I have been drugged through hardening/mind control chemicals every day, for decades, since infancy, into a drugged-up highly suggestive state. My body has been bloated all my life due to these hardening/bloating chemicals that retain the "mind control" drugs into my nervous system. All my life, not a single person has informed me or warned me of what everyone around me, almost, was participating in. Doctors, teachers, my family (which were essentially "forced" into these roles by their peers and with their aspirations to climb out of Brooklyn, where the "Italian-American" mafia Nazis are still coming after me, now generations away, to inflict their hate and racism with identification of "The Old Country" and it's millennia of racism, fascism and oppression especially of Jews (to usurp the religion and turn it into a geo- political force called The Vatican with ties to organized crime. The tentacles of that are endless and under other "nationalities" and names and titles). That is going a bit further into the timeline of this situation of attack upon me, but it is a kind of "full circle" of events that my parents tried to disassociate me from. Now this group which has oppressed with deadly violence my family in Brooklyn and their children, grandchildren and foreign accomplices are attacking me with DISMEMBERMENT to torture me into "silence" while they remain polluting and poisoning me with mind control drugs which act like an IRRESISTIBLE TRUTH SERUM, for which they are obtaining these ideas to steal but then torturing me for writing about their theft, as I am under "truth serum" mind control which they are forcing upon me, which I cannot resist or defend myself from. The sinister quality and ugliness of these parasites upon me is so enormous and their lack of creative exploration, as they must reinforce centuries of cliches with themselves representing, by fiat, the leaders and superiors, and thus they cannot think or create beyond their limitations and are torturing me endlessly to obtain fresh or original ideas. I am not the only person who has such ideas but I may be one of a tiny handful who is being microchipped and "experimented" upon in this fashion so inept and stupid thugs can steal ideas and pass them off to H-wood celebrities, who are no better on any level than any common criminal who lacks higher education. As most of the lack all higher education and probably barely passed high school. The same can be said for me as I was so drugged (as I still am now) in high school I could not begin to "understand" the lectures and I skipped classes for most of the time as often as I could (and just walked by Lake Michigan, I did not get high or go out hanging out, as I was always put into an untouchable position and people avoided me in flocks I was endlessly put into a shell of avoidance--as all people around me knew about the contract out on me).
I did pass all the exams for college entrance and received high grades in some areas of the SAT and thus, I was accepted into my father's Alma Mater Cornel University but my parents would not pay for tuition and I had to resort to a tri-state tuition agreement between Wisconsin and Minnesota. I quickly choose to leave Wisconsin, and from the current Republican wave of aggression in the current politics, one can easily ascertain that Wisconsin was a bastion of Nazi sentiment. Absolutely during my high school time in the late 70's and early 80's (I graduated in 1982 and left as soon as possible, even leaving just after graduation just to get out of Wisconsin--which is a very very beautiful state I love the nature and always would walk in winter to school just to not be around the hateful people surrounding me, the natural environment is most stunning in Wisconsin too bad the bigoted people "suck" like pig apes. I had exceptionally ingenious teachers at my high school which hold for me very fond memories and their information and highest knowledge still serve me today when I cannot read or think clearly. It was an excellent high school and this I am extremely glad about, and their teaching got me through having to skip classes because I was so drugged and in a near daze. Any sort of concentration made me ill, and that remains the situation today. I am being tortured for reacting to drugs that these pig apes are forcing upon me, and then they are torturing me for reacting to their theft of my ideas by slowly dismembering me with the mechanical arms inserted through now unseen areas, asi have spent years fighting to close off all gaps and my hands are now bloody and my toes and fingers are being slowly severed off. Nightly. After I post a blog or Facebook post about who has stolen and been paid in millions to literally, verbatim, steal my concepts and ideas, they then insert countless hate and violence gestures and photos glaring with violence into the camera and then my body is mutiliated even more. They continue to drug me, and just yesterday I noticed that another (younger) actor who is part of this ensemble of degradation but "A-list" actors put some article about using a concept I just wrote of a few days ago and turning it into his movie starring role. The mutilations continue as happened again last night. I am sleeping with packaging tape covering my fingers and toes, socks over my feet and hands with gloves and they still remove all the tape, gloves and socks, slice under cuticles until my fingernails are now black and partially half off, huge and bloody and bulging and infected as they also spray fungus and other dangerous substances into the wounds they slice into my body. My shoes are sprayed with disgusting substances which cannot be removed unless I soak the shoes in bleach and soap for at least 20 minutes. I have to use so much bleach sprayed on almost everything, every day, just to not become absolutely deadly ill from inhaling fungus and deadly substances all day, even with doors open.
