Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Murder attempts via toxic sprays on all items in my room. Please DONATE TO MY BLOG SITE IN DONATION BOX so I can save my life.

As I so hysterically wrote yesterday, I have been bombarded with deadly toxic sprays as yet another form of slow murder/assassination by this Nazi stallking organization. I have to use the term Nazi as it is the most identifiable group that is currently and endlessly attacking me. That includes the Black Lives Matter celebrities now making more mulah for their posturing about how they care about Black rights and justifiably so. I have no qualms about what they are fighting against, but they are not fighting against racism as much as fighting to gain an upper tier in the hierarchy by pushing someone else down.

And again, as I sit in front of this laptop my brain is bombarded with their technology and I stray from the point entirely.

Brown fluids spewing into the basin of my sink as I simply run water over my red bedsheet this morning. This is common but I describe it here. The white blanket I use as a kind of cushion underneath the red bedsheet is covered with brown stains because of the fluids the stalkers pour when I leave the room and they go in and break, tear, destroy and spray toxic substances on every single thing. There is no mattress on this boxspring, and I received as a kind of consolatory "gift" by one of the billionaires who is torturing me to get more higher acceptance by this Nazi bigot organization (including Eastern compatriots of the global group)--under all the tiny layers of protection I can barely afford to buy, which are stinking, filthy and nasty after a few days post cleaning them, there is a stinking queen-sized mat covering the boxspring, which I only obtained after I was nearly killed in an accident by brat pit (shit pit) after writing and asking that JUSTICE be served only asfaras this man not being awarded andpraised for participating in stealing my ideas off Facebook and participating in slow murder attempts and torture and stalking and teleportation--along with his wife, and then put into an accident so deadly I could have easly been killed. A "reward" was placed for me to get, but only after being forced to sleep on a wire-cased boxspring for over 6 months to a year by that time. The mattress made of rubber latx sort of padded type of stinking with horrific rubber smells mat that was left in front of the garage entrance to the elevators. It was in it's plastic purchase casing, rolled up and ostensibly new but sprayed with fungus. It took me at least 6 months to get some of that smell off, because the rubber matting is a huge queen-sized very heavy object and I can barely roll it up let alone clean it. Putting massive amounts of powder, bleach spray, cleaning fluids with anti-fungal "perfume", and then puttting Patchuli essential oil--the mat still reeks of rubber, toxic to breathe in (a carcinogen no doubt) but it's usable. My back is loaded with hard chemicals which feel, to the touch, like a hard shell is encased all along my back like a turtle's shell. That is from the poisoning the group originiated into my body from early childhood.

Back to the stinking brown fluids pouring off with a simple dash of water, prior to soaking the red sheet in soapy water (in my sink basin, the washing machine's spin cycle has been broken  or really, is remotely being blocked by their technology). I have to lift heavy items out of a washing machine and it's easier to simly lift items out of a sink instead of having to bend over and lift out heavy clothing sopping with water (it's very heavy for blankets, and heavy items which are perpetually being sprayed with these horrific stinking substances--they smell like rancid rotten meat these things that are sprayed on everything from clothing to items in my food cupboards.

I want to elaborate just a bit with this tiny descrptive narrative because I hope that one day people will rise up and defend this slow murder situation I am forced into by my government, two presidents directly involved for the last 8 years, Hollywood celebrites in a never-ending succession attacking me with stupidity, hate, ugliness, filth,, violence. Endlessly sucking out "alternative" ideas to use as their own concepts as they are part of the lying hypocritical farce of the "alternative" to the far "right" bigot faction that they are all "friends" with in their private lives for their celebrity promotions and fellowship of the slime. They all want to be "king".

I am now going into various diversions and not able to really get into any linear coherency. I need an electronic shielding device and I am unable to obtain anything. All I can do is wear aluminum helmets and that is so akin to being labeled crazy. I don't wear these things while I'm typing because my hair is so dirty due to sickness from detox that I don't want the little one helmet I made to get stinking and dirty.

I began a detox situation 6 days ago and when this 30+ year amount of poison came out, for the last 4 days I have done almost nothing but barely manage to clean the never-ending pile of stinking clothing the stalkers spray with this deadly toxic substance, and then sit nearly comatose in front of the laptop. Once I sit in front of this laptop, ane especially while I"m so ill from the poisons pouring out which have hardened, festered and then solidified into my body and have been part of this internal "exo skeleton" type of structure, I am stuck unable tto move. The poisons rip out muscle tissue while pouring deadly poisons and drugs into my bloodstream.


