chorus, but I deem that the phrase: "Black Hole Sun, won't you come, and wash away the RAIN" really mean the REIGN of the former Nazi Black Sun secret society (probably called something like The Brotherhood of the Black Sun or it's equivalent in German sub-circles of elitist inclusion into the inner circles of the SS).

It's all up to interpretation.

I will include below the original video, maybe that will provide some clues as to the intent of Soundgarden.




the "shadow" is not the same thing as the Black Sun.

The Black Sun does not refer to the unconscious, Jungian dark suppressed stagnation of a tempestuous cannonball soul.

It is a secret that is veiled and hidden and often in the darkest caverns of initiation, underground and warm and like a womb, enveloping to the initiated. It is not for the open spaces of public scrutiny because this is the inner workings of the source (of life, albeit in human society) that sheds it's rays of influence invisibly. It is the power of the sun behind the visible workings of the illuminated deadly rays that bring warmth as long as there is this dark shield that protects against too much exposure to those who (supposedly) cannot "handle" the power of the source.

That is the Black Sun in it's malingering glorification in this aspect of Nazism that I wrote of above. In this iteration I describe above, like so much, misappropriated and skewed into a dark death cult of power worship, it is the blackness that accompanies mass death sacrificial worship over the warmth of light shedding it's rays of sustenance rather than blackening a bleak sky of black vultures screeching out their war songs of conquest amidst the genocides and overtake of nature of animals, humans and the ecosystem for dominance and it's blackest purposes always coated with a bright tinsel topping of lies.

Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Malevolent Socio-Political Entertainment awards 2022: The OPIOID OF THE PEOPLE. The opioid celluloid industry scam. Democracy malfunction. This post will be: A seemingly childish vindictive post in parts--offensive! Warning. Post-stress infantile reversion therapy for me.

 I have to make up (childish) but nasty (immature but I laugh) names for the pig apes attacking me in these teleportation hate skits. One of the pigs after the apes in line viciously converge upon me during the happy holiday season. They threaten death, one of them with a most ugly and nasty aura, spiritual negativity akin to a seriously foul sink-hole blackness--oh, he's black but a fully-fledged black Nazi.

So Poop Hog--rapping, tapping at the gates of white supremacy they have let him in! He's proven his reverse racism amply by most viciously with hate, threats of violence, absolute violent negativity threatening physical violence (like the two ugly squat trolls from the Brooklyn "Italian-American" mafia celebrity wormhole that crawl out of their nasty dark pits to likewise threaten me with violence and make violent gestures and make sexualized filth comments while I am on the toilet or in the shower or getting undressed--using the surveillance and teleportation and voice-to-skull --V2K--technology). Very much on the same nasty wavelength--Poop Hog and the two porno-trolls from Brooklyn performers

just a few of the 1% of the millions of other vile and repugs who have attacked me all these years

if they can't "win" an award or nomination out of it, I now see from the daily grind of flatulent celluloid entertrainment fodder on the internet and their adjacent magazine fodder projectiles into cyberspace that at least the black anti-Semitic Black Nazi has again embraced a white supremacist blonde female after having viciously threatened me with all kinds of violent insinuations and hate. Note that it's for this contract for promotion and nothing whatsoever I have done except to fight to defend myself against multiple rapes and attempted murder. 

This rotten Poop Hog is now a presenter for the Golden Showers Nazi awards and with his huge greasy grin is again demonstrably infatuated with the blonde Nazi next to him, adoring her of course.

It's amazing that he's actually married to a black woman. I can't imagine them being actually in love because his only obsession is to appease blonde Nazi women by demonstrating how reverse racist he can be. 

Apparently attacking me has become so "chic" an avenue of promotion into these higher slots that it's now a trendy activity but it's taken extremely seriously by the violent aspiration-mongers who throng especially at this most glorious holiday season to get into the awards categories or now they are presenters because they are not actually actors (some are models, some of K-rap K-rappers) and some are just famous for having made that huge leap from porno flicks that are now buried and "forgotten" into block buster franchise macho subliminal Nazi hate themed flicks. Year after year it's like a catwalk of scumbags who have attacked me most viciously, almost having me killed or threatening to do so or have viciously raped, beaten and all of them have fully participated in having my body and home wrecked and disfigured and mutilated and spewed with foul toxic filth to destroy me slowly (meaning slow murder or "soft murder" if you will).

That's just a tiny fraction of the never-ending long and lengthening list of refuse that the industry refuses to ever exchange for newer faces. If they do arrive I think the plan is for the spawn of these foul and nasty parasites to take the replacement for the rotten and foul parents. Each of the 40+ year old so-called "actors" who have most actively partaken in endless awards and promotions all have little tykes they want to effortlessly include into the singular rotation of the monopolized circuit of unofficially-sanctioned Nazi bigots of all races and colors and professed creeds all being slipped into highest ranking awards and lead roles categories.

I attempted to watch some of the movies and I could write--if only the hacking would be stopped and my brain was not deluged with electronic interference to neural-firing as I attempt to formulate words and concepts--which inevitably are stolen

Oh yes, I forget that the pop singers included are also an integral part of the terrorism and one of them supposedly in line for multiple awards like so many associated with a special tight-knit group of English wealthy fascist Nazis--has verbatim stolen words that I wrote (the exact words) but on Facebook--and's, 


I think the Oscars may include a few various other movie choices but year-after-year this offensively Europigapeland-controlled venue franchise of the Golden Showers rigged Wards of the fascist Nazi State (I dare not call them "awards") are given top slots for this most foul and disgusting endless series of attacks upon moi, simple moi never had a chance! Fighting endlessly with top politicians and most disturbing of the Democrap party leadership--women in particular--all with the most theatrical components to their posturing antics for media conflagration of their personalities and celebrity status tethered to their so-called political righteousness. Feminism so-called (subverted to say the least) ONLY AND ONLY for white women and a few of the "good" minority minions but only as long as they stay in their "place" which of course is subordinate ultimately to them and their male-white supremacist partners--even if they claim they are "lesbian" and etc etc (meaning blah blah whatever trendy label they want to capitalize on for their promotional "oddity" status).

