Saturday, February 27, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 28, 2021. I am being poisoned through my furniture. Yes, a covert stealth form of toxicity sprayed on furniture that I inhale.

 This terrorist operation/organization/global conglomerate entity with it's multifarious tentacles of Power extending and grasping onto everything possible it can steal, rob and destroy and then claim all as it's natural right of entitlement: they are stealth, theft, lies, obfuscation and underhanded ploys glorified.


The poisoning of my furniture has been ongoing for at least a decade. My body is too injured from so many attacks (nightly for years and years) to actually continuously clean and bed and fight and pay to repair these damages and buy and pay for items that are quickly destroyed so that all I do is clean and clean and pay and fight every single day to not be submerged in fungus, mold and toxic substance poisoning. I have not been able to defend myself to 7/8 of what is required for years simply due to the effect of poisoning making me paralyzed with hardening poisons that I must literally "rip" out of my cells and my viscerae every day that I am finally able to detox just a small bit that expands and leaves me absolutely too ill to think, move or accomplish anything for hours upon end, day after day, month after month, year after year.


Thus, yesterday I realized that that furniture that I have in this tiny studio--one couch, a huge bed (Queen size) that takes up 1/6 of the room or even a bit more than that. I also have one table and on the patio what had been a new set of wicker chairs and a small plastic-glass table is all broken, substances have been poured so the metal frames of the chairs are all broken and the table has been eroded by this substance. If I touch these items my hands stink of rotting metal that is eroding due to these chemicals. However, in doors, the "bed" that I have is actually a stinking box spring with holes cut into the sides with fungus, mold and other horrific stinking substances that never erode, never fade (but are always resprayed once I leave this room and the terrorists rush into spray stinking filth all over my home--clothing, furniture and put filth on the floors, grime and grease on the walls and into the refrigerator and every single place is corroded with stains, smears, grease, stinking substances that don't come off using any means.

The box spring (with no mattress) I salvaged a little by putting a thick plastic tarp over--(really a huge table cloth that has a dark sort of slip-proof backing). The material is very thick and solid and is of a double thickness with the top plastic coat and the bottom anti-slip almost corrugated bottom. On this bed I also obtained a foam padding that has the appearance of a sponge in texture. It of course absorbs like a sponge any nasty odors that the terrorists spray on it. The terrorists thus slashed a huge knife cut into the plastic--an elongated slash that was one yard in length--into the plastic--and the stinking box spring that I have sprayed so repeatedly with every kind of bleach and cleaning substance--stinks so absolutely because it is continuously resprayed with fungus by these terrorists who rush into my room to obtain their nasty and dirty promotions by being a part of this nasty and dirty terrorist operation. I only saw this yesterday because I was strong enough to spend, literally, 10 hours cleaning the blankets and sheets I placed over this plastic area to try to have some kind of padding that I could also take off and wash. I have to wash separately all these layers of blankets which have been sprayed but the odors that seeped out of the slash in the plastic was absorbed by the foam padding (a huge, very thick and dense material but the entire thing stank which means it was sprayed and didn't just absorb the toxins and poisons in just one area). I had to spray the foam with three different cleaning substances, tape up the slash and then spend the entire day cleaning the blankets because the washing machine that I was given by this landlord has been broken and will not operate on the spin cycle and barely operates at all. It worked perfectly when I moved in two and a half years ago. I have used it rarely because I mostly hand wash clothing (endlessly, day after day so much clothing is stinking from having been sprayed with disgusting and foul substances, every day over an dover and that is all I have been doing for YEARS is cleaning up their filth from my clothing, furniture and my body which remains corroded with their filthy poisons which act absolutely on stealth to penetrate the body and it is 100% unrecognizable --thus you smug people out there reading this should be aware that many of you could so easily be poisoned unaware by your beloved fascist Nazi and mafia "friends" who you obey, follow and laugh and gloat as you participate in these actions).


Like wise the rotten couch that has been sprayed so many times the disgusting material covering these couches is rancid. I have put two layers of plastic over these pieces of furniture and just three days ago, before I went shopping, the plastic piece just covering the top layer of the couch was pliable and there was a knife slash in it that I patched up. This morning I had to readjust the upper piece and it was had been doused with a damaging chemical so it's brittle and cracks upon any slight touch--having to spend more money for tape to patch this up and then repairing. I write this now because this is a deliberate murder attempt albeit slow and unrecognizable because it takes so long for the corrosive effect to be visible and it's very stealth and done in such ways that my very injured body can't continuously recheck endlessly for these hidden attack areas while I'm fighting to clean and clean the more visible stinking items that I must spend all day every day cleaning--and that still won't cover the areas that are made filthy and in all this cleaning I can't actually clean things that are dirty like dusting and things like that--my body can only take so much my entire spine is coated with poisons that are so hard you can pound a fist upon it (lightly) and it is hard, unflexible "shell" that has also pulled my body completely out -of-alignment.

T-rump did not have to utter a single word in order to give attack commands on the Capital. Welcome to the wonderful world of Microwave Audio technology--beaming nasty hate words or commands into your inner ear--guaranteed to be a blast if you are on the perpetrator side of the microphone! As the infamous "gang stalking/MK ULTRA/microchipped/teleportation victim" et al that I am with four years' experience of being tortured by T-rump and his Nazi/Mafia associates and their minority minions doing the filthy work of terrorist filth upon me, et al, I can only say this about the Capital riots. T-rump did not have to utter a single word of instruction in order to give verbal instruction to create carnage. VOICE-TO-SKULL technology.

"The device – dubbed MEDUSA (Mob Excess Deterrent Using Silent Audio) – exploits the microwave audio effect, in which short microwave pulses rapidly heat tissue, causing a shockwave inside the skull that can be detected by the ears. A series of pulses can be transmitted to produce recognisable sounds.

The device is aimed for military or crowd-control applications, but may have other uses."

T-rump didn't have to utter a single command to his mob at the Capital on January 6, 2021. He's had 4 years of utilizing this technology to torture me, and has been trained in this technological covert warfare system of Voice-to-Skull technology. Plus a myriad of other very deadly attack drug/technology/stalking interface methodologies. Briefed no doubt by highly-trained intelligence officers.

The video below: Am EXTREMELY  brief explanation of how Voice-to-Skull technology can "beam" verbal instructions/commands/programming into the voice-processing areas of the brain with no sound uttered at the normal hearing range for any outside listener. To give an attack command using this technology would therefore not necessitate any verbal command that could be used as EVIDENCE. Not uttering a single word, thoughts can be relayed to receptors, then passed on through people operating the technology at various distances into certain key players at the command center of the rioters. That is how the attack command could easily have been given. No evidence whatsoever remains.

Voice=to-skull technology had been posted on US Army webpages but has been removed from public knowledge or access.


and here is a video presented by the type of negating person who would most benefit from the misuse of Voice-To-Skull technology (that I experience, which is mostly blonde Nazis attacking me so they can have covert advantage by screwing up my brain functioning but stealing all they can from me--and from many of you reading this as well). This blonde "dude" denies that the "Government" can hack into your brain, or would do so. Obviously he's one of the main beneficiaries of this technology and the attack system that keeps bigots like him in place and putting out these lying fake videos. Of course, I am actually telling the truth and I am attacked for it. he's only promoted more for putting out misinformation/disinformation about how the technology may be potentially misused but of course the government is not attacking anyone (except for me, and I'm sure this guy would love participating in this attack upon me using the Voice-to-Skull to tell his "black and brown" minions exactly what to say and do to attack me while he would then simultaneously block my brain functioning so I could not react with any kind of balance or rational stability. I would bet on it, that he would use this tech to gain an advantage and then deny it's existence. This is the typical reaction but what he is doing in this video is tantamount to criminal negligence.

"V2K: The Microwave Voice Inside Your Head – Epic Science #98"

Desecration of the spirit and soul of the Wat Chalong Buddhist Temple. Artificial electronic reality compromised by today's Computer terror report: Hackers are blocking access to my Paypal account (this has happened in the past--for years I could not log in unless I phoned the office in the US). The password I have used successfully in the past (at internet cafes, one thing hackers didn't block was access to Pay Pay, although all earnings are blocked). My password that worked quickly last year is now blocked, I insert the correct password and the site won't allow it, although it is 100% correct. While I fight to get into my account, (which has almost nothing in it anyway, because all attempts to earn money are blocked so completely I can't earn a single penny--including on this site not a single donation or any kind of internet traffic has ensued although I have checked Google analytics and I am registered as being an active account online). While I fight to try to get past the hack, the pages are blocked, the cursor is spinning DOS attacks are the usual and operating this system is almost effete. When I click on the "having problems signing in?" link, I am offered only the option to have a text message sent to my phone. There should be an option to have a password reset via email. This happens on other sites as well, where email codes are blocked and only SMS messages remain as the sole option to retrieve passwords that have not expired, work, and I have used in the past. I just phoned PayPal and was not able to access a live agent, I got a loop from the automatic service.

 It appears that there has been a policy change where you cannot retrieve your "lost" password (mine is not lost) unless you are mobile-phone trackable. There are no options for receiving an email, according to this "forum" link, however the official PayPal site has a nice cutesy video that shows directly that the option to retrieve your password sent to your email account has not been changed. When I got the bot that makes the nice customer service recorded "press key options" until you get infuriated I repeated the usual endless rotation of the same thing and got no answers. However, the bot informed me that there are many options such as receiving an email with a code you can then insert into the PayPal log-in page (if you can't log it) and....that is completely blocked and deleted for me. Or, the PayPal website AND the phone bot who tells you to press buttons, repeat what you want repeatedly, and then doesn't answer your questions, also informed me that there is an option to retrieve your password by obtaining a code via your email--(not just by phone message). 

Thus, I am being hacked and blocked from getting into my Paypal account. For a few years I would phone PayPal and I got a terrorist agent telling me that there was no toll-free customer service number, that my account was blocked, etc etc (as always, my inquiries are diverted to terrorist agents who lie and lead me in circles where I get almost nowhere in every attempt to seriously conduct any business, pay for anything, ask a question, receive any kind of a straight answer and etc etc.

It is impossible for me to function in any semblance of reasonable fluidity in society with these constraints. 


I want to write about politics and my observations but I cannot do this at this time. Oh I have so many opinions about the $1.9 trillion Covid Relief bill and my thoughts on my experiences with teleportation and the famous personalities therein...yet I cannot write (I am now continuously fighting hacker obstruction and my hands are blocked from moving as my brain is also under attack so my motor skills are being stymied--i.e. my hands just won't move where I am fighting to pound out letters on the keyboard--like my hand is frozen in mid-air because I just can't move. The attacks upon my brain are so horrendous due to this remote neural warfare or microchip implant or the combinations of all these various modalities to just screw someone over, which is all this is about. 

I can't write my thoughts on politics because it is just to upsetting to the people who are connected to this crime against me. Everyone else around them remains silent and even won't dare to think anything contrary to the accepted thought/action patterns that they have been programmed and inculcated into believing, obeying, and never questioning. Of course, the greed and their complacency of having so much support by belonging to this system overweighs any kind of concern about America and the system that is so famous throughout the world--that they sell out so continuously day after day and all remain silent, loving them for handing them little treats and promotions and

I can't write about my concepts they get so upset and TORTURE ME even more then decades of it going on and on with no support or protection for me. thus, I watch what is going on and today I am feeling ill from detox, and I want to just try to write and it's just endless blocks to every single thing, every day, every where, all the days of my life, watching as these people are destroying my country and indeed--the entire planet.

