Wednesday, August 31, 2022

"Strike May 5th and 6th. Strike to end war strike to support The People's Peace Treaty/ Strike to march to West Side Park on May 5th/ Strike in solidarity with the Indochinese/Strike to seize control of your Life/ Strike to become more human/ Strike against increased tuition/ Strike because there's no poetry in your classes/ Strike because classes are a bore/ Strike for Power/ Strike to smash the corporation/ Strike to make yourself Free/ Strike to abolish ROTC/ Strike because they are trying to squeeze the life out of you/ STRIKE"--Handmade flyer/poster made for protest at West Side Park, Champaign, Illinois anti-war protest. I was there. I remember being there at that park. My mother made a little 8 mm video of it as well. See video below for more on this hidden and forgotten episode in history--buried under memmoribilia placed in drawers forgotten and turned into party drug daze of anti-war hippie movement fantasy negation of the truly political content and deconstruction/construction that was undergoing in a process of total cataclysmic change in society. Buried asap and turned into packaged dynamic corporate fantasy entertainment fodder by H-wood. Bad imagery of these hippie types by Whorewood, inc once upon a time it was not dirty hippies it was a serious movement held by highly intelligent and well-educated human beings. The mind control programming and technology ensued to quell and corrupt all that had been a threat. //Joe Walsh wearing a University of Illinois sweatshirt--from the campus of Champaign---it wasn't just a party town, it was a huge protest/anti-Vietnam centrifuge (my parents heavily involved--)-I think Walsh was wearing this as a sort of political statement and not as a kind of groovy college rock band fashion statement---. Colbert and the H-wood mind meld programming fascist enclave would have you "remember" that era much differently--more like something akin to drugged/drunken cock rockstar remembers woozy party daze--but the story is much different when you listen to the interview (below) which delves more into the veteran and war atrocities --only of the briefest mention but most of the conversation in this clip below entails focus on the political discussion of vets--but Colbert labels it as a drunk/drug rock cockstar's vague memories of chaos (totally obliterating political content and turning it all into a silly meaningless sleazy "joke"; this is why I told him I did not like his show--but his reaction is the typical from the Whorewood throng I have experienced for years just violent so much of my body is now "shattered" from years of their dismemberment/poisoning/drugging/violence and that really is all they are about when it comes to the bottom line and the bottom they truly encompass in their every personal attainment). I will now quote a mentality that has been obliterated and only lingers in small pockets of memento in various archives: from Champaign/Urbana Illinois during the anti-Vietnam protest era. This protest hand-made poster refers to the park --West Side Park, just about 6 blocks from my house on White Street-a 10-minute walk--see video below on the U of I "Student Strike" to see the actual poster and more information:

 "Eagles--Hotel California (Live in Washington 1977)". Music4You. June 5, 2016.

If I could only write and use my brain without this mind control mess endlessly affecting my every word I fight to type and think to write out, I could begin to try to delineate the targeting associated with having come from a family that was so heavy into the war protest movement. I remember my childhood for YEARS of endless parties and political discussions, labor union and feminist meetings held in my very small house on White Street in Champaign.
The targeting was so bleak and oppressive that even that house has been transformed into something that appears similar to a small prison enclosure by the terrorist who married my step-father--under "advice" from the organization which put him on the strings that controlled him and altered his personality--a situation he agreed to because he allowed this group to infest his life ostensibly for the purpose of achieving success in his career and acceptance. He got scammed and his genius remains hidden under academic books that was all he was "allowed" to write--
The absolute sheer beauty and genius he had displayed during the Vietnam protest era was utterly shelved by these covert operations. The city of Champaign was a citadel of protest and alternative thinking in and around the University of Illinois. I think of this when I see the sweatshirt on Joe Cocker--very few people realize how original and outlandishly politically active the University of Illinois actually was during that time period. I would like to write about the dark swoop of the covert operations that swooped down to quell and destroy the activists and the entire movement after various structures were dismantled once the Vietnam War had officially ended in 1975. It was as if a door was shut permanently and the people who were so active in protest then became targets of seriously deadly covert assassination and drugging/poisoning and mind control operations (me included, my entire family, with threat of death hanging over).
Whatever happened to Joe Cocker anyway?
As for Hotel California--it remains the sleazy over-priced mind control operation and the song remains the same---

"Joe Walsh Survived Some Serious Good Times as a Rocker". The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. August 3, 2017.

I found this interview with Colbert that transpired a few years ago. I discovered that Indeed Walsh was engaged in some fashion in the anti-Vietnam War crusade although he doesn't make mention of his exact exploits in that regard in this interview. You can only hear that his friends who had fought in the war had been "shattered" and returned in that state back home. I took that to mean that he personally was involved in protest movements against the war as well.

People think of Chicago and perhaps some of those movies that have come out recently in the past few years, of how the "radical" movements and protests were the focus of attention and the smaller movements have since gone into the dustheap of forgotten lore that only participants such as myself vaguely "remember" in moments like this, only sporadically. Movements associated only with "big name" activists and organizations, terrorist or not, are the focus but the smaller places and groups are just obliterated in the national memory.

A 2-hour drive South of Chicago, where many students coming out of Chicago attended this most exquisitely high-standard university--rated as something of a "Big 10 Ivy-league" school far above and beyond an educational standard of excellence and considered to be on par with Ivy League educational levels by some who rank in these matters--it's also a kind of common lore associated with the U of I.
I personally experienced, as the child onlooker at some of these parties, discussions and advice and instruction on equal rights, feminism, and a political stature of resistance to conformity that is now something akin to a death sentence hanging over my life like the Sword of Damocles.

To try to express the raw hatred that American and global society has levelled at me for having this level of understanding and education and the rancid hate that is endlessly thrust at me by people who have been trained their entire lives to follow and obey without question--

I have posted this exact video before with references to Joe Walsh and this sweatshirt he is wearing. Walsh undoubtedly, like so many of the very famous who have endlessly tortured me for years because I clicked on a movie on YouTube, or did nothing but they just got involved anyway--but the usual protocol is for me to click or listen to something and the artist or celebrity or politician to jump at their rotten chance to behave like what I can only endlessly use as a refrain for their exact behavior: pig apes--it's just disgusting how they behave this is the one and only term I can think to reference their behavior and mentality (no offense to pigs or apes, they are just animals I refer to the offensive motifs of these animals and not to the animals themselves).

Walsh had the opportunity no doubt to engage in this hate contract and never has. Today I feel more certain that this sweatshirt is an emblem of his sentiment towards what the University of Illinois had to offer for those who are willing to look beyond the Hotel California's of the world and into the less affluent but more meaningful rest stops along the highway of life and the travels into consciousness--political and of alternative perspective--and unconsciousness if you will--as the upper layers of consciousness certainly affect the lower realms of subconsciousness. The perspective of obeying and then viciously trying to enforce this upon others, this suppression of life force which so many are indelibly forced to swallow wholesale from as early an age as possible--
viciously performing the rites and rituals of oppression upon those who are not pounded down as these violent terrorist "pig apes" become in latter life (or early, some are just children and are rotten already).
I am going into a tangent. I feel that Joe Walsh, and listening to him here, reminds me that the feeling is not gone but so many of those who transmitted the feeling and energy have been MURDERED by these forces. It's still comforting to feel some of this energy, but trying to actively engage in any kind of resistance using this protest movement type of mentality that was the 70's is now a very dangerous path to traverse because it can intersect with the Highway to Hell (Hell being "other people" trying to get you off your happy path to your lovely journey in life's destination).

