MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, March 29, 2021
Oscar Predictions copy and re-paste attempt from my very last post entry (literally) copy and paste attempt number 21 after ONE HOUR of trying to copy and paste the few paragraphs below from my Facebook page. I don't know how much of it was deleted or rewritten because I am tired of going through rewriting and etc. It's too horrible to have to read after an hour of fighting to copy and paste to then have to see how badly it's all been rewritten or partially deleted and hacked and blocked by these terrorist censors and silencers.
My very first Academy Awards/Oscar predictions. Hackers made such a complete mess of my post that I have had to try to copy and paste the entire text in the next post above this one--this is UNREADABLE BELOW but I won't delete it or change it. Through this post you can see my utter frustration at trying to navigate the blocks hackers put on my every attempt at the most simple functions this computer should very easily perform in less than 30 seconds. 30 minutes later I have finally been able to accomplish a simply copy-and-paste operation of a few paragraphs from Facebook. Please read it above this post, but otherwise the below is a sheer example of how badly I am under attack, how my posts and body and brain are ALWAYS under very subtle or overt attack as I attempt to write, publish or get anything out that is clear-headed and concise. I try to get through it but it's been hacked so badly I can't get through it even to correct it. sO MUCH HAS BEEN DELETED AND BLOCKED. THE CENSORSHIP AND SILENCING CONTINUES while these same people I write of below continue to profit in millions off what they have stolen from me in concept or idea and the money handed to them for using technology to torture ideas out of someone and etc etc. Please see next post for another "clean" attempt to copy and paste what I am trying so hard/nearly impossible to copy and paste from Facebook. ---When I actually watch the Academy Awards fully that will also be a first. I have never watched a complete showing of these awards (or any such types of awards). Thus, you can bet that my awards for this post are most rancorous and dripping with a coating of golden venom for the statue of Oscar that B-actor model replica that I will cancel in this post.
I have now just clicked on the font size tab 4 times in a row and finally this is printing out at some size that is not of the tiniest size that it's unreadable. No font size functions actually operate except for the largest. I cannot review this blog any longer as hackers have completely blocked every access to my blog and it's not being published on the web any longer (if it ever was, but they worsened all the attacks upon me and my writing in the last two months). I then Laughingly bring what I have tried to write brought to you by: me. Paid for in full by Torture, Ltd (GmbH) *the co-sponsors to Today's awards commentary by Moi. The attacks are so infuriating that I can't even write without becoming almost insane from the attempt to make it light and fun. This was intended to be a well-written satire. In this endless attack form with all the tech I am veering off even formalities of attempting to be witty and sardonic into the far-off silliness that the mind control subliminal haters are inflicting into my brain. THis is now almost one hour of trying to copy and paste the post that I finally did post above. The rest is just another example of how badly I am brain-manipulated into silly incoherency while trying to write something funny instead of endless hate ranting which has been the bulk of my posts for years. The attacks are very serious and absolute proof of what this group has in store for the planet once they have an iron grip on your privacy and the lack thereof using this technology--after they steal all they can from you that is, after they make movie after movie about how gregarious, wonderful loving and compassionate they are and how much they are fighting for justice as the underdog class and always for your fight for Democracy and Freedom. All controlled by Imperialistic infiltrators in the H-wood awards ceremonies, and so, please read my next post which I finally did copy and paste in entirety after writing and complaining in this post as I am now. I think perhaps one of the people doing the surveillance has perhaps gotten my alarm and has stopped the block to my computer because I was finally able to do it after an HOUR of trying to copy maybe 6 paragraphs that probably comprise 3-4 pages of double-spaced typed pages--if that much.
From Facebook today, written under a most serious mind control program that is always blasted into my brain while I am at this laptop surfing around to find out what more criminal activity I can identify in connection to my situation and in the world in general. Top awards for best criminal enterprise movie stuff/fodder mind control bs for 2020 goes to:
(first a little important segue and public concern notice):
What has come out due to hacker interference is mostly unreadable but my brain is in a state of dizzy dysfunction due to the further attack upon my cognitive processes by these evil and corrupt terrorists aiming sophisticated technology while hackers are just blocking functions, deleting words, rewritintg and etc etc.
*Please note that for this post, not only did hackers delete words while or after I typed, but also attacked my brain with brainwave altering technology. I tried to read what I had written and it was as usual made chaotic by hackers and this mind control tech always putting me into a spinning mode while sitting still and dizzy and nearly fainting after fighting to type for much longer than it should take me if not blocked or hindered by this terrorist operation.