If there were awards for political commentators it would be white male supremacy awards for the most convincing "Progressive/Liberal" lying to the YouTube world about how they are incensed about the deterioration of "Democracy" as they call it. All mostly white males or their adjacent white women (a few blacks included) but all "towing the line" and keeping in place. The DECEPTION of countermining the ensuing rise of fascism and Nazism and State-control under a tyrannical technocratic institutional "free" United States under the guise of comedy and incensed information about covert strategies that these pundits for "liberal information" outlets is the "opioid of the people" that Marx had claimed that religion had formerly been misappropriated for to quell the anxieties that "the masses" have or had regarding State domination and tyranny and injustice.


But after having struggled to pound this out and rewrite and think, I have only gotten into THREE of the violent predators who have most nastily attacked me in the last month. The list of people --I mean pig ape expletives--who have gone after me, well--I have written of this for the past few weeks of course the result is that they are grinning with shit-grins for the cameras NOW as they present and go out with their next and endless series of promotions (they never stop globbing onto attacking me the endless parasitic enterprise is so foul but for those "at the top" it's just like observing another day of grasping like pigs and apes for power that they are all so accustomed to doing and participating in).

But the list is very long. I have thought of so many silly and obnoxious names (to these pig apes my name-calling is "justification" for attempted murder). But it's all done under extreme duress on my part after a DECADE of attempted murders rapes and violence and endless destruction of my body and home by THEM.

Where is the humanity of the United States in general? Specifically or in any iota of the country the entire atmosphere is just exactly the same as these pig apes at the top. As I have written endlessly for years, the people who had once supported me are now dead for one reason or mishap or probable covert assassination reason or another they are GONE. Dead. What remains is the destruction of the country and of the planet. I swear this is not hyperbole at this point, it is a correct summation. All they want to do is go on and on repeating the same grave mistakes and philosophies until they rob the entire planet of it's very core of existence. Their greed has no boundaries and with no ostensible transparency or even the slightest of moral, ethical and intellectual responsibility on the part of those politicians and those in law enforcement to stop this travesty of technology and death squad activity--my words will resonate one day but the blame will be put on those who are already assured that whatever destruction comes in the future they will already have lived most of their foul and greedy lives out and they have left the future for their spawn who care about the consequences but can't begin to formulate anything other than the same paradigms that created the situations in the first place. Grasping, greed without boundaries--lies and lies and lies-racism and Nazi genocidal conquest--Imperialism

without going into more details and writing long treatises on the subject I can only loosely attempt to define what I keep struggling so arduously to fight to pound out on this most hacked keyboard and system.


Oh yes, that reminds me of another silly "immature" name:

Hissing in Hate Helga stinky tuna berg, the fascist Nazi environmentalist scam scum

absolutely a Nazi and attuned to the Northern Europigape sanctity of them investing in destroying those poorer nations and then having their neo-nazis beat people to death in the subways and raise their hands in a sieg heil for the surveillance subway cameras--that is their minion population but they really want the "other" parts of the world to be "dirty" and their snowy (but not for much longer) northern climes to be free of pollution so the death only goes to the Souther Hemisphere and to the "people of color". Stinky Hissing Hate Helga tuna berg.

Oh, so immature on my part. !!!

So many names I have thought of for so many years. I think of them when I am waking up after having been teleported and tortured and now every day it's scenes of someone dead. That must be the two rotten ugly old troll brothers out of Brooklyn, your "Italian-American" mafia actors who are disgusting on psychological and energy levels in a way that their glamorized violent mafia movies never depict. 


What else--so many of these creeps and all the names are now blank. My brain of course is under attack and my short and long-term memory functions are being stifled by the terrorists operating for the expletives in H0-ho-ho-wood (not funny ho ho).


Oh yes, some of the names are coming back. 

There's pig-lousy--speaker of the stye

then there's piggary shit-ton--(who could that be? you can only guess by the suffix "ton" at the end. I'll give a hint: it's a blonde fascist female but disguised as a benevolent uplifter of humanity and of women's causes.)

I think probably if anyone is reading this post, and they previously had any sort of faux compassion for my plight or for me, these silly words would turn them away (if not sooner because I've been writing such hate words under drugging and torture for so many years). 

'tis the effect of not having a defense or support system and having to fight for Democracy, my human rights, my right to not be raped and violated and tortured endlessly for YEARS by scumbags who are doing this most gleefully with the posturing assumption that they are entitled and that I have absolutely no human rights and no platform on which to stand. 

Oh yes, that reminds me of another "Humanitarian" which I have called Ape-ra

and there's more

can't remember them all

it's all the duress and stress from years of being tortured

All human rights will be abrogated by these pig apes if this system of electronic torture, teleportation and violence for promotional purposes to install a nepotistic and despotic absolutely fascist and tyrannical technocracy is not stopped.

No one seems particularly scared or worried about it. Perhaps global warming will destroy their Tower of Babel before they destroy the planet and society and create a most hideously foul contagion that may be mistaken for a "civilized" society. All the millions of people who fought for freedom, their lives forfeit for the sake of a few absolutely CRAPPY MOVIES AND TV SHOWS. 

I mean, the movies are not worth losing Democracy or society or the planet but people are just drugged into the worm holes of these tubular fake entertainment reality portals.

sucked in so deeply into the immersion of fantasy that their very life essences are so depleted and sucked out that they must constantly suck the life out of anyone they can--it's been me for years. Wait until more and more victims are available as more vampirism creates a new strain of dystopian death for the planet brought about by your opioid celluloid industry scam.



On a more sober note, seriously and with full adultness I can only state emphatically:







as for the rest, not so much.

The powerlessness of the dog (meaning "God" backwards) I have analyzed as a symbolic Christian Identity white supremacy myth programming flick with symbolic meaning aimed at the lineage of King David. The English actor in lead role has participated not directly but indirectly in this endless attack upon me. I really consider most of the English who have attacked me to be part of this extremely fascist Nazi cartel which is tied to the white supremacist Evangelical movement in the US. 

But that's another attempt I can't get at while all this obstruction from mind control technology and hacking is so awfully distorting my concentration, ability to type and think and also all is blocked so my posts only reach fanatic enemies who only read my posts to see what they can steal and to find "justification" for further torture of me for writing anything resembling criticism of the torturing scumbags who endlessly attack me for their non-stop yearly promotional gain with the most repugnant and repellant sinister vileness which of course is what the drooling fascists all want to inculcate into American culture with all the movies that are awarded for instilling the utmost subliminal programming into death culture and racism is the phantom thread throughout the entire panorama motley presentation of superficial colors but all melded into one portal of black-sink hole light distortion.



