Friday, October 30, 2020

Good News and Weird Views. It's all relatively wyrd to invoke prescience. Reclarification of a prediction that the mind control/drug/tech hacking blocked me from fully explicating (or briefly stating).

 First the good news is that the letter that I just was sent from my mail service has not presaged ill tidings for my financial instability. Because the threat is so real, however, my anxieties were not unfounded and the level of threat is as high as my anxiety was when I wrote this morning, upon receiving the copied and scanned envelope with request for further instructions of whether to open and scan the contents. I had to wait, and in that interim, I was terrified of a letter that could truly destroy my life. 

If that is good news, which it is in that nothing has changed and thus, good news for my financial insolvency.?! I remain teetering on the ledge and edge of a high rise modern structure of capitalist pissed list. I can remain rolling on the bumpy road indefinitely for now with an uncertainty that is a continuous roller coaster ride with death always hovering nearby at every bump and turn from the handlers who make the entire structure of my life's finances jiggle.


This next part concerns a prediction I wrote of a few days ago, last week during the Senate Judiciary Confirmation hearings. I had stated that the candidate, whose name I am loathe to mention at this point---would not be nominated. I want to revise that, not for appearance sake or credibility, but because I got an initial positive for her confirmation, but eventually I saw in my forecast that something very ominous would stop her and block this person in that position. I could not elaborate upon this as weird forces were surrounding my brain as I rambled on in inextricable ranting drugged up and terrorize state of mind, which had been confounded by drugging during the night through skin patches, slices into my body that I fight every day and cannot stop but I am trying. They are cutting into every toe webbing of my left foot now, so the entire foot is being cut every night, every toe, into the webbing of every toe is gashed and cut into every single night. I am tying strings around socks and I have taped packaging tape around all the toes, into the webbing of all toes, and for now I have blocked some of the very damaging cutting into nerve endings and such. Otherwise, they are cutting into other fingers and spraying damaging chemicals into my skin. I have to sleep with a cap on so they can't shred my hair any longer. Etc. thus, I wrote but was bombarded while trying to express this stressful confirmation situation, and I was blocked from fully writing about the prediction. It made me sound, or it makes me sound now (excuse me, but the attacks on my brain continue as I type right now) making this very hard to get out. At first I saw that she would be welcomed and embraced, but I saw that a sudden shift, perhaps an illness would overwhelm her and that she would leave in a state of disgrace or shame (perhaps on a private and emotional level). I saw sickness and a departure from her position. In the mist of writing, I wrote only about the second part. I realize readers would find this hard to believe but that is now the more full prediction. I truly am very blocked from writing. Sometimes when I write entire gaps where connective words should be are missing. Introductory words or cohesion between sentences are either deleted by hackers or my brain just skips like a needle bouncing on a broken record. It really has nothing to do with my innate intellectual qualities only is due to the drugging and mind control and technology.

The Weird, or Wyrd situation of predicting a very serious situation of global impact. 


Another point before I stop writing as I am tired and sick, the detox is taking literally huge gaps out of my life on this planet and I remain just sick and sleeping and detoxing and fighting and writing about it. I wrote some funny posts on Facebook, For years I have been writing on Facebook and my words have been stolen, again and again, by these terrorist hate-filled actors and pop singers and writers and directors. I wrote once more, out of a drugged and sick desire to communicate. I believe what I wrote will in full or part be literally verbatim stolen. However, what I wrote was not connected to mind control per se, but to the election cycle at this time. I don't know what to do about this, as I keep waiting for some elected official to pull the strings whereby the local law enforcement are forced to have to defend targets from these acts or stop the criminals pursuing these actions. For now, I know that many of you reading this also know my Facebook identity and also hack into that social media platform as well as into this blog. I ask that more theft of my ideas are blocked and that in the future I am not hacked, stolen from, and that I can actually publish and get wide-spread acknowledgement or at least a chance to have access to the public stream of communication or the chance to compete in the open market instead of having people steal and block my chances on all levels.


My weird prediction, will it become a real accurate forecast some day? 

Weird is a word used to describe fascinating esoterica, in some ancient languages, cultures and tomes. 

THE NORMS, WYRD AND FATE "Wyrd is not an entity. Wyrd is a force."

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Received a letter from the Florida branch of a Government department which might cut off my monthly income. The letter was not postmarked and had not been sent via US mail. My mail service sent me the notice yesterday and I was out all day and only got it this morning, when all offices are closed. This happened to me four years ago, almost exactly to the day. They threatened to cut of my money then using the pretense that I had to go in person to a US office to have an interview or else they would cut my money. I face this now, and it was completely orchestrated and due to higher order. I am stuck here with no chance to fight this and face potential death if they stop my payments.

 I do not want to go into specifics because of the vast number of enemies hacking and reading my posts, who would be only to glad to see utter destruction of me and my finances and life. Writing specifics might encourage them to attack more heartily. Oh the hacking is very bad now. I tried to log into my government account and I copied and pasted and the codes I was sent to log-in were blocked, the page timed out four times, it took me over 6 minutes to log into a secure page which should have taken me less than 20 seconds.

This is all completely due to the executive leader who has been torturing me along with a team of actors who have been only torturing me for over 7 years, before that two Europ-a's were torturing and slowly murdering me for over 8 years. Because I have been tortured and sliced into every day and attacked without end, I wrote under drugging and extreme duress, as every single day living in this torture/surveillance place they put me into is a bombardment of my brain with subliminals of hate and violent hints and sleazy dirty foul substances and fighting to not be dismembered continuously and cleaning up toxic filth that their mechanical arms spray into my room while my back is turned--all day. Years of this going on. i wrote my post yesterday and now I received in the meantime a letter which I have not read, but I know the contents already because a few weeks ago I was sent a Government letter with a form I had to send in, regarding my situation and whether a review for a situation that has been deemed a permanent situation and does not require a review. For over 20 years I have received this income without question by this government agency, and in the last 4 years I have gotten two dire threats of having to appear in person to check what took one year to verify after multiple examinations, determined to be a serious situation and put into a chronic list and left without endless checks requiring in-person verification. Four years of this going on and on, now I face this again and I am unable, absolutely to enter any US office as I am in Thailand, left with no income, as these expletives have cut off all my income potential by blocking my accounts, blocking my attempts, destroying all internet access while leaving it open enough for this group to steal ideas and let me surf only to see them in endless video after video with no real access to the real internet. 

Now they are basically threating my life with this new letter which I now have to wait for another 12 hours or longer to get a scanned copy of from this mail service. The mail service has also effectively stopped my mail service and I receive only serious letters from this government agency which should only come once a year. After 20 years without incident, in the last 4 years I am now threatened with income being stopped twice. 20 years of never having a problem until this 4-year period of threat, but it was the same violence except that the government didn't threaten me this openly in the past. 4 years ago this mail service sent me notification of every letter I receive, which was from many important agencies. In the last 2 years they more than doubled the price for service, and stopped literally all mail notifications and now the only letters I get are threats to cut off my money unless I can fly immediately to the US and arrive in person for a verification.  This is a ploy, of course, by Trump, to terrify, attack, and perhaps utterly destroy me as this is really what this is about. 

Please someone intervene in this situation and stop this deadly attack upon me by Trump and his family and government agencies. I have a chronic condition because of the poisoning with hard chemicals, vertebrae being crushed while I slept, accidents without end, poisoning leading to my spine being pulled out of alignment plus nightly attacks on my hips and spine for years to cause this situation, along with the hardening chemicals. I am still in great pain as I am now at the near bottom of this 10 year detox. This group forced three entire spinal surgeries upon me to "correct" the curvature. The doctors who performed these surgeries obviously could see all the chemicals plastered into my spine, The surgeries effectively made the hardening poisons seep as deeply into my spine and vertebrae as possible. The doctors then fused the spinal areas and then I was continuously re-attacked but the "corrective" surgeries (which I had to have due to accidents this group has forced upon me, poisoning which exacerbated the condition, and etc etc etc) and so I am very much pain right now. I have spent years trying to earn money. I have a "donation" button on this site and all the millionaires and wealthy people reading my posts and stealing ideas have never sent a single dime or penny or even a thank you, they just continue to abuse me into insanity and then "punish" me  for reacting. This current threat to my life is more example of the cruelty for which they have been openly adored and promoted by this fascist group which extols the most sinister and ugly violence against targets.