The 3-hour download of "updates" from Microsoft, that appeared on my laptop yesterday, have downloaded extremely nasty malware. The computer is now so slow I sit waiting for the spinning cursor to stop when trying to open pages. The laptop emits little beeps and the browser closes when I begin to type. There are flashing things at the bottom of the page as well.

The last time I attempted to do a "restore point" operation, the entire laptop crashed and because i have no backup disc, I had to bring this system back to the shop. There are many wonderful ways the systtem could be restored, this computer is an excellent machine. Every Windows 10 operation to restore the system, which includes a recovery operation whereby the internet connection downloads the newest drives and system uploads and restores Windows 10, all was completely inoperable all was blocked by hackers.


I can't "remember" what else I had wanted to write. My fingers are "confused" and can't find the keys I want to press. When I type letters are doubled by hacking inserts.  Those are all the attacks probably stemming from tech inserted into this laptop by the stalker hackers at the Dell shop (called Mr. Computer/ or Mr. Com, a shop just around my condo here in Phuket).

I suggest that the same type of equipment is inserted either by manufacturers or by agents in computer shops for targets who are then manipulated as they surf or watch laptop/computer movies or shows or try to write. Your thoughts are highly manipulated and skewed as you watch these shows and these celebrities. If any of you reading this think that this does not pertain to you, then that makes you a much easier target to exploit for this stalking group.

And now, these ideas are going to be stolen by one of the creeps hacking in, who have been having me tortured so I write about their ugliness, stupidity and hate, and tthey then steal the concepts I write of. That includes ideas I studied in college and in grad school, ideas I obtained from participating in lectures and being around people who actually think about issies instead of exploiting others while creating a completely silenced and complicit and complacent mental breakdown society.

The technology I experience while sitting in front of these laptops also "suggests"--for lack of a better word at this time since I am under this influence at this very moment--but  subconscious subliminals induce various watching and surfing behaviors, and also affect judgment and conscious approval. I also suggest that many people are being drugged en masse and specific targets can easily be targeted when they eat at restaurants and by their "loved ones" at the comfort and false securiity of their homes. The disgusting creeps reading my posts who have been stealing my ideas for years, adapting them to their Nazi-driven, sponsored, and elaborate mind screw movie and media operations all  have subtle inverse subversion of the themes that appear, superficially, to be "fighting" Nazis and racists and bigots. As it is, they continue to poison and inflict torture and they have seriously wounded my large left toe and left me almost penniless without the ability to see any medical place which might actually not try to harm me further so I can try to medically fix a broken toe that keeps getting worse and worse. They just caused an acciedent a few days ago where some Thai men in  a huge dumpster type of truck, cutting tree limbs from a huge tree where the surrounding trees and area is littered with filth and garbage, weeds (because the entire hill area where my condo is has been emptied out, builidings are vacant but with a few items of clothing hanging to dry as props), it's all like a nasty wasteland and that is supposed to be the enndlessly nasty, stinking, broken down atmosphere the stalkingg Nazis have put in my life and forced upon me. The stalkers who tried to harm me and caused this accident were cutting down limbs from trees that were perfectly aligned with the trees and required no cuttiing and were not threat to the already run-down environment. They had put oil on the steep hill where I have to drive to get out of this hilltop condo area. The motorbike fell on my already broken-by-stalkers toe (which I hysterically elaborated upon a few days ago, two days ago I believe).  The Thai men first ran to help me pick up the bike with it's broken rear-view mirror, they were as many Thai people are, very helpful but when I put my foot on the trickle of watery oil and felt my foot slipping as I lightly brushed my shoe on this little stream they had made slick with oil, they laughed very evil ugly laugghs and ran/quickly walked away.

The ugly smiles, teeth bared with evil like a newspaper headline flashing on their faces as they ran from the crime scene, but first helping me.

Now my toe will require medical attention and that is only because some ugly rotten post-punk filthy English creep teleported me, upon request from the pig men who have tortured and raped and attacked me for yeras. These are the "American" celebrities like pit and p-tino, the parasites who have punched, hit, had me under this slow murder contract for years and years and have not stopped being rewarded copiously for their violence towards me--they hand the teleportation equipment to the Italians, the English, the Germans and all these foreigners are absolutely Nazi bigots who are welcomed int the United States like they are heroes coming to rescue fascist Nazi Americans from people "like me" who want to compete and succeed. With real equality and freedom to study, compete and have access to the portals of success that supposedly everyone wants to access in the Amerrican dream, they create teleportation nightmares as they poison me slowly to death and have me put in accidents. This English bigot who coined, "punk is dead" who is, I feel, and I think Nancy Spungen knew as did Sid Vicious, a complete Nazi bigot (there is an awful lot of Nazi punk music out there anyway, and this kind of punk never died and is still alive and thriving as is this bigot creep I have written of, who threatened me and the next day I was put into this accident because i want to write about how HE ACTS AND HIS COLLABORATION WITH NAZI MUSICIANS OUT OF DENMARK who plague my internet with their rotten photos and information about their bs posturing about how much they care about American freedom.