I am rambling a bit and going off the topic I had intended to write. Of course this is completely due to brain-altering tech affecting my ability to function. My hands can't move to keys and remain stuck in mid-air frozen because my hands can't move. The keys are blocked (not as bad today as usual).
This is only about 5 percent of the daily attacks, all of which are dangerous in one way or another.
I have always mentioned that behind this Brooklyn mafia group of "actors" who have been in lead roles for over 40 years, never ending greed and crime from them in tandem with these attacks upon me. Absolutely foul and disgusting subliminal comments from them when I use the toilet, when I do anything to defend myself by blocking any panels they make comments and then are handed, BY THE PRESIDENT BY MY GOVERNMENT BY HILLARY CLINTON BY OTHER FORMER POLITICIANS AND CURRENT ONES (DOES IT matter now whether they are Democrat or Republican?).
Years and and years and and and on and on. WRiting and writing and writing about this day after day year after year to brick walls, like hundreds of brick walls silently observing and never getting involved. I know the dangers but how much more dangerous is global warming and a pandemic than remaining silent and doing nothing as you watch corrupt deadly abusers get handed "free ideas" to capitalize on by the covert use of "sophisticated technology" being utilized by dumb and sleazy mafia, with FOREIGN CONTROLLERS WHO ARE ADEPT AT MANIPULATION AND MURDER but not capable of creative exploration due to the hierarchies that they must adhere to, they think only in boxes. Supported by Senators and the rest of the media which mocks my drugged up ranting writings with posts hacked into my YouTube and inserted into news clips from news sources that I have subscribed to (can only afford free news items sent in email).
THAT IS WHAT THESE PIG APES ARE DOING TO ME, in essence. One of them tried to have me killed in an accident when I wrote on Facebook that I want justice and for them to not be able to steal ideas from me any longer. The President's wife admitted to having cars sent to hit me and threatened to do it again. This was after I gave the President a tarot reading, where I, under hypnosis, drugged, in a nascent or drugged up hypnotic state, read tarot cards from my physical location here in Thailand to them in whereever they were--perhaps it was The White House or Trumpy tower. I said that DEATH was coming to T-rump but from behind his wife, and that I thought perhaps she would be involved in an attempted murder plot against him (but it really was me, I could not discern the cards because I had pulled only about 6 cards at that time, which was not enough to begin to ascertain a situation). That happened back in around the time of the Impeachment trials, just before the situation become public and the trials later, a few weeks later, had begun. I was not finished speaking while I was laying out the cards, and I began to check about this first immediate "truth serum" response (because these people teleporting me are stupid and foul violent people who can't wait to abuse, rape and torture people with no justification) and thus, they could not begin to think about how this technology operates, that I am not coherent, that I am in a mesmerized, hypnotic state. I began to lay more cards out and I was beginning to explain, "Let me see if she is involved with this plot...(I pulled three more cards and then told him--she was not there immediately in front of me because my sight is diminished, but she was there in the background---) I said that I didn't think that she was aware of this, and as I was trying to get further into this reading both of them began threatening to have me killed---screaming at me together and threatening that I will be killed if I ever accuse her of having any of the slightest intentions against her husband. I was in the middle of saying that I didn't think she was involved and could not even finish saying that I thought the attack was going to come from behind her. That is how "knee jerk" the reaction was. A few days later, and for maybe two months afterwards, the nighttime violating terrorist rapists, mutilating agents who have been endlessly entering into my triplicate locked doors as the mechanical arms untie all the locks and blocks, open the front door. FUNGUS was inserted INTO MY EAR nightly for a few months. Ears I mean, both ears, in addition to my vagina, my hair, my food and on all clothing and furniture. When I open the patio door in the morning, a huge wafting wave of nasty stale odors and fungus eminates from my studio apartment, every night they spray in more. I have since at least found a way to block the front door so they must demonstrate evidence of entry. Otherwise, because this group is always cautious about what evidence they leave behind, for now they do not remove all the blocked and then open the three locks and the things I inset into the front door to show that someone has entered. They have already broken my camera and I can't afford to buy another one, but still they remain extremely cautious. However, people reading this, in the future the longer this group is handed power, the less need they will have to conceal their entries and violence and will not be scared to