Tuesday, August 24, 2021

I was lied to constantly and the Social Security agents while I told them my benefits have been cut off due to not receiving information and all the other lies that have kept me sitting on the phone now for hours--endlessly put into loop after loop with lie after lie--every very innocuous question is met with insulting nasty tones in voices, with negative comments and rude nastiness with every question I asked and even just asking how to spell a name I was sneeringly told the spelling and then as I asked--just for the name prior to being most rudely met with nastiness on how to spell a name I am unfamiliar with--but asking first for the name of the supervisor this rude woman talked in complete contradicting terms with a lie and then refuting it within the same blathering endless stream of hate aimed at me--I now have a phone appointment and I still have my money cut off, no way to reach them for this appointment--no phone number to reach anybody directly--as if I coughed and made creepy noises and constantly interrupted me while I was talking and when I asked a direct question they would go back into detail we had just discussed but would not answer my questions for at least a 5-minute spate of them pretending to give me information we had just discussed and trying to be condescending while I struggled to reach anyone. They have cut my monthly amount for September and won't re-instate it. there is a long list of items they want information on like an interrogation. They want to make sure that I have no more stimulus money and that I am nearly homeless and when I try to get any information I am lied to and redirected constantly. They told me so many contradictory lies and coughed into the phone (coughing is one of the main triggering terrorist actions this organization does). Constantly lied to, lied and lied to on the phone by this organization. No phone number works that they gave me for this crucial interview that has now created the situation where my money has been cut off indefinitely.

 they claim they can only phone me at any US phone number, which I cannot provide. They can give ZERO phone numbers that operate for me to be able to reach them.

it's endless lies, and every agent taking any opportunity to verbally attack me at any simple and easy question. What is the name of the supervisor? they begin to rehash what they spent 30 minutes repeating with the same information I obtained through all their interruptions and coughing and putting me on hold and etc. Always interrupting me while talking and then not answering questions. AS I rely on this for my survival I am stuck sitting here waiting for now 4 hours while I still can't get a reachable phone number. They cut my money off for this month and said that it was just "too bad" because I "missed" the appointments that my mail service never informed me of nor sent the information. They sent today after the 3rd request the information after my money was cut off. I was told by Social Security that they sent the initial letter in December last year and i never got notified.

This is all completely a scam and a terrorist attack upon me at all levels in all these government agencies and businesses.

The hacking is pretty bad for this post, the "title" was hacked and partially deleted to make this sound pretty rambling which I am not. I have kept my calm except for one extremely annoying woman who just went off endlessly explaining the entire situation and then lying and revering what she had said when I just asked her for the name of the supervisor so I could try to phone them. Of course I got no reply. I got a voicemail. I left a message I sent an email. I doubt I will get a response. I tried the phone number they provided me for this Kissimmee office and I got "this number cannot be reached"although the agent told me he had just tried the number and it worked. I tried it three times. This is the phone number I was given three times and told that it was the "only" number they had for this office.


I have tried and they refuse to give me solid and correct information. All my phone calls are diverted to these rude, annoying and nasty agents and I am just sitting here into the 4th hour of phoning yet another office---this time in Orlando which actually does have a direct phone line. My address is IN Orlando but they sent me to this Kissimmee office which appears to have no listed phone number (it's the only social security office which does not list a direct phone number). Obviously the number is being blocked by hackers and this is all a complete hate crime against me.


After having been put on hold for the operational Orlando phone number, and waiting for 20 minutes on hold, no one is picking up the phone at a major Orlando Social Security office--it's just ringing and ringing and no one is picking up. I am being completely blocked this is a cyber crime and I sit here unable to fight this.

Update for those who may care: After many dead-end phone calls from Social Security with wrong disconnected numbers given me to speak to the person who has suspended my benefits--I was told that I was sent letters for a "Financial Review" by phone (although I was told that I was supposed to go to an in-office interview by the first agent who was hostile towards me and attacked anything that I said that could be attacked--such as "why would you think you need to speak to a supervisor?" in a very nasty tone. I kept it cool but was given a wrong number and not informed of my situation.

 Call number 3 and a polite and friendly guy is telling me that this is not a disability physical review but rather how much $$$ I may be tucking away in extra jobs or whatever--they want bank records and statements and etc. (or I was told they may need it).

And that the interview was only necessary by phone.

Really quite a horrible scare tactic replete with lies and disinformation .

It is clear I have to stop my mini-publishing debut here on Facebook and on my blog about my thoughts on this endless topic and just stick if necessary to the torture details, hoping that some day this absolute criminal situation forced upon me will somehow be stopped by a concerned and caring public--if I keep writing or if anyone lets it be known or if anything is ever done about this egregious situation of the terrorism aimed at me perpetually.

I am on hold so the storm is not yet passed and I am not in the clear yet.

