Friday, July 31, 2020

MY FINGERS are being destroyed by daily insertions--for the last 8 years--of objects under cuticles.

Every single night. 8 years. The cuticles have receded due to blood lack. The nails are damged. The skin on my hands is very damaged from both non-stop cleaning and washing (the terrorists always poke tiny holes into any rubber gloves I buy, insert fungus into the gloves, put stunking fluids on any apron, they also smear fungus and mold on all sponges that I clean dishes with. 

But they are absolutely destroying two fingers, objects inserted so there are huge red, swollen areas where the skin and cuticles are deteriorated to the point that the area is completely withered and withdrawn from the nails. 

I need a safe h ome to live in, they are murdering me and severing my body slowly day-after day. No matter whether I remain "silent" or write about their disgusting stupd and sick endless attacks upon me

or I remain "silent" they increase the tortures but on other levels, so uf I react, they break and damage my body, and if I am silent about their non-stop attacks, they increase the more continuous attacks that are not so damaging but nevertheless, removing skin from my guns until there is nothing left after tying to break my jaw ans break out my bottom teeth, whuch they did after I landed on my jaw because they manipulated my steering wheel and brakes, as torture for writing on my private, no people allowed private facebook page that justice be done and this horrendous bigot blonde nazi american actor and his half-english hate nasty rape enabler wife, both of the smiling, laughuing for YEARS AND YEARS OF TORTURE and never ending awards for both of them every year on and on they ahve gone on and on since 2013--when the insertions began and they are increasing the damage now day after day my fingers are being utrterly destroyed. This same pair also had cats killed, part of my uterus severed and cut out, which fell out after I told that blonde american "actor" I wanted nothing to do with him or his wife--that was before I began calling them pigs and whores--or any other "silly" name derived from non-stop years of torture and volence foorm them as they laugh and get endless plastic surgery and awards and contracts and deals out of this--never ending.

my hair smeared with fungus, hair failling out so badly for years, on and on I have stopped brushing myhair it' salways stinking and greasy--the hair brush is sprayed with a horrific stinking flud that never washes out--thuis is spraye don my blankets and pillows routinesly as well

the list is so long my body is covered with scars--they have recently re-broken my left large toe after I gave one of the advice onhow to heal his body if he is poisoned--he gave zero thanks and I only thought that I would write a story about him and another fascist Nazi (the former is married to a fascist German "alternative" and I know this is true, I can tell by his demeanor and actions) I waas threatened and then the next day nearly killed again in another accident. the terrorist came into my room and puolled my already broken by another pig europig ape who stole hundreds of dollars from me when U moved into her house for 2 days--one night--and on and on, they broke my toe, (the two-day rental) then recently they put this already broken toe further out of the joint so the bone complettely sticks out of my feet to the point of nearly 30 degrees at an odd angle. I can barely use the toe. They are also cutting the webbing of this broken toe TO THE BONE EVERY SINGLE NIGHT AS WELL.

My hair has been cut out and is balding and that is not the normal condition of my hair. Greasy and stinking and nasty smelling and shredded like they took a metal shredder through my hair--every day they get into my room, which is every day. I have spent YEARS fighting to keep them out.

And years of askuing for help, from every body possible and writing as the pigs want me writing to my death begging for help as no one ever does a damn thing but read and perhaps occassuonally do a little bit, perhaps--doubtful as I believe the situatuon only shifts from one extreme torrture to the next but they relieve me of deadly attacks such as heart palpitations from the tech to burnung and microsave attacks if I CONTINUOUSLY WRITE ABOUT THEIR UGLINESS, STUPDITY, IGNORANCE, HATE, RACISM they continue to get top awards and contracts.

I must write. But I truly want to stop and luive in peace WITHOUT THEM IN MY LIFE nowhere near them or anyone like them. But

I also want to live in a beautuful home, a beautiful garden, a beautiful neighborhood, beautiful happy people around me, not being stalked or terrorized, with money and prosperity just nice things

please, I am innocent this is murder out of complete racist orignis when will the United States stop funding these covert murder operations?  And actually perchance also STOP THESE TERRORISTS FROM DESTROYING THE COUNTRY. That means most of the citizens I have ever encountered un years of fighting to live in peace and having to move around the Unuted States and people in every city, town, and |State participating with full intention to assist in the murder or remain silent.

Right now it is night, and I am typing with very little lighting. The hackers are blocking keys, stopping me from pressing down on the caps keys which do not operate. The "i" key is blocked and a "u" prints out instead. I can feel the keys literally sticking as the u, which is next to the i key, pressed down. this is some malware that has recently been inserted into this otherwise completely new keyboard that should work like a soft and smooth very light touch keyboard. I must pound down and repeatedly backspace to correct insertions that are non-stop.

I can't do this any longer.

I have a projected date of November 3 until I write again about these subjects. I am fighting just to type the letter I and the caps don't work, the I is glued down with the U key and only U's turn up whenever I try to write any word with an I.

I want to stop this writing and pleading with callous murdering bigots to please stop these criminals and terrorist who are both teleporting me and also giving orders to the terrorists here in Phuket to literally maim me every single day, stop the functiooning of my toes, my fingers, my teeth are nearly falling out, i need surgery to correct thus gum damage. There are no more gums on my lower teeth they are cuttung away tissue until now there is nothing left. Nothing on the lower jaw, every day i tasted blood and tissue un my mouth as my teeth hurt from being cut into--for over one year now it's 1 1/2 years of this, every day a tiny slice now there is no more gum tissue. Thus is from asking that these pig ape whores in whorewood stop being awarded for hacking into my site and for teleporting and raping me and then being promtoed for it. I was told to "keep your big mouth shut" by writing about their crime and asking for justice. Every black and blonde female feminst participating--so called feminist--approves of this simply by continuung to attack me--they, all these women I have written of for years, obtained their most daring roles by stealing concepts FROM ME and leaving me to be murdered with no compensation no money whatsoever.

I must buy food on sale and I am attacked for doing so by the terrorist agents operating the cash registers. I am picked at from behind while I stand in lines as the people corrupting the purchases I must buy everything on sale, things are flicked on my clothing--objects like necklaces are stolen while I stand in line--from behind

the list never ends. They rip threads out of purses--If I have a leather purse or backpack or anything nice in leather they slash it nearly to shreds on the first day I waear it. They carry little razors which they afterwards conceal in their hands as they slash my leather jackets, purses while I pass in public spaces.