I read through a few paragraphs of the above--and saw that of course hackers had deleted parts of sentences (words, grammar). There is no post I can write that is a polished finished product. With all the hacking it is virtually impossible (due to virtual terrorism). Of course, the pig apes only want white male supremacy and it's adjunct minions to be able to make any public statements or observations so I must be relegated to watching the endless slew of white males hissing and spitting into their webcams and cams for their video presentations which have craftily-written "exposes" of corruption that I write of most plainly but am absolutely suppressed. The hacking and brainwave alteration ensures I can't write a decent sentence. Of course the bigots exploit that to make claims that I am incompetent to make any reasonable sophisticated analysis. The pig apes who teleport me after having me mutilated like to also denigrate my appearance and etc. All they attack they then claim is a part of my general inability to function or be presentable in any competent fashion. I must watch what the white males have to say endlessly and then hear it regurgitated by their minority and white supremacist females. I am silenced of course by all of this. My emotions are always subject to attack while I write (cognitive processes, brain-mapping technologies blocking various aspects of brain activity and etc--I am not a technical expert I only know the effect of the tech upon me because it is the same pattern of blockage every time I fight to write, every day, everywhere in public--it's a pattern that is so recognizable by now. But without evidence I can only ramble on and then see what I had written correctly completely skewed by hacker deletions and add-ons. Horrible but for now the masses only want the same old pundits and entertainers and politicians to control their seemingly comfortable opioid lives of expectation of future and current entitlement. Free bonuses for participation that will just continue indefinitely, they believe, I am certain.

Monday, December 27, 2021

Humor :)? sorta heavy metal testosterone/Super-charged testosterone music trailer for the upcoming movie plot based on an actual reality video black ops network show where technology controls the "Gangstalking World".



Sunday, December 26, 2021

A call for restitution $$$. Stinking black and brown fluids terrorist filth report: December 26, 2021. A$ I have been writing of endlessly for years, this group of millionaires and billionaires are ensuring I can't earn any money and if I do it would be subpoverty minimum wage at best but mostly they want to force a baby out of me with some rapist hater so they can obtain more huge bonuses and deals out of this hate crime contract out on me, ordered most likely by a Europ-a but they all adhere to these fascist Nazis who control and rule over them. The inhumanity is disgusting but the filth they order to have sprayed on everything to slowly murder me is also absolutely disgusting. This is only because after years of obtaining that which they otherwise have not obtained prior to latching onto non-stop slow murder of me through all these "covert" means they have been handed like psychopathic children enjoying torturing someone slowly to death--and their scant "justification" is that I am not doing what they want which is endless death for me, that is what they want. I have been at this stage of non-stop outright torture from endless groups of these terrorists because I was fighting to not be poisoned and then have the poison raped into my body while I was inert and sleeping by both the teleporting rapist Europigapes and the Europigape neighbors who were torturing and poisoning me from the rooms/houses next to mine (who actively and viciously ganged up on me in these tiny little housing communities or rental spaces I have been forced into for years--I should be living in a small house and able to earn money online but all efforts have been blocked 100%--websites I start are taken offline --something I have seen done by a web-tracking app--but the pages appear "active" if you click on the site but internally they are turned off--and that has been my plight for all these years--and now after fighting for the last month famous celebrity and politician after politician after celebrity--the hate and violence betwixt us is now at murderous levels of hate and violence--it is mutual but unlike them I have a good reason for it. However, after YEARS of these parasites latching on to torturing me so their Europigape handler "masters" will promote them in this global fascist Nazi scheme literally to take over the world--they just can't even show a bit of appreciation for the ideas they stole from me to obtain their fake liberal fronts--they can't stop the violence not even for a major holiday--it's just day and night day and night after day. No government still will step in to stop this, and certainly not this U S Government under all previous and current leadership, which in fact are actively teleporting and threatening me with murder--by the way (this is one situation where true bipartisanship is finally achieved; equal parity of Republicans and Democrats in terms of hate crimes is really conjoined).). I need MONEY (MO MONEY$$) to move to a much more humane place to live--with ventilation so I don't have to breathe in toxic fumes all night which has made me very ill and perhaps has caused serious illness. I need a small home with a swimming pool to revitalize my flatulent muscles and the decay of my muscle and bone structure from over a DECADE of inertia due to endless suffering from hard chemical ripping at cellular levels out of my spine and body and intestines--and it's still in there packed and wedged so hard and deeply after more than a decade I am still fighting amidst endless hate, violence and non-stop abuse and torture so my nerves and immune system are always seriously compromised on a near-fatal level by these hate celebrities and politicos teleporting me and ordering all these attacks for their petty but sick power acquisition strategies out of exploiting this contract ouf of me for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AS LONG AS POSSIBLE YEARS AND YEARS WITHOUT END THEY LATCH ON LIKE ENDLESS PARASITES. The bathroom walls are blotched with stinking brown fluids that I would have to scrub so endlessly because the substances are laboratory created and so nothing gets them out really. I can only minimize the stink and brown stains. This is also in the living space and on clothing, and in food and in my body they try to poison me to death here through this toxic shock along with non-stop hate and violence which of course is a killer as all people know but it's not empirically linked to death so it's just one of those psych factors that they can continue indefinitely so they do it every single day to abuse me to death along with poisoning and then there's the poison already embedded into my body--plus scars and blemishes from the chemicals they smear on my skin every day with cuts, incisions and I fight every day to preserve and to save my life from them.

 I never turn on the bathroom light any longer because I am too ill to endlessly clean up clothing and filth sprinkled on my floor and stinking bedsheets upon returning from shopping and things broken and filth and crap sprayed into all drawers and cabinets and things broken and ripped, stinking and stained so the cleaning never ends. I can't bend unless it's for a very good reason (meaning to clean the endless stinking filth that is everywhere, particularly the filthy floor which even though I sweep and clean it after I return from shopping and even upon waking the terrorists use either mechanical arms or go into the room and spray and spew filth everywhere. The filth that they pour into all cracks and on every single thing (all white spaces are a permanently stained brown the stinking brown fluids are laboratory-created and nothing, not a single thing except perhaps acid will get this out (I have not tried acid as a stain remover). Bleach operates like water on these substances, for example. 

