Sunday, May 30, 2021

Lunacy, lunar blood moon made me do it. Mind control used during the Blood Moon. We got crazy, and now we have all relaxed into the old normal insanity during the waxing of the endless cycles.

"Blood Moon | 26th May 2021 | Endtimes Prophetic Sign | Is this 'THE END' or 'THE BEGINNING'".  Gospel of Grace. May 6, 2021.


The sky was cloudy, the moon was obscured from my patio view when this blood moon showered it's effects upon the planet. I did not see it but I certainly felt it's lunacy effect(s)!

During this relative time frame, a solar flare/geomagnetic storm has pummeled transmissions (obviously not enough to stop the technoterror apparatus from it's usual operations and the global network doing it's job of both connecting and imprisoning the populations (only "targets" such as myself can, at this time, consider all the interconnected telecommunications and satellite networks as anything profound but rather as a form of global barbed wire imprisonment.)

This is our current form of technoterror imprisonment that you consider your wonderful world of international telecommunications, convenience and prosperity.

My current and omnipresent form of technoterror international telecommunications involves deadly surveillance and attack with vehicles, teleportation and obstruction of every financial and business opportunity to the point of eliminating all. In addition to other more land-based techoterror weapons which are part of the multi-pronged attack system.

Flying through the ionosphere, under the bright rays of the deceptive lunacy of the moon, hovering in the particles of the air and invading and infiltrating your bank account and privacy and home and health and all sold to you on a silver platter through well-marketed stealth:

"US government warns of growing cyber threats." ABC News. May 30, 2021.


*I include the above video only as a slight humorous commentary but I do not follow the principles of the prophecies nor of the calamitous impending doom scenario. It's just kinda a joke, ein schatz, schatzi.

Don't worry, folks, there are Blood Moons recurring throughout history and there will be many more bloody moons before the 2nd Coming. You can relax and continue your wonderful lives of acquisition and pleasure and profit with no fear of celestial or godly retribution, at least for now!

Friday, May 28, 2021

Mississippi Goddam and other related tales of Mind control manipulation using worn-out chestnuts of emotional entrapment, aka the ole divide-and-conquer strategy through the green monster of emotional indulgence into emotional cesspools. The intent is to absolutely mire the target into these stale entrapments in order to control them.

 Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns of the mind control programming being forced upon me. I listened this morning in no attempt to deconstruct anything, with the intention purely to drive such thoughts out of my mind. However as I am teleported continuously then almost every song seems to relate in some aspect to more than a decade of non-stop emotional barrage from the insidious forces trying to effect "behavior modification" in me. The effect they desire is the unraveling of my own personality and their programming of subordination, insecurity, hate, negativity, utter emotional carnage and psychological, physical, and of course financial destruction. Thus any sort of relatively popular song, which try to appeal to mass numbers of people for the usual range of emotional values, triggers a sort of response out of me and now I write about it because it all relates to my situation (which I have been writing of for over 10 years on many social media platforms so this should be nothing new to people who have followed my posts and rantings and explosions and explanations and declarations for all these years). This is not hyperbolic ranting in this post but it's on that inter-personal level that is so crucial to mind control programming that requires great fortitude to overcome. If one is strong, these acts of sabotage and emotional/psychological and other types of terrorism that I have detailed for years being inflicted upon me could serve as instruments of higher understanding to actually countermine the intended effects of unraveling the personality of the target and instilling instead utterly subjugated lack of confidence. One can actually empower oneself by a kind of perseverance by strengthening one's sense of self by NOT succumbing to these entrapments that I describe below. Some of my thoughts relate to Buddhist or other types of internal meditative states of non-compliance to the emotional triggers that this mind control programming tries to instill in the target. In being endlessly drugged by such harsh poisons and drugs by this organization I know that I cannot achieve the state of detachment I would truly desire but I am aware of the attempt to achieve this state.


Some jazz songs I heard this morn, from the great and not late Nina Simone. Would she include Goddamn Minneapolis 3rd District from yesteryear into this mix if she were alive today? So goddamn proud now of Minneapolis the people who said goddamn this is goddamn too slow and so they changed it!



THE OTHER WOMAN by Nina Simone

That green monster (I don't mean that symbol of jealousy I mean the slimy other monster associated with another one of it's ilk as both of the grifter scammer jammers try to bilk from me what they cannot scrub off their plastic-coated surfaces concealing their slimy interiors).


I mean to say the other slime-bag greasebag that could be associated with that green slimy monster otherwise known as "jealousy" but that is what they want to believe that I feel but I just see a cesspool of the other woman sliming the monster thugs in it's gang trying to slime me. How they like to play people, races, colors, groups, countries and corporations against one another to gain a divide-and-conquer strategy for control. Never submit to jealousy but always be protected against green monsters who want you to wallow in negativity against "the other" as they control you.


That's an old mind control trick--the old chestnut story people never get hormonally tired of nor want to enact and re-enact.


This is not based on a specific person but it is related to recent relations. It's a recurring program of psy-ops that is a recurring theme, much like psychological training to induce a state of indifference in me to jealousy and the power games associated with this strategy for manipulation and control (and usually for destruction). Either way, one makes one's choices on how to decide. If one is not aware of the conniving strategies of these green slime monsters it is much harder to protect oneself against their emotional and mind control manipulations. I entreat people reading this post to consider the misuse of the mind control technology that is being so amply handed out to underhanded and criminal miscreants who should never, ever have been handed these technologies in the first place. The protocols of attack heaped upon me by your insidious icons of entertainment and political celebrity worship have taught me the importance of having a stable base of grounded insight into such emotional forms of manipulation and control. I believe the Buddhists had a firm grasp of these concepts and taught people how to remain centered and calm against such tempests and sinister forces. Yet the technology and drugging plus the pure evil and malicious intent of such people is a force multiplier for these very ugly and awful types of mind control manipulations. I am forced into this situation of a most disgusting and rotten plastic-surgery-coated slime expletive using man-after-man to assault, rape and torture me (for her) in these teleportation skits of hate and violence heaped upon me nightly for years by the same celebrities that keep being handed award after award in these awful and rotten awards ceremonies that are supposed to represent the very apex of talent in the United States (but controlled entirely by English Monarchist anti-Americans who these celebrities are all cloying to with devotee worship and adoration). Imploring the population to stop these criminals has produced almost no results for the past ten years that I can visibly see, but I know that there has been some effect. I urge people to stop the use of these technologies and I will continue to do what I can to inform people of these malicious destroyers who have been handed these technologies. Trying to discuss and scream about this with one of the rapist abusers and this rotten woman who is a most foul and greasy, filthy sleaze parasitic creep with these men attacking me and attacking me after this piece of scum has stolen ideas from me regading feminist concepts to sell her rotten and foul, disgusting and ugly sinister fake image as being Metoo which she has been highgly publicized for as her studio and her associates have taken up the gap left over by the exclusion and endless anti-Semitic deadly assault upon Weinstein. Well, I am not writing this regarding jealousy but this parasitic creep who for the last 10 years along with her hubby have tortured me using these groups, their friends, the mafia, presidents, politicians, endless numbers of fascist Nazi europ-a's and now it's just going on and on for another day of the same thing. I warn and warn people and they continue to allow this filth to use these technologies. Los Angeles GODDAMN what a cesspool of creeps and scumbag liars, fakes and parasites.