My situation is so tenuous--financially and physically as well because my body is extremely frail and sick from over a decade of not only being tortured while fighting to heal, but being poisoned and polluted with my immune system at an endless all-time high level of fighting and stress levels from the 24/7 attack situation.

All the people attacking me are out partying, laughing, having a ball at their new luxury promotion lifestyles from having tortured me--the contract obviously is for one of them after the next to abuse me into a degraded and destroyed state and then probably into death after they are "finished' exploiting and sucking all they can out of me.

I am on hold waiting to try to make this essential phone appointment--which I was told two letters I never was contacted about from my mail service in Orlando never alerted me of or scanned any envelopes or information of (and ignored my requests).

Now they are telling me that I must be at a physical location to receive a phone call for this interview. Which is the same thing as me having to travel to the US to pick up the phone at some destination. I am waiting for them to simply give me a phone number I can call to speak to someone and get this interview over with, but they are telling me that they can only phone me and not the other way around. I am back on hold once more listening to their musak and waiting for just a phone number to call someone and have this phone interview. They are still threatening my life by telling me I must have a phone where I can pick up this call. I tell them I use SKYPE but they won't accept that for some reason.

I have been given false phone numbers for the person who has cut my benefits from Social Security twice on the Social Security main number. Twice in a row I have been given numbers that lead to disconnected or not functioning dead ends. I literally can't even reach the person I need to talk to. I have looked for the phone number for the Kissimmee office online and literally where the phone number should be, as all the other offices list their phone numbers, there is none and I can't find it anywhere. All is being hacked and blocked I am sitting here with my life-support money having been cut off for the 2nd time this year of being alerted that my case needs review, which has happened twice yearly for the past 4 years. I respond every time that my situation is chronic and they keep attacking me in this way, year after year, twice a year. 6 months ago I got a letter requesting a review but then claiming that I do not need a review. I can't survive if I have to return to the US on this subpoverty income that is now blocked. I have nowhere to live, I am disabled, this organization is now threatening my life and it's a deadly threat.

Complete harassment from Social Security Administration and the terrorist "gang stalking" network therein. I have received letters repeatedly since Trump got into office about having to make in-office appointments to review my chronic and permanent disability. I am not applying for benefits and my situation is permanent. That is listed on my account. I have not received more than one single request to fill out forms regarding my status for the years I have had to fight to heal my body from all this government-sponsored poisoning and gang stalking terrorism. now this is year after year, two letters per year requesting appointments or to fill out forms about my health condition to assess whether this agency can cut off my meager, but life-supporting sub-poverty income per month. Now, suddenly, my mail service denies me mail service, not scanning the outer envelope which they have never done, then not scanning the letter claiming I must go into an Orlando office to meet with an agent face-to-face--the first time in years and years (since 1998) that I began receiving these monthly life-saving benefits for the poisoning I have spent more than a decade and longer and still fighting to get out while under state-sponsored terrorist attack non-stop. Now my life is literally under severe and dire threat and I sit here waiting now endlessly on hold for the Orlando office to pick up the phone and I must deal with this life threat. I have no way to fly to Orlando much less survive on this subpoverty income in America. I am at the end stages but still fighting with a long way to go to remove this poison and this will kill me, potentially, if I am stuck having to pay the stimulus money just to fly to America and become homeless. That is what this is threatening me with at this very moment as I wait and wait for someone to pick the never-ending canned music line up at the Orlando Social Security office. All because I have resisted being raped and abused by wealthy millionaires who have had "fun" teleporting and beating, raping and abusing me.

They have put me in a very dangerous situation right now with Social Security. I was sent out a letter which my mail service never informed me of, where I was supposed to go into an office to meet with a representative in Orlando. I have never had to come into any office and this is a direct series of attacks. I am at a loss and can face serious deadly economic ruin and it could destroy my life completely. I now have to phone this office and try to not have my life ruined by whatever attack has been issued for my situation. I am chronically disabled and stuck halfway around the planet because I was poisoned with intention to murder me and then denied health care. I sit here now having to phone this women and I have no idea if I can survive this. I believe this has been an orchestrated attack and obviously it has been since my mailing service did not inform me and would not respond to any questions about the mail they claimed I had received but refused without replying to respond to 2 requests for scanning this vital piece of mail. This has been an orchestrated global network attack upon me.

Government terrorist report. My personal banking site hacked/blocked from access. All correct passwords do not work. The link to retrieving password is blocked and is inoperable--nothing happens when I click and click on the link to obtain my password to check, although I am putting in correct information. Monthly payment for September, 2021, stopped due to either my US mail service denying service, or upper authority figures in Social Security. My payment for this month was cancelled "due to wrong address or incorrect banking information" according to the website for SS.