I send this out as a missive to bring support and help because I cannot do any more than I have been doing for years to fight for my life while billionaires are attacking me with threats, poisoning, and then also stealing my ideas and using them as their own, calling me names with hate and derision, poisoning and drugging and having my body deformed and maimed and mutilated and endless psy-ops to bring on superficial hysteria on a DAILY BASIS FOR YEARS (over 10 years non-stop, and decades with intermittent attacks while I was unaware of the situation).


Upon reading the website for this agency, there is a chance that this may only be a letter regarding a certain coverage, but 4 years ago I had to phone a terrorist agent operating for this office, as all my official calls to any business or agency are met by agents operating as attack units in conjunction with "stalking"/terrorism so I get wrong responses, sighs of negativity if I ask questions while my brain is bombarded so I can't even understand parts of what they are saying *(that happened years ago while my body was akin to a bloated balloon of entrapped chemicals and mind control drugs and hard poisons trapping them).

I have been writing for years about non-stop violence aimed at me, all of which is murder even if it is slow and appears almost innocuous, the constant daily dose of it accrues and the stress levels alone, for any human being, are enough to murder anyone. The drugs make being "calm" and rationale, especially when the chemicals are trapped into your nervous system, impossible to navigate or control. That I had to run to Thailand because I was being murdered by every health care unit, every person around me, and denied health care so I was left dying but all could not be "diagnosed as such" because the chemicals entrapped in my body would probably require a sensitive technology to detect, such as an MMR or CAT Scan. Medicaid would not provide me with health care such as dental while I lived in Florida. Literally, under Medicaid I was left with just Ibuprofin to deal with poisoning and deformed vertebrae. I was attacked at all clinics except for one in Miami which was the one and only truly helpful situation I encountered in the State of Florida, one of the most cruel and hateful bigoted States in America for the poor and those needing health care. I do not agree with many Socialized concepts of mass control, but there are situations where government should provide the basics of health care when greedy bigots want to see people covertly murdered, as has been happening to me all my life. Not that Medicaid would have offered me a legitimate diagnosis even under the ACA, which I have never experienced, but I am advocating the retaining of the ACA and do not label it as a threat to "Democracy" under the lie that it is a Socialist threat to the country, as many do now. These stalking/terrorist groups RELY on murdering people who are then deprived of health care. If a government official at this most high position is part of the terrorist organization, they can so easily order the discontinuation of services or financial support and then, essentially, order the target murdered in this "legal" form of cutting off services, funds and life support.

Oh wait! This is happening as I write this to MILLIONS OF PEOPLE and their lives are being put at stake in just a few weeks from now. 

I thought of this yesterday but declined to write about it as hacking makes writing literally a painful physical attempt to pound down on keys. Right now my biceps are aching from exertion--literally!

I am so tired of the bigot fascists laughing as they first poison, drug and deform me or anybody else, like so many of my favorite icons who obviously were first poisoned with mind control drugs, bloated and made discredited by the resultant hysteria and crazy inexplicable actions that they exhibited, and then covertly assassinated to make it appear as if the target had been on a serious mental and physical decline. This is exactly what this group has done to me and continues to do.

With more health care cut off, more people will not only lose health care and probably die as a result due to "natural" things like environmental cancer (and THAT was a sarcastic joke or pun, but...) the targeting along with cutting off funding or health care or access will be greeted with more huge cheers from this insidious group. I have spent years going from health care clinic to health care clinic. At one place in Pensacola, after this hate group caused a serious accident which almost killed me (yet another car crash, where someone working on the side of a busy road with a dirt blower blew dirt into my windshield--I was driving 50 mph--as my windshield was covered with dirt, immediately, a car in front of me stopped dead in the middle of the road directly in front of me. This caused the entire front of my car to crumble inward. My seatbelt had stopped working three days prior to this orchestrated "accident" so my body hit the steering wheel. I braced my knee immediately and that caused my hips to be damaged. The nighttime stalkers then put my hips more out of alignment. I went to this healthcare clinic limping. A phlebotomist entered into the room, only after people standing in front of the clinic began asking me if I was a prostitute and how much they would have to pay me (this place was or is called The People's Clinic, in a "black" area of Pensacola. On Medicaid, in Pensacola, that was all I could obtain for health care). As I ignored the terrorists attacking me at the front door, I had to go through the nasty clinic, like all these Medicaid clinics, with doctors and nursees endlessly poking my body to extract blood, which is unnecessary and it's also dangerous with this advent of nanotechnology which can be inserted into needles, and also I believe that I could have been poisoned very seriously by these blood samples which could have also been injections or something nefarious. But the phlebotomist put that rubber band around my arm, and then began putting the needle into my arm far away from any vein. She just kept moving the needle into my arm, digging it in, literally she was stabbing me with the needle by moving it around and digging it in. Then she had to dig it out and try again in another area where there was no vain or way to draw blood. I began yelling at her to take it out and she (of course, a white bigot Nazi wearing a nurse's suit) sniffed and got up without apology and hastily left the room. A kindly, friendly black woman who actually was a nurse came in, apologizing, and abruptly took my blood most professionally, with no problem and was very nice. The doctor interviewing me, also black, was polite but they offered me almost no help except for ibuprofin, once again. Ibuprofin is just a stronger form of pain suppression. That is all I ever got from Florida Medicaid services. I was forced to live on less than $600 and I was blocked from health care while people were continuously poisoning me.+ Murdering me. Now this State is at the forefront of the push to stop health care coverage for all the impoverished people of that State who need basic health care services. It is a travesty. The gloating and smug behavior of the bigots who lied, attacked me denied me services with a slight smile---I experienced continuously not only there but all over America where I ran, finally to Thailand where I now have to SELF DIAGNOSE, blocked from all financial earnings I still CANNOT AFFORD TO PAY FOR HEALTH CARE WHILE IT'S ABSOLUTELY AFFORDABLE FINALLY, IN A WAY but they force me to spend so much money because so many essential items are broken and damaged every month I throw away huge bags of items and I must continuously spend all my money on food and on buying what has been damaged--under the orders of billionaires and millionaires who are stealing my ideas, blocking my finances and then ordering all this hate upon me, death really not hate.

So I have to wait now for at least 12 hours to see if this letter, after the threatening letter from the government to fill in information that has already been deemed chronic, that this group caused in the first place, which they were murdering me with and then depriving me of health care while I was on Medicaid (before the ACA was enacted, and since then the services have expanded to even DENTAL and now< I am in a place and situation where I am left as I was a decade ago with NO HEALTH CARE while fighting for my life while they continue to stress my immune system due to hate, violence and torture and dismemberment every single day without fail, without end. 

Now I have to see if this letter means they will murder me by forcing me to have to either come into an office in the US or face financial disaster, which means I will be killed, that is the general effect. Or they will force me into jail, as they did years ago after i wrote that these two Europigapes who were MURDERING ME were pigs, I wrote this on Facebook, they have since sent me to these actors to fill the hysterical quota, rape contract, murder contract, and now they want to force a baby out of me. This situation right now of this letter could force me into such desperation that I will have no choice but to be forced to have this baby with one of them. I am theorizing but the situation is so bad, so deadly for me right now.

How much more violence must I have to endure, because submitting to this organization is an absolute guarantee of dismemberment and death even if I comply. They did this to members of my family who absolutely did what they were told to do. That is another reason why I am fighting for anyone responsible group on the planet to stop this injustice that has been part of a domestic terrorist plot to assassinate people like me, through the US government and beyond, all my life, and it's a situation that has obviously been going on for much longer than that  (perhaps millennium as this group relies on very ancient methods of control and assassination). 

It's also why they embrace Europigapes so much because they have relied on these ancient systems of systematic torture and death and terrorist death squads for so long, along with their pograms and genocides they are an abominable group who have been training Americans to dispel with equality and freedom for so long. Now some of the results of this partnership are extremely evident in the United States. 

While I am extremely advocating for "universal health care" as it IS a right of all human beings, I do not want a fascist controlling governmental system. I do not believe that by cutting or allowing health care for all means that the government is going to take over more aspects of commerce or life or civic responsibility to the point of becoming a Communist or Socialist State. 