The Wat Chalong Temple which I drive through occasionally has a small cemetery dedicated to the Buddhist Monks who have formerly resided in that most beautiful small space, which is shrinking from it's former lush vegetative state of beautiful nature: the small cemetery which I passed has a presence that is unmistakenly spiritual. In teleportation I mentioned this to the Brooklyn mafia terrorists who were terrorizing me day and night with this technology and their terror squads. Now that very sacred area has been smothered with a cement parking lot--and the spirits of the monks cry and cry that these once peaceful grounds are now filled with buses, tourists and junk sold (elephant tourist pants with tie strings, beaded ornaments and tourist plates and flower-printed safari shirts--etc etc etc junky tourist stuff--stalls and stalls and junky food stalls--tourists focusing on the gold-plated temple architecture while the real spirit of the temple remains in the cemetery--as the living Monks have not rebelled against yet another parking lot while there is already many huge spaces for enough cars and trucks to park. The greed, the greed. The spirit has been compromised. (I can't express how difficult it is to type at this point--I am blocked from writing as usual in the multi-pronged terrorist hacking constraints--my hands can barely move and the keys are non-functioning as I must now pound down with my entire hand and arm to get anything out. My hands can't even move I am so under attack by this brain-suppressing technology.

The greed, the selfishness of these terrorists attacking me. The symbol at this time is of this Buddhist Temple that is being over-run, like some virus eating away at the corpus of this body of the spirit of the soul of Thailand: cement as this virus covering the body of the soul for the lucrative tourist buses with people who gang stalk me pouring out to block my path as I drive through. This area was the last refuge of that temple that hasn't been desecrated by cement and tourists who are filled with evil bad negativity attacking me. I could feel this sense of love and peace at this cemetery lot just at the very last exit out of the temple. Now it is covered with cement and it will be filled with people with bad designs, bad hearts, pouring out to attack me but the temple itself, the spirit of this sacred place, where the older generation of monks are buried, has been ignored where outside of the gold statues and the tourist elephant pants stalls the real temple is where the deceased are buried--the real intention of the Buddhist tradition. As for the monks who are living who also reside at a much more humble place in the back of the temple tourist grounds, they are out-of-sight and obviously have not protested nor made any kind of appeal to try to stop this most insulting desecration of the monks who made that place a most magnificent site. Now it's manicured but it's shoddy, run down because the manicuring caretakers do not care, they are being paid to make the place look like a post card. 

That is the real significance, the metaphor for what this terror group really is--with all their money and all their pomp and circumstance, they desecrate the spirit of the world. They pour it with cement, kill nature, kill the nature of the spirit, and...the terrorists attacking me knew that I loved this spot, that I had a communion with these spirits and this energy of that one particular spot. Because they have killed off so much that I love (my cat is gone, I have been writing and reaching out for anyone to have her returned, she is a precious soul and my cat was my family and all I had left) and, they have killed the animals I have connected with for so many years--they kill and kill and kill. Now they have killed the DEAD by pouring cement just in front of their sacred resting place so, like all they do, it's a square pile of cement cutting off the oxygen of nature, of the spirit of life.

As for the artificial spirit of making money online, I am now blocked from that and I can't access my Pay Pal account. It is just one more that that has been stolen from me--including this one spiritual area that I had told the nasty mafia actors who have attacked me non-stop for YEARS alongside their H-wood counterparts--but I told them in teleportation, under hypnosis, that this was a sacred place. I think they had some hand in destroying and taking away what I even enjoy passing by as it is a spiritually enlightening experience for me amidst the ugliness, hate, stupidity that these people attacking me always demonstrate with their endless years of nightly teleportation and their nasty terror agents being told to talk to me as if they are stupid but I guess it's supposed to imply that I am the stupid one  (while my brain is under so much attack I begin to always giggle or react in hyperbolic rage reactions, using words I never thought of, cursing and my vocal chords are changed and etc, all I have been writing of for years and still not a single politician or person will stop these attacks as the criminals keep being put into position of power).

Thus, the cold world of finance, which could be at least warm for me if not continuously blocked, is cold as the dead. The warmth of the spiritual energy of the temple, Wat Chalong, has been killed but remains in a sad, despairing spiritual malaise due to the hate of these terrorists. I really believe that the huge cement parking lot was the result of the Brooklyn mafia ordering this, or the former president, or any of their lackeys or minions or thugs or scruffy near-do-wells operating as their proxy terror agents. 


When I write of these things, I want to impress upon any reader or potential reader that what is aimed at me I find later to be used as a weapon or more mass destruction upon many other targets--swaths of the population actually not just a few targeted individuals.


I also tried to generate some money on this blog by allowing adverts to be placed on the site. I clicked on the appropriate link and got thrown into a hacker/terrorist cycle so nothing happened. I was returned to the information page with the same "click" on the link tab that I had just clicked on, which redirected me to the first page. I cannot, thus, even use the option to insert advertising in order to make even $0.10. All is blocked from me, almost all. 


When I look at the spiritual state of the United States right now, as it is reeling from chaos and despair and death and hate and glorification of idolatry and iconography of fascism---all I see is a desecrated temple to what had been something of grand design that death-mongering black-hearted spirits from The Abyss are bringing about with huge smiles and sexualized wiles for celluloid entertrainment purposes and promises of hollow glory while sacrificing the hallowed.

Somehow in this mix, Paypal and the block to my finances (and from any potential earnings from my fighting to write on this blog with endless obstruction of terrorist hackers) is tied in some nebulous way to the spiritual malaise that the cement-makers have poured over the spiritual host of the Temple that they have do defiled, like all that is precious and truly magnificent they ultimately defile and degrade while inflating the worth with lies.

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 25, 2021. I was not nearly hit continuously while driving today. The situation improved but was still absolute attack in one store. The usual happened: I was lied to about products that I know are available, and was told absolutely nasty lies which, under the effect of the tech blasting away at my brain, I "believed" while I was so stunned I just went along and could not defend myself. I also lack legal protection here in Thailand so I have no route for any kind of defense. But the tech made me "believe" the lies I was told about a product that they have for sale and on the shelves every day, but today they told me that it was "alcohol" and not the computer cleaning fluid i was looking for. I was so stunned by the tech I just sort of dazed, and then another terrorist posing as a store employee began repeating what the smiling, lying "manager" had just said to me--black looks of mirth and negativity on his smug and most sinister facial expression. It was a most disgusting display of block to service and how the technology renders me incapable of discerning even the most obvious of lie. I responded as if they were telling me something nice and profound, I believed it and told them they were very nice and I was completely blasted with mind control tech. The technology is so detrimental to clear thought process and any kind of cognitive clarity. After i walked into the store I was suddenly surrounded by people but this store is usually empty every time I drive by (it's on the road that leads to an area I frequent). As for the rest of the day, I was only almost hit three times instead of continuously.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Terrorist report: February 25, 2021. Nearly hit by cars continuously while driving--nearly hit within a few inches by vans/trucks as cars on the opposite side lurched from side driveways, parking lots and corners so I had to swerve and was nearly hit by cars swerving into my lane from the opposite side. In each case I was nearly hit within 4-5 inches. Other psychological terror attacks aimed at me by terrorist agents assaulting me in stores--while my brain was rendered non-comprehensive but functioning at a much decreased level of awareness while, again, as the anger mounted I began to say things I was not thinking, my voice was literally altered to sound low, ugly and hoarse as my vocal chords are also affected every time I talk to anyone--(there is a microchip implant in my throat which can create everything from constriction while eating/drinking to alteration of my vocal chords). Etc etc

Near-death, barely averted car/truck accidents--all orchestrated terrorist attacks which occur in the same patterns every time I drive. I mentioned one very ubiquitous near-death attack formation while driving above--cars lurch suddenly or drive very quickly towards me from the side of the road (driveways, exits from parking lots, gas stations, they pull into the road so the road is blocked except for 4 feet in the lane where I am driving--and they lurch forward just as I am approaching the side entrance so I have no time to stop or change lanes. They drive very quickly or they are waiting and stationary and then they pull out towards me just as I am approaching--or they are waiting in the middle of the yellow dividing line in between traffic and pull into me as I am driving past--right in the middle of the road not on the side where cars can pull out. 

I live on a hill which is very steep. One side is at the bottom of a curve, and there is a large mirror so you can see what is approaching from around this corner. Because the hillside is so steep, the lowest portion of the entrance into this huge condo on top of the hill inclines so steeply at the bottom where the road intersects that you have almost no time to slow down to brake. Please note that my brakes are remotely attacked, as is my steering, so a potential murder/accident could happen at the bottom of this extremely steep hill where there is no flat area to stop before hitting the main busy road beneath--it's busy of course when I am driving down the hillside, but it's empty most of the time with random cars driving through. There is also a speed bump just before hitting the curve that is just at the bottom of this hillside, where you can't see anything that is approaching from around this curve in the road, at the bottom of this hill, unless you look in the mirror. For this reason, the terrorist organization has people on motorbike driving as far away from the mirror area, on the side of the road, coming at me at very high speed from around this corner so I can't see them in this round mirror that reflects only the larger trucks but not a smaller motorbike which is driving at the farthest extreme of the road. The drivers sped through the speed bump (it was two Thai men driving on one motorbike) and they just went at around 50 mph around this corner over the speed bump to drive right into me after I had looked both ways and was driving into the road. Within the second that I drove into the road, looking in all directions, they were driving exactly into me at the most precise moment when I was driving into the road. I was nearly hit but braked just at the last second. This same type of potentially fatal attack methodology occurs now almost every time I drive out of this condo. AT the bottom of every exit of this huge, very steep incline of this hill the moment I approach the road where, if the brakes are blocked as this group has done with my motorbike, I would be hit instantaneously and potentially killed.

The terrorists come at very high speeds from around these corners and nearly hit me. It's been going on since the most recent terrorist in H-wood began assaulting me with everything from heart compressions using this technology to--now every single day things are ripped, torn and broken in my home. I just saw that another piece of clothing has been slashed with scissors. It was hanging on my clothing rack next to the sliding glass doors of this room, and there were two holes cut with scissors in the very thin fabric. It is a shirt I have worn one time, and it was in new condition when I wore it yesterday. The shirt, by the way, has been so saturated with stinking odors and I have had to wash it so repeatedly that the fabric is deteriorated before I have ever worn it once. Due to this hanging bulge of poison and because this fabric is so sheer, I have not worn it but was waiting to wear this very beautiful light green, sheer top for a few years--(my reward for all the effort for years of detoxifying from this horrific poisoning which appears like "cottage cheese" cellulite as the poison is bulging out of my body, hardened into my back and spine, hips and extending throughout my posterior region (my legs, hips, into my skull) but on my abdomen and where there is adipose tissue, it bulges out, trapped above the hardened areas, and looks disgusting and like nasty flab and cellulite. It literally hangs off my body like I have a pot bellow and have huge reserves of cellulite. I have not been able to wear any kind of beautiful clothing that doesn't completely hang over my body for decades due to this attack. I wore this shirt yesterday and it's now destroyed. Every single day something is killed, destroyed and broken in this room due to this attack by this newest addition to this attack torture situation. The things being broken were not on a daily basis until he began his assault on me. The near-death accidents also are not new, but this new form of attack which is potentially deadly--cars and motorbikes driving into me as I begin to pull out of this condo and the roads below is new and from this newest addition to this attack situation--

Also, if I drive at night, people driving motorbike with metal cars attached to their bikes, huge metal frames with metal rods and things sticking out, drive into me from behind and the side angles as I try to change lanes. They swerve and I nearly am hit--they of course have no lights on these metal frame two-passenger contraptions (which I think are illegal but there is almost no police presence and these people are not stopped) and they are completely blackened further by dim lighting that the city of Phuket of course leaves so dim you can't see these types of death vehicles unless you are piercing the night with your eyes as motorbikes are swerving in hectic exhaustion to get home after work, just as it's dark the more deadly terrorist drivers come to attack me. I would describe more, as these types of attacks are literally continuous while I drive. 