"The question is: How do you want to live?" What Edward Snowden is saying in this interview with Noah Trevor is so poignant, so important, so accurate. The component of stealing memories, of surveillance of your naked body while you are in the privacy of your home. The jeers, laughs and giggles of the expletives watching you, the silencing of the government on these activities. All related intrinsically to mind control operations designed to break down your spirit, soul, the structure of your personality and surveillance is a key factor in observing you at your most vulnerable in order to break down your barriers. My response.

 "Edward Snowden - “Permanent Record” & Life as an Exiled NSA Whistleblower | The Daily Show."  September 21, 2019.

Celebrities with protection (or so they believe) can easily say, "I would not (allow the CIA to censor or monitor my thoughts/words/output/actions)." Yet, most people in "normal" life must submit because the State apparatus is very dangerous and deadly. Mind control is far more pervasive then Noah Trevor or Edward Snowden will admit to publicly because THEY ARE SCARED TO DO SO. Only a few can make jokes about it for cameras and claim that they are too bold to not submit to very deadly Intelligence community forces that can destroy lives if they do speak up. Very few have any sort of immunity from the threat of absolute destruction that these agencies can inflict upon other less-protected whistleblowers. Thus, it will require MANY PEOPLE to stand up and fight for the right to expose corruption instead of waiting for the one or two who make headlines.


The biggest problem of surveillance society is that there is a chain-of-command contained within the external structure of society whereby most people follow orders and do what they are told, "or else". When whistleblowers try to speak out, the citizens around them are instructed to avoid and castigate that person and they are then isolated and most susceptible to attack by these entities that they are trying to expose--ostensibly for the "benefit" of the very people who are following orders and avoiding and helping to target the whistleblower. This also is an effect of mass brainwashing but that brainwashing is induced by fear and threat, which is real.


As Snowden discusses the legal challenges to facing a court trial within the US for disclosing Classified documents which, in essence, is an act contravening statutory law but following the law of the Constitution--in direct opposition to each aspect of law and obedience to either, as Snowden says, the Government or the People. Are you going to keep breaches of the US Constitution from the knowledge of the public or are you going to follow the dictates of enacted code and law that the US Government has put in place to conceal absolute egregious breaches of the 4th Amendment?

Snowden relates how another whistleblower is currently in jail for exposing classified documents about the US Drone Program (as used in application for surveillance for EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS). 

oH my lovely government and it's nefarious black-ops which cannot be whatsoever exposed to journalists or to "The American People", oh that phrase that politicians love to bandy about when they are in front of flashing cameras and fleeting clips about their righteous fights for those above-stated "people" of which I apparently are not a member of (nor are many who read this if only they understood how much they are also being targeted by their "friends" in power).

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

With a sort of Love to Russia. Thank you for your ransomware attack on the US Energy Grid last month! Did the same agency that is targeting me and has been doing so all my life in the US "Black ops" division help your Russian hackers to obtain research into the types of hacking and attack that are being administered upon me? Where I live right now there have been groups of Russians inflicting every kind of surveillance, attack and violent body harm upon me using all kinds of US-sponsored weaponry as this has been a "shared" operation in these "underground" but highly sponsored terrorist "gang stalking" death squads groups.

"Costly ransomware attacks hits businesses, cities."  ABC News. May 27, 2021.



Because, Dearest sophisticated surveillance and hacker world Russia, your attack on the US pipeline that shut the flow of gas along the entire East Coast corridor has spelt trouble for the rest of America which is now much more aware of the cost of allowing the kind of loopholes that allow these types of malicious attacks to continue to plague the consumer base. This laxity has allowed targets and people under covert or regulated surveillance by government sources and their offshoot nefarious (death squad) Gang stalking operations to be continuously interrupted in all flows of international, national and regional telecommunications. 

As the public becomes more aware of the dangers of this huge infrastructure of anti-spyware, anti-malware, and all other industries to essentially penalize consumers for trying to surf with anonymity and safety on the internet by having to pay what is the equivalent of fines in order to purchase such ineffectual "protection" bits of software and for services rendering such "protection".

Obviously the ransomware circumvents all these various purchased forms of protections and has rendered them obsolete in the face of such sophisticated ransomware capabilities.

The heightened awareness of the need for greater protection for internet users is now more important to the regulation of the internet than having these extremely huge portals where all kinds of surveillance can be inflicted and hacking obstructions utilized by these nefarious organizations which continuously plague my every internet use. 

The dividing line between Homeland Security and it's pervasive spyware on every phone call and internet click of people under surveillance should be questioned more openly as ransomware begins to erode the sanctity of commercial and critical infrastructure supply chains. All is interconnected in this sense of the black hatters and the services and essential energy and data-driven operations that are now under serious threat by a more sophisticated type of hacking intrusion. 

While President Biden is proposing a universal Broadband access to every rural and outpost of America in his new proposals for legislation, let it be made clear that security is in need of revamping to protect against ransomware attacks. Furthermore, I am in need of higher security provisions to protect me from US Government-sponsored malicious attacks upon my computer so these black-op agencies can not only monitor my every actions and surfing page and block content and ensure I am "silenced" and censored from expressing the chagrin and the violence being inflicted upon me by malicious celebrities and their partner agencies from the governments of the world where I have had to run to fight to survive from United States terror operations (State-sponsored). Now I need protection for my internet usage and the hope is that there will be administered a higher form of protection for people using the internet as now the US Government is itself under threat from the allowances it has fostered in terms of surveillance and ransomware research and development that has been shared and passed off to people from all over the planet coming to usurp and steal intellectual property from United States--which is then sold off undoubtedly to further terrorist groups and organization because..unfortunately, the United States itself sponsored terrorism upon it's own citizens and I am one of those being targeted in such manner. 