I want to make this political statement as the ACA is being threatened, just as I now have to wait in extreme anxiety to see if this letter, which states "tim sensitive act now" on the front---meaning they require an immediate reply, or return mail I really don't know exactly what that means---but this happened 4 years ago. I phoned the government office, the creepy male on the line told me, with a gloating smugness that was obvious in the call, that they might need me to come in at a later date, to some office, and I would know eventually if that was required. As I wrote, I have a chronic condition which means permanent and lifelong. There is no need to reinspect me as there were multiple tests and xrays done and I was definitely determined for this subpoverty but necessary income slot by the government. This threat at the beginning of the term and at the very end, almost like clockwork, is only due to more terrorist attacks by this person and his group of associates misusing government power to intimidate, threaten, torture and inflict deadly life-threatening violence upon me, continuously and alongside his Peers who are equally corrupt and vying for top leadership positions in H-wood, which is almost as dangerous to "Democracy".

But I digress and will end here. Please do not let them threaten my life like this any longer.

ALSO TRUMP HAS STOLEN MY CAT LA MOUX, WHO IS MY CHILD AND MY ONLY LOVE IN THIS LIFE. I also had four other cats who are precious to me, but La Moux, who is over 23 years old, is my child my love and I only want her back alive, healthy and for this group of millionaires and billionaires to pay me compensation for their crimes, to be stopped from having access to this murder technology and for me to be left alone and living with money to support myself, alone, all my life which should be very long. With health care, no baby with any single one of these hateful rapist men and their nasty wives.

To recap, before the election results and the perhaps change from this murder operation to at least some kind of justice for me (justice meaning I am innocent and criminals are attacking me using "experimental" technology in order to obtain "liberal" or "alternative" ideas which they then sell off as their personas, then to be used as psy-ops props for their eventual descent as their manufactured identities---to be crafted by professional artificers *(aka "con men") into politics and propaganda weaponry, either through assertion of endorsement for equally corrupt candidates or with themselves running as these completely false personality creations that they are "selling" to the equally destructive public.

 I have been drugged through hardening/mind control chemicals every day, for decades, since infancy, into a drugged-up highly suggestive state. My body has been bloated all my life due to these hardening/bloating chemicals that retain the "mind control" drugs into my nervous system. All my life, not a single person has informed me or warned me of what everyone around me, almost, was participating in. Doctors, teachers, my family (which were essentially "forced" into these roles by their peers and with their aspirations to climb out of Brooklyn, where the "Italian-American" mafia Nazis are still coming after me, now generations away, to inflict their hate and racism with identification of "The Old Country" and it's millennia of racism, fascism and oppression especially of Jews (to usurp the religion and turn it into a geo- political force called The Vatican with ties to organized crime. The tentacles of that are endless and under other "nationalities" and names and titles). That is going a bit further into the timeline of this situation of attack upon me, but it is a kind of "full circle" of events that my parents tried to disassociate me from. Now this group which has oppressed with deadly violence my family in Brooklyn and their children, grandchildren and foreign accomplices are attacking me with DISMEMBERMENT to torture me into "silence" while they remain polluting and poisoning me with mind control drugs which act like an IRRESISTIBLE TRUTH SERUM, for which they are obtaining these ideas to steal but then torturing me for writing about their theft, as I am under "truth serum" mind control which they are forcing upon me, which I cannot resist or defend myself from. The sinister quality and ugliness of these parasites upon me is so enormous and their lack of creative exploration, as they must reinforce centuries of cliches with themselves representing, by fiat, the leaders and superiors, and thus they cannot think or create beyond their limitations and are torturing me endlessly to obtain fresh or original ideas. I am not the only person who has such ideas but I may be one of a tiny handful who is being microchipped and "experimented" upon in this fashion so inept and stupid thugs can steal ideas and pass them off to H-wood celebrities, who are no better on any level than any common criminal who lacks higher education. As most of the lack all higher education and probably barely passed high school. The same can be said for me as I was so drugged (as I still am now) in high school I could not begin to "understand" the lectures and I skipped classes for most of the time as often as I could (and just walked by Lake Michigan, I did not get high or go out hanging out, as I was always put into an untouchable position and people avoided me in flocks I was endlessly put into a shell of avoidance--as all people around me knew about the contract out on me).

I did pass all the exams for college entrance and received high grades in some areas of the SAT and thus, I was accepted into my father's Alma Mater Cornel University but my parents would not pay for tuition and I had to resort to a tri-state tuition agreement between Wisconsin and Minnesota. I quickly choose to leave Wisconsin, and from the current Republican wave of aggression in the current politics, one can easily ascertain that Wisconsin was a bastion of Nazi sentiment. Absolutely during my high school time in the late 70's and early 80's (I graduated in 1982 and left as soon as possible, even leaving just after graduation just to get out of Wisconsin--which is a very very beautiful state I love the nature and always would walk in winter to school just to not be around the hateful people surrounding me, the natural environment is most stunning in Wisconsin too bad the bigoted people "suck" like pig apes. I had exceptionally ingenious teachers at my high school which hold for me very fond memories and their information and highest knowledge still serve me today when I cannot read or think clearly. It was an excellent high school and this I am extremely glad about, and their teaching got me through having to skip classes because I was so drugged and in a near daze. Any sort of concentration made me ill, and that remains the situation today. I am being tortured for reacting to drugs that these pig apes are forcing upon me, and then they are torturing me for reacting to their theft of my ideas by slowly dismembering me with the mechanical arms inserted through now unseen areas, asi have spent years fighting to close off all gaps and my hands are now bloody and my toes and fingers are being slowly severed off. Nightly. After I post a blog or Facebook post about who has stolen and been paid in millions to literally, verbatim, steal my concepts and ideas, they then insert countless hate and violence gestures and photos glaring with violence into the camera and then my body is mutiliated even more. They continue to drug me, and just yesterday I noticed that another (younger) actor who is part of this ensemble of degradation but "A-list" actors put some article about using a concept I just wrote of a few days ago and turning it into his movie starring role. The mutilations continue as happened again last night. I am sleeping with packaging tape covering my fingers and toes, socks over my feet and hands with gloves and they still remove all the tape, gloves and socks, slice under cuticles until my fingernails are now black and partially half off, huge and bloody and bulging and infected as they also spray fungus and other dangerous substances into the wounds they slice into my body. My shoes are sprayed with disgusting substances which cannot be removed unless I soak the shoes in bleach and soap for at least 20 minutes. I have to use so much bleach sprayed on almost everything, every day, just to not become absolutely deadly ill from inhaling fungus and deadly substances all day, even with doors open.

I am rambling a bit and going off the topic I had intended to write. Of course this is completely due to brain-altering tech affecting my ability to function. My hands can't move to keys and remain stuck in mid-air frozen because my hands can't move. The keys are blocked (not as bad today as usual).

This is only about 5 percent of the daily attacks, all of which are dangerous in one way or another.

I have always mentioned that behind this Brooklyn mafia group of "actors" who have been in lead roles for over 40 years, never ending greed and crime from them in tandem with these attacks upon me. Absolutely foul and disgusting subliminal comments from them when I use the toilet, when I do anything to defend myself by blocking any panels they make comments and then are handed, BY THE PRESIDENT BY MY GOVERNMENT BY HILLARY CLINTON BY OTHER FORMER POLITICIANS AND CURRENT ONES (DOES IT matter now whether they are Democrat or Republican?).

Years and and years and and and on and on. WRiting and writing and writing about this day after day year after year to brick walls, like hundreds of brick walls silently observing and never getting involved. I know the dangers but how much more dangerous is global warming and a pandemic than remaining silent and doing nothing as you watch corrupt deadly abusers get handed "free ideas" to capitalize on by the covert use of "sophisticated technology" being utilized by dumb and sleazy mafia, with FOREIGN CONTROLLERS WHO ARE ADEPT AT MANIPULATION AND MURDER but not capable of creative exploration due to the hierarchies that they must adhere to, they think only in boxes. Supported by Senators and the rest of the media which mocks my drugged up ranting writings with posts hacked into my YouTube and inserted into news clips from news sources that I have subscribed to (can only afford free news items sent in email).