At one store, which has items that are reduced by 150% from "normal" higher-priced stores--but the exact same items repackaged and mostly items out of China sent to Thailand. There is one shop where there is a male who has taken the place of a female who had become too friendly towards me (she had a cat which was extremely loving and I would pet the cat). The cat is gone and so is this woman, replacing both is a Thai male who has is violent and yells at me. They place huge stacks of plastic items at the corners of every aisle so when I try to turn the corner something is knocked off. These stores are very small "hole in the wall" types of discount stores. I carry bags of my items because the terrorists destroy and rip and make stinking my personal items and I have to carry many things with me continuously just to try to save what few items I have left from being completely destroyed. These are items like my Passport which is very hard and expensive to replace. I am thus carrying with me bags from my earlier shopping as this discount store is near my condo--they put these stacks of plastic items that are nearly stacked to my height in every possible place where anyone turning around every aisle who is carrying any bags would knock them over. Anyone who is not extremely thin and agile would also knock over these huge protruding stacks of items that are placed in front of the shelves, just at the corners of this tiny shop. Other shops have done the same thing and I believe this has all been done as an attack upon me because of course this group knows how many items I carry with me at all times. I can't leave anything at the front counter because in every case these Thai people rip and destroy and put stains on my bags and break items if I leave them at any check-in counter or ask to leave things so I can walk through their tiny aisles. I thus carry huge bags around with me after hours of shopping trips being nearly hit by cars and nearly killed.

I tried to get past all the stacks of plastic items that any slight bump would knock over--and this Thai man began yelling at me in the most nasty ugly tone because he had been instructed to do this by his terrorist organization---all of this was pre-planned. Please also note that the mind control technology involves brain-hacking and all thoughts are recorded. This group knows all that I plan on doing and where I plan on going and they are prepared for the most sinister and stupid attacks. I was thus yelled at because they placed huge stacks of items that fall over with the slightest bump around each and every corner. While I was under attack I was swamped with mind control tech so I was shocked and numbed into silence--my brain was partially shut down in other words. It took me a few seconds to recollect what I was doing and then I had a confrontation with this nasty man--who was also trained to glare into my face--while the other terrorists in the store he was extremely polite and gentle and friendly towards but targeted me with absolute hate and violence. I could not think clearly while I was talking to him, telling him he is very rude--he said that it was me who was rude. I began cursing at him--which also happened at another store while I was under a similar type of attack

the basic thing is that while under assault my brain is so bombarded from near-death experiences, shock and "trauma" even though I understand what this group is doing, I am unable to counter electronic blasts coming from technology aimed into my brain so no amount of breathing, composure or mental concentration will allay these electronic blasts of electricity coursing through my brain and altering and inserting my own vocal chord responses, my real ability to deal with situations and etc. 

In another situation at a major retail store (Tesco) I was looking at an electronic appliance--and I asked if I could order a replacement filter at the store. I was surrounded by no less than 8-9 Thai people who all repeated the word filter, opened the item I was looking and said in stupid voices--filter, filter. I went to the service counter where no one in this downtown Phuket major store could speak English. I have been shopping at this store for years and there are perfect English speakers there every time. When I am in this store there is not a single person who can speak English. I began using foul language at them as my voice was altered to sound ugly, lower and hoarse--the entire register of my vocal range was remotely altered while I began to curse at them openly as they laughed, made the stalking gestures as over 9 people by the time i left had asked me what they could do for me--but "speak little English" and I finally left the store calling them names---this happens to me while I am writing as well, I go into long cursing ranting name-calling. THis is part of the discrediting that the mind control effects (with the drugging and the subliminal insertions of words that are intended to make me appear like a very hateful and cursing ranting incoherent "delusional" crazy person.)

Then there are the attacks, which also happened, where I began laughing as some Thai male at another store began talking to me repeating very simplistic terms such as--repeating the size of an item and it's color after I had looked at it for over 10 minutes. Like you would talk to an Autistic 5 year old who can't read or understand anything. In this situation I began to giggle and laugh at everything, while I said things and acted in ways that are not "me". 

I could continue to describe this, but suffice it to say that this is the general pattern. However, yesterday was a continuous assault that never stopped.

Every year at the height of "High Season" here in Phuket these near-death road accidents, or literally being hit by cars, and these assaults by very nasty people who wear the store uniforms

these attacks are so increased when the swarms of Europ-a's come for their endless free weeks of paid vacation to get serviced by the Thais--the hostility , openly discriminatory actions are endlessly and at very ugly and nasty levels especially when the increase of the Europ-a's is at it's highest peak here in Phuket. Even in the lowest point of tourism during the pandemic, the few that have made it through the quarantine operate upon large numbers of Thais who are so eager to be promoted and pour their hate upon someone else.


I am now about to get out of t his stinking room--as I returned "home" the room was stinking from foul odors and cockroaches were running into me as I walked in from having left. I have zero food left out on my counters and I never leave anything in some garbage for any insects to eat. I put all in the freezer and I clean this countertop at least 10 times a day because there are mechanical arms that get through the tiny tiles that are over the kitchen area--I have covered all with paper and decorations but they have cut holes and etc into this decor I put to try to protect myself--I spend so much time and money buying things and fighting every inch of this studio I have no money or time or health to continuously repaste and glue over every surface that I have already covered at least twice--but the counters are routinely sprayed with brown grease and etc

I now am very busy and must go and get assaulted once more--first at the bank where I am routinely assaulted by the staff--and then at the motorbike shop which is a continuous mind control assault experience of hate and negativity--then while driving, and then I must go shopping for something else and thus I write about these attacks just hoping that someone will stop this group, that this newest addition to this terror teleportation protocol is finally pried off me as he's a very ambitious terrorist and of course attacking me is a sure and easy way to both vent hate, increase Nazi fantasies of power and control based on genocidal patterns--and of course huge promotions for the same group and it's implementation of this order of hate that they are striving to entrench into every society around the world.

**All of my posts are hacked and rewritten by hacker terrorists**as I just wrote this first sentence hackers inserted letters while I was writing so I had to correct the third word I had typed just to explain that I am being hacked and letters are inserted while I type. Entire parts of sentences are usually deleted and what remains is pasted together.** This is part of the discrediting that terrorists are forcing upon me to make me appear like I am endlessly ranting, rambling and incoherent. Also as I fight to type my anger mounts, and as it mounts that provides a "backdoor" for brain hackers to insert subliminals as the threshold for calm reserve is breached. I then begin to use words that are also discrediting--the insults and the hate rants, which are also exacerbated by drugging that is never stopped so I am always under some drug influence which completely skews brain functioning. That operates as an interface with the brain-altering technology.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Finally: an officially-sanctioned albeit limited expose of the corruption of the H-wood industry awards season. I have written of how I see absolute Europ-a influence at the Golden Globes and here is an officially recognized investigative piece on how prizes are bought and how people are sold. The awards season for the white supremacist Plantation has even eliminated the "good" blacks from being in the nomination categories because the plantation must focus on Europ-a interests. A tv show with an English actress playing a (stupid) "American" acting silly and coquettish in Paris. (I could only watch a few seconds of the show and was completely uninterested and understood implicitly that this was an endorsement of Europ-a Imperialism and overtake of Whorewood and more indoctrination of Americans into letting Europ-a's completely overtake Whorewood while "winning" every top award for their racist, Nazi ideologies put into various form (comedy, tragedy) for these banal movies and tv shows that keep getting awarded. Implicit in all are racist, sexist and Nazi Imperialist themes underlying all the fake pretenses. All is very craftily embedded into the subconscious symbolic representation and plot device(s).

 This article more or less supports my many years of writing about these awards seasons and the ways and means of less impactful shows (a nice euphemism for crappy stupid movies and tv shows)

reach top priority when it comes to especially the Golden Globes. I used to call them the Golden Shower Awards--I wrote this last year I believe it was on Facebook, before I had begun this blog.

Now there is a type of vindication of my "theory" now put in sharper focus. Still, the very top layers of this pyramid structure remain. *And now, as I re-read this post, I see that hacker terrorists have completely deleted parts of sentences and then repasted them onto other half-deleted sentences--at this point already the hacking and rewriting is very bad. I had to put a period at the end of the last sentence as hackers had deleted part of that sentence and pasted it onto this...Almost this entire post after this first paragraph is nearly unreadable and completely rewritten by hackers--it makes little sense, is completely half deleted and other half-deleted sentences pasted onto other sentences-this is disgusting and what is worse is that these people have been stealing my ideas (which they can read plainly because they are changing what is published but they actually read the correct form that I write before they alter it). At this point I am not going to rewrite any more of this--it is completely destroyed by hacker terrorists rewriting most of it and deleting at least 1/5 of the post but in segments--it is horrible I can't defend myself against this and it is never stopped by anyone--so many people know and they still do nothing. But I continue to write, although this is so completely unreadable and none of it is my fault.

...(partially deleted sentence) as my ranting posts which are hacked, rewritten, discrediting all I attempt to write (that has also been the case on my Facebook posts regarding this situation, which has lasted as nearly daily posts for over the past 8 years or so--with a time lapse of 3/4 of a year when my laptop had been broken because one of the bigot racist rapist actors was torturing me for asking for Justice and that he stop being awarded top prizes year-after-year (which began, his endless awards, when he participated in this contract out on me, and then he obtained even more awards after nearly killing me in an orchestrated car accident. He ordered his minions to attack me while I was driving where I was hit and nearly killed as my steering and brakes were remotely blocked and a car drove into me at high speed while I was in the center of a road ---surrounded on all sides by terrorists stalkers on motorbikes blocking my ability to swerve or drive without nearly being hit on all sides but they parted just at the moment this car drove into me). This man--Pitt, to be exact, then won another Academy Award for his role while he was hyped up on hormones from torturing me daily--daily--for years--after stealing my ideas, endless hate and violence and he's just out partying now in Whorewood after having obtained at least 3 years' worth of awards while participating in this crime against me--3 or 4 years every year winning Academy Awards each and every year--but "mysteriously" not winning any awards at these top levels prior to having attacked me in this contract (which is kept so secret and hidden and I can't prove anything I write of.

