Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Wrriting on Facebook to try to get the hacker audience to respond to another plea for assistance

This is partially explained in the copied and pasted post below. I had really intended this blog to be a short story/fictional account of the situation and to make it a form of literary consumption. Instead my brain is blanked out by the microchipping or the attacks and I am stuck writing in a very prosaic and repetitive style about "compplaints" about torture and violence directed at me. My brain is under very strong and horrible attack from I believe some technological component embedded into this laptop.

I post this because it has relevance to the modus operandi of the stalking organization and how I have to fight alone and endlessly damage my hands and body to clean while the stalkers also smear damaging chemicals on my skin every night when they break in through the panels of the walls with tiny, milimeter in diameter mechanical arms and wreak havoc and this also allows the freont door to be opened from inside and the stalkers come in and insert fungus into my body and  hair, sheer hair and cut hair off my scalp, cut my skin to the bone to cause blood flow disruption, insert objects under fingernails (for years, the same nails every single day for years to the point of absolute disfigurement)

here is what i wrote: It is important although as I wrote, my brain is blocked from a creative approach to writing and depiction. This is also intended as the people attacking me are stealing ideas I write of but blocking my ability to compete against them in any form. They also disfigure my body and drain my health and vitality and then also claim they are more beautiful and that etc etc, they make insults all the time and also insert subliminals that are especially hostile that I can hear at very silent moments hissing like a soft hissing stream into my ear of insulting words and phrases.


These internet hacking attacks also take the form of when I highlight just to try to copy and paste from Faceboook to this blog. After I highlight a long paragraph, the hackers block the last few words from being copied. I have to begin again, as the cursor is again blocked. It takes four or five times to highlight and copy for the entire post to get copied. Just one more example, plus keys appearing twice when I press them once, another hacking attack on the keyboard that happens almost every word.

The time to type takes at least 6 times longer than with a normal keyboard (actually I type extremely quickly and this reduces the speed to more than 10 times the time it should take--or the differential is much greater I type so well adn quickly and this has been blocked FOR YEARS and I can't stop it. I can't write at my creative potential I am stuck sitting herre day after day fightign to get anyone hacking into my system to actually stop watching on and support me and block these attacks put meinto a safe home.

Years of writing and no one has ever done realistically a damn thing.

----------No one world wide no one.

Five hours after my monthly stipend was electronically transfered into my bank account, the hackers continue to block the amount received. It shows up as zero although it's already been transferred into my account.
My heart is under attack, there are palpitations from electronic attack/torture.
Sick from detox, and sick of endlessly cleaning for hours and hours every SINGLE day the stinking filth the stalkers spray and pour on pillows, blankets, clothing and cleaning up the filth they poured on my skin, body, hair and into my body.
Sick of writing about it because no one will admit or help me in any way--writing on Facebook which provides an entertainment porno zone for stalkers to laugh about as they read that NO ONE ever supports or does anything to protect me.
Sick of this but I have to write, because the stalking protocol to continue to force me to write is that the attacks are always so seriously and potentially deadly that I write and the particular attack reduces and another deadly attack takes it's place. After I write about one attack, it is stopped temporarily and unless I write, the very nasty attackks never stop.
It's as if the entire world has become a haven for Nazis and stalkers and there is no resostance anywhere on the planet and everyone is a covert agent operating within the boundary of that system.
By the time people realize they are under attack as well and it could pose a threat to their lives...until then, the cycle of violence never ends. A perpetual form of domestic violence, state-sponsored terrorism, and sheeple doing nothing and as blank as zombies on every single level.
People always need a witch hunt or a target. Those shouting in the streets for justice are themselves part of the stallking (many of them).
What will it ever take for anyone to ever defend me, I wonder?
All I do is write about this and I try to stop writing on Facebook, which is by now like a public urinal of people hacking into my private page and stealing ideas and attacking me for my thoughts, while stealing concepts and then attacking me for writing them. Then there is the league of do-nothing perverts who enjoy watching "someone else" get tortured instead of them (the black sheeple in the streets who have, in my over 50 years of living in the US and abroad, all those black sheep have ever done is watch and do nothing or mostly participate in the stalking protocols, which are racist and filled with hate and discrmiination. How many black are going to conitnue to hiss anti_semitic slurs at me or punch me while Germans and Nazis watch on, instructing them, as they get front page headlines every day for "fighting" by gyrating in public singing for the Plantation of Whorewood and being paid in millions adn billions for it--while they put photos of themselves laughing into the camera after they attack me for Whitey Nazi?
How many "feminists" will it take to ever screw in that lightbulb of, "Gee, maybe I should actually help her not get raped by violent rapist misogynist men who happen to also be my husbands, sons and friends?'
How many more posts must I write before this is stopped by any reaonsable human being who actually has any concern about human rights instead of their own rotten asses and what they can get out oof participating in this contract?
How many years longer must I fight and clean up filthy grimme and fungus and fight for my life alone endlessly cleaning up the stinking filth every single day forhours and fighting to use the internet fighting for my life and perpetually asking for help over and over to no response ever...?