Now the technology of harassment, obstruction of personal date, intellectual property breaches, and all other assorted forms of WiFi and internet usage are coming back to haunt the agencies of the United States which are reliant upon energy needs and other businesses that form the general supply chain within the US, and without to it's international operations.  


The video above explains Three areas of exploitation that need to be addressed and rectified for patches and vulnerabilities for everyday surfing activities by targets such as myself. Please note as an aside that if you listen to lectures given by Edward Snowden, for example, you can hear this former National Security Agency whistleblower explain that EVERY SINGLE phone call in the United States can be intercepted, logged and listened into by the US government surveillance capabilities. If the United States government is listening in, so too can the foreign operators listen in and conduct further surveillance of your every phone call and transaction.

The areas that are under threat in every day sorts of surfing activities include:

Phishing campaigns

Remote Desktop infiltration

Software vulnerabilities


Software vulnerabilities are "supposed" to be covered by the range of free or purchasable anti-virus and malware protection software that are sold in huge industries that appear to be absolutely ineffective against the more sophisticated types of malware that proliferate and are now attacking critical infrastructure operations and businesses. It is not enough to continue to allow these covert operations for domestic terrorism, such as those infinitely attacking me which are sponsored by the US Government covertly, but backed up by all kinds of deadly terrorist groups that are subversive but still on the payrolls of said government agencies protected under some kind of hypocritical rubric of "protecting" "The American People" from non-terrorists such as myself. For where the funding for this huge international organization attacking me stems, while politicians and noted celebrities and all kinds of civilian deviants and "normal" and "respectable " citizens not just willingly participate but laugh and giggle and glare in hate as they frenetically and dangerously attack me every single moment and online it's a non-stop censorship of my every attempt to gain any kind of telecommunication or business transaction or personal account of my ideas and thoughts in any kind of written explication. 

Now the dog that has been amply fed until it's a bloated and greedy rabid attack system is coming back to bite the hand that so generously fed this sick puppy that has grown into a junkyard dog viciously attacking people they don't like, and now blocking US critical infrastructure and perhaps destroying businesses. They could also wipe out entire defense systems potentially in an act of cyberterror or war. 

It's enough for the greedy to stop playing into this game of terrorizing lone civilians called "Targeted Individuals' and perhaps for once look at the bigger picture of how badly their selfish aims of power and promotion are leading to a widespread catastrophic system of their own undoing, but brought about by the people they empowered by sharing these death squad groups which are being handed every kind of inter-personal terror technology along with endless surveillance capabilities, in a global network of terrorism and murder and hate and violence upon people or individuals. 



"A conversation with Edward Snowden about our legal case against mass surveillance." Privacy International. May 18, 2021.

Edward Snowden from above video:

"There's a kind of presumption, I think, that governance is of a high enough quality that you can just trust the government. That things will all work out, and that it's all okay. (almost laughing at this point in sarcasm, Snowden continues). And I think people miss, largely, the reality, which is, governments don't reform themselves. 

Power never limits their own capability without a demand, without some kind of force or pressure. Or, in our case here, a court judgement. To say, your crayons are way outside the lines. 

This case (being brought before the European Court on Human Rights), what exactly is it?"

Privacy International: "Fundamentally, this case is challenging two practices of the UK Intelligence agencies. The first has to do with their mass interception of communications. This is all the content and metadata that is traveling over these mass connections by fiber optic cables THAT CONNECT ALL THE COUNTRIES OF THE WORLD but IT JUST HAPPENS THAT THEY ALL RUN THROUGH THE UK (which is a huge force in the terrorist activities surrounding me, personally--my input, the author of this blog--and English absolutely control aspects of American media awards system and media propaganda services and absolutely controls these celebrities most viciously attacking me, along with their highly positioned government leaders). It turns out the, through our research, the UK Intelligence agencies have been using these intercepted communications for their own work. (paraphrasing now her exact quote as hacking and obstruction of my typing and critical thinking capabilities is as usual under severe enough attack by the terrorists I am referring to in this blog post--I mean only a tiny percent of less than .01% of this organization). 

A second aspect of this case is that the US does very similar things.



See video above for more very relevant and recent information on what should be alarming for the future security of critical infrastructure needs of the United States and also for privacy of individuals. There needs to be greater protection for targets and for their assailants alike, as all are now integrated into this Matrix of telecommunications and all face threat to survival should dire enemies of the country obtain more access to vulnerabilities in these operational interconnected internet services. 


Sunday, May 23, 2021

Everyone else gets Shagged: The bright prospects for extra-marital affairs or cheaters in the New Age of Technology: Teleportation "Shaggy" application, "Wasn't me" ring tone.

 The wonderful world of the FUTURE for future PLAYERZ in the not-so-wonderful futuristic world of TELEPORTATION--"wasn't me!"

SHAG: English slang word for intercourse--a middle ground between getting f*ed and the more polite term intercourse.


It's the current world of celebrities using teleportation and politicians handing the technologies out! Imagine the possibilities for crime, orgies, rape, and theft?! What a wonderful world of PROGRESS for every kind of grifter, scammer, cheat, liar, criminal, rapist, murdering bigot and/or otherwise scrub~!

In the bright, luminescent future of teleportation, you can have various "programs" for the teleportation tech. One can be the "Shaggy" application for your porno cheating needs. Press the button, get teleported or have your target/victim or cheating partner appear, disappear with a special function to identify your "significant" other which will alert you if they are spying on you or coming to check on you--so you can once more press that little toy button and remove the evidence! "Wasn't me" can also be played when you press the button like a ring tone. The FUTURE of technology and the needs met for all kinds of extra-marital affairs (the other applications are boundless for crime and other deeds of criminal activity).