leave evidence as these terrorist operations will be conducted without legal repercussion, as they are now but it's all being hidden by the block of my reports on this blog (but "everyone" is reading my posts anyway and doing nothing to stop this). They then, this leader couple of the "Freest Country on Earth" then had a VIRUS smeared into my throat, which I felt was killing me. I got a swatch of grey hair and was so ill (in addition to non-stop years of detox from poison that is hard as layers of petrified rock, coming out in tiny increments leaving me ill for one or two days when small bit comes out--into my tenth year now of doing this day after day and unable to go out and just get some fresh air and exercise or meet anyone but attackers surrounding me, as this group continues to drug and poison me into inertia, partial paralysis and slow mutilation so now I can't put weight on my foot any longer due to sevreing of my toe and slashes into my other toe, at the ball and into the webbing between the toes. They are just using the mechanical arms to slash into my feet, into webbing between toes, the same areas night after night. Imagine how you would react form years of this going on by your government and actors in whorewood with no one even acknowledging that you are under attack, calling you crazy and then attacking you too---imagine how much rambling you would produce under these circumstances and then you are still drugged to the point of hysteria, which they also induce through the drug/tech interface). But this leader, then they smeared a virus, which may have been the Corona Virus as my body was aching, it felt like death was inside my body, I have never had that sensation of death but I knew what it was immediately and that I was under threat of dying from this virus insertion. I could not afford to see a doctor as they continued to damage my immune and nervous system by heightened terrorist attacks. that was in repsonse to the tarot reading I described above. Now mabye a year later what I had read is in some sense an accurate reflection of the current situation that they face--it may have been a legitimate "psychic" reading or just chance (?!) but...they still retain the torture protocol and I remain fighting for my body to not be permanently destroyed any longer as I fight to try to heal from murder attempts via poisoning. I know that writing about the Nazi violence that these people in this nefarious group commit against me only brings them more promotions. They encourage my reactions so when I write about them, they get automatically more promotions for encouraging a hate response, with the truth serum tech opening my creative functions, I begin to ramble, my thoughts and ideas pour out, they then glean the ideas and then torture me as "punishment" for writing anything adverse about their crimes, which they believe are their entitlement. this has been going on and on since at least 2007, but in various more covert states as I only began to understand this situation of terror aimed at me only in 2010 or 2011. Now it's 10 years later and I remain writing to silent brick walls reading this, supporting still these groups despite the obvious danger to society because these actors and politicians are so far gone in terms of moral conscience, and their "handlers" are so thrilled as they are foreign interventionists conducting covert assassinations and cover-ups and death squads (which I saw first -hand while being attacked in Wisconsin---and everywhere else, but 40 years after the end of WWII the groups were in a more nascent organizational structure and I could easily see what and who were at the heart of these operations--and always well-funded and nearly worshipped fascist European Nazis, literally Nazis, who are handed mansions even in Wisconsin as they organize these death squad Nazi groups which now call themselves "militia" out of the Midwest, and beyond.
I remain being tortured for writing about their actgivities but they will not stop or be stopped from drugging to induce these reactions, as they continue to steal ideas but mutiliate me for writing about their crimes in addition to my ideas--they continue to remain as lead American icons of "alternative" media, they continue to attack me with outright hate and violence and insults and threats--and they still have my cat La Moux who is what I want to be returned and them all-- ALL OF THEM ALL OF YOU off me completely--with me living in a home that is safe from terrorist attack and their groups and their sinister slime poured into my body, home and mind and life and soul an dspirit, they are EXTREMELY EVIL PARASITES and that is no lie
I am writing about them to try to obtain JUSTICE at least in terms of BEING LEFT ALONE TO LIVE IN PEACE FOR PEOPLE TO INTERVENE FOR THEM TO NOT BE HANDED THESE TECHNOLOGIES AS YOU PEOPLE READING THIS ALSO MAY HAVE A VESTED INTEREST IN AMERICAN NOT BEING TURNED INTO A VASSAL SLAVE STATE OF THE 4TH REICH INFILTRATION AND that includes their slave states and colonies and Communist/Socialist partners out of Europ-a land and other places like China, which I know is in partnership with Nazis because I see this here in Phuket every single day and know that these forces are absolutely of one political platform when it comes to attacking America.
