Monday, February 28, 2022

Heaped upon the unnamed: the intangible trophies and the immense immaterial wealth of not having contributed to "evil". For all those whose talents are being rewarded for the sake of their talents and not participating in an extremely violent and deadly Nazi/Mafia technological terror systematic regime for promotional purposes and power and control: I salute you, but have only this gift of kind sentimentality to offer and not a golden statue. //With honorable thanks and gratitude: The REAL AWARDS this season and all previous and future awards seasons for the H-wood and celluloid domain go to....all the actors/directors/producers et al who had the chance to contribute to this hate and terror teleportation debacle but chose not to. Otherwise, absolutely unscrupulous devouring worms are still being showered with awards for the endlessly countless year in a row from 2013 onwards it hasn't stopped showering on them the undeserved and the unjust. I have no trophy to hand out to anyone your reward is simply having not been a "douche bag" and in not contributing to a sinister organization. If there is something called the soul which is on higher levels of spiritual attainment according to the belief-systems of doing no harm, then you are amongst the Righteous if that is an appropriate term for having done good deeds. A saint may be another way to put it although that may involve religious endorsement.

 It is a most foul and pestilent sensation seeing the Nazi/Mafia media imagery of the terrorist, teleporting rapist, murderous Nazi/Mafia-endorsed (dumb as hell and rotten-to-the core but clever, manipulating and lying con artists of high repute) celebrities being showered with awards year-after-year--you know which celebrities I mean by now. Those and more who contribute to the future hell on earth that the technologies and death squad "gang stalking" will impose once Democracy has been overturned--their adjunct politicians are also cleverly working towards that aim I feel is certain.

Those who contribute to a grievous harm being committed against the major populations of the planet and against the grain of natural life and the human condition. The gains likewise of anyone participating has been an odious affront to all and any notion of a sane and civilized society. Yet another war is brewing but it is unseen and as silent as the silent weapons of mass mental deconstruction that these icons of expletive are being so honored for.

They are excellent and top level manipulators of hate and of bs deception, that is the award set that should be conferred upon them by their equally sinister promoters for these contagion awards categories.


To all those who have been offered the possibility of participating in this hate situation not just upon me but for anyone you are aware of in a similar situation (many who are being targeted may have no clue they are indeed being targeted, and actually themselves eagerly participate in the activities against other targets--how people are being played against one another it is outlandishly sinister but for those who are orchestrating it all it is a laughable laboratory rat maze and labyrinth situation that they feel like God creating, and then laughing even more as their targets either self-destruct or are destroyed by their other targets in a feeding frenzy of mind control and destruction).

All being awarded, the very "top" of the bottom layers of all that humanity has ever striven for. All posture in glorified pig-sniffing-the-air postures as they have been instructed to do, signifying their "supremacy". 

It is revolting. It is the reality. I am the only person I know of writing about this in this extreme manner. Otherwise people keep on showering attention and throwing kisses and adoration and never questioning why the very same peeps are being put into these covert creeps positions but seemingly as "top quality" social commentators aka "artists" or some sordid sort.


I hope that the chagrin of people sick of the sickening awards system becomes more of a societal mantra instead of a "woke" cultural phenomena that remains in fashion only for part of a year or a bit more. 


To those who have the strength of spirit to not resist the temptation of participation in this crime against humanity, for that is exactly what this technology is being used for as a criminal enterprise for absolute power. 


For all those whose talents are being rewarded for the sake of their talents and not participating in an extremely violent and deadly Nazi/Mafia technological terror systematic regime for promotional purposes and power and control:  I salute you, but have only this gift of kind sentimentality to offer and not a golden statue.




Hate speech advisory: this will contain the usual hate rants but it's legitimately realistic in light of the circus that I once more have to comment upon that is now a yearly occurrence just with a slightly but usually the same rotation Repetition of expletive celebrities whose names and movies I have commented upon almost daily for the past year amongst their never-ending exploitation of attacking me most viciously and then being "awarded" and paid in more than millions for simply doing everything exactly the opposite of their public profiles which are so rewarded.

It's just laughable but sadly so to see the foul whore skanks--the female contagion fork of the pronged pitchfork --crying and hugging one another as cameras click and Vaseline commentary is offered below as captions to the captured images as the celebrity whore skanks are quite aware that this will be frozen as a pixal that will also assist in the fake image that they rely upon once they retire to their geriatric woos of trying to not sag under the weight of the indelible hate that actually is their real and integral personality structures.

Three of the blonde Nazi/mafia skanks praising, or crying and hugging one another for the awards that just were plied upon the human race just yesterday. All three have very hatefully participated in attacking me personally in this hate contract under teleportation immunity by higher political office and leadership (or lack thereof).

All three disgusting examples of the skank quality that is so bereft of real and true nobility and superior human trait characteristics. Instead they are the mean and nasty pettiness of thrusting gyrating prostitution brought to absurd spectacle glorification with scripts and prop-up beautification efforts and endless rotation of their posturing main role-playing for the endless repetition of the themes that only revolve around lying and greasy whores like this. I do not insult prostitutes and especially those who are struggling and must perform these acts for the sake of survival or who are trafficking victims. These skanks as celebrity victimizers are being awarded really only for having gladly participated in these activities of human degradation whilst being showered with undeserved merit for meritless movies and productions.

One of them calls me a "hater" after hatefully but nearly drunk with glee and schadenfreude in watching me get tortured, raped and robbed on a DAILY BASIS for over a decade by her buddies and cohorts--having participated in torture, rape, mutilation and theft of my everything I have worked for--her term is applied like the immature and dumb whore skank that she plays in so many roles (except for one movie and that was about an English writer for whom I have great respect---I can't say her acting gave the author credit but it was an attempt and a worthy one at that, the one movie where this rotten mediocrity attempts at something far grander than playing a "victimized" skank which is her usual role or what many of these women terrorist celebrities usually play as they then dance in joy watching it happen to me--but she calls me a "hater" when I very HONESTLY say that her acting is awful---I put it even in a more polite terminology than saying it was awful. I was confirmed when I read a critic's review of her so-called "acting" when they wrote that her performance I was confirmed when I read a critic's review of her so-called "acting" when they wrote that it was like watching a performance of a mediocrity just out of drama school; a "performance" I cringed at because it was so badly done and I could not watch the dumb skank and her horrid acting but it's a "performance" that has won top awards (rigged, entirely rigged, and that is my point here about these rotten and mediocrity skanks--some more talented than others but only for a few roles and then the rest is silent--) again giving one single hint about one of them--the "rest is silence" is a Shakespeare quote but I won't say who played that role and for which of the Shakes' movie adaptations because maybe some of you "actors" should know this immediately if you are part of the major acting circuit--- and then like so many of the English terrorist celebrities attacking me who have a long record of playing various roles and of course Shakespeare is like a requirement for English actors of this "level"--I assume--- I like her only for one single movie and that as always with the majority of the English terrorists is a SHAKESPEARE adaptation--that also includes the blonde Nazi English male who also was "honored" yesterday and has so viciously attacked me and with absolute Nazi hate terminology--and "awarded" alongside the blonde Nazi skanks who are his good partners in this crime. He's a whore and skank too--but so honored because he can recite and produce Shakespeare. Well, I have other standards than just being able to recite Shakespeare or act in a S-peare play for credential of quality. But I want to emphasize the pettiness and utter stupidity at least on the emotional and "grown-up" levels that I believe truly great artists should have---I must be dreaming when I write this as probably it's a rare commodity and having inclinations or propensities towards performance and for "art" is in no way a measure of emotional and intellectual maturity or awareness.

But I have been called a "hater" for having expressed the truth about this mediocrity other blonde colonized subject of the English empire. The Mafia blonde Nazi actor (female) is just the Mafia branch of the same Nazi/Mafia terror organization who has been handed award after award and I still do not see excellence in any of them. Perhaps I am biased but nevertheless before I ever was attacked by them or teleported I had the exact same opinion about them. I just had no reason to even think of them or look at them I just ignored their presence--all of them, really. I would watch their movies but mostly because the other choices I was able to access (always having to go with the non-paying options which are just a plethora of horrible movies on these free streaming sites).