The American creeps with their endless ensembles of foreign, mostly Europ-land Nazis or the colonized subjects who support their Imperial motherlands completely like slaves, like the blacks who fully support the white bigots in America, the same grovelling assinine-kissing system of hierarchical "politics" (as one of them called it while attacking me and then claiming she is fighting agaiinst racism by getting promoted for participating with white bigot Nazis to rape, torture and slowly murder me so SHE can get promoted so SHE can be paid in millions so SHE can fight for HER financial success by interviews and shows and movies--one of which was stolen by a post I wrote on Facebook years ago, although SHE has a book club but can't read books that pertain to original concepts, or so it appears)..

Ah, the white crackers operating wiith the black Orea couterpart cookie crunchy wafer exteriors. YOUR  favorite bs celebrity junk food for you junkies. ALL PROBABLY
 manipulated by tech embedded into your very viewing consoles (and THAT is a conspiracy theory and of course the parasites with no imagination, no heart, no soul, rotten aging men with their daughters I mean daughter-aged wives, all conspiring to suck out ideas and torturing me before and after the torture and murder attempts. The slow murder of poisoning continues. I am cleaning non-stop to try to stop the toxic poisoning. I have been writing of this situation for YEARS on Facebook. I mean the poisoning and the toxic shock poisoning I write of now, not just the poison inserted into my food which I have been fighting to get out for almost a decade while the stalkers continue to have my food poisoned and drugged. I have to seal every sindow shut to try to stop stalkers from breaking into my room from mere windows and sliding patio doors. I have spent most of my life with open windows to get fresh air, although not understanding why my room always smelled bad, at least I had the intuitive sense to keep fresh air coming into my room while sleeping. Alas, for the last 6 years i have had to breathe in toxic substances because the stalking organization has blocked ALL financial remedies for this situation from me.

I urge and ask therefore for you do-nothing denizens to please help me financially and put MONEY INTO MY DONATION BOX so I can save my life from poisoning.


I completely and absolutely lost thread of thought in the above post. My post began with the repetition of the attack by this English p-a, (that is, short for pig ape, which is what I call these people attacking me by now as obviously that is how they behave!!! No one gets the joke as well as I do. I know it sounds immature and really affects how a reader would view my mental state. However, the violence, murder attempts are so continuous and their actions are so heinous and stupid and sick and vile and disguusting, when they teleport me, all I can do is associate these creeps with the symbolic behavior of these innocent animals. The animals themselves, pigs and apes, are much more dignified and real than these damaged human beings, who inflict their damage onto me as often and for as long as they possibly can. The violence extends far beyond promotional aspirations but a true need to dump and vent thheir suppressed lack of humanity that they must confine by their assimialtion into this most oppressive group which trains, educates and sponsors them into this oppressive regime. They play tthe part of alternative and this in itself makes for a more pathological response when they have the chance to vent their lack of humanity out on ANYONE it could be anyone. With this teleportation and gang stalking, these nasty men and women don't necesssarily require their spousees or children to abuse any longger. This is another unspoken of "perk" to this system and the technology.

However, that is yet another tangent as I remain unable to think or write what I had intended to say.

This rotten Johnny character ordered this life-threatening motorbike attack upon me, or was it the Nazi out of Denmark who immediatelly jumped at the chance to participate in this orgy of nazi hate crime because I clicked on his YouTube video a few days ago, watched him deride Hollywood for making a movie about his murder of a band mate and then descrying H-wood for having portrayed his character with a "fat Jewish boy". That was under the auspices of the Obama regime. Now, he's being welcomed into the fold of the Nazi post punksters and black lives matter nazis and the rest of the nazi feminists who are blonde and all love watching me get raped, beaten and slowly murdered. It could have been the Norweigan Nazi who is now bombarding my  Youtube channel with his videos and the stinking toxic attacks carry on with a ferocity after violence that could have been deadly was inflicted upon me just a few days into both of the "Left" and "Right" posturing bigots who are heralded by this stalking groups. Both of them undoubtedly are being promoted by participating in this contract out on me. The Nazi jumped like a red hot chili pepper thrashing at a punk concert, while rotten Johnny wanted advice on how to heal his bloated body (I only thought to my self that this "poor" rotten man was being poisoned and is a target). The not coinidental merging of both attacking me within two days of one another, both never having teleported me before, with endless brat pit and his ilk always claiming they are "Italian/English/German" because their rotten ancestors came over on some boat a few generations ago. Trust me when I say that I have never, in all the years I have lived around Europ's, never heard a single Euro-p claim that they are related to Americans unless they are going to "visit" come relation who is going to let them stay for free and shower them with "I'm European too" bigots who hand all free access to all portals of power in the US.