 I had written of this earlier this month, regarding my mail service in the US which is completely taken over by terrorist operatives making very polite written denials of service and overcharging and not informing me of mail and etc, but always according to polite response but usually no response. I was informed of two letters I had received but they only scanned one letter. I am now cut off from next month's payment due to some letter having been returned--the mail service returned the mail or this attack upon me was conducted at higher sources at Social Security.

I was blocked/hacked from accessing the Social Security Administration website yesterday, as I had been last month. I must check to see what attacks are being made against me and that all will run smoothly for my crucial payment schedule. Now it has been cut off due to a terrorist attack. 

I must wait to phone this government agency, only to be transferred to a terrorist agent who will find any way to attack me verbally. One such time happened a few years ago when I changed my mail service and had to take 30 seconds to look up the zip code when the agent asked me for my address. She began yelling at me on the phone that if I were legitimate I would know the zip code immediately. This is the kind of treatment the terrorist organization has created whenever I phone this government agency (always with my bank, but in a different form of "polite" denial of service.

I now have to clean up another mess this organization has created to make life-threatening attacks upon my crucial monthly income. It could have very serious consequences for me. 

Somewhere in the middle of "Good" and "Evil" is a man poised to become a leader who represents Beyond---. I recall reading this book Being There when it was a small-time sensation back in the days when it was a hit. Now it's ignored. The middle ground perched between "Evil" and doing nothing is BEING THERE.


"Goodfellas: I Always Wanted To Be A Gangster! | Gangsta Gulp".  Gangsta Gulp. August 2, 2020.

H-wood's reaction to mafia murder, inc. Established, praised, awarded, put into mainstream entertainment production every year I have ever known of movie mafia cyclical mind programming. The people out of H-wood teleporting/torturing/raping/stealing concepts from me all participate in Mafia/Nazi collaboration. I grew up in a "hippie" environment. Their hate for the "love and peace" movement is so extreme it's just another facet of COINTELPRO covert assassination politics put into entertainment form, twisted into fake posturing "altruistic" movie themes by criminal, Nazi and Mafia-spawned and glorified "actors".

"Damn Hippies (Once Upon a Time in Hollywood) - Every Scene Insulting Hippies". TeamCoolGuy. February 23, 2020. 

H-wood's reaction to Hippies, the established and awarded version: show Hippies as being stupid, dirty and foul. Beat them to a pulp and then brutally murder them and get praised by the Nazi elite culture of Whorewood, Inc , partnering with McMafia GmbH. Cranked out and duly awarded by the very people assaulting me for years using teleportation and terror assault squads, technologies, drugging, rape, torture, physical mutilation, and theft of "alternative" ideas after extracting information through torture and then blocking all access to financial solvency for me. The same exact perpetrators starring and writing and directing as in this movie which lambasts the Hippie movement.


"Once Upon a time in Hollywood (2019) | Brad Pitt and Brandy vs. Hippies Scene".  Cinophile Club. November 30, 2019.

I must rewrite and begin again in the comment section below on the perpetrator Pitt in this H-wood movie railing against Hippie culture and that movement--a continuous hate theme directed at Hippies for the entire movie. The protagonist played by Pitt, who has been a part of rape, dismemberment, torture, information extraction for "alternative" concepts for him and his rapist enabler wife to suck out of me through torture which is always "repaid" with more violence and block to my financial earning or career capabilities--in this movie as the heroic protagonist also murdered his wife, which was alluded to, but he is the hero of the movie and the rescuer of such elitist, Mafia/Nazi gated-community "good" white folk of the established order. The hippies, however, who are derided and then killed off in the end, through the prostituted women who are controlled by the pimp domineering (openly Nazi dominator white males) appear to "exploit" an older, white male whose ranch they have misappropriated, and thus they are construed as the epitome of sleazy, prostituted, dirty and evil followers of a cult (which in some respects is an accurate depiction of the real Manson Family women). But this lopsided, sexist and hippie-hating/alternative-hating conservative-based movie theme has this reverse effect bolstering and glorifying of the white male "allowed" to murder women who affront him and don't service him with gentle submission (which is, in effect, the same thing as the Nazi Manson Pimp formula of mind controlling the female-turned-prostitute women). The lesson in this case is that if a white female is not incorporated into the elitist structure of consumer Nazi imagery (which would be the character of Sharon Tate, as played in this hate and violence Nazi/Mafia spawned movie by one of the by now countless fellow collaborators in this assault upon me), then she must be killed and brutally so. The good women are sexually displayed in "high haute" culture fashion and perform their duties with kindly stupidity, most of the time they are portrayed as also being stupid, but of a "higher" level of conformity than the hippie cheap prostitutes. Another factor of dissent I present is that in the film, the "evil" dirty and "Satanic" hippies who are weak and stupid as portrayed in the film, are the ones who are the home invasion culprits. As for the actors, writers and etc involved in this very film, it is THEY who are the home invasion rapist, nearly murdering dirty and nasty criminals just like the "dirty hippies" as portrayed in the film. This is always the case of the fake heroic presentation of these otherwise, in real life, violent, nasty and dirty criminals who are so sanctified, almost deified and glorified in these ersatz movie formulas of heaping praise upon Nazi/Mafia culture and pitting the grease and filth upon those who dare to go against the established grain. H-wood in effect created Charles Manson's "stable" of prostituted hippie women and it wasn't the hippies who invaded the Nazi/Mafia elitist culture until they were programmed by MK ULTRA mind control programming to help the CIA or whatever covert agency it was to train Charles Manson into performing this extreme anti-Hippie movement by invading these Beverly HIlls mansions in order to incite a revolution. It was Charles Manson himself who said that he was a product of Hitler training and the hippie movement actually was nothing he embraced whatsoever. That is the post I wrote about maybe 18 months or a little more before this movie came out, while ideas I wrote of were being stolen verbatim but then turned in crucial aspect into Nazi/Mafia themes by these criminal actors, writers and all their Nazi/Mafia "dark money" backers. I also want to state that through my You Tube channel, every time I mention any actor involved I get a spate of posts related to the comments they want to make. One of these popped up with a man sticking a huge ball into him mouth, saying he had a huge mouth. That was a cue to me about not talking and remaining silent about their crimes and hypocritical movie formulations. They also tried to have my teeth knocked out after having me hit by cars--all involving this main lead blonde exemplar of hypocrital Nazi posturing and Mafia affiliations.  