I need to add, as my brain is so blocked, my thoughts are so scattered due to this tech blasting into my brain to block neural firing so I really am put into this horrid blackout of my thought process by this remote tech attacking me while I type:

after I was put into this accident, I was teleported to Pitt who then physically and sexually assaulted me--in teleportation --that was one day after this near-death "accident" where my brakes stopped operating as the handlebars swung 180-degrees downward while I was driving at high speed on a busy road (surrounded by terrorist stalkers on all sides until I was hit from the side by a car and as I hit the brakes the handlebars immediately swung all the way to the right as I hit the cement on my chin from this high-speed sitting position. The man who hit me then, after I asked him for money for the damage done to my motorbike because I had to pay for an expensive Passport fee as my passport had expired and I had to pay a lot and could only save $20 per month and was always living off less than $700 a month up to that point--the bike was badly damaged--this man then took my bike and threw it by revving up the acceleration into a heavy potted plant as he then sneered at me (this was a Europigape and this was a definite near-death attack and really would have killed me if I had not been so strong--it could easily have broken my neck but instead I hit my chin). THis was Pitt who had, the year before, had a cat brutally killed after I told him I didn't want him and to leave me alone (that was after two or three years of telling him this, but after two or three years I was screaming it in hate). One year later, when writing one post on my Facebook page asking anyone reading my writing to stop awarding him and his nasty wife for their crime against me, they had this done to me, and then they had my teeth nearly knocked out and then my gum tissue was cut into every night to create permanent damage or my teeth falling out. That was in addition to his personal violence on a psychological torture level every single day for at least 8 months after that with hate and violence--that was just for asking for justice. That is what helped him to win an Oscar and of course he also was in the top category for a Golden Globe (the Europigapes control it all I believe). 

As for this article below, the end of the article describes the response by the Foreign Press, which is the usual obfuscation of reality that H-wood is so used to anyway--which is certainly aids the politicians in their performances as well.

However, at least for once there is some kind of "evidence" to back-up the claim of how these "awards" are "won" and in the end...even the blacks were excluded although they were such good ass-grubbing servants attacking me so the Nazi empire could include more good house slaves serving the white masters but even with all they have done: they have been excluded from the top awards in the Europigape awards ceremony that is supposed to represent an American awards system--in favor of the Europigapes and their crappy stupid tv shows with their actors playing lead roles--portraying Americans even. Every single thing is co-opted and stolen and the lies that remain in face of evidence is always the same excuse system that also politicians are used to using and have become almost a standard trademark.


To continue: 

Here are two copied paragraphs from this article from Huffington Post which came out today:

‘Emily In Paris’ Treated Golden Globe Voters To Their Own Parisian Getaway

The investigation into the group’s inner workings revealed a “widespread perception that members can still be wheedled and swayed with special attention” come awards season. Given the relatively small number of members behind the Globes― fewer than 90 HFPA voters compared to the almost 10,000 eligible voters in the film academy ― the report claimed that it’s “far easier logistically” to curry favor with the international journalists, as they “make a nice target.”

The LA Times investigation also found that the HFPA regularly lines its own members pockets, with certain individuals receiving nearly $2 million in payments for serving on various committees and performing other tasks, a practice that experts say could violate IRS guidelines. 

Movie commentary, very short due to terrorist hacking and censorship: I watched two movies today about horrific crimes against black slaves in the United States. Two Major motion movies regarding atrocities towards blacks. With no evidence I can only relate that these movies include three terrorist actors (one white, who plays a sympathetic protagonist towards blacks, and two blacks who play "heroes" who are fighting against the evils of genocidal racism. All involved have personally teleported me to be promoted by the fascist, Nazi organization of white supremacists in this media Nazi cartel of H-wood.

 *Whatever hackers do to this page, the censorship activities which are included in every post I write which appear after I publish such as rewriting, deletions and pasting of partially deleted sentences into one long, confusing sentence. As I type right now when I press keys the functions don't work so I must rewrite and backspace continuously. I doubt I will correct, or even re-read this post after I click on the publish link. --later after having published this post--but I did re-read this post just into the 2nd paragraph and already most of it has been rewritten and hacked--this first paragraph has already been hacked and rewritten. It gets tiresome to endlessly fight to retain the original meaning that hacker terrorists are continuously obliterating in the most strenuous attempt to simply type past hackers blocks to the keyboard and my brain and motor skills as my brain is under non-stop attack as well.


The movies mentioned above, which I happened to watch today for some reason. I was surfing the internet and watching some YouTube video on racism and I thought of the old movie about Rosewood, Florida. Rosewood, Fl is located in Levy County, just one county over from Alachua Country where I lived from 2000 to 2004, roughly but I moved away and then had to return periodically in that time frame (generally during those years, it was a confusing time of searching for health care all over the United States due to poisoning which was a covert murder attempt by this terror group.

Alachua Country, more specifically Gainesville, Florida, was a place where the poisoning reached the first stages of actual murder as my body bloated with hardening poisons to the point that I gained 30 pounds within 3 months of first having moved there--the poisoning began to solidify into my body more than it had been doing during the previous years. However, the stage of actually poisoning me to death was decided in Gainesville, this one county away from where the Roseville atrocities and murders occurred in 1923.

Sadly, very sadly, two of the actors involved in teleporting me for profit and promotion by this ostensibly Nazi/fascist organization (plus including within the general umbrella global organization many other networks of various types of groups, people, names of organizations but not privy to this information I can only rely on the general aspect that they all follow one system of systematic attack--aka "systemic racism" which has been one of the most popular memes of 2020 by the BLM movement, but never applied to my situation by anyone as the silencing of what has been forced upon me, which is a variant of slavery and torture stemming from genocide and racism and hate and oppression---however, to emphasize the seriousness of this situation and not water it down to a mere personal targeting for some inexplicable reason on the part of this global system of attack and torture (mutilation, rape, torture, theft of all possible, genocide, "gang stalking" and every kind of covert and overt illegal action all sponsored by various factions of the media and of the various inter-connected governments of the planet, which I have traversed 4 times and lived on three continents and have not had a single moment of this attack system being blocked or stopped. Even in transit I cannot get rid of these terrorist parasite minions attacking me much less going to any other country on the planet. Every government is involved. Thus, this makes this most obviously a SYSTEMIC crime and it's origins are in HATE). BLM move over, the "gang stalking" targets are truly the epitome of what could be classified as "systemic racism" even if the target is white with blonde hair and blue eyes.

Two actors who have happily participated in these terrorist activities towards me are portrayed sympathetically towards fighting racism in these movies I mention today. They are fighting, or in resisting racism against blacks--one actor is white, one black--were played by absolutely null and void persons who play these lead roles for these movies which are such a moral farce when taken in light of their participation in this heinous murder crime they all so lightly participate in when it's being aimed at me, in real life, for their inclusion into higher levels of this most racist organization which subliminally programs the globe into racist ideologies, hate and murder mentality, all subconsciously performed as hate crimes cloaked as "just entertainment". They are delighted to be living out their hate fantasies at me and happily engage in and then get lead roles, awards and promotions but never, apparently, any kind of moral inclination to look inward for any sort of introspective analysis of their utter hypocrisy. No, that is far too much to ask when million dollar contracts are up and they can grab at the and grasp for anything they want to steal, every act of repulsive violence and rape and hate is not only awarded but praised and it's all allowed by this established hate organization that appears to run both H-wood and the US Government almost to it's very rotten core--as both entities are inextricably intertwined at this point in history.

Their participation in the movies has made the effect of the movie much less palatable for me to watch. It's akin to looking at what should be a very beautiful person with huge blemishes covering their face. However, the graphic nature of the utter violence in the Rosewood movie, with these actors playing the lynch mobs which was so realistically portrayed-- was more than similar to the giggles, smirks and delight that these actors portray when they attack me: a much lighter version of the giggles, guffaws of the white men in the murder squads laughing as they dismember blacks and hang blacks and burn and shoot blacks and then go off in a racist rampage to find all the terrified blacks running away as they laugh and burn, loot and destroy an entire community and then lie about it afterwards to the authorities. This is exactly what these actors are doing, on a much smaller and more crafty level. The technology is completely enabling the same lynch mob experience albeit on a very tightly guarded promotional scheme where the corrupt cops are not just some tobacco-cud-chewing rednecks, but "classy" New Yorkers and mafia and Europ-a's from Paris who are operating exactly as the "low class" rednecks from Rosewood, which is just a representative of every genocide that has ever happened and is happening now with this teleportation contract out on me.

 The actors portray, in teleportation, a lessor version of this same exact behavior of the utterly inane, insane, thoughtless, thrill-seeking, lying and utterly depraved perpetrators in the movie who commit these mutilations and hangings and not shown in the movie or even made mention of in historical archive must have been rapes probably of black men not just women, prior to the beatings, hangings, dismemberments and the mass burial sites. Like the actors, the characters who are mass murdering like demons in Rosewood are all laughing like hyenas about their fun game of mass murder, utter unrestrained violence with fingers, toes, genitals and other body parts having been cut off blacks who are then later shot or hung, beaten raped and dismembered in what becomes a frenzy of death by these giggle, sick white folk who then retreat to lying about their crimes and it's all covered up for at least 70 years until it's too late to actually arrest more of the perpetrators. Not having learned any thing, the same crime is being committed now against me but under the wrap, guard, funding and protection of defending "National Security" by not allowing this information to get out and no one ever stopping the mass rape and mutilation that I am undergoing). The movie was shocking, the actors who have attacked me with racist whites smirking and gloating as their minions --black and the one white, who is a minion himself but being white, and very wealthy, he probably assumes he is completely in charge and in control but I would argue he is being used as the puppet that he is. Obeying and acting on cue in a protocol that is only mimicked endlessly from one aspiring tyrant aspiring to become leaders at higher levels of this organization. The blacks who are out-of-costume, with their Italian fashion and their theft of my ideas incorporated into their more mainstream concepts and their hate directed at me because their "masters" are telling them to hate and they will do it and will believe that the hate is real and that I must have "deserved" it--and they will hate anything they are instructed to hate if that means they can get more attention, more lead roles, a new studio and production paid for and a top award. yes, oh yes, they will hate and will kill for it no matter who the target is, and no matter what the reason for this crime they don't care. They learn to love it and they participate in the same exact ugliness that the lynch mobs giggle and laugh about in that most realistic movie, ROSEWOOD. They have become the lynch mob, they are famous they have won awards they are gloating about their violence still. One of them is up for an award, just like so many of these terrorists in the media attacking me have not only gone the rotation of attacking me, but of obtaining nominations for these top prizes in the media. It has become a formulaic exercise in repetition as I observe this happen year-after-year as these terrorists latch onto the contract one-by-one until it's not just a chorus of hate and a hail of abuse and hate and violence but it's an entire revolving rotating rotation line-up of them, as they sit in rows to attack me and the goal is to break my body and spirit so I collapse and then "submit' to their Neanderthal personalities which posture as if they are the most elite of all compassionate humanity possible. It appears a mission impossible for the rest of humanity to even begin to question these duplicities and all acceptance has become the norm when it comes to the endless rotation of these same celebrities being put into political positions and into endless rotation as icons that are nearly worshipped as deities by members of society lacking in all real fundamental spiritual enlightenment towards the goodness that should have created a beautiful, loving planet of compassion and peace. The movies are a never-ending spectacle, for the most part, of one murder or set of murders after the next for which these brutal celebrities play heroic rescue operations. 