Saturday, May 22, 2021

I'm gonna say that B-tard's name. Who? That Jewish Nazi from South Beach who was one of the worst restaurant owner Jewish Nazis operating with the real Nazis on South Beach, that's who

 Don't say their names!!! Don't write directly about "perpetrators" but...I see his name repeated in almost every "top Miami" restaurant themed-article in the last few issues of The Miami New Times. I can't recall how many times Michael Schwartz had me attacked by his staff. Michael Schwartz managed or part-owned the cheesy burger glorified greasy pit joint painted Alka Seltzer Pink--called The Big Pink. Imagine overflowing piles of greasy thin fries piling nearly off an oval white plate, with piled-up greasy burgers and bottles of ketchup and mustard on deli-style NY counters with tv screens and freezing air conditioning and over-priced everything else. This was a favorite joint at the South of Fifth area back when I lived there. 

Now, I sold cigars on South Beach for a few years in the mid-90's. this Michael Schwartz dude--who is "Jewish", was the worst restaurant perpetrator who had me assailed using this technology of mind control and all the minority minions attacking me as I did silly and obnoxious things to try to sell cigars in his other, more "upscale" joint a few blocks away, which I could never afford to eat at because my money was changed from $100 bills to $1 bills by the terrorists who breached my little cheap living quarters because I could not afford really much of anything. I have always been left at a struggling financial state due to this group even if I earn enough money to live on a higher living standard. 

Michael Schwartz, with his angry red face attacking me for the Nazi bigots who promote such types of "Jews" into prominent positions. Only and only as long as they attack the targets like me can they ever hope to achieve a higher status. Only if they supplicate themselves to bigots and whites supremacists in the hierarchical stratified sphere of the influential criminal base of Miami with all the luxury retail and entertainment and real estate. Schwartz's gestures of antagonism towards me were more pronounced in open than the other people who behaved with fake smiles while they attacked me. The hate expressed by the minorities who want to be promoted is always more exaggerated (and usually more sincere) than those who are ordering them around to perform the hate skits that are used in "gang stalking" terrorism. Michael Schwartz had his Wait staff refuse me service, tell me I could sell cigars only to block me and attack me when I would arrive. His glaring hate at me was always accompanied by such lies as "come back later I need to decide" only to have me attacked when I did arrive, in full dressed attire for this business I had to clutch onto because I was essentially blacklisted and attacked at legitimate businesses that I attempted to earn just a basic living at. Cigars had not even been my choice, this was handed to me by people performing the skits and organized attack upon me.

I write this post today as an addendum to my earlier posts today because I had included "Jews" as part of this Neo-Nazi "minority minion" classification when I wrote about the Progressive Movement. Because I had put the photo of Bernie Sanders in this post, I want to write of an "influencer" who I know is culpable instead of only inserting the photo of one person who may or may not be involved. Sanders does know of my situation and has teleported me twice. His behavior is mixed and I know of the threat that any act of kindness towards me will incur the violence of this most hateful group which is utilizing this teleportation technology, along with the myriad of other technologies used for this seamless operation of terrorism that I have been writing of--If you don't know by now you must go back in all the over 10 years of me documenting my experiences while drugged into a ranting state with hacking changing my writing--but it's all I can do because still no government or Jewish group (which is the reason I am being targeted in the first place but I am rejected by the very group which I am "supposed" to represent in some way--not fitting in, not bowing down to bigot Nazis except when very drugged and under mind control so I really don't know that I am doing it anyway). 

It's a very sad state of affairs but I believe it is important to not silence and keep censored. My post is more positive than negative in that it is part of a self-determination fight on my part for anyone who is being pushed into any category which they reject or are "supposed" to fit into with all the mind control behaviors that are antithetical to the person who wants to evolve and not be stifled into a cliche or stereotype.

But how violent people of an "oppressed" group may turn around to oppress a deviant (or outlier if you will)--oh how they attack in order to gain prestige by their oppressors who they are being brainwashed into "loving". 

Friday, May 21, 2021

Qi Gong Breathing with the fluffy gift of Nature in one's lap (don't think of rude things).

 THE INSPIRATION OF QI GONG (with a cat in your lap to provide the universal gift of love). Here's a loving ode to my long-lost cat La Moux, my precious, who was stolen by these haters teleporting me and their hateful minions attacking me for them. They have no idea what love is but they are paid in millions to project this onto a two-dimensional screen with holographic replications that leave you breathless with anticipation holding your breath for that climactic joy which comes only briefly and then you become addicted to yearning for more that never satiates. Oh yes, they stole my cat they create endless misery and I submit this post today as a breath of fresh air (but imploring people to get my cat back to me because she is more than 20 years old--and she has lived that long because I lavished love on her every day with the breath of life).


This is so beautiful, and far beyond the limitations of the short breaths of hate and politics---bellowing rage and hissing hate within the breadth of the political spectrums I have written of below.

The monk holds a peaceful and beautiful cat in his arms as he explains the beauty of breathing in peace and health and happiness (much of that can be derived from loving a cat). HOW I MISS MY CAT LA MOUX WISH SOMEONE WOULD HAVE HER RETURNED ALIVE AND HEALTHY BACK TO ME ASAP!

I breathe in the hope that this will happen.

The New American Bolshevik Party of Promised Land anti-Semitism. "Progressives see 'historic' moment to shift US relations with Israel." (The HIll. May 21, 2021).

 SORRY NO OFFENSE TO THE HONORABLE BERNIE SANDERS. I may be duped but I did not imply him in this post today and the Progressive movement. I could be wrong however and I wrote of Jewish collusion with Neo-Nazi activities which I am extremely familiar with from decades of experiencing it first-hand. I can't really tell with Sanders but it has been obvious with many notable others of that party--the "minorities" vying for power who have thoroughly been splintered off into the "divide and conquer" strategy that their bigot white controllers use as their most oft-used tactic.

Progressives see 'historic' moment to shift US relations with Israel

The New American Bolshevik Party of Promised Land anti-Semitism.