I want to write another post about this because it has relevance to the pandemic and to the destruction of the United States. I really want to write fictiion about it but I'm still stuck unable to think or compse.

BUT I NEED MONEY TO LIVE WITHOUT BEING POISONED, WHICH MEANS SIMPLY BEING ABLE TO OPEN A WINDOW WITH SECURITY BARS ON THE OUTSIDE AND I THUS NEED MONEY TO MOVE AND CONTINUE TO LIVE IN SUCH A PLACE. The donations I need to do this will require more than a little one-time $20 donation but since I am now a pathetic blogger I must as for even $1. Nothing has appeared on this blog for over 6 months. It is not being published online although I'm trying my best to get this blog included in various search engines and still I am so technologically stultified due to being paralyzed and sick and fighting stalking and writing about it instead of learning how to persue an online presence. Writing only about this for years and nothing really has changed. 


I had to walk away from the laptop and go to the hanging laundry (meaning, the endless cleaning up from another attack system) to "remember" that I never even got into writing about what I had intended to write in the last attempt to retrieve information. The last few paragraphs above got into other details, elaborating on concepts but never getting to the point: the point is this: I was attacked by one of these nasty, rotten men who want to (I mean are nearly drooling to get this contract) want to dump their hate, I mean get promoted by this bigot Nazi black and white and Jewish and Latino and etcx Asian and et al group of Nazi bigots haters women-beaters and murdering "alternative" "liberals"

and so they responded with murder attempts and destruction. However, when I stop writing they continue the poisoning and near-death driving mishaps (cars are continuously nearly hitting me on both sides, and if I brake when cars pull up driving at high speeds within two feet of me from behind, or swerve nearly hitting me from the other side of the same side of the road and nearly hitting my front tire within three inches. Or, other types of such attacks, it's very numerous but ubiquitous when I drive. If I swerve an inch while these attacks go on I could get hit and killed by cars also carefully maneuvered on the other side of me which swerve within a few  inches so if I try to swerve out of the way of a car nearly hitting me on my left side (in Thailand cars drive on the left-hand side of the road as the right-of-way) but huge vans, SUV's and trucks come within hitting distance of me simultaneously on the other side. These are the types of attacks your great "liberal" movie thugs order to happen to me. Pit being just one of these actors, but he's latched on for over 6 or 7 years along with his co-criminal partner wives and etc etc. Every time I write about what they are doing they get a promotion. when I stop they create such sickening and nasty situations I am "forced" to write to try to get anyone to defend me or stop them. The cycle continues and it's happening RIGHT NOW.

I wished this bloated horrid ENLISH IMPERIALISTIC FASCIST NAZI "punk" creep death becauseI saw immediately the Europig attitude of exploitation, Imperialistic colonization of America with the help of shit like pit the actor you all adore for his plastic surgery and blue contact lenses and his posturing psychopath gait and attitude in these movies, which is Nazi posturing by the way and he's completely immersed into that Europig culture and has mansions in various places and is wined and dined by the media moguls who finance his movies, espeically since torturing and raping me in all these years of attacking me his movie company has boomed since then

and I am digressing. With alll their non-stop 24/7 attacks, as they "program" me to do and the programming is in full effect when I sit in front of these laptops and begin to elaborate on how foul they are, which alsways gains  them huge contracts, busineses and deals

I JUST SAY NO and getnearly killed for it.

THIS IS THE FUTURE GOVERNMENT this is the current government this is the media you all embrace. In your comfort zone are you really going to be comfortable with a system like this if they decide to target you?