I have a soap dish that I cleaned the day before leaving this room--and it's crudded with layers of brown stinking hardened-on crap--the floor underneath the sink is black with layers of crud that were put on just yesterday while I was out being attacked by the terrorists in all these shops and on the roads. The crud is so black it is completely blacked on the edges of the tiles where the silicone I laid down to stop the tiles from being lifted from the room below. 

This is very disgusting and I NEED MONEY to live. They should be forced to pay me a sustainable amount of money to live off and to move and to survive healing instead of endlessly fighting them and the poisoning while they also block my ability to obtain ANY health care whatsoever that is legitimate, if I could but afford it. My mail systems that are like financial and mail fraud money sucking con artists are taking up an entire stimulus check, and before that I was struggling month-to-month to save $20 and could not afford to eat and buy materials to try to plug up all the panels and cracks from the 20 Baht store to try to defend my life from the years of people breaking into this room and raping, insering fungus into my orifices, my hair, my food and into everything in the room. Now the bathroom is a blackened disgusting place--although I clean the countertops and the floors almost every day--plus the toilet--I return and the toilet has urine sprinkled around the rim--the first thing I have to do is clean the toilet every time I return or the room stinks. It's all just disgusting. I have been living in toxic stink bomb studios for years and I need and deserve a decent standard of life that isn't a toxic threat to my body and life any longer.

Terrorism/harassment/discrimination on the mail front + More destruction of my personal property when I left this terror/surveillance/rape/dismemberment/disfigurement/mind control room "condo unit" yesterday. Obviously this is a Buddhist country and so Christmas has no cheer or respite from acts of hate not for political purposes but for racism and hate purposes.

 My mail service in Orlando which has unfaithfully reported incoming mail for the past 3 years gave me one day to certify a pdf file and email back or they would close my account. The pdf file was a copy of a contract that has no relevance to my contract with them, and nevertheless they demanded this to be signed and emailed back by the next day or else....and then after I rushed out (I was not in the physical state to go out but I had to) and then, three days later they sent another email informing me that they were permanently closing in one month. Period. I had paid in August for a year renewal of the contract that began at the end of November, 2021-Nov. 2022. I paid approx $170 including Fl. tax. Thus they owe me 10 months of payment refunded and refuse to answer my three emails requesting repayment. I phoned them during peak business hours and got an answering machine, multiple times that I phoned during the middle of a weekday (last week). I even wrote a message asking them when was a good time to phone and speak to them. No answer. They responded by asking me if I wanted my mail forwarded (they have lied endlessly about how much mail I have received and they charge $5 per item to be mail-forwarded). I then sent a more direct or "angry" message asking once more to refund my money. A blank silence. 

I have been using a certain type of service and this is not so readily available in any private mailbox service. Things have surely changed even in the last few years as these various "virtual mailboxes" are now a franchise business with the same exact type font, replications of the exact wording appear on the various private mailing services whereas formerly every private mailbox service was a physical mailbox with a few extra options. The service I had used prior to this now dying service (slowly dying and like a dead thing, inoperable for over 3 years now but still functioning with a tiny heartbeat of operation in my very scant business affairs, which amounts to a few government letters per year and the health care options that Medicaid so kindly sends for medical care that left me dying and without any options back in the good ole USA before I left to rescue myself in another country with hopes of finding some cure for the mysterious ailment that had made me so ill and getting worse.

The other mail service in Orlando that I had used was a tiny little "pop" operation without the moms. It was a hokey-sounding dude with a country accent for Florida with the fake goody-happy vocal range and responses. I thought perhaps he would be bona-fide, until he "forgot" to include my new debit card in a package that I had requested he pack up with that as the first item along with a few things I had ordered as an aside. He claimed with a smug little snort, "I forgot" when I asked him what had happened to the card I had requested specifically to be sent. He said it was still in my box. I asked him to pay part of the next FedEx charge and he refused. Afterwards he played the terrorist "games" of telling me he could not hear me and that I must talk louder into the phone--again with the smug smirking tone in his nasty voice with the twangy Central Florida voice (aka "redneck sorta"). I was shouting as he again lied to me and with that same chirpy "f-u" tone in his voice. A little later I asked him for something else and he sent some information that didn't work out, and I lost my temper and that was in the middle of being endlessly tortured and raped by Depp back in 2013, and so he immediately cancelled the contract because he said that I was rude and he didn't have to "take that kind of treatment". I got angry but it was based on having been ripped off and lied to by him a few times in the past. I had to phone in to obtain information about my mail and so we had a few phone conversations. I was always responding in a chirpy happy voice to his fake chirpy happy voice about mail issues and the transactions were always smooth and 100% legitimate on my part and shady and then descending into outright fraud on his part. I then found this current service which is now closing after years of different people taking care of my mail from this very small business--which means that after they began to rip me off and lie about my mail they got promoted and left the store to slide into their new cozy promotion business--I suspect and know this to be the endless recurring theme of these terrorists who operate on the business level. 

So to continue just a bit--one week after I renewed my contract in this effete faux mail service but it really is one of the very few options I have had available at this distance where I can't physically go into the store or request legal aid from any local court system to obtain service or refunds for absolutely unethical business practices---I renewed my account in early August and one week later the harassment of endless threats in the mail from the government agency that has determined from my physical state that I am indeed disabled--but now has shifted my status to a temporary supplemental status so they conduct "reviews" endlessly at least twice per year--but since 1997 there has been one letter requesting me to fill out a form about my physical health, and then there was nothing until 2016 and then the slew of threats and audits/reviews has been at least twice a year. 