**This title is misleading--the main thrust of this interview is of a political nature, and of course, Colbert, who was a violently abusive terrorist who participated in teleporting me years ago (he slapped my face when I simply told him that I don't like his tv show or interviews--I just said I don't like it, while teleported and under hypnosis under a "truth serum" effect--in deep sleep but teleported. Essentially, I mean I was not in a state-of-mind where I could have answered in a less challenging way for these ego-driven-meaningless terrorists who constantly plague me in teleportation. Right now hacking is so bad I can barely type or write or think any longer--the keyboard is nearly impossible to write on. My thoughts are being blocked out--tabula rasa--can't continue--any mistakes or incomprehensibility in this post is due to hacker deletions/inserts--they are really going at it now...I hope one day there will be a political movement that will protect people like me from the ravages of this terrorism. But back to Colbert--his title, (did he personally chose this title for this YouTube video--it's under his name, Colbert's name--) but it focuses on trivial and not on the serious note on the threat to war veterans (as Walsh mentions the "shattered" Vietnam vets he encountered--and this was not a jolly good ole party theme Walsh was referring to--but Colbert turns the entire thing into a party meaningless little ditty piece in the title--and that is one reason I said to him that I just don't like his show--with his violent response to me just saying "I don't like your show"--I could, if only I could write, write about how sick and violently sinister some of these celebrities really are--I have tried--I did write about what Colbert did when it happened years ago. You will never see colbert wearing a sweatshirt with anything but a mainstream major motif commercial spin-off of some meme that is supposed to represent something commercially viable regarding his "alternative" comic consumer construct as a "personality" (or lack thereof, he is just another hateful oppressed oppressor faking it as a comic relief political commentarist/talk show double-agent working for fascist negation of alternative culture and alternative politics in particular).


"U of Illinois Student Strike (Vietnam War protest). May 1970". jmonroe6691. November 11, 2015.

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Deadly serious while playing on toy instruments. Mickey Mouse paper drum kits for children. On stage for the NO WAVE revolution that the rape culture has striven to negate from the annuls of short-term pop celebrity historical memoribilia, hope, they pray that this dyke revolution will be buried so rape culture can prevail. The Me Too rapist enablers surround the "victorious" rapist who got away in front of cameras with rape and violence because he's a part of their fantasy complex media celluloid circus, which enables more rapists to go out and just "be boys" who will be boys looking for toys to break. Rape, they love rape. The rapist enabling women get a free pass from more violence, so they hope. They discover that they must lament and bleat out that "boys will be boys" more frequently.

 "Y Pants--That's the Way Boys Are". KGB070272. October 9, 2010.

NO WAVE not New Wave (boy versus girl genres, or girl versus boy, etc). New Wave being mostly focused upon the BOYZ and their fantasies....NO WAVE focusing upon the laments of the girls and women....about the boys who have endless fantasies that can never truly be fulfilled---violence as their last resort, the holiday vacay spot in their neanderthal-encouraged reptilian complex centers of their brains by society of rapist enabling women all playing fantasy roles playing New Wave music so they can strip down for the men they "luv" who need more and more and eventually get bored and tired of these women who try their hardest to appear sexy and loving and soft and gentle in order to appeal to the rapist society men----who need violence and porn in order to fulfill that spot in their brains--that neanderthal spot the Reptilian Complex.

I mean those types of boyz, not all the men out there. Society encourages boys to be boys, though. Damn all those mothers who train their little penis-flapping spawn to become rapists and abusers.

This could have been the theme song to the latest celebrity divorce scandal tv show legal battle (the song bleating out from the audience and those supporting the poor victimized male who didn't get what he wanted at every given juncture of time and space for his "needs"):

Y PANTS--"Y Pants were an American all-female no wave band from New York City active from 1979 to 1982.[1] The trio, made up of photographer/musician Barbara Ess, visual artist Virginia Piersol, and filmmaker Gail Vachon, developed a unique sound via their acoustic toy instrumentation of toy piano, ukulele and a paper-headed Mickey Mouse drum kit, augmented by electric bass guitar, Casio keyboards and various low-tech effects.[2]

Y Pants' feminist poetics and toy instrumentation made them a hit in Manhattans's art gallery scene, while their No Wave clout brought them to be regulars at punk rock venues like CBGB's."--(Wikipedia, "Y Pants").



Now for a real-life scenario of a domestic violence/rapist entitled minion of the 4th Reich--exonerated absolutely for violence against women. Promoted for it, in fact as this is integral for the fascist programming for males willing to participate in the void of violent overtake of a civilized society where human rights are held reverential (on paper--people aspire for it to become law and upheld by society, it rarely ever is but the attempt should not be quashed. They (the 4th Reich and it's minions) want to quash it (chances for equality, where abusing women is actually not a sacrosanct rite of passage into the hate organization; and all references to equality and a chance for fighting in law to stop this type of fascist brutality).REAL LIFE and not fantasy entertainment: The judicial system has once more exonerated a Domestic Violence fascist--literally speaking--man who has been as so many have been who attack me--utterly exonerated and then promoted for his woman-beating tirades of masculinated tyranny which accompanies this fascist mentality. Always encouraging this violent male part of the good ole boy fascist Nazi 4th Reich--it's so typical it's alarming. I must witness it ongoing every day when I am teleported to the famous "leaders" of American society (who are inter-connected to Europ-a fascist organizations and political entities--all in disguise--if they are "famous"). However for the lower level minions who are infamous, after being exonerated for various crimes, always being told they will be promoted--new businesses galore for them when they participate in the hate crimes this organization uses as stepping-stone promotional tools of recruitment for mind programming into the 4th Reich protocols of the Elders of (fill-in blank). This man out of Miami, where I have been accosted by what I call "minority minions" of black, brown, Jewish, etc persuasion and superficial appearance, only viciously but always they have a white supremacist--a ratio of a small number of pig apes to entire swaths of minorities--it's very sad and I realize how bad my writing sounds whenever I call them names. I am under mind control, there is an excuse for my "bad writing behavior"--but seeing this reminds me of my Latino-lying mail service which refuses to answer questions or post my incoming mail--the hate and violence and physical attacks I have experienced in Miami from Latinos who operate as minions for white bigots (usually Europig-ape Nazi fascists who have literally taken over the area)--there are of course fascist white supremacists who have taken over the entirety of Florida--Americans, only in name. They claim it's only their country, however. So, I read about Charlie Crist's new running mate, a Latino woman out of the Middle School teaching zone (the "culture war" figure fighting against DeSantis the xenophobia icon). This is a realistic depiction of ALL the seeming "conspiracy theory" ranting I have posted for so many years, now obviously true-to-life.