The second movie I watched today was (or just a few clips, I downloaded it but have not watched it yet, as the more I see of the movie clips on YouTube the more I get turned off by watching yet more actors playing parts they can't begin to comprehend and would so quickly become the aggressors they are fighting against in the movies if they could only get more approval from the Masters in the Big White Houses for the general plantation where they fight to obtain as much as they can clutch and grab of fame, fortune and celebrity status. They are never able to connect their participation in this crime against me with the brutality of the lynch mobs that they play roles as antagonists to and are portrayed as the epitome of enlightened heroes fighting racism and hate crimes.  Thus, the longer I begin to watch the Harriet movie clips and then the interviews with the actors who played lead roles and the things they have to say, the more I turn to documentaries on the subject because I want to see something more than a scripted falsity with actors who turn around instantaneously with their inner real fantasies of becoming in actuality the "master" of the plantation if only to emulate this behavior in the suppression that the knowledge of this contract out on me allows them to act out these morbid fantasies of hate and rape and torture upon someone else of some group which does not march in the streets and fight to stop hate crimes because they appear to be highly in denial. The group I'm supposed to be labeled as, and am being attacked for having been born into, which absolutely denies me any assistance or help, and there are no movies about this kind of attack system and all I try to write is censored and blocked. 

going off into a tangent again at this point but it truly is all related to the same situation of hate crimes and the hypocrisy of these movies.

The actor in question who has participated in this crime against me who plays, in Harriet (the movie) A companion to the lead character  is an actor who has participated in this crime against me alongside her most racist White H-wood actor friends and has absolutely no regrets or remorse. She was duly awarded, celebrated and received nominations, awards, prizes, contracts and has gone off happily congratulating herself on her "hard work" (I guess she would say) for her "achievements". Endlessly portraying a black woman fighting for black women's rights--but attacking me per usual so often with blacks assaulting me more openly than the whites do. So often repeated not only in H-wood but, going back to Alachua Country--next to Rosewood only a short hour's drive away from North Central Florida to the West Coast on a nearly direct linear line into Levy County, down into the coastal region where blacks still live on the other side of the tracks, and their houses can't portray anything polished, expensive or threatening to the manicured, pristine White folks houses. That was the case in Gaineville and the dividing line remains intact.


Thus, the celebrities of Black skin color living in mansions next to the white folk of H-wood Hills, have proven themselves as being good ole girls and boys when it comes to attacking me. 

To see them in these movies playing sympathetic roles makes the movies regrettable but it does not diminish the impact, particularly of Rosewood which is much more horrifying than any horror film I have seen. The actions and reactions except for the lying and fake actors involved (even though well-played, which is not something I can say about many of the other terrorist actors who are supposedly "A-list" who have participated in this crime against me. 

It was an older movie, and I believe that as this organization exerts more influence of the H-wood and it's other tentacles in the media (and in politics) the more mediocre movies are--and it shows up so visibly if you compare just the lowering of standards in movies when it comes to indelible depth of meaning which has been almost whittled down to such a superficial meaningless in recent movie awards choices (or if well played, the violence and macabre symbolism and direct murderous actions do not equate to any kind of extravagant code of genius--although aspects are ingenious the same theme applies: decay, death and hate and then racist themes when it comes to comedies and who gets to enjoy life and who doesn't. It is all intermixed just like the mixing of the races in the replication of the Master's Plantation White House wherein these movies originate.


It is very hard to relate how badly my brain is under attack while I fight to write this post. Every post I express this same sentiment of how badly I am hacked and blocked from thinking and even in moving while hackers rewrite my posts after I publish. I have been rewriting for a long time now in just the first few paragraphs of this post because first hackers rewrite so much and I had to rewrite all again. And then, my brain was literally blocked so I got "lost" in fighting to type as spaces and blanks blocked content and meaning. It is so hard to write and I must endlessly go back and rewrite just to get more of the initial meaning out, not just rewriting what hackers change but my thoughts are in such a jumble for many reasons--technologically skewed like someone is aiming some weapon into my brain, which causes an effect similar to how you would turn a light on and off like a strobe light as thoughts are just lost in the spaces of my brain being blocked.

Thus, this post, like all my posts, are badly written and hard to follow or understand. I am never able to write at my real capability, speed or level due to these attacks.

What has come out in this post, and in every post, is at maybe a 40% level of my real capability to write clearly and well.

Monday, February 22, 2021

My last post was rewritten by hacker terrorists. The grammar was altered as were many words. I read the post in the published state and don't want to get into the post to correct and rewrite. I just add this now. I am able to type this as this is not a threat to the apes who are attacking me. However, when I start to describe theories as to how sick they are, they both censor my words and then steal them for their fake "liberal" presentations, thus earning them money and me stuck with all blocks to my financial earnings--literally all is blocked by this terrorist group. Flowers on my balcony which were beautiful, gorgeous have all been killed. Every day parts of this beautiful growth of flower is killed. The ugly hyena hormone-growth disgusting ugly actor out of Austria, this body-builder fascist Nazi pig ape gorilla scumbag piece of crap is attacking me endlessly with his disgusting and stupid insulting baseless insults---I respond and he has his rotten filthy dirty minions destroy more of my home while this rotten pig lives in my country and the masses of Americans just hand this ugly and stupid hyena pig ape millions of dollars to present the dumb, hormone-growth thing that represents fascist Europigape identity in the form of a dumb robot who can barely talk. Turned into the Governor of California with his politically-savvy wife. Otherwise stupid as hell idiotic pig ape hyena attacking me to obtain more promotions out of America to more incorporate disgusting Europigape fascist Nazism into America--which he calls "his country" but actually hates it and hates the people and has made the usual anti-American statements but supposedly only aimed at me---I won't relate how, but if anyone could ever get this rotten sickening thing off me it's now over one month of the stupidity and hate and ugliness of this rotten disgusting stupid thing attacking me. This is ten years that I have been teleported and attacked by sickeningly rotten ugly old men with their granddaughter-aged female whore skanks participating and their daughter-age children also drooling like the hyenas that they are, waiting for big Daddy to abuse me nearly to death to obtain the promotions that they cannot achieve without this system of nepotism being enacted in this "aristocracy" Nazi/fascist system that these disgusting idiotic pig ape hyenas have all leaped like a swarm of locusts to get instantaneous promotions into lead roles and etc etc out of. The list of scumbags participating just grows day-by-day. These disgusting ape pig hyenas who I have written of for years are implementing with the fully support of the US Government a death system, a genocidal death system, and rotten crap like this filthy and dirty actor out of Austria, this glorified body-builder creep, is helping to train Americans into fascist, Nazi methodology and ideology. He's so repulsive and repugnant and stupid and rotten, his nasty insults I can easily match and so he utilizes the scum that have been paid to ply the filth that this dirty pig ape hyena instructs them to throw on my body and life and destroy my garden and everything else. He's so stupid and disgusting and to sit here while some filthy and nasty scumbag is insulting me in my "inner ear" while I can vaguely "see" him as I can be also teleported while awake--it's like a very thin shadow vision while I am even aware, awake and doing something else. The teleportation in this state is extremely ephemeral, yet it is being done. I begin to throw insults back as he disgusts me and I respond accordingly. Then my property is more damaged. Two days ago with rotten Pelosi they began to discuss dismembering me while I was in this nascent sleeping state. They are both rotten hyenas put into power by my rotten country. Please, if there is anyone out there who does not want this filthy dirty nasty thing to continue to suck out everything possible out of America then stop allowing this disgusting pig to go on and on as he's been doing now every single day for over a month--every day he's so disgusting I yell insults back more of my property that I love is destroyed. He's really a fascist Nazi. How many of you really want an ENEMY OF THE UNITED STATES to become another Governor or representative of the media? If you allow him to go on and on that is what will happen. They are building an absolute cartel of fascist Nazism and Trump was just one of these, there are many more and they keep being put into power. IF you care, don't let them go on and on any longer. Otherwise, I realize nearly all of you really want this and you think this ugly sinister rotten hyena-hormone -growth disgusting thing is incredible because he represents the falsity of your posturing implementation of indoctrination, propaganda and take-over of the US. .However, if anyone does not want this crap to continue to take-over the US or the planet, then STOP THIS SITUATION IMMEDIATELY AND STOP WAITING FOR THE SITUATION TO WORSEN. I am drugged up so I am ranting. They drug me every night with these skin patches which do as much damage to my body as possible while I am unconscious and unable to defend myself. I am forced into ugly hate skits by this pig ape and the rest are just the same, stupid and rotten and they endorse absolute death and hate upon most of the planet. .AFter the dump their stupidity and ugliness on me or whoever else, they are pumped up on hormones and go off laughing holding hands in their elation and the hormone rush of torture and violence. You keep putting this SHIT into power. Wait and see what the future holds, how "it's only just begun" as one of the good friends and partners of this pig ape hyena clown has promised America, and they keep cheering on genocide and hate as most of you do too, as long as you remain protected or so you believe and assume. I do KNOW that after I publish this, having exacted correct grammar and wording, the hackers will rewrite. I am incensed as this most beautiful garden is being slowly killed day-after-day more is being slowly killed off that I have spent years cultivating--because I downloaded a movie which I hated years ago, but after so many other bad movies have come out, it was better than the really bad CGI crap that is coming out now--so I watched it and this is what has happened, I got this parasitic scumbag attacking me because I watched a movie that he played a role in--not wanting to see HIM but actually I saw a clip of a female character and her dialogue was fascinating so I wanted to see how the writers were playing this scenario out--and I got this scum pig and this woman actor partnering in with Pelosi to crush my spirit with endless hate--please, he's dirty and disgutsing get HIM OFF ME NOW. I know most or all of you think my writing, which I can barely do, the keyboard is so hacked it's nearly impossible to write more than two words without having to backspace and correct--my brain is put into a very rage, hate mode and I can't elaborate into any real writing style. GET THIS FILTHY DIRTY HYENA-HORMONE-GROWTH scum creep OFF ME this is one sickening pig after the next for years and years, with president after president participating and now Congress member after Senator after actor after "normal" pieces of shit stalking me for them. I am now endlessly fighting to get these words out the hacking is very bad. PLease get this rotten ugly stupid pig off me, he's ugly he's old he's stupid and he's nasty he is attacking me and then destroying my body--(heart compressions continue) my food is poisoned I am drugged non-stop my property is endlessly being destroyed--this ugly pig scum hyena ape--send this filthy dirty thing back to his shit country with his other rotten hyena pig Nazis get this shit out of America and definitely off of me. You are disgusting ugly pig ape hyena, you are reading this aren't you? Ugly scum go to hell ugly pig. Please get this rotten ugly sick thing off me. The T-rump friend who made a video about how he is so against T -rump while he's been handed this fascist, Nazi protocol torture technology and it's methodology by T-rump his good friend. The scum actors have just all obtained endless roles in movies, stolen my ideas tortured and nearly broke my teeth off when I asked for JUSTICE AND THEY NOT BE REWARDED FOR THIS CRIME instead of even being stopped they just keep getting lead roles year after year. I remain writing non-stop posts for years determined to stop because they keep passing me off to one psycho pig scumbag after the next, ugly and rotten miserable pigs who pour their hate out on me using this technology. I remain here writing as one of these pieces of shit after the next goes after me to pour hate and ugliness on me. fighting non-stop to clean up the stinking filth they order this shit minions to pour into my room and my body is broken from years of damage this system has forced upon me. Please stop this torture contract out on me. This pig is so despicable he is nothing for me to respect and he's just throwing and hurling the nastiest of insults and when I fight back I get endless violencde--I wish death upon this pig please kill him get this ugly pig off me. I can never just sit and not defend myself against a rotten hyena piece of pig shit like this rotten ape you all love as this stupid actor--and all of them. He's going on and on with the most abusive insults I tell him he's a pig ahnd piece of shit non-stop--this is never ending. Get this rotten disgusting ugly dirty hyena pig ape off me--this ugly foul sick thing out of Austria so programmed to be a fascist Nazi he's not worthy of living get this pig off me.l

 The usual, every-post hacker/terrorist attack has just taken place in this post (above). I re-read the "intro" to this post and hackers changed words, deleted commas and inserted various wrong words so the meaning has been changed in 10% of the post. I am ALWAYS under a "mind control " attack while I write. My nervous system is hyper-activated into a "hate" mode--such as frequencies altering my brainwaves into some "hate" range of brain-activity or---I need to do research on exactly how to word this kind of frequency and how it affects the brain. ELF attack on my brain. However, I am very busy looking at the political landscape and the news clips as the terrorists attacking me are integrally incorporated into politics now, and the longer I watch news clips the more politicians attack me. However, they have all gathered around this actor out of Europigape land who has obviously been indoctrinated from youth into hate for America. He has very definitely come to the US to infiltrate and bring a fascist, Nazi order and to "search and destroy" people like me, who actually are just normal citizens but competitive who don't obey shit like him, or his ilk and the Europigapes who I had befriended who were poisoning me to death and tried to enslave me with endless destruction--especially in Florida--while Americans have absolutely lavished them with every best property, every kind of respect they have never earned except through the illusion of their bs posturing. 