Etc etc the list is daily so this will never end..

How long will it take for America to actually not allow this kind of criminality to be honored by president after president, actor after actor, fascist bigot black nazis after nazi after white female "feminist" stealing ideas from my drugged up torttured and nearly murdered ranting continuously on and on about the sexism, racism

as they continue and contunue to steal idea after idea from me.

I can also get into more concepts that have been stolen from me but I am now fighting and fightringt juyst to type against hackers.

So far, over 10 yaers of writing and writing and years of writing on facebook and years of describing this, years of asking anyone and everyone to please defend me and years of none of this stopping despite years of askign and writing.

Will this change in 3 months if and when there is a new US president--who must have been promoted because he's a good "player" a "group" member who partucuipates by saying or doing nothing and wants a promotion--is this ever going to end?

What I "forgot" to write on the last post--the hacking makes typing nearly impossible. My brain is under severe attack by technology hindering expression.

I have spent over 7 years yelling, every single day, because the actors, writers, mafia con parasites, politicians, their wives and children--all fixated on obtaining mansions castles sex partners modeling contracts in Paris, Germany, Austria, London, etc they are absolute Europigapephiles--they marry the Europigs, they defend them just as the Thai slaves do in these cheaper gang stalking operations, here in Thailand. All of the terrorists get some free thing they really want. The level of payment  of course extends into millions of dollars for those who rape, thrust their genitals in my face, punch me in the face, threaten to murder me (repeatedly in most cases) watch on smiling and laughing as others rape, assualt, punch slap threaten--all get promoted into main roles in movies, new businesses

etc etc,I have done nothing but write about this for years. 

But for years I have fought to stop them from allowing Europigs into America. My YEARS of having lived in Europe as an MK ULTRA rape and brainwashing target, around Nazis in Germany (REAL Nazis, to emphasize that I am not merely using the word randomly because I just want to label people these things.)

I spoke, I entreated, I asked I fought I told them that America was and is being infiltrated by anti-American Europeans. I have witnessed this first-hand in Miami when I sold cigars at European-owned nightclubs and restaurants. I saw the "big players" and I understood the nuances and glances I became so accustomed to seeing in Germany, where the Germans had to disguise their Nazi aspirations behind warm gooey bs smiles. They can actually dilate their pupils so their eyes betoken warmth and honesty when they lie and try to commit as much theft and deception as possible. The ultimate goal is the take-over of America but destroying it first. Americans welcome them in and are part of this scheme.

The Americans I have been forced to be targeted around--aka my "friends" and neighbors--most and many of them sent for the express purpose of committing these crimes against me in this contract. But, they follow orders. Right now they are being instructed to not wear face masks during the Pandemic. They scream that it is a violation of their Rights. This is intended as part of the genocidal mass murder instruction passed-down by the Europigs who instruct these American Nazis on what to say, do, think, and how to behave like Nazis. It is a cascading effect. That is just one example (which I only can construe on, as I am not around these people, but I believe this is one example of a very dangerous self-inflicted death situatuon brought upon by the genocidal bioterrorist attack that is now engulfing, primarily, the United States.

I screamed at these people torturing me, these Europigphile wealthy wanna be fashionable obsessed with Parisian fashion week parasites attacking me, that these actors and models they embrace and allow to enter the country are deadly. If the people who are famous in the media but foreign are not guilty, as I seriously doubt, then their associates are part of the larger anti-American infiltrating crowd. I understand this mentality of infiltration I have heard snippets of seriously injurious hints of violence aimed at America by Germans--for years I heard it in the silences of my situation where the Nazis were very upfront about their intentions and openly said many deragatory things about America and how they hate the country but all want to buy property and live in LA and NYC and Miami and obtain the best properties there.

One of the Nazis told me, back in 1996, that some kind of huge action was being orchestrated against the United States. This Nazi, openly declairing himself to be so, told me, "You will see" what happens and that it will be "very big". The Wall Street Journal repoerted on the Saudi students living in Germany and their activiities around Germany prior to moving to the United States and obtaining flying licenses and then committing these acts of terror at the World Trade Center. Their roaming activities in Germany lead them from Hamburg, where they werre students, to the exact area that this Nazi lived in--not far from Ulm, between Stuttgart and Munich and into the "Schwabish Alps"--was the trajectory of their travels and pursuits where underground organizations/Nazi organizations, are now openly visible in their next decade of pro-Nazi pursuits: turning the "immigrant" tragedies into reason for Nazi sentiment in Germany and in America and of course the rest of the planet and Europigland. 

But back to Paradise slave tropical Thailand and it's Nazi culture therein: I have also seen the same trends from English, and French, and Italian here in Phuket, along with many other "Asian" cultures.

Thus, I am very aware of the situatuon and I have been fighting for years to stop further attacks upon America and the greater expansion of this Nazi vast conglomerate corporate entity, which of course funds terrorist actions--not the terrorist actions aimed at me personally per se but on a global level and internationally. They of course fund the private terrorist activities aimed at me personally that I write of endlessly. There is very little differnence between the international and my personal attack contract and it's protocols. It is the same organization. The Americans I have been writing of for years either want America to be destroyed so they can be part of the colonized huge take-over and assume power, when the structure of "Democracy" is finally toppled and a fascist regime takes over (it already did, under a few presidents prior to the current one).

And that is all the pounding down  on keys I can muster at this point, it is completely exhausting.

I have tried to warn them of welcoming in these overt Nazis into H-wood and into the country. They tortured me for my warnings. I told them that they want to destroy the country. At this point, they cannot connect the dots between what probably many people fear and are alarmed at what must or may be a bioterrorist attack situation. The US government certainly is reacting with haste on this subject by closing the Chinese consulates in Texas, and vice-versa in China with US Embassies or Consulates.

I find now that when I press the letter "i" the "u" appears as the keys litterly stick down after I press them!!! So bad is the hacking.