###Of course, when I write that "violence against women" (or in homosexual relations, the more "female" partner--the "bottom", the submissive one, the effeminate other) I refer to those who are targeted for destruction. The "good" girls who participate, by being cheerleaders, or the daughters/wives/mothers who revel in participating in the violence against other women--in some cases, their own mothers were abused by the fathers but when the fathers abuse other women, the support the violence wholeheartedly. In the case of Depp v. Heard, the wife of the daughter claims she was abused and divorced Depp for millions of $$, and for her, the $$ associated with her own exploitation of having partnered with Depp to provide rotten children has entailed endless more millions--in this case, more publicity and $$ for participating in the violence against me, which she won a court case against Depp for in the past--this court case (in France, probably) was NEVER revealed and it has been hush-hush during the recent debacle of the debate between male violence versus the "bad" girl who won't obey, or who even fought back physically (bad, bad girl, she's guilty and did something to "deserve" it). The daughter of Depp so viciously assaults me that if there were a more supportive rapist enabler in H-wood it would have to compete between her and domestic violence United Nations advocate who has viciously assaulted me and laughed as Depp and a slew of others raped me, including the husband she claims was an abuser of her. These are the women who will strip, perform soft porn in their movies (hailed as being sexually titillating and women of course go along--told what to say and think endlessly). THis is the type of programming that the women who support the male indoctrination into the fascist organization must, by obligation, perform as their own rite of passage into the halls of gold-plated fame and wealth and "success". Endlessly they all hiss at me with absolute hate that I am a "loser" for not complying, for defending myself against male violence which women of their ilk so virulently rush to defend in their husband/father/boyfriend/friend and promoter/handler's every action of sexual violence, for purposes of being welcomed into the "club" of entitlement--some call it "The Illuminati" but it IS a secret society, transgressing every law imaginable because they have their own internal system of damnation. I am damned by them for not complying to being a slowly murdered "sex slave" instead of what I have done: fight for my career, for success, to be independent, happy and to their absolute hate and chagrin, to have my own business. This is one of their internal society crimes for which death is the punishment for people targeted, such as myself. Sexual violence aimed perpetually at me, with even more violent than the rest of the rat pack by the Brooklyn Mafia actors, only rivaled by the endless rape and pumping of poison therein by the actual Italian from Italy (they ALL call themselves "Italian" but alas they are supposedly American--absolute traitors to the country in every aspect of their lives, fully wanting a little Italy fascist enclave within the larger white Nazi alliance --formerly called the Axis Powers). But not digressing, abusing women and then showering the "good" girls--especially the blondes--the bigot rapist cheerleaders who revel and mentally and usually physically masturbate or go on extended orgies when they watch me get raped, beaten and endlessly assaulted/insulted/threatened with murder by one of these haters after the next; threats non-stop. THis is the performance that the minority minions absolutely emulate--often towards "women of color" from within their own "cultures". The extent of abusing one type of women only to nearly "worship" another is what The Weekend is doing with the nasty violent rapist enabler cheerleader spawn of Depp--her own mother abused by him, as her own career and that of her mother in France has skyrocketed out of their own inclusion of participation in the violence endlessly aimed at me. They are relieved, now the violent men can extend the violence to me instead of them--in this technocratic terrorism of teleportaton that has enabled them to jump from aspiring and degraded struggling to attain more success to being promoted, along with The Weekend who is this near worshipping adherent to the every white women with white supremacist fanaticism in H-wood (always cranking out movies and such about how they are fighting for every cause of equality possible, being promoted into power positions by the men who rape women "like me" and their women associated with them who gleefully masturbate over the violence and then are told they are "good girls" and get endless near worship as being "beautiful and lovely" as they feed off rape and this sense of elevated entitlement--I am endlessly assaulted and threatened, abused by an endless and by now ever-expanding list of celebrities and politicians--for not wanting to stay in the "place" they want me to be degraded in. Otherwise, the rapist enabling society is really pushing hard to place rapists and abusers of women into position even after their trails and the women who claim they were abused by these vile men rush with sexual parasitic bottom-feeding tentacles latching onto this contract of the violence being inflicted upon me. Somehow I have become this near universally-accepted figure of rape and violence--they can't stop until I am completely broken. I have had to witness these people and the system they are fully indoctrinated into, their "secret society" network and analyze and then understand through sheer repetition how their indoctrination programming truly operates. This is a very short summation of it--hacking is endless but I keep fighting to retain my thoughts and not get bogged down by calling them "names" (so much a part of the mind control subliminal operation to discredit me. I can't express how much interference I am dealing with as this keyboard is nearly inoperable and stiff and keys won't operate). The page is jumping below the computer screen as they keep inserting wrong keys while I am writing. Once I click on backspace the page jumps downward so I can't see anything I am writing--etc etc). It's impossible to retain a concise linear thought process in addition the brain-altering technology is always blasting into my cerebral cortex while I fight to write as my motor skills likewise ar4e affected. I find sometimes that when I am writing my signature at a bank my hand is incapable of writing--I can only scribble I literally find my hand is cramped and unable to write legibly. This also affects my ability to type, in addition to the other keyboard hacks and blocks plus my brain being pummeled by subliminals and other obstructions to clear thinking. I can never follow a train of thought--in addition they redact/delete/rewrite after I publish! Part of the "bad girl" attack system. So many =eople subscribe to "bad women"or innocent girls who may be "bad" one day being sexually abused, so many people are a part of this ever-enlarging system. It is a secret society that believes it can transgress every single law possible if only all courts and judges were "in their pocket". They are trying. Meanwhile the rapists and abusers keep getting off only to be thrust back into mainstream society as "heroes" and "leaders".Abusing "bad women" or any women, in particular "minorities", is a huge component of this system which is directly related to white supremacy and Nazi 4th Reich protocols. I can't express how much Europigapes out of France are nearly worshipping disgusting Depp and his dirty nasty daughter (and of course , now the Weekend for his near idolizing and worship of the white supremacists --including the other woman I mentioned the former wife and domestic violence "advocate" who truly is working for a Nazi white supremacy system fully globalized and very much through the global push of these awful, mind-control-laden movies and media celluloid products packaged as being benevolent).

I must include Oprah and so many black women who have eagerly participated in this crime against me. Oprah is one of the worst fakes imaginable--viciously supportive of white supremacy albeit "fighting" for "black girls" to ascend to power. Obviously this means redirecting racism onto other groups, such as the group they have emblazened upon me--the words they use (not Oprah, but others, especially of a minority cast) are proliferous--all echoing Trump, all part of the Trump Empire--that includes Bloomberg and his likewise very nasty daughter--so anxious to please the Nazi throng that has put them into billionaire status--and why? because they so firmly support white Nazi culture but appear to be "Jews" fighting against racism. I can't describe how much more viciously they attack then the real violent white racists--who sit back smirking and gloating, watching on as their nasty minions do the dirty work for them. They appear as almost benevolent in comparison. It is they who are enticing, handing out incentives, and fully push for pedophilia, rape, abuse of women in particular of minorities--and in turn these minorities then love in Stockholm fashion the abusers to the point of idolization. The rape and abuse culture MUST be continued; so Depp is now being hailed as usual by this insidious porn/pop culture which I have observed through teleportation appears to be controlled very largely by Europ-a fascist Nazis--who then entice the white supremacists out of America (i.e. Pit and co) to emulate this behavior. Mansions, jets and etc. The trickle-down training commences. The abuser rapist beater men go to trial for having abused their women, the women assist like cheerleaders in the men abusing me. Society embraces men like them who abuse women to the point of wanting all the laws protecting women to be shorn down. This system must be protected and then enshrined as much as possible. This is the current system I am dealing with, which most of you fully support. I must add lesbians, but they are white supremacists in the bargain who fully abuse and attack me. Blonde-dyed hair minorities are eager to appear as white Nazi as possible. Abuse of the "bad" girls is now a struggle between political rivals in American politics--but it's termed various other names. I never wanted to focus on this topic for most of my life. Since having been forced to be in this position I must now fight for my life, and analyzing this system in order to try to bring some kind of balance, as women who actually in reality fighting against violence against women have been very much replaced by rapist enabling pretenders--the women of course. Oh, not just Clinton. It's a very long list of people, the entire movement has been fully co-opted. Violence against "bad" girls is now one of the largest recruitment protocols I am this perpetual abuse target who must have to deal with these issues that actually are a pivotal component of social engineering. Is society going to continue to allow this to transpire as it has been and is ongoing with the Depp situation? With the pit situation? with the trump situation? with all the situations where these men are later idolized and their bigot white nazi supremacist women who claim they are victims are then adulated as the men get access to rape and torture technology so they can beat the life out of women like me--? The "bad girls" who did "something" to "deserve" it and thus the men are fully championed as being "real men" who are themselves "victims' as so many of these men have been. The poor women the bigot Nazis who then champion the violence against me or "bad" women like me are also claimed as being "victims" but the victimizers continue to be idolized by the same society. People like me, me, are silenced, ignored, tortured, punished for writing about injustice, this injustice, and then tortured for asking for justice--