But disgusting to see them being so honored. Who controls that sagging awards system anyway? Is it more foreigners and members of the Internationale Party of fascist Nazi Mafia bigots and the real haters?

I can't imagine them to be anything but whoremongering idiots on a personal level but with a lot of money they were either handed from their mommies and daddies and all obtained I believe at least originally from the loot and spoils of genocidal and conquest and not from highest quality standard excellence in any field. They are of course calculating and manipulating and that very luckily translates to our modern technological terror age where calculation and precision without empathy or concern and combine that with an absolute lack of ethics, morality and insight or foresight and you get these awards and this death/whore/murder/plunder system which is hailing it's dumbed-down celebrities who are specifically chosen for their stupid obedience and lustrous greed and rapacious sleazy self-indulgence with only aptitude really for thrusting themselves into any illicit endeavor for all possible promotion but being able to cry upon cue in deliverance of the failing State of Humanity that they are drowning in crocodile wiles and tears of joy for being awarded and paid in millions while they are really contributing to the eventual murder of millions upon millions of everything on the planet--not just people but animals and concepts of highest standard.


*Please note that hacking intrusion/deletion/obscuration of my writing along with brain-altering tech has been used as discrediting by the terrorist hackers in this post.

Stinking toxic chemically-laced filth sprayed on clothing report. February 28, 2022. Hundreds of dollars that came out of my pocket in the last 6 months repurchasing what has been broken, and the terrorist mail service out of Nazi Orlando literally stealing my money but doing it "legitimately" through corrupt business practices--all upon order by this group of celebrity terrorists. Stinking and foul, their toxic sprays are the real symbolic representation of what they revel in and are glamorized for enacting in real life as opposed to the bs they sling for the cameras.

 For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes and dried fish and fishy subterfuge terrorist activities have been spewing a discernible fish odor substance on my clothing. This is permanent goo. It literally dries like quick-acting glue and forms a seal-like plastic-hard substance and is of course the color brown--as all the substances that are sprayed on walls and clothing is. My clothing when I wash it always has brown water after the initial rinse and the water appears completely black-brown after soaking for less than 5 minutes. This spray, though, for the last three days, is most soiling and most stinking--they put it on my pillow two nights ago, and sprayed/poured it onto my daily garb (very loose-fitting fabrics, tunic style which I wear every day). The stink doesn't come out--oh no, with just soap that is like running water over plastic in terms of cleaning performance for this laboratory-created concocted spoiling agent substance. No, not bleach either sprayed and rubbed with detergent. No, nothing gets it out. The fabric smells like soap and bleach initially after cleaning and scrubbing the stain and stink out, but upon drying, remnant of the fish stinking permanently staining substance stubbornly wins out from any attempt to clean.

Yesterday I used various vinegars and baking soda and the smell was removed immediately and didn't return upon drying. 

This morning I woke up with a hard piece of stinking crap embedded into my new tunics (replacing what has been sprayed endlessly day after day with the stinking and brown substances)--after having replaced my one cooking appliance and my fan--both of which are currently under attack with rusting sprays put into the axels and the gears of the fan and the appliance is next probably after I leave this room next--(I keep it stored in a box so it's not as easy to damage with mechanical arms).

The smell with detergent/soap, and bleach of course nothing happened except for the superficial brown color disappearing. Then vinegar and baking soda and the smell after one scrubbing with this on the stain that the water from cleaning made soak into other areas of the fabric--the substance is so stinking and at cellular level adheres to fabric so completely---that the cleansing water carries it down to the rest of the fabric and it remains then in a larger spread-out zone. I had to then increase all the baking soda cleansing and I am now awaiting the results.


I know that the people who originated the order at those attending the top mind screw-over terrorist agent ceremonies for the nth year in a row with the "friends" who have sat alongside their rape and torture sessions of me--night after night for me here in Thailand--conveniently in mid-afternoon for them at their leisure to teleport me in the deep delta sleep state so they can screw in their hate and perverted violence and mind screw fantasies more deeply--or that is their intended goal(s) mutually but on each individual component of this group there is only a slight variation in the disgusting antics and hate skits that they each delight in inflicting from their own personal psychoses and inherent vice "personal demons".


So can someone or some people please stop these demons from ordering their minion demons here at this condo torture/surveillance operation base for the teleportation and torture contract out on me to stop this disgusting display of their "entitlement" to YEARS AND PERRENNIAL YEARS of torturing me using these technologies, stealing ideas, concepts, phrases from me obtained under torture, drugging and rape and attempted murder so I pour out these concepts in an absolutely drugged state--blocked from all commercial viability due to them and their need to obtain ideas that are "original" from the repetition that they all get awarded by from Repetition MAGA=zine, incorporated (GmbH) Ltd, et al.


It is--this stinking fish goo--only like all their subliminal suggestive symbolism, the same filthy stink psychologically but especially spiritually that they all adhere to and which controls and pays and promotes them.


Can this stink be stopped by anyone who is not so imbued with filth and stinking spiritual moral decay as these celebrities and their leadership and promoters all glamorize and pay for their endless plastic surgeries and mansions and playboy yachts and orgies and millions and billions of dollars in awards for while smirking in disgust at the ever-increasing homeless populations that they and their policies and politics really have created. People forced into stinking squalor, that is their real politic and body politic and spiritual politic which they really grovel in this spiritual filth and stinking foul substance but appear as shiny and glam for the photo-ops.

Can someone stop this travesty they are aiming at me?

I can clean but I can't keep on having to buy and buy new items. For the past 6 months they have stolen at least $400 from me in having to pay and get ripped off and repurchasing now almost everything I had which I need for daily living--this is mounting up and they have never paid me a single cent for the ideas they have stolen while telling me I am a "stupid bitch" and to "shut up" and now threats of cutting my money off completely after years of destroying my body and property like this. My hair is still not growing back after they permanently DESTROYED at least 1/5 or 1/4 of my hair follicles. 

All they do and say is stinking and foul. But please someone stop them and their sick attack upon me because I am fighting to get people who have most viciously and unjustly attacked me for over 8 years or much longer in fact--but on a daily basis with death and hate and violence and physical mutilation and abuse and rape and attempted murder

I truly ask for justice and so far it's just them being handed top awards for this kind of stinking filth that they eagerly conform to as ordered by those who have risen to the top of this pile of unworthy.

I am simply trying to get parasites off me and my government continues to allow them to inflict their stinking foul stench upon me and my property and body.

As I look through the Brit tabloid I just made reference to in my last post (Daily Mail/London) the people who are heavily involved in the torture "mind control" programming violence (not just "harassment" or just "abuse" but terrorism and torture in murderous levels of hate and negativity and VIOLENCE) have "won" top awards. Some of them have won top "anti-racist" awards (black men, ahem) one of them just last night began insulting me viciously when I connected a photo of a blonde Germanic woman with a hair flap that made her look especially like a Dachshund (Wiener) dog and I "thought" this to myself as he piped in a deflection reversal about how I look (here after years of being poisoned and tortured by him and his gang--as the rep black male I will just call Stephen after his role playing the house slave in one of his masters' movies). But...going back to the London street fish-wrapping ragazine: the people who have threatened, yelled at, rape-assisted and tortured me in this huge group are ALL featured today in this Daily Magazine post (if you click today on this date you can see them, I think these right-hand tabs change so get it while it's hot fresh out of the Wiener Dog expulsion projectile info-tainment splat for today's gooey mind control programming into what and who is "the best" and "most hip and hoppily glam haute and fashionable to follow and obey and look "up" to as icons of society's symbolic reps). I'm talking about less-than mediocrity performances being touted as top acting awards that seemingly only I can ascertain (I doubt I am the only one who sees this very clearly). I'm talkin 'bout years of repetition MAGA=zine performers and performances that keep "winning" top dog award. Who let these bitches out and why can't they be put back in their cages so some cool cats can finally get a chance to win top awards?