Being There (trailer). 

He was a character who had no opinions, no affiliations, an IQ of a basic 4th grader and due to his indifference and wanting things to be pleasant and saying what was expected of him and agreeing, he reaches the apex of political power though the strings of those with extremely evil agendas for power and control (decades later that has turned into genocidal practices, covert death squads and hate assassinations).

The equivalent to "today's" standards of keeping a status quo of pleasant apathy for the "masses" remains although now the pitch is for enraged gun-toting "patriots" to "kick A88" whenever they feel that their "rights" are being trampled upon, by trampling upon anything that stands in their way for absolute power. However, back in the near post-hippie days, a movie like this came out when the activists protesting every kind of corruption had to be quelled and felled.




Mimicking but obliterating the real "love and peace" generation, presenting a fictitious account of The acceptable, "middle ground" between Nazi and Mafia mainstream mind programming. H-wood collaborating with Nazi/Mafia political culture (well beyond evil but in no-man's land far removed from Good).



Jeremy Hillary Boob PhD.

What the superstars and most of your leaders have been assiduously, through reward and punishment systems of indoctrination, been trained to repeat. Here are the formulas of elitist schools of thought and social indoctrination into following orders but productive nothingness when it comes to real action and solutions to global and social issues, but somehow missing the mark of sustaining humanity in the long haul of policy and propaganda.


"BEATLES TRIBUTE NOWHERE MAN (Yellow Submarine)". *Superstar legend tributes*. 

It has been excessively difficult to publish this blog post in entirety due to hacking deletions and blocks of functions (of the template and keyboard). I copied and pasted comments from my Facebook series of posts and after I "updated" the posts when I returned the posts had been deleted. While trying to publish captions above the videos the hackers blocked the function for the titles and deleted the top lines of what I had written. I had to constantly refresh, see what had been deleted or changed in font size and partially deleted, and try all over again while the cursor would jump to other parts of the page while I was trying to correct what hackers had already altered or deleted. I am not going to go through this a 4th time so whatever disjointed sentences persist I am not going to spend more time repairing, because I have to clean up the stinking blankets and sheets and items that were sprayed with foul penetrating (laboratory-created) stinking substances that truly do not wash out. I had intended to do this but got immersed in writing comments which turned into a more lengthy piece, which time consumed to write it out and publish it somewhat correctly due to hacking interference/deletions has consumed so much time and 4 times longer than it should have taken if the hacking were not present.

Monday, August 23, 2021

I should make a reality tv show called Celebrities in the Wild. "Karens in the Wild" channel = Celebrities in the Wild teleporting me out of H-wood, USA, inc., GmbH, Ltd. Philosophical moment after having watched the chaos of American culture which has lost it's spirit and soul in so many foul ways while greed and selfishness and exploitation has arisen to an almost pseudo-religious preoccupation with self-serving albeit collective self-interest.

 "The Most Metal Moment Ever". Andre Antunes. August 1, 2021.

Spreading the "gospel" of grasping, greed and selfish culture (doesn't matter how you classify it, as capitalist or communist or whatever in between as the religion of selfish self-interest remains a common denominator--but as a collective of self-serving greedy "individuals" working collectively to grasp and suck out---)


The driving force behind the promotional scheme of the terrorists teleporting and attacking me. Watch society and the planet collapse and burn and flood and drown in selfishness and greedy consumption.