I had intended to write, but the exacerbation of negative emotions allowed the hacking to "hack" into my thoughts and bypass the thought: my hands are like ugly and huge from continuous cleaning and hand washing from filth that I never put on anything. I have to spend hours every day just cleaning up filth the stalkers input only so I don't have to breathe it in when I must seal the glass doors of the patio shut every night (and also can't leave the doors open when it gets dark, as tiny mechanical arms also enter through my room in the dark and spray stinking filth on my clothing and blankets and furniture when I am doing something else. The light for the patio I sealed over with material so they can't insert an arm through the light fixture, only for them to make the brand new buld burn out within one hour of using it. I had already sealed off that fixture which is so high on the ceiling it's dangerous for me to climb on something to reach it. That is how meticulously I must search for ways the stalkers use these mechanical arms to break through any crack, tile, floorboard, corner of anything. There are multiple light fixtures within the room itself as well with holes into the ceiling, where anyone from above can lift the floorboards and insert and spray all  kinds of things. Everything must be sealed off. I can't replace the lightbulb withoutt having to breakk open the very tight seal I had made so nothing can be broken through that tiny one litttle area, leaving me to have to fight now unsuccessfuuly for the next few areas on the conerns of the patio ceiling where they are lifting up the planks, I have glued paper, all kinds of objects, put growing vines over the area so the little arms can't get through. The vines are now dead and the stalkers literally rip them off the areas I have tried to cover with this growth to block them from opening up these areas.

I have been writing on Facebook for years about these attacks and if I mention this to anyone they attack me viciously with claims that I am crazy, the police are violent about it, no one offers any support whatsoever anywhere on the planet.

I see these marches and demonstratins now and it's unbelievable to me what utter bs the celebrities the blacks in particular are who are participating in this contract out on me and being rewarded by Obama, who also has participated in this situation and remains silent like all of them. All getting promoted for participation in a Nazi genocidal contract. As long as it' s not for blacks like them, they don't give a damn they put photos fo themselves smiling with their new promotions on my personal page searches on the web.  As i continue to fight this, literal self-proclaimed white Nazis are attacking me with these same black "activists".  All of t hem together are obtaining huge businesses, movie starring roles, new tv shows they host, etc etc etc. I see it every time I get on IMDB or search on the media as they make it clear to me what they are obtaining (as part of the targeting protocol, just sort of to rub it in more). As people do nothing about it, they are protected and all assume a  psychopathic smug attitude knowing that not even Joe Biden is going to do anything about this situation, whether he is elected or not. Their attitude of complete protection and how they can get away with rape, torture and this endless violence is only 2nd to the nasty common people who attack me in the public places in leiu for the wealthy who order these attacks, who in turn are operative puppets for the very evil vile controllers who are on higher levels of the "pyramid". You can see J-Z nearly worshipping the pyramd shape for his stage performances. He's one of the attackers as well. But endlessly singing for millions about how much he's fighting. There is a commercial using his "New York" song but Phuket has replaced the New York theme. I bet they obtained mansions with sea views for calling me all kinds of deadly genocidal Nazi names with that German actor who also is good friends with pit and t-atino (can't use their real names it's too hard to write of them as human beings. They have dehumanized me so much that I can't see them as human beings and use their real names. 