This mail service suddenly sent me an "urgent" letter from this gov. agency claiming that this was the "final warning" and that my benefits had been stopped because I had not responded to earlier letters sent out requesting immediate information about my status--again, something that has never happened in all the decades I have been receiving these life-saving benefits. I then had to go through people insulting and threatening me and saying "good!" when I told them that my benefits had been stopped. They were all terrorist agents on the phone operating through this government agency, which is rife with people willing to harass targets on the phone and in -person and in any way possible. Plus including the inherent racism attached to various branches of society not just the government that create that old famous "systematic racism" that is not a hyperbole to any extent. However, the racism is most applied to people who do not conform to the expectations of those who would exploit and riddle people's lives with status cliches and racist stereotypes that they must conform to so the hierarchy can appear superficially to be "fair" and "not racist" but intrinsically at a more deep and profound level the injustice and racist stereotypes remain intact-although a few can "rise" up in financial status as representatives of this ersatz "fair" system that is always claiming it is seeking to eliminate racism. 

so, straying from the point as terrorist hackers are blocking functions of the keyboard so I must fight to pound out words and backspace and correct and then write in some way that is not endlessly digressing due to the attack on my brain functioning by their mind control terrorism technology--

It's all tangled up in blackness, this whole thing is a never-ending contorted tangled mess where every attack is conjoined with some other attack which is strung in a sequence of other attacks.

I then tried to phone a "Mom" store in the "outback" of Orlando and got a real country type voice of a white woman with a very soft-spoken apologetically polite "Latino" woman first answering the phone, a little bad at English, not able to answer my questions on pricing (a very similar attack that I experience in Thailand, which I wrote of earlier today) and I had to ask her to pass the phone to the person she was asking in the background about how much the prices are. This then was the very sharp-sounding white woman who talked like "no nonsense" abrupt sharp-edged nastiness but quick to answer. This is very much like the people of Central Florida and I know the tenor and pace very well from my years of having lived in Gainesville--except that most of the time in Gainesville I got correct responses to my questions (perhaps because I was living in the area and not speaking on the phone from a distant location and I could also report their incompetence in person while I lived there).

And so, after explaining my needs, she affirmed and then said she would conduct business with me. Two unanswered emails later on both the contact form and direct email, I have to move on to other searches and find that any private email service is now almost impossible because the entire industry has been turned into a huge conglomerate of mailing with a central base--just like a corporate huge national entity that has branches in various States. 

I then tried to contact one of these branches (not yet realizing how conglomerate and uniform these mail services were just then, because I have not been in the US for so long and have been using the same mail services for at least 8 years or longer. I got one single response written in half-a$$ english with a photocopy of a contract that was placed crooked in the copy tray, faded so it looked like something an 8-year old had made while high on cool-aid. I wrote a few questions because they explained their service to me in such badly written English and also wrote in cryptic form so I wanted a more clear break-down of the prices and got zero and no answer in response.

I know that my emails have been suppressed for decades, any personal emails that anyone outside of the terror operation have been blocked. I write to people I think would definitely respond and nothing comes back. All my attempts to find business opportunities or contacts is always blocked and in all searches I get one single response or two at most--all are hateful terrorists who are drooling at the opportunity to screw someone else over.

And oh.. the guy in Orlando who ripped me off for mailing my debit card (not doing it I mean) but forcing me to have to pay twice *(over $200) to have a debit card shipped only because I wanted a few items included in the package the first time)--this guy has expanded his business into a huge mutli-office space with various addressees--and I truly suspect it was for his participation (in part) for his attacks upon me. When I phoned him not giving out my name (I didn't phone "him" but the business, and first got someone else on the phone and when I asked about the virtual mail service which would be a box at a real bona fide non-conglomerate mail service which is what I need--the cost per year I was quoted was twice the amount for any small private box in any other business offering a similar service (the price was not listed on the site, of course and they could quote any price they want). I had been passed to the former owner who had only worked almost alone with one or two others who now has a huge business in just a few years' time after having screwed me over. I asked him about the virtual mailbox and he tried to "take the p-out of me" when I asked him if they did the usual: copying the envelope of a letter received and then requesting if I want the content scan or not. He responded in a tone of voice that was like, "NO< it's not that it's this...." so he said in that tone, "we copy the exterior portion and then send you an email requesting if you want the interior portion likewise scanned"--like some verbal diarrhea artist making out like I had asked a question that was all "wrong" because the correct syntax was this version of mail that no one on the planet uses. This was like a mind-screw con artist and it just prickled me to have to deal with this kind of evil creepy con job personality. 

those are my options so far for finding a service which I desperately need. I am stuck here with at least $350 lost in the last 3-4 months just by one mail service which charged me $200 per package of  two debit cards and one or two letters included in a legal-size envelope. They even lied about the weight on the 2nd shipment--the weight was 0.5 lbs and the charge should have been $80 which is what FedEx was charging--they charged me $200 per 0.5 lb legal-sized envelope to be shipped on a 3-day delivery (the 2nd shipment took 5 days to be delivered and then FedEx in Thailand tried to block the shipment with direct lies and the template for FedEx being tampered with so the shipment was shown blocked and undeliverable. On the phone they kept yelling that they "no understan" and told me 8 times in a row that they would deliver the package to my home when I had ordered and yelled into the phone because "no understan" and "no hear u" yelled at me with noise blaring on the other end of the line--I told them all 8 times that I had ordered a pick-up at the FedEx station and those were the directions on the package as well. As I wrote before in another post--DHL Phuket has opened my boxes I sent from Germany and with a box cutter cut around all the packaging tape I used to secure the top of the boxes and many items had been just stolen from the boxes. I could do nothing to retrieve my items. I thus cannot rely on any mail service whatsoever any longer for even the smallest of information.

And so I am now trying to find some service and I will have to opt for something that is not what I really want but I have no other choice. The situation is actually worse than it being "something I don't really want" but I can't really do into detail. No matter because the real terrorists can hack into my thoughts and so they know how dire and threatening this situation is for me.


As for my home--I see now that the one pot I have to cook in has been scratched at the bottom. This was a top quality cookware from Phillips--a rice cooker with a solid double-layer metal bottom not the cheap and flimsy metal cooker pot. The terrorists have poured some rusting chemicals into the entire cookery and it's rusted throughout--the pot now has huge scratches on the bottom. This entire system is supposed to last at least 2  years but I bought it 10 months ago and it's rusted through-and-through the pot is now scratched and that is going to affect the cooking--it stinks because the metal has been eaten away by this abrasive compound that terrorists also put on all my hotplates and cooking utensils and everything else that is metal. All hinges are rusted and metals stink due to the corrosion of the chemicals that are smeared on every single thing to rust and destroy it all so I must continuously repurchase items that I keep clean and well kept--destroyed by this team which operates for the billionaires and millionaires with all their mansions and private jets--family members and etc with all they have--they have stolen ideas from me obtained interviews in major news outlets have gotten more and more and more and awards for torturing and stealing ideas that they torture and drug out of me. This is what they do in return--after years and years and years of obtaining Oscars and promotions and being put into lead political office.