 The Repetition MAGA=zine bs-slingers you call celebrities, after years of plastic surgery they have now "nailed" the glamorous life and years of being put on the cheesy top of the dog awards year-after-year in a discombobulated meat-grinder rotation of orgiastic "friends" all bunched together to "win" all these awards for participating in the orgy of mind control implant technology and drug-technological interface of brain and body manipulation and torture and rape and hate and negativity without end programming and indulgence:

They are like a veritable list of whose-who in the corrupt scheme, but only a tiny fraction is featured under the 'DON'T MISS" set of tabs under the newest war tabs under the political news screaming headlines. The comfortable purveyors and slingers of really hateful subliminal themes are the ornaments to the stock holders who invest in both the political devastation and the celebrities which champion the rights of the exploiters and murdering bigots.

The "Black" "American" who assaulted me verbally as he's been doing for a few years now in partnership with the REALLY violent and nasty whites (he's almost subdued in comparison) but he's absolutely famous in England and they "love" him as their representative for white supremacy--and with his other endless rotation of not-variety repetition top movie role partner, another "black male" who smirked and laughed as his nasty (black, American) "fighting against racism for black people" wife, like this black male who is so famous for representing the "angry black male" cliched stereotype in movie after movie playing this role repeatedly---This Stephen character who began attacking me for saying that a picture of a Germanic-looking white female with flapping hair that resembled a Wiener dog was not the icon that he has been programmed to bow down to (bow wow) and obey and defend--viciously and ingrained into his very personality. Thus defending like the dog that he is in the kennel of the celebrities who are let out to attack me but especially during this high awards season (lasting months and months, and they go at it yearly from November until after March and then subside into their mansions and playboy jet sex vacations as a few of them converge to endlessly attack me.

When will the art world stop allowing these bitches to get out to rampage and "win" instead of cool cats who are actually excellent performers who have stellar personality traits like caring about art and about performance instead of trying their best to act a part with endless awards for displaying the evil "left hand path" philosophy of being trained into drugging, poisoning, violence, rape and torture all disguised under covert technological "civilian" death squad organizations rampaging the planet to eliminate targets?

You know the Daily Mail is never going to publish anything remotely concerning this fascist technological trend nor include any criticism worthwhile in it's movie review splatter section.

Sunday, February 27, 2022

Repetition (which has zero variety) MAGA=zine "predicts" (pre-programmed) that the XXX-Meyer Wiener-Dog Awards' "Best (rigged) Film Award" will go to, yet ONCE AGAIN, another symbolic representation of The Luciferian Doctrine, along with Illuminati/Nazi and White Supremacist themes interlaced and embedded in the shallow "revenge" plot and murder scenario. Unfortunately, due to the peeps like Alex Jones turning these aforementioned pairings of Illuminati and Luciferian actual realistic entities and organizations into what is now construed as "nut-job" conspiracy theory, yelling fascist hysteria of the Reptition MAGA=zine throng, it's hard to bypass the obstruction these ultra-white groups have done to taint these formerly very seriously-taken and ancient secret societies and their methods of social engineering and mass population control (and elimination=genocidal politics).//The actual top quality film(s) will either not have been even nominated or taken into consideration or will be relegated to winning "lower" ranking awards ceremonies. I already hailed which film I think is the top quality production/acting/film score/directing but it won't "win" because it's not a Nazi/Illuminati/Luciferian/White Supremacist indoctrinating film cheesy-top of the Wiener-Dog production. Due to endless threats aimed at me in seemingly "systematic" random fashion by my governing attacking organization, I am loathe to try to fight describing in detail which movie (but it's hinted at in my "spoof" in this description). Bow-wow, it's not a doozie but it's who let the dogs out?

 Oh, how funny this commercial (clip below) is. During the early 60's, when social conformity to the normative white suburban and working class values was the hip and the hop, with all the white bread marching in line to the orders they were given (perhaps now dying from the preservatives that were lacing the wieners and the processed white bread in the first place now that the Baby Boomers are in their deflating years):

March in line, don't get out of step. The xxx-Wiener Awards show essentially is a mind programming simulation of this previous 60's propagandized, consumer coercion, programming commercial:

That I cannot write in more detail whatsoever due to a multi-pronged system of systematic attack upon me, for me, is a restriction and a constriction that is absolutely, 100% unAmerican activities on the part of those who have been chosen to govern who fully support these covert forms of censorship, discrimination and covert death squad policies and their splinter organizations. Alas that Alex Jones has ruined all chances for people like me to be taken even seminally seriously when I try to make reference to organizations which legitimately were secret but real such as The Illuminati which has been re-labeled by so many seemingly disparate groups and representatives (of all races and nationalities and apparent superficial association).

I would analyze and reflect on how the symbolism is used, make mention of the actual representation of the Luciferian doctrine which I have "studied" from those who at peril of their lives read passages from Freemason books in order to get at the source of the material instead of trying to make reference of hypothetical conjecturing from outsiders of these organizations. The plot of the movie I make vague reference to above is really of not much concern. What the YouTube "critics" claim is that this is a psychological "thriller" and part revenge plot. It is far more representative of the "Left-Hand Path" than any one of the presenters even alludes to. I am bereft of a platform and thus remain only writing this post which can only make slight humorous jabs at the title and then only make the most sheer superficial insight into the huge voluminous levels of symbolic representation contained within the movie. 

The directing and the film production is absolutely NOTHING extraordinary but a flat and very conservative approach. One of the actors of course has been involved in the terror campaign by the celebrities aimed at me and for years. 

There is much, much more I could write about the symbol of the flower used and it's connection to actual and real secret societies with names based on that exact flower (but of the older more French-Middle English title). And much more I cannot discuss or write about. 

It is a programming about who should be in control (a more hermaphroditic type of male than the more physically robust herder of the cattle, which is the masses who are lead by the leaders and the real movie is about how to lead and not about a couple using a psychological battle in order to keep the peace for white supremacist society who are of course in charge of the lower animals they feed off when they are in the slaughter mode). That would be The Illuminati doctrine along with the aspects of "how" to utilize the power scheming which is the Luciferian concept of the Left Hand Path. That poisoning is one way to control and eliminate enemies and using mind control drugging and poisoning along with brain-altering technology is the more modern approach which all of H-wood gravitates to. This film is on the "old" level that most of society operates upon, and all "they need to know" about how to control the cattle beneath them, while the real controllers are in something like a Westworld control dome in modern vogue haute fashion pushing the buttons of the technologies and sending out their herders to inject the poisons and mind control drugs for that ultimate mind control interface combination (that one-two punch).


Here is a small, tiny one-sentence indicator of how the Nazi (which is and always was, long before the 20th century "coming out" Party--just one of the splinter groups of the overall Illuminati-based global entity). This article combines dogs and the Left-Hand Path, and you can read, come and see: 

"Last month, declassified British files showed the Nazis planned to leave poisoned sausages, chocolate and coffee where Allied troops would find them if they invaded Germany."--Daily Mail Reporter, May 25, 2011.  (article link below).

A mind control experiment held by Nazi "scientists" where the winner of top dog award is being subliminally transmitted from "handler" to receiver (Wiener)/winner.

Howl Hitler: Nazis tried to teach dogs to talk and read – and claimed one could even discuss religion, incredible new book claims

and now there are enuf hints for anyone to have understood exactly which film I am alluding to.