They TORTURED ME for fighting on this concept and what I know to be correct. I WAS TORTURED and I remain being tortured even when there is ample proof that something absolutely is amiss on a global scale in this pandemic situation. How odd that Germany has one of the best "records" of preventing the virus, and so does Nazi-controlled Thailand in this region. In Nazi Paradise, tourism major hub of SE Asia--stalker terror zone with Europigs acting like they really are when they attack me

but tortured for fighting actually LIKE A REAL PATRIOT to defend my country--to defend myself, to protect the Laws of justice and protection for human rights. TORTURED BY POLITICIANS AND A-LIST ACTORS for years for fithging in my defense and for fighting to stop what I knew and know is a Nazi take-over scheme. A Nazi take-over scheme involves MURDER ASSASSINATION GENOCIDE DESTRUCTION HOMELESSNESS IMMIGRATION THEFT and the like. But with all their tehcnological expertise, it involves catastrophic violence unprecendented. That is happening now, but the terrorist actors and politicians still cannot give me anyh break from this.

So I must fight to save my life and I implore now for the nth time for any compassionate human beings to please stop this crime against me and stop them from torturing me and stop this stalking terror organization from destroying the planet any further. They also kill animals and destroy natural habitats for their greedy, sleazy white male entrepreneurs and they are worhtless I am now digressing into a hate rant and it's time to stop. 

I am always drugged up and sick from detox when I write these posts.

The people I am referring to --I mean the pig apes and whore apes and posturing apes who are pigs---I can't consider them human any longer. I can't describe them in "normal" terms.

they glorify and get promoted if I write about how heinous they are in this technological torture situation. I have creeps from whorewood putting video after video all patting these pigs who have tortured me for years. There are aboslutely Nazi European-based Americans who are laughung with Europig fascist--I mean real fascist backing--not just using the term indiscriminantly--

who am I writing this to--this blog is blocked from all internet traffic except for the terrorist organization which is hacking into this.

I have no intention of trying to bemuse the sick and sinister attackers. There seems to be a new one joining in at least one more every week. Literally this is one of them, unconscionable scum parasites out of H-wood--your celebrity mainstream icons--

I am tired. they get promoted for causing a reaction out of me beacuse the rotten pigs who have put this contract out of me want me to live a life of daily and nightly misery. Some rotten ugly pug white male or a huge bunch of bigot white pig apes who saw me happy and with a chance to better them, which is no excuse on my part because I really usually won or was in the top tier of all I competed in all mylife until they just pouisoned me into paralysis. Ugly rotten pig men who tried to insult me and then demand sex--I of course avoided them, said no--or was drugged and duped, doped, pousoned, mind controlled with tech, they played games which lead me to believe that all was a "normal" interlude. Absolutely drugged up. I tried my best to have normal relationships with people==I defended myself. I said no to rotten, ugly rich white males who want original ideas (as they apparanently have zero or few themselves because they luive by clichees, force people into categories with them of course on top of all the piles and making all the piles of monjey out of theiir inherent racist system--leading the blacks to endlessly repeat that racism is a systematic oppression they face--but their media icons absolutely adhere to the bigots who enforce these systems because they leave no openings for anyone outside their entrenched system to have any real success---in the AMerican dream 

and so, they want me misrable every day. The pigs who are attacking me in the media do this joyfully almost, really sadistic, lacking all heart and soul, creativity and their jokes are all about hate subjects and sleazy nasty stuff--as far as I can tell. They suck out and drain ideas, my life force, and the yreturn it with more violence so I am being murdered and destroyed every single day and night.

I ask therefore that if there ever is going to be a president of the United States--anyone anywhere who will ever defend me--as this is criminal this is unconstitutional---and the racism of the blacks just bolsters the whites in hiring them to attack me and they are now with million dollar contracts in the media for their roles in this hate crime turned from them onto me. 

It is all despicable, all of it.

that I must write for years and people just get turned on by it and I remain in this situation endlessly fighting to heal my body and stop them from destroying whatever is left of me, by noq this is over 10 years of daily disfiguration from this group, in addition to murder attempts from poisoning. All they do, these millionaires and billionaires, is block my finances so I can NEVER afford to see any doctor. I have to resort to herbal and the most cheap defenses, and then they ask me to give them free information on what heals me as they just continue the violence towards me afterwards, and then use my information to use as their own alternative healing remedies that they profit off--imports of herbs I get in Thailand, for example, which they are now profiting off as they continue to force me unto such poverty, while I am fighting to heal from murder attempts from poisoning from the mafia and Europig ape "friends" who are STILL stealing my concepts, I have had to stop writing I also am blocked from typing and thinking as htey continue to tortrure me aftrer nearly a DECADE OF NON-STOP DAILY VIOLENCE.  Non-stop for a DECADE OF TELEPORTATION RAPE, TORTURE, HOME BREAK-INS, druggintg that never ends, violence that never ends

and now they are demanding a baby out of me. I only pray that they are destroyed every single day, every day I wish them utter destructon and I will never help these pieces of sickness to get more and more and more out of me. Please help me in this and STOP THEM FINALLY. Maybe in three months there will be a presdient WHO DOES NOT PARTICIPATE IN THIS CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY AND WILL ACTUALLY STOP THIS CRIME. If ever that happens goddamn it will be a miracle considering how sinister these people really are=-all of them, including the mainstream terrorist "civilian" and the homeless and the utterly mainstream middle classes--there is not much difference in the u gluiness and brutality of any one of them individually or collectively.

I can't pound down any longer on this keyboard.

Three more months to go and I expect a paradigm shift where I live in peace and security and not tortured by my own government with Hollywhorewood actors delighted in torture, violence, rape and assault on a daily basis against one individual for years and years non-stop. Will it ever happen?

I want to add that like the tyrannical fascists that these actors are, they are laughuing about my endless posts pleadung for my life to stop these crimes against me, which occur almost every moment of every single day.

I may remind you readers/hackers that this is purely a RACIST or some other type of crime. The usual verbal attack these black Nazis, along with the White Nazis is always of a racist nature. Albeit I am not a participant in the culture that these hateful parasties claim that I represent. The real fact is that because I do not conform to the cliches that are so comfortably negative, because I want to be beautiful--I was beautiful because I did not participate in the self-abdegnation rituals that the Nazis demand and the victims conform to, making themselves less-than while the bigots use technology to block out cognitive functioning, poison so my body is brooken down, deny me medical care as the medical establishment is simply an arm of racism adn bigotry--as peopleare now making more aware durung this pandemic.