"Court records show Salgueiro was arrested for battery on an Orlando police officer in 2007 and for trespassing after a warning in Miami-Dade in 2010 and pleaded not guilty in both incidents. Records in Orlando do not show any result other than "closed"; the local case was never prosecuted. Two restraining orders were served against him in April involving "dating violence" cases, both of which were later dismissed. A third April restraining order stemming from a stalking case remains open, with a hearing scheduled for Friday, August 26."


Now for a real-life scenario of a domestic violence/rapist entitled minion of the 4th Reich--exonerated absolutely for violence against women. Promoted for it, in fact as this is integral for the fascist programming for males willing to participate in the void of violent overtake of a civilized society where human rights are held reverential (on paper--people aspire for it to become law and upheld by society, it rarely ever is but the attempt should not be quashed. They (the 4th Reich and it's minions) want to quash it (chances for equality, where abusing women is actually not a sacrosanct rite of passage into the hate organization; and all references to equality and a chance for fighting in law to stop this type of fascist brutality).REAL LIFE and not fantasy entertainment: The judicial system has once more exonerated a Domestic Violence fascist--literally speaking--man who has been as so many have been who attack me--utterly exonerated and then promoted for his woman-beating tirades of masculinated tyranny which accompanies this fascist mentality. Always encouraging this violent male part of the good ole boy fascist Nazi 4th Reich--it's so typical it's alarming. I must witness it ongoing every day when I am teleported to the famous "leaders" of American society (who are inter-connected to Europ-a fascist organizations and political entities--all in disguise--if they are "famous"). However for the lower level minions who are infamous, after being exonerated for various crimes, always being told they will be promoted--new businesses galore for them when they participate in the hate crimes this organization uses as stepping-stone promotional tools of recruitment for mind programming into the 4th Reich protocols of the Elders of (fill-in blank). This man out of Miami, where I have been accosted by what I call "minority minions" of black, brown, Jewish, etc persuasion and superficial appearance, only viciously but always they have a white supremacist--a ratio of a small number of pig apes to entire swaths of minorities--it's very sad and I realize how bad my writing sounds whenever I call them names. I am under mind control, there is an excuse for my "bad writing behavior"--but seeing this reminds me of my Latino-lying mail service which refuses to answer questions or post my incoming mail--the hate and violence and physical attacks I have experienced in Miami from Latinos who operate as minions for white bigots (usually Europig-ape Nazi fascists who have literally taken over the area)--there are of course fascist white supremacists who have taken over the entirety of Florida--Americans, only in name. They claim it's only their country, however. So, I read about Charlie Crist's new running mate, a Latino woman out of the Middle School teaching zone (the "culture war" figure fighting against DeSantis the xenophobia icon). This is a realistic depiction of ALL the seeming "conspiracy theory" ranting I have posted for so many years, now obviously true-to-life.

How I delineate the difference between "Art" and Porn-pop culture. Porn-pop culture is the purview of the terrorist "gang stalking" goons. This is no negative reference to Andy Warhol's Trash as his trashy porno-driven film and the likes of art such as people like he have rendered contain the seeds and the foundation of artful rendition and introspective, often poetic in nature observations about life and society/animals, our universe. As for the rest, it relies on titillation and pornographic versions of sensationalism to "sell" the plot devices which are repetitive formulas. Sometimes the end-point of porn-pop culture art is of a spectacular epiphanic revelation, but that too is sometimes a formula, often replacing one icon with another but selling the same old formulas that keep society stagnant in one hierarchical entrenched stratification--in this case, it's a 4th Reich attempt to mind control and program the population into thinking something sexualized and "different" is anything but the same-old representational mind programming patterns of fascist authoritarianism.

 "Jacque Dutronc Il est 5 heures, Paris s'eveille". comandantecaliout. October 2, 2012.

I heard this song "by accident" or serendipity aka "chance"--brushing aside former antagonism, I can support music I consider to be beautiful or interesting. I have no bias against this culture if only it were not a gang stalking/terrorist post-Vichy culture. I enjoyed this song nevertheless especially in light that I thought the music was exceptional when I could not understand the lyrics, but reading the translation into English, I appreciate it even more as it's unconventionally a bit party people-esque--after-hours and not really into the humdrum obligation of the daily beast of the daily grind...perhaps that is the problem with the gang stalking terrorist, they are ruined by obligation and have pent-up hate and release it upon a designated target. Brushing this aside aside, I felt an affinity for this singer, his performance and then I feel I must state that:

I have No bias against beautiful music and interesting lyrics regardless of culture--this is ode to what would be an exception to the normal standard---. This song is about a lifestyle choice I would have lived myself if given the chance in that environment--there are references to transgender and after-hours parties (although I am "straight" I prefer the company of alternative mentalities), a life style choice I have chosen personally if I were in a place like Paris, or anywhere else on the planet--and this was a lifestyle choice which was my most fulfilling but financially bereft (as i HAVE done in the past--oh those long-ago daze of partying all night and returning home at dawn's entrance into avoiding working people, miserable, going to work so I can go "home" and sleep).


This song, the lyrics, are a poem. It is expressed very beautifully, this sensation of the sun's shadow appearing as you are leaving the nightlife kaleidoscope of prismed spectacles. There is nothing sleazy and no direct references to sex or getting high. But you feel the morning glaring light unwelcomed after the soft lights of what could be construed as a night of debauchery but clean and fun without overt sleaze as the prime focus of the artistic rendering of this sensation. This I find appealing.


**Hacking terrorism: while I was attempting to write this tiny little blurb about this artist, the hackers made pages pop up completely taking over the page. I had to backspace and retype almost continuously. Just for a tiny little few sentences and paragraphs. It never matter what, this terrorism. I think the people performing these rites of fascism are the types that may party all night, but are sleazy and nasty and foul in their actions and thoughts regarding their debauchery. I can attest that their rape culture is a part of that filth that they project onto the planet, but appear as clean and sometimes as "artists" as well. Their prime selling point of their so-called "art" is of outrageous sexuality, almost carnivorous in nature but with dashes of sleaze and dehumanization (in their best prime time appearances, in private they are full-on trashy abusers and hateful pornographic loveless empty and soulless-no poetry you will find in their every observance and conversation).