more from Facebook I wrote today in rage, and this is intended to exert pressure upon me to write and release this stress. All day i have struggled to get this laptop to upload protection, to surf and I have spent HOURS just either cleaning up their filth they sparyed into my room, described endlessly (for years), and fighting to use the internet to see wherre my money is, and fighting with the sickness of detox and my body is now reaching a very thin stage because the poisons have latched all the way directly into my skeleton, and there's STILL more so I am very ill and now every day poison is coming out and it's so old, so toxic, I can't move and the combinatiion plus the mind control plus my cat has been stolen for years and all i do is worry about her and want her back and MY OWN HOME IN SAFETY and this terorism and torture--why MUST IT GO ON AND ON FOR YEARS AN DYEAR WITH NO ONE EVER SUPPORTING ME ? Goddamn YOU READERS.

I was not even going to write today, but this endless fighting to clean up stinking filth the stalkers pour into every piece of clothing and blankets and pillows, every day on an don hours and hours and my hads are withered and ugly and look old and like they're water-logged and like I'm a cleaning lady who has spent a lifetime cleaning. this is more than 7 years of perpetual cleaning daily of clothing and fighting to keep what I have paid for and not have to throw every single thing I buy that they destroy away--cleaning up filth and my home is endlessly filthy I can't keep up. NINE YEARS of detoxifying while they tortruree me, keep me blocked economically so I can't afford a doctor, put me in accidents and leave me without the ability to pay for any treatment, disfigure my body every single day so I am broken down and scarred up with balding greasy hair every single day---. I had wanted to not write today but the attacks have been since waking to this moment at 6 pm and my money has not appeared, I have been sitting here for HOURS fighting to use this internet which yesterday operated, today it's not. Endless hacking and fighting and not being able to get what I need to fix the problems the stalkers create. YEARS OF WRITING ON FACEBOOK I have tried to stop writing even today, and finally I have to try to get anyone to help me. If I don't write these attacks remain and they are DEADLY. I must necessarily write adn the shit cycle NEVER ENDS CAN'T YOU GODDAMN READERS EVER COME TO MY DEFENSE RTHERRE IS MORE THAN BLACK PEOPLE BEING DISCRIMINATED AGAINST BY WHITE BIGOTS and your famorite starz in the media are bullshit creeple who participate in the worst Nazi take-over of America probably in the history of the United States.  While you all do nothing (most of you are Europ's and want America destroyed and as another prostituted colonized slave plantation like Phuket and Thailand for you to take over and dictate to as these whores in whorewood welcome you all in because they get a few immediate gratification deals you hand them (planning on taking it all away from them or their children eventually after you invade and colonize to the full cheers of the Americans who hail Nazi culture)

tired of writing these theories and yet, it's so obvious and yet, everyone participates in it, but they don't want black people to be killed in the streets now the blacks are so happy that I am being attacked they are so happy to shift the crap onto someone else.