Look at the stupid lemmings falling over in rapturous inebriation at the idea of being consumed by the "holy spirit" of being allowed to just take it (no matter what the consequences are but still claiming you are filled with the holy spirit). Look at the idiots falling over like lemmings being shot over a cliff. This philosophy of just "taking" whatever you can steal or rob or take is the new religion that has created this hostile environment of Karens and of yelling screaming America. The celebrities are Karens almost the epitome while I scream in rage after they torture me--daily and nightly for years. The Karen syndrome is being used as a promotional tool of absolute spiritless greed and a hate/racist culture while utilizing every skin color to also promote the hate and vile system of deterioration of inner finesse and concern for your fellow human beings on this small planet that is being devoured by the rapacious greed of the "just take it" lemmings.


"Covid Rant goes METAL! [San Diego Board of Supervisors meeting Remix]". Andre Antunes. August 23, 2021.

"KAREN METAL". Andre Antunes. November 20, 2020.

"Anti-Biden preacher goes Metal! | Bring The House Down | Greg Locke".  Andre Antunes. August 17, 2021.

"KAREN TIKTOK COMPILATION! #2😱🤬 NEW AUGUST 2021".  Thee Piscess. July 31, 2021.

"Trump's faith advisor goes HEAVY METAL! "Trump's Faith Advisor Goes Heavy Metal.[Sound of Victory] [Paula White Remix]". Andre Antunes. November 7, 2020.

*hackers have blocked functioning of the large type above the video so if there are repetitions I can't even correct it, hacking is now pretty bad. My brain and cognitive functioning is also under strong attack by this technology endlessly afflicting my concentration and cohesiveness and expansion in thought and structure.


Shia LaBeouf goes METAL! ["Just Do It"] [Motivational Speech Remix]. Andre Antunes. June 22, 2021.

aha, here's one of those celebrities now, screaming and yelling as an "inspirational" consumer product. He also knows what is happening to me, but the fact that I am being thwarted by his cohorts and "friends" in this anti-Semitic business where he is a good boy and doesn't fight the Nazi system (while Nazis claim that the industry is instead run by "Jews" and if it were, I would not be writing these posts about Nazis getting promoted for behaving in fascist, Nazi and genocidal methodology for brainwashing and propaganda purposes. Thus, although they sell this "inspirational" theme as a merchandising product, they know that people "like me" are not "allowed" to just "do it". They sell this concept and yet participate in absolutely blocking all opportunities for me except for some kind of "enslavement" technocratic system which they all embrace or do nothing to stop. It's the inevitable underbelly of hypocrisy that lines most major religious themes as selfish consumer self-interest is tantamount to a religion and belief system. Another screaming Celebrity in the Wild yelling like a Karen in the Wild to see more Karen culture mind programming "inspirational" quasi-religion to the hapless consumer base who cling more to these types of statements as sermons on the mounting celebrity media circus.

You can see the "trickle down" policy and body politic which also controls the actors terrorizing and attacking me--all are devotees of conspicuous consumption fascist culture spawned in great part--as the celebrities are products, literally, of Reagan-era consumer media culture who have remained and ossified into these endless repetitions of lead roles for decades by now--all representing the culture of elitist economics and selfishness and grasping which has turned America into a trickle down urinal of hate, yelling in public, fighting, etc the promotion of "just do it just take it whatever you want there are no consequences " culture of selfishness is the key motivating factor.





"We Care A lot" (or do we, really?) the mantra of the celebrity charity masquerade baller circus. Terrorists in disguise, endlessly screaming how much they care a lot (about their plots and plans and schemes and scams).


A tenant of the real religion the Celebrities in the Wild pass on through their medium to the Karens in the Wild.

The Tesla Bot is another death technology being sold off as a wonderful, even entertaining (tracing Musk's roots back to the H-wood celebrities torturing me, and all their posturing exploits of technology which he too has grasped upon, in other words human misery inflicted through technology but advertising it as wonderful entertaining and helpful--that Musk has personally embraced). The technology so deftly is portrayed in a dancing human "fun" guise in the demonstration of the Bot (2nd video below). Claims of this hackable Bot as an addition to "helping" people in some innocuous-sounding capacity. IF a computer system can be hacked, it will be. If the hack creates an exploit, it will be used as such. These bots don't look very "harmless" to me.

 "Atlas | Partners in Parkour." Boston Dynamics. August 17, 2021.

Now the sales pitch from Tesla. Like all entertainment marketing deceptive practices, the hackable bot is put into an entertaining sales pitch that claims your life will be better and in some way this will "rescue" you from household drudgery (and paying the "help").