They have also killed the two lizards that were the last surviving animals after they blasted and blew up the hillside outside my window. It was left bare with rocks for one year and then whenever any flowering vine began to grow they would pour acid or chemicals on it from the ledge above on top of the very steep hillside. There was one lizard who got a "girlfriend" and the pair were living their little cozy happy lives on the hillside and I would say hello to them and they would look and give their lizard types of hellos to me--all gone now. They are dead I suspct like the birds that used to fly on the hillside which completely avoid even flying past this space--I think they also were shot and so no birds come even close to this very rare spot of nature that animals really need to survive t he endless onslaught of cement and building tearing down all habitats of Phuket in systematic death for nature that continues despite all the global warming crises.


This Years list of Time's 100 most influential people includes as every year has people who have  viciously attacked me, have been part of the torture and all are packaged as the most generous and beneficent human beings on the planet. I can't describe how nasty they really are, but these people attacking me keep being put on pedestals by the media and the public can't seem to know the difference between good and evil because the public absolutely participates in attacking me as well.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

Terrorist bigot pig-ape at the store with the usual encircling of minions attack: December 26, 2021

 Yes, it's time for another enthralling addition to the years of writing about the sickness that I am confronted with daily and in numbers too great to count every time I am well enough to get out and fight to buy food and necessities--my one and only public appearance and the rest of my life is spent fighting to remove hard poisons out of my body and fight to clean up toxic deadly filth in my home that terrorists spew onto every single thing possible.

I was at a tiny little store which has two outlets here in Phuket: Beauty Land. I was trying to find a most slippery to locate item which is usually ubiquitous but I think slated only for "beauty" supply stores and then I have a hard time finding these things at those places here as well. What is the item? A simple plastic shower cap. The dollar stores (called 20 Baht Stores here in Thailand but the prices are usually higher) have flimsy plasticy-coated very thin and easily rippable one-time use caps. I have tried to find ways of shielding the onslaught of terror and violence inflicted upon me by the sleeping teleportation goons who you all applaud and cheer on in their various guises as being benevolent leaders of society. I thought that wearing the shower cap helped ease the ugliness of the endless sequences of people being killed or laying "dead" in these skits--or they really are dead, I don't know. The death-mongering "benevolent" leaders you all cheer on really love inflicting death in any form upon those they want to eliminate. Yes, it's a circular path of destruction for those they don't like--death programming death dreams death to the planet death to Democracy and death to Nature--death to love in other words.

But to continue. I thought that the absolute shock of their sickness forced upon me had been either eliminated or reduced by wearing this kind of rubber barrier--thinking maybe, in my less-than neophyte understanding of grounding and shielding materials against electronic and other forms of invasion technologies--that the rubber would be some kind of deterrent to the flow of electric attack. 

I thought I would try to find a more durable form of plastic and so while I was paying for my motorbike rental I went to the Beauty Land store in Chalong. It is a smallish shop and the caps are on the upper floor. Upon entering the store there was the usual much larger than me blonde Nazi male Europigape standing in Nazi pose: hands on hips as his Thai consorts slithered around him in a circle of protection and adherence. I had to get past this huge obstacle to try to go to the 2nd floor to find these shower caps. The pigape blonde Nazi scumbag was to my left, a glass counter reaching my waist on the right. AS usual, in these small shops, before I enter the creeps make sure to pile boxes on all the counters and place obstacles in the way of aisles and things like that. As I wrote, the pigape was on my left, the glass counter to my right, the narrow space making me have to maneuver to get my many bags I carry around all this space but I was definitely in the middle of the pathway. The Thai terrorist agent posing as a shop assistant was at about 1 o'clock to my right just ahead of the glass case to my immediate right. As I got past them all without feeling any resistance or bumping, when I was in my brisk pace about three feet away from the all I heard a crash as a box of heavy items landed in a loud thud on the floor, apparently from the top of the glass shelf. Making out like I had knocked this over, the ugly and taciturn terrorist "assistant" who had been smiling in awe and love at this pigape began scowling in hate as I turned to see what was going on. 

Now please understand that whenever I am in public my brain capacity for cognitive information-processing is reduced by at least 20 percent. The technology affecting my brain makes it so I am so reduced in capability that I cannot count simple sums, and when I do the wrong answer is cemented into my thought structure and although upon leaving the area I can immediately count the correct number, while under the effect of this tech I am lost in a smog of inability to think or understand. Thus in such a situation I can't talk, I am frozen, I silently walk away and that is ALL I can do to try to avert the ugly situation. I am "frozen" verbally and can't comprehend at all what is really going on. 

Thus yesterday I could barely begin to fathom that this was an attack, but although this very same scenario has been forced upon me time and time again, I could not 'understand" exactly what was going on. All I did was walk away without saying anything like "oh, did I do that?" because I understood that something had happened. Only today can I begin to recall that it was this creepy Thai woman who knocked the item off as my back was turned and walking past them all--

Then there were teams of skanky Thai women surrounding me--as I was putting the two items on the desk for payment the actual real owner or sales rep of the store was coming out of hiding--she had been nowhere during the entire situation until I had to pay. The (pregnant) terrorist skank who had knocked the items over tried to ring up the item but then stood there incompetent not knowing how to handle the cash register. She told me to wait (making me wait is the endless tactic of these people) and then while my back was turned paying the skanks surrounding the blonde disgusting pigape from Europigapeland began ripping my clothing as the pickpocket experts that they are (this means the people of the organization from all countries not Thai people in particular).

I write this in this tone of "immature" hate because it's now a decade of this going on and on and on and on. More politicians of highest rank have come to inflict their violence upon me, as administrations leave new terrorists take the place of their former allies who helped put more corrupticians into power or the old ossified ones retain their corruption and then replace the old with the newer versions of the same old. So this is ongoing and never ending.