THAT IS WHAT THESE PIG APES ARE DOING TO ME, in essence. One of them tried to have me killed in an accident when I wrote on Facebook that I want justice and for them to not be able to steal ideas from me any longer. The President's wife admitted to having cars sent to hit me and threatened to do it again. This was after I gave the President a tarot reading, where I, under hypnosis, drugged, in a nascent or drugged up hypnotic state, read tarot cards from my physical location here in Thailand to them in whereever they were--perhaps it was The White House or Trumpy tower. I said that DEATH was coming to T-rump but from behind his wife, and that I thought perhaps she would be involved in an attempted murder plot against him (but it really was me, I could not discern the cards because I had pulled only about 6 cards at that time, which was not enough to begin to ascertain a situation). That happened back in around the time of the Impeachment trials, just before the situation become public and the trials later, a few weeks later, had begun. I was not finished speaking while I was laying out the cards, and I began to check about this first immediate "truth serum" response (because these people teleporting me are stupid and foul violent people who can't wait to abuse, rape and torture people with no justification) and thus, they could not begin to think about how this technology operates, that I am not coherent, that I am in a mesmerized, hypnotic state. I began to lay more cards out and I was beginning to explain, "Let me see if she is involved with this plot...(I pulled three more cards and then told him--she was not there immediately in front of me because my sight is diminished, but she was there in the background---) I said that I didn't think that she was aware of this, and as I was trying to get further into this reading both of them began threatening to have me killed---screaming at me together and threatening that I will be killed if I ever accuse her of having any of the slightest intentions against her husband. I was in the middle of saying that I didn't think she was involved and could not even finish saying that I thought the attack was going to come from behind her. That is how "knee jerk" the reaction was. A few days later, and for maybe two months afterwards, the nighttime violating terrorist rapists, mutilating agents who have been endlessly entering into my triplicate locked doors as the mechanical arms untie all the locks and blocks, open the front door. FUNGUS was inserted INTO MY EAR nightly for a few months. Ears I mean, both ears, in addition to my vagina, my hair, my food and on all clothing and furniture. When I open the patio door in the morning, a huge wafting wave of nasty stale odors and fungus eminates from my studio apartment, every night they spray in more. I have since at least found a way to block the front door so they must demonstrate evidence of entry. Otherwise, because this group is always cautious about what evidence they leave behind, for now they do not remove all the blocked and then open the three locks and the things I inset into the front door to show that someone has entered. They have already broken my camera and I can't afford to buy another one, but still they remain extremely cautious. However, people reading this, in the future the longer this group is handed power, the less need they will have to conceal their entries and violence and will not be scared to leave evidence as these terrorist operations will be conducted without legal repercussion, as they are now but it's all being hidden by the block of my reports on this blog (but "everyone" is reading my posts anyway and doing nothing to stop this). They then, this leader couple of the "Freest Country on Earth" then had a VIRUS smeared into my throat, which I felt was killing me. I got a swatch of grey hair and was so ill (in addition to non-stop years of detox from poison that is hard as layers of petrified rock, coming out in tiny increments leaving me ill for one or two days when  small bit comes out--into my tenth year now of doing this day after day and unable to go out and just get some fresh air and exercise or meet anyone but attackers surrounding me, as this group continues to drug and poison me into inertia, partial paralysis and slow mutilation so now I can't put weight on my foot any longer due to sevreing of my toe and slashes into my other toe, at the ball and into the webbing between the toes. They are just using the mechanical arms to slash into my feet, into webbing between toes, the same areas night after night. Imagine how you would react form years of this going on by your government and actors in whorewood with no one even acknowledging that you are under attack, calling you crazy and then attacking you too---imagine how much rambling you would produce under these circumstances and then you are still drugged to the point of hysteria, which they also induce through the drug/tech interface). But this leader, then they smeared a virus, which may have been the Corona Virus as my body was aching, it felt like death was inside my body, I have never had that sensation of death but I knew what it was immediately and that I was under threat of dying from this virus insertion. I could not afford to see a doctor as they continued to damage my immune and nervous system by heightened terrorist attacks. that was in repsonse to the tarot reading I described above. Now mabye a year later what I had read is in some sense an accurate reflection of the current situation that they face--it may have been a legitimate "psychic" reading or just chance (?!) but...they still retain the torture protocol and I remain fighting for my body to not be permanently destroyed any longer as I fight to try to heal from murder attempts via poisoning. I know that writing about the Nazi violence that these people in this nefarious group commit against me only brings them more promotions. They encourage my reactions so when I write about them, they get automatically more promotions for encouraging a hate response, with the truth serum tech opening my creative functions, I begin to ramble, my thoughts and ideas pour out, they then glean the ideas and then torture me as "punishment" for writing anything adverse about their crimes, which they believe are their entitlement. this has been going on and on since at least 2007, but in various more covert states as I only began to understand this situation of terror aimed at me only in 2010 or 2011. Now it's 10 years later and I remain writing to silent brick walls reading this, supporting still these groups despite the obvious danger to society because these actors and politicians are so far gone in terms of moral conscience, and their "handlers" are so thrilled as they are foreign interventionists conducting covert assassinations and cover-ups and death squads (which I saw first -hand while being attacked in Wisconsin---and everywhere else, but 40 years after the end of WWII the groups were in  a more nascent organizational structure and I could easily see what and who were at the heart of these operations--and always well-funded and nearly worshipped fascist European Nazis, literally Nazis, who are handed mansions even in Wisconsin as they organize these death squad Nazi groups which now call themselves "militia" out of the Midwest, and beyond.

I remain being tortured for writing about their  actgivities but they will not stop or be stopped from drugging to induce these reactions, as they continue to steal ideas but mutiliate me for writing about their crimes in addition to my ideas--they continue to remain as lead American icons of "alternative" media, they continue to attack me with outright hate and violence and insults and threats--and they still have my cat La Moux who is what I want to be returned and them   all--    ALL OF THEM ALL OF YOU     off me completely--with me living in a home that is safe from terrorist attack and their groups and their sinister slime poured into my body, home and mind and life and soul an dspirit, they are EXTREMELY EVIL PARASITES     and that is no lie

I am writing about them to try to obtain JUSTICE at least in terms of BEING LEFT ALONE TO LIVE IN PEACE FOR PEOPLE TO INTERVENE FOR THEM TO NOT BE HANDED THESE TECHNOLOGIES AS YOU PEOPLE READING THIS ALSO MAY HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN AMERICAN NOT BEING TURNED INTO A VASSAL SLAVE STATE OF THE 4TH REICH INFILTRATION AND that includes their slave states and colonies and Communist/Socialist partners out of Europ-a land and other places like China, which I know is in partnership with Nazis because I see this here in Phuket every single day and know that these forces are absolutely of one political platform when it comes to attacking America.

I remain fighting for my country against this aggression, I have had years of screaming matches with these American celebrities over these issues and I have been screaming these very ideas for years at them while they continue to nearly murder me every day under the tutelage of these foreign (political) actors in the theaters of global dominance and the political/economic wars therein.

I continue to be tortured for my resistance to their corruption and collusion, I remain being dismembered daily by their mechanical arms slicing parts of my body slowly off and damaging my skin and body and home and property, every single night while they teleport me to psychic realms that they inhabit of hate, misery, ugliness--that is their true realm despite all their glowing "All -American" smiles and endless refrains of Freedom and equality--- and that is the prevailing operative response from these MOST STUPID THUGS WHO ARE TELEPORTING ME--that is the actors, their mafia Nazi handlers out of Euop-a-land who are silently viciously informing and instructing the Americans in Nazi, fascist murder/genocidal behavior and absolute oppression of people they never want to see supercede them if given equal opportunity and not drugged, tortured and discredited as rape victims as I have been--the rapists are being awarded top prizes (that is, the white males) the black males and other minorities remain embroiled or threatened with absolute degradation and loss of everything they have ever worked for if t hey emulate the behavior of the white pig ape males who hand them promotions, and also instruct them in the rape culture attacks upon women (and other boys or men) but then blackmail or use the information from "agent" "victims" (many of whom are legitimate but put in these positions as "plants" for futher blackmailing and destruction of the minority males who want to be put into higher positions and if they exhibit higher qualities and talents than the white pig apes, they get destroyed by a media circus of accusations about rape culture behavior that is completely awarded when it comes to white supremacist "liberal" "Democrat" actors who teleport rape disfigure adn torture me for YEARS (i.e. the apes who have been attacking me for years who have not been stopped but instead handed Golden Globes, Academy Awards and etc and in Europe they are championed as "good" Americans while they sit silently as the Europigapes that they adore make open hate remarks and jokes about how stupid Americans are. I have witnessed this openly in Miami from the Europigapes there, and have been teleported to it by "anti-racist" blacks who attack me for these Nazi bigots who they are sitting right next to. Years of me explaining how racist these Europigapes are have left no indent into the psyches or lack of brainpower or minds of these rotten minority attackers who love the bigots most fastidiously and hate me because they are instructed to do so, and lacking 2/5 of a mind, they obey and do the bidding of their ernstwhile "masters" who are using drugging and mind control on them TOO. that includes the white racists you all think are just behaving from earlier training by their parents and societal groups. So many people are being drugged, mind controlled into hating each other the divide and conquer strategy is operating well under the auspices of the Europigapes who dominate and demonize H-wood, the media and American politics.