THE HACKING IS SO BAD that I can't open any pages on this laptop without having to wait for the page to stop being frozen, as I then re-read what I have written and words like "really/actually" are added in repeat fillers for sentences that ramble on because commas and periods are also removed as these words are added *by terrorist hackers. Also my brain and body are under strenuous attack as I am literally dizzy with the sensation of being spun around for more than one minute as I fight to type against hacker blocks to keys and etc. My thoughts are jumbled always and thinking in a linear and complete fashion is made impossible by the stream of subliminals thatmust be poured into my subconscious by this nefarious technology and it's blasting effect on cognitive functioning and writing and all expression
*I am now struggling to copy and paste what I had written on Facebook repeatedly, this is the 9th time attempting to copy and paste here as hackers are blocking functions completely so every attempt is erased as soon as I paste. Every click of the cursor is met with frozen inaction. What I finally copied and pasted below has not only been partially deleted but then rearrenged so half is deleted from the left-hand margin--the exact paragraph that I had written on Facebook has already been deleted and I cannot find it anywhere on the already badly hacked post that has been completely rewritten, redacted and turned into an unreadable mess by some creep hacker doing as much damage as possible. As soon as I highlight even one word the hackers stop the function and I cna't even copy and paste or get what comes out into the writing I had actually written. Every attempt to do anything on this laptop is now blocked to the point of sitting waiting for the page to stop freezing. I am now into the 9th time of trying to copy and paste a few paragraphs onto this blog--which is blocked by the terrorist operation hacker system anyway and CENSORED by the same people who bring you these movies about how loving and wonderful they are about caring about minorities and the like whom they crush as often as possible in the real world of non-edited technocratic unreality that they are pursuing to turn into a virtual reality so that all reality other human beings they hate and want to see crushed and servicing them--the minorities and et al--can be technologically and drug-interfaxce edited and controlled--by them of course.
Now I must try again to copy and paste and as soon as I highlight the entire series of paragraphs I wrote the hackers delete or what copies here is nearly invisible--the words are so opaque that you can't read the text. I keep trying for the 9th time now to copy and paste what I know I will eventually be able to get copied below. What creeps these creeple are attacking me, but of course, I now make jest at their movie awards for which they are attacking me non-stop to "win" or infiltrate through their eager American agents or they are just part of the terror cartel who have formerly participated in this attack upon me and are now "winning" top awards as usual, year after year the same ones. Some of the reasons for this never-ending set of Nazi movie award seasons is barely copied and pasted below, barely typed out due to hacking inserts and deletions, and barely thought out in a coherent fashion due to my brain being put under siege by brain-altering tech blocking whatever and inserting whatever--I can't tell the difference as the target while under the influence of this technology.
OSCAR PREDICTIONS 2021. Not for the politically-incorrect who are the usual suspects reading my posts by hacking and then stealing ideas or torturing me for writing something that questions their mind control censorship totalitarian authoritarian regime:
Terrorist report: March 29, 2021. Terrorists continue to slash and peel skin away from the interiors, middle sections and everywhere around my toes. Cutting to the bone in areas. Every single night for at least 6 months straight, each and every single night. I can barely stand on my feet, and my hips are misaligned due to hard poison and I am asking this readership to stop the slow torture to death and these criminal terrorists who are attacking me. The skin is completely peeled off in various areas, and the skin is ragged with multiple slices into flesh and skin--like ripped up and shredded parts of my toes with slice-marks cut into my toes. I believe they are inserting lasers through the walls with these tiny mechanical arms. I need a safe home to live in immediately (it's all I have been writing of for over 8 years).
Sunday, March 28, 2021
Hacker terrorist report: March 29, 2021. I must click on tabs over 6 times or more to open applications or pages on browsers. It happens so repetitively that it's endless refreshing of the page just to try once more to click and get a blank and frozen page. Although this is such a ubiquitous occurrence it's still so time-consuming and eventually takes up my energy like all these parasites do to thwart my every attempt to even open a web page much less earn a living or live in some decent way. the creeps exploiting me think this is WONDERFFUL. I recall years of such people glaring in hate as I competed and obtained top position in what I was competing for. Now these haters are giggling as they surround me with creeps and scumbags who operate for these creepy mediocrities who can't succeed until they destroy everyone else who isn't a part of their little mono culture of hate and really ugly stupidity disguised as capability. So tired of my efforts in all I try to achieve being blocked by creeps who then steal my ideas because they can't function creatively without doing so. Fully supported by what appears to be a dysfunctional and defunct "Government for a society that some claim is on the brink of every kind of collapse, in addition to the environment that is on the real edge of utter destruction and ALL BECAUSE THESE PEOPLE KEEP BLOCKING people who they cna't stand to see outp0erform them and who try to stop their endless destruction of everything they want to suck out and drain and steal.