Thus I can never "respect" this scum Hyena pig ape clown out of Austria. He's continuously abusing and attacking me using deadly force which could lead to death. I so hope HE dies and that this will be stopped instead of me having to write any longer on this blog about any more of these rotten pig ape hyenas attacking me. 

This is so impossible to type out now the hacking is so bad I am spending 50% of the time backspacing and rewriting. I am fighting to hard to get words out that I can't take the time to insert commas--it is so hard ot just get anything out that isn't completely inserted with multiple spaces and wrong letters. 


I am ranting in hysteria because he's trying to abuse me into not being able to fight for my defense verbally. I keep fighting back and what tiny little I have left of a garden , of a home, of anything is being slowly taken away by a billionaire scum piece of shit who is looking for a huge promotion by torturing me into "submission" and ALL I can ever see of this pig piece of shit is someone I pray will die immediately and nothing remotely worth "respecting" even with all his violence he's a stupid and rotten, dirty disgusting anti-American bigot who Americans in all their stupidity and racism and hate just idolize--they can't understand the absolute hate pigs like he has for America and what the real intentions are of these infiltrator Europigape IMPERIALISTS and COLONIALISTS. 

Why do you keep putting anti-American bigots who make their campaign slogans about how much they Love America into power?  You are so willing to be deceived by an IMAGE that has nothing to do with the reality. Pigs like this creep actor I am writing about --he has openly said to me, "Will your ideas become more widespread" (not in those exact words, I am now in a state of rage, I am drugged up, that was exactly what he said but not those exact words he's much more simple than that--it's unbelievable that he was the governor of California but look how much damage he's created in that State alone--the ramifications of his policies may have taken a while to become openly visible.


He does not want me to write or say anything contrary to his pig status and the infiltration of these fascist pigs and their shitty movies and any real CRITICAL analysis is censored. I am capable of writing critiques that do analyze beyond the normal scope of accepting the underlying basis of these propaganda and mind control plots--and for that, this rotten hyena actor is so intent upon censoring my thoughts and actions so a piece of shit like him is NEVER criticized or exposed in his bs posturing or behavior. Of course, the other actors in this terror group, the Americans think this is funny to watch this filthy pig attack me and my response of utter hate and disgust. Their fixation with the movies they make with Nazi actors and plots, when they play the heroic rescue, and their "enemy" actors are really their "friends"---resulting in the American actors assuming that after the shoot has taken place, the Europigape actors are actually their real-life friends because they smile, compliment, are "charming" psychopaths and thus, all are "friends" after the movie about Americans fighting Nazis has won more awards for the banality that they present; with it all these American actors have completely been brainwashed them into Nazi ideology, and so has the public viewing this bs K-rap that is continuously being put out about how America saved the world "For Democracy". The same actors have participated in what the media is calling a direct "assault on Democracy" and yet the very same people remain in power except for T-rump, and the rest remain in absolute top positions. That includes Pelosi who is firmly in the camp of fascist Nazis and Mafia when it comes to racism and these hate attacks and this mind control technology for that Nazi New World Order that she and her ilk in the "Democrat" Party who are her partners endorse. That is why the Italian mafia shit rapist who tortured me for YEARS before I was handed to the next pig actor, then the next pig actor, and the next pig actor, and now the next pig actor (and their wives and shit whore former wives, and shitty nasty whore children, and nasty whore shit friends--) TEN YEARS OF THIS GOING ON--excuse my ranting of course this is just entertainment when I write it. There are sleazy, filthy creeps here (the Thais, operating with the white Europigapes who sit comfortably in front of their surveillance screens while the Thais are being trained into how to behave in the worst fascist ways possible---but when I begin to write in hate, as my brain is under direct assault by these technologies, I cannot think clearly at all-I call them nemes in long sentences of cursing because my BRAIN is under direct assault by mind control weapons which also enhance various emotional states of rage and hate so I am overwhelmed--after TEN YEARS OF THIS GOING ON FROM ONE PRESIDENT TO THE NEXT AN DNOW IT'S ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL TERM BUT THE VERY SAME POLITICIANS AS HAVE ATTACKED ME FOR YEARS--AND ACTORS ARE STILL GOING ON AND ON DESPITE A REGIME CHANGE--thus, they laugh, the Thai creeps have installed three people who make ugly sick sounds from the rooms below mine. One makes a sickeningly hostile coughing noise like it's spitting up something and occassionally it does spit. There is a creepy sounding Thai guy who makes a rotten coughing noise when he's not shouting on the balcony into a phone while I am outside doing anything. When I write in rage and under drugging and torture conditions about the next pig ape actor/politician, and the next, and the next, day after day, year after year, never ending--this younger sounding Thai female makes this most ugly and sinister laughing noise--like a demon in glee about torture and rape and violence. They make these noises the minute I observe yet another thing broken and stinking and flowers killed on my patio--they have so much surveillance of every single thing I am looking at and think (they tell me, these teleporters, that they can literally "see" through my eyes--how creepy is that? And how creepy these famous celebrities are, and how much more creepy, dirty and nasty the poorer more frustrated scumbags are and how much more hate they spew when they have no blocks or impediments. 

Back to the Whorewood crew that is now an entire gang attacking me, as they sit in row-after-row watching me as I scream at one of them after the next to die and get off me as they torture, abuse, insult, hit, punch, rape and torture me every night it's some insidious sick attack either with these actors or a series of unknown people who say and do disgusting, ugly and sick things as representatives of the actors and presidents and now Speaker of the House and a former President's Wife and former Senator and on and never ends. Thus excuse my ranting but I waited for Obama to stop this, then I was hoping some responsible President would take over the position and I got Trump trumping up the violence for 4 years--now the same people are going on and on, the same system is never ending, and a new president has promised every kind of respite from the onslaught of fascism and nazism and (mafia is never mentioned as being a controlling force in Congress, but with Pelosi I --was trying to write this before but I got caught up in rage and hate and cursing: the Italian mafia shit rape hate Nazi who has attacked me in partnership with Stallone, a most sinister sick person, (who you all LOVE for his dopey boxer movies and thug personality and all the crap he's come out with for decades---partnering with Trump to attack me and they have made a video together--but the Italian scum in Miami I have written of for so many  years--who wanted to rape poison as deeply into my body to put me into a coma as possible--who still having me followed around while I drive by trucks driving and blocking my road with his disco club icon plastered on the back of these trucks that drive right into me--but he loved Obama and under Obama (and thus Mafia/Nazi Pelosi) was allowed full carte blanche to torture me without end--gratuity of the United States ape hyenas like Pelosi who handed the Italian Mafia every opportunity to use this torture teleportation along with a host of Europigapes here and in Miami--so I know a lot about their fascist overtake of America but seemingly no one else can connect these dots--but they all loved Obama he just let them do whatever they wanted to me--and then he participated in the contract out on me as well. Handed the torture tech/teleportation to T-rump and now the Obamas have not stopped making media presentations and are in tv shows and etc etc with the help of the fascist, nazi Mafia media cartel.

Thus, the actor who have both attacked me and are participating, who surround me in these teleportation skits--who hug the Nazi actors after they make their war movies about how they are fighting these Nazi/Mafia actors out of Europigapeland, who make anti-American statements in front of them to me as they stand mute and dumb (and dumber and so stupid it's unbelievable---in the sense that they can't understand the absolute hate and violence implied by their smiling greasy "friends" out of Austria and Germany and France and England). As for the creep Austrian I have been writing about in hysterical terms right now, because this is a DECADE of torture and murder attempts from this group and this technology----when he talks all I can hear are the endless repeats of what I have heard for years from other Germans and Austrians and Europigapes regarding me, America and everything else. What he says is so repetitious that I can't  see an iota of any personality behind what he is saying. Of course what he says while I am in these situations is standardized and routine lies that these people have made and repeated endlessly for decades. When they are alone, amongst themselves, they actually say many more malicious and deadly concepts and hint and act upon them and with the slightest of opportunity would enact very seriously violent actions upon me or America if only given more free reigh. The dumb actors who are American are taken in, believe the shallow gestures of pleasantry and "friendship"--get invited to live in Paris or Berlin--are showered with awards, expensive clothing, mansions and they believe that these are their good "friends". Because these actors (Americans) have learned to identify serious life situations as comedies because they enact when they act, standard plot formulas which appear as comedies, they then associate my situation with this thug hyena actor as if it's a stupid comedy movie plot. They laugh about how I am reacting, to them it's a joke and they are happy that a seriously violent man is going to help them all to obtain this contract out on me of absolute destruction of my personality, obtained from non-stop torture using these covert torture systems and technologies.  The stupid comedies they make also have desensitized them into the realities of violence and destruction that they are fully endorsing through their blind aversion to facing reality. This is one reason why they must torture me in order to obtain any original concept because they are "good" little obedient puppets and this rotten hyena pig ape has been a portal for their promotion, operating between the Europigape cartel and these dumb and rotten Americans actors who so yearn to be "classy" like this filthy low-brown scumbag actor. They so totally confuse a replicated image with the real creative impetus that created the "class" that these Nazis have crushed and turned into mediocre replicas of formerly beautiful artisans and their art and sensitivity towards life and meaning.


I could barely access my real cognitive capabilities, it was a severe struggle to not endlessly rant with curses and hate phrases and expletives--an absolutely discrediting exercise in trying to fight mind control.

I have helped yet another person I wish was deleted by reacting--I believe these hate sleaze operators who teleport me (the actors, politicians and etc) have A QUOTA of forcing a reaction out of me, and every time I react by writing about the heinous and unbearable attacks which also are accompanied by drugging that is so severe I can't control my reactions. I really don't think the majority of people on the planet could stand strong against what these drugs do to your emotions and brain. 