I cannot comment on this subject as it is too incendiary and also I am tired due to mind control, detox and sick of fighting to type and get around mind control obstruction; but it is related to my post about the "Progressive" racist Neo-Nazi skinhead You Tube commentator who has threatened me--written today in posts below. I think the Progressive movement is being used by many who want to install more extremist factions outside of conventional Party lines into political and all other positions of power--if possible. Because AOC has dark skin and "represents Black and Brown People" does not make her any less a racist or minion for Nazis than the violent and aspiring whites who complain about the very wealthy (written of below in my post on Cousins making direct reference to the very wealthy "aristocrat" connected to English Royalty Danny Moynihan, who I wrote of three days ago). His violence, he even told me, was based on me writing about the theft of my ideas and 30 years of attack by Moynihan who these poorer and aspiring to be ultra-wealthy whites who call themselves Progressive (white males who can't stand to see me have a chance to have more power than they are fighting to obtain through all their lies and deceptions about their intentions and Party aspirations). Not that the stalwart and traditional Parties are any less dangerous to "Democracy" but nevertheless the intention is definitely a Nazi world order and many of the "Black and Brown" and even Jewish "Progressives" with all their Bolshevik sentimentality about every kind of feminist, racial and economic justice and parity with the wealthy--the fight to tax the rich and raise up the poor--which is justified but it was used as a lure and then later a dragnet to incarcerate into Gulags the people who fought and killed in a revolution for the upstarts who then created an absolutely racist and fascist despotic system of oligarchs of ultra wealth and Nazi gangs killing judges in the streets (very recent and in modern times and also Nevalny is a Neo-Nazi and has used Nazi genocidal terms--he is no hero by the way and not anything aspiring for equality or freedom but only using these terms for obtaining power--along with his poor victimization performances).

The mass-murder of Jews was accomplished in part by Jews who connected to the Nazi party, and all I have seen of Progressives is violence and hate from the "Black and Brown" pundits who perform their stints and stunts in the media of anger at the imbalance that the parties of established order have enforced for decades or centuries upon this "Democracy" of America.

The ultimate colonization of Israel is intended for white Nazis posing as Christians who want to take over the Holy Land and establish their Evangelical and other splinter group holds on the country. That is my observation and opinion on this subject--as I can't provide proof of this because I have no access to doing the relevant research, and because no one will support my premise which I have understood while listening to lectures as the only English speaker while I stayed in Germany at various Evangelical church "meetings" held in the German language--the insinuations and references were very clear.

This is of course an opinion piece but it is based on my anecdotal experience. Also of being attacked by these many personalities here in the realm of the US teleportation contractual circus that never stops this three-ring gyrating hand-off of me as this experimental teleportation victim-for-promotion torture contract which has been handed out to all the Parties that hold power in the US Congress and beyond (as in those deep and dark crevices of international "Dark Money").

Death threats from a skin-head Neo-Nazi "Progressive" YouTube terrorist while teleported (sleeping, under hypnosis and drugged and under a 10-year plus siege of my sleeping and waking states of consciousness and torture, attack and violence without end). His name is Farron Cousins. You can see his shiny bald/greasy head in his spittle-driven hate diatribes mostly against the Trump Org. As an infiltrator his role is to keep focus on Trump and the people who he really represents.

 The really sick and trite but deadly account of now non-stop death threats after he teleported and hit/assaulted me while I was barely able to see, as he hit me in the face with his elbow. This is going to land him promotions for writing about this because these parasites continue to attack me without end as they get more lead roles, more prominent positions after I detail their rape, hate, torture and violence. The more I write about them it SEEMS the more promotions and media coverage they obtain and more prominent positions as media "authorities".

I had written a ranting, drugged up tortured commentary post three days ago. That night--two night ago--I was teleported to this man hitting me as I was "awoken" in the sleeping/teleported state. It was the first thing I "saw" and these mind-screw operators had somehow darkened my vision so all was a grey blur but I knew who he was, and saw him as my focus cleared and the fight began. I wished him death and told him he looks like a greasy and shiny piece of pork belly.  His appearance absolutely fits into skinhead typology. Shiny shaved head, red-faced redneck out of Pensacola, Florida. I lived in that town for a short few violence-ridden months of endless hate crimes committed against me by the "good Christian" denizens of that dirty town--mostly whites because I lived in a white neighborhood (in a huge, ugly apartment building not far from the Super Walmart). The list of attacks were absolutely intended to kill me and destroy me on all levels, but they used a swarm of Central Americans and Mexicans to really inflict as much damage upon me but that is a wholly different story. I was nearly killed in a car crash (yet another one) which put my hips out of alignment and I was denied almost all health care and I still am in a country where it is absolutely cheap and affordable but I can't afford anything, and I can't afford the risk of being severely mutilated or physically attacked at any doctor clinic--even with the stimulus money I have been put into such a state of financial and legal desperation that I have to really save all my money--I am routinely over-charged for any service that could have a variable rate and the service is intended to worsen any condition I may have so I am almost deathly afraid of going to any doctor--especially here in Phuket where the terrorist-to-minion rate is so high that a potentially deadly attack is almost at 100%.

But the people of Pensacola, where Farron (from Ring of Fire and Farron Balanced on You Tube) hails his KKK and Nazi salutes from.

I wished him death after he hit me. He hit me after I wrote a lengthy piece on his benefactor, the English wealthy aristocrat (and this man feigns to be a "progressive" "liberal" fighting against the very wealthy, which is the platform of the Progressive Party but in this case, as an infiltrator, he is assaulting me to obtain promotions for his hate and spittle-spewing hate diatribes on the internet. He has been attacking me since the election fiasco began, as a pawn of that contingent connected to the Trump Campaign and it's affiliates connected to the ultra-fascist Neo-Nazi factions to which this man undoubtedly belongs and is a full secret member of. I write this of course as an observation of his modus of operandi. First, my Facebook Tai Chi "group" page was then plastered not with informative and fascinating Tai Chi information as it has been every day to which I gravitate in my healing process. No, the "groups" section was suddenly on a completely different tac, which was of DEATH AND DEATH AND MORE DEATH. "You are dead" was the opening for a video game in a graveyard with the "player" dying and the "you are dead" flashing on the screen. A long list of subjects connected to death and more death then became the endless series of hacked-in posts that appeared on my Facebook "groups" pages and in my Tai Chi group posts.

Last night in teleportation I was put in front of a cadaver which I had to "identify" as if this was a morgue and I was a close relative who had to identify the body--like a movie or tv plot.


I thus am writing now once more because one of the photos put on the flow of death photos--the second one yesterday underneath the graveyard "gamer" clip, was a man who had been knocked unconscious with a caption of "this man thought he could talk like he writes on the internet" with an explosion of commentary about people getting killed after they post or say things online and/or in person. The same type of photography has been used by Neo-Nazis in Europe who commit hate crimes in subways where a Nazi is giving the HH/88 salute as a Muslim, dark-skinned male lies flat knocked cold, perhaps dead, after being simply assaulted for being dark-skinned and an immigrant. The very same mode of imagery was used by this man as the Nazis in Europe (it was Sweden where this photo captured the same global enterprise--with these technologies not just interconnection through social media and telecommunications keeps these various groups using one single form of protocol and imagery of terrorism, but also the new technology that is being handed to them by my government is allowing them to commit far more serious and murderous crimes.)