I keep trying to emphasize the latter point because people just keep thinking that all will be okay if I am just silenced and the same people continue to do what they have been doing, but introducing legislation or performing with more concern for human rights which ultimately they are negating by assisting this organization to continue to flourish.
So it all boils down to the very micro level of blocking my typing and that spreads into the block of other people and into a huge deterioration of what could actually do more than suck and drain out everything they think is easy to exploit and plunge their hate into and destroy and degrade and oppress and rape and steal and rob and then kill off after they destroy and pour cement and block thoughts and silence and oppress and claim all as their own will billions of slaves brainwashed into servicing them as the planet is dying and people are being mass murdered everywhere. It's all connected to this "small" situation of me being a microchipped "slave" sexually abused mentally tortured physically mutilated (cuts remain in my t oes as every night my feet, fingers and body are under attack. If I had not spent over 2 years fighting to stop the violation of my room while I am sleeping the situation would be much worse than it is now, which is still deadly.
I just am not in the mood to continue to have to brace myself againast endless hate and violence as I have been for over a decade with this never ending. I just tried to obtain music and yet another thing is nasty, broken and disgusting in this room which has been a torture/prison chamber as has been officially approved of and all the preceding apartments and places of torture and murder attempts have been fully approved of by Congress in their "black ops" cesspool of incompetence.
This is not advancing anything but incompetence and an ugly and sinister future for the planet.
And, the people attacking me try every single day to obtain a reaction of hate and my writing about it. They get more promotions for the "successful" usage of hate technology being misused by celebrities who are essentially con artists and not much more than that.
Terrorist Report: March 29, 2021. There is a new noise/terror attack upon my plumbing that is making intolerable noises--the pipes are shaking when I turn on the water and making whining, almot industrial-level noises. The noise is so loud it must be permeating the walls. This began yesterday. The attack is being done manually because when I adjust the kitchen sink faucet so the noise is reduced, the next time I turn on the water (in any part of this tiny studio--there is a spigot outside and the bathroom) but any use of water makes the kitchen faucet shake and whine like someone is tweaking a constricting screw or angle of the pipes from the other side of the wall. When I adjust the position of the faucet in the kitchen, the whining reduces (but water is continuously pouring out of the faucet, that began a long time ago----the landlord refuses to repair it and tells me to pay for it--I have no money because they keep breaking everything I own in my room and I must replace things every single month plus fight to pay for items to try to block out people raping and dismembering me while I am sleeping as they break into this room through the panels)--and so, once I adjust the position of the base of the faucet and the noise only reduces but the shaking and leaking doesn't--the noise begins anew the next time I use the water which means someone is manually re-adjusting the attack mechanism from the other side of the wall. It is absolutely something that can be used as an attack by a notice by the management. The landlord is an extremely offensive person and attacks me physically when he enters this room upon no notice and never provides a notice and is the most foul .and nasty of rotten people---he touches me and makes sexual comments and throws things and insults me while he's shouting and accusing me of damages he himself is making when he and his crew enter my room every time I leave or while I am sleeping.
I don't want to see this most ugly and sinister landlord again, and I am trying to make the noise stop but I can't, it's being done through mechanisms attached to the piping from the other side of the wall. I am here with no access to earning money and stuck sitting here absolutely sick day after day. I think there is also an attack being aimed at me through this internet or WiFi system--electronic attack on my brain making me feel weak and sick and dizzy--unable to concentrate or approach any subject that requires concentration.
THOSE people (animals) don't do what THOSE people (hybrid animals) don't do but the former is simply emulating the latter. Black rapists versus white rapists on Miami Beach/South Beach.
"2 men accused of drugging, raping woman who died in Miami hotel."