that has been my experience with these foul creeple, Because I am writing now in a state of rage induced by the technology, my stance is discredited by my "immature" ramblings but I can't think of more elaborate words that express how sinister and ugly these people are. The base and low behavior is only equal to the animalistic nature that they imbibe, on a continuum of behavior that is concealed by normative behavioral training to appear "elegant" and reserved. Their operations, thus, are always in the realm of ORGANIZED CHAOS and people should begin to focus more on this international cartel that dominates the world through conglomerates like APPLE AND DISNEY and rather than calling it all "Dark Money".\

I have been writing about slow murder against me for years and I remain doing so to this day. I so urgently advise people to stop letting this go on and to begin to formulate strategies to control these technologies and these groups operating them. The worst Republicans you see in the Senate only represent the absolutely violent and murderous masses of lynch mob creeps (with a ratio of at least 3-to-1 of minorities serving them with these death squad group activities, slaves loving and obeying their masters and you had better believe that their behavior even at the level of A-list famous black and brown and Jewish and asian underlings is absolute the same Plantation that they were oppressed upon in genetic memory repeating it to this very moment in the media mind control program that you all chose over the reality of this death group. It has tentacles that are global, that reach into your mind and have you drugged into incapacitation of your mental clarity, and then they replace your common sense with distorted fake hope--about their fake representatives who are right now torturing me and glad and smiling and laughing and happy about it as they obtain new ideas to sell off as their "liberal" identities. 

I can only say they are rotten and disgusting and corrupt and foul and lewd, and that is the more complimentary of all that could be said about these filthy parasites.


It is people like me and the people who taught me alternative views in Minneapolis (which I am sure will become a huge targeted campaign by the Nazis to infiltrate any real alternative groups, as they always do, covertly murdering, drugging, raping, assassinating--but this is the environment I ran to out of Nazi Wisconsin, and Prince WHO WAS ASSASSINATED by these people, including those surrounding me, with their Europigape associates as I tried to get away from them and return to Minneapolis to Prince, he was dead within two weeks of me trying to contact him to get away from these greasy sleazebag whores out of Whorewood. 

It is that energy out of Minneapolis that I held on to, as they have tortured me non-stop to "submit" to their incompetence and corruption. They remain being handed all technologies by Hillary Clinton, who laughed and screamed violently at me when I began to try to pull away from her and her most stupid attack upon me, a stupid contrived situation that Parasitino the mafia Nazi writer/director who is a most hateful bigoted idiot, dumb and rotten and put into lead role and has won award after award all these 7 yhears of these apes torturing, raping and aassaulting me via these proxy torture and death squad groups. Laughing like an ugly and rotten hyena with Clinton, it was a pure revelation of how rotten and truly corrupt and incompetent these "alternative" representatives truly are, and WHY the violent nazi groups have been also brainwashed BY THEM in part for theri absolute undermining of ANTIFASCIST GROUPS such as those out of Minneapolis. Now these same pig apes are attacking me for not explaining more alternative theories that I studied for in college, at the University of Minnesota, which they have been stealing for over 7 years non-stop. Now profiting off riding the wave of popular media coverage of how these sleazy and most racist, bigoted and really stupid entertainers and writers are putting the template of activist and anti-racist and anti-fascist that they tortured and still torture me because I am truly fighting against--but they are now being paid in more millions for "representing" these qualities, which believe me, they lack to the very marrow of their crap bodies and souls and lack of spirit.

Now I remain here waiting for the election results to bring the former VP into power. He keeps saying he is "Not Obama". I hope that also means "Not Hillary Clinton" and that Clinton mega-million or billion dollar propaganda fake liberal machine, that hails Nazi feminists and laughs as Nazi actors and men go into my room and rape me while I am unconscious, inserting fungus into my body, food and home every single day and damaging my body permanently. How thrilled the huge smiles they have these blonde "feminist" women and their brunette counterparts. The blondes appear to have more fun with this attack upon me but it's really irrelevant.

As for the future: perhaps Obama has some compassion but he could never stop this and still has not stopped this and is 100% aware of what is going on. Perhaps Biden will do a bit more to stop this terrorist activity aimed at me, since it was Trump being handed this technology--so the same rapist pig apes who were some of the foremost in the anti-Semitic Nazi attacks upon Weinstein, who handed T-rump this tech to rape and attack me ("only one time" that I know of, and then he stopped graciously like the "gentleman" that his wife claims he is...). But he continued to allow the rest of them to pass me around in the hell teleportation skits, night after night, and the landlord and the bigot Nazis controlling the minority slaves here on the plantation condominium where I am fighting for my life to stop mechanical arms from slicing my body apart--for over 2 years in a tiny studio and I still cannot do it).

They handed the technology to him, he has handed them in return continuation of this torture protocol technology to be passed around from piece of crap to piece of shit plastic-coated pig apes who are famous celebrities and writers with mafia out of Brooklyn, which i never had anything to do with, avoided all of them, the Italians as well (unless they were fun and not Mafia and I could talk or dance at clubs, and then they disappeared as they were informed to avoid me and every one does that around the world).

T-rump was handed this tech, his ratings and the polls suddenly spiked, he became the candidate of choice for the incensed Nazis of America who want everything Obama to be kneed to death in the streets and in prisons. And the rest is silenced history from there, up to the point that Nazis are marching in the streets openly shooting and calling themselves righteous "militia" and trying to kill Governors who don't conform to their claims of "Freedom". The celebrities who are GUILTY of these covered-up crimes remain in front line movie roles, as I remain in dire poverty being mutilated as they have been doing for years until my hands are bloody every day and fingernails are black an dfalling of, there are cuts, insertions, objects inserted under skin, my body is crooked and bloated continuously--I remain unable to pay for medicine or food and I fi ght to have to repay for items that are broken in my room on a rotating basis so I can never get anything else done but clean clothing that is polluting my lungs from their toxic fungus sprays that are sprayed every day and night by these mechanical arms I cannot stop.

Everyone remains silent and then the media abounds with introspective discussions about how America could have gotten to this point of Autocracy or despotism. It is unbelievable how many lies they disperse to calm and allay the concerns of the public that are not yet dead/killed or drugged/brainwashed into believing this K-rap that H-wood and the media and these political representatives have been cranking out as they all conform to what conspiracy theorist and even Bush Sr. called< CORRECLLY--THE NEW WORLD ORDER--which essentially is a "one world government" controlled by the 4th Reich Nazi/Rome etc etc cartel which is operating under the auspices of global conglomerate backing. Senator Whitehouse has called this, very conspiracy theory-like, "Dark Money" and please illuminate what you mean, Senator Whitehouse as your cohorts cronies are the portals through which the dark powers control the dumb money who represent the dumbing down of the American system of "Democracy"--for the dark control you hint at.


*Nota Bene: as always, this post was written while brain-altering tech is blasting away at my brain to induce confusion, a non-linear non-cohesive rambling diatribe, going and straying from one subject to the next. Without a doubt as hackers have been doing for years, they will delete words, add words and/or delete entire passages from what I have written for this discrediting process. I began to use hate phrases that are considered "immature" but my brain is being rendered blocked from higher cognitive functioning, as my motor skills are being blocked so my fingers won't move to keys, while hackers block the keyboard functions. This always happens every post I write. I always make this caveat to the reader or explanation as perhaps whomever is reading this is unfamiliar with my daily explanation of these discrediting tactics. 