Saturday, February 26, 2022

Animal Cruelty to some very loving and beautiful dogs I request assistance from. Destroying animals and nature but having minority minions maintain manicured little pieces of plots of shrubbery or gardens for the white supremacist Nazis and white supremacists--which is the usual type of life-screw mentality from this terrorist organization: Plus+ I have many extremely relevant and non-ranting/hysterically induced subjects and topics I would love to write about but being tortured afterwards for having written anything that "threatens" the status quo and the myth that only the representatives of this white supremacist organization are the only ones capable of analytic analysis (they are "allowed" to rant and conspire all their theories, I am hacked and my brain altered by brainwave altering tech every single time I attempt to communicate in written form, even hand-writing they force my nervous system to shake and my limbs to shake so writing is almost impossible). I also discover that in addition to all the attacks, my writing is blocked from main server activity so I am restricted to only the terrorist organization and it's enforcers of torture and censorship--while they steal every single idea, phrase or vocabulary oddity or enhancement for themselves to help them appear as a more alternative version of the usual propagandized repetition--and then they hack their product onto my server so it appears in front of me--). Being tortured like this with no one representing my freedom of speech, and only being dangerously threatened and attacked, I remain more mute although I would love to write about very pertinent----VERY IMPORTANT TOPICS AND i CANNOT. But I have an appeal to make for those perhaps in my vicinity who care about ANIMAL CRUELTY AND ANIMAL RIGHTS AS there is a slow murder of a very beautiful dog ongoing at the motorbike shop I rent this Honda bike from in Rawai.

 The dog(s) are indeed being slowly killed by an abuser. He hits and slaps the dog (plus the little dog I mention below--"the dog" refers to a golden retriever but throughout the top portion of this post I only began to mention the one large dog--this is an edit right now, but I continue...) and yells at it because it is being confined in a small caged area in the back of the little shop where the ladyboy manager leaves the dog for hours to wallow in it's constipation because it's not being taken for walks enough. The dog is now ill from not having access to relieve herself for hours upon end. Whenever I go to that shop it is now an obligatory (but delightful one) situation where the dog demands by playful barking that I take her on a walk through the Rawai neighborhood in the small hill area up the street from this shop on Ban Saiyuan Road. The dog immediately begins to relieve herself and for the entire walk, lasting over 20 or 30 minutes, she stops almost every 5 minutes to do numbers 1 & 2. But she is ill and constipated anyway. She is drooling like she is very ill--drool hanging off her face. This is something that was not apparent for all the many months this dog who is not even  one year old has been the mascot slave of this terror mind control rental operation--which is their task, every month to have technology blasting into my brain as each aspirant for power exploits the tech to manipulate me--I try my best to go in and out as quickly as possible but this dog is being so misused and left without proper exercise and is a huge Golden Retriever--a type of dog that is extremely exuberant and needs play, fun, love, and activity. Instead the dog lays wallowing in misery like an extremely depressed prisoner behind a barred gate inside a 10-feet containing area where there is dingy and kind of dirty flooring and a nasty bathroom--but a small outdoor patio area. It lays like it's it's in deep depression. But now she appears with a dark hue, because of having to contain urine and feces within her body every day for hours because this ladyboy obviously has many other things to do (i.e. late at night) and is a kind of "happy ending" massage ladyboy and really hits, slaps and yells viciously at this dog because she is dying for attention, drooling in sickness, wallowing internally in urine and feces, laying in depression the rest of the day--and being yelled at and abused for trying to be active and have a real life. 

This ladyboy is incapable of taking care of this dog and is ABUSING IT TO DEATH SLOWLY. I tried to reach the former owner who was taking relatively decent care of the dog, but they have all been promoted and left the dog in the care of this ladyboy who really has a very vicious grasping nature for promotion and power--and thus I am blasted by the mind control tech as I try to rescue the dog even if for a half hour every month I go to this shop. Otherwise I always try to run in and out of this shop as quickly as possible. But this group knows that I love animals, and the organization en toto abuses, maims and kills animals if it can be used as a power domination and torture attack tool.

I tried to reach the former owner, named Amporn (or Porn for short, which is a common name here in Thailand even though it sound disreputable in Western countries). I could not reach her yesterday and I have no other resource to try to save this dog. If I had a house with a yard I would try to take this dog in and rescue it's life. THere is also a very tiny dog who lays in that back area alongside this much larger huge, very beautiful very loving very fun Golden Retriever. The other little dog has been constantly and nearly continuously barking at me and growling for the many months I have taken the other large dog for walks. The entire time I am in the shop this little dog is barking non-stop in rage at me. I am not used to dogs displaying this kind of aggression towards me and continuously. I wondered why it was doing this. Two days ago at this shop I began to understand why: It was screaming for help and this is no exaggeration or "joke". It was like the partner with this large dog begging for help in the only way possible. The larger dog rolls over playing in a joyous thrill because I pet her. But two days ago the ladyboy really displayed how violent and abusive he and probably the rest of the team have been with this dog. Contrary to the very nice and passive personality that many people may assume the Thai culture to be at heart, there is a very brutal and oppressive side as well. Raising a hand to hit children or dogs or cats is a very common behavioral trait if you see Thai people in their less-than tourist normal setting in Thai neighborhoods (and when they live with the foreigners who treat them to better living conditions if they are not so well-off, and many are not).

The ladyboy began slapping this dog because she was rolling around because I was there to finally treat her like a loving being who deserves respect and caring, and not a punching bag throw-away thing to take frustrations out on and neglect and vent pent-up hostility. That also is one of the traits that the terrorist "gang stalking" organization has as a recurrent personality trait that is the common thread of their impetus for the aggression they all exhibit once they get a chance to vent it out on the target.

So I urge or ask urgently for people to get this dog into a responsible situation because it is a very loving and beautiful animal--

I almost "forgot" my train-of-thought because hackers have begun to insert passages into my post while I am writing and hacking is blocking keyboard functions.

THE LITTLE DOG has been barking continuously and would not stop, every time I have gone the little dog viciously growls and barks non-stop for over 30 minutes without even a few minutes of pause. But two days ago as the ladyboy began to literally kick and slap the dog because she was rolling over and barking at me with joy and "let's go out and play" type of frolicking, natural exuberance and also pleading for anything--anything resembling natural life and not a prison sentence of slow death--which literally is what she is experiencing on every level--lacking love, play, being able to excrete most of the day--etc. After this ladyboy began hitting and kicking at the dog, yelling with hate and violent body language. I then went over as the ladyboy, like Scrooge, began pouring over his money and books (his main objective) I massaged the head of the dog, looking into her face with concern as I gently massaged behind her ears and gave her loving touch and the feeling of relief and compassion. For the first time the little dog stopped barking and growling at me. It stopped from that point on as it had never done for all the months i have been taking care of this dog, trying to lift it out of the prison it has been confined to (now reaching sickness and a slow death situation because the ladyboy really is neglecting and then abusing it with real nasty violence when it just begins to go berserk due to confinement and it's need for action, toxin release, and some kind of decent freedom of body movement).

The little dog is literally begging for help, in my opinion while the larger dog is trying to enjoy the few minutes of the release from the death situation. And it's tragic and I can't do anything but write this imploring people here in Phuket or the people who are part of this larger situation to get both of those dogs out of that situation and into a safe and healthy, positive and clean environment.


Otherwise I really have very interesting and important other analyses about this movie industry and about situations but I am always being tortured--not just attacked but in sickening ways and deadly and life-threatening ways--of course the group was murdering me prior to me writing any kind of topic on this entire situation so it really doesn't matter--but now they are threatening me in a very serious way financially using a major government agency and I can't risk any more of their shenanigans any longer. Since people only steal my ideas, torture me for writing them, and then block my writings from the general public perhaps "one day" I can write about current situations long after they are important to the public in general.

The themes will still be relevant in the future but it's important to write about them now but I am under non-stop life-threat for my writing.