The film Trash (Warhol) begins with a strip tease scene on a stage with this junkie trying to turn on to get it on---using that 70's hipster language. It's debauchery but it's done in a way that is not intended to make the audience forget that there is something else going on in the film besides sexual titillation. It's used as a prop for a more interesting or serious topic, not as the prime focus of the entertainment sales focus: but I can't find the clip online on YouTube it's at the opening scene. The movie is fully about junkie culture of the Manhatten 70's culture, something very much like the artist's warning-- definitively-- against more specifically heroin drug overdose culture and etc. It's not a trashy movie, instead it's a moral warning cautionary tale. Other movies exalt drug culture such as cocaine cartels and organized crime selling sexualized scenes to entice viewers into succumbing to this "forbidden" culture and drug sales (perhaps the intended goal is to sell drugs for the coke-for-drugs cartels, for example by the Government). As for heroin, I think that was put out into society to lure users to their death--and the "end" of the hippie movement. THe movie has a lot going on. It's hard to watch, not titillating. It's not a blockbuster movie that H-wood would condone.

"Trash 1970 Andy Warhol. joe dellasandro". lifesimone. December 27, 2008.


Just for the "fun" of it, on these issues of what is and what isn't according to the gospel of myself for artistic rendering: the concept of beauty is something truly not in the eye of the beholder when you have been teleported to the supposedly icons of sleazy sexual titillation considered top quality but trashed down when you have to be confronted by their ego grandizing in teleportation hell they force upon me. 

Without going into more detail, I just have to say that Divine shattered female conceptions of "beauty" and was proud of her/his cheap but divine attire, stance and the allure she/he alluded in his/her every move and appearance in his female personification.

He/she offered a standard of self-acceptance that defies the fascist obligation of the thin/boy/toy female pedophile imagery that permeates the "must be x-y-x" dictates of the parameters of the fashion prisons that many people willingly purchase as their own private prisons of selfhood. It goes also with this rendering of "trashy" sexuality but it's a very profound message, as opposed to this obligatory standard that cannot be met by many (not meaning I "can't" achieve it personally) but Divine is one of the most female-empowering coaches of the film industry.  It's another version of art that I consider far beyond the normal fashion industry of zombie fascists who are endlessly touted as being the epitome of artistic fascist fashion to which all must be imprisoned to and those who do not meet the standards are just negligible--according to the fascist Nazis who create these standards. The standards also apply to those of "minority" groups who must conform to the orientation of the dictates of how they must conform and adjust, lighten, whiten, uncurl, un-afro, blue-eye contact lenses, etc etc. It's probably one of the largest sales profit scam scheme in our modern society, what is sold off as "beauty". This applies in the same light of artistic perception that I wrote of above, and the standards that are expectations that "must" be met in order to achieve mass consumer sales (orchestrated as they are for social engineering).

"Divine--I'm So Beautiful (1984)". September 11, 2012.

Saturday, August 27, 2022

The sexualization of fascism and torture society. The idolization of fascist and violent whores and parasites by the media in order to lure more people into MAGA riots. I think of HBO Game of Thrones and how one scene in that show was referenced by a member of the designated Terrorist organization The Oathkeepers in the January 6 Select Committee on the Trump Insurrection. HBO seems aligned with cranking out violent sexualized shows featuring fascists of the 4th Reich actor's "guild". The result is more indoctrination into fascism via the portal of sexual "allure" for sleazy thrill-seeking arm-chair porn purveyors. The result is increasing trending towards fascism in the United States (imported from the Europ-a fascist 4th Reich theater, being portrayed as "Democratic"). . Some of the parasites have gone on trial for crimes they committed because they were so emboldened by this endless crime teleportation technology torture system afforded, with endless promotions and profits by the fascist Nazis who hand out such prizes and lead roles; these viciously conquering worm parasites gravitate to the programming and violence, and this is thus transmitted to the world. But I am waiting for Godot to render JUSTICE in this situation, waiting and waiting while no one in the US Government will even blink an eye or venture to stop this contract out on me because they are essentially all "in" to what appears to be truly a real-life conspiracy of criminal fascism. It's just that some want more overt forms of despotism than others, so there is some slight variation of opinion on how to deal with the Insurrectionists. But now that the culprits are being brought to trial, the criminals who helped to bring TRUMP to power and are exemplifying stringent mind control protocols (trauma, violence, sexuality, addiction, the lure of money and fame) are still being adulated and all the world can't tell the difference between mind control sleaze and just plain stupid porn wrapped around a sleazy and meaningless plot featuring endless scenes of violence with playerz vying for power. THis is the now typical plot that H-wood (I mean Whorewood) hands out for the viewers. . I see one of them has flourished out of this contract as her father raped me almost daily for about 2 years using this teleportation torture situation, that was after two other Europigape men took turns for 4 years teleporting and raping me while they were murdering me via poisoning and stealing ideas --as all these filth parasites have done leaving me bereft of even sustainable income to survive poisoning--(obliterating the possibility of me being able to afford basic health care) while blocking health care and financial earnings while continuing to poison me. The skank whore of Depp, the spawn, has flourished in a way because it has a Europigape fascist backing by it's filthy whore French mother and the sleaze womanizing abuser that resides in the idol of Depp, this filthy greasebag who is more filthy and vile than anyone can imagine when he lets his greasy hair down and teleports and beats and rapes and threatens. Sleaze whores, I write this because of the lack of justice, and my words are the only weapon I have besides writing in an enraged mind control state (cognitive analysis capabilites are far lowerred in this state). Plus hacking and obstruction of the keyboard as usual making typing something like an arduous fight. But the parasitic daugher has fed off this violent rape contract, has been joining in with The Weekend and the pig pit and filthalina gang with so much violence aimed at me--that was last month, before the next violent abuser took his shot and began heart palpitations and violence and then now there's another mafia personality who is attacking me because I clicked on a video regarding Brooklyn mafia--it does not matter what or whom I click on or not any longer they come like waves of locusts coming to feed off me. But I see that many of the criminals have been taken to court in the aftermath of this puffed up sense of invulnerability to commit crime that is the ensuing lingering sense of entitlement these subhuman pig apes all experience as the programming is to instill as much fascist Nazism as possible into each and every scumbag low-life who teleports me. Because they are endlessly adulated by society, they actually believe that their plastic surgery posturing and coaching entitles them to breaking every law possible which they can get away with. Many of them then don't get away with every crime but many of them are still being brought to court like an endless stream of crimes they committed whilst they were teleporting and committing every kind of sexual and physical assault crime (all felonies) with not just no incrimination but only more promotions, millions of dollars and etc. But the skank whore splurt of Depp has fed off this contract, has enjoyed it, has fed off violence and has been only sexually energized by it. The same is true of filthy skankalina the wife of pig pitt--they are vile and filthy parasites but so plastic-surgery coated and so endlessly paid in millions while they have mutilated my body--nightly, daily, every kind of blemish and scar and broken bones and etc cover my body from their thrills and energy highs out of ordering me to be made physically paralyzed and then scarred and mutilated--I wait for justice, I wait for this government to stop stop stop promoting these pieces of shit and it is never ending. NO one makes any connection in the media between HBO and it's programming as part of a mind programming sex/violence/fascist/white supremacy operation. Where are the analytical critics of the media? They no longer exist. Everything is dumb and dumber peeps making comments about the lighting or the enticement factor or the action factor of these movies. There is no in-depth analysis of what the movies or shows actually are portraying on a deconstructive layered analysis. The pig ape whores continue to flourish. I wait and wait just for the semblance of JUSTICE for Congress to at least STOP this vile situation that has been forced upon me. Nothing and silence and more creeps join on it's like every month there are not two or three more--the list is so long of parasitic filth creeps attacking me--but the rotten rat spawn of Depp has been latching on (still latching on, part of the audience sitting next to The Weekend last MONTH while I was violently assaulted repeatedly by this endlessly enlarging group of celebrity sub-human shit which has not stopped feeding off this contract of just abusing and raping me for over a decade--they are sick as hell. They transmit sickness into society. I see this so clearly from my position of having to have witnessed the utter decrepit ugliness and stupidity that they repeatedly display towards me--as if this is me, and after they torture me to obtain ideas which they then steal--. as I cried to stop--I was being poisoned (something that never stopped for the next 8 more years) and the bloating poisons have been trapped in my intestines and in my body while these pig ape rapist men teleporting me just kept pounding it into my body. Now I see this parasitic daughter of the woman-beating rapist, who "won" a defamation suit, and the boyfriend (or lover or former, I don't know, I have never even heard one of his songs or if I did it was forgettable to me, as I really can't abide that kind of electronic synthesized vocal style that is so popular). This parasite got her entire career blasted off, from age 13 or something--her chubby cheeks, her eyes and her face plastic surgery modified--turned into a celebrity, she stole ideas and concepts I wrote of and used them for her initial movie lead roles--stole and watched on as I spat on Depp's face after two years of him assaulting and raping me non-stop (stealing MY DAUGHTER which was my cat, La Moux) because I kept saying no for the first two weeks--which turned into another 2 years,. Culminating in near-murder from an accident I barely averted at the last moment--it would have been instant horrible death for me. They created this. The hateful sleazy daughter whore skank has energetically fed off torture, just as The Weekend participated in teleportation hate skits that turned into endless violence...the show that is being highlighted by HBO is of sex and sleazy and this prostitute skank who has been handed every single goddamn thing for spitting on me repeatedly after I spat on Depp after yaers of him beating and raping me in teleportation. The rotten pig ape whore daughter has been feeding off violence, torture, rape and is like high on the hormones of violence--it reflects in her skank appearances completely sexualized by violence and the exploitation of me. THIS IS THE GENERAL AIM OF THE MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMERS --to enhance the violent fascists and to completely destroy people like me who has been fed off by parasites non-stop for over a decade (or much longer than that, but in this most insidious covert form of torture that is as inhumane as any kind of CIA torture prison environment---).