"Elon Musk REVEALS Tesla Bot (full presentation)". CNET. August 20, 2021.

These bots don't look very harmless to me. I read that the FSD computer system in the Tesla Bots can be hacked, just like the FSD computer systems in Tesla autonomous car systems.

If they can be hacked, they will be infected and turned into weapons potentially with deadly consequences. My experience as a target of misuse of technology has shown me how many MILLIONS of people will misuse technology to gain a vantage and for their sadistic needs to inflict hate upon those they want to destroy or suppress.

Be mindful that this is not a "hyperbolic" statement but a fact that is being ignored as the technology is being embraced and marketed as a wonderful companion to rid the burden of unwanted tasks and chores.

Sunday, August 22, 2021

Mayor of Minneapolis, Jacob Frey--he's what I consider to be the epitome of good leadership with values that I recall as being steadfast Minnesotan values of the "alternative" and compassionate "liberal" slant. You readers must understand that the attention paid to the George Floyd killings and the response was in part due to the vigilance of Mayor Frey to concern for citizens and not having a fascist, Nazi attitude towards suppression dissent.

 "LIVE — Minneapolis Mayor, community leaders highlight 'Urgent Rebuild Resilient Climate Program'". KSTP. August 18, 2021.


Now he is pushing for wonderful green energy, and the lecture by this man creating this mini-"moderate" solar panel space is reducing emissions by tons--or projected over years the reduction will amount to tons of CO2 stopped by using panels instead of emission-driven technologies.
(I can't express how badly this is being hacked and how nearly impossible it is to type or get my fingers to move to keys and think clearly).
I hope Mpls Jacob Frey runs for US House of Representatives or the Senate or President. I would vote for him. American needs people like him instead of the fascist Nazi idiocracy that has been destroying the country and the planet in successional teetering left-and-right but still all the same fascist Nazi post-WWII collaborator with Nazis administrations that have plagued and helped to destroy America for all these decades (or centuries).
Mayor Jacob Frey for higher political office in the US Congress or Executive. We truly need leadership like him. I don't even know if he is an avowed "progressive" but whatever his label is, he is authentic he is trying whether he succeeds or not to improve lives and do what is the compassionate good thing to do for his constituents. This is what I remember as being a "gold standard" of conduct that some people in Minneapolis had adhered to. But a huge majority are just outright fascist Nazis involved in this heinous terror organization (of the ilk of Derek Chauvin).

How to respond to fascists? Do I become a fascist in order to deal with fascists? I have discovered that turning the other cheek often leads to a more violent attack because a vulnerability is assumed by being nice and respectful or even in using humor to try to disengage from the hate or hostility. I do agree in many respects with Christian ideology when it comes to reacting with peace to hostility, but unfortunately the point-of-view of fascists is that you are weak and they will attack with more vigor because they consider you an easy target. //Exhausted but happy to be in the last few stages of detoxification, albeit with this poison, it is tricky serpentine sinuous stuff that penetrates deeper into body tissue the closer I get to the area affixed to my skeleton. I drove around and felt light instead of weighted down, but exhausted because the poison is still latched onto every conceivable angle like a skewed lattice frame up my spine, into hips, skull, down to my feet, arms, etc etc also into viscerae. One hostile attack and creeple stalking, ripping parts of my clothing with tiny knives so my clothing was shredded with threads hanging down. The creeple attacking me do the most stupid and rotten things and of course are told they are exclamatory and so strong and incredible and what good boys and girls they are for the nasty controllers who, in the less affluent stages of internal corruption, look hideously decrepit. It's so disgusting to be forced to have contact with such stupid and sleazy putrid creeple and continously so.

 I was affronted by a Thai woman at the Central Festival shopping mall parking garage Covid Checkpoint. For over 6 months or longer I have briskly performed the forehead or passing my hand over the sensor to be let in without being obliged to sign their silly name and phone number sheet on this guard table. I walked in and no one was there because the attackers were taking the place of the real employees. As I got through with the usual "green" light and began walking to the elevators, this Thai woman began shouting into my face and glaring into my eyes with absolute hate to sign the paper. My brain blanked out, the same reaction I get every time people are assaulting me in public--I believe this is being remotely done by blocking motor and cognitive processes which I can easily discern at times I am trying to count simple sums and my brain is blank. I understand it is happening 100% of the time I try to write on this blog or any comment section or for any reason I attempt to communicate whatsoever my brain is rendered nearly blank while people have orchestrated skits intending to assault me psychologically while my brain is simply unable to function at a level where I could defend myself in any way. I just blank out, sometimes without knowing what I am doing my lips go up in a forced smile that I never intended to do. ETc etc I have written of it for so long.