Thursday, February 24, 2022

On one of the most tenacious parasites involved in this endless attack upon me, and it's sucking apparatus I can't unlatch from this contract out on me: I do not think a (former) drug addict skank whore actor is "beautiful" because it's face resembles a bloated vagina and men yearn for a human blow-up doll (but I think it's disgusting). this is the former wife of pitt who has been a hole for so many years along with this skank that sits right next to it laughing and participating in torture and rape in order to sell of "feminist" and "me too" K-rap and then using the ideas I have written and yelled at these pig whores for so many years, stealing the ideas, putting it out as her concept and what she represents, being honored by politicians who know exactly what is going on in this situation, as they roll out the political red carpet for a piece of shit skank whore and the contagion of the English and English-colony skanks who also participate. It's a squadron of blonde Nazi whores and pieces of shit attacking me but really mutilating my body on a regular basis then telling me they are "more beautiful" after their plastic surgeries they obtain from being promoted for attacking me. I DO NOT THINK OF THEM AS BEING BEAUTIFUL OR COOL OR TALENTED they are pure whore skanks. They keep torturing me and telling me along with these pig whore ape men who are famous that they are "more beautiful" and after they block my earning capability they tell me I am a loser and nothing for not having money.

 WTF that this is being a sort of promotional ladder for years and not a single person will ever stop them? I now have two more men (now very famous, and from Congress--"fighting" against the fascist Nazi attempt to take over the government--oh the fighters_@@#bs) and right there, next to the very people who associated with Trump and who handed Trump the tech which helped him to obtain his presidential position of power. Now politicians are flocking in their quest to be also granted higher positions of power. The English-based infiltrator who is facilitating much of the H-wood attack unit upon me is not just a rotten whore skank, but a sinister and pernicious version of rotten creep projected through having wealthy connected parents into an unjustified position of power. But besides that, after YEARS I mean non-stop  years every single day of torture--not just "abuse" but physical torture--most of the hair on the top of my head is gone due to these attacks. My entire body is covered with scars and blemishes from years of these attacks upon my body while I am unconscious and being teleported to hate skits, rape and violence and these same skank pig whores abusing and insulting and threatening and doing disgusting vile things at me (because it's supposed to be so "elite" that they treat people like this and can get away with it and then get promoted by ultra wealthy pig whores who are handing out these contracts--I can only assume disgusting Nazis). I also tell them that there use anti-Semitism as a regular hate attack and there is a "jewish" man who is sitting next to the other man who both are in Congress now "fighting" against the latest Neo-Nazi development in Congress (aka The Insurrection of January 6, 2020).

So they pipe in that this pig whore is "more beautiful". I only tell them that the whore is more beautiful than they are. Although these piece of rotten foul shit skank has ordered endless mutilation and disfiguration upon my body, along with the men--for writing things on my Facebook page such as, "stop putting these people into award categories for years of torturing me" which lead to near death, being hit by cars, my teeth nearly knocked out while unconscious and sleeping, a year of non-stop torture, my computer broken, this pig pitt violently raping me while pigalina the ugly cocaine-addicted (formerly supposedly) rotten whore pig sat glaring and then taking more concepts I wrote of and said in the torture/information-extraction hate sessions after the teleportation "trauma" session after years of torture and murder attempts with politician after politician either fully supporting the situation or joining on in because it got them elected into highest office--

somehow, that is what America really is and what really rules the country. Stupid and rotten skank whores from Whorewood who are controlled by fascist Nazi Europigapes and other nefarious foreign controllers (which other countries I do not know, but probably all the "enemies" of the United States and these whore skanks could give a damn they really don't care. People are used to politicians being corrupt but they still can't understand what kind of shit the actors are in helping to foment a destroyed United States in this respect).


So the continuous torture theme is: this skank and a squadron of whoring, licentious and sleazy raping-supporting men who jump into this situation in order to get their free new promotions for just being rapist or rapist supporting pig whores themselves (the men are truly skanks this is not just a woman-hating statement) but the women involved are almost the most ferocious in racist terms to help and participate in having another woman raped so they can feel exalted and superior and entitled in contrast--obviously. They truly enjoy helping out and watching this happen.


The theme is of her endlessly having these men hiss in hate at me, after they all participate like a throng of witch-hunt demonic Satanists---that "She's more beautiful" and the contest is of a piece of rotten and really kind of stupid (but conniving, calculating, lying, which is what men really want and they program women to be like this--it truly turns them on for women to be dangerous but only as far as helping them to destroy women who are too threatening to them in other ways--like being honest and wanting to have legitimacy and also be able to compete without having to be a sleazy skank whore in order to sleep her way to "the top" of the pile of shit society that these men have created with the women willing to do anything and play the hate game--or that is how I ascertain how it operates. 

I just want to be true to myself and not have to play their games in order to have any iota of "success" in the commercial life, but all doors are blocked as they have ousted all but their own ilk and thus this has become a paradigm--this woman-rapist enabler but covertly so situation. I think it is ubiquitous.


And although famous pig whore men who abuse women are yelling at me or saying with smug glib hate that "she is more beautiful than you" and/or yelling it as this ugly skank piece of rotten shit sits smug because all the men who join in do this--literally all of them. After more than a decade of torture, mutilation of my body, poisoning and fungus saturating my body and into my hair every orifice and all my clothing my living space where I have to close all windows for fear of being attacked and raped--my hips and spine put out of alignment if the rapists do enter my living space--and oh yes, bloating and hardening poison laced into the mind control which makes it impossible for me to think clearly as I am lead astray into deadly and date-rape and sleazy and horrible relationships and situations and am really not in control but appear to be so superficially--

but now partially paralyzed as a result. And while trying to heal, for almost a decade by now, this rotten and ugly stupid pig whore skank--the former wife of pitt that fucking pig

has been yelling or demanding with men who have raped or abused me sitting next to her that "she is more beautiful"

then the disfigurations and mutilations and nightly teleportation skits of me being made homeless as they block all my earnings constantly threaten to take my money away--they blocked my ability to function so badly that I was arrested for a various non-crime here in Thailand due to what these people did--

I have been writing for YEARS to please get these fucking pig whores off me, and I have to do so again. They blocked my ability to heal and just have peace while fighting this poisoning while not being able to afford health care. They have added to the dehabilitation and mutilation by at least 60-fold by now--whatever that means--just constantly poisoning and cutting into my body with black and blue marks appearing on my legs and blemishes and rashes that are then embedded into my skin by their permanent liquids and concoctions that they obtain from the laboratories which also create these permanent stains and stinking permanent odors and mind paralyzing and body paralyzing substances that these whores ordered to be smeared injected and cut into my body on a DAILY BASIS.


they then laugh as I yell in rage after at least a decade of this. i wrote of the shank whore mother out of England who sat next to Olivier in the video clip from an Oscars dumbed down stupid display of idiocracy--years ago--and how she played that game of being a whore and a bad actor but it got noticed and now the skank whore daughter has learned to play that game and is so amply rewarded. But also undermining the feminist movement at the same time--something these pig men really want and are very glad to hand to this rotten whore piece of shit instead of women or men who actually BELIEVE IN WHAT THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR. No, they want absolutely insincere and especially when it comes to women fighting for equal rights because what they really all want is a woman whose plastic-concocted lips on her pug drugged up-looking face resembles a vagina similar to a human version of a blow-up doll. That is what I see in this disgusting and foul pig whore who resembles nothing "beautiful" to me. They keep asking me and for over 8 years this is the response I keep giving them. she urinated on me one time when I responded that she's a disgusting whore and ugly. That kind of behavior is so fully endorsed as being of "elite" and "superior" wealth and racist hegemony reaction--as her nasty and shitty husband the blonde Nazi you all adore--the actor, absolutely psychopathic and self-centered--cries when he doesn't get what he wants---(still a baby or mama's boy as far as I can see from his relationship with his mommy and daddy who also attacked me when I wrote on my personal and blocked Facebook page that he and they all should be stopped from being handed Academy Awards year-after-year for this hate crime and mind control bs that they are endlessly participating in.


So my response has been the exact same for over 8 years--and so they keep on destroying my body and then I'm supposed to see, by comparison this filthy ape whore who gets every plastic surgery, million dollar hand-out by the government via H-wood to promote fake feminism and fake altruistic anti-racism via another squadron of adopted children but ultimately racist--as racist as any white supremacist but just featured as an oppositional white "liberal" force for the media lie that the government is not one entire fascist and totalitarian elitist structure out to divide society into haves and have-nots---haves having of course only opulent wealth and then slaves to service them and their sexual hate gratification upon demand--that is their ultimate goal. The skank with the vagina-appearing lips and cocaine personality (and obviously was a complete user back in the day--) now addicted on the dopamine of abusing and torturing someone else and with her Monarchist backing of the English Crown, she can control all these rotten men who all already have the propensity to abuse women sexually (whoremongering, as I said before). All "happily" married seemingly.