 **Most of this post was destroyed by hackers--I repeatedly tried to express this in this post below--endlessly I discovered upon re-reading parts of sentences deleted, sentences strung together after parts were deleted. The Non-sequiturs alone are significantly obfuscating in how this post reads and is so nearly incomprehensible in parts---so disjointed. All 100% due to hacking. The keyboard is barely functioning. They are attacking my subconsciouss with subliminal messages constantly while I write, and also affecting my motor skills so my hands can barely move as the keyboard functions are made very stiff and inoperable. The result is a mostly deleted post, I "remember" what was deleted only after I physically get away from the laptop and only many minutes later after the initial effect of the brain-altering tech has slightly worn off. Right now typing words is nearly impossible it's extremely slow and I'm fighting to get every single word out. The post below reflects this endless block, but as a reader you cannot know or understand. You only see me ranting. This is not me, it's mostly from the terrorist hacker operation--100% in fact due to their interference and not my "ranting" hyperbolia. They are blocking functions as well, and inserting pages while I type, blocking scrolling, etc it's non-stop interference and blocks while I am fighting to think and can't get anything out rationally with my real writing skills that are clear and concise, factual and without endless insults towards the people who are attacking me--exccept to me they are not "people" any longer which is why I call them these names in the first place--they have lost their humanity I see them only as expletives and parasites and other foul and nasty bad words that I use in these "ranting" mind controlled posts--(every single one degenerates like this--for years, I can NEVER write or ty pe on any system this hacking follows me to every single computer I try to write on***when will this goddamn culture stop this attack upon me so I can live and thrive in some normal peaceful lifestyle situation?

When will you get these filthy parasites off me? This is a decade of me screaming in hate at ugly nasty men I find destable and their filthy women to get off me, every day, on and on--when will this be stopped? The lack of Democracy and FReedom should be so concerning but everyone joins in to get their free new promotion as the society is entering some kind of chaos stage of de-evolution. The crap movies and tv shows brainwashing people the viewer sheeple into desiring power struggles out of violence and fake feminism and white supremacism as expressed by minority mininions and etc--it's so obvious yet I appear to be the only one writing about this--and I can't even write about it-the censorship due to hacking and brain-altering tech is ever-present. Why will NO ONE EVER INTERVENE AND STOP THIS SICK contract out on me? When will these celebrities and politicians be pried off attacking me for their profit and promotions and sense of sexual empowerment?

This morning another Brooklyn Mafia personality actor connected to pesce and deniro and their gangland bad ole boys network teleported me while I was just waking. I don't know if he had teleportation skits put into my sleep consciousness or not, but the skits were more innocuous than usual. However, as the conversation between us in this nebulous state of me being forced for information extraction and being forced to have contact, almost extremely interpersonal as I am waking, getting dressed/undressed in the privacy (or lack thereof) of my room, where they are asking me every personal question possible and I finally have gotten to the point that when one of them, as he did eventually, began to unveil his fangs I responded with acrimony and by now this is the DAILY situation and has been for over a DECADE with one psycho parasitic creep after the next torturing me endlessly  using this tech. THey all then go off to more criminal pursuits, and as I wrote above, some of them are now in multiple trial situations, but most of the females of this group have fed off watching me get raped and beaten by these criminal men and they revel in it--they feed off it sexually, they are emboldened and titillated and feel absolutely glorified in having a woman beaten down so they can feel uplifted. This situation is one of the beauty enhancement projects that the fascist pig ape organization is using to pump up these whore pig ape rapist enabler women, who all get plastic surgery enhancements and cover photo-ops endlessly after they have me tortured. But I digress..this morning it was yet another one of these hateful violent men--he used a soft approach at first--I guess it's his tactic and probably one of his modus operandi principles for his criminal exploits--to come in speaking softly and to go out causing carnage. The experience transpired in that downward direction until I got to the usual point of me yelling internally at some creep I never allowed into my life, much less watching me cooking, going to the bathroom, etc as they watch on looking for anything to criticize me about, to insult me about, to threaten me about, etc. They then pump money and glam and beauty treatments onto the skanks who cheer them on, as filthalina has been handed everything, as all the women who participate in this are handed every kind of uplifting facelift breast lift cheeckbone square Nazi blonde eye blue hair etc etc etc 

Thus, the violent man--just another one--brutality is his byword in this situation as the threats hinting at murder if I so much as got angry at his increasing hostile volatility--the build-up to violence. His modus operandi for his mafia life of crime, now "famous" in his hood for having played in The Godfather. I can only imagine that he idolizes the blonde skanks who have been feeding off having me raped in front of them as the pig men beat and abuse me and cast me aside and then take these filthy skank women out to glam outings while I sit in stagnation because they have kept poisoning me and pumping the poison as deeply as possible into my body via rape--in teleportation and also when the pig apes in my general vicinity have access to breaking into my sleeping place while I am unconscious and can't move or defend myself.