I have to make an internal decision every time one of these fascist-oriented, wanna-be white fascist Nazi minority minion aspirants makes the moves to gain a promotion by "practicing" fascism on me while my brain is rendered effectively obsolete in terms of quick and rapid response that effects some kind of counter to the attack, insult or threat. 

I must make the decision, also, on how to respond even though my brain is being pummeled with subliminal information like "shut up" which is very often shouted into my inner ear and I can "hear" it while I am in a very quiet state in my torture chamber studio room being tortured non-stop by these various forms of technological violence. 

I do not agree with fascist behavior or reactionary hostility, which is the usual response that fascists make in such situations. Always the creeps must shout, glare, fight or make hostile responses in such situations (or not always but usually, or they get someone around them to do it for them, all those viciously aspiring minority minions--which also accounts for extremely wealthy H-wood celebrities whose every song and movie is about being victims of racism.

Back to the point: I do not want to respond to fascism by turning into a fascist. The aggression this rotten sleazy and stupid woman threw at me, at very close proximity as I was bending down to scribble out my initials she bent down to stare into my face with absolute hate. It was all caught on camera, as this entranceway into the mall is right across from the superintendent's office and cameras are visible all over the tiny vestibule next to the elevators, which lead into the mall shopping area. Right now hacking is very bad as letters I press are juxtaposed with letters hackers are inserting. I can't get a word out without having to backspace and retype words. Sometimes I spell words and the spell check underlines it as being incorrect

but back to my thought: I had to make an instantaneous decision as to how to respond to the stupid hate "skit" that this skank creep was throwing at me while I was just trying to get into the mall--after having passed the electronic covid screening machine in a breeze, and wanting to go elsewhere quickly without loitering around getting into some "fight" with some stupid worthless creep when I wanted to do worthwhile thing elsewhere like buy food and not have any confrontations with paid idiots performing hate tasks which are always caught on camera whether openly visible or not. (not always, I suspect that most attacks are caught on camera and all are preconceived before I arrive at the scene where terror agents are waiting.)

They want to see hostility, me yelling (as I do in teleportation when I am nearly awake, sleeping, drugged, having been sliced or attacked while sleeping both in my prime physical state and in teleportation then abused by this group which by now is just the plastic-surgery version of rancid lower class plebs who attack like vicious parasites. They just look better after decades of top plastic surgery modification and endless top quality health care, food, luxury and of course attacking me feeds into their energy as they drain me completely almost to death and they never tire of this energy drain exercise every day (plus all those promotions and this is now an addiction for some of them to attack me).


But when I am fully aware but always operating due to brain-altering attacks at less than full awareness--but awake, doing things in the "real world"--I have to chose whether to react like a yelling fascist fighting for a power-over little bit of ground that someone is pulling out from under me while my brain is rendered incapable of defense except in very silent modes of maneuvering which only reduces the impact. Later on, when my brain can fully absorb the situation because it's not under attack at the particular moment, hours later, I think to myself that I had choices as to how to react but many of those were literally deleted from my consciousness like wiping a hard drive into a semi-functioning state. 

So I remained in a more flowing gait, I walked away as she began to try to yell after me to put down a phone number as I ignored her, silently. If I turned around to tell her she was being rude, that would mean engaging with someone I think is a stupid piece of expletive idiocy like all of the people in these groups who attack me. 


I then was later treated to another stupid skit by another Thai 20-something female wearing expensive but revealing clothing with a 60-something white rancid-looking rotten old white male from, mostly they come from Europ-a-land here in Phuket--the ones who live here--or vacay oft times, wearing hideously ugly clothing, frumpy, pot-bellied and ruddy alcoholic complexions. Sometimes there are younger Muay Thai white males with svelte Thai 20-somethings but the power dynamic is always the same. The women--this is now the nth time this has happened as a stupid attack skit aimed at me--it also happens with white couples or black or etc but it's more noticeably unbalanced when it's this Thai/white combo where the woman is gently but sexually rubbing the back of the male, who looks ugly and hideous and is nasty and mean-spirited and anything but sexy or attractive--by these Thai women who are so exemplary in taking care of themselves to be as sexually attractive as possible. They do the stalking gestures of pulling up their pants (like cops do, this is a ubiquitous gesture that both cops and terrorist stalkers make, I think it definitely is a crossover of police secret signaling like in baseball, and in this organization it's the same body movement as the police make with pulling up their pants like they are trying to get that belt over the doughnut hump of their huge guts. All the cliches, yes, I feel like writing them today because police have always viciously attacked me when I attempted to alert law enforcement of illegal and hostile activity and home break-ins--where I am yelled at by police and called all kinds of mentally ill labels and etc etc etc...

I am too tired right now to get into the etc etc details but the hacking is so bad and my fingers can't "move" to keys I am stuck fighting and backspacing and fighting to move my fingers. I am under severe brain attack right now and can't go on any longer this is now impossible to write further.