I remain fighting for my country against this aggression, I have had years of screaming matches with these American celebrities over these issues and I have been screaming these very ideas for years at them while they continue to nearly murder me every day under the tutelage of these foreign (political) actors in the theaters of global dominance and the political/economic wars therein.
I continue to be tortured for my resistance to their corruption and collusion, I remain being dismembered daily by their mechanical arms slicing parts of my body slowly off and damaging my skin and body and home and property, every single night while they teleport me to psychic realms that they inhabit of hate, misery, ugliness--that is their true realm despite all their glowing "All -American" smiles and endless refrains of Freedom and equality--- and that is the prevailing operative response from these MOST STUPID THUGS WHO ARE TELEPORTING ME--that is the actors, their mafia Nazi handlers out of Euop-a-land who are silently viciously informing and instructing the Americans in Nazi, fascist murder/genocidal behavior and absolute oppression of people they never want to see supercede them if given equal opportunity and not drugged, tortured and discredited as rape victims as I have been--the rapists are being awarded top prizes (that is, the white males) the black males and other minorities remain embroiled or threatened with absolute degradation and loss of everything they have ever worked for if t hey emulate the behavior of the white pig ape males who hand them promotions, and also instruct them in the rape culture attacks upon women (and other boys or men) but then blackmail or use the information from "agent" "victims" (many of whom are legitimate but put in these positions as "plants" for futher blackmailing and destruction of the minority males who want to be put into higher positions and if they exhibit higher qualities and talents than the white pig apes, they get destroyed by a media circus of accusations about rape culture behavior that is completely awarded when it comes to white supremacist "liberal" "Democrat" actors who teleport rape disfigure adn torture me for YEARS (i.e. the apes who have been attacking me for years who have not been stopped but instead handed Golden Globes, Academy Awards and etc and in Europe they are championed as "good" Americans while they sit silently as the Europigapes that they adore make open hate remarks and jokes about how stupid Americans are. I have witnessed this openly in Miami from the Europigapes there, and have been teleported to it by "anti-racist" blacks who attack me for these Nazi bigots who they are sitting right next to. Years of me explaining how racist these Europigapes are have left no indent into the psyches or lack of brainpower or minds of these rotten minority attackers who love the bigots most fastidiously and hate me because they are instructed to do so, and lacking 2/5 of a mind, they obey and do the bidding of their ernstwhile "masters" who are using drugging and mind control on them TOO. that includes the white racists you all think are just behaving from earlier training by their parents and societal groups. So many people are being drugged, mind controlled into hating each other the divide and conquer strategy is operating well under the auspices of the Europigapes who dominate and demonize H-wood, the media and American politics.
that has been my experience with these foul creeple, Because I am writing now in a state of rage induced by the technology, my stance is discredited by my "immature" ramblings but I can't think of more elaborate words that express how sinister and ugly these people are. The base and low behavior is only equal to the animalistic nature that they imbibe, on a continuum of behavior that is concealed by normative behavioral training to appear "elegant" and reserved. Their operations, thus, are always in the realm of ORGANIZED CHAOS and people should begin to focus more on this international cartel that dominates the world through conglomerates like APPLE AND DISNEY and rather than calling it all "Dark Money".\
I have been writing about slow murder against me for years and I remain doing so to this day. I so urgently advise people to stop letting this go on and to begin to formulate strategies to control these technologies and these groups operating them. The worst Republicans you see in the Senate only represent the absolutely violent and murderous masses of lynch mob creeps (with a ratio of at least 3-to-1 of minorities serving them with these death squad group activities, slaves loving and obeying their masters and you had better believe that their behavior even at the level of A-list famous black and brown and Jewish and asian underlings is absolute the same Plantation that they were oppressed upon in genetic memory repeating it to this very moment in the media mind control program that you all chose over the reality of this death group. It has tentacles that are global, that reach into your mind and have you drugged into incapacitation of your mental clarity, and then they replace your common sense with distorted fake hope--about their fake representatives who are right now torturing me and glad and smiling and laughing and happy about it as they obtain new ideas to sell off as their "liberal" identities.