I wait for the day when Americans will not allow multi-national conglomerates, very often controlled either by Americans who are in league with foreign people and their nefarious plots to infiltrate and divide and conquer America--or overtly by foreigners who have designs to absolutely control and destroy whatever is left of any real alternative to millennium of pograms, holocausts, slave trade, colonialism, absolute Patriarchic suppression of women (which includes rewarding them for what appears to be "freedom" in the guise of pornographic imagery and dumbed down gyrating performances while really deferring to white males all the while, but always put into subliminal context and disguised often as "freedom").

I can't fight to pound down any longer. I have so many more things I have to buy because they were broken by this team, and so much to clean because all has been sprayed with stinking substances in my room. My body remains absolutely and deadly ill from poisoning as they continue to teleport me to hell (their hell, not mine) to inflict endless mutilation upon me and to try to torment me into mental insanity after forcing a baby out of me. Years of me writing daily about this have brought no end, only more "celebrities" being whored into more top positions and more minorities being thwarted unless they serve the plantation masters with full obedience and slavish adoration to them and their hate attacks and jokes and insults aimed at "Americans"--openly put in front of them as they remain silent, attacking me for actually defending MY HUMAN RIGHTS, FOR JUSTICE, FOR THIS CRIME TO BE STOPPED, FOR RAPE TO BE STOPPED, FOR THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY--MINE--TO BE STOPPED. They react with murder attempts and then laugh as I have to fight to heal from injury they inflict nightly after they create accidents and then dig with the mechanical arms into the injuries they created by having my motorbike inoperable as cars and motorbikes ram into me from side angles and my brakes and steering are blocked by remote.

On and on, waiting for America to not be completely destroyed by them. This new election cycle brings fresh promise by old perpetrators. It is up to people to not rely on media personalities and politicians but to actually fight to force these corruptions to be stopped.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Down a rabid rancid rabbit hole movie hell on time warp speed amphetamine but slowed down into never-ending slow motion of never ending repetition.


"SYNCHRONIC Trailer (2020) Jamie Dornan, Anthony Mackie Sci-Fi Movie"

I am copying and pasting this from the Facebook post I just wrote. I am under strong mind control tech influence as I sit on this chair in front of this laptop, every time I write it's like being technologically-induced into a drug vortex (downward spiral, of course). My motor reflexes begin to unravel as my fingers can't move to keys I am trying to press. The keys of course of the keyboard are then hacked and blocked and my brain is under the miasma of a dizzy, light-headed spinning sensation where coherency is literally impossible. I stand up after fighting to type and think and I nearly trip from dizziness and am sometimes so ill I can't do much more than try to walk and breathe deeply to try to get some oxygen to clear my head. It takes quite a while to have a "normal" sensation from the nauseous dizziness that this tech forces upon me as I fight to type and move my hands and think.

I should include the above for every post I write, but I write it now once more. It's very hard now to pound down on the keys so I will begin to just copy and paste--I want one day for some politician or some actor or some person out there to actually stop this endless attack on me so I can actually think and write without these blocks and these actors whose minds are like thick, unruly blocks of stone to stop pounding their hate upon me like sick drug addicts fighting to suck out my ideas, sexuality and all else they can drain out and feed off of every time they possibly can with this tech, plus the "power" of having endless groups attack me for them. A huge power surge, and they remain on the crest of every major movie wave with glowing energy derived from the parasitism of feeding off torture, violence and oppression. I am now fighting endlessly to pound this out. I wait for their drug of being able to torture, rape and order accidents my body nightly cut into, slowly losing my teeth, my toes and fingernails now after years of these parasitic drug addicts feeding off torturing me using teleportation and stealing ideas and then being put into highest positions in the media year after year for doing this. 

Synchronic---the premise sounds sci-fi interesting, the movie clip looks morbid and a trip down fascination street of depraved mental time warp at very slow speeds (maybe speed is better than this drug). I think I might just watch the movie, if I can download it ($0) and if I can get through more moribund negativity of death and despair in yet another H-wood movie but still, want to see the premise play out. A trip into hell for Halloween season. I might not be able to get through the first 30 minutes but at least it's a little different from the other new just out stuff.


On the subject of drugs: the people teleporting me are addicted to the contracts being strewn around in attacking me--endlessly--they continue to appear as headliners for the 7th year in a row. so many of them I can't count any longer because it's like a different one almost every other day. A bad trip and a more nasty drug than I can begin to express. I can only imagine how badly they will re-create this situation once they turn it into a badly-made rendition of their crimes put into some horror-comedy with someone absolutely uncomplimentary playing me with absolutely wrong and false personalities traits that I never had, exhibited or will ever have. For now, the crimes go unpunished, they remain at the top of their fields, they are gloating and laughing and parrtying still being paid in millikons for this. I remain fighting for my life against dismemberment now in my studio and living on less than $700 a month while all access to earning money, all is blolcked and has been blocked for over a decade by this group which still dominates the H-wood insanity posing as "art" or whatever it can be called--entertainment??


Oh yes, of course, the hackers blocked keyboard function as I typed the above comment(s)--I did not retype or backspace to correct I just left the red underlined words as they were because it's too hard just to fight to type ahead instead of going backwards due to hacking insertions and deletions. I think I cannot watch the film above because it appears to be akin to an extremely deadly and bad LSD trip down a dark hole into the Yawning gap of tedious hell horror illusion. It's so similar to the mentality of these ceelbrities who are winning all these top awards, I just can't be tripped down that bad drug hole they create every day and pour on me every day. I think this movie above should be retitled the backdoor addiction of celebrity drug culture on a bad trip into the time warp on methamphetamines.

 I got the review of Synchronic from Rolling Stone. I perused a few major mainstream entertainment sites which literally all had the exact same information but rewritten slightly from one magazine to the next. I am familiar with this regurgitation of the same news source which all of the monopolist news sources utilize, having worked for The Arizona Republic this same monopoly on information is the absolute standard for most major newspapers. However, Rolling Stone had a review of this movie about a synthetic drug (with overdose and bad effect probability for users, and like a lethal concoction of a drug that people buy on the street and overdose from, the repetition of the other movie reviews made this film appear to be a refreshing drug but alas, it's the same sort of formula with a twist of a time machine albeit drug portal into other dimensions that are very similar to other depictions of hell). I was intrigued but after having watched the trailer I think I have seen enough of doom and gloom from the other mainstream media K-rap that has the usual actors and script takeaways with just a few idiosyncratic alternative endings or themes. Only slightly however. As for the rest of Rolling Stone, I can read the same information on the other sources of info for mainstream, and probably in fact for the underground sources which I cannot find but will try. Why do I waste my time wondering if this contract out on me is ever going to be stopped so these hateful addicts of torture and free million dollar contracts are stopped because they absolutely have no compunction about overdosing on terrorizing me to the point of murder with no restraints and certainly no political block or protection for my Constitutional or legal rights--ever, just waiting for over 7 years for any politician or persona anywhere to actually care about law, justice, the US constitution, human rights, my rights, my body, my life, but it' sjust a non-stop torture and murder situation just like this bad trip down the death hell hole rabbit abyss that these actors appear to have ingrained into their plastic-coated surfaces but deep down in the bowels of their personalities are realities like this hells of this drug-overdose movie. I may still watch it but only if I want to watch gruesome sadistic fantasies incorporated into what appears to be a bad LSD trip into near death movie plot. Just so typical of the real H-wood mentality it would be like reliving almost what they force upon me in teleportation every night. Not this violent and sick, because they don't have CGI incorporated into the teleportation hell that they force upon me. Not yet anyway.