But yes, the attacks are as stupid, disgusting and rotten as these people who are all essentially of the same moral fiber--from the bottom to the top it's a completely stupid and ignoramus organization of absolutely incompetent but fully trained life-fu** operators, con artists, users, genocidal idiots scumbags whores and rapists and murdering stupid bigots. Some are so excellent at putting on grandiose posturing with semi-sophisticated behavior patterns which are supposed to imply that they are "classy" and "elitist" superiors in all respect and I find that like the scum creeps who attack me in places like this entranceway into the shopping mall with the agent who is mean, petty, striving for promotion by emulating fascist genocidal hate behaviors while in modest appearance at a shopping mall--with drooling disgusting mostly rotten old white males with their groveling, sexualized minions performing the ugliness and hate that these Europ-a's have learned to disguise with great fanfare as to the fake authenticity of their sophisticated semi-posturing facades.

 I can't type any longer this is impossible.

I am now confronted with the endless stink of the cooking of the people living on all sides of me. What they cook smells so disgusting I must shut the doors and burn incense, and this goes on all night it's utterly disgusting even their food smells like disgusting crap which is all I can see of their every fake superficiality but organized and controlled public posturings. It is completely an incompetent group to be put into such power and they have used so many various forms of violence and have indeed taken over far too much and destroyed so much and far too much. They will continue to ravage the planet and destroy societies, cultures and masses of people will die as a result of their utter sleazy interior incompetence to lead but they have wrested power through all their genocides and violence and above all, the endless lies about how great they all are (utter depraved scumbags all is a lie and a deceit).

I don't want to react like them, so I walked away and ignored her and went on to buy wonderful food and I am very happy. Exhausted. Very hard to type so tired of the hacking and these sleaze rotten pieces of stupidity attacking me and being able to get away with it for years and years like this. 


Meanwhile, upon returning from my little shopping spree--where it began to pour rain the moment I drove out the building (was not raining until I drove out) and then poured every moment I was out driving and stopped abruptly the minute I returned to this room--hours later of pouring rain. Returning to the filth agents/terrorists were "busy" putting stinking fish oil sprayed into my bathroom so it stinks of foul, fish oil stink. I just spent another x amount of time scrubbing filth that I never generated nor created. That is all I do is clean up the stink and filth of this filthy stinking organization while they plunder ideas I have studied for and block my every attempt at any kind of decent lifestyle with any semblance of  a chance for a career. Complete Taliban oppression of women, that is. Just like the police gesture of pulling pants up at the belt-loops is exactly what some corrupt cops do to make signaling to their companions--like an umpire to the pitcher in a baseball game for which "play" they are going to pitch a knuckleball to immobilize the opponent and then strike them OUT.


Another spray bottle has been broken--it was broken last night by the mechanical arm. I have to buy one or two spray bottles per month because they break the spray nozzles so if I spray with bleach, as I must to endlessly disinfect the foul fungus and mold and putrid chemicals that are continuously, every single night and during the day if my back is turned WITHIN MY OWN PRIVATE (BUT NOT PRIVATE) LIVING SPACE with these mechanical arms. 

Broken, stinking, my body so demarcated with scars, blemishes, veins sticking out from pounding on my body while in the comatose sleep MK ULTRA state. Round objects inserted or somehow put under my skin which appear like huge cysts but are hard objects and need to be removed surgically in some procedure. It's all just stinking filth, blocks in every way, people trying to get their husbands or boyfriends or sons of brothers to abuse and rape me viciously or vice-versa--the men I mean trying with all their sleazy porno skills to inflict as much psychological trauma through rape and abuse and violence and physical assault that they begin immediately to instigate upon me to break my body, spirit and everything else. It's just all sick and rotten sleazy putrid creep parasites who are being promoted and exalted by this filthy and disgusting system. I understand that they want to destroy people and put only themselves into power. I understand that the slight "freedom" that living in the US has allowed me to get an education and try to persevere through the endless and by now countless attacks upon my body so I cannot function and thus, not compete against them or win any more competitions, as I had done so often in the past when I had not understanding of this global organization and I was trying my best to do my best and achieve my optimum, under the circumstances of obscene poisoning I have done what I can.


When I consider how much of the planet is now under constant threat as the threat increases and yet the same people who have helped to destroy the planet are still being advertised and sold off as being heroes and saviors is just astounding to the seeming death wish of the psychopaths who run this insidious organization of absolutely disgusting neer-do-wells who have obtained power through this most violent system of lies and deception. 


Thus endless filth poured out upon me in every way as I write another post for another day about it to the silent audience who is also very willing to continue this system and keep me in this place and in this situation. Still putting the most insidious people into power, still doing nothing to stop this fascist and putrid organization of death, filth and sickness and destruction and death.