While I wrote, I could not access the financial concept, "direct deposit". I was trying to "remember" what the term was and my brain was absolutely blanked out while I was writing. I also had intended to write a few other more interesting descriptive terms than the "feminist lightbulb of ,Gee,...etc etc whatever I wrote above, which was not my words my brain is under some kind of attack whereby the stalkers bypass various "circuits" of my brain's normal functining and insert their own words. I'm sure the experts reading my post have some understanding of this principle since it's being employed all the time whenever I try to communicate in any way, in any form on any forum. The light of clarity that by allowing one person to be raped, you are sanctioning rape culture. Their internal rationale I believe is that if someone else gets raped and attacked by these men, then "they" the women are safer and happier and feel a great sense of relief that there is now a new avenue for domestic violence to be splintered into a new set of people instead of the customary domestic violence situation hitherto the gang stalking and teleportation. The good old days when there were actual slaves that could be raped, beaten or killed. Now it's all this huge drama disguised as "normal" civilian life, with the dark secrets of this technology being handed out to extremely violent people who have learned the arts of smiling huge smiles inpublic. I also "forgot' to write in the above post that the black people who insert photos of themselves smiling are photos that are personally attached to my various media searches that have been hacked into the templates of the sites to appear as "normal" posts. Theses are exaggerated gestures, often nasty and ugly into the camera, or like gloating with captions that have a resonance to my situatioon with these particular people. They are thrilled that violence is being directed at me instead of them, and they can rise if they participate with the bigot whites. This goes for the blonde feminsts and their children and everything else under the sun. At this point there isn't a human being out there who isn't attacking me for this system who wants a free and easy promotioin into high levels of society. How many people would that be? Just imagine yourself. So I sit here waiting once again for my money. Again the laptop is corrupted by malware and I have no means to fix it, as the computer store refuses to give me the recovery disc that should have come with the laptop. Lies abound. Again I have spent hours today cleaning up the filth that the stalkers pour on everything possible every moment they can insert these mechasnical arms into my room. Again I am sick from poisons pouring out of my body all day. So sick I have not been able to take a shower for days because it's too painful. When i have any energy, i must clean up the toxic filth that has been sprayed on everything so as not to have to inhale it when I close the patio doors at night so the stalkers can't just get in through that opening of the floorboards above. This is a literal diagnosis of the way the stalkers enter my room, not some hypothetical guess. Altthough because no one ever approaches me with ANY support, I cannot get any evidence alone with this group breaking my equipment and hacking into everything and breaking all I own and making all inoperable and no one willing to admit this is happening to me or help me to obtain evidence--it would take at least one other person to help me but no one on the planet is willing. so I write again entertaining the bigot crap that is hacking in and "enjoying" watching me with the endless writing and nothing ever stops this crap no one ever defends me I sit here cleaning and cleaning up stinking filth. The president makes jokes about it as he still is waiting for me to finish healing while fighting against more poisoning endless accidents his bigot male friends concoct when I fight backk against their endless attacks and sucking out information to use for their dirty and foul ugly pig selves for their own promotions. They make jokes about me having to clean--they can watch me clean day after day for hours upon hours the stinking filth their creeps spray into my room at every given chance.


30 minutes later and much hacking correction time spent:

And my money justt arrived in my account, only 6 hours late. It's hard to describe how living in a foreign country and not having money come into a direct deposit account can be rather unnerving, as all resources where I might have to contest any block to my funding are half a planet away.

this group tries to get me to react in rage or misery every single day. And every single day the attacks are so sustained that it's finally impossible not to reach out for anyone to intervene to very dangerous situations, like heart palpitations being forced due to technological attack systems hidden in the next rooms or within this room. Financial destitution also is a deadly circumstance this group is endlessly forcing upon me. I have no other options but to write, and once i get on these laptops, besides endlessly backspacing to correct their hacker inserts and blocks and spaces and keys not operating, my brain as I always write is under so much attack that I degenerate into hate rants and such easily mundane verbal expression it's just a ranting never ending silent scream into the computer, instead of interesting ideas and concepts I want to write about. When I am able to formulate or format these concepts, THEY ARE STOLEN by the assinie parasites who plague my life so they can obtaiin free ideas and then torture me afterwards and all that entails --blocking my functioning and then aspirations and all chances. I have been nearly killed when trying to attend grad school by cars hitting me and nearly killling me. It just put my hips out of place and etc. My spine is by now fractured by nightly break-ins as people literally try to break my spine. Fractures and spondylolysthesis from people attacking me while I"m drugged up and comatose and inert from the MK ULTRA "alter" states.

HELLO IS THERE ANYTHING RESEMBLING HUMANITY OUT THERE WITH ALL THE HUMANITARIAN BLACK MEDIA PERFORMERS WHO CARE SO MUCH ABOUT DEFENDING BLACK PEOPLE FROM DISCRIMINATION AND MURDER, WHY ARE YOU PARTICIPATING IN THIS CRIME AGAINST ME? Obvious for money, greedy selfish nasty and when I am teleported them, like all the people who teleport me, they never offer information never respond to any question never demonstrate the slightest of intelligence. They remain silent and just suck out as much as possible, on que from their instructions. Thus they appear stuipd and violent and dumb. I have no idea if they actually have any higher intelligence at all and after years of some of them going on and on brutalizing me, they only appear like dumb and violent greedy abusers. This is the blacks who are now prominant in the media as well as the whites I have endlessly been writing of for years and years. The group is now so huge I can't count them all any longer (and my memory is always blocked by the microchip or implant or remote tech...?)

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...