He has teleported me before and the  ugliness and hate he spittled out at me left a residue of ugly negative energy that didn't dissipate for a very long time afterwards. There are "toxic" people who leave a lingering negative effect which is a kind of creepy-crawly sensation upon  your nerves, body and soul. He is one of those who I have experienced.  He has been thoroughly pre-programmed and conditioned by his environment into a most nasty and violent attitude towards committing violence upon anyone who doesn't fit neatly into the KKK/Neo-Nazi program (kept oh so alive in that almost Alabama border town of Pensacola which is very racist and the divisions are clearly demarcated and the lines have been drawn from lynch mobs which I can only imagine the ancestors of this bald-spittle-hate-driven Neo-Nazi "Progressive" have fully trained him into all his life. He has disguised his accent--perhaps he is not from Pensacola from birth he doesn't have the accent that is of that region. I know there is information about him but I have not gone into more in-depth analysis because he is such a repugnant personality towards me. 

I must admit a life-lesson regarding my connection to this person by clicking on his videos: when Trump was prez, and I was under his assault system in this teleportation torture trap that my government never stops allowing to flourish from one personality to the next: because my every facial expression, thought and written word and THOUGHT is under non-stop surveillance from these various insidious technologies of hacking into the brain, the cochlear and through such sensitive technologies every single thought can be recorded like someone is screaming it out loud. This hateful spittle-driven diatribe Trump advocate posing as a "Progressive" put so many hateful posts regarding Trump's sinking into losing the election and thus, the negativity that Trump and his minions and the celebrities I have endlessly written of seemed to me to be also slipping out of this system of attacking me--vicariously I thus listened to the hate spewed out by Cousins because it was my one and only outlet for the negativity that these terrorists produced each and every night and day for years.

I want to add that Farron Cousins (please do not elevate him in the media because I am writing about how fascist and violent he is--his every reaction is 100% fascist-driven and the response of escalation of negativity that he and these types initiate is then increased as such an exponential rate if the target responds either with self-defense or counter-attacks. But I want to add that he is not a pure advocate of Trump, although he is an advocate of English fascist Nazis like Danny Moynihan who I had written of and his 30 years of participating in this endless attack upon me--and stealing as many ideas as possible which is alot because he has only the most standard forms of formulaic output if left to his own imagination. Yet, Farrons absolutely defends the most wealthy although he claims to be a Progressive--but his real goal I believe is to establish a 3rd or 4th or 5th Party to split the Republican base and turn it into a more fascist Nazi outlet for his Neo-Nazi infiltrators into the Democratic Caucus, posing as Progressives. What was sickening was listening to his rant during the Derek Chauvin Trial as he said that Black people were being oppressed and then he used the term "We" to connect himself to the Black struggle against bigots just like him, this really violent veiled lynchmob KKK facist Nazi.

He won't stop and he's also participating with the very fascist Nazi Arnie S-neg-ger out of Austria--the bodybuilder who has somehow breached into H-wood the fascist, Nazi-controlled entity now obviously controlled by English fascists like Moynihan--whose book Boogie Woogie was a blueprint for an eventual anti-Semitic genocide, with references that are extremely veiled towards the Holocaust and his racist and misogynist position in that book have been wholly ignored by the very people who clamor around him and his group which hand out these contracts to people assaulting me. I think he has a completely personalized determination to see me broken first physically, emotionally, sexually, financially and then after extracting a baby from me with some bigot I detest and want to kill and see destroyed along with their/his wives and children, would be very bad for me. And thus, I once more ask that another fascist Nazi posing a death threat to me, along with that "actor" S-neg-ger are blocked and stopped-in fact that they all are stopped. That this contract is stopped permanently and immediately so no more of these violent destroyers are put into lead positions in entertainment, the media or in politics. 

Terrorist Hacking: it is now so obstructive that I can barely open any pages. I just did a "restore" function today, which required almost 4 hours to complete as all systems are so slowed down it's nearly impossible to get any single function done.

 I tried to open one page and the computer froze, this was after a 4-hour waiting to download updates after doing a restore function. The moment I turned on the WiFi the same problems which were never deleted because the restore function has been hacked--just immediately returned. I cannot open more than one page at a time but if I try all pages freeze and the computer remains frozen and inoperable for at least 5 minutes. I have to get up almost continuously and do other things and wait for the spinning cursor to stop and perhaps one page to open up. I tried to upload 6 1-hour playlists onto my already broken Nokia cellphone (the camera and the phone part have been broken, but I can still download music and listen to it like a listening device--it's the only function that hasn't been broken by this group). The scanning of a file takes at least 30 minutes--in reality it probably should take 5 minutes at most. This is not an exaggeration. It takes hours to get simple tasks done and all day to try to install updates and download files to another device. 

The computer is freezing on all clicks and all pages and I can barely now open just one page. 



As I have written for so many years now, but I repeat as writing about it is somehow a stress relief moreso than attempting to write any new information on this subject: the brain-altering tech does something that makes me feel, while this technology is attacking my brain/body--that my head/brain is being slightly squeezed inward. My vision changes and it is extremely hard to find words for any topic I want to use. My fingers are also blocked from moving to keys I want to press, as if stuck in mid-air and "confused" about where to land the fingers. (I type at over 65 words per minute, something I have not been able to do for YEARS literally due to this hacking intrusion into everything).

 It actually hurts my BRAIN to try to write while this tech is affecting me. Maybe it is a microchip implant, maybe it's from an external and more remote source affecting my brain. 

There is enough evidence to support my claims of mind control attack as there has been a recent report of US Embassy official claiming that mind control technology blocked their ability to function in their official capacities. I could look this information up but it's too hard to deal with this blocked computer. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Is it State-sponsored terrorist censorship or "cancel culture"? Is H-wood Barbie really "woke"? A brief media byte look at Hollywood's byproduct, Bill O'Reilly, and his askanse look at H-wood.

"America Hates Hollywood."--Bill O'Reilly. The First. March 19, 2021. 

"Americans rank Hollywood as the institution that they trust the least in a new poll, even less than the government!"