 I also read a short snippet of a tv series review that I had commented on and carried the same sorts of critical commentary in my blog or this Facebook forum. I was attacked for having written these criticisms, but Rolling Stone shares these same sentiments (or Gloria Steinem does, or relatively so). I did not read her comments, I only know that my points are valid, and I am tortured and disfigured for having any adverse reaction to the K-rap that these bs operator actors crank out with their writers and directors, year after year the same hate people who are now sadistic "elitists" who feel entitled to torture, rape, theft of ideas and in torturing someone trying to force sex slavery using this vile technology handed to them like some euphoric drug to sinister drug addicts high on power and overpayments for really not great performances and even less spectacular lack of personality and artistic sense in their everyday torture appearances and operations towards me and geared into stealing ideas and then torturing me without end for years afterwards. They are addicted to this and it's like a slow ugly sick disgusting movie plot about dead souls addicted to torture but sucking out life force and feeding off it all by the use of this technology, which is also drug-enhanced in the interface quality of this operation. I should probably copy and paste all of this to my blog as this is now entering the mind control twilight zone of concept. Hacking is again making my brain wither into not being able ot move my hands or think clearly any longer. I have restrained myself from looking at anything in the entertainment field for a while now, and returning to the endless lists of K-rap being cranked out to dull the minds, hears and souls of the viewers with these actors who I know are sick at heart, mentally skewed into violent sadistic, rape and genocidal racist mentality steeped like some stink that has sunk into their very fibrous filth it's all very disconcerting seeing them endlessly handed lead roles year after year for movies about the human condition. I think the movie above absoolutely encapsulates the reality of their hell movies and personalities and the powers that are controlling and funding this entire hell media/corporate/industrial/military/political alternative reality that is killing the planet at this very moment.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Weary of morally wanton "whymen" rape enablers killing abortion rights for victims of rape and abuse and domesticated violence and oppression of women by male entitlement. Welcome to the good old days of 2020..

The tyrannicalsaurus-rump... "Administration signed an anti-abortion declaration with 32 member states in the United Nations on Thursday, many of which are authoritarian regimes or seen as flawed democracies..."

(..."Democracies" used in this context is a nice substitute for genocidal regimes controlled as post-colonized tyrant puppet states, controlled ultimately by fascist Nazi banking and mafia cartel conglomerates. Corporate women in lead roles and all that...).

U.S. Signs Anti-Abortion Declaration With 32 Countries


Sitting here waiting and waiting for the pages to stop freezing as hacking is at another spike like the virus spread today and lately with the increase in the bigot, racist Nazis out of Europi-ap-land entering into Thailand on their genocide-funded and IMF banking policy-funded month-long or 6-week long paid vacations derived from murder and death and oppression so women in developing countries can't get ahead unless they are enslaved to these rapist colonizers. Add the USA to that list. My oppression in this group, as the experimental MK ULTRA rape victim teleporting torture, assault target for "reprogramming" to destroy my independence, my happy personality, my body and life endlessly smeared with all kinds of filth and ugliness--and then oppressed by all legal authorities and denied all human rights by law. To me, the passage of anti-abortion rights is another step to enforcing more systematic racism for "Underprivileged" women throughout the "developing" world. This list of rape male-dominated countries mostly with dictatorships disguised as "democracies" only further supports this premise that the oppression of non-Nazi blonde women or people the bigots want to see endlessly mired in filth, poverty and with clusters of children they can't afford to feed living in corrugated shacks or living on the streets makes the bigot women so happy. Barrett is one of these, I believe with all her adopted children her cognitive dissonance must be great.

Here is what she and these Nazi bigot and their minority minion enablers are re-enforcing in this contract out on me and the technologies and mass attack system they rely upon (aka "gang stalking" death squad goon terrorists and that is the polite term I can think of at this moment. The men who rape and are demanding a baby after torturing me are supporting this anti-abortion stance. Many people in the Midwest and worldwide absolutely are thrilled that this situation has been forced upon me, and I believe and "know" instinctively, in my highly biased opinion about Barrett that she is absolutely a misogynist controlled puppet, a kind of sexualized submissive determination to rule with stern harshness disguised as righteous---

what they are all supporting, the backlash against feminism except for the nazi bigot women who conform to this system (I guess I don't make it into that list of protected from murder and raped women slotted to be burdened with unwanted children and never having a chance to have a career, my own business, profit off my work which has been endlessly stolen and I am so drugged I can't begin to write, create or get any product out that could earn me anything-so drugged to the point of death for so many decades there is no excuse I am making for what these people have done to me to block my attempts to be an "independent woman".

the hate the hate they endlessly direct at me for not wanting to conform to their system of bigotry, hate and misogyny misplaced by the assumption that because the thing who has been granted "authority" does not have male genitals...absurd to associate the lack of male genitalia with someone who is a strong woman fighting for other women's rights in the entirety of the spectrum of women.


Abortions and the controlling guy, with his enabler female partner. The female who appears so pious, religious, or "spiritual" or "feminist" and always self-describing herself as being nice can be as oppressive as the abusive, violent, rapist murdering destroying controlling partner, her male woman-hating husband/father/lover/son/neighbor, friend, etc..

Abortion rights according to the US T-rump Barney Rubble corporation will become something like the haves and the have-nots. Those who have not the funds to pay to fly overseas or go elsewhere will be impoverished further, and those who have, as in the "old days" can go on a private vacation in some European country to obtain an abortion. That is what "they" did in my mother's time, as she described this to me with the wealthier set. My grandmother marched for abortion rights having seen women get destroyed during the Depression when they were unable to obtain abortions.

Strange that these controlling abuser rapist bigot men attacking me are trying to actually FORCE A BABY OUT OF ME, WHILE SUPPORTING ABORTION RIGHTS so more women who are physically unable, don't want it are too poor or don't want an abuser as a partner must be forced to be burdened with a baby (sometimes this can lead to deadly consequences for the woman or the baby). Nothing to fear from the genocidal hate-mongering bigots supporting the anti-abortion cause, righteously quoting the Bible but committing great crimes, supporting homelessness, death, poverty, lack of health care leading to death, and mass murder in invasions of foreign countries and killing innocent civilians.

AT the domestic level, I face these "Alpha" males teleporting me who are partnering with this global hate racist organization because they want people "like me" to be slaves and not have any human rights whatsoever. Additionally, they can't stand to see me have any chance for a career, my own home, my own private thoughts, in addition to going to the toilet in privacy without nasty abusive comments made through the voice-to-skull technology. All of these men have blonde bigot wives or family members who sit alongside them laughing as the men punch, slap, rape and assault me on a non-stop daily basis for years on end. Sometimes the men also abuse the women, and the women turn their attentions to attacking me as the surrogate for the domestic violence they are trying to avert using this tech of teleportatoin and gang stalking terrorism as a relay for their own oppression. The system is so ensconsed into the public paradigm of domestic violence and violence against women that the behavior of the dominated but domineering women who assist has become almost a norm from my perspective of having seen them. That is all I deem Barrett to have been trained by extremely abusive and murderous, racist rapist white men who have handed her this position to defend their "rights" to abuse impoverished and minority women in the privacy of their debauchery weekend or secret retreats while the womenfolk they are married to look the other way, very glad that the rage is being transferred onto someone else.

The entire current zeitgeist of these acts, inaugerations, protests, nominations--all is just an elaborate facade covering up the hate for which these newly passed back-sliding bits of anti-abortion bills in tyrannical countries, banana republics and colonized by Nazi countries--by men not only teleporting me but the whoraeds of white people on vacation in Thailand, the men and the women who come from these Nazi countries, absolutely fighting to install this systematic racist policy upon every one possible they deem should not have a chance to have an equal chance, but instead must be confined to a sort of variety of slavery but now under various different names and disguises. The men attacking me and now trying to demand a baby otu of me, the entire list of them who all follow the exact orders of attack without deviation against me, almost to the minutest detail who all encompass these exact qualities, using the technology and the terrorist groups (many of whom are "feminists" or "righteous" minorities fighting against their white supremacist support system defining their entire lives and thoughts and controlling all their actions in real time not in fantasy wishful thinking).

Every single point in this 10-point list, which this entire global group is reinforcing and enabling to a mass degree of millions of people enforcing these abusive relationships upon me:

(blocking abortion is not far behind in the oppression of woman. It is not quoted in this list, but in 19th Century literature, making a woman pregnant was often cited as a destruction of a woman's hopes for her life and happiness, forcing her into a kind of lifelong slavery with men who have been allowed to beat, rape and murder women in a domestic sphere--all the celebrities you love, especially the nazi blonde woman absolutely are thrilled that their abusive males are attacking me instead of them.