I can only say they are rotten and disgusting and corrupt and foul and lewd, and that is the more complimentary of all that could be said about these filthy parasites.
It is people like me and the people who taught me alternative views in Minneapolis (which I am sure will become a huge targeted campaign by the Nazis to infiltrate any real alternative groups, as they always do, covertly murdering, drugging, raping, assassinating--but this is the environment I ran to out of Nazi Wisconsin, and Prince WHO WAS ASSASSINATED by these people, including those surrounding me, with their Europigape associates as I tried to get away from them and return to Minneapolis to Prince, he was dead within two weeks of me trying to contact him to get away from these greasy sleazebag whores out of Whorewood.
It is that energy out of Minneapolis that I held on to, as they have tortured me non-stop to "submit" to their incompetence and corruption. They remain being handed all technologies by Hillary Clinton, who laughed and screamed violently at me when I began to try to pull away from her and her most stupid attack upon me, a stupid contrived situation that Parasitino the mafia Nazi writer/director who is a most hateful bigoted idiot, dumb and rotten and put into lead role and has won award after award all these 7 yhears of these apes torturing, raping and aassaulting me via these proxy torture and death squad groups. Laughing like an ugly and rotten hyena with Clinton, it was a pure revelation of how rotten and truly corrupt and incompetent these "alternative" representatives truly are, and WHY the violent nazi groups have been also brainwashed BY THEM in part for theri absolute undermining of ANTIFASCIST GROUPS such as those out of Minneapolis. Now these same pig apes are attacking me for not explaining more alternative theories that I studied for in college, at the University of Minnesota, which they have been stealing for over 7 years non-stop. Now profiting off riding the wave of popular media coverage of how these sleazy and most racist, bigoted and really stupid entertainers and writers are putting the template of activist and anti-racist and anti-fascist that they tortured and still torture me because I am truly fighting against--but they are now being paid in more millions for "representing" these qualities, which believe me, they lack to the very marrow of their crap bodies and souls and lack of spirit.
Now I remain here waiting for the election results to bring the former VP into power. He keeps saying he is "Not Obama". I hope that also means "Not Hillary Clinton" and that Clinton mega-million or billion dollar propaganda fake liberal machine, that hails Nazi feminists and laughs as Nazi actors and men go into my room and rape me while I am unconscious, inserting fungus into my body, food and home every single day and damaging my body permanently. How thrilled the huge smiles they have these blonde "feminist" women and their brunette counterparts. The blondes appear to have more fun with this attack upon me but it's really irrelevant.
As for the future: perhaps Obama has some compassion but he could never stop this and still has not stopped this and is 100% aware of what is going on. Perhaps Biden will do a bit more to stop this terrorist activity aimed at me, since it was Trump being handed this technology--so the same rapist pig apes who were some of the foremost in the anti-Semitic Nazi attacks upon Weinstein, who handed T-rump this tech to rape and attack me ("only one time" that I know of, and then he stopped graciously like the "gentleman" that his wife claims he is...). But he continued to allow the rest of them to pass me around in the hell teleportation skits, night after night, and the landlord and the bigot Nazis controlling the minority slaves here on the plantation condominium where I am fighting for my life to stop mechanical arms from slicing my body apart--for over 2 years in a tiny studio and I still cannot do it).
They handed the technology to him, he has handed them in return continuation of this torture protocol technology to be passed around from piece of crap to piece of shit plastic-coated pig apes who are famous celebrities and writers with mafia out of Brooklyn, which i never had anything to do with, avoided all of them, the Italians as well (unless they were fun and not Mafia and I could talk or dance at clubs, and then they disappeared as they were informed to avoid me and every one does that around the world).