Otherwise, every single day my body and home are dfeiled, raped, vandalized, made stinking, dirty greaasy grimy filthy stinking--myu body, my ears hair vagina body skin smeared with fungus, harsh chemucals to destroy my body and skin, my hair made balding they are cutting hair out or smearing something to make my hair fall out--plus fungus plus some stnkuing grease--every day this has been doine for years and yearas and years. These pigs who are billionaries laugh and smirk and gloat over this while I fight with subpoverty income to defend myself. Routinely they have cars and trucks and motorbikes nearly hitting me on all sides--every four minutes while I drive miles and miles to fight to buy items at dollar stores and I have to go out once a week, my body is put out of alignment every single night the pigs order their slaves and minions to go into my room via these mechanical arms. They break through the patio sliding door when I have it locked. There is a magnetic break-in system that opens the sliding cheap patio lock from the outside in less than 30 seconds. I have to tie and secure a bicycle lock plus a secure piece of rope just around the patio doors--and even if I go into the bathroom they put a mechanical arm through the patio ceiling (lifting up the boards above) or they insert it from the patio above--as they cut the vines growing on the matrix lattice I created which was full and flush with vines--there are now huge gaps and every suingel day flowers are picked off a beautiful yellow vune--and most of the other vines are destroyed with dead leaves hanging off every day

and more and more. Endless filth that is toxic and dangerous for me to have to breathe in, which I must do.

Forced into subpoverty life and all access to earning blocked on the internet, my body destroyed and damaged every single day. Every night I am teleported to scenes of murder, death, rape, hate, abuse, insults, ghreats, homelessness, ugliness, screaming and fighting and being hit and punchuing and yelling and rape and abuse from this group of actors day and night and day after day if I fall asleep during the day they teleprot me, it goes on night after night, never ending, year after year--their uglines.

Years of them sitting in an ever-widening circle asking personal question, ideas they suck out and use for their personal media concepts--the blonde Nazi posturing pig ape women laugh and smile as their nasty Nazi white males rape me and beat, abuse, threatend, have my body disfigured, they laugh the rotten Nazi pig ape "model" wives of these pigs then steal the ideas I wriite of regarding domesttic violence, feminist studies I took in college\

things I have wanted to use for my career, I have wanted to have a career in writing and this has been utterly stolen from me--not just by them

years of accidents--one broke my jaw--I realize that my gum tissue which they order the parasites to cut out every single day is now completley severed to the bone. My jaw WAS broken or fractured, but I could not tell I am always sick and drugged up so they can explouti me to obtain ideas. Yeras of one pig actor afrter the next, directors, writers, mafia sick parasites, politicians wanting more media coverage--one after the next--all getting free huge promotions while I continuously beg for my lfue for people to intervene in this hate crime that everyone from the most famous black entertainment "equal rights" activists to the most adamant racist bigots out o f Nazi culture--all operating together --to attack me as they all work together and claim they are all "friends".

I want my own home in privacy, money to last me decades from all of them combined who have attacked me because I have been blacklisted from all earnings. They have tortured idea after ideas out of me for decades--that also includes the mafia psycho in Miami out of Italy--and the English "art dealer" con artist who has been attacking me--and his wife and the father of one of the actors (a female) have probably been involve din attacking MY FAMILY SINCE 1974


I will not go into much detail on that subject.

I am pounding down on keys that won't type out.

The next election is in 3 months, unless the government forces an election shut-down or delay.

I waited for the current president, his predecessor, and the other predecessors who also know what is happening to me and have made their mark in one way or another--one of them directly

so far, three presidential candidates, three presidents (all US I mean) one Sentator (some of these categories interlap), one from the House of Reps, and if there are other politicians they have remained silent in the shadows of this situation. With all these famous prominent people, obviously there are many unnotable players unvolved (meaning of media hype and fame).

I am now poudning down so hard my arm hurts from the exertion.

i NEVER WANT ANYTHING TO DO WITH ANY OF THEM EVER IN THIS CURRENT TIME, THIS DAY, ANY DAY IN THE FUTURE. i NEVER WANT TO HELP THEM WITH MORE PROMOTIONS BY BEING FORCED TO HAVE A BABY WITH PEOPLE i THINK SHOULD BE stopped from this crime, forced to pay restitution to me, a home provided for me that is beautifgul, left in privacy , with beauty and happuiness around me and in theplace I live--in a city and counttry that is healthy and not polluted and sick--

I would like to say that America is my country but I have only been fighting for my life against being poisoned to death and denied money to survive and get health care and slowly murdered by almost everyone I came into contact with--in America. All my life.

I want and demand my cat La Moux returned--the US president was the last person who has used my cat as collateral to try to force this baby contract out on me--they also have 4 other cats I saved from death/starvartion. It really was one littel cat that I fed, starving and ematiated after my cat was stolen (after other cats I began to feed were broken, mutuilated, injected with diseases which killed them.) But that one little female cat, which I could not afford to take to the vet, turned into two kittens and a male father--all are precious to me--I thank Mr. T for saving them but only to try to force this contract out on me is unconscionable and treachery.

The rest is all I have been writing of for yeras and years and years and years on this Facewbook page, which I know mahy are hacking into. Most laugh about this or think it's wonderful.

I have never harned these rotten sick and sleazyk, disgusting creeps, not a single one of them. They are told by bigot white males and their nasty women out of these Nazi groups--to attack me, to viciousluy torture me to obtain ideas so they can sell their products for the Millennials and for the subculture--by cop-opting the resistance and any real political alternative to their huge swath of violated culture that is really just one huge organization--covering all bases from "right-wing" to "left wing" but all stems from one, central authority and source. All follow the exact same protocols of bewhavior in regard to attacking me.

I must stop this is very painful now to pound down with full force on a keyboard while my brain feels like it's being (slightly) crushed inward and is spinning around una daze from the technology blanketuing my brain and rendiering me into a hate rant unable to finish my thoughts. The keys are now so hard to presee this is relaly impossible to t ype any logner.

Please STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST ME. I am innocent I have never harmed them, any of them. the black people involved are aboslutely disgusting hypocrites, and that is a nice compliment considering the crap they put out about fighting against racism. The whites are aboslutely filthy and sidck and disgusting. The women who attack me are rotten whore crap and the men are whores that are beyond description.