But it is a tactic that is used--to create a problem and blame the target. The smug and gloating blonde Nazi pig ape was smug and standing in a posture after his dumb minions performed their operation as usual--

There were a plethora of other similar attacks but I had to write about this today to just get into hate--but really, it's just disgusting the entire thing is. They act like stupid greasebags, all of them, and yet this is supposed to mean that they are "superior" in some fashion.

The tech is so fashionable amongst the "elite" lowest parasites of the planet due to their ability to disguise their true lower standards of behavior and mentality in such fashion. Of course, they are all trained in posturing in "noble" attitudes which bely their real personalities and the underpinnings of their ineptitude on all levels.


As it turns out, I used the older flimsy shower cap from the 20 Baht store last night because the new plastic cap I just bought smells like fresh toxic chemicals and plastic and I have to wash it--I wonder if it was sprayed with toxic chemicals before I arrived to the store--they had to replace the cap because it did not have a sticker on it and the skank who had attacked me went upstairs but when I looked at the shelf there was only one cap on the entire shelf (of that same design and color). So last night I was subjected to "dreams" the terrorist skits of people laying dead and descriptions of how their faces have horrid grimaces after a few years of laying dead on slabs. It was as usual tres creepy--like their rapes and their inquisitions about ideas they want to extract out of me because they rea meaningless and loveless parasites put into high position.

I swear they will destroy humanity and yet everyone loves liars and users and poseurs so much more than real and genuine people. Thusly they remain "in power" and I remain silenced. 

There is so much more I could write. My brain is still inoperable to a large degree while sitting here because of these interminable attacks on my brain and cognitive structure while I attempt to convey anything on any platform or in any place on the planet. 

The attacks are so stupid and disgusting.

I can give another example. I was at the TOPS supermarket in Central Festival after having gone through countless cars swerving and nearly hitting me while driving--people walking almost running from the middle of the 4-lane roads to walk directly into me from the side--almost sprinting to attack me from the side as they lurched at me even though there were no cars behind me. More shops with groups of Thais who "no understan English speak only little" but clusters of them trying to "understan" how to tell me how much an item costs--I speak enough Thai to say just the basics in money language and they cannot apparently understand Thai either and say they "no understan" when I speak in my very limited Thai to them.

So, at the store--blonde Nazi Europigapes with their shitty children--the terrorists use children very often to physically attack me in the disguise of children running and "playing" all the while shrieking and laughing hysterically as they run into me and spin in front of me and slam into my cart while I am walking in any open space. Because I have so many bags I carry I use shopping carts to walk from store-to-store. I also have so many bags because I am too ill to get out and go shopping more often on a regular basis, so I have to buy almost everything I need for more than one week just in one day--all things, not just food. So it was this blonde Nazi woman and her nasty little tyke son blocking every single aisle and path I tried to get past them--every place I wanted to buy something from they were blocking. The little creep son began tuning the shopping cart to the side so it was parallel to the aisle and maneuvering it back and forth in front of me--it happened three times within a 5 minute span and I finally got angry and my voice was completely altered when I told them to cut it out. (I didn't use those words). My voice was so changed I could not recognize it. The terrorists can alter vocal chords due to the microchip implant in my throat. When I say this little creep boy was maneuvering the cart back and forth at a parallel angle, I mean like swinging it into the middle of the entire aisle, using his legs to push it back and forth and holding onto the cart so his entire body formed an attack unit with the cart to absolutely block and create a moving attack in the middle of the aisle taking up the entire space. And they followed me around until I used my voice in this ugly tone--thus it was in a sense discrediting to me and an ugly negative encounter with creeple I would rather have no contact with whatsoever. This same sort of ugly-toned-vocal response I found just coming out of my mouth, using words I had not formulated nor had any intention of speaking, happened in other such stupid and sick situations. The way these pieces of crap behave is so abysmally stupid and disgusting. It is impossible for me to have any semblance of "respect" for any of them.

Yet one of the very famous former politicians had told me that I had to have "respect" for her yelling and violence towards me when I have done nothing but fight for my Constitutional rights and my personal rights that she is not just flagrantly but hideously enthralled and violating as often as she can get a promotion and an interview out of it in the major press (the "liberal" "Progressive" "Democrat" press at that). Always harping on "women's rights" all the while.

The idiosyncrasy and hypocrisy, and yet they are torturing me demanding that I show them "respect" after they brutalize me in every way possible (they brutalize and indeed create massive death and misery to many others but it's all done through the funnels of acceptable political power-mongering international and domestic "policy).



After having walked away from the laptop I recalled that the description of wearing a shower cap to bed to avert electronic torture technology was not amplified by how I wrap my head every night in so many layers of cloth, wound around and in various configurations with safety pins overlapping the layers so that nothing can penetrate the barrier at the nape of my neck and around my skull--I did this to protect my hair because for decades this organization has been damaging my hair to the point of balding patches (hair won't grow back now) and hair the texture of straw. I then discovered that my hair dried out due to the terrycloth material of the cap I had made for this purpose, although I use silk on the interior layer my hair just dries up although it is far better than being slathered with toxic chemicals. I then tried to see if this flimsy shower cap might protect my hair from drying out and it does. I also discovered that the severity of the teleportation skits is much reduced and I thought that perhaps the rubber content was a factor of shielding and blocking. I am completely unable to buy any kind of shielding material here, and any attempt to order any such fabric would be circumvented I fear. I don't have money to waste on making any type of experiment in trying to obtain anything via the mail or in stores even. There is nothing here in Phuket resembling any kind of sophisticated electronic shielding materials that I know of. So, not to let the dear reader assume that I am simply putting a shower cap on my head and easily the terrorists' mechanical arms can just take it off or move it aside while I am sleeping. It is securely put into my entire scalp underneath the 5 other layers of protection I use to wrap around my head, in a way that the mechanical arms can't open or get through (or not so easily as to leave evidence). I also must wear layers of protection on my head while I sit at this laptop because the terrorists insert mechanical arms into my room and spray toxic chemicals into my hair while I am seated away from whatever portal they open (although I have spent years trying to afford to block off all the panels they just get into my home and break through whatever I create). That is just an example of the daily "silent" terrorism that this organization inflicts. They are trying to "demand" my obedience and "respect" as they destroy not only my life but the United States, Democracy, Freedom, feminism, and enhance rape and torture and terrorism cultures which are abundant all over this planet.