And here was  another violent mob personality threatening me with implied death threats if I spoke up against his increasing insults and threats--trying to coax any kind of inter-personal communication using this technology I still cannot block or shield myself from--so I react, I respond. Once they crack open this door into speaking into my brain, my mind, using voice-to-skull technology, they begin the worming parasitic functions they are all being paid in million dollar contracts to inflict upon me with as much psychological harm as possible to my sense of self. Every single day, this has not stopped for years. Once again, another psycho pig ape creep wormed his way into my life using this tech that the pig ape scumbags before him had used.

But this was awfully bad energy from this murdering bigot 'italian-American".  I had this energetic sense of morbidity and ugliness--this was from a killer---not that anyone else is not a killer. If you kill insects you are a killer--most people are killers of something, at some time or another even if by accident. But this person and this faction of society--so indispensable to the US Government to do some of the really nasty and dirty work for them --hand-in-hand criminality of the US Government and entertainment-glorified villains playing the mafia roles that they are only embellishing with glamor instead of the really ugliness that truly permeates their society--if you are an outside as I am--that is. I felt this ugly horrid energy as this person transmitted himself to me, unwilling as I always am, using this voice-to-skull and barely visible teleportation technology. It was a foul and rotting energy of slow rot and negativity.

Once again I found myself delineating on the higher aspirations of finding a place of righteous normalcy or nobility in terms of how to live life, how this contract only lowers and demeans everyone in connection to it and what a threat this sick system and technology truly is and has been put into the wrong hands. I found a phrase that I heard growing up from my Brooklyn parents coming into my head--that is of something "going in one ear and out the other"--it was a phrase that my parents repeated until it echoed in my head; they NEVER once used that phrase in connection with me. I listened to them (up to a point) and they didn't have to repeat things or get nasty with me (luckily they weren't). But that is a phrase I recalled and it just was put into my subconscious by the Brooklynites that used this tech-I feel certain of that. That was the single-most positive thing that transpired in the entire communication between me and this man; who is like an epitome of mob boss (played in The Godfather) and the situation felt like cold blood, congealed and stagnant and dying. Perhaps he has a health problem and I could feel this cold, death sensation emanating from him.


The hissing sexually-titillated skank spawn of Depp, however, has been frying like a piece of tender fish, tenderized by plastic surgery and millions of $$ in her appearance ever since 2013 when Depp began his endless assault of me. The skank whore piece of shit spawn from Depp has been clinging onto torturing me ever since then, her career entirely built around this contract. The Weekend of course operates as the consort to filthalina, another liquid-emanating parasite spewing her filth on me psychologically, physically, and having my body mutilated and spewed with skin-damaging chemicals--resulting in permanent hair loss (my hair won't grow back, she and this group ordered that most of my hair be chemically damaged as most of it fell out--it's now only about 1 cm in tiny tuffs underneath hollow shells of hair barely covering the balding spots--which they created after the next pig ape rapist from Germany was pounding my body with his 6 ft+ pig body while filthalina and co. kept the poisoning/bloating insertions into my bladder nightly--keeping me paralyzed, stagnant, unable to move, to exercise. Blocking my finances as they have done (I can't even get my mail service to send me ANY information on mail received, even when I repeatedly phone and ask they reply with nothing--either the letters are being deleted or they are a terrorist situation just not doing anything but keeping me without information about my mail). The extent to which I cannot function on any economic level except to remain at sub-poverty level is disgusting. The millionaires and billionaires continue the endless assaults on me. I have had to stop writing my creative ideas because they have stolen so much, put their finished product in my social media so I see it directly as soon as I open my browser to check on information or the news or etc...

But I am waiting, waiting for some kind of change. It seems to no avail. I informed two members of the January 6 Select Committee about the violence these creeps, who helped put Trump into power in the first place, and what they are doing, how they are so closely allied with fascist Europigape groups such as THE CROWN out of England. Silence, the men participated in abuse, insults and threats and then got a flurry of public media appearances and were featured during the trial--one is running perhaps for office. 


I remain waiting. I wait for ANY truly intelligent critical analysis of the content of these movies, actors, what they are really portraying about racism, fascism and entitlement culture along with the endless formula of fascism that permeates every film. HBO seems to be flouting every kind of fascist mind programming plot sexualized as the apple luring you into the promise of entertainment paradise. The titillated torturing parasite skank whores  are put into lead position constantly as they truly emanate white supremacist 4th Reich fascism. It is so difficult for me to type by now--I can feel that my hands won't go to the keys I am trying to press. My brain is under      stringent attack. I can't backspace endlessly. I could try to elaborate without endless insults and ad hominen attacks but it's impossible under these mind control conditions. I wait for anyone to protect me so I can write but everyone is just happily pluncked down in front of their tubes--as I am because I am so sick from endlessly being drugged or detox from deadly poisons and mind control drugs.


Waiting for some kind of shift in the world consciousness because so far everything has pointed to the continuation of fascism and despotism and a kind of brutal petty tyrannical society which this technology and these fascist rape and murdering pundits you all idolize are truly poisoning your minds and gonads with.

They feed off the hate and violence so endlessly and they are addicted to the endless promotions they are all being handed just for endless violence non-stop directed at me. No one from congrss is here defending me. Not a single one. They all claim, on the Dem side, that "Democracy is on the ballot" but they all continue to allow these skank whore pieces of shit to pump out this fascist-programming in the sleazy and violent, meaningless power-grabbing movies and CGI superhero fake K-rap that these filthy and vile parasites are being endlessly idolized for cranking out--

I wait for some kind of awareness, for some kind of critical review and there is none out there in the media universe I have encountered--as my internet is so completely hacked and so much content is blocked from me (I can't express right now how awful the hacking interference is and how hard it is for me to pound these words out--=endlessly backspacing and rewriting). While I was trying to correct and rewrite, which I could only do on a very limited space on this long post--the hackers would block the copying function so I had to go back and forth trying to just highlight passages that had already been rewritten and hacked and obliterated--making almost no sense whatsoever. Trying to rewrite, hacking, backspacing, rewriting constantly--(of course you get frustrated and lose the thread of your internal rationality and as  you get flustered they increase the mind control subliminals until with every single post I am cursing and writing names and it is part of the deteriorating discrediting I am s ubject to. If the keyboard were just functioning I would be able to write with much more aplomb instead of bombing endless "immature" insults. I think these are being subliminally forced upon me as well by the creeps using every tools and means available to just completely destroy me--day and night, day after day--etc on and on. Waiting forever for Congress, for law enforcement, for THE FBT for goddamn someone in Whorewood to stop up and stop this endless violence against me. Everyone is railing about the surge of fascism and the "threat to Democracy". I was teleported to Trump and he began to win in the primaries back in 2015 and yet no one can connect this situation with the impending threat facing the US. Everyone seems to really want a fascist overtake of society; so they keep on idolizing scumbag whores and then leave me as a perpetual feeding object for these parasites to feed off sexualized by torture and stealing ideas and abusing me without end--as the government and society keeps them on pedestals as idols.