Please get these sick psychos off me. The rest of the planet is no better, but I do know that there are some human beings that are not so evil and sick and I ask for me to live in peace, with prosperity, my animals returned (there is also a white dog I rescued many years ago, i consider this my dog and I want her back as well I do hope she is still alive. I gave her to the Nai Harn Buddhist Temple. The bigot white Nazis who have taken over that area forced the very kindly Monks at the Temple to remove all the dogs they used to protect and keep from starvation or death. I am sick of the Nazi invasion that has occurred here in PHuket and in America. All these actors are players in a huge Nazi takeover--and you can bet the most loud blacks in H-wood are absolutely participants in Nazi culture. theyh are sickning and I can't stand to be forced to have a baby with some rapist whore pig ape bigot nazsi who has tortured me nearly to death, tried to have my body broken, has disfigured and tortured me night after night with these stalking terrorist gangs and has laughed while I am fighting for my life to stop this, as they watch making jokes wiht the subliminal technology and all the endless survellance and your apathy allowing them to go on and on.


Another appeal to heartless terrorists or their associates or their 'friends" or their minions or their onlookers who approve by doing nothing to stop them.

There are horrible hacking intrusions in this post. Doubtless hackers have as usual deleted parts of sentences, glued fragments of sentences together, deleted grammar, changed grammer within the structure of sentences--changed tense from past-to-present within one sentence. These are the usual discrediting tactics used, always, every tiem I fight to pound down on hacked keys to struggle to write and type about this. Plus the attacks on my brain while I write.


So, dearest celebrity billionaire/millionaire/or otherwise financially well-endowed teleporting terrorists: you have stolen my ability to earn even one single penny. You have also stolen everything from my most beloved and cherished cat, my FAMILY, to ideas I have written of and laughed as you had my body disfigured (day after day, to this very day, on and on destroying my health, murdering me slowly, having my body made stinking with fungus inserted into my hair for years that has gone on and on, my hair completely damaged, my skin wracked with scars all over my body from these nightly stalker terrorist operations you all gloat about. You have broken my home unto stinking foul disgusting pieces of run-down dirty and nastiness. You have been paid in millions with careers, homes, busineses. The real estate market is now UP so high you expletives can group together and buy me at least a modest home in some decent place, in a decent town, where I have privacy and some kind of healthy living environment as you have stolen all you can get out of me. The nasty people I refer to still can't stop trying to force this contract out of me--a baby for their endless promotions from peopel who have done nothing but literally rape and beat and destroy my body and home and take away all i love. Every home turned into a sort of destroyed post-war landscape as trees, animals are all killed off, all is brown, desolate and destroyed even in the midst of a natural setting--trees killed in the entire range of the vision behind my patio view, where all trees are alive and healthy in every other area that isn't direclty in front of my patio. The list of near-death accidents with my body maimed, broken jaw a broken toe my hair made balding my teeth and gums aattacked, part of my uterus cut out and severed out by this H-wood group. Years of torture. I NEED A HOME AND nothing NOTHING MORE TO DO WITH THIS GROUP. can you people, if there are any out there reading this PLEASE PLEASE GET THIS GROUP OFF ME, FORCE THEM TO PAY RESTITUTION FOR THIS NEAR DECADE OF TORTURE AND THE NEAR DECADE OF THEIR EUROPEAN PREDECESSORS WHO HAVE ATTACKED ME SINCE the late 1980's, on and on and on and on grabbing as much as they can rape, steal and tortute and destroyuing my body, home and health my youth my beauty my joy in living my home every single thing, evey single day I am fighting for my life. Please, to the people who have some kind of decency or humanity out there will yo please ever aGET THEM OFF ME. They are attackiung me because they want to make sure they get every single thing plus a baby out of me while all i have been doing for YEARS YEARS YEARS EVERY SINGLE TIME i AM TELEPORTED BY THEM I SCREAM AND RUSH AT THEM WITH RAGE TELLING THEM i CAN'T STAND THEM. tHEY GO ON AND ON AND ON AND ON AND ON , DAY AFTER DAY, YEAR AFTER YEAR. aS i AM NEARLY at a skeletal level of healing, with no money from them for any medical treatment but ONLY MORE POUISONING TO DESTRTOY MY IMMUNE SYSTEM. Day after day stress to the levels of murder they have inflicted, glowing with joy and empowerment out of it from hormone rushes and thrills and laughter froom them--glaring in hate as i try to fight them off me. No evidence no protection. I NEED A SAFE HOME THESE PEOPLE HAVE MADE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS OFF STEALING IDEAS FROM ME AND NOT A SINGLE THANK YOU, NOTHING BUT HATE FROM ALL OF THEM OR JUST ignoring my endless pleading on the internet to stop slow torture to death from them. They feed of torture they glow with energy out of it. I am fighting to regain my hair to get poison out of my body to not die from stress and toxic shock. They order their minions to make my home stinking and toxic every single day, I muyst clean and I am sick and poisoned and drugged non-stop they are laughing and endlessly now putting their faces on my ever internet search. Year after year with day after dayh of me screaming when they teleport me that I wish them death they are disgusting. They threaten to kill me. They have the stalkers push baby carriages into me continuously as sybmol of the baby they want to rape and force out of me for their endless Nazi cliche into the H-wood power structure--after also helping to get Weinstein out as they strive to move on into the vacant studio slots. Whatever has put this contract out on me is disgusting--that people are enthralled by doing this to me, y ears and years and years and years of it. There can never vbe anything but torture and murder forom them I expect nothing but hate and violence and mruder from them. i AM ASKIng the readers to stop a murder stituation please. I am nearly at a skeletal stage of healing and detox and the vultures surround me with images as I am drugged to the max by them, unable to function, sitting here sick and nausuious every day from a lifetime of poisoning.

Will their hate holidays ever be stopped by the pandemic?

Recordbreaking news: 33% decline in the US GDP in one single quarter, according to news offered by The Young Turks. The Business magazine below states that the decline is at 9% for one quarter, but 33% for the year so far.

However, the "Vulture" real estate market is up more than 44%.

Almost like an exact ratio of 3/4, with real estate winning.

I sit here in Phuket and besides many local businesses for tourism slowed down, all appears to be prices remaining the exact and food prices going up in fact!

It's all very confusing. I hear this inevitable Depression word on news forecasts but I see no recoil at all except for a lack of massive waves of terrorists stalking me on their endless paid-for vacations.

I can only hope that the free endless weeks of paid vacation the Euro-p's have been handed, with their subsequent gang stalking "holiday" adventures in continuing Genocide for vacation-strategies planning will soon be at an end.