So although they have made my hair fall out, mutilated my body, the poison appears like chunky cottage cheese cellulite underneath the hard shell that sticks out of my back--the hard poison appears like a turtle shell--it pulls my shoulders down like I have lordosis--I can't stand up straight--my hips are crooked and there is nothing I can do but continue to fight to get this poison out while--WHILE they are torturing me day and night--as they have for this last decade because I didn't conveniently die after the wealthy pig ape men who are really still there-the pig scumbag out of England who brought this team of shit all inter-connected rotten wealthy from London--to attack me as proxy murdering agents for himself and the other Italian scumbag whore creep who I tried to avoid all the years I lived in Miami--

I have written their names so repeatedly for all these years of writing these posts.


I do not think of them as being talented or beautiful. The Congress members, now it's two men--who sit there smug and in loose postured kind of sleazy sitting positions as they assist in this torture for their promotions--replacing Trump in some way--which is absolutely the reality of the situation while they are "fighting" to incriminate him. The same people who put Trump into power are now welcoming them in if they only respond with the same kind of racist, hate and sexual abuse demeanor and they are doing this. So did their "leader" on that committee which trump calls the "unselect". But by participating in this manner, they hope to become eventually elect (into higher and higher positions of power). 

I tell them to go F--- that rotten skank but they keep attacking me. I ask them to just please leave me the fucking hell alone so I can try to regain all the positive energy this parasitic whore pigalina along with her husband and a near decade of revolving revolting whores from the actors circles have sucked and stolen from me (ideas they all stole and made money off of, only torturing and disfiguring me in return while they have made millions. Laughing and making jokes about it. My rage only makes them laugh harder--this is the protocol and the rotten Thai thugs who they are paying to torture me as proxy agents for themselves all behave in the same manner. But they are not wealthy and not entitled. The behavior is something any piece of shit who really can't assume a real position of power can do to gain entrance into this organization. so they all cling because other than playing cocaine cowboys for these violent shitty pornographic movies, that is really all they represent. Now with this contract, a meaningless skank is being pitted as a "feminist" using ideas it tortured and extracted from years of attacking me via these pig whore men--

only for members of the United States government to only continue to champion her on and abuse and insult me as they join in--after more than a decade one might think, assume or "hope" that these vile parasitic thugs would have just a semblance of compassion or not continuously have to feed off the addiction of abusing someone (me, endlessly it has to be me until I break, that is their goal I assume) and I only think of them as shit and the longer they go on the more impossible it is for me to try to lie (I really don't lie--which is why these endless deceivers keep going, perhaps they can't conceive of a person not being a habitual liar as they all are?).


PLEASE, PLEASE GET THIS SKANKY UGLY WHORE OFF ME. Can anyone ever do this? If you pig men and women think this rotten ugly stupid whore is beautiful or more beautiful than me, I don't care I just want you to get that fucking parasite off me. Go fuck her you rotten pig men if you think that piece of shit is beautiful and sexy--I don't. it's now years of that ugly whore attacking me with this endless refrain that she is "more beautiful" as she and they all destry my body, my peace, my health, my home, all I love killed and stolen and all of society shunning and attacking me--almost. So I have absolutely no comfort or aid and no one to turn to, no way to earn money to have any kind of stability with them endlessly threatening to take away every bit of the last shreds of security I have with really horrific attacks if I had not even this hell stink place that they forced me into and then made it a disgusting rancid violent ugly place--which is all that they are to me--is ugly rancid and rotten pieces of shit--so they keep insisting that they are more beautiful--that they took away my beauty made my body so rotten and destroyed that I can't look at my body in bright sunlight it's covered with poisons and scars by now--completely hideous--as I fight to remove and get rid of the shit they poured into my body while they keep on pouring more shit into my food and into my body

injecting more into my back--there is now a huge lump from injections. Broken toes--one toe juts out at a 45-degree angle-=-

but I just can't stand them please will someone get them off me-get filthy pigape whorealina off me with shit pitt pig those pigs

and my anger is "supposed" to be a kind of stepping stone for more promotions for these ape whores--so they never stop because without sucking ideas out of me for yeras, that stupid vagina-face whore would have NOTHING to talk about as that is all she does is suck up and suck out all possible for her greedy and dirty foul whore self

you can think that fake piece of pig whore shit is beautiful or wonderful but years of having to be tortured so some stupid ignorant shitty whore can be promoted and obtain ideas which I read books on, wrote essays on in graduate school and in college (taking feminist classes, and this stupid whore tortures me to obtain the ideas and then promotes me being raped endlessly and laughs and is so giddy and glad about it. The other English-controlled whores (i.e. out of Australia) dance around me in delight like stupid apes--this is also reason for the Nazi pig ape organization to "promote" another worthless can't act stupid incompetent whore into lead positions in acting year-after-year--it's unbelievable. Fully supported by the "liberal" Democrats because she's selling "feminism" as the rapist whores all are in the Democrat Party. As for the Republicans, I think they don't participate because they are the real onus of the rape and torture impetus and the coordination is rampant in Republican areas of the country.


All of this ranting occurred because I was looking up information on radio frequency signals and hacking into vehicles yesterday. I was listening to a lecture on this subject on YouTube and as I got up to do something the video changed to a channel I had not chosen--I was busy my hands were wet doing something else so I listened. The person said that there was a movie with Nick Cage about hacking into garages using radio frequencies--and what this guy on YouTube described was absolutely NOT in the movie, but the vagina cocaine-looking skank back in 2000 when her drug addiction was so clearly obvious and that of course got the drooling fellatio men who could only see drugged up vagina blow-up doll appearing soft and easy but hard and mean and cruel at the same time--which is just bending to the will of pig apes and then bouncing back to inflict all her misery she endured at the sexual abuse of the pig ape men--if possible onto other women and then vying for "power" by destroying any woman possible and claiming "I am more beautiful than you" which is the defining characteristic of a completely man-dominated woman and her one and only reason for existence--as the most sexist paradigm possible and they all latch onto that as their prime motivation so the mutilations and disfigurations of my body have nearly killed me since the actors got a hold of this contract. Before they began,  yes I was being murdered by poisoning, but destroying most of my body on the surface was not a routine and daily practice as it has become under the skank supervision of th is piece of shit sexist trophy for male domination you all love as skankalina the blow-up fellatio cocaine blow-jerk-off doll. 


Get that dirty disgusting rotten thing off me, can't anyone? And put no one in it's place just leave me the fuck alone finally

and have them pay me so I can live in peace in some decent way for once and not have to deal with shit like this any longer

but not living in some horrible place but in a decent place out of the way of global warming (?? Is that possible).

Of course this group, organization as a whole is part of the reason for global warming. All these pig apes you all cheer on fully participate in conspicuous consumption and elitist displays of their wealth and status--which means keeping the consumer death cycle and manufacturing thereof fully operational to the point of helping to really destroy the world.


On the FIRST FOUR MINUTES OF STEVEN SPIELBERG'S WEST SIDE STORY: THE BEST MOVIE OF SO MANY YEARS I can't count how long it's been that I been or felt so transported. /////As for the rest of the blank slate of mind programming/propaganda agents and their operatives in this same media circus field: This to me is just the symbolic emptiness and sleazy stupidity not only of the major actors and of this effete and meaningless set of shitty movies and actors who keep cranking out bullshit about how much they are fighting for Democracy and peace and freedom and equality--but of the system in it's entirety which is it's parallel acting circus: the United States Congress, the 3 branches of government and the trickle down pissing order that they are only shadow puppets serving a truly dark entity which controls them all..they are complete mind fuck screw-over and mediocrity operators and you are still allowing them to be promoted into highest positions by doing nothing to stop them)--please goddamn the media also needs to be protected from the insurrection of this onslaught of media corruption and insider trading and Dark money influences (nazi/Mafia).