*Slight correction to the above: I only realized the "mistake" that was generated in my brain by terrorist mind control hate technology long after I had stopped writing the actual post. I had written that in the TOPS market while I was shopping for food, a woman and her 10 yr. old-looking son were blocking my path by the boy pushing their shopping cart at a "parallel" level to the aisle but blocking every path.

My brain is obfuscated while writing, and the hacking terrorism ensures that I must backspace and repeat and click 4 times sometimes on a function to get anything to operate. The cursor jolts to some other part of the page at random times as well with hackers using their malware to infuse the mistakes. My brain can't function as the technology always blocks my linear thought capability and I meander away from thoughts and often don't even finish what I was writing about and get "lost".

The boy was NOT GOING AT A PARALLEL HE WAS ATTACKING THE PATHWAY FROM BOTH DIAGONAL AND INTERSECT LINES frenetically jolting the cart in aggressive movements back and forth like a pendulum in high gear straight across the path. As I walked past them a couple of times he would push the cart suddenly into my direction from the side angle as I was walking adjacent to them from the side--shifting direction suddenly only just as I was behind them--pushing out into me in other words very quickly and with a huge metal cart full of heavy items so the impact would have been potentially damaging to my body (or very much as today I am great pain and can't move from the entire day of stress and carrying so many heavy items up stairs and etc.

The "social security" death program slated out for me. Social Security "rules" for disability payment MUST BE AMENDED. This is one route that the terrorist organization is taking to destroy anyone they want to eliminate if they are young or unemployed or DISABLED.

Twin Cities donors gave 15 people $1,000 a month in yearlong guaranteed income experiment


I'm officially disabled and these people are receiving more than I get per month for a complete and total disability. Because I was forced into a terrorist "accident", where my legs popped up at a 90-degree angle as I ran to my temp agency job in San Francisco (the microchip implant forces my body to do various horrid things like my legs popping up at this 90-degree angle as I ran on the sidewalk and ran down a slope I was sprinting because I was late-- . I had been approached by a woman who ran next to me on that day--because every day for that week my bus was late, and I missed the BART line to my destination and so had to run to work. Thus the surveillance on me operated as a scheme to destroy me: the terrorists devised a plan to have a woman I had never met or seen run next to me on the 4th day of this new job in a very savvy legal office in downtown. I had been running to work every day because of the late busses making me miss my connections. I was very much an athlete, with a few years of jogging 6 miles/day behind me. With this strange stranger woman running beside me, (please understand how mind programming works in conjunction with the insidious poisoning and drugging--you are in a constant daze and people "suggest" things and you follow sheepishly without second thought--it's all very dangerous and of course the power-mongering expletives of this organization love this tech and druggy toy and they are loathe to do any single thing to stop the onslaught of violence that they inevitably inflict because the more they get to gloat and smirk about exploiting people like this, the more violent they become and I can attest to this 100% from decades of experience. They didn't want me to have a decent job, they wanted me to be a sexually abused sex trafficking techno torture victim with no opportunities or chances.
Thus in this mind controlled and incessantly drugged up state-- and as I "flew" my legs just popped up and I landed on my back--the metal rod the surgeons had inserted into my spine for the crooked vertebrae due to the horrid hardening poisons that no one ever warned me about or that I was being poisoned and raped/tortured while sleeping). The terrorists literally broke the hook of the rod and then injured/crushed my lumbar vertebrae while I was sleeping the following night. I was fine the day after this fall, but the next day I was completely injured and what the terrorists did to my body was literally almost break my spine in this one-night attack. Ironically this all transpired on Christmas Eve, 1988. All this happened a few months after graduating college. I left Minnesota after graduating from the University of Minnesota, and was working as a temp in this new city of San Francisco and had not found a regular job yet. I was trying to go through the corporate route in some capacity.
Years later, after inspections and medical reviews, beginning this disability "program" at $500 per month in 1997, I only am on SSI and so I get the lowest of monthly incomes from that program. At this point, years later and having been poisoned nearly to death because NO ONE would warn me or help me in the United States, I am still living under far less than $1000 per month.
Not "complaining" as such but still--the "rules" for disability payments are draconian under SSI conditions for people who have not been able to "contribute" through taxes for the program (you receive higher benefits the longer you have paid taxes. So if you are a new graduate or have been unemployed and get injured permanently you are very strung up in poverty for the rest of your life--I get much less than the people receiving the $1000 are getting in this "experiment". I urge people to review Supplemental Security rules and try to improve the lives of people on that program who have been caught in that "gray zone" of poverty because they could not or have not paid income tax due to not being able to work or being too young or whatever!

Friday, December 24, 2021

Fight to the Death: Yet another quality Olivier performance (meaning highest of quality in my humble Personal opinion) film performances not just by Olivier but also the spectacle that is the host of actors and those working magic behind the camera especially Stanley Kubrick.

 "Spartacus (4/10) Movie CLIP - Fight to the Death (1960) HD". Movie Clips. June 16, 2011.

The fight-to-the-death scene held atop the circle of death with gladiators waging against Death is a parallel for the discussion on "buying out the senate" discussion held by Patrician Party-goers laughing about the slave gladiators fighting for their lives in the Ring of powerlessness below; for the entertainment of the ultra-powerful seated on-high atop the powerless slated for destruction as entertainment.

NOW hidden cameras can also provide this kind of stimulus to the onlookers and more so to the gratified masses who feel entitled and entertained as viewers and voyeurs in such deadly fights and acquisitions--such as the dearth of surveillance and other celluloid and archived bits of video and recordings for the file on my ongoing and never-ending and sponsored terrorist-torture "contract"--using similar tactics for power.
Above and below, so above as below--the symbolism whether intentional or not is genius the acting shows the cruelty and disdain and enjoyment of watching people slowly dying and fighting for survival--
The power struggle to the death at the "Executive" Branch (for those Roman "Republic" times) is very much a modern, political statement for our NOW times...
* I have had to re-edit this thrice due to hackers deleting and rewriting. I could not understand my own writing and only could revise because I knew what I was writing about. I have tried to correct the complete mess that hacker terrorists created. Whatever comes out as being confusing is due to further intervention by hackers.