Comrade KGB movie: Комите́т Госуда́рственной Безопа́сности (КГБ elects with formalality the movie for Committe of State Security theme of exciting human experimentation in fantasy.

The Social Contract exists as a movie that is designed to create a fictional narriative. This is engulfed by waves of throbbing music and delightful treats of the senses--mostly of murder, violence, sexual titillation and the like in the negative "danger" zone of socially-acceptable sheeple behavior.

The sheeple all want to have some chance att having the power to enact these violent fantasies and never have a single criminal accusation leveled at them by the powers that elect and select these more privileged persons.

Now, there is a movie theme coming out of Russian movie studios. As I have observed lately in perusal of foreign films, the "American" H-wood formulas of creative fictional/reality tv themes help to sell their particular formulaic genre for mainstream, now worldwide conglomerate corporate tv and movie viewing--streaming and steaming (S$$$) celebrity fantasy dream fulfillment but just not qute and only on the verge of acquiring for the sheeple in their movie home theater steeple(s) of various forms and allowances and clearances.


This movie suddenly appeared on the movie site I click on every day as I remain absolutely sick from the REAL LIVE MK ULTRA human experemtation non-fantasy adventure into near death, 10 years of detox life situatuon I never "signed up" for (means "non-consensual experimentation").

From the trailer, I see first the same old European (as u consider Russia and it's satellite colonies from the former CCCP bloc countries to be colonies, the same Imperialism applies even  to the Communist countries as the Imperialism of European expansionism--including the American trauma-based Dream.

The "Hero" of the plot, in a situation that looks very much like a handsome James Bond type, venturing into a new computer-driven fantasy past-present-futuristic paradise of near-death fun and games and sexy women vying to get close to the hero, always clean, all is a beautiful endorsement of torture experimentation where the reality of these initial stages of experimentation do not produce plastic surgery models playing parts in blockbuster, international movies about the new and exciting unuverse of plastic life with implants and enhanced abilities like remote viewing and space and time warp orgies. Or..something like that, I have not watched the film only the initial trailer. I will venture unto thus fantasy realm, as I sit in this chair glued because the hard poison that was put uinto my body to paralyze me so the plastic-coated torturing Imperialist Nazis can experiment and I am automatically discredited once I reach the "Paralyzed" disabled stage, as physical deformity is sometimes synonymous with come internal deficiency on the part of the person encumbered wth these constraints to normal appearances. Meaning, they are not the super-duper superman or woman physiognomy and thus, something is inherently wrrong with this personality and to be discarded in a variety of normalizing functions (like being ousted, discarded, made an outside--as the trailer puts first and foremost, the target experimentee has "no home, no family, no country" and thus they are free to roam at exclusive parties with women in haute fashuin slanking over to greet, meet, meat them and beat them afterwards (oh, probably in the James Bond tradition, the happy ending is that the male goes on to other "adventures" playful playboy always served due to his enhanced microchip experimentee status.

Alas, I am a female and thus, any sexual inhibition derived from extreme drugging, microchipping enhancing brain-mapping and the resulting enforcement of various indecencies is met with labels of whoredome discarded as female, and also other labels I have never embraced or imbibed or allowed into my persona.


So sick from detoxing all I can do is passively watch movies. This particular movie was put on my streaming free movie site today, but it was not there yesterday. It is also listed on this page, which has a chronological list. As I just clicked on this site yesterday, I can assure readers that this movie was not in the recent list, and has only appeared today and put down the list from a few weeks past (when did the movie actually come out in the Russian movie milleau?).

The film absolutely resonates with MK ULTRA and covert experimentation conducted by CIA, but based on CCCP and KGB findings, which were part of the more wide KZ Nazi death camp archived findings on humans put to death in these experiments. Whether some survived the experiments--and I do not refer to the Twins experiments conducted by Mengele that I have seen interviews of, but the mind control and "Joy Division" prostitute sections of the camps, where these experiments in drug/technological "Beta Kitten" programming were more undoubtedly conducted, experimented upon, and I have never heard of a survivor being interviewed but that only means that the research was so top secret that none of the experimentees were allowed to discuss the situatuuon, many of whom were silenced by the Grim Reaper assisatnt who presided over all the experiments.


At the moment too ill to write more. I want to sit and try to let my body heal from another day of hard poison and drugs that have rancified in my body for decades, which today have come out in bits and pieces, with streams of poison and sickness, waves and tsunamies that keep me glued into one spot and unable to concentrate or read or do anything. My main goal, since poisons are also literally ripping cells out of my body because they are glued to the poisons, which day-by-day slowly break off at this most deep level of poison at the skeletal point of my body's fight to eliminate all. My hope is to be able to move, bend, stretch and then clean the floor afterwards as there are no windows and I must keep the doors closed because of what the stalkers do with inserting mechanical arms through the many angles and cracks of the tiles. I must mop and dry the floor and that involves bending and twisting, along with the cleaning of my body which I have to do thorougly, as the terrorist invading my room (with the bathroom door sealed and tied shut with hooks on all corners, completely blocked from anything pushung through the door) but inside the room the war between me and the terrorists remains a daily and continuous fight and struggle to not have my body filthy and smeared with drugs and pouisons damaging my skin, hair and body daily, every night I mean--sick from the skin patch drugs they always add on as the final touch of daily dehabilitation.

and thus, my final point is that, the experiment, as I really see it, has gone far beyond the mere individual level. The experiment is on the "Dear, sweet public" as the Joker in The Dark Knight exclaims as he tries a "social experiment" in how quckly the human spirit will de-evolve into readily committing mass murder when offered the chance to do so: Millgram style (baby).

How far will people go into the fantasy realms of torture, rape and murder when they are disguised behind covert technology? That really is the philosophical question that is not being asked in my situation. This sort of question was put into a movie, the actors who played main parts completely ignore this and embrace a more solipsism definition of greed for promotional practices, which reigns as the sole, supreme Love supreme apex of human striving in the media duplex of complex simplicity. Complex because of it's multifaceted international corporate almost intangible reach over the planet. Simplicity in it's singularity meaning only one world view and nothing else matters but greed and putting the needy into a fantasy projection of a genocidal construct, intended to make the final demise of the speeple more speedy as they will pose no resistance to the technology designed for these ulterior and end purposes.