T-rump was handed this tech, his ratings and the polls suddenly spiked, he became the candidate of choice for the incensed Nazis of America who want everything Obama to be kneed to death in the streets and in prisons. And the rest is silenced history from there, up to the point that Nazis are marching in the streets openly shooting and calling themselves righteous "militia" and trying to kill Governors who don't conform to their claims of "Freedom". The celebrities who are GUILTY of these covered-up crimes remain in front line movie roles, as I remain in dire poverty being mutilated as they have been doing for years until my hands are bloody every day and fingernails are black an dfalling of, there are cuts, insertions, objects inserted under skin, my body is crooked and bloated continuously--I remain unable to pay for medicine or food and I fi ght to have to repay for items that are broken in my room on a rotating basis so I can never get anything else done but clean clothing that is polluting my lungs from their toxic fungus sprays that are sprayed every day and night by these mechanical arms I cannot stop.
Everyone remains silent and then the media abounds with introspective discussions about how America could have gotten to this point of Autocracy or despotism. It is unbelievable how many lies they disperse to calm and allay the concerns of the public that are not yet dead/killed or drugged/brainwashed into believing this K-rap that H-wood and the media and these political representatives have been cranking out as they all conform to what conspiracy theorist and even Bush Sr. called< CORRECLLY--THE NEW WORLD ORDER--which essentially is a "one world government" controlled by the 4th Reich Nazi/Rome etc etc cartel which is operating under the auspices of global conglomerate backing. Senator Whitehouse has called this, very conspiracy theory-like, "Dark Money" and please illuminate what you mean, Senator Whitehouse as your cohorts cronies are the portals through which the dark powers control the dumb money who represent the dumbing down of the American system of "Democracy"--for the dark control you hint at.
*Nota Bene: as always, this post was written while brain-altering tech is blasting away at my brain to induce confusion, a non-linear non-cohesive rambling diatribe, going and straying from one subject to the next. Without a doubt as hackers have been doing for years, they will delete words, add words and/or delete entire passages from what I have written for this discrediting process. I began to use hate phrases that are considered "immature" but my brain is being rendered blocked from higher cognitive functioning, as my motor skills are being blocked so my fingers won't move to keys, while hackers block the keyboard functions. This always happens every post I write. I always make this caveat to the reader or explanation as perhaps whomever is reading this is unfamiliar with my daily explanation of these discrediting tactics.
I wait for the day when Americans will not allow multi-national conglomerates, very often controlled either by Americans who are in league with foreign people and their nefarious plots to infiltrate and divide and conquer America--or overtly by foreigners who have designs to absolutely control and destroy whatever is left of any real alternative to millennium of pograms, holocausts, slave trade, colonialism, absolute Patriarchic suppression of women (which includes rewarding them for what appears to be "freedom" in the guise of pornographic imagery and dumbed down gyrating performances while really deferring to white males all the while, but always put into subliminal context and disguised often as "freedom").
I can't fight to pound down any longer. I have so many more things I have to buy because they were broken by this team, and so much to clean because all has been sprayed with stinking substances in my room. My body remains absolutely and deadly ill from poisoning as they continue to teleport me to hell (their hell, not mine) to inflict endless mutilation upon me and to try to torment me into mental insanity after forcing a baby out of me. Years of me writing daily about this have brought no end, only more "celebrities" being whored into more top positions and more minorities being thwarted unless they serve the plantation masters with full obedience and slavish adoration to them and their hate attacks and jokes and insults aimed at "Americans"--openly put in front of them as they remain silent, attacking me for actually defending MY HUMAN RIGHTS, FOR JUSTICE, FOR THIS CRIME TO BE STOPPED, FOR RAPE TO BE STOPPED, FOR THEFT OF INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY--MINE--TO BE STOPPED. They react with murder attempts and then laugh as I have to fight to heal from injury they inflict nightly after they create accidents and then dig with the mechanical arms into the injuries they created by having my motorbike inoperable as cars and motorbikes ram into me from side angles and my brakes and steering are blocked by remote.
On and on, waiting for America to not be completely destroyed by them. This new election cycle brings fresh promise by old perpetrators. It is up to people to not rely on media personalities and politicians but to actually fight to force these corruptions to be stopped.