Again, hacking and "mind control' have made this post extremely impossible nearly to write or think to get out. It's really so hard to think at this point I am dizzy struggling to pound this out, like my head is floating and I am nauseous and almost fainting after a while due to this tech affecting my brain.
This video gives a dire warning, but not seriously enough. Just as the gang stalking websites call these murderous activities various nearly harmless terms such as "gang stalking" instead of mass murdering death squads, or "electronic harassment" instead of torture and murder. A "controlling guy" with more legal rights ascribed to impregnating a woman against her will is akin to a murdering rapist who has always been able to get away with domestic violence and rape and then blaming the woman afterwards for being an easy rider who deserved it.


Here's another wonderful whyman rape, disenfranchisement racist oppression of other women and murder enabler of the utter destitution of women stuck in prostitution and poverty endemic oppression and male domination leading to murder openly---in these developing countries controlled by the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND who is lending gold carrots which are really gold-plated pieces of disguised sh it so that when austerity measures are forced upon the bankrupt countries--they are forced to pay double the interest rate plus compounded interest on the interest for these damaged "3rd world" countries struggle to remain afloat on the banana boat-- thus enabling the fascist Nazis out of Europi-apeland to enjoy being paid to go to the vacations to places like Thailand to enjoy extremely poor women offering their bodies for almost free for an entire night. Welcoming in the Land of Smiles and sultry wiles offerings nearly for free for the masses of French and Europi-aland racist Nazis on their endless IMF-enabled vacations-- is made even more sweet by the lines of impoverished Thai women vying for slots as prostituted enablers who have absolutely no protection against abusive men except for their mafia networks, which are all male-dominated obseqious bowers to the Nazis who pay them to use their women. 

Thanks to the fastidious support of "women" by feminists who "care" about poor "black and brown" women, in the guise of protector, like Christine Lagarde--I wonder if she often has Marine La Pen over for dinner to discuss private details of their mass control machinations, enabling men to prostitute, rape, abuse and pimp out these women from the controlled colonies they hand "loans" to. 

All these women gladly getting nearly free cleaning maids and their men going off using these women and abusing them sometimes with no repercussions-- on their endless paid IMF enabled vacations derived from genocidal policies which have enabled these Europa's to have these vacations for decades since the Holocaust or thereabouts (after the carnage and mass murder and theft was accomplished, the interest accrued on the gold dumped into Swiss bank accounts was put into the general EU fund for these endless vacation and entitlement policies of fascist Nazi benefits system.)

Oh, what to say about these "feminists" that make the headlines as being charity-funding gloriously decorated saviors while "they" are ever covertly fighting to increase the oppression of women with more global infiltration and genocidal governmental support systems aimed at keeping women without abortion services, forcing poverty and disenfranchisement--thus requiring loans resulting in austerity measures leading to hyperinflation leading to death for these genocidal "developing" country strategies. Oh a long, mind controlled hacked sentence. My brain is reeling from the electronic "mind control" attack by now and hacking is very bad..My brain went off on a fuzzy, dizzy tangent with pseudo-hysterical conspiracy theory rants that actually are very real and true. Living in Thailand for over 10 years has shown me that these ranting posts are just the reality but I can't write them well or with the aplomb of a socially-adept person. Too angry, too drugged up, tortured and disfigured and physically tortured every single day with drugs that render these reactions. Forgive my drug-induced torture created rants here. But it's all so true I just can't write like a political expert I am too upset and under too much stress and too much drugging and too much cutting into my body (every single day, as I watch my body break from being cut into and fungus poured into the cuts and etc).

Absolute misogyny, another racist "feminist" but advertised by another other definition if only revealed in the stark truth instead of glorious lies. The IMF under Christine Lagarde, the "feminist" rape and poverty enabler. Maybe you can add Angela and Hillary to the blonde Nazi rapist enabler misogynist lists touted as "feminists" and one-hit wonder representations of "women's rights" selling out those who they want to see burdened, oppressed, raped, tortured, disfigured, put into absolute poverty and prostituted out to their abusive and violent men who are then gentle and kindly towards these Nazi wives who are so thrilled by the entire complexity of the convoluted circuitry of feminist rape culture put into high authoritarian legal position to jocky the rape jocks and protect their interests especially when they profit off it.

Christine Lagarde's Advice To Women: Grit Your Teeth & Smile | Forbes


ONE REASON, THE MAIN REASON i am so vehement about this situation of the possible end of abortion is that one of the ways this terrorist group has tried to covertly murder me is through having me raped using this drug/mind control interface where I was offered one alcoholic "drink" at a social event, and ended up being "date-raped" but not understanding what was happening--drugged to the point that my entire body was a bloated balloon stuffed internally with hardening chemicals trapping the mind control drugs continuously into my nervous system and blood stream. Thus, by impregnating me, a baby could have literally ripped my body apart internally due to the interlaced hard chemicals that this terrorist group forced upon me by drugging my food through neighbors, family, friends, "lovers" and the like and bulk of parasites who have always surrounded me my entire life--those from this huge terrorist organization. That means from kindergarten up to this very moment, endlessly surrounded by terrorists who are trained to attack from near infancy up into senior citizen retirement (crusty and nasty and rancid completely through-and-through, yuck!).

I was nearly killed because I was forced into pregnancy. I only survived that because I WAS ABLE TO GET AN ABORTION TO SAVE MY LIFE FROM A PHYSICAL DEATH THREAT THAT THIS TERROR GROUP FORCED UPON ME DUE TO THE LIFELONG DRUGGING WITH HARDENING POISONS. Because my situation is not readily diagnosed with normal xray, and I have not tried an MRR or CAT Scan, which may be able to identify the multi-layered complexities of these permeable tubes but which are too elastic to be captured on conventional xray. My situation would be disguised and I would have no legal right to get an abortion due to the constrictions imposed on women under any anti-abortion legislation. Because I am deemed "disabled" perhaps that would have helped me should I be raped and impregnated again, but this terrorist group has SEVERED PART OF MY FALLOPEAN TUBES WHICH CAUSED my menstruation to stop, that was maybe 5 years ago. I don't know what these "jokers" are thinking or assuming in trying to force a baby out of me under these physical debilitating conditions that their own group has imposed upon me all done while I was sleeping or unaware of being poisoned and drugged--every day of my life essentially and never once warned by a single person to boot. Thus, people having the RIGHT to an abortion in this age of terrorist "gang stalking" poisoning where people are being bloated, poisoned and disfigured could mean undiagnosed DEATH AND MURDER by this group. The terrorist group really tried to prevent me from obtaining an abortion, and I had man Nazi women giving me moral injunctions to not kill that precious baby, which they would have thrown into some mass poverty slow death lifestyle if they could have. All the religious Nazi bigots telling me that I was going to kill an innocent baby that I was something akin to a slut that I was evil and they were "good", while trying to murder me and knowing exactly what they were doing.

So reminiscent of this Barrett confirmation and the men behind this woman who is so controlled by rapist enabler men (and their church-going wives).


I do hope that the hackers have not made the post above too impossible to understand. I did a few post-publishing rewrites but the errors made the post in parts completely jumbled and unreadable. 

Pelosi On Confirmation Of Amy Coney Barrett: ‘Very Sad Day For Our Country’ | All In | MSNBC

I am adding this Pelosi commentary not to add to the list of rape enabler culprits but as a comment on this situation. I do hope she is at least 80 percent legitimate in her avowed concern.  I have my qualms about Pelosi but at this moment, listening to her speak I feel that she is a positive and good fighter in this just cause. My wavering doubts about her for the moment are dispelled as I listen to her discuss the future options to balance this most unjust perpetrated imbalance in the Supreme Court and the absolute blow to women's bodies, their rights, and the probability of many murders committed against WOMEN (the babies, the fetuses, is this murder? This is a very questionable point but, the woman are already born, they might be killed by having a baby, the baby might be killed by the parents the situation might be deadly the balances are weighted down to one side and the life of the woman burdened with carrying an unwanted baby could have dire consequences for both infant, child and mother (and father).

Glorious to those who at first do not want the baby and then upon having it, love it and cherish it. Delighted I am that these situations do occur. However, for those who are forced to create generational poverty and pubescent pregnancies and the like are at very great peril at this time of remaining victims of "systematic racism" which prohibitions on abortion will further. As this group has artificially tried to create a system of enforced victimization upon me, when there should be access to me for opportunities, I know that This situation is also a very racist issue and I have not heard that tack from any of the pundits on the tube I watch to obtain news.