I also want to change slightly my former opinion of Olivier (I had written it on my Facebook page, because it did not deal with mind control but now I have shifted this opinion and it is now a part of the Europigape fascist Imperialistic anti-Americanism which is indeed driving this contract out upon me). He is one of the best SHAKESPEARIAN actors possible in the history of film. Limiting the qualification to that arena of judgmental opinion on my part. Otherwise, he reflects the same English sort of limiting judgments himself. I watched a clip that was somehow put on my Youtube channel recommended page, on top, about Olivier receiving a top honor at the Academy, handed to him by Tootsie (another terrorist who played part of the anti-Semitic English hate stalking terrorism but not directly personally but from a distance--it was weird I thought at the time, but now I know it's 100% the same protocol that countless other haters have also performed.
So it was just watching more bigot anti-semites (including "Jews") bowing to English usurpation of American media in the Academy Awards. What Olivier said was that Marilyn was not an actor, and in order to control her, her American "controller" had to mention order to get her to respond to acting tips. He said she only stuck her breasts out and ass for her acting appearances and that was basically all that Marilyn was, compared to him, of course, he intimated. In the clip of the Oscars that I mention above, the English actor/woman sitting next to him was wearing a thin lace top revealing her breasts, which also was cut down to her sternum to accentuate her "bosoms" for the effect, and to draw attention of course. As opposed to Marilyn, this female "actor" is and was a crappy actor whose appearances were fraught with her sticking out her breasts and ass for effect. Unlike Marilyn who had a commanding performance for her roles, despite it seeming to focus on her sexual appeal. Guess who the English woman was in the Oscars where Tootsie played groveling Jew defering to the English bigot who probably hates Americans but can tolerate a deferential Jew who bows down in reverential awe--probably unlike Marilyn who didn't want to play the game. Olivier I can only suspect immediately demanding sexual gratification in that pre-Me Too atmosphere and was used to getting his nasty, dirty old man way with woman in the casting couch and beyond. I think Marilyn was trying to not be exploited and as a co-star of equal or greater magnitude fought to not be like the bowing deferential or the sleazy skank mother of the sleazy skank who is now attacking me and watching laughing as pig after ape rapes me (famous actors) including her hubby the blonde NaZI who is also an abomination to my senses as she is. That was the mother sitting next to Olivier--another sexualized but sleazy bad actor but accepted as a sexualized object, along with her cocaine enhanced skank daughter who these men all defend for her role in rape enabling them so they can all be promoted by their English masters who control them all. As they all bow and grovel and then turn upon me with the most vicious hate so they can play these heroic defender of Democracy and Freedom roles, stealing as many ideas from me as possible--the skanky whore women who all play the game and give the pigs what they want on the casting couch but then complain when they get a chance at the MeToo! hypocrisy. the rest of the movies I analyze for Illuminati and Nazi/Mafia endorsement mostly the former through endless symbolism but the latter are outright and almost overt (you can be sure lots of subliminal suggestion is being enhanced by all the technologies aimed at the audience).
I had also watched a separate clip on YouTube (appearing somehow) of Olivier complaining about what a "stupid American" (paraphrasing) Marilyn Monroe was when he worked with her in a movie about a Duke and a call girl or a Prince and a call girl or something like that! ("lol") I've heard the same hissing hate from so many English regarding Americans but mostly aimed at me (anti-Semitism, although I just get hate from most jews too because they all fall in line and obey and attack me as well because I am not a member of the Semite league and never have been--and needing to absolutely confine people into the stereotypes and cliche boxes that the bigots rely upon, they must try to enforce all the hate stereotypes on me, and the victims are some of the most vicious about trying to push anyone who won't conform into the boxes that they have submitted to--and it's all only to be put in a lower position than the bigots who threaten with death if people do not conform--). I lost respect for Olivier but he's superlative playing Shakespeare without a doubt.
As for Spielberg--this is a movie that should have won the G-Globe (Shower) award but of course did not because it' s controlled by Europigape fascist Nazis especially the English Imperialist Nazis..
I can't understand how millions of people would not clamor to watch a film like this instead of yet another CGI superhero franchise movie, but I swear the brainwashing and programming of the human race began a long time ago using subliminal technologies and I think the messages being implanted into the masses of lowered IQ brains is: "Watch stupid sleazy movies and not quality highly interesting intellectual movies".
I truly hope The Academy Awards Governors will hand this movie top film of the year (and of many decades it's one of the best--so far). I can tell after just a few minutes what incredible difference there is betwixt this and the rotten rest of the directing/film/production and boring repetition of the same actors--I don't recognize a single actor so far (I know Moreno will be there, and her twist on the character she plays will be fascinating as well).
It's like watching film like I think should be at the level it never has been for so long (even from some other Spielberg movies, not for the directing but perhaps for some of the actors---Bridge of Spies hasn't gotten the high credit it deserves and is not mentioned enough--
so hope Spielberg wins top awards at the Academy Awards. He should. The Dog movie I think is something that was slated to "win" and is nothing comparable to West Side Story. Not even close. Please do not let the awards system be rigged any longer let true and real art and artists prevail and not sleazy, vile, violent, stupid and rotten foul ugly cocaine and plastic surgery enhanced skanks and whores and bigots and fakes (10 years of being teleported and tortured by some of the most famous and that is my assessment of them--10 years of their torture and disfiguration and poisoning and abuse and hate against me every single day and night--they tell me they are more "beautiful" than me and etc. They say this after asking me for the millionth time what I think of them... I always respond but now with more alacrity and descriptive low-brow response--either you are a piece of shit, a refrain by now to one of them after the next--all nestled in their new plastic surgery appearances and mansions and flying around in jets--but now the skank who I think is a cocaine-drained rotten ugly and foul whore piece of shit is having all these men repeat that she is 'MORE BEAUTIFUL" but they never stop the violence to break me down and down and they have gone on endlessly for years. This to me is just the symbolic emptiness and sleazy stupidity not only of the major actors and of this effete and meaningless set of shitty movies and actors who keep cranking out bullshit about how much they are fighting for Democracy and peace and freedom and equality--but of the system in it's entirety which is it's parallel acting circus: the United States Congress, the 3 branches of government and the trickle down pissing order that they are only shadow puppets serving a truly dark entity which controls them all..they are complete mind fuck screw-over and mediocrity operators and you are still allowing them to be promoted into highest positions by doing nothing to stop them)--please goddamn the media also needs to be protected from the insurrection of this onslaught of media corruption and insider trading and Dark money influences (nazi/Mafia).

**Hacking is very bad while I write this post, so the terrorist/hacker
deletions and rewrites of grammar and sentence structure is very likely after I publish this post. The system is so bogged down and slow that I have to get up and do other things while waiting for a web page to open. The operating system has been rigged to not be able to perform more than one function at a time. So if I am trying to open a page on a browser, I can't click on another tab and open another page and get access to any other site. The tab may open but the system freezes--and it freezes while I am trying to log into any URL--it is so repetitive that I can only do a few things per five minutes. The keyboard is rigged so when I press a key another letter appears than what I had just pressed so I am continuously correcting and backspacing and rewriting as well. //My brain is under attack and the keyboard is almost inoperable. The computer system is also very hacked and badly operating (I just did a reset two days ago).
IN ADDITION: I am being viciously attacked in teleportation by the very same people who have gone on and on for over 8 years or longer--one is alluded to below as the ugly cocaine skank, but it's also the same herd of them--it never ends. Politicians come and join in on the attacks and then it is still never ended. That is what is happening now. The hacking is very bad--so this post is also fraught with hate speech after yet another hate confrontation with another group yelling that I am ugly and stupid while they have broken my body and poisoned raped mutilated cut parts out of my body broken my toes and cut portions off and doused my skin with chemicals to make it curdle and put fungus into my hair, vagina, ears and on my skin and food and on ALL SURFACES AND FABRICS AND FURNITURE IN THIS ROOM every single day for YEARS AND YEARS. Forced tears out of my eyes, made my lips and cheeks pull down from the microchip. Killed cats I took in to love and care for, stole my one precious cat and laugh and make jokes about it as they promote their rugrat shit children out of this hate contract so the nepotism of their autocratic rulership can be furthered in that respect. The post is an unedited hate rant;. It is the result from non-stop torture using these nefarious pernicious technologies and pernicious misuses of everything possible to attack me; stealing and destroying all I am and all I worked for and loved also broken and stolen from me plus personal mutilation and poisoning and drugging--so excuse the hate and blame the haters who you all keep putting into lead positions and into lead roles and cheering this crap on and on like they really are incredible. I watch 4 minutes of West Side Story and see immediately the difference between what a great director can produce and what shit these parasitic hateful evil pieces of shit produce (along with their equally vile producers and operating controllers).