Below: The next "woke" movie upcoming trailer is Tarantino's next revenge movie, Nikki's Revenge. (see Barbie video clip above for reference to the name Nikki which uses that very name to represent the "woke" Barbie consoling poor figurine of Nikki).

BTW, when Tarantino teleported me and began assaulting me (this was at least one year ago or longer, time is very slow when you are teleported every single night and are too sick and can't write and take notes on every single night of teleportation and torture in that state) but..when that famous "woke" director so hip and cool as his image is being sold as):and referencing genocidal Nazi actions like sending Jews off in trains to concentration camps, and threatened and attacked me when I told him NO that I have no "ideas" for him to use as he has done in the past --greatly changing them but using the original concept---thus, I only "thought" of the concept of his Kill Bill #1 movie clip where the little daughter of Vernita Green stood in absolute silence while her murdered mother lay on the bloody floor--staring with blank nothing, absolutely void and blank not saying a word--I also thought that the Black Mamba character's daughter only talked and talked and was featured as not being silenced. I thought these thoughts after his attacks, they used the thought-reading tech and now a movie is coming out using/adapting this theme (after only more torture aimed at me by the entire ensemble of these H-wood millionaire/billionaire influencers. Yes, this fits so nicely into the "woke" culture that has sprung up out of the ashes of the many burned cancel culture throw-aways and discards. I add this here because it provides a perfect circle of this theme. I add this hours after writing the other parts of this post because: I wake up every morning after being physically, mentally, psychologically and sexually assaulted or one of each or singluarly or collectively every single night by these same people teleporting me who are stealing ideas they derive out of torturing me--with payment of more abuse and hate and violence and drugging and dismemberment each and every single day. I am now "finishing" this post in a much more cheery mood after a few hours of shaking off the negativity that these famous celebrities and their handlers inflict upon me daily (I mean nightly--it's like a perfect storm combination of me being on the other side of the planet. I am sleeping they are awake during daylight hours. Teleporting me to torture me in this most perfect time-zone combination means they do this each and every single day without a skip or jump in sequence).

Here's to victimized "Nikki" (see Barbie clip above, and now this movie with the exact Black victimized female name in this "woke" absolutely nasty racist director's next upcoming future Golden Shower Globe Awards deal:

"Kill Bill: Volume 3 "Nikki's Revenge" Trailer."

I noticed in trying once more to re-edit this most badly hacked post and I discovered that most of the paragraphs begin with, "I". Well, I am trying to write with so much hacking obstruction to my brain and keyboard I am not able to write using the best grammar I know of. This is a personal opinion piece so beginning each paragraph very badly with only "I" is a bit appropriate. however, my abilities in writing are very much blocked just while typing (fighting to type almost every word and continuously having to backspace to rewrite what hackers are blocking and retyping while I am in the middle of typing. Then having to go back in after I click on publish only to see that most has been partially deleted or rewritten and then pasted together without punctuation or any coherency but put out in my name as a discrediting tactic--more on this below--and I always include these comments about the hacking as it is at a 100% rate of censorship in all my published writing). I actually am able to write quickly, clearly and well if not blocked like this. It is very nasty to have to deal with this endless censorship and Big Brother attack forced upon me by the media designators of "Freedom" and "Democracy" and all their social minions which number in the millions. I am I.

I discovered this clip purely by accident on a Facebook list of pages scrolling randomly around the "pages" category (nothing is "random" on my laptop due to terrorist intervention/hacking, I fear). I listened in and found an accord which of course is what I have been writing of for years regarding my situation (not all I have written of to any degree is corraborated by O'Reilly to any degree). He completely omits the racist factor and also, this "study" he makes the most thin of references to I cannot find and he does not provide the name of the study or the date when it was published. He is almost slurring the name of the poll so I can't really trust the data he refers to.
I wonder if some aspects of what is so kindly called "cancel culture" is really a distorted and much too-benign description of what otherwise would be referenced as fascist censorship and suppression? These could "never" happen in such a business as that which Bill O'Reilly is a full-fledged member of, could it? ..., but what ever.... I wholly agree with the "cancel culture" form of censorship in that some shows that have racist depictions should be discontinued, absolutely. The large difference between censorship to silence dissent and the policically "woke" culture "cancel culture" is sometimes or often appropriate if you are aiming to eradicate racism and stereotypes in entertainment symbolism and output.
I am now re-editing this commentary as hackers have already gone in and deleted parts, rewritten and made this entire post I had written earlier completely distorted and unreadable. I tried to guess what had been deleted because I was on so many other pages. It's very horrible. I had stopped this page and the O'Reilly video and got onto another browser (I try to limit my social media into one browser so I can use another browser which may not be corroded with malware). I surfed back to this page and I had to get up and do other things in my room because the entire computer froze just upon clicking on the video "play" button, and trying to re-edit this page the Facebook site was so blocked I had to refresh the page twice and then wait for another 3 minutes just to edit this post. I see it has been very badly redacted into completely incomprehensibility. THAT is complete "cancel culture" imposed upon my every written statement or blog or Facebook past--). I believe strongly that Bill O'Reilly is aware of my situation and does either nothing to protect my rights of freedom of speech/writing or to defend people like me who are targeted and their every information and output is being likewise suppressed by hackers inserting words, deleting words, deleing grammar, deleting parts of sentences, and the rewrites to make it appear like the writer is crazy, delusional or has not education and is almost illiterate--which is the norm and always happens every time I write a post). Thus listening to O'Reilly is akin to listening to a H -wood apologist who is playing to the crowd's sentiments and then heralding his own output as being the supreme and not having anything to do with censorship, fascist dictatorial blockage of any writer (like me in these posts, because I can't write more than a few sentences or paragraphs anyway and never can publish even after hours of backspacing and retyping to try to correct what has been deleted or changed by terrorists discrediting me).
I have never watched these Bill O'Reilly "Killing" X, Y or Z movies. "Killing Jesus", as O'Reilly claims, is the most accurate of ALL movies ever on the topic, and thus I am downloading it to watch Jesus get crucified once more. At least Jesus Christ Superstar has Twyla Tharpe choreography and music from the 70's psychedelica instead of what could be just a propagandized movie about the aspects of Christianity that O'Reilly wishes to emphasize or de-inflate or "expose".
While O'Reilly accuses H-wood stars and their tiny enclave as being narcissists, he again emits his own brand of it in his claims this his "killing" movies are "the very best depictions of Jesus and et al EVER...EVER..." he so narcissistically claims about hiw own work.
I have to say like so many other opinionated witty commentators that the "common sense:" approach combined with sardonic sarcasm is often entertaining and fun. There is much worse in Foxland and in the media than O'Reilly.
I truly hope that my endless attempt to correct the terrorist hacking into this post has somewhat produced a readable result after I click on the "save" button. I doubt it will be readable after I publish this but I have tried. I rarely re-read my posts and so there must be a list of very badly hacked posts attritubed to me which have been completely censored by Big Bro the ho (stemming, but not exclusively, also including the other entity that O'Reilly lists as being mistrusted by "The Americans polled"--that is, the US Government--on almost an equal footing of discredable and unreliable as that bastion of deception out of H-wood).