A global red light pulsated throughout the bigot Central network of news information and it's output tentacles. I scoured the few Black YouTuber channels to see if any commentaries on the South Beach riotous partiers was a main theme and I could find none--not on Martin Roland, not on Clickbaity and not on Double-Toasted. Why so, I wondered? The theme is contentious and the ingrained assumptions that when Black people do the same things as White people it's a zoo gone berserk rather than a huge gathering of wild partiers (the former category being of course the Blacks and the latter the Whites)--I refer strictly to the commentaries I saw on various other news clips regarding the Miami Beach/ South Beach social annual event.
Of course, having lived in that exact location for a number of years, I know the mentality of the "locals" (which is a mostly shifting dynamic, although the men in control of the Mafia dealings remain the same sordid sharks greasing the wheels of their endless usurpation and theft of the drugging and rape machine that has been mentioned in local news clips for the years I lived there. In fact, Thomas Kramer, the multi-millionaire or Billionaire GERMAN white male with Nazi features who I have met in my past life on South Beach as an independent cigar vendor has been in court multiple times on allegations of drugging and rape from everything to his secretaries to various other women. All charges dropped and paid and bought for with the full applause of the White male order of South Beach (replete with the near worshipping adulation of the minority Minion throngs who are eager to be the next rape victim if only to achieve the status of having been seen with the Europ-a exploiter and rapist extraordinaire Kramer or even perhaps to go to a wonderful restaurant and whatever the end result is, he can do whatever he wants and is nearly worshipped for having done it. His friend, Nicola Siervo, the Italian Mafioso who has teleported, drugged and tried to murder and put me into a coma while raping me in this teleported state has only been awarded top prizes such as multiple venues on South Beach, which on the merit of his own actual capability he could not achieve in the 20+ years he had been conducting his criminal enterprise of the Italian Mafia connection--via Sylvester Stallone and co., which extends in my situation into the rape cartel of bigots, Nazis and Mafia in H-wood--but. continuing on now: writing the name of this Italian Europigape because the model, the racist model upon which the Black "animals" are replicating has been an absolutely entrenched paradigm for at least over 20 years. That women are given Rohypnal ("Ruffies") at clubs, parties and at restaurants and then somehow dragged into rape quarters to be defiled as a kind of token male masculation ceremonial indoctrination and induction ritual on South Beach has been an almost unspoken rite of passage. Thomas Kramer approached me along with Nicola Siervo nodding in approval as I was absolutely incognizant that I was being drugged and raped in my apartment/room due to this microchip implanted MK ULTRA "comatose" programmed state of incoherency WHILE SLEEPING AND DRUGGED. The new-fangled form of this version of exploitation and rape was so highly praised and followed by a myriad of prominent scumbag mafia and Nazi leaders on South Beach that I became vaguely acquainted with the endless inner circle of the lower orders of the layers of the aspiring and the wanna be's.
For the news commentators to simply provide footage of Black women "twerking" on top of cars as throngs of Black people are dancing in the streets of Ocean Drive in front of The News Cafe or The Clevelander is supposed to immediately imply, according to how they are described by a mere sentence of, "Just look at them" by the White or Latino commentators. You are supposed to follow an immediate cliche about how unruly and dangerous these Black partiers are, the entire lot of them.
The silencing always accompanying the White bigots like Kramer, and there are articles littering the internet regarding the rape cases and the testimony of various women who worked for him and were date-raped by him--but he's still considered the pinnacle of "class" and Europigape emulation on SoBe.
I can attest to how changed the atmosphere became when bigot White blonde male Thomas Kramer began his ascent into Miami Beach politics--the entire skyline was altered and the former moratorium on building high-rises was changed by the Miami Beach City Council DUE TO rapist Kramer defying the restrictions on cementing the sandy and unstable land mass of the lower end of Miami Beach/South Beach. Now the entire area is sinking as water is climbing and the huge cement and steel high-rises that dominate the skyways of that tiny tip at the bottom of the land mass are teaming with tourists as the marine life has all but vanished while flooding is a now regular occurrence for buildings and structure.
The rape of the people equates to the rape of the land. But don't trust what I am saying as the victim and target, keep believing that these creeple are really top tier animals and that their White racist paradigm really represents a promise of a Brave New World with South Beach an endless tourist attraction and wealth and fun to be had for all-except when those nasty Black people come for Spring Break and everyone gasps and says, "Oh THOSE people are not like THOSE people who are so classy and wonderful but THOSE black people, you know automatically what kind of low behaviors they are going to do and what they really are."