The Social construct is to make technology enabling murder and rape and theft of everythign appear as beautuful, plastic surgery actors embracing the technology and movies with extremely happy dystopia culture endings of the hero always dying in the end but being reborn into a new body and brain through the use of technology or the fantasy image of the hero rising into the aetherial spheres of the heavens, rising and rising upward always as the Hell devours the viewer, even the Hell is a happy ending fantasy to be devoutly wished for but feared. Turned into a catharctic sad, tragic ending diving deeper into the realms of the hell zones in real life. Waiting for the tribulation. Going to the movies and or streaming at home. The experiment is that people will go to any lengths to enjoy this movie fantasy in real life and embrace the technology because they were trained to believe it has a happy murder ending and they can enjoy deciding whether to be forced to take that fantasy trip to Hell  or Heaven, or both.


Please also see clips on Milgrams experiments on behavior when authority allows invisible people to press buttons upon order to kill. Kill Killl Kill Pussycat faster faster.


It's all just fun and fantasy, human experimentation and orgies for the "winner" playboys, microchipped and programmed to kill and have sex afterwards when they kill and kill the black bad guy and rape his black woman but call it casual sex. Etc the roles can also be interchanged with poor white "trash" or any other culture --in these movies, and then in real life. Trickle-down theory was not some random invention by the former H-wood actor Ronald Reagan, who used this term as Trickle-down economics, of course moeny is everything and that echoes the programming put into movies.

Don't worry, be happy. Microchipping, forcing people to become homeless, Stateless and then be programmed as assassins and MK ULTRA is really sexy, fashionable, fun, exciting and always the hero wins in the end with an orgy! Yeah!


I cannot find or locate a clip with the Joker's (as played by Ledger) dialogue about how the, "Dear, sweet people have to decide if they are going to become murderers"--(paraphrased, there is no clip of this so I must recall the words). I love the way Ledge says "the dear sweet people" (or public" in such a hateful, sarcastic tone. As an "outcast", attacked by millions of people in just the last decade here in PHuket with millions of tourists arriving each year--many of whom cannot WAIT to participate in gang stalking activities on their paid-for-holidays derived from GENOCIDE, MURDER AND DEATH, INCORPORATED GMBH, INC, LTD et al

The Creeple make The Joker appear as only the deranged shadow of their unravelled reality, never displayed openly and always put into covert murder situations when the chance arises. Thus Milgram's experiement in Authoritarian-approved murder, condoned and accepted un the guise of "war". War is never going to get out of style unless such types of people are not put into power positions as they always are, through murder and force and the Sheeple's acceptance. Movies are the alleviation of the oppressed status of the Sheeple, who rise to the occassion of murder and torture WHENEVER POSSIBLE. Trust me, I know what Ledge meant as Joker when he hissed contempt for the common "people" creeple in their wofves-dressed as sheeple in their delusional steeple(s) of normalcy and benevolent dictatorships called "Democracy". Here I experience it as the pulpits of power, the media franchises, enact simulation of death and violence for the sheeple to emulatte when they are allowed free access but can always hide behind civilian normalcy, decency, and benevolent acceptance of tyrannical Democratic racist, fascist culture which always fights for the Underdog in every movie.


You have to watch the movie to hear Ledger's great performance about social experimentation because for some reason, this has been cut out of all the clips put on Y-tube. Too dangerous probably and you have to watch the film. My theory on why this part was cut out of all clips on T-tube.

You all can look up Milgram's experiments youself, 

Thursday, July 30, 2020

Topple the tyrannical system. Save the Earth environment. Stop the brutal tyrannical fascist government leadership (aks "new World Order" or 4th Reich).

Nothing in Phuket. No protests in Phuket, one of the main capitals of capital investment, ownership by foreign individuals and ever-increasing corporate conglomerates.

The cows and sheeple remain obeying their Nazi fascist overlords and serving, smiling and cleaning sucking and fucking the bigots to be a part of the "big money" enterprises, which continually build and destroy the natural environment. The current government has outlawed protests since 2014, the coup over the Democratic government. No protests allowed for fear of absolute retaliation by the authoritarian government, spearheaded as a split arm of the civilian Euro-p and other foreign bigots, including the H-wood "celebrities" who have used this technology, the local Europig fascist Nazi consortium of terrorist global domination, GmbH, inc, Ltd, et al--- who order the ever greedy, needy, willing local Thais to attack me. The fallout equates to local Thais absolutely imitating the terrorist fascist Nazis who instruct them on stalking terrorist activities.


It has taken me quite a while to rewrite this, and who knows, because I don't want to re-edit for the 3rd time in a row--how this will turn out once I publish.

YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE, YOU HACKERS/STALKERS/TERRORIST/CELEBRITIES IN W-HO-WOOD--you have been handed properties in Phuket, businesses and parts of the environment that have been carved out by the greedy, who through intimidation exploit the needy to terrorize me.

IN a circular manner, what is transpiring in Columbia in environmental devestation equates to you--you "celebrities" in H-wood---who are part of this entire global push of fascist Nazi domination of all resources, slavery, torture, rape, murder, and genocide. In addition to much ugliness and sickness you have umiplemented into the global situation, as I believe that most of you have also been a part and parcel of the terrorist action to create this global pandemic. As I just wrote, more land us being destroyed in PHuket, although businesses are dying all around--whuch means the investors are the vultures absolutely feeding off this situation. Just as you celebrities feed off torture and violence when you get your hands on disgusting teleportation technology, and the terrorist operations that can attack me 10,000 miles away from where you press a few buttons and zombie clones will attack me upon orders handed out by you, as you act for promotion and for your new chateau in Phuket built upon formerly owned land by thais, or pristine land you have now bought and are bulding huge estates upon and uinvestmens, businesses and the like.

I expect that some public acknowledgement about this Columbian atrocity regarding the Land Protectors, and the situation enfolding in thailand which I hope will reinstate the Democratic ideal of being able to protest land destruction by disgustuing greedy ravaging, rapist, Totalitarian, fascist Nazi "investors" will not be handed out to every rotten and foul bigot who wants to have slaves, investments, huge cement blocks of crap so they can also build their mansions on hills overlooking Phuket, which is now becoming completely covered over with cement, filled with disgusting Nazi creeps out of Europ-land, and you out of H-wood are all a part of this. The blacks as well out of H-wood.