Thus, I helped someone by writing about his heinous attacks on me, as they observe everything I do, every move I make, when I'm on the toilet, when I'm making something they comment and make insults--as if I'm hypnotized I react immediately--they then torture me for having reacted while the technology has blocked my ability to not react--they get so turned on sexually by this and hormonally and in every way--plus the endless free deals they get

thus I tried to get each parasitic pig ape off me for a median time-frame of at least 4 years per scumbag--plus they operate in concentric time frames overlapping

This is much worse than many of the torture camps I have heard of that the CIA has endorsed.

I do not want to help promote any of them, won't you readers who do not want more fascists vying to take down the government and create a most banal and mediocre society of absolute nepotism and hate and conformity and meaningless stupid  movies cranked out year by year with these meaningless hateful actors who turn into politicians---

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Terrorist Report: February 20, 2021. I keep waiting for a responsible US Government to stop these terrorists--many of whom are leaders of Congress and the Executive and in the media supporting this agenda but ALWAYS screaming, dancing and shouting about how they are defending "Democracy" and "Freedom" and "Equality". I am waiting and it's been years of waiting. This group wants to hear me ranting in this drugged up state because I am forced to live in a place where I am drugged up and under non-stop attack with things damaged on a non-stop basic day and night. Waiting for people to stop supporting this system instead of fully supporting it. Some of these leaders claim they were almost killed by this terrorist group (Pelosi, the most disgusting example of this situation I have recently been attacked by--fully endorsing this system but once she claims she had almost been killed because she could do nothing but watch this happen to me, and the same people have just nearly had her killed--so she claims I don't believe anything this rotten creep says and you should not either--and thus, having almost been killed so she says, she quickly joins in to attack me so the Nazi Mafia goons will protect her while she attacks me in this same system that almost ordered her assassination. I wrote for years that whomsoever sees what is happening to me will surely suffer similar attacks but you out there participating in this always assume that it will never happen to you because you are so important (impotent, I would argue and know is correct). However, not having learned anything, people like Pelosi continues the torture and this system against me but trying to lift her status so she will remain protected and perhaps promoted by this same very system. That is one of the main leaders you have all come to put into power for so long I think she has definitely outlived her shelf life as so many of these ancien regimes have done. But this is the force that has fully endorsed this attack upon me all my life--this "Italian-American" mafia bigot racist liar anti-Democratic "Democrat". It is repugnant but she continues to fully endorse this system if she can but eliminate any threat to her rotten disgusting self. And that is how this system has been perpetuated and remains going strong with absolute sleazy and nasty corrupticians continuing it's disasterous policies of covert death squads and destruction of people's lives, as long as that excludes them. That is what one of the worst leaders of "The Free World" has just done to me but made it open--has been doing to me for decades along with a multitude of these politicians because these Nazi/Mafia groups have run rampant all over the globe with absolutely no block or exposure to what they are and what they are bringing about. How much longer must I "entertain" them with these miserable posts about the broken bones, crushed vertebrae, the rapes and fungus inserted into my food, home and body as millions of creeple attack me in cars, hitting me, trying to knock out my teeth making me bald cutting out parts of my body and putting my body out of alignment and much, much more and why? Why won't anyone ever do any single thing to stop this organization? And stop this attack uon me why must I live in this terrorist torture situation endless providing the rapist bigot pig ape hyenas with gratification that I am living in a prison torture dismemberment rape and hate situation every single moment of my life while their shit celebrities and others are stealing my drugged up ranting posts, which I can barely write, so worthless whores can "represent" the fake ideology of equality and freedom and justice that they so absolutely abhor and want only a fascist Nazi Mafia cartel with them on top while people are going to be murdered, assassinated, destroyed or microchipped to believe that their mediocrity is the absolute best available--because there will be no alternative and there really is at this point nothing alternative. How much longer are you going to help them put the globe into a new technocratic Dark Ages? And what I write will be scrutinized as it is day after day that I write, while they "traumatzie" me into hate mode every day so that is also killing me, while they steal what I write to continue to try to force this agenda and no one ever intervenes or stops this--ever? Why won't you people ever do anything to stop this situation? Even when it's obvious that mass murder is the agenda and you are in a target crosshairs you still continue--rotten Pelosi goddamn what a skanky disgusting mafia plant that rotten nasty thing is. Why must I be subjected to these disgusting creeple, one dirty nasty filthy rotten piece of stupid crap after the next in this teleportation--all famous celebrities and politicians and yet---no one can ever defend me, they remain gloating about torturing me--some of you have lost your businesses due to the pandemic and the policies associated with creating so much chaos that a fascist dictatorship is possible to thrive in such conditions. And yet you remain loyal to the fascists who are trying to figure out how they can eliminate you once you have served your purpose of helping them to achieve this power. Pelosi, dumb rotten hyena supporting nasty mafia pig apes. Get them out of power, at least do that do- nothing readers.

*This post has been hacked and rewritten--I just read part of the "title" above and it's been hacked, rewritten, partially deleted and strung together to form an incoherent long rant sans punctuation. I am not going to try to correct it. I also want to add to this long list that every click on this laptop is met with a block to all surfing and performance so I must wait at least 6 times longer than any function should have operated. This is a new computer, and all computers I have used where I cannot do a complete "factory restore" (which I cannot buy, and I am lied to by every computer shop which denies me the recovery disc--I am attacked at every single store). So I remain just waiting maybe ten times longer per click to open a page than any other person on the internet using "normal" service for major cities, such as where I have always been living for years. Such slow service at every computer I attempt to fight to use and I still remain with every single thing blocked to me except this sort of bare existence on sub-sub poverty due to all being blocked--while people who are extremely financially secure and much more than they need or should be are continuing to steal ideas so they can endlessly present themselves as being "fighters" "fighting" for "Freedom" and constantly participating in this terrorist attack upon me to block every freedom I could possibly have--even the freedom to think what I believe without being attacked for what I think about how incompetent and rotten these terrorists are, but then they steal my concepts afterwards. I can see this same philosophy in so many movies and in the media that these very actors espouse in their roles. At this moment I am too busy fighting their endless attacks to write further--I will not correct this post to try to rewrite it so it's going to be absolutely hacked and badly redacted to be incomprehensible in parts. 


When will anyone stop this crime against me? That means, when will you stop putting Nazis and Mafia into highest positions of power or when will you stop believing the bs-coated crap these politicians and actors spew out about how they are fighting for justice and Democracy but never actually putting them to the test. They are experts at hiding their crimes. This tech they are using against me is their absolute joy at finding forms of intellectual property theft, rape and violence without getting caught because  no one ever exposes this system and everyone in power appears to participate or do or say nothing contrary to it. Now America is becoming so fascist it's an open statement being put out by the complicit media and these rotten hyena pig ape controlled rotten actors and politicians who keep doing nothing but spouting bs about how they are "fighting" (for their "friends" to continue to create this system where they will be put in the "opposition" ranks endlessly, decades of the same lying parasites put into power. No one really digs into their real lives and sees what sick liars they are. I write these posts but have no evidence but none of you ever does a single thing to stop this or them. What are you waiting for? The point when you become homeless or are dying from another virus or global warming catastrophes because these pigs have to pour cement over the planet so their filthy asses can live in "luxury" with more and more construction so more of these pig ape hyenas can have more and more and more land grab opportunities and more death squads and more desperate minority slaves to help them kill YOU. While you laugh as I keep writing about how they are killing me slowly day after day while you smirk and gloat and laugh about it and can't wait to see what you can get out of pariticipating in this hate crime. How stupid can so many people actually be to really believe that you are going to ultimately benefit from these pig apes you idolize?


 I bought, at the 2nd hand store, a brand new pair of curtains for my tiny studio. Brand new, shiny, crisp fabric never been used. I inspected the curtains when I bought them. Not a scratch, loose thread or problem. The curtains however a too long and I have had to keep them unhung so I can sew a little folded edge on the bottom. Upon opening them this morning, a terrorist cut into the curtains so there is a scissor hole cut in the middle of one of the pieces. I had left the room to go shopping after having first brought the curtains home and only hung one of the set, which was in perfect condition except for being too long. Tying up the bottom, I left the other piece out to sew to the right length. 


I bought a bright, white, clean, new clothing hanging rack two weeks ago for my patio because I have to hand wash so much clothing which stinks of putrid odors and toxic substances that terrorists spray on literally every single piece of fabric in this room--including all furniture.  When I bought the small clothing stand; Not a scratch. I put it together and put it outside in it's unscathed form. now it has scratches dug into the edges, done by the sharp edges of the mechanical arms which also rip off flowers each and every day--the stand is so scratched visibly so it's shabby, looks bad and the scratches I assume are going to elongate as the terrorists continue to scratch many other places as time progresses. 

I bought a much larger clothing rack which takes up maybe 10% of this room, but because I can't use ANY closet space without having to endlessly bleach and spray cleaning fluid on before wearing, if I can take the energy and time to unfasten hooks on the doors which I must climb on a ladder to do and exert a lot of energy to open all the sets of hooks--my body is so injured as tissue rips out of my body at very incremental levels as this hard, glue-like poison slowly rips out of my body, and then that requires also time to sit in a stunned state because of the drugs that have rancified into my body as the body cells are ripping open these hardened portions of this horrific poison the terrorists have put in my body all my life.

So I must hang clothing, blankets--I can't fold blankets and put them on the plastic-sheet-covered couch because they will spray stinking fluids into the folds of the blanket even when I am in this room but on the laptop--as I am so often because I am too ill to actually do anything else most of the time--I just sit in a sick stupor drugged up and in pain and watch videos and then write my thoughts--which are also drug induced and then the ideas are stolen, I get tortured for writing any criticism of these hyena pig apes and their whore minion slaves--the ideas are then stolen. Thus I remain in this state writing about this while my brain is under attack to increase the negative energy while I am drugged up every single day by these mechanical arms breaking into my home. Thus I keep this huge clothing rack in my room, in addition to another smaller rack placed in front of the front door because I can't use any clothing cabinet unless I want to endlessly clean and bleach all that I attempt to wear. The clothing that is hanging nevertheless is sprayed and smells foul, but not absolutely rancid with odors wafting from at least 3 feet away as everything in my closet has been sprayed with this and has absorbed it. WHY MUST I LIVE THIS WAY BECAUSE MY GOVERMENT IS INCOMPETENT AND TRENDING TOWARDS A FASCIST, NAZI/MAFIA STATE? As if there is no opposition whatsoever remaining in the entire world.

I bought this huge box with the rods and metal bars which had to be assembled and it was not easy to do-this Chinese contraption for clothing. The box: I had left unopened for a few days because it required so much work to assemble. It is a Chinese cheap huge thing with multiple bars and wheels on the bottom. I think the terrorists replaced it with a defective one when I left the room, which was almost impossible to put together.  I used a flat screwdriver and hammer (which has been doused with a chemical to make the metal erode so it stinks if you handle it with your hands and that rusted area never comes off--it is completely rusted but is less than 6 months old. I had to literally pound a huge sautered piece of metal that had been attached to the frame where a metal bar just as you finish putting the thing together--I discovered--but it was hidden on the interior of this last remaining small bar (but a necessary piece so I could not omit it) and it had been painted into the frame so I could not insert one of the last metal bars after having spent hours fighting to build this huge structure of bars and beams. There are wheels on the bottom of the huge clothing rack which you insert into a tiny hole at the bottom of the plastic tabs on the bottom of this rack. Within one week, two of the wheels had been broken. One of them has been pounded into an angle so it's about to break and fall off. There are two sides to the wheels, and one of the wheels has been glued so none of the ball-bearings and wheels moves at all. The other broken wheel set has one of the small edges of this dual wheel set glued so it can't move at all. I clean the hairballs almost every day, and I see that while I sleep due to the mechanical arms operated by these slave terrorist minions surrounding me--there are hairballs inserted into the wheels nightly. I clean and oil the wheels as often as possible while I am not too injured from healing and cleaning up the endless mounts of piles of stinking clothing and items that need to be sewed after having been ripped or damaged. This brand new hanging rack which is almost 4-5 feet in lenth, over 5 feet high is about to break. 