**Hackers have deleted/rewritten parts of this post--so whatever loss of flow of the post is due to hacking and redaction/deletion/revision by terrorists seeking to discredit me and my writing.


There are also parts of this post I had wanted to write but got "lost" in fighting to backspace and rewrite every other word--literally the hacking is so bad I must non-stop backspace, rewrite, and then once I publish and re-read I see that hackers have deleted segments of the post--stringing the rest together so it's out of sync and confusing. They delete choice words, often that incriminate certain people so the sentences are partially blank with information left out.

MOst of the functions I press on this laptop don't work--it's from malware not the computer. It operates differently when I am offline bu tthe hacking resumes if I get on a hard drive platform like wordpad--they hack into every single app possible and on every system and everything I do is blocked and made nearly impossible to operate. Most of the time they block the intenet so I can't use it normally--it's always slow to the point of being inoperable.

But back to this post and it's concepts--I can't access my thoughts--I can tell that it's all being blocked right now. When I wrote about how the spawn of Depp was attacking me, like Depp, she attacks me from the side when I am just being put into conscious mode, while sleeping, teleported, under hypnosis, and teleported to a location on the other side of the planet. The other pig apes of this group attack me in ways like I am laying down, they are slamming car doors into my head (The pig whores out of London really like this one-that was rolling Stone Keith Richards, after I said that I didn't want him and Jagger to exploit me because I want America to retain it's sovereignty--that was a quote that I used. it was no personal insult to him or that band or the creeps that they are--I just don't want any more foreigners trying to exploit MY country--as I think they are and this is an overtake of America by a lot of fascist Europigapes--the Rolling Stones included. And oh yes, their magazine completely lacks critical review content. They mostly applaud every mainstream pawn of the media 4th Reich conglimerate--as they represent this in their magazine. They are part of the no critical analysis component of the mind programming operation. They have been involved alongside Depp for YEARS, since 2013. Their willingness to inflict deadly violence upon me is now at the point of almost full normalization for these sick creeps attacking me. Their every output for the media is of them being all jolly and carefree wonderful defenders of all liberty, against all racism, and etc. But Richards was implying murder/assassination/death for me just saying I didn't "want" them because I want America to retain it's independence and autonomy--not even a personal attack. The same action was thrust at me from this ugly blonde (contact lens-blue-eyed skank) from London who has been part of this as long as the Rolling Stones and Depp--all of them, the women in particular, have been touted by the media as being the "Most beautiful" and the prizes and beauty treatments and plastic surgery modifications and glorification and endless energizing of these fascist, rape-enabling racist white supremacist mostly Europigape women (either their parents, one at least, are a foreign agent working to infiltrate Whorewood via their shitty rotten skank whore children--the girls are particularly skanky and Ameican loves this fascist appearance imported from Europigapeland. sorry for the "immature" labeling, I know it really turns people off. I can't write about them or their countries any longer as if I take them seriously--they are just so foul I call them names, in my opinion they are so low I can't call them by their names. Excuse the "immature" factor here. This is a DECADE of torture and rape and murder attaempts, poisoning and the destrucrtion of my finances, body home and income. None of you will stop this, I know. I write about it because I was passed off to another foul nasty man who I have no connection with who I never invited into my life who became an instant abomination promising more years of torture if given half the chance to go on indefinitely as most foul and disgusting pesce and deniro have done--to their oscars and awards and years of lead roles. They fully support Trump and all his facsism. These are all fascist Nazis, the blacks included, the Jews included. Their tv shows and moves are ALL about fascist Nazi 4th Reich indoctrination. they all keep attacking me to get more promotions. somehow this is unbelievable to me and yet the government continues to fund and support this fascist overtake of the country. The shit violent and sex rape culture MAGA movies keep being pumped out non-stop wtih the same formulas that no critic seems to be able to discern outside of the entertainment and titillation factor they all make much ado of but no content analysis seems permissible. FAscism keeps being the main indoctrination factor but sexualization of the skank whore rapists and their shitty daughters and children is the promise of a future of nepotistic fascism via entertainment and brainwashing programming. None of you can take me seriously it appears because I am ranting after a decade of no one ever stopping this violence against me....

Wait until the situation you have all allowed to unfold becomes untenable for you to survive in....See how much YOU will be ranting when that time comes. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

FREE Florida from the gripes of the "Armor of God" enslavement society of bigotry and assault and a warfare-technocratic society of fascist Authoritarian Dark Ages sociopathy. What DeSantis means is the "freedom" to wreak death upon "enemies" deemed to be "Satanic" or "Radical Liberal".

 "Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Marco Rubio team up on campaign trail with a stop in Tampa". 10 Tampa Bay. August 25, 2022.

Oh yeah, it's running for President supposedly in 2024. The scary part is that even if an overwhelming number of Americans vote against this hateful organization in the presidential elections upcoming, the contrived new MAGA election officials can just negate votes and use their own electoral collage influence to change every vote count in as many States which will put these MAGA-endorsed "white Christian soldiers fighting the Evil Demonic radical liberals" they want to execute on the spot if they had their way.
All cloaked in Redneck patriotic music and it looks like a State Fair where you can get your corn dogs along with your politics as you gulp down and can't wait for entrance to be whites only into the unfair Fair of their intended political machine.
I can't express much admiration for former Republican Governor Charlie Crist--the Democratic Party in Florida has shifted so far Right that this man (who almost walked into my motorbike while I was driving on Ocean Drive, on South Beach/Miami at around 10 pm--walking across the street with a coterie of journalists taking photos--as I drove directly in front of him--a bit suspicious considering my situation and the oddity of this seeming "coincidence" at such a late hour, in the dark road while almost everything was winding down on Ocean Drive--he was coming from the East side of the street--the Ocean side towards a dark corner --5th Avenue--with cameras flashing at pitch dark of night --10 pm--towards me just at the moment I was driving directly in front of him. I can't express how many terrorist gang stalkers do this exact maneuver while I am driving nearly walking or driving into me from a side angle--as he did--suspicious I would say) and THIS is what is considered by Dems to be a good alternative to DeSantis in Florida.
I went to Florida in 1996 or thereabouts (when the Oklahoma City bombing occurred, that very week but the hacking is so bad I don't want to fight to pound down and wait for pages to finally open to retrieve this information)---Miami was extremely friendly. All the people who had befriended me were gone, many were treated with hostility and kicked out in the gang stalking terrorist operations that swept through South Beach and then throughout Florida (not in that order). It was taken over by hostile 4th Reich operatives, many of them with purchasing power of the Euro which enabled them to dominate the financial zones and control all--buying out, putting in some new appliances and calling the double/triple raised rent an "upgrade". The gang stalking was so hostile it was deadly. '
Florida is the most unfree place now as I experience it every time I go there now.
DeSantis is running on a "keep Florida Free" campaign. Help us all if he becomes President. The violent and psycho idiots will run amok with their murder technology and hate campaigns and mind programming institutions.