All responsible for environmental destruction because you fully are charged and elated while you participate in a fascist, genocidal terrorist operation which rewards you with properties in a fascist Totalitarian SE Asian country taken over by investors, with a military coup leadership prohibiting, with years of prison for public protest against anything the pigapes want to steal, rob and take. Years of wars in neighboring countries, genocides, and people like you reading this part of the mass murder. Now you can go on vacation except you also participated in helping Europigape fascist Nazis come into America to infiltrate and assess where and how to attack with pandemic proportions. That is MY conspiracy theory, as I have no proof I also cannot prove that I am being gang stalked due to everyone participating in evil leadership out of greed or stupidity or apathy or ignorance.


** A few minutes later after getting up from the laptop, I see that hackers got busy deleting words and stringing fragmented sentences together.

The title of the YouTube video below is:

Thailand protests call on PM to resign! Gang rampage? || Thailand News

Jul 20, 2020


The Phuket News is calling the protestors a "gang". The radio hosts who were part of the surveillance, mind terrorist operations against me, were like gang thugs participating in a crime. The above link is from The Phuket News. The only news host who did not participate as far as I am aware (or not very much, he did participate but maybe it was not this JP Mastanza but someone imitating him? His voice is far different in this video presesntation than the voice i heard on air, I don't think this is the same person represented who pirated the radio signal, but the three or four others who did were disgusting in their stupid beahvior and verbal mind control assaults). The Phuket News is the Europig fascist Nazi radio network here, controlled and owned no doubt by Europigapes who have created this fascist Nazi "Paradise". If Thai people own the property or radio station, they are mere paper puppets through whuch the Europigs make the money and decisions. THE MUSIC SUCKS THE MUSIC IS HORRID AS WELL on this station. I was subjected to one year of awful crap coming out of the pirated stations from the radio. In other words, as I am definitely under "Mind control" attack while sitting here, in addition to hacking disruptions and typos and mistakes and spelling/grammar deletions---making me almostt dizzy while writing. These people who wrote and created this article ARE THE GANGS they are the "thugs" and criminals. The protestors are people who have been forced into prostitution to Europigapes and probably MILLIONS of people coming for SEX TOURISM and cleaning slave and cheap almost free vacations with all smiling, obedient obscenely oppressed people in the service and tourism sector. That spills into the political sphere and into family life and the culture which is debased into having to conform to this new status of Western hate culture. As I write so often on Facebook, the Thais are being indoctrinated in attacking me, into the fascist ideology. Most of the people attacking me completely embrace this behavior. Very few have the strength, for whatever reason, to intervene or protest or say stop or do anything. There have been a few, and they are immediately taken out of my environment. These are owners of busineses who I have gone to for years and they formerly, before this fascist-controlled coup took over, were polite and helpful. Then under the coup there were hostile and nearly deadly actors participating in the attack schemes. Now the situation is wholly mafia-controlled gangs who have really terrorized the population who are participating in these stalking activities against me--and how many others I have no idea it always feels like I am the only one here in PHuket. That might be impossible, but then again, maybe I really am the only target for stalking here in Phuklet. However, the people writing this article and the political actors are THE GANGS AND THUGS. Not the protestors. It is as always, very nearly impossible for me to type, very hard to think. I have a small aluminum hat I made, maybe I will wear it the next time i try to write and see if my brain is not under the siege that makes me feel like my head is being slightly pressed inward and I cannot think or concentrate or write clearly or focus and I stray and write the subliminally-inserted mind control content--the discrediting factor, or one of so many discrediting factors that I have lost count by now.


The ever-widening gang of parasites who teleport me, the "celebrity" goons, hafe plundered and contunue to suck, drain, and torture ideas to steal, as they have been doing for over 8 years or longer--from this trauma-based information plunder teleportatation rape and torture, slow murder situation I have been writing of for years on Facebook.

I wait for the next election for a life-changer.

THE NEXT REVOLUTION NEEDS TO HAPPEN IN WHOREWOOD HOLLYWHOREWOOD. Also in fascist, Nazi/mafia controlled Phuket. Also in the rest of the world oppressed by these sick, stupid, ignorant, disgusting pig ape mafia Nazi parasite organization. Absolutely ugly and vle, the pimple on the planet, the STD of history, this Nazi organization is foul and MUST BE TOPPLED LIKE ALL THE CONFEDERATE STATUES, LIKE PRESIDENT AFTER PRESIDENT WHO HAS PARTICIPATED IN THIS TORTURE STALKINT, TELEPORTATION torture rape and murder protocol that has blossomed and infected the greedy, sleazy and irresponsible whether educated or illiterate alike--like the disease that it, this covert sickening Nazi gang stalking, teleportation, torrture revolting organization really is.

I cannot express how impossible the hackers make typing--continuously backspacing, pounding down on keys, fighting to get letters and words out. My brain is muddled so badly I am dizzy as I wrirte this. I can barely make the letters out, my vision along with my cognitive capability is made so blurry it is like spinning around and fiighting to type while fighting hackers blocking the keys. |While tryying to write about torture which has been ongoing fwith no one ever stopping these disgusting apes for years and years. There needs to be a revolution in terms of whorewood actors because they are a part of every fascist, racist bigot rape murder and genocide organization. That includes the black actors and the feminists and every other culture possibly imaginable which is part of a more unuversal human condition of participating in evil, as they all do.

When I write about how sick some of these minorities are in their behavior--they then turn blame around to me and claim that I am racist, threatening me for my anti-"black" sentiments when I describe that they are black nazis participating in racist activities against me. All they do is turn everythuntg around onto me if I try to write about how disgusting and evil and sick they are.

Which is what they do, in another sense, with all their Politically-correct posturing, a reversal of what hate crimes they really are committing, also in terms of environmental damage to all ecosystems, as their only goal is to suck out as much as possible for their huge mansions.

\they also have, fascist Imperialist style, on a personal level, sucked out idea after idea from me so they can not appear as boring, mediocre, mindless, stupid and sick as they really are. They permutate the ideas they torture out of me and drug out of me and use mind control tech to force out of me--in my ranting posts like this one. Stolen for years and years and years and years with nothing but more torture and threats and demands to give them every single thing as htey steal and rob and destroy every single thing. This also is being done on a global scale on the environment. Animals are extinct, animals are dying here in Phuket. |Everything is being sucked out by this organization AND WHOREWOOD as it exists right now contributes fully to the problems and all they do is make movie after movie about how they are fighting the murder and death that they really are contributing to and really delight and deal in.

The reovlution needs to finally engulf H-WOOD..