I wrote the exact name of the Italian hybrid animal (I would call him a subhuman) because I hope to Gawd or Goddess that there is some kind of block to these people (like rotten and evil Stallone) and the Mafia/Nazi connection that exists on South Beach and in H-wood and indeed, around the world. Here in Phuket it's not rape it's prostituted slavery that is so enforced by the male-dominated power structure of Thailand and reinforced by the acceptance of Buddhist thought control and then there's always the same kind of "development" in Phuket that lured the Thai people into following the indoctrination of the rapist exploiter colonist Imperialist Mafia/Nazi connections of White bigot sub-animal hybrids--emulation and adoration of the hate paradigm has become entrenched and fully indoctrinated into the minority minions and the Blacks are merely replicating what they have been trained to view as the exclusive ENTITLEMENT of White rapist genocidal Mafia/Nazi whores and exploiters.
As the planet groans from their endless rape of the sanctity of nature to build their never-ending brothels of luxury and servitude and luxury lifestyle condominium investments--the planet has become a rape and rapist cartel trickling down from the top tiers onto the lower wanna-be levels.
I can only write this post using the real names because years of making hints and trying to evade using their real names and/or using their real names in the past has not stopped them or induced anyone to ever stop them (i.e. Siervo, who is a staunch Nazi/Mafia racist with extreme anti-American sentiments, and Stallone who is an idiot who is a pawn of this Mafia Cartel who can only identify himself as being "Italian" and is so brainwashed by his europ-a friends who have swarmed into America with their Northern Europigape colleagues like Thomas Kramer to institute rape, drugging, torture and Nazism. The result has been obvious for the last year but people seemingly cannot connect their entertainers and their cartels to the facts and the realities of the ugliness of their real intentions and motivations.
I hope they will not be handed power or authority any longer and that the businesses they have been handed as a result of this drugging and rape protocol system, with murder attempts as well, is not continued that people begin to question their endless usurpation of top levels of media promotion and if possible take the businesses that Siervo, a most vehement anti-Semitic, anti-American fascist Nazi has been handed by that most pernicious Florida Nazi cartel that has dominated the State and if anyone can begin to disprove this obvious fact that has emerged but so silenced. Obviously Florida is the home of fascism and Nazism in America, but only partnering with its sister Nazi central media organizing mind control partner of H-wood, California. The rest are more rural areas of training and death and genocidal indoctrination and preparation.
The mind control operations for inducting Americans into the visuals and the mentality are in the realm of the Nazi/Mafia controlled Entertainment venues and discos and film industry tentacles of the main, central Politburo style leadership, which appears so Capitalistic and "free". That I am being silenced is only more proof of how fascist and totalitarian this group really is (akin to the Politburo of a centralized Communist State).
Yet Blacks are "animals" who are simply that way because they are black. In reality, they are trying to get fashion and power in this South Beach "luxury" Europig-ape controlled little sordid and sullied beach area (who are the main controllers in that area? They live in places like Bal Harbor and are eUROPIGAPE hybrid animals who laugh as they have t heir minions drug and rape women and it's like a ritualistic customary weekend event in that beach area---this practice of raping women by first drugging them is almost a norm in that area--that promotional scheme I am forced into as White bigot Nazi men with their Mafia backing are taking turns attacking me in this same said fashion but using technology such as teleportation).
p.s. Add to the list above notorious "cock-rocker" Steven Tyler of Aerosmith who was partner with Stallone in the Mafia disco where I sold cigars all 3 decades ago when then manager for this disco, Siervo, began his endless attack upon me (which continues to this day). Tyler's buddies in his former band partnered with Depp who had attacked me very viciously for YEARS using the drugging and rape system and they formed a band which sounded awful but obtained a global tour due to the prizes of this international cartel of rapist subhuman White Supremacists who deride the Blacks who only strive to emulate them.
Please note how notorious rapists like Weinstein or Cosby were only emulating the absolute ritualistic enterprise of being donned with higher ranking in this insidious cartel by their drugging and rape of women and whatever else they raped and attacked before they were publicly humiliated and imprisoned by their most racist peers, the groups of White bigot males who claim the full right to rape without condemnation while the minorities are castigated for their attempt to emulate that which surrounds them and is considered part of a ritual into higher levels of the pyramid scheme of this scam controlling society that you all endorse so fully and embrace so wholly.
Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced in...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...