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

REVENGE OF THE NERDS*#($! ....Democracy, that old Chestnut. Chestnut definition: 6. a. An old joke or story. b. something (such as a musical piece or a saying) repeated to the point of staleness. --Miriam Webster Dictionary.

 You can see in the video that the "nerdy" --looking due is thrilled that he's hacking and stopping the car of the "trendy" looking spiffy dude--who has "won" the power? THE NERDS!!! And their technology!!!! And those who gain access to the tech which are the spiffy "winners" who make sure everyone they don't like is a "loser" by the use of this tech (which can kill or destroy their enemies). Thanks to the powers that pay for such research this is now happening ubiquitously around the planet, covertly!

The terrorist organization is also blocking the electric motor of the "new" Honda motorbike that I am renting--by force. They began breaking my old but reliable Honda ("old" meaning a few years--maybe 5 years I paid monthly rent paying the cost by at least 5 times over, besides the years of paying rent for motorbikes and paying off total price of the bikes by 10x over--and over--never able to earn money to pay for my own property. The motorbikes I did buy and cars I have bought were immediately broken and put into disrepair (literally a hole was punched into the floor of one vehicle--in winter in Minnesota).


But this "new" motorbike is being blocked from starting. The engine dies when I stop at any intersection. This happens almost all the time while driving, and even stalls while I am driving. There is a green light, like an email @ symbol on the dashboard of this electrically-engineered motorbike (but runs on gasoline of course). This means something like the battery is low or there is a problem. The bike is less than 2 months "old" by now. The light showed up a few weeks ago and then stopped and the bike ran normally. Now that "high season" is in gear this attack also happens while cars are driving behind me and not stopping. I tried to get across an intersection yesterday and a huge car had stopped and began driving straight into me and if I hadn't swerved it would have hit me. The bike almost stalled at that point. I was carrying this new pressure cooker which didn't fit into the leg area as the other older bike had enough space--so I was driving very dangerously not being prepared for this loose and large box, heavy, that I had to literally prop upon my knees to be able to somewhat steer-not able to round corners but I had to drag my feet in order to make large arcs in order to navigate corners. The huge van began to drive straight into me while I was making this loose and large arc while the engine was stalling--

so it's a threat to my life and it's being done by their remote tech aimed at my vehicle.


I keep writing of this, but it's a very disorienting effect of their terrorism: I wrote of just a few of the filth and scum attacks (scum as in literal scum that is flicked, poured and smeared on everything in this room, almost--walls, floor, cabinets, countertops where I cook--any white tissue I use to clean up the filth is brown almost immediately--likewise my clothing, when I clean it, emits a brown liquid as this scum filth is also sprayed on my clothing at any hour this group can manage to insert mechanical arms into my room--and now that I am not closing the patio doors so I get fresh air, as by now from years of breathing in this filthy toxic my body has completely broken down

but the other damages to my BODY besides making my hair fall out and killing hair follicles permanently--(not a natural product of stress-related factors or of poisoning but deliberate sabotage and disfigurement, along with scores of other very damaging effects to my overall appearance and just fighting to not stink every time I go out to do anything as they spray filthy vile toxins and stinking substances that likewise are permanent on my bags, backpack, items inside--every single thing from my passport to my wallet to every item I carry around and the stench emits from a few feet away--another extremely nasty discrediting tactic. I bury and bind it all up in multiple layers so at least one facet of this is not under their endless destructive attack. That is only because I managed after years to stop them from breaking physically into my living space while I am unconscious and sleeping and teleported to the Hell that the celebrities and politicians inflict every single night with their "fun" toy of teleportation.


My legs are scarred up because they put something on my skin every day that causes rashes and eruptions. They then tattooed it into my skin so the marks are permanent. This is the area above my knee caps,  and on my arms and on the thigh area. This is not my conjecture that they are doing this, it is factual but of course where is the evidence of such? I cannot obtain camera footage because without enough money to waste on such equipment I can't fight the hacking and deletion of evidence. This has happened to me already when trying to film the "perpetrators" in public places--the cameras are jammed the footage is partially deleted just from remote hacking devices on my personal gear.


My skin has blemishes they cut and inserted into it for years and these circular objects that have been injected under my skin  (I think silicone). The objects then get infected with the bloating chemicals which then coagulate into these recesses and tears in my body skin structure--which is why this organization has been so keen to put me into accident after accident, and of course they did body manipulation while I was sleeping to make my body crooked.


And so, I write of this once more. I cannot protect my body from this. Right now there is a huge brownish gash on my thigh because I cut it while walking into the metal hooks that I use to try to block the mechanical arms from breaking into my room from the under sink cabinets in this "kitchen" area which is just a countertop with my table two feet away from the counter and a table set against the wall. The white painted surface of the walls in all directions have been splattered with brown goo stuff that permanently stains (of course, nothing gets it out, no solvent no cleaning fluid nothing). They put something like this into my wound and it's now just a brown gash that won't heal because they also made it infected. They probably put this stuff on my by now marked wound every night. 


I NEED A SAFE HOME TO LIVE IN. I am subjected to this tyranny because I was inserted with the tyranny of these microchips and the greedy celebrities and politicians are being offered untold awards if one of them (then they all get) some kind of award system that is probably so unbelievable--they are all in a virtual feeding frenzy trying to abuse and torture me into submission so they can obtain this contract, whatever it is it is huge. 


I am just trying to retain my independence and the human rights that are supposed to be intrinsic to any civilized society that all the leaders have bashed and dashed for decades all without a glitch or a hitch to the stances they make about how much they follow the Constitution (for their constituents) but not for me. If I have no advocates, and the other targets also remain isolated and under the oppression of similar types of psychopathic groups which are titillated (as they are) by torture and violence, feeding off hate and theft and rape and robbery and attempted murder and the huge power high it affords them--

and, writing to try to reach out once more.

I cannot get out of this place and I have moved literally non-stop for decades because this has followed me around and around with no relief or protection.


How many more years must I write online to a silence audience which participates in this either complacently or directly?

Why is this so impossible to have stopped against me after all these years and years and years simply because I was put on some list and people just viciously can't wait to torture someone and keep it all mum and they all are really violently sick at heart and mind and soul.


But they tell me that I am the problem. It's me being racist when I become incensed that other races are attacking me but make their debuts on the stage for their "anti-racist" memes and themes. It's me who is racist, they claim because I am saying that they are racist and following orders from white supremacists in this hate organization which has no cultural or ethnic boundaries for the hate attacks.


The future looks grim for freedom in general for the planetary population. So far so many people are being handed these free incentives. They only begin to question it once they are personally attacked and then quizzically try to ascertain if they, unbelievable they assume they are far too important or critical a part of the hate organization's structure, but I can assure you that they can easily replace any or all of the lessor minions and minorities after they obtain their goals of final domination--which seems to be what they already have for the most part with all the duplicity of their public stances as to defending and championing human rights, but especially, "Democracy" that old chestnut.