Since none of you can care about me being targeted (or most of you) most of you are so glad about it, you want the endless destsruction of the "Jews" that you are trying to force this heinous label onto me and crush me in every way (although the "Jews" who go to synagogue and are in their groups also viciously attack me, I mean everywhere this is done with the same exactitude as all the other groups. I have also really never been a part of that community in any place I have gone. The group of bigot Nazis are so intent of forcing this stereotype on me to make sure all their labels, placing them in lead positions of course, remain and all equality is a media tool only intended for them and their ass-kissing minorities who serve and obey and are as obedient as any slave but promoted for producing shows and talk shows and interviews and songs and sexualized content about how they are "fighting" racism. I almost never hear anything from "Jews" in the media about how they are discriminated against. They are in such denial and the silencing of me by that group is another testament to how destroyed they are by genocidal culture imposing all blocks to their own sense of selfhood and positive self-identification.

For you people who are passively reading my posts and you still admire these actors (although I have no "proof" of what they are doing, so you can take "their word" which is calm, composed and they are also quite relieved of stress and negativity and blossom from hormones of torturing someone else--I am hysterically drugged up, under 24/7 torture and attack and all support, love and friendship has been blocked from me (I have  only cats and all those are killed or gone).

So, you can believe the domestic violence scenario of the calm perpetrator versus the hysterical woman who is screaming into the silenced internet as you laugh or make jokes about it. Well, people only react finally if the threat threatens them as well. I truly suggest  to you do-nothing readers that this could also happen to you and probably has happened and you don't know or recognize that you are being drugged, poisoned and programmed. Too. You NEED TO FIGHT TOO. I need money so I can live to tell you about the situation you laugh about and read but are "curious" about and wonder whether it could also happen to you. The programming also blocks the realization of your own targeting. They can "swipe" your brain as you come to the point  of realization.

With no evidence or proof I remain like an hysterical ranting target truly discredited with lack of all evidence or real resources ($$$). Support system? continue what is being blocked from my brain while I type in front of this laptop: after these pig apes teleport, torture, rape and abuse me endlessly like a domestic violence situation that they so gladly transfer from their nasty wives and examples of their fathers wiith their mothers, incubated by societal approval (and domestic violence laws are slowly being stripped as are abortion rights and all kinds of help for battered women) but....they're so glad to put this template of victim on me and also steal ideas I havve studied for and make millions off the ideas as their own concepts. They suck out emotional, sexual and every intellectual concept from me and return it with MORE MURDER ATTEMPTS AND TORTURE. Finally after never being informed about this situation, always alone and having to figure this all out only after experiencing the same repetitive cycle of violence foisted upon me by this organization. By the routine patterns I finally get a grasp of the intention of this endless domestic violence situation "cycle of abuse" that is being forced upon me. When I fight to not be victimized the murder attacks and deadly constsructed "accidents' increase rather than a continuous near-death accident situation that goes on every 4 minutes while I'm driving. Thus, when a real attack intended to actually break my body occurs, I am not really prepared as cars continuously nearly hitting me happens every FOUR MINUTES I DRIVE, EVERY TIME I DRIVE, FOR YEARS THIS HAS NOT STOPPED.

Only because I react with anger as they teleport me to suck out information I want to profit off, as they steal the concepts and profit off them; then they call me all kinds of names, and when I react or write something, they gry to have my body broken in accidents or kill me. Never a single thank you, financial payment for any damages or compensation for my career and life nearly lost repeatedly, never a single moment of gratidude from any of them after years of torturing me to steal ideas. Endless threats, insults and violence from each and every one of them going on spanning years, as long as they can dump their misery out on me, suck out concepts, energy and life force out of me.


When I write that I require security bars on my window in order to breathe fresh air instead of toxic carcingens sprayed into my home and then having to seal all windows and doors (I have no windows where I currently live, just one large double-paned sliding glass patio door, which has a tiny space at the bottom which is out-of-alignement with the other door. When I tie locks around the door handles, there are bits of debris pushed through this little crack opening, signifying objects inserted through this little crack area. That is a premise, the stallkers use false displays of intrusion to divert from the real portal of entry (there are too many portals in this tiny studio any or all could be utilized at various points of the day or night). I try to close off all the spaces. I have to block this area as well. Tiny micro-mechanical arms could also be inserted, I supposed, through these crack to open the front door so stalkers can damage my body and defile and deflower and debase and deter from physical movement.

The stalkers have very sardonic schadenfreude humor: if I write I want a place with security bars, they would try to ensure I live in prison so I get those "security" bars. I truly wish them destruction, like many hysterically drugged up ranting targets and objects of attack do when they are drugged, under non-stop attack. This is so intrinsic to domestic violence scenarios. The victim rants at the perpetrator and the police claim that the assailant is innocent because they are smug, calm and composed as opposed to the undefended domestic violence subjects who are denied help, defense and credibility.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...