You could say this movie, "Killing Jesus" has a spoiler alert by definition. I am watching it to see what O'Reilly has included of allusions to modern politics.


If this post (and all posts up to now on my page and my blog) are confusing or unreadable it is 100% due to hacker/terrorists rewrite, deleting and turning what I write into completely mixed up non-sequitors--all discrediting and all part of the endless terrorism inflicted upon me by Hollywood people involved in this mind control terrorism aimed at me and the government officials and leaders in their same rank. That O'Reilly mentions the mafia as being the controllers of H-wood (and society) I agree that is partially correct (he keeps neglecting all the racist factions that also are part of this whole enterprise in the mind control arena with all it's political associations of mind control social enginnering.


The H-wood and their You Tube collaborators (who participate, teleport and assault me as well, especially if they are in the news media output category) do copy and steal concepts or phrases that I write--which is impossible for me to provide evidence for after the terrorist hackers rewrite my posts in various parts to eliminate the context or disrupt meaning in this endless discrediting. The theft of ideas is thus first, my writing is completely unreadable, but still, before the alterations of my writing the terrorist media pesonalities and their writers can steal the phrases, sentences and conceptual ideas and/or research I do and steal it while I can't get it out. Therefore any claims that I wrote anything stolen can never be supported, even if there ever were an investiation into this aspect of the multi-pronged endless attack of terrorism and theft aimed at me every time I write (and every moment of my life as well). however, even those who "expose" the hypocrisy and the downgraded aspect of H-wood and the media, by seeming to be an advocate for free speech are participating in the hypocrisy as well by their seeming antagonistic stance of "common sense" sarcasm in their "exposes" and "poll" reseach findings that are unsubstantiated I can't find evidence and he provides no links or information on his source(s), at least in this video.


Kill Bill Vol. 3, Nikki's Revenge

Above: The next "woke" movie upcoming trailer is Tarantino's next revenge/mass carnage movie, Nikki's Revenge. (see Barbie video clip above for reference to the name Nikki which uses that very name to represent the "woke" Barbie consoling poor figurine of Nikki).

BTW, when Tarantino teleported me (this was at least one year ago or longer, time is very slow when you are teleported every single night and are too sick and can't write and take notes on every single night of teleportation and torture in that state) but..when that famous "woke" director so hip and cool as his image is being sold as: and began assaulting me and referencing genocidal Nazi actions like sending Jews off in trains to concentration camps, and threatened and attacked me when I told him NO that I have no "ideas" for him to use as he has done in the past --greatly changing them but using the original concept---thus, I only "thought" of the concept of his Kill Bill #1 movie clip where the little daughter of Vernita Green stood in absolute silence while her murdered mother lay on the bloody floor--staring with blank nothing, absolutely void and blank not saying a word--I also thought that the Black Mamba character's daughter only talked and talked and was featured as not being silenced. I thought these thoughts after his attacks, they used the thought-reading tech and now a movie is coming out using/adapting this theme (after only more torture aimed at me by the entire ensemble of these H-wood millionaire/billionaire influencers. Yes, this fits so nicely into the "woke" culture that has sprung up out of the ashes of the many burned cancel culture throw-aways and discards. I add this here because it provides a perfect circle of this theme. I add this hours after writing the other parts of this post because: I wake up every morning after being physically, mentally, psychologically and sexually assaulted or one of each or singluarly or collectively every single night by these same people teleporting me who are stealing ideas they derive out of torturing me--with payment of more abuse and hate and violence and drugging and dismemberment each and every single day. I am now "finishing" this post in a much more cheery mood after a few hours of shaking off the negativity that these famous celebrities and their handlers inflict upon me daily (I mean nightly--it's like a perfect storm combination of me being on the other side of the planet. I am sleeping they are awake during daylight hours. Teleporting me to torture me in this most perfect time-zone combination means they do this each and every single day without a skip or jump in sequence).

Here's to victimized "Nikki" (see Barbie clip above, and now this movie with the exact Black victimized female name in this "woke" absolutely nasty racist director's next upcoming future Golden Shower Globe Awards deal.

Right now, as I type this, the terrorist hackers have blocked the font size function, as they always do. I copied and pasted this from my Facebook page and I have spent over 5 minutes trying to copy and highlight the above two paragraphs and each time other functions pop up from the hard drive, the hackers delete the parts that I have tried to highlight and then the cursor is blocked and it all returns to not being highlighted. After more than 10 times of doing this, I have tried to copy the entire page and that won't function either. This is how much these terrorist "woke" celebrities and their H-wood producers/writers/directors and Nazi handlers want to suppress even my writing in a blog about their tricky machinations of their ostensible "woke" ness.

I wrote another entire comment that has since been entirely deleted. I am stopping here. Fighting to copy and paste is almost as impossible as typing in any capacity that everyone reading this automatically has at their disposal. There are at least 4 simultaneous attacks on my brain/body/keyboard and all functions therein every time I fight to type and get any single function accomplished. The censorship of the "woke" H-wood team is worse than anyone could imagine.

This means that even though I copy what I write from Facebook to this blog and vice-versa, this group has made it impossible for me to copy and paste anything or fight for at least 15 minutes to copy a few paragraphs from one page to another. That happens after I do a restore function (which has also been permanently blocked, as are all recovery discs I can't find any and I really don't have more money to pay for somethign that was taken out of this package when I bought the computer so I would not be able to accomplish cleaning out all their endless malware--being stuck in Thailand where all phone calls are diverted to terrorist agents and every store participating in this I can't get what I need when it comes to defending myself in a technological/telecommunications sense.