Due to terrorist poisoning and all block to every single financial earning I should have had access to, including the first stimulus payment which did not appear in my account until last week and the IRS claims they direct deposited it last May--so I am ripped off even when it comes to the stimulus checks by the US President and his goons who operate for him--and from all the other presidents before him I must live off less than $700 a month. I must continuously repurchase items that are supposed to last years but I must repurchase all the tiny items I own monthp-after-month in a rotating sequence-- and these items are not something I can just easily purchase repeatedly month after month to replace what is stinking, broken and damaged and made shabby, scratched, destroyed and broken down by these terrorists and their billionaire terrorist celebrity/politicians ordering all this violence upon me so they can continue to be awarded by this most disgusting vile organization (most of you are members of).

I planted seeds in a pot where all plants have been killed--it sits in the middle of a row of plants on the ground level, below all the vines which are dying and 90% of all flowers are picked off before they can blossom--often the unopened buds are laying on the ground in the morning after having been picked off by the mechanical arms operated by the expletive minions of these parasites attacking me. I have thrice planted seeds in this pot. Tiny green sprouts begin to pop out of the soil, and within a day they disappear and are gone. There are criss-crossed twigs placed as if in some design over the areas where I planted the seeds which began to grow and were immediately dug up by these mechanical arms. 

How much longer must I have to deal with sick and rotten hyena pig ape scumbags attacking me because they are racist crap who want to destroy the United States and create a fascist, Nazi/Mafia Europeanized colonized dirty and nasty mafia Nazi colony with Europigape hyena whores controlling all from either in political positions of power and in the media, or like in Thailand, from their mansions with all their slaves obeying up to the highest levels of the military coup regimes that are controlled by their dear leader investors out of Europigapeland--who they claim are brining "fashion"--you can hear this refrain out of the people, the "Americans" who are endlessly obsequiously bowing in deference on one level or another, to these hyena pig apes in absolute deference and displaying Europigape fashion as the symbol of their wealth, power and status. They of course always fully endorse all the fascist policies and personalities who have nearly destroyed the United States in recent months and backing THEM are the hyena Europigape pieces of K-rap who hold the strings to these immature and rotten personalities who are attacking me--for their bigot Nazi Mafia controllers/handlers. The mafioso always refer to Rome and usually to the Romans crucifying and destroying Jerusalem when they attack me, and their only identification is with Italy and their association with Italian mafia and in Italian fashion identity. As for the rotten hyena Northern Europigape hyenas attacking me, their usual reference is to the Holocaust and how as a huge intercontinental action they put jews in concentration camps and murdered them is as many grotesque ways as their Axis allies the Italians are so proud of 2,000 years after the Roman invasion of that region in the Middle East, with all their brutality and crucifixation. They are fixated on these former acts of genocidal violence and that is the stigma they rely on to continue the traumatizing--so people "fall in line" with as least amount of effort as possible by these rotten parasites and by implication of former violence, the target is supposed to fold and crumble at merest mention of these former atrocities that their "forefathers" committed. That is the brainwashing/mind control aspect of these actions and their words and the videos that stream onto my YouTube channel (right now, after having written of the Mafia, tons of videos on Roman crucifixion are streaming onto my front page (which never appeared until I wrote about Mafia). These were the sentiments I heard from the Brooklyn crew of Mafia for about one year while they endlessly attacked me. 

Why must I have to endure this fighting continuously to save my body and home and possessions and life because people like Pelosi who calls herself "Italian-American" is participating in this mafia/nazi teleportation contract and not FULFILLING HER SWORN OATH TO PROTECT THE US CONSTITUTION AND THE AMERICAN PEOPLE--and not her little disgusting cartel of hyena pig apes--like the Austrian "actor" turned politician because so many Americans want this mafia/Nazi cartel to be fully operated by Europigapes and they yearn for fascism and Nazism to become nearly legitimized but if that is not possible while they retain the pretense of being "Democratic" so they can continue their own power cartels, then they will absolutely support what is happening me in order to continue to reinforce these genocidal and Imperislistic policies through the agents of celebrity and politics who are so duplicitous that when I try to write about their crimes, I am silenced and censored and all is completely ignored in the media and in society regarding what should be very easy to discern if people would only scratch a bit under the lying surface of what these clowns claim they represent.

This brings me to a slight digression but it is something I thought of on this issue of the spoken pretense versus the action when it comes to inaction against this now open push for a fascist, Nazi regime in the United States (fully supported by Germany and it's lying representatives in politics and their society as well as the rest of Europigapeland--my decade of living around the Imperialist factions who reside and vacation here in Thailand has revealed openly exactly how much they really are creating this global nazi/mafia system which they lie about continuously back in their own country for the public appearance).

Back in the US Congress, during the Impeachment trial at the Senate: Jamie Raskin lecturing about how precious the US Constitution is, and how it must be fought for and defended at all costs. Two days of this theater and then, because "it would take so long" to interview witnesses for the trial and it would become a circus--his words and the other representatives parroted the same phrases as all these people did--the same words, the same phrases repeated so repeatedly it was nauseating to listen to this broken record. Two days of discussing how precious the US Democratic Republic is, and then the case dismissed (voted on, but essentially dismissed) without having TAKEN THE TIME TO DO WHAT IS NECESSARY TO ACTUALLY PROTECT THIS "PRECIOUS" SYSTEM. This has been the same protocol used by celebrities and all that I write of, the verbalized bs and the action which negates all that is blathered as if legitimate chagrin at any threat to this great "Democratic" "best country of Democracy in the world--the beacon of Democracy" but can't take the time to do even a decent job of examination of the "worst crime any president has ever attempted against the US Capital and Congress in all American history". 

And thus, more fascism is erupting in State legislatures as censor votes are popping up like dead flowers of death in the sinister gardens of hate that these politicians and their adjacent hate actors are really promoting ("these" I mean those who appear to hold a majority in so many of these circus theaters of power and control).

Unfortunately (for me and perhaps many others) it's the endless waves of millions of people who so fully participate for whatever they believe is their self-interest for their power-sharing participation, this system remains grinding towards a full destruction of the US. 

However, I sit here and people just keep on assuming that this is only my problem and will never be theirs. 

What you allow to happen to me, which most of you actually are doing to me, will eventually happen to you in one way or another. It seems in so many cases that justice never happens: the Italians and Germans live in wealth from the billions or trillions of dollars and all the gold and property they stole from people they have brutalized, and in modern times, with full assistance from neo-Colonialistic policies of banking and international monetary policies which have stripped all power from weaker nations until they are destitute and dying and starving and being blown up. 

However, I believe that the time will come when these countries do reap the bleak death that they have sown. I guess many have been waiting for over two millennium for Italy to crumble under the weight of all the death it has sown around the planet with now the mafia and it's collaboration with nazis out of Europigapeland, their neighbors and good friends in all these crimes (my decades of being targeted are the basis of what I am now relating).

With all electronic equipment hacked, I have no way of proving any of this. With no support system I can't achieve more than writing an "opinion". 

Thanks to all of you, bombastic in your power groups laughing at my situation as I write of it day after day, year after year--to no end and no one ever intervening and presidents, senators, actors and scumbags in every walk of life just violently spasmatically attacking me like hyena pig apes on crack. 

No evidence can I procure to even in the slightest try to demonstrate how disgusting these creeple are, and my words calling them hormone-growth hyenas and pig apes sounds "immature" but it's a reflection of the lack of humanity and how they actually behave--their BEHAVIOR not just a childish backlash against endless violence aimed at me. This is the crap you have put into power. Now watch your country burn and crash, oh America and then keep DOING NOTHING TO STOP THESE GROUPS, THESE CREEPLE ATTACKING ME because you assume they will never attack you or harm you if you participate and laugh along with the hyena pig apes when you all commit these acts of sabotage and violence upon me. Just because I wanted to compete, was beautiful and won awards and was an athletic person who has never wanted to submit to these pieces of shit and crap and I see NOTHING about them to defer to. I think actually I should be put into a powerful position to help America remain a semblance of some actual Democratic system because these pig apes and hyena whores you all adore are absolutely incompetent. That probably means most of you, even if you are Harvard-educated the real and necessary type of "intelligence" to actually not participate in a system that will ultimately undermine the system itself appears beyond your grasp as  you grab for the gold-plated pieces of crap that are offered to you as your promotional award for having attacked me or participated in this group or looked the other way and did nothing to stop it.



Why must I be forced to live like this with presidents, senators, celebrities and endless waves of groups in every city, state and country attacking me who are "normal" citizens with all police, governments participating and funding and allowing this to go on and on and on and on?


Almost every website I must log into (i.e. my bank) is now blocked. The online radio station I have listened to is so routinely blocked that it's an anomaly if I actually can access any of the old archives, and as for recent shows being archived, all have been deleted by hackers and show up as "no file" on the site, which is an impossibility since this radio station (WNYU) has been archiving shows for at least 15 years. My bank is now blocking access--or it is being blocked as this is now another "new" hacking attack I have never had in the past.


Terrorists are poisoning my water/making it toxic with plastic-soaked water inserted into my water bottles. I just bought a huge glass container to try to prevent what has been a continuous taste of plastic in my drinking water. The huge bottles I fill up, when I pour the water out there is no bad taste. I pour that water which I drag from water filters down the hill from my condo--and pour it into a glass container and after I leave this room and return all the water is nearly polluted and contaminated with plastic seeped into the water--in the glass container and in all the huge containers I use to carry the water. 

Just to repeat this: when I first got the glass container and poured my water from the hard plastic containers, which never tasted of plastic, the water was pure and wonderful. Now no matter what I do, all the water tastes like plastic after I pour it into my glass container.

This is being done both after I leave this room to go shopping, when I am not in too much pain and fighting to heal , after days and YEARS of fighting to get this poison I have had to personally diagnose and then with guessing and intuition attempt to remove with all access ALL ACCESS TO HEALTH CARE DENIED ME SIMPLY BY THIS SUB-SUB POVERTY that has been forced upon me as all access to earning is literally blocked--all internet is blocked--so while I fight to eliminate this poison using only home-created remedies and years of fighting this alone with no medical equipment such as ultrasound which none of these pig ape hyena whore celebrities or billionaire politicians (who also want to force a "baby" out of me while I scream I wish them death and will kill them if at all possible) but I remain here endlessly writing about this, stuck in a room while under non-stop attack from mind control weapons, nervous system weapons, heart palpitation attacks due to electronic weapons and microchip implants--partially paralyzed from all the decades of poisoning in my food by terrorists breaking into my home to murder me slowly with hardening and bloating poison.